News/Nuus 5 April 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 13 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Nuus / News
5 April 2012
“To believe in yourself and to follow your dreams, to have goals in life and a drive to succeed, and to surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy this is success!” Sasha Azevedo.
That’s the spirit Peace Corps Volunteers from the USA
The reservoir just above The Heads Centre in Lydenburg has been overflowing several times in the past. It frustrates everyone seeing that The Heads residential area, The Boulders and the shopping centre are without water several times a week. (Photo: Gerda Whitehorn)
From left (back): Gary and Meredith Gaffney (Idaho), Asha Farah (Arizona), Tara Carmody (Chicago), Marie Siza (New York) and Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens (Mrs United Nations National Finalist); (front): Elisme Swart) Pam Golding Properties Principal). Photo Gerda Whitehorn at the Pam Golding water point).
group of Peace Corps Volunteers decided to take part in the L o n g t o m M a r a t h o n ’s 2 5 t h anniversary race. More than 1,050 Peace Corps Volunteers have served in South Africa since the program was established in 1997. Currently, 183 Volunteers serve in South Africa. Volunteers work in the areas of education and health. Volunteers are trained and work in isiNdebele, isiZulu, Sepedi, Setswana, siSwati, Northern Sotho, Venda, XiTsongo,
Xhosa and Afrikaans. Peace Corps Volunteers think global and act local in communities around the world every day. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Vaarwel Zac
Die bekende sanger Zac van Niekerk het slegs ’n week voor sy dood by die Legends Sports Bar and Restaurant opgetree. Zac is in ’n motorongeluk oorlede op die R59 Sekunda-kruising verlede Vrydagmiddag. Die gemeenskap van Lydenburg spreek hul innige simpatie teenoor sy vriende en familie uit. Sy stem en opgeruimde persoonlikheid sal gemis word. (Michelle Boshoff)
5 April 8 Julie 2010 / 8 July2012 2010
Nuus / News
This classic photo (left) was taken in Lydenburg recently clearly showing that the SAPS was using official tax payer property to give a lift to their friends and other road users. This photo is not an attempt to put the police in a negative light, but the fact remains that law abiding citizens complain about not getting well deserved and emergency help from the police in crisis situations, and during investigations. The police complain time and time again that they do not have vehicles available. And if there are no vehicles, there is also no manpower available. It remains to be seen whether the SAPS can give a valid reason for giving so many people a lift. Some of them may be on official business, but the others were just glad not to be walking. ~ Editor, Michelle Boshoff Photo: Gerda Whitehorn
Reduce municipal salary bill and improve service delivery The following is an extract of a speech by Cllr Gravett Herbst, delivered to the Ehlanzeni District Council in response to the draft 2012/13 budget, on Wednesday, March 28. What we as members of this house always should remember, is that we were elected h e r e b y o u r constituencies, and that we are here to serve them and our communities – and not simply to draw salaries. Of great concern to the DA is the fact that Ehlanzeni's salary and related costs expenses comprise 42% of our entire operating expenses. That is much higher than the 32% as set down by overnment. The purpose of a district municipality is to provide, among others, infrastructure, bulk water, bulk electricity, roads, waste disposal and sewage to the people living in its jurisdiction. We should facilitate projects, as well as consult and a d v i s e l o c a l municipalities, and cannot do so effectively when we overspend so much on salaries. We must bear in mind that during the past five years certain district municipal functions were transferred to local municipalities, and only junior staff were transferred. Why then do we still pay officials in senior positions who have practically become redundant? We therefore call on the mayor, Cllr Lettah Shongwe, the mayoral committee and senior management to respond to the changing demands and review the organisational structure and create a productive unit which delivers. To this end, the DA proposes that the Ehlanzeni District Municipality rts on the
immediately embarks on a cost-curtailing exercise, under the constant monitoring of the mayoral committee, which in turn is to submit monthly reports on the progress made in the reduction of unnecessary expenses.
