01 September 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 34

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News/Nuus 01 September 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 34 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Geen saak met Het jy hierdie onwettige lugbesoedeling

Foto bo: Andre Coetzee Foto onder: Vic Vos

ONBEHEERDE brande kom dikwels by munisipale stortingsterreine voor. By die Thaba Chweu (Lydenburg) terrein het dit lank goed gegaan, maar op Woensdag 24 Augustus was hierdie gemors besig om plaas te vind. Dit, terwyl soos Vic Vos sê, die hele dorp met lugweginfeksies rondloop. Behalwe vir die rook (partikel) besoedeling, word gifgasse deur die plastiek, harse, polimere en rubber wat hier gebrand word afgegee. Ons doen ’n beroep op die Thaba Chweu munisipaliteit om die stortingsterrein brandvry te hou, ter wille van ons almal se gesondheid. Andre Coetzee.

vis op jou grond?

Chinese Graskarp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is in die tagtigs die land ingebring om plantegroei in damme wat oorgroei was, te beheer. Die destydse bewaringsorganisasies het onder streng beheer die visse in triploïde (steriele) vorm, onder permitbeheer, aan sekere grondeienaars beskikbaar gestel, waar uitstekende resultate in damme waar vlieghengel bedryf word, behaal is. Omdat permitbeheer so streng was, was die vraag na die visse egter groter as die aanbod en het sekere mense ’n besigheidsgeleentheid gesien. Van die visse is toe onwettig ingevoer en oral aan grondeienaars verkoop. Grondeienaars het ook onderling die visse versprei. Sedertdien het die spesie, wat maklik 40 kg groot word, in riviere beland, waar hulle aanteel en gedy. Die gevolg is dat hele akwatiese sisteme nou van elke greintjie akwatiese plante gestroop word en dat die stelsels in duie stort. Hele voedselkettings word vernietig. Baie mense bevraagteken omgewingsbewaring se streng permitbeerstels. Die gevolge van onverskillige mense wat onwettig optree, veroorsaak nou ’n nasionale bewaringskrisis. Baie grondeienaars om Lydenburg het van hierdie visse op hulle grond. Hulle word aangeraai om dringend met Francois Roux of Frik Rousseau van die MTPA in aanraking te kom, om die krisis te help bestuur. Andre Coetzee

Chinese Graskarp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Die vis kom ook oral in die Lydenburg, Dullstroom en Belfast omgewing in verskeie foreldamme voor.


Nuus / News

1 September 2011

Nuwe rekenaardienste in Oppas! Jou brandblusser Lydenburg en omgewing kan gevaarlik wees ’n Nuwe rekenaardienste onderneming vir Lydenburg en die omgewing het pas die lig gesien. (Sien IT@LARGE hieronder). Jacques Du Preez is wel bekend onder rekenaarmense en werk reeds die afgelope twee maande om kliënte met hulle probleme by te staan. Jacques het lank vir ’n plaaslike onderneming gewerk en hy en JP het besluit om hulle eie besigheid te begin. Pierre Coetzee (JP) het ook destyds sowat vier jaar lank by ’n plaaslike firma in die bedryf gewerk en toe by Xstrata Lion aangesluit, waar hy vir meer as vyf jaar gewerk het as IT assistent en later administrateur. Saam bring die twee jong manne sowat 15 jaar se ervaring met rekenaars. Vir hulle is geen taak te klein of gering nie. Hulle sal jou siek of stadige rekenaar in ’n japtrap by jou huis of jou besigheid kom diens. Hulle spesialiseer ook in netwerke en kan jou besigheid se rekenaarstelsel by jou behoeftes aanpas. Gevra of hulle nie bekommerd is oor die swak ekonomie nie, is altwee dit eens dat hulle ’n unieke diens kan lewer. Hulle het die kundigheid, is bereid om na kliënte toe te ry en beide is verseker van ’n wye kliëntebasis wat hulle oor ’n lang tyd met hulle vriendelike diens opgebou het. Baie mense sit met hoogs vertroulike data op hulle rekenaars en is soms bekommerd hieroor, veral wanneer die rekenaar op ’n perseel weg van die huis of besigheid af herstel word. Die twee manne verseker absolute vertroulikheid en diskresie in die verband. Hulle kan ook help met opgraderings. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus en verskeie prominente mense maak reeds van hulle dienste gebruik en die twee manne belowe dat as u hulle eenkeer probeer het, u altyd na hulle toe terug sal kom, vanweë hulle diens en professionaliteit. Ons wens hulle alles van die beste toe. Andre Coetzee

Mieliemeel of sand in brandblussers? Waarom werk ’n nuwe brandblusser nie toe ’n brand uitbreek in’n huis op die dorp nie? ’n Vragmotor brand uit en die blusser dien geen doel nie! ’n Seun doen ernstige brandwonde op nadat ’n kannetjie brandstof op ’n boot aan die brand slaan en die poeier in die blusser nie wil uitspuit nie? ’n Maatskappy in die dorp het dié week ’n antwoord op al hierdie vrae gekry toe bevind is dat blussers met mieliemeel, koekmeel en selfs sand gevul word. ’n Persoon het blussers na die firma gebring om te diens, toe hulle op dié skokkende fonds afgekom het. By verdere navraag is bevind dat mobiele eenhede dorpe besoek, by besighede aanklop en dan sommer vanaf ’n bakkie, brandblussers diens en vul. Dis is juis by een van hierdie eenhede waar die blussers gevul was, waarvan die inhoud mieliemeel bevat het. Nie net is dit ’n skelmstreek nie, dit is baie gevaarlik en kan noodlottige gevolge hê. Dit is nie net die inhoud van dié blussers wat dit ondoeltreffend en gevaarlik maak nie, dit is ook die toerusting wat gebruik word om dit te vul. Gewoonlik gebruik hierdie mense CO2 in plaas van Nitrogen HP omdat dit goedkoper is. Die meter op die blusser sal dan aantoon dat alles wel is, dat die drukking en gewig reg is maar dat dit in werklikheid ’n gevaarlike bom is wat jy dink jou lewe gaan red. Mense word gewaarsku om seker te maak dat enige tegnikus wat hierdie diens lewer, geregistreer is by instansies wat daargestel is om te verseker dat hierdie skadelike praktyke nie mag plaasvind nie. Die Wet verplig besighede om brandblussers op hul persele te hê wat in ’n werkende toestand is, wat gereeld gediens word en wat voldoen aan die vereistes van die SABS (Suid-Afrikaanse Buro van Standaarde) en die SAQCC (South African Quality and Safety Committee for Fire Industry). Dieselfde geld vir brandblussers in voertuie en bote. Dit is derhalwe dan ook noodsaaklik dat firmas en hul werknemers wat hierdie dienste lewer geregistreer is by hierdie instansies. Indien nie, is die blussers onaanvaarbaar en sal geen vereseringsmaatskappy ’n brandskade-eis oorweeg, indien dit die geval sou wees nie. Nog ’n probleem ontstaan wanneer mense nuwe brandblussers aankoop en dan tydens ’n noodgeval uitvind dat dit nie in ’n werkende toestand is nie. Daar moet in ag geneem word dat party van hierdie blussers vir baie lank op rakke staan voordat dit verkoop word. In hierdie tydperk kan die poeier hard word. Dit is dus wys om enige brandblusser eers te laat nagaan alvorens dit geinstalleer word. Volgens wet moet alle blussers voorsien word van ’n plakker waarop die diensdatum aangering is, en nuwe blussers wat by groothandelaars aangekoop word, het nie noodwendig hierdie inligting op nie. Indien enige persoon onseker is oor die diensbaarheid van ’n blusser, het Elmanji Fire ingewillig om dit teen spesiale tariewe na te gaan. Skakel gerus vir Elmarie by 0132352810. ~ Ilse Venter.

Elmanji se personeel besig om “mielie” blussers skoon te maak

Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum

8 Julie1 2010 / 8 July2011 2010 September

Nuus / News

MTPA update THE DA has noted the announcement by the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Mr Norman Mokoena, of the resignation of the CEO and five Board Members of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA), and is cautiously optimistic about the way forward for this beleaguered body. The DA also notes the resignation of CEO, Mr Charles Ndabeni, from the Agency, as he has been at the centre of almost every controversy since his appointment. Much was said and written about his leaving the North West Tourism Authority in 2008, and he did very little to belay any accusations of maladministration and financial irregularities, since taking office at the MTPA. The DA further notes the resignation of five Board Members, but can simply not pass judgement on the merits thereof, without the reasons for such action. The DA calls on MEC Mokoena to make public the reasons for the resignations, as they may well have been tendered out of sheer frustration with the constant political interference and lack of financial resources allocated the MTPA – and may not necessarily be to the advantage of the organisation. The MTPA has now reached the cross-roads where it can either fulfil its mandate in the promotion of tourism and conservation, or degenerate into yet another state parastatal being plundered for its resources. The DA reminds MEC Mokoena that such an agency was instituted to better the life of the people of this province, and that it has a mandate to protect our natural heritage, as well as promote tourism to Mpumalanga. The DA welcomes MEC Mokoena’s efforts to increase the budget of the MTPA, and joins the MEC’s call on workers, management and communities to support the Department’s efforts to rescue the MTPA from the clutches of mismanagement and maladministration. The DA will closely monitor the situation at the MTPA, and urges MEC Mokoena to act in the public interest and be open and transparent in the appointment process of the new Board and CEO. DA Press release. (The Highlands Panorama News has consistently reported on the decline of the MTPA and its effect on the Lydenburg Fisheries, which is an integral part of the community in Lydenburg). The MTPA has still not paid its electricity account to the Thaba Chweu municipality and now threatens staff with closure of the facility. The MTPA has a legal obligation to protect the water source of the town of Lydenburg and continues to regulate this supply through the Fisheries. Andre Coetzee.


