Nuus / News
2 Augustus 2012
Ikageng Creche signifies education for children VIPCON property developers felt it was important to celebrate Mandela Month by donating a state of the art crèche at Garden Court, in Mashishing Ext 6 in Thaba Chweu Local municipality. The crèche cost more than 1.7 million. It has six classes, full house kitchen with ceramic tiles and state of the art bathrooms. Vipcon was inspired by the great work of the legendary Dr Nelson Mandela and his endless caring of children. Mr Themba Sgudla, Managing Director of Vipcon and a former president of NAFCOC Mpumalanga, also thought he should play his part by donating this massive project crèche for the community of Mashishing. Passion for the children inspired Sgudla to donate this for the leaders of tomorrow. This also happened in other areas like Nkomazi where he, Mr Ngraye Ngwenya and the Premier, honourable D.D Mabuza, spent their 67 minutes building a crèche for Nkomazi and Driekopies in the Malelane area. As a local developer, Mr Sgudla felt a need to invest in our children's future positively to impact society and to give back to the community, as part of their continuous social responsibility. Vicon has pledged to build 65 crèches in Mpumalanga Province in different municipalities in the next five years. Three crèches have been completed already.
All photo’s: Michelle Boshoff Photo’s: Provincial, Local Government, delegates, school children, teachers and members of the community at the opening of Ikageng Creche.
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2 Augustus 2012 8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010
Nuus / News
’n Bus het Woensdagmiddag regdeur die Rooidraai kragstasie gery sonder om te stop. Dit het naelskraaps motors gemis. Die bus wou indraai na Lydenburg in Viljoenstraat van die Dullstroompad. Niemand is beseer nie. (Foto’s Michelle Boshoff en R&P Paneelkloppers).
Foto van die Maand Kompetisie inskrywings deur Heather Aspeling. Sy het dit geneem te Manyeleti
Specialising in the following diets: • High protein Diet • Detox Diet • Blood Group • Maintenance & Health for Life
Alloyse Muller : 082 833 0323 alloysemuller@hotmail.com 7am to 8pm Daily (Weekends included) 4447 Bushwillow Street, The Heads
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Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
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Johann Dannhauser: Cell: 076 879 0450 Crown
Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort
Rubrieke / Columns
2 Augustus / August 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Vroue se lot en dit wat hulle bereik het staan kiertsregop in ons bewussyn hierdie maand. Dis 'n emosionele saak. Hier en daar kan vroue en dogters vandag name noem wat bekendheid verwerf het. Maar op die vooraand van Nasionale Vrouedag moet ons daardie name weer in aanskou neem. Daarom is 'Hoorhierso' hierdie week dalk meer formeel. Maar Die Uwe het uit verskeie bronne op die internet 'n rubriek saamgestel as geskiedkundige-lepel waarvan almal 'n happie kan vat. In die Bybel kan mens vroue soos Rut en Naomi, Hanna, Ester, Debora, Rispa en Abigajil uitgesonder word. Abigajil was die vrou van Nabal, 'n baie ryk man. Volgens die Bybel was hy 'n regte korrelkop en onbeskof, maar sy vrou het 'n goeie verstand gehad en sy was mooi... Deur die eeue het vrou groot rolle in verskeie lande gespeel. Swede was die eerste land wat vanaf 1718 tot 1771 (toe dit teruggetrek is) stemreg toegestaan het aan vroulike belastingbetalers. Ook in die 18de eeu het Corsica, Massachusetts en New Jersey dit vir kort periodes toegelaat. In die laat 19de eeu het sommige provinsies in Australië, enkele Amerikaanse state, en ook Swede, Brittanje, Kanada en kleiner eilande beperkte stemreg verleen. Nieu-Seeland (1893) en Suid-Australië (1894) was voorlopers met omvattende stemreg. Finland (1906) was die eerste land waar vroue kon stem én in verkiesings kon staan, ongeag ras, besittings of sosiale klas. Na 1910 het onder meer Denemarke, Noorweë, Kanada, Duitsland, Pole en Rusland gevolg. België, Hongarye en Nederland het in 1919 vrouestemreg toegestaan; in die twintigerjare die VSA en Swede. Brittanje het in 1928 gelyke stemreg met mans toegelaat en Suid-Afrika in 1930 (vir wit vroue; die ander eers in 1994); in die dertigerjare Spanje en Portugal, Brasilië, Thailand, Turkye en Indië; in die veertigerjare Frankryk en Italië; Griekeland in 1952, Egipte en Somalië (1956); Switserland eers in 1971 op federalevlak. In Antjie Krog se gedig "Die leeu en die roos" in Otters in bronslaai) word daar gedig dat die trekkers eerder "kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge" sou trek as om onder die Britse juk te staan. Otters in bronslaai, Antjie Krog: “met hulle is ek: al die maaier-ma's di.-oggende by die babakliniek al die ma's op hul knieë voor die kinderbiblioteekrak al die ma's wat sondae verkreukel uit die babakamer kom al die ma's wat saans voor die noodapteek wag al die ma's wat "gebak" skool toe moet stuur al die ma's wat uitvind NIKS haal doekvlekke uit behalwe jik nie al die ma's wat hul arms teen oonddeure brand al die ma's wat nie hul kinders sonder 'n bediende kan grootmaak nie al die ma's wie se kinders hakkel of bednatmaak al die ma's wat skoondogters en lamlendig is uit hierdie vrouens is nie eens kinders te maak nie en godweet, ook nie poësie nie. In die Eerste Afrikaanse Taalbeweging het Di Patriot nie vroueskryfwerk verwelkom nie. Eers 'n jaar later, na die ontstaan van Ons Klyntji, is daar na vrouelesers van die blad verwys. Die groot rol wat vroue in die Anglo-Boereoorlog gespeel het, het wel erkenning ontvang. In kampdagboeke skryf vroue oor hul kamplewe. Enkele uitsonderinge was dinamiese vroue soos Marie Koopmans de Wet en ML Rompel-Koopman. Die vrou is egter primêr gesien as
Straatbrakke DIE kwessie van rondloperhonde in Lydenburg se strate is besig om rampspoedige afmetings aan te neem. En waar hierdie “troppe” honde rondhardloop is minstens twee besig om nuwe hondjies te bou. Wanneer die gediertes amok maak is dit niemand se diere nie. Almal ontken eienaarskap, maar is so onnosel dat hulle nie weet ons sien waar die honde snags gaan
