5 Julie / July 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 22

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5 Julie / July 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 22 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

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Nuus / News

5 Julie / July 2012

Innibos 2012 het gekom en gegaan. 110 000 Feesgangers van regoor Suid Afrika het vanaf Woensdag 27 Junie tot Sondag 1 Julie in Nelspruit saamgetrek vir 'n fees der feeste! Heerlike (amper) somerweer, 'n feesprogram uit die boonste rakke en fantastiese feesgees het gesorg dat dit 'n ondervinding is wat nog lank onthou gaan word. Feesbywoning op die feesterrein het met 10% gegroei. Kunsmark uitstallers en kos stalletjiehouers was eweneens beïndruk met hul verkope. Verkope van kaartjies vir teater en muskiekproduksies buite die feesterrein het met 30% gegroei vanaf 14 000 tot 17 000 - statistiek waarop die Innibos feesbestuur met reg trots kan wees.

A team that can be proud of themselves.

Terwyl daar nou gewoel en werskaf word om elke tent, klanksisteem, stoel en teelepel weer op sy plek terug te kry, beplan ons al fluks aan selfs nog ’n beter fees in 2013, wanneeer Innibos ’n volle TIEN jaar oud is! Feesdatums vir 2013 is 26 tot 29 Junie. Teken dit sommer nou al in die dagboek aan.

North Shaft HOD Team. From left (back): William Mamaila (Shaft Surveyor), Johan Coetzee (Mine Overseer), Paul van der Walt (Engineer), Christopher Moela (BAL Accountant), Barry Majara (Mine Overseer), Albert Lewis (Act Mine Overseer), Frikkie Grobler (HR CO-Ordinator), Gary Rossouw (Geologist),Landros Mongadi (Full Time Safety Rep), Andre Duminy (Chief Safety Officer); (front): Jaques van Niekerk (Mine Overseer), Glen Abbot (General Engineering Specialist), Pierre van Heerden (Mine Overseer), Dirk Fouche (Mine Overseer), Nigel Reeder (Act BAL) and Wouter Janse van Rensburg (Mine Overseer).

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5 Julie 8 Julie 2010 / July 8 July2012 2010

Nuus / News


Sakegidsdatum is uitgestel


Dankie Burton Koma, maar als nog nie na wense

ie sperdatum vir Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer se 2012/2013 Sakegids is verleng tot einde Julie. Die gids, wat verlede jaar met groot sukses gepubliseer is, word vanjaar in 'n groter oplaag uitgegee. Die plan is om vanjaar se Sakegids uit te brei om soveel as moontlik van die besighede in Lydenburg, Burgersfort en Steelpoort in te sluit. Vyfduisend kopieë (teenoor laasjaar se 3000) word vanjaar gedruk en versprei aan besighede en myne in die area en daar waar mense met Lydenburg besigheid wil doen. Vanjaar se gids word op 'n geelbladsye-resep uitgegee – met ’n maklik bruikbare alfabetiese register vir vinnige naslaan. Die doel van die boek is om besighede aan mekaar bekend te stel en om 'n omvattende een-stop-gids vir die dorp te wees. “Laat almal sien jy is deel van die dorp,” is ons leuse. Lydenburg se Fotografieklub gaan help met kreatiewe foto's vir die voorblad – om die publikasie 'n spesiale plaaslike kleur te gee. Vir meer inligting, skakel Christien Claase by 083 819 2686 of info@lydenburgbusiness.co.za.

G.I.F.Appel (Skuilnaam) van Lydenburg skryf: Baie dankie aan meneer Burton Koma vir die skedulering van krag soos uiteengesit in Highlands Panorama van 28 Junie 2012. Wat my egter pla is die voorkeur behandeling wat Sterkspruit woongebied en die pad na Silo's kry. Hoekom brand hulle straatligte ook gedurende die dag? Het hulle werklik straatligte bedags ook nodig of is daar 'n probleem met die skakelaars? Hoop u kan iets daaraan doen want die ligte brand al vir bykans 2 jaar. Baie dankie ook vir die twee robotte, wat vir meer as twee jaar buite werking was, wat nou herstel is. Daar is nog 'n paar groen ligte wat nie aangaan nie en 'n paar rooi ligte wat oranje skyn. Mense moet net oppas dat hulle nie die oranje lig oorsteek wat nou dubbel verskyn nie. Vir die ander persoon is dit dan al 'n groen lig om te ry. Dit mag botsings veroorsaak, Kobie Engelbrecht veral as die een 'n taxi is. (Haefele) skryf: Nanna van Heerden, oudinwoner van Lydenburg en moeder van Kobie Engelbrecht is oorlede op 17 Junie 2012. Ons wil net G.I.F.Appel (Skuilnaam) van Lydenburg groot dankie se aan Martins skryf: Hiermee wil ek net baie dankie sê vir die begrafnisdienste, vir persoon wat die rommel op die Weltevrede Jan en Elmarie en pad verwyder het. Ek is nou wel tevrede. vir Elize Erasmus, dan ook baie dankie vir Hoop dit was dieselfde persoon wat dit daar pastoor Andre Hanekom wat die diens gaan strooi het. gelei het. Ook dankie aan almal vir die blomme en eetgoed.

Betaal hy vir sy eie fout?

