25 Oktober / October 2012 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 42 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Anonymous, Kellysville writes: Letter to the Mayor
Dear Mr M Ncongwane, I am a concerned resident of Kellysville, Lydenburg. I would like to know to whom must we go to lay complaints because we are not the kind of people who toi toi or use violence to make our voice heard. Firstly, our road from the crossing into Kellysville looks like a pigsty. No one has ever cared to come and fix it they rather come and make it worse with stones. Secondly, why is it always Kellysville that has power failures whenever there is rain in the area but all the other areas have electricity? We have babies, old and sick people that needs to be taken care of. A few months ago on a Sunday the whole of Lydenburg was without electricity. Why? We were told that they were fixing the problem, but until now the problem has not been solved. Who is responsible for this? Why don`t they do their work. Its’ so old fashioned to have power failures and I think this only happens in Lydenburg, not even the rural areas have such power problems. And thirdly, they promised us stands in Ext 9, 200 of them, but what is happening there now is chaos. People from Bushbuckridge and Burgersfort have first privilege! Why must we submit a list of names while the others don’t? Where is the list for those people squatting there? Why is there so much corruption? The people who made these promises are missing in action. Please Mr Ncongwane, we need your help urgently in Kellysville!
Die Laerskool Lydenburg se pretdag Vrydag het party kinders laat snik van die hitte, maar ander het baljaar in die skuim en water. Ons, as volwassenes, sou eerder plekke met die kinders wou ruil... enige dag van die week, veral as daar so lekker baljaar word.
013 235 1303 / 4
KIA BURGERSFORT Main Road Tel: 013 231 8430
The Highlands Panorama News publishes this letter on the front page with the hope that we will also have reply from the Mayor next week on the front page. The problems are not in Kellysville alone. Potloodspruit and Sterkspruit also have no power every time it rains. These problems are a community issue and everyone would like an answer. Seeing that we rarely get feedback from the municipality we hope that Thaba Chweu makes feedback a priority this week. - Editor, Michelle Boshoff
Nuus / News
25 Oktober / October 2012
NON-indigenous, sometimes venomous snakes are increasingly being found in the veld and suburbia in South Africa after their owners discover they cannot take care of them properly and release them. Recently snake catchers found a deadly venomous North American diamondback rattler with a clutch of eggs in the veld in Honeydew, Johannesburg. There was also an incident when a Gauteng snake keeper was somehow bitten behind the ear by a potentially deadly American Cottonmouth. He was hospitalised and was fortunate enough to locate some anti-venom locally - at a cost of R120 000. If you are perhaps bitten by a venomous exotic snake chances are you will not be able to find anti-venom and the bite could prove fatal. Exotic snakes can carry diseases and or parasites from their native countries which our own indigenous snakes have no immunity against and as such the An exotic Corn snake found in a Lydenburg garden on Monday. This is indigenous snake population could be luckily not a venomous snake. decimated when being exposed. The trade in exotic snakes is not subject to control and people keep and trade these snake being kept as a pet becomes a permits in Mpumalanga so there is no animals irresponsibly. Very often, a nuisance or a problem for the owner. The
owner then decides to release it back into nature, which is of course the nearest area which looks remotely wild enough to release the animal. Such snakes can however not fend for themselves and very often they die a long and slow death by starvation. Since 1994, from records kept by Neels Bothma collected from telephone calls to remove unwanted visitors in Lydenburg and further afield, the exotics include Reticulated pythons, Anaconda’s, Copperheads and in 2011 he was called to identify a snake killed by dogs in Lydenburg, which turned out to be a Rattlesnake. So, if you are no longer able to keep your snake pet, please contact your nearest conservation office for a list of reputable legal institutions or individuals who might be willing to take over the snake. Do not just dump your snake in the nearest park or veld. Not only is this illegal, it constitutes cruelty towards the animal and can pose a significant threat to our biodiversity. For further information or help with snakes in general contact Neels Bothma on 082 730 3047
These are the conditions that the staff of Early Success Day Care Centre in Mashishing cook under. The roof has holes in it and they only managed to place a small piece of canvas over the hole. They urgently need someone to fix the roof. Over 200 children get meals daily from them so the situation is an emergency. See more on page 9 ~ Michelle Boshoff
Suppliers and Installers of: • Any Buildings or house glass • Aluminium Products • Shower and sliding doors • Windows • Mirrors • Automotive Gert van der Merwe Cell: 082 565 9344
Iron Close Street Steelpoort
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Tel: 013 235 4536 lotterspinelydenburg@telkomsa.net
36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
25 8Oktober 2012 Julie 2010/ October / 8 July 2010
Nuus / News
Munisipale swembad weer in werking DIT was 'n groot bekommernis gewees Vr y d a g a a n d m e t d i e R o o i k a t t e s e jaareindfunksie, dat strome water tydens die reënstorm op die gaste binne in die saal neergeval het soos ’n waterval, so erg dat gedeeltes van die dak en sement ingeval en mense se lewens in gevaar gestel is. Tafels en stoele is in ’n haglike toestand en vuil, sommige ligte se skerms is met lap en tou vasgemaak Op ’n stadium wou mnr. Frik Rousseau, Direkteur van Lelievlei, sy personeel wat by die funksie gewerk het, onttrek as gevolg van veiligheidsredes. Lelievlei se inwoners het tereg gespot by mnr. Rousseau dat hulle nou by die munisipale swembad
werk en nie by Thaba Chweu se stadsaal nie. Elmarie Jansen van Vuuren, waarnemende leier van die VF+, wil graag weet wat het geword van die onderhoud van Lydenburg se stadsaal? Hoe kan mens op so ’n plek trots wees? Die VF+ is ’n proaktiewe party en is bereid om gratis kwotasies te verkry en by te staan met arbeid. ’n Afvaardiging van die VF+, bestaande uit Frik Rousseau, Elmarie Jansen van Vuuren en Elsje du Plessis gaan met die munisipalebestuurder vergader oor die swak toestand van die stadsaal. Die VF+ het spesifiek die saal vir die Rooikattefunksie geborg om die gemeenskap by te staan.
Die plaffon is stukkend, dele weg en die ligte hang uit die dak uit.
Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
Tel: 013 235 1035 Fax: 013 235 4107 ’n Lig hang heeltemal uit die dak uit.
Swembad Centre, Crn Viljoen & Potgieter St
Amarula Windhoek Draught Can / NRB 440ML Cream / 6 Pack Liqueur 750ml each Smirnoff Amstel Lager Vodka NRB 1818 750ml
Per 6 Pack
Castle Lager NRB 330ml Per Case Prices valid from Thursday 25 October 2012 up to and including Thursday 01 November 2012 or While Stock Last All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.
