18 Augustus / August 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 32

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News/Nuus 18 Augustus / August 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 32 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Dullstroom toe onder sneeukombers

Groot gees weggeruk

Wyle mnr. Bart de Beer van Lydenburg.

Ettiënne Grobler het voluit sneeuman gebou Dinsdagoggend, ten spyte van die yskoue weer en yskoue sneeu. Die Longtompas was ’n onbeskryflike sprokieswêreld van sneeu en ys Dinsdagoggend. Almal het gestroom ‘berg toe’ om te gaan kyk, sommiges het vir die eerste keer in hul lewens sneeu gesien. Die laaste groot sneeu in Lydenburg-area was sowat agt jaar gelede. Nou kan ons ook sê, kyk ons sneeu. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerburo voorspel nog sneeu en ystoestande vir later hierdie week. Dullstroom was ook heeltemal toe onder die sneeu.

0 R3 4 9 0 0

2010 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x2 68 500km 0 R1 1 4 9 0

0 R1 0 5 0 0

2007 Ford Ranger 2.5TD Hi Trail Scab 141 000km 0 R2 1 5 0 0

0 R1 5 9 5 0

2006 Ford Territory 4.0 TX AT 118 000km

Mnr. Bart de Beer sal altyd onthou word vir sy omgee vir sy medemens en die feit dat hy voluit gelewe het om ander mense se lot te verlig. Hy het Maandag op die Dullstroompad, naby Walkersons, verongeluk, onderweg na ’n ongeluk. Hy is al vir etlike jare die bekendste nooddiens persoon en het altyd tyd gemaak om ander te help. Met ons ter perse gaan is sy begrafnisreëlings nog nie bekend gemaak nie. Hy laat sy vrou Johanette, seuntjie Bart en stiefseun Juan agter. Bart het gesterf in diens van die gemeenskap - op pad om iemand by ’n ongeluk te gaan help. Lydenburg sal hom mis.

R7 8 5 0 0

2010 Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS 55 000km

0 R58 5 00

2010 Land Cruiser Prado 3.0 DT VX 31 000km

R8 9 9 5 0

co avid@lydtoy. d : il a -m e 0 8 013 235 17 2009 Fiat Strada 1.6 ELX 88 500km

2005 Volkswagen Touareg 5.0 V10 TDi 178 000km

2002 Volvo V70 XC 2.4 AT 192 000km

David: 083 664 4514 Pieter: 076 472 7915



Nuus / News

18 Augustus / August 2011

Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum

Tel: 013 235 8910


8 18 JulieAugustus 2010 / 8 July 20102011 03 / August

Nuus / News

Wrede aanval ’n Ongelooflike wrede aanval op ’n bejaarde dame het verlede week die dorp geruk van skok. Die dame, wat se naam weerhou word weens respek vir haar en haar familie, is bykans sewe keer met ’n mes gesteek en onsedelik aangerand. Die aanval het Donderdag omstreeks 21:00 plaasgevind. Die aanvaller was aan haar bekend asook aan die bure in die omgewing van die Laerskool Lydenburg. Die verdagte is dieselfde aand gearresteer. ’n Sekerheidsmaatskappy het hom gesien weghardloop. Die verdagte, bekend as ‘Lucky’ het haar herhaalde kere met ’n mes gesteek. Sy is gehaas na die Nelspruit Medi Clinic en is Vrydag geopereer vir die meswonde. Sy is oor die naweek ontslaan en daar word vermoed dat sy goed sal herstel. Die wreedheid van die aanval is opmerklik aangesien sy gereeld vir hom kos gegee het en hom gehelp het. Die dame is bekend as ’n vrygewige mens wat altyd haar medemens se nood verlig.

License Buddy Is tyd ’n probleem? Struikel geduld jou? Laat ongeduld jou Bloeddruk styg? License Buddy hernu al jou voertuie se lisensies sonder enige frustrasies! Kontak VANDAG nog vir aflewering voor jou deur!

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Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding

Computer; Cellphone & All Gaming Tel: 013 235 3804 Cell: 082 351 7786 Needs & Repairs


Rubrieke / Columns

18 Augustus / August 2011

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Marike Geldenhuys 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

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Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Helen Zille is a shining example!

Tyd gaan te vinnig. Dit draai om jou soos 'n mallemeule en jy kan nie stewig aan dit vashou nie. Dit glip en gly en tol en rol uit jou vingers. Jou hande is afgekap. Want tyd is nie iets wat vir jou wag nie. Iemand bekends, kan nie onthou wie nie, het gesê 'Moenie tyd verloor nie, want niemand gaan jou help soek nie.' Soveel belangrike gebeure, liewe mense, en dinge wat saakmaak is nie meer daar nie. Tyd het hulle van jou weggeneem. Gelukkig kan mens terugdink aan tye, goeie tye… waar alles nog was soos jy dit onthou. Ouers en familie wat daar was vir jou, vir wie jy mis. Want nou is dit net 'n herinnering. Dit maak my sommer wil huil as ek daaraan dink. Om dit te keer, kuier Hoorhiersô lesers eerder in die 'onthou' van Rosie. Sy was die eerste huishulp wat ek onthou. By Rosie het ek woorde gehoor wat ek laas in kinderboeke gesien het: 'Kooi toe,' het sy my beveel, ek haar met ronde oë staan en vergaap – g'n benul waarvan sy praat nie. Rosie het raad gegee, getroos, gepoets en gepoleer terwyl sy plesierig geneurie het. Met almal het sy gesels. Self die motorhawe het haar petrol op skuld gegee toe sy een oggend – op eie inisiatief – soontoe afgesit het met 'n paar 2-litermelkbottels toe dit blyk my motor se geneuk dui op niks meer as 'n leë tenk nie. Toe was ek al uit die skool uit. Rosie was klaar afgetree maar het nog elke week kom kyk hoe dit gaan. Drie jaar gelede, oor die lang naweek van 16 Desember, het ons saamgepak aan die mandjie wat moes saamgaan na haar familie: lakens, 'n paar bevrore hoenders, vars vrugte, 'n Kerskoek, lekkers en Krismisboks in 'n koevert. Ek het ook altyd ietsie spesiaal saamgebring van Potchefstroom as ek vir Universiteitsvakansie huistoe gekom het. Oor die jare het 'n wonderlike verhouding gegroei. Ek, eintlik 'n bogsnuiter en die 'miesies' se dogter het lief geraak vir Rosie. Die een oggend bel iemand, daar was 'n ongeluk duskant Sekukune. Die taxi waarin Rosie en haar man was, het teen 'n bus gebots. Altwee dood. Ek onthou hoe ek en Rosie kon sit en gesels oor verskille in godsdiens, die 'tjotsies', oor haar drome vir haar oudste seun, oor mense se wantroue in mekaar. 'n Tyd, dis al wat dit was. 'n Tyd waarin ek het haar geken het, haar gewaardeer het vir wie sy was. Dis hoekom tyd so kompleks is en die konsep van tyd my kop so laat draai. Dit is net die tyd wat heel sodat verskille later kan ooreenstem. Soos in Suid-Afrika. Die tyd wat ons wel tot ons beskikking het moet ons die moeite werd maak, verskille probeer oorkom en mekaar te probeer verstaan. Die jare na ons demokratiese verkiesing, waarin daar soveel geweld was, soveel godskreiende stories in die media, soveel verlies, is dit dalk nodig om stil te staan en te probeer raaksien hoeveel goedheid daar ook is. Net met die terugdink aan 'n tyd waar alles goed gevoel het sal alles begin sin maak. Soos Rosie en wie sy was.


Engeland brand! GROOT Britanje brand. Die eens magtige Britse Ryk se nate kom los en sy onderbroek steek uit. Gedurende die afgelope paar weke het onluste die stad London en verskeie ander groot Britse stede erg geteister. Die vlam wat die kruitvat laat ontplof het, was glo hardhandige polisie optrede, of so iets. Wonder wat die Engelse sal maak as hulle die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens se hardhandige optrede ervaar? Seker hulle polse sny! Al hierdie rampokkery en onluste volg op ’n bankrot Europese ekonomie, werkskaarstes, armoede en ’n “hooligan” jeug. Die VSA is vrot van die skuld en natuurlik, soos ek nou die dag geskryf het, is daar ’n groot geraas in die meeste mense se koppe! Die

MJ Matemane writes: ANC insists on the Protection of Information Bill. This is because ANC politicians have a lot of things to hide. For example Limpopo is said to be one of the poorest provinces in the country. But it’s Premier is said to be the richest Premier in the country. What a contradiction. Other premiers own properties and shares as well as farms, plots and houses worth millions. They are busy flaunting

In Memoriam Mnr. Hennie Venter wat ‘n geliefde en bekende was in Lydenburg is op 3 A u g u s t u s 2 0 11 oorlede na ‘n siekbed van drie weke. Hy is in die hospital opgeneem vir hartversaking maar ’n beroerte het op die einde sy tol geëis. Volgens sy vrou Bets het hy rustig heengegaan- net soos hy gelewe het. Wyle mnr. Hennie Oom Hennie het Venter. homself en sy gesin in 1985 in Lydenburg kom vestig waar hy begin werk het as Meganiese Bestuurder van Lydenburg Voorspoed Kooperasie. Toe OTK in 1993 oorgeneem het, is hy daar weg om saam met sy seuns ’n verpakkingsfirma Venkor op die dorp te begin. In 2004 het hy na Middelburg verhuis. In 2006 het hy ’n erge beroerte gehad maar gelukkig ten volle daarvan herstel. In 2010 het hy en tannie Bets besluit om terug te keer na Lydenburg. Oom Hennie sal veral onthou word vir sy aandeel as Voorsitter van die Lydenburg Inwoners Vereniging en die afdruk wat hy gelaat het as afrigter en voorsitter van die Rooikatte Rugbyklub. Volgens Ockie Faul, Erepresident van die klub was dit vir hom ’n eer om by oom Hennie te kon oorneem as afrigter by Rooikatte en sal hy veral onthou word vir sy liefde vir rugby en spesifek sy liefde vir die dorpsklub. Volgens Frik Rousseau, Vryheidsfront Plus leier in Thaba Chweu onthou hy oom Hennie veral vir die tyd toe hulle saam gedien het op die komitee van die Lydenburg Inwonersvereniging. Oom Hennie was ook sy rugby-afrigter en het hy by hom baie geleer oor dié sport. Oom Hennie laat sy vrou, sy seuns Casper, Danie en Johan asook ’n dogter Jacomina en kleinkinders na.

