17 Mei / May 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 18

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LYDENBURG T: 013 2351486/96


BURGERSFORT T: 013 235 7758

News/Nuus 17 Mei / May 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 18 Tel: 013 235 2287 fAKS: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

’n Trok het Donderdagoggend voor Wenakker in Lydenburg gevaarlik begin brand. Die nooddienste van Lydenburg het flink en vinnig die vlamme geblus en die trok afgekoel wat ’n groot brandgevaar kon veroorsaak. Foto Michelle Boshoff

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Nuus / News

17 Mei /May 2012

DIE Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes is baie trots op die vordering van ’n kliniek wat eersdaags voltooi sal wees. Die beplanning sluit in dat 13 pasiënte dagsorg sal kan ontvang, ’n soort van ‘step down’ kliniek. Deel van die kliniek se gebou was stoorkamers wat nie funksioneel deur Rusoord gebruik is nie en me. Jeanetta Kruger, Rusoord Bestuurder, het al lankal ’n droom om hier ’n kliniek in te rig. Mnr. Paul Loots van PJ Konstruksie, is die bouer van die projek. Hy het ook Rusoord se wooneenhede voltooi. Hy en sy werkers is baie opgewonde daaroor dat hulle moontlik weer voor die spertyd sal klaar wees. Indien daar bydraes vir die kliniek is kan me. Kruger geskakel word by 013 235 2146. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Mnr. P. J. Loots Woensdagmiddag saam met werkers van PJ Konstruksie wat trots bou aan die kliniek by Rusoord.



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Erika Enslin het hierdie foto vroegoggend in die Kgalagadi Park geneem naby die Twee Riviere-kamp. Volgens Newman’s is dit of die Gevlekte Oor Uil. of Kaapse Oor Uil, wat baie dieselfde lyk. ~ (Foto van die Jaar Kompetisie inskrywing). (Uilkenners is welkom om die uile uit te ken en ons te laat weet - RED.)

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De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00

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Spekboom Tak - Burgersfort Kruisstr, Burgersfort (op Ohrigstad - Burgersfortpad) Tel: 076 412 4441 Na ure/ After hours: 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Dins & Don/ Tues & Thurs: 09:00 - 13:00 Slegs per afspraak/ By appointment only Vetshop Kantoorure/ Office Hours Ma - Vry / Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 16:00

/ May 2012 8 Julie 17 2010Mei / 8 July 2010

Nuus / News

These Oribi were photographed at Mt. Anderson just outside Lydenburg by Charles Stewart for the Photo of the Month Competition.

Michelle Boshoff

Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum

Brondal Avo Festival @ Elmswood


The seven Impala killed in the Kruger National Park earlier this month by a driver speeding. (Photo news24.com)


Rubrieke / Columns

17 Mei / May 2012

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

• Anoniem skryf: Die vullis in Chris Lombardstraat word al vir weke daar agtergelaat. Die munisipaliteit het gesê hulle gaan dit wegvat, maar het nog niks gedoen nie. Dis tyd dat Thaba Chweu iets doen.


vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists

Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Congratulations to Mr Robert N. Nyaunga and Phindiwe Dube on their marriage on 28 April. They are from Klipsteen Farm, Coromandel. The ladies that helped the bridal couple get ready, Mynie Dreyer and Zelna Botes from Fragrance of Distinction wish them the best of luck with their future.

Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”



Wedding Bells chimed


rillerige, groenerig druiwewurms met groot swart oë. Met dié gedrogtes het my ma my en my broer baie keer skrik gemaak. My ma het ’n goeie sin vir humor. Ek en my broer hou van geen goggas, reptiele of grillerige goed nie... klaar. My ma, haar suster Alwien en broer Boeta het as kinders mekaar met ’n leë blik, wat “kamstig” iets in het, om die huis gejaag. Gewoonlik het my ma die jaagwerk gedoen en die ander twee het in die mielielande gaan wegkruip. (Terloops die mielielande was waar Longtom Nissan nou staan). Toe ek die stuk wit vel in die gang gewaar het, het ek gehoop dis ’n stuk druiwewurm-vel op die teëls. Ek het eintlik gebid dit is druiwewurm-vel op die teëls. Maar ek dink nie so iets bestaan nie. 'n Reptielvel was dit definitief want die diamantjies het kruis-dwars gelê. Twee wit strepe het duidelik langs die lyf afgeloop. Dat die vel oud en wit was het my nie gepla nie. Eintlik was dit ’n skrale troos dat ’n slangkenner gesê het dié betrokke slang is nie giftig nie. Hy het gesê hulle beweeg vinnig en sal ons nie aanval nie. Boonop sal die honde hulle seker eerste doodbyt, moes ek toe hoor. “O, genade. My diere met slangbloed in die bek, dis eenvoudig te veel vir my,” sê ek toe hardop vir myself. Sal vlugsout my kan lawe? Eerstens het ek gehoop die wind het die stuk vel, sowat 50cm lank en 4cm in deursee, ingewaai. Maar tog is daar nie buitedeure wat die windvlaag moontlik kon maak nie en hoekom sal die honde nou so iets in die huis indra? Plus 'n houtkis wat ons vir 'n geruime tyd nie gebruik het nie, is onder uit die kas getrek om vir iets anders te soek. Mnr. Reptielkenner sê toe ook dat die slang baie lank in die kis kon gelê het. Die waterfokuspunte in die tuin, wat aan die huis grens, en die plantegroei bied ook 'n ideale habitat vir hom / haar. Enige glibberige-grillerige-kruipende-krioelende besoekers moet weet die welkom-matjie sal nie voor hulle uitgegooi word nie. Nog minder vir ’n druiwewurm.



• Anonymous writes: In Ex 2, at the stop street towards Westvaal and opposite Genie’s Pre-School sewerage is a health hazard. Both sides of the road have been blocked with raw sewerage for the past three months. Thaba Chweu does not fix this situation.

Verlore diere terug by huis Sonia van der Wal skryf: Aan al die mense wat my honde langs die pad opgelaai het oppad Dullstroom toe, hulle vir ongeveer ’n maand versorg het en weer aan ons terug besorg het sonder om enige vergoeding te verwag - baie, baie dankie. Ook aan die Highlands Panorama Nuus vir julle diens aan die gemeenskap om verlore diere te plaas in die koerant. Dis vir my ’n riem onder die hart om te weet mense gee nog om vir mekaar en diere in vandag se gejaagde lewe. Nogmaals dankie.

Dankie aan mnr. Fred Zeeman Duncia Safe Haven skryf: Dis vir ons ’n voorreg om erkenning te gee en dank te betuig aan mense wat Duncia Safe Haven ondersteun. Dankie dat Longtom Nissan weereens tot ons redding gekom het en ons Eugene en Mariska Cilliers is getroud munisipale rekening vereffen het. Dankie dat julle gee wanneer die nood hoog is en selfs wanneer ons nie vra nie. op 5 Mei en het hul huweliksonthaal Seënwense aan Longtom Nissan en u personeel. Van almal by by Lodge Laske Nakke gehou Duncia.

Herdenking van Gavin Wade van der Merwe Ter nagedagtes en verlange; nie met weemoed; maar met dankbaarheid teenoor Jesus dat my geliefde jongste seun, boetie van Wesley en Derrick en vriende van baie aan my onbekend; Gavin Wade van der Merwe; nou by God, by Sy troon in volmaaktheid leef. 27 April 2011 - 27 April 2012. Openbaring 12v5 “En die vrou het ’n manlike kind gebaar en hy was geskape om te regeer met ’n septer in sy regter hand, maar God het hom uitgeruk tot by Sy Troon” - Mamma Petronella Antoinette Hunter (van der Merwe)

! Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. Lord hear our prayers and ease our minds in these troubling times.

