29 Maart / March 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 12

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News/Nuus 29 Maart / March 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 12 Tel: 013 235 2287 - Fax: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za


To Sabie (from Nelspruit): 05:30 – 07:00 To Lydenburg (from Sabie): 05:30 – 11:00 To Sabie (from Lydenburg): 05:00 – 12:00

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Nuus / News

29 Maart / March 2012

Launch of Easter Arrive Alive Campaign amidst accidents Easter Holidays are usually characterized by high traffic volumes and increased accidents and general non compliance with traffic rules and regulations by most road users. The campaign is part of government's effort to reduce road accidents, non compliance with traffic rules and regulations and heighten awareness about road safety. The campaign will run from the 2nd to the 15th of April where the department will conduct road blocks, rest stops and road shows to assist in raising awareness on road safety. Thirteen (13) people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol over the weekend. These arrests were made by the department's traffic officers during an operation which

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started with road blocks on the N4 road in Kia Ora and D2296 in Karino near Nelspruit on Friday [23 March 2012]. The Traffic Intervention Unit (TIU) was deployed in various routes of the Ehlanzeni region and was later part of the patrolling of streets and raiding of taverns in Matsulu, with the South African Police Service. Another road block was conducted on Saturday [24 March 2012] on the R40 Road near Masoyi. During the road blocks, at least 365 summonses were issued for different violations which included reckless driving, driving without license, un-roadworthy vehicles and unlicensed vehicles. Twenty nine (29) notices were also issued for discontinuation of vehicles while one government vehicle was impounded. MEC Vusi Shongwe has praised the team saying that such operations will be the order of the day and will continue to be intensified even during the Arrive Alive Easter Campaign which will be launched on 30 March 2012. “Drivers must be warned as we will be tough on our roads to ensure that there is a reduction of accidents in the province,” said Shongwe.

fe a s Be

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With Easter Weekend around the corner and loads of tourists on their way to the Lydenburg / Mashishing area, it is a bit tongue in cheek to share a cartoon with our readers about potholes. Safe driving to every motorist and may everyone enjoy the school holidays. ~ Michelle Boshoff

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829 Julie 2010 // March 8 July 2010 Maart 2012

Nuus / News


Collect firearm licenses at SAP THE Lydenburg SAP reported that firearm licenses are available to be collected. A great number of licences have not been collected. Firearm owners are reminded that administrative issues concerning licences have been improved, thus the licenses are available. Take a valid proof of payment and an identification document (ID) when enquiring about the licenses.

Haal Vuurwapenlisensies af


a die debakel waarin Karin Van der Walt van Lydenburg nie haar man se graf kon opspoor nie, en die uitsending van Fokus op SABC, het daar baie water in die see geloop. Maar geen oplossing is tot dusver vir die probleem gekry nie. Die berig het in die Highlands Panorama Nuus eksklusief verskyn op Donderdag 8 Maart voordat dit deur ander media opgeraap is. Die regiseur van die Fokus-insetlsel me. Karin d’Orville, het die volgende gesê oor ’n verdere ondersoek: “Indien daar probleme is, moet mense hul betaalde kwitansies as bewysstuk gee. Hulle moet ook aandui of die graf by die stadsraad betaal is. Ons is veral op soek na mense wat in dieselfde ry (blok D) grafte gekoop het. Volgens die stadsraad moet daar ’n nommer en die diepte van die graf op die kwitansie staan.” ~ Michelle Boshoff

Regisseur van Fokus me. Karin d'Orville, me. Karin Tel: 013 235 1043 Faks 086 763 6324 Sel: 082 750 5470 van der Walt van Lydenburg en mnr. Jan de Klerk (kameraman, Fokus), besig om voor die Highlands Panorama Nuus te verfilm. Die bo-gaande artikel het op 8 Maart verskyn.

D I E S A P S o p Ly d e n b u r g rapporteer dat daar ’n baie groot aantal vuurwapenlisensies beskikbaar is, wat nog nie afgehaal is nie. Vuurwapeneienaars word daarop gewys dat die administrasie rondom vuurwapenlisensies verbeter het en dat lisensies vinniger beskikbaar is. Neem dus u kwitansie (as u dit nog het) en i.d. dokument as bewys vir die navraag.


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Rubrieke / Columns

29 Maart / March 2012

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.) Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”




vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

ie mond maak onwillekeurig wyd oop terwyl asem duidelik hoorbaar een keer ingetrek en uitgestoot word. Gewoonlik is dit 'n aanduiding van vaakheid, vermoeienis of verveling. 'n Noukeurige omskrywing vir gaap. Daar is baie Hoorhiersô-stories wat ek kon skryf hierdie week. Terwyl ek toe sit en wonder hoe om nie die hart te laat oorloop in my rubriek nie, gaap ek my keel heel stukkend. Soos die definisie beskryf: hoorbaar en onwillekeurig. Gaap... Ek vermoed dat gaap aansteeklik is. Al opgelet hoe vinnig jy gaap as jy iemand anders dit sien doen. Heel interessant. Die Chileense kunstenaar Carolina Delpiano het ook besef dis baie interessant. In Santiago het sy ses foto's uitgestal van 'n jong vrou wat gaap. Sy het die aansteeklikheid van gaap daarmee. Mense het begin gaap deur slegs na die foto's te kyk. 'n Dokter het eendag gesê mense gaap om 'n suurstoftekort aan te vul. Dit mag miskien wees, tog vermoed ek dat gaap 'n teken van ander dinge ook kan wees. Soos hitte. Hoekom dan die gesegde… "So warm dat die kraaie gaap." Dit beteken mos drukkend warm. Miskien het hulle gaapsiekte of probeer die hitte oorkom. Eintlik is gaapsiekte 'n heel ander ding. Dis 'n siekte by jong hoenders wat deur 'n wurmsoort van die geslag Syngamus in die lugweë aangebring word. As gevolg hiervan hou die diere hulle bekke oop. Vat gerus een middag om die voëls dop te hou met hul oop bekke. Jy sal sommer vinnig aan die slaap raak so rustig is dit. Hou tog net jou donkerbril op, netnou dink iemand jy gaap hulle aan. In 'n geselskap is ginnegaap oppervlakkig. Ginnegaap beteken verspottig en om oor beuselagtige sakies te praat. So asof mens belangriker dinge systap. Maar op die ou end bly ons maar net mense. En daarom na-aap en gaap ons as ons ander sien gaap. Partykeer, soos aan die einde van 'n lang dag, is ek so lui ek gaap sommer met my mond toe. Dis wonderlik om te gaap. Partykeer, as jy insluimer gaap jy jouself tot in Alice se Wonderland. Gaap, gaap tot jou ore suis en jou oë oorkruis.

‘Vroutjies’ sluit hul deure Wilma en Arandi, Vroutjies Koffiehuis skryf: Hiermee wil ons net ons getroue en loyale kliënte bedank vir die ondersteuning die afgelope 9 jaar. Dit was voorwaar ’n voorreg om soveel vriende te kon gemaak het. Al die toergidse met hul buitelandse besoekers en toeriste van binne Suid Afrika wat so gereeld by ons gestop het, was ’n

verrykende ervaring en het ons noue bande gesmee. Dankie ook vir die Diessentrum vir bejaardes by wie ons gehuur het. Ons wens julle voorspoed toe met goeie werk wat julle doen. Ons het om verskeie redes besluit om besigheid te staak en sien egter nou uit na ’n welverdiende ruskans.

How is it possible? Anonymous writes: For the past few weeks we've been having water problems every Friday and Saturday. The water pipes keep on leaking and the town council keeps on replacing the bits and pieces where it leaked, but to no end! In the meantime the business centre, Jock's Country Stalls doesn’t have any water supply (keep in mind that all the tour buses stop here).

With no water the public toilets don't work, Lion's Rock have to do their dishes and the car wash doesn't operate! The whole center is losing money, not to mention the houses in the area that also don't have water, so nobody wants to buy property in the area too! Can somebody please do something other than just fixing bits and pieces of water pipe?

VLU Lydenburg-tak trots op toekennings Elzebè Brits, Skakebeampte Lydenburg V.L.U tak skryf: Die Maart vergadering word gehou by Christie Havenga, met Kolwyntjies vir die kompetisie. Mev Ansie Botes s’n was die beste. Ons nuwe lid, me. Louise van Loggenberg, word hartlik verwelkom. Op Saterdag 17 Maart woon vyf lede die konferensie te Roossenekal by, wat aangebied word deur die Aalwyntak, ook hul 21ste verjaarsdag. Ds Abel Steyn neem die opening waar. Me Steyn is ons gasspreekster, en behandel die tema “Koester en Bewaar”, wat sy met waardigheid, deernis en wysheid hanteer. Daar is 63 dames, met die gas

kunstenaar Chris Vente, ’n man met ’n talent wat almal bekoor met sy uitsonderlike stem. Lydenburg tak se 4 lede presteer as volg: Christie Havenga - 1ste plek borduur, 2de vir gebak, masjienwerk kindervak en gebak, mosbeskuit. Elana Potgieter - 2de borduurwerk, Elzebè Brits 1st gebreide handskoene, Annnatjie Stolz - 2de gebreide handskoene. Lydenburg tak - 3de meeste punte, jaarprogram 3de plek, Provinsiaal 3de plek, Streek 3de plek. Gelukswensing aan Aalwyntak met die meeste punte, asook ’n puik aanbieding van die konferensie.

Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur” PSALMS 133:1 'n Pelgrimslied. Van Dawid. Hoe goed, hoe mooi is dit as broers eensgesind saam woon! Ons Vader, hierdie is vandag waarskynlik ons grootste sonde. Vergewe ons en help ons om hierdie moeilike ding te oorkom - Amen.


Objektiwiteit Objektiwiteit is ’n konsep waarmee baie mense s u k k e l . D i e H AT d e f i n i e e r d i t a s o n bevooroordeeldheid. Iets wat jy doen of sê sonder om eie persoonlike gevoel of oordeel te gebruik. Dit is natuurlik iets wat die outoppie nie altyd toepas nie objektiwiteit! Maar dit is nodig om objektief te wees. Voorbeelde van hoe mense sukkel is daagliks waarneembaar. Die toeter agter jou, wanneer jy agter iemand is wat jou tyd mors, of iets in die pad sien wat die swaap agter jou nie sien nie en dan druk hy toeter.

