15 November 2012 Jr / Yr 10 No: 45 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
This gorgeous photo of a dragonfly was taken by Heather Aspeling from Lydenburg. It is an entry for the Photo of the Month Competition. The competition is nearly over, as there are only two weeks left to enter. The Highlands Panorama News sponsors the competition in conjunction with Longtom SuperSPAR, Konica Photo Express and PNA Lydenburg. Please send your entries to michelleboshoff@yahoo.com
Michelle Boshoff
RAVE plundering is a huge concern and it is evidently rising in Lydenburg as loved ones are more regularly informed that the graves they thought as safe, are destroyed. Mrs Elize (well-known Lydenburg resident) and Miss Michelle Boshoff (Editor of the Highlands Panorama News), were shocked when informed that the iron railings and gate around the Koeleman graves had been stolen.
The iron railings around the grave and the two gates were removed by criminals. An 'informant' phoned to tell the Boshoff’s about the theft. He knew that they were descendants from the Koeleman family. With a great bit of luck and detective work the ‘informant’ discovered the iron gates at a scrap yard in Lydenburg last week. According to him the police know who the criminals are and he suspects that they are still teenagers. The iron railings and gates are close to 100 years old, as they were manufactured in the Koeleman
blacksmith shop, that was located next to the Reformed Church. The iron work was done by Mr Hendrik Albertus Koeleman, who in turn learned the trade from his father, Pieter Adrianus Koeleman. Pieter Adrianus immigrated to South Africa from Utrecht in the late 1800’s and was a skilled blacksmith and carriage maker. The Old Lydenburg Cemetery is in a dismal state and hundreds of gravestones are damaged. The iron gates are now safely back on the premises where it was made a 100 years ago.
Nuus / News
15 November 2012
Apply for bursaries in Bekende besigheidsman oorlede financial management
n the Auditor-General's recent report, it was found that out of South Africa's 343 municipalities, only 13 of those received a clean audit. The AuditorGeneral's findings clearly illustrate provincial and local government's need to up-skill their financial departments. The KwaZulu-Natal Treasury has taken bold steps with the signing of a three-year agreement with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants' (SAICA) Thuthuka Bursary Fund. The Thuthuka Bursary Fund (TBF) is an effort from SAICA to bridge the gap of inequality that exists within the Chartered Accountancy profession. It ushers disadvantaged youth with a propensity for maths from first-year university level to fully qualified Chartered Accountants – all expenses paid. This threeyear agreement with the KZN Treasury will see the province absorb three qualified graduates and place them into a training programme within government. Auditor-General, Terrence Nombembe, praised the deal and said this was an excellent opportunity to lend Government's support to an initiative that will undoubtedly help to make his job easier, and ensure the country meets its service delivery obligations. He said South African government needs to be adequately skilled in the area of financial management and accounting. “As an audit office we pledge to lend full support to the KZN Treasury when they become a training office for Chartered Accountants,” said Nombembe. “We will offer all our support to the KZN Treasury in the training and placement of students where necessary – a commitment we plan to keep.” Meanwhile Mpumalanga was one of the more improved provinces with four clean audits. The Auditor-General said, “with the right leadership focus, determination and commitment, it is possible for the province to attain even more clean audits, but most importantly, to eradicate disclaimers." The Mpumalanga government only needs to look towards KZN to find a possible longterm plan to attain clean audits across all municipalities as the TBF presents the perfect opportunity to not only actively promote
transformation to the youth, but it also provides the financial management skills that are much needed in the province. KZN Premier, Dr Zweli Mkhize, is adamant that this partnership is going to boost financial management within Government. He said, “This is a practical indication that we (KZN) are prepared to support the clean audit campaign which actually will ensure that clean audits are attained. For this to happen, we need to ensure that we have skilled personnel in the right positions. This partnership with SAICA will help us achieve that goal.” This skills development sponsorship agreement is a stepping stone to getting the KZN Provincial Treasury accredited as a SAICA training office for Chartered Accountants within the public sector. SAICA is on a mission to provide all provinces with the same opportunity in the hope of mobilising the Chartered Accountancy profession as a force for change within government. The offer is there, and the ball is firmly in the Mpumulanga's Government's court. The bursary fund has already received full support from national government with the Department of Higher Education and Training committing itself to match all private sector donations Rand-for-Rand. Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, believes that “the Thuthuka project is an important initiative that serves as a strategic lever for the transformation agenda of SAICA in particular and the accounting and auditing professions in general.” SAICA's Project Director for the Thuthuka Bursary Fund, Nthato Selebi, said, “Thuthuka is the true grassroots black economic empowerment which we envisage will contribute significantly to socio-economic upliftment and growth of communities. However, this transformation process needs to be accelerated and this can only be done if more finance resources are made available. “The KZN Treasury is the first department to put their money where their mouth is and we are grateful for our partnership with them. We invite all other provincial and municipal structures to follow their lead” ~ Michelle Boshoff
Heerlike reënweer was ook die afgelope week te kry in die Burgersfort en Steelpoort area en was die ergste hitte darem gebreek. Nes in Lydenburg het hulle ook hael gehad soos op die foto’s gesien kan word! Foto: Reinet Bell
Wyle mnr. Herman Botha.
02-04-1971 to 12-11-2012
Ons geliefde pa, oupa, vriend en bestuurder is op 12 November van ons weggeneem. Nooit sal ’n deur oopgaan sonder dat ons sal verwag om hom daar te sien inkom nie. Niemand sal ooit sy plek kan volstaan nie. We will miss him dearly. We salute him and honor him. Never will we forget his brilliant personality, his passion and commitment to his family, friends and business. His generosity knew no bounds. May he rest in peace, knowing that all he came in contact with, loved him. For funeral details contact Charlotte 013 231 7578. • Mnr. Botha was werksaam by Buco Burgersfort en sy familie en vriende bedank almal vir hul bystand.
Die Watervalsrivierpad wat tans onder konstruksie is. DAAR is al maande reeds gelede begin om aan die Watervalsrivierpas te werk en kort stukkies van hierdie pas was afgebaken om met die groot werk te begin. Die kort stukkies het nog nie eens teer op gekry nie, toe word daar aan nog stukke geskraap en die afbakenings word langer gemaak en niks kom klaar nie! Die mense wat die verkeer moet reguleer is ook nie behoorlik opgelei nie, want hulle wys jy kan ry, maar o weë, om die volgende blinde draai kom nog aankomende verkeer aan met ’n spoed en uitswaai kan jy nie, want op die pad wat versper is, is daar groot klippe en stokke gesit en jou voertuig gaan skade kry! Hoe nou gemaak, want eis gaan jy eis by jou versekering en nog jare vorentoe afbetaal aan hierdie eis en die spul wat hier werk aan die paaie kom skotvry. Kortom hulle weet net daar was ’n “misverstand” maar lig skouers op!! By van die afbakenings waar die verkeer gereguleer moet word, is die stilhou net so erg, want jy hoop en bid die ou wat van agter af kom, gaan betyds sy remme in werking stel anders is hy ook in jou vas, want die padwerker wat die vlaggie moet swaai is net gou in die bosse in! Vraag is nou; Hoeveel ongelukke het al gebeur sedert hierdie padwerke en hoeveel voertuie is met die “uitswaaiery” al beskadig? Miskien moet hulle by die reguleer kante eers die motoriste laat ry en die trokke en swaarvoertuie laaste laat wegsping want hulle neem nogal ’n rukkie om aan te skakel voor hulle wegtrek? Dit gaan tyd vat om hierdie pad te herstel, maar hoe lank nog, want die Ohrigstad-pad is net so erg. Jy vat ’n groot kans op beide van hierdie paaie, so as jy in daardie rigting moet gaan, ry groot asseblief stadig en neem d i e a n d e r motoriste ook in ag (ja, jy wat my kar met klippe gegooi het toe jy die versperde pad met jou bakkie aangedurf het omdat jy haastig was en vier gate in my windskerm gelaat het!!). Reinet Bell.