gesinsmoeder, opvoeder en volkshoeder, in diens van volk en vaderland. Die eerste feministiese boek: Vrou en feminist –deur Marie du Toit (dogter van SJ du Toit en suster van Totius) het in 1921 verskyn en MER het vroeg in die 20ste eeu feministiese idees geopper. Dr Petronella van Heerden (1887–1975) was die eerste vrou wat medies gestudeer het (in Amsterdam). Sy was 'n eksentrieke figuur wat mansklere gedra en 'n histerektomie ondergaan het om ontslae te raak van haar vrouedele (sien in Etienne van Heerden se Kikoejoe die karakter Geertruida Sophia Latsky, wat op dr Van Heerden gegrond is). Prof Lydia van Niekerk was 'n briljante student wat in 1920 as die eerste vroulike professor – en wel in Afrikaans en Nederlands – aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch aangestel is. Sy was 'n kenner van die skilderkuns en het gereeld stukke oor poësie, drama en prosa in Die Huisgenoot geskryf. Met die Taalkonferensie van 1911 was dit vrouestudente wat besluit het dat die brabbeltaal van Engels/Nederlands/Afrikaans wat die vrouestudente op Stellenbosch praat, voortaan vervang moet word met suiwer Afrikaans. Bekende studente soos Anna Neethling-Pohl in die twintigerjare, Ina Rousseau en Berta Smit in die veertigerjare, Rykie van Reenen en Elize Lindes (Botha) sou 'n baie belangrike rol speel. Tydskrifte soos Die Boerevrou (1919) en later Rooi Rose en Sarie Marais het baie daartoe bygedra om vroue "mondig" te maak, asook skrywers en joernaliste soos die invloedryke MER (Maria Elizabeth Rothmann) en Audrey Blignault (laasgenoemde het onder andere baie gedoen om 'n leeskultuur te vestig deur die oprigting van leeskringe aan te moedig), Alba Bouwer, Elise Muller en Rykie van Reenen, asook dinamiese vroue-kritici soos Elizabeth Conradie, Anita Lindenberg en Elize Botha. Elisabeth Eybers is die eerste groot Afrikaanse vrouedigter, maar ook een van die groot digters in Afrikaans, terwyl Ingrid Jonker se werk bykans ikoonstatus verwerf het. Vroue het in opstand gekom teen die destydse realiteit dat dubbel gediskrimineer is teen hulle. Dit het tot uiting gekom in onder andere werksaamhede van die Black Sash-beweging en in die optog van swart vroue na die Uniegebou in 1956 uit protes teen die paswette. Baie skrywers en navorsers oor Vroue sal sê dat vroue steeds gedefinieer word deur mans, en manlike geskiedskrywers het dikwels feite aangepas by hulle eie agendas. So beweer die geskiedskrywer Rosalind Miles byvoorbeeld dat Jean D'Arc nie verbrand is oor geloofsafvalligheid nie, maar omdat sy mansklere gedra het. Florence Nightingale was eintlik bekend as “the Lady with the Hammer”, omdat sy in woede 'n gesluite deur van 'n stoorkamer getakel het toe die bevelvoerder nie voorrade aan haar wou gee nie. Die oorlogskorrespondent van die Times het dit egter te kru gevind vir die Britse lesers by die huis. Onselfsugtigheid teen wil en dank is dikwels vroue se lot. Bekende digter Totius het oor vroue se opoffering gedig: Dit put maar en sy gee maar immer dit put maar en sy weier nimmer, net soos 'n moeder, so opreg, gee sy haar laaste druppel weg!” Vroue hou die toekoms van 'n nasie in hul boesem, en daarvoor kan almal respek toon.
slaap, of oor watter heining hulle spring nie. So, my term straatbrakke verwys nie net na die vierpotige soort nie, maar ook na hulle eienaars. In die ou dae was dit maklik. Jy reel met die munisipaliteit, maak ’n span ouens bymekaar en jy loop skiet die goed. (Die honde, jou idioot!). En jy beboet die wat ’n bohaai maak, want hulle is waarskynlik die eienaars. Maar nou het diere regte. Dit is onder andere hoekom die wêreld in sy moer in is. Diereregte. Die Bybel is baie duidelik - jy moet jou omgewing bestuur! Gaan kyk maar hoe lyk dit op vullisverwyderingsdae. Mense sit hulle sakke op straat, die bure
se honde verskeur dit en die munisipaliteit sal nie dié vullis optel nie, want sy “job description” sê hy tel sakke op. Net sakke. Geen trots of diskresie! Sodra die huiseienaars hulle sakke uitgesit het is hulle klaar. As ’n ander idioot se straatbrakke dit verskeur, het hulle vrede, maak nie saak hoe hulle sypaadjies lyk nie. Vuil - die spul. Nie veel beter as die straatbrakke nie. Hou jou sakke in jou erf en gaan gooi dit self oor naweke weg. Ek moet, want ek is skaam vir die gemors. Het iemand dalk vir my bietjie two step asseblief? Of beter, kom ons vat ons dorp terug. Laat die polisie, verkeer en die munisipaliteit ons amptelik afvaardig om die probleem te bestuur. My twaalfboor pompaksie kort bietjie werk, nou dat kriminele skiet ook nie meer as sport geklassifiseer is nie.
8 2Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010 Augustus 2012
Nuus / News
Are you on the “WEB”?
ERY few local businesses have their own website. Although a website does not necessarily generate more business by itself, it increases your exposure tremendously and provides a window into your business. Together with advertising, marketing, word of mouth and direct business referrals, the whole suite of exposure should guarantee more business. In the modern world, when people want to know more about you, they “google” your business. If there is no website, they might lose interest. A properly developed and maintained website, provides interested parties with a description of your business, pictures of your products and key personnel, contact details, a business profile, and often, key links to suppliers or associates and more. Some website developers advertise websites for less than R 1 000 and some charge up to R 70 000. The “cheapies” are usually very basic without any proven backup and the expensive ones usually offer more hype than actual worthwhile content. The Highlands Panorama News can develop a custom made, professional website for you at a very reasonable cost. Your company need not be very large, in fact a one man business could probably be more dependant on a website than anybody else. The Highlands Panorama News will provide a complete turnkey service. That could include a Home Page, a Products Page, a Profile of the Company Page, Key Staff Page and full Contact Details Page and whatever more you require. Clickable links are provided throughout and graphics will include your logo and pictures, all in full colour. The service includes registration on the Internet, very reasonable hosting fees and a weekly / monthly or annual update, negotiable. Our total service includes our own in-house website administrator / developer, the full development, graphics design, hosting and through our link with IT@Large, also based on our premises, a full IT service as well. We can even place a link to the local newspaper (the Highlands Panorama News) as well as develop and / or link your Facebook page to your website. For examples of what is possible, google one of the following: w w w. h i g h l a n d s p a n o r a m a . c o . z a , w w w. m c g e e . c o . z a , www.wenakker.org.za, or www.kornsteel.co.za to see what we can do for you, or visit the Highlands Panorama News at the corner of Viljoen and Jansen streets in Lydenburg, to personally discuss your requirements and a suitable tariff structure. So come on, get with the program and become part of the World Wide Web today. ~ Andre Coetzee.
