• (860) 434-1974
BRIDGING THE GAP Over past 25 years High Hopes has had 256 candidates from 36 states and 16 countries in its PATH Intl. Instructor 'fraining Course (ITC). These candidates have brought a diversity of knowledge, culture and 'lhsl,a Books experience to the program. Tasha Books, a Fall 2013 instructor in training, brought yet another dimension.
wo uld be nd forwa rd at t he wai st, in
un trad ition al ye t
saf e 1mmne r, to enable he r Lo pic k c on tac t up wiL11boLh re ins so Lhal s he cou ld stee r in a ·' trad itional way." To create an ada pt.ability whe n ba nda gin g a hors e, ins te ad o f sec ur ing Lhe band age with her le rt hand , she wo u ld lean in close to th e hor se's leg and supp o rt th e excess banda ge wiLJ1he r lef'Ls hou ld e r.Thi s e nabl e d he r to wrap with boLl1 app e nda ges , in a "b·adi tional mann e r." ··No mall.er wh e re I go, J' m st.ill d iITc re n t..BuL isn' LLhaLwha t mak es me th e sam e? RaLher Lhan de ny in g my d isa bi lity, I c hoose Lo emb,· ace it as L11 e expe rie nce o r be ing human. "
Th e PATH lnLJ. c rit e ria fo r c on s id e raLion as an IT C
In pr ac tic um. Loo,Tl1sha use d s kil ls ho n ed ove r a life t·ime
appl ica n t in c lud e a s trong fo u ndat ion in ho rsem an s hip ,
Lo res pond Lo Lite de licat e maLLe 1· o f c uri os ity ex presse d
se cur e seal. d e mo ns trable
Lon-ard people wit h "u nex pec te d bodie s: '
co ntrol of t he mo un t. and
kn o,l"ied gc o f' ba s ic s tah le mana ge me nt
hor se
c,11· c . Tas ha was born wil h a de fo rm ed le f'La rm. As an app lican t w ith a di sa bility, s he cou ld hil\·e req ue s te d an ac c omm odati o n fro m P!\T f-1 I nl I.. bu t w he n as ke d b_, Pa tt i Co.1le, ll ig h I lo pe s Train ing and Dir cctor, w hal accommodati
o ns s he wo uld n ee d. Tas ha
re pl ie d th at s he had s pe nt he r life doin g ·' trad it ion a l
/:ls I greet riders in the participant lounge, a tiny boy with Down Syndrome notices my empty left sleeve and, curious where my arm got to, squats down topeer up the open end. " -Tasha Books
thi ngs in n ontr adit ion a l \\"ays:· and wou ld rind cr eati ve so luti o ns lo a ny d iffic ulti es sh e m ighL c nco unler.
"\ Vai lin g to ass is t a yo un g ma n wit h lim it.e el ve rba l abi lity
Th e In s tru c tor 'fraini ng Co u1·se a l Hi gh ll o pc s beg·ins
platf o rm whe re he L11rns h is face to wa rd me and p lant s a
,,hi lc hi s ho rse is re ad ie d, we s tand o n t he m o un tin g
with in tc ns i, e se ri es or lec tu res o n s 11hjcc ts ran g ing
firm kiss on m_vLiny ru·m.Thi s beco 1nes a wee kly ro utin e in
rrorn ho rse man sh ip a nd eff ec ti ve 11se or ,·o lun le e rs, Lo
\\"hi c h an indi vid ual who could 1101ex pr ess h is pe rce pl io n
d isab ilit ies and h ow Lo tailor less on plan s Lo indi vidu a l
v, ack now le dge d acce ptan ce o f Lhc a bo ut my arm ver ba ll_
nee d s and ral es o r gr o wt h.
diff e re nces thr o ug h tJ1is sma ll and per son a l ges tu re.
