News/Nuus 17 November 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 44 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail:
Reinet Bell and Michelle Boshoff
ruling was made last week in the Pretoria High Court against the Thaba Chweu Municipality. On Wednesday 9 November 2011, Gauteng Metering brought an ex parte application on an urgent basis before the High Court in Pretoria, requesting the Court to interdict the Council not to suspend the electricity supply to The Heads Shopping Centre. An interdict was granted with costs against TCM with a return date set for 30 November 2011 to bring the matter before the court.
The notice was served on the Thaba Chweu Municipality and despite numerous efforts by Gauteng Metering, TCM decided not to reconnect the electricity supply. Gauteng Metering then brought an urgent application to the mentioned High Court on Thursday 10 November 2011 to find the Thaba Chweu Municipality in contempt of court. It was also requested that a warrant of arrest for the arrest of the Major and other senior officials be issued on the same matter. The Major was ordered to appear in the High Court on 11 November 2011 at 10:00 to give reasons why the officials should not be arrested. The Officials failed to appear in Court but Council was retained to appear on their
nd a or Ruling y r a o M ni f e o s ls a i ic il f f c o un to o C d re t r e u d o or C h g i H
behalf. During the court hearing the electricity supply was restored to the centre. During the disconnection of the service to the centre TCM inadvertently disconnected the supply to more than 200 houses in the immediate area. “According to a resident from The Heads, TCM told him that he should ask Checkers why his electricity was off. TCM told the resident The Heads Centre did not pay their account,� a direct quote from a resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Mrs Gouws (Director of REM) expressed her concern in this manner in which TCM wrongfully disconnected the electricity consequences of their actions, despite s u p p l y w i t h o u t c o n s i d e r i n g t h e numerous warnings not to proceed.
Ex clu s
made against Thaba Chweu in landmark case,
Nuus / News
17 November 2011
Scholarship deadline for 2012 students Learners who aspire to careers in the human settlements related field, and who are from previously disadvantaged communities, are invited to apply for a scholarship programme at the Department of Human Settlement. It will run in the 2012 academic year. It is in line with the objectives of both the national skills development strategy and the South African human resource development strategy. The scholarship covers all projected expenses within the scholarship agreement and prioritised undergraduate fields of study such as civil engineering, town and regional planning, architecture, architectural technology, construction management, land surveying, environmental studies and building surveying. Students would be expected to work for government upon completion of their studies. Interested candidates who meet requirements should address their applications to The Director General, National Department of Human Settlements, Private Bag X 644, Pretoria, 0001. All forwarded applications must be marked for the attention of Ms Duduzile Khoza. Interested applicants in Mpumalanga can access application forms at their respective municipalities, The Provincial Department of Human Settlements in Nelspruit - Government Complex, building no 6 or at the three regional offices, namely Ermelo- 68 Fourie Street, Witbank, or the Piet Koornhof Building, the offices in Nelspruit - corner Emnotweni and Cascade Close, Riverside and KwaMhlanga regional office - block no 6. The closing date is November 18, 2011.
Kietsies kap dit uit onder enjinkap
Mnr. George Philip het van Burgersfort gereis om sy C o ro l l a b y Ly d e n b u r g Toyota te diens. Tydens die diens het mnr. Christo Greeff op 'n klein katjie afgekom wat die reis meegemaak het – binne in die enjinkap! Ongedeerd na die lang rit, maar personeel van Lydenburg Toyota het bont gestaan om die die klein besoekertjie te versorg. Met groot verbasing is 'n tweede katjie ook later in die enjinruim gevind. Die katjies het die terugreis na Burgersfort weer met Philip meegemaak – die slag gemaklik op die sitplek
Mnr. Christo Greeff hou een van die katjies vas saam met mnr. George Philip, in wie se enginkap die twee katjies gevind is.
It's less than a month to go to the annual BirdLife South Africa Birding Big Day on Saturday 26 November. This is a fun, yet competitive day for South Africa's birdwatchers, while at the same time raising much needed funds for the organisation's important bird conservation and bird species monitoring work. All birdwatchers, both beginners and competitive twitchers, can participate in this exciting event. So put aside your cell phones for the day and listen to tweets and twitters of a different kind in support of a worthy cause! There are three basic categories for Birding Big Day: the Open category that caters for serious birders who get teams together and go birding for a 24-hour period, counting all the birds they see within a 50 km radius; the Southern African Bird Atlas Project 2 (SABAP2) category, the information from which is very useful for conservation planning and climate change studies; and the Garden Bird category. BirdLife South Africa would like to encourage all teams and individuals who enter the Garden Bird category to register with the MyBirdPatch project. You can register at as an observer and submit your list online. MyBirdPatch, a project of UCT's Animal Demography Unit (ADU), in collaboration with BirdLife South Africa and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), is an initiative to capture bird lists from small, local patches to monitor bird population changes on a fine scale. It is about birding in your own comfort zone: your garden, your neighbourhood, a local park or wetland, a golf course, etc. If you do not have a lively bird population already thriving in your garden, you still have time to create an ideal habitat for many species by getting a suitable bird feeder or bird bath, as most garden birds appreciate the basic things in life: food and clean water. Identifying the new visitors to your garden and sculpting it over time according to the needs of your feathered friends by planting fruit-, flower- and berry-bearing plants and growing indigenous trees will give you a great deal of pleasure. And remember, the wider the variety of plants and habitats you can provide, the more birds of different species will visit! So diarise 26 November 2011 and help BirdLife South Africa Give Conservation Wings by participating in Birding Big Day! Issued by BirdLife South Africa
Nuus / News
8 17 JulieNovember 2010 / 8 July 2010 2011
Moet dit nie langs viswaters waag sonder lisensie nie 57 Visstokke en sewe nette is oor twee weke gekonfiskeer by damme in die Lydenburg- en Badfontein Omgewing. Beamptes van die Mpumalanga Parke en Toerisme Agentskap was baie in hul noppies oor die groot fonds. Dit is onwetting om sonder ’n hengellisensie vis te vang. Boonop sit baie hengelaars nette uit en vang klein vissies wat nog nie die wettige groote bereik het nie. Dit beteken die vis word uitgehaal voordat hulle kan aanteel. Mnr. Elias Mkhabela en Themba Mzimba van die MTPA het saam met William Mapanga die stokke en nette verlede week ingeboek
by die SAPD. Die hengellisensies is vrylik bekombaar by hengelwinkels en by die MTPA (Visserye). Hulle is van plan om hierdie Feesseisoen die bewussyn rondom hengellisensies op te skerp en gaan streng optree teen hengelaars wat die wette verontagsaam. Hengelaars wees gewaarsku, dis nie die moeite werd om sonder ’n R20 papiertjie langs die viswaters te sit nie.
~ Deur Michelle Boshoff.