Rubrieke / Columns
04 25 Oktober / October 2012 2012
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Chatter away in “Letters to the Editor” ‘Twiet’ jou gedagtes in “Briewe aan die Redakteur”
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
UL jou hier, kul jou daar en siedaar. Pens en pootjies in 'n verbeeldingswêreld waar hongerpyne jou nie eers daaruit gaan kry nie. En dit te danke aan 'n boek. Iemand het my onlangs gevra wat is die goue les as mens wil skryf. Wel, dis om te lees. Lees, lees, Lees. “Lees is my lewe,” het Sarel Seemonster gesê van Wielie-Walie. Enige iets wat ek lees is vir my interessant... al sit ek die boek of artikel neer en lees weer oor 'n paar dae verder. Maar lees gaan ek dit lees. Daarom kan ek party boeke nie eers begin nie, want ek sal dit nie neersit voor ek klaar is nie. Ek is nou maar een van daardie kinders/ mense wat vroeër opstaan om 'n uur of twee te lees voor die dag begin. Vir dié wat nou al die boeke gelees het hoef ek nie te oortuig hoe wonderlik dit is nie. Vir die ander moet ek skryf wat Nataniël lank gelede in 'n advertensie kwytgeraak het: “Koop net die blêrrie ding.” Hoog geskok was ek om te hoor dat sekere kollegas hulle steeds nie aan die magiese wêreld van boeke blootgestel het nie. Ek is egter 'n groot genoeg aanhanger vir almal. Die feit dat boeke wonderlik is, het ek 'n paar keer in die Hoorhiersô-rubrieke kwytgeraak. Die plesier wat 'n boek verskaf mag nooit onderskat word nie. Ongekende vreugde. Daarom moet ek net my gunsteling digter, Ernst van Heerden, ook inbring by my 'kwellings en kwinkslae' hierdie week. Hy het 'n gedig geskryf, Boek:
Net tent as heenkome, en moet dit teruggee
As al die goue dae herinneringe word, die vreugde met 'n ou vergeelde boek wat ek al peinsend oopslaan om 'n glansende woord of sin te soek, sal dit selfontvermend wees, as die skemer om my mure daal, om al gereelder voor die vuurherd saans die ou boek van die rak te haal. Ek weet sommer dat ek lekker deurnag gaan lees aan 'n nuwe boek oor Kimberley se geskiedenis. Ek het dit die naweek by 'n vriend geleen. Ek kan nie wag om hande daarop te lê nie. *Ps. 'n Boek sal 'n welkome geskenk wees. Julle weet waar om my in die hande te kry!
Uit die Woord From the Word “Streams of water will flow through the desert, the burning sand will become a lake, and dry land will be filled with springs.” Isaiah 35:6,7 Lord help us to cherish and appreciate the water You have provided for us and help us to support water conservation, so everyone has clean safe water to drink.
Die kommin faktor MY vriend wat oor “kommin” mense skryf, het laas die dames beet gehad. Nou is dit die manne se beurt. Storie verbatim. Hare agterkoe gekam, of table top of ’n mullet. Tee shirt wat uithang, die doel hiervan om die hangpens so effens te verdoesel. Jy kan hierrie spul gewoonlik uitken op wat hulle ry: Enige iets van ’n afgeleefde Ford V6, of ’n ou gaargeryde Nissan of Isuzu 4x4 met die wielvellings omgedraai en wye taaiers. Die goed kom die straat afgesukkel soos wafferse Bulldogs op steroids. Wat die konversion aan aandrywingskomponente en
te trek. Ek wil nie die mense wat so baie vir my doen in die rug steek nie. En ek vra nie omdat ek iemand wil misbruik nie. Ek is in so ’n posisie dat ek nie weet watter kant toe nie. Ek wil nie verneder word nie. As iemand my kan help met ’n tent of geld vir die tent bel my asseblief by 079 383 8198.
Anoniem van Lydenburg skryf: Dit is die eerste keer wat ek om hulp vra. Ek het juis my trots in my sak gesit en met dr. Visser gepraat en hom vir help genader omdat my kind se tone so erg gewees het dat hy nie meer wou lewe nie. Ek sal so bly wees as iemand my kan help. Ek wil nie soos ’n verloorder in ander se oë wees nie. Ek wil net R14 000 hê of geld insamel om ’n tent koop. Die oom wil sy army tent hê waarin ons bly teen 11 November. Dit lek in elk geval sodat oom Pieter vir ons ’n swart seil gekoop het om oor
• Dan wil ek net vir dr. Visser dankie sê vir al sy hulp ons waardeer dit baie. Dankie aan oom Pieter en tannie Ester vir die bystand wat hulle vir ons gegee het en nog steeds gee. Hulle beteken vir my alles.
The DA welcomes the long-awaited arrest by the Hawks of four officials of the Thaba Chweu Municipality in the case of the 'missing' R3,2 million, and hopes this will shed more light on the large-scale misappropriation of public funds that has plagued this municipality for the past decade. The arrest stems from criminal charges laid by the DA in April 2009, when, during the course of the Easter weekend, 'unusual' and highly suspicious transactions were conducted outside of business hours. It is alleged that the Chief Financial Officer at the time, Mr Paul Mpele, provided his secret PIN to others, who
then shifted the money elsewhere. Mpele subsequently denied any knowledge of the transactions, claiming he was on leave, when in fact, he was at work. The DA is extremely pleased that residents will finally have some form of closure around the misappropriation of their hard-earned taxes, and sincerely hopes that it would send out a strong message to local government officials here, and in other municipalities, that in the long run, crime does not pay. While we trust that justice will prevail in this case, we hope that this will lead to more light being shed on many other cases of financial mismanagement in Thaba Chweu.
Chamber seminar The Lydenburg/Mashishing Business Chamber in conjunction with EXPECTRA 2004 (Pty) Ltd invites all interested businesses to an exciting Organisational Behaviour Modification (OBM). If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact Human Bergh on 012 347 5163 / 083 555 7811 / human@expectra-international.com . You may also contact Engela Krugel, Administrator Lydenburg/ Mashishing Business Chamber on 082 753 7940
wielbeerings doen, weet nugter alleen. Onder die jonger spul is Golfies, Corsa Lites en Monzas nogal hoog op die gunstelling lys. Jy sal hulle op Saterdagoggende daar by die spares shops by dosyne opmerk waar hulle items soos stuurwieloortreksels, brandstofbymiddels, en natuurlik oliebymiddels wat rook en olieverbruik teewerk so wel as stop leak vir verkoelingsstelsels, goedkoop spenners en trolliejeks koop. O ja, en die goedkoopste motorolie denkbaar is gewoonlik hoog op die inkopielys. Ten laaste, as hy MOTORSPORT op sy winskreen geplak het, of sy voertuig fabrikaat daar aandui, om nie eers te praat van konvershun en performance stiekers wat gewoonlik daar op die fender voor die drywersdeur aangebring word. Dan kan jy maar weet, hierrie is net plein Kommin op sy beste. Die ellendiges jaag gewoonlik van aansluiting tot aansluiting teen hooe revs in lae ratte met ’n moerse lawaai en maar min van dit waarna hulle hunker – spoed en aksellerashun.