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Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

HIERDIE pragtige kunswerke het onlangs hulle intrek by Klitzgras gemaak. Die kunstenaar, van Witrivier, gebruik ou oliedromme en die detail van klein plaatjies wat reg gesny, gebuig en dan gesweis word is ongelooflik. Die groot olifant en kameelperd is werklik vol grootte en een so ’n beeld verg weke se werk. Ferdie en Polla sê dat die kunstenaar met die mees basiese handgereedskap en ’n ou sweistoeste werk. Vir meer inligting, gesels gerus met die Haefeles by Klitzgras. Andre Coetzee


Rubrieke / Columns

5 Julie / July 2012

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:




vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

ip-lek-lekker kos. Suid-Afrikaners weet van kook en eet. Saam met die eet kom praat van eet. Gunsteling geregte, koeke, terte, watter wyn met watter kos, wenke uit die kombuis, potjiekos, pizza en selfs aartappels. Aartappels word gevrees want almal dink stysel en vet. Dit word egter nie verniet gesondheid uit die grond-uit genoem nie. Die gemiddelde aartappel bevat 45% van ’n mens se daaglikse vitamien C behoeftes en geen vet. Daar is ook bereken dat jy 11kg aartappels sal moet eet om 1kg gewig aan te sit. My ma is lief om die storie te vertel toe ek as klein babatjie gemik het om haar laaste stukkie aartappel uit haar bord te vat. Sy het my hand gepiets waarop my pa baie kwaad was. “Los die kind,” het hy gesê. Maar my ma se aartappels los jy uit, vandag nog. Dink maar aan Simba skyfies, slap tjips, kapokaartappels, gekook en gebraai. My ouma het brood gebak met aartappelsuurdeeg en gepraat van die aartappelplantjie. Kuiergaste vertel Vrydagaang dat haar niggie altyd 'n bestandeel uitlos as sy ’n resep deel. Eers het sy gedink dis per abuis. Dieselfde resep is egter aan dié se suster ook gegee. Broodnodige eiers is uitgelaat. Cullinêre vaardighede is ook nie altyd nodig nie, want as jy kan lees, kan jy kook. Dit vat nie baie om die smaakpupille in my oë te laat rek met afwagting nie. ’n Feesmaal is lekker om oor te praat, al bly dit net by praat. Jou smaakkliere begin aandag gee aan ’n honger maag. Soos ’n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd gesê: “Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.” ’n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense sê hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis Suid-Afrikaans en eie aan ons. Ek sal elke dag ’n ander Hoorhiersô kan skryf net oor kos. Die fassette is eindeloos so ook die genot. Sommige eet om te lewe. Ek lewe om te eet! Altyd lip-lek-lekker.

Die dames van die Strelizia Tak het op die 2de Junie bymekaar gekom en lekker vormkoekies versier. Elke dame het haar besondere talent met versiering voortgebring. Elsabe Brits (Lydenburg Tak) het vir ons die vormkoekies kom beoordeel en die dames het baie goed gedoen. Ons was baie trots op ons koekies. Heather Aspeling (Sekretaresse en skakelbeampte) het fotos geneem van die koekies en gaan ’n verjaarsdag kalender maak wat verkoop gaan word om fondse in te samel vir die konferensie 2013. Ons hoop dat die ander takke ons sal ondersteun.~ Heather Aspeling Skakelbeampte Van links agter is mee. Heather Aspeling, Petro Botha; (voor): Dorie van der Ley, Lucy Swanepoel en Anri Rousseau.

Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”

CMR Bedank almal vir die stoof CMR Lydenburg skryf: CMR Lydenburg wil almal wat ’n bydrae gemaak het tot die skenking van ’n stoof ten bate van CMR van harte bedank. Daar is te veel name om te noem en wil ons nie graag iemand uitsonder en iemand anders per abuis uitlaat nie, maar die harte, hande en beursies van die gemeenskap in die dorp wat so oopgemaak was teenoor hierdie versoek was verblydend om die minste te sê. Ons meld

dan ook net vir Gert & Andre Elektries, NG Suid Gemeente, sowel as Paul de Vries van 4U Office National, in samewerking met Home Improvements sowel as oom Manie Smit, asook elke ander individu, en sakeman, julle weet wie julle is, vir die bydrae en wil ons vir hul die versekering gee dat hul hulp ons taak by die CMR Lydenburg heelwat gaan vergemaklik. Julle almal was en is ’n groot seëning vir ons.

Huisouers verlaat Duncia - maar hulle gaan volstoom vorentoe Uit die Woord From the Word JESAJA 33:2

Wees ons genadig, Here, ons vestig ons hoop op U. Wees elke nuwe dag ons krag, ons redding in tyd van nood. Vader, ons bid vir almal wat nuwe hoop nodig het Amen.


Tot stilstand EN so ploeg die regerende party en sy jeugliga alles tot stilstand. In Burgersfort is grondeise en ’n bakleiery tussen eisers, gekoppel aan die staat se onvermoë om grondeise korrek te bestuur, verantwoordelik daarvoor dat die bou van minstens twee winkelsentrums (malls) tot stilstand gekom het. Niemand dink oor die welvaart en werk wat hierdie ontwikkelinge sal

hul bystand en ondersteuning. Sonder mense soos julle kan ons nie ’n bestaan Duncia wil net graag aan al hulle donateurs maak nie. En alles is ter wille van ons ieder en elk, weereens erkening gee vir al kinders. Hannes en Rika Jansen het die deurgangshuis verlaat en ons gaan met volle vertroue en mag vorentoe. Duncia skryf:

Yorkie reun opgetel ’n Baie jong Yorkie Reuntjie is opgetel sowat 3km voor Lydenburg op die Dullstroompad. Dit was op 2 Julie. Skakel Magriet: 082 372 5419.

bring nie. Nee ons staak en brand en dreig liewer. Elders is die mynbedryf besig om in duie te stort. Tussen die vakbonde en die Departement van Energiesake se onbevoegde amptenare, word die hele veiligheid en risiko ding tot absurde hoogtes gevoer en myne kort-kort gestop om te werk, oor een of ander foutiewe interpretasie. Tesame met arbeidsonrus en gekoppel aan platinum en chroom pryse en die internasionale ekonomie, is hierdie die laaste strooi wat die kameel se rug breek en maak myne eerder toe en lê werkers af. In Lydenburg maak die Jeugliga die munisipaliteit, wat in elk geval nie werk nie toe, oor die aanstelling van ’n burgermeester! Op plase hou boere op ontwikkel en ploeg en plant, want hulle word bedreig deur ’n onnosel

