19 April 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 14

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LYDENBURG T: 013 2351486/96


BURGERSFORT T: 013 235 7758

News/Nuus 19 April 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 14 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

The Absa / Toyota 400 / Donaldson off road rally took place this weekend. The picture above shows the spirit of the Rally, with John Roos going through waist high water in his buggy. See more exciting pics and the story inside.


Nuus / News

19 April 2012

Nuwe hoofLanddros vir Lydenburg

Die nuwe Landdros van Lydenburg is op 2 April amptelik aan die personeel en regsverteenwoordigers voorgestel. Me. L.D.Vukeya is nou amptelik aangestel in die plek van Mr. Mulder

Plaaslike ondersteuning vir besighede onder die loep DIE volgende brief oor plaaslike ondersteuning het ons aan die dink gesit: WAT het geword van plaaslike ondersteuning? Ons is ’n plaaslike besigheid wat plaaslik ondersteun. Ons kinders gaan hier skool, ons huur plaaslik en koop maandeliks ons inkopies plaaslik. Ons is deel van die besigheidskamer en doen ons deel vir plaaslike gemeenskapsbydraes. Die koerante is daagliks vol van die nuwe ontwikkelinge in ons area waarvan die myne die grootste bydrae daartoe lewer. Wat het geword van plaaslike (lokale) ondersteuning? Bouprojekte word toegeken aan kontrakteurs van die stede wat hulle eie werkers hierheen bring en so ook hulle eie materiaal. Ons is een van ten minste vyf besighede wat hierdie materiale kan voorsien teen dieselfde kwaliteit, diens en prys. Ons kan verstaan as ons die besigheid verloor teen een van ons eie plaaslike besighede – maar nou kry nie een van ons eers die kans om te kwoteer nie. Die myne moet tog maar ’n draai deur die dorp ry en sien hoeveel besighede alreeds toegemaak het a.g.v geen ondersteuning nie. Ons bestaan hang af van jou ondersteuning. Ons wil ook net graag die gemeenskap en die myn wat wel van ons gebruik maak bedank vir hulle ondersteuning. Besoek gerus ons webtuiste by highlandspanorama.co.za of ons Facebook bladsy, waar jy die koerant enige tyd op jou skootrekenaar of slimfoon kan lees.

DIE argument hier langsaan hou baie water en is geldig. Ons hier in Lydenburg / Burgersfort / Steelpoort en Dullstroom behoort ons plaaslike besighede te ondersteun. Dit is goed vir ons eie ekonomiese voortbestaan as ons met mekaar besigheid doen. Ons kan nie vir elke hik wat die wêreldekonomie gee skrik en weghol nie. Ons moet mekaar ondersteun. Maar dit gebeur nie. Ons ry vir die geringste Nelspruit toe of Middelburg toe, want daar is ’n Game, ’n Makro en ’n Builders Warehouse. ’n Goeie vriend van my en Lydenburger doen 90% van sy besigheid in Nelspruit. Van trekkers, motorfietse, kragsae tot kruideniersware en dienste op voertuie. Waarom? Ons het die saak ondersoek en baie vrae gevra. Die antwoorde is elke keer dieselfde: (1) Die dinge wat ons soek is eenvoudig nie plaaslik beskikbaar nie. Of dit nou ’n behoorlike kussing, kamera of iPod is, almal kan “bestel”, maar niemand het voorraad nie. (2) Dit wat wel beskikbaar is, is peperduur. Ja, ons kan seker nie met die groot kettingwinkels kompeteer nie, maar wanneer die item wat jy soek, tesame met die petrolgeld Nelspruit toe en terug, nog goedkoper anderkant die berg is, is daar plaaslik fout. (3) Miskien die grootste rede van almal: Swak diens. Met die uitsondering van minder as ’n handjievol besighede in Lydenburg, is die diens baie swak. Meeste respondente voel so. Verkoopspersoneel is oor die algemeen bot, onvriendelik en suur. Eienaars en bestuurders van besighede luister selde na jou klagtes of steur hulle bloot nie daaraan nie. Meeste mense is bereid om bietjie meer plaaslik te betaal, maar hulle vereis almal flink, vriendelike en puik diens. Andre Coetzee.

Nuus / News

Huldeblyk - Gert Stoltz GERT STOLTZ, bekende oud onderwyser, boer, natuurbewaarder en kranige avontuur motorfietsryer is laasweek hier in die ouderdom van 68 jaar oorlede. Gert het diep spore getrap in die omgewing en was betrokke by die luiperd projek op die omliggende plase. Hy het ook die hele land vol getoer met sy avontuurmotorfiets en het gereeld stories geskryf oor die wedervaringe, wat in die motorfietstydskrif Woema gepubliseer is. Gert het op Volksrust gematrikuleer en by die PU vir CHO, BA tale (Afrikaans en Engels) met Honneurs in Engels, bestudeer. Hy was ’n letterkundige by uitnemendheid vanaf Herman Charles Bosman tot Shakespeare. Hy het op Standerton en Lydenburg Engels gegee en was Departementshoof Engels by die Pretoriase Onderwyskollege. Hy het ook by die Nasionale Intelligensiediens gewerk en het vanaf 1994 op die plase Roodewalshoek en Beetgekraal met Bonsmara beeste geboer. Gert sal onthou word vir die liefde vir tale wat hy by leerders aangekweek het. Hy was ’n uitmuntende sportman, Comrades hardloper, fietsryer, sportafrigter en het ’n fyn sin vir humor gehad. As begaafde musikant het hy ook skoolkore en kadetorkeste afgerig. Gert se liefde vir motorfietse was alom bekend. Sy eerste fiets was volgens Liesbeth ’n olierige ou Norton wat hy as student gery het en daar is ’n vraghouer vol Beemers op die plaas. Gert het die laaste tyd geveg teen en uiteindelik die styd teen kanker verloor. Hy sal gewis gemis word en sy begrafnis het plaasgevind op Dinsdag 17 April vanuit die NG Kerk Suid in Lydenburg, met huldeblyke deur Lambert Van Der Nest. Wyle Gert Stoltz laat sy eggenote Liesbeth en seun Conrad, agter. Mag jy nou nou nog mooier paaie ry Gert. Die Highlands Panorama span.

