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Easels on The Green

Easels on The Green July 10 - 17 Cashiers Plein Air Festival

This summer is the Sixth Biennial Cashiers Plein Air Festival, now Easels on The Green, an art competition and sale featuring nationally acclaimed painters from throughout the country. Plein air is French for “open air.” More than 20 invitational artists will set up their easels to capture the beauty of the North Carolina Mountains July 10-17.

Their original art is displayed for viewing and sale at a pop-up art gallery at The Lewis Hall at The Village Green on Frank Allen Road in Cashiers. The artists’ medium, technique and subject matter are varied but every canvas highlights the unique landscape and lifestyle of the area.

Special events, ticketed events, and a gallery open to the public showcase their art. Festival artists will present live demonstrations and offer insights into their methods for painting.

A sneak peek and ability to purchase art before the Festival Gallery at the Private Benefactors Preview Party on Wednesday, July 13 (to become an Easels on The Green Benefactor please visit EaselsOnTheGreen. com and click on the Benefactor tab).

Quick Paint Competition – Open to The Public on Wednesday, July 13! Visit EaselsOnTheGreen.com to register for the Quick Paint Competition.

Gallery opens to the public on Thursday, July 14 at 10:00 A.M., and closes on Sunday, July 17 at 3:00 P.M.

Artist Demonstrations:

Thursday, 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.: Mark Making by Michelle Held

Thursday, 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.: Personal Color in Landscape by Sarah Sneeden Thursday, 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.: Telling A Story Through The Visual Language of Painting by Jeremy Sams Friday, 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.: Two Women, Twin Vision by Mary Hoffman and Madeleine Duke

Ladies Luncheon in The Park

Join us for a lovely luncheon at Lewis Hall featuring speaker and interior designer

Kathryn Greeley - a beautiful summer luncheon on Friday, July 15th. Tickets available at EaselsOnTheGreen.com.

Artist Awards Champagne Brunch

Artists compete at Easels on The Green Art Awards, which are presented on Sunday, the 17th at a relaxed Champagne Brunch.

Plans began for Cashiers Plein Air Festival in 2008. The idea originated from members of the The Village Green Board of Directors. Mary Palmer Dargan, Trish Warriner and Karen Weihs launched the first festival of professional Plein Air artists in 2010 to compete and sell works created live during a concentrated time for the community to enjoy. Fundraising and art focused education for The Village Green is the intent of this event.

This festival continues to be firmly established as a premier art event for the Southeast. Easels on The Green - Cashiers Plein Air Festival is a biennial fundraiser to enhance The Village Green.

For a complete schedule of festival events as well as a listing of the invitational artists, visit VillageGreenCashiersNC.com or EaselsOnTheGreen.com.

Participating Artists

Stephanie Amato, Linda Apriletti, Scott Boyle, Katie Dobson Cundiff, Madeline Dukes, Virginia Fergus, John Guernsey, Michelle Held, Mary Hoffman, Hilarie Lambert, Lila McAlpin, Elizabeth Middour, Fallon Peper, Randy Pitts, Morgan Samuel Price, Gary Rupp, Jeremy Sams, Sydney Sams, Sarah Sneeden, Sheryl Stalnaker, Vlad Yeliseyev

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