LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03
1 Maart / March 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 8 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Gruesome murder shocks Michelle Boshoff
HE two alledged murderers were caught and they apparently bought drinks for everyone in a shebeen after the murder with part of the R14 000 they stole. That was after killing Mrs Johanna Moore (78), fondly known as Jo. She owned a flower nursery and was a part time
florist in Dullstroom. The attackers burned her with a hot iron on her face and both arms. According to the SAPS she sustained serious head injuries. Reports were issued that the two men, 33 an 34 respectively were caught on Thursday evening and have since appeared in the Belfast Magistrate Court. Mrs Moore was a well-loved and respected part of the Dullstroom community. After her body was discovered a shocked friend phoned the Highlands Panorama News on Thursday. “I want
everyone to know what happened to Jo, it must be published around the world. These atrocities in South Africa are happening to defenseless people that would give their last piece of bread to a beggar. They came into her home and killed her. The so-called laws in SA can't protect us anymore,” said the caller that wished to remain anonymous. According to reports this is about the fifth murder of this caliber in 20 years.
Late Mrs Jo Moore (78)
Die vlug oor Lydenburg het op Dinsdag 28 Februarie voorwaar glimlagte op almal se gesigte gesit. Die Hoedspruit Lugmagbasis maak elke jaar hier dag moontlik vir Estralita Skool in Lydenburg, hul borge, personeel en kinders. Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens (foto links) het ook haar deel bygedra as Mrs United Nations finalis 2012 en nog ’n vrag w a t e r, k l e r e e n k o s s a a m m e t d i e h e l i k o p t e r s n a H o e d s p r u i t g e s t u u r. D i e A u g u s t a - h e l i k o p t e r s e l e m m e h e t ’ n ‘lekkerte’ in almal se harte gesit. (Die borge en nog foto’s volg in die 8 Maart uitgawe. (foto’s Andre Coetzee).
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Nuus / News
1 Maart / March 2012
Dinsdag se ekskursie ten bate van Estralita Skool in Lydenburg het groot opgewondenheid gelok. Dankie aan almal wat bygedra het - die borge en al die ander foto’s is volgende week in die Highlands Panorama Nuus.
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Violence against women an attrocity DAWN Provincial Leader, cllr Sonja Boshoff writes: With the recent spate of murders on women, one in Lydenburg and one in Dullstroom, I feel obliged to put pen to paper and express my utter disdain towards these horrendous violent crimes against women. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families of these women and trust that they will find solace in the presence of our Almighty God. While DAWN absolutely condemns these savage forms of crime, we acknowledge and appreciate the efforts displayed by SAPS in ensuring that the perpetrators of Ms Angel Thompson (Lydenburg) and Ms Jo Moore (Dullstroom)
have been apprehended. Violence against women and girls is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations and affects all societies and is a major obstacle to ending gender inequality and discrimination globally. The lack of state accountability in comprehensively addressing violence against women and girls is a significant obstacle to ending the problem. Generalized acceptance of violence against the “soft targets” of this country, lack of political will, inadequate legal protection and enforcement, insufficient resource allocation and / or poor implementation of national commitments, contribute to pervasive impunity. DAWN would like to see a more positive approach with the implementation of solutions by government to put an end to this savagery.
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Nuus / News
Nearly R500 000 spent on safety for the Thaba Chweu offices Michelle Boshoff
Residents may have noticed the new palisades and security equipment at the Thaba Chweu Council Lydenburg offices. This upgrade cost close to R500 000. This upgrade came under discussion at the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber meeting last week. Mr Farhad Essack, DA councillor, said that he argued for hours to tell TCM that it will only leave a bad impression to rate payers to spend so much money on the palisades and security equipment. The palisades reportedly cost R390 000 and the security doors and cameras cost
about R180 000. About two weeks ago TCM advertised 10 positions in total for electricians and plumbers. Mr Essack argued that it would be better to buy new vehicles for these new employees to continue their duties. The upgrade to security was ordered by the Ehlanzeni District Municipality. “The new upgrades are essential for TCM and the security of the personnel and the building,”said Mr Themba Sibiya, recently appointed media spokesperson of TCM. He confirmed that the provincial government gave instructions for the upgrade.
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Rubrieke / Columns
1 Maart / March 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Dankie Lydenburg Gemeenskap Mnr. Johan Loots, skoolhoof Hoërskool Lydenburg: Hoërskool Lydenburg wil graag die Lydenburggemeenskap bedank vir hulle volgehoue ondersteuning. Al gaan dit soms moeilik, is dit die positiewe ondersteuning van alle rolspelers nl. personeel, ouers, leerders, vriende en die sakegemeenskap wat 'n suksesverhaal van 'n skool maak. 'n Sprekende voorbeeld hiervan was die atletiekseisoen waar massas atlete en ondersteuners by die Interhuis, vriendskaplike byeenkomste en by die Interhoër hulle staal gewys het. Die gees van ouers, atlete en toeskouers was aansteeklik. 'n Ander voorbeeld is die meer as 60 senior rugbyspelers wat vir die rugbyproewe opgedaag het. Dankie ouers en personeel. Julle verdien 'n goeie skool. The establishment of the Samancor Chrome Trade School Programme through the Phuphuka Training and Development Centre at Lydenburg High School, is a positive development at our school. Not only do both centres benefit, but staff are also trained and developed. For our learners this means that the electrical, fitting and boilermaking disciplines are developed in this process. Thank you Samancor. Lydenburg High School appreciates your contribution to our school. Hoërskool Lydenburg het ook met die Lydenburg Ringbalklub en die Krieketklub ooreengekom dat hulle die terrein met voorwaardes kan gebruik. Dankie aan beide die sportklubs vir die voorgestelde verbetering van ons fasiliteite. Goeie samewerking met die Lydenburggemeenskap is 'n baie belangrike doelwit van Hoërskool Lydenburg vir die toekoms. Baie sterkte aan die Lydenburg- gemeenskap met die res van 2012.
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
andag gooi ek 'n stuiwer in die armbeurs. Die stuiwer is 'n gedagte, soos gewoonlik, en die armbeurs 'n poel. Op Hoorhiersô is dié poel 'n swymeling van swak diens en ontevredenheid wat mense kry as hulle hul beursies oopmaak. Die hoof klagte is groente en brood wat na hul vervaldatum nog steeds op rakke te koop aangebied word. 'n Haastige aankoper let nie altyd na die kan-al-vrotwees datum nie, en sit dit in die waentjie. Soos ek Maandag moes agterkom toe ek so 19:00 iets te ete wou aanmekaar slaan. Roerbraaigroente wat “pong” toe ek dit oopmaak. Die gril-kriewels loop nou nog langs my ruggraat af met die gedagte. Wie ook al nou voor my staan sal dink ek gaan deur 'n baie erge maagpyn. Want daar staan siek op my gesig geskryf. Natuurlik is my eetlus, wat 'n goeie ding is, by die deur uit saam met alles wat ek die dag ingeneem het. Maanskyn en rose is so 'n groentevrotsel nie. 'n Geregverdige kwaad steek sy kop uit. Want nou is ek siek en my ete is daarmee heen. Dinsdag kry ek 'n 'refund'. Tog sal die ervaring my bybly en ironies genoeg is dit nie die eerste keer dat dit my by hierdie spesifieke kettingwinkel oorkom nie. Swak diens loop sinoniem met geld uitgee en inkopies. En glad nie parallel met 'n gelukkige kliënt nie. Ek twyfel of iemand iets nuuts tot die onderwerp kan bydra. Myns insiens is dit wel relevant omdat die onderwerp daagliks aangeroer word. As tannies en manne bymekaar kom vertel hulle vinnig van 'n besigheid wat hulle te na gekom het. Ek hoop hierdie ‘stuiwer in die armbeurs’ bereik die regte ore. Moenie dink omdat ons in ’n klein dorpie bly ons vrot kos moet koop nie. Ek ry Nelspruit toe en terug voordat jy kan mes sê.
man dissipline by sy seun kweek, so het die Here jou God vir jou dissipline geleer. Vader, help ons jong ouers vandag om hulle kinders te leer van dissipline.
