In this issue of the High Hopes Magazine, we are celebrating our community: participants, volunteers, and donors. The pages are full of their stories, accomplishments and more! The annual student Horse Show Days at the end of May were full of festive laughter and huge smiles. The Gala on June 10th was an evening of food, dancing, and cheer! On June 21st, we celebrated our outgoing Trustees, Scott Douglas and Jeff Ridgway, welcomed our incoming Trustees, Chris Berger, and Wendy Visgilio, and recognized the Sally Aubrey Award recipients, past and present.
The future holds some exciting projects for High Hopes. This fall, we will present an updated strategic plan. This plan will provide vision and direction for the immediate future. Part of that plan will be the celebration of our 50th Anniversary in 2024. All of our activities in the next year will be infused with the history of High Hopes. From stories to timelines, we plan to celebrate this milestone all year long. If you or a family member have a story to share, please reach out to me directly at kstalsburg@highhopestr.org.
Thank you for being a part of the wonderful things that happen at High Hopes. Enjoy reading all of our latest happenings and be sure to read the monthly e-newsletter, News from The Barn. The power of horse-human interaction improves lives and you make it happen!
2006 John C. Evans
2007 Barbara Kashanski
2008 Roger Smith
2009 Jane Davison
2010 Kel Tyler
2011 Judith and Richard Lightfoot
2012 Holly and Jeff Ridgway
2013 Cheryl Kelly Heffernan
2014 Hannah and Jamie Childs
2015 John Catlett
2016 Barbara Ballard
2017 Deborah Welles
2018 Sally Aubrey
2019 Lee and Bernadette Olivier
2020 The Bolles Family
2021 Rives and Nancy Potts
2022 Jaqueline Kangley
2023 Koko Gildersleeve
The Sally Aubrey Award was established in 1998 by Stever Aubrey in honor of his wife and long-time High Hopes volunteer, Sally. For this award, Stever created the bronze sculpture of a mare and foal displayed at our entrance, and a casting is presented to the recipient. The award is given to an individual who exemplifies the spirit of High Hopes through commitment, dedication, and compassion. This year’s recipient, Barbara Wilkins, consistently demonstrates her dedication and commitment to High Hopes.
Barbara has served for nine years as a trustee, co-chaired the Holiday Market, and served on multiple committees. Her hard work as Auction Chair for the annual June Benefit is exceptional. A force to be reckoned with, Barbara is enthusiastic, kind, knowledgeable, and supportive, embodying the spirit of the Sally Aubrey Award in every way. Thank you, Barbara, for your many years of dedication, and commitment to High Hopes. You make a difference.
Established in 2006, the Lytt Gould Award recognizes extraordinary and exemplary leadership. It is an honor to recognize Koko Gildersleeve, who like Lytt, demonstrates leadership, vision, and commitment to the sustainability and future growth of High Hopes. Through her action, words, and deeds, Koko places High Hopes at the forefront of her philanthropic organizations.
Koko served on the Board of Trustees for nine years and shared her expertise on both the Governance and Volunteer Committees. Koko’s commitment to volunteerism extends beyond her local community of Stonington. It was as a sidewalker that she first embraced her passion for our mission. Koko is a generous supporter of the philanthropic priorities at High Hopes and is a member of the Legacy Society, recognizing her planned gift to support High Hopes’ future. We celebrate Koko with this special award and thank her for being a High Hopes champion.
Chris Berger - Chris is the Managing Director and Human Resources
Co-Practice Leader at Diversified Search Group with over 24 years of executive search experience. Chris has a BA from University of Connecticut. A current High Hopes volunteer, he volunteers for many other clubs as a coach and mentor. He is a past Hamburg Cove Yacht Club Bridge Member and Trustee and current Admissions Committee Member. Chris has three grown children and has lived in Old Lyme for 26 years.
Affiliation: Diversified Search Group
Wendy Visgilio - Wendy is a realtor with Coldwell Banker in Old Lyme, Connecticut. Wendy and her husband John have raised their four children, Brenna, Will, John Michael and Evan in the Old Lyme community over the last thirty years. Their youngest, Evan has been an active rider with High Hopes since preschool and found great joy while John and Wendy saw remarkable benefits and outcomes. Wendy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the University of Connecticut.
Affiliation: Coldwell Banker
Scott Douglas - The past nine years have brought a great deal of change for Scott. His grandchildren multiplied and got older, he transitioned from living in Lyme to living on an island with fewer animals care for. His passion for horses and helping people brought him to High Hopes when he first moved to the area more than 10 years ago. Since joining the Board in 2014, he quickly assumed a leadership role. As Treasurer, Scott worked to ensure that a sustainable future was a priority. His care and consideration for horses and staff were a priority in ensuring the wellbeing of High Hopes. Celebrating Scott’s forward thinking, this fall, we will plant a shade tree in his honor, providing shelter and shade to horses and humans and positively impacting the environment.
Jeff Ridgway - An integral part of all things High Hopes for well over 30 years, and 27 of those spent serving as a Trustee on the Board, it is hard to identify all that Jeff has done for High Hopes. His leadership in every way has strengthened High Hopes structurally and financially. His commitment to his community and intention to improve lives are evident in his actions. Jeff is a can do person. From designing our unique and oft admired mounting ramp to the aspiring vision of our sustainable future through his leadership in the most recent endowment campaign, Jeff, and his wife Holly, are integral to the past, present and future of High Hopes. Jeff’s long history with High Hopes makes him an institutional treasure. Always thinking about ways we can create impact in the community, a plaque recognizing his service will be placed in the mounting area to honor this incredible Trustee.