Dabbelklutch is ook ’n sterk kenmerk van hierdie kategorie van “drywer”. Of is dit dalk dat die sinkroringe in hul gerbokse nou al so gaar is dat dit nou ’n kreshboks is, en lat dabbelklutch ’n noodsaaklike wyse van gerschange geword het? Hulle drankkeuse is meestal nie baie wyd nie: Gewoonlik beperk tot, First Watch of Two Keys whieskie met Coke of Sprite as mieks, Three Ships word reserveer vir uithanggeleenthede soos egskeidings, huismoles vonnisopleggings, ontvangs van skuldbeslagleggingsbevele, en ook as die Bloubulle op hulle moer kry. Blek leibel dien as ’n paartiestaaarter, Klippies en Coke is erens daar in die onheiligheid wat gewoonlik aanleiding gee tot “Ma moer vir Pa”. Plein Kommin Huismoles. Die Welfare se hotline is ook gewoonlik op die speed dial van hul selfone. Om nie eers te praat van die sound systems en gepaardgaande DOEF DOEF elektroniese geraas – NEE, dis nie musiek nie! Eina broer! Raak beskrywing inderdaad!
8 Julie 2010 / 8October July 20102012 25 Oktober
Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort While stocks last. Terms & Conditions Apply
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News/ Nuus
6 September 2012
Michelle Boshoff, EDITOR, Highlands Panorama News THE changing world, demand for the truth and information at your fingertips and organisations growing by the minute are only a few factors that the media has to cope with on a day to day basis. The Association of Independent Publishers (AIP) hosted a conference for their Limpopo and Mpumalanga members this past weekend
at Olifants River Lodge near Middelburg. The Access to Information and Open Data Workshop was an eye opener and gave a new perspective on sources available to the media. Ms Gabriella Razzano from the Open Democracy Advice Centre in Cape Town, opened the media’s eyes on a lot of issues and gave first hand advice on the effect of information and the use of it. The PAIA request (Public Access to Information Act) is an exciting tool for ool
communities, the public, media and individuals to gain information from government departments. This is a helpful tool for investigative journalism as well. Mr Mziliakzi wa Afrika is part of the Sunday Times investigations unit, and was a guest speaker. Wa Afrika is a veteran of South African investigative journalism with a career dating back to 1995 when he started as a freelance reporter for the Witbank News. Over the years he has exposed a number of dodgy deals and corrupt politicians. The
Bushbuckridge - born scribe was awarded two international scholarships to study in the UK and USA, further recognition of his achievement in journalism. Accolades include the Taco Kuiper Award in 2011 and 2012, Lorenzo Natali Investigative Journalism Award and the Vodacom Journalist of the Year Award. Media is much more than what you read in a paper, hear on the radio and see on the TV. Supporting media means giving a voice to the world.
Association of Independent Publishers with conference organisers and guest speakers at the Access to Information and Open Date Workshop at Olifants River Lodge, near Middelburg.
THE Association of Independent Publishers, Gabriella Razzano (Open Democracy Advice Centre) (front centre) and Mr Mzilakazi Wa Africa (Investigative Journalist of the Year) (back centre).
Mr Mzilakazi Wa Afrika, Investigative Journalist of the Year, and Ms Michelle Boshoff, Editor, Highlands Panorama News.
Strate is onrybaar INWONERS van Lydenburg het deesdae 4x4 voertuie en scramblers nodig om in Lydenburg te kan ry. Dit is belaglik om te sien hoe paaie agteruitgaan en vinnige en goedkoop maniere gebruik word om gate te vul wat net vir 2 of drie dae hou met die verkeer of weer uitgereën word. Die inwoners betaal ten duurste maar geen dienste word gelewer nie.“Voertuie en bande word beskadig en ongelukke word veroorsaak, waar gaan dit eindig?” het me. Elmari J. v. Vuuren, waarnemende leier VF+ gesê. Sy en mnr. Frik Rousseau, VF+ leier, gaan met die munisipale bestuurder vergader oor hierdie saak. Sterkspruit se inwoners moes sonder krag sit van Vrydagaand tot Sondagmiddag 15:30. Donderweer het die substasie raakgeslaan, dit het die hele naweek geneem om die fout te herstel. Inwoners moes intussen die ongerief ervaar en skade ly met vrot kos. Dit was alles as gevolg van swak munisipale dienste.
Nat pos
CMR Kerspartytjie maak spesiaal vir kinders
The Bikers Day of Rememberence is taking place on 4 November at 09:00, Gemeente van Christus church in Lydenburg. “Biking is our thing but Jesus is our King.” Contact Pastor Neel Barnardo 079 814 4845.
D I E C M R Ly d e n b u r g s e Kerspartytjie vind plaas op 23 November. Dit is altyd een van die CMR kinders se hoogtepunte van die jaar. Die CMR vra asseblief vir die gemeenskap vir bydraes met eetgoed, lekker, koekies, speelgoed of klere as geskenke of kontantbydraes. Skakel die CMR by 013 235 2407 vir bydraes.
Die posbusse by die Lydenburg Hospitaal is gebreek en as dit reën word die pos sopnat. Mappie Manser het dit onder die aandag van die koerant gebring. Die pos word heeltemal beskadig.
8 Julie 2010 / 8October July 20102012 25 Oktober
Nuus / News
Invest Your Bonus or 13 Cheque Wisely! ON Friday 9 March 2012, the Energy Regulator NERSA announced that electricity tariffs will only go up by 16% on April 1, 2012 instead of the 25.9% as previously announced. Most of us were probably a little relieved! For the home owner and Guest House/Lodge operator, there is enough information available for us to know that the conventional electric element geyser is the single largest consumer of electricity in our homes and
establishments. To reduce your electricity bill, an option to consider is heat pump technology, and here's why. Whereas an electric element geyser uses 1 unit of electrical energy to produce one unit of thermal energy, the heatpump converts one unit of electrical energy into approximately 3 or more units of thermal energy, which amounts to a potential saving of 67 to 70%. According to ESKOM, a family of 4 people who are spending R1200 per month on electricity are spending 40% of
Note: Additional tariff increases by municipalities are not considered in this table. Savings may therefore be higher
Take the decision to invest in a heatpump from ITS today and laugh all the way to the bank for a long time to come! For more information contact Adriaan Rall 082 551 0473 or email lowveld@itssolar.co.za
this cost on water heating, provided that they use hot water normally. This amounts to R480 per month. If a heat pump saves them 67% of that cost, it amounts to R322 per month, or approximately R3860 per year in the first
year alone. If the water usage is higher than normal, the savings would be bigger than shown. Below is a table of savings over a 5-year period, based on the 16% increase announced by NERSA.