19/ April 8 Julie 2010 8 July 2012 2010



19 April 2012

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



Rubrieke / Briewe / Columns / Letters

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Gifappel kwaad oor rommel Marius Meyer (G.I.F. Appel) skryf: Graag wil ek net onder die gemeenskap van Lydenburg se aandag bring dat hier ook ’n skelm, lafhartige, agterbakse imbesiel in die dorp bly. Vermoedelik het hy garage en tuin skoongemaak en toe sy gemors langs die pad gegooi. ’n Skelm is hy defnitief want hierdie agterbakse daad sou hy/sy nie in die dag gedoen het nie, so dit was in die donkerte want hy/sy is bang iemand sien sy daad. Wonder of sy familie baie trots op hom is, of is hulle net so sleg? ’n Verstandlose is hy/sy defnitief, want geen persoon met verstand doen sulke goed nie, hy is ook te lafhartig om na vore te kom en sy gemors op te tel en dit te gaan gooi waar dit hoort. Foto geneem 11 April 2012, na ’n ander bobbejaan ook daar was. Hierdie gemors lê ongeveer 50 meter vanaf die teerpad op die Weltevrede-grondpad wat ook in ’n gemors toestand is. Jy kan bly wees ek het jou nie gesien nie!

vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists

Pieter Mulder, leier van die VF+ skryf oor straatname DA, ANC TOKKEL SELFDE NAAM-KITAAR Is die ANC en die DA straatnaamveranderingsbeleide dieselfde? In Pretoria stel die ANC voor dat die bekende Jacob Marestraat na Jeff Masemolastraat verander word. In Kaapstad stel die DA voor dat die bekende Willie van Schoorrylaan na Jeff Masemolarylaan verander word. Jacob Mare was lid van Paul Kruger se uitvoerende raad of Kabinet en het so 'n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van Pretoria `gelewer voor 1900. Deur sy straatnaam te skrap trek die ANC 'n streep deur sy bydrae. Wille van Schoor was 'n raadslid wat 'n groot rol gespeel het in die ontwikkeling van die Kaapse metro. Deur sy straatnaam te skrap trek die DA 'n streep deur sy bydrae. Wie was Jeff Masemola en watter bydrae het hy gelewer? Hy was 'n PAC - leier wat van die ANC weggebreek het toe dié in 1959 besluit het om ook witmense in die ANC toe te laat. Hy was gekant teen hierdie nierassistiese benadering. Daarna is hy in die hoofgeregshof in Pretoria daaraan skuldig bevind dat hy deel was van 'n sabotasieplan om wit mense in Pretoria dood te maak. In Kaapstad stel die DA hierdie naamsverandering voor en in Pretoria bly hy buite stemming sodat dit kan deurgaan. Dan is kiesers reg as hulle beweer dat die ANC en die "nuwe" DA oor al hoe meer sake dieselfde raak. In Kaapstad het die VF+ dit ondersteun dat die Oostelike Verbypad na Nelson Mandela genoem word. Daar is baie sulke nuwe strate wat die ANC en DA kan gebruik om na hul helde te noem, maar moenie die bydrae van mense in die verlede misken en die geskiedenis met naamsverandering probeer verander nie.


sê dankie Congratulations with Dienssentrum DIE Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes spreek hiermee hul opregte 60th anniversary dank en waardering uit teenoor die

Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

WALTER and Yvonne Webber (nee Erasmus) celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on 5th April this year. They have lived in the Waterfall River Valley for the past 19 years on the property of their daughter, and son-in law - Lyn and Peter Esser. Wally first set eyes on Yvonne when she was just six days old. They were next-door neighbours in Krugersdorp. Of course, at that stage he wasn't too impressed! Yvonne's family subsequently moved away and they lost contact. 18 Years later, Wally – a keen cyclist – noticed an attractive spectator at their races – who turned out to be his long-lost neighbour! The spark of romance was ignited, and the rest – as they say – is history! The couple celebrated this special event with their daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren and their spouses, and greatgrandchildren, at Lepelle Lodge, in the Valley.

Handelinge 19:32 - Hulle het dan aangehou skreeu, sommige dit en ander dat, want die vergadering was in die war, en die meeste het nie geweet waarvoor hulle bymekaar gekom het nie. Vader, dit klink soos vandag se deurmekaar wêreld. Bring vir ons orde asseblief - Amen.


DEURMEKAAR JA, ons leef regtig in ’n erg deurmekaar wêreld. Die Spanjaarde is glo erg die josie in oor hulle koning, Juan Carlos, in Botswana kom jag het. Hoekom? Gun tog elke outjie sy plesiertjie, insluitend lekker wildsbiltong! In Kaapstad is die nuutgeboude Groenpunt stadion, wat vir die sokkerwêreldbeker gebou was, se dak besig om los te kom. Seker ’n lekker vet tender gewees sonder

gehaltebeheer. As jy nou opspring en skree STORMERS, neuk die dak dalk op jou kop in! Laat dit vir jou ’n les wees! Minister Manyi wil ook nou alle regeringsadvertensies beheer. Hierdie multimiljoen rand bedryf land waarskynlik in die verkeerde sakke. Nie dat ons hier by die Highlands Panorama Nuus iets uit die koek kry nie. Mpumalanga se provinsiale regering spandeer jaarliks R 5 miljoen op advertensies in die provinsie. Ons het probeer om net 1% hiervan te kry, maar nee, niks nie. Ons was nie bereid om ietsie onder die tafel deur te stoot nie.

volgende besighede en persone wat ons geborg het, asook geskenke en geskenkbewyse gegee het vir ons gholfdag op Saterdag 31 Maart. U het die dag vir ons moontlik gemaak. Baie dankie. A1 Droogskoonmakers, Ampie Nel, B a k g a t B i l t o n g , H e n k B e k k e r, Versekeringsforum, C&F Drukkers, Cheap Cheap, Hannas Hardeware, Horison Apteek, Joubert Apteek, R&G Hartzer, Kay’s Motor Spares, Hans Kelly, Korn Steel, dr. M. Kritzinger, Lydenburg Apteek, Lowveld Mining Supplies, J. A. Maliepaard, Lydenburg Gholfklub, Manor Guest House, Marula Eiendomme, Longtom Guesthouse, Hennie Maré, Longtom Bearings, Lydenburg Toyota t/a HiQ Bandediens, Lydenburg Mediese Sentrum, Swart’s Elektries, Steenekamp en Broekman Prokureurs, Volkswagen Highlands, dr. J. J. Swanepoel, Pionier Slaghuis, dr. Karin Kromhout, Lowveld Mining Supplies, PNA Maxi’s, Silverton Radiators, Lydenburg Toyota, Fraser A l e x a n d e r, O t e e s W h o l e s a l e r s , McGee&Kie, Xstrata Lydenburg Works, Purple Gecko Gastehuis, Spekboom River Lodge, Ocean Basket, R&P Paneelkloppers, Gawie Maré Paneelkloppers, Trout Inn, Verlorenkloof Estate, Amani Boutique Hotel, Lunsklip Visserye, PG Glas, Gert & Andre Elektries, Lydenburg Dierekliniek, Buco, S&N Vleishandel, Rietfontein Verpakking.