Nuus / News
Foto’s vir Foto van die Maand Kompetisie deur Heather Aspeling: Blou apies (bo), "Paradys vlieëvangers" (onder), "Rooikol muskeljaatkat"(bo regs), en 'n eend wat sy vlerke klap (onder links).
15 November 2012 8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010
Bo: Beide foto’s is deur Carika Roos geneem in die Kruger Park. Links is ’n pragtige leeumannetjie en regs ’n berghaan.
Hierdie foto van die leeus is deur Sean Haupt op Maandag 15 Oktober in die Kruger Park geneem.
BNI, mines and industry come to the party!
he Lydenburg chapter of BNI, the business network group in town, have committed to provide the final cash needed for Wenakker's Christmas party on Friday 7 December. Saucy Chef Brian W h i t e h o r n approached this organisation to supplement the cash funding already supplied by Samancor and X s t r a t a . Ingredient sponsors and other community helpers will also be involved in this laudible cause, arranged by Steelburger/ Lydenburg News, Spur and Wenakker. Whitehorn, who will be preparing a scrumptious meal for the Wenakker residents that will not be going home to families for Christmas, invited all helpers to contact him on 082 416 1379. "There is no better way to get into the true spirit of Christmas. It is a privilege to help at this function - only to see the happiness and gratitude amongst the residents, brings tears to one's eyes.” ~ By Andre Coetzee
Rubrieke / Columns
15 November 2012
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
NG Suid hou basaar Die NG Suid-gemeente Lydenburg hou basaar op 23 & 24 November op die kerkterrein (Bergstraat 49). Soos verlede jaar beloof dit om ’n heerlike samekoms te wees met lekker outydse disse soos afval en pap-en-kaiings te koop. Ook kerrie en rys, poeding, pannekoek, vetkoek, speletjies vir die kinders en 'n foto hoekie waar mense foto's kan laat neem. Die basaar skop Vrydagaand af met ’n braai ete teen R50. Saterdag skop die basaar oudergewoonte 8:00 af. Ons nooi almal hartlik om saam te kom kuier!
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
s daar nog mense wat die weke aftel tot en met die vakansietyd? Ons beplan nie ’n vakansie nie, sal maar by die huis wees... maar sjoe ek is moeg. Moeg gewerk en moeg gesukkel met 2012. Dit is amper onmenslik hoe temperamente hoogvlam in koerantland. Dis nie meer lekker nie. Ek is seker daarvan dis nie net koerantland wat deurloop nie. Almal smag na die lang verwagte Kersvakansie wat in 'n oogwink weer verby gaan wees. Dan lê nog 'n jaar voor en volgende jaar hierdie tyd sit die eend weer sonder water. Die dam onder die eend uitruk is 'n goeie idioom. Want in die eerste gedeelte klink dit of ek die ‘dam onder die eend uitruk’. Wel, dis waar. 'n Ander lid van die diereryk wat ook 'n menselike vorm aanneem is brombye en brombere. Ek self knor ook lekker saam, dink dis omdat ek te min heuning gekry het hierdie jaar, verskoon die woorspeling. Dit was maar skaars op Hoorhiersô. Haai, ek's darem melodramaties. Dis my beroep se skuld. Daar word van my verwag om sensasioneel alle intriges van 'n verhaal weer te gee en somtyds 'n tikkie oordrewe aandoenlikheid en sentiment daaraan te verleen. Tog moet die werklikheid nog steeds in gedagte gehou word. Geniet nou maar die laaste paar weke hoor. Aan alle brommers, brombere, brombye en ander sterflinge. Ons kan nie sink nie... so ons swem maar.
Foto’s van die basaar in 2011.
Sentreer dalk eerder alle vuurwerke Me. Heila Dreyer van Lydenburg skryf: Ek het gewonder of ons nie almal die vuurwerke en klappers by Rooikatpark kan gaan skiet nie? Dan is dit vinnig verby, of gaan die mense dit nie toelaat nie. Van die nuwe inwoners weet nie dat daar tradisioneel by Rooikatpark geskiet word Oujaarsaand nie. Ek vra maar net dat die lawaai gou verbygaan vir mens en dier. • Lewer gerus kommentaar aan die redakteur, michelleboshoff@yahoo.com. Ons sal self graag ’n paar idees wil plaas van lesers.
IN MEMORIUM Kobus Bekker: 24/08/87 – 13/11/2011
Uit die Woord From the Word JOB 4:6 Beteken dit dan vir jou niks dat jy God gedien het nie, gee jou vrome lewe jou geen hoop nie? Va d e r o n s w e e t d a t v ro o m h e i d n i k s b e t e k e n n i e e n dat ons alleen deur Christus hoop het. Dankie vir dié versekering - Amen.
Reg in eie hande ? IETS waaroor ons nie mag praat nie, is die ondermyning van staatsgesag. Vandeesweek se outoppie moet dus in korrekte konteks gelees word. Ons bepleit geensins die ondermyning van staatsgesag of die regstelsel nie, maar ons mag ongemaklike vrae oor die sisteem vra en opmerkings / aanbevelings daaroor maak. Van die vrae sluit in, wat gebeur met ’n bewese verkragter of vrouemolesteerder, by skuldigbevinding? Die eerste ding is natuurlik dat dit maande, selfs jare kan neem voor hy voorkom. Die tweede is dat hy borg kry, of ’n kort vonnis, of verwys word
Eers was dit die eerste naweek, toe die eerste week, eerste maand, en nou jou eerste verjaardag weg van ons. Jou plekkie is leeg, jou stem stil, maar ons liefde sal ons vir altyd koester in ons harte. Baie dankie dat jy gedien het sonder ’n gedagte aan ’n beloning, gegee het sonder om ’n prys te bereken, omgegee het sonder om seerkry te vrees, en dat liefde die afdruk is wat jy nalaat op elke lewe wat jou pad gekruis het. Met verlange Ma en Pa
vir psigiatriese behandeling. Hy kry ’n tikkie op die vingers. Is dit wat ons as beskaafde gemeenskap verlang? Is dit gepaste regsproses? Is dit nie waarom gemeenskappe die reg in eie hande neem en sulke mense stenig of “necklace” nie? Persoonlik dink ek blitsige kastrasie (met ’n ou mes) en ’n paar gebreekte knieë is vinnig, effektief en relatief kosteloos vir die belastingbetaler. Wat van gewapende roof of ’n plaasaanval? Dieselfde gewag, tegniese punte waarop hy loskom, geen kans op rehabilitasie en ’n geweldige kostelas op die bevolking en groot media hoe-ha. Wat van misdaadsindikate soos wat tans Lydenburg, Sabie en Nelspruit / Witrivier terroriseer met die steel van Toyota 4x4’s en motorfietse? Wat is jou kanse om een op heterdaad te vang en vir gepaste straf te laat
Die heerlikste eetgoed, geskenke, snuisterye, meubels en vele meer is by Van Toeka tot Nou in Viljoenstraat Lydenburg. Besoek hierdie winkel nou en koop solank Kersgeskenke wat uniek is en definitief nie die kettingwinkel-smaak het nie. Boonop is hul koeke uniek, bestel vooruit, dalk een met ’n spesiale tema. Hulle kan enigiets maak. Van Toeka tot Nou verskaf ook gekookte etes (R40 per bord), vetkoeke met maalvleis/ hoender en kaas asook bunny chows met vleisblokkies. Vir meer inligting skakel Van Toeka tot Nou by 082 569 0847.
Meegevoel aan Herman Bothma se kollegas, vriende en en familie Ek het die voorreg gehad om paaie te kruis met Herman Bothma, bestuurder van die ou Builders Market, Burgersfort en wat opvallend was met ons eerste ontmoeting: ’n man wat weet wat hy wil hê, uitstekende bestuursvernuf, regverdigheid en ’n fyn sin vir humor. Herman het Builders Market in die era van die nou bekende BUCO ingelei met passie en dryfkrag. Hy het niks halfmas aangepak nie. Vir Herman was dit alles of niks gewees nie en so het hy sy merk gelaat op almal wat met hom te doen gehad het. Van my, Reinet Bell en die Highlands Panorama Koerant dra ons ons innige simpatie en meegevoel op aan al Herman Bothma se kollegas, vriende en familie. Hy sal gemis word!
