FOUNDER Mory K. (Sis) Gould§
OFFICERS Chairman Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
Vice Chair man for Developme nt Jomes M. Childs
Vice Chairmen
Michael V. Goney Barb aro Earle Ballard
Celebrating our accomplishments.
Secretary Margaret
(Moc) Mu m mert
Treasurer Susan S. Tyl er
TRUSTEES Sarah Hill Conning John Catlett
A joint pilot program between Camp Harkness and High Hopes.
Completely handicappe d access ible , the Garden is a peaceful spot for participants, vo lunteers and caregivers to enjoy the natu re that surrounds our 120 acre facility .
Kitty Stolsburg, Executive Director Barbaro Abrams. lnslructor & Expressive
Two paths merge to find a sense of home.
A \n :LL EAJl .\fED H ETm EME.\fT
High Hopes got a call that Chaussey was in need of a home. Fortunately for Chaussey, High Hopes and Mitchell Farm were there for her.
A Night in New Orleans was a night to remember.
HONORARY TRUSTEES Solly Aubrey John C. Eva ns Lyttl et on B. P. Gould. Jr. § Fronk W. Hamilton, Jr. § Grace Ha m ilton § Judit h F. Ligh tfoot Roger M. Smith Wayne 0. Southwick. M.D.
C hr istopher M . Coy le Je b N. Embree Lou ra Giordano Jonathon Jewett Penny Nelson Dyann e Rofol Jeffrey Ridgwa y· Roger Roche Hugh Scott Seymo ur Smith Deborah Welles Barbara Willkens
Upcoming events include Lyme Hunter Pace, Volunteer Appreciation, and our annual Holiday Market.
ArtsTherapist LizAdams, Program Director Alicia Barrows, Development Coordinator Courtney Bernar d , Volunteer Coordinator Leah Booth . Speech Language Pathologist Sorah Co~son. Special ProgramsCoordinator Courtney Collins , Instructor Patt i Coyle, Trainingend Education Director lmono l Echeverria. Instructor Jonn ie Edwards, Instructor Megan Ellis. Volunteer Manager Lauren Fitzge ra ld , LessonManager Potty Goney . Instructor Liesle Gr igerek, Barn Assistant Sarah Hal lwood, Instructor Carolyn Jagielski, Physical Therapist/ Instructor Donna Lat ella , Occupational Therapist& Instructor Tracey Mart ineau. Finance Director Rochel Moser , Office Coordinator Laura Moya. Special Programs Manager Dawn Nell iga n. Instructor Juanita Paris. BornAssistan t Sara Qua. Development Director Holly Ridgway . Instructor Susan Shulman . CommunicationsCoordinator Holly Sundmocker, Equine Operations Direclor Mory Washburn. Instructor § dec ea sed
·c urrent ly serving os o Trustee
- ------
- ~<~
For more than 240 parli cipanl s, Horse S ho w Days was a spec ial week. IL showcased the new ski.Us and achievements they have been working toward throughout t·he year, as well as iJ1Lrod1.1 ced frie nds and famil y to their horses and vo lunl eers . Each participanl
was awarded a High Hop es ribbon
pr ese nt ed by a pr es Lig ious member or the loca l communit y. Th e n everyone was invited _ to the Gidd y Up Caf:e for a bake sale. Lea cup raffle , and lots of' fun High Hop es merchandise and hors eLhe mecl iLems ava.ilable for purchase. As always, Horse Show Days 2013 was a wond erful Lime enjoyed by all.