Malema se ondersteuners het besluit die ANC se moer, hy bly hulle leier. Mooi man, die ANC het die saadjies hiervoor gesaai en nou is hulle onthuts met die opstandige mannetjie. Kry vir julle! En die Prez trou met vrou nommer sewe. Hy is ’n yster! Meeste van my maters kan kwalik een vrou gelukkig hou! Dié naweek het baie Lydenburgers met warmgemaakte (lees af “exhaust”) 1300 Golfies ook gedink hulle is kranige tydrenjaers en die dorp geterroriseer. En dan is daar natuurlik die jongman met die V8 Jeep wat so raas! Ja, die wêreld is sleg deurmekaar.

8 Julie192010 / 8 2012 July 2010 April

Nuus / News

CVO Lydenburg presteer by SA’s 12 van Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO het aan die jaarlikse BCVO Atletiekbyeenkoms te Ruimsig (Roodepoort) deelgeneem. Die atlete het meegeding teen atlete van die Vrystaat, Noordkaap, Noord-Transvaal, Noord-Wes en Sentraal Transvaal en besonder goed gevaar. Oos-Transvaal het as provinsie baie goed presteer. Ons kinders wat medaljes ontvang het is (foto onder) Van agter: Calista Cornelissen 2 brons medaljes vir 800m en 1500m, Alexander van den Berg 1 bronsmedalje vir 3000m en 'n silwer medalje vir die aflos. Michelle Lamprecht 1 brons medalje vir hoogspring en goud vir aflos. Su-Marie van den Berg 1 goue medalje vir gewigstoot. Ruzaan Botha 1 silwer medalje vir 100m en goud vir aflos. Devin Dicks het 'n silwermedalje ontvang vir die 1200m en goud vir aflos.



Dagboek / Diary

19 April 2012

013 235 2287, Viljoenstraat 65, Lydenburg

Verlore ring opgetel Die goue ring is Maandag opgetel in Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit se parkeerarea. Kom kyk gerus by die Highlands Panorama Nuus se kantore of dit nie dalk joune is nie.

• Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit: (013) 235 7300 • Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit Na-ure: (013) 235 1788 Belangrike vergadering vir Aftreeoord projek • Polisie: (013) 235 2222 / Aftreeoord projek vergadering. Dit is ’n baie belangrike vergadering. Daar is ’n besoek van ontwikkelaar, so kom stel u vrae en (013) 235 1011 bring ’n pen en boek saam. Donderdag 10 Mei om 13h00 by die Dienssentrum. • Sun Security: (013) 235 2728 • Lydenburg Reaksie: (013) 235 4825 ALGEMEEN / GENERAL: • 26 Mei. 15:00-21;00: Snotkop in Burgersfort, Burgersfort Laerskool. Stalletjies, big screen Rugby en biertent. Stalletjies ook beskikbaar. R100 p volwassene en R50 per kind vir kunstenaar. Verdere inligting • Crime Combat Solutions: skakel Lorraine 0132317609 (013) 235 1822 GEREELDE AFSPRAKE / FIXED DATES: • Kanabas VLU-tak. Tweede Woensdag van die maand. 09:30. NG-kerksaal, Lydenburg • Lydenburg Hospitaal: (013) 235 2233 Suid. Ina Pieterse: 013 235 2530. • Lydenburg VLU-tak. Tweede Donderdag van elke maand om 14:00. Elona Potgieter: 083 • Mediese sentrum: (013) 235 2205 764 9340.. • Strelitzia VLU-tak. Tweede Maandag van elke maand om 18:00. Elize Boshoff: 013 235 3491. • Nelspruit Medi Clinic: • Lodge The Pilgrim 738 Freemasons Meeting - First Friday of every month. R.W.M. 083 977 4757 - Secretary 083 626 6305. (013) 759 0500 • Art in the Park. 4th Saturday of every month. Cnr. Voortrekker and Beetge Streets, Eugene Hurter: 082 954 5603. 24 Hour Emergency: (013) 759 0645 • Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA). Elke Dinsdag 19:00. Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Toegang gratis. Nie-kerkverband. Ondersteuning vir almal. Skakel 083 228 • ER24: 084 124 4179. • Lydenburg Bloedbank, skenkers nodig 013 235 3612 • Guardian Angels Lydenburg - vrywilligers nodig. Skakel 082 452 0940. • Lifemed: 0861 086 911 • Karate. Lydenburg Burgersentrum Ma. 17:00-18:00 jnr’s, Wo. 16:00-19:00 jnr’s en snr’s. Steelpoort Winterveldklub Di. en Do. 17:30-18:30. Nicci: 072 141 6502. • N3 Fire & Rescue: 079 163 0814 • Lydenburg Tennisklub. Langs Laerskool Lydenburg. Saterdae vanaf 14:00. Coenie: 083 357 6830 Junior afrigting Frans: 084 584 4375. • Childline: 0800 055 555 • Lydenburg Rolbalklub. Woensdae en Saterdae om 14:00. Miems Naudé (presidente): 082 677 1511 • Staatsveearts: (013) 235 2071 • DARTS every Monday at the Lydenburg recreational hall from 19:00. Raynier 082 725 9981. • Sterkspruit Dierekliniek: • Alles rondom loodglaswerk, Marlené Grauphner: 083 412 6601. (013) 235 4132 • Lydenburg Dierespreekamer: (013) 235 3039 • Lapsar: 082 041 6165 • Report wildfire: 0860 663 473 Plan Pla your dates and events and we will advertise it free of charge in our community diary. The n y ur dates and event diary of the oHighlands Panoramas News haswil always database for and we l advbeen ertiseaitcomprehensive community diary. Th free of charge in our • Working on Fire: (013) 741 6400 highlandspanorama@yahoo.com everything that happense dia in rythis area. Email , or of the Hi gh l a nd s Panorama News has alw comprehensive database s baepiece en a of michelleboshoff@yahoo.com , faxfor the eve event info to 013 235 3076 or write it downayon ryt hin g th a t happens in this area. hiand ghlan dspitaninoratam a@offices. • Fire: (013) 235 1788 / (013) 235 7042 paperinf hand our of where, when, whatEm and yahoo.Remember ailwho com, or mithe chelgolden leboshrule off@yahoo.com, fax the ev o to 0 1 3 235 307 applies. Include all the relevant information a contact person. 6 or wr e nt ite it downand on a piece of paper and ha officeyou s. Re nd it in at our member ~ Thank Michelle Boshoff, editor. the gol • Environmental Hotline: 0800 205 005 Beplan den rule of where, when, Includ what and whoadverteer. all the en jul edatums Onsasal in die gemeenskapsdagboek relfunksies. applies. Die evant inform tionditangratis d a con tac t pe r son ~ Than . k yo u dagboek van die Highlands Panorama Nuus was nog altyd ’n volledige databasis van alles Michelle Boshoff, editor. • Parkeraad: (013) 235 2395/6/7 wat in die gemeenskap gebeur. Bepof lan faks Epos na highlandspanorama @yahoo.com , jul datdie umsfunksies en funksise • Neels Bothma (Slange): 082 730 3047 michelleboshoff@yahoo.com es. inligting On sal dit gratis in die adverteer. Die dagboek van of faks na s013 235 3076. Dit kangem ookeen opska ’npsd stukkie papier agboek die Highlands Panorama volled geskryf word enaby ons kantore ingehandig word. Onthou die goue reël is van toepassing... Nu u s ige wa dat s nog altyd ’n basis van alles wat in die gem • Gustav Klingbiel Museum: eenskap gebeur. Epos of faks die funksi es se inligting na highla ndspanorama @yahoo.com michelleboshoff@yahoo.c , om of faks na 013 235 307 (013) 235 2231 6. D papier geskryf word en by ons kantore ingehandig wo it kan ook op ’n stukkie rd. Onthou die goue reël van toepassing... wie, wa is t, waar en wanneer. Vers • Dienssentrum: (013) 235 3879 kaf asseblief al die releva nte