Planned giving is a philanthropic solution - presenting the intersection of your financial investment needs and your personal interest in supporting our mission. Whether it is a bequest, designation of retirement assets, life insurance, or a gift that provides you and a loved one with lifetime income, there are plenty of options.
A planned gift is also often made with careful consideration of loved ones, and organizations that have impacted someone's life. If you have a planned gift in place or would like to consider one, we look forward to having a private conversation with you. When the time is right for you and your family, High Hopes welcomes you to join the Legacy Society.
For more detailed information, intent forms, and other vehicles for giving, please visit us online at: highhopestr.org/appeal/planned-giving. Alternatively, please contact Claire or scan our QR code to learn more.
Email: cgadrow@highhopestr.org
Office: 860.434.1974 | Cell: 401.209.9219
Sophia Shaposhnikova: (at left) From the first time she sat in a saddle at High Hopes in the Summer of 2021 until now, Sophia has embodied what it means to be an equestrian. The communication between Sophia and her horse, Joe, is subtle and gentle but extremely effective. Sophia’s ability to read and empathize with her horse has created a special bond between the two of them. Watching Sophia from one week to the next, one thing is clear: she improves with every ride. It is a pleasure to watch Sophia’s progress and we look forward to the good things to come!
Will Gibson: (above) Everyone knows it’s Friday at High Hopes when Will comes through the front doors. His enthusiasm and desire to interact with every single person (or horse!) that he sees brings an undeniable buzz to the building. He greats everyone by name and generously includes all he meets in the day’s plans! Whether we are going to Hawaii or Paris or NYC, Will is certain to invite anyone to come along for the drive. Will’s enthusiasm helps to energize his partner and teammate, Al, empowering them to take jaunts around the property for their weekly adventures.
Christine Corrigan-McCarthy, our Barn Volunteer Award recipient, began in January of 2018. Her dedication shines, especially when it comes to helping as a member of the Sunday morning horse care team. Chris has only missed one feeding and that was Christmas Day! She cares deeply for the horses and her willingness to help in any way makes a big impact. We are fortunate for all of Chris’ contributions.
Mykenzie Parker has dedicated over 300 hours of her time helping year-round since 2019. She exemplifies the spirit of the Davidson Youth Service Award through leadership, peer mentorship, and dedication in all capacities of program at High Hopes. We are excited to see where Mykenzie’s passion takes her within the industry.
Since 2016, Katey Mann has shared over 500 hours with participants. Whether sidewalking in a lesson, or assisting with unmounted activities, she brings a supportive energy to the barn. She knows when to challenge her participants and when to offer them help, enabling them to achieve their personal best. Katey shines as our Nancy Cash Program Volunteer Award, invaluable to our participants and to High Hopes.
Elaine Wiatr is a welcoming face at the front desk, greeting participants and directing traffic with calm assurance. She is always willing to fill open shifts when her busy schedule allows, and she has attended extra information sessions to learn as much as possible about High Hopes and the High Hopes herd. We are lucky to have Elaine in the High Hopes family, and embodies our Office Volunteer Award!
High Hopes celebrates Rachel Fearnley with the Event Volunteer of the Year Award. Rachel serves on the Development Committee sharing her marketing expertise and creative drive. She has been our first call for sound advice, perspective and insight on a decision or endeavor. Rachel and her firm, Dreamscapes, have been instrumental in creating the June Benefit event’s vision and design direction, working tirelessly to improve the Bash’s impact and ensure its success. Rachel truly lives by her firm’s mission to - “dream big, inspire others.”
Our second annual First Responder and Military Wellness Open House was a hit! Nearly fifty attendees (not counting the eight police comfort dogs), enjoyed Dog Yoga courtesy of Tao Dog Yoga, meeting our herd of horses, hiking our trails, line-dancing and raffles with Renee DiNino from iHeart Radio, and making cards for military with Blue Star Mothers. Though we have served the Veteran population for several years, we began supporting the First Responder population during the pandemic in appreciation for their
essential worker status. The First Responder and Military program focus at High Hopes is wellness and self-care. Being around equine partners requires us to truly be in the moment, and often we find that individuals are willing to try this for their horses even if they aren’t willing to try it for themselves. If you are interested in wellness programs for first responders or military personnel in your life, please reach out to our Program Director, Chelsea Bourn, at cbourn@highhopestr.org.
During Cancer Survivors Month in June, High Hopes partnered with Friends of the Forest to support women coping with burn-out, loss, grief, depression, and anxiety. Attendees enjoyed a forest bathing walk around our picturesque pond led by Kathleen Lowe, Founder and President of Friends of the Forest followed by a mindfulness activity with five of our horses. The group commenced with a tea circle and reflection, where attendees shared the immense importance of setting aside time to reconnect with themselves and nature. At High Hopes we look forward to hosting similar events, visit our events calendar online at: www.highhopestr.org/events/ or scan the QR code below to learn more.
From Healing Hearts, Veterans Programs and Horsemanship 101, to Beyond ESMHL workshops and Riding from an Anatomical Point of View, there are engaging offerings for instruction and ongoing education. Click the QR code at right to visit our events calendar to learn more!
www.highhopestr.org | 860.434.1974
36 Town Woods Road
Old Lyme, CT 06371
Let’s stay in touch! We value our community! Scan the QR code to update your contact information, especially your email! Our digital communications honor our environmental focus. We are as interested in your updates as we are to share our mission. Our 50th Anniversary is just around the corner, you won’t want to miss exciting opportunities to visit, participate, share and celebrate!
Volunteers Needed!
High Hopes has an urgent need for volunteers to assist in programs. Share your time and passion for High Hope’s mission in an impactful way. Scan the code to learn more!