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Nuus / News
3 Mei /May 2012
VERKEER in Lydenburg op die hoek van De Beer- en Viljoenstrate het Vrydag amper tot stilstand gekom toe ’n motorfietsryer en ’n motor in ’n botsing betrokke was. Almal is in ’n bestendige toestand. Dit was ’n riem onder die hart om te sien hoe vinnig almal hand bygesit het om die motorfietsryer behulpsaam te wees. Volgens omstanders moes die beseerde meer as ’n uur wag vir die ambulans. Dankie aan almal wat hand bygesit het. Foto Michelle Boshoff.
Tel: 013 235 4825 Faks: 086 562 7990 (LYDENBURG) e-pos: accounts@reaksie.com
• Alar ms • Monitering • Gewapende Reaksie • Elektriese Omheining
Mei/ 8/ May 2012 8 Julie 32010 July 2010
Nuus / News
Fotokompetisie neem deel en wen Lieneke du Toit (15jr), Entheos Christen Skool het hierdie foto geneem op Rinvendell Plaas buite Lydenburg. Stuur inskrywings na michelleboshoff@yahoo.com of Michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za Die kompetisie word jaarliks geborg deur Highlands Panorama Nuus, Longtom SuperSPAR, PNA en Konica Photo Express.
Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum
The window to the world can be covered by a newspaper. ~ Stanislaw Lec.
Vodashop Centre Lydenburg
Rubrieke / Columns
12 April 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Flip Viljoen was een van die Groot Vyf
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
p 10 of 11-jarige ouderdom het ek al gehoor ek't 'n goeie algemene kennis. Al dink ek die kinders het eintlik bedoel 'n wysneus en nie eers mooi geweet wat is algemene kennis nie. Tog 'n mooi woord nê. Dis iets wat almal behoort te hê. Daarom word dit beskou as baie algemeen. Tog wil dit voorkom of die algemeenheid daarvan verskil van persoon tot persoon. Seker omdat elke mens verskillende belangstellings het. Algemene kennis. Dis die antwoord op bogenoemde relaas. Maar ek wonder nou eintlik… wat is eintlik algemeen? Ek het oor hierdie punt begin wonder nadat iemand my gevra het of daar 'meer as een regering in Suid-Afrika is?' Die antwoord: 'Ja natuurlik. 'n Nasionale-, provinsiale- en plaaslike regering. Dis mos algemene kennis.' Die persoon was ongelukkig oor die opmerking, wat gelyk het of ek dink sy's dom. Daarom het ek gewonder, is Suid-Afrika se politieke struktuur werklik algemene kennis? Want as die persoon glad nie daarin belangstel nie, sal dit mos nie algemeen wees nie. In 'n gesprek verwys ek die ander dag na die Nasionale Ordes wat deur die president toegeken is by die Uniegeboue. 'Wat is die Uniegebou?,' word ek afgevra. Ek sluk eers na asem voordat ek amper hooghartig antwoord: "Dis die uitvoerende regeringsetel van Suid-Afrika en die President se kantore is daar. O ja, antwoord ek uit die vuis: die argitek was sir Herbert Baker.' Ek voel toe dadelik sleg… soos 'n regte wysneus. Met dié besef ek toe dat inligting wat vir my dalk algemeen is nie dieselfde vir haar nie.
Flip Viljoen is na ’n kort siekbed op 25 April 2012 oorlede. Hy laat sy vrou Antjie, twee dogters, Anita, Noemie, Antonie van Rooyen (skoonseun), vier kleinkinders en twee agterkleinkinders agter. H y h e t b e g i n b y T PA Natuurbewaring op Ermelo as Distriksdiens Natuurbewaarder in 1970. Vanaf Ermelo is hy met bevordering verplaas na Hans Merensky Natuurreservaat naby die Eiland. Daarna is hy verplaas na Klaserie en toe na S w a r t r u g g e n s . Va n a f Swartruggens is hy verplaas na die streekshoofkantoor op Nelspruit, met 'n streek onder sy bevel. Vanaf Nelspruit is hy verplaas as Beampte in Bevel v a n S t e r k s p r u i t Natuurreservaat, naby Lydenburg. Hy het Ohrigstaddam en Verlorenvallei Natuurreservate vanaf Sterkspruit bestuur. Flip het die Rooikat voetslaanpad by Sterkspruit ontwikkel. Hy was die eerste persoon wat die
“Dié Kerk soek en wil nie gee”
Gelukkig weet ek wat ek weet, wysneus of nie nê.
2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Lord, help us to remain true to you in these difficult times.
Eerste ronde vir die mense IN die Gautengse hof is verlede Woensdag bevind dat die groep wat teen die e-Tol stelsel gekant is, se saak ernstig genoeg is om gehoor te word. Dit beteken nie dat die e-Tol stelsel afgeskaf gaan word nie, maar minstens het die mense ’n reg om gehoor te word. Die stelsel is deur die regering, Sanral en hulle oorsese vennote gestoomroller. Met persoonlike belange en
Wyle mnr. Flip Viljoen. uitheemse wattelbome suksesvol vanaf Sterkspruit tot by Lydenburg Dorpsdam uitgeroei het. Hy is aangewys as Beampte van die Jaar en het in 1992 ’n sertifikaat ontvang ter erkenning en as blyk van waardering vir 30 jaar ononderbroke volgehoue, bevredigende en toegewyde diens in die Staatsdiens van die Republiek van Suid Afrika. Buks Neethling, ’n jare lange vriend, noem dat hy baie by hom geleer het en sy wyshede en gesegdes altyd onthou. Anton Herbst, ’n vriend, het gesê hy was baie bevoorreg om
Flip as ’n vriend te gehad het. Frik Rousseau en Blackie Swart, wat 30 jaar met Flip vriende was, noem dat Flip hulle mentor en ’n tweede pa was. Sy skerp insig was vir almal ’n inspirasie en motivering. Sy afsterwe laat ’n baie groot leemte. Hy het jare lank vir Lydenburg Rugbyklub, Walvisbaai en Ermelo se eerste spanne rugby gespeel. In 1960 is hy gekies vir die Noord Oostelike Transvaalse Rugby Subunie. In Ermelo het hy erekleure van die rugbyklub ontvang. Hy was vir jare lank ondervoorsitter van Lydenburg Rugbyklub. Antjie wil graag al die belangstellendes bedank vir hulle oproepe, boodskappe en besoeke. Sy wil graag die volgende persone in besonder bedank: Antonie van Rooyen en Noemie, wat vir ons ’n kruk in hierdie moeilike tyd was en vir al hulle reëlings en vervoer heen en weer. Anita, wat van Pongola af gekom het en by haar kom bly het.