’n Totale gebrek aan objektiwiteit en insig. Dit geld vir meeste padwoede. Of die ou wat iets in die outoppie of ’n koerant lees en sy moer so strip dat hy gelawe moet word - siestog, glad nie objektief nie. Of iemand wat ’n mening uitspreek, dikwels sonder om te dink (skinder) en sonder om ’n ander se gevoelens in ag te neem. Dit laat my weer aan John Roos se storie dink. Waar wit blanke mans vervolg word ter wille van werkgewers se rassistiese teikens, moes die ou mos iets verkeerd gedoen het, al is dit sy werk. Geen objektiwiteit nie. Geen meriete nie. Ek sien dit daagliks hier by die koerant. Mense het wyle Quintus Loots vir altyd verkwalik vanweë wat met hom gebeur het. Geweier om met hom besigheid te doen, al het hulle eie bemarking daaronder gely. My

aangevat oor ek en hy vennote was. Of ek skryf eerlik (objektief) iets in die koerant en verklaar dat een produk goed is en dan is die ander mense kwaad. As ek sê ’n produk is goed, beteken dit nie ek sê ’n ander is swak nie, tensy ek dit spesifiek sê. As ons in alles objektief is, sal ons minder mense seermaak en minder sal gekwes voel. Ons sê “Maar ons maak mekaar mos nie seer nie”, sonder om te dink en dit te bedoel. Die tong, en in my geval, die pen ook, laat jou maklik struikel. Die bedoeling is meestal goed, maar die interpretasie is dikwels oorhaastig. As ons nie iets kan doen aan wat ons sê nie, kan ons minstens probeer om nie oorhaastig te reageer nie. Miskien kan ons dan met insig en objektiwiteit die ding bedink en meer rasioneel reageer. Probleem is, net soos ek, het meeste mense maar ’n hardegat streep in hulle. Moeilik, die objektiwiteit ding!

29 Maart / March 2012 8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010

Nuus / News


Een stap nader aan prostese Mnr. Nico Cross en mnr. Riaan Engelbrecht by die gholfdag wat Saterdag vir hom gehou is.


A ’n ongeluk naby Boomplaas, in die Lydenburg-omgewing op 3 Augustus 2011 het mnr. Riaan Engelbrecht sy been verloor. Hy was onderweg van die werk nadat hy ’n 24-uur skof voltooi het.

Sy pa, mnr. Johan Engelbrecht het saam met Everest Platinum Myn en ander borge voelers uitgesteek om geld in te samel vir Riaan se beenprostese. Met die hulp van die plaaslike gemeenskap en besighede is daar Saterdag ook ’n gholfdag gehou om Riaan te help. rn

Services, CJ’s Meat Market, Vryheidsfront Plus (Frik Rousseau), Legends, Yebo Factory, Bilnor, Nico Cross, Atlas Paneelkloppers (Pieter van Vuuren). Dankie ook aan al die organiseerders vir die dag, Riaan se vriende, Lydenburg Gholfklub en die spelers wat deelgeneem het.

Dankie aan die volgende borge: Korn Staal, Sterkspruit Projekte, Platdak Drankwinkel, Makololane Mining, Gawie Maré Paneelkloppers, Turbo Power, Xstrata, Lydenburg Konstruksie, Longtom Nissan, Hyundai, Mega Paints, Kruger Slaghuis, JME, Farhad Essack, Falcon








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Nuus / News

29 Maart / March 2012

• Saturday 31 March. Longtom Marathon. Between Sabie and Lydenburg. To become part of this annual prestige road running event by means of sponsorship, logistical support or the hosting of a water point please contact the race office on 012 346 2400 or Loma van der Walt on 082 557 9604. • Saterdag 31 Maart. Lydenburg Gholfklub. Gholfdag vir die Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes. Skakel 013 235 3876. Machadodorp: Friday to Sunday, 20 – 22 April 2012 Misty Valley Lodge Family Mountain Biking Weekend: It's a fun family & friends weekend for mountain bikers, see details www.mistyvalleylodge.co.za or call Guy at 086 136 4789 13 / 14 April: Absa Toyota 400 Rally

Tonteldoos Festival 6-9 April Anvil Ale, Wine on Wheels, Mariska Musiek, Rian Ungerer all @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over Easter. Wine, Beer and Song and all local. Wine on Wheels will be hosting wine tasting @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over the Easter Weekend. Thorns and Things, anything Rose in a bottle, will be on sale @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over Easter. Rian Ungerer will be performing live @ Bergen Cheese Tonteldoos over the Easter Weekend. For more info contact Bergen Cheese @ 013 245 0074.

Legends open new premises in style

Sunrise service on Easter Sunday On Sunday 8 April at 06:00 there will be a Son-rise Communion service at the Cross on the Jesus Hill at Paardeplaats Nature Retreat, 12 km on the Longtom Pass. Everybody welcome. Contact Rev Kgosi Hendricks on 013 235 1919 for more info. (Don your winter woollies – it can be very cold and misty on the mountain on Easter Sunday!)

Legends Restaurant & Sports Bar officially opened their new premises on Saturday. What a night to remember! It's bigger and better and with the sports fans watching the rugby, it was a double celebration! After the rugby, Zak van Niekerk performed live. Thank you Gusty and Irna Breytenbach for thinking ahead and keeping up with the publics' demand. Remember that the restaurant will be open on Sundays from 1 April 2012. (Reinet Bell)

Please note: The family movie night scheduled for 29 March at 18:45 at the Lydenburg Town Hall has been postponed until further notice. For more info contact Pierre Joubert on 013 230 6211 or 082 460 0690.

Email or fax events for the Diary

Epos of faks dagboekgebeure

29 Maart / March

Nuus / News

Michelle Boshoff A group of the Association of Indepedent Publishers (AIP), the Mpumalanga branch (MAiP) met at Kaapschehoop earlier this month with a lot of important newspaper issues on the table. It involved the discussion of the four biggest media companies and their workings in the community, against the workings of the AIP. The AIP will also open a Mpumalanga Office in Nelspruit with the assistance of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit. At two meetings of a small but active group of Mpumalanga AIP members, a decision was made to a co-ordinate the independent grassroots print media in the region to strengthen the sector and each publication. Mrs Louise Vale, AIP National Director concluded that: “The issue of media ownership concentration at the hands of a few companies is damaging to South Africa's democracy. Mainstream media tends to be probusiness, anti-working class and contributes very little to development at a grass roots level. Many argue that the big four manipulate the country's audiences, choosing what news should be read according to their 'hidden agendas' and their advertisers' and shareholders'

The tranquil and beautiful Kaapschehoop is famous for the wild horses. Motorists are warned that they are on the roads. It is always a beautiful sight to see them in the wild and experience the atmosphere. I was fortunate to see them again while driving home from a recent meeting in Kaapschehoop. (Michelle Boshoff, Editor).

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interests.� The key role of an independent, grassroots print media is to speak with more than one voice, represent more than one community, belong to more than one spokesperson and so primarily: create a channel for local communities to voice their grievances about issues affecting them and to see change take place; counteract stereotypes by profiling community, organisational and individual success; facilitate access to information and knowledge that assists those living in the community to negotiate it more successfully The underlying principles of these activities are quality, integrity, sensitivity and belonging. Grassroots publishers in South Africa are largely self-made entrepreneurs with a passion for community journalism. The individual publications need to coordinate so that they may strengthen this essential media sector through the development of a common approach, identify common needs, decide on collective action, develop further skills and manage a database and other information records to achieve the long term sustainability of the sector.


From left (back) are Louise Vale (National AIP Director), Mathapelo Diokane (AIP), Benjamin Nyalungu (Mash News), a representative of Mash News, Charles King (Highlands Herald News); (front) Heidie Smith (Kruger2 Canyon News) and Michelle Boshoff (Highlands Panorama News).

(Valid while stocks last.)


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Nuus / News

29 Maart / March 2012

A new era, a new brand I Treinspoor by Schaeffershalt. Karen Botha van Lydenburg het hierdie foto geneem vir die Highlands Panorama Nuus, Longtom SuperSPAR, Konica Photo Express, PNA Fotokompetisie van die Jaar. Stuur asb. jul inskrywings na michelleboshoff @yahoo.com Ons sien uit daarna om te sien watter fotograwe in die dorp skuil.

liad Africa Limited (Iliad) sources, distributes, wholesales and retails general and specialised building materials. The Group consists of two divisions, General Building Materials (GBM) and Specialised Building Materials (SBM). This month they celebrated an important milestone in their business history as they unveiled a new brand identity for their GBM Portfolio. Over the years Iliad has grown considerably to be a leading player in the building materials sector. As the company evolves and continues to grow, the management of Iliad decided that a uniformed brand structure would enhance future sustained growth. Following an extensive analysis of appropriate possibilities, they chose the “BUCO” identity which will be implemented nationally at their GBM stores. A brand blueprint was developed, focusing on improved customer experience and stores across the country are being revamped to align to this blueprint. The “BUCO” branding will be unveiled to customers over the next few months. They will start with seven stores in Mpumalanga on 31 March which include, Builders Market Middelburg and the Laeveld Bou stores in Nelspruit, Lydenburg, Malelane, Hoedspruit, Hazyview and Whiteriver. In developing the “BUCO” brand they

remained cognisant of their vision to be top of the industry across all measures, reinforcing their strategy and commitment to meeting the product needs of the building industry, through focused sourcing and redistribution of goods into selected markets. The new brand strategy provides them with an opportunity to go to market as a single brand, allowing them to achieve economies of scale as well as a degree of uniformity and enhanced market penetration. “BUCO” will provide consistency in customer experience. The new brand harnesses their current strengths and is built around entrepreneurship, authenticity, expertise and collaboration. Over the years their entrepreneurial nature has allowed them to be leaders in their field, while remaining customer focused. They continue to service a wide range of customers, from large-scale contractors to do-it-your-self homeowners, through 95 stores nationwide. With a new brand, Iliad GBM is poised to remain a force in the industry. Their staff will strive to continually ensure that you as their customers will receive the best service experience, something in which they take pride. They trust that you will identify with their new brand, “BUCO”, and that you will feel proud to be associated with the Iliad Group. They invite you to join them at your nearest store on Saturday 31 March to join in the exciting launch activities.