! 19.90
Base: 3 Eggs & Cheese
The Mogoshadi Day Care and Learning Centre opened in 1997 with 37 children. On 18 July the Pellitizing Plant Team of Tubatse Ferrochrome and the Manager Mr Jaco Pieterse spend their 67 minutes for International Mandela Day at Mogoshadi Day Care Centre. They worked in the vegetable garden and fetched water from the river to fill the water tank. The Tubatse employees had loads of fun sharing the day with the children. The owner and principal of the centre, Mrs Glen Malekane, started the centre to help a nine-year-old child with speaking problems. The child was rejected numerous times at primary schools because of this particular problem she was facing. By 1999 she was able to speak fluently and was admitted to a local primary school with the help and determination of Mrs Malekane. The day care centre is taking care of 152 children today, of which four are disabled. Like any other owner Mrs Malekane has her challenges, especially operating a centre with no running water and a small building. Like any other birthday party the day ended with “Happy Birthday Dear Madiba” sounding clear.
Nutec Ceiling 95
2 Augustus / August 2012
Dankie Imbali Tuinsentrum
Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”
Lizle en Monique Koekemoer skryf: Dankie is ’n klein woordjie maar Nicola en Imbali Tuinsentrum verdien meer as ’n dankie! Julle het my dogtertjie se verjaarsdag spesiaal gemaak. Nicola, weereens uit ons hart dankie vir Saterdag! Dis ’n daggie wat ons nie maklik sal vergeet nie. Ek maak defnitief weer van julle gebruik. As daar sterre was het jullle ’n vyfster-toekenning ontvang!
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Uit die Woord From the Word GENESIS 1:26 Toe het God gesê: “Kom Ons maak die mens as ons verteenwoordiger, ons beeld, sodat hy kan heers oor die vis in die see, die voëls in die lug, die mak diere, die wilde diere en al die diere wat op die aarde kruip.” Ons Vader, gee dat ons hierdie opdrag met verantwoordelikheid sal hanteer - Amen. Hierdie beursie is verlede week in die Swembadsentrum (naby Kenchington’s) opgetel. Die een kaart behoort aan mnr. Gregory Greyling. Die beursie kan by die Highlands Panorama kantore afgehaal word.
In Memorium Kobie Mostert is oorlede op 29 Julie 2012. Sy laat een seun Tobias Mostert, sy vrou Yolandi en twee kleinkinders agter. Die Verassingsdiens word gehou op Saterdag 4 Augustus 2012 om 10:00 uit die Mooihawens PPK Kerk Lydenburg. Die diens word deur past. Deysel waargeneem. Haar naaste vriende en familie word na die diens uitgenooi.
Ondersteuning word waardeer Maryke Conradie skryf: Aan alle persone, dankie vir die oproepe, boodskappe en sms’e tydens my heup operasie en vir die besoeke daarna by die huis. Ek waardeur dit opreg.
Nicola van Imbali en Monique Koekemoer by die partytjie waarmee Imbali soveel moeite gedoen het.
Aftree-Oord Projek Me. Rina Nel skryf: Die Aftree-Oord Projek is tans met verskeie ontwikkelaars in besprekings om die oorspronklike wagtydperk van vyf jaar te probeer verkort. Indien u belangstel kontak ons asseblief. Die mense wat reeds hul name op die waglys gesit het, moet na Pam Golding gaan in Viljoenstraat, Lydenburg. Kontak Ilze: 013 235 1146 sodat u eposadres en ander besonderhede by u naam kan plaas. Die informasie op die waglys is tans onvolledig. Sodra daar nuus is oor die projek sal ’n vergadering belê word.
Hykie Berg kom praat bietjie die dames positief! Winterveld, 18 Augustus, 10:00. Kaartjies kos R50 per persoon. Eet- en drinkgoed is beskikbaar. Kaartjies word verkoop net tot op 10Augustus. Vir meer inligting skakel Charlien Ras gerus by 071 6122 296
• The annual Winterveld Festival will be taking place from 24 - 25 August this year. The festival once again promises to have something for everyone. The annual soapbox derby, stalls, a strong man competition, the Miss Winterveld Competition, entertainment and a potjiekos competition. Mariska on 082 875 7117 or Daleen on 013 230 7079. To enter a potjiekos team contact Chris van Wyk on 079 856 9036 or 013 230 7060. To enter a soapbox team contact Mariska on 082 875 7117. Some of the entertainment at the festival will include performances by Snotkop, Pieter Smit and Havana Gas. • The Krappies & Krefies Pre School will host it’s annual Golf Day on Saturday 28 August. This event will benefit our local chess protégéé, 11 year old Mark Hansen who will be attending the SA Junior Chess Championships in December 2012. For more information phone Jeanne Boyce at 083 444 7496, Marnel Hansen at 082 335 8976.
• 6 Oktober. Tingeling Kleuterskool Konsert te Steelpoort om 16:00.
info@highlandspanorama.co.za www.highlandspanorama.co.za Tel. 013 235 2287
Die NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg se basaar was ’n wonderlike dorpsfees Saterdag. En soos net hierdie kerk kan, het die tafels gekreun en die mense ’n honduit-’n-bos gekuier. Voorwaar ’n outydse basaar volop nuwe idees. Dankie aan almal wat die dag moontlik gemaak het en hard gewerk het daarvoor. ~ Michelle Boshoff.