Anoniem van Lydenburg skryf: Met groot onsteltenis, ergenis,en teleurstelling vir 'n sekere kerk in die dorp, wonder ek, of ons nog 'n kerk moet besoek!! Elke maand is hulle eerste by die gemeentelede vir die tiendes, sien, die predikant ens. moet betaal word!! Elke Sondag sit jy in die kerk en met die afkondigings word daar weereens gevra vir jou tiende!! Ek weet die Bybel se jy moet jou tiendes gee. Sover ek weet, as jy jou tiende gee, help dit ander mense in nood ook? Maar in die kerk, word daar gekritiseer op jou kleuters. Eers word hulle aanvaar in die kleuterkerk, dan word hulle skielik geweier. Dan word die 2 jarige nie toegelaat nie, omrede die kleinding nog op doeke is, maar elke Sondag word ander babas wat op doeke is toegelaat in die kleuterkerk. (O...terloops, wag nou nog dat die Dominee terug kom na ons). Vra jy die kerk vir hulp met kos, word jou huis deeglik deursoek met 'n neus in die lug houding, hoor hulle jy het meer as een kleintjie, word daar dadelik 'n houding getrek oor die klein huis of spasie. Dan word daar nogal gesê, AS JY DIE KERK OM HULP VRA, SAL ONS DIE WELSYN MOET BETREK!! Waarvoor is die kerk nou eintlik daar? Om die welsyn op jou te sit, omdat jy 'n bietjie sukkel!! Daar is niks fout met die huis nie, die kinders is mooi versorg en daar is beddens en klere!! In my tyd, as jy jou kerk gevra het om te help met kos, is ons elektrisiteit ook sommer deur hulle betaal. Nie eenkeer het die kerk kom inspeksie hou in my huis nie! Kos is afgelewer met baie liefde en deernis, en geen
biljoene rande ter sprake, asook kontrakte wat nou nie ongedaan gemaak kan word nie, staan baie mense te verloor uit hierdie skandaal. Ons as motorryers wil beter paaie hê en gee nie om om redelike tolgelde vir goeie paaie te betaal nie. Maar die kostestruktuur is buitensporig. Machadodorp op die N4 is die duurste tolhek in die land. Soveel so dat vragmotors op Belfast afdraai en deur Lydenburg oor die Longtompas Nelspruit en Mosambiek toe ry, om die tol vry te spring. Dit verwoes natuurlik ons plaaslike paaie en infrastruktuur. Kan jy dink wat nou van die ompaaie in Gauteng gaan word? Dit raak almal wat daar woon. Mense gaan gewoon deur die woonbuurtes ry om van die snelweë af te bly. En die koste van die skade gaan
houding nie!! Nog nooit het ons die kerk hier in Lydenburg gevra om ons te help nie, want dit het nog nooit so sleg gegaan nie. Noudat ons eenkeer se hulp vra, nou wil hulle die welsyn stuur na ons!! Jy wat gaan inspeksie hou het met jou neus in die lug houding, met jou snobisme...mag jy nooit, ooit sukkel nie, want dan gaan die welsyn by jou opdaag. En jammer....as dit is hoe mense optree in jou kerk, onttrek ek eerder heeltemal van die kerk.
Tobias Johannes Oosthuizen en Elmari Nanette Oosthuizen is op 3 Maart te Lydenburg in die AGS Kerk getroud deur past. Dries Strydom.
verreweg groter wees as wat die regering gedink het. Hulle gulsigheid het weereens tot ’n onwerkbare situasie gelei en nou moet ons die gelag betaal. En dit gaan jou hier in Lydenburg ook raak. Almal ry weekliks voorraad, onderdele en ons koerante vanaf Gauteng aan. Dit gaan ons almal kos. Ek, vir een, gaan nie die e-Tol ketoetertjie koop nie. Ek gaan ook nie ’n rekening betaal as ek hom ontvang nie. Hulle kan my hof toe vat. Hulle sal duisende rande moet uitgee om my vir ’n paar rand te vervolg. Dit is publieke ongehoorsaamheid. Ons is gatvol daarvoor om vir elke skelm wat met die regering besigheid doen se sakke te betaal. Ons het in die ou dae goeie paaie gebou en ’n spoorwegstelsel geskep wat vir niks skrik nie. Die ANC het alles opgemors en nou moet ons betaal! Nee, genoeg is genoeg! Hierdie keer steun ek Cosatu sonder skroom.
8 Julie3 Mei 2010/ /May 8 July 2010 2012
Nuus / News
Kruger Lowveld is busy with the production of the 2012 Kruger Lowveld tourism information and map brochure. This will be printed in a DL Z-Card format. These free (in other words “give away to visitors”) tourism brochures act as an appetizer and advisor for all visitors traveling in the Kruger Lowveld region. The one inner of the Z-Card brochure will contain generic tourist information a detailed map, interesting, relevant and
helpful tourism information (must see's and must do's), etc. The map would have all roads and interesting tourism sights / places marked for easy interpretation. This project is financed by Kruger Lowveld with the assistance of Ehlanzeni District Municipality, but we need advertising from individual products in order to showcase the diversity of the region. Thus, the other inner of the Z-Card brochure will have a limited selection of different individual
tourism products from the area. Help market our region by advertising as follows: Deadlines are very tight as we need to have this published and ready for distribution at Indaba 2012 (12 May – 15 May 2012!) Print Run: 50 000 Distribution: All info offices, strategic tourism sites, gateway points, attractions, hotels / lodges / guesthouses, restaurants, tour operators, activities operators – everywhere!! Duration: Approximately 6 months
Darem niks soos ’n lekker basaar nie
By Dullstroom se NG Kerkbasaar was Dok en Anita Olivier, van Dullstroom se oudste inwoners. (Foto: Gerda Whitehorn).
Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
Cost per ad: R2280 (incl VAT) – with an option to pay over three (3) months – installment 1 @ R1 000, installment 2 and 3 @ R640 Cost / ad / Z-Card: 4,56 cents per ad per Z-Card Not only is this an opportunity to advertise your own product, but also an opportunity to make your contribution to regional marketing efforts of Kruger Lowveld. As you all know, without the private sector, there would be no marketing of the region so I urge you to come on board and support the Kruger Lowveld tourism information and map brochure. Contact Liza Sheard: 083 247 9732.
until 12 May 2012 Valid
& many more instore specials!
