14 Maart / March 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 10

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14 Maart / March 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 10 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Mrs Hanlie Swanepoel from Estralita School scooped up the prestigious National Teachers Awards (NTA) for 2012 held at Gallagher Estate in Johannesburg last Thursday in the category Excellence in Special Needs Teaching. She is the Acting Deputy Principal (read full article on page 3). ~ Michelle Boshoff

Adriaan de Beer (TRP Business Leader) “Taking a cut for CANSA� (Full article page 2).

McGee &

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg Kie/ Co 013 235 2371, mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za, www.mcgee.co.za



Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013

Lydenburg’s history creates excitement

The group at the historical and beautiful St. John’s Anglican Church in Lydenburg that’s history dates back to 1873.

Die landdroshuis, Bührmann en Langestraat, in Lydenburg was vir jare die spil waarom beskawing gedraai het. Van die oudste straatplanne van Lydenburg is in mnr. Hans Meyer se besit en van die erwe word reeds in 1856 aangedui. Die ou huis (bo in foto) is ook aangedui. Geskiedenisboeke dui daarop dat die huis aan Jacob de Clercq Jnr. (De Cercq straat) behoort het. Cornelius Potgieter het na De Clerque in 1860 landros geword en dit is nie duidelik of albei die huis bewoon het nie. Na sy dood is hy deur Arnold Jansen opgevolg. Jansen was 'n Hollander en is later met me. Anna Malan getroud. Daar word vermoed dat die huidige huise in Bührmann en Langestraat tussen 1930 en 1952 opgerig is. (Bron Lydenburg 1850-1950 Eeufeesgedenkboek en ou berigte).

Limomani(Huis van soet lemoene)

’n Groep kultuurentoesiaste vanaf Nelspruit het Lydenburg verlede Saterdag besoek. Hulle het die Lydenburg Museum, Voortrekkerkerk en skool, die ou NG kerk en verskeie ander historiese geboue en plekke op Lydenburg, onder leiding van historikus Marius Bakkes, besoek. Hulle is vergesel en voorgelig deur plaaslike kundiges mnr. J. P. Cilliers, oom Hans Meyer en Me. Gerda Whitehorn. Dit was duidelik dat die groep dié dag terdeë geniet het.Andre Coetzee.

Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre

F. H. Bechnke het die houthuis as geskenk van sy vader uit Stokholm, Swede ontvang. Die huis is verskeep en sy dele is per ossewa na Lydenburg vervoer. Die verskillende dele het in 1898 gearriveer. Dit is te Viljoenstraat 28 opgerig waar dit steeds vandag staan.(Skets deur Pieter Krugel).

Bale beskikbaar - Te koop - Kontant

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Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013


‘Juffrou Hanna’ wins Excellence in Special Needs Education, National Teaching Awards Michelle Boshoff


Mrs Hanlie Swanepoel said that Valentine’s cards like these from her learners makes everything worth it.

eing a teacher is a calling from Above, and many teachers would agree. Especially the teacher who took her ‘calling’ one step further and realised her childhood dream. Mrs Hanlie Swanepoel from Estralita School in Lydenburg (known fondly as ‘Juffrou Hanna’) prayed and thought she would take the opportunity on her door step, not knowing that she would reach the top a few months later. On the advice from Mr Ruben Mpangane

(Manager Mashishing District) and her principal Mrs Nomusa Nkosi, she entered the National Teaching Awards (NTA) for Special Needs Education. After winning the district and the provincial levels Mr Mphangane reminded her every time: “What did I say?” He was sure that she would be a top candidate and reach top honours at district and provincial levels. She ‘flew’ through it and reached the nationals. She won the prestigious Excellence in Special Needs Education, Nation Teaching Awards 2012 . Her award was presented by President

Jacob Zuma and the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga. It was held at Gallagher Estate in Johannesburg last Thursday. “At 13 I became interested in special needs education as we lived close to an institution for the physically impaired. I have been at Estralita for 18 years and am now Acting Deputy Principal. This award is not only for me but for the whole district and province. It is for every child and colleague at Estralita. It will put Estralita on the map. “All the glory to God, my family, friends and colleagues who supported me,” said Mrs Swanepoel.

Photo top: Mpumalanga Department of Education Bohlabela District, First Place.

Another trophy Mrs Swanepoel won was the Excellence in Special Needs Teaching 2012 Bohlabela District.

From left are Mr Ruben Mpangane (Manager of Mashishing District), Ms N. D. Sibuyi (Chief Education Specialist, Teacher Development), Mrs Hanlie Swanepoel (winner and Acting Deputy Principal Estralita School), Mrs. Nomusa Nkosi (Estralita School Principal) and Ms K. M. Mpati (Acting Deputy Chief Education Specialist).