I Korinthiërs 13:6 “Die liefde”... is nie bly oor die ongeregtigheid nie, maar is bly saam met die waardigheid. O n s v a d e r, v e rg e e f o n s o n s heethoofdigheid en laat ons geregtigheid nastreef - Amen.

oorgrote meerderheid is om dit sagkens te stel, heethoofdig en geestelik erg versteurd. Hulle is ook skynbaar verstandelik gestrem. Ek is nie baie simpatiek met hedendaagse regerings nie. Die onluste is ook nie rasgedrewe nie, maar daar is tog sulke ondertone. Engeland het sy deure destyds al oopgegooi vir al wat ’n vlugteling, reeksmoordenaar, pedofiel, bomplanter en enige ding van ’n vetkoek tot ’n geelslang. Regte, egte Britte is vandag in die minderheid in stede soos London. Die jonger geslag wil nie werk nie, leef op die “dole” en is vakbondgedrewe. En nou is die ingevoerde, swak geleerde, swak gedissiplineerde en vaardigheids-lose gespuis almal kwaad! Dit is ’n soortgelyke ding in Suid Afrika. Hier leef diverse nasies en kulture al vir meer as 400 jaar saam en ons kry die vrede en harmonie ding nog steeds nie reg nie, om dieselfde redes. Voeg daarby almal se totale liberale uitkyk, veral in die skole waar

their wealth while millions of poor South Africans are starving on the streets. But Helen Zille, on the contrary, is leading a remarkably frugal existence. She is leading by example. She does not loot money from her party. She travels economy class, she rents D class vehicles and uses a 2003 vehicle from the government garage pool as her official car. She and her husband share a 2001 Opel Corsa. This is an example worth emulating. To crown it all, Helen Zille went out of her way to buy a house for her servant who has worked for her for 17 years. Not just a house by name but a house worth R750 000. Remarkable! This should serve as a challenge to other premiers and the MEC’s as well as other politicians. We know of some MP’s who underpay their servants. MP’s who fail, deliberately, to pay UIF for their domestic servants. Not to mention those who pay their servants 5 days after the end of the month. Let others come forward and tell us what they have achieved! Zille is not a shark. Obviously, for Zille’s domestic worker to work for her for 17 years, is a clear indication that she is treating her in a humane way. Unlike those we know who hire and fire at random. Unlike those who treat their servants in an inhumane way. In conclusion, Helen Zille is a leader par excellence!

Huldeblyk Johannes Jacobus Coetser (Johan), gebore 19 Junie 1931 is oorlede. Eggenoot, pa, oupa en groot-oupa het ’n ryke vol lewe van oor die 80 jaar gehad en ons dank die Here vir Sy groot genade en liefde vir die tyd wat hy by ons was. Johan en Beth Coetser Wyle mnr. J.J. Coetser. het hulle as jong getroude paartjie in 1956 in Lydenburg gevestig en het hulle hele lewe hier gebou. Johan was meer as 21 jaar by die gevangenisdiens werksaam en het later as sakeman in die dorp diep spore getrap. Hy en Beth tree later af op die familie plaas in Badfontein. Hy laat sy vrou Beth, 4 kinders, 9 kleinkinders en 5 agterkleinkinders agter. Hy het die 5de Aug stil heengegaan en is begrawe op die plaas, waarna ’n herdenkings diens by die Lydenburg Baptiste kerk gehou is. Ons gaan hom mis, maar weet dat God se plan onfeilbaar is! Namens die familie wil ons graag al die vriende en familie bedank vir die bystand gedurende pa se siekbed en afterwe. Sonder uitsondering, maar spesefieke verwysing na die Badfontein gemeenskap en bure, Sister Chrissie Riekert en Vivian van der Walt vir hulle onvoorwaardelike liefde en bystand. Sister Judy Venter vir die hulp en gerustellende gees teenoor ons ma in die laaste paar weke. Ds. Kallie Fourie en sy vrou Marie. Pick & Pay personnel en in besonder Dollie vir hulle deurlopende bystand, belanstelling en liefde asook die baie bedagsame gebaar met die eetgoed na die begrafnis.

geen dissipline meer toegepas word nie. Hulle glo nie in ’n goeie pak slae vir stout kinders nie. Hulle onderwysstelses stort in duie. En hier by ons volg die hopelose ANC regering hierdie pragtige liberale en humanistiese model. Geen dissipline nie. Geen lyfstraf nie. Geen doodstraf vir moordenaars en verkragters nie. Ongelukkig is dit te laat vir die ANC om te leer. Hierdie gemors is ’n wêreldwye fenomeen. Die ANC is in werklikheid in nog groter moeilikheid, soos reeds deur Thabo Mbeki se intelligente broer uitgewys is. Hulle is rewolusionêre klipgooiers en rommelstrooiers, sonder enige bestuurs of administratiewe kundigheid en ervaring. Alles stort in duie. Onderwys, natuurbewaring, gesondheid, munisipaliteite en elke ding. Maar hulle wil meer geld hê! In my tyd was die grensoorlog effe riskant, maar ek dink om vandag ’n staatsamptenaar te wees is ’n groter risiko. Hulle eie mense, die gepeupel, gaan hulle in die strate afslag oor hulle onbeholpenheid, korrupsie en stropery. Leer uit die geskiedenis en uit ander se foute mense!

Nuus / News


18 Augustus / August 2011

Eish! Municipal workers littered the streets of Lydenburg as part of the strike on Monday. Basic services were disrupted and the strikers went out of their way to throw everything around. It still remains a huge question why they litter the streets if they have to clean it up again. ~ Michelle Boshoff






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Dagboek / Diary

18 Augustus / August 2011

013 235 2287, Viljoenstraat 65, Lydenburg

• Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit: (013) 235 7300 • Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit Na-ure: (013) 235 1788 • Polisie: (013) 235 2222 / (013) 235 1011 • Sun Security: (013) 235 2728 • Lydenburg Reaksie: (013) 235 4825 • Crime Combat Solutions: (013) 235 1822 • Hospitaal: (013) 235 2233 • Mediese sentrum: (013) 235 2205 • Nelspruit Medi - Clinic: (013) 759 0500 24 Hour Emergency: (013) 759 0645 • ER24: 084 124 • Rapid Response: 073 839 7372 / 082 696 0255 • Childline: 0800 055 555 • Staatsveearts: (013) 235 2071 • Sterkspruit Dierekliniek: (013) 235 4132 • Lydenburg Dierespreekamer: (013) 235 3039 • Lapsar: 082 041 6165 • Report wildfire: 0860 663 473 • Working on Fire: (013) 741 6400 • Fire: (013) 235 1788 / (013) 235 7042 • Environmental Hotline: 0800 205 005 • Parkeraad: (013) 235 2395 / 6 / 7 • Neels Bothma (Slange): 082 730 3047 • Gustav Klingbiel Museum: (013) 235 2231 • Dienssentrum: (013) 235 3879

ALGEMEEN / GENERAL: • 90ste Verjaardagfees van die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Op 9, 10 en 11 September. Skakel 013 235 2111 vir navrae of Highlands Panorama Nuus 013 235 2287. GEREELDE AFSPRAKE / FIXED DATES: • Kanabas VLU-tak. Tweede Woensdag van die maand. 09:30. NG-kerksaal, Lydenburg Suid. Ina Pieterse: 013 235 2530. • Lydenburg VLU-tak. Tweede Donderdag van elke maand om 14:00. Elona Potgieter: 083 764 9340.. • Strelitzia VLU-tak. Tweede Maandag van elke maand om 18:00. Elize Boshoff: 013 235 3491. • Lodge The Pilgrim 738 Freemasons Meeting - First Friday of every month. R.W.M. 083 977 4757 - Secretary 083 626 6305. • Art in the Park. 4th Saturday of every month. Cnr. Voortrekker and Beetge Streets, Eugene Hurter: 082 954 5603. • Lydenburg Bloedbank, skenkers nodig 013 235 3612 • Guardian Angels Lydenburg - vrywilligers nodig. Skakel 082 452 0940. • Karate. Lydenburg Burgersentrum Ma. 17:00-18:00 jnr’s, Wo. 16:00-19:00 jnr’s en snr’s. Steelpoort Winterveldklub Di. en Do. 17:30-18:30. Nicci: 072 141 6502. • Lydenburg Rolbalklub. Woensdae en Saterdae om 14:00. Miems Naudé (presidente): 082 677 1511 • DARTS every Monday at the Lydenburg recreational hall from 19:00. Raynier 082 725 9981.