8 Julie172010 July2012 2010 Mei //8May

Nuus / News

Capt. Sithole addressing the guests.

Gerda Whitehorn, media and marketing officer, Christien Claase – Chamber member liaison officer. Look out for Christien promoting the new Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Directory The 2012 Business Directory for Lydenburg/Mashishing – and the broader Tubatse area is on the cards again. After the success of the first Directory in 2011, they have decided to increase the print run to 5000 and, if interest allows, to include Burgersfort and Steelpoort in the book. To make it even more user friendly as a true business directory for the area, they will be implementing a “yellow pages” layout with categories from A – Z. The deadline for ad placements and payment is 31 May 2012, so PLEASE react timeously. Christien Claase will be visiting businesses in town and surrounds as from now. To be included in the Chamber’s flagship, contact the LBD team: Christien Claase: LBD advertising and member liason: 083 819 2686 or info@lydenburgbusiness or phone Gerda Whitehorn: Media and Marketing 079 515 7799.

Mariana Holtzhauzen, Epilepsy SA, and volunteer Pierre du Toit.

EPILEPSY SA Mpumalanga/ Limpopo (situated in Dullstroom) held a 'Friends o f E p i l e p s y Te a ' o n Wednesday last week. Peebles Country Retreat was the venue and main sponsor of the tea. The tea was attended by role players in the community, volunteers, friends and the board of Epilepsy SA in Dullstroom who do a lot of work for the centre. Dullstroom services the areas Sakhelwe, Siyathuthuka, Emthonjeni, Machdodorp,

Waterval Boven, Burgersfort, Sabie, Nelspruit, Hazyview, Masoyi, Matibidi, Hendrina and Steelpoort. They provide professional services through an integrated development plan, addressing the needs of people with epilepsy and related disabilities, provide skills to maintain projects, etc. The 'Friends of Epilepsy Tea' yet again stressed that a centre like this is nothing without the support of friends.


The chef, staff and other employees from Peebles Country Retreat who provided the sumptuous tea for the Epilepsy SA event. The management team was too shy for a photo but the fact that they sponsored the whole event deserves a big thank you from everyone.


Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding







Aerolak Spray Paint

Wide variety of colours!



17 Mei / May 2012

Avo Fe l a d n o r B 19 Mei. eskikbaar. Stalletjies b 082 826 6222. n: Douw Stey es@gmail.com fe o v brondala


• 26 Mei 2012 Steelpoort Laerskool Terrein. Steelpoort Laerskool hou Reünie! Kontant kroeg beskikbaar, asook lekker eetgoed! Bring jou familie vir 'n dag van onthou en groot pret! Kontak: Hester Language 073 374 7750 of Marietjie Swanepoel - 082 293 0581

• 26 Mei. AP Kerk Basaar by die NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg se Sondagskoolsaal. Basaar, veiling, vleis, ‘Die Koekblik’, Yankees, pannekoek en vele meer. Plus ’n Babakompetisie. Skakel Adriaan Briel: 079 883 0407. • 28 July. Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag PLM Boerdery Burgersfort. Kindervermaak. Mnr. en me. Laeveld, Uitstallers welkom, ‘Hard’ 4x4 roetes, 20/40km bergfietsresies, Vliegtuig ‘flips’, Geen koelhouers. Tel 013 231 7498 of 013 231 7499. www.burbande.co.za

• 27 May. Global Day of Prayer. Gathering at the ‘Jesus Koppie’ for combined prayer. Morning services at various churches in Lydenburg area and evening services focusing on transformation. Contact 084 688 5007. Visit www.globaldayofprayer.com

• 2 Junie. Vleisfees. Basaar. Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg. Groot fees wat elke jaar net al hoe lekkerder word. Die vleispryse is onge-ewenaar en die basaar asook stalletjies bied iets vir almal om te geniet.

• 16 Junie. Steelpoort Akademie hou op 16 Junie 'n Golfdag vir fondsinsameling. Vir meer inligting skakel Cornelia 013 230 9341 of Martin 082 816 4833

Vuur van Gebed Pinksterkonferensie 2012

TUBATSE CHROME OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP, SUNDAY 20 MAY 2012 Conditions of play: The Championship will be played under the Rules of Golf as approved by the South African Golf Association (SAGA). Local rules have been approved by Chrome Golf Club (CGC) Entry: Open to any male amateur golfer who is a member of a club affiliated to a Union/Association recognised by SAGA and whose handicap has been assessed in terms of a system approved by SAGA Limit of Entry: The field is limited to 64 players – if entries exceed this number the field will be reduced in such a manner as CGC may determine. Format: The Championship will be played over 36 holes – Medal. Entry fee: R180 which includes early morning refreshments and lunch. Once the draw is published the entrant is liable for the entry fee. Payment to be made at the registration desk on the morning before play starts. Entries to: Fax entries to 013 236 5021 or Martin van Rooyen on 082 816 4833 Closing date: Noon (12h00) Wednesday 16 May 2012 Draw & Times: The draw and starting times will be available Friday 18 May 2012 after 10h00 Disputes & Decisions: Disputes and decisions of any nature will be dealt with by CGC, their ruling is final. Caddies: No caddies will be available at CGC Carts: No carts will be allowed unless a doctor certificate can be produced.

Verlore hondjie soek sy huis. Skakel 082 360 1338.

Die ‘Vuur van Gebed Pinkster Konferensie’ vind plaas van 23 tot 27 Mei. Dit sal aangebied word in die vorm van Aand-kinder-, en oggenddienste vanaf Woensdag tot die Sondag. Dit vind plaas by Die Gemeente van Christus Kerk, Rensburg Straat 41, Lydenburg. Vir verdere navrae skakel 079 814 4845. “En toe Salemo sy gebed voleindig het, het die vuur uit die Hemel neergedaal en die heerlikheid van die Here het die huis gevul.” 2 Kro: 7 vers 1, Handeling 2 Vers 1-2.

8 17 JulieMei 2010/ May / 8 July 2010 2012

Nuus / News


Les Schulze en dr. Alex Revelas by die bul wat die hoogste prys behaal het. Die Bronrich, Kalieb & Momentum BDY Bonsmara Produksieveiling het Dinsdag 8 Mei te Bronrich Farm, Ohrigstad plaasgevind. Die Bonsmara Bul (bo) het ’n prys van R90 000 behaal! Vind links die uitslae van die verkope.