8 Julie192010 / 8 2012 July 2010 April

Nuus / News


Kenchington’s Decor, Furniture and Coffee Shop is on trend K

enchington’s is right on trend with their new stock arrivals. Now is the time to visit them and make sure that you have a fresh approach and look in your home, or to surprise friends with the perfect gift. There are many different styles and decorating items to ensure you find what you are looking for. From French Countryside style whitewashes, french vanilla and taupes, to ultra modern aluminium bedside lamps and table decor. There is the item for that spot in your home you thought impossible to complete. Dining rooms in fine dining style or rustic Africana, bedrooms in ultra modern and minimalistic soft furnishings or opulent brocades and plush cushions for the princess in all of us. Even teens rooms have decor options available with the legends of Elvis, James Dean and Marilyn. Far East and Indonesian inspired lamps, baskets, bird cages and quilts in hot, rich colours. For the mud room or veranda are plenty of stylish or quirky items like a piglet shaped watering can! If you are attending a baby shower or expecting a new arrival yourself you will be able to find a perfect gift or decorate the room for your baby in the best items. Furniture in Kenchington’s seems inspired by a forgotten era. Heavy, dark woods and leather coverings, beds, bedside

tables, headboards, occasional tables as well as dining room suites and then the light wrought iron, french vanilla style veranda decor, means you can continue the theme throughout your home. If you are having trouble making a decision with your purchase, then sit down in the coffee shop to take a break and explore the all new menu. From Breakfast to lunch and all in between - by the way who said chocolate cake for breakfast isn’t the done thing if the mood takes you? Six different omelette fillings, Farmhouse breakfasts, for brunch or lunch what about a Tramazini filled with smoked chicken or an open Rye bread sandwich? Traditional hamburgers and chips or a chicken schnitzel to fill up with other lunch items like quiches or soup. Of course there are also the rainy day, misty Highveld winter favourites of pancakes with a choice of several different fillings or just sweet. Cakes galore, scones, muffins, tarts and toasted sandwiches if you want to stay traditional. Coffee, many different kinds of tea, milkshakes, smoothies and soft drinks complete the menu. So if you want something or in fact anything for your home, a gift to delight a friend or family member or if you want to pore over the beautiful items and dream, while enjoying a snack or meal, be sure to visit Kenchington’s soon.


Nuus/ News

19 April 2012

Wenakker / Aqua malongane Ponta Malongane is weer in 2012 die gasheer vir die Aqua Malongane hengelkompetisie, wat 'n fondsinsamelingsprojek ten bate van Wenakker is. Dit is reeds die veertiende jaar dat dit aangebied word en beloof om weereens 'n geleentheid te wees wat nie misgeloop moet word nie. Hengelaars (met of sonder bote), skubaduikers en gaste is baie welkom om dié uitstappie mee te maak. Daar is nog net 2 chalets beskikbaar. Sluitingsdatum hierdie Vrydag DATUM: Sondag 13 Mei 2012 tot Saterdag 19 Mei 2012 Hou die koerant dop vir volledige dekking van die kompetisie. Vir navrae en besprekings, kontak gerus vir: Zelma du Preez by 082 477 8474 of Neeltjé Brits by 083 456 8328

DA wants Police spokesman fired POLICE spokesman must be fired for his comments 13 April 2013 Mpumalanga police spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Hlathi is not only arrogant, but his insensitive comments over the escalation of brutal attacks in the Hazyview area are an embarrassment to the SAPS, and he should be fired immediately. Following yet another robbery at a guest house in the area, Hlathi was quoted in Beeld newspaper that “there is no crisis in Hazyview or anywhere else, and that regular patrols are being done”. He also added that “local businessmen and tourism establishments know that they have to increase their own security, as it is the norm in the entire country.” Hlathi’s comments are absolutely outrageous, and amounts to an admission that the SAPS is unable to fulfil their constitutional mandate of protecting South African citizens who have the constitutional right to protection by the state. His arrogance and ignorance clearly show how out of touch he is with the communities he serves. In addition, Hlathi’s comments attempt to shift the responsibility of safety and security to the private sector, and literally serves as an instruction to citizens to protect themselves. This risky comment could lead to more and more citizens taking the law into their own hands. A total of five armed robberies and one murder were recorded in the Hazyview sector since the previous Monday, notwithstanding the spate of others this community has had to endure over the past five years, and we firmly believe that the Hazyview community is faced with a security crisis. So too, provincial commissioner Lieutenant General Thulani Ntombela must publicly state if he shares the views expressed by Hlathi. The DA will write a formal letter of complaint to commissioner Ntombela, and demand that Hlathi immediately be removed as SAPS spokesperson. The DA also insists that both Hlathi and the commissioner apologise to the people of this province in general, and residents of Hazyview in particular – and commit increased resources to reduce the critical levels of crime in the area.