Vir enige alle navrae en inligting aangaande die deurganshuis. Kan u vir Tienie Nel by 082 802 4694

mannetjie en sy trawante. Boerdery se toekoms is donker. Banke en groot maatskappye skuif hulle kapitaal en beste hulpbronne na die buiteland. Skoolkinders kry nie boeke nie. “Tough luck” In Mpumalanga baklei hulle al jare oor skooltransport. Hospitale het nie medisyne nie. Minimum lone en arbeidswetgewing maak dit onmoontlik om werk teen bekostigbare salarisse te verskaf. Intussen baklei die ANC soos honde om ’n vuilgoedsak. Selfs op hulle eie konferensies. En alles kom tot stilstand. Alles stort nou so vinnig in duie dat die spul sal krepeer en vrek van die honger. ’n Paar oorleef deur aan te teel en kindertoelaes van die staat te eis. Dié geld sal ook opdroog. ’n Eens florerende land, die krag van Afrika, is gereduseer tot ’n ashoop. En die spul veg onder mekaar om bo op die ashoop te kom. Siestog.

5 Julie 2012 8 Julie 2010/ July / 8 July 2010

Nuus / News


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5 Julie / July 2012

’n Leeftyd van herinneringe V

an ver oorkant die waters het die twee blondekoppe gekom - Mara de H a a s e n Te s s a H o e k . Al die pad van Nederland af, het hulle Lydenburg gekies vir hul twee weke-lange internasionale internskap in 'n Engelstalige land. Die twee is (in Suid-Afrikaanse terme) graad elf-leerlinge aan die tweetalige Broklede openbare skool waar hierdie internskap 'n vereiste is. Waarom het hulle op Suid-Afrika besluit? “Ek wou nog altyd na 'n ander kontinent toe gaan, om 'n ander kultuur te leer ken,” verduidelik Tessa. En Mara vertel opgewonde hoe sy verder weg van die huis af wou gaan. En toe die moontlikheid van SuidAfrika opkom, was dit vir haar die antwoord. ”Ek het gedink – prima! Ons ken Europa al goed en Suid-Afrika is tog wel iets heel spesiaals, 'n splinternuwe ervaring.” Wat was hulle verwagtinge van Suid-Afrika? “Iets minder modern – ons het nie besef dat julle jongmense na presies dieselfde musiek luister as ons nie.” Maar eintlik, sê die twee, het hulle met oop koppe hier aangekom. “Ons het besef dis 'n heel ander kultuur en het uitgesien na 'n ontdekkingsreis in 'n land wat heeltemal anders is as wat ons ken.” Die hoogtepunt van hulle besoek aan Lydenburg was beslis die twee dae se kosmaak saam met Pastoor Zodwa Hlatshwayo van die Uzunzela Wenakinderhuis. Hulle taak was om die droë bone uit te sorteer en te was en met die kosmaak en opskep te help. “Die mooiste was om te sien dat daar soveel vroue is wat hierdie taak so selfloos verrig, elke oggend, winter en somer, terwyl ander nog slaap, kom hulle gedissiplineerd by die Marambane-skool bymekaar om vir tot 300

kinders een ete vir die dag voor te berei. Om die liefde te sien wat uit Pastoor Zodwa en haar helpers straal – vir die kinders, vir ons, vir alle mense om hulle. Hulle doen wat hulle doen sonder enige eie motief of erkenning en met die grootste vreugde.” “Daar is 'n soort energie en hoop wat uit die mense straal, en 'n vrede wat 'n mens nie kan beskryf nie,” vertel Tessa. “Dit was ontroerend om te sien hoe bly en vrolik die kinders is, al is hulle so arm.” Dié ervaring het haar weer opnuut laat besef dat sy betrokke wil raak by ontwikkelingshulp onder minderbevoorregtes – indien moontlik, hier aan die suidpunt van Afrika. ‘n Ander hoogtepunt, vertel Mara, was hul besoek aan die Kruger Wildtuin. “Om bykans 'n honderd olifante van so naby in die water te kon sien baljaar, was gewoon 'n onbeskryflike ervaring! Dit was vir ons vreemd dat die Suid-Afrikaners dink om bobbejane, 'n zebra of 'n kameelperd te sien, iets normaals is. Om nie van die maanhaar in die gras sommer hier naby die pad te praat nie!” Die Wildtuin-besoek het haar opnuut laat besluit om meer gereeld en verder te reis – en op safari te gaan wanneer die geleentheid hom voordoen. Die twee het ook 'n besoek aan die Connection Health gym gebring en 'n paar dae se werk by die Pam Goldingkantoor verrig. Hulle is ook saam met die PUKkoor na die Van der Merwes se Lunsklip forelplaas toe en was by die toe die 55-stuks by die waterval losgetrek het met hulle engele-sang. Tessa en Mara vertrek Vrydag terug Nederland toe na 'n volgelaaide twee weke met herinneringe en etlike nuwe vriende op facebook – en 'n lewenservaring wat hulle vir altyd sal onthou! ~ Deur Gerda Whitehorn.

Marchel Venter van Lydenburg en sy trop honde is al ’n bekende gesig by die Rooikatpark, Hierdie foto is geeneem om te wys hoe lekker mens tyd saam met jou honde kan deurbring en dat fikse honde gelukkige honde is. Die honde gaan tot saam op vakansie en Marchel sê hy ry met ‘hulle’ kar rond. Mnr. Rian Krog van die Rooikatpark het gesê die publiek is welkom om met hul honde daar gaan stap mits die honde aan ’n leiband is en daar beheer oor hulle is. Die honde Megan, Mischa, Steve, Ghitta, Bobby en Bindi het ’n vinnige swem in die rivier gevat en toe weer vir hulle baas in die kroeg kom kyk voor hulle weer die pad gevat het .

Volstoom en voluit, lekker om ’n hond te wees.