In reaksie op die Outoppie Griet Reynecke skryf: Ek stem 100% saam met wat die Outoppie sê oor ons mense so Goddeloos geword het en ons geen gewete meer het nie! Die wêreld word meer en meer boos en mense het geen respek meer vir hulself nie - daarom het hulle nie respek vir ander en diere nie. Was dit ook dalk hoe boos die wêreld was in Noag se tyd voor die sonvloed?
prosesseer? Watter effek het dit op die res van die sindikaat? Niks, Nada. Die klaaglike mislukking van die owerheid (van die polisie tot justisie en korrektiewe dienste) in hierdie verband, is die tersaaklike ding. Om hom te skiet (as jy hom vang) is nie die antwoord nie. Dis te gou en jou moeilikheid begin dan eers. Nee, ek is nie vir die soort moord nie, al bewys jy die res van die samelewing ’n guns. Nee, iets veel goedkoper, baie meer effektief, veel meer blywend en beslis ietwat grusaam sal baie meer doeltreffend wees. Iets soos ’n ongelukkie op ’n donker aand. ’n Strykyster in ’n kussingsloop, twee verkeerdom gebreekte knieë en hopelik ’n tyd in ’n vuil staatshospitaal sal die gewenste uitwerking hê. Kitsrehabilitasie. Sigbare, effektiewe straf. ’n Afskrikmiddel. Jy sien, hoe meer beskaaf ons word, hoe meer regte het kriminele. Dit werk duidelik nie. Ek vrees dat vir ons samelewing om werklik beskaaf te word en ’n behoorlike lewenspeil te handhaaf, wat dié saak betref, ons ons weer moet wend na barbaarse optrede. Miskien kan ons in die verband iets by ander kulture soos die Arabiere leer. Breek hulle bene sleg! Ek sal. Sonder betaling.
8 Julie 2010 / 8 July 2010 15 November 2012
Nuus / News
Hester Maritz het hierdie foto’s ingestuur vir die Highlands Panorama Nuus Foto van die Maand kompetisie. (Dit word deels geborg deur Longtom SuperSPAR, PNA en Konika Photo Express).
Projek: Skoonmaak van Kwenadam
Elrina Botha en Rian Groenewald is op 6 Oktober in Lydenburg getroud. Veels geluk aan die egpaar. (Fotograaf: Toekie van Zyl)
`Die Kanabas- en Lydenburg Vroue Landbou Unie se takke het verlede week heerlik saamgekuier en die moontlikheid bespreek dat die twee takke dalk sal saamsmelt. Beide is dagtakke en die dames glo groter getalle gaan hulle net nog meer van krag tot krag laat groei. Die takke het by die NG Suid-gemeente vergader. ~ Michelle Boshoff.
DIE Kwena Dam skoonmaak projek vind hierdie Saterdag 17 November plaas. Bymekaarkomplek is by die ou teerpad se ingang om 08:00. Daar is reeds ’n paar besighede en instansies wat betrokke gaan wees en bereid is om die klub te help met die groot projek. Die klub benodig nog helpers, vele hande - ligte werk! Belangstellendes kan ons skakel: Jan Scheepers - 082 940 3432, Chris Heymans - 079 994 4249, Heleen Dirks - 082 469 8890. Almal kla altyd oor hoe vuil dit om die dam is, nou is julle kans om iets daadwerkliks daaromtrent te doen.
15 November 2012
Klopkloppie sluit jaar af op hoë noot KLOPKLOPPIE Kleuterskool het op Vrydag 9 November konsert en gradeplegtigheid gehou. Klopkloppie het opgetree saam met Oom Karoolus en Lente van Maranataland Sang- en Kinderbediening. Die tema van vanjaar se konsert was van ‘Weggooikind tot ‘Koningskind’. Dit was ’n heerlike aand waar die kleuters kon saamsing en saamdoen terwyl Oom Karoolus stories en insidente vertel het wat op die Bybel gebasseer was. Klopkloppie Kleuterskool groet die 23 graad-R maatjies en wens hulle alle sukses toe vir hul skoolloopbaan.
Highlands Panorama Nuus trots op assosiasie met die Kletskous skoolkoerant
Links: Bernice van Wyk, Charnéle Koch, me Coreen Schoeman en Gené Webb tydens Beeld se jaarlikse prysuitdeling vir die Nasionale Skoolkoerant Kompetisie en Ekspo wenners vir 2012, op 2 November 2012 in die Ouditorium van Mediapark in Johannesburg. Tydens hierdie geleetheid is die Kletskous gekroon as die beste Laerskool Koerant in die land. kwartaal in die Panorama gepubliseer onder leiding van me. Coreen Schoeman. Die Kletskous Skoolkoerant en die Sy en haar redaksie sorg dat die Kletskous Highlands Panorama Nuus het reeds vir propvol advertensies is en met die hulp van jare ’n wonderlike verhouding van die gemeenskap, redaksie, onderwysers, skoolhoof en die druk en verspreiding by die samewerking. Die skoolkoerant word elke Panorama, het hierdie spog-skoolkoerant die prys gewen as beste Laerskool Koerant in die land. Wat baie mense dalk nie weet nie is dat die Kletskous donkiejare gelede gestig is deur me. Elize Boshoff, die Panorama se redakteur, Michelle Boshoff, se ma. Me. Boshoff het 42 jaar by die Laerskool Lydenburg skool gehou en die koerant sal altyd vir haar spesiaal wees. Me. Boshoff het ’n kompetisie uitgeskryf waar kinders kon stem vir die koerant se naam. Charnéle Koch pryk met haar trofee vir Die Kletskous het werklik weer herleef nadat Junior Redaksielid vir 2012 wat deur die me. Coreen Schoeman dit oorgeneem het. Highlands Panorama Nuus geskenk is Alle dank aan haar wat absoluut die dryfkrag tydens die Laerskool Lydenburg se agter dit is. jaarlikse prestige prysuitdeling. Michelle Boshoff
• Let asb. daarop dat die Highlands Panorama Nuus volgende week al die uitstaande prysuitdeling foto’s van die Laerskool Lydenburg en ander skole sal plaas. Met dié dat dit einde van die jaar is wil ons graag vir elke kind wat presteer het ’n plekkie in die koerant gee. ~ RED.
DIE volgende Longtom Hengelklub kompetisie is die 1ste en 2de Desember 2012. Alle Boot- en Oewerhengelaars welkom. Vir verdere inligting skakel die ondergenoemde nommers. Volgende Vergadering is op 6 Desember 2012 by Spur om 19h00. Vanaf 201211-22 vanaf 10 uur tot 2012-11-24 om 10 uur. Karp hengelkompetisie en opleiding sessie. Hiermee die koordinate (Kanhym landgoed plus minus 20km buite Middelburg) waar die dam gelee is. Belangstellendes kan die naweek bywoon en sien watter toerusting gebruik word by die Sa’s. Ons is tans op soek nog na 2 pare hengelaars, 2 bestuurders, 2 afrigters en 2 hulpafrigters. Chris Heymans -079 9944 249
8 Julie 2010 / 82012 July 2010 15 November
Nuus / News
Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO se prysuitdeling en konsert
Beste presteerders in Graad 0: Ruhardt Vermaak en Marelize Viljoen. Daar was geen manier om tussen hierdie jonge dame en meneer te kies nie. Isonè van der Linde was die beste presteerder in skaak en sport van die Grondslagfase.
Calista Cornelissen het presteer in Landloop, atletiek en skaak. Sy was ook behulpsaam met die snoepie en het die meeste boeke gelees.