CMR Lydenburg is daar in tye van nood


ie Christelike Maatskaplike Raad Lydenburg lewer diens onder die vaandel van die NG Kerk hoewel hul as 'n NPO geregistreer is en voldoen aan al die vereistes wat skenkers die voordeel bied van belastingverligting in die vorm van 'n A18-sertifikaat. "Hierdie is 'n uitreik-aksie na die gemeenskap om hulle bewus te maak van die dienste wat die CMR lewer en om te versoek dat weldoeners die raad finansieël sal bystaan om voortgesette dienste te lewer” het me. Ethresia van Staden van die CMR Lydenburg gesê. Die raad lewer maatskaplike dienste wat gekoppel kan word aan die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkelingsareas soos voorgeskryf in Kode 700 van die BB-BEE Kodes. Hierdie dienste word nie net gelewer aan lidmate van die NG Kerk nie maar ook aan alle ander kerkverbande en

alle persone in nood, ongeag van ras of geloof . Spesifieke dienste wat gelewer word sluit in:Voorkomings en aanmeldingsdienste, assesering van kinders en volwassenes met die nodige terapie, berading en lewensvaardigheids- programme, beskerming van wesies, verwaarloosde, mishandelde en seksueel gemolesteerde kinders, bystand aan ouers, bystand aan gesinne, ondersteuning aan persone wat trauma ervaar het, voedselhulp, alkohol en dwelmafhanklikheid, asook aannemings. Enige iemand wat 'n bydrae wil lewer in die vorm van 'n maandelikse debietorder of eenmalige donasie kan met CMR LYDENBURG in verbinding tree by die volgende nommer: 013 235 2407 of 013 235 2137. Bankbesonderhede: CMR LYDENBURG, ABSA tjekrekening nommer '4049458478. A18-sertifikate vir belastingkorting sal aan alle donateurs uitgereik word.



17 Mei / May 2012


PUBLIC NOTICE In accordance with the MFMA no 56 of 2003 act the following is applicable in terms of publication of the proposed tabled draft budget for 2012/13 for Thaba Chweu Municipality Publication of annual budgets 22. Immediately after an annual budget is tabled in a municipal council, the accounting officer of the municipality must— (a) in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act— (i) make public the annual budget and the documents referred to in section 17(3); and (ii) invite the local community to submit representations in connection with the budget; We are hereby submitting a summary of the 2012/13 MTREF proposed draft Tabled budget in accordance to the above legal requirement and inform the public that the full copy of the above documents is available at : • Lydenburg • Graskop • Sabie Summary of the budget Proposed Tariff increases 2012/13 The following increases of tariffs are proposed. The impact of these tariff proposals are already taken up into proposed draft income. Assessment rates Water Sewerage Refuse removal Electricity Assessment rates Sundry tariffs

6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 13.50% 6.00% 6.00%

The Budget Summary Total Budgeted Revenue The total estimated revenue for 2012/2013 financial year is R 342 677 941.00 and the sources are summarized as follows: Item Code


Audited Financial Statements 2010/ /2011

Budget 2011 / 2012

Draft Budget 2012 / 2013

Forecast 2013 / 2014

Forecast 2014 / 2015

0200 0400 0700 0800 1000 1300 1500 1600 1610 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2800

Property rates Service charges Rent of facilities and equipment Interest earned external investment Interest earned outstanding debtors Fines Income for agency services Grants and subsidies operating Grants and subsidies capital Other revenue Gain of disposal of property plant and equipment Total operating revenue generated Less revenue foregone Total direct operating revenue Total operating revenue generated

60 082 847 110 484 193 591 246 39 252 441 787 1 599 164 18 086 526 77 326 927 8 691 073 2 616 508 930 474 280 889 996 7 523 570 273 366 426 273 366 426

86 158 311 117 888 442 539 000 0 700 000 1 958 400 18 000 000 71 357 720 1 334 500 971 800 0 298 908 173 8 240 000 290 668 173 290 668 173

66 091 132 131 532 612 650 370 43 177 485 966 1 759 081 19 895 179 93 660 000 32 377 000 3 435 831 1 023 521 350 953 868 8 275 927 342 677 941 342 677 941

69 395 688 138 109 242 682 889 45 336 510 264 1 847 035 20 889 938 98 343 000 33 995 850 3 607 623 1 074 697 368 501 561 8 689 723 359 811 838 359 811 838

72 865 473 145 014 704 717 033 47 603 535 777 1 939 386 21 934 435 103 260 150 35 695 643 3 788 004 1 128 432 386 926 639 9 124 210 377 802 430 377 802 430

65 542 255.26 14 622 990 5 175 329 7 110 172 9 167 120 3 142 776 90 715 131 40 549 055 10 106 059 62 650 512 442 751 309 174 149 0 33 503 792 342 667 941 342 677 941 0 0 0 -112 500 000 -112 500 000

68 787 868.02 15 354 139 5 434 096 7 465 680 9 652 476 3 299 915 95 250 888 42 576 508 10 611 362 65 783 038 443 888 324 362 857 0 35 178 981 359 811 838 359 811 838 0 0 0 -118 125 000 -118 125 000

72 227 261.42 16 121 846 5 705 801 7 838 964 10 106 749 3 464 910 100 013 432 44 705 333 11 141 930 69 072 190 466 083 340 864 500 0 36 937 930 377 802 430 377 802 430 0 0 0 -124 031 250 -124 031 250

Expenditure Estimated The total expenditure projected for 2011 / 2012 financial is R161 638 610.00 which led to zero deficit/surplus. The summary is as follows: 3000 3100 3400 3500 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4550 4600 4800 5000 5100 5200 5400 5600 5900 6230 6700

Employee related costs salaries and wages Employee related costs social contributions Remuneration of councilors Bad Debts Repair and maintenance assets Interest expense external borrowings Bulk purchases Contracted services Grant and subsidies General expense other Contributions to / (from) provisions Total direct operating expenditure Internal Borrowings Internal Charges Total indirect operating expenditure Total operating expenditure Operating surplus/(deficit) Operating surplus /(deficit) after tax Surplus /(deficit) after tax, cross subsidation Depreciation Reserve Change to unappropriated surplus/(deficit)

57 466 890.62 12 827 184 4 539 763 39 272 612 4 576 497 2 857 069 75 419 253 23 555 458 9 178 755 30 773 326 384 319 260 851 125 0 30 629 213 291 480 338 291 480 338 -18113912.54 -18 113 913 -18 113 913 0 -18 113 913

80 732 536 18 804 363 6 098 470 19 622 276 8 456 000 2 573 255 82 468 301 25 085 000 6 116 800 29 237 116 1 127 167 280 321 284 1 959 708 6 256 383 288 537 375 228 537 375 2130798 2 130 798 2 130 798 0 2 130 798

People who are challenged in terms of reading and / or writing skills, are welcome to visit the following offices of Council personally during normal office hours where they will be assisted to formulate their written representations. Lydenburg Administrative Unit Acting Chief Financial Officer

Mr S Mabitsela

Sabie Administrative Unit Acting Unit Manager - Civic Centre, Sabie

Mr S.S. Selekane

Graskop Administrative Unit Unit Manager - Civic Centre, Graskop

Mr K.G. Mashego

For any enquiries please contact the Acting CFO at (013) 235 - 7371 Civic Centre P. O. Box 61 LYDENBURG 1120 Notice No. 5/2012


Nuus/ News

17 Mei / May 2012


Snotkop‘pe’ verdubbel Saterdag 26 Mei om 19:00 vertoning deur Snotkop. L/S Burgersfort. Skakel 013 231 7609


n aanloop op Laerskool Burgersfort se Winterfees waar 'Snotkop' optree op 26 Mei het Laerskool Burgersfort ’n Snotkopkompetisie gehou op Vrydag 11 Mei. Almal moes soos 'Snotkop' aantrek en die beste "look a like" is gekies! Die Burgies het 'gees' gevang en die oggend baie geniet! Laerskool Burgersfort bedank graag al die borge wat die moontlik gemaak het.

