31 Mei / May 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 20

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News/Nuus 31 Mei / May 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 20 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za


Michelle Boshoff


erious allegations were made against a school in Burgersfort. The parents, who wish to stay anonymous, contacted the Highlands Panorama News about abuse of power from the school. The main complaint was that the school still uses corporal punishment as a method to keep children quiet in classes and force them into submission. The case was investigated and because the Department of Education has not responded to the Photo source: internet


allegations or tried to unprove them, the Highlands Panorama News decided to withhold the name of the school. The school will however be named when the Department responds and investigates. It will be done with the knowledge of the school. The parents stated that they had enough evidence to confirm that their child was a victim of corporal punishment. This form of punishment has been illegal for years. Reports of this do however surface from time to time in the media. Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence.



Nuus / News

31 Mei /May 2012


earner Tapper Program was a success. ASA Metals invested in the Community by facilitating a learner tapper program which started in December 2011, and continued for a period of 3 months. 18 Learner tappers were trained in total. These learners who completed their training can now use this qualification as a stepping stone to apply for a position as learner tapper, not only at ASA Metals but, also at other smelters in the country. This is another Social Economic Development project that proved very successful through the help of our HRD employees, supervisors who supported the training done, and management for addressing the needs of the community. ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine would like to congratulate each individual who successfully obtained their qualification as a learner tapper, and wish them all success in this career path opportunity.

Tel: 013 235 4825 Faks: 086 562 7990 (LYDENBURG) e-pos:

The team at ASA Metals.

Biltong & Droëwors


2 Junie 2012 • Alar ms • Monitering • Gewapende Reaksie • Elektriese Omheining

Skaap T-Been


Sosaties Fillet Vark

Ribbetjies Boerewors Maalvleis Hoenders Gebak Handwerk & ander Lekkernye

Tombola Springkasteel Kompetisies Spookhuis Speletjies

Hervormde Kerk Viljoenstraat Vanaf 08h00 Tel: 013 235 3554

Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum

/ May 2012 8 Julie 31 2010Mei / 8 July 2010

Nuus / News


Ongeluk op Burgersfort- en Steelpoortpad Hierdie ongeluk het vandeesweek op die Burgersfort - Steelpoortpad plaasgevind. Die publiek word gemaan om asseblief versigtig te ry en by die spoedgrens te hou op die paaie en doodseker te maak dis veilig om verby te steek. ~ Foto: Reinet Bell

Selfmoord? Hierdie verkleurmannetjie is gevind deur mnr. Kleyn Claassen naby Kiepersolwoonstelle in Lydenburg. Het die Jan-Fiskaal hierdie reptiel so mooi gedrapeer, of kon die verkleurmannetjie self daar gaan vassit het. ~Foto Michelle Boshoff

Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri

Tel: 013 235 1035 Fax: 013 235 4107 Swembad Centre, Crn Viljoen & Potgieter St

I/S: AFRICA LILY PROJECTS / LYNETTE DUVENHAGE Geliewe kennis te neem dat Lynette Duvenhage op 8 Mei 2012 bedank het by ons kliĂŤnt om haar eie besigheid, Hanger of Hope, te bedryf en dus nie langer in diens is van Africa Lily Projects nie. Ons bevestig verder dat die bogenoemde besigheid onafhanklik is van ons kliĂŤnt en daar geen werksverhouding bestaan tussen die bovermelde partye nie. GET: R HEYNS, VAN RENEN HEYNS ING.


until 15 June 2012 Valid

& many more instore specials!


Rubrieke / Columns

31 Mei / May 2012

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Lydenburg Bonjour gee pryse weg

Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”

A.F. Wolmerans (Lydenburg Bonjour) wat die Coca Cola Hamper gewen het te Lydenburg Bonjour. Van links is mnr. Willem Otto, me. Wolmerans en me. Baba Erasmus

Thank you Dr Barton ASSOCIATION OF


vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Al ooit by die huis gesit met ’n vlooi wat aan jou byt? Dit begin jeuk. En naderhand raak dit ’n obsessie om van hierdie jeukende-plek ontslae te raak. Die vlooie op Hoorhierso probeer my bewusmaak van hoe goed dit sal wees om weer weg te breek. Nie te ver nie. Net sodat ek die vlooi sy sin kan gee en dat dit nie meer jeuk nie. Dis ’n vakansie-vlooi. ’n Droomvlooi. Droom van wonderlike, asemrowende bestemmings. Tropiese eilande, Alaska, Parys, New York en Matjiesfontein. Want daar was ek ook nog nie. Soveel plekke om te sien. En hier sit ons in Lydenburg. Tog kan ons droom. Al is dit ver weg na Tippererie. Ver is ook die Suidpunt van Afrika, reguit Kaap Agulhas toe. Daar was ek glo al. Was glo al oral in Suid-Afrika, maar was net te jonk om te onthou. Ons eie land moet met mening besoek word, hier is ’n onuitputlike bron van reiservarings vir die entoesiastiese reisiger. En ek is definitief entoesiasties. Al is my beursie nie. Elke keer wat die motor se wiele draai moet dit op ’n plek wees waar ek nog nie was nie. Tog is dit makliker gesê as gedaan. Op elke vakansie ontmoet mens fassinerende wesens en besoek interessante plekke. Mens kan mos droom tot in al die uithoeke van die wêreld. Eendag sal jy wel daar kom en definitief ’n paar berge en waterstrome kruis. Al is dit te "ver te ver om te ry, dis te naby om te bly hoe sal ek maak om daar te kom?" Ja 'wanderlust' het my met mening beetgepak. So volgende keer as die reisvlooi byt, krap dan waarheen dit jeuk


Puntenerigheid PUNTENERIG is ’n ou of argaïse woord wat kieskeurig of moeilik om te bevredig beteken. Puntenerige ouens verkies om as perfeksionisties bekend te staan. Ek het minstens drie baie goeie vriende wat uiters puntenerig is. Ouboet Manie was ook ’n perfeksionis. Ek was baie lief vir my ouboet en is lief vir my drie puntenerige vriende, maar ai, hulle kan soms ’n pyn in die watsenaam wees. Gaan eet bietjie in ’n restaurant saam met dié ouens. Dan is die bord te koud, die pampoen te klonterig, die vleis te gaar, die eiers te rou of wat ookal. ’n Bord kos

Anonymous writes: I am a colleague of Dr Barton at the Lydenburg Hospital. I wish to thank him for all his help to the staff, especially in the Maternity Ward. You are a star doctor. We notice that you go above and beyond the call of duty and we appreciate it.