Themba Mzimba, Elias Mkhabela en William Mapanga met lisensies wat van hengelaars vereis word.
Always on duty making Xstrata a safer place. See more about the Xstrata function that tipped the charts last week. This and all the mining news highlights of 2011 will be in the Mining and Industry Pages on 24 November 2011.
Rubrieke / Columns
17 November 2011
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Congratulations Dankie aan Rusoord
Ons sit tans hier in die dorre Transvaal. My ma sê dis warm, my ou pêl sê dis warm en die kraai sê dis warm. Nou vertel almal wat weet hoe bly is hulle oor ou Tafelberg wat ’n plekke in die wêreldson raakgewen het. Een van die wonderwerke van die wêreld. Toe sê ek vir Myself, “Myself, hoekom moet ek hier in die dorre Transvaal sit, as almal om Tafelberg kloek?” Maar Myself het toe nie vir Myself ’n antwoord nie. Want daar is baie redes. Myself het in die eerste plek nie geld nie. Myself het in die tweede plek nie tyd nie. Toe droom Myself gisteraand van mnr. Wynand Schutte. Hy het my afgerig vir ’n sangkompetisie in standerd vier. Myself het toe baie mooi suiwer sopraan gesing. Maar nou sing myself bietjie meer alt. Mnr. Wynand het so driftig die FAK Tafelberg-liedjie vir my geleer. En Myself het so lekker gesing. Ek sing toe die liedjie gisteraand drie uur vir Myself. Myself ly aan insomnia. Maar Myself ken nie meer die woorde nie. Myself stap toe na die klavierstoeltjie en kry die FAK. “Waar die kop van Tafelberg deur die wolke steek, tot waar die Limpopostroom deur die bergwal breek; waar oor uitgestrekte veld rol die ossewa: Daar is my Vaderland, my Suid-Afrika, daar is my Vaderland, my Suid-Afrika.” Myself het toe die woorde gesing. Vra my maar, Myself onthou nog die wysie. Maar daar is nou baie mooi liedjies van Tafelberg, Kurt Darren sing dit, liedjieboer Lucas Maree en Johannes Kerkorrel (Mag hy in vrede rus) het dit gesing en elke ander Afrikaanse sanger. Myself wil ook Tafelberg toe. Dat ek onder sy wit kleed kan inkruip as die mis laag hang. En met die kabelkarretjie oor die wolke sweef. Myself, sê ek toe vir Myself, dis ongelooflik hoe mense kan ophol gaan as hulle dink hulle gaan iets verloor. Myself was bloot geskok toe Myself hoor die kompetisie is al drie jaar aan die gang. Want My Mense het nou eers wakker geskrik. En amper word Tafelberg toe nie ’n Wonderwerkie vir die res van die wêreld nie. Maar vir ons hier in die dorre Transvaal sal dit altyd magies en pragtig verrys. Dit sal ek altyd vir Myself sê.
“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” Ephesians 4:2 Lord, grant us tolerance and patience with each other always.
Dikketjie SO, Malema is vir 5 jaar geskors. Halleluja! Maar moet nie te gou bly word nie, hy kan nog appeleer teen sy skuldigbevinding deur die ANC. Maar die ANC outoppies het gepraat. Lekker hard. Mooi so manne. Wat ookal gebeur, dit is onwaarskynlik dat die seuntjie tol los gaan kom. Sy doppie is geklink. So ook dié van sy gabba Floyd. Dit alles terwyl daar ’n reuse magstryd binne die ANC se jeugliga is. Ek dink die chaos en die agteraf messtekery gaan onder die spulletjie erg toeneem. Dit is natuurlik strategies baie goed vir die ANC, want nou kan die outoppies hulle volle aandag aan die opvolgstryd vir Zuma gee, of hulle gewig agter hom ingooi, sonder dat die kinders hulle aandag aftrek. Ons weet ook dat die verdeeldheid binne die ANC groot is, so
LAMBERT Van Der Nest, CEO of Fraser Alexander sent out this message to staff on 11 November: “It is with great pleasure that I share with you the great honour that was bestowed on Fraser Alexander for being awarded the Anglo American Supplier Award in the sustainability category on Tuesday night at an awards dinner in London. This is one of the greatest accolades that Fraser Alexander has received from a client in its 100 year history! We are especially honoured for being recognised by a world-class client like Anglo American. This award is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the people of Fraser Alexander. Well done to the team that has been closely involved in this project. You have brought great honour to our beloved organisation! Let's ensure that this milestone inspires us to even higher levels of greatness in operational excellence, innovation and how we engage with our clients. With best regards, Lambert S t o r y s e n t i n b y L e o n D e J a g e r. Congratulations from us at the Highlands Panorama News. Lambert grew up in Lydenburg and it is always heartwarming to see “one of us” doing well. Andre Coetzee.
Marie Marais en Tannie Maureen Brink skryf: Bedanking aan Rusoord Bestuur vir Wildtuin uitstappie van 31 Okt to 2 Nov. Graag wil ons die bestuur van Rusoord asook die Beheerliggaam bedank namens almal wat die drie dag uitstappie na die Wildtuin meegemaak het. Ons sê net weer baie dankie. Die hele groep wat saam was, het dit terdeë geniet. Die organisering daarvan was puik. Dankie aan die bussiebestuurders naamlik At Kruger, Oom Sakkie en Michael wat ons almal in een stuk daar en terug gekry het. Dankie aan al die inwoners van die Huis, sowel as die woonstelle vir al die harde werk, winter & somer om fondse in te samel. En laaste maar ver nie die minste nie, dankie aan Jeanetta Kruger vir die lekker kos wat saam gegaan het en die moeite om alles so aangenaam moontlik te maak. Dit was baie aangenaam, Satara kamp sal ons weer sien. Ons is baie bly ons het saam gegaan, dit was ’n goeie ervaring om almal in so ’n ontspanne luim te sien. Selfs die weer het saam gespeel. Die moeite wat dit alles behels word gesien en waardeer.