Nuus/ News

19 April 2012


U eie plaaslike Bybelkollege Tingeling Kleuterskool maak hulle omgewing kleurvol Ekklesia Bybelkollege is op 9 Augustus 2007 in opdrag van God in Lydenburg begin. Die kollege het homself daarop ingestel om lidmate van alle denominasies op te lei en hulle toe te rus ten einde in hulle eie gemeentes betrokke te kan wees. In 2011 is die naam verander na Eklessia Besigheidskollege met die oog op 'n breër vlak van toerusting. Die Kollege is geassosieer met Therapon Universiteit wat internasionale erkenning geniet. Die Kollege sal in 2012 ook by SAQA geregistreer wees. Studente loop tans 'n drie jaar-kursus tot 'n Diploma in Teologie. Die kursus bestaan uit 36 vakke, insluitend twee vakke gerig op praktiese prediking. Verdere studies kan ook gedoen word vir Graad erkenning, bv. B.Min, B.D., M.Th, D.D. ens.. Die Kollege het in die afgelope jaar uitgebrei met kampusse tans in Lydenburg, Middelburg, Mooinooi en Witrivier. Enigiemand wat belangstel ten einde sy kennis aangaande God se Woord uit te brei en sy/haar Goddelike gawes uit te leef, is welkom. Die nuwe jaar begin op 14 April 2012. Kontakbesonderhede: Past. Thinus Rademeyer – Sel: 083 699 4216 Past. Emil Reiners – Sel: 076 348 8656

Tingeling Kleuterskool, Steelpoort het hierdie ou muur, wat ‘n seer oog vir almal was opgevrolik met ‘n paar blikke verf en hope energie. Dis met die toewyding van ‘n uitstekende skoolhoof, Lu Ann en haar wenspan, om die kinders se dag sommer op te vrolik as hulle na die muur kyk.

Dankie Lydenburg

Morne & Samantha Pienaar is 3 Maart in die huwelik bevestig by Bundu Lodge te Witrivier. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Lydenburg.

Mnr Fanie Erasmus (Snr) van Lydenburg Toyota bedank al die Lydenburgers vir die uitstekende opkoms. Nie net by die wegspring van die Toyota 400 Veldren nie maar ook by die verskeie uitkykpunte. Daar was by sommige uitkykpunte tot skaap gebraai en heerlik gekuier. Die veldren is elke jaar 'n reuse finansiële inspuiting vir Lydenburg en hiermee bedank Highlands Panorama Nuus en die publiek Mnr Fanie Erasmus , die Toyota 400 Veldren span en laaste maar glad nie die minste al die deelnemers en ander motorhandelaars.

Onder: Baba Erasmus en Fanie Erasmus snr. Saterdag gedurende die Toyota 400 Veldren


Nuus / News

19 April 2012


Die Tonteldoos Fees was weereens ’n fees der feeste tydens die Paasnaweek. Duisende mense het die klein grondpaadjie aangedurf en al stamp-stamp na die feesterrein gery. Die Tonteldoosfees is uniek en het nie sy gelyke in Suid-Afrika nie. Dit is juis omdat dit so ’n lekker plaasatmosfeer het dat dit so gewild is. Die donkiekarre is al tradisie en kinders kan met een teen ’n nominale tarief ry. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff


We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

Wat ’n motorsport fees! DIE jaarlikse Absa / Toyota / Donaldson veldren het toe die afgelope naweek hier in en om Lydenburg plaasgevind. En wat ’n fees was dit nie! Donderdagaand het dinge al begin, met ’n lekker kuier by McGee’s waar die twee Ford Racing Rangers uitgestal is en wat die eerste ronde van die Absa reeks gewen het. Daar was ook ’n veldren nabootser, lekker kos en gaste is bederf met gelukkige trekking pryse. By Longtom Nissan het ook ’n feestelike atmosfeer geheers met die Regent Nissan Navara en die twee V8 RFS BMW’s. Hannes Grobler het soos gebruiklik met die gaste gesels en het spesiaal vir ons sy BMW se enjin opgeklop om na die musiek van die 4.8 liter V8 te luister. Vrydagoggend vroeg, het plaaslike jaer John Roos, in sy 800cc pypraam motor alleen weggespring om die Prologue te ry. Die res van die deelnemers het tweeuur Vrydagmiddag weggespring vir die voorwedren. Stof was vanjaar ’n groot faktor en met bykans geen wind, het die stofwolke dig bly hang in die lug. Wat die produksie bakkies betref, was hierdie Toyota se veldren. Die twee V8 Hilux bakkies wat ook die Dakar getem het, het skoonskip gemaak met Duncan Vos en Robert Howie in die eerste plek en Anthony Taylor en Chris Birkin in die tweede plek. Hannes Grobler het derde klaargemaak in sy V8 BMW X3. Wat die pypkarre betref, was Herman Sulwald en Wichard Sulwald eerste in hulle Porter V8 en Nardus en Louis Alberts tweede in hulle V8 Bat Spec 2. Andre Coetzee.

19 April 2012


Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305



19 April 2012

Absa Toyota 400 Off Road Race THE streets of Lydenburg and surrounds again reverberated with the sound of highly tuned racing machines during the weekend of 13 and 14 April, during the annual Absa / Toyota / Donaldson off road race. The cars included the two Ford Racing Rangers that took honours during the first race of the year, the mighty V8 Toyota Hiluxes that competed in the 2012 Dakar Rally, and the RFS V8 BMW X3’s (one piloted by the well known Hannes Grobler). In the end, the two Hiluxes finished first and second, with Hannes third. The Sullwald father and son team claimed victory in their Porter V8 in the section for special vehicles. An interesting story is the one of locals John Roos and Doppies Strydom. Not having a racing license, they were only allowed to do the prologue early on Friday and they were allowed to race half the distance (the prologue again) after the main event. They entered in a standard small 4x4 tube frame Hajadu vehicle, powered by a V-Twin 800 cc motor. They did very well and completed their stage in an excellent time of 1 hour 30 minutes over the torturous mountain section, proving that there should actually be a special class for these vehicles. Costing less than R 100 000, such vehicles would allow more people to enter the sport. As a comparative figure, only one shock absorber system (there are four) on a Bat, costs R 180 000. Coupled with the frame, racing Chev V8 engine of 6-litres and electronics package, these cars cost upwards of R 2 million, making entry available only to the select few. John and Doppies would like to express their thanks to everyone that assisted with sponsorship, donations, and good wishes, without whom they would not have been able to take part. Andre Coetzee

The Winning Hilux of Duncan Vos and Robert Howie pictured right.


19 April 2012


Nog Absa veldren fotos



19 April 2012

Toyota 400 off road Action!

Alle fotos op hierdie en ander bladsye geneem deur Reinet Bell, Andrea Coetzee, Matilda Coetzee, Andre Coetzee en John Roos.

Eiendomme / Properties

19 April 2012

15 Motoring

Huis van die week The Best Investment Come and buy in the right area. Enough space for a big family. This property offers 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a big family area. Situated on a large stand near the Primary School, in a quiet area, it is a must see - phone me today. Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954 Pam Golding Lydenburg

House of the week Beloning vir verlore banier

ongelooflike boupakkette!