Ou waardes TOE ek jonk en ’n tiener was, was ek nie baie beïndruk met my pa en ma se kennis nie. Hulle was eenvoudige mense en kon my nie veel leer van tegnologie, rock musiek en sulke belangrike dinge nie. My pa het my in die aand op die gras langs hom laat lê en vir my die sterre gewys. Hy het verduidelik van die Melkweg en die Drie Susters en die Suiderkruis. Hy het my geleer van bome en wilde diere en hulle gewoontes en sulke dinge. My ma het my my geleer om oom en tannie te sê, en asseblief en dankie. Om as iemand ouer as ek was en ons kom gelyktydig by ’n ry of ’n deur, altyd die ouer mens eerste te laat ingaan. My pa was lief vir rugby, maar hy het nie met my geraas
“Laat rus saak oor my en Eugene Terre’Blanche” Ilse Venter van Lydenburg skryf: Ek het gedink die stof sal gaan lê na die artikel oor my en Eugene Terre'Blanche in Rapport, maar dit het nie. Dankie oor die inset in "Outoppie", want dit is tog so waar. Ek het besluit om die feite agter die goedkoop sensasie bloot te stel, want dit lyk nie vir my of Lydenburg se mense gaan ophou om my te kruisig nie. Niemand het moeite gedoen om te probeer uitvind hoekom ek so ’n stupid ding sou doen nie so kom ek vertel julle. 'n Artikel oor Eugene se plaas en 'n familietwis tussen sy broer se skoonseun en Martie Terre'Blanche, sy vrou, het in Rapport van 5 Februarie verskyn. Al die antwoorde rondom die twis en familiegeskiedenis verskyn in Eugene se autobiografie en nadat ek met sy vrou beraadslaag het, het ek besluit om kommentaar te lewer daaroor. Dus het Rapport verkeerdelik berig dat ek hulle genader het oor die inhoud van die gepubliseerde voorbladstorie. Ek het hulle genader om die eer van sy vrou en dogter te probeer beskerm. Dankie vir die mense en vriende van Lydenburg wat my wel ondersteun, so ook Martie Terre'Blanche en die nuwe leier van die AWB, Steyn van Ronge. Ek hoop hierdie sakie kan nou gaan rus.
Dankie aan McGee Tagtigste mylmaal
Deuteronomium 8:5: Jy moet diep in jou hart weet: soos 'n
Huise van glas kan ook breek
Wi l n a e n A n t r o Davel skryf: Aan die personeel van McGee garage wil ons net baie dankie sê vir uitstekende diens met die aankoop van die Ford Figo, veral vir Barney Sinden. Hy het uit sy pad gegaan om seker te maak ons is gelukkig. En ons is baie gelukkige kliënte en beveel julle vir almal aan!
word hoog gevier
Me. Joy Goss van Lydenburg het op 11 Februarie haar tagtigste verjaardag gevier. Haar familie het gesê: “Ons dank die Hemelse Vader vir soveel goeie gespaarde jare en al die seëninge in haar lewe. Sy is vir ons ’n toonbeeld van Spreuke se deugsame vrou. Sy is ’n goeie vrou vir haar man, sorgsame ma vir haar kinders, ’n liefdevolle ouma vir haar kleinkinders en ’n wonderlike vriendin.” Regs: Me. Joy Goss van Lydenburg tydens haar 80ste verjaarsdagviering
oor ek nie rugby gespeel het nie. Wat daardie twee ou mense my geleer het, was ou-skool goete. Hulle was op hulle beurt nie beïndruk met my musiek nie. Hulle het gedink Pink Floyd is duiwels. Wat hulle my egter geleer het en wat ek eers later besef het, was waardes. Etiek. Moreel. Goeie maniere. Etiket. Daardie dinge wat van jou ’n ordentlike mens maak. Vandag is dit anders. Basiese goeie maniere en ou waardes word nie meer deur ouers aan hulle kinders geleer nie. Enigiets wat gratis is, word afgemaak as waardeloos. Ouers koop hulle kinders se opvoeding. Die duurste kleuterskole, skole, wiskunde klasse, ballet klasse en elke ding wat ’n fortuin kos. Dit het glo waarde. Omdat ouers daarvoor ten duurste betaal, verwag hulle dat onderwysers en dosente hulle kinders moet opvoed. En die leerkurrikula sluit nie meer dinge soos Godsdiens en liggaamlike opvoeding in nie, want dit is nie polities korrek nie. Daar is geen plek in leerplanne om kinders
ou waardes te leer nie. Daar is nie dissipline nie. Kinders is die middelpunt van belangstelling en die senter van die gesprek wanneer ouers sosiaal bymekaar kom. Dit was nie so in my tyd nie. Ek is uit die geselskap geboender. En as ek nie die oom of die tannie beleefd gegroet het nie, het my gat gebrand. My pa en ma is nie skool toe ontbied om my probleme te bespreek nie. Die onderwysers en die hoof het my gevoeter en klaar. As ek by die huis nie kon sit of my mond kon hou nie en die oukêrel kom agter ek het iets verkeerd gedoen by die skool, het hy nie die onderwyser verkla nie. Hy het summier ook die lat ingelê, net ingeval ek gou vergeet. En die kinders is vandag daar vir almal om te sien: Oorwegend ongemanierde, slordige, ongedissiplineerde, verwaande en arrogante skepseltjies wat dink geld kan alles koop. En dan wonder pa en ma wat het verkeerd gegaan. En jy kan dit nie regmaak as hulle eers tieners en ouer is nie. Dié boompie moes kleintyd al reg gebuig gewees het. Ou waardes.
1 Maart March 2012 8 Julie/ 2010 / 8 July 2010
Nuus / News
ET die konstruksie wat ’n paar weke kort van die spertyd voltooi is, kan die Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes met reg trots wees op die nuwe wooneenhede. Die eerste inwoner, welbekende Lydenburger me. Non Mulder, het Vrydag ontvangs van haar eenheid geneem. Daar is nog twee wooneenhede beskikbaar. Die nuwe wooneenhede is ’n droom wat waar geword het vir me. Jeanetta Kruger (bestuurder van Rusoord) haar man mnr. At Kruger, inwoners en die komitee. Dit bewys weereens dat samewerking en nie dwarstrekkery die sukses van sulke projekte sal verseker. Die grootste gedagte agter die projek is om meer bekostigbare behuising vir die pensionarisse te bied. Dank is uitgespreek aan alle inwoners wat baie geduldig was tydens die bouproses. Een van die volgende projekte is die kliniek wat beplan word, ’n ‘step-downkliniek’ vir pasiëntesorg. Dit is al jare ’n groot behoefte in die dorp. Dankie aan die konstruksiemaatskappye en al die borge wat hard gewerk het om Die werkers wat die hande agter die harde arbeid hierdie woonseenhede pronkstukke te maak. was by die Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes se ~ Michelle Boshoff
nuwe wooneenhede.
Me. Non Mulder sny die lint saam met me. Jeanetta Kruger (bestuurder, Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes).
Mnr. Roelf Castelyn (komitee Rusoord), mnr. At Kruger (Rusoord), me. Non Mulder (nuwe intrekker), me. Jeanetta Kruger (Rusoord) en mnr. Paul Loots (PJ Konstruksie).
Mnre. Emile Loots (Home Improvements), Manie Kruger (PJ Konstruksie), me. Jeanetta en At Kruger (Lydenburg Rusoord) en mnr. Paul Loots (PJ Konstruksie).
6m Rolltop Ridging
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Nutec Ceiling C6 R12995
Nuus / News
1 Maart/ March 2012
• Vrydag 2 Maart en Saterdag 3 Maart. Kansa Shavathon in Lydenburg by ses verskillende instansies oor die twee dae insluitend Lydenburg Gholfklub, Checkers The Heads, Spur-sentrum aangebied deur ERA, Pick’nPay Lydenburg en Toeka-tot-Nou Koffiewinkel. Vir meer inligting of oor hoe om by Shavathon 2012 betrokke te raak skakel Isobel 084 329 8737. • Saterdag 3 Maart. Toeka-tot-Nou Koffie- en geskenkwinkel in Viljoenstraat Lydenburg hou weer ’n vlooimark. ’n Shavathon vind ook plaas waar almal hul hare kan skeer of kleur. Skakel Louise: 082 569 0847 of 082 330 8605. • Saturday 31 March. Longtom Marathon. Between Sabie and Lydenburg. To become part of this annual prestige road running event by means of sponsorship, logistical support or the hosting of a water point please contact the race office on 012 346 2400 or Loma van der Walt on 082 557 9604. • Saterdag 31 Maart. Lydenburg Gholfklub. Gholfdag vir die Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes. Skakel 013 235 3876.
Shave or spray, Proe 'n potjie vir Cansa - Vrydag 2 Maart Shavathon 2012 H 2 & 3 March Lydenburg: 2nd March - Lydenburg Golf Club, Pam Golding Property. 3rd March • Legends at The Heads Shopping Centre, • Absa Lydenburg / Longtom SUPER Spar-Centre, • Laramie Spur Centre, hosted by ERA Properties, • Pick & Pay, • Toeka tot Nou Coffee Shop in Viljoen Street and the Lydenburg Golf Club.