25 Oktober / October 2012
Contact Hugo Fourie: 083 299 9204 / Mhi Smit: 013 - 235 4845
Nuus / News
25 Oktober / October 2012
DA and Daycare centre take hands for the children and the community, help needed
Please put five cent coins into the tins, which the children are holding. The Early Success Day Care Centre urgently needs help. The tins will be at all the mayor stores in Lydenburg and the day care centre is a registered NGO. Articles and photos: Michelle Boshoff
Thank you Pick n Pay for a generous donation Members of the DA in Mashishing at the container they call their office, trying their best to serve the community. Please phone 076 323 9641 to help the DA uplift the Early Success Day Care Centre.
Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539 The day care centre, teachers and DA member from Mashishing with toys, household items and other items donated by Pick n Pay Lydenburg.
Lydenburg c/o Voortrekker & Joubert Str’s (opposite Cashbuild). (013) 235 1233
Burgersfort, Cnr Steelpoort R555 and Polokwane R377 013 231 7329
Lydenburg & Burgersfort now open Mo-Fr: 08:00 - 18:00 For your convenience
25 Oktober / October 2012
Hierdie voertuig ry die hele Lydenburg vol rond maar hoe padvaardig kan die voertuig wees? Baie ongelukke word veroorsaak deur nie padvaardige voertuie in ons area wat lewens eis en ongelukke te wee bring. Kan die verkeersdepartement dalk help?
Nuus / News
Die eienaar van Rooikat Kroeg, mnr. Riaan Krog, het Vrydag amper ‘n noue ontkoming gehad toe die reuse boom voor die kroeg karplaks op sy bakkie geval het. Hy het gelukkig net voor dit die duisende rande se voorraad vir die Rooikat Jaareindfunksie afgelaai. Hy het deur mnr. Frik Rousseau munisipale toestemming gekry om die tak af te saag. Die munisipale werkers het onmiddellik kom help om dit af te saag. Mnr. Krog beplan om ander bome in sy plek te plant, indien die hele boom uitgehaal word. Hy is 'n groot liefhebber van bome.
25 Oktober / October 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Chevrolet a true global player DETROIT – Chevrolet sold more than 1.25 million vehicles worldwide in the third quarter of 2012, a 3.1 percent increase over last year's record-setting third quarter and the eighth consecutive quarter of record sales. Chevrolet's growth around the world continues to outpace other mainstream automotive brands. “Chevrolet is connecting with more consumers around the world thanks to the strongest product lineup in the brand's history,” said Chris Perry, Chevrolet vice president of global marketing. “Chevrolet will continue to build on this momentum by introducing 25 new products around the world in 2013.” The Cruze continues to be the best-selling Chevrolet nameplate with more than 550,000 sold so far this year and more than 1.65 million sold since the car was launched. Sales of the Spark mini car, Aveo/Sonic small car and 2013 Malibu midsize sedan are rising as more vehicles become available in dealer showrooms. The launch of the Colorado mid-size truck in Thailand has propelled the brand to monthly sales far exceeding the brand's total in-country sales in 2011. Chevrolet posted sales increases over the third quarter of last year in all of its top five markets including: ·
The United States – 458,721 vehicles, an increase of 2.1 percent, led by record sales of passenger cars including best-ever monthly sales for Volt, Cruze, Sonic and Spark.
China – 152,328 units, an increase of 3.7 percent.
Brazil – 182,906 sales, up 13.5 percent. The brand will introduce the allnew Onix, a small hatchback that will offer consumers easy-to-use connectivity through Chevrolet MyLink, at the Sao Paulo Auto Show next week.
Russia – 58,453 sales, up 28.8 percent. Momentum continues to build with the launch of seven new products for the region next year.
· Mexico – 44,387 sales, an increase of 14.3 percent. Chevrolet will continue its product transformation in the United States with the launches of 13 new or significantly updated models in 2013 including the all-new Impala, all-new Silverado light-duty pickups and the all-new SS rear-wheel drive performance sedan. The brand will also begin launching the all-new Trax small sport-utility vehicle around the world in the fourth quarter. The launch of the Trailblazer mid-size SUV and Colorado mid-size truck in Thailand and other markets continues; and the Spin multi-purpose vehicle will go on sale early next year in Southeast Asia and Brazil, where the Onix small-hatchback goes on sale later this year. Chevrolet, traditionally an American brand, today records more than 60 percent of its sales outside the U.S. market. Founded in 1911 in Detroit, Chevrolet is now one of the world's largest car brands, doing business in more than 140 countries and selling more than 4 million cars and trucks a year. Chevrolet provides customers with fuel-efficient vehicles that feature spirited performance, expressive design and high quality. More information on Chevrolet models can be found at www.chevrolet.com. By email
We repair, recondition, supply and fit the following parts on heavy/light vehicles and earthmoving equipment: - Brake Pads - Brake Linings - Brake Frictions Discs - Brake Drums and Discs - Clutch Plate - Pressure Plate
We are proud to announce that we can now also balance flywheels, supply and fit CV-Joints!
- Propshafts (Balancing Certificates) - Flywheel - Release/Pilot Bearings - Clutch Master/Slave Cylinders - Brake Master/Wheel Cylinders - Skim: Flywheel, Discs and Drums
25 Oktober / October 2012
Freightliner trucks doing well DAIMLER´s commercial vehicle subsidiary Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) recently celebrated the production of its 500,000th truck at its Mount Holly plant in North Carolina. The milestone vehicle — a medium-duty Freightliner Business Class M2 106 — was handed over to long-time customer Duke Energy, one of the largest electric power companies in the U.S. With the acquisition of the new truck, Duke Energy is completing its fleet, which consists of several hundred vehicles of the Freightliner brand. “Ever since the plant was established in 1979, our employees' diligent daily efforts have turned the production plant into what it is today — a state-of-the-art Daimler Trucks facility that meets the highest quality standards,” emphasizes
Old technology often better THE hub winch, a new take on an old idea! The older members of the 4x4 fraternity will remember the so called “capstan winches” which were fitted to the hubs of vehicles. They allowed self recovery as well as vehicle to vehicle recovery and consisted of drums bolted onto the rims using the existing studs and nuts. A length of thick rope was inserted into grooved slot on the drum when the vehicle was stuck. The driver then pulled himself out using his wheels and the rope which was attached to a tree or other form of anchor; they worked well but were very cumbersome, utilitarian and had a few drawbacks. Today there is a new take on the “capstan” winch known as the “hub winch” which has ironed out the flaws and offers a very cost effective solution to a winch, in addition it also allows recovery to the rear of your vehicle if so required.