Th es e lec tu res form Lhe
l) as is ror I lie hand s -o n ex pe rien ce wit h ho rses a nd pa rt ic ipant s. It was dur in g the pract ic um pha se o r Lhc
'As lcad 1erso r pe op le wi1.hdi sab ilitie ,we see k tocmpower .
cour se th at Tas ha use d cr ca ti, c so luti o ns that we re bot h
bu t how o[t cn do we con sc iou sly o r u nco nsc iou s ly
safe an d e ffec t ive a lte r na tives Lo ac co mp lis h I.as ks Lha L
d iffe re nt iat e our se h·es, se pa1·atin g" us·· a nd "L11 e m "?''
her s ma lle r deform ed lef't arm mad e d iffic ul t. Co m in g to Hi gh U o pes and be com ing a th e rap e uti c
"In riding, as with everything, I found ways to do what I wanted to do, even if I had to do it a little differently. " - Tasha Books To s ho rte n he r rc ins. and lo ac co mm odat e th e d isc rcp a ncy betw ee n t lie le n gt h o r lier rigltL a nd le ft a rm s. l lis ha
riding in stru c to r· em po \\·e red Ta s ha to Lh in k o ut s id e Lhe box whe n dealing
wiLh ind ividual s w it h di sab ili ties . IL
bec ru11c mo re aboul sol vin g th e chall e ng es c onfr o n ting bo th Tas ha a nd Lhe pa rl ic ipa n Ls in s Le ad of ac kn o wlc dg ing the diff e re nces . T hi s c re at ive thinkin g e na b le d Tas h a Lo s uccess fu lly co mp le te Lhe in stru c to r tr a in in g co ur se
the fall 0 1'2013. \11111111,·r
20 I'[
Mory K. (Sis)Gould§ OFFICERS
Chery l Kelly Heffernan Vice Chairman
for De ve lopment
Barbaro Willkens Vic e Chairmen
Michael V. Goney Secreta ry
Margaret (Mac) Mummert
Traditional things in a non-traditional way.
Tre a surer
Susan S. Tyler TRUSTEES
Barbaro Earle Bollard Jone Balles Sarah Hill Conn ing Jahn Cat lett James M. Childs Jeb N. Embree Lauro Giordano Penny Nelson Roger Roche And rew Russell Hugh Scott Seymou r Smith Debo rah Welles
Volunteering is a fam ily affair.
Your support of the Hgh Hopes Annual Fund will be deeply appreciated and has the power to transform someone's life.
Solly Aubrey Jone I. Davison John C. Evans Lyttleton B. P. Gou ld. Jr. § Fronk W. Hamilton. Jr. § Groce Ham ilton § Jud ith F. Lightfoo t Roge r M. Smith Wayne 0. Southwick. M.D. Anthony Thurston STAFF
Kitty Stalsburg. Executive Director Barbaro Abrams. Instructo r & Expressive Arts Therapist Liz Adams, Program Director Courtney Bernard , Volunteer Coordinator Leah Booth, Speech language Pathologi st Koren Brittle. lnstruclor Trudy Burgess. Development Coordinalor Sarah Carlson , Special Prog rams Coordinator/ lnslructor Conn ie Corbe tt . Volunteer Coordinalor Patt i Coyle , Training and Educat ion Direc tor Carrino Echeond io . Instructor lmono l Echever ria, Instructor Jonnie Edwards, Instructor Megan Ellis, Volunteer Manager / Instructor Lauren Fitzgerald. Lesson Manager / Instructor Potty Goney, Instructor Uesl Grigerek , Barn Assistant Kasey Higgins, Instructor Carolyn Jagie lski, Physical Therapist/ Instructor Donna Latella , Occupational Therapist/Instruc tor Tracey Martineau, Finance Director Roc hel Moser. Office Coordinator Louro Moya. Instructor Down Nelligan. Instructor Jeannie Nerkowski, Office Coord ina tor Juanita Paris, Barn Assistant Soro Quo , Development Director Liz Quinn, Caretaker Holly Ridgway , Instructor Susan Shulman, Communications Coo rdinator Holly Sundmocker , Equine Operations Directo r Mory Washburn, Instructor Corrie Wind. Instructor
COVERPHOTO:Landon Potts,Age 5, riding in 1989. § deceased
·currently serving as a Trustee
TheBiondis Ke lly
\Olunl ee l'ing i11the f'all o f' 2012. \,\ol'kin g with pco plP
\\ ith
need s
bro11g h1
spcc ial hcl'
"The magic of volunteeringatHighHopes is that you experience first-hand the transformation in the riders, and then learn to adapt that experience at home." - Suzy Bolduc
back lo he l' volunlcel' expc1·icncc as a col lcgP student.