Four arrested for dealing in counterfeit cigarettes POLICE arrested four men for the possession and selling of counterfeit cigarettes. The Pakistani men, aged 27, 31, 35 and 36 were arrested by members of the K9 unit in Lydenburg, during the past week. 238 Cartons of cigarettes were confiscated in two separate cases.

“Be positive it will make a world of difference”

The Police are appealing to the community not to buy any counterfeit products from anyone. You are contributing to crime as well as unemployment by supporting people who are selling counterfeit goods.



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Rubrieke / Columns

14 Maart / March 2013

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

to the editor

Briew e aan die redakteur

Lydenburg like London ASSOCIATION OF


vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.


ns taal is lekker. Bloot net lekker. Na al d i e d i s k o e r s g e s p re k k e b y d i e Woordfees te Stellenbosch was ek bloot bly dat Suid-Afrikaners ons taal interessant genoeg ag om 'n Woordfees te handhaaf en te hou, al vir die veertiende keer. Ek praat nou nie van al die doem-doef-ploefAfrikaanse-musiekfeeste, met kaggelkak op elke hoek, nie. Ek praat van 'n Woordfees en ja, ek het kaggelkak gesê. Gaan soek dit op in die HAT, dit is daar. In ’n onlangse epos, in Engels, het iemand kwyt geraak dat daar baie woorde in Afrikaans is wat eenvoudig net nie ’n Engelse plaasvervanger het nie. Een van die woorde is “sommer”. ’n Ander woord is “bakkie” - 'n bakkie kos. Nog op die lys is "voetstoots", "dwaal", "gogga", "gatvol", "hy sal sy gat sien", "jol", "muti", "padkos", “trapsuutjies”, “pap”, “loskop” is 'n ander gunsteling.

Anton Crossley from Lydenburg writes: I was standing in the line at the local Wimpy yesterday, to order a hamburger. Ahead of me in the queue was a spritely looking elderly gentleman, shortish, grey hair. I guessed to be mid/late 70's. He was addressing the lady serving him, in an English accent which I recognised. I tapped him on the shoulder. “You're from London” I said. “How'd you know, son?” he responded. “Cockney accent” I replied. “You visiting here?” “Yeah. Been here a couple days” “What do you think of Lydenburg?” I asked.

“Reminds me of London” he said I looked at him with disbelief. There's no resemblance I thought. Trying to not be impolite, I asked, “In what way?” “Reminds me of the blitz in 1941 when the Jerries were bombing the s...t out of us. London City was really in a bad shape. At night we had to close the curtains so the bombers could not find us. All the street lights were switched off” he explained. “Oh” I responded. “Yeah. Lydenburg reminds me of London during those times”

Brand your livestock asks SAPS

In Amanda Strydom, geliefde Afrikaanse sanger, se woorde... Ek kan rock in my taal Ek maak amok in my taal En ek kan skok in my taal Ek kan rock in my taal Police are making an appeal to all livestock owners to brand the stock. They are currently investigating stock theft cases where the lawful owners are unable to identify their stock because they are not branded.

En ek kan vry in my taal Ek kan rock in my taal Ek maak lawaai in my taal Ek word so kwaai in my taal Ek kan jou braai in my taal En ek kan rock in my taal

Theft out of motor vehicles

In my taal ‘bra’ en nie in Engels nie. Dit wat My Afrikaans uniek maak.

Uit die Woord From the Word ROMEINE 1:20 - Van die skepping van die wêreld af kan 'n mens uit die werke van God duidelik aflei dat sy krag ewigdurend is en dat Hy waarlik God is, hoewel dit dinge is wat 'n mens nie met die oog kan sien nie. Vir hierdie mense is daar dus geen verontskuldiging nie. Here, gee dat ons ons verantwoordelikheid teenoor U skepping sal nakom - Amen

Die Outoppie Skaam jou dood! IS Natuurbewaring nou finaal gedoem? Ek dink so. Vanaf 2010 is sowat 40 000 olifante in Afrika doodgemaak vir hulle tande. Sowat 5 000 renosters vir hulle horings. Onberekenbare hoeveelhede skaars plante vir muti. Tonne en tonne daarvan. Kyk 50/50. Sandmyners wat riviersand stroop, want dit “lê net daar”. Steenkool, goud, chroom en platinum myne wat waar hulle klaar is die aarde laat lyk of ’n atoombom dit getref het.

Residents are warned to take the necessary precautions when parking their vehicles in and around town. Theft out of motor vehicles remains a concern for law enforcement officials. Recent incidents of theft out of motor vehicles occurred around Voortrekker street and Lange street. Parking areas are also at risk. It is of utmost importance not to leave valuable items lying around in your vehicle.

