LYDENBURG T: 013 2351486/96 BURGERSFORT T: 013 235 7758
News/Nuus 22 Maart / March 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 11 Tel: 013 235 2287 - Fax: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail:
Al geskiet, maar Hoedspruit roep Michelle Boshoff MET slegs 'n vierwielmotorfiets en 'n waentjie wat spesiaal vir die ooppad ontwerp is, het mnr. Marius Scholtz (42) Maandag in Lydenburg aangedoen. Hy was onderweg van Ermelo na Hoedspruit om fondse in te samel vir die vloedslagoffers. Die vloede het in Januarie Hoedspruit en die gemeenskap daar geteister en in 'n rampgebied ontwikkel. Die stap-en-ry-tog is egter kortgeknip toe hy geskiet is voordat hy in Carolina kon kom. Hy het op 13 Februarie sy tog uit Ermelo aangepak. Hy is geskiet en deur drie mans aangeval terwyl hy gekamp het op die eerste aand.
Scholtz is die redakteur van die Highveld Tribune in Ermelo. “Ek is ’n avonturier. My personeel in Ermelo het gesê ek kan maar die avontuur aanpak, hulle kan op hul eie aangaan. Hierdie is ’n persoonlike uitdaging om klaar te maak, veral nadat ek geskiet is. Later vanjaar gaan ’n operasie aan my hand plaasvind, onder meer aan my ringvinger wat raakgeskiet is ,” het Scholtz gesê. Volgens hom kan motoriste erg ontvriendelik raak, dit is egter ’n sielvolle ervaring om hierdie tog vir die vloedslagoffers aan te pak. Hy is gul ontvang by karavaanparke en dorpe waar hy aangedoen het. Hy kan net sowat 40km to 60km aflê met die viertrekmotorfiets voordat hy moet oorstaan vir die nag. “Ek wou al lankal iets vir 'n 'cause' doen en Hoedspruit het my hulp nodig. Een van my ander ideale is om met 'n 'rubberduck'
van Kosibaai kuslangs te vaar. Maar ek moet eers 'n 'cause' kry om iemand daarmee te help.” Die noodtoestande in Hoedspruit is nog nie iets van die verlede nie en die mense sukkel steeds om skoon water te kry en aan basiese behoeftes te voorsien. • Skakel Marius (of los ’n boodskap) by 082 561 8782. Die fonds waarvoor hy stap behoort aan die Hoedspruit Training Trust en word bestuur deur me. Christine du Preez, die DA-raadslid in Hoedspruit. Geen gelde word aan hom oorbetaal nie. Van die borge is Highveld Tribune, Wildman Hunt and Outdoor in Ermelo sowel as Trappers Trading Nasionaal en Hi-Tech.
Nuus / News
22 Maart / March 2012
Unrest at Modikwa Mooiste dorpskalender, causes havoc vind meer uit hoe om Workers barricaded roads
NREST and the striking of workers were confirmed on Friday at Modikwa Platinum Mine in Limpopo. Some of the non-striking employees were intimidated by the strikers and were led to safety via other roads. According to the police officials they were patrolling the grounds and surrounding areas and were alert that a strike may take place. The mine workers already indicated that they were going to strike on Thursday. They blocked one of the roads leading to the mine grounds. Stones were thrown when the police
tried to calm down the gathering crowds. The strike continued on Friday and the police were prepared for the mine workers creating havoc. The National Union of Mineworkers announced on Wednesday that its members would strike from Thursday, until their pay demands had been met. Spokesperson Lesiba Seshoka said the union was demanding a 12% wage hike while the company was offering 9.5% for the lowest paid workers and 8.5% for the highest paid workers.
besigheid te bemark
ie Lydenburg dorpskalender is nou 'n werklikheid. Deur die Ly d e n b u r g / M a s h i s h i n g Sakekamer se webwerf w w w. l y d e n b u r g b u s i n e s s . c o . z a t e besoek, kan besighede en instansies hul eie funksies en aktiwiteite laai. Wat hierdie kalender besonders maak, is die fasiliteit vir volledige inligting, verduidelik skakelbeampte Gerda Whitehorn. Met die insleutel van die adres byvoorbeeld, word 'n Googlekaart opgeroep en dit maak deel van die kalender-inskrywing. Ander vrae wat gevra word, is kontakbesonderhede, tyd, datum en prys indien van toepassing. Daar is selfs plek vir 'n bemarkingsfoto. Die Sakekamer borg die kalender in diens van die gemeenskap. Instansies wat wil deelneem, kan met Engela by 082 7537940 of Gerda by 079 515 7799
Greg Smith en LilanĂŠ Nieuwoudt
s k a k e l o f e p o s n a a. ’n Spesiale sleutelwoord word aan instansies gegee om inligting te laai. By die bekendstelling van die Lydenburg Dorpskalender was Greg Smith van Africa 360 Degrees, Gerda Whitehorn en Christien Claase van die Sakekamer. ~ Deur Gerda Whitehorn
Gerda Whitehorn en Christien Claase
822 Julie 2010 // March 8 July 2010 Maart 2012
Nuus / News
John Roos beskryf klagtes teen hom as “Karaktermoord” DIE klagstaat teen mnr. John Roos, wat elders in die pers foutiewelik geïmpliseer is by bedrog van R 20 miljoen, is bekend. Daar is geen sprake van direkte bedrog, of diefstal deur mnr. John Roos. Roos nie. Waar die bedrag van R 20 miljoen vandaan kom, is ’n raaisel en dui op onverbloemde karaktermoord. Benewens dit, is daar mense in Lydenburg wat mnr. Roos reeds veroordeel het, ten spyte van die onskuldig tot skuldig bewys beginsel. Daar is drie klagtes: Eerstens van “misconduct” wat handel oor sogenaamde foutiewe instruksies aan sy personeel. Hierdie sogenaamde instruksies spruit uit logistieke probleme en meer senior personeel was hiervan bewus. Tweedens word mnr. Roos beskuldig van “poor work performance” wat spruit uit die feit dat mnr. Roos wel voorvalle van bedrog raakgesien en dit gerapporteer het. Onder andere beweer die klagstaat dat sekere boetes veminder is, ’n saak wat binne die
gedelegeerde diskresionere magte van die verkeershoof lê, maar nie by ondergeskiktes nie. Daar word beweer dat mnr. Roos die munisipaliteit van sekere inkomste “ontneem” het, deur boetes te verminder. In alle gevalle gaan die vermindering van ’n boete gepaard met ’n dagvaardiging, waarop die presiese boete aangedui word, gekoppel aan ’n vertoë deur die oortreder, gekoppel aan ’n kwitansie. In mnr. Roos se geval is hierdie dokumentasie in orde. Indien ander persone boetes kunsmatig opgeblaas het ten einde geld te bekom, is sodanige bedrog deur iemand anders gepleeg. Die derde klagte hou verband met “misconduct” in die sin dat mnr. Roos buite werksverband ’n besigheid genaamd JR Studio, wat deur sy eggenoot bedryf is, het, dit terwyl hy hierdie aktiwiteit aan die munisipaliteit op skrif verklaar het, soos deur munisipale regulasies vereis. Hierdie is ’n bestuursopleidingsentrum, ’n afdeling van JR Studio, met ’n rekenaarsimulator en duplikaat van ’n werklike toestsbaan, wat ’n diens aan die gemeenskap lewer. Hierdie is die totale klagte teen mnr. Roos. Geen bedrog teen hom as persoon, geen diefstal of iets anders nie. ~ Andre Coetzee
p Dinsdag 15 Maart is ’n klein hondjie met min lug en ’n skrefie venster, in ’n warm motor gelos. Die eienaars van die motor was glo besig om te dobbel in die Thaba Gare Casino in Lydenburg. ’n Inwoner, wat anoniem wil bly, het ’n fyn getjank uit die voertuig gehoor en ondersoek ingestel. Toe die persoon nader stap het die persoon gesien die motorruit is ’n klein bietjie oop en daar was wel bakkies met water en kos maar dit was baie warm buite. Daar was definitief nie genoeg lug, wind en suurstof vir die arme hondjie nie. Mnr. Kobus Pienaar word bedank dat hy dringend die saak aangespreek het. Die doel van hierdie storie is om mense meer bewus te maak dat jy eerder die diere by die huis moet los, want met die hitte wat tans ondervind word, is dit onmenslik om ’n dier in ’n motor toe te sluit. Die persoon het gesê: “Ek is maar net ’n hondeeienaar maar my diere is my kinders.”