Martin Daum, Daimler Trucks North America President and CEO. A part of DTNA's commercial vehicle production network, the Mount Holly plant manufactures medium-duty and heavy-duty Freightliner Business Class trucks. The Class 6 to 8 vehicles (with a gross vehicle weight of around 9 to 36 tonnes) are available as conventional versions as well as hybrid and natural gas trucks. Daimler Trucks North America LLC, with headquarters in Portland, Oregon, is the leading medium and heavy-duty truck manufacturer in North America. Daimler Trucks North America produces and markets vehicles under the Freightliner, Western Star, and Thomas Built Buses brands. Daimler Trucks North America is a Daimler company. Its global production network encompasses 27 locations. In 2011, Daimler Trucks sold approximately 426,000 vehicles worldwide, and earned revenues of €28.75 billion with a total workforce of more than 77,000 employees. The division has achieved extensive synergies with the creation of a multi-brand development network, a global powertrain production system, and a worldwide procurement organization. By email
In a simulation the hub winch was tested both from a functionality as well as practicality point of view, a vehicle was driven into a section of deep black turf and well and truly bedded down. Within a few minutes the two base plates and spools were fitted onto the rear wheels, the straps laid out and the whole arrangement attached to a “dwarsbalk and anchor point. The vehicle engaged reverse gear and pulled away. The spools took up the slack and within 30 seconds the straps had rolled up onto the spools! The vehicle was on solid ground, all that remained was to clean the equipment and pack it away. And that did not take long either. When compared to the old “capstan” winches it is immediately apparent that this is a highly engineered version. A good deal of thought had gone into the design which covers all the permutations i.e. vehicles with traction control, diff-locks etc. as well as the types of wheels, studs and wheel size ,it can be fitted to nearly all types of vehicles including “soft” 4x4's, 4x2's, etc. The protection of very expensive alloy rims with the base plates and attaching bolts being covered in polypropylene and rubber has also been considered .The hub winch does not attach to the wheels via the existing studs as was the case with the older Capstan style winches and can be attached and removed from the wheels within a few minutes - even when off-road. The hub winches are neatly packed in specially designed cases with the attachment system, the necessary straps and the so called 'dwarsbalk'. The latter consists of six interlocking tubes with recovery points, the straps are attached to the “dwarsbalk” keeping them parallel when you are recovering, and this in turn is attached to a recovery point. All the standard safety requirements would need to be applied when in use, as with any form of recovery. Yet the system does not employ potentially lethal steel cables and is thus much safer to use. In the final analysis it's an engineered take on an old concept but it definitely has merit and will cost a lot less than a winch and replacement bumper. It is not permanently attached to the vehicle (no extra weight to the front suspension) and requires no modifications to a vehicle. What's more it does not impede airflow to the radiator. It's a South African product which, if correctly used, carries a five year warranty on metal components. Delivery is door to door via courier to all large towns and in the outlying areas, to the couriers' closest depot making it easily accessible. For more info contact Bernie Swart - 083 492 9240 or e-mail on mastercomp@mweb.co.za By email
NOW ONLY R299 900 incl. VAT
SAVE: R45 000 EXCLUSIVE TO LONGTOM NISSAN GROUP Picture for illustration purpose only.
• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Adelene le Roux: 076 416 8644 • Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton
Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg
25 Oktober / October 2012
Subaru wins design award Subaru Impreza and Subaru XV Each Wins “Good Design Award 2012” October 1, 2012, Tokyo - Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., the maker of Subaru automobiles, today announced that the Subaru Impreza G4 (4-door Sedan) / Sport (5-door) series and newlyintroduced Subaru XV have each won the “Good Design Award 2012” from the Japan Industrial Design Promotion (JDP). Subaru Impreza “The fourth generation of the Impreza, which made its debut in 1992, offers solid, stylish and universally-appealing exterior design and roomier cabin space realized by the extended wheelbase and significantly moved-forward A-pillar. The model's product appeal is enhanced with the combination of attractive design and Subaru's renowned technological advantages that include improved fuel efficiency with the new generation Boxer engine, body weight reduction with the adoption of a newly-designed platform and enhanced crash safety technologies.” Subaru XV “The car clearly expresses “Fun to Drive”, an integral part of automobiles' essential value, in its attractive,
straightforward design. It boasts a new type of crossover design with larger, unique tires and wheels highlighting a good balance with the body's sharp, stable looks, which gives this new model distinctive product appeal. It's an excellent design that showcases S u b a r u b r a n d ' s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . ” The Subaru XV is also nominated for the Good Design Special Awards among the top 100 candidates. The model will be on display at the Good Design Exhibition scheduled to be held from November 23 through 25 at Tokyo Big Site in Ariake, Tokyo. By email
New single cab derivative 103Kw 2.0 TDi From: R228 300 Makes light of any load. Makes for 7,9 litres per 100km. Makes the toughest jobs seem easy.
You get: Introducing the Amarok Single Cab. Tremendous off-road capabilities ensure that even the toughest tasks in the hardest to reach places are child’s play. And with 400Nm of torque, a fuel consumption of 7.9L / 100km*, a loading bay that allows for 2 Euro-sized pallets crossways, and the ability to climb a 45o incline with a full load, it really is the superior choice if you want a hardworking single cab.
Work hard. Work smart. Amarok Single Cab.