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Nuus / News

29 Maart / March 2012


Lodge Laske Nakke vir daardie spesiale geleentheid L

odge, Laske Nakke is geleë 800m buite Lydenburg op die Dullstroompad en is al vanaf 2009 besig met opgradeerings. Die akkommodasie het eerste aandag gekry, in 2010 is die saal opgegradeer en die Restaurant, konferensie lokale en die lapa in die karavaanpark is so pas voltooi. 'n Pragtige houtdek geskik vir buitelug etes is by die restaurant gevoeg en 'n teetuin word beplan vir die komende lente. Dit was die eerste akkommodasie verskaffer in en om Lydenburg wat in Augustus 2011 gegradeer is op die nuwe graderingstelsel van Die Toerisme Raad Van Suid Afrika. Laske Nakke is werklik 'n eenstop fasiliteit vir alle akkommodasie, funksies, troues en konferensie behoeftes. Hul netjiese B&B kamers is ideaal vir die besigheidspersoon en is baie gewild gedurende weeksdae. Die selfsorgeenhede is weer gesog onder naweek en vakansie besoekers en bestaan uit driester eenhede wat ten volle toegerus is, of die standaard eenhede wat goedkooper is. Die kampkamers en slaapsale bly gewild onder skoolgroepe en familie reunies. Die liefike oop gras spasies, buite en onderdak swembaddens dra by

tot hierdie lodge se gewildheid. Die bestuur is baie trots op hul netjiese kampeerterrein en sorg ook dat gaste by sekere voorwaardes en standaarde bly. Die afgelope jaar en half het hul Venue afdeling van krag tot krag gegaan, met die dinamiese Venue Bestuurderes, Alettha, wat 'n absolute passie het vir haar werk. Hier is verskillende pakette beskikbaar en jy kan 'n troue, verjaarsdag, doop, kombuistee, ooievaars partytjie of konferensie saam met Alettha beplan. Verskeie opsies is beskikbaar soos die Banketsaal, Lapa, Restaurant, die Houtdek, twee konferensie lokale en ook die oop area rondom die swembad. Sou die reën dreig kan hul ook die groot seil afdak afrol langs die saal. Die smaak en kwaliteit van Laske Nakke Restaurant se spyseniering is volgens die terugvoer van kliënte uitstekend. Rudi en Gerda, die eienaars, sê egter sonder lojale, getroue personeel is so 'n onderneming onmoontlik en daarom het hul nou 'n Sanlam Voorsienings Fonds begin om op lang termyn beter vir hul personeel te sorg. “Laske Nakke gaan van krag tot krag en daarvoor sê ons eerstens dankie aan ons Hemelse Vader en dan aan al ons toegewyde personeel” Kontak hulle by 013 235 2886 / 1690.

Tel: 013 235 2886 / 013 235 1690 Fax: 086 663 1690 info@laskenakke.co.za http://www.laskenakke.co.za


Nuus / News Motoring

November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

From left are two students Jokobet P. Green and Maria M De Ridder. The CMR Lydenburg computer project started in 2009 and a number of students have enjoyed computer literacy courses and received certificates. The project relies on funding from businesses and former students. In several cases the whole course for a student was sponsored and it makes it possible for the CMR to enroll more students. With this course the CMR creates more work opportunities and student literacy. For more information, or to find out how to help the CMR please phone 013 235 2407.

Highlands Panorama Nuus begin vandag met 'n nuwe reeks om lede van die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer aan die gemeenskap bekend te stel. Om aan te sluit by die Sakekamer of deel te neem aan hierdie rubriek, skakel met Gerda Whitehorn by 079 515 7799 of gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za.

Ons stel bekend… Sonia Meyer Lydenburg se reiskonsultant


aar's een persepsie wat sy graag wil verander, sê Sonia M e y e r, Ly d e n b u r g s e professionele Reiskonsultant: die idee dat 'n reisagent net vir ryk mense of sake-reisigers bedoel is.

Sonia Meyer En dat gewone mense liewers op die internet hulle vakansies moet bespreek. Want dis “verniet”. As hulle maar net weet hoe gevaarlik dit kan wees om jou vakansie net met die internet te beplan. Vra maar vir wittebrood-paartjies wat al opgedaag het by plekke wat toe nooit bestaan nie, of vir mense wat groot skade gely het deur kredietkaartbedrog of lugrederye wat bankrot gespeel het. Weg is jou swaarverdiende vakansiegeld! “Verstaan my mooi, die internet is 'n noodsaaklike hulpmiddel wat ek self daagliks gebruik. Maar daar is 'n groot verskil om op 'n veilige stelsel soos Galileo (wat nie web-gebaseer is nie) te bespreek.” Dis hoekom sy aangesluit het by Travel Counsellors, 'n onafhanklike Reisagentgroep wat in 1994 in Engeland gestig is. Hul 1200 uitgekiesde konsultante werk tans in sewe lande,

insluitend Suid-Afrika. En met volle IATA –lisensie en -akkreditasie bied hulle 'n persoonlike en gerugsteunde diens aan reisigers wêreldwyd. Die Italiaans gebore Sonia reis al van kleintyd af. Sy het agt jaar lank in Sicilië in Italië gewoon en die oorsese wêreld goed leer ken. Met haar terugkeer na haar geboortedorp Barberton, het sy by reisagentskappe in Nelspruit aangesluit waar sy haarself in die twaalf jaar opgewerk het tot in senior en bestuursposte. Sy het etlike groot konferensies, gespesialiseerde toere vir boere, myne en besighede, maar ook vir families en enkelinge met eie behoeftes op haar kerfstok. “Reis gaan oor mense en ek is mal oor mense. Ek besoek my kliënte tuis en vind uit wat is elkeen se voorliefdes en fiemies. En dan gee ek raad oor wegbreekplekke en begrotings, paspoorte, visas en inentings. Die kuns is om die kliënt se geld – al is dit hoe min – te laat rek.” Vir Lydenburgers sal sy graag wil help met skooltoere, sport- en avontuurbemarking (sy en Pieter is kranige motorfietsryers), pelgrimsreise en enige vakansiebeplanning vir individue of families. Haar kos is sakemanne of korporatiewe groepe wat plaaslik of enige plek ter wêreld wil besoek aflê. Enige vorm van reis, is haar passie. Wat jy terugbring, is nie die ornament nie – dis 'n herinnering vir jou oudag, sê die donkerkop met die wakker oë.

Skakel Sonia Meyer by 082 459 2361 E-pos Sonia.meyer@travelcounsellors.co.za Wegbreekreise: www.travelcounsellors.co.za/sonia .meyer Sakereise: www.tctravelmanagement.co.za/sonia.meyer

Put the children to work and let them compete in the Easter colouring competition of the Highlands Panorama News. They must hand in their entries at the newspaper offices, Cnr Viljoen and Jansen Streets Lydenburg by Friday 13 April at 12:00. Enjoy colouring in. Write the child’s name, age and contact details of the parent on the back of the page. UP FOR GRABS: Night Skies of Southern Africa incorporates the latest findings and advances in the science of astronomy. Features of the book are: * Clear text written for the non-specialist sky-watcher* Many new photographs and explanatory diagrams * A new set of star maps designed for use from Southern Africa, allowing for the easy identification of more than 5 000 stars * Latest information about the planets, Milky Way, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, etc. Published by Random House/ Struik Publishers.

Mining & Industry

NATIONAL Water Week was celebrated last week from 5 – 11 March 2012. A major event took place at De Hoop Dam. Dwarsrivier Mine, committed to the development and health of local communities, was part of this event. Approximately 300 learners from various schools in the area visited the De Hoop Dam on 9 March 2012. The 2012 National Water Week had the theme “Water is Life – Conserve it, Respect it, Enjoy it”. The children were encouraged to conserve water and the environment. Mr Remember Mmbengwa of Dwarsrivier Mine, officials from the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs, Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District, Cllr. Magabe and officials from De Hoop Dam addressed the learners. Dwarsrivier Mine, in the fight against climate change has initiated a campaign called 'Adopt a Tree'. A Marula tree was adopted by Dwarsrivier Mine and planted by Mr Mmbengwa. (Reinet Bell)

29 Maart / March 2012


Toyota Corolla 1.3P Prof Toyota Aygo 1.0P 3 Door

Toyota Hilux 2.0 VVTi


Lydenburg Toyota Voortrekker- en Bateleur Road. Lydenburg 1120 Tel: (013) 235 1780 Fax: (013) 235 1527 www.lydenburgtoyota.co.za


Mining & Motoring Industry

November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

Five schools benefit with generous computer donation Mr Mpheti, Vice-Principal of Nakgwadi Secondary School, receives five computers from David Mampe.

Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

David Mampe of Modikwa Mine hands over five computers to Mr NJ Makofane, Principal of Nakgwadi Secondary School.


omputers are key to every area of business and industry, and a lack of this technology in education has serious implications for the future of learners. Modikwa Platinum Mine, having identified this need in several schools in the surrounding areas, decided to step in and show that it cares about communities. By donating a number of computers to each of these schools, the Modikwa team is enabling the learners to develop important skills which most of them have lacked until now, as they have not had access to computers. “The donation of these computers will

greatly help our learners as they now have, for the first time, the equipment they need to learn basic computer literacy and technology,” said Mr NJ Makofane, Principal of Nakgwadi Secondary School. Five schools received computers – N a k g w a d i S e c o n d a r y, P h u t i n a r e Secondary, Dihlakela High, Mohlala-Morudi High and Matholeni Primary. It is not the first time that Modikwa has involved itself in uplifting the people of the surrounding communities. Some of its recent projects include the construction of bridges and roads and the refurbishment of educational facilities. Reinet Bell.

Massive Range of Scooters, Road bikes Quads and off roads.