Die Klopkloppie Kleuters wil asb net 'n beriggie plaas om dankie te sê vir almal wat gehelp het om die Laerskool Lydenburg se Bulletjie Rugby en Netbal dag 'n sukses te maak. Ons wil dankie sê aan al die ouers, onderwysers en kinders vir 'n wonderlike sportiewe dag! Mense wat skenkings gemaak het vir die spelers se Laramie Spur uitstappie: Bertie & Elize Strydom, James & Cornel Hamman, Scissor Zone, Sonia Smit Travel Counsellors.

Corrie Kleyn en Alexi Ann Meyer

Wen wiele Me. Alexi Ann Meyer (10 jaar oud) het hierdie maand se inkleurkompetisie gewen en is nou die nuwe eienaar van hierdie spog-fiets! Besoek Laramie Spur as jy ook 'n kans wil staan om te wen!

Laerskool Burgersfort Bied aan / Presents


LARAMIE SPUR Cnr Potgieter & Viljoen Street, Lydenburg. Tel: 013 235 1707

LARAMIE SPUR Donderdag 24/05/2012 18h00


Nuus / News

17 Mei / May 2012

’n Aasvoël storie Rusoord Tehuis se Bestuurder, me. Jeanetta Kruger skryf: ’n Groot dankie vir die wat bygedra het tot ’n wonderlike Moedersdag. Shoprite vir die heerlike koek Woensdag. Mev. Internasionaal vir die koek Saterdag. PPK Kerk se jeug wat Saterdag kom musiek maak het en vir die lekkernye. DA en die Round Table vir Sondag se bederf. Volle Evangelie wat Sondag kom musiek maak het. Vriend in Nood -Hester Marx en Christelle Prinsloo vir die lieflike handdoeke Pick a Pay vir die liefde en omgee vir die bejaardes en ook al die bederfies. Longtom SuperSPAR dat ons elke Vrydag op die stoep kan pannekoek bak. Xstrata en Twee Riviere vir hulle bydraes . Die gemeenskap van Lydenburg en die besighede baie dankie, sonder julle bydraes en ondersteuning sal Rusoord nie die mas opkom nie.

Hierdie is 'n lewensgrootte weergawe van so ’n aasvoël in vlug wat die Landsdiensgroep van die Hoërskool Lydenburg vashou. In die middel is natuurlewespesialis mnr. Neels Bothma wat die kinders meer van aasvoëls geleer het.


ie Landsdiensgroep by die H o ë r s k o o l Ly d e n b u r g h e t Woensdag ’n praatjie bygewoon oor aasvoëls. Van die 9 aasvoëlsoorte wat in SA voorkom is een hier in Lydenburg baie bekend. Die kransaasvoël (Gyps coprotheres) is ’n bedreigde spesie, en dit is noodsaaklik om die nuttige voëlsoort te beskerm. Die aasvoël is ongeveer een meter hoog en weeg tot tien kilogram. Aasvoëls het ’n belangrike taak om dooie en verrottende diere uit die omgewing te verwyder. Die dooie diere word nou meer gereeld deur plaaseienaars verwyder, en die voëls sterf uit weens ’n voedseltekort. Vergiftiging speel

ook ’n groot rol, en baie word onnodig deur die onbeheerde gebruik van gif vernietig. Aasvoël restaurante, of kunsmatige voerplekke, word gebruik om skoon karkasse aan die voëls beskikbaar te stel. Die bestuur van so ’n restaurant verg groot verantwoordelikheid en baie tyd. Die restaurant buite Lydenburg, in ’n privaat natuurreservaat, kry gereelde aasvoël besoekers. Die Trust vir Bedreigde Natuurlewe se Birds of Prey Working Group, gaan binnekort weer die restaurant besoek, en hierdie keer gaan van die voëls gevang en gemerk word vir wetenskaplike dataversameling. Die vlerkspan haal ’n indrukwekkende 2,25 meter wanneer dit volledig oop is !

Handdoekskenking deur die Vriende in Nood Hester Marx en Christelle Prinsloo

Moedersdagete by Rusoord

Rusoord bedank die gemeenskap

Vrywilligers en organiseerders van die Lydenburg Kansa-tak. (Alle foto’s deur Biance Bell, leerder Hoërskool Lydenburg).

Die span van Volkswagen Highlands en vrywilligers by die Kansa Gholfdag.

Corjan Mulder en Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens in hul pienk rokkies vir die gholf.

Die Lydenburg Kansa-tak en ander vrywilligers het Saterdag ’n Kansa Gholfdag aangebied by die Lydenburg Gholfklub. Oudergewoonte is die dag goed ondersteun deur die publiek en spelers. Dankie vir al die borge, vrywilligers en uitstallers wat hard gewerk het om geld vir Kansa in te samel.


17 Mei / May 2012

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

Top tips for buying a new car BUYING a new ride can be a daunting experience; how can I get vehicle finance? Do I need a service plan? How do I know if it's a dud? An expert gives his tips on buying a new vehicle. Most of us go about buying a house in the same way; House-hunting for months, onsite visits while scrutinising the property, sorting out finances and contacting the bank well before we've even decided on a plot.


roadworthy test. Do not purchase a vehicle without test-driving it. When buying a used vehicle, you need to consider warranty, service and maintenance plans offered by dealers. The finance and insurance consultant can play a critical role in the process. Ensure that the consultant is accredited by the National Credit Act (NCA) to facilitate and assist with both your finance application and insurance/assurance requirements. Insist on a valid NCA agent card to be presented before you proceed with the application. The card is proof that the consultant is accredited to provide financial advice.

Surprisingly, car-shoppers don't adopt the same principles - often to Your application will be submitted to a bank of your choice. their determent. Trevor Browse, managing executive of MFC, a Remember, it's your right to choose the bank, so be careful when considering in-house finance not backed by reputable banks. The division of Nedbank, offers his advice on buying a new vehicle. consultant will advise on the outcome of the application and Once you've decided on the model you want, Browse says, the most applicable conditions. If your application is approved in terms of the important decision is selecting the vehicle dealer. Ensure the dealer is National Credit Act, a consultant must provide you with a written a member of either the Retail Motor Industry Association (RMI) or quote from the bank detailing: the amount approved, deposit required Independent Dealer Association (IDA). These associations have rules Contract terms, interest rate (look out for fixed or linked-rates of accreditation, codes of conduct and compliance with legislation. options), fees and charges payable (the maximum initiation fee These rules and regulations are designed to protect the consumer. allowed by the NCA is R1140, including VAT, and the maximum There's always a chance a dealership might be dishonest in its claims monthly service fee is R57, including VAT), cost of credit over the so insist on proof of membership while also checking with the major t e r m o f t h e c o n t r a c t . finance houses. It's important to check whether residual-value or balloon payments A sales person will prepare a sales-pitch, so take this time to grill them are included. These are large once-off payments at the end of the loan on vehicle specifications, extras, services, warranties and service term and they could have huge financial implications once the plans. The sales person will prepare an offer to purchase, which you contract ends. Take your time considering the quote as it is usually f o r u p t o 3 0 d a y s . will need to sign. Insist on test-driving the vehicle in different types of v a l i d Once you've accepted the quote, a finance agreement will be prepared road conditions. If you feel it is necessary, insist on an independent