Aan die Redakteur:
s r e t t e L / e w Brie Religious views Eugene Hurter from Lydenburg writes: I recently visited a little church here in Lydenburg, it is a tiny church of historic significance as it was the first church in this area. It dates back to 1800. On the one wall was a very large poster size photo of what could have been “Nagmaal” it shows wagons encircled around the new church as it is at present, and the thought came to me: If it were possible by some means of going back in time and I were to walk among these wagons and speak to the people (most of them) about the gospel as we understand it today, I think I would have been condemned as a heretic, especially if I were to tell them I am holy, and that I am a son of God . I say this with the conviction of my own experience in the type of “Religious” environment in which I grew up. Having been indoctrinated with the fear of hell if you sin, and having to do and not do all sorts of things, because God is just waiting for you to do something wrong and He will zap you for it. Can you imagine if I were to tell one of these people that God does not punish us, and that Jesus took all the world’s punishment on Him and that God loves us no matter what we do, and that we have everything that we need. It is just a matter of receiving it by faith. (There is so much more I could say about this )
hierdie outoppie stryd gaan groot wees. Die jeugliga sal egter nie weggaan nie. Hulle leiers word gekies op die basis van hoe groot sy bek is en tot hoe ’n mate hy militant kan wees en kamma namens die armes kan praat. Dit is die ANC se groot Waterloo. Die gaping tussen ryk en arm vergroot nog steeds en nie net, soos die jeugliga dink, omdat die privaatsektor hulle base obsene salarisse betaal nie, wat wel waar is. Die gaping word groter omdat die ANC staatsdiens uiters korrup is en besaai is met o n b e v o e g d e m e n s e . Tr a n s f o r m a s i e , arbeidswetgewing en BEE het die land ongelooflik beskadig. Die staatsdiens is vol kaders wat so vet is dat hulle nie meer in hulle Mercedesse pas nie. Hulle word bose salarisse betaal en steel vir byvoordele, sodat daar geen geld is vir infrastruktuur en dienste (wat die enjinkamer van die ekonomie is) nie. Minimumlone is onbekostigbaar vir klein besighede. So diegene wat bereid is om vir biejie minder te werk, kan nie in diens geneem word nie, terwyl ons weet elke Rand wat in die arm
Churches are praying for revival. It is not revival we need, it is revelation the revelation of what Jesus did for us on the cross. The unmerited free gift of salvation. It saddens me to think there are still some people today like me who as a young boy would sit in the front row of the church, wide eyed and in terror of going to hell if I sinned, did not pray, go to church or pay my tithes etc. When asked when will the end come, Jesus said in Mat 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”. What makes me think that we are living in the end times is because this gospel, the true Gospel of salvation, is being preached more and more even by those who would have been damned as heretics back then, were they to have preached what they preach today. It is ironic that the last book of the Bible is Revelation, not revival, because that is what the world needs - revelation, and then we will have all the revival we can handle. Your comments are welcome to • This is the opinion of the writer and not of the Highlands Panorama News. - ED
gemeenskappe ingaan ’n Rand is wat nie nou daar is nie. Ek bepleit nie hongerlone nie, maar werkgeleenthede sodat meer kapitaal in arm gemeenskappe invloei. Beter dienste, minder staatsamptenare, minder base in die staatsdiens, meer werkers en die indiensneming van kundige outoppies in poste wat sleutel is tot dienslewering. Dit sal die ekonomie stimuleer! Solank die ANC hulle besig hou met die herontplooining van skelms en konsentreer op individuele mag, verloor die hele kollektiewe gemeenskap, ryk, arm, wit en swart. Ons massas verstaan nog nie dié beginsels nie. Hulle het nie tyd nie, almal wil gou ryk word en hulle dink hulle kan. Hulle sal nie. Die rykste lande in die wêreld het sy bedelaars en arm mense. Hoekom? Dit gaan oor die uithaal van korrupte leiers en ’n goeie, misdaadvrye werketiek. Dit blyk onhaalbaar in Afrika en Suid Afrika te wees. Die ANC kon na 17 jaar min regkry en het waarskynlik meer verwoes. Verspeelde geleenthede!
Nuus / News
17 November 2011
Municipalities are in shambles Address by Anthony Benadie MPL, DA Provincial Leader, to the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature, on 8 November 2011, during the debate on the Annual Report of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) for the 2010 / 2011 Financial Year. At the advent of the current term of office in 2009, the Department of Local Government and Housing was renamed and transformed into what is today known as COGTA (Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs). At the time, it was said that COGTA would bring about a renewed focus on governance and revitalise the viability of municipalities and the cooperation between municipalities and provinces in an attempt to bolster service delivery. However, today – over two years later – the state of local government in Mpumalanga reflects a state of little cooperation, non-existent governance and factionalised traditional affairs – undoubtedly Hon Speaker this department is failing in its mandate. I wish to focus my attention on – specific aspects: Section 139 (b) interventions: Councils under
Administration: The period under review saw an alarming and worrisome amount of municipalities in the Province being placed under administration, through the invoking of Section 139 (b) of the constitution. No less than an unbudgeted R20 million was spent on the salaries of administrators and their support staff, excluding any other expenses associated with the intervention. These administrators were tasked with a nonnegotiable mandate of 'turning' the concerned municipalities around. Their task was to put in place sound financial management systems, administrative systems and to bring about large scale stability in these municipalities. However, it is shocking, that of the five municipalities placed under administration, four of them received disclaimers from the auditor general, proving beyond any doubt that the R20 million intervention in those municipalities was a farce that failed to yield the intended result. So too, as we speak, Thaba Chweu, despite being under administration three times, is today
Doudruppels op die ‘Butterflybush’ Biance Bell het hierdie foto geneem vir die Highlands Panorama Fotokompetisie. Kyk hoe mooi lê die doudruppeltjies op die takkies.
literally bankrupt, to the extent that they can't afford a R1200 battery to keep the lawn mowing tractors of Graskop going. In short, Hon Speaker, the ANC does not have the leadership or ability to govern this municipality. The state of the Department of COGTA, and the state of municipalities in this province remains a cause for serious concern. The skills shortage, chronic corruption,
maladministration and financial mismanagement amplify the need for increased voter education. For our province to succeed and any municipality to be able to deliver sustainable services, voters must realise the correlation between their vote and the quality of government they have. If the people of this province want a better life, they must vote for a better life.
Dagboek / Diary
17 November 2011
Business Chamber Only two weeks left for AGM on Photo Competition of the Year 22 November The Lydenburg/Mashishing Business Chamber invites you to their AGM on Tuesday 22 November 2010 at 5:30 in the afternoon in the Town Hall at Thaba Chweu Municipality. At this meeting they will elect new office bearers for 2012, give feedback on the past year and give more information on their projects and plans for next year. Please note: Non members are also welcome. Contact Engela Krugel on 082 753 7940
CMR se Kersparty op 25 November CMR Lydenburg se Kerspartytjie is op 25 November. Die CMR strewe daarna om mense uit die greep van armoede te verlig. Die beskerming van kinders teen verwaarlosing en mishandeling is een van die CMR se grootste prioriteite. Hulle is afhanklik van skenkings en donasies. Met die Kerspartytjie word daar gehoop om vir 150 minderbevoorregte kinders van die Lydenburg gemeenskap ’n wonderlike dag te bied. Hulle benodig skenkings van koeldranke, lekkergoedpakkies, springkastele en presente - of enigiets wat borge bereid is om by te dra. Vir navrae skakel Ethresia by 013 235 2407.