Rubrieke / Columns
5 April 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Bekende Natuurbewaarder tree af
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
is die tiende jaar dat ek my kwinkslae en kwellings met Hoorhierso-lesers deel. Die rubriek het begin omdat ek voor my redakteur (destyds Witbank Nuus) gaan staan en antwoorde soek het oor een of ander onregverdigheid in die samelewing. Sy het seker so moedeloos geword dat sy my aangemoedig het om ’n rubriek te begin. En glo my, deur al die skrywe het ek op antwoorde afgekom. • Oor Afrika-tyd: Seker omdat jy jou eie tyd mag bestuur, kan dit my so die herrie inmaak dat ander mense die leisels uit jou hande neem. Om te wag is nie hoog op my prioriteitslys nie. Betyds en laat is nie ’n grensgeval van vyf minute nie. Vyf minute later as betyds, maak jou laat. • Oor ‘Oepsie’: Goed breek altyd waar die tyd min is en die hulpbronne skaars. • ’n Aanvaarbare vloekwoord: Jy-vat-my-hond. Dis ’n direkte verdraaide-vertaling van ’n krasser uitlating. Vervang die t met ’n k en die h met r en sê dit vinnig. Onthou, dis met permissie gesê. • ’n Antwoord oor geld: Gratis beteken allermins gratis. Daar is altyd klousules, voorwaardes en reëls wat die niks-is-gratis-kultuur skep. Bitter min is gratis, ook nie die lug wat jy inasem nie. Saam met dit kom besoedeling, Dan moet jy die dokter betaal om gesond te word. Let byvoorbeeld op die konsep van koop een en kry een verniet. Dis ook nie gratis nie, want jy moes mos eers iets koop. Nee wat, wens eerder net vir ’n idilliese wêreld, wens is gratis. •Oor Yebo: Jare gelede het die Yebo advertensie die hele land laat gons. Ek het ook almal ge-”Yebo” in plaas van ‘hallo.” Ek vind toe uit “Yebo” beteken eintlik ja. Dis so goed iemand sê net vir jou ‘ja’ nadat jy more sê. “Ja” vir wat? Oppas voor jy almal ‘ja’, netnou gee jy toestemming vir iets erg. • Oor verbruikers: Ek het besluit swak diens loop sinoniem met geld uitgee en inkopies. En glad nie parallel met ’n gelukkige kliënt nie. • Oor my rubriek se naam: Vir wyle tant Alwine Koeleman en my moeder, Elize Boshoff, was "Hoorhiersô" genoeg van 'n noemnaam as aanspreekvorm. Selde iets anders, net: Hoorhiersô, het jy gedit of gedat? As dogtertjies het dit selfs moeilik gegaan om finaal nag te sê. Oor en weer het die stemme oor die enkelbedjies getrek. "Nag Hoorhiersô," het blouoog Alwine gefluister. "Ag Hoorhiersô, dit tel nie. Net nag, nag, nag tel," het my ma die finale sê ingekry. Hoorhiersô, 'n familiestaaltjie en twee susters se unieke praatwyse, is tot niet na Alwine se afsterwe. Dit het egter 'n kosbare herinnering geword, 'n ryk gedagte aan lekker dae, grootword, kameradie en baie lag. Viva, die Hoorhiersô-susters!
Met tien kersies op die koek sal ek altoos na antwoorde soek Al lees julle my soos ’n boek Na woorde is ek nooit opsoek
Romans 8:33-34 Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died–more than that, who was raised–who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Lord, help us never to forget the sacrifice of Your Son so that we may be saved.
Ou boeke DAAR is dinge in elke ou se werk, wat uiters bevredigend is. Dit is hierdie dinge wat mens in die oggend laat opstaan en met vreugde werk toe laat gaan. Dinge wat niks te doene het met geldelike kompensasie of salarisverhogings nie. Kenners praat van Herzberg of Maslov se teorieë. Ander noem dit bloot erkenning. Een so ’n ding is as ons sien iemand lewer op ons webblad of ons Facebook blad positiewe kommentaar oor die koerant. Of
DIE Mpumalanga Toerisme en Parke Agentskap (MTPA) het verlede week afskeid geneem van die bekende mnr. Tom Middleton, Bestuurder van die Ohrigstaddam Natuurreservaat, wat afgetree het. Tom, ’n natuurbewaarder in murg en been, en ’n gerespekteerde kollega, het na 23 jaar onafgebroke diens die tuig neergelê. Sy hantering van die pragtige reservaat het as voorbeeld gedien vir baie ander reservaatbestuurders. Ohrigstaddam Natuurreservaat het onder Tom se beheer die eer dat dit waarskynlik die bes bestuurde reservaat in die MTPA was. Mnr. Middleton was ’n deskundige op die gebied van veldbestuur en onder sy toesig het dit goed gegaan met die wild op die reservaat. Hy het ook streng beheer uitgeoefen oor hengelaars en die kampterrein kon jy altyd deur ’n ring trek. Mnr. Middleton het in sy afskeidsboodskap sy Skepper, al sy personeel op die reservaat en sy kollegas in die MTPA bedank. Hy het gesê dat hy nie die reservaat sou kon bestuur sonder die ondersteuning van sy personeel nie. Volgens hom is natuurbewaarders nie in die bedryf vir die geld nie, maar beskou hulle dit as ’n roeping en hulle liefde vir die natuur. Kollegas vanaf hoofkantoor in Nelspruit, die Tom Middelton, reservaatbestuurder van Visserye op Lydenburg en elders het die Ohrigstaddam saam met Frik Rousseau, Hoof funksie bygewoon. Natuurbewaarder van Lydenburg Visserye, Die Middleton egpaar woon in ’n privaat neem van mekaar afskeid tydens Tom se aftrede natuurreservaat slegs enkele kilometers vanaf by Ohrigstaddam. hulle geliefde Ohrigstaddam. Frik Rousseau en Andre Coetzee
Besoeker vol lof vir Marathon Sarie Botha van Marble Hall skryf: As besoeker van Marble Hall, kom ek redelik gereeld Lydenburg toe. My suster en swaer Andri en Frik Rousseau is hier woonagtig. Meer as sestien jaar gelede was ek ook betrokke by die Longtom Marathon. Die jaar was my hulp ingeroep by 'n waterpunt, van my suster se werksplek, Xstrata Eastern Chrome Mines. Wat 'n belewenis! Die persone van die waterpunt was vol gees en ywer. Ek praat nie eers van die deelnemers van die Longtom nie. Dit was so LEKKER. Die beste vir my was al die komplimente van die deelnemers asook van die ondersteuners wat in voertuie by die waterpunt verby gery het. “Julle lyk so mooi en is so vol gees” was van die kommentaar. Dit is harde werk om so 'n waterpunt te beman, praat nie eers van die onkoste wat aangegaan word nie. Ai, maar as mens sulke komplimente ontvang maak dit alles die moeite werd. Xstrata ECM het vir die eerste keer deelgeneem en om tweede te kom uit 27 waterpunte, is iets om op trots te wees. Ek wil net vir die persone sê waarmee ek saamgewerk het, dankie, dit was lekker en ek sal dit weer doen. Lank lewe die Longtom Marathon. Die naweek was ek tuis by Lydenburg se Visserye. Ek ken die plek seker al meer as twintig jaar en die rustigheid en natuur is heerlik. Enige persoon sal die stilte en natuur geniet. Die damme, die tuine, kwekery en akwarium is iets om op trots te wees asook die groot verskeidenheid voël spesies. Die Visserye is 'n lushof vir enige natuurliefhebber. 'n Naweek vol hoogtepunte is afgesluit met 'n forelbraai.