To book a test drive, visit Kia Burgersfort or call 013 231 8430l KIA BURGERSFORT Mainroad, Burgersfort

by the bank for signature. As the client, these are the following are important aspects of the vehicle purchasing procedure: A good credit history. Any adverse reports/blacklisting and bad credit references will be taken into consideration. A valid driving licence will be required as part of the a p p l i c a t i o n p r o c e s s . Proof of insurance will also be required and must be valid for the duration of the agreement. Once the vehicle is ready for delivery, the finance agreement must be s i g n e d . Only sign the contract once you're satisfied w i t h t h e v e h i c l e . A signed delivery note, once in the dealership's possession, is as good as cash. A bank cannot withhold payment to the dealers if the client has signed the contract. Finance Agreement checklist: Loan amount, Deposit, Extras and accessories, Terms of the contract, Interest rate, Monthly repayments, Debit order details, Payment due date and Residual value or balloon payment structure. Author: Trevor Browse Wheels24.co.za


17 Mei / May 2012


Lincoln Continental spotted in Steelpoort

SsangYong Korando released in SA market

The Lincoln Continental is an automobile that was produced by the Lincoln division of Ford Motor Company from 1939 to 1948 and again from 1956 to 2002. The vehicle pictured below is a fifth generation Continental, manufactured from 1970 to 1979. For 1970, the Continental received a ground-up redesign for the first time since 1961. What a great surprise to see this magnificent old beauty again!

SO you have a young family and are yearning for the outdoor lifestyle? Your C-segment saloon does not foot the bill when it comes to packing loads and heading out into the wilderness? You want style that doesn’t cost any limbs? Consider a Ssangyong, was the message from this company's marketing team. During the recent launch in Pretoria of the Actyon and Korando, the future of SsangYong under the new ownership of Mahindra was discussed. Mahindra was adamant that the alliance with SsangYong is of mutual benefit and that the target market will obtain the outdoor lifestyle they deserve earlier on in their lives by switching to the SsangYong brand. This statement is accentuated by the inclusion of a 2,0-litre petrol engine in the Korando range that lowers the price of the entry model. The Korando is a new vehicle and this model appears identical to other offerings in the line-up. This is a good thing as styling wise it ticks all the boxes of desirability and is possibly one of the most fashionable small SUVs on the market – an achievement for SsangYong. Inside the styling is turned down a notch but still pleasant although some of the materials felt inferior to what is offered by the class leaders particularly Nissan's Qashqai. The driving position is good, despite the lack of rake adjustment on the steering wheel. Legroom at the rear is excellent and the reclining function of the bench is very welcome indeed. The vehicle is loaded with features; included in the standard specification are items like radio with USB and auxiliary input, climate control, satellite controls on the steering wheel and cruise control. Safety wise the vehicle is fitted with six airbags in total including dual front side and curtain airbags. As mentioned in the Actyon drive impression, all the strategic talk left little time to evaluate the product on the road, and none off it. The 2,0-litre engine produces 110 kW at 6 000 r/min and 197 N.m at a 4 000 r/min and is mated to a sixspeed automatic or manual as in the case of our test unit.

Surely the Gauteng altitude did not aid the breathing of the naturally aspirated petrol engine but even so, the engine felt decidedly flat. Overtaking needs to be planned carefully and you need to stir the 'box, as torque is rather lacking at low revs. The steering felt nicely weighted but handling was untested as corners were a rarity on the highway infested test route. In summary the vehicle seems good value for money on paper with the petrol engine bringing ownership within reach of a wider audience. Unfortunately the lacklustre performance of the petrol unit is also its Achilles heel. The diesel powertrain is a better option but the increase in price does bring it uncomfortably close to strong competitors. Specifications: Model: SsangYong Korando 2,0-litre 4x2 petrol Engine: 2,0-litre petrol, four cylinder, electronic injection Power: 110 kW at 6 000 r/min Torque: 197 N.m at 4 000 r/min 0-100 km/h: N/A Fuel consumption: 7,51 L/100 km CO2: 175 g/km Top speed:N/A Price: R269 995 Service plan: 3 years/60 000 km Service intervals: 15 000 km Carmag.co.za


17 Mei / May 2012


We test the Kia Rio sedan WE tested the new Kia Rio hatch just after its release in November 2011. We were very impressed with the Rio hatch. Now Kia has released the sedan version of the Rio and we stand corrected. In our opinion this car is even better. The sleek saloon looks and the huge boot and better rear leg room simply makes this car my choice. We tested the 1.4 TEC with leather seats and electronic sunroof (optional). Inside, all the kit available in the top spec hatch is available in the sedan. This ranges from rain sensing wipers and keyless entry to electric windows (auto on driver window), climate control (on TEC), 6-speaker sound system with iPod, AUX and USB inputs, front side and curtain air bags, rear park assist, alloy pedals, extra 12V power outlet, folding electronic mirrors, courtesy lights for the mirrors in both sun visors, and a petrol card holder in the sun visor. Instrumentation includes fuel, temp, speedometer, rev counter and trip computer that gives info on elapsed time, average fuel consumption, average speed, two trip meters, outside temp, instant fuel consumption, gearshift indicator that shows when to shift for maximum economy, and fuel distance to empty. The car also has DataDot security. The optional electric sunroof has slide and tilt capabilities with a sun screen. Headlights have an auto function, are adjustable from inside and the 1.4 TEC features daytime running lights, fog lights and indicators in the mirrors. There are leather seats and a huge, cooled glove box. On the road, the Kia Rio is a pleasant car to drive. The six-speed gearbox shifts very smoothly and the engine turns at 3 200 rpm at 120 in sixth and at 4 300 rpm at 160. Stability at peed, brakes and cornering ability are good. The car should give excellent fuel consumption. Acceleration and overtaking ability are fine for a 1400. The 1.4 Gamma engine makes 79 kW and 135 Nm of torque. The small diameter, leather covered and thick rimmed electric power steering is light to operate, comes with full satellite controls, including Blue Tooth for your phone and the steering is adjustable for rake and depth. Initially steering response feels direct and sensitive, but it makes the car that much more fun to drive. Ten body colours, some of which are stunning, are available. The Kia Rio sedan is very good value for about R 180 000 (including the sunroof option). Build quality is excellent. With a body length of 4 365mm as opposed to the hatch measuring in at 4 045mm, rear leg room and comfort is better and as mentioned, you get a proper boot. There is a 5-year / 100 000 km warranty and a 4-year / 60 000 km service plan. I found nothing to criticize on the new Kia Rio sedan 1.4 TEC. With the 1 400 engine it is a very good family, town and highway car. The company’s 1 600 engine, available elsewhere, should however be made an option and it will further transform the Kia Rio from excellent to phenomenal. It should then also take care of any competition. Andre Coetzee

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17 Mei / May 2012

Bulletproof your vehicle?