3 Mei / May 2012
Nuus / News
Trouklokkies lui Career day at Thaba Chweu Municipality Michelle Boshoff
Manie en Elsie Veldsman se huweliksbevestiging en onthaal is op 21April by Lodge Laske Nakke gehou. Veels geluk aan die egpaar met hul troue.
Learners from the surrounding areas flocked to the Lydenburg municipal buildings on Tuesday to attend the Career Day at the Thaba C h w e u M u n i c i p a l i t y. It was well attended by a lot of learners, companies, teachers and people who want to make a difference in the future of the youth.
LA hier kom Michael
Micheal Sachse het uitstekend gevaar in die SA Performance Arts Championships en het na die volgende rondte in Los Angeles deurgedring.
Tydens die junior redenaarsaand op 11 April 2012 het die leerders van Laerskool Lydenburg geskitter met hul goed voorbereide onderwerpe van bespreking. Die algehele wenner was Gabriella vd Merwe. Die wenners van elke graad was Handré Marx en Mia Steenkamp - graad 1, Conrad Breitenbach en Lisa Ingwersen – graad 2, Fanie Erasmus en Gabriella vd Merwe – graad 3 Links agter:Gabriella vd Merwe, Mia Steenkamp, Lisa Ingwersen, Links voor: Conrad Breitenbach en Abigajil Wilson
Leerders presteer
Links agter: Armand Aucamp, Jonél du Toit, Jan-Paul van der Linde, Alicha Joubert, Chenel Senekal, Reinhardt Viljoen, Ronen Burger, Jana Ingwersen; Links voor: Leon Nieuwenhuizen, Tacita Black, Shene Stassen en Tiaan Brits
Geluk aan die senior leerders van die Laerskool Lydenburg wat op 12 April hul praatjies vir ons gelewer het. Die redenaarwenners van elke graad is Reinhardt Viljoen en Chenel Senekal - gr. 4, Tiaan Brits en Shene Stassen - gr. 5 Armand Aucamp en Jonél du Toit - gr. 6 Jan-Paul van der Linde en Alicha Joubert - gr. 7 Die algehele wenner van gr. 4 en 5 is Chenel Senekal en gr. 6 en 7 Jan-Paul van der Linde. Leon Nieuwenhuizen en Jonél du Toit, Armand Aucamp, Chenel Senekal, Tiaan Brits, Ronen Burger, Reinhardt Viljoen, Jana Ingwersen, Jan-Paul van der Linde, Alicha Joubert en Tacita Black het op 19 April 2012 aan die ATKV redenaars se eerste rondte deelgeneem.
Ricky Faber op die planke ten bate van AmaWheelies ’n Spoggerige Afrikaanse sanger Ricky Faber kom Lydenburg toe op 12 Mei. Kom luister en bring jou vriende. Google en luister na Ricky op http://youtu.be/h6GG_BydZnY Datum Saturdag, 12 Mei Tyd 19:00 – tot laat Plek Hoerskool Lydenburg Kaartjies is beskikbaar @ R 75 p/p en skoolkinders R30 Kaartjies kan gekoop word by: Ama Wheelies 079 875 5040 of kom koop Kaartjies Saterdae oggende voor Spar. Skakel 083 276 1569 / 073 693 3697 Fondse ten bate van Ama Wheelies. Die aand beloof om ’n reuse sukses te wees met die aand wat deels geborg word deur, en ons bedank: Longtom Spar, Bilnor Labour, Hoërskool Lydenburg, Longtom Gastehuis, Samancor Eastern Chrome
Barry Botes Tel 079 875 5040; barry@amawheelies.co.za See our web page - www.amawheelies.co.za
Nuus / News
8 3Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010 Mei / May 2012
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Tel: 013 231 7702 Fax: 013 231 7158
3 Mei / May 2012
Hairy Fairy did the Funky Friday last week. From left to right: Nadia Kruger, Dories Masilela, Monique Smit.
013 235 1331 082 854 4768
Julie: 013 235 1828
Vir alle inligting & besprekings
Nuus/ News
Bernina Lydenburg het 'n naaimasjien geborg vir die fondsinsameling vir ’n kind se operasie om sy haaslippie te herstel. Susan Janse van Rensburg van Dullstroom was die gelukkige wenner van die pragtige naaimasjien. Van links: Susan Janse van Rensburg (wenner) en Petro Botha (eienaar van Bernina)
Nuus/ News
3 Mei / May 2012
Die doel van hierdie kolom is om meer te leer van die omgewing waarin ons leef. Vreemde indringers. BAIE vreemde diere en plante word wêreldwyd inen uitgevoer vanaf die oorspronklike omgewing. Die in- en uitvoer van hierdie spesies veroorsaak groot probleme in omgewings waar dit nie hoort nie. Die troeteldiermark is een van die grootste oorsake van die probleem. Finansieel is dit ook tot waarde van individue se bankrekenings. Wetgewing is ook nie altyd voldoende om die problem te kontroleer nie, om ’n paar te noem. Maar die impak wat dit op die omgewing, of op sekere inheemse spesies het, word min genoem, of ondersoek. In die South African Journal of Science word hierdie onderwerp bespreek. Die grootste verskuilde probleem is die moontlike verspreiding van spesie spesifieke oordraagbare siektes. Alhoewel min inligting hieroor beskikbaar is, is die artikel in Beeld, van Woendag 21 Mei, 2003 uiters skokkend. Dit vertel van die swam (chytrid – fungus) wat deur platannas, in die dertigerjare, oorgedra was na Australie, waar hierdie
gebruik was vir swangerskap toetse op vroue. Die swam het ses paddaspesies totaal uitgewis! Dit versprei ook teen ’n tempo van 100 km per jaar, en saai ook verwoesting onder paddas in die VSA en Europa. Die probleem van uitheemse spesies word ook genoem in die artikel “Attack of the Alien Invaders” deur Susan McGrath, Inside Edition vanuit die National Geographic magazine. In Suid Afrika word groot hoeveelhede uitheemse reptiele ook ingevoer, of self plaaslik geteel, vir die troeteldiermark. Tog word die toekomstige gevare misgekyk of selfs verbloem. Inheemse spesies word ook in groot getalle uitgevoer na ’n vreemde omgewing. (Species previously listed as reptiles of concern, now prohibited in Florida) wat ons inheemse herpetofauna se voortbestaan bedreig. In die artikel word die Suid Afrikaanse luislang Phyton natalensis as verbode genoem. Eienaars het nie altyd die biologiese kennis van die reptiele nie, en probleme kan so ontstaan. Hierdie reptiele kan
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Tile Direct in conjunction with TAL, Johnson Tiles and Tile Floor Care, will be hosting a free full day interactive workshop for all contractors & tilers.