Die motor se ruit was op ’n skrefie oop.
THE Pension Redress Campaign forms part of the second and final process of the PSCBC Programme launched on 24 May 2010. It was adopted by way of two resolutions on pension restructuring, namely resolution 7 of 1998 and resolution 12 of 2002. "The Chairperson of National Pensions Task Team Mr Wizemann Hamilton indicated that the closing date of submissions is on 31 March 2012 therefore; we urgently require beneficiaries to come forward before the deadline period". To be eligible for this redress, employees must have been in service on the 2nd of September 1998 and must have evidence that they have been subjected to any of the following forms of discrimination: Former General Assistants (GAs) or Casual Workers whose waiting periods had not been recognised under Phase 1 of the redress process; female teachers and other female employees in the public service who lost pensionable service due to changes in marital status and who were admitted to the temporary Employees Pension Fund (TEPF) on reemployment; female teachers and other female employees in the public service who had to
resign to give birth and upon return were admitted to the TEPF; All students who were denied membership of a government pension fund based on status of employment, i.e. fixed term contracts; RSA Citizens employed in former TBVC States; kits konstabels in respect of the period served as kits konstabels before permanent appointment. Strikers: All qualifying employees dismissed for participating in strikes and who were later re-instated / re-employed with or without an agreement as identified below: employees of the former Transvaal Provincial Administration (TPA) dismissed in 1987 under Gauteng Health: Natalspruit, Sebokeng, JG Strijdom (Helen Joseph), Vereeniging (Kopanong) Hospitals and in certain Free State Hospitals; employees affected by the 1988 dismissals in the former Natal Provincial Administration (NPA); South African Police (SAP) members dismissed in 1990; and Employees dismissed in the TPA between 1991 and 1993. For more Information send an sms to 43638 and leave your contact details and you will be contacted as soon as possible. You can also phone the PSCBC at (012) 644-8100.
Rubrieke / Columns
22 Maart / March 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.) “Maak Andri Rousseau ’n raadslid”
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
k verlang na my maats by die ATKV Skryfskool in Potchefstroom hierdie jaar. Voor ek my oë kon uitvee, het die datum om in te skryf vir die kursus gekom en gegaan. Diegene wat ’n passie het sal weet hoe belangrik dit is om dit uit te leef. Joernalistiek is nie die skryf wat ek noodwendig wil skryf nie. Dis skryf vir my werk. Maar skryf kom uit ’n ander plek in jou hart. Dit begin daar waar jy as klein dogtertjie sprokies lees en jou indink as die prins eerder dit-of-dat vir die prinses gesê het. Skryf kom uit jou eie verbeelding en lewenservaring. Nie soos in joernalistiek wat jy die feite in ’n sekere styl moet neerpen nie. Elke mens het ’n storie: die vent wat voor jou indruk, die mense wat jou oggendasem ruik, jou skoonma... Dit is wat mense wat skryf weet - elke mens het ’n storie. Mens het baie tyd nodig voordat ’n boek die lig sien. In die werklike lewe moet jy ’n jaar of drie ‘sabbatical’ kan vat, jou afsny van die regte wêreld en iewers ’n inkomste vandaan kry. Dis sodat jou aandag op jou meesterstuk kan bly. Daar is hope skrywers wat die deursettingsvermoë het om voltyds te werk en te skryf in hul vrye tyd. Maar die meeste skrywers gebruik die eerste tjek van die uitgewer om ’n paar maande net hul boek te skryf. Want ’n boek is harde werk. En dit eindig nie by die skryf daarvan nie. My teoretiese kennis oor Skryfkuns as vak het al baie toegeneem deur die jare, ook te danke aan die feit dat ek Afrikaanse Skryfkuns en Afrikaans op universiteit as vakke gehad het. Die blootstelling wat mens op tersiêre vlak opdoen, kan nie maklik ge-ewenaar word nie. Hoe maklik word stories nie die spil waarom alles draai nie. Stories is wonderlike goed. Oor die kulture, eeue, geslagte en land heen. Dit kry 'n lewe van sy eie. Een ding wat stories egter vir ons doen, is om te vermaak, terwyl ander iets oor die lewe probeer vertel. Mag ek nooit sê: "Fluit-fluit, my storie is uit," nie. En diegene wat Wielie-Walie gekyk het, sal die frase nog onthou. Sarel Seemonster het immers gesê: “Stories is my l-e-w-e.”
JOB 29:14. Ek het reg en geregtigheid laat geskied; vir my was dit vanselfsprekend, so vanselfsprekend as om klere aan te trek. Here bring reg en geregtigheid terug na ons verskeurde land toe Amen
Regstellende Geregtigheid HIER is nou ’n term waarvan ek vreeslik baie hou: Regstellende Geregtigheid. Normaalweg is ek sku vir die woord regstelleng, want dit word al te veel met rassisme geassosieer. Maar die renosterstroper Jacques Els het benewens sy agt jaar tronkstraf, ’n boete van een miljoen Rand gekry, wat hy as regstellende geregtigheid aan die Groen Skerpioene moet betaal. Tewens, hierdie is so ’n fenomenale beginsel, dat dit terstond in die regsboeke opgeteken moet word en as verpligte straf deur elke Landdros, of Regter in
Jean-Marie Venter skryf: Na aanleiding van Andri se goeie skrywe oor die toestand van die begraafplaas registers in laas week se koerant, wil ek graag die volgende kommentaar lewer. Dit is jammer dat Andri en soveel ander bekwame personeel by die stadsraad bedank het. Hulle ondervinding en kennis sou baie gehelp het om die stadsraad reg te laat funksioneer. Met die volgende verkiesing wil ek voorstel dat Andri met haar sewentien jaar munisipale ervaring haar verkiesbaar stel as 'n raadslid vir Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit. Mense sal verbaas wees hoeveel steun sy in die gemeenskap geniet.
Johan en Annetjie Swanepoel is op 25 Februarie in die huwelik bevestig by Lodge Laske Nakke. Albei is oudLydenburgers. Veels geluk aan die pasgetroude-egpaar.
Riaan en Natasha Steenkamp (Smit) van Lydenburg is op 10 Maart getroud. Hulle bly nou in Johannesburg. Die familie wil hulle graag baie geluk wens en net alles wat mooi is vir die toekoms.