Duncia vra hulp Duncia Safe Haven skryf: Duncia Safe Haven wil graag hul ondersteuners op hoogte hou. Ons huisves tans 10 kinders en drie vroue. Die dames, wat ’n inkomste verdien, dra ’n deel by tot die huishouding om sodoende ’n bydrae te lewer. Dis egter maar ’n druppel in die emmer en ons is nog steeds afhanklik van u bydraes of skenkings om te kan voorsien in die daaglikse behoeftes van elke inwoner. Daarom wil ons weereens ’n beroep op u doen om ons by te staan in hierdie liefdesdiens wat ons na die beste van ons vermoë lewer. Ons kon nog altyd staatmaak op u wanneer ons in nood was en selfs wanneer on nie vra nie. Asseblief ons het u hulp nodig. Die direksie en huisouers wil dit beklemtoon dat hulle finansieël onafhanklik is en dat Duncia Safe Haven geheel en al op sy eie moet funksioneer en dit kan ons net doen met die hulp van mense soos u wat met deernis en empatie uitreik na ons. Ons maandelikse finansiële verpligtinge oorskry ons inkomste en kan dus nie by alles uitkom nie. Ons munisipale rekening beloop duisende rande wat ons eers moet vereffen voordat ons ’n voorafbetaalde meter kan installeer. Dankie Willie en Megan Lotz weereens aan die van u wie ’n pad saam met ons is in Hazyview getroud. (Fotograaf) stap, julle omgee en u i t r e i k w o r d Mara Theunissen gewaardeer.

Sakkie en Marietjie van der Merwe is onlangs in die huwelik bevestig te Cullinan. Beide is werksaam te Modikwa. Fotograaf : Mara Theunissen

Aftree-Oord Projek word beplan Ria van Lydenburg skryf: Die Aftree-Oord Projek verloop na wense vorentoe. Baie onbeantwoorde vrae is uitgepluis deur ’n ontwikkellaar wat met die vorige vergadering daar was. Hy het self gesê jonger persone kan ook ’n eenheid koop en aan seniors verhuur tot wanneer hulle self die eenheid benodig, ’n goeie belegging vir jonger mense. Gestremdes mag ook by hul ouers inwoon indien ouers goeie beheer oor die kinders het. Geen honde en katte sal toegelaat word nie. Ons wil graag terugvoering hê van u uit die vorige vergadering. Dink aan oulike onderwerpe wat ons op die vergadering kan bespreek. Die volgende vergadering is op Donderdag 7 Junie 13:00 by die Lydenburg Dienssentrum. Vir meer inligting skakel Isabel: 082 495 4706 of Rina: 013 235 2460.

Spreuke 14:3 Die verwaande woorde van die dwaas bring vir hom straf; die woorde van wyse mense beskerm hulle. Here help ons om na die wyse mense en nie die dwase nie, te luister - Amen

word maklik driekeer terug gestuur. Soveel so dat ek naand ongemaklik voel. Netnou spoeg die sjef in my kos ook! My ouboet, het byvoorbeeld aangedring dat ’n papier rol soos ’n handoekrol, of toiletrol voor moet afrol. M.a.w. As jy dit in die houer installeer, moet die papier nie agter afrol nie, maar voor. Dit het glo iets met higiëne te doen en hy het dit geleer toe hy destyds gesondheidsinspeksie geswot het. Ek, (kleinboet) het ’n perverse plesier daaruit geput om altyd die toiletrolle in sy huis om te draai, net om sy watsenaam te krap. Ek moet bieg, ek het nou ook al van hierdie simpel gewoontetjies aangeleer. Ek moet ook bieg dat ek my vriende en ouboet altyd in die geheim beny het oor

Good Samaritan at Entheos

One of our students picked up a cell phone in Goodman Street . It has no SIM card, and would like to return it to its o w n e r. C o n t a c t Entheos at 013 235 3432.

hulle goed altyd pynlik netjies en reg is. Geen tyd vir kompromië nie. Ek beny hulle egter nie die stres wat hierdie puntenerigheid deurentyd veroorsaak nie. Van my personeel is ook so. Skuif glo gedurig die meubels in die huis rond. Bid jou aan, as ek so in die halfdonker mik na my gunsteling stoel en ek gaan sit op ’n kaktus in plaas van my stoel! Skeisake sê ek jou! Daar is sekerlik groter “issues” om jou oor te bekommer. Soos die einde van die wêreld, die swak landsadministrasie, jou laptop se batterykapasiteit of jou bankbalans. Maar nee, die toiletrol moet reg afrol en die sitkamer moet herrangskik word! En hierdie mense erken almal dat hierdie puntenerigheid vir hulle ’n probleem en ’n kruis is. “Get a life!”