Criminals are also still using remote control devices to stop you from locking your vehicle. Make sure your vehicle is locked before you walk away by physically checking that it is locked. On Monday 11 March a remote control device was used in the Pick & Pay parking area to stop the owner from properly locking his vehicle and a laptop was subsequently taken from the vehicle. Property targeted the most is cash, laptops, cell phones and handbags.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

Laai Google Earth af op jou rekenaar en gaan kyk hoe lyk Phalaborwa, Witbank, Middelburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort en Lydenburg. Verskroeide aarde met ’n giftige nalatenskap. Munisipaliteite wat varswater die hele dorp se strate vol laat loop want die pypnetwerk kom uit die apartheidsera sonder instandhouding. Asgate wat brand. Rou riool in die strate en riviere. ’n Vieslike varkboerdery net waar jy kyk! Vir die MTPA, Mpumalanga se natuurbewaringsorganisasie het politici gesê hulle moet vir die volgende jaar in die bos gaan wegkruip, want dit is verkiesingsjaar. Daar is net geld vir HOP huise, onderwys en gesondheid! Die feit dat die omgewing ons doodmaak en gevaarliker as misdaad is, word glad nie begryp nie. Dis hoekom ek na 32 jaar in natuurbewaring

in woede en afsku my goed gevat en geloop het. Waar kom hierdie houding van “toeeïening” of “ek is geregtig daarop” vandaan? Dit het niks met ras te doen nie. Afrikaners is ook baie skuldig daaraan. Kinders word in huise met geweld en ’n geskreeu groot. Wanneer groot ken hulle arrogansie en swak maniere geen perke nie. Hulle wil almal en alles domineer. Wat hulle doen en hoe hulle optree is reg en as iemand dit bevraagteken is hulle beledigend of wil bolle rol. Wat ’n kenmerk van lae intellek! Daar is geen begrippe soos empatie, “goodwill” etiket en maniere in sig nie. Gierigheid en sukses teen alle koste is die enigste maatstaf. Kompetisie. Dit word op skool al in die bloedjies se kele ingedruk. Prestasie is al wat tel. Ek is bevrees die hemel gaan baie leeg wees. Ek sien min verdienste vir ’n plekkie daar! Sies man! Julle behoort julle te skaam. Skaam julle dood!

Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013


Koerant help polisie misdaad bestry HUISINBREKERS en motordiewe het in die eerste week van Maart weer gewoeker in Lydenburg. Dit blyk dat die vergifting van honde ook weer opvlam, maar plaaslike SAPD lede het egter Donderdagaand 'n stokkie voor hulle planne gesteek Drie addisionele voertuie met administratiewe lede het die strate van Lydenburg patroleer saam met lede van sigbare polisiering. Gewapen met blou ligte en soekligte het ses offisiere verseker dat daar Donderdagaand geen huisbrake aangemeld is nie. Die offisiere het, in samewerking met die Highlands Panorama Nuus, die “Plakker projek” geloods. Die plakkers wat deur die Highlands Panorama geborg is, was gebruik om die gemeenskap se aandag te fokus op potensiele nalatige gedrag wat mag bydra tot die misdaad statistieke in Lydenburg. 35 Plakkers is geplak op hekke wat oopgestaan het. Verskeie hekke het wel kettings en slotte aangehad, maar dit blyk dat dit slegs “ornamente” is, aangesien die hekke wa-wyd oop staan deur die nag. Die offisiere het weereens fisies die hekke toegemaak en plakkers op die hekke aangebring om die inwoners attent te maak op hul nalatige gedrag. 12 Plakkers is geplak op voertuie wat oornag op sypaadjies geparkeer word. Een voertuig het selfs met oop vensters op 'n pikdonker sypaadjie in Nelstraat gestaan.

Nuwe Fortuners, Land Rovers, en Audi's word sommer oornag op sypaadjies gelos. Strate wat as “probleem area's” geidentifiseer is, sluit onder andere, Nic Schoeman str, Minnaar str, Goud str, Ruiter str, Nel str, Lydenburg str, Marais str, Finsbury str, Kerk str. en verskeie strate in die Heads in. Inwoners in hierdie gebiede moet asb hul samewerking gee en hulle erwe se hekke sluit. Verskeie hekke het wawyd oopgestaan terwyl duur motors, motorfietse en selfs 'n boot in die opritte staan. Ander kommerwekkende waarnemings: Te veel mense loop laatnag alleen in die strate rond. Die SAPD het by 5 mense gestop en hulle gevra hoekom hulle in die middel van die nag rondloop en het verskonings gekry soos, “ek het honger geword en garage toe geloop vir ietsie om te eet” (10 uur in die aand), “ek kom van die werk af en is oppad na my suster toe” (net voor 1 uur in die oggend), “ek het 'n jeug byeenkoms bygewoon en is nou oppad huistoe (1 uur in die oggend), “ek kan nie slaap nie, daarom stap ek bietjie, ek doen dit gereeld” (11 uur in die aand). Donker strate is nog steeds een van die mees bydraende faktore tot ons misdaadsyfer. Buiten die feit dat straatligte in meeste dele van Sektor 2 buite werking is, skakel inwoners glad nie buiteligte aan nie. Dit maak dit baie moeilik vir enige mens om van die straat af te kan sien of daar ongewenste karakters in 'n erf rondloop, skuil of kwaad doen. In sommige strate is tot 4 huise langs mekaar pik donker en bebos.