Plan your dates and events and we will advertise it free of charge in our community diary. The Pla ur dates an d events News diary of ntheyoHighlands Panorama always been a comprehensive database for and whas e wi ll adver co tise it free of charge mmun ity dia ry. The dia highlandspanorama@yahoo.com everything that happens in rythis area. Email , or in our o f t he Hi gh l an ds Pa no c om ram pre a or h Newrite e n w sive database s ha s al michelleboshoff@yahoo.com , faxfor the event info to 013 235 3076 it down on a piece wa y s b e en a of everything that happ eof nswhere, dspitaninora in this paperhigh andlan hand at ma our@y offices. Remember the golden rule when, what and who a r e a. ahoo.co Em ai l m , or michelleboshoff@y infoInclude to 013 all 23the 5 30relevant applies. a contact person.ahoo.com, fax the event 76 or winformation rite it downand on a piece of paper an offices . Re membeBoshoff, ~ Thank you Michelle d hand it in at our r the goeditor. lden rule of where, w In hen, what and whoadverteer. c lu de a l l theen Beplan jul datums Onsat sal dit gratis in die gemeenskapsdagboek relfunksies. evant inform applies. Die ion and a contact perso ~ Thvan ank die dagboek Nuus was nog altyd ’nn.volledige databasis van alles youHighlands Michelle BPanorama oshoff, edito r. wat in die gemeenskap gebeur. Bepof Epos die funksies se inligting na highlandspanorama @yahoo.com , lan faks jul datums en fun e s. On sal235 dit gra tis in dikan adverteer. Die dagboe ofksi michelleboshoff@yahoo.com faks na s013 ’npsd stukkie papier e geook meeop nska k van die Highlands 3076. Dit agboek Pa geskryf word entab byasi ons kantore ingehandig word. Onthou die goue reël is van toepassing... n volled ora ma ige da Nu u s was nog alt s van alles wat in die ge yd ’n ~ wie,Ewat, ens wanneer. Verskaf asseblief alme dieenrelevante en ’n kontakpersoon. skap gebinligting pos waar eur. of fak die

funksies se inligting na highlandspanorama michelleboshoff@yah @yahoo.com, oo.com of faks na 013 235 3076. Dit kan ook papier geskryf word en op ’n st by ons kantore ingehan dig word. Onthou die go ukkie van toepassing... wie, wat, waar en wanneer ue reël is . Verskaf asseblief al inligting en ’n kontakp die relevante ersoon. ~ Baie dankie M ichelle Boshoff, redakte ur.

Vyf-dag-naweek voorspelling

Wind: 10 km/u; Wolke: Geen; Reën: Geen.

Donderdag 18 Aug: Min temp: 4; Maks temp: 17; Wind: 10 km/u; Wolke: Gedeeltelik, Reen: Geen.

Sondag 21 Aug: Min temp: 6; Maks temp: 23; Wind: 10 km/u; Wolke: Geen; Reën: Geen.

Vrydag 19 Aug: Min temp: 5; Maks temp: 19; Wind: 15 km/u; Wolke: Maandag 22 Aug: Geen data. Min Gedeeltelik; Reën: Geen. temp: 5; Maks temp: 23; Wind: 20 km/u; Saterdag 20 Aug: Min Wolke: Geen; Reën: Geen. temp: 6; Maks temp: 22;

Nuus / News

18 Augustus / August 2011 It's Hairy Fairy Salon’s birthday. Hairy Fairy Salon is commemorating their birthday this month and how the salon has grown! Apart from the normal things that are done at a hair salon, Hairy Fairy's Brazilian blow waves should be on top of your list to do before this spring. Their Brazilian blow waves are done with nonchemical ceratine which means you don't damage the hair while getting rid of all the curls in your hair! Chevaun is a junior qualified hairstylist and proud to be part of Monique’s team. Monique wishes all a well deserved women's month!

PNA Lydenburg se span het vandeesweek Me Linda Rose, PNA Hoofkantoor se Arts & Crafts spesialis in hulle midde gehad en was daar nie spanbou onder die klomp gewees nie! Me Rose het hulle gewys hoe om verskeie selfdoen projekte te doen in die “werksklas” sodat hulle kliënte van raad kan bedien want PNA Lydenburg spog nou met 'n nuwe afdeling net vir kuns! Adrie Taljaard, Bruce Beukes, Tiny Mthenjane, Revonia Joubert, Laetitia J.V. Vuuren, Andrea Horn en Linda Rose.


Lelievlei se dames word getrakteer vir vrouemaand

RAADSLID Sonja Boshoff ( DA), Me Jeanette Kruger-Hibbins (Mev Verenigde Nasies SA Finalis) en Me Lorinda van Rensburg het dit vandeesweek goedgedink om die dames van die Lelievlei te trakteer aangesien Augustus vrouemaand is. Raadslid Sonja Boshoff het die Lelievlei dames verwelkom en gesê dat almal hul vroulikheid moet uitleef en sodoende vir hul dogters 'n voorbeeld te stel en dat hulle nie moet toelaat dat hul omstandighede hulle onderkry nie. Me Jeanette Kruger- Hibbins het vertel dat haar suster haar aangemoedig het om deel te neem aan Mev Verenigde Nasies SA en van 2 800 inskrywings was sy een van die 18 finaliste! Me Kruger- Hibbins wil in kort hiermee se dat niks onmoontlik is nie. Die organiseerders wil hiermee die volgende borge bedank: Trout Inn, S c r a p p i n g L a n e , Ti e n k i e Vo g e l , Kenchington's, Kruger Konstruksie, Krukon Lydenburg, Van Toeka Tot Nou, Trommeldik

McGee gives back Garth McGee & Pieter Du Plessis from McGee Ford & Mazda handing over a Fridge and Deep freezer to the Uzenzela Wena Orphanage run by Zodwa Hlatswayo for needy children. Thank you for caring, Garth and team!

We are still looking for lost male dog named 'Durban'. REWARD OFFERED R1 000 for information leading to his safe return. Durban went missing on the Roosenekal road, outside Lydenburg at the end of June. IDENTIFICATION: He was wearing a BLUE COLLAR with tag. He is micro-chipped. He is sterilised/neutered. Medium-large (about 22kgs). About 5 yrs old. He could either be living in Lydenburg town/ townships or trying to make his way home to EC, going South. Do not try to catch him, just get a photograph and/or call Jenny. He will not trust easily. Phone JENNY NEWENHAM, 084 305 6646, jenny@biovista.co.za. (Mariepskop) Or Helen, 083 421 6872, 045 932 1862 (Maclear) hlechmereoertel@gmail.com.

Help to find Durban

Maxi’s Lydenburg, The Heads Shopping Centre (013) 235 1692 / 072 781 8588

www.maxis.co.za Customer Care Line: 083 45 MAXIS/62947 Valid while stocks last. T’s & C’s Apply. Prices include VAT.


Nuus / News

18 Augustus / August 2011

MTPA Staking vir eers op ys ALHOEWEL die staking van die Mpumalanga Toerisme en Parke Agentskap (MTPA) vir eers opgeskort is, is daar nog verskeie aspekte wat krap en is dit nou in die hande van Premier David Mabuza wat 21 dae het om daaraan aandag te gee. Lede van NEHAWU het gestaak as gevolg van salarisverhogings, bystandskostes en behuisingsubsidies. Ten spyte van die feit dat hul eise nie ten volle geslaag het nie, is daar wel ooreengekom op 'n 7,5% salarisverhoging, R800 bystandfooi en R1000 behuisingsubsidie – terugwerkend vanaf 1 April 2011. Die twee weke lange staking het egter groot skade aan die toerismebedryf in Mpumalanga gerig. Toergroepe in busse is met klippe gegooi, hekke by verskeie oorde was gesluit en diere wat nie na omgesien is nie het van die honger en dors gevrek. Volgens mnr Norman Mokoena, (LUR) van onder andere Toerisme, rus Mpumalanga se ekonomie op die skouers van 5 pilare: Toerisme, Landbou, ontwikkelling, Energie en Mynwese. Die pilare is besig om in mekaar te tuimel en is daar derhalwe 'n dringende beroep gedoen op die Premier om binne 21 dae aandag te gee aan verskeie faktore. Dit is Vrydag 12 Augustus, in 'n memorandum wat aan hom gerig is, uiteengesit. Hierdie memorandum is in Mbombela tydens 'n optog na die premierskantoor deur LUR Candith Mashego-Dlamini, in ontvangs geneem. By navraag of die Premier daaraan aandag sal kan gee binne die 21 dae spertyd, het regeringswoordvoerder Lebona Mosia gesê dat geen kommentaar gelewer kan word alvorens hy met die Premier ontmoet het nie. Hy het egter gesê dat die werkers gestaak het omdat hulle glo dat die MTPA nie kan bekostig om hulle te betaal

nie, en dat hul glo die organisasie bankrot is. “MPTA het baie geld. Wat hul lamlê is die wanbestuur van fondse wat hul ontvang van die regering”, het hy gesê. Volgens hom eis werkers van MTPA ook dat Mnr Charles Ndabeni, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, verwyder word uit hierdie pos. Dat hy waarskynlik die rede is dat die MTPA sistematies en aspris gesmoor word. Ten spyte van die feit dat hoogs gekwalifiseerde natuurbewaarders en wetenskaplikes hier werksaam is, word daar nie begroot om hierdie belangrike werk te kan doen nie. 90% Van die totale begroting van die MTPA word gebruik vir salarisse. Die verdere 10% kan onmoontlik genoeg wees om te betaal vir Fauna en Flora, elektrisiteit, telefone, brandstof, die instandhouding van voertuie, voer vir diere of teelprogramme nie. Dan is daar nog verskeie andere faktore wat nie eens genoem is nie Uit 'n e-pos wat Nomcebo Malatjie wat MTPA aan NEHAWU gerig het, het die staking onherstelbare skade gerig aan beide die provinsie en ons land, veral in 'n tyd waar meer buitelandse inkomste noodsaaklik is, dat ons meer beleggers moet werf en dat toeriste ons provinsie moet besoek. Berigte dat die Visserye op Lydenburg gaan toemaak, kon nie bevestig word nie. Dit is egter vanselfsprekend dat hierdie afdeling van MTPA dringende aandag moet kry. Werkers het egter hier en ook by die Ohrigstaddam en Sterkspruit Natuurreservaat naby Lydenburg begin werk. Die hoofnatuurbewaaarder van die Visserye, mnr Frik Rousseau het alle navrae na die hoofkantoor in Nelspruit verwys. ~ Ilze Venter