8 Julie312010 July2012 2010 Mei / 8 May

Nuus / News


Die AP Kerk in Lydenburg het Saterdag ’n Karnaval aangebied wat enige basaar nuwe lewe sou gee. Die gemeentelede het uit hul pad gegaan om hope eetgoed en hope vermaak vir die besoekers te bied. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff

FEATURE VERLEDE week het ons ’n goeie vriend en vennoot herdenk. Quintus Loots, gebore 24 Mei 1955 het saam met Andre Coetzee en Pine Pienaar die Highlands Panorama Nuus op 8 Oktober 2002, bykans 10 jaar gelede, gestig. Quintus is na ’n kort siekbed op 21 Mei 2010 oorlede. Hy sou op Donderdag 24 Mei 57 jaar oud gewees het. Rus lekker ou maat. Ons probeer jou goeie werk by die koerant voortsit. Andre Coetzee.

Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding










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31 Mei / May 2012


Vleis, stalletjies en koeksisters in gereedheid vir Vleisfees • 16 Junie. Steelpoort Akademie hou op 16 Junie 'n Golfdag vir fondsinsameling. Vir meer inligting skakel Cornelia 013 230 9341 of Martin 082 816 4833

• 28 July. Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag PLM Boerdery Burgersfort. Kindervermaak. Mnr. en me. Laeveld, Uitstallers welkom, ‘Hard’ 4x4 roetes, 20/40km bergfietsresies, Vliegtuig ‘flips’, Geen koelhouers. Tel 013 231 7498 of 013 231 7499. www.burbande.co.za

• 2 Junie. Vleisfees. Basaar. Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg. Groot fees wat elke jaar net al hoe lekkerder word. Die vleispryse is onvergelykbaar en die basaar asook stalletjies bied iets vir almal om te geniet.

Die Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg bied Saterdag hul jaarlikse Vleisfees aan. Hulle was reeds regdeur die week hard aan die werkskaf vir die groot lekker kuier en al die heerlike items wat te koop aangebied word Saterdag. Dankie aan ds. Willie Botha wat die foto’s verskaf het. Hy hoop om almal daar te sien Saterdag.


31 Mei / May 2012

1ST turn off to Steelpoort

Platinum Cnr No 4 C/o R555 & R37 Burgersfort


Tel: 013 231 7702 Fax: 013 231 7158

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Lettie Snyman

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At Shave’s customers are offered a total approach to home enhancement, ranging from professional technical and colour advise, accurate tinting to an in-store decorating service which includes carpets, lights and vinyl flooring. So whether you see things in black and white or colour, we will be able to help you!

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The management of Shave Specialist Paint Centre from left to right: Lettie Snyman, Hennie Snyman, Ann-Louise Steyn, Phillip Molepo, Magic Magolela, William Phofa with the owner Elmo Terblanche and his wife Marietjie Terblanche.

As winter approaches banish any white and cream walls and add some colour to transform your living space. In the world of decor COLOUR is serious business and at Shave’s we don’t just sell paint “WE SELL COLOUR”. We believe in the creation of beautiful living spaces and while we know that paint and colour offers you the most “bang for your buck” we know it doesn’t end there.

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Ann-Louise Steyn (Floor & Sales) Hennie & Lettie Snyman ( Branch Managers), Magic Mogolela, Phillip Molepo & William Phofa (Front) are our specialists for automotive Plascon Paint & Mixing house paints.


Nuus / News

31 Mei / May 2012


Please drop off food and blankets for LAPSAR at the Highlands Panorama News. They are privately owned and pay everything out of their own pockets.

ie Gemeentes van Christus in Lydenburg het onlangs ’n nuwe herderspaar ryker geword en is trots om hul nuwe gemeente, herderspaar en visie met die gemeenskap te deel. Pastoor Neels en me. Salomien Barnardo het gesê dat die kerk ’n passie vir transformasie het. Hulle wil ook mense help om hul lewens tot die volheid van God te wei. Pastoor Neels het gesê: “Ontdek dit wat God in jou geplaas het. Vrylike vloei van die Heilige Gees. Om die platform terug te gee vir God dat Sy Heilige Gees in volheid kan werk. Geopende Hemel - daar waar God se Gees werk is daar waar God is. Om God se beloftes vir ons lewens in werking te stel.” Die Gemeente van Christus se missie is om mense toe te rus en die Woord van God te verkondig. Sy volk gaan ten gronde weens ’n gebrek aan kennis. Daarom is hierdie kerk gerig daarop om mense toe te rus in Sy Woord, sodat elkeen van hulle ’n passie sal ontwikkel waar hulle sal transformeer tot die volheid van God se woord waarin elkeen van hulle geroep is om in te staan. Pastoor Neels het verder gesê dat die vryheid van God se Gees so beleef sal word. “Mag elkeen van ons ’n geopende Hemel oor ons lewens ervaar, deur tot ’n volle kennis van God se Woord te kom.” Jeug: Antidote - “Jesus is the antidote against sin!”

Titus 2:11-14. Ons missie om vir die jeug van Lydenburg ’n plek te verskaf waar hulle die Here kan dien en leer ken ’n plek waar vir hulle gebid kan word vir hul probleme. Visie: om die volheid van die Heilige Gees te ervaar sonder om uit te voel. Ons ‘loft’ se naam is ‘The Lab’, so ons nooi jou hartlik uit om 19:00 Vrydagaande saam te kom kuier. “Follow us to the lab for the ‘antidote.” Die Sondagskool se naam is ‘Die Ark’. Hul passie is om kinders te leer en voor te berei vir hul bediening. Dit lewer ’n fondament tot ’n stabiele volwasse lewe en om die kinders in Christus te anker. Vandag se kinders is more se toekoms. Belê in jou kind. Die Gemeentes van Christus is trots om ’n uitstaande Woord en ’n kurrikulum gebasseer op hul lewensfondamente aan te bied, eie aan hul gemeente.

Please phone Gerda at 082 041 6165.

She has a lot of animals that need homes and the loving care of a family. She will make sure that the animals have their required vaccinations. ’n Groepie geniet ’n bespreking by die Gemeentes van Christus.