Disposal site for animal carcasses sorted THE Highlands Panorama News front page article of 11 August, reported the fact that the facilities for disposing of meat, meat products and animal carcasses, was not properly managed. This is a municipal waste management function. As there are no facilities to incinerate such products in Lydenburg, this disposal site is used by everyone needing to properly dispose of animal matter. It is in fact the only legal way to deal with the issue. This places a very important obligation on the municipality, as access should be controlled, as the site could pose a health risk. It was alleged that destitute people were harvesting meat from the site. Veterinary Practices have an ongoing concern about the state of the facility, as they need to dispose of deceased pets in a proper manner. We are now happy to report that following our article, the municipality immediately covered the old site and dug a proper new trench for this purpose. We would like to thank the municipality for their quick action and trust that they bear in mind that the animal matter should be covered with quicklime regularly and that the site be managed intensively. Andre Coetzee



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Rubrieke / Columns

1 September 2011

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

Goeie diens Andre Pretorius skryf: Ek wil beaam wat Andre Coetzee gesê het in 25 Augustus uitgawe van die Highlands Panorama Nuus. Ons, en ek in besonder, kla maklik oor swak diens, wat in die geheel gesien wel ’n probleem is in Lydenburg, en ek dink landwyd. Maar ek wil tog ’n paar besighede uitsonder wat vir my uitstekende diens gelewer het in die onlangse verlede en sommige op ’n gereelde basis. Ek dink dis net reg om hulle die krediet te gee wat hulle toekom, sommige is bereid om kosteloos die ekstra myl te loop. FALCON – Ek het ’n probleem gehad met my bakkie se “anti hijack” sisteem. Raymond het onderneem om my bakkie by my huis te kom haal en daarna te kyk. By my huis gekom het hy sommer dadelik op die fout ingezoem, (duidelik ken hy sy vak), hy het my NIKS gevra nie, nie vir die uitkom nie, en ook nie vir die herstel nie. – Dankie Raymond. BVK en SANTAM - As my versekeringsmakelaar en versekeraar, is hulle op hulle tone, hulle herevalueer jaarliks my besittings en pas my premie aan soos dit hoort, sonder fieterjasie. Ek het by 3 geleenthede ’n eis ingedien vir herstelwerk aan my voertuie, twee keer vir



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of

Verhuurders moet Inauguration of the Mayor huurders respekteer


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

windskerms, en een keer vir ’n botsing met ’n bok. My eise is elke keer so te sê onmiddelik afgehandel. Hulle het met die invul van die eisvorms al vir Gawie Mare gebel en gereel, my voeruig is onmiddelik ingeneem en 4 dae later toe ry ek weer. Dankie vir julle paraatheid. GAWIE MARE PANEELKLOPPERS – My voertuig is sonder ophonthoud kom haal in ingeneem vir herstelwerk soos bo beskryf. Die ontvangsdame het my gereeld op hoogte gehou van die vordering en was te alle tye uiters professioneel. Die vakmanne het my voeruig herstel en terug gegee in 4 dae. Daar was geen manier waarop enige iemand kon sien die voertuig was in botsing nie. Seker die beste diens en kwaliteit wat ek in ’n lang tyd gesien het. Doen so voort Gawie. PIONIER SLAGHUIS – Ek het nog elke keer wat ek vleis by Eileen bestel het en haar my vereistes vir sekere snitte gegee het, vleis van puik gehalte en presies soos wat ek dit wou hê, gekry. En ek koop gereeld op groterige maat. Dankie Eileen. JASMYN APTEEK – Ek gebruik Jasmyn apteek al vir baie jare as my voorkeur apteek. Paula ken my behoeftes al so goed, selfs my kinders, ek sê net vir haar wat is die simptome en sy het raad in terme van medikasie, en dit werk altyd. Dankie Paula.

Frik Rousseau, leader Freedom Front + writes: I would like to respond to Andre Coetzee's article in the Highlands Panorama News about the inauguration of the Mayor of Thaba Chweu Municipality. I have been very privileged to attend various inaugurations of Mayors and Ministers in the past but his one was one of the best that I have attended. The Mayor has shown his humanity in many ways especially with the fire disaster at Lellie Vlei and those that have occurred in Mashishing. On Wednesday 24 August I attended a meeting with the Mayor. During this meeting I received a phone call bearing bad news. The Mayor immediately picked this up and asked if I was okay. I would like to end with the following quote: “God will not ask thy race nor thy birth alone, he will ask of thee what hast thou done with the land that I gave thee.”

Romeine 9:25

Soos Hy ook in Hoséa sê: Ek sal die wat nie my volk is nie, my volk noem, en haar wat nie bemin is nie, beminde; Dankie ons Hemelse Vader, dat U almal wat na U toe kom, aanvaar ~ Amen


Wat se tyd? HET dié jaar nie ’n bietjie biltong gemaak nie. Nie tyd gehad nie. Vleis te duur. Die jaggewere is geolie. Die lidmaatskap en lisensies betaal. Nie tyd gehad nie. Jagpakette te duur. Moes maar die ou droë vleisies koop. Nog duurder. Die bossleepwa was tweekeer bos toe. Dankbaar. Maar dit moet minstens elke maand bos toe! Nie tyd nie. Kan nie die personeel laat werk terwyl ek lekker rondlê nie. Brandstof te duur. Het net 3 000 kilometer op die motorfiets gedoen. Nie tyd nie. Te koud. Te oud. Gaan die Kaap toer probeer as ons die lewe hou. Wou meer tyd by my vriende en my kliënte deurbring. Nie tyd nie. Te veel ouens om te sien.

I am writing to express our sincere appreciation to all our loyal clients for their continued support. We also would like to thank those for referring us to other clients. We appreciate your confidence in our abilities. Our clients are largely responsible for our success. The growth we’ve experienced over the years is because of customers like you, who faithfully support our business. We appreciate your trust, and we’ll do our best to continue to give you the kind of service you deserve. To say thank you in a more concrete way, we will be having promotions on the 2nd and 3rd of September. Be sure not to miss out! Watch the press for details. - Lydenburg Cellular (The Heads Centre), Poppy & Henrietta. (013) 235 1636

Wou meer met die koerant doen. Dink planne uit maar voer dit nie uit nie. Nie tyd nie. Ekonomie sleg. Wou meer tyd by ma en die kinders deurbring. Nie tyd nie. Baie besig. Wou meer tyd by Rusoord deurbring. Nie tyd nie. Wou meer betrokke wees by die hoërskool se 90 jaar viering se beplanning. Te besig. Wou meer voertuie toestbestuur. Nie tyd nie. Wou by die fotografieklub aansluit en meer by die ouens leer. Nie tyd nie. Verstaan nie eers wat my kamera alles kan doen nie. Te stupid. Nie tyd om alles op te swot nie. Wou ’n paar keer in Nelspruit gaan fliek. Sien op teen die vragmotorverkeer oor die berg en die ander slegte paaie. Gelukkig te besig. Het min gaan uiteet die jaar. Nie geld nie. Het ’n fortuin aan bybehore vir die motorfiets spandeer, want die