Pam Golding, Lydenburg het 'n banier voor Lydenburg Hoërskool se pallisades opgerig en dis sedert die Woensdag na die Longtom Maraton skoonveld. 'n Beloning sal gegee word aan die persoon wat sorg dat die banier weer terug is by ons kantore. Kontak 013 235 1146 – Madelein Viljoen celebrating 50 years of excellence!


03 November 2011 19 April 2012

Motoring Properties / Eiendomme

Autumn in your garden - what to do AS the days become shorter and the nights longer, savour the final golden days of summer in your garden. Sort out your bulbs, divide your lilies and arums, and check vulnerable plants for disease. Do you have a glut of chillies from your garden? Why not dry them and keep for later? Lay them in the sun to dry or in a warm oven, alternatively put them in a bottle, cover with Sherry in a dark cupboard for a few months. Use the liquid to give an extra kick to thick, warm, winter soups. What a blessing is it to have the beginning with autumn with us – The season which is regarded to be the best time to plant trees, shrubs and roses as it allows the plant to grow a much stronger root system in readiness for spring. This is also the time of celebration when harvested gathered, fruit ripen on the vine, veld grasses take on the color of ripened corn, road verges are bright with pink and white cosmos, and gardens assume their autumn dress amidst the faded grandeur of summer. There is always movement in the autumn garden as the breeze moves among the trees and the leaves spiral down. Many gardeners don't like the untidy look of the fallen leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs. Some rake these leaves off the lawn and out of the flowerbeds, and put it into plastic bags, which are deposited on the pavement to be removed. Deposit

them on the compost heap with all the other household waste. But why not leave the leaves? Just think about it. In the woods, all the fallen leaves aren't picked up! The most ecological, and water wise way is to leave autumn leaves in the beds where they fall. Dead leaves, twigs and grass form, over time, a fertile natural compost, which in turn maintain the woodland plants. The leave mulch ensure slower evaporation of water from soil. More water is conserved this way. A thick mulch layer reduces weed growth. It does by blocking out the sunlight necessary for germination and growth. Mulch protects plant roots from frost. A mulch layer is a vital source of food for earthworms. Using leaf rakings as a mulch is a labor efficient practice. No need to waste time walking up and down to the compost heap. Fallen leaves add ambiance of a woodland, naturalistic or indigenous garden. A healthy mulch layer supports a huge amount of insect life. This in turn, is a source of food to many garden birds and other wildlife. General Maintenance - With autumn in the air, these are glorious days for gardening. Now its a good time to make new beds and to divide and plant out summer flowering perennials such as agapanthus and Shasta Daisy's. Sow you vegetables seeds now or plant seedlings. Spray your roses every second week with fungicide to prevent black spot and mildew. Place small piles of snail bait in shaded, damp spots under leaves and branches. Feed Azaleas, camelias, Tea bushes and roses with a handful of Talborne 3:1:5 Hydrangeas need a good thick layer of mulch. And feed with Talborne 3:1:5 Bougainvillea's will love a handful of hoof-and- horn meal and magnesium sulfate.

Mark your summer flowering bulbs and deciduous perennials that are left in the ground. Protect conifers from cypress aphid that attacks in winter. By spraying with an aphicide or sprinkling granules around the base of each tree you can prevent this problem. Summer Rainfall seeds to plant: Ageratum, Alyssum, Antirrhinum, Aquilegia, Bellis perennis, Calendula, Cornflower, Campanula, Foxglove, Hollyhock (see the rest on our sowing guide for seeds) Seedlings to plant: Allysum, Iceland poppy's, Lobelia, pansies, viola, sweet pea, wall flower, primula, gazania, antirrhinum, cineraria, delphinium, dianthus, foxglove, verbena. Bulbs to plant: Allium, anemone, babiana, daffodil, Dutch iris, freesia, ixia, narcissus, ornithology, rananculus, scilla, sparaxis, tulbaghia, and Triton ~ Down the Garden Path

Notices & Vacancies

19 April 2012



IT Field Technician - Lydenburg Requirements: • post-Matric qualifications • A+ and N+ essential • MSCE/MCITP advantageous • Good customer relations • Four to five years exp. in similar environment

Fish the 2012 DFFA BONANZA !!! Dullstroom Fly Fishers' Association (DFFA) are inviting all skilful fly fishers to enter in the 2012 DFFA BONANZA – a teambased competition to take place in and around Dullstroom in October this year. The event has a proud history going back 15 years and once again promises to provide a fun and action packed weekend for all participants – with Xplorer Fly Fishing as the principal sponsor for the first time. One of the attractions of the competition, other than the chance to win fantastic prizes throughout the weekend, is the opportunity to fish on some of Dullstroom's premium waters, which would not normally be open to public fishing. Participants will fish over 5 sessions from Friday, October 12, to Sunday, October 14, with the teams drawing a rotation of waters pre-determined on a “fair-to-all” basis. The competition's principal sponsor is Xplorer Fly Fishing and will feature prizes and awards in the following categories: · Best team / Runner-up Team · Best angler per session / Runner-up angler per session · Biggest fish · Best lady angler · Best junior angler · Best dressed team The entrance fee is R1,250 per angler (R5,000 per team of 4) – juniors less than 18 yrs are invited to participate at R600. Entry forms and competition rules are available from The Village Angler in Dullstroom (theangler@dullstroom.net / 013 254 0045) or from Paul Vallet, DFFA Secretary (palaver@acenet.co.za / 083 450 8015). Much of the proceeds will be donated to local charities, as in 2011 when R40,000 was paid to Helping Hands a local registered charitable organization. The competition will be limited to 80 anglers and early application is encouraged to avoid disappointment. ~ Dullstroom Fly Fishers Association Contact: Alan Hatton 013 254 0782 / 073 478 3317 / ah.ah@axxess.co.za

E-mail CV to: kobus@kccomputers.co.za

We live pies for you! Vacancy Junior Halaal Inspector This Vacancy is a Half Day Position Requirements: • Resident in Lydenburg • Age 25 - 45 years • Good health • Good communication skills • Religion must be Muslim

Closing Date: 30 April 2012 Forward CV’s to the HR Manager: Natasha Joubert E-mail: admin@stpie.co.za or deliver to Saint Pie, 36 Breytenbach St, Lydenburg Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer


Slimkopies / Classifieds

19 April 2012


KSA registered


drilling. 082 746 motors en droogsuig 5328/ 013 235 3341 v a n o o r s t r o o m d e ingulule@mobileema matte. Martie 082 il.vodafonsa.co.za 951 7494