\"111111111 ·1· ,\
l-11/I:.!II/.": • I
EXPANDING HORIZONS A joint summ erpi/01 pro g ram between Camp Ilarkn ess and 1-lig lz/l op es Camp llal'knPss is one of'nnly a fe11slaL<''l'arks ill lhe na1io11 clc>dicalPd exrlusin·h-
lo adults a11d children
11ith disabililiPs, IIH•i1·familiPs, and carcgi\crs. This s11rn111c1·. in acldi1io11l.n spnl'ls. swimming anrl al'ls and cl'afls. rampcl"s al Camp Hal'kne ss had an op1}01·111nil_\ to llal'tic·ipaLf•in hol'scha ck l'iding. (•arriagc· dl'i\·ing· and 1u1111n1ml.Pd eq11i11cacti1·i1ies. Pal'I of' a joi11t pilol prngl'alll lwt11w•n IIH•Stale• of"Connectieut a11d I ligh I lopes. lhe ea111pis si111at1·d011 a lwau1if11I 102-acl'e prop<'l'l:1 in \\ 'atcdi.11'd, CT rn1 tlw shol'PS of' Long Island Sn11nrl. Sc>vPral y1·a1·s ago Camp
I Lark1wss had lo dos1·
its tlwrape11tic· l'iding pl'ogrnrn. which 11as highl _, had a harn J'(•garrl<'flliy its r1articipanls. The li:1cili1_1
Overtlw spri 11gthe stall' made rrpail's and impro, Pillen ls
and space s11i1ahle lilr riding. hul no ho1'sl's. or staf'f
to tlie pnJpert,1 lo mak<· ii sui1abl1· for ser vice dPlivPr_\·
ll'ainccl and qualifiPd to 1·t111 tlt1•prog1·am.
and lhc· 01·e1·11ight lw11si11gof' hol'st•s. On .Jun!' 2S1h hrn·ses. rquipnll'n t. staff and l'oluntcl'rs we re i11 11lac'c•
High Hopes is currently at capacity at its Old Lyme fac ility, so teaming up with Camp Harkness to reintroduce a therapeutic riding program has the potential to serve an estimated 150 new participants and lay thefoundation for possible expansion of High Hopes with Camp Harkness as a satellite location. This spring I ligh lloprs grant of' S!\000
11as :marrlPd two grants: a
tlw Charnl,el' of ComnH'n'c• ol'
Eastern Crn111f'rlic·111 Fo11ndation. and a similar gTant frmn a prirnte family founrlalion, lo s11ppo1·tlhe High
11opPs al Carn p Harkness l'i lol Program.
and tlw p1"0gn1m,ms 11ndenrny. I ligh
I lo1ws· "forsda.'
and \\!Pdnesday
se ssions al
sl 13th. Camp 1-larkm·ss ran for eight llf'Pk s until \11g11 1
Campt•rs l'ro111Oak Hill and ll nilecl C<•n•hral Palsy. an organization
Ilia! prm ides rf'Side111ial surn11H·1 · Pamps
for· ehildrcn and adult s ll'ith dC'1·elop111<•n1al, i11lf•llcel11al a11clphysical disahililies. partiei patcd. Tlw I laJ"knPss silP li)lloll's all of' Ille sa111el'rof'es siona l ·\ssoeialion nl'TIH"l',.1rw11tirI lnrsema11ship Internationa l (11 , \TII 1111I. ) sta11da1"ds for PX<'ell c ncc as sit1·. Lauren
Fi1zg1•rald. PATI I Inll. :\d vanercl Lel'C'I
Cc·rtiried lnslrnclor i11l'iding and carriage d1-il-ing.11as IIH' on-sil<' sup c1·l'iso1:Otlwl' I ligh Hopes stall memlwrs i11cli1dr-d \d,wwPd
Courl1wy Be,·rwrrl and .\IC'gan Ellis . Tlw hol'se s el1osc11 lo participalP were Hall' l' Irish Sport I lo 1·sf'. Buddy, a Pcrchri-011. and 1-1urn1ne1: a PerdH•ron Cross f'or 1·iding l<'ssons. The two horses who pull <'arriages al'<' Candy. a ClyrlPsdaJp/ (lack1wy rrnss. and Lightni11g. a rni11ialurc.