(Limited Stock)
• A 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan is available as a Standard feature. Contact us for further details in our fiveyear peace of mind plans. • Includes Volkswagen’s 3-year / 100 000km Manufacturers’ Warranty. All models have a six-year anti-corrosion Warranty and 150 000km Service Intervals. T&C APPLY
• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Adelene le Roux: 076 416 8644 • Lydenburg • Ermelo • Standerton
Longtom Nissan Group Voortrekker str, Lydenburg
25 Oktober / October 2012
Hyundai to rejoin the world of motorsport Hyundai ready to return to World Rally Championship Hyundai is poised to return to the FIA World Rally Championship (better known as the WRC) and has unveiled a rally-ready version based on the New i20 at the Paris Motor Show. The WRC is one of the world's toughest motorsport series, and the vehicle has been engineered to overcome the extreme terrains and weather conditions that competitors face. Following its withdrawal from motorsport in 2003, Hyundai's longterm goal was to set up an in-house WRC team in Europe and develop a performance rally car, resulting in the WRC i20's debut in Paris. Mark Hall, Marketing Director at Hyundai Motor Europe, commented: “The World Rally Championship is recognized as one of the most dramatic sporting series on Earth. It's a spectacle filled with excitement and dynamism – the perfect embodiment of the Hyundai brand. “The WRC also offers the most technologically diverse challenge for an automotive manufacturer. Our participation will demonstrate Hyundai's engineering excellence and durability, and will also help to enhance our road-going vehicles in future.” The company's involvement in the sport began in 1998, when it competed in the F2 class of the WRC for two seasons. In 1999, the team announced it would step up to the top class in 2000, with a fully developed WRC car based on the three-door Accent. At the end of 2003 season, after four years of WRC competition, Hyundai withdrew from the championship, embarking on its long-
Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113
Ronel Spaumer: 083 234 7655
term strategy to set up an in-house WRC team in Europe. The WRC is regulated and controlled by the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the governing body for worldwide motorsport. Current World Rally cars are based on 1,6-litre production models, and feature dramatic aerodynamic enhancements, 4x4 systems,
VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: MELANIE KRUGER - 073 260 3228 Hyundai Lydenburg
turbochargers, sequential gearboxes and other high-tech additions. As well as motorsport, Hyundai is proud to be associated with a number of other sports. A longterm, committed partner of football, Hyundai has been an official UEFA EUROTOP partner since 1999, with the current agreement extending until 2017, ensuring Hyundai's involvement at all major European Championship tournaments, including this summer's UEFA EURO 2012™. The company has also served as the official automotive supplier to FIFA-sanctioned events around the world since the 2002 FIFA World Cup™ in Korea and Japan, under an agreement that will take in tournaments up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ in Qatar. Hyundai is also the exclusive automotive sponsor of Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) ski jumping competitions around the world. The partnership will cover more than 80 ski-jumping events. By email
Properties / Eiendomme
25 October 2012
15 Motoring
Huis van die week / House of the week
Netjiese 3 slaapkamer, ’n baie moderne badkamer en spog kombuis, met lieflike wasarea in die huis. Hierdie huis bied ’n erf van 1336m met ekstra woonstel, goeie area. Bel my dat jy hom nie mis nie. Pam Golding Properties : Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954 Prys:R1 395 000
Prys verlaag, belegging om nie te mis !
03Oktober November 2011 2012 25 / October
Motoring Properties / Eiendomme
Huis van die week / House of the week WAARDE VIR GELD IN GEVESTIGDE AREA Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • 3 slk woning 1 x R8 500 / mnd en 1 x R7 500 / mnd • Groot 4 slk woning plus w/stel R13 000 / mnd • 6 Slk woning op plaas, 35km op Kwenadampad
RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 Agent: Schasta Hennop – 083 693 7525
TE KOOP: • 1 Ha plot, slegs stoor en drie fase krag R425 000 • 1 Ha Plot met twee wonings - R1,250 milj • 3 Slk woning met 2 slk w/stel - R1,250 o.h.b • 660m² erf - R225 000 • Goed toegeruste wildsplase beskikbaar, slaggeriewe, jagtershutte, woning, omhein, ens. SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP
Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. Ons verleen hulp met u leningsaansoek.
Kontak Therésa 072 155 0761 tduplessis@qsrealty.co.za
Te Koop: Meenthuis, 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, Kombuis, sitkamer. Enkel garage - R740 000
· 4 Slaapkamers, Tuscan Styl woning, met 2 badkamers, toegeboude Braai Area, privaat tuin, veilige omgewing, naby skool, R1 520 000. Te Huur: · Ruim meenthuis, 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, kombuis, sitkamer, stoep en afdak, R8070 per maand. · Vol Gemeubileerde 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, met linne, handdoeke, TV, Weberbraaier, “Prepaid” krag. Beskikbaar vir enkel persoon. R4 742
Heleen (Prinsipaal & Verkope)
082 492 8412
013 235 1986
Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
Let our professional team of painters do the job for you!
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Hierdie ruim gesinswoning bestaan uit 'n sitkamer, eetkamer en familiekamer. 3 Slaapkamers met 2 badkamers. Dubbel motorhuis. Groot erf met gevestigde tuin. Kontak ons vandag nog – moenie wag.
25 Oktober / October 2012
Nuus / News
Die onderwysers verdien ’n ruskansie tussen die toesighoudeur. Laerskool Lydenburg het die afgelope Vrydag die kinders omtrent laat lag dat jy hulle amper tot in Sabie kon hoor! Hierdie is ‘n instelling by die skool en wie nie so wit soos spoke van al die skuim rondgehardloop het nie was op waterglybane of doer bo besig om die hoogste waterglybaan aan te durf. Natuurlik het alles plaasgevind onder die toesig van die onderwysers. Geluk Laerskool Lydenburg dat hierdie dag weereens ‘n reuse sukses was.
Into Rhythm Dans Studio lewer goud op die planke
Into Rhythm Dans Studio, Lydenburg het die afgelope Vrydagaand hul konsert aangebied in die Lydenburg Hoërskool se saal. Alhoewel daar aan die begin van die konsert net staatgemaak is op die kragopwekker het dit nie die skare se gees geblus nie. Wat ‘n voortreflike konsert was dit nie! Welgedaan aan Into Rhythm Dans Studio en haar span dansers!
25 Oktober / October 2012
decking •flooring • log cladding • knotty pine • cca treated timber • gum poles SPECIAL OFFER! Log Cladding 22 x 100 x 0.6m @ 40.00/m² Log Cladding 22 x 100 x 0.9m @ 45.00/m² Prices excluding VAT. Offer valid while stocks last.