Winterveld Festival IF you ever wondered where to go or what you can do in Steelpoort, you can stop wondering today! The Winterveld Recreation Club is the place where things are happening! The Club does not only have a restaurant with luscious dishes, but also conference and sports facilities. The Club can cater for any function big or small. They have an outstanding platter menu and are willing to produce any food requests you may have. Not too long ago Jak de Priester performed at the Club. And very soon, the now annual Winterveld Festival will be hosted by Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, at the Winterveld Recreational Club on the 3rd of September 2011. Last year the festival proved to be a blast. This year will even be better. There will be entertainment for all ages. And do look out for entertainers such as the “Flooze”, Andriette Norman, The Southern Gypsey Queens and Wicus van der Merwe. For those of you that do not know where to find the Club, it is situated on the R36 only a few kilometers outside Steelpoort. The Manager, Johan de Necker, says they have made quite a few changes to improve the service offering. Johan and his team are committed to making your visit to the Club an enjoyable one. The Winterveld Club is also available for year end functions. To make a booking, you can contact the Club on 071 4466 709 or 013 2307102 or e-mail your bookings to ecm.club@samancorcr.com. Please ensure that you are a valid Club member since the Club Liquor Law states that it is a Member’s only Club. For those of you that are currently not members all you need to do is fill in a form, that is available at the Club’s office, and you will be issued with a membership card. Membership fees are R30.00 per month for the whole family including children under the age of 18. In our next issue, we will tell you more about the sport facilities and activities available at the Club. Don’t miss out on the Club’s Burger special on Mondays - buy any burger and get a plain burger for only R15.00. The Friday specials are very popular. The prices range from R40 – R60. Although the prices for the specials are low, the quality and quantity is superb. Happy hour is extended from 17h00 – 19h00 to ensure enough time to enjoy a drink with friends and family. While the parents are taking part in all the Club’s activities, it is of great importance to keep a smile on the children’s faces, thus the Club has launched a colouring in competition. Everyone in the age groups of 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12 can enter and stand a chance to win the monthly prize for their age category. The annual winners will be announced at the end of the year and the Club has got something big in store for them. There is also a activity book available for the older children to keep themselves busy, while the little ones are making friends on the jumping castle.

Maxi's Burgersfor is now open! Maxi's opened their doors at the Engen Garage in Dirk Winterbach street, Burgersfort. With such friendly and efficient staff, we at the Highlands Panorama News wish them all success. Contact them on 013 231 7508 or 072 964 0374.

Nuus / News

18 Augustus / August 2011


Fotograwe blink uit LOUWRENS Vorster en Maureen Kritzinger is as katogorie wenners tydens die Noord Oostelike Provinsie se streekskongres in Lydenburg aangewys en wen silwer PSSA medaljes. Longtom Fotografieklub het derde geëindig na Pietersburg Fotografie Klub en Nelspruit Photographic Society en het stof in die oë van gevestigde klubs van Secunda, Witbank, Midelburg, Nelspruit en Ermelo geskop. Peet Gerber, Marie Kriek, Nick van Rensburg, Louwrens Vorster, Des Jacobs, Lorraine de Preez, Lani Visser en Maureen Kritzinger het ook salon aanvaardings gekry. Peet kry drie salon aanvaardings terwyl Nick, Louwrens en Lorraine elkeen twee aanvaardings gekry het. 153 Fotograwe het deelgeneem en 642 foto inskrwyings is ontvang en beoordeel. Mnr. Nick van Rensburg die Voorsitter van Longtom Fotografieklub is baie trots op die

Maureen Kritzinger wen die monochroom afdruk afdeling met dié foto van ’n atleet tydens die Longtom Marathon vroeër die jaar.

klublede se prestasies. Hy se : “Die klub het Konica Photo Express, Villa Afriq, PNA, Postnet, Kenchingtons, The Trout Inn, ’n baie suksesvolle kongres aangebied. Ek is Joubert Apteek, Honda, On-da-go, Jessica's, Lampie van der Nest en dr. M Kritzinger. baie trots op ons lede wat ons naam hoog Debonairs Pizza, Sanlam, Rooikranswater, (Deur Lani Visser) gehou het. Ons is baie opgewonde oor ’n baie goeie opkoms. Ons het baie geleer by die sprekers, profesionele fotograwe Heinrich van den Berg en Robbie Aspeling. Anton Linström, vleilandkundige se lesing het ons met ander oë na vleilande laat kyk.” Die Direkteur van NOP, mnr Francois Rousseau, was van mening dat die kongres uitstekend gereel is en die fasiliteite by Laske Nakke was puik. Hy se: “Daar was goeie verteenwoordiging van die streek met 59 persone wat die kongres bygewoon het. Die standaard van die fotokompetisie was hoog. Dit was lekker om ou vriende weer te sien en nuwes te maak.” Longtom Fotografieklub bedank besighede en individue in Lydenburg wat dit moontlik gemaak het om die kongres aan te bied. Zizwe Pty Ltd, De Ark Gastehuis,

Longtom fotografie salonaanvaardings. Lede van die Longtom Fotografieklub het salon aanvaardings tydens die streekskongres gekry. Voor: Peet Gerber, Lani Visser, Louwrens Vorster. Agter: Maureen Kritzinger, Nick van Rensburg en Des Jacobs.

Longtom fotografie wenners: Maureen Kritzinger en Louwrens Vorster is as katogorie wenners tydens die Noord Oostelike Provinsie se Streekskongres in Lydenburg aangewys en wen silwer PSSA medaljes.

Louwrens Vorster het die wen foto geneem tydens 'n gimkana wat vroeer die jaar in Lydenburg gehou is. Hy wen die afdeling “mense in beweging” tydens die NOP kongres



18 Augustus / August 2011

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

What will the new Land Rover Defender look like? LAND Rover's archaic but iconic Defender is set to be replaced soon but the company is not entirely sure which direction the new 4x4 should take. That's why they're planning to reveal a concept vehicle at the Frankfurt Motor Show this September, according to Autocar. The production model is reportedly due around 2015. The show car will give the world a glimpse of what Land Rover has in mind for the Defender's replacement and basically allow the public to determine whether the company is on the right track with its idea of a modernized bundu basher. In an interview with Autocar, Land Rover's brand director John Edwards admitted that he cannot imagine the company not producing a successor to the Defender, but that they would not be able to compete with mainstream 4x4s on price so the end product would have to be desirable enough to its target market to command a premium. Land Rover has yet to decide whether to create a unique new chassis for the Defender or whether to simplify the underpinnings of the current Discovery but either way, Land Rover knows that it still needs to be simple enough to repair in remote areas and tough enough for the needs of military operations. iol.motoring.

Pictured above is the current LR Defender. The new model is still cloaked in secrecy.

(013) 235-2371 mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za FSP10677


18 Augustus / August 2011


KTM 125 mini-Duke IF you have a teenager dead keen on bikes then they are bound to hound you with brochures of KTM South Africa’s latest release, the 125cc Duke. As a naked street bike as opposed to a rugged motocross machine (KTM’s usual fare), the mini-Duke is simply a teenager's dream and probably the most desirable new motorcycle addition to the 125cc class for quite some time. Debuted at the Intermot show (in Cologne, Germany, in October), the mini-Duke is KTM’s first 125cc street bike and quite a departure for the Austrian brand. Why the switch to producing a small-capacity road bike? In essence: emerging market funding. KTM’s received a wad of cash from Indian investor Baja and some advice concerning the company’s product portfolio allegedly came as a package deal with the investment. To this end the 125 Duke has been configured to be the ultimate urban runabout. Housed in its chromoly trellis frame (with steel supports) is a 125cc liquid-cooled and fuel-injected engine producing 11kW and 15Nm driving the rear wheel through a six-speed transmission. Those output statistics may sound a trifle underwhelming, yet the mini-Duke weighs a scant 127kg. Suspension is by long-time KTM partner WP and includes an inverted 43mm fork up front, trailed by a rear shock. Both WP items allow 150mm of travel – perfect for those impromptu pavementnavigating detours. The mini-Duke’s brakes are substantial enough to effortlessly decelerate its frame momentum, the obligatory Brembo rotors (front and rear) measure 280mm and 230mm in diameter. With an easily accessible seat height of 81cm, 184mm of ground clearance a 1.35m wheelbase and 65-degree steering head angle, the mini-Duke’s configuration and dimensions are perfect for novice teenager riders, or those seeking an easy to manoeuvre naked urban street bike. With a rear pin-joint swingarm (mirroring the 690 Duke’s design) and similar outer tube fork diameter to KTM RC8 R superbike, the miniDuke’s ride and handling characteristics should provide the best of both worlds – offering comfort and stability, whilst retaining an agility crucial to the appeal of 125cc naked bikes. The mini-Duke’s 11-litre tank, KTM claims, yields an operational range of 300km. That equates to an economical 3.6 litres / 100km, rather important when you're 16-years old and on a budget. With the spring / summer riding season approaching, expect to be confronted by a host of hints (and brochures) about KTM's new 125 by your teen to justify what a good investment it is at R38 999. Wheels24.com

What every young potential biker wants: A genuine 125 cc KTM!