as mens sien waar die koerant op die internet oral gelees word. Ja ons is nou voorwaar ’n internasionale koerant. ’n Stukkie geskiedenis vir Lydenburg! Ek sien hierdie werkstevredenheid by my personeel as ons nuwe besigheid kry, of ou besigheid terugkom, of hulle agter ’n mooi storie is, of as kliënte hulle rekeninge betyds betaal. Hierdie werksbevrediging kom na vore wanneer ’n kliënt na ure se konsultasie vir die eerste keer sy nuwe webtuiste wat ons vir hom gebou het, sien en jy sy goedkeuring en plesier op sy gesig raaksien. Lekker! Of wanneer iemand jou uitnooi vir ’n kuier met ’n groep en met ’n uiteet, soos onlangs weer gebeur het. Dankie oom Gerhard, dit was lekker. Ook ou,
Eet en rus, sonder werk W. Otto van Lydenburg skryf: Gedurende die week van 19 Maart hoor ek werkers voor my deur in die straat skoffel, ook aan my kant van die straat waar ek dit skoonhou. Aan die oorkant van die straat staan die gras kniehoogte tussen die randsteen en teerblad. Teen 13:00 word die grawe neergegooi en gaan lê hulle onder my koelteboom tot 15:00 toe ’n vragmotor hulle kom oplaai. Pragtig, vir die eerste keer in 20 jaar doen die stadsraad amper weer iets. Eers op 27 Maart 2012 om 09:00 stop die vyf ton vragmotor met die vyf werkers weer voor my deur. Hulle gooi die grawe af, wat in alle rigtings spat, en gaan lê onder die boom. Ek wonder waarom ’n bakkie nie gebruik kan word om hulle te vervoer nie. Die vervoerkoste sal dan heelwat minder wees. Waarom kan die grawe nie aan ’n werker op die grond aangegee word nie. As iemand my graaf so hanteer is hy ’n kind des doods. Om 10:00 kon ek dit nie meer hou nie en vra hulle of ek so ’n luilekker werk by die stadsraad kan losslaan. Die vrou in die groep sê toe dit is hulle ‘lunch’ tyd. Wonderlik. ‘Breakfast’ was seker tussen 08:00 en 09:00, aandete tussen 13:00 en 14:00 en daarna is die lang dag om 15:00 verby. Die ou man met sy rug teen die boom, ek skat hom so 24 jaar oud, sê toe hulle rus nou. Toe ek vra wat het hulle so moeg gemaak, sê hy die oom moet nie worry nie, hulle begin netnou werk, wat hulle toe werklikwaar doen. Om 11:00 was dit teetyd en is dit laer af in die straat onder ’n ander boom genuttig. Waarom word ons belastinggeld so vermors. Kan ons nie maar die mense vervang met diegene wat wil werk nie.?
lekker is my liefde vir boeke. Of dit ou, historiese werke is, of oor enige onderwerp, ek geniet altyd ’n boek. ’n Paar mense weet daarvan. Met my Outoppie stories het ek al verskeie boeke oor verskeie onderwerpe as geskenk gekry, al is dit partykeer omdat lesers dink ek is van die pad af. So het ek ’n pragtige Bybel kompleet met die Deutero-Kanonieke Boeke in, gekry. Ek gebruik dit vir elke week se “Uit die Woord” hierbo. Party ouens kom selfs en gee boeke anoniem af. Verlede Maandag bring oom Hans Meyer vir my ’n prag gedenkuitgawe van die TPA 1961 - 1971, 10 jaar van die TPA. Ek het vanaf 1975 vir 20 jaar vir die TPA gewerk en gaan dié boek koester. Dankie oom Hans, ek waardeer dit baie. Dankie aan die anonieme ouens. Dit is julle wat my inspireer en dankbaar maak vir my werk!
Nuus / News
8 Julie5 2010 July 2010 April/ 82012 Laevel d Bo u, Ly denbur g verander van naam na Buco Laeveld Bou Lydenburg het van naam verander na Buco en die afgelope naweek die inhuldiging van die nuwe naam op groot skaal gevier. Daar was gratis worsbroodjies en koeldranke vir die kliënte uitgedeel en by die betaalpunt het jy krapkaartjies gekry om 'n kans te staan vir afslag! Baie produkte is ook afgemerk en jy kan nog steeds winskopies kry tot 14 April 2012 (terwyl voorraad hou). Gaan maak gerus 'n draai by hulle!