3 Chrome Street Lydenburg @ Cordu Engineering Tel: 013 235 3131 / 082 642 7171

Mining & Industry

29 Maart / March 2012


Community involvement key at Tubatse Chrome Mine A few facts about Tubatse Chrome: It has sponsored the building of a public library at Ga-Mapodile; In 2009 Tubatse Chrome sponsored a school building for Maelebe Primary School; Since 2010 Tubatse Chrome has sponsored Kohin youth coaches in Maelebe Primary School and Kgahlanong Secondary School; Tubatse Chrome supported the Sithole family with food and clothes after they lost everything when their house burnt down; Tubatse Chrome employed locals (9 ladies and 2 men) to clean the R555 running past Tubatse, two weeks in every month; Tubatse donated school clothes to needy children via Friend in Need; Tubatse Chrome sponsored the medals for Steelpoort Academy for their annual Steelpoort Academy Inter House Athletics. (Reinet Bell)

Right: Principal Joel Nkoana and Sidwell Maloma from Tubatse Chrome at the building sponsored by Tubatse

Community Library

Welding 500 AMP Electrode Holders 1.2mm Harris MIG Wire 15kg Spool 0.9 Harris MIG Wire 15kg Spool 316L- 16 S/Steel Welding Rods 312L- 16 S/Steel Welding Rods Available in all sizes (Problem Steel) 2mm Brazing Rods 3.2mm Harris Arc Low Hydrogen Electrodes E7018 3.2mm / 4mm Harris Arc Iron Powder Electrodes

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Youth Coach Charmaine Lenyatsa

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1 CHROME STREET LYDENBURG TEL: (013) 235 3082 FAX: (013) 235 2084

Youth Coach Lifi Thlak

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MIG 250A



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November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

Mining &Motoring Industry

Midas Lydenburg wil net hulle dank uitspreek aan die SAPD Lydenburg vir hulle flink en vinnige reaksie op 'n gesteelde item, soos gesien in die foto, wat hulle vanaf 'n vermeende dief afgeneem en na die winkel teruggeneem het. Midas en die SAPD werk saam om diefstal te bekamp. Van links is SAP Lydenburg – Warrant Officer – JM Ngwana en Midas Lydenburg takbestuurder, me. Helen Reynecke. (Reinet Bell)

Dwarsrivier Mine showed their support of the local community and opened a Canteen and Carwash on 13 March, when the HOD’s and the Project Leaders gathered at the venues to be a part of this ceremony. The General Manager Francois Uys congratulated everyone on their participation and encouraged all employees to support these two projects. (Reinet Bell)

Mining & Industry

29 Maart 8 Julie 2010 / 8/ March July 20102012 15

Booyco established to respond to industry safety needs E

lectronic safety equipment specialist Booyco Electronics (Pty) Ltd was established in response to the mining industry's need for quality collision warning systems, and recently exhibited in the Mpumalanga region. A proactive and focused marketing strategy, combined with solid technical support within close proximity of the various mining nodes, has successfully positioned Booyco Electronics as an influential and service orientated supplier. CWS - The flagship product, and one which has received overwhelming mining industry support, is the range of CWS (Collision Warning System) products, custom-adapted for use in both the surface and underground mining environment. “With safety top of mind in the mining industry today, an urgent need for reliable safety systems to warn of the possibility of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians, and vehicles with vehicles was identified,” Anton Lourens, managing director of Booyco Electronics, says. “Our strategic alliances with the innovative companies, VAK Technical Solutions and Selectronic Funk-und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, ensure that we are able to develop solutions to meet customer-specific requirements within our chosen field. “One of the company's early successes is the CWS800U collision

warning system, out of which the CWS800 PLUS has been developed. This innovative system includes vehicle-to-vehicle detection as part of a single solution for both close proximity (pedestrians) and longer range (vehicle) warning. The added benefits of the system include asset locating solutions and interlocking with third party equipment, i.e. ventilation doors, robot systems etc.Telemetry and control equipment - Booyco Electronics' REMCON product range has been developed over several years and is primarily customer driven. These products have found application in both the surface and underground environment. Centralised blasting systems - Both the basic C3 and latest developed NECST centralised blasting systems offer flexible and unique centralised blasting solutions that can be executed safely from the surface. The Centralised Blasting Systems have numerous safety features that ensure no untimely or unwanted blast can occur. The systems are available with battery back-up and remain operational on sub-levels in the event of a network backbone failure. “Trapped miner locator” - The “Trapped Miner Locator” system has been met with positive feedback from deep mines. Miners' lamps are fitted with a VLF transmitter (tag) that has pronounced through-rock penetration capabilities. Search teams are equipped with a battery operated VLF receiver used to search the rockfalls ahead of them. The VLF technology enables the device to read through rock up to 30 metres ahead and give a fairly accurate indication (in metres) of how far the miner's tag is located — or if there is no tag in the vicinity. Driver State Sensor - The Driver State Sensor (DSS) System is a fully automatic driver awareness and fatigue warning system that utilises a miniature sensor mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle. The system provides feedback on fatigue and other factors to increase operational safety. In addition to in-cab feedback, the DSS can be integrated into fleet management. ESI Sensor range - The ESI Sensor range is available both as a fixed installation — where gas emissions need to be monitored at specific locations, the Smart Sensor — and in a portable handheld format, dubbed the Sentient. The fixed unit features a localised display of sensor information and can measure gases from a single controller. Average response time is less than 35 seconds, depending on flow rate and the gas. The IP68 rated Sentient handheld version is the most sophisticated instrument of its kind available on the market, able to accommodate up to three “plug and play” sensors. For more information contact Booyco Electronics (Pty) Ltd at 0861 266 926.


Photo: Jaco du Plessis (left) and Ray Moldenhauer. (Photo: Reinet Bell)


29 Maart / March

Mining & Industry

Proto Team at ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine

We Salute Our Proto Team. ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine has made history as this is the company’s first established Proto Team which can now be utilized any time for all underground emergencies that may occur. We are very proud of all the employees who volunteered to become members of this very elite unit that can save people's lives and millions of rand's in the mining industry. The Proto Team consists of the following employees: Tommy Mhlaba (Proto Team Captain); Freddy Nkoana (Proto Team Vice Captain); Abby Phala; Piet Mahlangu; Stanley Malepe; Teboho Tshwane; Rodger Mawila; Gerhard Fourie; Johan Strydom; Hardley Ramokgadi, the Rescue Team Coordinator, and Chris Hall, the Rescue Team Vice Coordinator, will coordinate the Rescue Proto Team. (Reinet Bell)

Mining & Industry

29 Maart / March 2012


Mining Show attracts leaders in sector

The Mining Show held recently at Modikwa Platinum Mine was attended by a great number of exhibitors. It was a huge success. (Photo’s Reinet Bell)

4U For all your office furniture needs we have you covered.

Lydenburg 76 Viljoen Street e-mail: admin@4ucomputers.co.za Tel: 013 235 1486/95 Fax: 013 235 2702

Burgersfort Shop 30 Morone Centre e-mail: 4uburg@lantic.net Tel: 013 231 7758 Fax: 013 231 8009



Nuus / News

29 Maart / March 2012

Showcase of leaders in mining industry

Foto’s Reinet Bell

Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010 298Maart / March


We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

Best small car ? Honda Jazz It seems competition in this category gets a little tougher every year with Toyota’s new Yaris and Chevrolet’s Sonic joining older stalwarts, the Mazda 2 and Hyundai i20, on the list of possible contenders. But such is the quality of this field that none of these makes our shortlist. Instead serial winner Honda’s Jazz, VW’s posh Polo and Ford’s funky Fiesta are joined by another new entrant, the all-new and very talented Kia Rio. You can’t go wrong buying any one of these fantastic cars, with each one displaying standout qualities in a number of areas. However, it’s the Jazz that still clings on to the top spot, courtesy of unrivalled cabin space, clever packaging and practicality, and a solid set of mechanicals. Of course, being a Honda, the Jazz also displays a fair degree of dynamic prowess (though these things are relative) and is more rewarding for the spirited driver than the previous generation. No style icon, the Jazz still attracts a more mature audience, but the latest car’s crisper lines have shed much of the ‘older buyer’ tag. Sure, the Jazz is priced on the high side, especially in the case of the hybrid model. If it’s true ‘economy’ you’re after, buy the entry-level model and save R90k. However, metronomic reliability, Honda’s excellent after-sales service rep and uncannily good residuals across the range offset any concerns over higher initial purchase cost. Kia Rio Yet another design hit from Korea, the Rio takes over from the Fiesta as the segment’s style leader with a bold front graphic and stocky stance. Limited range of down-sized engines, synthetic steering feel and supply bottlenecks are the only drawbacks in an excellent segment debut. Ford Fiesta Ford’s little party pack is still the most fun to drive thanks to sharp steering, fluid handling, willing engines and a pleasant manual gearbox. The well-balanced range includes a dual-clutch ‘Powershift’ transmission option and a turbodiesel derivative. The Fiesta presents a youthful demeanour inside where great connectivity is still a strong point, though others have caught up in this regard.

Fuel saving tips LEARN to be cost- and consumption-conscious. The following fuel-saving tips may seem obvious, but they can be surprisingly effective: * Never overfill the fuel tank. If you have done so, don’t park in the sun or on a gradient with the filler facing downhill. * Use the correct fuel. Using a higher octane fuel than that recommended for your car does not improve its performance; it’s money going up in smoke. * Avoid soft tyres. Low tyre pressure not only increases consumption, but reduces tyre life. * Use multigrade oil, which reduces drag in the engine. Economical motoring through skilful driving techniques: * Avoid stop-start driving. Anticipate traffic light changes so that braking and accelerating are minimised. Steady travel uses less fuel than constant stopping and starting. Consumption increases dramatically over the first few hundred metres from a standing start. * Drive smoothly. Heavy braking and accelerating waste fuel. * Try to use just the first quarter of the accelerator movement and, for the best results, try to keep the accelerator pressure steady. * Change gears up quickly and save. Lower gears use an excessive amount of fuel. * Change up as quickly as circumstances permit. Skip a gear where possible. * Close your windows. Open windows create drag, increasing fuel consumption by up to 20 percent. * Use your handbrake on hills. Riding the clutch wastes fuel and dramatically reduces the life of the clutch. With an automatic transmission, use your handbrake, not the accelerator, to hold against an incline. * Use the car prudently. The more you drive, the more fuel you use, especially on short trips. * Avoid cold starts. Fuel consumption increases by up to 400 percent with a cold start, compared with starting when the engine has been warmed. For substantial savings, cut down on unnecessary short trips. * Short trips also increase oil dilution and engine wear, and are a major cause of premature exhaust failure. * Pool your resources by joining a lift club. The saving is well worth the inconvenience. * As the crow flies: the shorter the trip, the less fuel you use. Experiment with routes and departure times to see where you can save. iolMotoring.co.za

As for the exterior, Ford’s ‘Kinetic’ design pioneer is aging surprisingly well. Desirable, exciting and a worthy finalist. VW Polo Never has the term junior Golf been more appropriate, with the Polo offering much of its larger sibling’s quality and refinement in a slightly more compact package. A perennial top seller whose somewhat sober suit seems a popular choice for those who value substance over excitement (GTI notwithstanding). Range is the most complete in the B segment from the brilliantly efficient BlueMotion to the Golf-worrying GTI. Now if only VW chose to fit more kit standard and erase apathetic service perceptions.