Shiniqua Kleinhans het 'n item gelewer met haar kitaar. Almal het die talentvolle dogter se vertoning geniet. Die kinders het heerlik konsert gehou en talente is ontwikkel en ontgin. Ons leerlinge het weereens gewys dat volkspele by ons nie uitgefaseer het nie. Die ouers en gaste het dit terdee geniet. Dit was voorwaar 'n konsert wat onthou sal word. Die kinders het almal uitgestaan in elke item wat gelewer is.
Alexander van den Berg en Ruzaan Botha was die skool se beste senior atlete in sport.
Die beste seun met kultuur onder andere vir sy prestasie in skaak. Marco van Wyk
Devin Dicks was die veelsydigste sportman. Hy het presteer in atletiek en landloop. Hy is ook die beste presteerder in sport O/10 – O/13 .
Die graad 0 klas het gegradueer en die glimlaggies was net te kosbaar gewees. Elke leerling het weggestap my sy eie sertifikaat met die prestasies op. Hier is 'n paar van die presteerders:
DIE CVO Skool se strewe is om te alle tye die hoogste akademiese standaarde te handhaaf, dat elke leerling volgens sy eie vermoĂŤns sal presteer en om hul Christelike beginsels en kultuur uit te leef en te respekteer. L y d e n b u r g Akademie kan met reg trots wees op hulle leerlinge.
Nuus / News
15 November 2012
Huizemark Lydenburg wen top toekennings
Verskeie kore, insluitend die Laerskool se senior en junior kore het Sondagaand deelgeneem aan die Kerssangdiens by die NG Moedergemeente te Lydenburg. Die historiese kerk was gepak en almal het die pragtige gesange diep uit hul harte gesing. Verskeie kerke in Lydenburg het deelgeneem, wat dit nog meer spesiaal gemaak het.
Louis Fourie (middel) ontvang hier sy toekennings van Adrie Barnard (Huizemark C.O.O.), en Vic Smit (Voorsitter Huizemark Advisory Council).
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby issued in terms of chapter 4 section 16(1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Municipal Systems act, 32/2000. Thaba Chweu Local Municipality invites community members in wards 12 and 14 to attend the IDP (2013/14) review session which is scheduled as follows; Date: 19 November 2012 Venue: Council Chambers, Lydenburg Time: 18h00 Enquiries can be directed to the following: Miss A Ngobe 013 235 7300 Cllr Sonja Boshoff 082 429 0280 Cllr Farhard Essack 083 778 6432
Mr. Burton Koma Municipal Manager Notice 30/2012
Alit Fourie (middel) ontvang hier sy toekennings van Adrie Barnard (Huizemark C.O.O.), en Vic Smit (Voorsitter Huizemark Advisory Council).
uizemark se nasionale konferensie het in Oktober plaasgevind, waartydens die landwye jaarlikse toekennings gemaak is aan die top presteerders in die Huizemark Franchise groep. Louis Fourie van Huizemark Lydenburg het toekennings ontvang vir “Agent met die Hoogste Randwaarde Verkope vir 2011/12 asook 2de in die afdeling “Agent Hoogste Hoeveelheid Eenhede” op nationale vlak! Baie geluk met die twee spog prestasies. Verder was die Huizemark Lydenburg tak, tweede op nasionale vlak in die kategorie: Mikrotak met die Hoogste Randwaarde Verkope vir die Jaar. Alit Fourie, eienaar van Huizemark Lydenburg, sê hy is baie trots op Louis en sy ander agente en hulle prestasies. Hy sê dat Huizemark Lydenburg se sukses te danke is aan uitstaande dienslewering aan sy kliënte! Hy wil ook die publiek bedank vir hulle lojale ondersteuning die afgelope paar jaar, want sonder hulle ondersteuning was die toekennings onmoontlik. Huizemark Lydenburg se kantore is te Viljoenstraat 89 en hulle kan gekontak word op 013 235 1335. Hulle webblad is www.huizemark.com, waar u meer inligting omtrent al hul eiendomme, foto’s en ander besonderhede kan bekom.
CMR Kerspartytjie maak spesiaal vir kinders DIE CMR Lydenburg se Kerspartytjie vind plaas op 23 November. Dit is altyd een van die CMR kinders se hoogtepunte van die jaar. Die CMR vra asseblief vir die gemeenskap vir bydraes met eetgoed, lekkers, koekies, speelgoed of klere as geskenke of kontantbydraes. Skakel die CMR by 013 235 2407 vir bydraes.
Nuus / News
15 November 2012
Dishes in Dullstroom a delight T
HE quality of the dishes prepared by the 11 chefs were excellent and the spirit amongst them even better! The cabaret show by Elsabé Zietsman & Janine contributed to the evening's success. The judges, Elsabé Zietsman and Sonja from Sonja's Foods, Pretoria based, had a fantastic time judging the dishes and a hard time to decide on the best team for each category but eventually capped Walkersons and The Deck as
the overall winners, the first time in 14 years that there was a tie for the first place! Congratulations to Adri & Obert from Walkersons and first time entrant Chantel & Jane from The Deck on their superb performance. Winners in the categories: Best Main meal: The Deck, Best Starter: Dullstroom Grill, Best Dessert: Peebles, The best table: Thistles Catering, Best innovative cheat: Bergen , The
Cheese, The most creative presentation: The Deck, The most innovative use of the surprise ingredient: (Dried Prunes) Dunkeld Country Estate, The best skivvy: Esther who cooked with Maria Bhembe, The drunkest chef: Sandro from Peebles, The most organised kitchen: Critchley, The most unorganised kitchen: Simunye BBQ's, Most creative menu: The Deck, Most Varied/prolific menu: The Dullstroom Grill, Most creative presentation: Critchley, Hall of
Fame (first time awarded): Walkersons, Overall Winners : Walkersons & The Deck. Epilepsy South Africa would like to thank all the chefs who participated in this event and the community in Dullstroom for their support, as well as all the business owners who generously sponsored the prizes and food for the event. A special mention has to go to Food Lovers Market Bedfordview – Sonya Arnold, Millie Kemp at Clover.
The tables decked to the nines, sumptuous food and a wonderful atmosphere at Dullstroom Epilepsy for the Annual Chef’s Cookout.
Lipleklekker potjiekos
Marie Grobler, Jean Struwig (bestuurslid van Lelievlei), Olive Steyn (weldoener), Sonja Lubbe, Patricia Nel. Olive Steyn het meubels, hangkaste, kaste, boeke, matte, lekkergoed geskenk. Frik Rousseau (Direkteur van Lelievlei) het haar hartlik bedank vir die ruim skenking.
Laerskool Lydenburg doen jaarliks ’n gemeenskapprojek, waar fondse gegenereer word en teruggesit word in die gemeenskap, waar ook al ’n behoefte geidentifiseer is. 2012 se projek was ’n potjiekoskompetisie waaraan verskillende maatskappye deelgeneem het. Dit was ’n lekker spanboudag en daar is heerlik gekuier. Mega Paint was die wenner van die heerlike potjiekos en El Roy Motors het die oorspronklikste stalletjie gehad. Die fondse gaan vanjaar vir die versorging van behoeftige kinders in die skool. Kos en ander benodighede gaan aangekoop word en aan die gesinne voorsien word. Baie dankie aan elke maatskappy en persoon wat betrokke was by die projek, asook aan ons beoordeelaars. Jul ondersteuning is van onskatbare waarde.
15 November 2012
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Motoring Editor / Motor Redakteur: Andre Coetzee andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
Groter keuse vir motorherstelwerk
Justice Mabela, Samuel Moai, Hector Nyalungu, Eienaar Gerhard Snyman, Amanda Snyman, Liena Mohubedu, Simangele Mphuthit.
Car jamming theft on the rise THE use of car-jamming devices to steal from vehicles remained a headache, Gauteng police commissioner Lt-Gen Mzwandile Petros said on Tuesday. “This crime has been on the increase across shopping centres in the province. It is creating problems in Gauteng.” Petros presented an overview of the 2011/2012 crime statistics to the Gauteng community safety committee in Johannesburg. Thieves use household remotes to block car remotes from locking vehicles, with the owner unaware that the car is unlocked.