For more information, please contact Jacqueline Weideman, Community Mobilizer at CANSA or email: jweideman@cansa.org.za, call 013 741 5441 or cell: 083 648 9771. Or visit www.cansa.org.za or call CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22, or email: info@cansa.org.za
ap 'n happie, kleur vir Pappie en laat die kinders baljaar - vir Cansa! Kom maak Vrydag 2 Maart van 12h00 af 'n draai by die Pam Golding-kantoor in Viljoenstraat en bring die kroos saam. Pam Golding se streekkantore van Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Belfast, Carolina, Machadodorp, Waterval-Boven, Sabie en Graskop hou op dié dag 'n Potjiekos-marathon saam met die hare wat waai. 'n Bord kos (eet daar of neem weg) kos R30 of R10 vir laerskool-kinders. Twee gelukkig kaaartjie-kopers kan 'n gesinsvakansievakansie by Yellow Sands in die Oos-Kaap wen, of 'n midweek-wegbreek vir twee by die Panorama-oord in Graskop. 'n Springkasteel vir die jongklomp en 'n volledige skeer- en kleurstasie word van 10h00 af op Vrydag by die Pam Golding-kantoor beman. 'n Uitstekende verskoning om te kuier en baljaar vir 'n goeie doel! Skakel Ilse by 013 235 1146 of lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za vir meer inligting.
Anton Greeff van Dullstroom se Pam Golding-tak laat die hare waai vir Cansa.
Teater-lekkerte in Lydenburg
Rooikaart, geskryf deur Dana Snyman, soos net hy kan, is die storie van Wally Koekemoer. Wally, die president van 'n plattelandse rugbyklub, moet die klub se prysuitdeling op die jaarlikse dinee behartig. Maar dinge lol – bywoning is swak en die pryswenners het nie opgedaag nie. Met sy gunsteling dop as onderskraging, gaan Wally voort met die seremonie. Soos wat sy tong losser raak, word die sluier sonder seremonie gelig oor wat agter die skerms by die klub aan die gang is. Die geraamtes in Wally Koekemoer se eie kas verskyn ook een vir een. Dit wat volg, is skreeusnaaks. Wally herinner 'n mens aan iemand wat jy al iewers in jou lewe teëgekom het en raak dinge kwyt wat al te bekend klink. Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO, bied sy vertoning aan DV 17 Maart 2012 om 19h00 te Lydenburg Stadsaal. Kontak Maryke Viljoen 083 775 2297 of
Maryna Fuls 082 568 6695 vir verdere navrae.
Nuus / News
1 Maart / March 2012
1 Maart / 1 March 2012
Nuus / News
Dwarsrivier is an Assmang operation that is managed by African Rainbow Minerals and Assore. The organisation is part of the bigger group: ARM Platinum, ARM Ferrous, ARM Coal, ARM exploration, ARM Harmony. Does the mine have social programmes to assist communities? Yes. The communities that should receive first priority have been identified. During the latter part of 2012, the mine c o n d u c t e d a stakeholder analysis in order to understand who it should engage with and why. The process involved s c a n n i n g t h e authorities. The outcome of that was the identification of the six municipal wards within Greater Tu b a t s e a n d t h e t r a d i t i o n a l communities within the same space.
The Management Team from Dwarsrivier Mine are (from left, back): Silas Hlapolosa (Technical), Francois Uys (Senior General Manager), Trinity Mthinyana (SD), Jaque Steyn (Metallurgy), Corrie Kempenaars (Engineering); (front): Rian Burger (Finance), Marius Kruger (MD) and Jeffrey Mchavi (Health and Safety).
Nuus / News
1 Maart / 1 March 2012
Stakeholder engagement is an ongoing activity on the ASSORE mine. The mine has spent many hours attending to people, local government structures are engaged on request from either parties or the Sector Department Donations also have the attention of the mine on many levels. Job Creation through enterprise development John Nkadimeng Gold Day: R10 000 Itirileng Football Club: R10 240
Disaster Relief (Food parcels after a storm): R30 000
“As senior General Manager of this Mine, it is important that I share with members of a broader society what is happening on the mine and how the mine plans to respond to social challenges. I am particularly proud of the new enterprise opportunities that we have unlocked over the past 18 months for our local communities. The holding of hands between local government and other sector departments can only make the future brighter. The appointment of the Projects Manager for key focus areas (water, roads, electrification and human resources development) will unlock development potential in this region. This is a result of us working and engaging even when the chips are down.” - Francois A. Uys, Senior General Manager.
Dwarsrivier is unable to provide job opportunities to all. Local enterprise development is a critical strategy of bringing SMME’s into the mainstream business. This is a poverty relief strategy that increases the breadbasket within the local mine communities. Once again, local communities receive reference in this area as well. Over the past year to date, a number of opportunities have been created to enhance this ideal. These opportunities have been created to assist local job creation: • Car wash • Underground road infrastructure • Waste rock crushing project • Surface infrastructure • Employee transportation.
We are committed to Infrastructure Development and primary issues the communities are concerned with: Access to clean drinking water • Access road • Electricity.
Land fill site action plan: R39 000 Disaster Relief (Disaster Relief Tents at Kalkfontein): R335 885,71 Sekhukhune Executive Mayor’s Marathon: R20 000 Shalom Creche: (Machadodorp) R300 000 Ngwaabe Police Station: R100 000 Babbelkousies Pre School Lydenburg: R100 000
Nuus / News Motoring
03 November 2011 1 Maart / March 2012
Spoedhobbels ’n groot kopseer ~ Onderstelle van motors word geskraap Michelle Boshoff Geen spoedhobbel in Lydenburg se strate is behoorlik gemerk nie. Dit veroorsaak groot ongerief vir motoriste. Dié ongerief sal minder kommerwekkend wees as daar ook minder skade aan voertuie is. Verlede week het ’n motorfietsryer in Morganstraat, Lydenburg, geval en skade is aangerig nadat hy hard met die spoedhobbel kennis gemaak het. Die spoedhobbels of spoedwalle veroorsaak groot konsternasie en skade aan voertuie, veral aangesien party walle nie gemerk is nie en daar ook geen waarskuwingsborde is wat motoriste waarsku nie. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus het die afgelope twee weke talle oproepe en klagtes ontvang en ook nadere ondersoek gedoen oor die spoedhobbels in die dorp. Baie motoriste weet nie van die spoedhobbels nie en die hobbels is in die middel lelik deurgestamp, natuurlik ten koste van die motoriste. Dit is ’n klinkklare bewys daarvan. Die volgende brief is ingegee deur ’n
anonieme skrywer: Stel jou voor, daar word gereeld by jou ingebreek jy stel ’n haelgeweer, die booswig word geskiet. Groot probleme volg, ’n klag van mansslag, poging tot moor of moord! Die stadsraad stel vir onskuldige motoriste haelgewere in die vorm van spoedhobbels. Toestelle wat duur voertuie beskadig, selfs al ry jy ver onder die spoedgrens van 60km/h. Dit stel ook die insittendes van die voertuig in gevaar, veral as jy beheer oor jou voertuig sou verloor en / of voor aankomende verkeer geslinger word. Hierdie hobbels word oral opgerig sonder dat waarskuwende kegels / tekens aangebring word terwyl die pad heeltemal versper word. Iemand dink klaarblyklik dat hy / sy bo die wet is of onaantasbaar is. Die spoedhobbels is in Mbombela verwyder. Ek hoop dat die stadsraad ’n goeie advokaat ken en dat hulle ’n ekstra dik tjekboek het, want ek kry die gevoel dat hulle dit gouer nodig gaan kry as wat jy dink. Bestee eerder die geld en tyd om die paaie wat so vrot is te herstel.
JCL Electronics Lydenburg, het onlangs 'n toekenning vanaf DSTV ontvang vir hul vyftien jaar, langste diens. Hulle is een van 'n handvol mense wat so lank 'n diensleweraar vir DSTV is. JCL Electronics doen nou ook vir DSTV aktiverings, opgraderings, “smart card” omruilings, sagteware probleem oplossings, tegniese advies en jy kan jou DSTV tydskrif by hulle bekom. Van links is Japie Kilian (eienaar) en Jacob Mankge (tegnikus). Vir enige navrae kontak JCL Electronics gerus by 013 235 2931
Lydenburg Dorpskalender is hier! Die dorp se kalender is uiteindelik 'n werklikheid. Die lankverwagte elektroniese kalender wat deur die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer geborg word, word op Dinsdag 6 Maart om 11:00 by die NG Suid-gemeente bekendgestel. Die langverwagte kalender, wat deur alle
0 0 5 7 R
1 CHROME STREET LYDENBURG TEL: (013) 235 3082 FAX: (013) 235 2084
lydenburg@harrisarcweld.co.za Cell: 082 802 4694
77 FIRST AVE, RIETKOL SUNDRA DELMAS DISTRICT TEL: (013) 661 1672 FAX: (013) 661 1572 E-mail weldeezesa@mweb.co.za Cell: 083 342 2181
instansies gebruik sal kan word, sal op die nuwe Sakekamer-webwerf gepubliseer word. By die vergadering op 6 Maart sal Greg Smith van Africa 360 Degrees aan almal teenwoordig wys hoe om die kalender te gebruik. "Die gedagte is dat alle skole, kerke en besighede belangrike gebeurtenisse self sal kan insleutel - om botsende datums te voorkom," verduidelik Gerda Whitehorn, skakelbeampte van die Sakekamer. Om 09:00 die oggend is daar 'n aanbieding oor Sosiale Media - dit sluit onder meer facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter en die breër spektrum van internet-bemarking in. Greg Smith sal beskikbaar wees vir enige belangstellendes wat meer wil weet oor die onderwerp - veral oor die interaksie tussen webwerwe en sosiale media. Vir meer inligting en om te bevestig, skakel Engela by 082 753 7940 of Gerda by 013 235 11 4 6 o f 0 7 9 5 1 5 7 7 9 9 , o f b y gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za.