Ontnugterde huurder skryf: Soos die goud stormloop in Barberton het die opskiet van myne Lydenburg getref, al wat leef en beef het hulle motorhuise in woonstelle omskep, party op die goedkoopste manier denkbaar, en net gedink aan al die "ponde" wat hulle nou gaan maak. Dit is oor die mense wat ek ‘n probleem het, wat krotte verhuur, dan roem hulle jy het jou eie ingang, maar die hele ingang lê vol honde bolle, jy moet 'n riel doen om nie op die landmyne te trap nie, kla jy daar oor word vir jou gesê hulle sal vir jou 'n asblik daar sit, moet jy dan wat daar huur "ten duurste", hulle troeteldiere se bolle optel? Dit was al woonstel op die tydstip toe ek in Lydenburg gekom het wat beskikbaar was, toe ek eers in is toe sien ek my deur is amper regoor hulle deur, ek het geen privaatheid nie ek bly agter slot en grendel. As jy uit jou motor klim is daar 'n kind wat wil weet wat het jy in jou hand ens, as jy sê dit is jou goed dan word gesê jy is 'n slang, maar hulle is die slange. Hulle kom in jou woonstel, steel hulle eie goed wat hulle vir jou geleen het, jou privaatheid word geskend, en jy wonder hoe word daar gekrap en gesnuffel in jou plek as jy nie daar is nie. ’n Vriendelike beroep op sekere huurders - jy was bereid om my geld te neem so hou jou neus en sleutel uit jou huurder se plek, en as jy die deposito moet terug betaal, moenie sê alles was nuut nie jy het die goedkoopste materiaal vir die bou van die woonstel gekoop en net gedink hoeveel geld gaan jy maak, wat van " wear and tear " alles kan nie altyd nuut bly nie. Dankie tog vir die ander verhuurders wat hulle huurders se privaatheid respekteer, ek het nou so 'n plek gekry en bly baie lekker. Ek weet ons almal wil ekstra geld verdien maar doen dit op 'n eerlike wyse, dat mense sal toustaan om by jou 'n plek te huur.

sleepwa is mos klaar. Sal help as ek meer met die ding ry. Nie tyd nie. Moet alweer die Corsa diens. Met al die ou motors op die werf wat breek, te besig. Nie tyd nie. Het heelwat gelees. Onder die komberse, gepantser teen die koue. Het nie ander tyd nie. Is dit net ek, of het julle ook die probleem met te min tyd? Kan nie tyd koop nie, al het jy die geld. Het destyds kursusse geloop en boeke gekoop en bestudeer om tyd beter te bestuur. Was ’n swak belegging, want daar is nie meer tyd nie. Dis vas. Dit verander nie. Dit “transform” nie. BEE help nie. “Affirmative action” help nie. Daar is nie eers ’n korrupte tender uit vir meer tyd nie. Dit voel vere vir rassiste. Skryf nou maar telegramstyl. Te min tyd. Moet nou bietjie rus.

Nuus / News

TCM should seriously consider privatising waste disposal THE majority of municipalities in Mpumalanga are unable to effectively manage waste and refuse removal services. In reply to a written question posed to the MEC of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, Mr Madala Masuku, it is revealed that: · Of the 47 landfill sites in the province, only 20 are permitted (licensed) to operate. This includes the four new sites in Mbombela, eMalahleni, Nkomazi and Msukaligwa. · Four sites are outsourced and are classified as having ‘good’ legal compliance, while a further two under municipal control are said to have ‘good’ legal compliance’. · A total of 18 are said to have ‘minimal’ compliance, 10 moderate compliance, and nine that meet no extent of legal compliance. While all municipalities should have the basic ability to manage waste and refuse removal, the above statistics indicate an obligation on municipalities to seriously consider outsourcing their waste management functions. According to MEC Masuku, the norm for refuse collection is on a weekly basis as a basic level of service, but that all waste management plans will have to be analysed before any specifics could be given. MEC Masuku also admitted that not all municipalities have the necessary resources for effective refuse collection. The DA is not surprised by MEC Masuku’s responses, as urban and rural residents throughout the province have had to deal with piles of uncollected refuse on their roadsides on a consistent basis. DA councillors regularly have to deal with calls from disgruntled citizens, only to be told by municipal officials that there is a lack of refuse collection vehicles. While failure to collect refuse on a consistent basis is problematic, poor or non-existent landfill site management hold extensive environmental and health consequences for residents, especially the poor, who often live in areas surrounding these landfill sites. The impact of unmanaged sites on surrounding agricultural land also hold serious health risks for the public at large. It is essential that all landfill sites are compliant to all legislation. As such the DA calls for refuse removal and waste management to be outsourced to reputable companies that specialise in such services. Considering the high levels of specialisation such a service requires, the DA calls on all stakeholders to ensure that the procurement procedure is transparent, and that companies invited to tender have an established track record in waste collection and management. While it is a pity that municipalities have lost the capacity to manage refuse removal and

1 September 2011


waste management, the DA believes that the above information is motive enough to have these services taken out of the hands of municipalities. Willie Venter - DA Media release. The Highlands Panorama News believes this is a possible solution for Lydenburg / Mashishing as well, and should at least be considered. Current staff employed for this function can possibly be redeployed to other departments experiencing staff shortages, the old vehicle fleet can be sold to generate income and the service then privatised, as it seems that private operators are already assisting the municipality in this regard. In this way the current waste issue could be turned into a positive. Andre Coetzee

The municipal strike is still continuing and Lydenburg is overwhelmed by rubbish. Photo’s above: This is how the Council Chamber looked after vandals trashed it. Photo’s below: The streets are still littered with rubbish.


Dagboek / Diary

1 September 2011

Longtom Nissan se laaaang wasgoedlyn vir liefdadigheid - 3 September LONGTOM Nissan se langste wasgoedlyn! Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg met mnr. Fred Zeeman aan die stuur, het met ’n uitstekende inisiatief vorendag gekom vir hul Nasionale Nissan Dag, wat fondsinsameling (klerasie) vir die behoeftiges in ons kontrei betref. “Ons het met die hulp van Mnr John Roos (Verkeershoof) en sy span gereel dat ons op 3 September 2011 ’n 1km lange wasgoedlyn in die middelman van Viljoenstraat gaan span (deurhoogte van voertuie) sodat jy in daardie laan gaan ry en kan stop en jou “wasgoed” ophang. Ons gaan die wasgoedlyn dan vanaf die stopstraat by Longtom Nissan tot by die robot van die Versekeringsforum span. Die “wasgoed” behels dan enige ou klere, linne, komberse, handdoeke, gordyne – in kort: die gewone wat jy op ’n wasgoedlyn hang maar nie meer tuis gebruik daarvoor het nie.”Al die besighede, skole en myne word genooi om deel te hê in die pretdag waar hulle dan hul besigheid kan bemark en hul deel van die wasgoedlyn beman. Vir enige navrae kontak Dicky ALGEMEEN / GENERAL: Roux by Longtom Nissan te 013 235 2381.

• 24 September - Vlooimark te Trout Inn. Bel Anja op 083 975 2450 indien jy ’n stalletjie wil bespreek. • 90ste Verjaardagfees van die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Op 9, 10 en 11 September. Skakel 013 235 2111 vir navrae of Highlands Panorama Nuus 013 235 2287.

Bo: Deel van die pad wat gaan in ’n wasgoedlyn opgeskep gaan word.

90ste Verjaardagfees van die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Op 9, 10 en 11 September. Skakel 013 235 2111 vir navrae of Highlands Panorama Nuus 013 235 2287.

GEREELDE AFSPRAKE / FIXED DATES: • Kanabas VLU-tak. Tweede Woensdag van die maand. 09:30. NG-kerksaal, Lydenburg Suid. Ina Pieterse: 013 235 2530. • Lydenburg VLU-tak. Tweede Donderdag van elke maand om 14:00. Elona Potgieter: 083 764 9340.. • Strelitzia VLU-tak. Tweede Maandag van elke maand om 18:00. Elize Boshoff: 013 235 3491. • Lodge The Pilgrim 738 Freemasons Meeting - First Friday of every month. R.W.M. 083 977 4757 - Secretary 083 626 6305. • Art in the Park. 4th Saturday of every month. Cnr. Voortrekker and Beetge Streets, Eugene Hurter: 082 954 5603. • Lydenburg Bloedbank, skenkers nodig 013 235 3612 • Guardian Angels Lydenburg - vrywilligers nodig. Skakel 082 452 0940. • Karate. Lydenburg Burgersentrum Ma. 17:00-18:00 jnr’s, Wo. 16:00-19:00 jnr’s en snr’s. Steelpoort Winterveldklub Di. en Do. 17:30-18:30. Nicci: 072 141 6502. • Lydenburg Rolbalklub. Woensdae en Saterdae om 14:00. Miems Naudé (presidente): 082 677 1511

Junior Jagters kamp: “Oefening Ramkat 2011” THIS year's SAHGCA (SA Hunting Game Conservation Association) camp will take place from 30 September to 2 October 2011. Promising a fun filled weekend with loads of adventure at a Bush Camp near Burgersfort. Die kamp is gerig op jong mense tussen die ouderdomme van 10-18 jaar. Die naweek sal gerig wees op die Juniors se skietvernuf en oorlewingstegnieke. The camp

concentrates on all the facets of ethical hunting. This includes practical shooting, theory exam and a first aid competition. New shooting exercises have been included to make it more fun and competitive for the Junior Hunters. The fee per child is R250 for the weekend. For more details please contact Ramon at 083 600 6114 after 18:00.