They are then able to help themselves to valuables in the vehicle as soon as the owner walks away. GYMS TARGETED “These criminals know that when you park at a gym, you leave valuables behind in the car, and that is when they wait nearby, ready to strike.” Though police were working closely with security guards to fight the crime, motorists also had to be alert and make sure that their vehicles were locked before stepping away. Sapa / iolMotoring.co.za A person with a gate remote control, was recently found by the Lydenburg SAPS, loitering in the “swembadsentrum” area near Spur, so please be on the lookout and check your car doors. AC.
15 November 2012
How to treat your mechanical mistress THE best thing about a brand new motorcycle is the silky-smooth movement of all the controls. With no resistance in any of the cables, levers or pedals, you can feel exactly what each is doing and apply it with absolute precision, riding more neatly - and sometimes more safely - than you can on an older bike, even one that you know really well. While I've always known this - I've been privileged to ride a lot of new bikes over the years - I've never paid any thought as to why it should be so until I was forced to, which is also typical of most bikers. After all, if it's not broken, don't fix it, right? Wrong. My little red sports bike is only seven years old but, because I live in a city where climate change means every winter is colder, wetter and longer than the previous one, it's done rather more mileage on wet roads than most, albeit without any serious ill effects other than an embarrassing outbreak of rust on various nuts and bolts. Until a couple of weeks ago, when I picked up a starting problem. I'd turn the key and all the bike's systems would light up, I'd pull the clutch (there's a starter cut-out switch in the clutch-lever housing) and, sometimes, absolutely nothing would happen - not even a click. Other times it would start normally, but the problem gradually became more recurrent until, one night, I had to slam the clutch lever in and out half a dozen times before the starter got the message - and I finally woke up to the fact that the problem lay in the clutch cut-out switch. WAKE-UP CALL The next day I stripped the clutch-lever housing for the first time in the bike's life (it's not mentioned in either the owner's handbook or the service requirements, so no blame attaches to the agents) and took nearly a teaspoonful of almost-dry mud out from behind the lever. A quick squirt of contact cleaner soon had the cut-out switch working reliably, but the rest of the components looked even worse. So I scrubbed all the parts with a toothbrush and commercial motocross solvent, polished some rust off the pivot pin, squirted lubricant through the cable, applied a dab of heavy-duty grease to the pivot bushing, put it all back together and carefully readjusted the lever play just as at the pre-delivery inspection seven years ago. All of which took about an hour - it's not exactly rocket science - but the result was an eye-opener. Suddenly my distinctly second-hand little road rocket had a clutch action that would put some new bikes I've ridden this year to shame, which only made me more conscious of just how gritty and imprecise the action of the other controls had become. I
spent the rest of a very long Sunday stripping every pedal, cable and lever on the bike, finding mud, rust and dried-out lubricant residue inside all of them. A squirt of lube down the cable and a dab of Vaseline on the right-hand handlebar soon had the twistgrip responding to my
right hand as if the bike had suddenly come alive again. Cleaning and greasing the linkages made the previously notchy and sometimes recalcitrant gearshift as crisp as breaking glass, and an (embarrassingly necessary) cleanup inside the pedal's pivot point got the rear brake working again after several months of very poor response without my even having to touch the hydraulics. LIKE RIDING A BRAND NEW MACHINE I remembered that there's another cut-out on the side-stand, so that came off as well to be flushed with contact cleaner (it was working, but very slowly and reluctantly) and quite a lot of derusting, cleaning and re-lubing went into the housing. The pivot bolt was so worn it had to be replaced - luckily it's a standard size and I had one in stainless steel. Now the side-stand pops neatly out of the way with a precise little click, the brakes have enough extra bite that I've had to be careful of them in the rain (even though I haven't yet serviced the hydraulics), and the bike accelerates noticeably harder when I give it a handful - or am I giving it bigger handfuls because the throttle action is so smooth and precise? It's like riding a brand-new machine, and I've found myself enjoying my daily commute even more than on the latest test bike, discovering all over again just why I bought this bike seven years ago. In many ways a motorcycle is not so much a machine as a mechanical mistress, responding sweetly to a little TLC. And, just as with people, it's the little things that make the biggest difference. Dave Abrahams - iolMotoring.co.za
15 November 2012
Very popular new Subaru Forester should be here by April 2013 SUBARU has released the first official images and information regarding its new Subaru Forester ahead of the car’s debut at the Los Angeles Motor Show this month. The new car features a more aggressive visual treatment than that of the current car, with a deeper front apron sporting vertical vents at its outer edges and a more angular headlamp design. Two models will be announced at the launch: a 2,5-litre and a two-litre turbo, sitting on 17- and 18-inch alloy wheels, respectively. Despite featuring a footprint identical to that of the current model, the new Forester will, according to Suburu, serve up even more passenger and cargo space. Among the infotainment features will be a rear-view camera, navigation, smartphone integration and a Harman/Kardon audio system. The 2,5-litre model will be offered with a choice of six-speed manual Subaru’s local arm has confirmed that the new Forester will arrive or Lineartronic CVT, while the 2,0 turbo will be coupled with a highin South Africa during the second quarter (possibly around April) of torque CVT with six- and eight-speed manual modes and Hill 2013. The local engine line-up has yet to be confirmed, but the Descent Control. Ground clearance stands at 221 mm. car’s American launch will incorporate a pair of petrol boxer units. More information is bound to leak before the LA Motor Show and The entry point will be a 2,5-litre normally aspirated unit developing we’ll keep you posted as to any further developments. 126 kW/235 N.m followed by the fourth generation of the firm’s turbocharged, direct-injection 2,0-litre with 186 kW/350 N.m on Carmag.co.za tap.
The wait is almost over THE new Opel Astra looks like a normally proportioned compact hatchback, but it's actually a hefty lump of car. It's especially noticeable on the new OPC version (due in South Africa in the first quarter of 2013), whose enormous 20-inch wheels don't look nearly as oversized as they should. Somehow the Astra seems almost rudely supersized. However, this hottest, raciest version also has a supersized engine output which, at 206kW, is higher than that of any other FWD sporting hatchback for sale right now. Torque is rated at 400Nm. The 2-litre, turbocharged engine can fling the Astra to 100km/h in 5.9 seconds. But there can be a problem with such energy being transferred solely through the front wheels, one which previous highpower Astras illustrated well: the combination of more power than grip, imperfect steering geometry, firm suspension and driver indiscretion makes for a car keen to sniff out every verge and undulation. It's fun for a few minutes, then it just becomes a nuisance because you're fighting with the car. It's this thuggish nature that prevented previous rapid Astras from entering the petrolhead-pleasing elite, a niche occupied by the Golf GTI, the Renaultsport Mégane and, most recently, the new Ford Focus ST. But this OPC has a front suspension similar to the system used in that Renault, by which the front wheels steer not by the turning of the suspension struts but by the swivelling of a separate hub carrier set a little further outward. This means that, despite the wide wheels, the power and steering forces can act in the middle of the front tyres' contact patches instead of towards the tyres' edges. Result? A bettermannered hot Astra, able to get its power down and stay straight while doing it. Traction out of corners is much better, too, so the Astra can turn fluently into bends before powering out. Which also makes it good fun. The suspension is lower and stiffer than the regular turbocharged Astra GTC's, and the OPC certainly looks promising with its giant under-bumper air scoop and, if you order the optional Aero kit, a biplane rear spoiler, curvy sill covers and the 20in wheels. The exhaust note is deep and crisp, and after a short wait for the turbocharger to get going, the car launches itself with a heady whoosh. In standard mode, the adaptive dampers let the suspension “breathe” while controlling the body's movements, making the OPC feel nicely poised as you cruise along on undulating back roads. Sport mode, however, chops the ride up unnecessarily, while the “extreme” OPC mode is all but unusable on normal roads, though it does work on a racetrack. Downsides? The brakes are over-assisted and snatchy and there's no proper handbrake, just an annoying electric switch. Otherwise the OPC is a very enjoyable, if unnecessarily corpulent, machine with a civility lacking in its predecessors. OPEL ASTRA OPC ENGINE: 1,998cc, four cylinders, twincam 16 valves, turbo, 206kW TRANSMISSION: Six-speed manual gearbox, front-wheel drive PERFORMANCE: 250km/h, 0-100km/h in in 5.9sec, 8.1 l/100km, CO2 189g/km ON SALE IN SA: Early 2013 iol.motoring.co.za
15 November 2012
15 November 2012
New Ford Kuga confirmed for 2013 FORD South Africa has confirmed that the all-new Ford Kuga will be available in South Africa from 2013. Although the Kuga nomenclature is a recent addition to the South African market, the newest version was shown at the 2012 Geneva auto show. When the latest Kuga arrives in SA in 2013, it will come fitted with a new generation 1.6-litre EcoBoost petrol engine with a six-speed SelectShift automatic transmission and a 2.0-litre TDCi turbodiesel engine with PowerShift six-speed dual-clutch transmission. The engines use Ford’s latest powertrain technology, including turbocharging and direct injection (for the EcoBoosts) and twin independent variable camshaft timing, and are more powerful as well as being more fuel efficient. Along with its more efficient engines, the latest Ford SUV’s sleeker body is almost 10% more aerodynamic than the Kuga it replaces, aided by an Active Grille Shutter that reduce wind resistance. The slats remain open when extra engine cooling is required and automatically shut when cruising at steady speeds to improve the Kuga’s aerodynamics. The Kuga will also introduce a “smart” all-wheel drive system that is said to act preemptively by reassessing road conditions and constantly adjust the power split to deliver the best blend of handling and traction. The new Kuga, along with its bold new design and more efficient engines, will also incorporate technologies such as the voice-activated SYNC connectivity system and Active Park Assist.