www.ggtimbers.co.za gghout@vodamail.co.za Johan: 082 909 3034
Non-Profit Charity
3 Platinum Street, Lydenburg 013 235 1780
REIS/ TRAVEL DIENSTE/ SERVICES SONIA MEYER Reisagent. 082 459 2361 G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS - best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 BLITZ PLUMBING 24/7 All plumbing maintenance, repairs & installations i.e. geysers, taps, baths, toilets, basins & drainpipes. 072 197 5264 / 072 577 8689 KITSGRAS beskikbaar gratis kwotasies. 083 650 6280 ENIGE bouwerk / grasdakke. Kontak Shane 071 412 7382
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 BEAUTY BOX 013 235 4986/ 083 995 4959
DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 YOUTH BEAUTY Salon 083 703 4442 PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987 HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Steelpoort. 082 833 0323 A’MI’A’MORE: Nails Acrylic R150, lashes R80. 076 551 2849
FOTOGRAFIE/ PHOTOGRAPHY TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com FOTOLADY Alle geleenthede. Hilda 079 938 0729
THE SIGN SHOP - For all your printing needs. 072 522 9273
PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 3m PLATBAK sleepwa te huur, R250 p/d. Jaco 082 377 7420 LAPA TO HIRE for parties & functions. 082 466 4985
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
± 80ha WEIDING , krale, drukgang & voerbakke. 083 345 2091
ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 DRY WOOD FOR SALE @ R10 p bag. 082 786 3319
TO LET: 3 bed, 3 bath h o u s e i n Ly d e n b u r g . R8500pm. Elize - Property Lounge. 083 456 1636 1 BED FLAT no pets or children, W+Lincl. R3500pm. 082 466 4985
LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840
MARQUEE TENT 22m x 44m (968m²) 083 345 2091
• Bring your old jewellery • Buy back option available
013 235 2353 082 808 0195 No 12 Jock’s Country Stalls Viljoenstraat Lydenburg
AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION C O N T R A C T O R S accommodation available. 082 786 3319 KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N Chapel, Conference facilities, boma/braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 GESOEK/ WANTED OPSOEK NA 2de handse klimraam & glyplank. 072 040 2530
BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312
ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
2 SLK W/STEL te huur, R4400, water ingesluit. Koop krag. 082 828 1211
SONNEBLOM 5kg @ R40, 25kg @ R150. 076 193 7540
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
WOONSTEL met extras op plaas. 082 535 6588
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
GROOT PLAASHUIS , 3ha, 3 x motorhuise te huur vir 12 maande. Skakel 084 922 4444
BIOWAY MULTI-INSECT and dustmite killer. 082 741 6737/ 082 340 9328
P H O L O G A N G A M B U L A N C E & TRAINING COLLEGE CC. 2005/037703/23 Dept Of Labour Reg. CI407, First Aid Level 1 - 3, Elementary F i r e F i g h t i n g , Occcupational Health & Safety, Snake Handling and tools, refresher courses also available. Jan 082 940 3432/ Neels 082 730 3047
VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054
SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950
H U U R K O O P PROBLEME? Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig’n nagmerrie geword of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons vir ’n oplossing. 073 830 8637
BUILDING construction & renovations. Professional service. 082 496 4312
RES 1 development property for sale . 3.8kms from Steelpoort. 210ha. R15,7 mil. 082 496 4312 VOLTITEL ERF 1.2ha, 2km buite Steelpoort op R555. Eskom, water en Telkom. R500 000.00 082 851 5825/ 082 875 0292 ERF in Sterkspruit Estate. 500m². Prys R230k onderhandelbaar. Skakel Nico 083 334 5186
Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 80
madelein.viljoen @pamgolding.co.za
Indien die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek:Nissan 1 Tonner D/C Reg: CHL868 L, Hyundai Elantra FBC463 MP, Mazda FTS879 MP, VW Golf D H W 4 9 5 M P, N i s s a n Np200 FVD379 MP, VW Golf FDZ579 MP. Kontak Longtom Towing 013 235 4996 INDIEN DIE volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal nie sal voertuie verkoop word om kostes te dek P e u g u e t B u s Reg:BJ37RPGP, Kawasaki 4 wiel motorfiets KLF 220 Kontak Longtom Towing 013 235 4996 NOTIFICATION take note that 3 speed bumps will be erected in Johannes Coetzer Street, between number 27 and 40. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN LYDENBURG GEHOU TE L Y D E N B U R G Saaknommer: 1920/2007 In die saak tussen: PUMA GRAAN EKSEKUSIESKULDEISER en WILLEM ANDRIES VAN DER WAL (Id nr: 640627 5020 082) E K S E K U S I E S K U L D E N A A R KENNISGEWING VAN G E R E G T E L I K E V E R K O P I N G VA N O N R O E R E N D E EIENDOM. INGEVOLGE
’n vonnis toegestaan in die Hof vir die Landdros van LYDENBURG op 22 JUNIE 2007 sal die onderstaande eiendom om 10:00 op 7 NOVEMBER 2012 te BALJU KANTOOR, KANTOORSTRAAT 80 LYDENBURG geregtelik verkoop word aan die hoogste bieër, naamlik: Die eiendom wat verkoop word beskryf as: GEDEELTE 225 VAN DIE PLAAS O H R I G S TA D 4 4 3 , REGISTRASIE AFDELING KT, LIMPOPO PROVINSIE G R O O T: 2 7 , 2 0 2 5 H E K TA A R G E H O U KRAGTENS AKTE VAN T R A N S P O R T T 1 0 4 4 4 8 / 1 9 9 8 Verbandhouer: NEDCOR BANK BK Voorwaardes: ONDERHEWIG AAN DIE VERKOOPVOORWAARD ES, WELKE TER INSAE Lê BY DIE BALJU KANTOOR, KANTOORSTRAAT 80, LYDENBURG EN DIE PROKUREURS VAN DIE EKSEKUSIESKULDEISER HIERONDER GENOEM. Spesiale Voorwaardes: 1. Registrasie as ’n koper moet voor die verkoping plaasvind by die Baljukantore ten einde te kan bie by die geregtelike verkoping. 2. Ingevolge Finansieële Inteligensie Wetgewing moet kopers bewys van identitiet en adres verskaf by registrasie. 3. Kopers moet let op die inhoud van die wet op Verbruikersbeskermings 68 van 2008 in sover dit van toepassing is. Sien webwerf: (www.info.gov.za / www.acts.co.za) GETEKEN te LYDENBURG op die 21ste dag van AUGUSTUS 2012. (get) FS HERHOLDT EISER SE P R O K U R E U R S H E R H O L D P R O K U R E U R S , L A N G E S T R A AT 7 7 , LYDENBURG Tel: 013 235 1048/9 Docex:3 Verw: FS HERHOLDT/hen Lêernr: Ct0116 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA)Case No: 23365/2012 In the matter between: GRO CAPTIAL FINANSIELE DIENSTE H/A AFGRI Plaintiff and JOHAN HENDRIK GROBLER Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN TERMS of the judgement of the High Court, Pretoria in the abovementioned suite, a Public Sale in Execution will be held at THE FARM OSHOEK, LYDENBURG DISTRICT on 15TH of NOVEMBER 2012 at 10H00, on the under mentioned property which is to be sold to the highest bidder. 1 X BLH 513 MP TOYOTA BAKKIE,1 X MERCEDEZ BENS TRUCK REG NO FLS 520 MP , 1 X BALING PRESS RED, 1 X FIAT TREKKER, 1 X HAMMER MILL ORANGE 1 X MIXER RED, 1 X MIELIE SIF GREEN TERMS: 1. Cash 2. Movable Property will be sold “Voetstoots” DATED AT LYDENBURG ON THIS 2 2 N D D A Y O F NOVEMBER 2012. JG O O S T H U I Z E N PROKUREUR Attorney for the Plaintiff PO Box 2166 Brooklyn Square 0075 Tel: 012 346 7133 Fax: 012 346 7138 (Ref: jg2242)
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGk e r k Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . Wo e . 19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGk e r k Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g - s t r . 41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 B i d u u r, Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord
Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e K e r k Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Ve r g a d e r i n g . P a s t o o r Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS
for parties & functions 082 466 4985
Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by We n a kke r, Ke rkstra a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, Sondae oggende om 09h00 by Spur se konferensie saal. Past. Neels Lubbe 079 679 1387/ Past. Rina Lubbe 076 015 8947
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25 Oktober / October 2012
Die Graad 4 groep het van 16-18 Oktober hul jaarlikse plaasskool gehad. Dit was 'n wonderlike belewenis vir elke kind! Hulle het besoek afgelê in die Wiltuin, by die koffieplaas, sywurmplaas, Botaniesetuin en die Elephant Sanctuary waar elkeen 'n olifantsoentjie gekry het, maar die waardering het egter gewissel van persoon tot persoon. Die kinders wil graag hul ouers bedank vir die geleentheid asook elke betrokke persoon by die besoekpunte wat vir hulle meer van die plaaslewe en die natuur geleer het. Kontak met die olifante was verseker die vreesaanjaendste, maar ook die grootste oomblik van die toer! Vrydag was 'n hoogtepunt by Steelpoort Akademie. Eastern Chrome Mines het bome geskenk vir Boomplantdag en die leerders het bygedra deur elkeen plante en bome van die huis te bring. Die bome en plante is Vrydag reg oor die skoolgrond geplant. Dankie aan ECM vir hul betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap en vir elke kind se bydrae om die skool te verfraai!