Vyf-dag-naweek voorspelling

Wind: 20 km/u; Wolke: Ged; Reën: 30% vir 1mm.

Donderdag 1 Sept: Min temp: 7; Maks temp: 25; Wind: 10 km/u; Wolke: Geen, Reen: Geen.

Sondag 4 Sept: Min temp: 5; Maks temp: 22; Wind: 15 km/u; Wolke: Geen; Reën: Geen.

Vrydag 2 Sept: Min temp: 6; Maks temp: 28; Wind: 15 km/u; Wolke: Geen; Reën: Geen. Saterdag 3 Sept: Min temp: 7; Maks temp: 19;

Maandag 5 Sept: Geen data. Min temp: 5; Maks temp: 26; Wind: 10 km/u; Wolke: Ged; Reën: 30% vir 1mm.

Plan your dates and events and we will ad vertise it free of charg community diary. The diary of the Highlands e Panorama News has alw in our comprehensive datab ays been a ase for everything th at happens in this a highlandspanorama@y rea. ahoo.com, or michelleb oshoff@yahoo.com, fax Email info to 013 235 3076 or the event write it down on a piece offices. Remember the of paper and hand it i n at our golden rule of where , when, what and wh Include all the relevant o applies. information and a conta ct person. ~ Thank you Michelle Boshoff, editor. Beplan jul datums en funksies. Ons sal dit gratis in die gemeens adverteer. Die dagboe kapsdagboek k van die Highlands Panorama Nuus was volledige databasis van nog altyd ’n alles wat in die gemeen skap gebeur. Epos of faks die fun ksies se inligting na highlandspanorama @y michelleboshoff@yah ahoo.com, oo.com of faks na 013 235 3076. Dit kan ook papier geskryf word en op ’n stukkie by ons kantore ingeha ndig word. Onthou die van toepassing... wie, goue reël is wat, waar en wanneer . Verskaf asseblief al inligting en ’n kontakp die relevante ersoon. ~ Baie dankie Mi chelle Boshoff, redakte ur.

Nuus / News

1 September 2011

Our environment Ons omgewing National Arbor Week (Iviki Lezihlahla) 1-7 September 2011 NATIONAL Arbor Week (Iviki Lezihlahla) is celebrated from 1-7 September annually. Throughout this week, schools, businesses and organisations are encouraged to participate in community "greening" events to improve the health and beauty of the local environment and propose a green future for South Africa. The theme for Arbor Week 2011 has been selected to be "Forest for people" As in the rest of South Africa, Mpumalanga, forests occur in small scattered patches mostly in river valleys in the escarpment region. They require high rainfall (over 725mm/yr) boosted through the dry season by groundwater from associated streams and added precipitation in the form of mist. Their rich biodiversity is dependent on the connectedness of patches, achieved through riverine linkages and access by specialised forest fauna such as birds and monkeys. Every South African Arbor Week celebration highlights at least two specific trees; common and rare species. For 2011, the common tree is the Jacket Plum and the rare/uncommon ones are the Bride's Bush and the Common Wild Elder To reduce carbon dioxide build-up and its effects on global warming, we can either

reduce carbon dioxide emissions (mainly burn less fossil fuels), or we can re-absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Tree planting enters the picture here because all plants make food (sugar and starch) out of carbon dioxide from the air. Although the planting of indigenous plants is encouraged, the planting of trees only, is not the single answer to the global warming problem. We cannot rely on nature exclusively to clean up our carbon dioxide emissions. Anthropogenic (caused by humans) climate change needs humans to solve it! ~ Hein Geldenhuys, Lydenburg Environmental Centre


Oud skolier stel nuwe boek bekend YOLANDA Botha is ’n gebore en getoë Lydenburger, wat so pas haar eerste boek deur Reach Publiseerders die lig laat sien het. Yolanda was ’n Hoërskool Lydenburger tot einde 1997. Finding Faith beslaan 123 gedigte en 123 foto's wat Yolanda twee jaar geneem het om hierdie unieke boek te voltooi, want skryf en fotografie doen sy tans net deeltyds. Die boek handel oor die tog om jou geloof vir jouself te vind. Yolanda se: “Wie ek is, is net genade. Wat ek het is net geleen ….” Wyse woorde vir so ’n jong dame! Finding Faith kan by PNA The Heads, Hoërskool Lydenburg Bo: Yolanda Botha of by Wizards Corner bekom word. “Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting” Aldous Huxley


Nuus / News

1 September 2011

Visit Kenchington’s Decor and Furniture to get that ideal Spring look in your home, new stock to fit every lifestyle!

Die Doppermark het die afgelope naweek plaasgevind by die NG Moedergemeente se saal en wat 'n fees! Die heerlikste gebak het jou sommer met die intrapslag al honger laat word. Daar was mooi handewerk en vir die kinders 'n springkasteel sowel as fietsry.


• Oggend & Middag Etes • Koeke & Terte • Koffee, Tee, Melkskommels & Ander • Oudhede • Toeka Fotos ...en nog baie meer.

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1 September 2011

Promosie / Promotion

Imbali Tuinsentrum gee raad oor wat om September in jou tuin te doen; Plant madeliefies, meerjarige koringblom en papierblom die somer want die plante is nie net waterslim nie maar lok ook skoenlappers. Saai heuningblommetjies, kosmosse, kappertjies,weeskindertjies, Afrikaners en jakobregop. Saailinge is ook by Imbali tuinsentrum beskikbaar onder andere petunias en gesiggies. Onthou dat 1 – 7 September Nasionale Boomplantweek is en die

gunsteling bome is hierdie jaar die Doppruim (immergroen en lok voels), Bruidsbos (midsomer fyn blomme en soet geur) sowel as die Wildevlier (immergroen en blom in die winter). Ander bome wat ook oorweeg geword kan word om te plant is die Karee, Witstinkhout of die voelvriendelike Akasia. Skakel Imbali Tuinsentrum gerus vir meer inligting by 013 235 4062



1 September 2011

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

RFS Bike Econorun besoek Lydenburg Die RFS Bike Econorun deur TRAC (Transafrican Concessions) het die afgelope naweek deur Lydenburg getoer. Tye en petrolverbruik is by McGee & Kie se vulstasie en by hul motorhawe vasgestel. Die dames het ook nie op hul laat wag nie en het ook hul staal gewys. Reinet Bell.


Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305


1 September 2011


steering is also rather vague and too light to offer the desired amount of feedback. Suzuki to compete in difficult That said, it compares well with its competitors in this segment. It is a sedan, after all. Standard safety and driver aid features include six airbags, ABS with EBD, ESP and a hill-hold function. C-segment of the market Suzuki has done well with its first effort in the mid-sized passenger market. The SINCE Suzuki first entered the South African market, it has managed to establish itself as a serious contender in the compact segments; models such as the Alto, SX4 and Swift have not only established solid reputations for quality and performance, but have also become volume-sellers. In a few short years, the brand has managed to find a solid footing, which is why it feels that it’s time to spread its wings and enter the hotly-contested C-segment with the Kizashi mid-sized sedan. With a new car comes new opportunities, like speaking to different potential buyers (in this case, executives and families who require space), but also new challenges. The Kizashi is Suzuki’s first foray into the mid-size passenger market and, while first impressions after a short drive with the newcomer in Gauteng remain positive, it does face stiff competition from the likes of the Honda Accord, Mazda6, Toyota Corolla, Audi A4, Volvo S40, to mention a few. These are heavyweights in the industry and something that Suzuki is acutely aware of. A quick walk-around reveals a non-offensive design, with a couple of attractive and sporty details, such as the shapely headlamps, body lines, boot lid, 18-inch alloys and chrometipped exhaust outlets. The front is somewhat reminiscent of a previous-generation Volkswagen Jetta and on the road the rear has flashes of a BMW 5 Series and 1 Series, but, overall, the look of the car remains distinctive and should prove popular. The interior is similarly impressive with comfortable leather seats up front (with electric adjustment for both), good room in the back and a big boot (461 dm³). The facia is neat and tidy, with a logical layout to the controls for the standard radio/CD audio system with USB connectivity and dual-zone climate control. Other standard features include an antidazzle rear-view mirror, controls for the audio and cruise control on the steering wheel and park distance control. The range currently only has a single engine, a 2,4-litre naturally aspirated petrol engine similar to the unit used in the Grand Vitara, but with 131 kW at 6 500 r/min and 230 N.m of torque at 4 000 r/min on tap (compared with the 122 kW/225 N.m of the Vitara). The manual Kizashi comes with a six-speed transmission, while the Vitara has a fivespeed unit. The resultant shorter ratios and increased performance gives the Kizashi a freer and more willing power delivery compared with the Vitara and, even at altitude, the car managed to reach higher speeds with relative ease (but sometimes requiring third to be hooked). A turbocharged engine is available in oversees markets, but Suzuki didn't say if this model could be added to the local line-up. Also available is a CVT automatic transmission with the option of shifting with the gear lever or paddles behind the steering wheel. I have never been a fan of CVTs, finding them too noisy, but didn’t find the unit too intrusive here. Hard acceleration still sent the revs close to the red line (Suzuki has limited the maximum engine speed to 6 000 r/min on the CVT) and a fair amount of engine noise did penetrate the cabin. That said, the CVT offers a smooth driving experience and aids fuel consumption.