In this workshop you will learn: • The correct floor surface preparation • How to select the correct tile adhesives • Sealing of joints and eliminating differential movement • Common causes of tile failure • How to select the correct surface preparation products, adhesives additives, and grouts, waterproofing, screeding and repair compounds • Maintenance & cleaning of tiles
Who should attend? All contractors, a representative from TAL, Johnson Tiles and Tile & Floor Care will be on hand to answer any of your tiling questions. There will also be a lucky draw as well as other consolation prizes. Please register for catering and planning purposes on 013 235 1233 TAL has a track record of over 35 years in the industry, with over 280 million square metres of tiles successfully fixed with TAL adhesives, proving it to be market leader in Quality, Service and Technology. TAL offers an effective range of tiling products suitable for any tiling application. TAL’s extensive range not only covers adhesives for any type of ceramic, porcelain or natural stone tile, but also includes a range of products for the preparation of floors before the installation of soft floor coverings, including primers, additives, patching and repair compounds, screeds and self-levelling screeds, and fixatives, as well as waterproofing compounds that are specially formulated so that they can be tiled directly onto. TAL register and 10 year warranty on workmanship.
Mon - Fri : 08:00 - 17:00 Sa: 08:00 - 13:00
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ontsnap, of word iewers in die veld gelos, met ’n nadelige effek op inheemse herpetofauna. Baie van hierdie reptiele is uiters giftig, en min teengif is teen ’n buitesporige prys, of dalk glad nie, beskikbaar nie. So is in die verlede 6 uitheemse reptiele in Lydenburg omgewing deur hanteerders verwyder, waaronder een ’n Ratelslang was ! Daar is ook ’n artikel waar ’n Burmese Luislang ’n baba doodgedruk het in haar slaap. (Couple convicted after pet python kills toddler. Inside Edition) deur dieselfde skrywer. Die Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biological Diversity (DEAT ) is tans besig met ’n navorsingsveldtog om die impak van genoemde indringer spesies te ondersoek. Hierdie verslag is tans op die internet beskikbaar. Uitheemse reptiele en ander diere is maklik verkrygbaar by troeteldierwinkels in Suid Afrika. Tog word ’n dringende beroep op kopers gedoen om eers navraag te doen oor hierdie spesies, voordat dit aangekoop word. ~ Neels Bothma
Calvin College received the Lion's Share CALVIN College collected most of the Tubatse Circuit academic awards for the 2011 Matriculation results. The award ceremony was held at Batubatse Primary School on Friday, the 20th of April 2011. The Tubatse Circuit Manager, Mr. Lingwati, presented the awards. The overall top learner in the Circuit, Rampedi Tshidi Letty, was from Calvin College. She was also the top learner in the Circuit in Business Studies and Economics. Other learners from Calvin College, who were top in the Circuit in the different subjects were; Magabane Itumeleng Evidence (Afrikaans), Nkoane Mmamphuthego Khutso (Afrikaans), Phasha Boitumelo Shocky (English First Additional Language and Sepedi Home Language), Mokwena Tebogo Rosah (Mathematics and Life Sciences), Mogowane Moemedi Magaelane (Accounting) and Noor Mahomed Safiya (Computer Aplication Technology). A total of 8 Calvin College Educators also received awards for being top in the overall school pass rate in the different subjects in the whole circuit. These were Mrs. C. Louw (Afrikaans), Mr.Itayi. Nyakudya (English Home Language), Mr. R. Bakare (English First Additional Language), Mr. T. Chinyadzero (Mathematics), Mr. J. Mathabatha (Maths Literacy), Mr. S. M a b o k w a n e (Accounting) and Mrs. T. C h i p u n z a ( C o m p u t e r A p p l i c a t i o n Technology).
Mrs T. Chipunza
M. S. Mabokwane
Mr B. Mbindoa
Mr Itayi Nyakudya
Mr J. Mathabatha
Nuus / News
3 Mei / May 2012
Mr R. Bakare
Mrs C. Louw
Akademiese Presteerders – Zinkwazi Strand: Die akademiese presteerders van Graad 8, 9, 10 en 11 van 2011 word beloon vir hulle harde werk. Die toergroep vertrek na Zinkwazi-strand vir 'n opvoedkundige toer, wat ook met heelwat pret gepaard gaan. Die Top 5- presteerders van elke graad word vergesel deur mnr. en me. Loots. Akademie bly tops by Hoërskool Lydenburg!
Van links na regs, voor: Lisma Janse van Rensburg (85.5%); Lynette Erasmus (82.1%); Thakgalo Mohlala (82.2%); agter: Van links na regs, voor: Monique Venter (88.1%); Anja Stephan van der Walt (82.1%); Esmarie Patterson (81.9%); Kamilla Venter (79.5%); (agter): Riaan Hiemstra (84.5%); Daniel Coetzer (83.1%) Nieuwoudt (80.7%; Nick Steyn (79.7%)
Graad 8 leerders van die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Van links, voor: Mignon Black (95.6%); Jana Swanepoel (91.6%); agter: Denise Groenewald (90.7%); Marguerite Neethling (90.2%); Emmie Mnisi (89.9%).
Graad 9 leerders, van links na regs, voor: AlDez Janse van Rensburg (94.3%); Refilwe Letshelea (93%); (agter): Elrike van der Linde (94.3%); Francois Winterbach (92.6%); Nadia Viljoen (92.4%)
Mr T. Chinyadzero
Noor Mahomed Safiya
Nkoane Mmaphuthego Khutso
Magababe Itumeleng Evidence
Mogowane Moemedi Magaelane
Mokwena Tebogo Rosah
Top awards for Matric Results at Calvin College CMR verteenwoordigers: Mee. Lydia Kruger; Ethresia van Staden; VLR voorsitter Yvonne Nel en die Graad 11 en 12 verteenwoordigers van LHS
These learners from Calvin College received top Tubatse Circuit academic awards for the 2011 Matric results. The ceremony was held at Batubatse Primary School on Friday, the 20th of April 2012. Phasha Boitumelo Shocky
Rampedi Tshidi Letty
Hierdie varkhond het verlore geraak 22 April naby Bergstraat, Lydenburg. Hy behoort aan Adriaan Knoesen se seuntjie en dié is stukkend oor sy hondjie wat weg is. Die hondjie se naam is Bakkies. Indien iemand hom gesien het of opgetel het, sal hulle groot asseblief vir Adriaan bel op 082 766 2808. Hy reageer op die naam Bakkies.