For more information about High Hopes pl ease visit our website or call Liz Adams , program director, at (860) 434-1974, ext . 116.
A SERENDIPITOUS REUNION Contributor:Karen Pfeil Brittle As a 11c \\· miliLar_ys pou se. Kan"11 Brilllf' (lorrnerl_,· Ple il) ltas all'cady 1nm <·rl tw ice for he1· ltusl1a11 (i"s ca ree 1·. Eac h
1110, c
has 111f•an1 sad good h~cs aud so 111e
lolle ly 1110111 e 11L s so Kare 11is d(•eply gratef'ul lo be a P•\Tll I 11tI. .\ rh a11eed lll str uc lo1~ a cel'Ii fical io 11s he
cornp lett'd in :2011 "hilc c111ploycd al lliglt llopes. This eel'IiHealio11 ha s eo 1111 ec 1ed her Lo Lhe glo hal P \Tll
l111 I. co 111 11n111ity. 111aki11 g ii possi ble lo find
tc:wl1iug opporlu11i1ies i11f'ach 11< '\\ . place . 111the pasl sc, ·c ra l _,cars. Kare n has !au ght a l thr ee P_\T II 1111I. 1\l' creditcd Centc1•s;I ligh J lopes in CT I ,it Li e Pl"<·mie1·
Because of'a shal"Pd b:1ckgro1111rl ~11I ligh I lorws. Kan•11 kne" the ,ocaliular ., of dirN·lions and rirli11gro ut i11l'S forniliar to \le•, . This C'ased \lc•:,,,·slra11si1io1110 C,\Tll . kr<'ping 1herapc 11lie hnl'sc hack l'idi11g a positi, ,c, p(fr<'li\(' activily fo1· him, T hough ,\ (<•xis 11011-n•l'h al. arc n intr oduces lw smilt·s and loo ks surp l'isPd wlH·n 1-•s. phrn s<'s and arl i, ilies thal II<'rec-og-niz< 1'.aren sa_,s." I lc•f>l like Ih is c0111 111 on la nguage a11dour background \\ilh lli gh I lope s giw• 11s holh a SPnS<' ol' ·'10111<'· al 011r 1w11 ce nl <'r:· l'er so11alh· !iw Karen.
Bil Therapeuti c l\idi11g 11ear Sca lll e. \\"aslti11glo n.
seeing a fami li:11·face <'a<'hIH'<'k mean I a 101 lo he r as
and curr c nlly Charleslo11 :\r ea Therap,•ulie
she adj11st!'rl In life in :1 nc11cit:.
(C \Tll ) in So ull1 Ca rolina.
Like 1--.a ren. •\l ex \\"e lc h has had lo 111o n• due to his fami l,, ··s 111ilitm ·_, inYoln ~menl. \o" · sc, en years old. •\lex rod P al l lig h I lop es l'or l\\ \\HS
_n ~ars bel'or c his dad
lr ans!'e rred 10 Chm·lcston. SC. Pr ogram Dircc lor
on :rnd go l in touch Liz :-\clam s rnad i> lh e co 1111ecli "ith
Karen. ~You re me mb e r -\lex!~ Liz sa id
1he phone. ··_\la~·bc he
l' Hll
11< '.t :,·<·01111< 'ctio111l'itl,l,01:1·<,.1· , / 1:\'good <'.rn(i\'( ' tl,at lwlps /1i111 lmilrl.1'/l"C'IIP,'fl1. I r1111 ofm gmtr~fit! .fortlw S<l'( ' ('{ II'(~)" 1/e.r ,:,·{/'('{lf('d l~r stoff ({II(/ Po/1111/<'<'t:1 · {///{/so gmt<:fit!f/1(/f 11<'.r ha.1ji·i<'11rk"
OH' r
co 111 t' l'ide at CYl'H!- TIH'
admiui slratin· staff a l C \TR then 11orked di lignnl_, In !ind ,\I<''- a spol i11thr fall sern<'sler sc lwclul,• "ilh 1--al'<'llas his 1eadw1:
1IC'.r :1·11101 hC't; Iilf'<'II11eld, sr~p·. "/ beliC'Pei11' en and ·\le, 's slor., is a 1w1-l'cr1illustrnl irn1 of ho\\ training and pa1•(11p1•shipl hl'o11gh P·\TI I lnil. and I ligh ll o J)CSfoc·ilital Ps <'0111muni1_,~ oppol'lunil,1. and pl'ngn•ss lor liolh rirlC'rSand ('('l"liil(•d pmlcssionals.