18 Augustus / August 2011

Cars in SA too expensive?

Motoring Pound and R9.78 to the Euro and all prices have been converted into rands. It's also worth noting that although we did our best to find the overseas models that most closely match the specification levels of the local cars in question, there are slight discrepancies in some cases. Many of our prices also include service plans, which is not often the case overseas. INTERNATIONAL CAR PRICE COMPARISION: AUDI A1 1.2 ATTRACTION: SA - R219 900 UK - R150 975 GE - R154 524 BMW 1 SERIES M COUPE: SA - R546 392 UK - R450 225 GE - R493 890 CHEVROLET CRUZE 1.6 LS: SA - R198 565 UK - R160 987 GE - R175 942 FORD FIESTA 1.6 TREND: SA - R178 020 UK - R140 062 GE - R147 678 HONDA JAZZ HYBRID: SA - R244 698 UK - R210 768 GE - R228 754 KIA PICANTO 1.0: SA - R99 995 UK - R89 381 GE - R91 834 LEXUS CT200h S: SA - R343 300 UK - R283 500 GE - R290 955 MAZDA2 1.3 ACTIVE: SA - R164 520 UK - R119 868 GE - R143 668 MERCEDES-BENZ C180: SA - R359 000 UK - R287 043 GE - R319 757 MINI ONE: SA - R198 000 UK - R150 750 GE - R152 079 NISSAN MICRA 1.2 VISIA: SA - R108 400 UK - R108 562 GE - R105 037 PORSCHE 911 TURBO: SA - R2 033 000 UK - R1 240 110 GE - R1 468 515 RENAULT TWINGO RS GORDINI: SA - R214 900 UK - R165 487 GE - R166 162 TOYOTA AURIS X: SA - R185 600 UK - R167 332 GE - R170 172 VOLKSWAGEN POLO GTI: SA - R261 600 UK - R218 418 GE - R223 228 iol.co.za

SOUTH African car prices. I bet that phrase does anything but fill your heart with warm and fuzzy feelings, judging by the avalanche of heated comments that we find at the end of some articles. Well, we've decided to investigate the state of car prices in South Africa by taking a wide sample of cars and comparing our prices with those in the UK and Germany. Let's start off with a little disclaimer here as there are many factors that determine what we pay for our cars. Import duties are a huge factor and CO2 taxes must be considered too. Currently new cars imported into South Africa are slapped with a 36 percent customs duty and even the ones that are built here use imported components, which are also taxed. In Europe, import duties do not apply to cars that are imported from within the European Union, but the sales tax imposed on new cars is still rather steep in the two countries that we sampled. Britons, for instance, pay 20 percent VAT while the German tax is pegged at 19 percent - in South Africa we get away with just 14 percent. You'll find our full list of car price comparisons below the article but there are some that really warrant mentioning here. The biggest price discrepancy we came across was the Porsche 911 Turbo, which costs R2 033 000 in South Africa - very steep considering that buyers in the UK can have one for R1 240 110. Others, like the Audi A1, Lexus CT200h, Mini One and Renault Twingo RS Gordini also seem comparatively expensive on our shores. Also disappointing is that the locally-made Mercedes-Benz C180 costs between R40K and R70K more than it does overseas and there's also an uncomfortable discrepancy with the other local product, the VW Polo GTI. The general feeling we're left with is that South African cars are still too expensive in most cases. There is good news on some fronts, however, with the Indian-built Nissan Micra 1.2 Visia actually being marginally cheaper than it is in the UK, while Kia's new Picanto is not far off the mark. When converting these international prices into rands, we decided not to use the latest exchange rate as the market crashes of the past few days has sent our currency into a flat spin and the figures would seem rather skewed. Instead, we used the exchange rate of the previous Friday, 5 August, as those numbers will be far closer to the figures that the car companies used when determining the current car prices. On that note, if the current market volatility continues and the rand does not recover in the short term we can all expect some rather steep car price rises before the end of the Ed: From the above, it seems as if SA consumers are being ripped off, except in the case of the Nissan Micra, which seems to be true value for money, in year. Think South African cars are expensive now? This could be just the beginning. comparison with global markets. For the record, the prices below were calculated at an exchange rate of R11.25 to the



Drive your wayTM


18 Augustus / August 2011


Supercharged Nissan triple! NISSAN’s popular Micra has always been a frugal little hatchback, especially the diesel variant. Now the Japanese automaker will launch a low-emissions petrol model called the DIG-S. The car has a 72kW, 1.2-litre, three-cylinder, supercharged petrol engine and will be available in three spec levels ranging from the entry-level Visia through the ascending specced Acenta and Tekna models. The new engine has a claimed fuel consumption figure of 4.3 litres / 100km (combined cycle) and emits only 95g / km of carbon dioxide (Visia) and 99g / km (Acenta and Tekna). The engine achieves the improvements in power and economy through a series of measures to improve efficiency. Direct injection, valve timing control with eco mode, improved exhaust gas recirculation, special pistons and a higher compression ratio ensure the engine is as fuel-efficient as possible. Energy is saved by using an intelligent alternator which recharges the battery when the engine power is not in demand, such as under braking. The DIG-S is equipped with a stop / start feature to reduce emissions and fuel consumption by automatically turning off the engine while stationary and restarting once you’re ready to move off. The engine is mated to a either a five-speed manual or a constantly variable automatic transmission. The DIG-S will be launched in the UK in September 2011. No word yet on whether the super-sipper will be available in South Africa. Wheels24.co.za

The supercharged 1.2-litre Nissan Micra should reach SA soon in all three specification models

NUWE 2011 NISSAN X-TRAIL Demo Vehicles: 2011 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2010 2011 2010

New Micra 1.2 Acenta Tiida 1.6 Visia + 5 DR Tiida 1.6 Visia + A/T 4 Dr Hardbody 2.5 TDi S/Cab (KO3) Hardbody 2.5 TDi SE S/Cab (K18) Qasqai 2.0 Acenta Qasqai +2 2.0 Accenta (7 Seater) Navara 2.5 TDi 4x4 Kincab New Murano 3.5 V6 AWD CVT

4 000 km 16 000 km 8 000km 13 000km 9 000km 13 000km 23 000km 16 000km 28 000km

R 119 900 R 149 900 R 155 900 R 159 900 R 219 900 R 275 900 R 289 900 R 299 900 R 399 900

121 000km 107 000km 19 000km 72 000km 51 000km 72 000km 46 000km 47 000km 56 000km 78 000km 145 000km 158 000km 52 000km 136 000km 66 000km 14 000km 46 000km

R55 900 R 65 000 R 75 900 R 89 900 R 99 900 R 95 500 R 115 000 R 115 900 R 125 000 R 125 900 R 129 900 R 129 900 R 135 900 R 135 900 R 139 900 R 145 900 R 159 900

195 000km 135 000km 55 00km 52 000km 65 000km 95 000km 91 000km 101 000km 91 000km 96 000km 43 000km 92 000km

R 189 900 R 189 900 R 179 900 R 189 900 R 189 900 R 199 900 R 209 900 R 209 900 R 239 900 R 239 900 R 269 900 R 279 900


Approved Used: 2004 2007 2009 2007 2008 2001 2009 2009 2008 2005 2006 2007 2010 2008 2008 2010 2010 2007 2006 2009 2010 2007 2009 2007 2008 2007 2010 2010 2009

Corsa 1.6 Sport Kia Rio 1.5 5 Dr Kia Picanto 1.1 LX Nissan Tiida 1.6 Visia + (4dr) Kia Rio 1.4 High (5dr) Jaguar S-Type 3.0 V6 A/T Chev Aveo 1.6 LS 5 Dr Nissan NP200 1.6 S (lots of extras) Toyota Corolla 1.4 Advanced Kia Sportage 2.0 GLS A/T Hyundai Tuscon 2.0 GLS VW Golf 5 2.0 FSI Nissan Livina 1.6 Accenta Nissan 2.4 D/Cab 4x2 VW Polo 1.9 TDi Highline NP200 1.6 SE (Canopy) Livina X-Gear 1.6 Acenta + Navara 2.5 DCi D/Cab (Leather Seats + Armidillo) Navara 4.0 V6 D/Cab 4x4 Mazda 5 2.0 Original Hardbody 2.5 TDi S/Cab SE Ford Territory 4.0 Ghia A/T Nissan X-Trail 2.0 TDi 4x2 (New Shape) Murano 3.5 V6 AWD Mazda BT-50 3.0 TDCi D/Cab Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 7 Seater Navara 2.5 DCi Kingcab 4x2 Navara 2.5 TDi D/Cab SE 4x2 Toyota 3.0 D-4D D/Cab 4x4

• ALL MODE 4X4-I met dinamiese voertuigbeheer (VDC)* • Aktiewerem-vastrapewenaar (ABLS)* • Afdraendebeheer (HDC) en hellingwegtrekhulp • Kragtige petrol- en dieselenjins • Keuse van 6-gang-handrat, outomatiese of palwissel (CVT)-transmissie • Bluetooth-verbinding, MP3-sok en 6-skyf-CD-speler • ISOFIX-ankerpunte vir kinderveiligheid • Versieningsplan van 3 jaar / 90 000 km * Sekere modelle