Eerste Loots kleinkind gebore
Logan Reinie Loots
’N Pragtige dogter is gebore vir Jacques en Julie Loots. Jacques is welbekend in Lydenburg en het onder andere by Lydenburg Midas en by die Highlands Panorama Nuus gewerk. Hierdie is die eerste kleindogter vir Mev. Marda Loots (verpleegsuster by die Lydenburg Hospitaal) en wyle Quintus Loots. Quintus was ’n mede-stigterslid van die Highlands Panorama Nuus sowat 10 jaar gelede en die seun van W.J. Loots (Genis) van Kooperasiestories. Quintus is op 21 Mei 2010 oorlede en het diep spore in Lydenburg en sy geskiedenis getrap. Die prag kleinding, Logan Reinie Loots, is op 28 Maart in die Nelspruit Medikliniek gebore en het op 51 cm ’n stewige 3.34 kg geweeg. Ons gelukwense gaan aan Jacques en Julie en aan die grootouers en ons hoop dat klein Logan sal meedoen aan die familie se roemryke geskiedenis in die veld van Afrikaanse kultuur en vermaak. Andre Coetzee en die span.
Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
5 April 2012
Nuus / News
25th Longtom Marathon leaves everyone breathless The epitome of comradeship and running towards a common goal was eminent on the Longtom Pass this past weekend. Runners from across the country took part in the 25th Longtom Marathon. The vibe and shivers going down your spine while watching the brave runners can not be described. Some people ran the 56km, some the 21km and others the 5km. - Michelle Boshoff
A collage of photo’s of everyone at the Longtom Marathon
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We test the GWM Florid X WE tested the Florid some 2 years ago, when it was just released. This week we looked at the top specification Florid X. Resembling something like the CrossPolo and Livina X Gear, the Florid X comes with several extra pieces of kit, like a seemingly higher stance, roof rails, larger mag wheels, front and rear silver coloured underbody spoilers and funky two tone seats. The rear roof spoiler is the same as in the standard model, but looks good nevertheless. You also get fog lights and indicators in the outside mirrors and some funky black side skirts. Mechanically, the Florid Super Lux and the X are the same. They both come with a 1 500 VVT engine making 77 kW and 138 Nm, coupled to a five speed manual gearbox and front wheel drive. Inside you get air conditioning, four electric windows, electric outside mirrors, remote central locking, radio / CD with AUX in for your iPod, power steering, dual airbags and amazingly at this price, reverse parking assist radar. There are audio controls on the smallish and comfortable steering wheel, which is height adjustable. Headlight height is adjustable from inside. On the road the Florid X really surprised me. The 1 500 engine pulls strongly, especially at higher rpm’s and revs at around 3 800 rpm at 120 and about 4 400 at 140. At low rpm’s this is no race car, but the engine comes on song from about 4 000 rpm and then things get really exciting. The car is stable at speed, all controls are light to operate and the brakes are good. The suspension is really comfortable without being too soft. Initially the seating position was a bit awkward, until I realised that the pedals are widely spaced and the brake pedal sat a bit more to the left than on my Corsa, which I am used to. No problem. The aircon works well and the sound system is adequate. For your R 132 000 you get a car which is bigger inside than entry level (the boot is small though), you get a bigger engine and an overall good value for money package. This car impresses in its price range and is testimony to the great progress made by the biggest Chinese manufacturer Great Wall Motors. The Florid sells well and it makes sense, as it is really good value for money. The Florid X comes with a 3-year / 100 000 km warranty and is sold by GWM Lydenburg (next to Kia). Andre Coetzee
5 April 2012
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
5 April 2012
Ondersteun die Wildevy 4x4 dag Nasionale toekenning vir Total Bonjour WILDEVY 4x4 Familie Dag - 28 Julie 2012. Die Wildevy Manne is 'n nie-winsgewende organisasie, bestuur deur 'n paar manne in ons gemeenskap, wat geld insamel vir liefdadigheid deur 'n 4x4 dag te organiseer, een keer per jaar. In 2011 het ons 120 deelnemende voertuie gehad en so tussen 7000 - 10000 besoekers, wat almal saam die familiedag geniet het. Daar gaan 'n eko-roete beskikbaar wees vir diegene wat nie die 4x4 roete wil ry nie. Ons kan ongelukkig slegs 'n beperkte aantal voertuie hiervoor akkommodeer om besoedeling te keer. Kontak die organiseerders vir borgmoontlikhede. Vir meer inligting besoek gerus ons webblad www.burbande.co.za of skakel (013) 231-7498/9. of epos na chantelleg@burbande.co.za, of faks na 0866 930 171.
Die 2011 Silver Award is aan Total Bonyour toegeken. Veels geluk aan die span wie se harde werk nie ongesiens verbygaan nie. Van links is: Jenie Skhosana, Salmieta Mabelane, Willem Otto (bestuurder), Betty Thonga, me. Baba Erasmus (eienaar) en Jolandi Bezuidenhout van Total Bonjour.
Rusplaas Garage had quite the vehicle display at the finish line of the Longtom Marathon. It gave runners and supporters time to view the vehicles while awaiting athletes.
Fuel price hike shocks THE latest fuel price hike is hitting motorists very hard. The close to R 1.00 hike has now elevated the South African fuel price to its highest level ever. Combined with tariff hikes in electricity, the new eTolling system, hikes in grocery costs and even items such as our printing costs and therefore advertising rates, April 2012 might just be the month that breaks the consumer’s back. Higher energy costs might lead to the closure of more small businesses and a rise in unemployment, which might just rise to levels of anarchy amongst the poor. Nobody will be unaffected, even if you don't own a car or use electricity. Energy drives the country. If the price goes up, the cost of everything else is affected. With a big car, a 1 000 km trip will now cost you around R 1 500, excluding toll fees, tires and wear and tear. At the Highlands Panorama News we are absorbing some of the 15% hike in printing costs, with our advertising rate increases, without considering the increase in fuel costs. We might have to reconsider this in another three months. Andre Coetzee.