\"1111111wr ,\ 1't1!!.!0 f.'/
A NIGI-ITTO REMEl\/fBER On a lwa111iful .11111<'C'VC·ning alrnosl
(j()() people
al lligh llop.-s fiJI' lhis
) ;<'H.l''s
annual lwnr!il ,·,ent. '"•\ \igh1 Ln \'"" Orleans."
Bill Satti, Irene De Bernardo , Mike Morrissey, and Deb Whal en '
A smashing succ ess b_yall measures , the evening nelted more Lhan $20 0,000. This will help fund over 20% ofI-Jjgh Hope 's annual budgeL, underwriting
the cost of every
participant's lesso ns and pro viding add itiona l scholar ship
.. /1...·-. Terrance Sim ien and the Zydeco Experience
assistance t·o over 50% of our participants. Higlilight s of the evenin g included the silenL auction , a featur ed performance by Terra nce Simien and the Zydeco Expel'ience , and a video about High Hopes produced spec ifically for the evening that received a standing ovation. Th e video can be viewed online a~ http: //b
J-;i//:..!11/.'J• .,
Fl'ank and Gt'aee I larnillon \\l'l'c long lime fric>nds of' 11igh I lopc•s. Ci'calo l's and lrosls
or0111·,·e•:i' ril'sl
Th e Legac., Cal'd<'n is one of lhe ways we ha, ·e chosen lo ho1101 · these 111 c mber s amt ollw rs who ha,<'
S_,mphnn_, i11 the \l eadows in 198G. they set high
contl'ib111ecl In I ligh I lopes. Tlmwghoul
s landal'rl s fora succes s ful ben efit c,cnt 1ha1conti n11es
at'e bricks hono l'ing indi, ·idual s \\ho haH' joined 0111'
to thi s day. 1111998. hr•fore the Legac., Socic t) had
Legacy Soc icly. as 11c•IIas indi vidu a ls \\ho made a
bec o me a rca li1:,·- Llw., cslah lishcd
beq11<'stto lligh I lopes iu the past.
Ihe Frank \\' .
I fam illo n Jr. Charitabl e H.cmai 11dc1· Unilr11sl.
Anolhc1· \\ 'i1'1 the pass ing of firsl Grnec, 1lwn Fran k OYer llw past y<'a1: the Tr11sl \las di, ·iclccl equa lly among lhr<•<·nol<'wo1th., organizat ions reflecting Frank and Grace ·s clin·r sc>talen ts a11d inl crcsLs. one• in the arl s. one acade111ic.and 11igh I lop<•s.
\\· ;i_,. .,ou
recogni zed in lhc Legae_) Garden is hy p1wchasin g a brick and having ii insc l'iberl. providin g a lastin g memorial. I lonor a fami ly nwrnber , friend, clierish<'d favor iLe I ligh Hopes horse. or olher lo, cd on<'.