Please take part in the town’s calendar meeting on Tuesday 6 March at 11:00 at the NG Suid-Kerk (close to Lydenburg Hospital) to prevent double bookings of events and give everyone a fair chance to attend events.
Nuus / News
1 Maart / 1 March 2012
Dr. Pieter Mulder word ingelig oor Thaba Chweu OP Saterdag 25 Februarie 2012 het al die leiers van die Vryheidsfront Plus in Mpumalanga ’n bestuursvergadering in Ermelo gehou. Dr Pieter Mulder, leier van die VF+ en Adjunk Minister van Landbou, Visserye en Bosbou in President Jacob Zuma se kabinet het ook die vergadering bygewoon. Pieter Groenewald VF+ Parlementslid en leier van die VF+ in Noordwes Provinsie was ook teenwoordig. Frik Rousseau leier van die VF+ in Thaba Chweu het dr. Mulder ingelig oor misdaad, sosio ekonomiese klimaat, mynbou-
Tubatse Chrome GM Road Show
bedrywighede sowel as die stand van watervoorsiening, elektrisiteit en toestand van die paaie in Thaba Chweu. Die tekort aan behuising word ’n groot probleem in Lydenburg. Dr. Mulder het die vergadering toegespreek oor die toekomstige politiekeontwikkeling in Suid Afrika. Verskeie sprekers het dr. Mulder bedank vir dit wat hy vir die inwoners van die land in die kabinet doen. Na die vergadering is daar gesellig saam gekuier.
Mr Desmond McManus, GM of Tubatse Chrome.
esmond McManus, General Manager of Tubatse Chrome, places a lot of value in keeping people informed on the direction the Company is embarking on. From 20-22 February a Road Show was held at Tubatse Chrome with an attempt to reach every single employee. The Tubatse Chrome mascot, Zhazi (Zero Harm and Zero Injuries) was introduced. Desmond explained to
Frik Rousseau en dr. Pieter Mulder Adjunk Minister van Landbou en leier van die Vryheidsfront Plus Saterdag in Ermelo.
Top Publisher of the Month - 2nd time for Panorama out of 90 publishers TOP publishers according to the Publisher of the Month criteria were awarded to the Highlands Panorama News for the second time. Definitely an achievement in view of the fact that Capro represents close on 90 Publishers. The Capro Top Publishers of January are:
Valid only at Lydenburg
Inner City Gazette, Highlands Panorama, Eastern Times, Polokwane Observer, Eastern Cape Today, Phoenix Tabloid, Life & Style Ballito, North West Independent, Stanger Weekly, St Francis Chronicle, Limpopo Mirror, Zeerust News, Newcastle Express and Bulletin Plattelander.
employees that 2012 would be a challenging year, especially due to economic circumstances. He emphasized the importance of Zero Harm as a value to the company, which is one of the reasons that Zhazi has been introduced. He forms part of a continued effort to create a mindset of safety in the business. Furthermore Desmond encouraged employees to "come to work with a sense of purpose and to leave with a sense of achievement and pride" (which is the vision of Tubatse Chrome). Desmond reinforced that Tubatse Chrome does not just produce ferrochrome for the sake of production, but also to make a difference in people's lives by contributing to the manufacturing of clean, safe and strong stainless steel. After providing feedback on the Company results for 2011 and sharing strategic focus areas for 2012, the event was closed off with an industrial theatre on HIV/AIDS (following the AIDS testing that was done the previous week). Employees who participated in the AIDS testing were entered into a lucky draw, and six lucky winners were announced at the road show. HR Manager, Andries Nieuwoudt, remarked that “the Company was extremely happy with the interest of employees to get tested. A healthy workforce is a key to the productivity of our business. “We will continue to go out of our way to support our employees to live a healthy and safe lifestyle”.
Nuus / News Motoring
03 November 2011 1 Maart / March 2012
They won’t survive without your help
Ds. Willie Botha, Messrs. Bonga Buthelezi, Penrith Knightbridge Investments, Eric Cilliers (Watervalsrivier Valley, between Burgersfort and Lydenburg) and Carl Lourens from Burgersfort at the Lydenburg/ Mashishing Business Chamber Meeting.
IN LIEU of taking the problems the community and businesses have into consideration, the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber convened last week to discuss issues that this area needs to put on the table. Residents and business owners of the Greater Tubatse District joined the chamber meeting, they will be joining the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber in the near future. On the agenda was finalising the Dairy, to prevent the double booking of events. A meeting will take place at the NG Suid at 11:00 on Tuesday 6 March to discuss this. The Chamber’s webpage is under construction and will be available soon. The Potgieter / Voortrekker Street Cnr in Lydenburg is under construction and Mr Mohammed Cassim, Chamber Chairman was full of praise for the efforts that have been made to fix the roads in Lydenburg. The Chamber and the Thaba Chweu Municipality are working on this together. Another big project is the R36 between Lydenburg and Burgersfort. This road will be under construction for several months. People commuting between the towns every day should be aware that this may influence their time travelling to work and back. The Disaster Management Plan of the town is subject to change. Ds. Willie Botha gave a comprehensive presentation on research and all the points that need to be considered with a plan for disaster management. Worthwhile comment and advice was given by Mr Arthur W. Baker from Penrith Knightbridge, to set up the best disaster plan possible.
Businesses discussed a disaster program in case of emergencies
isaster Management includes the actions whereby the community safety or volunteer involvement function through planning and co-ordinated actions, involvement of neighbours and to organise the community during a threat. During the Lydenburg/ Mashishing Business Chamber meeting last week ds. Willie Botha gave a presentation about disaster management, it was a follow up after a meeting of stake holders earlier this year after the floods. The Chamber and Thaba Chweu Municipality together with volunteers are in the process of completing a more detailed plan which will be addressed in the media. ~ Michelle Boshoff
C.C.S Control: 013 235 1822 Roelf Castelyn: 082 495 5622 N3 Fire & Rescue: 072 278 3166 Piet Mkhonto: 082 493 7013 Disaster Centre: 013 235 1788.
OVER 450 Rhino have been poached in South Africa since the start of 2011 ….. we want to end this now. Palala Rhino Sanctuary has been registered as a Section 21(non-profit) organization, which has as its main purpose the establishment of a Rhino Sanctuary for Rhino's under threat of extinction. Private land in the Waterberg has been made available for this project. The locality thereof provides a safe haven for rhino to survive and breed. We are a private group that represent the plight of rhino owners and we are in the process of establishing an Anti Poaching Unit to combat the illegal poaching of our Black and White Rhino. Our initial aim is to concentrate on the Greater Waterberg Area. This will logically impact on general security, farm attacks and illegal invasion. We would require your help to assist us in securing the species for our future generations. We need funding to be able to keep operating on the ground fighting this ongoing massacre of our rhino. These funds will go for the rangers' daily needs such as food, air time, fuel for the vehicle and any other equipment needed to be able to operate. We need radios and vehicles as urgent measures. Operational costs for running such a unit are very high and extra staff will also need to be deployed in future. This project can only survive with the support of dedicated Corporate Entities. We urge you to assist in the form of fundraisers towards our cause and if need be we will do presentations and meet with Directors of the Board to explain our plight and plans already put in place. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information on our Projects at the Sanctuary or require contact detail of our Directors. Donations can be made on www.givengain.com . We are listed under Palala Anti Poaching Project. Our website address: www.palalarhinos.co.za You can also find us on Facebook under Palala Rhino Sanctuary. Phone Lize Funck, Funding and Projects, Contact: 083 3812677
Nuus / News
1 Maart / 1 March 2012
Michelle Boshoff
IE Lydenburg CVO Skool is ’n skool wat deur die gemeenskap vir die gemeenskap gebou is in 1995. Op Saterdag 25 Februarie het die skool die inwyding van die nuwe klaskamers gevier en ook reunie en boeresport gehou. Die afgelope naweek was ook die herdenking van die Slag van Majuba. ’n Slag wat in die geskiedenisannale as ’n oorwinning deur die Boere in die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog aangeteken is. Die huldeblyk is deur mnr. Frans Fuls aangebied en hy het ook die geskiedenis van die Slag vervat. Die Lydenburg CVO Skool het weereens vir Sterkspruit Projekte en Sterkspruit Plaveisel
bedank vir hul hulp en harde werk met die bouprojek. Al die stigterslede, onderwysers en ouers dra ook by tot die skool se sukses. Die CVO skool het in Januarie 1995 begin in die AP Kerk se saal. Na 'n paar maande is die skool geskuif na mnr. Krugel se plaas, ± 5 km op die Dullstroom-pad. Die eerste kinders het in 1997 matriek geskryf. In Augustus 1999 het die skool getrek na waar hul tans is. Die kinders moes elkeen 'n skoolwapen teken en Nicola van der Wal se wapen is gekies as skoolwapen. Maryna de Lange het die skoollied geskryf. Gerrit de Kock het die geboue gereël en Martin Mulder het die gronde geskenk waarop die skool vandag staan. Langsaan die skool bedryf Amanda van Heerden ook Babbelkousies Kleuterskool.