Nuus / News
3 Mei / May 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Hou op sukkel met jou noodwiel EK staan nou die dag by Westvaal Mashishing met Dawid Boshoff en Kobus Joubert en gesels. Kobus wys my toe ’n toestelletjie wat bestaan uit twee Schrader kleppies (male & female) met ’n pypie wat hulle verbind, wat hy iewers in Namibië gekoop het. Die toestelletjie skroef by jou spaarwiel onder die bakkie in (female kleppie met ’n 90 grade elmbogie) en die ander kant word agter op die buffer of bakwerk monteer. Party ouens lei dié punt (male kleppie) na die binnekant van die brandstof hervul flap, lang die petrol hervul pyp. Die doel is om jou toe te laat om jou spaarwiel se druk na te gaan en / of dit op te pomp, sonder om deur die hele proses van die wiel af te katrol om by die kleppie uit te kom, te gaan. Hoeveel ouens besit ’n SUV of dubbelkajuit bakkie, pak dit vir vakansie en wanneer jy wiele nagaan, is daar nie ’n manier om by die spaarwiel uit te kom, sonder om af te pak nie. Die gevolg - los maar die spaarwiel en hoop vir die beste. Wanneer jy dan wel eendag die noodwiel wil gebruik, is hy of pap of onder te min druk. Met ons Corsa by die werk ry ons al twee jaar met ’n stukkende bakknip (tailgate latch) en onthou toe eers jy kan net by die spaarwiel se katrol uitkom as die bakklap oop is. Dit is om te verhoed dat iemand jou spaarwiel steel. Dieselfde geld vir alle motors met sy spaarwiel onder die bak se vloer. As hy gepak is, vergeet van gou jou spaarwiel nagaan. Kobus se toestelletjie is net die antwoord vir hierdie probleem. Ek kuier toe by elke bandehandelaar en niemand het so iets nie. Jy kan die kleppies los kry en self ’n pypie met klampies laat opmaak, maar dit kos ’n bietjie moeite. Ek klim toe op maar op die Internet. ’n Maatskappy in Johannesburg kan kompleet pypies lewer teen tussen R 130 en R 150 per toestelletjie. Ram (waaierbande en rubberpype vir motorvoertuie) maak een genaamd “Spare Wheel Ready” en dit is in Lydenburg plaaslik te koop by Autozone. Ek het sy voorraad van drie geneem. Praat met Pottie, wat vir jou sal bestel. Ek soek self nog ’n hele paar. Ek het gedurende die naweek een op die Isuzu en een op die Corsa bakkie monteer. Maar ek gaan ook op die werk se Corsa’s, ma, boetie en sussie se motors, my Venter waentjie, die woonwa en die bossleepwa hiervan monteer. Ek is moeg gesukkel en wil nou die probleem oplos. Die werk verbonde aan die installasie is pynloos, vinnig en maklik. Laat jou noodwiel sak, haal dit uit die houer en gebruik die geleentheid om die wiel en houer skoon te maak. Skroef nou die “female” kleppie met die elmbogie op jou noodwiel se kleppie vas. Kyk waar die “male” kleppie moet uitkom en maak seker die pypie sal lank genoeg wees as jy die noodwiel weer moet laat sak. Maak seker die pypie sal nie knyp as jy die wiel ophys nie. Boor nou ’n gaatjie net groter as die kleppie en ryg die kleppie daardeur en draai vas. Gaan na vir lekke en pomp die noodwiel. Andre Coetzee
Op die Corsa kom die pypie mooi in die hoekie langs die nommerplaat uit (foto’s bo en links) Onthou op Corsa moet jy die sluitbare bakknip eers oopmaak en die bakklap laat sak, voor jy by die skroef uitkom waarmee jy die noodwiel kan laat sak (foto onder) Maak dus seker jou bakknip werk!
3 Mei / May 2012
Nuus / News
Local assembly makes Spark now even better Value for money CHEVROLET’s spunky little Spark hatchback is now being built in South Africa and to celebrate General Motors SA has slashed prices.
vehicles. “The first phase was the introduction of the Chev Utility late in 2011, the third will be the introduction of a new Isuzu light commercial in 2013.” The cost savings have, Gauld says, been achieved without compromise to specification (except for the alloy rims, of course). “The Spark is a now, more than ever, a serious contender on value-formoney specification in the entry level segment. Couple this with classleading safety specification, including anti-lock brakes and front airbags on all models - and the Spark emerges clearly ahead of the opposition.” The new prices structure applied from April 26 2012. Wheels24.co.za
GM describes it as “a price realignment” but the bottom line is that the new price for the entry-level model Spark 1.2L is now R107 500 including VAT – a cut of seven percent from the previous R114 500. You can add a “sports bumper” and 15” alloy rims for an extra R3000. Malcolm Gauld, GMSA’s sales and marketing boss, said: “There is even better news for those who want to go a bit upmarket. The Spark LS (with aircon, power windows and mirrors and other extra features) will now sell for R116 500 (from the previous R128 945), a saving of 9.7% (or R12 445) over the imported model. “This makes the Spark a serious contender in the entry level market and an excellent value proposition.” However, the imported LS already had alloy rims – you want them now you’ll pay R1500 extra, so the actual saving is R10 945 – still a substantial discount. The car was launched in 2010 The units will be assembled at the GM plant in Port Elizabeth. Gauld added: “The first locally produced Sparks mark the completion of phase two of a three-phase major investment at our plant that will bring GMSA fully into line with the government’s Automotive Production Development Plan with a targeted annual local production of 50 000
e-Tol op hou DIE kontroversiële Gautengse e-Tol stelsel is op hou, nadat verskeie beswaarde drukgroepe se saak laasweek in die Hooggeregshof voorgekom het. Die beslissing is egter nie die einde van die storie nie, aangesien dit slegs daarop gemik is om alle rekords openbaar te maak en na te gaan. Die storie is egter deurspek met ’n knoeiery, gebrekkige deursigtigheid, ’n gebrek aan konsultasie en geen deursigtigheid. Dit kom nou ook uit dat van die Sweedse maatskappye betrokke, ook betrokke kon wees by die wapenskandaal. Al hierdie dinge lyk soos die tippie van die ysberg en kan tot nog ’n reuse skandaal lei. Interessant is dat Sanral toegelaat word om astronomiese tolgelde te hef op byvoorbeeld die N4, waar die Machado en Malelane tolhekke van die duurste in die land is en niemand hieroor beswaar maak nie. Hier kom nog groot pret. Die belangrikste egter is dat publieke ongehoorsaamheid nou nuwe hoogtes bereik.