In memorium Me. Sintiché van Tonder (69) is Sondag skielik oorlede. Sy is 'n o u d Lydenburger en laat haar man mnr. Wessel van Tonder, kinders Cynthia Faria, Lizette Breytenbach, Adéle Stevens en Cindy Fick asook kleinkinders agter. Haar begrafnis vind op Maandag 26 Maart te NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg plaas. Met die ter perse gaan is die tyd nog nie bekend gemaak nie. Skakel mnr. We s s e l v a n To n d e r v i r begrafnisbesonderhede by 013 235 2932. Haar familie en vriende bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning.
hulle uitsprake toegepas moet word. Dink net, as dit moord of ernstige aanranding is, moet die krimineel se goed (tot sy bed) gevat en te gelde gemaak word en die geld aan ’n hospitaal bewillig word vir spesifieke noodsaaklike uitrusting. As dit roof teen ’n indiwidu is, moet regstellende geregtigheid sorg dat al die krimineel se goed gevat word, te gelde gemaak word en aan die slagoffer uitbetaal word. As dit ’n omgewingsmisdaad soos wildstropery is, moet die skuldige se eiendom deur regstellende geregtigheid aan die betrokke parkeraad of owerheid wat die vervolging gedoen het, uitbetaal word. Ekonomiese misdaad moet die skuldige se goed aan SARS beskikbaar gestel word. Voertuigmisdaad
Veels geluk aan Monzoon Geskenke en Kunswinkel wat hul verjaardag Saterdag gevier het. Die personeel het te pragtig gelyk en behoorlik opgetof vir die geleentheid.
s’n aan die padboufonds en so aan. Die nasionale Batebeslagleggingseenheid sal dan effektief werk en meer werk kan selfs geskep word. Resultate sal oombliklik en verreikend wees. Misdaad sal drasties afneem. Tronke sal nie oorvol wees nie. Daar sal genoeg geld genereer word om die armes se las te verlig. Dit sal wetstoepassingsagentskappe soos verkeer, die SAPD en natuurbewaring se personeel tot groot hoogtes aanspoor, as hulle begrotings voordeel trek uit hierdie regstellende geregtigheid. Regters en Landdrosse se bonusse kan ’n persentasie van hierdie gelde wees. Dink net hoe entoesiasties Justisie sal wees! Ja, hoe meer ek daaraan dink, hoe beter klink dié plan vir my. Slim ouens kan die detail uitwerk.
Nuus / News
22 Maart / March 2012 8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010
Good news for tourism industry and grading TOURISM Grading Council heads to Mpumalanga to recruit more establishments into the star graded fold 'Global destination competitiveness relies on grading. It's a profoundly powerful marker in the minds of a world of travel consumers of quality and standards' SOUTH AFRICA can only claim to be a globally competitive tourist destination if service levels and hospitality standards match (and exceed) those of other major destinations, and if the South African industry embraces a benchmark system that the world's tourists recognise as a guarantee of quality and value for money in tourism infrastructure, products and offerings. In this regard, the importance of star grading cannot, and should not, be underestimated. For star grading is a universally accepted indicator of levels of service, of facilities and of cost. The Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) is heading to Mpumalanga on the 19th of March 2012 to recruit more businesses into the fold of graded establishments; where it will explain the numerous competitive benefits that come with being graded and where it will give evidence of significant dividends delivered against investment in seeking, and securing star grading. Grading gives the hospitality industry a global network of businesses with which they are automatically aligned in the minds of tourists. The phrase 'five star', for example, has powerful resonance in the mind of a consumer shopping for a holiday. And it gives the establishment that has earned that grading a significant competitive edge. Consumers know what to expect from a graded establishment. They know how much to
expect to pay. It's a phrase whose power and reputation stretches everywhere – from Copenhagen to Cape Town and from Durban to Dallas. The provincial roadshow comes naturally as a consequence of the significant overhauling of grading criteria two years ago. Thembi Kunene, chief quality assurance officer at TGCSA, says slightly more than 5 000 establishments in the country are presently graded. But with 17 000 establishments not enjoying the benefits of being graded, there is much to be done to invite them into the fold and work with the larger industry to power up South Africa's global destination competitiveness. “Grading is an entirely voluntary process. But the benefits are immense,” she says. “Graded establishments enjoy the powerful marketing platforms of a national destination marketing organisation, South African Tourism. They enjoy the personal advice and consultative services of an expert grading assessor. They enjoy being prioritised for government business and they are able to rightfully claim independent endorsement of their quality, service, standards and reliability.” The provincial roadshows, she adds, are a key component of the TGCSA's commitment to integrity and transparency. They provide a platform for everyone, both graded and ungraded establishments, to talk to senior members of TGCSA, ask questions and interrogate the grading process as it applies (or would apply) to them. Last year's roadshow was a major success not only for
TGCSA, but also for thousands of business owners who came to learn more about grading, and to network with each other. Those events focused on the minimum grading criteria and entry requirements. This year the roadshows will focus on the benefits of grading and how grading boosts the national and global competitiveness not only of establishments, but also of the larger destination. Star graded establishments enjoy: Preferential listing on the TGCSA and South African Tourism global web pages; · Government departments only procure accommodation and/or conferencing venues from graded establishments; · Only graded establishments get an opportunity to advertise in the Star Guide, the official guide to graded establishments in South Africa. This guide is distributed to all South African Tourism's offices worldwide and to all the South African embassies abroad;Only graded establishments are eligible to enter the Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of the Year Awards (ETEYA); South African Tourism only procures accommodation or conferencing facilities from graded establishments when hosting both local and international trade and media; and · Graded establishments benefit from various training courses provided by South African Tourism. These include, but are not limited to, speed marketing exercises at home and in the key markets; and product packing and bundling for purposes of itinerary sales and planning. For further information visit the website
22 Maart / March 2012
• Saturday 31 March. Longtom Marathon. Between Sabie and Lydenburg. To become part of this annual prestige road running event by means of sponsorship, logistical support or the hosting of a water point please contact the race office on 012 346 2400 or Loma van der Walt on 082 557 9604.
Nuus / News
Son-rise Communion service at the Cross on the Jesus Hill
• Saterdag 31 Maart. Lydenburg Gholfklub. Gholfdag vir die Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes. Skakel 013 235 3876. Machadodorp: Friday to Sunday, 20 – 22 April 2012 Misty Valley Lodge Family Mountain Biking Weekend: It's a fun family & friends weekend for mountain bikers, see details or call Guy at 086 136 4789 13 / 14 April: Absa Toyota 400 Rally
Tonteldoos Festival 6-9 April 2012 Anvil Ale, Wine on Wheels, Mariska Musiek, Rian Ungerer all @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over Easter. Wine, Beer and Song and all local. Wine on Wheels will be hosting wine tasting @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over the Easter Weekend. Thorns and Things, anything Rose in a bottle, will be on sale @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over Easter. Rian Ungerer will be performing live @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over the Easter Weekend. For more info contact Bergen Cheese @ 013 245 0074.
On Sunday 8 April at 06:00 there will be a Son-rise Communion service at the Cross on the Jesus Hill at Paardeplaats Nature Retreat, 12 km on the Longtom Pass. Everybody welcome. Contact Rev Kgosi Hendricks on 013 235 1919 for more info. (Don your winter woollies – it can be very cold and misty on the mountain on Easter Sunday!)