Longtom Nissan het weer die SA Bloed Diens gehelp deur dat die hele personeel verlede Dinsdag bereid was om aan die bloedskenk-aksie deel te neem. Dankie aan almal wat ’n bydrae gelewer het. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Methodist Church Annual Golf Day - Saturday 14 July

Tessa Hoek, Mara de Haas, Pastoor Zodwa Hlatshwayo met haar familie: Thulani, Busisiwe, Rachel, Ayanda en Sinhle

The Lydenburg Methodist Church will be holding their annual golf day on Saturday 14 July. Some of the funds raised will be used to help the needy in our community. For more information please contact Mike on 072 566 9047, Bruce on 082 801 6821 or Ina on 083

Hoedspruit wildsfees at Blyde Wildlife Estate 13 - 14 July 2012


Mara de Haas, Tessa Hoek en Pierre Haasbroek van Connection Health

he Hoedspruit Wildsfees Festival started in 1987 and was originally held in Swadini, but now takes place at Blyde Wildlife Estate approximately 16km outside of Hoedspruit. The festival came about from the game auctions that used to be held here. The game auctions were the means by which game was bought and sold during the days when many reserves were owned privately and fenced in. Nowadays the game auctions still takes place on the Friday but at a much reduced scale. This festival is one of the oldest in the area and a popular event for all the family. This years Hoedspruit Game Festival takes place on the 13th and 14th July 2012 and will include the usual exciting array of events including horse-riding, free game drives, a mountain bike race, a 4x4 course and a fun run. Entrance Fees: Adults: R60 Children: R30, - 082 9621735

8 5Julie 2010/ July / 8 July 2010 Julie 2012

Promosie / Promotion BFS LIMOSA BUILDING





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5 Julie / July 2012

It is known as the best chicken pie you will ever make. The blogwriter and chef Nina Trim shared this a few weeks ago on the RSG Radio Station. Since then everyone has been talking about “Meraai se Paai� She got it from a few friends in Bloemfontein. Needless to say it is one of those recipes that needs to be shared and made with love. It will become your new family favourite for any meal.

Ingredients 2 kg chicken fillets - skin and boneless 250 ml chicken stock 250 ml cup white wine 30 ml chopped garlic 5 ml salt and 5 ml pepper 200 g ham - I used Bergdale Gypsy Ham ( light smokey taste - bacon too overpowering) 2 medium onions - finely chopped 250 g button mushrooms - quartered 250 ml chopped parsley Sauce 250 g butter ( yes, this is correct!) 250 ml flour 500 ml chicken stock (the stock you kept from cooking the chicken) 250 ml sour cream 500 ml milk 400 puff pastry 1 egg, beaten for egg wash

Nuus / News

Preheat oven to 200 C. Heat the chicken stock, wine, garlic, salt and pepper in a pot and add the chicken breasts to the stock. Poach for about 20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked. Remove chicken from the pot, pour the stock in a jug, but keep it for the sauce. Cut chicken into smaller pieces and mix with ham, onions, mushrooms and parsley (take note that the mushrooms, onions and parsley must be raw) in a mixing bowl. In the same pot that you have used for the chicken, melt the butter over medium heat and add all the flour and stir for 1 minute. Add the chicken stock, the milk and the sour cream and stir until you have a rich creamy sauce. Add the chicken and other ingredients to the sauce and mix through. Transfer mixture to a big pie dish and cool slightly. Roll out the pastry and cut a "lid" big enough to cover the pie. Place on the pie, make a little steam hole in the middle of the pie and brush with egg wash. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the pie is golden brown. Serve with steamed broccoli, some boiled potatoes or a simple green salad.

Contact: Kobus van Niekerk: 072 202 9139


Nuus / News

5 Julie / July 2012

Cobus Mouton (Mine Manager) and Kobus Vermaak (Mine Overseer) celebrating with “The Champions” team. XSTRATA’s Helena Mine RIG 2 Production Crew has been dubbed with the nick name “The Champions”, as they truly are champions and they have been the best production crew every month this year and achieved 2800m² for the month of May 2012. Adding to this amazing feat is their excellent safety track record. Their last injury happened in August 2009. Sipho, sitting far right in the middle, is no ordinary shift supervisor. He is the driving force, passionate motivator and proud leader of The Champions. Sipho modestly gives his team the credit by saying that their achievements are being made possible only by tight team work and caring for each other. The Champions are willingly and proudly assisting in the training of inexperienced shift bosses and miners, imparting their valuable winning formula. Mine overseer

Die hondjie is gevind en is tans by die LAPSAR-hokke. Indien die eienaar nie vorendag kom nie sal Gerda die hondje verkoop aan geskikte ouers. Vir meer inligting skakel assebief Gerda by 082 041 6165 of 084 424 5765.

Kobus Vermaak congratulated the team, thanking them for setting the bar so high and challenged other teams to rise to the occasion. He also said: “It is people like Sipho and his team who makes a real difference and are inspiring to work with. I salute them.”