Die nag van 26 Februarie 1881 het ‘n Britse mag van ongeveer 400 man onder Generaal Colley die berg Majuba van die suidekant af beset. Om 21h30 het hulle weswaarts uit Mount Prospect beweeg tot by die Imkwelaberg en toe weer noordwaarts bokant O’Neill se plaashuis verby. Om 03h30 Sondagmôre 27 Februarie 1881 het die eerste soldate die kruin bereik. Weens die steilte en die nag, was die bestyging van die berg uiters moeilik. Hulle was afdelings van die 58ste, 60ste en 92ste (Skotse) regimente en ’n afdeling seesoldate onder aanvoering van Kommandeur Francis Romilly, tweede in bevel van die mag. Hy het op die suidwestelike kruin gesneuwel. Die reserwe Britse soldate is agter ‘n lang randjie wat van wes na oos loop geplaas. Hulle was egter magteloos teen die moordende vuur van die Boere wat van drie kante af gekom het - Roos en sy manne vanuit die noorde, Ferreira en sy manne vanuit die weste en Malan en sy manne vanuit die ooste. Die Britte het suidwaarts oor die kruin gevlug. Hulle verliese was groot: Van die 400 het net 120 ongeskonde oorgebly. Van die 280 ongevalle was 92 dood, 135 gewond en 53 is gevange geneem. Die 120 Skotte het die swaarste gely - slegs 24 kon van die Boere se koeëls ontsnap. Nadat die Britse garnisoene aan die suidekant van Majuba verjaag is, het ’n digte mis en reën toegesak Die skoolvlag is Saterdag gehys om die verrigtinge (’n faktor wat verhoed het dat die by die CVO Skool te open. Dit is deur Morne Boere Mount Prospect kon Bezuidenhout en Alexander van den Berg gehys. inneem). Dié twee leerders is die langste al leeders by die (www.majub.arkpark.net) CVO.
Oudword is nie vir sissies nie vergadering om bejaardesorg te bespreek in Lydenburg ’n Vergadering vind op Woensdag 7 Maart plaas om 14:00 by die Lydenburg Dienssentrum. Die vergadering word gehou om moontlike verblyfopsies en versorgingsaksies vir bejaardes te bespreek. Daar is tans ’n tekort aan verblyf vir bejaardes of pensionarisse wat graag na kleiner plekkies wil verhuis. Bring asb. al die moontlike geïdentifiseerde
grond vir ontwikkeling, planne, ontwikkelaars se inligting ens. saam, sodat almal koppe bymekaar kan sit en dit beplan. Hierdie is ’n projek wat almal van die dorp raak en ’n groot projek. ’n Komitee moet saamgestel word. Vir meer inligting skakel Isabel: 082 495 4706, of Rina: 013 235 2460.
Me. Marie Vermeulen het kunstig die vlag van die skool geverf en dit is voorwaar ’n pronkstuk.
BO: Leerders van die CVO Skool sing die skoollied. Onder: Mnr. Frans Fuls wat oor die herdenking van die Slag van Majuba gepraat het en die geskiedenis van die Slag vertel het. Dit was voorwaar baie interessant.
03 November 2011 1 Maart / March 2012
Round Table vat hande met besighede en maak ’n verskil
Mnr. Krog oorhandig aan mnr. Andries Human van OK MiniMark ’n Round Table Lydenburg Community Service Award sertifikaat vir hul donasie.
Die Round Table Lydenburg het onlangs borge bedank wat ’n verskil maak in die gemeenskap. Mnr. Eddie Krog het aan Cheap Cheap Slaghuis en Ok MiniMark sertifikate oorhandig. Dit sertifikate is vir ‘Community Service Awards’. Beide besighede het donasies aan die gemeenskap van Burgersfort en omgewing moontlik gemaak.
Die donasies is o.a. gebruik tydens die Sabie 89 Tube Race en die opbrengs sal aangewend word in die Lydenburg omgewing se gemeenskappe. Die volgende vergadering van die Round Table vind plaas op 15 Maart om 19:00, in die Laeveldbou Raadsaal. Alle belangstellendes en diegene wat wil aansluit is welkom om Eddie Krog te skakel by 083 324 8656.
Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539
Nuus / News Motoring
No more cheques accepted at Thaba Chweu after 2 April Thaba Chweu Local Municipality will no longer accept cheques as a means of payment for municipal services such as rates, taxes, and other fees (i.e. licensing and building) from the 2nd of April 2012. Consumers may use the cheques until the date mentioned above. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. MR. BURTON KOMA - MUNICIPAL MANAGER
There are so many people in this beautiful town of ours, who help those less fortunate. People, who give monthly donations to a specific project or cause, people who every year give a lump sum with their bonuses. These people all contribute to making this the town of caring that we all find it to be. At Entheos we wanted to share a little cheer with those people who don't just give once a month or once a year, those people who are always giving, always on call. Who take helping others as a calling, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Grade 4 to 7 Class decided to take a trip to the CMR and the Dienssentrum and share a moment in time with them, showing them that their time, care and sacrifice is appreciated. May God Bless you for the many hours of work and extra effort that you put into the people who need you.
1 Maart / March 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
New Honda crossover a nice bike THE HONDA NC700X crossover offers the long-travel suspension, agility and commanding riding position of an off-road bike, but Honda says its new crossover provides a fun, engaging riding experience coupled with practicality for daily commuting, too.