Kizashi is well-specced, roomy, attractive and offers good performance. But, it faces very stiff competition from established rivals and, while it may be deserving, it remains to be seen if it will challenge the Germans (and its Japanese foes) in the monthly sales war. Pricing: Kizashi 2,4 SLX R295 900 Kizashi 2,4 SLX CVT R310 900 All prices include a three-year/100 000 km warranty and six-year/90 000 km service plan. carmag.co.za The C-segment includes larger family saloons such as Toyota’s very successful but expensive Corolla and even cars that could be classified Dsegment (larger) such as Honda’s Accord and the Hyundai Sonata. There is also a new Kia on its way. Into this comes the new Suzuki Kizashi. We know that Suzuki builds excellent cars and if this model pans out, this motoring segment is going to become even more difficult for carmakers. Buyers however, will be spoilt for choice. Andre Coetzee.

The car’s ride quality offers a good compromise between a plush ride and sporty handling, although it does exhibit a fair amount of body roll through corners. The

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1 September 2011

Hyundai Sonata getoets DIE Highlands Panorama Nuus het verlede week die nuwe Hyundai Sonata getoetsbestuur. Soos die Elantra, is die nuwe Sonata heeltemaal nuut en ligjare beter as die “ou” Sonata. Nie dat daar fout was met die vorige Sonata nie. Dit was innoverend en baie luuks, maar die nuwe een is in ’n ander klas. Prysgewys is die Sonata duur, maar kyk na die mededingers. VW Passat, Honda Accord en BMW 3 en jy verstaan dat die prys in werklikheid baie goed is. Die nuwe Sonata is ’n groot motor. Ruim, met spanne beenruimte voor en agter. Die koepee bakvorm en lae profiel laat die motor meer vaartbelyn lyk, as sy mededingers. Tydens die toets was almal se reaksie dat dit ’n pragmotor is. Baie mooi is hy gewis. Die Sonata kom met lugsakke rondom, leer, sesspoed outomatiese ratkas met tikfunsie en ratspane by die stuurwiel, ABS, EBD, BAS, ASD, TCS en Hill start assist. Daar is kragruite, drukknop sleutellose aanskakel, sentrale sluit, ESP, HID Xenon ligte, reënsensor ruitveërs, panoramiese sondak voor en agter (voor kan oopmaak), lugversorging (klimaatbeheer op Exec), Radio / CD / MP3 met AUX en iPod, krag verstelbare stuur, outomatiese spieël (elektries buite), ritrekenaar, togbeheer, multikompartement sluitbare paneelkissie, bekerhouers, parkeersensors en plek vir jou petrolkaart in die sonskerms. Die bestuurdersitplek is agt-rigting verstelbaar met twee geheue funksies. Die Theta II 2.4 dubbelnok 16-klep enjin is presies waarvan ek gepraat het, toe ek tevore van groot viersilinders geskryf het. Dit is ’n kragtige juweel wat 131kW en 228Nm wringkrag maak en jy kan dit voel. Brandstofverbruik behoort redelik te wees vir hierdie grote voertuig. Nadat ek al die Sonata se luukshede beproef en die motor deurgekyk het, is ek op die pad uit. Die 2.4 maak lekker krag. Met die outokas tel dit goed spoed op en versnel selfs teen die bulte uit. Ritgerief is besonder goed. Die Sonata is doodstil en die rit sag, sonder om hantering prys te gee. Jy kan hom maar deur ’n draai roer en hoe meer jy aanstoot hoe lekkerder! Hoe beskryf jy die nuwe Hyundai Sonata? Dit is nie ’n windgat straatbakleier se motor nie. Dit is ’n meer besadigde, miskien meer volwasse ou se motor. Weens sy besondere mooi bakvorm sal hy baie aandag trek. Dit is ’n alternatief vir die ander. Om die waarheid te sê, die persoon wat ’n Honda Accord of nuwe VW Passat sal koop, sal ook na die Sonata kyk. Wat voorkoms, luukses en ritgehalte betref, is hy net so goed soos die kompetisie. Vir my wen hy as die mooiste motor in sy klas. Ek sal hom enige dag met trots in my eie motorhuis trek. Soos die Engelse sê: “Classy” inderdaad. Andre Coetzee.

Uit enige hoek is die nuwe Sonata ’n pragmotor, en hy ry baie lekker!



1 September 2011


Speed n Sound dag op Lydenburg Lydenburgers by die “Drive Inn” THE Heads Service Centre laat die koppe draai. The Heads Service Centre het die afgelope naweek 'n Shine & Show Dyno Challenge & Sound Off gehou. IASCA en SA Speed & Sound was teenwoordig. Die jongklomp het omtrent vir prêt gesorg. Jou voertuig kon gewas word deur dames (in bikini's) of deur kaal bolyf manne! Die sports het gekom met die klank kompetisie!! The Heads Service Centre wil net graag die volgende borge bedank: Tyre Boys, R & P Paneelkloppers, Longtom Towing, Bokkie se Vleismark, The Heads Centre (Krag) en Legends vir die partytjie daarna. Hou die Oktoberuitgawe van Speed & Sound dop, want Lydenburg verskyn in daardie uitgawe. IASCA IdBl Results Rookie Street 2 1. 132.6 Steve Coetzee 2. 130.1 Frederick Baynes 3. 125.8 Joey Du Plessis 4. 123.8 Juan - Pierre Van Niekerk Rookie International 1 1. 133.0 Conrad Scheepers Rookie International 2 1. 141.9 Jaco Truscott 2. 135.8 Coenraad Meyer / Freddy Roos 3. 135.7 Morne De Jonker 4. 133.2 Christine Van Den Berg 5. 131.5 Paul Swart 6. 127.9 Eugene Truter Rookie International 3 1. 139.6 Romano Schoeman 2. 139.0 Jan De Langa Stock 1 1. 135.6 Rickus Vd Berg 2. 135.0 Francois Joubert 3. 131.3 Bj Ferreira Stock 2 1. 140.5 Noorshaad Mia 2. 139.4 Eugene Cilliers 3. 136.6 Barend Van Greunen Stock 3 1. 138.5 Tienie Du Preez 2. 135.6 Bennie Jacobs 3. 135.5 Rachel Swart Adv Nw 1 1. 129.6 Joey Du Plessis OVERALL 1. 141.9 Jaco Truscott 2. 140.5 Noorshaad Mia 3. 139.6 Romano Schoeman IASCA Dyno Day Results Class A 1300/1400 n/a 1. Jacques Coetzee 124.0kW 148Nm 2. Dezlin Blignaut 65.6kW 108Nm Class B 1500/1600 n/a 1. Ricky Venter 69.5kW 118Nm 2. Desmond Clayton 66.0kW 125Nm 3. Mias Pretorius 53.3kW 117Nm Class C 1800/8V 1. Ryno Steyn 67.9kW 136Nm 2. Jacques Riekert 67.3kW 103Nm 3. Peet Riekert 65.6kW 185Nm Class D 1800/16V 1. Adriaan 96.5kW 161Nm Class F Turbo 1. Bennie Jacobs 223.5kW 530Nm 2. Noorshaad Mia 188.0kW 454Nm 3. Jaco Bezuidenhout 182.0kW 370Nm Class G Turbo / Nit 1. Tienie Du Preez 140.6kW 251Nm Class H 6 Cylinder 1. Pieter Kitchen 239.8kW 377Nm 2. Arbee 186.2kW 287Nm 3. Theo Bezuidenhout 158.0kW 300Nm Class I 8 Cylinder 1. Bossie Boshoff 144.7kW 158Nm IASCA Show & Shine Results 1. Theo Bezuidenhout 2 Ryno Steyn 3. Jacque Riekert Reinet Bell

DIE afgelope naweek het Mnr Garth McGee en Ford SA die inry teater weer laat herleef. Nie eens die koue wind kon die mense keer nie en praat van gees onder die Ford eienaars!! Daar was 'n ou Ford wat deur die jongklomp daar aangebring is, 'n Ford trekker met 'n sleepwa vol mense en Mnr Peter Goldsmith het sy braaier ingespan. Die McGee werknemers het hul hande vol gehad om voor te bly met die springmielies en dit aangedra na al die motors toe. Pryse is uitgegee vir die oorspronklikste opkoms sowel as die oudste Ford modelle daar. Voor die vertonings (Unstoppable en The Green Hornet) was dit omtrent 'n gekuier en blye weersiens onder die Ford eienaars. Een ding is verseker – Ford eienaars is vriendelike mense en hulle weet hoe om te kuier! Dankie Mc Gees! Doen dit weer! Reinet Bell