Daar is egter wel waargeneem dat een of twee inwoners wel die polisie se pleidooie om ligte aan te skakel ernstig opneem. Vir hierdie inwoners wil ons bedank omdat hulle 'n bydra lewer tot s uks es volle misdaadvoorkoming Dit is egter steeds kommerwekkend dat inwoners in veral die area rondom die Lydenburg Laerskool nog steeds geen poging aanwend om hul huise te belig nie. Ons probleem areas die afgelope ses maande is nog steeds die area rondom Finsbury- en Nel strate. Ons doen 'n

Hierdie plakkers is deur Highlands Panorama Nuus geborg.

beroep op inwoners om hande te vat met die SAPD in 'n poging om misdadige aktiwiteite in hierdie areas te bekamp. Die publiek word gevra om saam te staan en hul buurte te beveilg. Buurtwagstelsels kan op die been gebring word, maar daarvoor het ons bereidwillige en gemotiveerde inwoners nodig. Inwoners kan gerus vir Kaptein Koos Helberg kontak by 013-235 1311 x 255 vir meer

inligting omtrent die Buurtwagstelsel. Ons beoog om op 'n gereelde basis soortgelyke optredes te hou. RED: Onverantwoordelike optrede soos dié lok in werklikheid misdadigers, so die traak-my-nie-agtige houding raak nie net vir u nie, maar u optrede maak dit moeilik vir ons almal. Ons dank aan die polisie wat omgee.

Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort While stocks last. Terms & Conditions Apply BURGERSFORT

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News/ Nuus

14 Maart / March

• Vrydag 15 Maart 18:00 vir 18:30 Lewende Woord Lydenburg (langs Laske Nakke) bied hulle “moewie local” aan. Bespreek by 013 235 2463 • Saterdag 16 Maart. NG Kerk Suid. Die 12de Suikerbosstreek Konferensie

en Strelitziatak se 40ste verjaardag vind plaas. Registrasie begin om 08:00. Skakel vir Heather: 072 288 9398, Petro 071 678 8211 of Heleen 084 588 3472. • Donderdag 21 Maart. Ouwerf se Plaasmuseumfees, 7km

buite Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. Lekker speeletjies, eetgoed, potjiekoskompetisie, toeka-tot-nou modevertoning, kunsuitstalling, vele meer. Stalletjies teen R50. Kuier soos in ou dae met

Stuur asseblief al jul dagboekgebeure vir die jaar in na michelleboshoff@yahoo.com of michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za Dit sal aangebring word op hierdie bladsy sodat daar ook nie oorvleuling is met gebeure nie. Please send in all your diary entries for the year to michelleboshoff@yahoo.com or michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za This will ensure that dates do not overlap and everyone gets the chance to organise an event where the whole community can attend.

plaasatmosfeer. Vanaf 10:00. Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222. • Maandag 8 April. 18:00. Relay for Life vergadering en verkiesing van nuwe komitee. Imbali, Lydenburg. Isobel: 084 329 8737/ Elsa: 083 599 3496. • Saterdag 27 April. AGS Rehobot Gemeente en Volle Evangelie Kerk hou saam basaar. Skakel Teresa Holtzhausen 084 515 5661 of Theresa Coetzee 082 903 5733. • AP Kerk se datums vir die dagboek. 18 Mei - Basaar, 24 Sept - Wildsfees Gereelde afsprake: • Die Lydenburg Ringbalklub speel elke Dinsdag en Donderdag by die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Oefeninge begin om 18:00. Drienie: 072 649 0349.

Bederf vir Rusoord Winner with Novartis and

Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic

Elmarie Schoeman, Theuns Van Staden en Martin Venter

Dorianne Over, a client of the Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic in Lydenburg

Sonia Pretorius, Elmarie Schoeman, Jan Schoeman, Theuns Van Staden, Martin Venter van Martins Begrafnisdienste DIE Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes is onlangs deur Martins Begrafnisdienste bederf. Martins het te hore gekom van ’n dame wie se kind oorlede is. Sy het kolwyntjies gebak om geld bymekaar te maak om ’n grafsteen vir die kind se graffie te koop. Martins het haar toe ondersteun deur kolwyntjies te koop en die lekkernye aan Rusoord te skenk. Op die foto’s geniet Rusoord se inwoners die lekker bederfie. Indien die publiek die projek wil ondersteun, skakel gerus vir Martins Begrafnisdienste by 084 587 5666. Rusoord bedank almal vir die lekker bederf en bedank ook graag vir Martins met die projek om fondse vir die grafsteen in te samel. Jeanetta Kruger en Andrea Coetzee.

