VOLUNTEER Focus Jodi Backes by Amy Jodi and Christen are a mother/daughterteam who have been volunteeringat HighHopessinceearly2012. Thedynamicandwell-skilled duo often find themselves holding different roles between leading,sidewalking and helping out in the barn. Jodi recentlytold us about a rider she has been working with, " ...I am so proud of him. I'm not sure whatmadetodaysoexceptionally great... It could'vebeen that he wasverycenteredtoday,it could'vebeenthat our leaderwasreallygreatwith Gavin[his horse]...at anyrate, it was his bestclassthat I havebeena partof. Hedid not useanyinappropriate wordsfor the entireclass.Whenever he asked,"Am I doinggoodtoday?"I said; "No, not good,great!"Whenhe startedto repeatthingsoverand overagainhekeptsaying"not good,great!11 Helistenedto the directionsthat weregiven, took a correctionfromthe leaderand myself.He madeadjustmentswith what he wasdoing;thewaythat hewas holdinghis reinsandhow hewas in control,tellingGavinwhatto do with his words andhis body."HighHopesis sothankfulfor volunteerslike JodiandChristenwhoexemplifyeverythingthat we stand for.Theyare dedicatedto their volunteertime andthe successof their ridersandour programs.
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We are activelyseekingvolunteersfor the Fall semester.To find out more please contact:atripson@highhopestr.org
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Training & EDUCATION
HighHopesis offeringa numberof continuing educationopportunities this fall, both on and off the horse.Forstudentslookingfor PATH lnt'I programswe will be holdingApprovedInstructor TrainingCoursesstarting November2017, January2018andAugust2018. We also providea wide range of professional development programs for individualsand for non-profit groups. Check out the new programsat highhopestr.org/learn .
INT ERNATIONAL Prol&ss,ona l Assocuatk>n o f Thftf':apcuttc H OfMm:Jnsh,i:,
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LEGACY Society Celebrates Ona beautifulJuneevening, nearly one hundredfriends & supporters gathered together to celebrate the retirement of Instructors Jonnie Edwards and Holly Ridgway. Former students and friends like Kurt Ziemann spoke fondly of their first time on horseback
and how High Hopes has impactedtheir lives. Read moreand seethe photosat www.highhopestr .org/LS1
IMERSION is a programthat HighHopeshasrun in conjunction ith L+M Hospital since 2009. Each program enables 12 1ildrenbetween the ages of 4 and 6 to spend four days Imersedin equineassistedactivitiesandtherapieson andoff e horse.Thisyear'sparticipantsexperiencedridingfor the first ne,enjoyedsensory-richactivitystations- and hadfun in the 1n - all with specificgoalsin mind and supportedby the L+M ·team.
Summer's STORY & Adoption Summeris a Clydesdale on permanentfree leasefromMalloryAhern,whocontinuesto visit Summereachweek.In June,the team from Kapcolnt'I at Centerbrook visited,to choosea horseto adoptwith funds they had raised.They chose Summer.When Mallorylearnedof the "adoption"she was delightedas it wasthe dayafterSummer's birthday. Mallory wrote a piecefor our website.Read more at high-hopestr.org/ summersstory. {Haveyouthoughtabout holdingyourownteam development dayat HH? / Email:kgarrity@highhopestr.org}
On June 28th, John Catlett was appointedChair of the ·· Board of Trustees at High Hopes,taking over from Barbara Ballard.John,has beena Trusteefor over12 yearsin total. Duringhis two terms, John has done a great deal to focus the Boardon Non-ProfitGovernance to ensure that the moniesyou donateto High Hopes are used in the most effective way possibleto fulfill our mission.Meet our Trusteesat highhopestr.org/trustees. "It hasbeenan honorto servealongsideBarbara.As Chairand as Co-Chairof the StrategicPlanningForc.e,"saidJohn."Barbarahas not beenafraidto ask the hardquestionsthat have helpedus createa strongvision,which will take HighHopes into its nextfifty years.Herinvaluableleadershipandsupport truly exemplifythe spirit of HighHopes."
them! He improved his socialinteraction- byplaying with his peersfor set amountsof time and he followed a 3-step direction. Zain'sabilityto respondto Zainis a newparticipantat the 3-step direction was High Hopesand his smile noticeablybetterwhen he brightenseveryone's day. was on the horse.Within He started off in our two days, he asked his IMMERSION Programand horseto 'walk on', 'whoa' got straighton his horseto and 'trot' all with voice ride. "Duringlessons,you cues. By the third day,he could tell that Zain was spoke moreto the volunreally enjoyinghimself.He teers and and used his wouldsmilefromearto ear reinsto steer. and his communication "Zain particularlyenjoyed improved while on the his riding outside, there horse.He really bloomed was a lot to look at and here in IMMERSION" said objects he could talk Deidre,hisvolunteer. about.Heis a greatkid and At the beginningof the we wi::lcomehim to High week, goalswere set and Hopeswith openarms." Zain met almost all of
Our June Benefit broke recordsthis year. Whetheryou rolled carpets,scrubbedthe boards,made beautifultable decorations, boughta ticket,donatedto our scholarship fund,or bidfor an auctionitem,we aretruly grateful!Pleasejoin us in thankingour two maineventsponsors:
Dominion :;iii" Energy~
36 TownWoodsRd
OldLyme,CT06371 860 - 434 -1974
-where's the Car? -Have you bought a ticket yet for our amazing car raffle? 1 car+ prizes for 2nd
ChesterMarketJuly 30th HamburgFairAugust18-20th ONLY1500TICKETS $50/ticket.
Karena Ganity 860.434.1974
IMMERSION Campis fundedby a grant from ,4 the BakerFoundation,supportingchildren ..throughAutism S~eaks.
_Shortrotationsprovide,ormortunitiesfor skill -,~~quisition.L+M HospiW~ s one-on-one ,-supportfrom Speech-Langu -age;Pathologists a.:11d Occupational Therapists.Speciallytrained volunteersandPATHlnt'I CertifiedRiding _~ Instructorsfrom HighHopescompletethe ~ team.Childrenare exposedto a rangeof , sensoryexperiencesboth mounted,and unmounted. ~-:,_,• TheHighHopessensorytrail, supportedby the La BoiteauxFoundationis a woodlandtrail with twists,turns,inclines,slopingpaths,and variedterrain.Eightdifferentobstacleschallengethe rider'sauditory,visual,tactile,and olfactoryabilitiesandthe naturalenvironment allowsthe riderto developskills outsideof the regularityof the arena. Formoreinformationcontact scarlson@highhopestr.org 860.434.1974X 115