Nuus / News
22 Maart / March
A new era, a new brand I
Frank Opperman het Lydenburg vermaak en boonop lekker gekuier Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO het op 17 Maart 2012, Frank Opperman se “Rooikaart” aangebied in die stadsaal. Die Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO wil net baie dankie se vir Lelani en Otto Basson van Purple Gecko Gastehuis, wat vir hulle die verblyf gratis verskaf het! Van links na regs is: Lelani Basson (Purple Gecko), Frank Opperman (akteur), Otto Basson (Purple Gecko, WS Beyers (tegnikus). Die skool bedank ook C&F Drukkers asook Phoenix Sekuriteit vir hul bydrae tot die opvoering van Rooikaart, Saterdagaand.
liad Africa Limited (Iliad) sources, distributes, wholesales and retails general and specialised building materials. The Group consists of two divisions, General Building Materials (GBM) and Specialised Building Materials (SBM). This month they celebrated an important milestone in their business history as they unveiled a new brand identity for their GBM Portfolio. Over the years Iliad has grown considerably to be a leading player in the building materials sector. As the company evolves and continues to grow, the management of Iliad decided that a uniformed brand structure would enhance future sustained growth. Following an extensive analysis of appropriate possibilities, they chose the “BUCO” identity which will be implemented nationally at their GBM stores. A brand blueprint was developed focusing on improved customer experience and stores across the country are being revamped to align to this blueprint. The “BUCO” branding will be unveiled to customers over the next few months. They will start with seven stores in Mpumalanga on 31 March which include, Builders Market Middelburg and the Laeveld Bou stores in Nelspruit, Lydenburg, Malelane, Hoedspruit, Hazyview and Whiteriver. In developing the “Buco” brand they
remained cognisant of their vision to be top of the industry across all measures, reinforcing their strategy and commitment to meeting the product needs of the building industry through focused sourcing and redistribution of goods into selected markets. The new brand strategy provides them with an opportunity to go to market as a single brand allowing them to achieve economies of scale as well as a degree of uniformity and enhanced market penetration. “BUCO” will provide consistency in customer experience. The new brand harnesses their current strengths and is built around entrepreneurship, authenticity, expertise and collaboration. Over the years their entrepreneurial nature has allowed them to be leaders in their field while remaining customer focused. They continue to service a wide range of customers from large-scale contractors to do-it-your-self homeowners, through 95 stores nationwide. With a new brand, Iliad GBM is poised to remain a force in the industry. Their staff will strive to continually ensure that you as their customers will receive the best service experience, something in which they take pride. They trust that you will identify with their new brand, “BUCO”, and that you will feel proud to be associated with the Iliad Group. They invite you to join them at your nearest store on Saturday 31 March to join in the exciting launch activities.
22 Maart / March 2012
Nuus / News
Strelitzia-tak palm toekennings VF+ Hoofsweep oorhandig swaard in by die Konferensie
Ilse Venter, uittredende Hoofsweep van die VF+ oorhandig Saterdagaand by 'n seremoniele funksie die swaard van dissipline aan mnr. Frik Rousseau leier van die VF+ in Thaba Chweu. Die swaard is 'n offisierswaard wat uit die eerste wêreldoorlog dateer. Tydens die oorhanding het die VF+ se plaaslike orkes die Nasionale Volkslied gespeel. Van links is Jean-Marié Venter, Ilse Venter, Petra Coetzer, Marie Coetzer, Frik Rousseau. Ilse Venter, het vandeesweek haar bedanking as Hoofsweep van die Vryheidsfront Plus in Thaba Chweu ingedien nadat sy besluit het om haar te gaan vestig aan die Suidkus van Natal.Volgens mnr Frik Rousseau, Leier van dié party, is haar bedanking 'n groot verlies vir die Party en gaan sy 'n groot leemte laat.
Die lede van die Vroue Landbou Unie Strelitzia-tak, het hierdie jaar op die konferensie gehou op 17 Maart, weer met ’n hele paar bekers en sertifikate weggestap, vir artikels wat hulle ingehandig het. Op die foto (van links) is die lede mee. Christine Filmalter (tweede plek in Masjienwerk – Tafelloper), Bevvie Marais (tweede plek Handvlyt – Gemengde medium), Heleen de Bruyn (hoogste punte behaal vir individuele artikel, trofee, eerste plek Handvlyt – Gemengde medium (Trofee) tweede plek Hekelwerk – strooikussing, derde plek handvlyt – tossel), Heather Aspeling – eerste plek behaal in Fotografie (trofee) – tweede plek Fotografie op Streeksvlak, eerste plek Blomme vir Beginners (Trofee) en Petro Botha (takvoorsitter) – tweede plek behaal vir Jaarprogram.
Tydens 2011 het die Vroue Landbou Unie Strelitziatak 'n fondsinsameling gehou deur loodjies te verkoop vir 'n tafeldoek wat deur me. Heleen de Bruyn geverf is. Foto links: Die gelukkige wenner me. Nadine Fenske ontvang haar prys vanaf me. Heleen de Bruyn (ontwerper) en me. Heather Aspeling (skakelbeampte).
Nuus / News
22 Maart / March 2012
Out of eighty branches, Maxi's Lydenburg received finalist Best Standard of Operations award (where the franchise manager evaluates and rates the branch) and they received a finalist Best Customer Service award (the franchise send people to the branch without them knowing). Only being open for a year this goes to show that Maxi's Lydenburg means business! Congratulations to Riaan and Adri Taljaard and their staff.
Lotters Pine, Lydenburg het geskuif na Jock's Country Stalls, reg langs Bokkie se Vleismark. Die perseel is wel bietjie kleiner maar dis baie geriefliker vir kliĂŤnte om by die winkel uit te kom en met die skuif is hulle nou Sondae en publieke vakansiedae ook nou oop. Kontak gerus vir Caren Struwig (op foto) vir enige navrae by 013 235 4536.
The owners Riaan and Adri Taljaard, Eunica Shabat (manager) and the winning team.
Aftree-oord planne op dreef
Isabel Dickson,Essie Esterhuizen,Trudie Viljoen Stel u belang in aftrede in ons mooi dorp? Lydenburg Dienssentrum doen op die oomblik 'n behoeftebepaling onder mense in hulle somer- en herfsjare om aftree-moontlikhede in die dorp te ondersoek. By die eerste loodsvergadering was van links Isabel Dickson, Essie Esterhuizen en
Trudie Viljoen (foto bo). ’n Opvolgvergadering word op Vrydag 23 Maart om 14:00 by die Dienssentrum in Rensburgstraat gehou. Vir meer inligting, skakel Rina Nel by die Dienssentrum, Isabel Dickson op 082 495 4706 of Gerda Whitehorn op 079 515 7799.
Nuus/ News Motoring
November 2011 2203 Maart / March 2012
Enter the ‘new logo competition’: Enter your logo proposal for the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber's competition and win a year's membership and a quarter page advertisement in the new Business Directory. Ensure that the logo is uncomplicated with strong but simple graphic lines, suitable in small and large format. It must work in platinum colours (shades of silver or grey) and have the letters LMBC and Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber underneath – in a compatible font.
Annual Chamber AGM, don’t miss this Do not miss the Lydenburg/Mashishing Business Chamber's Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 27 March at 17.30 at the Town Hall. A representative from Eskom will be reporting on the state of our electricity supply, there will be feedback on the town's emergency plan and other issues affecting business in town. For more information, contact Engela Krugel on 082 7537940.