Powering the NC700X is a liquid-cooled, in-line two-cylinder 670cc engine producing 38.1kW at 6250rpm and 60Nm at 4750rpm and has a claimed fuel consumption of 3.5l/100km (14.1 fuel tank). The engine is mated to a six-speed manual transmission. During the development, Honda’s research showed that 90% of riding involved speeds of 140km/h or less and engine speeds of 6000rpm or less. As a result the powerplant of the NC700X is ideally suited to this kind of usage, with strong torque characteristics across the rev range typically used. Ideally suited to commuting in the city, the bike also inspires an adventurous spirit at the weekend. A long tour, a leisurely ride into the countryside or a trip into the city with a passenger to meet friends – the NC700X is ready for anything. The NC700X features a protective windscreen to provide comfort even at speed. The new model has a relaxed and comfortable upright riding position with a high viewpoint for enhanced hazard perception. Another advantage of this riding position is low-speed control. Combined with the machine’s low centre of gravity and generous steering lock, the result is exceptional low-speed handling and agility. The NC700X features an internal storage space large enough to accommodate a full-face helmet. Together with the fuel filler cap, this space is accessed using a key to unlock and flip-up the seat. The suspension (153.5mm at the front and 150mm at the rear) on the NC700X is set to ensure a smooth ride. Price: NC700X - R64 999 (Only non ABS units available in South Africa) Service intervals are every 12 000km. The model will be launched in a choice of colours including Digital Silver Metallic, Pearl Sunbeam White and Magna Red. Wheels24.co.za
New Thinking. New Possibilities. HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4745 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113
03 November 2011 1 Maart / March 2012
Speed triple HIGH-POWERED motorcycles, say those bigger than 650cc, usually come out of the factory with beautifully sculptured, streamlined fairings painted with bold colours to complement the black or silver framework and gleaming metal engine covers - brand clearly emblazoned. The owner would wash and polish the bike once a week before taking it for a breakfast run with his mates on similar machinery. He would then get home about lunchtime, leaving the bike parked on his driveway for all his neighbours to see. Then the unthinkable would happen: the bike would roll forward on the side stand (most machines don’t have centre stands anymore, but that’s another story) and the bike would crash down on its side, scratched to blazes and totally destroyed – or so you would have thought once the insurance man had inspected the bike and declared: “That’s about R30 000 to replace the fairing. I’ll check the value of the bike seeing it’s now a couple of years old and consider writing-off the machine.” That scenario actually happened to a friend of mine a while back. The bike brand I won’t mention to prevent embarrassment – OK, OK, it was a green one! The outcome was the irate owner refused to have the expensive panels repaired, opting instead to toss them into a corner of his garage forever, and from that moment on riding the bike “naked” – no not him – the bike! Seriously, I firmly believe that’s one of the reasons motorcycle manufacturers of late are producing bikes that offer such straight-line power and not having to pay so much attention to the streamlining side of the business. That and the fact that fairings cost a small fortune to produce and bolt together – as alluded to above. Triumph Motorcycles has such a beast once again in their 2012 line-up - and it goes by the name Speed Triple – and it’s actually rather good. From the front it looks low, mean and in your face. Factor in a three-cylinder, 1050cc, DOHC, fuel-injected motor and you have all the makings of a street-fighter – with or without the bike. Since hitting the streets back in 1994 this model has proved something of a legend for the brand. Deciding to use a similar bike for a Sunday morning bike run recently to get some breakfast in the Boland, I elected to ride “up” on the motorway and “back” on the quieter roads. An interesting decision, as it happened. A pair of traffic cops decided to stop me en route... and I wasn’t sure why. They didn’t ask for my driving licence, they didn’t even check the licence disc – they seemed more interested in the rear number plate and the height of the digits printed on it. “How old is this bike?” one of them asked. Informing him it was the latest model to come out of the Triumph factory in the UK, they seemed puzzled by the unfinished looks of the bike. How much does it cost?” was the next question – and I had been expecting that one. "R90 995... not a lot of money if you say it quickly,” I quipped. A moment later an overloaded taxi squeezed dangerously close to the bike though it was parked well inside the yellow line. A dodgy position to be in, don’t you think? Did the traffic cops give chase to the taxi? Nah, not a bit of it... along came more motorcycle riders, only to be pulled over and likewise interrogated, as I found out later. Meanwhile, I was free to proceed. After about five minutes, I caught up with the errant taxi that was once again snaking its way through the traffic while breaking just about every rule in the book. A quick head-count as I went past revealed 19 passengers, the driver making it a nice round 20. Zero tolerance on our roads, Mr Carlisle? What a joke! More like the powers that be once again taking the easy way out. • Triumph’s latest Speed Triple is available from dealers in many towns and cities. The taxi problem, unfortunately, is to be found everywhere – 24/7. Dave Fall - Wheels24.co.za
GWM Lydenburg 19 De Klerk Street Lydenburg Tel No 013 235 4783 Tel No 013 231 8474 * Prices includes VAT & Environmental Levy. Offer valid while stocks last. E&OE
True beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!
1 Maart / March 2012
Good looking Evoque a winner THE upcoming Geneva Motor Show looks set to be quite an event, judging by all the big new introductions already confirmed. However, the latest vehicle that has "leaked", the Range Rover Evoque Convertible, comes as perhaps the biggest surprise. Though described as a "concept", we believe this vehicle to be a near certainty for production, soon. It is decribed as the world's first premium convertible SUV - though Nissan may argue that point, seeing as its drop-top Murano reached the market last year - and is based on the three-door Evoque. No more details are available, but just look at it... certainly appears to be ready for showrooms! Carmag.co.za
• Stainless Steel & Steel Canopies • R.O.P.S. - Type Underground mine canopies • Dropside Bodies • Cargo Bodies • Beestralies • Bakkie Rubberizing. 35 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg
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High-performance efficiency. Have all the fun you want, and get all your work done without using alot of fuel. Ranger engines are designed to be efficient without sacrificing the things you need most in a truck-power and torque.
18 1 Maart / March 2012
New Golf Cabrio a stunner
seconds – for those who care, nine seconds to fold, 11 to lift – and you can do it at up to 30km/h. Less if the Cape South-Easter is howling into your face.
Four versions of the Golf convertible have just been launched in South Africa – each with a 1.4-litre, four-cylinder engine but tuned to either 90kW (Comfortline) or 116kW (Highline) and with either a six-speed manual or seven-speed DSG auto/manual sequential gearbox.
handle even better than the hatched versions. VW claims its cabrio is the quietest in its class – I’d say its one of the quietest in any class.
At first glance (apart from the missing roof, of course) the cabrio looks just like a normal Golf. A closer inspection says otherwise: VW has succeeded in giving the car a subtly sportier image than the hatch. The main difference is the more sweptback windscreen, a visual trick many other convertibles play though the real reason is not so much the looks but the aerodynamics, which sweep the airflow over the front passengers’ heads – madame doesn’t like having her bouffant buffeted or sir his top-piece.
external mirrors, audio with MP3 and eight speakers, height-adjustable front seats, foot wells lights, auto wipers and a three-spoked leather steering wheel with multifunction steering controls, driver and front passenger airbags (driver knee airbag), automatic roll-over protection, ESP including Hill-hold Assist and daytime running lights.
I drove both engine versions over a route of about 220km outside Cape Town, including some it the area’s wondrous passes, mostly with the top down. The cars YOU can pay more than a million bucks for a sporty top-end convertible - or were solid on the road; VW has done serious homework to erase body vibration around R300 000 for a VW Golf Cabriolet. Whichever, you'll be breathing the caused by the missing overhead metal and to silence the passing atmosphere. same air, getting the same suntan... savouring the same healthy country Normal conversation is possible even at high speed with all four windows retracted smells. and the extra stiffening under and through the bodywork seems to make the cars
The windscreen frame is reinforced and pop-up auto rollover bars lurk in the rear. The full complement of crash bags is specific to the cabrio – and includes knee And no, don’t sniff at the modest size of the high-tech engines – they’re protection bag for the driver. Head and thorax bags are also there, despite there turbocharged, capable of 200km/h, spin to 100km/h in 10.5 and 8.4sec respectively being no roof from which they can hang. and if you can handle the extra R14 500 go for the DSG gearbox – technology The Golf Cabriolet comes standard with a number of convenience and safety similar to that that you’ll find on, say, an Audi TT - and it comes with paddle shifters (passive and active) features, among them cruise control, auto-dimming mirror, behind the leather-wrapped steering wheel. adjustable steering column, climate control, multi-function computer, power
Opt for the bi-xenon headlights and you’ll get a different nose that includes diode daytime running lights. More marked are the changes to the tail: smoked plastic on the tail lights, for a start. Then the boot lid extends low into the bumper and swings well upwards and a chromed strip defines the meeting point with the cloth hood and runs to where the A pillars would be on a normal car.
The 118kW derivative adds leather upholstery, auto high beam and stainless-steel pedals. Also standard are green-tinted thermal glass, front fog-lights and 16” alloy rims. Parking radar, sport suspension and 17” alloy rims and wider low-profile tyres come with the 118kW model. Prices:
The car looks good with the black hood erect; even better with it down and the 1.4 TSI Comforline 90kW - R283 400.1.4 TSI Comfortline 90kW DSG a/t - R297 900 normal luggage space remains at 250 litres up or down – no faffing with luggage 1.4 TSI Highline 118kW - R324 000 1.4 TSI Highline 118kW DSG a/t - R338 500 covers to prevent the folding roof squashing your Vuittons. Cars delivered with three-year or 120 000km warranty, five-year or 90 000km The rear seats fold to increase the luggage volume and the Golf comes with a clip- service plan and 12-year no-rust-through warranty. Service intervals 15 000km. on diffuser that mounts behind the front seats and rear rear window is heatable Les Stephenson Wheels24.co.za glass. The roof-folding mechanism is fully automatic – just lift or press down on a large switch at the front of the ‘tween-seats console and it’s all over with in about 10
R119 900
‘10 Hyundai i20 1.4 76 000km
R289 900
‘09 Ranger 3.0 TDCi 4 x 4 D/C 99 000km
R129 900
‘11 Livina 1.6 Accenta 21 000km
R119 900
‘04 M/Benz C180K Classic 92 000km
R189 900
‘10 Nissan 2.5 TDi S/Cab 4X4 73 000km
R99 900
‘10 Chev Spark 1.2 LS 21 000km
R279 900
R159 900
‘08 Pathfinder 4.0 V6 A/T LE 127 000km
‘06 SsangYong Rexton 270 XDi A/T 4x4 111 000km
R169 900
R189 900
‘07 XTrail 2.2 TDi 4X4 121 000km
R109 900
‘10 Ford Figo 1.4 Trend 61 000km
‘08 Qashqai 2.0 TDi 91 000km
R169 900
‘06 BMW 325i (Sport Pack) 99 000km
• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Adelene le Roux: 076 416 8644 • Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton
Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg
Eiendomme / Properties
1 Maart / March 2012
1 Maart / March 2012
Properties / Eiendomme
Deo Volente:
Huis van die Week
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.
VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
• 2 Slk. Dupleks w/stel, vanaf plan. Sekuriteitskompleks. Doen navrae. • 3 Slk. Woning in goeie stil area, met groot erf. - R920 000 o.h.b • 3 Slk. oopplan woning in goeie woonarea, redelik nuut gebou R1.450 milj
• Erwe vanaf - R250 000 • 50 ha plasie, onontwikkel. 20km buite dorp. - R 750 000
(Prinsipaal & Verkope)
082 492 8412
Ons soek dringend eiendomme om namens u te verhuur en te verkoop. U kan Esmé staatmaak op ons (VERHURINGS) professionele diens 013 235 1986 en advies.
Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
HUURBESTUUR/RENTALS 013 235 1102 Petro
R2 000 000 4 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis, burger erf. 3 motorhuise. Ruim leefareas. Goeie buurt R1 320 000 3 slaapkamer Tuscan Villa huis met Dubbel geriewe R560 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 1 badkamer, motorafdak
R1 370 000 Puik kopie! 3 slaapkamer ruim huis. 2 badkamers. Studeerkamer. Oopplan leefarea/eetkamer. Groot kombuis en opwasarea. Braai stoep met gevestigde tuin. In veiligheidskompleks.
Deo Volente Eiendomme Erich:082 904 8587 H/V Kantoor en Viljoen Lydenburg Tel:013 235 1102 Faks:0866 941 431 E-pos:deovolprops@lantic.net www.deovolprops.co.za
Tel: (013) 235 2005 www.era.co.za
082 904 8587
R635 000 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers woonstel met dubbel beveiligde motorafdak R1 370 000 3 Slaapkamer uiters netjiese huis, studeerkamer. Groot kombuis, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise. Gevestigde tuin TE HUUR
R1 380 000
*Winkelspasies te huur *Groot vloer spasie Besigheid/ligte industrie
Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net,
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More than 3500 offices in 36 countries and in excess of 40 000 sales associates worldwide
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Nuus /News
1 Maart / March 2012
Verteenwoordigende Leerlingraad 2012
Die Landsdiensbestuur van die Hoërskool Lydenburg vir 2012 is aangewys. Veels geluk aan diegene wat verkies is. Die leerders is (van links) agter: Rohan du Toit, Wihan Hamman; (voor): Mignon Black (visie-voorsitter), Mareli Hartzer (voorsitter), Christiana Couvaras.
Wêreld Biddag vir Vroue Die jaarlikse Wêreld Biddag vir Vroue word op Vrydag 2 Maart om 13:00 by die NG Moedergemeente gehou. Dames van alle kerkdenominasies is welkom. Dit word in die vorm van ’n Erediens gehou.
On Friday 2 March at 13:00 the Word Prayer Day for Women will take place at the NG Moedergemeente. Ladies from all church denominations are welcome.
Die Hoërskool Lydenburg se Verteenwoordigende Leerlingraad is aangewys. Van links (agter): Kamilla Venter (Tesourier), Leon Egen (Beheerliggaam verteenwoordiger), Pierre van Niekerk Onder-voorsitter en Beheerliggaam verteenwoordiger), Yvonne Nel (Voorsitter), (voor): Marisa du Preez (Beheerliggaam verteenwoordiger), Eugenie Swanepoel (Sekretaresse)
A Career at Implats
Marula Platinum Limited is situated on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Indigenous Complex near Burgersfort. We are looking for the right calibre candidates for these positions:
Strata Control Officer Marula (Ref. 85201/1/HP)
Interested candidates must meet the following requirements: • A Grade 12 with Maths and Science • A Chamber of Mines Strata Control Certifcate • Computer literacy in MS Offce • 2 years’ mining and stoping experience as a Junior Strata Control Offcer • A valid Red Ticket or medically ft in order to obtain such a certifcate. A Chamber of Mines Rock Mechanic certifcate, Code 08 driver’s licence with own transport and communication skills with all levels would be advantageous. A Blasting Certifcate would be preferred The successful candidates will be responsible for: • Supervising the services related to rock engineering and strata control on the production and project operations
Applications can be sent to:
The Senior HR Offcer, attention: Jennifer • Monitoring compliance with the Code of Practice • Scrutinising mine plans to determine conformance to the layout • Monitoring the stability of all excavations • Identifying and evaluating the effect of seismic activity on the rock mass and support units • Collating statistics on Fall Of Ground (FOG) incidents and substandard support conditions • Supervising the work unit to achieve its objectives (individuals and teams) • Planning, organising and monitoring work in own area of responsibility • Monitoring individual and team performance • Conducting on-the-job training and coaching
Rock Engineering Observer
Mohlabe, Marula Platinum Limited,
PO Box 1496, Steelpoort 1133, or e-mail
in MS Word format to:
Marula (Ref. 85201/2/HP)
Interested candidates must meet the following requirements: • A Grade 12 with Mathematics • 2 years’ stoping experience and a Blasting Certifcate for Scheduled Mines would be advantageous • Good communication and report writing skills
Human Communications85201HP www\fhumanjos\fco\
• A valid Medical Certifcate or be medically ft in order to obtain such a certifcate
The successful candidate will be responsible for: • Making underground visits and conducting audits • Monitoring rock mass ratings • Compiling joint surveys • Conducting support monitoring • Implementing secondary support and quality monitoring • Monitoring instrumentation • Updating plans • Compiling reports
Company details can be found at http://www.implats.co.za Preference will be given to candidates from the designated groups. Short-listed candidates may be subjected to psychometric assessment.
Applications from agencies will not be accepted. If you have not heard from us within 30 days of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
Register online - visit our website at
www.implats.co.za click on “Careers”
then “Job Applications and Vacancies”
and then “Job search”.
Closing date: 9 March 2012
Slimkopies / Classifieds
1 Maart / March 2012
Touch of Class Under Carpet Heating
Ons koop en verkoop enige werkende elektriese toerusting en handgereedskap, juweliersware & huishoudelike items teen die beste pryse.
Loose Carpets Logo Carpets
Tel:013 235 4843 Cel:078 467 0954 Cel:082 872 4334 Cel:076 483 1234 DIENSTE/ SERVICES
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 S E C U R E S TO R A G E AVA I L A B L E R e z a k Storage now open. 076 660 1389/ 013 235 3718 T E L E V I D E O Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS & BATTERY TECH - for all upholsteries & sales of reconditioned batteries. 013 235 1109 BLITZ PLUMBING 24/7 A l l p l u m b i n g maintenance, repairs & installations. ie: geysers, taps, baths, toilets, basins & drainpipes. 072 197 5264/ 072 577 8689 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 ORDER PLATTERS for functions of your choice. 078 559 5280
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
SALON HAIR & IETSIE NICE LINGERIE 074 887 6950 NAILS, lashes, makeup. 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947 S4 SLIMMING tablets 076 677 6002
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Tania 082 331 4814 www.treasuretime.co.za W W W. D E S J A C O B S PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.ZA Weddings, Commercial, Family. 076 858 6317
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 BEAUTY BOX 013 235 4986
54cm TV R500, KIC wasmasjien R700, 3 stuk bruin bank stel R3000, buddelbed base alleen R400, 18 spoed meisies Berg Fiets R500, Nuwe LG wasmasjien /tuimeldroër kombinasie R4000, Kelvinator Yskas/vrieskas R500. 082 641 9009 2006 KAWASAKI KX450F R30 000. 079 508 4333 B E S I G H E I D T O O N B A N K + vertoonkaste (waarde R80 000) R30 000. Lizelle 082 574 4044
L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 PEKINGESE HONDJIES te koop 3 Tefies en 2 Reuntjies, saam met 6 weke inspuiting en ontwurming. Sal vanaf die 19 Maart gereed wees. Ronel 071 119 4459.