Longtom Nissan gee om LONGTOM Nissan het Maandag liniale gaan uitdeel aan leerders by die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Dit wys net dat Longtom Nissan nie net na jou voertuie omsien nie maar ook aan die leerlinge dink! Welgedaan Longtom Nissan. Reinet Bell


1 September 2011

We test the GWM single cab Steed 5 A few weeks ago, we tested the new 2.5 diesel Steed 5 Double Cab from GWM and we reported favourably on the vehicle. This week the new single cab workhorse came into our hands and we tested the 2.4 MPI petrol version, selling at R 149 900. Well, if this is a workhorse, it has a split personality, because it comes with very comfortable seats, aircon, dual 12V power sockets, electric windows (one touch down) and electric mirrors. There is ABS, two airbags, power steering, remote locking, radio / CD, dual centre console, satellite controls on the steering, a 3-year 100 000km warranty and 2-year / 24 hour road assist plan. The vehicle has good ground clearance and a proper “High Rider” look. Turning circle is good, but self centering when turning quickly around a street corner or U turn is a bit slow, due to the workhorse gearing on the rack and pinion. Typical bakkie. The suspension is also typical bakkie, with a “no compromise” hard spring rate. With a trailer hitched or a light load on the back, the ride should be firm but nice. As mentioned the seats are very comfortable. The gem in the Steed 5 is the 2.4 litre 16-valve petrol engine. This one is a true Mitsubishi. The have’nt even replaced the cam cover and all the castings are genuine Mitsubishi. Now we all know that from aircraft engines to truck engines and the legendary Lancer engine, Mitsubishi’s are indestructable. Outputs are conservatively rated at 100 kW and 200 Nm respectively, but remember this is a petrol. You can keep the revs up. After 40-years of motoring I fail to see the advantage of diesel. Economy? No, diesels are much more expensive to maintain, service and repair and it has been proven that the fuel economy takes over 150 000 km to just balance the price penalty. I like this petrol engine. A liitle lazy, like most big bore four cylinder petrol engines, it offers immense tuning potential to turn it into a real road burner. The Steed 5 single cab should be a very good workhorse. The engine bay layout is uncomplicated with all serviceable items within easy reach. It is a no-nonsense setup with the most complicated part probably the fuel injection system. Because of all the mod cons inside the cab, the aircon, power windows and such, this would also be a very good investment for a 2-person family in terms of leisure. It should tow well and it offers a ruggedness that should keep. At speed on the road, nothing is outstanding, but then again nothing irritates either. The gears shift well, the brakes work and it is stable and comfortable, if a bit stiffly sprung. The hard plastics on the dash will scratch easily so a bit of care is called for. The single cab Steed 5 does not pretend to be something it isn’t. It is a good, sturdy, uncomplicated, value for money vehicle. I recommend it! Andre Coetzee.


Properties / Eiendomme


1 September 2011

News/ Nuus

So ’n winskoop kom nie elke dag op die mark nie! Hierdie drie slaapkamer woning is geleë in ’n stil, populêre omgewing en het ’n lekker groot kombuis van soliede hout. Dit beskik ook oor ’n twee slaapkamer woonstel met sy eie sitkamer ens. ’n Lekker erf met gevestigde bome en omliggende wonings. Groot dubbele afdak, alarmstelsel en gevestigde tuin. Hierdie ruim woning het die potensiaal om ’n spoggerige woning te wees met min moeite en geld! Besoek ook gerus hul webwerf by www.huizemark.com Prys: R985 000. Belangstellendes kan Huizemark Eiendomme om hul reeks eiendomme wat te skakel by (013) 235 1335 of hulle besoek by Viljoenstraat 89 (Langs koop is, te besigtig. Daar is ook Bakgat Biltong), Lydenburg. baie foto’s van die eiendomme op

die webwerf te sien! Huizemark wil die publiek weereens bedank vir hul rekord verkope gedurende die laaste drie maande! Hulle is weer op soek na huise om te verkoop in die R900 000 tot R1 200 000 prysklas.

Alit 083 288 6834

Therésa 072 155 0761

Louis 082 496 4312

HUURBESTUUR 013 235 1102 Charmaine 082 475 9850

Eiendomme/properties TEL: 013 235 4512, 57 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, Fax: 086 695 5516


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Properties / Eiendomme

1 September 2011

News/ Nuus 013 235 2287, Viljoenstraat 65, Lydenburg

Misdaad in Lydenburg het oor die afgelope twee weke aansienlik toegeneem en met die Kersgety wat nader kom, word mense gemaan om meer paraat te wees. Ses honde is gedurende een naweek in Krielstraat vergiftig, en inbrake in Maasdorpstraat gedurende die vroeë oggendure het ’n algemene patroon begin vorm. Die honde wat vergiftig is, is almal gediagnoseer met Temik vergiftiging. Inwoners van die huise is ook almal werksaam by myne en werk skofte. Dit is dus vanselfsprekend om te glo dat die voornemende diewe hul huiswerk deeglik doen. Wees paraat en vra bure om ’n ogie te hou oor jou eiendom en om bedag te wees op honde wat in

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • Nuut geboude 3 slk huis, 10km op Ohrigstadpad - R7 500 per maand. • Ohrigstad, nuut geboude 2 slk woning - R3 850 per maand. • 22 km op Ohrigstadpad, 3 slk, einde September beskikbaar - R6 500 per maand TE KOOP: • 3 Slk, 2 badk, 2 ruim sit/eet, komb, wask en geriewe, 2 mot - R1,350 milj.; • Nuut geboude 2 slk dupleks woonstelle, vol titel, BTW en oordrag ingesluit. - R800 000 elk; • Baie netjiese 2 slk woonstel, sit/eet, komb, 1 mot, sekuriteitskompleks - R565 000; • 2 Slk woonstel in sekuriteitskompleks met klein erfie. - R690 000 • 3 Slk outydse woning met deels staalplafonne, origan pine vloere - R990 000

die omgewing blaf. Nog ’n inwoner in dié omgewing het wakker geword toe inbrekers by die venster gekarring het. Nadat sy geskree het, het die skelms weggehardloop. Nou kan ’n mens nie help om te wonder wat kan jy doen as hulle reeds by jou huis ingebreek het nie en jy wakker word met ’n besoeker langs jou bed? Mense moet vooraf besluit, wat doen ek? Hoe sal ek optree? Almal het nie vuurwapens nie, en om ’n vuurwapen eers uit ’n kluis te moet kry, kan dalk jou lewe kos. Sekuriteitsfirmas op die dorp is altyd op hulle pos, maar die vraag bly steeds – as hy langs jou bed staan en jy wakker word. Elke persoon se situasie is anders. ’n Vrou kan dalk 'n bottel haarspuitmiddel of perspirant langs haar bed hou. Om die sproei met ’n aansteker te ontbrand, kan groot skade aanrig, veral as daar vir die oë gemik word. Dit is egter baie belangrik om die inbreker nie in die oë te kyk nie – hulle grootste vrees is om herken te word indien hulle gevang word. Volgens kenners is dit ook goed om 'n hond of honde in die huis te laat

slaap. Nie net kan hulle jou wakker maak voor die inbrekers in die huis is nie, maar hulle is ’n lastigheid vir enige dief. Persone word ook gemaan om nie enige iemand van die straat af te kry om in tuine te werk nie. Selfs skoonmakers in huise kan gevaarlik wees omdat hierdie mense gewoonlik inligting verskaf aan diewe. Kry verwysings en maak seker dat hierdie werkers vertrou kan word. ~ Ilse Venter


VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Heleen 082 492 8412

Mariëtta 082 213 0380


013 235 1986 Bemarking en verhuring van eiendomme. Besoek ons webwerf www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

• Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit: (013) 235 7300 • Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit Na-ure: (013) 235 1788 • Polisie: (013) 235 2222 / (013) 235 1011 • Sun Security: (013) 235 2728 • Lydenburg Reaksie: (013) 235 4825 • Crime Combat Solutions: (013) 235 1822 • Hospitaal: (013) 235 2233 • Mediese sentrum: (013) 235 2205 • Nelspruit Medi - Clinic: (013) 759 0500 24 Hour Emergency: (013) 759 0645 • ER24: 084 124 • Rapid Response: 073 839 7372 / 082 696 0255 • Childline: 0800 055 555 • Staatsveearts: (013) 235 2071 • Sterkspruit Dierekliniek: (013) 235 4132 • Lydenburg Dierespreekamer: (013) 235 3039 • Lapsar: 082 041 6165 • Report wildfire: 0860 663 473 • Working on Fire: (013) 741 6400 • Fire: (013) 235 1788 / (013) 235 7042 • Environmental Hotline: 0800 205 005 • Parkeraad: (013) 235 2395 / 6 / 7 • Neels Bothma (Slange): 082 730 3047 • Gustav Klingbiel Museum: (013) 235 2231 • Dienssentrum: (013) 235 3879