Die nuwe kurrikulum van die Sondagskool.

4U For all your office furniture needs we have you covered.

Lydenburg 76 Viljoen Street e-mail: admin@4ucomputers.co.za Tel: 013 235 1486/95 Fax: 013 235 2702

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Kom rus jouself toe tot dit wat God jou voor geroep het om te wees!

Nuus/ News

31 Mei / May 2012


Winkelhaak Verspreiders is goed ge‘olie’ W

inkelhaak Verspreiders het na ’n klein begin in 2000 met slegs een vragmotor om diesel aan medeboere op Platrand en omgewing te verskaf, gegroei tot 11 dieseldepots wat tans gemiddeld 15 miljoen liter per maand aan boere en bontrakteurs oral voorsien. Daar is 58 vragmotors en 169 werknemers in Winkelhaak Verspreiders se diens om te help met die verspreiding van brandstof veral in die hoëveldstreek. Hulle het in 2008 / 2009 asook vir die 2009 / 2010 seisoene die TOTAL prys as

grootste privaat verskaffer van brandsof gelei dat besluit is om die derde tak nou in gewen. Lydenburg te kom vestig. Olieverkoopsyfers beloop Die volgende groot stap en droom is in 2010 tans 120 000 liter per maand maar die maatskappy bereik met die verspreiding van groot poog om so gou as moontlik die 200 000 kerf te hoeveelhede olie van al nege groot bereik. Gratis aanbevelings van die mees geskikte oliemaatskappye in Suid Afrika. (ENGEN, olies en ghriese deur kundige personeel word CALTEX, SHELL, TOTAL, MOBIL, gedoen vir alle voertuie en masjinerie tewyl FUCHS, CASTROL & BP). Eerste op die lys produkte ook gratis afgelewer word indien so was Standerton Oliedepot en 10 maande later verkies! Kontak ons gerus by 013 235 4417 / 082 het Bethal gevolg. Die twee oliedepots met 6 0 3 9 5 3 6 ( A d r i a a n H ö l c h e r ) / rugsteuning van die 11 dieseldepots waar olie l y d e n b u r g @ w i n k e l h a a k . c o . z a / ook verkoop word se suksesverhaal het daartoe winkelhaak@mweb.co.za

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31 Mei / May 2012


(Buy parts on 1 June 2012 before 12:00 & get a free boerewors roll)

8 31 JulieMei 2010/ May / 8 July 2010 2012

Mining & Industry


Students from Imperial College, London, UK visit Assmang Chrome Dwarsrivier Mine Mtshengu, acting Senior General Manager, gave his approval for an underground visit, because he had not been able to secure this with their other hosts. Professor Buchanan brought a previous MSc group shortly after Dwarsrivier Mine started up and said for him personally it would be of real professional interest to see how the operation had evolved since his last visit. Everyone was very impressed with the way Dwarsrivier Mine had progressed.

Left: Students and professors from Imperial College, London with Dwarsrivier Geologist Christopher Letsoele (far right) in front of Dwarsrivier Mine Training Centre, before their induction to go underground.

071 692 2212

Mnr. Corrie Kleyn van Laramie Spur, Lydenburg het Johan Fourie uitgenooi om Lydenburgers te kom vermaak. Johan Fourie het Laramie Spur se kliĂŤnte se tone behoorlik laat krul met nuwe en ou musiek. Dankie aan die Laramie Spur se span wat hierdie top-vermaak gereĂŤl het!


On 21 May, 25 students from 14 different countries around the world studying MSc Metals & Energy at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College, London, and 3 professors visited Dwarsrivier Mine. The visit was hosted by Dwarsrivier Geologist, Christopher Letsoele, and the students spent the day underground after which they returned to Johannesburg and the UK. Professor Dennis Buchanan, who arranged this excursion, was thrilled that Mr Mthi


Mining & Industry

31 Mei / May 2012


ubatse Chrome Lab has been awarded ISO17025 accreditation by SANAS. The Lab is proud to be the first smelter in Samancor to achieve this status. SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) accreditation gives formal and independent recognition that the Laboratory is competent to carry out specific tasks and conforms to relevant international / national standards. Laboratory accreditation provides formal recognition to competent

The Tubatse Lab team

laboratories, thus providing a ready means for customers to identify and select reliable testing, n this

Tubatse GM, Desmond McManus congratulating Lab Specialist Lesego Sebata

measurement and calibration services. To maintain this recognition, laboratories are re-evaluated regularly by the accreditation body to ensure their continued compliance with requirements, and to check that their standard of operation is being maintained. Laboratory accreditation is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as a reliable indicator of technical competence. Many customers prefer suppliers which can provide analysis from an accredited laboratory. To celebrate this tremendous achievement, a handover celebration was done on Friday the 25th of May. Juanita Erasmus, Tubatse Chrome's SHEQ Manager said that management is really proud of the team for such an outstanding achievement.

Samancor Chrome Eco Races The 30th of June 2012 promises to be a day to be remembered! Fun for the whole family! Samancor Chrome Marathon Club is hosting the first Samancor Chrome Eco Races. This event is sponsored by Samancor Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines. The excitement is already mounting as sponsors are coming to the fore. In the last week, Thorburn Security Solutions has announced that they would sponsor the event security and Talisman will be sponsoring the portable toilets for the races. It is exciting to see how the people in the Valley are coming together to make a huge success of this event.