8 2Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010 Augustus 2012
Nuus / News
Lede van Longtom Fotografieklub presteer It is 56 years since the Federation of South African Women organized a mass demonstration against the imposition of pass laws on women in South Africa. More than 20,000 women, led by Lilian Ngoyi (a trade unionist and political activist), Helen Joseph, Albertina Sisulu, and Sophia Williams-De Bruyn, took part in the multi-racial march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria, to deliver a petition to the prime minister JG Strijdom. On the way to the Union Buildings the women sang a freedom song: "Wathint' abafazi, Strijdom!" wathint' abafazi, wathint' imbokodo, uza kufa! [When] you strike the women, you strike a rock, you will be crushed [you will die]! The phrase wathint' abafazi, wathint' imbokodo has come to represent women's courage and strength in South Africa. As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations for the 1956 Women's March, the South African government decided to rename Strijdom Square, where the Union Buildings in Pretoria are, as Lillian Ngoyi Square - to honor of all those who took part in the historic event.
Heather Aspeling en Lizette de Klerk
From left; Albertina Sisulu, Helen Joseph and Amina Cachalia, taken at a Women’s Day celebration in Johannesburg.
Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539
Longtom Fotografieklub is trots op Heather Aspeling en Lizette de Klerk. Hulle het beide Salonaanvaardings tydens die afgelope Noordoostelike Provinsies Kongres behaal wat in Kaapschehoop onlangs plaasgevind het. Ses fotografieklubs in die streek het deelgeneem. Pietersburg het met die louere weggestap.
Nuus / News
2 Augustus 2012
Salon Rozanne verwelkom ou en nuwe gesigte. Salon Rozanne, Lydenburg verwelkom Me Alida Els terug van haar kraamverlof af en wil baie geluk sê met die baba! Me Amanda Olckers is van Phalaborwa en is al 12 jaar in die bedryf. Baie welkom Amanda! Ook op die foto: Chantal Klopper. Kontak vir Alida of Amanda gerus by 013 235 3522
Welkom aan nuwe haarstiliste by Salon Rozanne in Lydenburg
h/v Kerk- en Burgerstre, Lydenburg 013 235 3522
Nicola Klopper van die Houtlepel.
eerlike lekkernye te kies en te keur, dis wat Die Houtlepel bied. Van gegeurde kolwyntjies (grenadella) en koeke onder andere wortel, bloubessie, swartwoud, vanilje fudge, cappuchino, topdek, sjokolade, bar-one en “chocolate nut Sunday”. Hulle bak ook verjaarsdagkoeke op bestelling. Soet- en soutterte is ook ‘n groot gunsteling. Tuisgebakte wildspasteie, boboties en lasangne is daagliks beskikbaar vir aansit of wegneem. Gepiekel en gebottel in al hul
gedaantes, ondermeer waatlemoenstukkonfyt, kweperjellie en ingelegde vye. Koekies en beskuit kry ook groot aftrek en hulle maak selfs diabetiese beskuit en koekies en sal op aanvraag ook vir enige mense met allergië bak. Gaan geniet gerus liplekker hemelse koek en warm koffie of tee of ‘n wegneemete vir middagete of aandete. Kontak Die Houtlepel gerus by 082 428 6458. Hulle is geleë te Jock’s Country Stalls, Lydenburg.
FREE BURGER! Photo Express
tile Lydenburg c/o Voortrekker & Joubert Str’s (opposite Cashbuild). (013) 235 1233
Burgersfort, Cnr Steelpoort R555 and Polokwane R377 013 231 7329
Cnr Potgieter &
LARAMIE SPUR www.spur.co.za
Viljoen Street, Lydenburg. Tel: 013 235 1707
Nuus / News
2 Augustus 2012
Trout Inn Lydenburg, bied jou nou soveel meer. Trout Inn Ly d e n b u r g s e eienares, Me Julie Swart het gehoor gegee aan die publieke aanvraag en nou bied hulle soveel meer aan. Daar is elke Vrydag en Saterdagaand nou 'n langarmdans vir persone bo 21. Sondae se buffet-etes bly 'n wenner en billik geprys. Sy het ook nou pakette saamgestel vir mense wat funksies wil hou, tussen 60 tot 80 mense, waar Trout Inn vir jou die ete, eetgerei, glase, stoele- en tafeldekor, kelners, platejoggie en 'n kontantkroeg kan aanbied. Jy kan ook 'n spitbraai by h a a r r e e l . Jaareiendefunksies moet net betyds bespreek word en daar is spesiale pryse en spyskaarte beskikbaar vanaf slegs R80 tot R150 per persoon. Trout Inn Lydenburg, was en sal altyd die plek wees waar daar lekker en gesellig gekuier kan word. Kontak Julie nou vir jou bespreking by 013 235 1828.
BURGERSFORT Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort
Nuus / News
2 Augustus 2012
Clayton Westcott (links) en Riaan Labuschagne (regs) het mnr. Neels Bothma gaan help nadat hulle die berig van die beseerde pofadder gelees het op die Highlands Panorama Nuus voorblad van 26 Julie.
Verlede week het ’n artikel verskyn in die Highlands Panorama Nuus i.v.m. ’n pofadder wat deur ’n hond gebyt is. Dit het ’n verrassende uitwerking gehad! Clayton Westcott (links) en Riaan Labuschagne (regs) het Neels Bothma genader om ’n skooltaak te doen vir gemeenskapsdiens. Hulle het met dié idee gekom om by Neels Bothma te werk en meer oor reptiele te leer. Hokke is skoongemaak, slange is gehelp met vervelling ens. Die beseerde pofadder is na ’n groter kas oorgeplaas en het vars water gekry. Sy is nou byna gereed om vrygelaat te word, indien die koue weer dit toelaat. Die seuns het ook geleer dat reptiele nie enige plek vrygelaat kan word nie. Sorg moet geneem word dat van dieselfde soort slange daar moet wees, asook kos, skuilplek en water. Neels Bothma bedank die helpers wat so geesdriftig was.