Hyundai Lydenburg

Wheels24.co.za Ed: We cannot fault the above findings, but would exclude the Honda as we have not tested one. The new Chev Sonic and Hyundai Accent can be added to this list. In this segment we rate Kia Rio very highly. Remember this segment is one step up from our “small cars” in South Africa. I am thinking the best include Kia Picanto, Chevrolet Spark and Hyundai i10. For a small car, you would find it difficult to choose between this three. In the end it will depend on the dealer and personal taste.


2.2 CRDi Auto 7 Seater R429 900

2.2 CRDi Auto 5 Seater R419 900

HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113 Raymond Mmola: 072 860 9592 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: GERT VD BANK - 072 958 1065



November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

Kia Rio Sedan coming New Opel Meriva KIA Motors celebrates the world premiers of the all-new 2012 Kia Rio subcompact sedan at the New York International Auto Show. Scheduled to join the Kia line-up shortly, the all-new Kia Rio sedan ushers in the next chapter of Kia Motors' ongoing design-led transformation with eye-catching design, and advanced technologies and sophistication in the small car segment. With new technology and class-leading power and fuel economy Rio promises consumers impressive fuel efficiency without sacrificing power or fun-to-drive performance. "The all-new Rio brings Kia's successful combination of world-class styling, outstanding fuel economy, advanced technologies and tremendous value to the Kia line-up," said Michael Sprague, vice-president, marketing & communications, Kia Motors USA. "With fuel prices rising, sub-compacts are becoming increasingly popular and with more power, fuel economy and stunning design, the all-new Rio sets the standard in the sub-compact class and becomes a vehicle that is not only affordable, but one that people will aspire to own.”

THINK MPV and it’s unlikely the name of a little German mover will be the first to pop to mind. The French, after all, started this little multi-purpose vehicle segment. Germany, Opel in particular, is having a go at this segment with the very fresh (and functional) new Meriva. The all-new Meriva doesn’t look it but the five-seater is slightly larger than the previous version, thanks largely to its longer wheelbase (+15mm) and wider tracks (39mm and 45mm, respectively). This translates to a mini-MPV that offers more space and more flexibility. In fact, although Opel can’t claim the MPV segment as its own, four new Meriva developments have been patented by GM. While the Meriva’s membership to the Opel family is evidenced through its expressive front end, the stand-out design feature has to be the new (patented) rear FlexDoors that open Bentley-like from front to rear. The door swings open from the car’s highest point, so getting in or out (or possibly helping little people in and out) is made a helluva lot easier. There are handy grab handles attached to the B-pillar, too. The front doors also open wider than average – to a yawning 84 degrees – to make it easier to manouevre into and out of the car, when the space allows, but those with shorter arms take heed: fling the doors open too wide and you’ll be unceremoniously scrabbling for the door pull to close the door again. Coupled with this are the FlexSeats that allow a number of seating configurations and have adjustable backs and seats that slide fore and aft to make getting c o m f o r t a b l e f o r a p a s s e n g e r i n t h e r e a r t h a t m u c h e a s i e r. The FlexRail system is a modular centre console that, on the Meriva, can be slid to the front or back to hold (or conceal) a number of smaller items that are inevitably cast off in the family car. There is storage space aplenty in the Meriva: in the door panels, under the front seats, and even in the main boot area. A sill protector ensures you don’t scuff that lovely, fresh metallic paintwork on the rear bumper when loading larger items into the luggage space while the boot’s back board cleverly lifts and slides into the back of the cargo area to free up your hands or save you the indignity of banging your head against another rear tonneau cover. Other than that, the cabin is nicely laid out to wrap around the front passengers while stylish triangular windows in the C pillar let in some more light while also aiding all-round visibility. It was rather interesting to see just how many of the switches have been borrowed from other recent Chevrolet models. The new electric parking brake frees up space in the centre console, too. The all-new Meriva’s stand-out is undoubtedly its pairing of a 1.4 turbo petrol engine with a six-speed manual transmission powering the front wheels. What a slick combination! The engine delivers 103kW/200Nm of peak torque. The punchy engine is very comfortable at low speeds but since it loves a little rev, too, overtaking is a breeze just gear down to fourth and go. Shifts through the six-speed were fairly firm, although most cars displayed low mileages so that should loosen up. The Meriva’s longer wheelbase and the wheels on each axle now moved further apart, the ride through this mini-MPV is comfortably firm and definitely sportier than imagined. The engine also proved to be quite laid back, never showing a hint of strain on the nearly 300km route between the Free State towns. The new Meriva is available with a choice of two trim levels – Enjoy and Cosmo. The Enjoy has standard equipment such as daytime running lights, reactive front head restraints that give extra head support during a collision, 16” alloy rims and height adjustment for the driver’s seat. The Cosmo model adds a glass roof, leather-wrapped steering wheel, 17” alloy rims and chromed accents. All models come standard with front fog lights, cruise control and a trip data computer. Service intervals for the all-new Meriva are 15 000km. The cars are covered by a standard five-year or 90 000km service plan and a warranty covering five years or 120 000km. Opel’s new Meriva is flexible, but not in your exotic dancer, boys-weekend-away kinda flexible, more like mum (or dad) with two hands, 70 000 things on their to-do lists and a set of wheels more than willing to accommodate a number of functions. PRICES: Meriva Enjoy - R234 000 - Meriva Cosmo - R254 000 Wheels24.co.za

Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010 298Maart / March



vehicle and the oncoming vehicle. Overtaking in wet weather or with a heavily loaded vehicle is even more dangerous. Never overtake where there is a barrier line. 9 - NOT USING A SEATBELT In a vehicle, your body travels at the same speed as the vehicle. For example, if you are driving from 120km/h to 0km/h within 1m or 2m, if you and your passengers are not wearing seat belts, your bodies will go through the windscreen at 120km/h and you will be severely injured or, more likely, killed. So ensure that you and your passengers are buckled up. Toddlers must be strapped into approved safety seats.

1 - DRINKING, DRUGS AND DRIVING Driving a vehicle requires your maximum skill and attention. Drugs and alcohol affect your decision-making abilities and your reaction time. If you drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs, you will make dangerous and reckless decisions. You will risk not only your life but also those of your passengers and other road users. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offence. If caught you will be arrested, you will have a criminal record, you will lose your licence. and you may even lose your job. There is no “safe” amount of alcohol or drugs. Bottom line is - if you take alcohol or drugs, don’t drive. Rather get someone to drive for you or get a lift or call a taxi. 2 - CORRUPTION / BRIBERY / FRAUD

10 - FAILING TO STOP OR YIELD As a driver you need to co-operate and work with others at a junction or intersection. There is a high probability of a fatal crash if: You don’t completely stop at a red traffic light or stop sign; you don’t comply with stop/go signals around roadworks; you don’t slow down at a yield sign; you don’t yield right of way to all traffic or you don’t treat an intersection with defective traffic lights as a four-way stop. At a four-way stop, stop your car completely, and wait your turn. This rule applies to every vehicle; there are no exceptions. 11 - DEFECTIVE TYRES

If you resort to corruption, bribery or fraud to drive, you are not fit or qualified to drive any vehicle and you should know that you are driving illegally. As a criminal you have no rights to share our roads with other legitimate road users. If you allow your child to obtain a driving licence by paying a bribe you are aiding such criminality. You could also be assisting your child to an early death by road accident. If you “buy” your licence you are just as corrupt as the person you bought it from. Think about it.

Each tyre’s contact with the road is about the size of the palm of your hand… in other words, it’s very small. If that small contact area loses grip for any reason, there is a high probability that you will lose control of the vehicle. Loss of grip may result from the tread being less than the legal limit, damage (such as from hitting a pothole), illegal regrooving (retreads) of tyres or incorrect tyre pressures. Remember that the grooves on tyres are also there to displace water that may get trapped between the tyre rubber and the road. If the grooves are shallow, water will not be displaced.



Examples include: Driving very close to the vehicle in front (tailgating); not adhering to the “keep left, pass right” rule (hogging the “fast lane”); driving so slowly that you are inconveniencing others; cutting in front of another vehicle (gapping in); suddenly braking or stopping; flashing headlights or hooting unnecessarily; disregarding pedestrians; shouting, swearing or making obscene gestures. You share the road with other road users. If you drive aggressively and without consideration, you will contribute to the carnage.

You should not drive an unsafe vehicle. Here are some examples: - A vehicle with defective lights may not be seen by other drivers. - Faulty steering will lead to the car not turning as the driver expected. - A shattered windscreen or faulty wipers will block a driver’s view of the road. - Worn-out tyres will cause a vehicle to skid out of control in wet conditions. - Illegal modification of vehicles may cause the vehicle to catch alight. Defective brakes hinder a vehicle from stopping. - Oil leaks cause slippery patches on roads that could cause vehicles to skid.



An overloaded vehicle carries more weight than it has been designed and certified to carry. The dangers: It will not respond as expected to steering wheel inputs, or accelerate as expected – it won’t be able to overtake safely; it will take longer to slow down or stop; a burst tyre could cause complete loss of control; the vehicle could tilt to one side and topple over. Never overload your vehicle (or trailer) beyond the weight or numbers of passengers specified by the vehicle manufacturer or licensing authority.