HENGEL-Marathon Vanaf 25-27 November vind ’n 72 uur hengelliga plaas by die Belfastdam. Hengelaars gaan vir 72 uur sake uitspook en hul passie langs die viswaters uitleef. Kampareas sal afgebaken word en daar is voorskrifte vir wat
daarin toegelaat word. Die formaat is hengelaars wat in spanne van twee deelneem, vier stokke per span word toegelaat m e t d i e n o d i g e visvanggereedskap. Keurders gaan hul oog op hengelaars hou vir moontlike opname in die 2011 SA-span, en van die Mpumalangaspanne. Skole wat wil deelneem kan die organiseerder skakel. Vir meer informasie skakel Chris Heymans by 082 469 1631
Geel Varkoorfees Dis al byna weer tyd vir die jaarlikse Roossenekal Geelvarkoorfees (25 & 26 November). Ons soek skoonhede om in te skryf vir die Mej Aronskelk kompetisie wat op Saterdag 26 November gaan plaasvind. Daar is drie kategorieë waarvoor ingeskryf kan word: Mej Kleuter Aronskelk (2 – 5 jaar) Mej Junior Aronskelk (10 – 16 jaar) Mej Aronskelk (17 en ouer) Die inskrywingsfooi vir al bg kategoriee beloop R10.00. Vir navrae of om in te skryf, kontak Shirley de Bruyn by 0761196021. Vir meer inligting oor die fees self en verblyf in die omgewing, kontak Christien Ackermann by 0825506896.
Readers have only three weeks left to enter the Photo Competition of the Year. There is stiff competition this year. Please email your photo’s to or You are welcome to bring it in, Cnr. Voortrekker and Viljoen Street. The sponsors have been part of the competition for years and will again make this a memorable competition.
Highlands Panorama Nuus, Longtom SuperSPAR, Konica Photo Express, PNA Photo Competition.
Calling all bikers for Toy Run Limpopo Valley Toy Run PROGRAM OF EVENTS AND INFORMATION SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2011 – PRE-TOY RUN PARTY Burgersfort – Meet at BIG 5, depart for Lydenburg at 10h00 Steelpoort – Meet at MamaKhaya, depart for Lydenburg at 10h00 Lydenburg – Meet at Legends at 11h00 Marshalled Mass Ride to leave Legends at 13h00 to Mapochs Club, Roossenekal. Roossenekal – Meet at the venue from 14h00 onwards CAMPING AT MAPOCHS CLUB IS FREE! Saturday – Mapochs Club *Potjie cook-off between Big5, Mamakhaya and Mapochs Club. Judging to take place at 19h00, thereafter, potjies will be on sale to all of you hungry people *Wheelie machine, Dyno machine, Tattoos, beer tent and trade stalls *Lekker music all afternoon and evening *Pool party (Bodies only… No bikes in the pool, please!!) and spit braai *Your entertainment for the evening will be provided by “INSATIABLE FLAMES” SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2011 – MAIN EVENT Sunday – Main Event *Gates open at 08h00 – Entries on main stoep *Badges, T-shirts etc will be sold from the main stoep *Memorial wall for our fallen brothers – please feel free to put up names / photos *Church service by CMA prior to the mass ride * A short (Marshalled) Mass ride (parade) will commence at 10h00 * Wheelie machine, Dyno machine, Stunt riders, Tattoos, beer tent and trade stalls * Jumping castle etc. for the little ones * Prizes for: Miss Toy Run, Mr Boepens, Little Miss Toy Run, Little Mr Leathers THE PROCESSION Motorcycle clubs attending the Toy Run® are encouraged to fly their flags and banners. The ride will not exceed 60km/h inside town and 120km/h outside of town and overtaking is not permitted. Members of Think Bike, wearing "official" armbands and reflective vests, will function as marshals. The officers of both traffic departments and Think Bike will show no leniency with any dangerous behavior during the Toy Run®. With over 300 motorcyclists expected to participate in the 2011 Toy Run®, please observe the following safety precautions: All conditions, laws and requirements of the Road Traffic Act must be adhered to as normal Only licensed riders on licensed roadworthy motorcycles may ride in the Toy Run®
No quads, ATV's or off-road motorcycles are allowed. No riders under 16 years old are allowed. All riders and passengers to wear motorcycle crash helmets. NO "DOUGHNUTS" OR WHEELIES ARE ALLOWED. Keep to the parade speed during the procession. Overtaking during the run is not permitted.
END VENUE – MAPOCHS CLUB This is an event designed to thank the motorcyclists for DONATING TOYS for our cause. Please respect the rules of the Club and it's grounds and facilities. Riding motorcycles inside Mapochs Club is NOT allowed, except in designated areas. Information can be obtained from any member of the Toy Run® Committee: Joggie Bikers That Care 072 192 8276 Julia Bikers That Care 083 233 8399 Hester Eliminator 073 983 3879 Jeanette CMA 082 555 3181 Kim Matadors 073 319 9292
Nuus / News
17 November 2011
Welgedaan Longtom Nissan Mnr. Jonathan Gibbley van Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg is een van die finaliste van Nissan SA se tegniese kompetisie. NisTec trek jaarliks finaliste uit elke distrik en Jonathan was een van hulle. Baie geluk Longtom Nissan met die puik prestasie. Dit wys net weereens dat jy met geruste hart jou voertuig by Longtom Nissan kan laat diens! Van links is Herman van Huyssteen, Jonathan Gibbley en Fred Zeeman.
Linda Hamman van Lydenburg het hierdie Madeliefie afgeneem vir die Highlands Panorama Nuus se Fotokompetisie (sien borge op bl. 6). Sy sê dat sy bietjie aan die kleurkontras gestel het. Linda is ’n ywerige fotograaf wat graag interessante hoeke uittoets. Onthou daar is nog net twee weke oor vir die fotokompetisie. Stuur jul foto’s in, daar is groot pryse te wen. - RED
Nuus / News
17 November 2011
’n Selferkende wit Afrikaanse Satanis deel haar genesingpad deur God
Adele Neveling by die NG Suid-Gemeente se Oorwinningsfees die afgelope naweek.
SY was 'n wit, Afrikaanse Satanis, wat as kind met Satanisme grootgeword het, vertel Adele Neveling, gasspreker by die NG Suid-gemeente se Oorwinningsfees die afgelope naweek. Die verwarring het gekom omdat hul Christen-predikant ook die leier van hul Satanistiese kerk was, vertel sy. “Ons het “bad” dinge gedoen, bloedoffers gebring, moord-opdragte ontvang – maar dis nie waaroor ek kom praat het nie – want ons is hier om fees te vier.” Die ommekeer in haar lewe het gekom nadat sy die opdrag ontvang het om Pastoor Mark Bredenkamp, wat aktief onder Sataniste bekeringswerk gedoen het, te vermoor. “Ek was “chicken” en het besluit om sy tienjarige seun Seph te vermoor. Ek het hom uit 'n vol kerk ontvoer en met my “dagger” aangehou. Maar ek het nie rekening gehou met die krag waarmee God werk nie, “ kom dit van 'n borrelende Adele. Mark, wat besig was om te preek, het die boodskap gekry dat sy seun ontvoer is – met die opdrag om God met sy kind te vertrou. Hy het klaar gepreek en toe na sy kind gaan soek. Hy het Adele tromp-op gekonfronteer met die woorde: “Hoe DURF jy 'n kind van God se dienaar aanval!”. Daarna het hy haar met sy arms ontvou en gesê: “Ek het jou lief met die liefde van Jesus.”