Nuus / News

5 Junie / June 2012

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

Spinning / Drifting gets man beheaded

A toolkit for your car

ANYBODY who wants to save a bit of cash on car maintenance will A SAUDI court sentenced a middle-aged joy-rider to death by beheading, for obviously need a good workshop manual and a reasonable set of spanners. accidentally killing two people while performing a car stunt near the capital There are many top-quality sets available but, if you buy a complete new set in a Riyadh, the Saudi newspaper Al Watan reported. box, you will be paying a high price for many spanners that you will never - or A pastime known as “drifting,” in which drivers make their cars spin and skid at high hardly ever - use. We believe it is best to buy a mid-price range set, or visit one of speed, is popular among Saudi men with few options for entertainment in a the many places that sell used tools. You will see many top names, such as Snapconservative kingdom where cinemas do not exist and mixing between unrelated On, Teng, Britool and the like for sale and provided they are not damaged or men and women is forbidden. distorted by using incorrect sized Al Watan reported that the spanners on fasteners, or going defendant, which it said identified crazy with extension bars, could himself as “Mutannish” - “he who well be good buys. With a midignores” in Arabic, struck and range spanner set, it might be a killed two men while performing good idea to add a top-quality the thrill-seeking stunt and fled ratchet handle as cheapies the scene before being arrested. eventually fail. You will soon see “The court of Onaiza handed down a sentence to kill the drifter which spanners you use most 'mutannish' by beheading as often and it is these that it will be punishment for his heinous deed worth replacing, one at a time, and to deter others who tamper with top-of-the-range spanners. with the nation's security,” the Open-end, box-end combination report stated. and Allen wrenches are used to turn bolts, nuts and screws. The open-end Al Watan did not say when the sentence would be carried out. A Justice Ministry spanner holds the nut or bolt on only two flat sides and slips off or rounds the nut spokesman could not be reached for comment. Saudi authorities have treated more readily than the box-end type. Sizes range from 6-32mm and Allen key sizes deaths resulting from acts of “drifting” as criminally negligent homicides. usually from 2-20mm, although other sizes are available. Adjustable spanners may be handy in emergencies, but generally should never be used in place of the In 2005, a Saudi naval officer found guilty of killing three minors in a stunt-driving accident was handed a death sentence that was subsequently reduced to 3000 correct sized spanner or socket. Pipe wrenches are for use on pipes only and will lashes and 20 years in prison, according to local media. Saudi Arabia, which follows a quickly ruin any nut or bolt to which they are applied. strict version of Sunni Islam, does not have a written penal code and judges issue The more specialised (and delicate) measuring tools such as inside and outside verdicts according to their own interpretation of the Koran. callipers, micrometers, and the like should be stored in their original cases. Be Amnesty International has said that at least 82 people were executed in Saudi Arabia careful not to drop them. Precision surfaces, such as micrometer anvils, last year, many of them by public beheading. - Reuters straightedges and calliper jaws must be protected. The accuracy of measuring


instruments should be properly checked if there is any doubt. Check them against any other tools known to be accurate. Gauge blocks can be used to determine micrometer accuracy. Feeler gauges are relatively cheap and, in theory, should, like your spanners, last a lifetime, provided they are not allowed to corrode. Wipe them clean with an oily rag after use. They have their thickness marked in thousandths of an inch or in millimetres or both. Non-magnetic blades are used for checking where magnetic force exists. Stepped feelers have their tips a bit thinner than the rest of the blade and are used for “go / no go” quick measurements. Never force or bend feeler gauges as this will destroy their accuracy. Dial gauges and dial indicator sets are not essential for the beginner, but they are capable of many functions in the workshop. The obvious ones are to check flywheel and brake discs for runout, transmission and crankshaft endplay and differential gear backlash. They are expensive to buy new, but may often be picked up quite cheaply in used-tool shops. Check new prices first to avoid being conned.

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Building a good toolkit should not be a hurried exercise. Read the local press ads and watch out for sales and garage clearances. - Star Motoring


Two litre Kia Soul here! SOUTH AFRICA. The product that began Kia Motors’ design-led transformation returns to the Kia line-up with a fresh and updated look, more power, and the same funky “out of the box” demeanour consumers have come to love from the compact crossover. Fine-tuned-for-2012 with a significant number of technology enhancements as well as a new powertrain, Kia’s iconic urban passenger vehicle now delivers highly competitive power and significantly improved fuel efficiency. Building on the Soul’s solid foundation, the new model adds more style and fun-to-drive performance while also improving fuel economy. The new 2.0 litre Soul has an engine capacity of 1999cc and now delivers impressive power of 122 kW at 6500 rpm and 200 Nm of torque at 4800 rpm and is available with new efficient six-speed manual and automatic transmissions. The Soul’s exterior design has been updated with subtle changes to front and rear to project a wider stance, while new headlamps, taillights, side mirrors and wheels project a more modern look. The new 2.0 litre Soul is easily distinguishable with exclusive projector headlamps and front LED Daytime Running Lights and LED tail-lights complement the new 18-inch alloy wheels. It also offers other exciting features like rear park assist with a rear-view camera display, a Stop / Start button with smart key, an improved sound system with external amplifier and subwoofer, cruise control (auto only), automatic light control as well as an optional sunroof. Other new safety features standard on the 2.0 litre Soul includes Vehicle Stability Management (VSM), Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Hill-start Assist Control (HAC). The complete 2012 Soul range (including the 1.6 model) has undergone a number of significant design improvements. On the outside, Soul is freshened with subtle changes that fans will instantly recognise. From a redesigned hood, to new front and rear bumpers. Lauded for its standout design, the versatile five-door’s low, wide stance is complemented by an angled window line and rounded nose with a beltline that rises from the front wheel arch to create a gentle wedge shape. Soul is available in two derivatives – a 1.6 litre petrol model and the new 2.0 litre petrol model – with the 1.6 model offering numerous standard convenience features, including air conditioning, Bluetooth, front and rear electric windows, radio / CD front loader with Mp3 / USB / iPod connection and rear park assist. The 1.6 Soul also comes standard with 16-inch 205/55R16 alloy wheels with front disc and rear drum brakes.

5 Julie / July 2012


Ford wins engine of the year FORD and BMW were the biggest winners in the 2012 International Engine of the Year Awards with Ford’s hotshot little turbo triple scooping the coveted overall title. Presented by Engine Technology International magazine, for 2012 the jurors were required to consider a blend of new technology and performance; and powertrains using advanced designs, materials and components. Smaller displacement engines again fared well – as seen in the scrap between 2012’s overall winner and 2011’s top engine: the 875cc two-cylinder turbo from Fiat. The 14th edition of the awards saw 76 motoring journalists from 35 countries score the engines that must have been used in a passenger car (including SUVs and MPVs) and on sale in more than one country from June 2012. The jurors each had 25 points to award to their five favourite engines in each category. A maximum of 15 points and a minimum of one could be allocated to an engine and, crucially, no engine could be tied for the top spot. According to the organisers, one of the highlights of the 2012 contest came in the Performance Engine category where new developments from BMW’s M division went head-to-head with engines from McLaren, Porsche and last year’s winner, the 4.5-litre V8 used by Ferrari. But the surprise package of the year was Ford’s new 999cc EcoBoost engine that scooped the Best New Engine and Best Engine under 1litre awards, along with the overall title with 401 points. Dean Slavnich, co-chairman of the International Engine of the Year Awards and editor of Engine Technology International magazine said: “This is a fitting victory for a truly remarkable engine. “For a three-cylinder to power a vehicle like the Ford Focus with such ease proves that the future is very, very bright for the internal combustion engine. Power, response and very good real-world fuel consumption figures are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this engine and what it offers drivers today. Well done Ford!”