A tired driver will not be fully alert and perceptive and so will react slower, or may never react, to changing road situations. A driver may become tired as a result of factors such as: Driving for more than two hours without a break; driving after working hard or partying hard; illness or poor eyesight; driving at night; discomfort due to extreme temperatures, uncomfortable seating, or high noise levels or inadequate fresh air. Taking medication that makes you drowsy. Ensure you only take such medicine when you have reached your destination and can rest.

5 - IGNORING CONDITIONS Drive much more cautiously under these poor driving conditions: Light or heavy rain; light or heavy hailstorms; wind or dust storms; veld or bushfires; at night; mist or fog; sunrise and sunset; winding roads; roads with potholes; gravel (dirt) roads; and traffic jams. Drive much slower than the applicable speed limit and be extra careful to avoid being distracted. Increase your level of concentration and be even more observant. Also switch on your vehicle’s headlights and increase your following distance to at least five vehicle lengths. 6 - IGNORING PEDESTRIANS

14 - DISTRACTIONS Actions such as talking on a cellphone, SMSing while driving, fiddling with the CD player, watching movies or engaging with passengers distract the driver. Even a tiny distraction could cause the driver to make an error of judgement that could cause a collision. A distracted driver may, for example: Fail to recognise an approaching danger; fail to observe road signs; fail to maintain proper lane position, a safe following distance and legal speed; react more slowly to changing road situations or become angry and engage in road rage. IolMotoring.co.za

Thirty-one percent of all fatal accidents involve pedestrians, because in many parts of our country, they share the roads with vehicles. At night, without any form of reflective armbands or strips, they are often invisible until less than 20m away. It is a driver’s responsibility to look out for pedestrians and to avoid hitting them. Slow down when on roads leading to schools, near shops, or at intersections. Take extra care on rural roads for pedestrians and animals. Killing a pedestrian has life-changing consequences ranging from personal guilt to jail time or loss of your own life. 7 - SPEEDING “Metal, glass, flesh and bones are a deadly mix.” A vehicle is a precision machine made mostly of hard metal and sharp glass. Drivers, passengers and pedestrians are ordinary human beings made of soft flesh and weak bones. Remember that the faster you travel, the harder you hit. A collision at 50km/h is like dropping your car off a threestorey building. A collision at 100km/h is like dropping your car off a 12-storey building. When travelling 120km/h you (and your vehicle) travel the length of a football field every three seconds. 8 - RECKLESS OVERTAKING Overtaking is a driver’s most complex move. In most cases, at least three vehicles are involved in an o v e r t a k i n g manoeuvre – your vehicle, the vehicle you are trying to overtake and the vehicle coming in the opposite d i r e c t i o n . Yo u r vehicle must be able to travel faster than the vehicle you are overtaking and there must be adequate distance between your

We repair, recondition, supply and fit the following parts on heavy/light vehicles and earthmoving equipment: - Brake Pads - Brake Linings - Brake Frictions Discs - Brake Drums and Discs - Clutch Plate - Pressure Plate

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November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

McGee’s borg rugbyklere


’n Groot dankie aan Mnr Garth McGee van McGee’s, Lydenburg. Dié Ford, Mazda en Yamaha Handelaarskap op Lydenburg, het Hoërskool Lydenburg se eerste rugbyspan geborg met rugby truie, broeke en kouse hierdie jaar. Die span is tesame met die afrigters, bestuurder en dokter onthaal by McGee, waar die oorhandigings plaasgevind het. Mnr McGee het 'n passie vir rugby en ook ander sportsoorte en sê sy maatskappy is bevoorreg om hierdie borgskap te kan gee vir Hoërskool Lydenburg! Die span vertrek hierdie week op toer na Naboomspruit vir die Mauritz Hansen vriendskaplike toer tot 4 April 2012. Die rugbyliga begin 5 Mei op die tuisvelde, so ondersteun hulle gerus!

EVERY year, thousands of motorists across South Africa set off on long, often exhausting journeys without adequate preparation of their vehicles or enough rest. Yet research has shown that badly maintained vehicles and fatigued drivers are two biggest causes of accidents over the festive season. A well-maintained, well-prepared vehicle ensures a smooth start Many breakdowns occur during the departing journey Many people still rush off straight from work to their holiday destination. In their rush to leave, they often skimp on checking and preparing their vehicles adequately for the journey. Not surprisingly, this is often reflected in problems experienced during the departing trip. Estimates suggest that fatigue is a factor in up to 30 % of fatal crashes and 15 % of serious injury crashes. “A safe, relaxed journey begins by having your vehicle – car, caravan or trailer – checked and well maintained before you depart,” says Bertie Strydom of Hi-Q Lydenburg “No one wants to have their trip interrupted by a break-down. Many of the problems, however, can be prevented by regular maintenance and care. An extra check-up of your vehicle before departure can save you a lot of hassle and help you get to your destination smoothly and safely.” Drive to stay alive – driving with the right attitude Driving, whether it's a journey of 500 kilometres or it involves a long trek of over 1000 kilometres, brings its own set of challenges: high volumes of traffic, long distances and the combination of day- and night time driving can test a driver's limits. Fatigue underestimated as prime cause of accidents Research shows that many drivers still underestimate the effect of fatigue, drowsiness and decreasing alertness on their driving abilities. “Driving to one's holiday destination is not at all like the driving we do daily between home, work and social commitments. Going on a long motoring journey brings its own set of challenges that we need to take into consideration,” says Bertie : “Unfamiliar roads, long hours behind the wheel, day- and night time driving coupled with a family impatient to get to its destination is not an everyday driving occurrence.” Night-time driving takes its toll Many drivers prefer to drive during the night-time to avoid driving in heavy traffic or during the heat of the day. Night-time driving takes its toll on the body, however, and this is all too often underestimated. About 40% of accidents occur at night. This is not surprising, as night-time driving decreases one's driving abilities. Swaying in lanes, an inability to keep a constant speed and an increased number of steering corrections are the result. “If you do decide to drive at night, make sure your car is prepared: clean headlights, taillights, signal lights and windows are elementary necessities for safe night-time driving. Make sure your headlights are aimed properly so they illuminate the road properly and don't blind other drivers. Reduce your speed and increase your following distance when driving at night. Remember that it is more difficult to judge other vehicles' speed and distance at night,” advises Bertie Planning for safe driving Planning the journey ahead – including rest and stop-over points – helps break it down into realistic, manageable drives that get you to your destination safely and relaxed. “Planning where to take rest stops along the way before setting off helps drivers keep to realistic, manageable distances. It's a fact that drivers who don't plan rest stops often push themselves just that little bit extra to drive another few kilometres, and that's when the risks start to increase. Fatigue limits one's co-ordination and ability to multitask effectively; these are key to your job as a driver,” says Bertie Hi-Q recommends: Begin your journey well rested! Have a good night's sleep before you set off. Respect your biorhythm. Depart at a time when your body is used to being awake and active. Don't drink any alcohol before departure. Avoid any medication that may make you drowsy. Avoid peak departure times. Take regular breaks. Rest immediately when you feel signs of fatigue. Go for a short walk. Avoid heat build-up in the car. Research has shown that high temperatures have the same effect as a blood alcohol level of 0.5. Contact us 013 235 1830

Mnr Garth McGee, links en spankaptein Rudi Raath

Saam met die span verskyn Mnr Otto Schulze (Afrigter), Dr Deon van Heerden (Spandokter), Mnr Maurice Bezant (Spanbestuurder), Mnr Pieter du Plessis (McGee), Mnr Baksteen Nel (Afrigter) en Mnr Garth McGee (McGee). Storie en foto’s Reinet Bell

829 Julie 2010 // March 8 July 2010 Maart 2012

Eiendomme / Properties


Tel: (013) 235 2005 HUURBESTUUR/RENTALS 013 235 1102 Petro

Eiendomme/properties R560 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 1 badkamer, motorafdak R1 370 000 3 Slaapkamer uiters netjiese huis, studeerkamer. Groot kombuis, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise. Gevestigde tuin R895 000 3 slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 badkamers met 1 motorhuis in kompeks met toegangshek vir almal se gebruik.




Rentals: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house: R8 800 4 Bedroom, 3 living areas house: R12 000 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house: R10 000 5 Bedroom, 4 bathroom, 3 garages. UpMarket/WOW home: R23 000 Bachelors flats available! Contact Wilma: 082 927 9991


082 904 8587

R635 000 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers woonstel met dubbel beveiligde motorafdak R1 420 000 3 slaapkamer huis. Ruim kuier area en stoep. TV- en eetkamer. Kombuis met opwas. Motorhuis en afdakke. Mooi buurt TE HUUR

*Winkelspasies te huur *Groot vloer spasie Besigheid/ligte industrie

¹ 750m²

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Eiendomme / Properties Motoring

November 2011 2903 Maart / March 2012

Nuwe agente by ERA R925 000 LYDENBURG


R864 000

ERA Lydenburg verwelkom twee nuwe agente. Odette du Preez is reeds die afgelope vier jaar in die eiendomsbedryf en het haar EAAB-eksamen in 2008 afgelê. Sy is baie hardwerkend en kan enige tyd geskakel word vir koop of verkope. Fanie du Toit is ook ’n groot aanwins vir die kantoor. Fanie is die afgelope 13 jaar in die eiendomsbedryf. Fanie is This double storey townhouse is geen vreemdeling vir die This neat townhouse consist of a situated in a quiet part of town. It Lydenburg-inwoners nie. Met 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, open contains of 3 bedrooms with balconies, plan kitchen with dining and living 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, guest sy kennis kancomplex enige koper of in secure toilet and a single garage surroundedWell by priced townhouse room. Quite area. verkoper gerus voel om hom te a spacious garden. kontak vir eiendomsSchasta Hennop: 083 693 7525 Marietjie Ramsay: 071 513 4299 verwanteprobleme. Van links, RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 agter is Ronel Breedt en voor: LYDENBURG R1 360 000 R1 242 000 LYDENBURG Odette du Preez en Fanie du Toit. Skakel die ERA kantoor 013 235 2005 lydenburg@era.co.za


Be the proud owner of this beautiful 3 bedroom house. Open plan kitchen with family room and dining area, 2 bathrooms, double garage and braai area. This house is situated in the new part of town. Marietjie Ramsay: 071 513 4299 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653


Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Double garage.

BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • Baie groot 4 slk. woning met 3 groot leefarea’s, ens - R12 000 o.h.b

Schasta Hennop: 083 693 7525 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653

R1 630 000 LYDENBURG


R1 650 000

• Baie netjiese 4 slk. woning met 3 mot huise, groot erf, ens. o.h.b - R12 000/ mnd TE KOOP: • 2 Slk. w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks R580,000


Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)

082 492 8412


013 235 1986

Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

• 2 Slk. dupleks w/stel met voltitel, erf, sekuriteitsomheining, BTW, oordragskoste Ingesluit. • 2 Slk. Meenthuis, koop vanaf plan. • Baie netjiese 3slk. oopplan woning in goeie woonarea - R1,350 milj. 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, (2 ensuite), living room, lounge, dining room, study, spacious kitchen. Double garage. Jacuzzi.

Do not miss out on this one! This family home consist of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious kitchen, study, 2 patios with build-in braai, beautiful granny flat and a neat garden surrounded by electrical fencing. Open plan kitchen with dining room and living room.

Schasta Hennop: 083 693 7525 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653

Marietjie Ramsay: 071 513 4299 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653

• Erwe, plotte, plase te koop. Goeie kopies, skakel vir meer inligting.



VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

• QUICK DRY PAINTS (LOW, LOW PRICES!) • CONTRACTOR’S PVA • WATERPROOFING • Wood Products • Stevensons • Cemcrete • Prominent Paints • O’Grady’s • Dulux • Nova • EPOXY PAINTS

Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010 298Maart / March

Vakante / Vacancies


Nuwe Lydenburg Toyota nou Toyota 400 se renhoofkantoor DIE wind van verandering sal deur vanjaar se Toyta-handelaars 400, die tweede rondte van die AbsaVeldrenkampioenskap wat op 13 en 14 April in Mpumalanga plaasvind, waai. Nadat die ren die afgelope paar jaar by die Lydenburg Rugbyklub gebaseer was, sal die renhoofkantoor en die aangewese dienspark dié seisoen by Lydenburg Toyota se nuwe, uiters moderne perseel wees. Die handelaar het verskuif en is nou naby Lydenburg se nuwe inkopiesentrum op die pad na die Long Tom pas. "Die renhoofkantoor is na 'n area van Lydenburg verskuif wat baie sigbaar is en die ren genereer reeds baie belangstelling in die dorp en die omliggende omgewing," het die renhoof, Adri Roets, gesê. "Ons het weer eens uitstekende samewerking van Lydenburg Toyota se handelaarshoof, Fanie Erasmus en sy span asook van die provinsiale en stadsowerhede en grondeienaars ontvang.” Roets het bygevoeg dat daar ook veranderings aan die roete aangebring is. 'n Groot gedeelte van die roete is nuut en die ren sal oor twee sirkelroetes van ongeveer 175 kilometer plaasvind. "Ons het terugvoer van die deelnemers oor die afgelope paar seisoene in ag geneem en daar is 'n nuwe gedeelte wat uit 'n bergagtige terrein van ongeveer 75 kilometer bestaan," het Roets gesê. "Die doel was nog altyd om 'n roete uit te lê wat interessant is en die spanne en hul voertuie sal toets. "Behalwe die nuwe gedeelte is daar ook klein veranderings aan laas jaar se roete

Ont ho u di e Gho lfda g op 31 Maart DIE Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Senior burgers bied ’n herfs gholfdag op Saterdag 31 Maart aan. 'n Baie spesiale “Herfsdaggholf “geleentheid word aan die spelers in en om Lydenburg, asook aan spelers van ver aangebied. Die Gholfdag sal ’n ‘twee-bal’formaat wees. Dit is vir die Dienssentrum elke jaar baie spesiaal om vir die jonges en die fikses hierdie geleentheid te reël. Borgskap per bof: R300 per bof (bof nommers beskikbaar: 1 tot 18) Borgskap per setperk: R1 000 per setperk (nommers 1 tot 9) Borgskap 2-bal spelers: R600. Borgskap 2 x 2-bal spelers: R2 000 *Indien u verkies kan u ook die volgende oorweeg: ’n Donasie, Geskenkbewys of borg van 'n prys / e vir spelers. Bankbesonderhede: Naam van rekening: Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes; Bank Eerste Nasionale Bank; Tak: Lydenburg; Takkode: 27 02 51; Rekeningnommer: 5289 244 3138 Vir meer inligting skakel die Diessentrum by 013 235 3875. Hantie Bezuidenhout: Bestuurder Ly d e n b u r g e n E n j a b u l e n i Dienssentrums.

aangebring en ek dink ons sal 'n goeie ren hê." Die roete strek nou in die rigting van Roossenekal en die bergagtige gedeelte oppad na Vermont op die Dullstroompad. Van Vermont strek dit oor die Coramandel-plaas en kruis dit 'n rif na Badfontein voordat dit deur Witklip na Rietfontein en Kromdraai kronkel. Oppad terug na die renhoofkantoor waar deelnemers verplig is om aan die einde van die eerste sirkelroete te stop, kruis dit die Dullstroompad na Enkeldoorns en Roossenekal. Die laaste gedeelte sal deelnemers deur die Lydenburg-vliegveld na die aangewese dienspunt neem. "Die gedeelte van die vliegveld na Vermont is ongeveer 75 kilometer lank en is 'n nuwe terrein," het Roets gesê. "Dit is tegnies en uitdagend en alhoewel ons voorheen die gedeelte tussen Coramandel en Rietfontein gebruik het, is dit net so tegnies en toetsend. Die Donaldson-voorren wat die wegspringposisies vir die ren te bepaal, vind Vrydag (13 April) oor 60 kilometer plaas. Die voorren begin by Lydenburg Toyota en strek in die rigting van die vliegveld; oor die Boomplaatspad en eindig by die Roossenekalpad ongeveer 30 kilometer buite Lydenburg. Die byeenkoms sal weer toeskouervriendelik wees met goeie uitkykpunte langs die Donaldson-voorren en die ren. Groot gedeeltes van die voorrenroete is langs Roossenekal se hoofpad en gedurende die ren sal daar bykomende toeskouerpunte in die Rietfontein-omgewing wees waar die roete langs die hoofpad is. "Die tradisionele wegspringaksie sal weer 'n hoogtepunt wees en toeskouers sal weer eens voor die ren met die deelnemers skouers kan

skuur," het Roets gesê. Publieke toegang tot die renhoofkantoor en die aangewese dienspark is gratis en geen toegangsfooie word by die toeskouerpunte

langs die roete gehef nie. Die Donaldson-voorren begin op 13 April om 12:30 en die ren skop op 14 April om 08:30 af. Charmaine Fortune

Laerskool se eie langasems vir Longtom

Van links, agter: Koba de Visser, Joubert Jankowitz, Gerda Faber, Magaret Kotze; (voor): Ina Beeken, Retha van Heerden, Coreen Schoeman en Annalize Cross. Op 31 Maart 2012 durf ses van Laerskool Lydeburg se personeel, die Longtom Marathon aan. Gepanser met pragtige hemde geborg deur Kruger Konstruksie en hoedjies deur Zani’s gaan hulle stof in die ander stappers se oë skop.

So, pasop vir die helder oranje blits wat very jul gaan flits. Maats, kom moedig hulle aan om die eindstreep te kan haal. Dankie aan juffrou Koba en Magaret wat in 1995 die eerste verteenwoordigers van Laerskool Lydenburg by die marathon was, hulle was definitief die inspirasie hiervoor.

In addition to challenging opportunities, the Company offers a competitive remuneration package and the normal large-company benefts.


Slimkopies / Classifieds

29 Maart / March 2012

We never Lose Sight of Who’s on the Other Side of Our Glass

Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors, Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof Phone us for a free quotation Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 Fax: 013 235 2242 DIENSTE/ SERVICES

NAILS, lashes, makeup. 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

S4 SLIMMING tablets 076 677 6002

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.


A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Tania 082 331 4814 www.treasuretime.co.za

A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

W W W. D E S J A C O B S PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.ZA Weddings, Commercial, Family. 076 858 6317

AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 S E C U R E S TO R A G E AVA I L A B L E R e z a k Storage now open. 076 660 1389/ 013 235 3718 T E L E V I D E O Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS Agent for Escape Gear Products & Seatcovers. Manufacturing of canvas blinds & canopies & all upholsteries. 013 235 1109 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 K I T S G R A S & B E S P R O E I N G beskikbaar - gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 B E K E N D E TA R R O T KAART leser - Sonia, in Lydenburg 28 Maart to 7 April. Afsprake: 083 269 0068/ 012 653 6292 INGULULE PROJECTS shade nets, sliding gates, palisades, steel balustrades, any steelwork, wooden garage doors, steel carports, Centurion Automation, Core drilling. 082 746 5328/ 013 235 3 3 4 1 ingulule@mobileemail.vo dafonsa.co.za


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 BEAUTY BOX 013 235 4986


S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394

REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614 I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


A U S T R O L O R P koekoeke kuikens, Springbok meule, elektriese sirene, 200 videos, 50 tapes + video masjien. 079 255 3004

TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 TE HUUR/ TO LET T A F E L D O E K E Overlays, glase en eetgerei. Skakel Rina:082 751 0432 EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT WOONSTEL op plaas, Lydenburg. Susan 082 535 6588. 1 SLK WOONSTEL, vanaf einde April, 6km b u i t e Ly d e n b u r g o p Ohrigstadpad. R3800 pm, volle deposito betaalbaar. Geen kinders of troeteldiere. 083 237 4811 LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES 2 X GEKWALIFISEERDE haarkapsters, Lydenburg. Kontak 072 403 5478 WINKEL ASSISTENT benodig. Rekenaar geletterd in Word, Excel, PowerPoint en Corel Draw. Salaris R2600. Ep o s C V : thea@scubarebels.co.za

09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus E l S h a d d a i Rensburgstr.41,Lydenbur g.Woe.19:00Biduur,Vry.1 9 : 0 0 j e u g . Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 1 9 : 0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel.