Ten essential things to check on your car
5 April 2012
AS the South African winter season prepares to settle in, take a look at some maintenance tips to keep your car in top condition over the cold / wet months. Chrysler's parts and accessories arm, Mopar, has prepared a number of tips to help you to remember the bits that may need looking over - whether you own a Chrysler or not. 1 Check brakes Brakes are one of the most used (and often abused) components and it’s vital to replace pads or shoes before the drums or rotors become damaged. Check your cars pads, shoes, drums, rotors, calipers, fittings, brake hardware and the parking brake to prevent problems. 2 Check tyres A safe ride starts where the rubber meets the road, so be sure to check air pressure on all tyres, including the spare (if you have one), as incorrect tyre pressures lead to premature wear and a decrease in fuel mileage. Inspect the entire surface of the tyre, including the tread and sidewall, for uneven or irregular wear, which may also indicate additional maintenance is required. 3 Check wiper blades While many parts of South Africa fall within winter rainfall areas, those in traditionally dry zones should also be prepared for inexpected showers. Properly functioning wiper blades increase visibility in all conditions. 4 Check head- and tail lamps, indicators and hazard lights Head and tail lamps play an important role in safe driving, especially at nighttime, or in rainy or foggy conditions. Inspect all exterior lamps and lights to ensure they are in proper working order and correctly aligned. 5 Check air filter The air filter protects the engine from airborne contaminants and poor air flow within the engine hinders performance and can lead to greater fuel consumption. Replacing a dirty air filter allows clean, unrestricted air flow into the engine and helps ensure proper performance and longer life. 6 Check oil Oil is the lifeblood of the engine and the engine oil level should be checked often. The oil should be changed and replenished regularly since low or dirty oil may have dire consequences on how the engine and its components perform. 7 Check all fluid levels Vehicle fluids and lubricants should be checked often and changed at factoryrecommended intervals to make sure they're fresh and filled, since dirty and low fluids may affect the performance of a vehicle. 8 Check engine belts, hoses and fuel filter Belts and hoses under the bonnet play an important part in the proper function and performance of the engine. To prevent breakdowns or serious engine damage, replace belts and hoses at recommended intervals. Checking and replacing the fuel filter is also key to ensuring that the engine is running at its optimal level and maximises fuel economy. 9 Check battery When checking the battery, be sure to look for corroded terminals, and inspect for a bulging or cracked case. The last thing you need to fail in winter is your engine-starter. 10 Check shocks and struts Every season is pothole season in South Africa, so shocks and struts should be checked regularly, since they are vital to a smooth ride. They may also affect a number of related parts on your vehicle and tired shocks and struts could impact your car’s handling and tyre life. Wheels24.co.za
5 April 2012 03 November 2011
Absa rally promises financial injection ABSA OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP BOOSTS MPUMALANGA COFFERS The Absa Off Road Championship is set to again boost Mpumalanga coffers and increase awareness in the area as a tourists destination. The Toyota Dealer 400 on April 13 and 14, round two of the Absa Off Road Championship, is expected to give Mpumalanga a financial pick me up of a few million Rand. The event is based in Lydenburg with hotel, lodge and bed and breakfast accommodation in the town and surrounding areas booked out as around 60 teams, service crews, supporters and off road enthusiasts prepare for the event. Apart from accommodation there is also a boost in business over the race weekend for restaurants, filling stations and fast food and take away establishments. An additional bonus is the exposure Mpumalanga gains as a tourist attraction. The event will again be based at Lydenburg Toyota with race headquarters and the designated service area at the new state of the art dealer premises. The premises have been relocated from the town centre to opposite the new shopping mall on the road to Long Tom Pass. Lydenburg Toyota dealer principal, Fanie Erasmus said over the years the race had developed into an important annual event in Mpumalanga. Apart from a cash injection for the area and increased awareness as a tourist destination, the race also engendered a community spirit in Lydenburg and surrounding areas. "It is a community effort that involves town people, farmers and land owners in the area," Erasmus said. "The financial benefits are tangible but the event also draws the local population closer together.
"Major role players like land owners Piet Rabie, Dalene van Rensburg, Jaco Coetzer, Coromandel Estate and Boschhoek Estate do a great job of liaising with other land downers and farmers, and work closely with race director Adri Roets when planning the route." The traditional start of the race outside Lydenburg Toyota is again expected to draw a huge crowd before competitors complete two laps of a 175 kilometre loop. There will be a compulsory 15 minute stop at the end of the first loop at the designated service park at Lydenburg Toyota. The Donaldson Prologue to determine start positions for the race will start at 12:30 on Friday, April 13 and will be run over a 60 kilometre route. The race will start at 08:30 on Saturday, April 14. Public access to race headquarters, the designated service park and to spectator points along the route is free of charge. Charmaine Fortune
News/ Nuus
5 April 2012
More 25th Longtom Marathon pictures and fun The 25th Longtom Marathon was run in typical change of the season weather. It was cold and wet, with mist during the early morning. Despite the weather, participants were in very good spirit and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Some donned special costumes, weird hairdo’s and performed all sorts of antics along the way. Truly the great cameraderie and spirit of running prevailed.
The Easter Bunny will soon be hop, hop, hopping into our homes and communities. Children and adults alike are gearing up to celebrate the holiday with traditions that have been around for centuries
The oldest tradition is to use dyed or painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as jelly beans. These eggs can be hidden for children to find on Easter morning, who may be told they were left by the Easter Bunny. They also may be put in a basket filled with real or artificial straw to resemble a bird's nest.