Entheos helps flood victims E
ntheos Christian School Senior Students did a fundraising project for the families in Hoedspruit who suffered a great loss during the recent floods. They collected money, water and groceries. The children went to Hoedspruit themselves to see the effects that the disaster had on the town and met up with some of the victims and showed their support for them. The headmaster and administrator of the A.C.E. school in the Town, Mr. Johan Potgieter, accepted the donations on
behalf of the families. To this day the water in the town is not fit for consumption, or even for use in washing machines. Water tanks are set up and filled by the local community in shopping centers for those that cannot afford to purchase water. The students also visited the bridge to the Air force Base that was destroyed by the flooding waters. We continue to pray for those that have been affected by the floods in our community as well as the surrounding towns and worldwide.
Entheos learners in Hoedspruit.
22 Maart / March 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Road safety advice from Hi-Q CORRECT TYRE PRESSURE HAS A HOST OF BENEFITS FOR HOLIDAY MAKERS AS South Africans get set for six weeks of increased seasonal travel – Hi-Q has issued a reminder that correctly inflated tyres can save significantly at the pump and even more. It also promotes safety, even tyre wear, enhances ride comfort and it maximises fuel economy. Bertie Strydom of Hi-Q Lydenburg said running a tyre just 20 % under-inflated could increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 %. “An under-inflated tyre u s e s m o r e e n e r g y, increasing rolling resistance and robbing the vehicle of fuel efficiency. At today's fuel prices, and especially during this holiday season when people generally travel a lot further, 10 % is a considerable and unnecessary expense that could be saved by a little more fresh air! “As well as being heavy on your pocket, running under-inflated tyres also reduces their tread life which means they will need to be replaced sooner than should be necessary. Plus it can be dangerous – studies show that up to 87% of all flat tyres have a history of under-inflation,” Bertie said. Statistics also reveal that one in every three cars has at least one underinflated tyre and, while nearly seven in ten drivers say they wash their vehicles every month, barely more than half check tyre pressure in that period. The majority of drivers (71%) forget to check the pressure in their spare tyre at all. Get a Free Vehicle Safety Check Countrywide According to Hi-Q, motorists should have their vehicles and tyres inspected at professional tyre and service outlets. Hi-Q, which has an extensive national footprint in both big cities and small towns, offers a free 10-point safety check on vehicles. This entails checking all four tyres plus the spare for tread depth and pressure, the front and rear shock absorbers, the brake pads, discs and fluid, as well as the battery, exhaust and wiper blades. Should any of the vehicle checks highlight a warning or faulty part, the technician will recommend the correct course of action. “Remember speed kills, but unsafe tyres kill too,” said Mr. Bertie Strydom. Issued by: Hi-Q Lydenburg Address: cnr of Voortrekker and Lange str Tel no: 013 235 1830
Hyundai wins COTY IT'S a long process over many months but the SAGMJ Car of the Year was named during a banquet in Johannesburg. And the winner was, as predicted by Wheels24's reader survey, the Hyundai Elantra 1.8 GLS. The sleek, medium sedan was also voted US Car of the Year. The Elantra is the first Korean car to be named the SA COTY, though Hyundai has had two finalists - the ix35 and Sonata in 2011 - and the i20 was a finalist in the 2010 Coty competition. Alan Ross, MD of Hyundai Automotive SA, said after receiving the Car of the Year trophy: “We are extremely proud of the recognition that a world-class product such as the Hyundai Elantra has received from the Guild. “This award, and the fact that we had two finalists in the previous competition, is confirmation of the giant strides Hyundai has made locally and globally. It is also recognition of the quality and emotional appeal that the Hyundai products have developed as part of the brand’s “Modern Premium’ strategy.” Since its South African launch in August 2011, the current Elantra has become a leader in its model segment and gained recognition as a sedan more than sufficiently equipped to take the brand to “the next level”. Choosing the SA Car of the Year involves dozens of members of the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists, the men and women who monitor the local auto trade throughout the year on your behalf, driving dozens of cars as part of their job and gaining a deep insight into the state of modern automotive technology. The competition has a heavy weighting towards value for money - not always easy to decide among the 10 finalists whittled down from perhaps hundreds of possibilities from more automakers than ever before in this country. The judges' data is carefully monitored and analysed; the individuals trying hard not to be swayed by high performance, super-luxury and extrovert gadgetry. Which is why in previous years super-sedans have lost out to small family cars.
November 2011 2203 Maart / March 2012
Ons toets die nuwe Toyota Avanza HIERDIE week het ons met die nuwe Toyota Avanza gery. Beskikbaar in 1.3 paneelwa, 1.3 S en SX en 1.5 SX, 1.5 SX Auto en 1.5 TX, behoort hullle in almal wat ’n bekostigbare ruim voertuig soek, se smaak te val. Ons het die 1.5 SX onder hande gehad. Dit kom met lugversorging, elektriese ruite (outo op bestuurdersruit) elektries verstelbare buitespieëls, twee lugsakke, ABS, afstandbeheerde sluit, kragstuur (hoogte verstelbaar), sonbrilhouer en ’n derde ry sitplekke. Op die luukse TX is daar ’n radio / CD, satellietkontroles op die stuurwiel, dubbelsone lugversorger, alooiwiele, misligte en luukser afwerking binne. Pryse vir die passasiersmodelle wissel vanaf so R 150 000 tot R 202 000 vir die TX. Die 1.5 SX verteenwoordig myns insiens goeie waarde vir geld. Die gebrek aan ’n radio en allooiwiele is nie ’n probleem nie en sou ek self ’n goeie radio / CD van my keuse en wiele van my keuse laat monteer. Op die pad het die Avanza my verbaas. Die 1.5 VVTi maak 76 kW en 136 Nm se krag. Die ratte is baie kort, wat skitterend werk in stadsverkeer, maar die enjin is nogal besig op die oop pad. Teen 120 km/u draai dit teen ongeveer 4 000 opm en
teen 150 teen amper 5 000 opm in vyfde. Ratskakeling is uitstekend en die pedale werk maklik en lig. Ek sou ’n voetrus vir die linkervoet verkies. Remme is goed en vir sy hoogte is die Avanza lekker stabiel. Die stuur is lig en baie direk. Die hoogte maak dat jy ’n uitstekende uitsig het, in- en uitklim is maklik en ruimte is volop. Die beenruimte vir die tweede ry sitplekke is skitterend en mens sit lekker. Met die derde ry sitplekke in, is die bagasieruim kleiner as verwag, maar vir ’n gewone familie sal ek die derde ry sitplekke uithaal en dan het jy ’n reuse bagasiebak. Met die Noord-Suid uitleg van die enjin, ’n dryfas en agterwielaandrywing, sal instandhouding en dienskoste op die Avanza maklik en bekostigbaar wees. Wat instrumente betref is daar ’n toereteller, snelheidsmeter en digitale brandstofmeter met twee ritmeters. Enjintemperatuur word deur liggies in verskillende kleure aangedui met ’n veiligheids afsnysisteem. Vir die gesin wat ’n bekostigbare ruim voertuig soek, is die Avanza in ’n klas van sy eie en sy populariteit getuig daarvan. Beslis ’n baie goeie kopie. Andre Coetzee.