GHH Mining Machines launch new operations base
N 1987 GHH Fahrzeuge began operations in South Africa. Mining Machines SA began trading in 2001 and the companies as we know it, got together and started operations in 2004. GHH Mining Machines is the home of your full-cycle solution to underground mining mechanisation. Operating throughout sub-Saharan Africa, they offer a full suite of underground equipment and solutions covering the complete mining cycle: from drilling through charging, blasting, loading, hauling, feeding, scaling, roof support and bolting to ventilation. Specialised utility and transport vehicles are also part of their product range. Working with customers, they deliver tailor-made productivity-enhancing solutions, leveraging their understanding of local conditions as well as technology partnerships with leading international suppliers – GHH Fahrzeuge, Mine Master, Normet, UV Botswana, GIA and Fletcher. Their application know-how is based on a track record spanning more than two decades in African mining. An integrated backup infrastructure, which includes branches in Rustenburg and Lydenburg, adds further value to customers, allowing them to offer service agreements ranging from parts supply to comprehensive onsite maintenance contracts. Mr. Vic Vos, Business Leader Eastern Limb, says that GHH Mining Machines support local mining operations in the Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Phalaborwa, Barberton, Lebowakgomo and Gravelotte areas. During the launch of their state of the art premises in Lydenburg last week, Mr. Ray Tink, CEO of GHH Mining Machines Southern Africa, complimented his local team and mentioned that Sterkspruit Developments, who was responsible for the building, completed the project in just five months. Lydenburg and residents are proud to host the GHH team. Andre Coetzee.
Modikwa Platinum Mine, North Shaft, Electrical section achieved 4 years accident free. This is was made possible with hard work and dedication from all team members. Photo (from left back): Paul van der Walt (Engineer), Robert Mamodise (Stope Serviceman), Douglas Nocumabo (Genl Assistant), Francois Labuschagne (Electrical Supervisor), Pieter Steyn (Electrician), Hardus Fouche (Electrician), Stephen Maphanga (Stope Serviceman), Hans Ntsle (Acting Stope Serviceman), Bernard Masha (Acting Electrician), Ephriam Mnisi (Stope Sericeman), Manao Malatjie (Stope Sericeman), Russel Mahlokoane (Stope Serviceman), Frank Nkoane (Stope Serviceman), Frank Nkwana (Construction Crew).
Bekende Lydenburger oorlede In Memorium: mnr. Freek Viljoen
The GHH Mining Machines Management Team - front: Janet Johnson (Sales Manager), Ray Tink (CEO) - back: Vic Vos (Business Leader Lydenburg), Robin Pearce (Business Development Manager), Bruce Vlok (Chief Operations Officer), Henri Steyn (Engineering Manager).
Me. Ria Viljoen, kinders en kleinkinders van Lydenburg skryf: Op die oggend van 6 Julie 2012 is my geliefde man, ons pa en oupa van ons weggeneem. Hy het stil heengegaan op sy stoel, op die sonstoep waar hy elke oggend in die sonnetjie gesit het. Ons is so dankbaar vir die jare wat hy vir ons gespaar was. Vir al sy omgee en liefde wat hy aan ons en aan soveel andere bewys het. Dat hy geen pyn en lyding ervaar het nie. Hy het feitlik geen ander lewe geken as die lewe op Swagershoek nie. Van sy 83 jaar en nege maande, was hy slegs sewe jaar weg van die plaas af. Graag wil ons aan almal net baie dankie sê vir die hulp, ondersteuning, besoeke, telefoonoproepe, blomme en die eetgoed wat by die huis ontvang is. Dankie ook vir die tee en eetgoed by die begrafnis. Ook baie dankie aan ander dienste wat gelewer is, dit word opreg waardeer. Wyle mnr. Freek Viljoen.
In Memorium: Colin Wayne Londt (1970-12-26 tot 2012-07-24) The local launch took place on 25 July
Wyle A. O. Colin Wayne Londt
Adjudant Offisier Colin Wayne Londt van die Lydenburg SAPD, is onlangs oorlede. Hy was 22 jaar lid van die Lydenburg SAPD. Hy laat sy vrou Rita, twee seuns Donavan en Brendan agter. Sy familie bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning in hierdie moeilike tyd. • A.O. Londt was ook op Lelievlei se komitee. Elaine van Staden, hoofdirekteur van Lelievlei het in haar huldeblyk by die diens genoem dat Wayne baie vir die mense van die gemeenskap gedoen het. Frik Rousseau, direkteur van Lelievlei, het genoem dat Wayne se afsterwe ’n baie groot leemte in die gemeenskap sal laat .
2 Augustus 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
So doen mens dit!
EDDIE Meyer van HI-Q het onlangs sy Isuzu bakkie laat opdollie. Die werk is deur Neels Holtzhausen van Autohausen Smart gedoen. Die kleurskema, besondere mooi wiele en die feit dat hierdie ’n kort asafstand (short wheelbase) Isuzu is, maak hierdie voertuig iets besonders. Wel gedaan manne! Andre Coetzee
Wildevy 4X4 DIE Wildevy 4x4 byeenkoms ten bate van liefdadigheid is Saterdag weer op die gronde van PLM boerdery naby Burgersfort aangebied. Soos altyd, was dit ’n reuse sukses en groter as ooit. Daar was dié jaar werklik iets vir almal om te sien of te doen. Fotos en stories verskyn elders in dié koerant en ons sal ook volgende week nog fotos plaas. Die manne het hulle 4x4’s en pypkarre werklik op die proef gestel. Hier en daar was ’n bakkie wat eerder net op teerpaaie hoort en hier en daar was ’n drywer of twee wat eerder eers ’n kursus moet gaan loop. Die beste “boffins” was natuurlik onder die toeskouers en almal het beter as die deelnemers geweet wat om te doen. Aan die organiseerders dankie vir alles. Andre Coetzee.