1ste keuse: Kontant terug

2de keuse: Kontant Prys

R30 000 R259 900

OOP TOT 6UUR • Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Shakes Shabalala 073 933 8715 • Dicky Roux (Sales Manager): 072 255 4929 • Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton

Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg


• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Shakes Shabalala 073 933 8715 • Adelene le Roux 076 416 8644 • Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton

Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg




18 Augustus / August 2011

ORIGINAL SELECTION APPROVED USED CARS Available at Kia Lydenburg (19 De Clerq Street): (013) 235 1303 / Kia Burgersfort (Main Road): (013) 231 8430 R68 995

’07 Kia Rio 105 689km

R99 995

’08 Kia Rio 85 830km

R119 995

’08 Kia Rio CVVT 1.6 48 534km

R149 995

’10 VW Polo 1.4 Comfortline 39 067km

R139 995

’09 Ford Fiesta 1.6 39 599km

R104 995

’06 VW Jetta Sedan 123 237km

R179 995

’09 Kia Sportage 95 124km

R89 995

’08 Kia Cerato EX CRDi 123 771km

R169 995

’10 Kia Cerato 12 426km

R189 995

’08 Kia Sorento EX 75 442km

R74 995

R129 995

’09 Daihatsu Charade 31 561km

’07 K2700 Tipper 1.3 Ton 2-7 D 70 233km

R129 995

’07 VW CrossPolo + sunroof 103 164km

R59 995

’08 Fiat Palio Go 5DR 48 915km

R39 995

’99 Toyota Tazz

R116 995

’09 VW Polo 66 985km

R94 995

’09 VW Citi MK 1 no. 669 1.6 40 326km

R119 995

’10 Polo Vivo 1.4 Trendline 39 666km

Wankel’s future uncertain GERMAN engineer Felix Wankel came up with the idea of an internal combustion engine with a three-sided rotor rather than reciprocating pistons way back in 1929, but it took him until 1951 to get NSU interested in the concept. The first engine ran in 1957 and the first rotary-powered car, the NSU Spider, went on sale in 1964, followed by the NSU Ro80 and the Mazda Cosmo 110S in 1967. Early problems with premature seal wear were quickly solved and it seemed as if the compact, smooth-running rotary - simpler and more powerful than a piston engine double its size - was the engine of the future. Everybody scrambled on to the rotary bandwagon; they powered motorcycles (Norton, Suzuki, Hercules and Van Veen) snowmobiles (Arctic Cat), aircraft (Curtiss-Wright, Diamond) and tractors (John Deere). Even Roll-Royce experimented with a two-stage diesel rotary engine. But a rotary is not as clean-burning as a four-stroke piston engine and uses more fuel to make the same power. The 1973 oil crisis and new emissions regulations suddenly made the Wankel engine less attractive. GM found that, kilowatt for kilowatt, rotaries were more expensive to make than conventional engines and by 1990, the only manufacturer still selling Wankel-engined cars was Mazda, which felt that the rotary fitted perfectly with its “zoom-zoom” marketing strategy. The RX-8 coupé, its Renesis rotary able to (just) meet current emissions standards thanks to improved port design, was introduced in 2004 and remains Mazda's only rotary model. But the RX-8 will be discontinued at the end of this year, and product planning and development boss Kiyoshi Fujiwara has admitted there is fierce debate at Mazda about the future of rotary development. There was a next-generation rotary under development for release in 2017, according to Ward's Auto, but the programme has been halted and corporate bean-counters, looking for ways to cut costs in the wake of the recession, are considering axing rotary development altogether. But Fujiwara insists the technology is a part of Mazda's DNA, and that Mazda has already solved two of the rotary's three big problems, although he wouldn't give details. He said recently: “Rotary engines literally are part of our soul.” However, there may be a way out - in an electric car. Rotary engines are at their most efficient running at constant speed and load; that, together with their compact size and smooth, quiet power delivery, makes them ideal as the power generator for an extended-range electric vehicle such as the Chevrolet Volt. The Volt uses a 1.4-litre piston engine to generate power for its electric drivetrain, and that's something a rotary could do even better, according to Mazda US vice-president Robert Davis. “If you build a rotary that's tuned to a very specific load and rpm,” he said, “it runs very efficiently. Certainly, we've looked at that.” According to Ward's, he's not the only one. Audi, with the help of AVL Powertrain Engineering is reportedly considering using a rotary in an extended-range battery car, mostly because conventional engines are simply too bulky. iol.co.za

Properties / Eiendomme

18 Augustus / August 2011


News/ Nuus

Sterkspruit Properties launch

Sole and Exclusive Mandate. Residential Development. Situated in Goud Street, Lydenburg. Full title, three bed, two bathroom, double automated garage. Only two units available. Priced at R960 000. Save thousands on transfer duty. 100% bonds available (T&C Apply), Phone Fanie du Toit: 072 317 3959/ 013 235 4512.

HUURBESTUUR 013 235 1102 Charmaine 082 475 9850




082 904 8587

www.deovolprops.co.za Deo Volente Properties on facebook twitter: @deovolprops

R560 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel na aan winkels. 1 badkamer, 1 afdak R1 370 000 Nuut geboude huis. 260m² dubbel geriewe. In The Heads. R 1 420 000 Baie netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis in privaat kompleks. Goed geleë. 2 motorhuise en 2 afdakke.

R1 785 000 5 Slaapkamer huis, 1½ badkamer. Oregon vloer en rame. 3 Leefareas. 250m² stoor. 3900m² erf. Kantore te HUUR Sentraal ligging, 170m² R10 800 p/m Hoek kantoor R5 800 p/m

Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net, www.deovolprops.co.za

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Properties / Eiendomme

18 Augustus / August 2011

Women in Mining Longtom Nissan beplan laaaang Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) is dedicated and committed to Women in Mining. ECM currently employ 280 women in positions right across the value chain of the business. Women account for 15% of the total workforce (which is much higher than the required target set in the Mining Charter of 10%). Women’s Day is a special occasion whereby the ladies of ECM are recognized for their contribution to the business, and had the opportunity to celebrate their gender. A very special day for the ladies was hosted by ECM and the Winterveld Recreational Club hall was turned into a spectacular sight. At first the ladies were motivated by Loraine Mphahlele, who is a professional entrepreneur and the founder and Executive Director of Investments for African Women Holdings, to inspire and achieve their full potential. She highlighted to the ladies that they have a special gift of nurturing which forms part of a women’s make up, and that ladies should bring that special gift to the workplace to develop ideas, give life to new things, and to incubate ideas and implement them. She used an example of a lady who put five children through University by selling tomatoes. After her inspiring talk, the ladies were entertained by the handsome Riba Cross Timers. The ladies thoroughly enjoyed the choir’s charm. Then the Riba Cross Civil Society Youth Choir energised the audience with their vibrant singing. Last but not least the ladies enjoyed a special lunch. As the ladies left the celebration, the words of Loraine Mphahahlele stayed with them when they remembered her saying: “Give a woman a house, and she makes it a home”.

wasgoedlyn vir liefdadigheid

LONGTOM Nissan se langste wasgoedlyn! Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg met mnr. Fred Zeeman aan die stuur, het met ’n uitstekende inisiatief vorendag gekom vir hul Nasionale Nissan Dag, wat fondsinsameling (klerasie) vir die behoeftiges in ons kontrei betref. “Ons het met die hulp van Mnr John Roos (Verkeershoof) en sy span gereel dat ons op 3 September 2011 ’n 1km lange wasgoedlyn in die middelman van Viljoenstraat gaan span (deurhoogte van voertuie) sodat jy in daardie laan gaan ry en kan stop en jou “wasgoed” ophang. Ons gaan die wasgoedlyn dan vanaf die stopstraat by Longtom Nissan tot by die robot van die Versekeringsforum span. Die “wasgoed” behels dan enige ou

klere, linne, komberse, handdoeke, gordyne – in kort: die gewone wat jy op ’n wasgoedlyn hang maar nie meer tuis gebruik daarvoor het nie.”Al die besighede, skole en myne word genooi om deel te hê in die pretdag waar hulle dan hul besigheid kan bemark en hul deel van die wasgoedlyn beman. Vir enige navrae kontak Dicky Roux by Longtom Nissan te 013 235 2381.

Tel: 013 235 4512, 57 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, Fax: 086 695 5516 EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES


Verkope: Fanie du Toit - 072 317 3959 Verhurings: Christa - 073 987 0718

Heleen 082 492 8412

Mariëtta 082 213 0380


013 235 1986 Bemarking en verhuring van eiendomme. Besoek ons webwerf www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Tel: (013) 235 2005 Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg


Ronel Breedt 083 262 2110

Sonia Jooste Verkoops Agent 082 590 0905

BYERS DREAM This double storey faceR1 350 000 brick home consists of (New on the block) 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, scullery, double auto garage, domestic toilet. Stand size: 500m², house 230m². NEWLY built! . Wilma Viljoen Verhurings Agent LYDENBURG Sonia: 082 590 0905. 082 921 9991

OHRIGSTAD: Variety of stands available. Most of the stands available exceed 1200m². Priced from R220 000. Vincent Ackermann Verkoops Agent Contact Ronel: 083 262 2110. 076 432 5570

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• HUIS TE HUUR: - R9 000 per maand. • 4 Slk woning, 2 badk, ruim sit/eet, woonarea, komb, opwas/wask, stud, buitekam + geriewe, motorhuise vir 5 voertuie, lapa, palisade. Alles baie netjies. - R2 milj; • Nuut geboude 2 slk dupleks woonstelle, vol titel, BTW en oordrag ingesluit. - R800 000; • Baie netjiese 3 slk siersteen woonstel, omhein, ruim sitk, oopplan woonarea/komb, 2 mot en lapa. - R1,250 milj; • 2 Slk woonstel in sekuriteitskompleks met klein erfie. - R690 000 • 42 Ha plaas met woning, water, lande en pragtige natuur. - R900 000 • 50 Ha kaal grond met mooi uitsig en natuur. - R750 000

News/ Nuus


KADOMA INVESTMENTS Units and Warehouses available for rent in the Steelpoort Industrial area Office: 013 230 3205 Christo La Grange: 079 351 4043 Chappie van der Merwe: 076 456 7761

Nuus / News

18 Augustus / August 2011



Slimkopies / Classifieds

18 Augustus / August 2011


K W A G G A VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.