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

RENOVASIE WERK alg. instand houding, seel & dakke, teelwerk, verfwerk, algemene loodgieter/ K W A G G A elek werk. 072 570 VERVOER. Vir enige 8300 vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: H U U R K O O P 0 8 2 5 6 3 4 5 9 2 , PROBLEME Het jou Charlotte: 072 865 terugbetaling op jou 6424. voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos A1 DROOGSKOON- te hoog. Skakel ons MAKERS & wassery. gerus vir 'n oplossing. 013 235 3976. 073 830 8637 A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 E N G R AV I N G WORKSHOP 013 235 4602 SECURE STORAGE AVAILABLE Rezak Storage now open. 076 660 1389/ 013 235 3718 TELEVIDEO Herstelwerk op alle TV’s/ DVD’s/ Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS Agent for Escape Gear Products & S e a t c o v e r s . Manufacturing of canvas blinds & canopies & all upholsteries. 013 235 1109 IS YOUR PLUMBER certified, his work guaranteed and SABS approved? Call Blitz Plumbing 24/7 - All Plumbing, maintenance, repairs & installations.. 072 197 5264/ 072 577 8689 KITSGRAS & BESPROEING beskikbaar - gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 I N G U L U L E PROJECTS - shade nets, sliding gates, palisades, steel balustrades, any steelwork, wooden garage doors, steel carports, Centurion Automation, Core

SKOONMAAK van matte + meubels + teelvloere, politoer van houtvloere. 072 570 8300 SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394


AUTOMATISERING/ I.T.@Large - for all pc r e p a i r s & AUTOMATION maintenance, updating hardware A L L G A R A G E and software, virus DOORS, Centurion removals, networks, gate motors, electric callouts etc. Jacques f e n c i n g . F a n i e 071 268 9211 / Pierre Grobler. Preferred, 079 881 1932 Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE SKOONHEID/ BEAUTY EK KOOP BYNA CREATIVE NAILS ALLE tweedehandse TRAINING 084 860 m o t o r s , b a k k i e s , 7714 combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is BEAUTY BOX 013 bereid om op te tel. 235 4986 Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614 SALON HAIR, Nail & Beauty. 074 887 I BUY VEHICLES for 6950/ 083 280 5671/ cash. 082 646 6735 076 072 4131 NAILS, lashes, makeup. 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947


S4 SLIMMING ATLAS PANEELtablets 076 677 6002 K L O P P E R S G e a k k r e d i t e e r. Kontak: 013 235 FOTOGRAFIE/ 3423/ 082 454 8382 PHOTOGRAPHY

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretime.co .za

AUTOHAUSEN SMART-REPAIRS: Minor Body, Paint & Hail Damage. Stone Chips & Polish. Poly Rubberise. Smash & G r a b Ti n t . P a i n t Protect Film. Neels 013 235 2721/ 082 334 3596


LY D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels,

CHALETS B & B ACCOMODATION: Coffee shop, chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758


ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843


G E K A P T E vuurmaakhout. 083 PERSON TO drill and 345 2091 install curtains & w o o d w o r k L y d e n b u r g TROETELDIERE/ Upholsterers. PETS Contact 076 374 5867 LY D E N B U R G GESOEK OM opgelei HONDESALON te word as finansiele 072 320 9203. adviseurs by Ou . Mutual. Skakel Frans PETS CORNER 083 230 2830 013 235 2658 BESIGHEID TE KOOP/ BUSINESS FOR SALE UITVERHUURINGS besigheid te koop. Kontact 082 751 0432 EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 3 SLK HUIS te huur vanaf 1 Mei. 082 786 1651 LYDENBURG - 3 bedroom house. 083 778 6499 3SLK meenthuis in gesogte veiligheidskompleks. 2 badk, 1 garage, 1 afdak, toegeboude braai. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2012. R7000 pm. 079 887 36 98 LOSIES/ LODGING L O S I E S LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION KLITSGRAS


AGENTS required, strictly commission o n l y. E x c e l l e n t commission paid. To work in Burgersfort Trust area. Contact Lukas 013 231 7578 KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • N G M o e d e r g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0

midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El Shaddai Rensburgstr.41,Lyde nburg.Woe.19:00Bid uur,Vry.19:00jeug. Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 . Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t .

TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel

Sondagoggende 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, e r e d i e n s 11 : 0 0 . Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk B u r g e r s f o r t ( L a e r s k o o l Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 808

5604. • Lewende Wa t e r s P i n k s t e r Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by W e n a k k e r , K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.

BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.

Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277


Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str


39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429

DR. KING OF STARS LYDENBURG Consultation fee R50 People of 55yrs and older get free consultation! Come see your enemy through water. Some of the diseases & problems which can be helped are: • Bring back lost lover • Promotion at work • Penis enlargement • Court cases • Selling of properties quickly • Kidney stones & diabetes • Remove bad luck/ and get good luck • Asthma • Low / high blood pressure • Business empowerment • Financial problems • Claiming for money? 5 days get it Find doctor at 37 De Clerq Street, next to Autozone “Be happy for the rest of your life”072 087 2386

Notices & Vacancies

19 April 2012


Steelpoort Akademie in die nuus Op 12 April het Steelpoort Akademie hulle redenaarsaand gehad. Dit was ‘n baie suksesvolle aand. Dankie aan al die organiseerders, beoordelaars en die deelnemers. Julle het julle goed van julle taak gekwyt. Die uitblinkers was van links na regs: Chris-Marie Ebersohn, Monique Language, Kganya Maapea en Xerto Labushagne.

Links: Elana Pieterse van Vriend in Nood en Hoof Anton Alberts. Steelpoort Akademie het weer hande gevat en hulle bydrae tot die gemeenskap gemaak deur niebederfbare kos, komberse en geld in te samel vir Vriend in Nood om aan die minder bevoorregtes te gaan uitdeel. Dankie vir elkeen se bydrae, ons glo dat ons die lewe vir ‘n paar mense gaan makliker maak.

Business Managers required for furniture retailer


Location: Burgersfort Relevant qualification / experience is neccessary. Email: jackieg@jdg.co.za Fax CV of not more than 4 pages to: 086 214 0476 Closing Date: 26 April 2012

CASH & CARRY Vacancy for a cashier. Should be computer literate. Minimum 3 years work experience.

If you have not heard from us within 1 week of the closing date, please accept your application was not successful.

Fax CV to: 013 235 2145

Regs: Monique Language het die Emerald Eksamen in Akrobate afgelê en ‘n wonderlike 94% behaal. Baie geluk! Tiaan Havenga is gekies vir die O/12 Mpumalanga Hokkiespan. Baie geluk Tiaan, ons is trots op jou!