R149 995
R124 995
Introducing the GWM Steed 5 2.2 Series 2.2 Double Cab. A pick-up boasts a fourcylinder 491QE 2.2 litre petrol engine, sporty look and new features, without compromising one ounce of performance. Apart from power steering, air-conditioning and remote central locking, the Steed5 2.2 Double Cab also has electric windows, leather seats and a CD/MP3 Player. Tel: (013) 231 8430
2 Augustus 2012
NA ’n jaar se beplanning, het Saterdag 28 Julie aangebreek. Vanjaar was die Wildevy 4x4 byeenkoms groter en beter as ooit. Dit was met die inkomslag al duidelik. Die besoekers parkeerterrein was groot en skoongemaak met plek vir almal. Die VIP parkering was naby en nie oorvol nie. Toegang was billik geprys. Daar was meer uitstallers as ooit tevore en stalletjies het gewissel van die gebruiklike kosstalletjies tot die wat spesialiseer het in lekkergoed, biltong en selfs heerlike kaings! Die “sleeper” meubels en houtwerk was pragtig. Dwarsrivier se “Cowboys” het weer een van die mooiste uitstallings gehad. Longtom Cycle & Sports was daar met ’n goed ondersteunde bergfietswedren en ’n asemrowende fietsrybaan. Die hindernisse vir deelnemers was goed opgestel en beman en die water- en moddergate baie populêr. Daar was selfs vliegritte vir die wat die pret uit die lug wou dophou. Elke jaar is daar meer om te sien en te doen. Wel gedaan manne - en dames! Twee stukkies opbouende kommentaar: Die terrein is nou so goed ontwikkel dat dit miskien tyd is vir ’n motorfiets / Quad hindernisbaan. Dit sal ’n verdere dimensie tot buitelug motorsport toevoeg. Stof waar toeskouers / voetgangers loop was ’n probleem a.g.v. die vele “organiseerders / beamptes” wat tussen punte rondgery het. Wat pla, was dat meeste van hierdie voertuie families in gehad het met GP registrasienommers. Wat soek hulle binne die terrein? Ek het nêrens ’n deelnemer op die toeskouerpaaie gesien nie - dit was goed afgebaken. Alles in ag genome, is die Wildevy 4x4 byeenkoms een van die beste in die land en moet elkeen wat meegehelp het ’n klop op die skouer kry! Andre Coetzee
Brand new partial engine, head to sump including injectors. Applicable to Ford Ranger up to 2011 model. 2.5TD (WL Engine)
Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg 013 235 2371, mcgeeparts@mcgee.co.za
An Authorized Financial Service Provider
Tel: 013 235 4383 / 3911, Fax: 086 520 9004 Cell: 082 495 5622, 082 789 5287 79 Viljoen Str, Lydenburg
An Authorized Financial Service Provider Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg 013 235 2371, mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za
2 Augustus 2012
Why is customer service so vitally important? DURBAN - Desperate to retrieve a courtesy car from a customer, BMW Auto uMhlanga sent an armed car tracker team with helicopter back-up to recover it. But days later they were forced to give the car back in terms of a high court order. Chatsworth administrative clerk Ravindra Jainarain is locked in a legal spat with the dealership, saying they sold him a “defective” new car and then demanded he return the car they lent him. Jainarain secured a high court order to have the loan car returned to him, but days later the dealership dashed to court to get the car back. On Wednesday, Durban High Court Judge Gregory Kruger confirmed a consent order that both applications would be argued next month and Jainarain would keep the car in the meanwhile. In papers, Jainarain said he had bought a new BMW 320d from the dealer in November. “I noted certain defects, including that the doors were not aligned properly and that the air conditioner was not working. I returned the vehicle to the dealership. “However, the vehicle was not fixed to my satisfaction and (BMW) did not give me any explanation as to how such defects could be present (in) a new car. I requested that they take the vehicle back and give me another new vehicle.” Jainarain said the dealership lent him a BMW 325 to use in March while the dispute was being resolved
“aggressive and arrogant” Netstar personnel, with a helicopter hovering above, barged on to the premises with guns and demanded the vehicle. He had been forced to hand over the car and had been left without transport. “I am paying monthly instalments for a car I am no longer in possession of or am using. If the loan car is given back to the dealership I will be forced to hire a vehicle at my own cost.” In an affidavit, the dealership’s principal, Brenton Cole, denied that Jainarain was unlawfully dispossessed of the BMW 325. Cole also denied that Jainarain had been given a loan vehicle to use while his dispute was resolved. “The applicant (Jainarain) requested the new BMW to be replaced because of the repair work to the air conditioner. I explained to him that BMW South Africa would have to make the decision on whether to replace the vehicle and it would have to be inspected. “He left the vehicle at the dealership and I provided a loan vehicle to use while we waited for BMW South Africa’s decision.” Cole said when BMW SA decided not to replace Jainarain’s vehicle, he had asked for the loan vehicle to be returned. “The matter was concluded and Jainarain was no longer entitled to keep the loaned vehicle. “The applicant has three years to institute action. It may take years to be resolved, therefore it is absurd that we would give him a loan vehicle for so long. “The vehicle is depreciating from daily use and there is prejudice to the dealership as we cannot sell the loan vehicle to potential buyers. The applicant is also at liberty to collect his vehicle.” Netstar employee Farhad Bux said in an affidavit that his team had not been aggressive towards Jainarain. He said he had told the parking security staff at Jainarain’s workplace to allow them on to the property or they would call the police. - The Mercury / iolMotoring.co.za
ED: This type of service is not about who is right or who is wrong. It is so damaging to the brand as well as the dealer, that it cannot But two weeks ago, BMW sent a Netstar recovery team to Jainarain’s be fixed. The consequences should have been thought about workplace in central Durban to recover the car. Jainarain said first.
Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg www.longtomnissan.co.za
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(013) 235-2961
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Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg
2 Augustus 2012
’n Fees van Jaguars
Hyundai Lydenburg
HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113 Raymond Mmola: 072 860 9592 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: MELANIE KRUGER - 073 260 3228
JAGUAR se topmodelle kuier in Lydenburg. Saterdag was nie net basaar en Wildevy 4x4 nie. Groot opwinding het geheers toe die manne van Jaguar Johannesburg, hier by The Heads Sentrum arriveer van Sabie af. Hulle het deurgery van Johannesburg na Sabie en met die terugkomslag die Longtompas aangedurf om te kyk hoe hanteer hierdie voertuie. Die koppe het omtrent gedraai en op menigte gesigte kon jy jou gedagtes in hul oë sien “Eendag, eendag...” Storie en fotos: Reinet Bell.
HYUNDAI LYDENBURG VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113 Raymond Mmola: 072 860 9592 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: MELANIE KRUGER - 073 260 3228 Hyundai Lydenburg
Motoring / Engineering
2 Augustus 2012
15 Motoring
We host the following franchises
AT TALRAD Engineering we understand the balance between Quality and Cost. Through experience we have learned that Quality should never be sacrificed for a lower cost, as this has always proven the Expensive route to follow. For this reason we have chosen to partner with a company with similar values. With over sixteen years of industry experience, Transportation Components is Southern Africa's Master distributor of BorgWarner Thermal Systems. The company specialises in Original product distributed through approved independent distributors. Transportation Components adheres to strict quality expectations of the end user and achieves this by partnering with the world's best manufacturing plants. Transportation Components has a national footprint and now welcomes TALRAD Engineering as distributor to add to the family of distributors nationwide. Talrad is a closed corporation business that offers two fields of service. The first is manufacturing of heat exchangers like oil coolers; Intercoolers; and radiators for the heavy industry in stationary and mobile applications. The second is service orientated, that consists of various franchises and agencies, all related to the motor industry. These franchises include Silverton Radiators; Behr Hella Service; E – Car; Gearmax; Transportation Components; National Luna and Auto Watch. We were recently the fourth E – Car franchise in the country, to buy the latest upgrade on our diagnostic software, to the value of R32 000. It is very important for Talrad to always stay in touch with the latest changes in technology to be able to assist our customers to the level of complete satisfaction they deserve.