“WIN your share of R50000 !!!”. Now how many of us have entered competitions like that and never won anything? Dorianne Over, a client of the Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic in Lydenburg, never thought she'd win either. However she was gratefully surprised by a phone call from a Novartis Animal Health representative telling her that she was one of 25 Winners to Win R2 000 to spend at their local Veterinary outlet. The Prac-tic Summer Campaign Competition run by Novartis Animal Health, was open

to all clients visiting the veterinarian during the period of October 2012 – December 2012. All consumers had to do to stand a chance of winning their share of R50000-00 to spend at their local veterinarian was to answer one easy question on Prac-tic, a topical spot-on solution for the treatment and prevention of tick and flea infestations in dogs, it was that easy. Novartis Animal Health South Africa, would like to congratulate Dorianne Over and all the Winners in this well supported competition.

Hou Winterfees se datum oop 24 Mei hou Laerskool Burgersfort Reunie op die skool gronde. 17:00 vir 17:30 Dit sal in die vorm van ’n bring en braai wees, Skool gee pap en sous. Springkasteel om kiddies besig te hou terwyl die ouer garde lekker kuier. Vir verdere inligting skakel die skoolkantoor 013 231 7609. 25 Mei Winterfees by Laerskool Burgersfort. Ray Daylan tree op as gaskunstenaar. Charlie en Leslie tree ook op. Hope stalletjies en aktiwiteite vir kinders, Groot skerm rugby. Vir inligting aangaande stalletjies en kaartjies skakel die skool kantoor by 013 231 7609.

Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013


Ou bome deel van historiese erfenis

HIERDIE reuse palmboom op die hoek van Voortrekker en De Beerstrate is ’n tyd gelede deur die weer raak geslaan. Die reuse boom troon dubbel so hoog as die meeste mooi bome in De Beerstraat uit. Die pragwoning, Camdeboo, wat 115 jaar oud is, behoort tans aan Kobus en Roelien Joubert. Hierdie woning op erf 108 en die aangrensende drie erwe (106 en 107) was vanaf 1904 in besit van mnr. Carel Theodorus Rabie, vader van mnr. David Christoffel van der Merwe Rabie en oupa van die bekende mnr. Pieter Rabie, boer van Lydenburg. Carel was een van die stigterslede van Lydenburg en was ’n prokureur wat die hele distrik tot sover as Pilgrims Rest bedien het. Hy was ook verantwoordelik vir die aanplant van die pragboom. C.T. Rabie (Snr) w a s a f g e s i e n v a n p r o k u r e u r, o o k Stadsraadslid van Lydenburg, Burgermeester en Volksraadslid. Camdeboo is in 1898 deur ene Frank McLachlan gebou. Lydenburg het afgesien van sy ryk historiese erfenis van ou geboue, ook verskeie bome gehad wat meer as 100 jaar gelede aangeplant was. Wie kan nog die laning bloekombome op pad visserye toe en die laning in Viljoenstraat naby die woonwapark onthou? Gelukkig is van hierdie bome soos die “monkey puzzle” in Wenakker se terrein, nog behoue. Ou bome word dikwels summier afgekap omdat hulle wortels paaie en plaveisels oplig, of omdat hulle uitheems is, of om plek te maak vir nuwe ontwikkeling, sonder dat mense besef die “ou” tuine is deel van ons historiese erfenis. Andre Coetzee.

Pragtige (jonger) palmbome kom ook laer af in De Beerstraat voor

REDUCE YOUR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS! Email: flischmandc@mweb.co.za Call: 074 698 5283

PUBLIC NOTICE The Speaker of Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Cllr V.S Magagula invites members of the public to attend an ordinary Council meeting scheduled as follows: Date : 20 March 2013 Venue: Lydenburg Council Chamber Time : 10h00 It should be further noted that the meeting was supposed to be held on the 14th March 2013 and was therefore postponed. For further inquiries please contact: Speaker's Office during office hours on: 013 235 7334


Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013

Stukkie paradys vir roofdiere en ander spesies NABY Middelburg, op die Loskopdampad, word ’n stukkie paradys geskep. Die roofdierplaas, uBHETYAN o AFRICA behoort aan Deon en Susan Cornelius. Dit is 908 hektaar groot, met tipiese hoëveld grasveld. Die toevlugsoord is uitsluitlik vir Suid Afrikaanse Roofdiere, maar later sal voorsiening gemaak word vir al die Afrika roofdier spesies. Daar is ook gewone wild soos kameelperd, waterbok, blouwildebees, rooihartbees, blesbok, rooibok, gemsbok, eland en sebra op die plaas. Roofdiere sluit in leeus, wit leeus, luiperd, tierboskat, rooikat, ratel, bruin hiëna, gestreepte hiëna (sudan), gevlekte hiëna, “fennic” vos, stokstert meerkat, swartpoot wildekat,