J lel' ehi lclrcn
B1·ando n and Cal'iic \\ Orkcd al th e
.'.O\C'r11bcrI lolida_\ 1\larkcl f'or th e pasl 1110ycal'S. \ o\\ i11colle ge, the l110 pit ch i11durin g school break s. Kell,\ sha !'cs with her ch ilrl1·cn that onc should app1·PcialC' 11ha l cac h J)f'l'Son is able lo accomplish. no m;illc l' Lh<' size of"llw fr•al. ·' There are 1101rnan\ plnf'cs 11 -hcre 11·e Pa11 1ol11nlf'C'I' as a f~u11il_ 1. but I lig li I lop<'S is an o ppor 1.uni1_1 to \\:lll'h and do and Lalk Log<'lllC'ras a l:imil_1 e1c·n ii" 1he_1 ar e \ Olunl ce ring al diflc l'('lll linw s. Lile \ lia,e porne 1ogc·tl1P1·a11dsha red their expel'ien cc·s and g1·011 th."'
TheBo/dues \\ hen S 11z_1 Boldu c and her da11g iil<'r \11nic mmcd lo Old L1inc. it sC'cmcd I ha t
<'1·1011cI hC'\ knc11
m pnl io ncd ll igh l lopc•s . \nn ic began as a s ide 11alk<'l"in tllC' foll o l":.1011.She did \ Cr_111e ll. so 11c ll Lhal. lo lwr sul'pri sc. staff asked ·\nn ie ii' s lic 11a11L cd lo I rain lo he a lead er. \nn ic accepted and has <'" 'c ll<·rl i11 1liis role. S uz_, s la_1 c d longe r ns a \ Olunl<'C'r than
TheSpicer-Fa/cones Do1111a Sp i<'<'I' a1irl he r grand da ug hLe 1·. 1\i11sle_1 Falcone. started \ Olunl eer i11g 1ogc 1hcl' in Januar.1 of" ?.011. Don na sa11 iLas an ol ii<'r ll'av to ''bond \\ ilh lw r doin g som c thi ng S I IE rca lh likes lo do:· Don na and \iu sl<',\ \Olu 111cc 1· once a 11<'ek kcrl ing 1l1f' h orsC's. .\i11slc·_\ loo ks forward to <'Oming and C'liC'c kin g 011 tlw ho rses. C'SJ)('Cinll_1 if"th ere is a ho rse· th a t nc<'d s s 1wc ia l ca rC'. Don na and \i11sl<',' l'anJC' lo I ligh I lopes h<'ca 11se \in sle_\'s 111in broth er Chal'lic sla 1·1ed Lo rid <' al agf' !"our. wliieh has hclpC'd him huild so<'ial skills and phy sica l sl1·cngl h. 1\in slc_1 began ridin g in s umm e r ca rnp al age four . and th ough usuall.\ \C'r.vsh_1.is now a co mfo rta hl<', pngagc d mem ber of' the I ligh I lo pes <'Ollln111n i1.1.\ s a rf'std l of's 11111111 c•r C'arnp i\i nsle.1·s lo1P o f' ho rses and ridin g has blosso me d. Don na fcC'ls I hat ••i1·s all ahoul farnih ·. T he mor e _10 11ean do 11·i1h _\'0 11r f"m1 1il.1 the hl'llC'r _1ou 1· lif'c ll'ill he. 1\i11slP_vis a lrC'ad,\ look ing f'or lllorc rcs pon sib iliti<'s that she ca n ta ke on mo re i11d<'p0nd 0111I. \.