032 November 2011 Augustus 2012
Motoring Motoring
Join us at Lydenburg Toyota on Saturday 4 August for our open day! Lydenburg Toyota
Tel: 013 235 1780
Lydenburg Toyota
Tel: 013 235 1780
Use this opportunity to test drive all our vehicles and find your dream car!
2 Augustus 2012
Eiendomme / Properties
3 Slaapkamer woonhuise beskikbaar vanaf einde Augustus - September vanaf R6 800 / maand. Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)
082 492 8412
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Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • 2 Slk, dupleks met klein erfie, nuut, luuks, sekuriteitskompleks - R6050 / mnd • 2 Slk, Sekuriteitskompleks met erfie - R5250 Geen diere • 3 Slk, 2 badk, sekuriteitskompleks, 2 mot - R7300 TE KOOP: • 3 Slk. dupleks won. met 2 badk, 2 mot, ruim leefarea, opwas/wask, palisade - R980,000 • 3 Slk, 1 badk, ruim sit/tv, eetk, netjiese komb, onderdak braai, wask, 3 mot + afdak, palisade, PLUS 2 slk w/stel - R1,260 milj • Moderne 3 slk won, sekuriteitskompleks, mooi tuin, wendy, ens - R1,680 milj • 1 Ha plot, boorgat, 3 fase krag, sinkstoor R425,000 • 4.2 Ha plot met woning, weiding kampe, boorgat naby dorp - R1.1 milj • 1 Ha plot met 2 wonings, Goeie huurinkomste - R1,4milj • 147 Ha plaas, 5 slk won, lande, besproeïng R2,4milj SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP
Let our professional team of painters do the job for you!
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
2 Augustus 2012
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS - best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 BLITZ PLUMBING 24/7 A l l p l u m b i n g maintenance, repairs & installations i.e. geysers, taps, baths, toilets, basins & drainpipes. 072 197 5264 / 072 577 8689 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig ’n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog? Skakel ons vir ’n oplossing. 073 830 8637 KITSGRAS beskikbaar gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280
YOUTH BEAUTY Salon 013 235 1848 PERFECT BEAUTY SALON - all beauty needs & Planet Nails Training School. 079 589 9446
6m CONTAINER met skadunet bo-oor. R20 000. 082 826 1502
ISUZU D/C canopy naaste aanbod. 079 504 4031
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretime.co.za
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE en meubels. Des 072 446 5394 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
KLEIN PIKKEWYNE: R950 p/m voldag, alle etes ingesluit. 082 576 6499
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
KOM LEER HEKEL. 079 857 2717
MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 BEAUTY BOX 013 235 4986/ 083 995 4959
PIENKS, wit muise, meelwurms te koop. Kontak nr 074 165 5379
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843
SALON HAIR, Nail & Beauty. 074 887 6950/ 083 280 5671/ 076 072 4131
SONNEBLOM 5kg @R40, 25kg @ R150 076 193 7540
DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002
DRY WOOD FOR SALE 0 - 50 bags = R15 ea, 50 or more bags R10 ea. 082 786 3319
by bejaarde dame kan slaap in die aande. 073 555 4840 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES BESTUURDER: Dullstroom - besige restaurant en gastehuis het bestuurderspos beskikbaar. Persone met ondervinding in die bedryf kan CV faks na die adverteerder Faks no: 086 550 5058 MAJESTIC LOOK: L y d e n b u r g : Gekwalifiseerde Haarkapster. Kontak: 013 235 4743 KROEGDAME met ondervinding 082 786 1651
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 RES 1 development property for sale . 3.8kms from Steelpoort. 210ha. R15,7 mil. 082 496 4312 GROOT 5 SLK huis in Witrivier te ruil vir huis in Lydenburg. Dirk 013 750 1092 / 083 566 1961
Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954 madelein.viljoen @pamgolding.co.za
EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 1 SLK W/S , W+L ing, onmiddelik beskikbaar. R3000pm 0823409328. 3 SLK HUIS R7000pm. Stefanie 079 624 9486
LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION CONTRACTORS accommodation available. 082 786 3319 KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M O D AT I O N : chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 GESOEK / WANTED OPSOEK NA DAME wat
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g str.41,Lydenburg.Woe.19 :00Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 1 9 : 0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928
5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, Sondae oggende om 09h00 by Spur se konferensie saal. Past.