Ford product in SA, is the “open sesame” automatic tailgate feature that requires a mere kicking motion beneath the rear bumper to unlock and raise the tailgate when the key fob is within range but the driver’s hands are occupied. The same process is used to close the hatch. Ford SA has also Additional safety technologies include adaptive cruise control, blind spot said full details of the range, including specification and prices, will be information system, lane keeping aid and active city stop in operation at released at the vehicle’s launch in 2013. Wheels24.co.za speeds under 30km/h. Another useful feature making its introduction on a
Exciting car prospects for 2013
WE are looking forward to several new model releases in 2013. The Highlands Panorama News will as always keep you up to date on what is happening, and we will try to test drive all the new cars from our local dealerships. You can look forward to the new
Ford Kuga, several models from Nissan, new Isuzu and also models from Toyota and VW. For those VW fans out there, the new Beetle is already here, and what a beauty it is! We have spoken to our local Dealer Principal and hope to bring you a
road test on this car. Also to be tested, the new Mazda BT 50 and the Chevrolet Trailblazer, which I am told is going to turn the market upside down. Watch this space! Andre Coetzee
Properties / Eiendomme
15 15 November 2012 Motoring
Huis van die week Skakel Du-Nel Eiendomme vir meer inligting oor ’n verskeidenheid van eiendomme. Tel: 013 235 2622, 082 896 3908 of 082 462 7723.
Baie groot, nuut geverfde, vierslaapkamerwoning met ’n groot erf, drie motorhuise en twee afdakke, plus een-slaapkamerwoonstel. Palisades, stil woonarea, R 1.9 miljoen, of te huur vir langtermyn R 13 000 p.m.
Vierslaapkamerwoning met groot erf, drie badkamers, ruim woonarea, kombuis, stoep, buitekamer, twee motorhuise, boorgat en palisades. R 1.3 miljoen. HUURBESTUUR/RENTALS 013 235 1102
Eiendomme/properties R1 345 000 Baie mooi 3 slaapkamer dubbelverdieping woning in kompleks met dubbel geriewe. R1 265 000 Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis, met 2 motorhuise in Sterkspruit Estates. Verlaage prys.
R1 320 000 3 slaapkamer Tuscan eenheid. 2 badkamers en 2 motorhuise
082 904 8587
R575 000 2 Bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, 1 carport and private yard R845 000 3 slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 badkamers. 1 motorhuis. TE HUUR 3 slaapkamer ruim huis in kompleks R10 000 / mnd Groot huis en erf met verskeie leefareas R13 600 / mnd
Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net,
www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops twitter: @deovolprops
0315November November 2011 2012
Motoring Properties / Eiendomme
Marula Eiendomme: netjiese woonhuis
2slpk, 1 badk huis, water & elek ingesluit – R5 900.00 p/m Pragtige 3slpk, 2badk huis, oopplan leef area, 1 garage en afdak – R7300.00 p/m Baie ruim 4 slpk, 2badk, studeerkamer, dubbel motorhuis, afdakke en groot erf – R9600.00 Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 GELEë NABY HOërskool. BAIE NETJIESE HUIS IN PYPSTEEL 3 Slk met ingeboude kaste. 2 Badk, sitk, eetk, mooi komb, aparte opwas en wask. Dubbelm/h met ekstra stoorruimte, motorEsmé Heleen afdak vir 3 voertuie, Wendyhuis, buite(VERHURINGS) (Prinsipaal & Verkope) 082 492 8412 013 235 1986 toilet, plaveisel, mooi tuin
Baie netjiese woonhuis sentraal geleë in middedorp. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, studeerkamer of vierde slaapkamer. Sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwas. Stoep, dubbel motorhuis, kaggel, houtvloere en alarm. Groot erf, PLUS 1 slaapkamerwoonstel met sitkamer en kombuis. R1 450 000. Werner v d Merwe, Marula Eiendomme: 082 776 9347 of 013 235 4890.
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
R 8 800 / maand
• 3 Slk, 2 badk, ruim sit/eetk, woonarea, mot, elektriese omheinde erf - R1,250 milj.
Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. Ons verleen hulp met u leningsaansoek.
• 3 Slk woonstel, sekuriteitskompleks, omhein, netjies, luuks - R7 000 per maand.
Kontak Therésa 072 155 0761 tduplessis@qsrealty.co.za
Te Koop:
R1 220 000-00!! 4 Slaapkamers, 3 Badkamers, Familie Kamer, Kombuis, Opwas, Ruim Vertrekke Veilige Omgewing. Erf van 1400m², Boorgat. Te Huur: · Netjiese 3 slaapkamer woning, Ruim leefarea en kombuis, besproeiing, in Veiligheidskompleks R13 500. · 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, met sitkamer, badkamer en eie kombuis. Stoep en Afdak vir motor. R4 050 water en krag ingesluit.
Jaco Fourie Cell: 073 445 8477 Fax: 086 542 3322 Mail: jfe0734458477@gmail.com Amele Koch R905 000 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, dubbel motorhuis.
Cell: 082 566 9411 Fax: 086 542 3322 Mail: amele.koch@gmail.com
R1 490 00.00 4 Slaapkamer huis met woonstel
15 November 2012
Nuus / News
A tour through the warm heart of Soweto Talentvolle jong gholfers THE past weekend saw the running of the Soweto Marathon through the historic streets of this famed town, passing through Diepkloof, also known as Beverly Hills due to all the luxury houses and cars in the area, then again there are as many “matchbox” type houses. Other historic places passed included Orlando West with its panoramic views over the city, Vilikazi street, the only street in the world that was once home to two Nobel Peace Laureates – Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. At the top of the street the place where the student uprising took place and the place where Hector Pieterson was shot in 1976, marked by a simple brick wall. The house of Winnie Mandela was passed, along with Mtipa Street and the Ubuntu Kraal where the runners followed the same route as the students in the 1976 uprising. This was more than just a tour through the warm heart of Soweto, it is a journey through our tumultuous history, as felt by all the runners. The race started and ended at the Nasrec arena and was a
circular route. Herman Mogale used this great and historic race to run his first 42km race and completed it, with a great time of 04:41:00. This is outstanding, seeing he is a novice long distance runner. Welcome to the long-winded runners Herman, Modikwa hopes you will grow from strength to strength. Herman has the backing of Leboka Noto and Peter Molapo, Comrades Gold Medalist to assist in his training! Another novice runner, Recognition, ran her very first 10km race, even thought she found the race very tough. She was very proud of the beautiful medal she received and smiled from ear to ear. Well done Recognition, Modikwa is sure they will see more of this great lady runner. Well done to all the Modikwa athletes and again Leboka Noto, the big hammer, coming in first again of the club runners! We would like to wish all the athletes well with their training, as all the big races for the year are now over, so keep focused and keep yourself in good shape!