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Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg


WOULD you bulletproof a Kia? If you live in Brazil, the answer could very well be yes - to guard against robbers at stop signs in Sao Paulo or traffic jams in Brasilia. Armour plating isn't just for aristocrats anymore as the world's seventh-largest economy grapples with high rates of kidnapping, murder and robbery. Chemical maker DuPont, introduced its bulletproof Kevlar fiber and SentryGlas car kit Armura in 2008 to middle-class Brazilian families who owned Chevrolets, Hondas and Kias. In 2012, the company wants to bulletproof taxis that will shuttle visitors between events for the 2014 World Cup soccer championship and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic games. Carlos Benatto, business manager for DuPont, said: “We wanted to bring a solution to a family that wants protection but doesn't have money to afford classic car armour." Armura, sold only in Brazil, protects against bullets up to .38 caliber. Sales rose 70% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the same period in 2011. DuPont said annual sales of Armura amounted to millions of dollars, but it declined to be more specific. The kit costs about $12000 (R95 501), weighs roughly 90kg and takes 15 days to install. A DuPont-approved technician replaces a car's windows with SentryGlas, and puts Kevlar panels behind the door panels. Due to its relatively light weight, the kit does not cut fuel efficiency, DuPont said. DuPont said that more than 100 mechanics in Brazil offer car armouring services, cobbling together parts from different vendors that cost twice as much as Armura. Some of them might incorporate Kevlar. Developed by DuPont in 1965, Kevlar is the industry standard for bulletproofing door panels, but it is also used in flak jackets, socks

and tyres. DuPont has even developed a Kevlar tornado and hurricane shelter. The Armura can be installed in 11 vehicles, including the Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cruze. Armura protects against most handguns commonly used in Brazil, Benatto said. DuPont said it is also talking to automakers about installing Armura in new vehicles. Alexandre Sarafian, a sporting goods retailer in Sao Paulo, decided to bulletproof a Kia Sportage for his mother. Sarafian said: "This is to get away from the day-to-day violence ... which should be diminishing, but it's not. Bulletproofing can get expensive, and you don't really recover that cost when you sell the car. So it's better not to pay so much." In Brazil, high rates of petty and violent crimes have fueled the demand for security products and services. In Salvador, the country's third-largest city, the murder rate has more than doubled over in 2011, in part because of a police strike. Armura's success in Brazil has exceeded DuPont's expectations and the company is planning to sell the kit to at least two other countries, but would not name them. Wheels24.co.za

Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg vra hulp van publiek LONGTOM Nissan, Lydenburg het vandeesweek uit hul insamelingsfonds, Duncia Safe Haven gehelp om hul uitstaande water en ligte te betaal. Die fonds is egter nou uitgeput en Duncia Safe Haven benodig egter nog kontant kapitaal sowel as kos vir die huis. Bring asseblief nie-bederfbare kos of kontant na Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg en hulle sal sorg dat Duncia Safe Haven dit kry. Vir enige navrae kontak 013 235 2381

Passing of an icon

2.2 CRDi Auto 2.2 CRDi Auto 7 Seater R429 900 5 Seater R419 900

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Hyundai Lydenburg

CARROLL Shelby International, Inc, has announced that founder Carroll Shelby, one of the 20th century’s last automotive icons had died last Friday in Texas at the age of 89. He captured the imagination of many a generation – the cars which include the Shelby GT350, GT500 Super Snake, Daytona Coupe Cobras and 427 S/C. Shelby considered his greatest achievement however to be the Carroll Shelby Foundation, which was created in 1992 while he was awaiting a heart transplant – a charity which provides medical assistance to those in need and educational opportunities for young people in automotive and other training programs. Rest In Peace Mr Shelby, your legacy lives on.

17 Mei / May 2012

Eiendomme / Properties


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R635 000 2 Slaapkamer duplekswoonstel met 2 badkamers en dubbel beveiligde Motorafdak R1 900 000 12 Ha plot 4 slaapkamer woonhuis omhein


Theresa Lydenburg 072 155 0761 Viljoen str 89 celebrating 50 years of excellence!

R1 480 000 3 slaapkamer huis met 1 badkamer Sit/eet/tv kamer. Ruim braai area en Groot 2 slaapkamer woonstel TE HUUR

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0317November 2011 Mei / May 2012

Motoring Properties / Eiendomme

Entheos Christian School goes Green! ENTHEOS Christian School is committed to protecting the health and welfare of our environment and our children. We believe in the value of environmental stewardship, as we have been tasked with caring for ours, Lev. 25:23-24 The land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land. We have a recycling program, to promote recycling in our school and community, as well as to teach students earth friendly behaviours. We aim to empower our parents, staff and students with responsible waste handling and recycling. To make this easier, a local company (BJ Metals) has generously donated 4 bins for us to use (which are paper, plastic, cans and cardboard) and will collect and environmentally dispose of the waste for us.

Leatitia Janse Van Vuuren (BJ Metals) gladly handing over the bins to proud Entheos Students.

Foto’s van links 1) Kwilte; 2) Petro Botha Hazel van de Watt, Elize Prinsloo, Jeanette Botha, Susan Mostert, Welma White, Trudie Viljoen, Sandra Horn; 3) Susan Mostert, Mareza Roux, Petro Botha, Hannah Stevens (voor): Tinka du Plessis, Ina Pieterse en Esta Storm; 3) Lede van die VLU Strelitzia tak wat die eetgoed gemaak het: Lucy Swanepoel, Dorie van der Ley en Bev Marais.

Die lede van die VLU Lydenburg-tak (Foto Links) het verlede week aan huis me. Edith Hiemstra vergader. Die beoordeling van items is deur me. Stella Septon gedoen (Foto regs). Me. T. Engelbrecht (streeksvoorsitter VLU) het die tak besoek. Skakel gerus me. Elona Potgieter om by hierdie tak aan te sluit en u talente te ontwikkel.

OP 11 Mei 2012 het die Vlytige Kwilters op Lydenburg hul 10 de verjaardag gevier. Dit het geskied in die vorm van ’n uitstalling. Om hierdie geleentheid meer opwindend te maak, is die SA Kwilters Gilde se rondreisende kwilt uitstalling, wat bestaan uit 40 kwilte van oral oor Suid- Afrika, saam met die Vlytige Kwilters se kwilte vertoon. Hierdie kwilte is van hoogstaande gehalte en verteenwoordig die beste kwilters in Suid Afrika. Na ’n Bernina uitstalling en demonstrasie waar Mary Vasti van haar kwilte uitgestal het, was die Bernina Lydenburg Klub dames geprikkel. Die inisiatief om ’n kwiltgroep te stig het daaruit gespruit. Petro Botha van Lydenburg Bernina het die bal aan die rol gesit. Vlytige Kwilters is gestig in Januarie 2002 met sewe lede. Tans is hulle twaalf lede sterk. Elke tweede jaar bied die SA Kwilters Gilde ook ’n kwiltfees aan, waar kwilte vanoor die wêreld vertoon word. Klasse word aangebied deur Suid-Afrikaanse, sowel as oorsese onderwysers. Persone wat belangstel om te kwilt kan navraag doen by Petro Botha van Bernina by Tel Nr 013-235-4778 of Susan Mostert by Tel Nr 082-928-1421.

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE KOOP:

• Baie luukse 3 slk meenthuis met 2 badk, ruim sit, eetk, komb, met cherrywoodkaste, opwas/wask, 2 groot mot. Wendy, netjiese tuin, sekuriteits - R1,150 milj • Baie netjiese 3 Slk woning, 2 badk, ruim sit/eetk, komb/opwas, 3 mot, baie mooi tuin, naby skole - R1,470 milj. • 3 Slk woning, 1½ badk, ruim sit, tv/eetk, netjiese komb, onderdak braai-kuierarea, wask, PLUS 2 slk, w/stel, afdakke, omhein, stil woongebied. Netjiese omheinde tuin R1,470 milj

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VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)

082 492 8412

NETJIESE TEëLDAK IN VEILIGHEIDSKOMPLEKS Erfgrootte 508m². 4 Slk, 3 badk, ruim studeerk, oopplan komb met sit / eetk. Dubbelmotorafdak. Alarm, palissade en Esmé (VERHURINGS) steenmuur omheining, plaveisel, dief013 235 1986 wering en veiligheidshekke

R 1 200 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

Phone Highlands Panorama News to advertise your properties 013 235 2287 HERE!