Walkers having fun

Crazy Birthday


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R5470-00 COMBO SPECIAL 2 250A/220V CO2 Welder 60% D/Cycle Includes: Flowmeter, Auto Darkening Helmet, Mig Torch, 115mm Grinder, Drill 650 Watt, R8310-00

77 FIRST AVE, RIETKOL SUNDRA DELMAS DISTRICT TEL: (013) 661 1672 FAX: (013) 661 1572 E-mail weldeezesa@mweb.co.za Cell: 083 342 2181

The route for the 21km race starts in Eerstegeluk at the Maelebe Primary School with the first 5kms showcasing local village life, then crossing over the R555 into the grounds of Samancor Lannex Mine, through the Tubatse Golf Club nature reserve area and ending at the golf course grounds. The 10km route and 5km Family Fun Run routes start and finish at the Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. These races promise to follow a very scenic route. Money raised from the entry fees will be channelled to the needy in the local communities. Samancor has partnered with Friend in Need in this regard. A large part of the event has been planned to offer local families the opportunity to spend a day filled with fun and festivities in what promises to be the largest community event of its kind in the Greater Tubatse area. A carnival atmosphere awaits participants and visitors at the finish venue at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club with food stalls, kids’ activities and live entertainment offered as part of the family fun day. Registration forms can be obtained from The Tubatse Chrome Fitness Centre (Kenneth Moepeng at 013-230 8421), or Tubatse Chrome SHEQ Department (Tumelo Maebela 013-2308391) or from Maelebe Primary School (Felicia Maloma 0 7 2 6 1 5 0 1 9 9 / 0 8 2 2 0 11 0 4 3 ) o r races@antsevents.com. Interested parties wishing to get involved in the Samancor Chrome Eco Road Races by means of co-sponsorhsip or waterpoints may contact the race organisers, Ants Events at 071 605 1507/6 or 082 557 9604 or email: races@antsevents.com.

Nuus/ News

31 Mei / May 2012


News from Epilepsy SA

Aflewerings verloop heeltemal sleepglad met Nissan X-Trail

WHAT an eventful month of May we had! Starting with our annual “Friends of Epilepsy Tea” that was held on 9 May, we had a great time and were very fortunate that one of the local hotels – Peebles Country Retreat - hosted the event for us as a sponsor. The management and staff of Peebles prepared a lovely spread for the morning tea and we had a record attendance of 67 guests attending. Some came as far as Gauteng to join us on the special day. The marketing team from the Casual Day Project decided to host one of their information sessions here at our Dullstroom offices and we had 22 representatives from NGO's in Mpumalanga attending the information session on 10 May. The aim for our branch is to sell 25 000 stickers during this years campaign! The next big thing was a Special Olympics meet in Secunda at the Sasol Embalenhle Club. Only the floor hockey teams competed and 17 residents & staff members from the Dullstroom Residential Care Centre attended. We were crowned the overall winners of the day from nd the 2 Division Floor Hockey events. We are all very proud of our residents and staff that have been committed to the Special Olympics initiative over the past two years. And then the circus came to town... Our residents were very excited about being invited to the DREAM CIRCUS on Friday 25 May. Forty of our residents and staff attended the matinee show on Friday and had an excellent time. Shaun and Karlien were included in the entertainment and had to act out a mime of a love triangle, Shaun being the jilted lover! All of them had so much fun and could not stop talking about the circus that came to town. We would like to thank Batmunk and his team from the Dream Circus for making it possible for our people to have a great outing. This year has proved to be very challenging in terms of government subsidies not being paid, however in saying that, the Epilepsy SA Mpumalanga – Limpopo branch would like to thank all the businesses, individuals and loyal friends for helping us out the past five months. We are indeed very grateful to all of you for your support. Please contact Riette at the fundraising and marketing office with any queries on 013 254 0161.

Met groot gemak het al die koerante in hierdie X-Trail gepas sonder om die sitplekke af te slaan. DIE Highlands Panorama Nuus en Reinet Bell wil graag dankie sê aan Longtom Nissan vir die gebruik van die Nissan X-Trail vir verlede week se aflewerings op Burgersfort en Steelpoort. Met al die insetsels was die 1 600 koerante net te veel vir Reinet se Tiida en die Corsa bakkies was besig in en om Lydenburg. Nogmaals dankie! ~ Reinet Bell

Epilepsy SA at the circus.

Komberse vir behoeftiges vra Nissan - “Winter Warmer”

Dicky Roux en Hercules Coetzee van Longtom Nissan by die NP 200 waarmee komberse vir behoeftige mense en instansies ingesamel gaan word. Nissan Suid Afrika en Longtom Nissan doen hierdie jaar ’n beroep aan die publiek om betrokke te raak en komberse te skenk vir hierdie saak. As u kan help, kontak 013 235 2381 (Longtom Nissan).



31 Mei / May 2012

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

Nissan’s Infiniti heads towards SA THERE's been little real movement when it comes to the staple players in the local luxury segment, but the arrival of Nissan’s luxury arm Infiniti could well signal a change in the premium marque pecking order. With the implementation of a countrywide network of dedicated dealerships already well underway, a quartet of distinctive models available from launch and an enviable track record spanning 23 years and 25 global markets, Infiniti has the means to make a mark from the word go. This isn’t the first time that Infiniti has found its way onto the South African Market. Back in 1996, a limited number of Infiniti luxury saloon models were introduced to the market and met with moderate success. The brand’s return, however, is more than a quiet entrance with a handful of models. Infiniti aims to make a dramatic impact in the premium segment by establishing itself with a network of dedicated Infiniti Centres in the country’s major metropolitan areas (Gauteng, KZN and Western Cape) as well as an impressive range of distinctive new models covering the premium saloon (M), sports coupe (G Coupe), convertible (G Convertible), SUV (FX)and Crossover (EX) genres. Infiniti will only provide locally applicable engine line-up and pricing details closer to the marque’s launch next month.