“Dit was die eerste ware liefde wat ek ooit ontvang het,” erken Adele. En dit was die begin van haar genesingspad, haar skoonmaakpad en haar nuwe identiteit . Sy het baie geleer uit die moeilike pad wat sy geloop het, vertel Adele. “Die duiwel verkondig twee leuens oor homself – dat hy nie bestaan nie en dat hy sal verdwyn as jy hom ignoreer. Hy floreer in die kleinste dorpies (in 'n dorpie soos Parys is daar nege Satanistiese kerke) en hy gaan ook kerk toe en ken die Bybel.” “Ek het geleer dat God soms wag vir 'n moedelose hart. Ek het ook geleer dat God nie geintimideer word deur omstandighede nie – want Hy is God. Wanneer jy vra vir uitkoms, verander niks in jou omstandighede nie, maar jy ervaar Hom. Hy wil jou ken en Hy het alles vir jou edoen. Alle wapens is reeds vir jou gegee.” Die antwoord, glo Adele, lê in jou identiteit – wie jy in Christus is. As die duiwel jou wil aanval moet jy weet wie jy is. Sy het ook geleer, vertel sy, dat God die God van berge en van dale is. Hy beweeg ook waar dit klam en donker is. Sy het Job 38:1 aan haar lyf gevoel: “En toe het God vir Job geantwoord uit 'n woeste storm.” Moet nooit die krag van die lewende God onderskat nie, is haar deurleefde raad. ~ Deur Gerda Whitehorn. Foto: Michelle Boshoff.
News/ Nuus
Summer hits for this week m someraanbiedinge hierdie week New on the book shelves
Lydenburg De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00
Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Frances Solomon B.Sc (Vet Biol) B.VSc
Spekboom Tak - Burgersfort
Amateur and more seasoned tree-spotters will welcome this latest addition to the What's that? series. Accessible and straightforward, this book groups trees together into their broad families, based on the features that related species share. This allows readers to narrow down their choices to a few likely possibilities before tackling the detail of species identification. The book offers simple, authoritative text; side-bars with interesting additional information; multiple full-colour
photographs, including key diagnostic features; and an illustrated glossary of plant parts. This helpful introduction should provide an invaluable entry point for anyone with an interest in the trees of the region.
Kruisstr., Burgersfort (op Ohrigstad - Burgersfortpad) Tel: 076 412 4441 Na ure/ After hours: 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Dins & Don/ Tues & Thurs: 09:00 - 13:00 Slegs per afspraak/ By appointment only Vetshop Kantoorure/ Office Hours Ma - Vry / Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 16:00
Did you know that there was English in South Africa before the English? Have you ever wondered where the words 'tsotsi', 'larney', 'gogga' and 'chakalaka' come from? Do you know that the first sentence uttered by a South African in English was 'Coeree home go', by a kidnapped Khoikhoi man in 1613? South Africa is home to several unique varieties of English. This entertaining book traces the evolution of the language in the country, looking at the diverse forms of English spoken here, where they come from and how they fit into the world spectrum of English. Humorous and informative, it outlines the distinctive features of South African English and is packed with examples and explanations of common expressions, slang, pronunciations and typically South African words and phrases, including 'bunny chow', 'just now', 'veldskoen', 'sundowner' and, of course, 'eish'. The text is enriched with up-to-date, often hilarious illustrations of key concepts.
17 November 2011
Nuus / News
News/ Nuus
Summer hits for this week Warm someraanbiedinge hierdie week
PNA Lydenburg het 'n 2011 WĂŞreldbekerdag kompetisie landswyd aangebied. M. Combrink was een van die wenners en hy het 'n R250 geskenkbewys losgeslaan! Op die foto is me. Adri Taljaard en M. Combrink.
Koop nou jou dagboek vir 2012 by PNA, Dit gaan van die rakke af vlieg. Boonop is dit ideale Kersgeskenke.
Nuus / News
17 November 2011
Afgri lends a helping hand to local charity
Gasspreker Hanneke Scheffer doen ’n praktiese demonstasie.
Arabiere word op Natalshoop deur hul passies gesit Dr. Marietjie Malan skryf: Nog ’n suksesvolle Aucamp Arabier opedag is op Saterdag 5 November 2011 op die plaas Natalshoop gehou.
’n Demonstrasie met ’n Arabier.
Ongeveer 45 perdeliefhebbers het met verwondering die Arabierperde besigtig, toe hulle een-vir-een in die ring op die maat van musiek hulle grasie en vurigheid ten toon gestel het. Die hings Ahsom was een van die hoogtepunte en hy het baie potensiaal gewys om nog verdere opslae in die skouring te maak. Verskeie maatskappye het hulle produkte uitgestal en besonderse dank moet aan Pfizer Dieregesondheid gegee word vir die donasie van die koeldranke vir die dag. Verskeie besighede, plaaslik en van Gauteng, het hulle produkte ten toon gestel. Die gasspreker, Hanneke Scheffer, het met ’n praktiese demonstrasie aan die toeskouers verduidelik hoe om ’n perd voor te berei om optimaal in verskeie dissiplines te presteer. Sonder die toewyding, voorbereiding en lekker worsbroodjies van Richard en Henri Aucamp en die stalbestuurder Charl Roux, sou die dag nie so ’n groot sukses gewees het nie. Wel gedaan aan almal wat ’n inset gelewer het.
Mr Peter Harris, Ms Tienie Nel and Rika, Mr Mpati Mojapelo (Afgri CSI Manager) Mr Peter Harris (General Manager, Afgri Sustainability from Afgri Centurion, made a special visit to Lydenburg last week to hand over a box of necessary food and other items to Duncia Safe Haven. Under his initiative, Afgri employees have been contributing an unperishable item to a box marked
for donations every month. Employees had the opportunity to nominate a charity of their choice to receive the box of goodies. Duncia Safe Haven in Lydenburg was very excited to learn that they were nominated. Mr Harris came through from Pretoria for the hand over. Mrs Tienie Nel from Duncia would like to thank Afgri and their employees for the contribution.