Eastern Limb Career Expo a huge success Eastern Limb Career Expo is an annual event hosted by Mines in the Eastern Limb, to address the shortage of skills in South Africa, particularly in the mining industry and further support our Government in encouraging young people to pursue careers in mathematics and science. This Eastern Limb Career Expo targeted the SED footprint of the sponsoring mines. They joined hands and initiated a career expo for Grade 9's from 23-26 August. Modikwa Platinum Mine, who forms part of the Anglo American Platinum Division, was the proud host of this initiative. Modikwa, Marula Platinum Mine, Twickenham Platinum Mine Project, Bakoni Platinum Mine, ASA Metals and Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines co-sponsored this spectacular event. The event was opened on 23 August by Modikwa's General Manager, Mr Mandla Nxumulo, with management presence from all the sponsoring mines, exhibitors, tribal authorities and government representation. An astounding number of 58 schools within the SED footprint of the sponsoring mines took part in this initiative, whilst more than 6000 Grade 9 learners and approximately 200 teachers benefited from this joint effort. The children were amazed with the vast variety of displays. The exhibition had no less than 30 displays which included educational material on career opportunities at the mines, as well as practical model scale and real size demonstrations of mining, engineering and plant equipment. Students were able to get a good understanding of the full value chain of a mine, from mining right to plant engineering. It is commendable to see that the mines invested considerable time and money in the development of the local youth. This event has certainly created huge excitement around mining as a career.

1 September 2011



1 September 2011


K W A G G A VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 V R O U T J I E S KOFFIEHUIS en teetuin - Langs Sparsentrum. 013 235 3016 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS whether old/new - we make a difference. 013 235 1109 GRADE 10 - 12 AT NOVA FET COLLEGE and Support Centre. Contact Erika at 082 516 8566 or e-mail erikaeng@lantic.net. Night School optional. H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 HANDYMAN • carports • paving • p a l i s a d e s • renovations • painting • tiling. Deon 071 474 4071/ 013 235 3363


BEAUTY BOX sonbed 013 235 4986

ART CLASSES with internationally renowned Eugene H u r t e r. F o r m o r e information call 082 954 5603

SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394


I.T.@Large - for all pc r e p a i r s & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, printers , callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 and Pierre 079 881 1932


AT L A S PA N E E L KLOPPERS Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382.

B A C H E L O R WOONSTEL R2300 p/m. 082 568 6695 LOSIES/ LODGING L O S I E S , LY D E N BURG. 073 555 4840


PA K M A S T E R 5 0 PLASMA CUTTER. Terms: 1. Cash 2. Movable Property will be sold “voetstoots”. D A T E D A T LY D E N B U R G O N THIS 10TH DAY OF A U G U S T 2 0 11 . P I E T E R N E L PROKUREURS, Attorney for the Plaintiff, P O Box 4687, NELSPRUIT 1200, Tel: 013 755 3036 Fax: 013 755 4628 (Ref: NEL2/0040/N253/PN)

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING IN EKSEKUSIE Saaknr: C01536/2011 URN: K L I T Z G R A S 6142011CIV001537. C H A L E T S B & B In die Landdroshof ACCOMMODATION: vir die distrik van Coffee shop, Chapel, Lydenburg gehou te Conference facilities, Lydenburg In die Boma/ braai. Tel: 013 s a a k t u s s e n : 235 2758 CORNELIUS J M U L D E R h / a R E D L U M REKENMEESTER GESOEK/ WANTED Eksekusieskuldeiser en ANTONIO R DE ABREU h/a PALM S U P E R M A R K W E I D I N G V A N Eksekusieskuldenaar. 100/150ha te huur IN OPVOLGING van gesoek vir beeste om ’ n v o n n i s i n d i e TWEEDEHANDSE en naby Lydenburg. L a n d d r o s h o f v a n mans & damesklere, Skakel 083 650 5134 Ly d e n b u r g e n ’ n grootes 38-44. Skakel lasbrief vir eksekusie 013 235 4812/ 076 gedateer 02/08/2011 296 6271 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit verkoop word aan die TROETELDIERE/ KENNISGEWINGS/ hoogste bieder op 21 PETS NOTICES SEPTEMBER 2011 om 14:15 te Balju Kantoor Lydenburg, L Y D E N B U R G IN THE HIGH COURT K a n t o o r s t r a a t 8 0 , HONDESALON - 072 OF SOUTH AFRICA Lydenburg naamlik: 1 320 9203. (NORTH GAUTENG x VRIESKAS, 1 X PIE . H I G H C O U R T , VERWARMER, 1 X PETS CORNER - 013 PRETORIA) Cae No: E N K E L D E U R 235 2658 17514/2010 In the Y S K A S , 1 X m a t t e r b e t w e e n : VERTOON YSKAS, 1 PRAGTIGE BASSET NELSPRUIT BRAKE X BAINMERINE, 8 X HONDJIES - veearts & C L U T C H RAKKE. Gedateer te s e r t i f i c a a t v i r P L A I N T I F F a n d LYDENBURG op 25 inentings. 076 360 M A L T A AUGUSTUS 2011. 9737 CONSTRUCTION 1st P r o k u r e u r s v i r D E F E N D A N T A p p l i k a n t VA N S T E F A N N E S RENEN HEYNS ING. JOHANNES NEL 2nd LEO FORUM GEBOU TE HUUR/ D E F E N D A N T . KANTOORSTRAAT TO LET NOTICE OF SALE IN 7 2 , LY D E N B U R G , EXECUTION. IN P O S B U S 2 6 1 T E R M S o f t h e LYDENBURG DX 5 T A F E L D O E K E judgement of the High LYDENBURG. Tel: Overlays, glase en Court , Bloemfontein 013 235 1625 Faks: eetgerei. Skakel i n t h e 013 235 4528 Verw: Rina: 082 751 0432 a b o v e m e n t i o n e d YL/yg/AL3608 suite, a Public Sale in Execution will be held EIENDOMME TE at 34 MAIN STREET NEEM ASSEBLIEF KOOP/ S A B I E o n KENNIS dat ek, Jan J PROPERTIES TO THURSDAY, the 22nd N e l I . D . BUY of SEPTEMBER at 8 2 1 2 2 8 5 3 1 3 0 8 9 1 0 H 0 0 , o n t h e aanvaar vanaf die 29 u n d e r m e n t i o n e d Augustus 2011 geen S T A N D I N T H E property which is to be verantwoordelikheid HEADS 770m², no sold to the highest vir enige skuld wat agents involved. 082 bidder. 1 X METAL Estelle (Olivier) Nel 255 2503 L A T H E , 1 X aangaan. VANGVARD 3 EIENDOMME TE P H A S E HUUR/ GENERATOR, 2 X KERKE/ CHURCHES PROPERTIES TO CO² WELDERS, 1 X RENT T IK A LU M IN I U M •Anglican Church W E L D E R , 1 X Ly d e n b u r g . S u n .

08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lyd e n b u rg Su i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • El Shaddai Gemeente Evangelie van Christus Netwerk. R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 19:00 Vry. 19:00 jeug. Sondagskool 09:00, diens Sondae 10:00 e n 1 8 : 0 0 . • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00. Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. jeugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist

Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor: 087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste K e r k . Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, e r e d i e n s 11 : 0 0 . Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g

baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 8 1 8 0 9 2 0 . • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604.

BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.

Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277


39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429

TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel


Ons praat nog steeds jou taal

s Nuu


BEAUTY DYNAMIX - MOTORHUUR/ CAR Facials, Gel & Acrylic, HIRE Lash Extensions, Sunbed. Cleome 013 235 3547/ 082 334 H A M B A N A T H I 1623 VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 FOTOGRAFIE/ PHOTOGRAPHY TE KOOP/ FOR SALE TREASURE TIME digitale fotografie. PIONEER + CD CAR Studio, troues en alle R A D I O , b u l l b a r, geleenthede. Willie/ rollbar, 1250 cd’s + Tania: 082 331 4814/ videomasjien. 079 255 0 8 2 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 3004 www.treasuretime.co. 105CM LG HD TV za R7000, Sony Home Theatre System R KUNSKLASSE/ ART 3000, , Ps3 plus 9 games R4000. 072 CLASSES 101 0955

GESOEK: 1 SLK tuinwoonstel om te huur. 083 626 6305

a oram Pan


SLENDER YOU firming and toning beds. Amazing inch reduction. Carmen 082 378 6426

AUTOHAUSEN SMART-REPAIRS: Minor Body, Paint & Hail Damage. Stone Chips & Polish. Poly Rubberise. Smash & G r a b Ti n t . P a i n t Protect Film. Neels 013 235 2721/ 082 334 3596

nds hla Hig

ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


Slimkopies / Classifieds



Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agri.) B.VSc Spreekure: Maandag - Vrydag 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Saterdae - 09h00 - 12h00 Sondae & Publieke Vakansiedae - Slegs Noodgevalle Skakel vir afspraak asseblief. Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00

38 De Beerstr. Tel/ Faks: 013 235 3039 Na Ure: 082 897 4966

Notices & Vacancies

1 September 2011


Skills shortage in South Africa - focus your childs’ tertiary education MOST economists agree that South Africa's skills shortage poses a significant limitation on the country's long-term economic growth potential. Due to a lack of needed skills, including managerial, professional and technical skills, viable economic opportunities cannot be productively tapped. Many existing economic activities are, given pervasive skills shortages, conducted inconsistently and, apparently, inexpertly, which is probably a more significant factor in South Africa's low labour productivity by global standards than is widely thought. Yet considerable uncertainty surrounds the exact quantum of South Africa's skills shortage. Many governmental skills development initiatives - including the National Skills Fund, which is financed by a 1% payroll tax on all but the country's smallest employers - are based on an imprecise idea of the extent of skills shortages, not only in particular occupations, but in the economy as a whole. Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) have consistently failed to produce credible estimates of skills shortages in their respective sectors, and probably for this reason the National Skills Fund has failed to disburse more than R3.5 billion in funds available for skills development. Adcorp is in a unique position to add quantitative detail to the skills shortage. As South Africa's largest employment services company, with more than 98,000 employees distributed throughout the South African economy, and with more than 800,000 job applications processed each year, Adcorp is South Africa's pre-eminent authority on the job search process. Admittedly employment agency statistics are not definitive, since

agencies intermediate only 12% of all job searches in South Africa (the vast majority of job placements occurring by "word of mouth"), but as far as hard data are concerned, Adcorp's figures represent the only available estimates of South Africa's skills shortage. In particular, three pieces of data are noteworthy. The "applicant/job ratio" is revealing about the shortage or surplus of skills in a particular occupation, ranging from 4 applicants per position in highly-skilled and specialized roles (such as gold dealers and credit derivatives traders) to 1,200 applicants per position in generic roles requiring limited prior work experience (such as bank tellers and call centre agents). Similarly, the "fill rate" for a position (i.e. the percentage of open positions that are filled by suitable candidates) and the "recruitment lead time" (i.e. the average time taken to successfully fill a position) present a picture of the shortage or surplus of available candidates for a particular position. Defining a skills "shortage" or "surplus" as the surplus or deficit, respectively, of the number of available positions over the number of applicants for those positions - and adjusting for a certain apparent "natural" deficit of positions due to continuous job search activity of an exploratory, informational kind. There are currently 829,800 unfilled positions for high-skilled workers across a wide range of occupations, including senior management, the professions (medicine, engineering, accounting and the law), technical occupations (specialized technicians and artisans), and agriculture. South African citizens' wages in high-skilled occupations have escalated, in inflation-adjusted terms, by 286.4% since 2000. It seems extraordinary that such an increase

VAKANTE BETREKKING Verkoopsteenwoordiger Lydenburg • Rekenaarvaardig • Betroubaar • Vorige ondervinding ‘n vereiste • Goeie mensverhouding & tweetalig • Salaris onderhandelbaar Faks verkorte CV na: 013 235 1702

could largely have escaped attention, except that the increase would have been in the interests of skilled South African workers, at the expense of the economy as a whole. Demand for engineers and natural scientists is strong; IT professions will also be in high demand; educators and nurses, demand for managers with financial and people skills was expected to be stronger. Academics at institutions and shortage of PhDs among staff in tertiary institutions. Doctors and nurses, Computer-related professionals: demand of these exceeds supply. Scientists and science technologists: inadequate attention to mathematics and science in school limits the supply of this group and cannot keep up with demand. There is no shortage in biological science occupations due to restrained government expenditure ; engineers and engineering technicians - evidence is not clear whether there is a decline in demand for engineers or a lack of supply. Oversupply of engineers and gh

Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

Manlike Jnr. Instrukteur pos beskikbaar. Opleiding sal voorsien word. Salaris onderhandelbaar. CV kan persoonlik ingehandig word by die gym of faks na 013 235 1539 Sluitingsdatum: 15 September 2011

VAKANTE BETREKKING Sekretaresse benodig vir Hoofbestuurder BFS Lydenburg. Pligte : Algemene Persoonlike Assistent pligte wat insluit : • Sekretariële ondersteuning • Hantering van afsprake en bestuur van dagboek • Byhou van 'n effektiewe liasseringstelsel • Die tik en proeflees van briewe, memoranda en ander tersaaklike dokumente • Behartiging van reis- en verblyfreëlings • Voorbereiding van vergaderingstukke • Deeglike notulering van vergaderings en alle besluite wat geneem word • Bestuur van kommunikasie by die maatskappy – intern en ekstern • Rekordhouding • Dataversameling • Kontrolering van werkstukke • Skakelwerk (Public relations) • Ondersteuning aan bestuurder met uitvoer van sy pligte. Vereistes : • Vermoë om onder werks- en tyddruk te funksioneer sonder om akkuraatheid en effektiwiteit in te boet • Vermoë om op eie inisiatief sowel onafhanklik as binne spanverband te werk • Verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir alle pligte en die afhandeling daarvan sonder om gekontroleer te word. • Hoëvlak rekenaarvaardigheid in Microsoft Office, Word en Excel • Uitstekende mondelinge en geskrewe kommunikasievermoë en vaardighede • Uitstekende luistervaardighede en begripvorming • Goeie algemene kennis en aanvoeling vir besigheidsbestuur • Hoevlak organisasievermoë • Vermoë om toepaslik met persone op bestuurs- en ander vlakke binne sowel as buite die maatskappy te skakel • Vermoë tot die handhawing van vertroulikheid en sekuriteit van alle data en informasie • Uitstekende tydbestuursvaardighede • Engels en Afrikaans magtig • Moet by maatskappy en bestuurder se bestuurstyl kan aanpas • Bereid wees om psigometriese toetse af te lê.

Sluitingsdatum : 9 September 2011. Diensaanvaarding : So spoedig moontlik ʼnMededingende besoldigingspakket is onderhandelbaar. Rig u aansoek per e-pos aan admin3@barko.co.za. ʼnVolledige Curriculum Vitae moet gestuur word wat die volgende insluit : • Kontakbesonderhede van minstens twee verwysings • Beskrywing van jou agtergrond • Beskrywing van vorige werksomstandighede en ondervinding. Indien u nie voor 16 September 2011 van die maatskappy verneem nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

technologists in mining and metallurgy, but an under supply in electrical, chemical and industrial engineers, there is a shortage of engineers from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. These people are in high demand. Surely we should all be paying more attention to these occupations and professions when guiding our children towards careers instead of sitting back and saying there is no work to be had or my child cannot find a job? ~ internet


LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03


1 September 2011

“Bulletjie” Rugby Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) is always in the front of the row to support the development of school children. They recently sponsored shirts, bags and water bottles for the “Bulletjie” rugby team at Steelpoort Academy. ECM General Manager Emile Britz says that it is important to support the development of young children in the academic field, as well as sport and other recreation. The ultimate objective is to develop well rounded future leaders. Photo right: the team, sitting in front from right to left: Christopher Esterhuizen and LJ Mol. Standing from right to left: Theo Tolken, Danie Oosthuizen,Owen Viljoen and Luwan Gouws and back: Mallesse Esterhuizen. Stephan Languge is not in the photo but also part of the team.

Wedvlugduiwe uitslae vir naweek van 27 Augustus Hier is die wedvlugduiwe uitslae van die afgelope naweek, gevlieg van Edenburg oor 'n afstand van 687km. Die naweek was 'n riller, die wind en weer het die duiwe erge opdraande gegee. Edenburg Ope duiwe vlug 1: Wenspoed was 1127 meter per minuut. Daar was net 8 duiwe terug teen Saterdag aand en klokke kon eers sondag 3 nm uitgeslaan word. 1. J Venter 2. Peet en Marna Venter 3. H Geldenhuys 4. Allo Lofts 5 en 6. P Mans 7. C Slabbert 8. Frans en Danelle Hokke 9. C Slabbert

10. G Marais Edenburg Ope 2 duiwe vlug 2: Wen spoed was 1100 meter per minuut. Daar was net 3 duiwe terug teen Saterdag aand en klokke kon eers sondag 3 nm uitgeslaan word. 1 en 2. G Marais 3. C Slabbert 4. G Marais 5. P Mans 6 Peet en Marna Venter 7 P Mans 8. G Roets 9. G Marais 10 G Roets

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