Upgrading to the Soul 2.0-litre adds keyless remote entry with flip key, privacy glass on the tailgate and rear side windows, climate control, automatic light control, cruise control (auto only), electric folding side mirrors, leather seats, LED Daytime running lights, LED rear combination lights, a rear view camera as well as an improved sound system with subwoofer and external amplifier. The 2.0 litre Soul further features 18-inch 225/45R18 alloy wheels with front and rear disc brakes. Adding to the distinctiveness of Soul, buyers can choose from a wide palate of exterior paint colors, including: White, Bright Sliver, Titanium Silver, Green Tea Latte, Tomato Red, Moonlight Blue and Black Soul. Inside, Soul’s more high-tech, futuristic cabin features a well-equipped blend of technology features offering tremendous overall value. All Soul models are improved with redesigned and upgraded interior materials, making the cabin the perfect personal lounge on wheels or an efficient cargo carrier with 14 storage zones. All Soul models continue to offer the same high level of standard safety equipment as in previous years, offering a comprehensive list of safety features, including front seat active headrests, dual front, side and curtain airbags, an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Traction Control System (TCS) and Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD), as are front and rear crumple zones, side-impact door beams and an impact-absorbing steering column. The 2.0 litre Soul further features Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Hillstart Assist Control (HAC) and Vehicle Stability Management (VSM). A Vehicle Stability Management system takes safety to the next level by combining the intelligence of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) with Motor Driven Power Steering (MDPS) to avoid loss of control which can be caused when sudden braking or rapid accelerating under asymmetric (wet / dry) road surface conditions. The system operates completely automatically without requiring any input from the driver.

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5 Julie / July 2012


New Focus ST on the way NICE, France - The latest Ford Focus ST looks hot and has performance figures to suggest it's quite the mover, but does it carry as much clout powered, as it is, by a lowly four-cylinder? Ford’s recent win in the International Engine of the Year competition has the automaker on a serious buzz. While the 1.0 turbocharged EcoBoost engine is seemingly hogging all the attention for the Blue Oval right now, on the opposite side of the spectrum Ford’s followed through on the hype with the introduction of its latest Focus ST. It will be launched in South Africa in November, 2012. South African hot-hatch lovers adore their Volkswagen Golf GTIs, but if first impressions are anything to go by, the guys from Wolffsburg should be slightly concerned. Sure, the Focus looks the part with its new front bumper with a bigger grille and gaping air intakes, a very characteristic centre-mounted twin tailpipe, huge 18” alloys and ST-specific goodies in the cabin. But it’s on the road where the true battle waits to be fought. For this ST, Ford’s had to do without the 2.5litre, turbocharged, five-cylinder, Volvo engine that gave the previous version its distinctive burble and earned it scores of fans. In its place is Ford’s own EcoBoost engine – a turbo four-cylinder sending 184kW and 360Nm to the front wheels of what is Ford’s most powerful ST yet and its first global performance car.


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Dieter Schwarz, head of Ford Team RS, admitted the “most challenging task on this (ST) project” was managing the move from five to four cylinders and making sure fans would not be disappointed by the new soundtrack. To sort that out, the engine has a redesigned intake system with an “active sound symposer” to cleverly relay the engine rumble (from as low down as 2000rpm) directly to the cabin. To warm the cockles of the true enthusiast’s heart, only a slick six-speed manual is offered at this stage. While this certainly seems to be a handful, Ford’s added some clever tricks to make the experience more fun, less frightening. There’s the new electric variable steering that's less sensitive in the straight-ahead position but requires less turning, for example, through a hairpin. This is supplemented by a Torque Steer Compensation system that, along with the steering, uses software to counteract torque steer. Furthermore, to allow the ST to be a cornering demon, the car is also fitted with an improved Dynamic Cornering Control system for a quicker and lighter turn-in and it figures out the torque distribution to the front wheels before you’ve even had time to think about it. Based on the ST’s handling prowess, it’s hard to imagine it being related to the regular Focus. It’s utterly composed, cornering fast and flat while a prod of the throttle serves to pull the tail back into line while the (standard) Recaro sport seats do a good job of preventing the front passenger from spilling out in faster switches. As fun as that may seem, Ford’s mandate for the Focus ST has always been about more than outright performance – it has to be comfortable as a daily driver, too. The latest version certainly doesn’t disappoint. The Focus ST’s ride was incredibly comfortable on the motorway and rural sections of the route through the south of France and the dramatically revised chassis did a good job of soaking up the rough patches and dips. Suspension enhancements for this ST include uprated shocks and springs and a revised rear suspension with new knuckles and an all-new anti-roll bar. Compared to other Focus models, the ST’s chassis is also 10mm lower, but, in its pursuit of a sportier ST, Ford has not let the side down by compromising on the sporty hatch’s comfort levels. It’s an incredibly drivable hot hatch yet also super-refined. It definitely leaves you in no doubt of its capabilities when you floor the accelerator but short-shift to sixth for a spot of cruising and a pleasantly quiet cabin. The new Focus ST will be available in hatchback and wagon form in European markets; South Africa will only receive the traditional hatch and it will be launched here in November 2012. Hailey PhilanderWheels 24