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
17 November 2011
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305
How not to jump start your car! WHEN jump starting a car it's important to remember one thing match the positive cable with the positive battery outlet and viceversa for the negative. If you match them incorrectly the consequences can be quite dire, as two US motorists found out. The incident occurred in South Carolina as Jeep owner Andrew Jernigan connected jumper cables to his friend Delaney Mills' Volkswagen Golf. Mills had stalled in the street and Jernigan hooked up the cables incorrectly as they attempted to jump-start the Golf's battery. The damage from the mishap resulted in both vehicles being written off. Marc Coty, a friend of the hapless pair, commented that the damage was so severe they were unable to remove the cables and were left to watch as both vehicles were engulfed in flames. Coty explained: "While attaching the jump cables to the batteries of the cars, they accidentally crossed the wires, attaching the positive cable to the negative terminal on the battery and vice versa. "After Andrew started his car up, the rubber melted off of the jump cables, making it impossible to remove them from the batteries of the cars. The
battery of Andrew's Jeep began to smoke," he said. Coty added: "While calling 911 to report the case to the fire department, the battery caught alight. The fire began to spread very quickly across the entire engine of Andrew's car.� Coty said they were wary of causing an electrical fire and so did not risk pouring water onto the two vehicles. "Within the 15 minutes that it took the firefighters to get to the scene, the flames had engulfed about three-quarters of Andrew's car and the flames reached probably 10 feet (3m) in height," he added.
03 November 17 November 20112011
Most powerful Ducati ever YOU can forgive the Ducati guys for getting a bit hyped up - the centre-piece of their stand at the EICMA motorcycle expo in Milan, which opens to the public in November, is the company's most ambitious streetbike yet, a big twin that, if Ducati's claims are to be believed, is going to make litre-class four-cylinder superbikes look silly. And this on top of the most successful year in Ducati history, with 42 000 motorcycles sold and an increased market share in difficult economic conditions. Ducati's claims for the all-new Superquadro engine of 143kW at 10 750 revs and 132Nm at 9000rpm (making it the most powerful production twin yet) are matched by a quoted dry weight of just 164kg - ready to go, with a full tank of fuel, the 1199 Panigale reportedly tips the scale at just 188kg. That's a power-to weight ratio of 760kW/ton (comparable to a Formula One car!) on a street-legal motorcycle. It's housed in an aluminium monocoque frame (Ducati's first) with a suite of electronic rider aids that includes a 'fly-by-wire' electronic throttle, a new sports anti-lock braking system, traction control, adaptive electronic suspension, an electronic quick-shifter, and a race-derived engine braking control (electronic valve lifter) that controls rearwheel slides on the overrun. Even the colour liquid-crystal instrument panel display changes to suit the rider's environment. The 1199 Panigale (the name derives from Borgo Panigale, the Bologna suburb that is home to Ducati) will be available in three variants: the standard Panigale, which will sell in Europe for R145 000, the Panigale S at R195 000 and the Panigale S Tricolore, in a special red, white and green livery to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Italian flag in 2012, which will cost R226 500 in Europe. The Ducati 1199 Panigale will be released in South Africa towards the end of the first quarter of 2012. SPECIFICATIONS: Engine: 1198 liquid-cooled L-Twin. Bore x stroke: 112 x 60.8mm. Valvegear: DOHC with four desmodromic overhead valves per cylinder. Power: 143kW at 10 750rpm. Torque: 133Nm at 9000rpm. Induction: Electronic fuel-injection with four 67.5mm throttle bodies. Ignition: Computer-controlled digital transistorised with electronic advance. Starting: Electric. Clutch: Hydraulically actuated multiplate wet clutch. Transmission: Six-speed constant-mesh gearbox with final drive by chain. Front Suspension: 50mm Marzocchi inverted cartridge forks with hard-anodised
aluminium sliders, adjustable for preload, compression and rebound damping. Rear Suspension: Adjustable linkage with Sachs gas-charged monoshock adjustable for preload, compression and rebound damping, and ride height. Front brakes: Dual 330mm semi-floating discs with Brembo radial-mount fourpot opposed-piston callipers and optional ABS. Rear brake: 245mm disc with twin-piston floating calliper and optional ABS. Kerb weight: 188kg. Fuel tank: 17 litres. iol.motoring
Does anyone remember the Manta IN addition to moving the brand further upmarket with a model above the Insignia saloon, Opel CEO Karl-Friedrich Stracke has voiced his desire to bring back two of the company’s sportiest-looking models of yesteryear: the Manta and the GT. While Opel’s work on a premium model that will slot into the range above the current Insignia is currently under way, of far more interest is the company CEO’s desire to reinvent a brace of sporty models. In a recent interview with German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, Stracke stated, “I can easily imagine a car similar to the Manta but with modern technology and a new design”. Released in 1970, the rear-wheel drive Manta was perceived to be a dynamically and visually dramatic departure from the firm’s more run-of-the-mill offerings at the time and a foil to the iconic Ford Capri. Later B and B2 series models saw the Manta make a name for itself in motorsports, most notably in rally-homologated Manta 400 guise in the early ‘80’s. Stracke, who was a Manta owner himself, pointed out that Opel gathered many fans and built a strong reputation in motorsports thanks to models such as the Manta. He also stated that he could “certainly imagine” a reborn version of the company’s striking 1960’s GT – not a rehash of the Lotus Elise-alike Opel Speedster/Vauxhall VX220. Such a model, if given the green light, could lift a number of visual and technological cues from the company’s Flextreme GT-E Concept. This concept was revealed at last year’s Geneva Motor Show and a range-extender hybrid that incorporated a small-displacement petrol unit augmenting a lithium-ion battery-fed electric motor.
17 November 2011
Astra OPC set to redefine the hot hatch WATCH out world! Opel has released the first details and images of its fearsome Astra OPC super hatch. Mere weeks after the three-door GTC model was shown at the Johannesburg international auto show, Opel has released the first official pictures of its new hot hatch to top the Astra hatchback model range. Powered by a two-litre turbo engine with direct petrol injection, this Astra’s output is quoted at 206kW/400Nm. This is also the fastest Astra cooked up by the Opel Performance Centre yet - it's capable of 250km/h. This OPC’s chassis was tuned for performance, the work of several laps of the Nürburgring race track’s Nordschleife to get the balance just right. The ride is geared towards optimum lateral dynamics and supreme handling while at the same time being comfortable enough to use as a daily driver. It uses the Opel’s HiPerStrut front suspension to achieve these feats, along with the fully adaptive FlexRide chassis control system which enables the driver to adjust the car’s damping, steering and throttle response to suit their driving style and the prevailing road conditions. This is done using the 'Sport' and 'OPC' button on the dash. Furthermore, the OPC is fitted with a limited-slip differential on the front axle to give the hot hatch even more stability and solid handling, crucially, when exiting bends at high speeds. As for stopping, brakes have been supplied by Brembo for unshakeable braking, even in the most heart-stopping moments. Cosmetically, the OPC’s racy edge is accentuated by its redesigned front and rear bumpers and side skirts, roof spoiler and twin, trapezoidal tail pipes. The cabin is decked out in performance seats and a flat-bottomed leather wrapped steering wheel, among other goodies. The high-performance Astra is expected to drift into South Africa in 2012.
