1 minute read
The March of Time
Enough of winter, bring on the daffodils and hyacinths! March is packed with promise.
Time moves on like a marching band. With military precision, the next season of life is upon us. And what glorious changes come with the new season. January and February have their gifts, of course, but March brings spring: new growth, new life, new possibilities. Time to move on. Thank goodness.
The seasons establish the rhythm of life. Within this slow, steady drumming, March is upbeat, quickening the pace of life all around us. Anything spring begins in March, including April showers and a surprising late snow that momentarily covers our daffodils and hyacinths.
And the beat goes on.
Astrologically speaking, the constellation Leo rises in early March and the Ram declines near the end of March. Hence, “in like a lion and out like a lamb.” March is an exciting month.
The welcome days of March include Mardi Gras, a secular celebration in the U.S. since 1699. French for Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras on March 1 is traditionally a day of parties, balls and parades before Ash Wednesday and a period of fasting and repentance among observing Catholics. During this time, the ravenous lion and docile lamb take human form.
The seasons establish the rhythm of life.
Ladies’ Garment Workers Union in 1909, this day recognizes and celebrates the achievements of women. How impressive you are, ladies, and how dear you are to all of us.
March 6 is National Oreo Day. This world-famous American cookie first came out of the ovens of the National Biscuit Company, later Nabisco, in 1912. “Milk’s Favorite Cookie” now comes in mint, birthday cake, peanut butter, and other flavors.
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8. Backed by the International
March 16 brings Purim, a joyful Jewish holiday celebrating the sparing of Jewish lives in ancient Persia. The 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day, recognizing the Patron Saint of Ireland, and celebrating Irish pride. On March 22, Ramadan begins. The Vernal Equinox and the beginning of spring occurs on March 20. On this day the amount of daylight and nighttime balance across an equal sign. And don’t forget that our clocks spring forward in Daylight Saving Time on the 12th.
The 21st is World Poetry Day: Enjoy this day in all you say. And in the daffodils and hyacinths.
Welcome March!
by William McReynolds