Highlands Panorama Motoring


Suzuki diesel Swift does 3.4 l/100 km It’s no secret that hybrid cars are battling to take off in South Africa (for a number of reasons, including a lack of government-backed incentives) but one New Zealand petrolhead has shown a little diesel car may be just as economical. Motoring journalist Donn Anderson drove a Suzuki Swift DDiS from Auckland to Wellington on New Zealand’s North Island and back again (well, almost). Anderson drove a total distance of 1340km on one 42-litre tank of fuel before needing a refuel just 60km away from his home. During the trip, the diesel Swift consumed an average of 3.36 litres/100km travelling at between 80 and 100km/h. He added, though, that the fuel consumption could have been even lower had he not encountered strong winds and torrential rain on the journey. Suzuki Auto South Africa has, however, confirmed it has no plans to launch the Swift 1.3 DDiS here. Wheels24.co.za

• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Adelene le Roux: 076 416 8644 • Dean Ruthenberg 072 298 3609

• Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton

Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg



31 Mei / May 2012


Reckless and drunk drivers to be retested THE Road Traffic Management Corporation is taking a tougher stance against drivers found guilty of certain traffic violations. Announcing the rollout of a “safety and rehabilitative” programme called Project Woza Re-Test, RTMC acting CEO Collins Letsoalo said they intended to suspend the licences of motorists who were arrested from 1 January this year for certain road transgressions. The suspensions would remain in place until they had been retested. Letsoalo said 5 000 drivers had been arrested for various traffic-related violations since the beginning of this year. The RTMC said the project’s aim was to educate and rehabilitate convicted motorists. It intended to roll out the programme on drivers found guilty of traffic offences related to both section 25(1)(b) and section 25(2) of the National Road Traffic Act. These included drivers caught for: -Driving under the influence of alcohol and other substances with narcotic effects (section 65); -Reckless, negligent and/or inconsiderate driving (section 63); -Excessive speeding, for example, exceeding the 30km/h threshold in builtup areas and 40km/h on freeways (section 59). “Convicted offenders will be given 14 working days in which to explain why his / her licence should not be suspended pending the outcome of a retest of both the learner’s and driving licences.” However, a sceptical Justice Project SA’s Howard Dembovsky questioned whether the RTMC could act as a court of law. The Star & iol.Motoring.co.za

Do you have a customised car? DO you have a specially customised or built up car? It does not need to be an original or in original condition, as long as it stands out from the rest and really looks good. We are looking for an old (or new) car done up with special mag rims, pinstriping, sound system, special paint job etc. It must belong to you, a friend or family member. eMail us your good quality p i c s t o andrec@intekom.co.za and full particulars on the car and owner, as well as what was done to the car, cost etc. If we think your car is special, we will publish an article with pics on you and your car (include a pic of yourself) in a forthcoming issue of the Highlands Panorama News. So come on, there are probably not enough of us to warrant a local car show, but let us at least show people what we have got. Maybe it could lead to a local car show! Andre Coetzee.

We are proud to announce that we can now also supply and fit CV-Joints on a wide range of vehicles Bring your vehicle for a free quotation!

Your car says a lot about you.

HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113 Raymond Mmola: 072 860 9592 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: GERT VD BANK - 072 958 1065

Hyundai Lydenburg



31 Mei / May 2012

Affordable new Toyota Etios AFFORDABILITY, fun to drive and spaciousness were just three of the qualities Toyota fans came to love about the Toyota Tazz. Its discontinuation in 2006 left a big gap in the budget hatchback market which rivals were all too happy to fill. The Etios is a sort-of replacement. The Yaris, has become expensive so what was needed from Toyota was a new ethos based on budget-friendly cars. So, at last, here’s the Etios, all set to pick up the mantle dropped by the Tazz and take on the pretenders with its versatility, space - and price. Why not have simply brought back the Tazz? Toyota says that while the name certainly “carries a lot of weight, the brand was looking for something new, fresh, not just a redesigned model”. Calvyn Hamman, senior vice-president of Toyota SA sales and marketing, says the Etios is “an affordable, value-forDepending on your vehicle choice, you could have your own choice of money vehicle. After all, the Tazz left us with very big shoes to fill”. multimedia from basic radio/CD to an integrated MP3-compatible unit with The Etios was launched two weeks ago as a sedan or hatch in Xi or more high- USB and AUX connectivity. The higher-specced XS models benefit from end XS specification at prices dangerous to rivals, friendly to buyers: the remote-controlled central locking, power windows, fog lights and better seat hatchback retails from R115 800 - R120 900, the sedan from R121 800 to fabrics. Luggage capacity is listed as 251 litres for the hatch and 595 for the R126 600. The cars are worth a second look just for their price but can they sedan. The sedan’s boot is especially large and well-suited to a family’s hold a candle to their now well-established rivals? We’d vote a resounding holiday needs. Toyota has also taken vehicle customisation to heart: Etios yes. buyers can boost their purchase with a host of extras ranging from spoilers, mud guards and side skirts through floor mats, seat covers and gear-shifter The Etios is unlike any other model in the Toyota stable, save for a touch of knobs. Corolla that’s had a little liposuction, but are their touches of its competitors? The grille assembly “smiles” and is accented by a large chromed strip but the Nissan Micra, Ford Figo, VW Polo Vivo, Renault Sandero... the Etios isn’t bonnet creases suggest new Honda Ballade and the overall shape is short of rivals. The common thread with most of its biggest competitors is reminiscent of Renault’s Logan. At the rear it’s fairly pedestrian yet sets itself price and standard fittings. Ford’s Figo has been doing well saleswise but, apart from other Toyotas. I like the look of the sedan’s rear - it doesn’t have that like the VW, it’s an old model redesigned and repurposed whereas the Etios is “bolted-on as an afterthought” look that aesthetically sabotages some of its an entirely new offering. The Etios has all the space of a B-segment ride with rivals. Both Xi and XS variants ride on 14” steel rims shod with 175/65 tyres but the budget-friendly value of an A-segment vehicle. It might not capture the higher-specced XS models get fog lights, body-colour external mirrors buyers based on its design but it’s a practical family car that can comfortably and chromed elements. Overall the Etios is not exactly a head-turner but the seat five and has the power and maneuverability to make city traffic bearable. cars have enough character to hold their own against their dated rivals. If Toyota’s loyal following and faith in the brand’s reliability should help the Etios you’re not sold on their looks then step inside because that’s where they really capture a good chunk of the market. shine. Etios 1.5 hatch Xi - R115 800 Etios 1.5 hatch Xs - R120 900 Powering the Etios is a 1.5-litre, four-cylinder petrol engine capable of 66kW Etios 1.5 sedan Xi - R121 800 Etios 1.5 sedan Xs - R126 600 at 5 600rpm and 132Nm with at 3 000rpm. The engine is mated to a five-speed Each comes with a two-year or 30 000km service plan and a three-year or manual gearbox and fuel consumption is rated at a claimed six litres / 100km 100 000km warranty. for the hatchback and 5.9 for the sedan. No, the numbers didn’t stop us in our tracks either, but get behind the wheel of an Etios and an “adequate” car soon Wheels 24.co.za becomes rather pleasing. The engine’s rather sprightly and the suspension gives excellent handling through and over modest bends and undulations. The 155mm ground clearance will prove handy on gravel roads and the car glides smoothly over road irregularities. Steering is quite responsive despite the light feel to the steering wheel and the cars handle high speeds rather well; road noise minimal even at 120km/h. There’s no discernible shakes or rattles; certainly the Etios is a worth option for budget-conscious families or first-time car buyers. The relatively high fuel consumption can be blamed on the missing sixth gear the transmission so desperately needs; it peaks too early and that costs fuel. The cabin appears at first glance to be more of the same from Toyota with its grey-on-black plastics though new design elements are identifiable. The interior is all new with a horizontal design based around the centre console. The entire fascia is adventurous for Toyota, especially considering the centre console placement and design. The seats are unlike anything in the current Toyota range and I found them surprisingly comfortable given the tapered shape at the top.