J)lannC'd. eneo ura gcd h.1 \nnic "s
I IC'r goal is 10 l>ecolllc
increased c·o1ilidl'IH'<' gai11C'clthr o ugh \1orki11g 11ilh I he
a 13al'll 1311d ch 1\hl'n
hor srs.
she lnl'll s 1/i. \\ ·e ln kP a lol of p1·id<'in h<'ing
\1111 i(' <·011li1lllcdlo huilrl 011Ii(')"s11c·<·<·ssc·s.i111pro1C al
allo11Pd lo 1ol11nlC'c'r
sc hoo l. a11d11·_1nc·11thin gs. S h<'\nl11111c· c·rc·d lo 11ai11· C'ss a l a 1'1111draisi11g dinn e r al I lig li I lop('s. S he lonkC'd o ul inl o the 111·c1H1. sa11 a l"C11 ' hunrlrC'd pcop l<' illlrl
al 11igh 11opes ." 001111" Siiricer c(· (,"m11rlrlm1ghter li11sl er !-rt!m11e
f'rozC'. Bui I ii<' f'rie11ds sh<' liad 1nadC' I he re ..\\ rnpp crl thcm sc he s around h<'r and lil'Lcd her 11p.'"sa id Suz.,. \n11ic m ·c·rcam e lie r stage f'righl and 11:1ilr<' sscd tlH' e 11lirl' p1·e 11i11g. 111\ Olu111ee rin g al I ligh 110 1,c·s \1111i <•clc,elo pcd s<'l f'co nfidC'neC' and gre1\ int o a rC'sponsihlc adult. Both mo ther an d dau g lill'r lea rnC'd that strppin g o ut o f' the ir ('omfort zo11r 11010111,\he lped them , lllll the rc·sl o f' thc·ir f11111il,\ as 11e ll.
VOLUNTEER FOR THE SUMMER Looking for a fun way to spend time this summer? Volunteer at one of our summer camps. H you are r4 or older contact : Megan Ellis at mellis@highhopestr .org about our summer volunteer program. To learn more about volunteering please visit our website at www.highhopestr.org .
Sustaining the therapeutic programs at High Hopes isn't magic, although the results may seem so at times. We do know that we couldn't do it without you . E1C'1'.' par·! or prog ram. rrom the man_, sid<' walkNs an d lf'adc rs in the ri ng. Lo peo plr· working lo s 11p po rl othe r aspre ts or Lhe organ izaLion , is touched h,1' thr
is a.family affa ir. The Gibsons Kath <'rin r Gi hson h ro11g h1 ltr•r s0 11s. \\ ill. a _,uu11g 111a 11with ce re bra l pa lsy. an d Joh n. so bot h bo,,s 110111 d undc rsL,u1d 1hr inipn rlanc<' or mak ing a enn l rib111ion . ..,\ s a pa1·r nl , srt."ing _,our r hild r!'n he lp so rnro11f'<'lse is a rc11ardin g ex1w l'ic1H·e ... Ka1he l'i11c a11d he r lt11sb anrl. -\ ndr r 11, f<'II tha t I ligh Hopes 11as a co,n fol'Lahlr placr lo lr ac h tlw il' s0 11s thal bei ng pa r'l of' 1hr eo m111u11i1_, 0
kind hands or,nany. many ,·o li,nt rc rs. Eac h , o l11nlrr r bri ngs a cliffc rc nL sc i or skills and cxpc r icnrcs . So me
rnr·a nl gi, ing hack and helping .
bri11g th e ir ra milics.
'.tis a family High Hopes i.sa natural fit - the horses, the philosophy, even the name, there i.s something for everyone .... When you walk in it feels great! E ve,yon e i.sglad to see you, energy i.s up, so much to do and ways tofind your own way to help. Will can give instead of being helped. What other place can you do that ? What other place can you lookforward to so much?" - Katherine Gibson Kathe rin e rel t tha l , ol11111 ec l'ing as a f'amil_,. 11ith \\ "ill and .John. 111ea111 site was not j 11sl 1nlki11ga ho111 the impo ,·tancc or ,o l11ntccl' ing h111 shal'i 11g the K"1/,eri11 e c(- ./0/111Cibso11 •
\1111,111,•r .!fJIf
Pxpcl'iencc o f' 11·ol'king toge t lwr.