Neels Lubbe 079 679 1387/ Past. Rina Lubbe 076 015 8947
Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103
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I N T H E M A G I S T R AT E S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LYDENBURG HELD AT LY D E N B U R G Case Number: C01105/2012 In the case between: ASSMANG LIMITED C H R O M E DWARSRIVIER MINE ( E X E C U T I O N CREDITOR) and C A S P E R D U PLESSIS ID NR: 7 4 11 0 5 5 2 4 0 0 8 1 ( E X E C U T I O N DEBTOR) NOTICE O F S A L E I N E X E C U T I O N PURSUANT to a judgement by the m a g i s t r a t e LYDENBURG given on 14 May 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10H00 on 22 AUGUST 2012 by public auction to be held at: SHERIFF’S O F F I C E 8 0 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, LYDENBURG, to the highest bidder for cash, namely:1 x 5 piece Lounge suite, 1 x Computer, 1 x Sansui flat screen TV, 1 x Pioneer Hi-Fi, 1 x Dining room table with 4 chairs, 1 x KIC freezer, 1 x Tumble dryer. SIGNED at LYDENBURG on the 23rd day of July 2012 (sgd) JJ BROEKMAN ATTORNEYS FOR E X E C U T I O N C R E D I T O R STEENEKAMP BROEKMAN INC L E X N U M E R I BUILDING 46 KERK STREET DX 1 LYDENBURG, 1120 TEL: 013 235 2175/6 R E F : M r s Weiderman/BA0122
IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) case No: 4858/12 In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED PLAINTIFF a n d J O H A N C A S W E L L MALABAELA (ID NO: 630810 5365 085) FIRST DEFENDANT M A H L O B I C O N S TA N C E MALABAELA (ID NO: 660525 0298 080) S E C O N D D E F E N D A N T NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In persuance of a judgement and warrants granted on 20 MARCH 2012 in the
2 Augustus 2012
above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued therefater the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 15 AUGUST 2012 at 10h00 byt eh Sheriff of the High Court, S H E R I F F LY D E N B U R G & PILGRIMSRUS DISTRICT at 80 KANTOOR STREET, LYDENBURG to the highest bidder: Description: ERF 526 IN THE TOWN SIMILE EXTENSION 1 Street address: 526 MATSANE STREET, SIMILE LOCATION, SABIE In extent: MEASURING 431 (FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE) SQUARE METRES Improvements: The following information is given but nothing in this regard is guaranteed: The improvements on the property consist of the following: DWELLING CONSISTS OF : 3 X BEDROOMS, 1 X B AT H R O O M , 1 X STOREY, 1 X DINING ROOM. HELD by the DEFENDANTS, JOHAN CASWELL MALABAELA “THE FIRST DEFENDANT” & M A H L O B I C O N S T A N C E MALABAELA “THE S E C O N D DEFENDANT” in their names under Deed of Transfer No. T90343/1992. The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Shgeriff of the High Court, SHERIFF LY D E N B U R G & P I L G R I M R U S D I S T R I C T, AT 8 0 KANTOOR STREET, LYDENBURG. DATED at PRETORIA on this 10th day of JULY 2 0 1 2 . L G R I N C O R P O R AT E D Palintiff’s Attorneys 1ST FLOOR, SILVER W E L L R E TA I L & OFFICE PARK, 27 GRAHAM ROAD, S I LV E R L A K E S , PRETORIA Tel: 012 817 4600 Telefax: 012 817 4613 Ref: N BAKKES/SS/IA00026 9
Klopkloppie se kleuterkoor neem al sedert 2008 deel aan die Nelspruit Eisteddfod. Hierdie jaar doen hul dit weer. Die kleuterkoor word afgerig deur Mev Elmahrie Gouws en bestaan uit 60 kleuters van so jonk as 4 jaar. Drie werke word uitgevoer in drie verskillende tale. Ons wens die koor alle sterkte toe.
Vf+ Jeug En Rooikat Rugbykroeg verskaf hulp saam
Riaan Krog eienaar Rooikat Rugbykroeg, Elzaan Wolmarans Landsdiens, VF+ Jeugleier Francois Jacobs en VF+ Leier Frik Rousseau Thaba Chweu.
Posduifklub se uitslae
013 235 3039
VAKATURE Ontvangs/ Sekretaresse HALFDAG - (4 Dae), plus VOLDAG (1 Dag ), plus 1 uit 3 Sat. • Vriendelik, goeie mense verhoudinge • Eerlik , Betroubaar, • Tweetalig • Rekenaarvaardig • Aanvoeling vir diere en diere liefhebbers Stuur dringend u CV na lds@intekom.co.za of na Faks. 086 659 2439 Sluitings datum :15 Augustus 2012 Indien u aansoek suksesvol is, sal ons u kontak vir `n onderhoud.
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• Electricians • Boilermakers • Fitters • Electrical aides • Boilermaker aides Must have surface and underground experience on conveyor structures No Chancers Fax CV to 086 732 1111 Situated in Mpumalanga
Faks CV na 013 238 0236 of jgouws@telkomsa.net
lzaan Wolmarans van Hoërskool Lydenburg is gekies as die verteenwoordiger van die Jeugberaad Landsdiens in Mpumalanga. Daar vind ’n Landsdiens Nasionale Kamp in September in Zuurberg in die Kaap plaas. Om Elzaan te help om die kamp by te woon het die VF+ Jeugleier Francois Jacobs en Riaan Krog eienaar van Rooikat Rugbyklub besluit om gesamentlike fondse van R1 700 aan haar te skenk. Elzaan het die skenking baie waardeer en albei instansies bedank. Frik Rousseau het genoem dat hy baie trots is op die VF+ Jeugliga in Thaba Chweu en dat hulle onbaatsugtige diens aan persone en instansies soos Lelievlei lewer. Onder Francois se sterk leiding het die VF+ Jeugliga se ledetal in Thaba Chweu ook verdubbel.
Hier is die afgelope naweek se wedvlugduiwe uitslag van Lydenburg Posduif Klub: 28 Julie: Glen: 600 km - Jaaroud - Wenspoed : 1409 meter per minuut. 1. Gerhard Marais; 2. Gerhard Marais; 3. Chris Slabbert; 4. Gert Roets; 5. Peet Venter; 6. Hein Geldenhuys; 7. Gert Roets; 8. Peet Venter; 9. Hein Geldenhuys; 10. Chris Slabbert. 28 Julie: Glen: 600 km – Ope – Wenspoed: 1397 meter per minuut: 1.Allo Lofts; 2. Allo Lofts; 3. Hein Geldenhuys; 4. Allo Lofts; 5.Allo Lofts; 6. Allo Lofts; 7.Allo Lofts; 8. Gert Roets; 9. Hein Geldenhuys; 10. Jan Venter. Allo Lofts wen die Ope Rooiduif Kampioenskap.
VAKANTE BETREKKING • Ohrigstad • Dagskof • Toepaslike Ondervinding • Salaris Onderhandelbaar
DEUTZ DIESELPOWER STEELPOORT Job Title: Logistic Coordinator Key areas: Spare parts receiving & binning. Stock preservation & security function. Order picking. Qualifications : • Grade 12 or N3 • Minimum 3 years stores/warehouse experience Forward CV to: hr@deutz.co.za Fax: 011 923 0639 Closing Date: 06/08/2012 If you don't hear anything from us by 14/08/2012 consider your application unsuccessful.
2 Augustus 2012
Laerskole van die omgewing se seunsen dogtershokkiespanne het Saterdag by die Hoërskool Lydenburg se veld mekaar die stryd aangesê en hokkie van formaat gespeel. Die laerskole het alles in die stryd gewerp en gewys hulle is almal al baie professionele spelertjies wat dit nog ver gaan bring. ~ Foto’s: Michelle Boshoff
Wildevy 4x4 Fietsry
Hercules Coetzee in aksie by die Bergsfietsry tydens die Wildevy 4x4 Saterdag. (Dankie aan Arrie Roos vir die bydrae).
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