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Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg
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(013) 235-2961
3 Mei / May 2012
Exciting new concepts from Toyota THESE are Toyota's Dear Qin concepts, in hatch and booted format, on show this week at Auto China in Beijing. Take a long, hard look, and ignore the silly names, which probably mean something suitably aspirational in Mandarin. These two concepts point to the direction in which Toyota is taking its design language, so long derided by critics as bland and unexciting. They're also going to morph into a new global model, slated to hit the major markets as early as next year More importantly, they're built on a global architecture that will underpin not one but three new front wheel-drive platforms, eventually forming nearly half of Toyota's annual production. It's specifically tailored to have a lower centre of gravity than current offerings such as the Yaris and Aygo and will deliver “superb handling” (Toyota's words, not mine). Toyota isn't giving any nutsand-bolts details about the two concepts, which probably means they're not runners, but promises “emotional designs” with “bolder styling” on the generation of vehicles they will inspire. And that's something Toyota will need, to stand against the Korean onslaught. iol.motoring
HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113 Raymond Mmola: 072 860 9592 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: GERT VD BANK - 072 958 1065
Hyundai Lydenburg
3 Mei / May 2012
Another serious fuel price hike on the cards MOTORISTS are in for yet another petrol price hike as the department of said Hardien, adding that he expected non-essential travel such as weekend minerals and energy is expected to announce another double-digit rise this excursions to decrease. week. Gary Ronald, AA public affairs manager, said recently that there was merit in reIt's the fifth increase this year, during which the price has already rocketed beyond a examining the formula used to set the fuel price. Fewer trips to the mall and beaches record R11 per litre. The latest increase is expected to be about 21c a litre. In January, and even visiting her father in Fish Hoek less are a few ways in which Durbanville petrol cost about R10.31 a litre. Motorists at the coast now pay R11.59 a litre for 95 resident Frances Bailey manages to stay on the road despite escalating fuel hikes. For octane and R11.56 for 93 octane. 28-year-old Bailey, an office manager at Sumango, an internet marketing company, the daily trip into the city centre has increased from R800 a month to fill up her tank to Director-general Nelisiwe Magubane said: “The department will issue a statement R1 000 or more. She spends up to two hours in traffic to travel from her Durbanville next week Wednesday.” Avhapfani Tshifularo, executive director of the SA Petroleum home to work and back each day, but despite the ever-increasing petrol price she will Industry Association, said the basic fuel price was calculated according to a formula continue to commute by car. Bailey says she prefers the safety of her car to lift clubs or that provided an accurate estimate of what it would cost to import pre-refined fuel. The public transport. price of crude oil, which is the major input cost, is calculated in US dollars. This means that the rand-dollar exchange and the international crude oil cost are the main factors Where does the money go that consumers pay for petrol? determining local fuel prices. 1 Basic fuel price (58.2 percent): The BFP compensates the producers and importers “Of these two factors, the price of crude oil has the largest impact on the cost of petrol of fuel products. at the pumps. The average Brent Crude oil price has been unnaturally high (above 2 Government taxes and levies (25.7 percent): The levy contributing most to this $120 - R935 - for March and April). “This is largely as a result of market reaction to the percentage is the fuel levy which represents a tax paid at the pump on fuel political unrest in Libya, Syria and the Middle East which are major oil producing predominantly processed fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel. Also included in this is regions,” explained Tshifularo, who predicted the usual collateral impact associated the Road Accident Fund levy. The fund is a state insurer which provides insurance with a petrol hike, saying it would have an inflationary effect on other products. cover to all drivers of motor vehicles in SA in respect of liability incurred or damage Economist Mike Schussler said that not only would this add insult to injury to household budgets, but it would be bad for the country's economic performance as a whole. “Consider that consumer spending was up by 7.2 percent over the past year. Couple this with the fact that there was only a 2.4 percent growth in the manufacturing industry and that mining output is the lowest that it's been in 51 years. “It's clear that consumers have been driving the economy of late.” While the hike may prompt some to explore other means of everyday commuting, Cape Town economist Adenaan Hardien does not foresee a mass migration to public transport. “If we had a transport system on par with some European cities, then yes, but with the shortcomings in our current system, especially with safety and security concerns, people will rather keep their cars on the road and cut expenses elsewhere,”
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caused as a result of a traffic collision. 3 Wholesale margin (4.4 percent): This is paid to oil companies to compensate them for their marketing activities. 4 Service differential (1.8 percent): This component covers oil company depot operating costs and road delivery expenses (from depot to customer). 5 Transport cost (2.2 percent): This component includes the primary cost of moving fuel from coastal port locations to inland distribution centres, by pipeline, rail or road. 6 Dealer margin (7.7 percent): This is the margin that service station owners are permitted to add to the petrol price. Cape Argus & iol.motoring
Economy parts for older VW’s backed by Volkswagen THE trouble with running older vehicles is that inflation makes their parts more expensive while depreciation makes the cars less valuable - until you reach the point where a routine service can cast more than the car is worth. One way around that is to buy 'pirate' or non-original parts, but you don't know what kind of quality you're getting. Some may be considerably better than the parts the maker originally fitted, others are frankly dangerous. Which is the parts division of Volkswagen SA - in a classic case of “if you can’t beat them, join them” - has introduced its own range of aftermarket ‘pirate parts’ for models older than five years, calling them 'Economy Parts'. It's not a new idea - Economy Parts have been available in Germany and some other markets for a while - and now they're available in South Africa. VW Group parts manager Richard Longe explained: “Economy Parts are still made to Volkswagen quality standards; there's no compromise in the safety, performance and durability of the parts.
Comprehensive Warranty of 4yr/120 000km
“And the current range of parts will still be available should customers choose to fit them.” “What we have done is to simplify the design of some parts and use alternative materials for others, so that we can retail them at a lower price than the originals.