We live pies for you! Vacancy Production Administrator Requirements: • Grade 12 / Matric • Good people skills • Advanced computer skills, especially Excel • English & Afrikaans - speak and write • Resident in Lydenburg area • Experience in HACCP and ISO systems

Closing Date: 23 April 2012 Forward CV’s to the HR Manager: Natasha Joubert E-mail: admin@stpie.co.za or deliver to Saint Pie, 36 Breytenbach St, Lydenburg Saint Pie is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Qualified Artisans required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Middelburg / Balfour / Musina AUTO ELECTRICIAN (Musina / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Auto Electrician Trade Test Experience Required: •2 years experience on Trackless Earth moving equipment such as: Drill rigs, Roofbolters, LHD etc BELTSMAN (Lydenburg area) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Fitter/Boilermaker Trade Test • Splicing course will be advantageous Experience Required: • Minimum 2 years beltsman experience • Splicing experience DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING (Musina/ Witbank/ Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel Mechanic/ Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump Trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. FITTER (Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Conveyor belt maintenance • Vibrating Feeders & Tips • Chairlifts TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in repairing and rebuilding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience required: • 2 years experience • VSD Drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and low voltage • Mini substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralised blasting system BOILERMAKER (Lydenburg / Steelpoort/ Witbank) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Boilermaker Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Experience on Shoots, Tips & Hoppers • Conveyor belt maintenance and installation RIGGER ( Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Rigger Trade Test Employment subject to Medical Fitness Certificate passed and Trade Test Certificate verification

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19 April 2012

The Sasol Rally takes place this weekend BIG entry for Sasol Rally includes competitors from Africa. The Sasol Rally, round two of the South African and FIA African Rally Championships, has attracted a big entry of 45 competitors including teams from Zimbabwe and Ruwanda. The rally, which will be held over a route of some 200 kilometres consisting of 14 timed special stages in the forests around the Mpumalanga Lowveld towns of Sabie, Graskop, White River and Nelspruit, starts in Sabie on Friday, April 20 and ends in Nelspruit on Saturday, April 21. Heading the South African entry and the teams competing in the top S2000 class for twolitre four-wheel drive cars are current championship leaders Mark Cronje and Robin Houghton in a privateer Sasol Ford Fiesta. They have 25 points after their victory in the opening round in KwaZulu-Natal four weeks ago. Second with 21 points is the factory Castrol Team Toyota pair of Johnny Gemmell and Carolyn Swan, who finished 39 seconds behind the winners. Charl Wilken and Greg Godrich (Basil Read Ford Fiesta) are third with 19 points, two ahead of new team-mates and former champions Jan Habig and Robert Paisley, who were an impressive fourth overall in KZN in their debut in the left-hand drive Ford after switching from the factory Volkswagen team. Highest placed of the three factory BP Volkswagen Polo crews after the opening round of the championship are former champions Enzo Kuun and Guy Hodgson, who are fifth overall and a single point behind their former team-mates. Sixth are VW's new international pairing of Holland's Hans Weijs Jnr and Belgian Bjorn Degandt in the third Polo, who enjoyed a successful South African debut in KZN. Completing the top 10 in the points and in the order in which they finished the Total Rally are Jean-Pierre Damseaux and Grant Martin in a Team Total Toyota Auris (7th with 14 points), Mohammed Moosa and Andre Vermeulen in a Team Total Toyota Auris (8th with 13 points), Jon Williams and Cobus Vrey in a Sasol Ford Fiesta (9th with 12 points) and Wilro Dippenaar and Morne du Toit in a PZN Panelbeaters Toyota RunX (10th and leading the new S2000 Challenge for earlier spec cars, with 10 points). Also in contention in the S2000 Challenge, which has attracted an entry of five cars, will be Gugu Zulu and Carl Peskin, who were second in the Challenge in the opening round in a factory BP VW Polo, up-and-coming youngster Henk Lategan and Barry White, who rolled their Q8 Oils VW Polo on the Total Rally, and two newcomers to the class, Werner Koekemoer and Etienne Lourens (Toyota RunX) and Mpumalanga Lowveld brothers Joos and Danie Stassen, who will be hoping to put local knowledge to good use in a Lidwala Subaru STi. Contesting the second round of the FIA African Rally Championship are Giancarlo Davite and Sylvia Vindevogel of Ruwanda in a Subaru Impreza WRX and Zimbabwe's Mohammed Essa and Greg Stead in another Subaru WRX. Several of the crews contesting the SA championship will also be competing for ARC points, including Cronje/Houghton, Wilken/Godrich, Williams/Vrey, Habig/Paisley, Stassen/Stassen and Sebastiaan Klaassen/Cindi Harding (Monster Ford Fiesta). Non-finishers on the Total Rally but by no means out of contention in the eight-round

20 championship (competitors may drop their worst score at the end of the season) include former champions Hergen Fekken and Pierre Arries (BP VW Polo), who showed good pace on the Total Rally and led after the first day before their brand new car was sidelined with electrical problems, and Leeroy Poulter/Elvene Coetzee, twice winners last year in a Castrol Team Toyota Auris. They will be in a newly-built car after their Toyota caught fire and burnt out on the opening stage of last month's event. Former champion Craig Trott and co-driver Robbie Coetzee (Team Total Toyota RunX) lead the Two Wheel Drive Championship for S1600 cars after the first round with 25 points. Second with 21 points are Matthew Vacy-Lyle and Schalk van Heerden (Yato Tools Toyota RunX), who were runners-up in the Total Rally. Two points back in third place are Murray Lloyd and Ralph Lehman (MLC Computer Solutions VW Polo), with rookie Nic van der Westhuizen and the experienced Henry Dearlove Jnr (SA Earthworks Ford Fiesta) fourth on 17 points and Megan Verlaque and Hilton Auffray (BP VW Polo) fifth on 16 points. There are several potential class winners among the S1600 crews who failed to finish the Total Rally, including Ashley Haigh-Smith (Castrol Ford Fiesta) and new co-driver Craig Parry, Clint Weston and Herman Groenewald (Reef Tankers Citroen C2), Tjaart Conradie and Kes Naidoo (Galvadip Toyota Auris) and Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle (Yato Tools Toyota RunX). Making his national championship rally debut in a well-supported S20 class (for cars that don't comply with S2000 or S1600 regulations) is 15-year-old Richard Leeke III, son of multiple former SA rally and off road champion co-driver Richard Leeke II. The youngest driver in the rally, he and co-driver Pierre Jordaan will be in a Toyota Tazz in which they have been impressing in regional events. The 21st Sasol Rally starts in Sabie at 10:00 on Friday, April 20 and ends at the Lowveld Showgrounds in Nelspruit on Saturday afternoon. Saturday's action starts in Nelspruit at 07:45 Charmaine Fortune

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