I lopes pla1111 cd giving (ll'Og1·a111. Grace and Frank
I lam illon·s ge nrrou s a11clthou ghtful gifl cxcmplifles
a eo1111uilnwnl Lo en s11rc•High ll opcs' long lcrm future and c011tinuerl abilit., lo ful/111 its mission . lli gh Hop es friend s ha,c signed
S1ate111Pnls of l111 e111 indi ca li11g thal incl11dccl us in Llwir cslalc lo
conlintH' lo se 1•vp the hl'oaclcsl
possible• communi1_,. Ii · .'>11111111,·r 1\· /-i,II:!IJt::
they ha\'c
plans. Thril'
sup pol'I will help e 11s11rc our financial scc 11ri1:,v an d allc)\\ I ligh I lopc·s
c:111s11ppo1·t I ligh I lop<'s and he
Bricks are available in tl,e following siz es:
Thou gh es lah lislwd lwfo rc llw creat ion of' the I ligh
To dale. thirl)•four
the gal'rlP11
reeognize s a S250 eon lrib11tio n to th e Lcgae., Funds
eng raving limil cd 10
three linc>s. 18 eharnclers p<'l' li1w reeog nizPs a S500 1·onll'ih111ionto th r Lc•gacy F11nds - engravi ng lirnilcrl lo lhr ec line s. 18 cha1·acters per li11r 1·ccogni zc•s a S IOOOconll'ih111ion lo Lhe Legacy F1111d s ~ e ngraving limi ted lo thl'<'<'line s, 18 charactel' s
THANK YOU to Olli' Legac}¡ ,Societ.Yrnernbe,~, Barbaro
Matthew Abrams Gory F. Bor io John
M. Catlett
K. Catlett
Susan K. Childs Susan Chodorov Robert
Peter J. Curley Elizabeth L. David Jane
Emily T. Fisher Michael Sherley
Furgueson Furgueson
Cheryl Judith
Heffernan Lightfoot
Completelyhandicapped accessible, the garden -isa p eaceful spotfor parti cipants, "olunteers and caregi"ersto enjoy the naturethat surroundsour 120acrefacility.Legacy Garden bn"c ks also merrwrialize the whomade a namesof indi"z"duals bequest to High Hopes.
Richard Lightfoot Penny Nelson Heidi
G. Niblack
F. Niblack
Susan Peacock Dyanne Rafel John Rafa ! Holly Ridgway Jeffrey Linda
Ridgway Rogers
Roger Smith Marcia Smith Kitty Sto lsburg Rob Hageman Anthony C. Thurston Sandy Thurston Anonymous (2)
To lea rn more about th e Legacy Ga rd en an d futur e plans for t h e Legacy Society, pl ease co n tac t Sara Qua, Deve lopm ent Di rector at
InHonor Of
High Hopes High Hopes _ Therapeutic Riding Therapeutic Riding ~~::,"::;:: Therapeutic
(860 ) 434 -1 974 ex t.122
he,,· and shook plastic lrngs. She 11as unrlappahle and an r·xccllenl r-andidale for tliera1w11tie riding·. Chauss<',1' worked as a 1lwrap_1horse al I ligh I lope s for fil'e y<'ars. 11111ilii \1as decided sire• rl<'erlPrl a11
By Dee Doolittle
casier· lif'e. S he 11.1sl:'i. and slill rcaso11ai>lyso 1111d . •\s
Executive Director,MitchellFarm
s11c·cl as she \\'as. iL \\'as c-•as_\ to fi11dlicl' a new hom e as a pleasur•p hor se . Nine y<•ars liller lwr tlic 11m111c·r
\1 sorTw point most of' 11s r·r-tir<'from 0111·jnlis and
ved lier bec·a111 C:'1111ahlf'lo c'a1·efor Chausspy and 111o
<'OlH'Pnlral<'on doing whal mal..cs 11senrrrl'ortahl<' a11rl
again. Hc•c<•111ly. 110112!1.Chaussc /s lalPsl owner· lost
kq,p_,. llorsPs a1·e not al"liwdc-dthis l11x111:r 11,tl,,ssth<-'ir
the al.iiiit I' lo ca,·r- for lwr too.
JH~ris :mar1•. ic)r'll'arrl thinkiug 01·flnaneiall., St'e11re.
