"These are my people," saidThereseas she walkedin for herphotoshootthis week.Shewasreturningto herteam, herfamily,andhersupporthereat HighHopes .I thinkTherese 's statementepitomizeswhat we areall here for; connections, relationships, compassion, understanding, and let's notforgetthe horses. I havebeenteachingTherese sinceSeptemberandfeel privilegedthat I havebeen welcomedasoneof "her people. " Weall knowThereseas a fun andenergeticindividual,describedas both"saucyand sassy" anda "seriouscompetitor. " Therese challengesherself everyweekphysicallyandmentallyto do just a little bit more. "I havebeenridingat HighHopessinceI wasnineandevery time I cometheyalwaysopentheir armswith loveand gratitude.It makesmefeel so goodinside," shesays. Therese'steamof volunteershavestayedwith herfor years. "Therese'sachievement is my achievement ," saysSuzy,her sidewalker.Therese,Suzy,andLinda, herhorsehandler,all striveto bethe bestthattheycanbe eachandeveryweek. Comingin asa new instructorfor Theresethis year,I wanted to be ableto teachlessonsthat werechallengingphysically andmentallybut werestill fun andengaging . Thereseandher ~~ti ~e,\)t 1-~ ~,~ "/f!P.. \9>'
Program Break no classes
teamwereeagerto continueworkingon goalsof body awareness , control, andrelaxation , muchof whichwe work on at the walk.WhileThereselovesspeedandexcitement not to mentionaskingto trot everweek, she putsherheart andsoulintofocusingon her goalsknowingthat hardwork will leadto the elusivetrot. Duringher lessons,Thereseis learningto focuson isolatingmusclegroupsand being awareof whereherbodyis in spaceandon the horse. This awarenessallowsherto sloweverythingdownand really focuson techniqueandthe feedbackherbodyis givingher. Throughthis process,we haveincorporatedsmallamounts of trottinginto her lessons.Sheis ableto effectivelycontrol her bodyandprovideappropriatefeedbackto her horse; a hugeaccomplishment for anyone,let alonesomeonewith a disabilitythat impactsher musclecontrolandspasticity.Our focusis not on the disabilitybut on the manyabilitiesand achievements that Theresecontinuesto makenot only here but in all aspectsof her life; "It hasgivenmejoy. I look forwardto Mondaysfor ridingTaylor,seeingSuzyandLinda, Amy, lmanol, andMegan,oh and"Trouble"(Lauren) , Sarah, Hollyand Kitty.All myfriendsat HighHopes.I am very happyto be here."
LEARN Disability Summit
Volunteer Open House
Good Friday classes in session
Easter Monday classes in session
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9,-"~ -Program Break no classes
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Program Break no classes
Horse Show Days
Last day of scheduled classes
"What's for dinner?"
Thisis oneof several questionsthat Peteraskshis instructorandvolunteersevery weekhe comesto HighHopes.
Sleighs with wheels
is howformerracehorse, turnedHighHope's therapyhorse,Blessing , dashesthroughthe snownow! Bornandbredto be a "pacer"(a racehorsewho pullsa two-wheeljig-cartonthe track,andpaces- moving lateralpairsof legsinsteadof diaganolpairs)ourbeautiful Standardbred,who racedcompetitively until hewassix,has shiftedhis speedygearsandspentthe pastfouryearsracing hisway intoparticipants ' hearts,onecarriagerideat a time. Withhis personable, "superchill" attitude,athleticprowessand an innateabilityto pickup andreflecton whatthosearound him aredoingandfeeling, Blessingandhis groundedequine sensibilityhavetruly beena "blessing" to the HighHopes carriagedrivingprogram. Createdasa wayto offeradditionallearningopportunities to thoseunableor uninterested in participatingin mounted programs , drivingclassesofferparticipantsthe abilityto work on hand-eyecoordination, spatialawareness andteamwork with the horses.Drivingalsoprovidesa differentkindof outlet for independence, whichis unlikethe in-the-saddle ride, affordinga higherlevelof securedspeed,whichis veryattractiveto thosewho mirrorBlessings'formerneedfor speed.
Driving classes offer participants the ability to work on hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness & team work.
June Gala "how SWEET it is "
first week of summer camp
last week of summer camp
PeterCastellihasbeenat HighHopessincethe winterof 1991partakingin a varietyof programsoverthe courseof his 17 years.Peterspentmanyyearsworkingwith the horses,unmounted,in the equinelearningprogram. During this time he developeda very powerfulrelationshipwith Pam, his longtimevolunteer,who still workswith him on a weeklybasis. If Pamis not ableto makeher volunteerspot, Peterasksseveraltimesthroughthe courseof the lesson "where'sPam?" Peterenjoyedgroominga varietyof horses andwouldtakethe horseson walks,practicinghis leading skills. Duringthis program,Petermadea bookcomprisedof picturesof himdemonstrating the variousskillsthat he developed . OncePeterwas proficientat leadingthe horses, he startedto retrievea horsefromthe field as part of his weeklyprogram.Peterwouldbe responsiblefor settingthe stall up andmakingsurethat the horsehadhayandwater. Successdid not endtherefor Peter,he is currentlydriving our miniaturehorse,Al. Hehasprogressed to being completelyindependentandin controlof the horse.Whenhe is drivingPetercarrieson a conversationconsistingof many of the samequestionseachweekandoneof his favorite thingsto do is to ask questionsthat he knowsthe answerto andthenwait for a reaction.Petermakessurethat he is ableto interactwith severalstaff membersthroughthe courseof his time here. PeterandAl canoftenbe seenworkingoutsidethe confines of the arenas- they preferto spendtheir time goingaround the perimeteror herdingthe geeseintothe pond. Peter's pleasantattitudeandjovialspirit positivelyimpactsall who interactwith himat HighHopes.
OldLyme,CT06371 860- 434-1974
am - 12 noon Saturday, March 17, 2018
Summer ·Camp 2018 Week 1 - ages 3-6 June25-June28 Week 2 - ages 7-12
July 9 - July 12
Week 3 - ages 3-6 July 16 - July 19
Week 4 - ages 7-12 July 23 - July 26
Weeks- ages 4-12 July 30 - August 2 Contact: Sarah Carlson Summer Camp Director call: 860•434•1.974 XI.IS scarlson@highhopestr.org 36 Town Woods Road Old Lyme, CT 06371. www .highhopestr.org
Activities include: ;~ Daily riding 7l' lessons ~- Gymnastics on !!1t horseback (; Carriage driving
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Daily grooming and tacking Arts and crafts