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"Ridingis such a fun and beneficialactivity for all at High Hopes." - Thea, volunteer
"Ridingeveryday is somethingI dofor fun, but riding at High Hopesis a passion." - Allie, rider
"Once she gets a new skill it's the one place she can show it off" -Denise, parent
"Ridingis hisfavorite thing to do. It's all he talks about sincehe bonded with the horses at age3." - Sharon, mom
"Friendshipsat High Hopesform a strong
bond" -Amanda, volunteer Recipient of the Davison Youth Service Award
"HighHopesis a place whereeverytalent can shine and everyonecan ¡ feel proud of their accomplishments. "
'1 like High-Hopesbecause I like to take careof the horses.It's reallyfun. I got to brushApacheand ride him. Riding makesmefeel free." - Daniel, student
"Jamesloved.being on Smokey. They were both small in height, ¡~ but big in heart!" - Kathy, mom
'Jamesloved.being on Smokey. They were both small in height, but big in heart!" -Kathy, mom
"High Hopesputs me in a good mood and makes mefeel good about myself" -Stacey, rider
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.·.·Theflexzbzlttj/ f{11/j f ,:<.:/)t·:,:;,t . - understand~:1g of the s~ajf :.:·~·.:~ Bt:flighHopes makes the tt ·_._--:. :_:·, -~ ~-_.. ·-':-~ tt\f.fl14~nt'sinvolvementfun ,ir~ :Ji_ r1, w c/Cfn}oyable.The ·:{- -~ ..~~/ll'f-::. . · . ~Ihl{iccessesthey experience ~~;~ (h.~te carryover into their . - ~jQ'lives at home and in · ··theJclassroom." ~~-:~;:;~·; ·:~-. . . -..1;.::}f'/:/ ,...- ?ean, Nathan Hale teacher 1
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HIGH Therapeutic
HOPES Riding Inc .
36 Town Woods Road P. 0. Box 254 Old Lyme, CT 0637 1 860.434.1974 www.highhopestr.org