Old age l'or !torsi's is all 100 ul'll'11rll'il ltpr•r·rnnfortable 11rn· ltap1J.1. arrrl for l1'ss Llia11 tlH·sc gentle. gi, i11g animals rll'sc·r·,e. Di1111·c-t•. an omwr's illrwss. death orjoh loss r-an spr·ll disasll'r l'or older horses. Frn•mpr lligli I lopes liors1" Cha11ssPll1·. a s11eel 28-,Par-olrl
marT·. is one s11ch
<",a111pl1·.\s a fo111·-.l<'ar-oldshe• lwlo11g·1•dto a 1e1·y 11ice l'amil_, ,,hosp _101111g son lrncrl IH'r and helped !rain lw,·. Ile· rnclc ,11111 sl1011r-duntil il was clear· hehad 011tg1·01\11 IH'I'.\\ "a111ingIIH' lwsl ror iil'r. tll(' fomil_v do11:1tc-dhe,· lo I ligh Hopi's. •\s equine 11H111ag·p1•a1 lhP 1i11wii 11as part ol' my job. along ll'ith th c·11program din'elor (r-11rrenllyExec 111i,P Dir<·r-lOI' ) Kill_, Sallsh11l'g 10 1·val11ale Chausse_, for s11i1ahili1;~ as a thcrap_, horse. Kitty and I pul !his prell.1 li1tlP rnare 11·i1h unique 111a1·kings 11,rough all ol'ot11·tests. l'icling a11rlII riggling. anrl gauging iil'r n":1<·lio11s. \\c bounced halloo11s olT
High Hopes got a call that Chausseywas in need of a home. Fortunatelyfor ChausseyHigh Hopes and MitchellFarm were therefor her. \litr-lwll Fr11 ·m Equine
B.l'lirc>1m·nl rs a 11on-pro/i1
p<·rrnarwnl r·q11ine sancluary
lcrn11rlerl in Sa le111i11
200/i and 1'1111_1 arTrerlilC'd h., The Cloha l Ft'd<'1'alio11 of \11i111alSa11c1ua1•ipsi11 2011. Th<•il' mission is lo pr·o, ick a safe. c·o11lic1rtahl<'ailernatiw
lc)r aged or·
infirm hor ses . \d,a11c1·dage or infirm it,, caus<•s a11Pllrl lo 1111'wcwki11g.ath l<'lic·liH·s of tlws<' animals. 1'1011gh lhl'_I may lw lwalth., l'IIOll/.rh lo enjoy a eomlor1ahl1· relirP111en1(i)I' rnan_1_1 ·r•m·sltH'0IIIC' . Chausse., is happil ., 1·c·l'ei,i11glots ol' TLC from 1olu11tecrs al \lilchell Farm. ~Tazi11galo11gsid<'1110other· l'ornH' r 11iglt I lop! 'S lrnrs('S. c',i11ga 11l'll-clPs<'J'l"C'cl rl'Li1·r ·n H·111 al lasl.
Cliausse_,-'s stor·., lias
lot. ~la11_v older· horsf' s <·11rl11pin <'i1·r-11msta11<'!'S much 110,·s(•, h111 I Iris s11,·r·I
111: 1n' lt:,s 11igl, I lopes
and \lite-hell Fan11 in lwr r'0f'll(•r: listahlisll<'d i112008. tlw lligli llop1 ·s Eq11i11PCar·" l•1111dmak es it possihlP to p1·011•cta11d 1111rt11r<' 1ligl, I lopc·s l1ol'Sl'S like Chaussf'_I. past. prr·sc·111a11rl1'11111,·c· . Plcasf' 1isi l 111111.higli hopPsl· fi:>I'mnr't' informa l ion ahoul I ligh Ilopes. tll<' lwrsc's and In rnake a do11a1io11 to tlw Eq11i111' Can· F11ncl. I ligh I lopes Th1Ta1ie 11li<"l\iding , lne. th ro11gli ils Equinr· Cal"(' F1111cL II ill emer a porlinn of Chaussr•., "s expc•nses. hut "\litc-llf'll Fal'll1I\ ill need adclitinnnl f11nrls lo p1·midP l'or her c·arf' long term. Donal ions <":11 1 lie made al·g,w1111 ·.111ilclll'lll':.11·111.01·g. o r· mail<'cl lo \litr-li<'II Farm Chausse_, Fu11rl. '3()()li ast I larldarn Hd .. Salen,. CT OGti:W.