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The exciting Toyota 86 is here! THE ALL-NEW TOYOTA 86 – YOURS FOR UNDER R300 000 Toyota South Africa Motors has just announced prices of one of the most eagerly awaited cars, the all-new Toyota 86, which officially debuts locally with the standard model on 9 July. This will be followed shortly by two high-spec versions later in the month. With a starting price of just R298 500 (incl. VAT) for the standard model, this unique two-door 2+2 sports car represents outstanding value for money and positions the car well within reach of those wanting an alternative to the predictable set of hot hatches. At the top end of the range are the two highly specified versions (a manual and a six-speed auto with paddle shift), equipped with all the trimmings including Smart Start (keyless entry system), Leather / alcantara upholstery, fully automatic climate control system and 17-inch alloy wheels - to list just a few of the items on the standard menu. The 86 High manual will retail for R329 400 while the 86 High 6-speed Auto will carry a sticker price of just R346 500. Please note that all 86 models come with a four-year / 60 000km service plan as standard. All 86 models are equipped with the newly-developed Subaru 2.0-litre, four-cylinder boxer engine. This is the world’s first horizontally opposed engine with Toyota’s revolutionary Direct Injection 4-stroke petrol System (D-4S). The results are impressive for a normally-aspirated powerplant: 147kW at 7000 rpm and 205Nm of torque at 6400-6600 rpm. “The 86 is so much more than just another product, it signals a completely new direction for Toyota,” says Kerry Roodt, General Manager of Marketing Communications. “Here you have a car that’s designed entirely around the driver; a car that exists purely for those who regard driving as a passion rather than a necessity. These cars have, of course, always existed, but for the first time a motor manufacturer is making this much automotive fun available to as wide an audience as possible – that’s genius!”

5 Julie / July 2012


Chev Utility diesel now available The latest Chevrolet Utility range is now complete with the addition of a diesel engine and the company has also used the occasion to announce that ABS braking is now standard on all Base AC and Club models. The new 1.3-litre 16-valve turbodiesel engine is smaller but more sophisticated than the 1.7-litre unit that was used in the previous range. In fact it has the same amount of power and slightly more torque, the 1.3 being credited with 55kW at 4 000 rpm and 170Nm between 1 750 and 2 500 rpm. Power is channeled to the front wheels via a five-speed manual gearbox. As before, the range still offers the choice of two petrol engines, these being a 68kW / 120Nm 1.4-litre and a 77kW / 161Nm 1.8. Of course, the diesel still has an economy advantage, with GMSA claiming a combined fuel consumption figure of 5.5 litres per 100km. For the record, the 1.4 petrol consumes 7.2 l / 100 km according to SABS combined cycle tests.

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5 Julie / July 2012

Heather Aspeling van Lydenburg het die foto’s van die suikerbekkie (links) en die naaldekoker (regs) ingestuuur vir die Foto van die Maand Kompetisie aangebied deur die Highlands Panorama Nuus (mede-werkers Longtom SuperSPAR, PNA en Konica Photo Express

Lydenburg Posduif Klub Weeklikse uitslae 16 July : Villiers 1 : 290 km Jaaroud 1. Peet Venter 2. Chris Slabbert 3. DJ Botha 4. Hein Geldenhuys 5. Hein Geldenhuys 6. Jan Venter 7. Peet Venter

8. Peet Venter 9. Gert Roets 10. Hein Geldenhuys 16 July : Villiers 1 : 290 km – Ope 1. DJ Botha 2. Hein Geldenhuys 3. Hein Geldenhuys 4. Hein Geldenhuys 5. Gerhard Marais 6. Jan Venter 7. Allo Lofts 8. Allo Lofts 9. Allo Lofts 10. Allo Lofts 23 Julie Villiers 2 : 290 km - Jaaroud 1. Hein Geldenhuys 2. Hein Geldenhuys 3. Hein Geldenhuys 4. Gerhard Marais 5. Hein Geldenhuys 6. Allo Lofts 7. Gert Roets 8. Peet Venter 9. Allo Lofts 10. Chris Slabbert 23 Julie Villiers 2 : 290 km - Ope 1. Chris Slabbert 2. Allo Lofts 3. Allo Lofts 4. Gert Roets 5. Gerhard Marais 6. Hein Geldenhuys 7. Hein Geldenhuys 8. Allo Lofts 9. Gerhard Marais 10. Allo Lofts 30 Julie Warden : 347km – Jaaroud 1. Gerhard Marais 2. Chris Slabbert 3. Hein Geldenhuys 4. Allo Lofts 5. Allo Lofts 6. Allo Lofts 7. Gerhard Marais 8. Jan Venter 9. Peet Venter 10. Chris Slabbert 30 Julie Warden : 347km – Ope 1. Gert Roets 2. Allo Lofts 3. Allo Lofts 4. Allo Lofts 5. Allo Lofts 6. Allo Lofts 7. Allo Lofts 8. Allo Lofts 9. Hein Geldenhuys 10. Hein Geldenhuys

Properties / Eiendomme

5 Julie / July 2012

15 Motoring

Beskikbaar by Du-Nel Eiendomme Drie slaapkamer dupleks woning in goeie area, twee badkamers, gaste toilet, ruim oopplan woonarea / kombuis, Twee motorhuise. Palisade en groot tuin, R1 350 miljoen. Skakel: Du Nel Eiendomme 013 235 2622; 082 896 3908 of 082 462 7723.

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R635 000 2 Slaapkamer duplekswoonstel met 2 badkamers en dubbel beveiligde Motorafdak

R1 890 000 4 slaapkamer woonhuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, tv kamer. Studeerkamer Netjiese afwerking.

R1 900 000 12 HA plot 4 slaapkamer woonhuis omhein

R895 000 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, sit kamer eetkamer 2 motorhuis woonstel.

R3 250 000 162 HA plaas in Kwêna Basin 2 huise met kamp vir 16 mense. Pragtige omgewing met gesellige Kuier areas



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Motoring Properties / Eiendomme

Huizemark se Gholfdag ’n groot sukses

Mnr. Hannes Engelbrecht het ingeskryf vir die Castle kompetisie by Family Liquor, Lydenburg en groot was sy verbasing toe hulle hom bel en verwittig dat hy die wenner is van hierdie groot koelhouer op wiele. Foto: Mnre. Dewald Luus (Family Liquor, Lydenburg) en Hannes Engelbrecht (wenner).