A collage of photo’s of everyone at the Longtom Marathon In many historically Christian countries, buns are traditionally eaten hot or toasted on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the Crucifixion. They are believed by some to pre-date Christianity, although the first recorded use of the term "hot cross bun" was not until 1733; it is believed that buns marked with a cross were eaten by Saxons in honour of the goddess Eostre (the cross is thought to have symbolised the four quarters of the moon);[2] "Eostre" is probably the origin of the name "Easter". Others claim that the Greeks marked cakes with a cross, much earlier.
Die organiseerders en betrokkenes by die reëlings van die Longtom Marathon span uit by Paardeplaas die oggend na die marathon met ’n welverdiende pieniek. Foto: Gerda Whitehorn.
Thank you to all the photo contributors.
Put the children to work and let them compete in the Easter colouring competition of the Highlands Panorama News. They must hand in their entries at the newspaper offices, Cnr Viljoen and Jansen Streets Lydenburg by Friday 13 April at 12:00. Enjoy colouring in. Write the child’s name, age and contact details of the parent on the back of the page. UP FOR GRABS: Night Skies of Southern Africa incorporates the latest findings and advances in the science of astronomy. Features of the book are: * Clear text written for the non-specialist sky-watcher* Many new photographs and explanatory diagrams * A new set of star maps designed for use from Southern Africa, allowing for the easy identification of more than 5 000 stars * Latest information about the planets, Milky Way, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, etc. Published by Random House/ Struik Publishers.
03 November 5 April 20122011
Motoring Properties / Eiendomme
Era house of the week / Era huis van die week *R 1 680 000*. Gerieflike familiehuis in gesogte area – geleë naby skole. Hierdie gerieflike leefhuis bestaan uit drie slaapkamers, twee vol badkamers, ruim eetkamer, met oulike kombuis, gevestigde tuin en drie motorhuise. Omhein met Palisades. Kontak Sonia van ERA: 082 590 0905.
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • 3 Slk. w/stel, 2 badk, in sekuriteitskompleks, 1 mot. - Vanaf 1 Mei - geen diere R6 200 / mnd TE KOOP: • 2 Slk. w/stel met erf, netjies geverf en geteël, in sekuriteitskompleks - R680,000 • 2 Slk. dupleks w/stel met voltitel, erf, sekuriteitsomheining, BTW, oordragskoste Ingesluit.
Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)
082 492 8412
013 235 1986
Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
• 4 Slk. dubbelverdieping woning in goeie area R1,550 milj • Siersteen 4 slk. woning met groot erf, ruim vertrekke, motorhuise + store - R2 milj • 3 Slk. outydse woning, stud, ruim sitk, komb, eetk, 2 badk, lapa, swembad, boorgat, baie afdakke en pakkamers, kantore, baie groot netjiese erf ens - R2,6 milj • 9Ha plot, naby dorp met huis wat aandag benodig, stoor, swembad ens. R850,000 SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP
VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Eiendomme / Properties
5 April 2012
Property Agencies give their all for Longtom ERA verkoopsagente laat 25ste Longtom maklik lyk
Die span van Pam Golding Eiendomme by die Longtom Marathon. Die unieke storie oor die boom wat hulle naby die waterpunt geplant het volg volgende week.
Sonia Jooste van ERA Eiendomme Lydenburg en Elmarie Venter is twee fikse dames wat die Longtom Marathon aangedurf het.
Van links agter is Ina Beeken, Retha van Heerden en Coreen Schoeman van die Laerskool Lydenburg saam met Elisme Swart (prinsipaal van Pam Golding Eiendomme).
REMAX was die amptelike borg van die 5km pretloop van die Longtom Marathon. Dankie aan REMAX wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat elkeen die geleentheid gekry het om deel van die 25ste Longtom Marathon te wees. Foto links: Jacques van Baalen (Prinsipaal van REMAX) saam met Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens, Nasionale Finalis Mev. Vereenigde Nasies). (Foto Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens)
This group worked hard at the Longtom Marathon on Saturday with the Feed a Child Charity in mind. From left back: Maritha Kruger, Frikkie Kruger, Colin Ngwena, Thabo Mange, Fransie Maluleka, Alice Tibane, Jeanette Kruger-Hibbins (National Finalist Mrs UN); front: Ria Magagwa, Christina Mosotho.