\ \.\P.\L
l\ UPI•:\ IIOl SE
October 20, 2013 at Hig/1 Hopes 1-Jigli J lope s will hold iLs 39th annual m ePtin g al its ri1cili1y 0 11Town \\'oods Road f'rorn J :OOpm Lo3:00pm. with a demons lrat.ion. all'ard s ce remo ny a nd reeep tion . Preceding the meeti ng, 1'1' 0 11111:00a111Lo I:0Oprn. 11·ill be High I lopes Annual Op<>nBa rn Day. i\c 1ivi1ies will inc lude barn tou rs, and th e cha nce lo nwel nwm lwrs o r Olli' li1111a s1ie herd.
HULID\Y l,)11w 1/1111 /rr Pace
,\'ovember 17, 2013 at IIigh Hopes
U ~IE: I LL I\TEH P \CE TO 111-:\El•l'I' IIICII ll<H'l· '.S ,\: Tl ll •: <:T \ \ I.U•:1 I'<>" CU ll
September 22, 2013 ar Lord Creek Farm, Lyme CT /\w ards will lw 1m'sc11tcd in th e followin g d ivisio ns: Ill \Tl.:H. ExperiPnced i11 the hunt lielrl and wanl lo tak<· th e eo111·s<'al a l'as1cr pacP. lrad itio na ll_va fox hunl 1.><wc.1111.1T( ) PP l~H: .'\ 111orPleisur ely )ltH'P Ihan l-lunle 1~aho ut '.l!'i' ¾, slowe r for th e novic·e horse-' and / or rider. IHJ\ SIU" \11·: \l(JI\I \L \\\ \HD: 1i1u1h pon_vrh1bh cr and tlwir pare nt/guar d ian riding as a Learn and is c-los <'S1 Lo th e ideal lime f'o r the divi sio n i11 which LhPy PnlPrPd. For an appli cnlion or morP i11fo nn nlion plPasc visil the lli gh I lopes webs ite \1ww. hig hh o1wsrr .01·g o r con laPI Sarah Carlson. Sfi0-4341!:174,exl. 115 or sca rlso n@hi gh
SaYe tlw dale as we in vil<' W>l11111 ee rs from a ll arPa s of' 1lw organi zatio n fo r a f'un. casual evc>ni ng featurin g a11 awards pr 0se ntatin11. Vol1mlPCr Ol_n11pic-sand po tlu ck 111cal.:\ II volunl<>c 1·s ar e invil<·d lo bring family. a pol luck dish to shar<>.and IParn s1>iri1.lligh I lopPs will p rovide beverage s and d<'SSPrl. Last year's sq uar e danc-P was a rou sin g succ ess and ~legan a11dCo urtne y have a fun eve ning plannPd fnr us Ihis _v<>a r. Yo11\YOn'I want Ln miss ii!
Corne lo a (i,s liv<·ee lPhrali on will1 a kick a l lhe lli gh Ho pes Ho lida.v Markel lo he he ld m i Sun .. 'fov . 17, 12:00-4:00p.m. at I ligh I lopes .Th e re will he 30 boo th s with crafts. go urmet food and ol lwr ilPms for sa le, live music, ehil d rf•ns' enlcrl.ainm e nl and a ra l'flp with grea l p rizes. For mor e in formal ion call SH0-434-1!174or visit our we bsite \\Ww.hi ghh .