Huizemark Eiendomsagentskap in Lydenburg het Saterdag ’n groot gholfdag aangebied ten bate van die Duncia Deurgangshuis. Die spelers en hul gaste het na die tyd ‘n braai geniet terwyl ’n gaskustenaar hulle vermaak het. Dankie aan al die spelers, borge en die Huizemark personeel wat die dag ’n groot sukses gemaak het.

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5 Julie / July 2012



Slimkopies / Classifieds

5 Julie / July 2012

Non-Profit Charity 4986/ 083 995 4959 DIENSTE/ SERVICES

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS - best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 BLITZ PLUMBING 24/7 All plumbing maintenance, repairs & installations i.e. geysers, taps, baths, toilets, basins & drainpipes. 072 197 5264 / 072 577 8689 HUURKOOP PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig ’n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog? Skakel ons vir ’n oplossing. 073 830 8637

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C O T TA G E v i r e n k e l persoon. Gemeubileerd & gediens. W+L ing. 18kms b u i te Lyd e n b u rg o p Burgersfortpad. R3500pm. 082 786 1651 1SLK woonstel. R3800 W+L ing. 082 582 7100 1 SLK WOONSTEL, Lydenburg. 082 748 6527 BACHELOR WOONSTEL , enkel persoon. R2300 pm 079 624 9486 3 SLK, 2 badk, dubbel afdak. Geen diere. R5800pm. 079 374 9130 TO LET IN LYDENBURG: 4 Bed, 2 Bath House R7,500 per month. 1 Bed flat.No animals. No Children R3,600 per month Jaco Swart Property Lounge (082)332 9814 LOSIES/ LODGING

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•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g str.41,Lydenburg.Woe.19:0 0Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo en Pastoor Jaco Tomsen 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635

or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am

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Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268

aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Ve r g a d e r i n g . P a s t o o r Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Wo e n s d a g o m 1 8 : 0 0 . Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by

We n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, Sondae oggende om 09h00 by Spur se konferensie saal. Past. Neels Lubbe 079 679 1387/ Past. Rina Lubbe 076 015 8947

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5 Julie / July 2012


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Minimum 5 Years experience Responsibilities include: • Complete day to day running of restaurant • Stock Control • All related Managerial duties We offer a very competitive package & accommodation. Fax short CV to: 086 298 2970

NEW INFOQualified Artisans required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank Middelburg / Balfour / Musina AUTO ELECTRICIAN (Musina / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification requirements: Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Auto Electrician Trade Test - Section 13 Experience required: • 2 years experience on Trackless Earth Moving Equipment such as: Drill rigs, Roofbolters, LHD etc. DIESEL MECHANIC - EARTH MOVING ( Musina / Witbank / Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Diesel mechanic / Earthmoving equipment Mechanic Trade Test Experience Required: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on hydraulic fault finding • 2 years experience in repairing and maintaining Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi machinery such as: Dozers, Excavators, Dump trucks etc. TRACKLESS FITTER / DIESEL MECHANIC (Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Musina/ Balfour Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter/ Diesel mechanic Trade Test Experience Requirements: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in maintaining and fault finding on trackless machinery such as: Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco Drill rigs etc. FITTER ( Lydenburg / Steelpoort) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Fitter Trade Test Experience Requirements: • 2 years experience • Conveyor belt maintenance • Vibrating Feeders & Tips • Splicing TRACKLESS ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort ) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test Experience requirements: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • 2 years experience in repairing and rebuilding on trackless machinery such as : Tamroc Roof Bolters, EJC 115, EJC 205, Atlas Copco drill rigs etc. ELECTRICIAN (Lydenburg / Steelpoort ) Qualification Requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Electrician Trade Test • HT Course Experience Requirements: • 2 years experience • VSD drives - starter panels (Tips & conveyor belts) • High and Low Voltage • Mini-substations, fans, pumps & motors • Centralized blasting system MILLWRIGHT (Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Witbank / Vanderbijlpark) Qualification requirements: • Only RSA citizens • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid Millwright Trade test or NQF 4 • Valid Drivers license • 3 years opencast mining experience. Experience requirements: • AC/DC drives on earthmoving trucks • Knowledge on Siemens system on dump trucks • Sound Hydraulics & Electrical experience • Experience on Hitachi trucks will be an advantage.

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5 Julie / July 2012

Well done our heroes, welcome home” was the poster which greeted Jam Burger, Deon Trollope and their crew on their return late Saturday afternoon from Botswana. The intrepid duo left on Monday 18 June for Botswana together with their local crew members Rob Visser and Johan Du Preez. They were going to take part in the Toyota 1000 Desert Race Montshwabisi Botswana 2012. After spending the night in Mooinooi they were joined by their third crew member, Ben Viljoen from Carltonville on Tuesday morning. After crossing the border the last supplies were bought in Gaborone and the team left to set up camp at the DSP (designated service point) 30 km north of Gaborone. Documentation and final preparation took place on the Wednesday. The race was made up of 2 x 250 km loops on the Thursday and 2 x 250 km loops on the Friday. Jam, racing his new 1000 cc Renegade, finished 7th in the Platinum Class and Deon, racing his 800 cc Renegade, finished 9th in the silver class. A special word of thanks to the crew for their support.

Photo’s Above and below: Jam Burger (left) and Deon Trollope (right) during the race and prize giving.

THE Nomakanjani Bible study group has initiated a golf day on behalf of the CMR with the aim of generating funds for the organization to assist them in serving the community. This event will take place on 7 July and any donations or funds to be able to make a success of this day will be greatly appreciated. Should you wish to enter a 4-ball for this event or buy a tee, kindly note the following information: Venue: Lydenburg Golf Club. Tee-box: R 500.00 Tee-box #5: R 1 000.00 Entry fees: R 1 000.00 per four ball There are great prizes to be won and dinner will be served after the prize giving. For more information or bookings please contact: Kobus Rademeyer – 082 321 7054 and Pierre Joubert – 082 460 0690.

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