Golf Cabrio ’n plesier Hierdie is die tweede afslaankap motor wat ons in twee weke toets. Die VW Golf TSI Cabriolet verskil egter baie van die Mazda MX5. Die MX5 is ’n tweesitplek roadster. Die Golf is ’n viersitplek Europese Cabriolet of “Convertible”. Dit is nie ’n hardebaard sportmotor nie. Wat dit wel is, is ’n tegnologies hoogs gevorderde, gesofistikeerde, luukse motor, waarvan die dak elektronies kan afslaan. Ons het die 1.4 TSI 6-spoed handrat Comfortline 90 kW getoets. Daar is ook ’n 1.4 TSI dubbelturbo Highline 118kW en beide hierdie modelle is met die DSG ratkas ook beskikbaar, dus vier modelle. Pryse het my verbaas vir ’n cabriolet. Ons toetsmotor kos R 283 400 en die top 118 kW met DSG kos R 338 500. Die elektriese dak neem net 9.5 sekondes om oop te maak en 11.8 sekondes om toe te maak en kan in beweging (maks 30 km/u) gedoen word. Daar is ’n regte verhitte glasvenster agter en outomatiese rolstawe wat saam met die lugsakke ontplooi in ’n ongeluk. Bagasiebakspasie bly dieselfde of die dak op of af is, teen 250 liter. Dit is nogal groot vir ’n cabriolet. Daar is ’n volgrootte spaarwiel. Die bakwerk is aansienlik verstewig om wringbuig te voorkom en inkorporeer bakeienskappe van Golf, Scirocco en Audi A3 cabriolet. Binne is daar volleer sitplekke, waarvan die rugleunings van die agterste sitplekke individueel kan stel. ’n Aparte windskerm kan bo-oor die agtersitplekke getrek word om dit soos ’n tweesitplek te laat lyk. Daar is ESP met HBA, ABS en EDL. Daar is vyf lugsakke en Bi-Xenon hoofligte met LED dagryligte. ’n Goeie klankstelsel met AUX in en met raakskerm funksie, satelliet kontroles op die stuurwiel, elektriese ruite, elektries verstelbare, verhitte buitespieëls, lugversorging, afstandbeheerde sentrale sluit en al vier ruite op met een knoppie, is standaard. Agterligte is van die LED tipe. Die paneelkassie is verkoel. Die ritrekenaar is volledig en gee etlike funksies en daar is togbeheer (speed control). Op die pad is die Golf Cabrio pure plesier. Die 1.4 TSI maak 90 kW en 200 Nm wringkrag. Dit trek enige dag soos ’n goeie konvensionele tweeliter en selfs beter. Die enjin toer ’n rustige 2 600 opm teen 120 en onder 3 000 teen 140 km/u in sesde. Die sespoed handratkas skakel seepglad en alle kontoles werk lig en getuig van gehalte. Die skyfremme op al vier wiele is uitstekend. Hantering en stabiliteit is tipies van Golf - uitmuntend. Met die dak af is windgeraas minimaal tot op 140 en met die dak op is die motor so stil soos in enige hoëgehalte motor. Soos ons nou al van VW gewoond geraak het, is hulle enjins meesterstukke. In hierdie geval moet jy weereens nie teen die 1.4 liter en 90 kW vaskyk nie. Daar is hope krag en dit versnel in hoë ratte teen die steilste bulte. As jy werklik ’n kragvraat is, gaan vir die 118 kW weergawe. By turboenjins tel die wringkrag meer en voel hulle altyd baie kragtiger as nie-turboenjins. Daar is niks verkeerd met hierdie motor nie. Teen die prys is dit uitstekende gehalte en louter bestuurplesier. Andre Coetzee
22 Maart / March 2012
November 2011 2203 Maart / March 2012
New Astra Estate? Ford sege in Absa veldren EARLIER in 2012 we reported that Opel would be launching a new Astra sedan. Now it seems the German automaker will be boosting the model line-up even further. Our spy photographers braved frigid northern Europe to capture images of Opel’s new Astra estate. The model in our spy images was undergoing handling-tests in frigid conditions. The new model looks like its borrowed much of its styling from the Insignia sedan, especially at the rear. The new model is set to make its debut at the 2012 Paris auto show and is set to receive all but the sportier engines from the Astra hatchback range. South Africans have never warmed up to estates, but we asked General Motor’s Caroline Thomas whether the new estate would be arriving in SA: “We continue to evaluate all Opel products deemed suitable for the SA market and the decision to introduce any product will be based on the fundamentals of integral value to the brand, volume opportunity and profitability - no final decisions made at this stage.” ED: We disagree. The previous Astra Estate was popular and is more affordable than an SUV or Subaru Forrester. These cars are ideally suited to convey the kids, copious amounts of luggage or the family Great Dane. It would also work well for many reps. Bring it back. Andre Coetzee
EEN / TWEE-SEGE VIR FORD BY RFS MAGALIES 400 FORD Racing het 'n ongelooflike dubbele oorwinning in die Produksievoertuigkategorie van die RFS Magalies 400, die eerste ronde van die AbsaVeldrenkampioenskap aangeteken. Die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse kampioene, Chris Visser en Japie Badenhorst het gerieflik voor hul spanmaats, Lance Woolridge en Ward Huxtable gewen met beide spanne wat in fabrieks-Ford Racing TDCi-voertuie ingeskryf het. Visser en Badenhorst het nie 'n wiel verkeerd gesit in die warm en stowwerige omstandighede op 'n strawwe roete nie en het sewe minute voor Woolridge en Huxtable klaargemaak. Dit was 'n geskiedkundige resultaat vir Ford Racing wat hul eerste een / tweeresultaat in die Absa-reeks aangeteken het. Dit was 'n perfekte begin tot die seisoen vir Ford, wat ook die eerste vervaardiger was om 'n Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale byeenkoms met 'n dieselaangedrewe voertuig te wen, toe die spanhoof, Neil Woolridge en Kenny Skjöldhammer die Toyota-handelaars 400 drie seisoene gelede gewen het. “Ons was tydens die toetssessie voor die seisoen baie opgewonde oor die voertuig en ons het 'n goeie ren gehad,” het Visser gesê. “Dit was warm en stowwerig en die roete was baie knap en kon jou uitvang. Mens kon nie foute maak nie. “Dit is altyd lekker om te wen, maar dit was 'n groot spanpoging en Lance en Ward tesame met die tegniese span het hulself uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt. Ons kon nie vir 'n beter begin tot die jaar gevra het nie.” Beide Ford Ranger-spanne het soliede vertonings tydens Vrydag se Donaldsonvoorren, wat die wegspringvolgorde vir die ren bepaal het, gelewer. Visser / Badenhorst was tweede met Woolridge / Huxtable vyfde en teen die einde van die tweede van die drie kringroetes waaruit die ren bestaan het, was dié twee spanne stewig in beheer van sake. Die voorrenwenners, Gary Bertholdt en Siegfried Rousseau, was vroeg reeds slagoffers in die Atlas Copco-Toyota Hilux en Visser en Badenhorst het die voortou geneem en dit nie weer afgegee nie. Pikkie Labuschagne / Rikus Erasmus (Ruwacon-Toyota Hilux) en Malcom Kock / Johan Burger (Kock en Seun-Toyota Hilux) het ook probleme ondervind en dit het Woolridge en Huxtable laat opskuif. Terence Marsh en George Smalberger het 'n tipiese bestendige vertoning in die Regent Racing-Nissan Navara gelewer om die orige podiumposisie op te raap. Die omstandighede het nie enige heldevertonings toegelaat nie en met die aanvang van die finale rondte was Marsh en Smalberger goed geplaas om hul seisoen op 'n soliede basis te begin. Daar was ook goeie resultate vir die Pretoria-paar, Christiaan du Plooy en Henk Janse van Vuuren, wat vierde in die RFS-BMW X3 was. Terug van hul goeie Dakarvertonings, het Duncan Vos en Rob Howie (Castrol-Toyota Hilux) 'n beheerde ren voltooi en die top vyf afgerond, net 19 sekondes agter die RFS-BMW. Laasjaar se wenners, Hannes Grobler en Hennie ter Stege in die tweede RFS-BMW X3, was sesde met Hugo de Bruyn en Henri Hugo sewende in die Micaren ExelToyota Hilux ná 'n bestendige ren. Cliff Weichelt, wat nou in Perth woonagtig is, en Johan Smalberger was net 20 sekondes agter hulle en het die top agt afgerond en met die Klas D-louere in die N1 4x4-Toyota Land Cruiser weggestap. Graham en Trevor Leith het die eerste fabrieks-Ford Ranger wat gebou is in die negende plek huis toe gebring en ná 'n dapper poging het Anthony Taylor en Chris Birkin in die top 10 in die tweede Castrol-Toyota Hilux klaargemaak. Na 'n teleurstellende Donaldson-voorren wat die wegspringvolgorde bepaal het en waartydens 'n wiel uitgebreek het nadat hulle 'n groot rots getref het, was Taylor en Birkin verplig om saam met die groep agter in die veld weg te spring. Charmaine Fortune Onthou die Toyota 400 veldren vind die naweek van 13 / 14 April hier by ons, in Lydenburg plaas. Hou hierdie spasie dop! Andre Coetzee
Eiendomme / Properties
22 Maart 8 Julie 2010 / 8/ March July 20102012 15
Egte winskoop! 4 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, groot kombuis, sprankelende swembad, lapa (nog nie met gras bedek nie) Motorhuis asook afdakke vir 6 motors / karavaan / boot. Lekker groot erf van 1300 m². Die woning beslaan 230 m². Waarde vir geld!