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
T A F E L D O E K E Overlays, glase en eetgerei. Skakel Rina:082 751 0432
BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
BUILDING FOR SALE in Steelpoort area. 999.51 m². Stand 2624m². Phone for more information 013 231 8660
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 2002 TOYOTA KZTE D/cab 4x4. R135 000. Kontak 082 776 9347 2004 VW Citi 1.4i, wit. R37 000. 072 456 4733
Please contact Sonia Meyer for all your travel arrangements. Email: Sonia.meyer@travelcoun sellors.co.za Special deals, can be viewed at: W e b s i t e : www.travelcounsellors.co .za/sonia.meyer Cell: 082 459 2361
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
B A C H E L O R WOONSTEL R2300p/m , net vir een persoon. 079 624 9486 BESIGHEIDSPERSEEL Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r a a t , Ly d e n b u r g , o o r k a n t Binnelandse Sake, 143m², R8580 + BTW. Frans 083 756 6516 LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES Q U A L I F I E D BOILERMAKER age 3 5 + , m i n e &
underground experience, Lydenburg. Office Hours 082 904 1572 VACANCY AT ODEN-ZIN fo r M i l d S te e l P i p e Welding Project – Argon (Tig) Welding a must! Contact 013 235 4789 or e m a i l c v t o lydenburg@odenzin.com
GO CART BAAN OPEN OP ERF 184 IN POTGIETERSTRAAT, LYDENBURG binnekort. Vir enige besware kontak 072 868 8314 The owner, Planning Properties (Pty) Ltd, has submitted application for demolition in terms of section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999) regarding the existing structure on ERF NO 76 PORTION 4, L A N G E S T R E E T, LY D E N B U R G . A l s o known as House BRYNA DAVIDS, (nee BRINA SCHECH) Mpumalanga Heritage Resources Agency has indicated the permit will be issued subject to: • 30 day notice on site by way of advertisement for comment by interested and affected parties. • Preparation of full documentation of the extant dwelling including historical background, photographs and detailed drawings to scale, etc. • A SCIENTIFIC demounting of the extant structure • A detailed record of the materials and techniques used in the original construction • All recoverable materials be salvaged, transported to and stored at the Barberton Museum • Inspection by a competent registered archaeologist or historical architect during the process of demounting • The tender documents which cover the above aspects (demolition activity) of the contract be submitted to the MHRA for approval prior to work being put to hand • Copies of the documentation be lodged with the MHRA, Lydenburg Museum and • T h e h e r i t a g e documentation and proposed development is lodged at the Lydenburg Museum for scrutiny. Any interested or affected party wishing to comment can do so to: JP Celliers C u r a t o r Ly d e n b u r g M u s e u m jcelliers@thabachweu mun.gov.za tel: 013 235 2213 Or Benjamin Maduka Heritage Officer bmoduka@mpg.gov.za tel: 013 766 5196 / 082 407 0842 In die LANDDROSHOF vir die DISTRIK PELGRIMSRUS GEHOU te SABIE Saak No. 243/11 In die saak tussen: MNR JACOBUS PETRUS BARNARD Eksekusieskuldeiser en
M A L T A CONSTRUCTION Eksekusieskuldenaar KENNISGEWING VAN G E R E G T E L I K E VERKOPING Ingevolge ’n Vonnis gelewer op 8 Desember 2011, in die SABIE Landdroshof en ’n Lasbrief van Eksekusie daarna uitgereik, word die goedere hieronder beskryf in eksekusie v e r k o o p t e M A LTA CONSTRUCTION, HOOFSTRAAT, SABIE op 22 MAART 2012 om 10:00 aan die hoogste bieër: GOEDERE: 1X METAAL DRAAIBANK. G E D AT E E R t e WITRIVIER op 31 Januarie 2012 JC WEITSZ DöMAN W E I T S Z J o e Hannastraat 2, Witrivier, 1240 Posbus 2183, Witrivier 1240 Telnr: 013 751 2331/ 750 0216 Faksnr: 013 750 0802 E p o s : jaco@dwatt.co.za Verw: BAR70/0005/RS/J WEITSZ
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El S h a d d a i
Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00Biduur,Vry.19:0 0 j e u g . Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 1 9 : 0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e K e r k Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Ve r g a d e r i n g . P a s t o o r Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke
Skirting Tiles
083 600 4231
Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604.
013 235 8910 073 456 2694 Buffet every Sunday booking essential • Accomodation • All functions • Weddings • Conference Facilities available.
Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Francois 082 826 1502 Maryna 082 568 6695
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
BECP BETON Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277
TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel
We never Lose Sight of Who’s on the Other Side of Our Glass
Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors, Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof Phone us for a free quotation Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 Fax: 013 235 2242
8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010 1 Maart / March 2012
Vakante / Vacancies
VACANCY Longtom Nissan Lydenburg is looking for a new sales executive Minimum requirements: • 2 years experience in vehicle sales • Matric & valid drivers license. If you have not heard back from us within 14 days,please assume your application was unsuccessful. Please send your CV to: Andries Lerm: Tel : 013 235 2381 Faks 086 657 8752 Email : andries@longtomnissan.co.za
To apply, forward your Curriculum Vitae to fax: 086 233 8941 or e-mail: xstrata@humanresponse.co.za (quoting reference number 85205 in the subject line). Closing date: 9 March 2012. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date for applications, your application should be deemed unsuccessful.
The CVs of unsuccessful candidates will not be returned.
Swaarvoertuig Bestuurder • EC Lisensie en PDP • Minimum van 3 jaar ondervinding • MAN TGA ondervinding verkieslik • Afrikaans en/of Engels volmagtig • Bogemiddelde salaris • Bonus / verblyf onderhandelbaar
Faks CV met verwysings na 013 231 7333
Xstrata Alloys, the world’s largest producer of ferrochrome, is a leading producer of primary vanadium and has a growing platinum group metals business, in addition to owning carbon and anthracite operations. Our operations are located across the mineral-rich Bushveld Complex of South Africa’s North West and Mpumalanga provinces, where we employ over 12 300 people. In line with South Africa’s Mining Industry Charter, Xstrata Alloys has fulfilled all BEE obligations in respect of ownership participation. We have the following opportunity for a career-minded individual:
HRD Practitioner: Fitter Assessor Eastern Limb Head Offce, Steelpoort, Mpumalanga Responsibilities: The incumbent will report to the Group Moderator and be responsible for the development of the learners’ engineering skills through theoretical and practical training, in addition to conducting on-the-job assessment of learners, to determine their level of competency. He/she will be tasked with developing new or modifying existing courses to remain competitive and in line with industry developments, as well as managing and controlling the relevant administration associated with the area of responsibility. He/she will act as a subject matter expert in workshops during development of new course material and ensure that training facilities and equipment are maintained in good state of repair by conducting inspection safety audits as needed. Requirements: Candidates must hold an Artisan (Fitter/applicable N3 trade qualification and must be certified as an Assessor and Moderator in order to apply. Knowledge of MQA learnerships and full commitment to Sustainable Development policies and procedures, including OHSA and MHSA, are required. Our ideal person has 5 years’ post-artisan mining experience, of which 3 years must have been as an HRD Practitioner, and is medically fit with a valid driver’s licence and own transport. Possession of an NQF level 5 HRD diploma, or related NQF level 5 qualification, would be advantageous. The company offers a competitive salary, Medical Aid Fund Membership and Provident Fund contributions. Please note: Xstrata Head Office is committed to operating sound Sustainable Development (SD) management practices and strives towards leadership in these areas. Applicants must take note that general SD requirements and adherence to all SD policies and procedures will be expected of them. Xstrata Head Office is an equal opportunity employer and preference will be given to applicants from the historically disadvantaged groups.
Human Communications 85205
1 Maart / March 2012
Longtom Marathon will start at sunrise on 31 March for the 25th time Longtom Marathon celebrates 25 Years A boost for businesses and the community
t sunrise on Saturday, 31 March 2012, a historic event will unfold in the foothills and along the crest of the majestic Drakensberg mountains, between Sabie and Lydenburg, as the Longtom Marathon celebrates its 25th Ultra and Half Marathon events. The 25th anniversary race celebrates the unique lifespan of one of South Africa's prestige road running events. The Longtom Marathon has consistently been rated amongst the top 5 road races in South Africa for the past seven years. The latest 5 year ratings announced in 2010 ranked the Longtom Ultra Marathon as the 2nd best race overall in South Africa for the period 2005 – 2010 (The Comrades Marathon took 1st place honours). The Longtom Ultra Marathon is historically popular as a qualifying race for Comrades. Many international and local professional runners run the Longtom Ultra and stay on in the area until Comrades to train in the high altitude terrain of Lydenburg and Dullstroom. Since its inception 25 years ago the Longtom Marathon has become one of the most highly rated and toughest ultra marathons' in the world. The success of the event, as well as the growth of the event over the past 5 years has led to the invitation of the (IAU) International Association of Ultra Runners for accreditation of the event. This is a prestige nomination awarded to only the best rated ultra marathons worldwide. Acquiring an IAU Label brings the benefit of international marketing of the event via the IAU newsletters and races. The IAU label also provides a guarantee to participants that the event is well staged and organised. Coca-Cola Fortune (Powerade) remains the largest secondary sponsor of the 2012. Longtom Marathons, with Tubatse Chrome, SAMANCOR Eastern Chrome Mines, Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine, ASA Metals (Sinosteel), Coastal Hire, REMAX, Kruger Construction, Debonairs, Fish Aways and Larami SPUR as major financial and logistical contributors. A number of national media representatives and well known editorial and sports commentators will be rendering media coverage to the event. SABC 2 television coverage of the event has been secured, awaiting sponsorship. To become part of this annual prestige road running event by means of sponsorship, logistical support or the hosting of a water point, please contact the race office on 012 346 2400 or Loma van der Walt on 082 557 9604.
Atlete van die Hoërskool Lydenburg in aksie tydens die Interhoër te Nelspruit.
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