LAERSKOOL Lydenburg se gholfspanne het tydens hul liga wedstryde goed gevaar. die A-span wen ’n tweede plek en ’n derde plek. Die B-span wen die Mpumalanga finale. Vyf van die gholfspelers is in die Laeveldspan opgeneem: Tiaan Brits, Diaan Lombaard, Alwyn Loots, Nelize Engelbrecht en Sojana Botha. Tiaan Brits is gekies vir die Mpumalanga span.
Die Laerskool Lydenburg se seunsspan is (van links, agter): Duan Calitz, Frikkie Fensham, Diaan Lombard, Jan-Paul v.d. Linde, Alwyn Loots; (middel):Jeandré Combrink, Jason Oosthuizen, Corné Combrink; (voor): Tiaan Brits en Rikus Booyens. Die Laerskool Lydenburg se dogterspan is (van links, agter): Sojana Botha, Nelize Engelbrecht; (voor): Jo-Mari Nortje.
Sipho wins a bronze medal at Soweto Marathon
Sipho Minisi just came back from winning a bronze medal at the Soweto Marathon. He has been a successful marathon runner for years. He would like to thank Dr Skhosana, Dr Barton, Mini Market and everyone who helped with a donation for him to compete.
15 November 2012
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PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 3m PLATBAK sleepwa te huur, R250 p/d. Jaco 082 377 7420 E N G R A V I N G WORKSHOP 013 235 4602 A-GRADE MIDDELBURG WENDY HOMES: Phone us for free quotes for AGrade Wendy’s, Log cabins, , Decks and Steel h u t s . W e b s i t e : www.wendyhomesmbd.co. z a E m a i l : wendyhomesmbd@telkom sa.net. Office nr: 013 246 1915 Cell: 083 675 5708
AUTOMATISERING/ AUTOMATION ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE en meubels. des 072 446 5394 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 DRY WOOD FOR SALE @ R10 p bag. 082 786 3319 6 SITPLEK EETKAMER stel met buffet te koop. 082 450 4875 VERPAKTE YS TE KOOP by Lydenburg Bonjour. Goeie prys vir groot hoeveelhede oor 100 sakkies. Tel: 013 235 2760
• Bring your old jewellery • Buy back option available
013 235 2353 082 808 0195 No 12 Jock’s Country Stalls Viljoenstraat Lydenburg
L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART: Smart body and paint repairs. Hail damage, autoelectrical repairs. LED Light bars (LED spotlights) now in stock. Rubberising and
EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 1 SLK W/S , enkel persoon. R3500 W+Ling. Deposito R3500. 082 781 9465 BACHELOR FLATS @ R2800pm & lodging @ R2500 pm. 082 496 4312 082 496 4312 1 SLK WOONSTEL, water & ligte ingesluit, geen diere. R3800. 1 SLK WOONSTEL v i r 1 p e r s o o n , gemeubileerd , R3500. 082 582 7100 / 013 235 3301 BACHELORS W/S te huur. R2450. 079 624 9486 MEENTHUIS Dadelik beskikbaar, geen diere. R6000pm 082 966 0565 BACHELOR W/S op plot 3km buite Lydenburg, R3800; 2slk woonstel R4200; Ruim 4 slk huis vir R7000. 082 898 5272 2 SLK DUPLEKS WOONSTEL in dorp R4900; 2 slk woonstel met groot erf R5400. 082 898 5272 2 SLK W/STL te huur. R4400, water ingesluit. Koop krag. 082 828 1211
AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION C O N T R A C TO R S accommodation available. 082 786 3319 AKKOMMODASIE VIR KONTRAKTEURS: Nuwe gemeubeleerde kamers, TV, toesluit motorhuis met alarm. Swembad, lapa en privaat slegs vir inwoners.
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
288 6834
LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840
SONIA MEYER Reisagent. 082 459 2361
all off-road equipment. 013 235 3596
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg BARGAIN BUY house for sale. Contact 082 496 4312 RES 1 development property for sale . 3.8kms from Steelpoort. 210ha. R15,7 mil. 082 496 4312 KONTANT KOPER soek ± 20ha kaal plot om te koop vir perde. Ek het ook ’n koper vir ’n varkplaas. Skakel Alit 083 288 6834 SOEK 10 - 20ha plot wat geskik is om groente te plant. Skakel Alit by 083
VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES CODE 14 DRIVER with pdp urgently required. Lydenburg area, no long distance. Fax cv 086 723 7526 DAMES VIR Bestuurspos & Assistent vir Tweedehandse meubel winkel. 082 708 7080/ 082 450 1398
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed construction of Geological, Underground and Plant Sample Fire Assay Laboratory by Two Rivers Platinum located in portions 6 and 7 of the farm Dwarsrivier 372 KT within the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality of Sekhukhune District. Ref: 1 2 / 1 / 9 / 2 - G S 2 5 LIM/EIA/0000520/2012 E N V I R O N M E N TA L ACTIVITY Notice is given in terms of Regulation 54 of the Environmental Impact
Regulations published in Government Notice R543 in Government Gazette No. 33306 of 18 June 2010, as contemplated in Section 24J of the National E n v i r o n m e n t a l Management Act, 1998 (Act No.107 of 1998), as amended, that Two Rivers Platinum (TRP) proposes to construct of Geological, Underground and Plant Sample Fire Assay L a b o r a t o r y . INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Chika Groundwater Executives CC is appointed, in its capacity as an independent consultant, to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed construction of geological, underground and plant samples fire assay laboratory by TRP (Pty) Ltd. LOCALITY The proposed Fire Assay Laboratory is sited adjacent to the TRP's concentrator plant on the portion 6 and 7 of the farm Dwarsrivier 372 KT and the size (footprint) of the development area is about 2000m2. TRP is located within the Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality and the closest towns are Steelpoort, which is 27km to the north-east, and Lydenburg, which is 60km to the South- East. The proposed development area is currently accessed from the Richmond road which is immediately adjacent to the proposed project area on its western boundary which joins the R577 to the East of the site. AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT SCOPING REPORT The draft scoping report will be available at TRP security gate for public review as from as from the 15 November 2012 PA RT I C I PAT E B Y REGISTERING AS INTERESTED AND A F F E C T E D PA RT I E S (I&AP) In order to register as I&AP or for further information, please contact us within 40 days from the date of publication. CHIKA GROUNDWATER EXECUTIVES CC Contact Person: Tshia Malehase or Fhatuwani Mathaulula E - m a i l : tshia@takenviro.co.za or fhatuwani@takenviro.co.z a Tel: 011 766 5477 Cell: 079 263 0597 or 072 010 3435 Fax: 086 552 7900 PUBLICATION DATE: 15 November 2012
KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •
Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg.Woe. 19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str. 41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 B i d u u r, Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00,
church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e K e r k Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Ve r g a d e r i n g . P a s t o o r Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne
39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, Sondae oggende om 09h00 by Spur se konferensie saal. Past. Neels Lubbe 079 679 1387/ Past. Rina Lubbe 076 015 8947
BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362