• QUICK DRY PAINTS (LOW, LOW PRICES!) • CONTRACTOR’S PVA • WATERPROOFING • Wood Products • Stevensons • Cemcrete • Prominent Paints • O’Grady’s • Dulux • Nova • EPOXY PAINTS

Nuus / News 03 November 2011

“Ag moedertjie”

Graad 2 se hartjies spesiaal vir Moedersdag. Die leerders van die CVO Skool Lydenburg het hulself oortref. Links voor: Alane Barrows, Surien Ford, Isone vd Linde Agter: Andre du Preez, Karel Griessel, Kirsten Ford en Anneke Lund

Tydens die finale netbalproewe wat in Standerton gehou is op 11–12 Mei 2012, is drie van ons spelers gekies vir die Mpumalangaspan. Skole van reg oor Mpumalanga het aan hierdie proewe deelgeneem. Links: Ray-Ann Williams 0/12, Nieke Kitching o/13 en Leandri Kelly o/13

Laerskool Lydenburg se o/13 rugbyspelers het op 11-12 Mei 2012 aan die finale rondte proewe in Witrivier deelgeneem, saam met spelers van regoor Mpumalanga. Drie van die spelers is in die Pumaspan opgeneem. Links: Renier Troskie, Heinrich Steyn en Egbert Hiemstra

17 Mei / May 2012

17 Motoring


Slimkopies / Classifieds

17 Mei / May 2012


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. IS YOUR PLUMBER certified, his work guaranteed and SABS approved? Call Blitz Plumbing 24/7 - All P l u m b i n g , maintenance, repairs & installations.. 072 197 5264/ 072 577 8689 E N G R A V I N G WORKSHOP 013 235 4602 TELEVIDEO Herstelwerk op alle T V ’ s / D V D ’ s / Mikrogolfoonde & DSTV installering & herstelwerk. 013 235 2616 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 K I T S G R A S & B E S P R O E I N G beskikbaar - gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 BOU PLANNE. JC Potgieter, SACAP reg. D0011. 082 769 3615 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 ALL - 4 - KIDS Taxi & naskool. Anelda 082 758 7971


L & A Projects t/a I N G U L U L E PROJECTS - shade nets, sliding gates, palisades, steel balustrades, any steelwork, wooden garage doors, steel carports, Centurion Automation, Core

drilling. Louis: 082 746 I BUY VEHICLES for 5328/ 013 235 3341 cash. 082 646 6735 louis@laprojects.co.za


A L L G A R A G E DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

AUTOHAUSEN S M A R T- R E PA I R S : Minor Body, Paint & Hail Damage. Stone Chips & SKOONHEID/ Polish. Poly Rubberise. BEAUTY Smash & Grab Tint. C R E AT I V E N A I L S Paint Protect Film. TRAINING 084 860 Neels 013 235 2721/ 082 334 3596 7714 BEAUTY BOX 013 235 4986


SALON HAIR, Nail & Beauty. 074 887 6950/ L Y D E N B U R G 083 280 5671/ 076 072 VEHICLE HIRE- car & 4131 van rentals. 013 235 1780 NAILS, lashes, makeup. 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947 KOOP EN VERKOOP/ BUY AND SELL YOUTH BEAUTY Salon 013 235 1848 E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR FOTOGRAFIE/ Pawn SHOP 074 897 PHOTOGRAPHY 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, B E K O S T I G B A R E s t u d i o , a l l e geslagte hoenders. 083 geleentheede. Willie 613 0143 / 082 404 0 8 2 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 0379 www.treasuretime.co.z a DROë PERSKES 082 360 1338 SKOONMAAK/ SAMSUNG 74cm CLEANING colour TV R1500, Wall SKOONMAAK VAN unit R2500. 079 736 6162 M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig G E K A P T E van oorstroomde matte. vuurmaakhout. 083 345 Martie 082 951 7494 2091 SKOONMAAK VAN BONSMARA KRUIS, MATTE en meubels. jong bul te koop. Sal 250kg plus uit slag. A Des 072 446 5394 Graad. R7 750. Tel 083 288 6834 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS

AUSTROLORP Rhodes kuikens & 6.5 x 54 patrone. 079 253 I.T.@Large - for all pc 3004 repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and TROETELDIERE/ software, virus PETS removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 079 881 1932 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 MOTORS TE KOOP/ 235 2658 CARS FOR SALE

EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614

YORKIES 7 weke oud. Ronel 083 450 0798


for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT STOOR TE HUUR, 9 X 9m². Johan of Dawie 013 235 1086 WOONSTEL te huur op plaas. R4000 p/m. Susan 084 482 8336 TONTELDOOS: Baie groot huis. Geskik vir kontrakteurs/ groot gesin. 4/ 5 groot slaapkamers, 2 groot badkamers. Kombuis met opwas area/ leefarea, tuin, groot motorhuis. R5000 p/m W&L ingesluit. Opsioneel ekstra: R1200 p/m vir tuinjong 1x en bediende 2x p/week. Gemeubileerde opsie ook beskikbaar ekstra. Kontak 084 211 6143 LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 GESOEK / WANTED OPSOEK NA DAME wat by bejaarde-dame kan slaap in aande. 073 555 4840 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES RETAIL MANAGER BURGERSFORT Manager position available for individual with recent references, proven track record in sales, work under pressure, previous management experience, own transport, knowledge of furniture trade an advantage. SALES PERSON/ADMIN C L E R K BURGERSFORT Proven sales track record, contactable references, knowledge of furniture trade an advantage.E-mail CV t o : ormiston4@gmail.com

KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES INDIEN die volgende motorfietse nie binne 21 dae vanaf plasing van die advertensie afgehaal word en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. • Scooter 1 2 5 c c E n g : 152QMI63090187 • Yamaha XT 500cc Vin: 3H7003828 • Honda XR 5 0 0 c c V i n : Pd025011991 • kazuma 110cc V i n :

LWOXCFCC66100761 6 • Suzuki RMZ 450 cc V i n : JS1RL41C152103710 • Vuka Scooter 125cc V i n : LD3TGJ5K671133144 • M a x u s 11 0 c c V i n : MAAZCHZ2591900027 • Suzuki 100cc Road Vin: Fa50408888 • 125cc Road bike Vin: L6PCJAX60101282 • Dinli 450cc Vin: RFWAK85CA6T00076 8 Kontak Hannelie Bond 013 235 1985 / 072 730 6516 KENNISGEWING VAN V E R K O P E I N EKSEKUSIE Saaknr: C01097/2011 In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Lydenburg gehou te Lydenburg In die saak tussen: NATIONAL SOCKET SCREWS (EDMS)BPK Eksekusieskuldeiser en MM BERGH h/a R I C H T R A N S ENGINEERING Eksekusieskuldenaar IN OPVOLGING van ’n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Lydenburg en ’n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer 08/07/2011 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 6 JUNIE 2012 om 10:00 te Eeufees Straat 58, Lydenburg naamlik: 1 x 100 KVA MARELI ALT GENERATOR , 1 X TRM HYDRAULIC SWING BEAN, 1 X WA67K 100 X 2500 PRESS BRAKE, 1 X ASIA BUS REG NR RHJ 210 GP Gedateer te LYDENBURG op 8 Mei 2012. EDWIN JAY INGELYF Prokureurs vir Applikant P/A VAN RENEN HEYNS ING. L E O F O R U M KANTOORSTRAAT 72 LYDENBURG POSBUS 261 LYDENBURG DX 5 LYDENBURG Tel: 013 235 1625 Faks: 013 235 4 5 2 8 V e r w : RH/tk/AL3585 KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30

en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 2 3 5 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus El Shaddai Rensburgstr.41,Lydenb urg.Woe.19:00Biduur,V ry.19:00jeug. Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Wo e n s . s e l 1 9 :0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende W o o r d Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t .