Prys R1,130 000. Hulle webwerf is en die Internet verwysings nr vir die eiendom is: 100192011. Skakel Huizemark eiendomme vir 'n afspraak om te besigtig by 013 235 1335 of besoek hulle by Viljoenstraat 89, Lydenburg.
Baie bekostigbare familiewoning met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, wat geleë is in 'n goeie area. Erf grootte is 651 m². Die woning beslaan 170 m². WAARDE! Prys R920 000. Hulle webwerf is en die Internet verwysings nr vir die eiendom is: 100194030. Skakel Huizemark eiendomme vir 'n afspraak om te besigtig by 013 235 1335 of besoek hulle by Viljoen str 89, Lydenburg.
22 Maart / March
Properties / Eiendomme
Nuus / News
22 Maart / March 2012
Gholfdag vir Dienssentrum op 31 Maart - help bejaardes DIE Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Senior burgers bied ’n herfs gholfdag op Saterdag 31 Maart aan. 'n Baie spesiale “Herfsdaggholf “geleentheid word aan die spelers in en om Lydenburg, asook aan spelers van ver aangebied. Die Gholfdag sal ’n ‘twee-bal’-formaat wees. Dit is vir die Dienssentrum elke jaar baie spesiaal om vir die jonges en die fikses hierdie geleentheid te reël. Borgskap per bof: R300 per bof (bof nommers beskikbaar: 1 tot 18) Borgskap per setperk: R1 000 per setperk
(nommers 1 tot 9) Borgskap 2-bal spelers: R600. Borgskap 2 x 2-bal spelers: R2 000 *Indien u verkies kan u ook die volgende oorweeg: ’n Donasie, Geskenkbewys of borg van 'n prys / e vir spelers. Bankbesonderhede: Naam van rekening: Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes; Bank Eerste Nasionale Bank; Tak: Ly d e n b u r g ; Ta k k o d e : 2 7 0 2 5 1 ; Rekeningnommer: 5289 244 3138 Vir meer inligting skakel die Diessentrum by 013 235 3875. Hantie Bezuidenhout: Bestuurder Lydenburg en Enjabuleni Dienssentrums.
Entheos and Estralita make soccer history again
Soccer players in action.
Entheos Christian School played a friendly game of Soccer against Estralita. Much fun was had by all and they all look forward to meeting again on the field! Left: Teams of both schools having a cooldrink together.
Slimkopies / Classifieds
22 Maart / March 2012
KSA registered
073 555 4840 DIENSTE/ SERVICES
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.
C R E AT I V E N A I L S A T L A S P A N E E L TRAINING 084 860 7714 K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: BEAUTY BOX 013 235 013 235 3423/ 082 454 4986 8382 SALON HAIR & IETSIE NICE LINGERIE 074 887 6950 NAILS, lashes, makeup. 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947
A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.
S4 SLIMMING tablets 076 677 6002
AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075
SECURE STORAGE AVA I L A B L E R e z a k Storage now open. 076 660 1389/ 013 235 3718 T E L E V I D E O Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS Agent for Escape Gear Products & Seatcovers. Manufacturing of canvas blinds & canopies & all upholsteries. 013 235 1109 BLITZ PLUMBING 24/7 A l l p l u m b i n g maintenance, repairs & installations. ie: geysers, taps, baths, toilets, basins & drainpipes. 072 197 5264/ 072 577 8689 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 EMM MAINTENANCE & R E PA I R S H o u s e s , Flats, Buildings. Electrical, building, painting, plumbing, welding, automated gates, air conditioners. Renato 082 458 3727 / Antoinette 082 652 3142 K I T S G R A S & B E S P R O E I N G beskikbaar - gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 BEKENDE TARROT KAART leser - Sonia, in Lydenburg 28 Maart to 7 April. Afsprake: 083 269 0068/ 012 653 6292
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Tania 082 3 3 1 4 8 1 4 W W W. D E S J A C O B S PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.Z A W e d d i n g s , Commercial, Family. 076 858 6317
BON APPETIT - Jocks Country Stalls. Gift Shop, Coffee Shop & flowers. 083 357 6830
S K O O N M A A K VA N M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394
K L A V I E R & oorspronklike stoeltjie. R7000 o.n.c.o. Elektriese grassyner R450, Yskas R1000. Dringende verkope. Kontak Frik Rousseau 072 401 6704 SHARPEI HONDJIES te koop. R1800 Ingeënt & ontwurm. 082 835 5843 NUWE Springbok of Meatmarket meule. 079 255 3004 200 VIDEO’S, 50 tapes + video masjien. 079 255 3004
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 TE HUUR/ TO LET TA F E L D O E K E Overlays, glase en eetgerei. Skakel Rina:082 751 0432 EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES
2 HOUSES FOR SALE: 1 x 2 bed, pool & double I.T.@Large - for all pc garage. R770 000. 1 x 4 bed, 2 bath, fully walled, repairs & maintenance, granite tops. R880 000. updating hardware and No agents! 078 803 1022 software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. BARGAIN BUY house Jacques 071 268 9211 / for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 Pierre 079 881 1932
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614 I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT B A C H E L O R WOONSTEL R2300p/m , net vir een persoon. 079 624 9486 WOONSTEL op plaas, Lydenburg. Susan 082 535 6588. LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG
AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION KLITSGRAS CHALETS B & B A C C O M O D AT I O N : Coffee shop, chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES S P R AY PA I N T E R Lydenburg. previous experience & references essential. Fluent in Eng & Afr. Fax short cv: 086 685 5888 GEKWALIFISEERDE Skoonheidsterapeut benodig. Bring CV na Creative Nails, Lydenburg. 084 860 7714
demounting • The tender documents which cover the above aspects (demolition activity) of the contract be submitted to the MHRA for approval prior to work being put to hand • Copies of the documentation be lodged with the MHRA, Lydenburg Museum and • The heritage documentation and proposed development is lodged at the Lydenburg Museum for scrutiny. Any interested or affected party wishing to comment can do so to: JP Celliers Curator Lydenburg Museum jcelliers@thabachweu tel: 013 235 2213 Or Benjamin Maduka Heritage O f f i c e r a tel: 013 766 5196 / 082 407 0842