Slimkopies / Classifieds
5 April 2012
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 SECURE STORAGE AVAILABLE Rezak Storage now open. 076 660 1389/ 013 235 3718 TELEVIDEO Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS Agent for Escape Gear Products & S e a t c o v e r s . Manufacturing of canvas blinds & canopies & all upholsteries. 013 235 1109 IS YOUR PLUMBER certified, his work guaranteed and SABS approved? Call Blitz Plumbing 24/7 - All P l u m b i n g , maintenance, repairs & installations.. 072 197 5264/ 072 577 8689 K I T S G R A S & BESPROEING beskikbaar - gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 I N G U L U L E PROJECTS - shade nets, sliding gates, palisades, steel balustrades, any steelwork, wooden garage doors, steel carports, Centurion Automation, Core drilling. 082 746 5328/ 013 235 3341 ingulule@mobileemail .vodafonsa.co.za RENOVASIE WERK alg. instand houding, seel & dakke, teelwerk, verfwerk, algemene loodgieter/ elek werk. 072 570 8300
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
BEAUTY BOX 013 235 AT L A S PA N E E L 4986 K L O P P E R S SALON HAIR, Nail & G e a k k r e d i t e e r . Beauty. 074 887 6950/ Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 083 280 5671/ 076 072 082 454 8382 4131 AUTOHAUSEN N A I L S , l a s h e s , S M A R T- R E PA I R S : m a k e u p . 0 7 6 6 7 7 Minor Body, Paint & 6002/ 013 235 4947 Hail Damage. Stone Chips & Polish. Poly S4 SLIMMING tablets Rubberise. Smash & 076 677 6002 G r a b Ti n t . P a i n t Protect Film. Neels 013 235 2721/ 082 334 FOTOGRAFIE/ 3596 PHOTOGRAPHY MOTORHUUR/ CAR TREASURE TIME HIRE FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Tania 082 331 4814 LY D E N B U R G www.treasuretime.co.z VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 a 1780 WWW.DESJACOBS PHOTOGRAPHY.CO. ZA Weddings, Commercial, Family. 076 858 6317
EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 1 SLK WOONSTEL, vanaf einde April, 6km buite Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. R3800 pm, volle deposito b e t a a l b a a r. G e e n kinders of troeteldiere. 083 237 4811 LOSIES/ LODGING L O S I E S LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION K L I T S G R A S CHALETS B & B A C C O M O D AT I O N : Coffee shop, chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / SKOONMAAK VAN 076 483 1234 / 013 235 M AT T E , m e u b e l s , 4843 motors en droogsuig v a n o o r s t r o o m d e TE KOOP - Austrolorp koekoeke kuikens, matte. Martie 082 951 nuwe TV en decoder. 7494 079 255 3004 SKOONMAAK van matte + meubels + teelvloere, politoer van houtvloere. 072 570 8300
Overlays, glase en D U L L S T R O O M eetgerei. S k a k e l RESERVATIONS are seeking a booking Rina:082 751 0432 c o n s u l t a n t / receptionist. The applicant must have EIENDOM good telephone and VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES computer skills and their own transport. Junior and Senior BARGAIN BUY house positions available. for sale. Contact 082 Basic + Comm. Submit C v s t o 496 4312 steve@dullstroombiz
LY D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . I.T.@Large - for all pc PETS CORNER - 013 r e p a i r s & 235 2658 maintenance, M I N I A T U R E updating hardware D o b e r m a n n and software, virus Pinschers. Louis 083 removals, networks, 476 3535 callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre TE HUUR/ TO LET 079 881 1932 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS
WINKEL ASSISTENT benodig. Rekenaar geletterd in Word, Excel, PowerPoint en Corel Draw. Salaris R2600. E-pos CV: thea@scubarebels.co. za BENODIG Senior pos/Bestuurder Verkieslik bo 21 jaar, s a l a r i s o n d e r h a n d e l b a a r, verblyf beskikbaar. Faks cv 086 762 9702 / e p o s buffelsvlei@live.co.za BAIE LOYALE en getroue huishulp beskikbaar vier dae per week. 076 591 9547 B E N O D I G Skoonheidsterapeut & gekwalifiseerde haarkapster (African) Bring CV na Creative Nails, Lydenburg 084 860 7714 B A R M A N / WAITRESSES / CHEF required in Lydenburg. Experience essential. Contact 084 430 5682
G4S urgently needs Security Officers. Must be PSIRA Registered GR C and well groomed Mining Experience will be an advantage. MALE ONLY. Fax: 086 6031822” KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El Shaddai Rensburgstr.41,Lyden burg.Woe.19:00Biduur , Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g . Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae
09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, aande 18:00, Wo e n s d a e s e l g r o e p 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Ad ve ntiste Ke rk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon
Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.
BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277
Lydenburg 013 235 1171 Dullstroom 013 254 0947
39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429
TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel
KSA registered
Notices & Vacancies
5 April 2012
Complete Longtom Marathon Race results (Ngodwana); 2 Toni Da Matta 4:43:47 (BNAC) Grandmasters: 1 Frans Moraba 4:52:27 (Eskom)
Results of the Longtom 21/56km run from Sabie to Lydenbug on Saturday 31 March 2012 Men: Open 1 Leboka Noto 3:43:41 (Nedbank); 2 Rufus Photo 3:47:10 (Pietersburg); 3 Sipho Ncube 3:56:58 (Nedbank); 4 Judas Ntuli 3:58:49 (Magnolia); 5 Surprise Mokofane 3:59:22 (Modikwa); 6 Sipho Dlamini 4:00:20 (Toyota); 7 Peter Molapo 4:02:19 (Mr Price); 8 Petrus Moeletasane 4:10:23 (RAC); 9 Best Ngwenya 4:12:17 (Birchwood); 10 Elvis Mazibuko 4:12:39 SPRAC