THE SPIRITOF GIVING 1l1ake a Difference - Gi(Jeto the H igh HopesAnnual Fund today! What does a four-year -old diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder, an eighty -ye ar old facing
This is where H igh H opes needsyour help: $75
debilitation of mind and body, and a thirty-year -old
S upport s the Lrai11i 11g o f' o ne vo lu nteer cssc 11LialLo th e Hi gh !l op es program
Iraq war c,eteranhac,ein common? $500
\Viii care fo r a 1-1igli I l opes hor se fol'oncycar
Th eil' co mm on Lhl'cad is twofold: th e healin g bc 1wfi1 Lhal Lh cy r·ccc ivc from equin e 1hel'ap,1 al l li gh I lopes and Llrey all rN·eivc suppOl'I f'l'o m Lhc l li gh I lo pes
$1500 \Viii und crw ri le one parl ici pa11L's lu ili o n al lli gli I l opes fora 11c 11Lil'e se 111 cs l<'r
A nnu al Fu nd. Servin g 1700 indi vid11c1l s thi s _v<'a l' and cal'in g fo r· 27 hol'scs on a 120 acl'c fac ility Hit h a ,, ell Lrnincd sl:if'f' is
$5000 Hel ps <'ns111· c the co11Lin11cd participalio11 o f' a scli oo l gro up or Ili c dc 1·clop111c111o f' a
cos I ly. f I igh I l opes und c 1'sla11ds th e financia l hal'dshi ps
pr og ra111thal
1':lrnili cs with di sabi l iti es f'acc and lhal is why we al'c
schoo l cl 1ildl' c11.
SC l'l'E'S
d isadva 11L aged 111idd l<'
cornrn i11ed l o keepin g cosl alfol'dah l<', 1111d c 1'll'l'ilin g
7'l% of' Lhc cos ls of' eveI'} l'id cr's pal'I i<'ipal.ion - a co st thill is nwl lh l'o11 gh co 11Ll'i butccl in come l ike th e A nnual Fund. JJigh IJ opcs l'eli cs heavi l,\' on vo lunl cc l' rnanp owc l' and loo ks f'ol' ways lo keep cxp<'nscs 10 a mi nimum. Bui whal ll igh ll op<'s 11ill nol do is compl' ornis<' th e qua l ity o f' LIH' prngrarn 01· th e eom milmcnl
l o off<=' r
servi ces lo all who mi ght benefit. Pleas<' cons ider mak ing a don at ion lo th e I li gh Ho 1)cs ,\nnu al Fund Loda,, and hel p ensure ilw 011-goi11g sustainabilit y of'
HELP US $234,000
REACH OUR GOAL by June 30th,
the end of our fiscal year
thi s amazin g pl'ogra 111 .
Your support of the High Hopes Annual
Fund will be
appreciated and has the power to transformsomeone's life. Go to
highhopestr.org/ donate to make a donation today .
· -
KEEPINGUP WITH THE HERD Beca use the interaclion
horses and hu mans
is the essence of Hi gh Hop es, Lhc pr ocess lo acccpL a new hors e inLo Lhe herd is a ri gorous one. Fl'Om th e
time so meone co nLacLs us Lo as k us Lo cons ider their
hors e, the re are four s tep s LhaL co nclude wiLh a tri a l
Icelandic Horse who
period du rin g which Lhc hor se is ridden and cva lu a le d
was born and raised
b,v o ur st aff a nd train e d vo lun Lccr·s.
in Lhe n
\ Ve e,·aluaLc LcmperamcnL , ph ysica l soundne ss and a bili L-_vLo participate
in tbe pl'Ogram in a mann e r
that is saf'e and co mfortabl e for Lhe horse and o ur participant s. ,·olunteers added
and s laff. Hcc e ntl y we have
four new member s lo Lhc he rd. Re laLivc ly
yo ung , we hop e Lhe,v " ·ill pr ov ide mam · ,Years of stron g rc lalion ship s ,YiLho ur partic ipants.