S 4 S L I M M I N G G e a k k r e d i t e e r. Tablets 076 677 6002 Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382. SALON HAIR & I E T S I E N I C E AUTOHAUSEN LINGERIE 074 887 SMART-REPAIRS: 6950 Minor Body, Paint & Hail Damage. Stone BEAUTY DYNAMIX - Chips & Polish. Poly Facials, Gel & Acrylic, Rubberise. Smash & Lash Extensions, G r a b Ti n t . P a i n t Sunbed. Cleome 013 Protect Film. Neels 235 3547/ 082 334 013 235 2721/ 082 1623 334 3596 FOTOGRAFIE/ PHOTOGRAPHY

A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 T R E A S U R E 3976. TIMEdigitale fotografie. Studio, AK JEWELS - 013 t r o u e s e n a l l e 235 1075 geleenthede. Willie/ Tania: 082 331 4814/ V R O U T J I E S 0 8 2 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 K O F F I E H U I S e n www.treasuretime.co t e e t u i n - L a n g s .za Sparsentrum. 013 235 3016 SKOONMAAK/ RONIQUE’S - All CLEANING upholsteries, blinds & canvas canopies. SKOONMAAK VAN 013 235 1109 MATTE, meubels, GRADE 10 - 12 AT motors en droogsuig N O V A F E T van oorstroomde C O L L E G E a n d matte. Martie 082 951 S u p p o r t C e n t r e . 7494 Contact Erika at 082 516 8566 or e-mail SKOONMAAK VAN erikaeng@lantic.net. matte en meubels. N i g h t S c h o o l Des 072 446 5394 optional. H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 AUTOMATISERING/ AUTOMATION


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs, updating hardware and software, virus removals, callouts etc. Jacques - 071 268 9211


H A M B A N AT H I VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


H O U T W E R K MASJINERIE : spindle, bits, s a a g l e m m e , e l e k t r i e s e handmasjiene, canoe, houtwerk clamps. Denise 013 235 3954/ 082 702 1420 KRUIEPLANTJIES 079 857 2717 G R O O T VERSKEIDENHEID skadu-boompies. R40. 074 607 1335

TE HUUR/ TO LET TA F E L D O E K E Overlays, glase en eetgerei. Skakel Rina: 082 751 0432

082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 a n d c h u r c h service 11:00. Pastor J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor: 087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste K e r k . Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, e r e d i e n s 11 : 0 0 . Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk B u r g e r s f o r t ( L a e r s k o o l Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 8 1 8 0 9 2 0 . • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604.

Come to our offices: 65 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg OR E-mail us: info@highlandspanorama.co.za OR Fax us: 013 235 3076 Deadline: Monday 17h00

Hoe om te adverteer op hierdie bladsy: Kom na ons Kantore: Viljoenstraat 65, Lydenburg OF E-pos vir ons: info@highlandspanorama.co.za OF Faks vir ons: 013 235 3076 Spertyd: Maandag 17h00

Franchise Water Besigheid te koop R440 000 Omset ongeveer R40 000 per maand gedurende winter, kan tot 70% verhoog in die somer.

Kontak 082 499 6767

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How to advertise on this page:

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nds hla Hig

MENTUM TRAINING COLLEGE. Internet EIENDOMME TE ALL GARAGE Cafè 013 235 4598/ HUUR/ DOORS, Centurion 082 938 3810 PROPERTIES TO gate motors, electric RENT fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, VERVOER/ Accredited Installer. TRANSPORT SECURE STORAGE 072 774 4339/ 013 UNITS available 235 4521 soon in Lydenburg. VRAGMOTOR TE For enquiries or H U U R : a l l e t i p e bookings contact 076 SKOONHEID/ vervoer, bestuurder 660 1389 BEAUTY word voorsien. Langafstande R4/km 3 SLK, 1.5 badk huis. 072 417 4475 CREATIVE NAILS + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174/ Kobus 082 321 TRAINING 084 860 3 BED, 2 BATH, 2 7054 7714 garage, open plan house in The Heads BEAUTY BOX a v a i l a b l e 1 sonbed 013 235 4986 MOTOR DIENSTE/ September. R8500 AUTO SERVICES p/m. Jill 013 235 2287 NAILS, LASHES, Makeup 076 677 GESOEK: 1 SLK ATLAS PANEEL- tuinwoonstel 6002/ 013 235 4947 KLOPPERS -

om te huur. 083 626 B O O K K E E P E R LYDENBURG with at 6305 least 3 years 1 SLK WOONSTEL experience of Pastel nuut gebou, 6km with debtors and buite Lydenburg op payroll. Fax cv to 086 O h r i g s t a d p a d . 725 2550 R3800 p/m en R3800 deposito. 083 237 KERKE/ 4811 CHURCHES LOSIES/ LODGING •Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . L O S I E S , LY D E N - 08:30. Tel. 013 235 BURG. 073 555 4840 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 AKKOMMODASIE/ 4391. • HervormdeACCOMMODATION kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • K L I T Z G R A S Methodist Church C H A L E T S B & B Lydenburg:Sunday ACCOMMODATION s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , : C o f f e e s h o p , Sunday School 08:30 Chapel, Conference Tel. 013 235 2936 • facilities, Boma/ N G M o e d e r braai. Tel: 013 235 g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 2758 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. VAKANTE 013 235 3329. • Volle BETREKKINGS/ Evangelie-kerk. VACANCIES S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met H VA C & R A i r k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , C o n d i t i o n i n g & aanddiens 18:00. R e f r i g e r a t i o n Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 Technicians required m i d w e e k d i e n s , to work in Platinum Jeugdiens Saterdae P r o v i n c e s . N o 18:00. Tel. 013 235 Chancers! Fax CV to 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e 086 750 2657 Hanekom. • El BOILERMAKER : Shaddai Gemeente Article 13/ Section E v a n g e l i e v a n 28, conveyor belt Christus Netwerk. e x p e r i e n c e a n d R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , pipeline experience. Lydenburg. Woe. 19:00 Vry. 19:00 jeug. Johan 082 904 1572 Sondagskool 09:00, G E V E S T I G D E diens Sondae 10:00 1 8 : 0 0 . BESIGHEID in e n Burgersfort benodig • N e w A p o s t o l i c die vaardighede van Church. Sun. 09:00. ’ n P r o f e s s i o n e l e Wed. 19:30. Grant O n t v a n g s d a m e . Roode 082 886 2934. Vereistes: Tweetalig, • Rehobot Gemeente Rekenaar gelettered, ( A G S v a n S A ) . Pastel agtergrond. S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 Verantwoordelikhede (kinderkerk), 18:00 : Algemene kantoor (Engelse diens) Di. w e r k ( Te l e f o o n jeugsel 19:00 Woens. antwoord, Liaseer sel 19:00, jeugby werk, Bestellings, kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug O p v o l g v a n 18:30. Kerkkantoor: u i t s t a a n d e w e r k ) 013 235 4905. • Faks CV na 086 750 L e w e n d e W o o r d Lydenburg. Sondae 2657 0 9 : 3 0 . G E S O E K O M Burgersentrum. opgelei te word as Liana Esterhuysen: Finansiële Adviseur 013 235 2463.• Mooi by Old Mutual. H a w e n s Skakel Frans 083 E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 230 2830 10:00 vrouediens, G E S O E K : biduur 19:00. A F R I K A A N S E Sondagskool 08:45, onderwyseres vir diens So. 10:00 en buitelandse student. 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 083 273 5705 en past. Jaco Deysel:

Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agri.) B.VSc Spreekure: Maandag - Vrydag 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Saterdae - 09h00 - 12h00 Sondae & Publieke Vakansiedae - Slegs Noodgevalle Skakel vir afspraak asseblief. Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00

38 De Beerstr. Tel/ Faks: 013 235 3039 Na Ure: 082 897 4966

Notices & Vacancies

18 Augustus / August 2011

Twee gedugte Graad R onnies by Klopkloppie

Me. Mathilda Nel en me. Elmahrie Gouws.


IT Consultant

Diere het ’n plekkie in die son

Diereliefhebber skryf: Ek as GROOT diere liefhebber, is geweldig geskok oor die artikel waar diere afgegooi word deur die diere klinieke. Mens betaal vreeslik baie om jou hond / kat te laat begrawe of veras deur die veeartse en aanvaar in jou hartseer toestand dat hulle in goeder trou jou honde kind sal begrawe omdat jy nie kan of plek het nie. Dit is met groot skok dat ek nou moet sien dat my geliefde honde kind dalk vir 'n paar maade daar gelê het en deur ander roofdiere opgeëet is. Waar was die diereklinieke en hoekom het hulle nie die Munisipaliteit gemonitor dat die diere wel begrawe is, al was dit die Munisipaliteit se verantwoordelikheid. Hierdie situasie veroorsaak groot afbreek aan die vertroue wat ons in die diereklinieke plaas met die afsterwe van ons honde / kat kinders en ook ander diere.