September 28, 2013 at High Hopes
\I \H"'-ET
SIIU\\ '
October 25, 2013 at Tlie Old Lpne
BP n11 llw loo ko ut for vo11r invilal ion lo a ladi es night 0111! This Octobel' . I ligh I lopP s 11·ill he hos tin g a fashion sho11 fr·aluri ng llw la lPsl fall looks l'ro rn Say h rnok Co u11t1:vBarn. \ Ve'll bP in louc h soon 11i1h all 1lu• d<•tails !
LESSONS Always had an interest in riding or carriage driving?Already ride or drive but want to improve and even try something new? High Hopes will be offering riding and carriage driving lessons to the general public throughout the year. Located on 120 beautiful wooded acres in Old Lyme, lessons are available at all levels taught by the High Hopes instructor staff. For more information and to sign up please contact Sarah Carlson at or (860) 434-1974ext. 115.
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OLD LYME. CT 06371
2013 CALENDAR lh\TI I Intl. lnstruct or'frai11i11gCou1·se begins
·l11g11s1 21!,2013 28, 2013 .·l11g11st Sf'ptPmhn· 1, 20 U
\ 'olunl,·<'I' GPllf'l'al 01'iC'nlation SidC'walker'frai11ing - ic>I'1ww ,-ol11111eers
Septt'111ber5, 2013 Septnnher 9. 20 /3 Scp!('J!1hff21. 2013
I lorse I landli •r Leve l II \\ol'ksl1op 12- \\ ee k fall pl'Ogram lwgins Si1lewalker'l1·ai11ing - fo1· ne\\ \'<1l111IIC'ers
Lyme ll1111lel'l'acc \ olunlf'<'l' ,\ppr<•C'ialio11l':n·111 Sid!'walkcr \\ m·ksliop Sidc·,rnlker'fraining • fi,r 11ew\!ol1111le<'1's
Septemher 28.2013
Octoher 3, 20 l.'i October 8.2013 Octolwr IG.2013 October 25.2013 (k!olwr Ii, 2013
\ nlun1,•,•1·GPncral Ori('nlatio11 f-'all Fas hion S ilo\\ Sidcwalker \\ 'orksliop - liw ,·111-rf'11l ,oh111IN•1·s
Octo/)('r 17,2013 Octolm· 20, 2013
llorsP I la11dlPI'LPH'I I \\orksliop lligli llopt>s A11n11al"c·clingand Opl'n Hm1,,.
TIII S.\'l. -:\\ S LJ-:·TTl::11 IS l \DEln\lllTTE~ BY:
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Sidr•\\alkr·rT1·ai11ing • fin· 11c\\· vol 1111 lc·l'rs I lm·sc- I lancllc-,·I,ev<'I 11\\ ·,wkshop
.\o prog ra111 \ 'ol11nl<' <'I' Ce11t•ral 01'i('11lalio11 I ligl, I lo p(•s I lolida_l \l.irkPI Side\\alkel''il·a i11i11 g. 1<>1'11c" , o liin tr•e,·s Sidc·\\alkc•rTrn i11ing. fell' II('\\' ,·ol1111 t1·t·rs ~n prng1·a1n
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(i~,H·ek \\i1 1l<•1·progra111 h<"" gi11s
In ac co rdance with the Ame ricans with Disabilities Ac t. The High Hopes Ride r Is av ailable in alternat ive formats upon req uest. (860) 434-1974 Ext . 128.
Sal'a Qua
H1;rn11I 1-I,,11<,rna11
Liz 1\da111s
Susan Shulman
Emih DeLtl<'a
S ue· Chodorm ·
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Dou Smilh
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Laul'Pn Fitzgerald
Susan \lagazi11Pr
.IPa1111i11e L ng-hire.
Julia 13alfo111; LLC
Sharma I lowarrl
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De,' Doolilll<'