Prices that will throw you. Polo Vivo. From Only R1599 p.m. Living life to the full has never been more affordable with the Polo Vivo. German engineered with a South African heart, it’s no wonder it’s the best selling passenger car in South Africa. And with 70% of its parts locally sourced and available nationwide, it’s easy to maintain your Polo Vivo.

• 1.4 Base manual hatch R188 300 • Number of installments 60 • Interest rate 9.15% Deposit 10% • Final balloon payment R52 998 • Total Payment R148 860 Terms & Conditions Apply Subject to bank approval


31 Mei / May 2012


New Isuzu KB (D-MAX) to hit SA in 2013 LONDON, England - Isuzu UK has announced that its all-new D-Max pick-up, for which deliveries will start in early July, will be covered by a unique-in-class fiveyear or 120 000-mile warranty... that's almost 200 000km. The D-Max was set to replace the Isuzu KB range in South Africa later in 2012 but has been delayed until the first half of 2013. SA will keep the long-known and well-loved KB branding and prototypes of the truck were spotted testing in SA in February, 2012. Isuzu SA said: "The South African market we will retain the name Isuzu KB because of the heritage and history of the brand here. In October 2012 we will celebrate 33 years of Isuzu production and 40 years of light commercial vehicle production in South Africa. "To date we have built more than a half-million Isuzu KB units at our plant in Port Elizabeth. Most were sold in South Africa and in some of our neighbouring countries.” It will not, however, offer the extended five-year warranty. With more than 7 500 "expressions of interest" already received for the D-Max before it arrives on UK roads (and farms, building sites and country estates), Isuzu is anticipating a bumper sales year. The bakkie's warranty includes a standard 36-month / 100 000km manufacturer’s warranty and an extended warranty* provided by the importer, Isuzu UK, for up to a total of 60 months or 120 000 miles, whichever comes sooner. “Warranty cover for five years or 120,000 miles gives buyers of the new Isuzu D-Max peace of mind for longer than any other pick-up in the UK,” said William Brown, Isuzu UK's general manager. “Isuzu has become renowned for producing rugged, durable pick-ups and we’re now demonstrating our absolute confidence in the toughness of our new product.” The new D-Max will be available in the UK with four spec levels and three cab configurations – extended cab, single cab and double cab. Prices range from the equivalent of R191 000 for the single cab 4x2 derivative, rising to about R284 000 for the range-topping Utah spec double-cab auto. Even the entry-level model, in the UK, has a generous complement of standard equipment, including aircon, daytime running lights, power windows and front, side and curtain airbags. Power comes from a 2.5-litre, twin-turbo, common-rail diesel engine available with a new six-speed manual or five-speed auto transmission. This advanced Euro5compliant unit generates 122kW and 400Nm at 1 400rpm. "As well as being the most comprehensively developed, most efficient and most refined Isuzu pick-up yet," Isuzu says, "the all-new Isuzu D-Max is also a highly capable loadlugging workhorse: it has a three-tonne (braked) towing capacity and a payload capacity of more than 1 000kg. *The extended parts and labour warranty covers any defects in power train components or workmanship. This includes engine, transmission and drive line components and major ancillaries such as aircon compressor and power-steering pump. Wheels24.co.za

Do you know where your dipstick is? LONDON, UK – Do you know where you oil dipstick is? Do you know how to read it? It's amazing how many drivers do not know how to do this and inevitably set themselves up for expensive engine repairs. According to research from Mobil 1, nearly 50% of the 1 084 drivers the company polled did not even know why oil was used in their vehicle’s engine. Research also showed that three out of four Britons don’t know how to check the oil level in their car. Mobil 1 commissioned the survey to gain an insight into driver habits, specifically in the areas of engine maintenance and servicing. The study discovered that although drivers were looking for ways to save money, they were significantly less savvy when it comes to understanding how to reduce their motoring costs. The research found 94% of drivers were unaware that using the correct oil could significantly prolong the life of an engine, as well as potentially improve fuel economy. Dan McGoldrick, a Mobil marketing adviser, said: “It’s clear from this research that car owners are largely unaware of the benefits of using synthetic motor oil and in some cases people don’t even have a basic understanding of the fundamental role played by engine lubrication.” “Using the right oil for your engine can potentially improve fuel economy, reduce engine wear and save lots of expense in the long run," said McGoldrick. Below are some of the question asked in the survey: Do you know where you oil dipstick is?