FIESTA 1.4 Ambiente 5 DOOR Comprehensive Warranty of 4yr/120 000km
“Economies of scale also contribute; the Economy Parts range covers fastmoving service items that are shared by many VW models. “The parts have all been through a rigorous testing programme to make sure they meet global VW standards, so franchised dealers, independent workshops and DIY customers can use them with peace of mind.” Currently available are brake pads, brake discs, batteries, shock absorbers, CV joints, wiper blades and spark plugs, although Longe says the range will expanded in the future. Iol.motoring
Nuus / News 03 November 2011
3 Mei / May 2012
15 Motoring
Eerste Kia Optima verkoop DIE eerste Kia Optima word in ontvangs geneem deur die Allers gesin. Mnr Pieter van der Mescht van Kia Motors Lydenburg oorhandig hier die sleutels aan hulle. Ons het verlede week hierdie pragmotor in die Highlands Panorama Nuus getoets. As u meer wil weet, kom haal gerus daardie uitawe van die koerant by ons kantore. Reinet Bell.
033 November 2011 Mei / May 2012
Motoring Properties / Eiendomme
"Avoid annoying phone calls from Estate Agents." "Save 1000s of Rand in commissions." "Don't pay commissions." "You can focus better on selling because it is the only home you need to sell." "You know your home best." Disappointingly, these are the best arguments put forward by those punting private selling as opposed to the use of estate agents. The question is whether these reasons are sufficiently compelling to send you into the thorny unknowns of Do It Yourself selling? In all fairness: Probably not. Perhaps consider the following eight valid reasons to use an estate agent to sell your property, before making your decision on whether to opt for private selling or not. Reason 1: Property is an Estate Agent's Area of Expertise The right estate agent will be qualified, experienced and have a track record to prove his or her ability. By appointing this person, you gain the services of an expert who will act in your best interests throughout the selling process - from the beginning to the end.
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE KOOP:
• Uitstekende Koop - 3 Slk woning met enkel badk, groot woonarea, tv/eetk, komb, onderdak braai, wask, 2slk w/stel, afdakke - R1,470 milj. • 2 Slk Dupleks meenthuis met erf, voltitel, koop vanaf plan. R860,000
Reason 2: Estate Agents take care of the marketing detail The estate agent takes care of the many small tasks associated with getting the word out there that your property is up for sale. This includes listing, photographing and advertising your property, as well as putting up boards and planning when to host show days at your house. Reason 3: Estate Agents can help you determine a price Advantages of using our services! Price guidance is a very important factor. For one, estate agents know what the market
• 3 Slk. woning met 600m² erf in sekuriteitskompleks, stylvol, modern, goeie area - R1,750 milj • 4 Slk. woning met groot erf, ruim vertrekke, 1 slk. w/stel, 3 motorhuise + 2 afdakke, ens. - R2 milj
• 3 Slk. ruim sitk, komb, eetk, 2 badk, 3 mot, pakkamer, baie netjiese erf, omhein, - R1,450 milj • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim sitk, eetk, komb, wask, 1 mot + afdak en buitegeboue, groot erf - R900,000 SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP
conditions are and can fully explain the impact of these conditions to you – for better or for worse. Secondly, estate agents are normally allocated to specific neighbourhoods, so they will know your area by heart: What the going prices are, and the time it normally takes to sell properties similar to yours. Thirdly, based on the market conditions and the neighbourhood dynamics, the estate agent can work with you to determine the most appropriate marketing strategy to sell your property at the best possible price. Reason 4: Estate agents have access to buyers
Estate agencies are prolific advertisers. The advertising, together with the regular show houses they host, ensure a steady supply of prospective buyers on their books. Some of these prospective buyers' requirements may well match the property you are trying to sell. Reason 5: Estate agents filter out the noise Estate agents act as a filter between you and the buying market. They screen the telephone calls and eliminate the proverbial tyre-kickers to ensure that only serious buyers end up on your doorstep. Reason 6: Estate agents know how to close a deal As sales professionals, estate agents know how to go about closing a property deal. A good estate agent will read the buying signal and ensure that an offer to purchase is signed as soon as possible. Reason 7: Estate agents are in a better position to negotiate Estate agents are in a better position to negotiate on your behalf because they are not emotionally involved in the transaction. They also know which information should legally be disclosed during negotiations and which information can be withheld. Reason 8: Estate agents sort out the paperwork Estate agents take care of the offers and counteroffers as well as preparing the wads of financial and legal paperwork associated with selling a property. Naturally, the usefulness of an estate agent is directly proportional to his or her competence. Making use of a reputable estate agency is always a good start. Most agencies will allow you to screen the agents that service your area and to choose the agent you would prefer working with. Source - Home Loans SA
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3 Mei / May 2012
Eiendomme / Properties
Prime Property on sale
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R500 000 Rus vir jou siel! 7km uit die dorp. Die grond is 6ha met sementdam. Bou jou droom plaashuis.