Women: Open 1 Jennifer Koech 5:04:36 (Nedbank); 2 Stephanie Hurry 5:08:30 (RAC); 3 Gillian Corley 5:12:27 (Peace Corps); 4 Prisilla Mamba-Dlamini 5:14:52 (Toyota); 5 Caroline Yetman 5:19:51 (Nedbank); 6 Nocawe Morake 5:21:19 (DRDLR); 7 Pearl Hughes 5:28:54 (Polokwane); 8 Maryna Meets 5:34:08 (CSIR); 9 Loyiso Moumakoe 5:40:33 (Post Office); 10 Meg Davey 5:41:19 (Randburg Harriers) Veterans: 1 Prisilla Mamba-Dlamini 5:14:52 (Toyota); 2 Maryna Meets 5:34:08 (CSIR); 3 Elsabe Cronje 6:05:10 (Prisma Comms) Masters 1 Miemie Liebenberg 6:06:48 (Panorama); 2 Marina Coetzee 6:18:50 PMK Grandmasters 1 Petra Myburgh (Striders) 7:17:07
69:34 (Zwakala) Veterans 1 December Mashaba 75:15 (Nedbank); 2 Peter Lekuba 77:34 (Nedbank); 3 Pienas Magashule 79:01 (Polokwane) Masters 1 Rhufel Ndlovu 81:03 (Sabie Shufflers); 2 Patrick Mathebula 84:02 (Legogote) Grandmasters 1 Gert Rabie 1:49:02 (Phalaborwa) Juniors 1 Aubrey Mabuza 77:25 (Correctional Services) Walkers 1 Kiewiet Strydom 2:27:27 (Midack) Women Open 1 Muchanetta Gwata 75:35 (Mr Price); 2 Lizzy Chokore 75:44 (Nedbank); 3 Linah
Mhlongu 85:26 (Anmar BRS); 4 Winele Mnisi 85:58 (Toyota); 5 Nontokozo Dlamini 87:02 (Nedbank) Veterans 1 Linah Mhlongu 85:26 (Anmar) BRS ; 2 Lorraine Boshoff 92:45 (VTM); 3 Martie Minnaar 1:47:18 (Nedbank) Masters 1 Martie Botha 1:59:26 (Sabie Shufflers); 2 Salme Rottcher 2:16:42 (Legogote) Grandmasters 1 Cobie Steinberg 2:02:41 (Lydenburg) Juniors 1 Cindi Hanekom 2:15:50 (Overkruin) Walkers 1 Loritha Jacobs 2:27:27 (RWFL)
Office Admin Lady • General office work for mining supply company • Computer literate (Pastel experience will be an advantage)
21km Men Open 1: Brighton Chipere 63:55 Veterans 1 Leboka Noto 3:43:41 (Ned(Mr Price); 2 Collin Parura 64:14 (Nedbank) bank); 2 Sipho Ncube 3:56:58 (Nedbank); 3 3 Marshall Jaji 64:43 (Nedbank); 4 Ntuthuko Judas Ntuli 3:58:49 (Magnolia) Maseko 65:07 (Nedbank); 5 Oupa Maseko Masters: 1 Johannes Nyalunga 4:42:32
Closing date: 12 April 2012 Fax short CV: 086 675 7081 If you have not heard from us within 21 days from publication of this advert, please assume your application unsuccessful.
Qualified Artisans required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Middelburg / Balfour / Musina AUTO ELECTRICIAN (Musina / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Auto Electrician Trade Test Experience Required: •2 years experience on Trackless Earth moving equipment such as: Drill rigs, Roofbolters, LHD etc BELTSMAN (Lydenburg area) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Fitter/Boilermaker Trade Test • Splicing course will be advantageous Experience Required: • Minimum 2 years beltsman experience • Splicing experience DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING (Musina/ Witbank/ Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel Mechanic/ Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump Trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. FITTER (Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Conveyor belt maintenance • Vibrating Feeders & Tips • Chairlifts TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in repairing and rebuilding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience required: • 2 years experience • VSD Drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and low voltage • Mini substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralised blasting system BOILERMAKER (Lydenburg / Steelpoort/ Witbank) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Boilermaker Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Experience on Shoots, Tips & Hoppers • Conveyor belt maintenance and installation RIGGER ( Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Rigger Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years underground construction (Conveyor belts) experience
Employment subject to Medical Fitness Certificate passed and Trade Test Certificate verification
Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to Fax: 086 643 4661 or email: cv@bilnor.co.za
Job Title: Field Service Technician Key area: Carrying out on site field service ad inspections on Deutz Engines and filling reports with the aim of promoting spare parts sales. Assisting customers with product support and technical information including engine installations. Qualifications: • Qualified Artisan – Trade Test pass (Diesel Fitter or Diesel Mechanic) • At least 2 years post apprenticeship experience. • Valid driver's license and passport • Ability to qualify for the mines “Red Ticket” Area: Steelpoort
Closing Date: 11/04/2011 Faks CV to (011) 923 0639 or E-mail to hr@deutz.co.za Should you not receive feedback within 2 weeks after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.
Job Title: Sales Support External Key area: Sales & Marketing / Budget & Cost Control / Reporting & Communication/ Administration. Qualifications : • Minimum Grade 12 OR Equivalent • Technical trade qualification (Ideally in diesel fitting) OR a technical diploma or certificate • Min 3 years experience in the fields of technical product sales • Valid Driver's License Area: Steelpoort
Closing Date: 11/04/2011 Fax CV to (011) 923 0639 or E-mail to hr@deutz.co.za Should you not receive feedback within 2 weeks after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.
LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03
5 April 2012
Longtom champ is Leboka
Winner of the Longtom Maraton 56km Leboka Noto in a time of 3:43:41
One of the oldest runners on the highest point of the Longtom Pass. Chris Noel (64) is truly an inspiration for everyone. A whole 2150m above sea level. (Photo: Michelle Boshoff)
Candice Boshoff from PGP giving Lebogang Shaenan Arbee Chilwane from the Grant Roode en Rudolph de Wet Enoch Nyathi Labour Department a rub down. Some more locals running the 25th Longtom Marathon on Saturday. Thank you to everyone who made photo contributions. Coreen Schoeman, Retha van Heerden en Annelize Cross.
Andries Oeloffse (Ramkat).
Well-known Lydenburg resident Cobie Steynberg (left) won the Longtom 21km Women Grand Masters. She has been competing in the Longtom and other races for years. Essie Esterhuizen is on her right.