Pallet Wendy’s
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We deliver everywhere
CVO Skool Lydenburg “Daad by Woord” Kwaliteitonderrig in klein klasse
083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net
Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester-Browne
Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com
57 Kerk St (c/o Kerk & De Beer Str) Lydenburg Clinic: 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za
MISSING DOG Nala went missing on Monday 12 November in Sterkspruit Estates at about 16:00. Nala is a dear house pet and her family really want her back. Reward offered. Please contact Tandy 082 822 2304
15 November 2012
VAKANTE BETREKKINGS Pligte sluit in: • Versorging van twee seuns, huidige ouderdomme 7 en 5 jaar • Vervoer na en vanaf skool; buitemuurse aktiwiteite & ander afsprake • Voltooing van skool huiswerk, hersiening & ander skolastiese oefeninge Vereistes: • Afrikaans sprekende persoon • In besit van 'n betroubare motor met geldige bestuurderslisensie • Eie verblyf in Lydenburg Sluitingsdatum: 23 November 2012. Faks asseblief volledige CV's na 086 760 2533 Indien u nie binne 14 dae vanaf sluitingsdatum van ons verneem nie, kan u aanneem dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
R165 Incl. VAT 20
OP gepaste wyse is die sportsterre van die Hoërskool Lydenburg vereer op 25 Oktober tydens die 18de Sportprysuitdeling . Die gasspreker vir die aand was mnr. RW Kember, die Puma Rugbyspan se kaptein en wie spog met 'n rugby-CV soos min. Die uitslae was as volg: Veelsydige Sportman en Vrou van die skool. Rohan du Toit: Verteenwoordig die skool op die Interhoër in die 200m en in die aflosse. Hy speel hokkie vir die o/16A span en is ook deel van die Sewe’s hokkie waar hy tweede span speel. Hy speel tennis vir die skool se derde span, vorder tot op sub-streek vlak in landloop. Rohan maak deel uit van die skool se fietsryspan wat die Mpumalanga wenners is wat deurgaan na die SAkampioenskappe toe. Baie geluk Rohan. Mignon Black: Verteenwoordig die skool op die interhoër in die 90 mh, 300mh, verspring, 400m en in die aflosse en behaal in die item twee eerste plekke. Sy speel Netbal vir die o/15A span, verdien ook haar provinsiale kleure in netbal. Sy maak deel uit van die meisieskrieket eerste span, neem in landloop aan die Mpumalanga kampioenskappe deel. Mignon is deel van die fietsryspan wat Mpumalanga wenner was en dring na die SA-Kampioenskappe deur. Sy verteenwoordig ook haar provinsie in fietsry op die byeenkoms as die no.2 fietsryer in MP. Baie geluk Mignon. Herman Jacobs en Kobus Pretorius: Herman verteenwoordig die skool op die interhoër in die 400m, 200m, spiesgooi en in die aflosse, word op interhuis aangewys as die beste o/17 seunsatleet asook die beste 0/17 400m-atleet. Hy speel hokkie vir die skool se eerste span asook Sewe’s hokkie. Hy verwerf sy provinsiale kleure in hokkie en is nou eers o/17, speel vir die skool se eerste krieketspan, dien Herman ook as ’n skeidsregter by die interprovinsiale toernooi vir o/16's en 0/17's. Kobus verteenwoordig die skool op die interhoër in gewigstoot, spiesgooi, en diskus. Hy speel krieket vir die skool se eerste span, rugby vir die o/16A-span. Neem ook deel aan gholf. Kobus speel ook vir die o/16A-span hokkie en is in die B-span van die Sewe’s hokkie. Dan maak hy ook deel uit van die skool se fietsryspan wat die Mpumalanga wenners is wat deur gegaan het na die SA-Kampioenskappe. Hoërskool Lydenburg het die uitstekende prestasie bereik die afgelope jaar deur die Laeveld bergfietsliga weereens oortuigend te wen en tree uit as die Mpumalanga kampioene. Die SA Skole kampioenskappe het in Magaliesburg plaasgevind, waar Mpumalanga 2de eindig. Lydenburg wen hier die geesbeker wat spreek van 'n gesonde span en sportsoort. Mignon Black het die trofee ontvang en is verkies tot die Mpumalangaspan. Sy is die algehele Meisies Fietryer van die Jaar. Kobus Pretorius is die algehele Seuns Fietryer van die Jaar. • In Landloop het nege van die atlete na die MUSSA-byeenkoms deurgedring. Katlego Nawa is die Seuns Landloop atleet van die Jaar. Mareli Hiemstra word verkies tot die Mpumalanga span. Sy neem deel aan die SA-skole byeenkoms en behaal hier 'n 13de plek. Sy neem ook deel aan die klub SA-byeenkoms en behaal hier 'n 11de plek. Voorwaar 'n uitstekende prestasie en verdien haar ere-kleure wat sy met trots kan dra.
15 November 2012
• Soccer: The first boys won the Camp Discovery tournament and the u/16 boys won the Lowveld League. They went through to the play-off's and ended in second place. Most Improved player: Dikoma Remofilwe, Top Goal scorer: Mokoena Sania, Girls soccer player of the year: Toriso Segale. Boys soccer, Most improved o/16 player: Bondo st Maepa; o/16 player of the year: Phumlani Nyalunga; Most improved 1 team player: st st Direto Makua; 1 teams Top goal scorer: Baggio Moraba; 1 team soccer player of the year: Francis Eksteen. Ander sport: Benine Botha: Aangewys as “shadow” skeidsregter vir die Pumas. Chanel Jacobs: Dien as skeidsregter by provinsialetoernooi. Herman Jacobs: Dien as skeidsregter by provinsiale toernooi. Lise-Marie Steyn: Puma-gradeering vir skeidsregter. Wernich Botha: Junior met die meeste punte vir die jaar asook Junior Hengelaar van die jaar. Chané Cronje: Limpopo kleure in Ringbal. Celente Cronje: Limpopo kleure in Ringbal. Zandria Wheeler: Limpopo kleure in Ringbal; Johannie Steenekamp: Koreaanse Krygkuns (drie eerste plekke op SA-kampioenskappe). LiseMarie Steyn: Gauteng-Wes kleure in Aksie-netbal; Bianca Bell: Nasionalekampioenskappe in boogskiet; Naudé Potgieter: Gymkhana/tentpegging(NoordGauteng A-span). Pieter Els: Gymkhana/tentpegging(Noord-Gauteng A-span); Jean Roux: Gymkhana/tentpegging(o/14 Proteaspan verteenwoordig teen Australië); Kyle Westcott: SA-kampioenskappe in karate; Henco Rossouw: SA-kampioenskappe in karate; Christo van der Westhuizen: SA-kampioenskappe in karate; Jaco Faber: SAkampioenskappe in karate; André Nelson: SA-kampioenskappe in karate; Francois Roos: Taekwando blou-tip; Arabelle Treurnicht: “Intermediate Foundation” eksamen van die Dans Acadamy of South Africa geslaag wat n vlak 7 eksamen is Slaag met 70%. Chanel Jacobs: Intermediate Foundation major geslaag met 68%. Michelle Prinsloo: Intermediate Foundation major geslaag met 58%. Elrike van der Linde: Intermediate Foundation major geslaag met 68%. Elsje Engelbrecht: Intermediate Foundation major geslaag met 53%. Etli van der Merwe: Slaag haar Major Preparatory test. Mariska Schoeman: Slaag haar Major Preparatory test. Rian Niewoudt: Neem deel aan die SAkampioenskappe vir roei. Hy haal die semifinale in die 1000m, die B-finaal in die 500m en kom 5de, die B-finaal in die 200m en kom 7de. Ivan Nel: Mpumalanga Laeveld Ringbal. Maclien Wagner: Springbokkleure in Ringtennis. Sportvrou van die jaar: Jada Linström (vir haar negende plek op SA-kampioenskappe in die finaal); Sportman van die jaar: Herman Jacobs (vir sy Mpumalanga o/18 A- Mnr. Otto Schulze, mnr. RW Kember, span). die Puma Rugbyspan se kaptein en skoolhoof mnr. Johan Loots.