wc ighL comparable
Lo come
Lo larger horses. Tic is (i-gaiLcd: walk.
in quis itive natur e. 11is size , persona lity, and fuzzy bca u~v
o ld An
,5 han ds high.
by rid er s leal'lling
Lo ca11L er . H is head
co me oul or re tirement as a pacer (a s 11l~,·-pullin g ra ce non-racin g life s t_vlc. He join s Candy and A l Lo expa nd
is c lass ic J\rab w ith a rc rinc d , wedge-sha ped ,nuzzle and po int ed. Lcardrop-shapecl
ca rs, ,,-hich ma ke h im
qu ite ph o togen ic. Lie is pla_)ful and ouLgoing wilh hi s
.. r\
f'cllow horses in the pa s lu re . loving Lo ·goo f' around.'
fe male
Be lgian
rnare , rti yea r·s o ld , Ro xy's lar ge size is des irable
for· some
of our o lder rid e rs. Her IS
personal ity re laxed
eas.vgo in g, mak in g her \\·onderfu l lo be around. S he is as relia bl e work in g off -lead as s he is wi th sid e walkers . Th ese quali ties also make he r irn ·aluab le for on-si te
1() f J
is es peeia ll_, adored
ha s
horse ) al\ c r thr ee ye~u·s in foste r care adaptin g Lo a
geldi ng
from A ri zona , TJ is
rece nt 11e
A rab
11inc years old and
to H igh
h islo r·y.
S tates .
tr ot, LOIL (f'asl Lrol } and ca nt e r. I le has a c harming and
th e first of' thi s breed
wo rks hops and inslnrclor
small a l 13 ., han ds. his very wid e and sturd_v
gel ding , Bless in g is
ca 1Tiag e driv ing program.
body, wh ich is typ ica l of L1 1e bre ed, e nables him Lo ca r,y
S L a n cl a ,. cl b ,. e cl
1J1e Un ited Though
o ld ,
make him a de light for rid e rs and s id e wa lkers.
yea rs
tr a inin g activit ies .
lfrou or someone} vu know is interested in learning more about the donation process please t11:s·it ow· n•ebsiteat www higlzlzopest,: orglgive
./1111 (' 11.2011 ./1111 (' /9-22. 20 11 ./1111 ,· 23. 2011 ./1111 e 23 -26, 2011 ./1111 (' 30, 2011
.!u(r28-3/ .20l1 . l11g 11st8, 20 11 Sf'f)/f'II/U('
S('pt<'111b t r 2 7. 20M OctobPr 1.9. 20 I 1 Dere111h l'r 10-13, 20 11
THl S .\E\\' S Ll~TTEll IS L' '\DEll\\ ' RITT CN 13) :
Ju ne J3e11c fil S_nnph on.1 P•\TI I Int I. Hcgist,.,·erl OS\\ C S urnn1er Program b<'gi11 s
S un 11 Hr 1·l1nni('rsion Progn11 Tt
S un1111 c1·Camp bcg i11s Horse: Se nse/ I ELP Lasl da., o f'S u111111 er Progr ain
Fall progra 111begi ns \ 0l1111lee r ,\ pp rec·iatio n E 1r 11t A111111 :1I \lc r ti11g Rcgislc red 0 11-S itc \\ 'o rks ho p & Certifi cat io n
In acco rdance with the Ame ricans with Disabilities Ac t . The High Hopes Ride r Is ava ilable in alternat ive formats upon reques t. (860) 434· 1974 Ext. 128.
Pauline Kn oll
Liz Ad11ms
S ara Q ua
Michae l Fa ne lli
Courln e.1· Bern ard
Emily Dc LuC'a
Tas ha Book s
J udith Hothc nb crg S usa n S hulm a n
Sarah Carlso n
Karen S ie mon
Pall i Co_1 ·lc S harma I lo11arcl
Holly S 11nclmackC'r
EDI T O I\ S ue Chodor ov DE S IG \ lrn ,n ,Julia Bnlfou r. LLC