B E N O D I G R E S T A U R A N T PERSONEEL Verkieslik b o 2 1 j a a r, s a l a r i s onderhandelbaar, verblyf beskikbaar. Faks cv 086 762 9702 / epos buffelsvlei@live.co.za

Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.


Licensed Gas Installer - Reg No: 1105 Domestic & Commercial E-mail: spitskop777@gmail.com

BECP BETON Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563

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TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel

Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Francois 082 826 1502 Maryna 082 568 6695

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Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268

Ons koop en verkoop enige werkende elektriese toerusting en handgereedskap, juweliersware & huishoudelike items teen die beste pryse. Tel:013 235 4843 Cel:078 467 0954 Cel:082 872 4334 Cel:076 483 1234

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Skirting Tiles Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr Jac Brink; Dr Brian Chester-Browne

KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e

Charles Stewart 082 854 3455


083 600 4231

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Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010 298Maart / March

Vakante / Vacancies


pursuance of a judgement granted on 10 OCTOBER 2011, in the above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 11 APRIL 2012 at 11H00 by the Sheriff of the High Court, Lydenburg, at the Sheriff’s Offices, Kantoor Street 80, Lydenburg, to the highest bidder: D e s c r i p t i o n : PORTION 12 ERF 610 L Y D E N B U R G T O W N S H I P ; R E G I S T R AT I O N D I V I S I O N J . T. , PROVINCE OF

MPUMALANGA In extent: Measuring 517 (Five Hundred and Seventeen) Square Metres; Zoned: R e s i d e n t i a l ; Improvements: The following information is given but nothing in this regard is guaranteed: The improvements on the property consist of the following: MAIN D W E L L I N G COMPRISING INTER ALIA: 3 X Bedrooms, 1 x Lounge, 1 x Kitchen, 1 x Bathroom HELD by the Defendants in their own names under Deed of Transfer No. T68947/2007. The full conditions may be

inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, LYDENBURG, at the Sheriff’s Offices, Kantoor Street 80, LYDENBURG. DATED at PRETORIA on this the 12th day of MARCH 2012. NEWTONS Plaintiff’s Attorneys 2nd floor Lobby 3 Bank Forum Building, 337 Veale Street Nieuw M u c k l e n e u k , PRETORIA Tel: 012 425 0200 Telefax: 012 440 9491 Ref: F01576/ Nelene Venter TO THE OWNER OF TRAILER with pump (VIN nr:


AA9B227MBBSZR10 13) please take note that if the pump trailer is not claimed at Steelpoort Steelworks & Trailers within three weeks from date of first publication the pump and trailer will be sold to cover the costs. Contact at Steelpoort Steelworks & Trailers is Mr. Hans Snyman cell: 082 440 9039.


Vacancy for a cashier Should be computer literate Fax CV to 013 235 2145

Qualified Artisans required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Middelburg / Balfour / Musina AUTO ELECTRICIAN (Musina / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Auto Electrician Trade Test Experience Required: •2 years experience on Trackless Earth moving equipment such as: Drill rigs, Roofbolters, LHD etc BELTSMAN (Lydenburg area) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Fitter/Boilermaker Trade Test • Splicing course will be advantageous Experience Required: • Minimum 2 years beltsman experience • Splicing experience DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING (Musina/ Witbank/ Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel Mechanic/ Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump Trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. FITTER (Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Conveyor belt maintenance • Vibrating Feeders & Tips • Chairlifts TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in repairing and rebuilding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience required: • 2 years experience • VSD Drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and low voltage • Mini substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralised blasting system BOILERMAKER (Lydenburg / Steelpoort/ Witbank) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Boilermaker Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Experience on Shoots, Tips & Hoppers • Conveyor belt maintenance and installation RIGGER ( Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Rigger Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years underground construction (Conveyor belts) experience

Employment subject to Medical Fitness Certificate passed and Trade Test Certificate verification

Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to Fax: 086 643 4661 or email: cv@bilnor.co.za


29 Maart / March 2012

Race Logistics

Argiewe ’n kosbare skat

Deur Michelle Boshoff

’n Foto van die destydse atlete van die Longtom Marathon. Op die foto is ondermeer dr. en me. Kobie Steynberg, mnr. Essie Esterhuizen, me. Petro en dr. Gustav Trümpelmann, mnr. Pieter Abrahamse en sy vrou, dr. Piet en me. Estelle Williams. (Reeks foto’s bo: Half-marathon medaljes

25th anniversary of Longtom Consistently voted amongst top 5 ultra marathons in the country for the past 7 years the Longtom Marathon hails its 25th year on the South African road running calendar. It will take place on Saturday 31 March. Starting just below 1000 metres above sea level in Sabie it is an uphill climb for 35km to the top of Mauchsberg at a staggering 2150 metres.From Mauchsberg the route becomes a downhill challenge to the finish in Lydenburg at altitude of 1300 metres. “Major sponsors of the 25th anniversary event are Coca-Cola Fortune (Powerade), SAMANCOR Eastern Chrome Mines, SAMANCOR Tubatse Chrome, Dwarsrivier, Xstrata Mototolo, Kruger Konstruksie / Krukon, Khumbulani Mining, REMAX, Kia Lydenburg, Larami SPUR, Legends Sports Bar & Restaurant, Debonairs and Fish Aways as well as various private sponsors. 2 500 runners and walkers, approximately 800 sponsors, water point hosts, marshals and volunteers will be working and enjoying the day. The 56km race starts at 06:00 at the Town Hall in Sabie. Cut-off time for ultra

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p 72-jarige leeftyd met 33 000km onder sy belt lê mnr. Essie Esterhuizen Saterdag die Longtom Halfmarathon vir die 14de keer af. Hy is ’n bekende Lydenburger en oudskoolhoof van die Laerskool Lydenburg. Hy het onlangs meer vertel van die Longtom Marathon se geskiedenis, veral die halfmarathon. Voordat die Longtom Marathon posgevat het, is die Verraaiersnek Marathon gehou, in die 1970’s. Hy het sowat sewe keer die 56km Ultra Marathon gehardloop. Boonop het hy 14 keer die Comrades Marathon aangedurf. Sy herinneringe is legio, boonop het hy die logo ontwerp wat jare gedien het vir die medaljes (die bekende skoen-logo van Lydenburg Meulens). Volgens sy rekords was die marathon se hooforganiseerders / borge as volg: 1992-1995 Peter Malan, Lydenburg Nissan, 1996-1999 (?) Lydenburg Meulens, 1999-2000 Piso Plant, 2003-2005 Leon van der Nest en Powerade, 2006-2010 Xstrata. Hierdie tipe inligting is kosbaar en mnr. ’n Artikel wat in die Lydenburg Nuus Esterhuizen hoop dat dit vir diegene wat verskyn het in die 1990’s toe Frith van belangstel behoue sal bly. der Merwe die Longtom Marathon Oor die Verraaiersnek Marathon sal ons aangedurf het. volgende week berig... kosbare geskiedenis. marathon athletes remains at 8 hours from starting time (14h00).The host of the 21.1km Half Marathon start, Sportsman's Warehouse is offering great warm-up refreshments! Kruger Konstuksie/Krukon will be offering logistical support and refreshments for athletes at the 12km start. Ultra Marathon runners will receive a high quality modern long sleeved black shirt. Finishing an ultra like the Longtom is an exceptional achievement. Half Marathon runners will receive a short sleeved black T-shirt. The historical Longtom medal of the ultra race will be fitted with the traditional marigold and black ribbon and a 25th anniversary bar. Half marathon runners can look forward to the beautiful new medal portraying the mountain and Long Tom canon. Goody bags for athletes are sponsored by Powerade. Medals, Tshirts and goody bags are only guaranteed for pre-race entrants. An extra surprise awaits athletes who have run more than 10 ultra marathons. The finish venue will host live audio commentating on the event by well known national race commentator, Pete van der Merwe. Enquiries can be directed to the official organisers' of the Longtom Marathons 2012: Ants Events at 082 557 9604 or 071 605 1507

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Race number collection: 56km & 21.1km Fri, 30 March 2012 14:00 – 20:00 at Lydenburg High School, Eeufees Rd, Lydenburg 56km Sat, 31 March 2012 05:00 – 06:00 in front of Town Hall in Sabie, Main Rd, Sabie (Start of 56km). 21.1km Sat, 31 March 2012 06:00 – 07:00 at Mauchsberg (Start of 21.1km). Late entries: 56km & 21.1km on Friday 30 March 2012 from 14:00 – 21h00 at Lydenburg High School. No late entries for 56km ultra Marathon or 21.1km half Marathon taken on race day! Road Closure: The R37 Longtom Pass route will be closed to all traffic on Saturday, 31 March 2012 from 05:00 – 12:00. No traffic will be allowed on the race route. Athletes will have to make use of bus transport to 21.1km and 56km starting points. Transport: Bus transport services available to 56km and 21.1km starting points ensure that you have purchased a bus ticket: no bus ticket no race. 56km: Departure 04:30 from Lydenburg High School to Sabie 21.1km: Departure 05:30 from Lydenburg High School to Sabie Departure 05:30 from Sabie (Sybrand van Niekerk High School – Start of 56km) Return from Lydenburg to Sabie after prize evening between 14:00 – 15:00 56km Ultra Marathon Start: Sybrand van Niekerk High School, Main Rd, Sabie Starting time: 06:00 Bus transport: Departure from Lydenburg High School at 04:30 Finish: Lydenburg High School, Eeufees Street, Lydenburg Cut-off times: 8 hours Records: Senior Men: 03:30:28 Senior Women: 04:23:10 Veteran: 03:43:03 21.1km Half Marathon Start: Mauchsberg (on top of Longtom Pass) Starting time: 07:00 Bus transport: Departure from Lydenburg High School at 05:30. Departure from Sybrand van Niekerk High School, Sabie at 05:30 Finish:Lydenburg High School, Eeufees Street, Lydenburg Cut-off times: 4 hours Records:Senior Men: 00:59:13 Senior Women: 01:07:01 Veteran: 01:03:58

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