vaalboskat, muishonde, wilde honde, bakoor jakkals en grootkol muskejaatkat. Die plaas bied jaggeleenthede vir gewone wild (geweer en boogjag) akkommodasie, (tentkampe en grasdak chalets) swembad, spanbou geleenthede, skoolfunksies en uitstappies, funksies, perdry, visvang, roeibote, restaurant en kroeg, spa, paint ball en wildbesigtiging met kundige begeleiding aan. Gaan kyk gerus na hulle webblad. www.ubhetyanoafrica. Kontakbesonderhede: Susan Cornelius e-pos: firm-oseal@webmail.co.za • Die Oud-Natuurbewaarders van die TPA bedank Deon Cornelius vir die borgskap van die komende naweek. Hou die koerant dop vir Andre Coetzee se opvolgberig oor die reunie van die natuurbewaarders.

Die hoof lodge Witleeus



Disability Forum reaching new heights

The Thaba Chweu Disablitiy Forum at a meeting last Thursday.


HE Thaba Chweu Disability Forum and its stakeholders held a successful meeting last Thursday to get their agenda and program on track for 2013. The Thaba Chweu disability forum was formed by the municipality and is facilitated by them in order to achieve public participation, good governance and accountability on challenges facing people with disability. The Forum was launched on the 27 November 2012 and the 12 members are representatives from each disability organisation and/ or centre. The disability organisations and centres include: Estralita School, Wenakker, Ama wheelies, DPSA, DeafSA, Impumelo, Masibambisane, Leroro Motlatse, Ikageng, Ipepeng, Ithuteng, and Moremela. To identify gaps in service provision and act as a subcommittee of the IDP forum of the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality to ensure disability mainstreaming in IDP (integrated development plan)

Focus areas include: Employment: there is serious lack of employment opportunities for the disabled and a high level of discrimination against them. Transport: there is lack of accessible public transport for the physically challenged. Housing: houses are often not accessible to people with disabilities. Includes RDP's. Accessibility: most public and private buildings are not designed to carter for the needs of the disabled. Public schools are often not designed to be accessible for people with disabilities. Funding: there is a lack of adequate funding to support disability-related initiatives. There are not enough awareness programs implemented which could curb misconceptions about people with disabilities. Sport development is very important for Mpumalanga and its tourism industry. For more information contact Barry Botes barry@amawheelies.co.za or phone him at 079 875 5040; Albina Mahlangu from the Thaba Chweu Municipality at 013 235 7413; Felix Lugwale phone 071 3032669, email feligwalungu@yahoo.co.uk

Tel / Fax: (013) 235 4482 Swembad Centre, c/o Potgieter & Viljoen Street, Lydenburg


LARAMIE SPUR Cnr Potgieter & Viljoen Street, Lydenburg. Tel: 013 235 1707

Except consignment stock.

LARAMIE SPUR Donderdag 14/03/2013 18h00

Old Swimming Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

Nuus / News

14 Maart / March 2013

Two Rivers Mine goes all out! and I'll shave my hair off for the CANSA Shavethon”. Everybody working on the mine, including contractors, quickly got busy raising money and by Thursday morning 8:45am they had raised R128 000 for CANSA. This is a remarkable achievement with the economy in these times and they even surprised themselves! By Thursday afternoon they raised a total of R135 000. With this said, Mr Adriaan de Beer and the Two Rivers Mine team would like to thank the Two Rivers Platinum family as well as the following contractors: Eurochain, Fraser Alexander, Duraset, BP/Castrol, F.P. van Zyl, Siphesible Transport / TA TMR'S, Rocbolt Resins, Platinum Health, Te m o n g , G - LTA , Synntech, MaxT Solutions, North West Recycling, Wezcan, Macsteel, Precrete, Willbatt, Bilnor, Booyco, TTS, GO Transmissions, Adriaan de Beer and Lappies L u m c o r, K u t t i n g , Labuschagne AQS, Sasol and Rham.


Cansa Shavathon thanks press: Highlands Panorama News

ON Tuesday morning the Business Leader of Two Rivers Mine, Mr Adriaan de Beer took a dare to the next level when he told fellow colleagues: “Raise R50 000 for CANSA

Sponsored ad by Highlands Panorama News

Director Matlala (ARM Corporate)


In terms of Section 127(5) of the Local Government Municipality Finance Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) read with Section 21 (a) of the local Government: Municipal System Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000),The Honourable Speaker Cllr V S Magagula invites the local community to submit written representations regarding the Annual Report. The Annual Report 2011/2012 will be open for inspection at the following offices of Council as from 11 March 2013 (07h30 – 16h00 daily, weekends excluded) Lydenburg Administrative Unit Civic Centre Viljoen & Sentraal LYDENBURG 1120