Steelpoort Akademie toer
Site Supervisor with stock control / workshop & lifting equipment experience required Fax CV 013 231 8409/ 086 659 2946
VAKANTE BETREKKINGS Lydenburg Akademie beskik tans oor die volgende vakante poste: • Dinamiese Skoolhoof • Grondslagfase onderwyseres • Gr 4 - 7 onderwyser/es U aansoek moet vergesel wees van U: • Kwalifikasies • Afskrif van SACE sertifikaat • Volledige CV Lydenburg Akademie bied Gereformeerde onderrig aan in kleiner klasse wat kwaliteit onderrig verseker. Stuur CV na 086 502 8079 of E-pos na cvo@lantic.net Navrae: 082 826 1502 Sluitingsdatum: 30 Oktober 2012 NOTICE LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD ACT 4 OF 1996, AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that: 1) John Lekgathole Rachidi being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Lekgathole. The applicant business is located at Eerstrecht Farm No 502KS Sekhukhune. 2) John Lekgathole Rachidi being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Lekgathole Special Licence Eating House. The applicant business is located at Eersterecht Farm No 502K.S Ga- Mankotsana Village No Stand Number Sekhukhune. 3) Mampuru Elphas Pholoana being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Evergreen Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is located at Farm Derdegelid No. 278, Praktiseer, Registration Division K.T. 4) Motswapo Wisky Kgabo being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Playscine Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is located at Stand No. 07 Turkey 2 Ga-Sekororo Trust Farm No.58KU Naphuno. 5) Zachiel Marabi being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Batlokwa Bar Lounge. The applicant business is located at Site No.228 K.T California, Praktiseer. 6) Naga Motshweni Tradings cc being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Itireleng Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is located at Stand No. 177, Unit A Hlogotlou Location, Monsterlus, Nebo. Intends submitting an application to the Limpopo Gambling Board on 31th of October 2012 for a Site Operator License The application will be open to the public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 22 Schoeman Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa from 7 November 2012 The purpose of the application is to obtain a License to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises in the Province of Limpopo. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Board Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Office of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 22 Schoeman Street, Polokwane, or Private bag X 9520, 0700, within 30 days from 7 November 2012.
Suitable Qualified and experienced persons are invited to apply for a position at Platreef Resources: COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER for the Mokopane area in the Limpopo Province: Requirements: Relevant Graduate Degree Minimum of 5 years relevant management experience Extensive Community relations Experience Strong verbal and written communication skills Fluent in English Proficiency in Sepedi, Tsonga or Tswana will be an advantage Personal Competence: Cultural sensitivity, Diplomatic, Excellent listener, Inquisitive, Methodical, Results orientated All questions and communication regarding this position will be handled by Office Angels Please quote reference: CRM-PR-001 on your application Submit applications to : cv@officeangels.co.za / Fax : 086 661 6435 or deliver by hand at 49 Geyser street Mokopane The closing date for all applications is 10 November 2012
25 Oktober / October 2012
National Athletics
Dean Beket Shotput
Neo Letshabo Long Jump Anrich Marnewick 3000m
16 Children from Entheos Christian School attended the SACSSA (South African Christian Schools Sports Association) National Athletics held at Kings Park in Durban on nd nd 21 – 22 September 2012. Dean Beket came 2 in Shotput with a distance of 12.62m, 2 in Javelin with a distance of 39.76m, and 3rd in Discus with a distance of 29.21m. Edward Leach rd came 3 in Shotput with a distance of 12.23m. Competition was fierce between schools from all over the country as they were all vying for an invitation to Prisma Comms (given by ASA – Athletics Association of South Africa) which includes all schools countrywide – not only Christian Schools. Dean Beket U/15 was invited to attend this prestigious event held in Pilditch th Stadium in Pretoria on 20 October, for his Hammer Throw, Shotput, and Javelin. In Javelin he nd nd came 2 with a distance of 45.99m, the record for Javelin in his age group is 56m. He came 2 in Hammer Throw with a distance of 36.15m, the record in this event is 52.79m. He came 4th in Shotput where the distances were very much further than he expected. Entheos is very proud of him for achieving his Provincial Colors and look forward to what he can do next year.
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R359PMX24 On Standard MyGig2
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Tydens die Oktober klub kompetisie te Kwena het die lede weereens die gewone Kwena wind beleef. Ongelukkig was die karpe maar skaars. In die 1ste plek was Jan Scheepers met n Baber van 1.6kg, 2de plek is geneem deur Willie Schoeman met n B a s s v a n 1 . 3 k g . Die volgende klub vergadering sal die 1ste November te Spur wees om 19:00 waar die volgende hengelwaters bespreek sal word. A l m a l i s w e l k o m . Die Kwena Dam Skoonmaak Projek word aangeskuif na die 17 November. Alle belangstellendes is welkom om ons te kontak. Jan Scheepers - 082 940 3432, Chris Heymans - 079 994 4249, Heleen D i r k s - 0 8 2 4 6 9 8 8 9 0 .
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