Do you know how to read it?

When was the last time you checked your oil?

Do you know where to pour oil in?

Do you keep spare oil at home? Wheels24.co.za


0331November 2011 Mei / May 2012

Motoring Properties / Eiendomme

VLYTIGE Kwilters van Lydenburg het saam hul 10de verjaardag bewussyn vir Kansa gekweek. Al meer mense ontwikkel kanker en benodig Kansa se hulp en bystand. Vlytige Kwilters bedank ds. Willie Botha wat die verrigtinge geopen het, Kansa dames wat die verversings bedien het, Highlands Panorama Nuus vir die artikels, VLU Strelitzia-tak wat middagete voorsien en bedien het asook al die uitstallers en kwilters wat gehelp het. Hierdie viering was ’n sukses en daarna kon Vlytige Kwilters ’n bedrag aan Kansa oorhandig om hulle te help in die veelvuldige take wat hulle in Lydenburg bedryf. Persone wat belangstel om by Kansa aan te sluit of hulle nodig het kan Chrissie de Beer by 079 577 2618 kontak. Skakel Petro Botha (Bernina) of Susan Mostert by 082 928 1421 vir navrae oor Vlytige Kwilters.

IEMAS Steelpoort was able to donate a few computers to Steelpoort Academy. The school is very thankful for this donation as it will help the learners to further their studies and improve the quality of education they receive with the help of modern technology.

Chrissie de Beer van Kansa en Susan Mostert (regs), Voorsitter Vlytige Kwilters.

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: 2 Slk huis in Kelly’s Ville - R3500 / mnd TE KOOP:

• 4.2 Ha plot naby dorp met 2 slk woning, kampe - R1,1 milj O.h.b • 1 Ha plot, 2km buite dorpsgrense, 2 wonings, mun. krag - R1,4 milj • 3 Slk. woning in goeie woonarea, oopplan sit/eetkam/kombuis, 2 badk, 2 mot, erf, omhein - R1,4 milj. • 3 Slk woning, 1 badk, ruim sit/eetk, groot woonarea, netjiese komb, onderdak braai area, mot, afdakke, wask, PLUS 2 slk woonstel - R1,450 milj • Baie netjiese 3 slk woning met 2 badk, oopplan sit/eet/komb, 4 mot afdakke, motorhuis, stoor, ens - R1,350milj • 147 Ha plaas - 5 Slk, 3 badk, 40 ha lande, 27 onder kanaalbesproeiing, ens. R2,4 milj SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP



VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net


Woonhuise te huur 4 Slk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, woonk, enkel motorh, opwas/wask, omhein. "Pre paid" krag. 1 Junie R 9 000

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31 Mei / May 2012

Eiendomme / Properties


Huis van die week

Nuwe woning met 3 slaapkamers en dubbel geriewe : R1,195m !

Alit 083 288 6834

EKSKLUSIEWE WOONHUIS TE KOOP. 3 Slaapkamer 2 badkamer woonhuis in goeie stil area. Hoofslaapkamer met aantrekkamer en eie badkamer. Aparte gaste kamer met eie badkamer. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en groot onthaalarea. Kombuis met opwas.(Nuut oorgedoen.) Studeerkamer. Dubbel motorhuis. Huis 376.8 m2 Erf 1427 m2 Prys 2 Miljoen. Vir meer inluting kontak Marula Eiendomme by Werner: 0827769347 / Minnaar: 0827756370

Louis 082 496 4312

Boupakket op 1 ha plot of erf te The Heads of Sterkspruit ! Woning, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badk, 2 m/huise, kantoor plus onderdak braai area! Geen hereregte ! R1,195 m *terme

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R1 900 000 12 HA plot 4 slaapkamer woonhuis omhein

R895 000 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, sit kamer eetkamer 2 motorhuis woonstel.

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31 Mei / May 2012


Congratulations to these rugby players of Steelpoort Academy. They qualified for the Ehlanzeni rugby team. From left (front): Godwin Mapalankanye, Andries Vorster, Kamo Mapalakanye, Arrie Heyl; (back): mnr. Anton Erasmus.

Die A-liga 0 / 13 skaakspan van die Laerskool Lydenburg was die wenners van die Mpumalanga Laeveld Laerskole Skaakliga. Van links is (agter): I. D. Bezuidenhout, Marcques Hansen, JP v.d. Linde; (voor): Tristan Lindeque, Keith Klingbiel en Frikkie Fensham.

Die Laerskool Lydenburg B-liga (Oopspan) Skaakspan het ’n derde plek behaal in die MP. Laeveld Laerskole Skaakliga.Van links (agter): Marco Jordaan, Raymond Botha, Duan Calitz, Marno Gerber, Stephan Boshoff, Willie Fensham; (voor): Danoré Venter, Nikita Venter, Suné du Preez, Lesego Hendriks.

Die Steelpoort Akademie het onlangs die voorreg gehad om dr. Elsje Jordaan en Minette Dempsey (foto heel bo) te ontvang by ’n netbalkliniek. Al die netbalspelers, van o / 6 tot o / 15, het die geleentheid gehad om nuwe tegnieke aan te leer. Dankie aan almal wat bygedra het tot die kliniek en hul tyd opgeoffer het.

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