I N T H E M A G I S T R AT E ’ S COURT FOR THE REQUIRE OFFICE D I S T R I C T O F ADMIN lady - must be LYDENBURG HELD AT p r o f i c i e n t i n d a t a LY D E N B U R G C a s e c a p t u r e , W i n d o w s , number: C04268/2010 Excel, filing. Fax Cv: 086 In the matter between: 655 6174 THE FISHERMANS DELI WHOLESALE K R E A T I E W E D I V I S I O N C C WINKELASSISTENT - E X E C U T I O N t w e e t a l i g , CREDITOR and MIKES rekenaarvaardig. Goeie K I T C H E N menseverhoudings, L Y D E N B U R G ouderdom 30 - 40 jr, EXECUTION DEBITOR Sluitingsdatum 5 April NOTICE OF SALE IN 2012. Handig CV in by E X E C U T I O N I n Guests & Glasses, p u r s u a n c e o f a Lydenburg. Judgment granted by the above Honourable Court o n 0 2 / 0 2 / 2 0 11 a n d Warrant of Execution KENNISGEWINGS/ issued in the above NOTICES Court the under The owner, Planning mentioned goods have Properties (Pty) Ltd, been attached, and will h a s s u b m i t t e d be sold in execution for application for demolition c a s h o r B a n k in terms of section 34 of Guaranteed cheque to the National Heritage the highest bidder 18 Resources Act (25 of APRIL 2012 at 10:00 at 1999) regarding the the Sheriff ’s Office existing structure on Lydenburg, 80 Kantoor ERF NO 76 PORTION 4, Street, Lydenburg: 1x 8 L A N G E S T R E E T , SEAT LOUNGE SUITE, LY D E N B U R G . A l s o 1X 1 CHUBB SAFE, 1X 1 known as House BRYNA JPY AMP, 1X 1 LDM CD DAVIDS, (nee BRINA SHUTTLE, 1X 1COMBI SCHECH) Mpumalanga 4 TRAY INDUSTRIAL Heritage Resources OVEN AND STEAMER, Agency has indicated the 1X 1 STAINLESS TWO permit will be issued DOOR HOT CLOSET, 1 subject to: • 30 day X 1 ACER COMPUTER notice on site by way of SCREEN AND CASH advertisement for REGISTER, 1X 1 comment by interested NASHUA PRINTER, and affected parties. • C O P I E R A N D FA X P r e p a r a t i o n o f f u l l MACHINE, 1X 1 TJIPS documentation of the BRAAIER, 1X 1 FOUR extant dwelling including PLATE GAS BURNER, historical background, 1X 1 EGG PLATE, 1X 1 p h o t o g r a p h s a n d FISH BRAAIER, 1X 1 detailed drawings to scale, etc. • A S C I E N T I F I C demounting of the extant structure • A detailed record of the materials and techniques used in the original construction • All recoverable materials be salvaged, transported to and stored at the Barberton Museum • Inspection by a competent registered archaeologist or historical architect during the process of
GRILL, 1X 1 GRID FOR BUNS, 1X 1 SQUARE S TA I N L E S S S T E E L T A B L E , 1 X 1 E S S E N T I A L MICROWAVE, 1x 1 T W O P L AT E G A S BURNER, 1X 1 LIGHT SUCTION, 1X 1 ICE MACHINE, 1X 1 WOODEN BARREL. S I G N E D a t LYDENBURG on the 15th day of MARCH 2 0 1 2 . ( s g d ) Y. LABUSCHAGNE AT T O R N E Y F O R E X E C U T I O N C R E D I TO R VA N RENEN HEYNS INCORPORATED LEO FORUM 72 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG, 1120 Tel: 013-235 1625 Docex:5 LYDENBURG Ref: YL/yg/AL3388. TO THE OWNER OF TRAILER with pump ( V I N n r : AA9B227MBBSZR1013) please take note that if the pump trailer is not claimed at Steelpoort Steelworks & Trailers within three weeks from date of first publication the pump and trailer will be sold to cover the costs. Contact at Steelpoort Steelworks & Trailers is Mr. Hans Snyman cell: 082 440 9039. KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00,
aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El Shaddai Rensburgstr.41,Lydenbur g.Woe.19:00Biduur,Vry.1 9 : 0 0 j e u g . Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre.
Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.
Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010 228Maart / March
Vakante / Vacancies
Op 10 Maart 2012 het Laerskool Lydenburg se eerste seuns tennisspan vir Laerskool Bergland met 28 stelle teenoor 27 geklop. "Die seuns het skitterende tennis gespeel." was mnr. Franco Krause, hul afrigter, se mening. Van links is Tiaan Brits, JJ Kriek, Tiaan Pretorius en Jan-Paul van der Linde
Heel voor: Devin Dicks en Isonè van der Linde. Middel van links: Marius Toerien, Henric Louw en Marizean Toerien, Agter Links: Su-Marie van den Berg, Shelbè Pieterse en Me. Malize Nel (Skoolhoof).
Van links agter: Ruzaan Botha, Michelle Lamprecht, Alexander van den Berg, me. Sonja van den Berg (spanbestuurder). Van links voor: Calista Cornelissen, Juandré Jacobs en Andries de Lange.
Leerlinge van Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO wat gekwalifiseer het vir Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe op Ruimsig Roodepoort 22 en 23 Maart 2012.
Skaakprestasies van die Laerskool Lydenburg: Van links (agter): Tristan Lindeque, Kevin Mulder, Duan Calitz, Isak-Daniël, Bezuidenhout; Links middel: Marno Gerber, GJ van Aswegen, Marques Hansen, Daniël Lius, Frikkie Fensham; Links voor: Sune du Preez, Cailen Lius, Lesego Hendricks en Willie Fensham
22 Maart / March 2012
Help Riaan get a prosthesis after losing leg in accident
iaan Engelbrecht was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident on the Boomplaas Road near Lydenburg on 3 August 2011. After the accident, he suffered an amputation of his right lower leg due to complications. A golf day will be held for him on 24 March at the Lydenburg Golf Club, to raise funds for a prosthetic leg. It will be in the format of four-ball-better-ball. A number of sponsors have already been contacted and they are all on board for Saturday. A load of prizes have been lined up and after a day on the greens everyone will be enjoying a spit-braai. All that is needed now are the players. For more information please phone Pieter from Atlas Panelbeaters on 082 454 8382.
All golf players invited
Splashing summer fun Entheos Christian School enjoyed a friendly Swimming Gala at Estralita School, various age groups swam against each other and each age group winner received a certificate. As with all of the friendly games and competitions they are looking forward to swimming together again soon.