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R1 350 000 Dual Mandate! Intrek en bly huis! 3 Slaapkamer met 2 badkamers. Studeerkamer. Ongelooflike netjies. Goed gevestigde area. Goed toegeruste lapa. Kontak Ronel: 083 262 2110
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Slimkopies / Classifieds
3 Mei / May 2012
TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel
013 235 4521 DIENSTE/ SERVICES
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EK KOOP BYNA ALLE BARGAIN BUY house tweedehandse motors, for sale. Contact 082 bakkies, combi’s en 496 4312 dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ 9120/ 072 203 1614 PROPERTY TO RENT I BUY VEHICLES for PERSEEL TE HUUR in Lydenburg industriele cash. 082 646 6735 gebied. 300m² gebou met ruim erf. Kontak Elize 078 893 5416 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES LOSIES/ LODGING
A L L G A R A G E DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S - LOSIES- LYDENBURG Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 073 555 4840 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION AUTOHAUSEN S M A R T - R E PA I R S : Minor Body, Paint & Hail K L I T S G R A S
CHALETS B & B A C C O M O D AT I O N : Coffee shop, chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758
LYDENBURG gedateer 6 Februarie 2012 sal ondervermelde goedere om 10:00 op 23 MEI 2012 per publieke veiling te BALJU K A N T O O R , KANTOORSTRAAT 80 LYDENBURG deur die VAKANTE BALJU vir die BETREKKINGS/ Landdroshof van VACANCIES LYDENBURG aan die hoogste bieëer vir E X T E R N A L R E P kontant verkoop word, R E Q U I R E D B a s i c naamlik: 1 x TAFEL salary + outstanding MET 3 STOELE, 1 x commission. Must have KANTOORSTOEL, 1 X own transport, valid LESSENAAR, 843 X drivers license & cell. S T O E L E , 1 8 0 X Contact Herman 013 T A F E L T J I E S G E T E K E N t e 231 7578 LYDENBURG op die F I E L D A G E N T 23ste dag van April 2012 WANTED Burgersfort/ (get) JC MARNEWICK S E Steelpoort Trust area. E I S E R Commission based. PROKUREURS VAN & Contact Lucas 013 231 H E E R D E N BRUMMER INGELYF 7578 P/A JC MARNEWICK SOEK WERK - P R O K U R E U R aanbagsman, Kode 8 L A N G E S T R A AT 8 , l i s e n s i e , r e k e n a a r LY D E N B U R G , 11 2 0 . sertifikaat. 078 328 Tel: 013 235 1647 Docex: Verw: J C 5320 MARNEWICK/ Sandra Lêernr: LV0674 KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES KERKE/ CHURCHES INDIEN die volgende motorfietse nie binne 21 dae vanaf plasing van die advertensie afgehaal word en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. • Scooter 1 2 5 c c E n g : 152QMI63090187 • Yamaha XT 500cc Vin: 3H7003828 • Honda XR 5 0 0 c c V i n : Pd025011991 • kazuma 110cc V i n : LWOXCFCC66100761 6 • Suzuki RMZ 450 cc V i n : JS1RL41C152103710 • Vuka Scooter 125cc Vin: LD3TGJ5K671133144 • M a x u s 11 0 c c V i n : MAAZCHZ2591900027 • Suzuki 100cc Road Vin: Fa50408888 • 125cc Road bike Vin: L6PCJAX60101282 • Dinli 450cc Vin: RFWAK85CA6T000768 Kontak Hannelie Bond 013-2351985 / 0727306516 I N D I E LANDDROSHOF VIR D I E D I S T R I K VA N LYDENBURG GEHOU T E LY D E N B U R G Saaknommer: C03139/11 In die saak tussen: KINGS B U S I N E S S ENTERPRISE CC E K S E K U S I E SKULDEISER en CHAIRPERSON GOVERNING BODY OF THE KELLYSVILLE PRIMARY SCHOOL E K S E K U S I E SKULDENAAR . KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE V E R K O P I N G VA N R O E R E N D E EIENDOM. TEN UITVOERLEGGING van ’n vonnis van die L a n d d r o s ,
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Ly d e n b u r g : Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 2 3 5 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00,
aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El Shaddai Rensburgstr.41,Lydenb urg.Woe.19:00Biduur,Vr y . 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g . Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende W o o r d Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 ,
Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512
9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.
For Sale ‘08 Nissan 1400 Champ 71 700km Immobiliser, Central Locking, Mag wheels, Sound system, Rubberised bin. R55 000 Contact James 082 048 2792
Lydenburg 013 235 1171 Dullstroom 013 254 0947
39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429
PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277
Vacancy F & I (Finance & Insurance) Consultant Minimum Requirements: • Gr 12 with two languages and Maths on HG / SG • FAIS credits may benefit application • Bilingual Closing Date: 11 May 2012 Fax CV to 086 510 7136 If you do not hear from us within 21 days, please assume that your application was not successful.
Notices & Vacancies
3 Mei / May2012 POSITIONS AVAILABLE • Electricians • Boilermakers • Fitters • Electrical aides • Boilermaker aides Must have surface and underground experience on conveyor structures No Chancers Fax CV to 086 601 8928 Situated in Mpumalanga
NOTICE LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD ACT 4 OF 1996, AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that: 1) Thembalethu Nella Liquor Store cc, Silas Nompi Makua being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Bakwena Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is located as stand No. 645 Malaita Village Farm, Vleeschboom No. 869 KS Nebo. Intends submitting an application to the Limpopo Gambling Board on 30th of April 2012 for a Site Operator License. The application will be open to the public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 22 Schoeman Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa from 7 May 2012. The purpose of the application is to obtain a License to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises in the Province of Limpopo. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Board Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Office of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 22 Schoeman Street, Polokwane, or Private bag X 9520, 0700, within 30 days from 7 May 2012.
NEW INFO Qualified Artisans required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Middelburg / Balfour / Musina
AUTO ELECTRICIAN (Musina / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Section 13 Auto Electrician Trade Test Experience Required: •2 years experience on Trackless Earth moving equipment such as: Drill rigs, Roofbolters, LHD etc DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING (Musina/ Witbank/ Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel Mechanic/ Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump Trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. FITTER (Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Conveyor belt maintenance • Vibrating Feeders & Tips • Chairlifts TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in repairing and rebuilding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience required: • 2 years experience • VSD Drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and low voltage • Mini substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralised blasting system BOILERMAKER (Lydenburg / Steelpoort/ Witbank) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Boilermaker Trade Test Experience required: • 2 years experience • Experience on Shoots, Tips & Hoppers • Conveyor belt maintenance and installation
Employment subject to Medical Fitness Certificate passed and Trade Test Certificate verification
Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to Fax: 086 643 4661 or email: cv@bilnor.co.za
LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03
3 Mei / May 2012
Open Family Day at Winterveld Rec Club ON the 21st of April 2012, Samancor ECM and Winterveld Rec Club hosted an Open Family Day at Winterveld Rec Club. The aim of this day was to promote Winterveld Rec club and to give the people in the surrounding community the opportunity to try out some of the sport activities that is available at the Club. Competitions were held in darts, pool, tennis, bowls and soccer.
Boitumelo Maimela and Sicelo Magagula during the three-legged race. Krappies and Krefies Pre School celebrated their 5th Sicelo Magagula and Daniël van Aarde, trying to birthday with a eat apples drenched in syrup. Boeresports Day. The children could go from stall to stall and enjoy the activities and food stalls. It included tug-of-war, egg & spoon race, sack race, syrup on apples, flag race, three legged race, pin the tail on the donkey, balloon catching, bikes for Jozh van der Westhuizen, Mardenique Hansen, Daniel Boyce, Christi Venter and Mekayla Venter trying to see who will throw the babies, play ball, play cricket, potato cricket ball the furthest. race and chicken catching and obstacle course for the parents afterwards. A big thank you to Longtom SuperSPAR for the medallion cookies, Talisman, Cathy for the food stalls, Rooikat Rugby Club and everyone who Teacher Sandri Fourie, Anna Boyce, Biotumelo Maimela, Sicelo helped to make it a Magagula and Stefan Fourie having fun during the sack race. success.
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