Gerhard Rossouw and Frikkie Vermaak

Marius Pretorius

Mawesha Seopa is getting his hair sprayed

Graskop Administrative Unit Civic Centre Hoof Street GRASKOP 1270

The closing date for submission of representations is 12h00 on the 25th March 2013 (written submission must be submitted at the above-mentioned offices) People who are challenged in terms of reading and/or writing skills are welcome to visit the following offices of council personally during normal office hours where they will be assisted to formulate their written representations. LYDENBURG ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Communications and Marketing Manager- Civic Center, Lydenburg Mr C Nkuna SABIE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Unit Manager; Mr S. S. Selekane GRASKOP ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Unit Manager; Mr K. Mashego MASHISHING ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Unit Manager; Mr W. Tshie PO BOX 61 LYDENBURG 1120

Semetsa Thobejane

Sabie Administrative Unit Civic Centre 8th Avenue SABIE 1160

Notice no: 10/2013



14 Maart / March 2013

Nuus / News

Raakpraters was eerste klas

Graad 2 Corli Vermeulen 2de en Wian Corbett 1st

Graad 7 1ste Monique Language, 2de Chris-Marie Ebersohn en in die 3de plek Kganya Maapea STEELPOORT Akademie het op 25 Februarie hulle jaarlikse Redenaarsaand gehou. Groot en klein het deelgeneem. Die tonge was los en die woorde het gevlieg! Baie dankie aan al die organiseerders en geluk aan al die wenners, julle is voorwaar raakpraters.

Graad 6 1ste Maryke de Jager, 2de Lourencia v Dyk en 3de Yanke Engelbrecht

Graad 3 Anco v Staden 1ste, 2de Monique v Pletzen en 3de Chante' Pieterse

Graad 1 1ste Adriaan de Jager, 2de Simone' Gouws en 3de Xander v Jaarsveld

Ohrigstadpad 1.4km

Robot Burgersfort

Burgersfort 110m Animal Farm

BY die jaarlikse Interlaer te Sabie het hierdie leerders almal 'n brons medalje verwerf. Medalje wenners by interlaer (op foto): Arrie Heyl 80m Hekkies 2de Verspring, 3de Hoogspring Monique Language 1ste Gewigstoot, 3de - 75m Hekkies en Hoogspring Lourencia van Dyk 3de –Gewigstoot en Verspring, Tabeel Zeeman 3de - 100m Jacques Coetzee 3de gewigstoot, Mpho Nkomane 3de Hoogspring, Chanelle du Preez 3de Hoogspring en 80m), Johan Roux 3de Verspring, Deputy Matsebula 3de 80m Shanel Dipasella 3de 60m en 80m, Christiaan Kruger 1ste 80m Hekkies en Hoogspring Tokollo Makgolane 1ste 1200m, Karabo Makoale 1ste Verspring, Dineo Mabilu 1ste 1200m, Teboho Theahiso 1ste 70m Hekkies, Verspring en 2de 100m en High Jump, Joshua Moloto 1ste 60m, Maryke de Jager 2de - 1 200m, Alfred Dinaroonha 2de 70m Hekkies, Lorraine Mojalefa 2de - Gewigstoot, Lodewyk le Grange 1ste Verspring, 2de Hoogspring, Blessing Hamandishe 2de 80m en 3de 60m, Kamogelo Mapakge 2de 100m, Kamogelo Mapalekane 2de 1500m en 3de 800m

The Animal Farm in Burgersfort is home to several rescued and rehabilitated animals that have been fortunate enough to cross the path of Johan and Wessel. It is with dedication and love they are gently nursed back to health and learn that people can in fact care. Johan and Wessel have now developed a wonderful place to have a day out for families. Here where the children can experience up close interaction with the animals such as horses, ponies, cows, ducks and pigs as well as a swimming pool, braai facilities, a driving range, go carts , childrens bicycles, a playground and other open air activities with background music. The funds these facilities raise will in turn help fund the rescue and rehabilitation of the animals.


14 Maart / March 2013



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COTY Award shocker!

embarrassment for Wesbank as the sponsor and indeed for every manufacturer who took part.

Range Rover Evoque Si4 Dynamic 5dr - 181

About the only thing they got half right was a high score for the Toyota 86, but again that car was not compared to anything similar. It is by a long shot the best car in its class. Same with Kia Rio. It was unfairly disadvantaged.