Wedvlug duiwe Hier is die wedvlugduiwe uitslae van 6 Augustus vanaf Glen, oor ‘n afstand van 598km. die wenspoed was 1359,76 meter per minuut. 1. H Geldenhuys 2. G Roets 3. Frans en Danelle Hokke 4 en 5. Allo Lofts 6. Frans en Danelle Hokke 7 en 8. Allo Lofts 9 en 10. Frans en Danelle Hokke Die Jaarlikse Derby wedvlug was deel van hierdie wedvlug en die Derby uitslag was : 1. H Geldenhuys 2. G Roets 3 en 4 Allo Lofts 5. G Marais 6. P Mans 7. Allo Lofts 8. G Marais 9 en 10 Allo Lofts Die tweede been van die Veilingduiwe wedvlug se uitslae was: 1, 2 en 3. P Mans 4 en 5 Allo Lofts

Hier is 13 Augustus se wedvlugduiwe uitslae vanaf Bloemfontein oor 'n afstand van 620 km: Jaaroud duiwe: 1 en 2 Allo Lofts 3. P Mans 4. G Roets 5. H Geldenhuys 6. G Marais 7. H Geldenhuys 8 en 9 P Mans 10 C Slabbert Ope duiwe: 1. C Slabbert 2. Frans en Danelle Hokke 3 en 4 Allo Lofts 5. G Roets 6. G Marais 7. G Roets 8. H Geldenhuys 9. P Mans 10. Frans en Danelle Hokke

Notices & Vacancies

• Must have relevant qualifications and practical experience • A valid drivers license, • Fully bilingual • Professional attitude and neat appearance. Closing Date: 15 September 2011 Fax CV to: 086 536 7734 If you have not heard from us within 21 days of submitting CV, please assume that your application was unsuccessful.

Lodge Vacancies Experienced Reservations / Admin person: Previous hospitality experience an advantage General Assistant: Live-in position, energetic young applicant with previous hospitality experience to oversee staff, kitchen, rooms and deal with guests. Requirements: • Excellent computer skills • Excellent communication skills in English and Afrikaans. • Own transport • Non-smokers preferred • Salaries commensurate with experience Fax Cv’s and references to Stonecutters Lodge on 086 608 4232, for attention Lesley, or call 083 375 0132

VACANCY Sales Representative • Calling on the mining industry • Experience with Bearings & Transmissions will be an advantage.

Fax CV : 086 601 8928


ME. Mathilda Nel en me. Elmahrie Gouws is twee opgeleide onderwyseresse wat saam 52 jaar ondervinding in die opvoedkunde en onderrig van kleuters het. By Klopkloppie Kleuterskool is die personeel deeglik bewus van die feit dat kinders deur beweging leer en dat die kind se brein voorkeur verleen aan inligting wat deur beweging ingesamel word. Daarom bestaan ’n baie groot deel van hul dagprogram uit vrybeweging, vryspel en beplande bewegingsaktiwiteite. Mathilda, wat haar B. Ed Pre-Primêre graad verwerf het, maak steeds ’n studie van die nuutste inligting en gee gereeld opleidingsessies aan die personeel. ’n Kleuter / kind wat deur haar hande is, sal kan getuig van die liefde wat sy vir kinders het. Elmahrie, studeer tans onder dr. Elsie Calitz, verbonde aan die Centurion Akademie. Aanvullend tot hul daaglikse program maak hulle ook met groot sukses reeds gebruik van die nuutste Mind Moves navorsing. Op 30 Julie het sewe van die Klopkloppie Kleuterskool se personeellede ’n kursus op Middelburg bygewoon, wat aangebied was deur die SAOU. Tydens hierdie kursus is die ontwikkeling van die vestibulêre stelsel deur middel van beweging en musiek bespreek. Die verskil tussen graad R en graad een is ook duidelik uiteengesit. Mathilda en Elmahrie is ’n gedugte graad R onderrigspan wat goed opgelei is in die ontwikkeling en werking van die brein.


MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE An unincorporated joint venture between Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited and ARM Mining Consortium Limited

Safety Officer - Mining - C5 Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Safety Officer - Mining at Modikwa Platinum Mine. Reporting to the Chief Safety Officer Requirements • Grade 12 Numeracy and Literacy at NQF Level 4 • Valid Blasting Certificate for Schedules mines • Three years mining experience as Operations Supervisor • Computer literate for the role • Certificate of Fitness (Red Ticket) and First Aid Certificate. • Valid driving license (Code 8) • Sound knowledge of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 would be advantageous • Sound knowledge of SHE Systems, Risk assessment would be advantageous • Recognized S.H.E diploma, such as COMSOC, SAMTRAC or COMLOC would be advantageous • Accident Investigations (ICAM / RCAT / SCAT) would be advantageous Work Description The Safety Officer has a legal responsibility with 2.17.1 appointment in terms of the Minerals Act. The incumbent is responsible for Coordinating and conducting safety inspections, incident / accident investigations, monitoring legal compliance and implementing safety initiatives in the workplace. The Safety Officer is also responsible to provide a safety and risk advisory and reporting service to the business area to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. Technical Work Responsibilities • Safety inspections, Audits and Risk initiatives. • Implement and ensure maintenance of safety systems, standards and procedures. • Safety systems training and Safety database maintenance. • Safety Audit reports and Safety Inspection reports. • Incident investigations, inquiries and Accident / Incident reports. • Legal compliance audits, audit reports and analysis reports. • Accident control register and Safety statistics database. • Monitoring of emergency preparedness programmes. Package The package will be in accordance with the Modikwa package schedules Application Applications to be made to Applications to be made to Connie Janse van Rensburg, HR Officer (Email – cjvren01@angloplat.com / Fax Number 015 – 418 3319 or 086 760 2798) Closing Date The closing date for all applications is : 24 August 2011 Should you not hear from us within 21 days of the closing date, you should assume that your application has not been successful. Modikwa Employment Equity Policy principals will be applied in this position.


LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03


18 Augustus / August 2011

Rooikat 2de span wen Laeveld liga

DIE Rooikat 2de span onder leiding van Renier Ferreira het onoorwonne deur die Laeveld liga gegaan en Saterdag, 13 Augustus in die finaal teen Riverside die liga gewen. Dit was ’n harde 1ste helfte, met ’n rustyd telling van 7 - 0. Na harde woorde van Renier Ferriera, het die Rooikat span

met oorgawe ingeklim en die wedstryd in hul guns beklink met 24 punte teenoor 0. Uitblinkers was Renier Ferriera, Anton Edwards, Jean Van Zyl, Johan Oosthuizen en Gerhard Fullard. Die Iste span wat ook in die finaal gespeel het teen Riverside 1ste span, was egter nie so gelukkig nie en moes die onderspit delf, alhoewel die Rooikatte alle fasette in die voorspelers

oorheers het, kon hulle dit net nie afrond met drieë nie. Die eindtelling was 31 / 14 vir Riverside. Voorsitter van Rooikatte, Maurice Bezant, sê dat alhoewel die 1ste span verloor het, dit vir hom verblydend is om te sien hoe die jong talent deurkom by die klub. Volgende jaar sal die Rooikatte wel ’n faktor in die 1ste liga wees.

Entheos boosts archery! ON Saturday,13 August, Entheos Christian School boosted the Sport of Archery. A Clinic / Competition was held in association with the Hunters Association of Lydenburg and the NASP-Lydenburg, Bosbok Branch (National Archery in the Schools Program). 54 Archers from different areas in Mpumalanga, ages 8 to 17, were guided through 20 – 30 arrows each in distances 5 – 15m. You could see how children and parents turned into Archers in a matter of six hours! The results in the different age groups were: U/8 and U/9: 3rd Nico Slabber 159/200; 2nd Baron Godsil 165/200; 1st Carla Done Viljoen 168/200. U/10 and U/11 3rd WJ Kuhn 106/200, 2nd Johan Duvenhage 119/200, 1st Sharwyn Sutherland 123/200 (Entheos). U/12 and U/13: 3rd Daniella Goncalves 113/200, 2nd Jaco Wessels 114/200 (Entheos), 1st Heinrich Broxham 117/200. U/14 to U/17: 3rd Edward van Eeden 134/200, 2nd Edward Leach 137/200 (Entheos), 1st, Leon Wessels 142/200 (Entheos). Thank you NASP Bosbok branch – Kruger van Eck, Leon Visser, Freddie Jordaan and Uncle JB – you were great !!

Veels geluk aan die nuwe lede van die Hoërskool Lydenburg se Jeugraad 2012. Hoofleiers vir 2012 is Dane Prinsloo en Stephan vd Walt! (Die spertyd het ons nie toegelaat om almal se name betyds te kry nie. Ons plaas dit volgende week saam met die koshuise se leiers).

Beste redenaar in die land Christina Couvaris het aan die ATKV finaal in Worcester deelgeneem en beste onvoorbereide toespraak gewen en ’n eersteplek nasional verower. Sy is die beste redenaar in die land en die Hoërskool Lydenburg en Lydenburg-gemeenskap is trots op haar. Boonop is haar huistaal Engels.

E & OE


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