TE HUUR: Vragmotor te huur vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder sal voorsien word. Langafstande R4/km + Diesel

Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234.

Tel: 013 235 4112 Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str


Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333

BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.

Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277


39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429


17 Mei / May 2012


Deur Baba Erasmus, geneem in die Okavango Delta, Botswana.

Debbie Robertson taken at Letaba Rest Camp, Kruger Park.

Photo Competition

Sunset Road by Debbie Robertson.

Send entries to michelleboshoff@yahoo.com

We are looking for a dynamic, selfdriven candidate with a Diploma in Structural Engineering. Students who have not completed their practical time may also apply.

Fax CV to 086 651 3369

Deur Leon Grobbelaar.

NEW INFOQualified Artisans required Deur Leon Grobbelaar.

Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Phalaborwa / Balfour / Musina DUMP TRUCK OPERATORS (A40 ADT, Cat dumper 785, CDT 777 (100T) EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (EXC 984 120T, EXC 974 80T) TLB BOMAG LOAD OPERATOR (Cat loader Cl992) Qualifications Requirements: • Grade 10/ N2 • Valid Operating certificate / license • Minimum of 12 months working experience on at least one of the above machines.

Dis 'n “Golden Orb Web” spinnekop (bo en middel) en gewone bruin springkaan wat ongelooflik mooi lyk as hy sy vlerke vir beskerming oplig. Deur Heather Aspeling.

DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING (Musina/ Witbank/ Lydenburg/ Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel Mechanic/ Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump Trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Musina/ Balfour Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc.

OTEES CASH & CARRY VACANCY Cashier • Computer literate • Minimum 5 years experience in retail sector • Valid references • No Chancers! Fax CV to: 013 235 2145

VACANCIES Ernest Lowe a div of Hudaco (PTY) Ltd Is looking for: a) Branch Manager with 5 years Management experience CTC R25 - R30K b) Technical Sales Rep with 5 years sales experience. Must have technical qualifications CTC R20 - R22K Send CV : Maggie.Pringle@elco.co.za or fax to 0865587150

LOOKING FOR A MALE TO DO DELIVERIES REQUIREMENTS: • Valid Motorcycle license • Friendly, professional & trustworthy • Good English • Good communication skills • Work long hours • Own transport CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY 24 MAY 2012 Please send CV with copy of ID & Motorcycle License to Fax: 013 231 7244 E-Mail: bellamama@live.co.za (Please if you don't have a motorcycle license don't apply for this position) Shop E 2, Engen Complex, Dirk Winterbach Str, Burgersfort Next to Engen Garage & Maxi’s

TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience required: • 2 years experience • VSD Drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and low voltage • Mini substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralised blasting system MILLWRIGHT (Witbank / Vanderbijlpark) Qualification requirements: • Only RSA citizens • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Millwright Trade test of NQF • Valid drivers license • 3 years Open Cast mining experience Experience required: • AC/DC Experience on earthmoving trucks • Knowledge on Siemans Systems on trucks • Experience on Hitachi trucks will be an advantage

Employment subject to Medical Fitness Certificate passed and Trade Test Certificate verification

Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to Fax: 086 643 4661 or email: cv@bilnor.co.za


LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03


17 Mei / May 2012

Op 5 Mei 2012 het die Lydenburg Ope Skaaktoernooi by die NG Moedergemeente se saal plaasgevind. 174 spelers van oud tot jonk het aan hierdie toernooi deelgeneem. Hier volg die wenners (Foto’s links na regs): In die C-kategorie: Foto 1 Links: Viktor Styger (3de), Emerentia Booysen (2de) en Zuan Taljaard(1ste); Wenners van die A-kategorie: Foto 2 Seniors: Links: Nsizwakyise Ndlovu (3de), Marco Craig (2de) en Jan Breytenbach (1ste); Foto 3 Beste speler van elke ouderdom en beste meisiespelers: Links agter: Cornelle Leach (Beste meisie B-kategorie), Jan-Louis Strydom (Beste o/18 A-kategorie speler); Links voor: Kyle Macdonald (beste o/10 Bkategorie), Marcel Barnard (Beste o/12 Akategorie) Marcques Hansen (beste o/14 A kategorie) en Anjana Prabha (beste meisie Akategorie)

Verskeie sportspanne in aksie by die Hoërskool Lydenburg Saterdag. Foto’s Biance Bell, Leerder Hoërskool Lydenburg. Sport uitslae van die naweek by Hoërskool Lydenburg Hokkie teen Rob Ferreira: 0/14 Dogters verloor 0 - 2 0/15 Dogters verloor 0 - 6 0/16 Dogters gelyk op 0 - 0 Tweede span Dogters wen 1 - 0 Eerste span Dogters verloor 1 - 2 0/14 Seuns verloor 0 - 2 0/16 Seuns wen 1 - 0 Eerste span Seuns verloor 0 - 1

Netbal vriendskaplik teen Penrynn Kollege: 0/14A Dogters wen 21 - 5 0/15A Dogters wen 15 - 3 0/16 Dogters verloor 10 - 12 Eerste span Dogters verloor 10 - 12 Netbal teen Sybrand van Niekerk: 0/14A Dogters wen 9 -8 0/15A Dogters wen 20 - 5 0/16 Dogters wen 20 - 13 Eerste span Dogters wen 13 - 1

Rugby teen Bergvlam: 0/14 Seuns verloor 5 - 22 0/15 Seuns wen 12 - 10 0/16 Seuns wen 10 - 5 Derde span Seuns wen 29 - 0 Tweede span Seuns gelykop 12 - 12 Eerste span Seuns verloor 22 - 31

Tennis JP de Jonge verloor 1-8, Heunis Marais verloor 1-9; Branden Flank verloor 4-5; Stefan Conradie verloor 1-8; Dubbels verloor. 2-7.

HP Compaq CQ57 Notebook

HP CQ57 Notebook

Christi van Wyk.

Die Mini Rugby- en netbaldag by die Laerskool Lydenburg het behoorlik die kinders en ouers aan die gons gehad. Almal het hope pret gehad en dit was duidelik dat daar groot sportsterre by die Laerskool skuil. Wat `n heerlike pretdag was dit nie vir oud en jonk. 14 skole het deelgeneem. Goeie sportmangees was aan die orde van die dag met die ondersteuning van oupa's, ouma's, mamma's en pappa's het die kleingoed van o. 6 tot o. 9 hul staal gewys. Baie dankie aan ons hoofborg, Longtom Nissan vir ons pragtige sertifikate en programme. Longtom SuperSPAR het weer hul bydrae gelewer met pragtige sakke.

BlackBerry® PlayBookTM Tablet 16GB + TM BlackBerry® Curve 3G 9300 Smartphone

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