Good looking. Let us hope the car will be priced below Lumina (close to, or the same, will not make sense). Ed.
17 November 2011
Plaaslike renjaer presteer goed PLAASLIKE renjaer Steven Colloty, neem op ‘n gereelde basis aan die historiese motorwedrenne op Zwartkops en Kyalami deel. Steven ry ‘n 1971 Datsun 1600 SSS, wat bietjie getoor is. Die enjin is handgebou met ‘n enkel bonokas. Die 316 grade nokas is spesiaal vir die motor deur Van Der Linde Developments gebou. Die enjin het twee dubbelkeel 48mm Dellorto vergassers en ‘n 76mm vryvloei uitlaatstelsel, gebou deur plaaslike firma De Graaf se Dawie Ras. Steven het verlede jaar aan die 3-uur uithouwedren (retro 9-hour) deelgeneem en algeheel sesde geïndig uit 65 motors. Hy het 35ste gekwalifiseer en weggespring en sy pad oopgeveg tot in die sesde plek. Die eerste vier motors was Porche’s en die vyfde motor ‘n Ford GT40. Steven se motor was die eerste viersilinder “saloon” oor die wenstreep na die drie ure. Andre Coetzee
17 November 2011
Properties / Eiendomme
News/ Nuus
Goeie kopie
Die ‘Government School’ in Lydenburg. Die Laerskool Lydenburg het eers in die 1960's na sy perseël in Nelstraat geskuif. Die ouer inwoners van Lydenburg het nog in die ‘ou-laerskool skoolgegaan. Hierdie foto is geneem in 1918. Die ou laerskool was op die ‘plein, waar die munisipaliteit is.
Mnr. H.P. Mills, inspekteur van skole in Transvaal in 1903 en mnr. W. J. M. Marren, distrikshoof van Lydenburg afgeneem op ’n perdekar terwyl hulle op ‘n inspeksie was. Die foto is in ongeveer 1904 geneem.
Moeilik om te glo dat hierdie skool wel van gebou verskuif het maar dat daar elke dag bykans ’n 1 200 kinders geskool word. ~ Michelle Boshoff Die Laerskool Lydenburg se kinders speel op die skoolgronde tydens pouse Hierdie was ’n poskaart wat op 2 Oktober 1911 geskryf is.
Sitk, eetkamer, kombuis met melamienkaste, drie slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, twee badkamers o.a. met stort, veiligheidshekke, diefwering, alarm, omhein, motorafdak vir twee motors. Teëldak, voltitel erf 650m². Goeie koop! Skakel Lydenburg Eiendomme by 013 235 1986 vir enige navrae.
Die eerste skoolhoof van die ‘Government School’, mnr. Marren. Hy was skoolhoof vanaf 23 Januarie 1903 tot 12 Desember 1924.
turning your dream into a reality!
celebrating 50 years of excellence!
Properties / Eiendomme
17 November 2011
News/ Nuus
Sterkspruit Eiendomme - Huis van die Week Sterkspruit Properties are now launching this new development. It is a sole and exclusive mandate. Residential Development situated in Goud Street, Full title, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, double automated garage. Only two units available. Priced at R960 000. Save thousands on transfer duty, 100% bonds available (T&C Applies). To Avoid disappointment phone Fanie du Toit at 072 317 3959 of 013 235
A must see Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE KOOP:
• 2 x 2 Slk dupleks wooneenhede met erf, kan van plan gekoop word, voltitel, btw, oordragskoste ingesluit - R800,000 • 6 x 3 Slk wooneenhede in sekuriteitskompleks, btw, oordragskoste ingesluit R910,000
VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos:
• Verskeie erwe vanaf R260,000
• 3 Slk woning in sekuriteitsarea - R1350,000
Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)
082 492 8412
GOEIE KOOP !! VOLTITEL MEENTHUIS Privaat, netjies, eie tuintjie. 3 Slk, 2 badk, ruim sit/eetk, oopplankomb. Opwas/wask. Esmé Enkelm/h, spasie vir 2de motor. (VERHURINGS) Afstandbeheertoegangshek. 013 235 1986 Omhein. R840 000
Besoek vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
News/ Nuus
• Nuut geboude luukse 3 slk woning - R1250,000
17 November 2011
Nuus / News
Die Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO se leiers vir 2012 is voor: Calista Cornelissen, Ruzaan Botha, Jenise Crozier, Janke Vermeulen; agter: Marco van Wyk, Alexander van den Berg, Morné Bezuidenhout, Andries de Lange.
Ruzaan Botha (Graad 8) is aangewys as die Veelsydigste Leerling van die jaar.
Kultuur: Simoné Grobler is aangewys as die Senior Presteerder.
Die volgende leerlinge het toekennings ontvang vir prestasies in Bybel: Voor: Simoné Grobler, Armin Joubert, (agter): Marietjie Maritz, Yolandi van Niekerk, Morné Bezuidenhout
18 17 03 November November2011 2011
SlimkopiesClassifieds / Classifieds
NICE LINGERIE 074 887 6950 m
BEAUTY BOX - sonbed 013 235 4986
FIAT 680 TRACTOR with 4 implements R39 000. 084 629 2167
KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS B a t t e r y Te c h - r e conditioning of car & motorcycle batteries + purchase of reconditioned batteries. 013 235 1109 T E L E V I D E O Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 SECURE STORAGE AVA I L A B L E R e z a k Storage now open. Dirk 076 660 1389 L A W N P R O weed/pest/disease control & landscaping. 079 519 6061 GRADE 10 – 12 FET college and support centre. Contact Erika 082 5168566 or e-mail : CRAFTY KIDS: Ons maak speelgoed, geskenkies, kunswerke met verf, pastelle en klei. Kom deel in die kreatiewe prêt. 013 235 2598/ 082 893 5056 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 C H A R C O A L B R A N D E R S L Y D E N B U R G OMGEWING 30ha bloekombos beskikbaar. 083 357 6832
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
SKOONHEID/ BEAUTY C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 NAILS, LASHES, Makeup 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947 S4 SLIMMING Tablets 076 677 6002
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Tania 082 331 4814
Hoë DRUK plastiek besproëingspype 65mm R10 p/m. 084 629 2167 WIZARD’S BOOKSHOP: Afrikaans Louis L’Amour & James Hadley Chase boeke beskikbaar. 072 273 2834
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494
L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 TE HUUR/ TO LET
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
VRAGMOTOR TE HUUR: a l l e t i p e v e r v o e r, bestuurder word voorsien. Langafstande R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174/ Kobus 082 321 7054
TAFELDOEKE Overlays, glase en eetgerei. Skakel Rina: 082 751 0432
EIENDOM TE KOOP/ PROPERTY TO BUY 3 SLK WOONHUIS in Voortrekkerstraat. Groot stoep, buitekamers, palisade 082 406 7830 PRIVATE VERKOOP: Meenthuis met 3slk, 2 badk, dubbel motorhuis en swembad. R980 000. 082 330 8605 BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES,LYDENBURG. 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, b a k k i e s , c o m b i ’s e n dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
S U P E RW O R M S : 5 0 c each. 082 403 1786
H E E R L I K E PLAASHOENDERS TE KOOP Heel - R24p/kg, porsies ook beskikbaar. Aflewering vanaf 12 Desember. 072 624 8221/ 017 358 7272
K L I T Z G R A S CHALETS B&B ACCOMMODATION: Coffee shop, Chapel, Conference facilities, Boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES VAKANTE betrekking vir kroegdame by lodge.
KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • El Shaddai Gemeente Evangelie van Christus Netwerk. Rensburgstr. 41, Lydenburg. Woe. 19:00 Vry. 19:00 jeug. Sondagskool 09:00, diens
Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00. Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. jeugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 1 9 : 0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 . Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk.
Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604.
STUDENTEVERBLYF Camellialaan 184 Pretoria 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met oopplan kombuis, tv kamers, swembad en braai geriewe. ± 5km vanaf TUKS en 1.5km vanaf Varsity College. Is deel van studente komune. Ideaal vir 2 studente wat wil deel. Kontak: Agnesia van Zyl 082 461 1001
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Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R50 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Francois 082 826 1502 Maryna 082 568 6695 FARM FOR SALE: 23 kms from Rustenburg. 16ha, view of Magalies mountains. 3 bed, 3 bath, pool, electric fence, 4 boreholes - 1 equipped. 2 tunnels, chicken house for 5000 chicks. River runs through property. For sale or to swop for house in Lydenburg. R2,3 million. Lesley 082 394 9429
BECP BETON Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
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Notices & Vacancies
'Economic Instability' behind SA's Mental Health Crisis
survey to gauge South Africa's collective mental state has found economic instability to be the leading cause behind the increase in anxiety and depression in the country. The study, conducted by one of the country's leading distributors of central nervous system medication, Pharma Dynamics, polled 19 psychiatrists across South Africa for their opinion. Ninety-five percent of those surveyed revealed that the current economic environment is creating extreme anxiety and depression syndromes among more people than ever before due to perceptions of threats to their survival. Mariska Fouche, Public Affairs Manager at Pharma Dynamics, says that more South Africans than ever before are being confronted with poverty due to the unfavourable economic situation – even among the well-educated who have the potential to be highly productive. “People are living in chronic fear of lay-offs and/or life-long unemployment. Current figures from the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) show that 1 in 5 South Africans suffer from anxiety and depression, which is set to rise as the economic situation worsens. “If not properly addressed, chronic stress and other mental health problems jeopardise the health and well-being of South Africans and of the nation as a whole.” The survey also supported a figure quoted in a recent SADAG report, which stated that only 27% of South Africans who report mental illness ever receive appropriate treatment, which means nearly three-quarters are not accessing any form of mental healthcare. Fouche says despite significant gains in the availability of effective depression treatment over the past decade, the level of unmet need for treatment remains high. “Nine out of ten psychiatrists, who participated in the poll, confirmed that people living with severe depression delay receiving treatment, in some cases for nearly a decade. They named stigma and the fear of being rejected and treated differently by family, friends and co-workers among the main motivations for postponing treatment,” she says. According to the survey, the incidence of depression still remains high among women, but Fouche points out that this doesn't mean that men do not suffer from depression. “Historically men avoid being labelled and therefore tend to turn towards substance or alcohol abuse to help them cope.” Psychiatrists polled also reported a significant increase in children suffering from depression compared to a decade ago, particularly among children from lower income families. Maternal stress, prenatal smoke exposure and genetic susceptibility may all play a role. Those suffering from depression can contact Pharma Dynamics' toll-free helpline on 0800 205 026, which is manned by trained SADAG counsellors from 8am to 8pm every day of the year.
17 November 2011
Kumon-leerders presteer volstoom in 2011 Foto Regs: ’n Paar leerders van Kumon wat uitstekend gevaar het hierdie jaar. Kumon het onlangs al die leerders wat hierdie jaar presteer het met sertifikate en trofees beloon. Die leerders en die personeel wat hulle so mooi gehelp het verdien ’n welverdiende ruskans.
17 November 2011 LINKS: Stephnie Fritz is die Kletskous Koerant se Redaksielid van die Jaar. Sy het haar eie rekord van verlede jaar gebreek en 56 advertensies gewerf vir die Kletskous. Chanél Barnard en Steven Bezuidenhout is vir Uitstekende Dienslewering in 2011 vereer.
Jacques Brits is die Dux-leerling vir 2011 by die Laerskool Lydenburg. Hy het op elke gebied uitgeblink en sy puik akademiese prestasies is ’n voorbeeld vir almal.
CVO leerders blink uit Ander CVO foto’s op bl. 17
Alexander van den Berg – Sportman van die Jaar, Ruzaan Botha – Sportvrou van die Jaar vir 2011 by Lydenburg Akademie.
Links: Jan-Paul van der Linde - Senior Redenaar van die jaar (ATKV Streekuitdunne), Gabby van der Merwe - Junior Redenaar van die Jaar
Links agter: Tiaan Pretorius Junior seunsatleet van die jaar, Ané Coetzee - Junior dogtersatleet van die jaar. Links voor: Jeandré Combrink - Senior seunsatleet van die jaar en Linsy Reiter - Senior dogtersatleet van die jaar Links agter: Tristan Lindeque - Veelsydigste Sportseun, Eunice Steenekamp N. J. Nel het ’n Veelsydigste Sportdogter Spesiale Toekenning Links voor: Brady Theron - Sportseun van vir Handhawing ontvang. Dit sluit in die Jaar, Tacita Black - Sportdogter van die sy positiewe houding Jaar asook prestasies in akademie en buitemuurseaktiwiteite.
Links agter: Armand Aucamp gr.5, Alicha Joubert
gr.6 (Beste Senior Redenaar op skool se Redenaarsaand) - afwesig en Janie van Rooyen gr.7 Links voor: Lisa Ingwersen gr.1, Anke Alberts gr.2, Jana Ingwersen gr.3 (Beste Junior Redenaar op skool se Redenaarsaand), Die volgende leerders van die Laerskool Lydenburg se name sal op die Reuben van der Elzette Gerber (links) en Elrie Golach Akademiese Ererol aangebring word. Veels geluk (van links, agter): Merwe gr.4 (regs) het trofeë ontvang vir sewe jaar Jacques Brits, Elzette Gerber, Elrie Golach, Marna Muller; (voor): getroue skoolbesoek. Nicolaas Nel, Bianca Ryan, Etli van der Merwe en Janie van Rooyen