The South African Guild of Motoring Journalists have totally lost the plot. The competition is all wrong. How can you compare a Porsche to a Kia? How can you THIS year's South African Car of the Year competition has produced a shock include a double cab bakkie in this competition? result, with the Porsche Boxster becoming the first sports car to win the Incidentally, the public overwhelmingly chose the excellent Ford Ranger as the prestigious prize. The winner of the competition, sponsored by WesBank and winner, with the Kia Rio a strong second. Having personally tested both these conducted by the SA Guild of Motoring Journalists, was announced at a gala dinner vehicles as well as most of the others, I concur that the public was right and the at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg on 6 March. SAGMJ got totally wrong. Porsche should give the trophy back! FINAL SCORING This result however, makes the Ford look decidedly bad and will damage its reputation. Ford should sue the SAGMJ! Porsche Boxster - 221 votes

Toyota 86 High Spec - 177 Kia Rio 1.4 TEC Hatch - 144

A car competition should be simple and logical. Compare (size for size) a Lexus, Audi, Mercedes, VW CC and BMW in one class. The Golf, Astra, Hyundai i30, Chev Cruze and Alfa in another and VW Polo, Kia Rio, Hyundai Accent and Chevy

Lexus GS 350 EX - 143 Hyundai i30 1.8 Executive - 106 BMW 320i Automatic - 104 Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG-T Tekna (leather) - 79 Opel Meriva 1.4T Cosmo - 67 Ford Ranger 3.2 XLT 4X4 DC AT - 56 Toyota Yaris 1.5 HSD Xs - 47 Mercedes-Benz B180 CDI 7G-DCT - 35 This is no doubt proving to be a controversial result, many arguing that a niche car like the Boxster is not enough of an 'all-rounder' to win the title, but if one looks at the guild's definition of a Car of the Year winner then it is totally legitimate. Primarily, the SA COTY competition, which has been run each year since 1986, rewards automotive excellence and the winning vehicle must score highly in its own class, not against the other finalist vehicles, as is often thought, across a variety of categories including value for money, safety, dynamics, technology and aesthetics. The Boxster has redefined its market segment, according to the jury of 30 motoring journalists, and “raised the bar in terms of performance, dynamics, quality, value and desirability”, to beat the other 11 finalists for top honours.

S o n i c i n a n o t h e r . C o m p a r e Nissan’s Micra with i10, Spark and Picanto. Compare the Ranger with Hilux, Amarok, Isuzu, Mazda BT 50 and Navara. Compare a Porsche with a GTR, Lambo or Ferrari.

The points-scoring system used for the South African competition is similar to that used in the European COTY equivalent. But whereas many of these international competitions simply ask the jury members to cast a vote based on their previous experiences, our competition sees the jury members pit each of the finalists through stringent testing at the Gerotek testing facility in Gauteng. This year, for the first time, the jury also voted to apply an equaliser to the results after a number of finalist manufacturers failed to adhere to the Car of the year rule of supplying vehicles in standard specification for evaluation purposes. Many of the test vehicles featured what the jury believed to be unreasonable levels of optional equipment. In some cases this included technological innovations that improve the vehicle's ride and handling characteristics. The cars in question were evaluated and voted for in the condition in which they were delivered; however the guild then applied a mathematical equation to the final votes in order to compensate for any advantage that the vehicles may have gained due to their increased spec levels. motoring.co.za ED: This is indeed the worst news in our motoring history ever. There is no doubt that the Porsche is undeniably a good car. But the result is an

Book your Test Drive in the all new Sorento & become part of our family! Picture for illustrative purpose only.


14 Maart / March 2013

More COTY fallout FOLLOWING on the SA Guild of Motoring Journalists (of which I am fortunately not a member) major mess with the COTY awards (see previous page), motoring pages and websites are inundated with comments and scathing attacks on this dubious competition. The matter could be considered a joke, but it actually is a huge embarrassment for Wesbank as a vehicle financing body, to have their name connected to this farce as a sponsor. The same goes for Porsche management (the brand of which I hold in high esteem) to solemnly sit and receive the trophy and bask in its glory. By implication they are now part of this massive, but costly joke. Let us analyse the competition: By its own accord, the SAGMJ says that it did not compare a double cab to a sportscar, but that each car was individually scored. Ne! So, because the Boxter could not be compared to another sportscar it was sub-consciously compared to a Kia, hence the points difference. So, all the mathematical formulae and complicated rules are just a ruse to hide the subjectivity of the competition. Why not simplify the whole issue and admit that the Porsche handled better, had the best suspension, was the safest, looked the best and was without a doubt the best entrant. That would have been believable. That would have added credibility to the contest. But look carefully at the results. The Kia Rio was better than a Lexus GS 350 EX. Really? Here’s a tip Kia, you should charge R 500 000 for your Rio, because you are sitting with a car here that is better than a Lexus, a BMW and a Mercedes! Struth, the COTY competition and the SAGMJ gurus have proven that. Another tip, Toyota, you should discontinue the Yaris. It is rubbish. It came second last. Really, the SAGMJ said so. The Opel Meriva (and I am an Opel fan) is a niche vehicle. It may be good, and I think it is because I tested it, but sorry, it is not popular. Yet it is better than a Ford Ranger Double Cab. COTY proved that. You think? The Hyundai i30 is much better than the extremely popular and capable Nissan Juke. The SAGMJ thinks so. I need not go on. The media (owners and editors) should look at their motoring journalists (because they pay the salaries). These guys cannot distinguish a dipstick from a spark plug, by the look of things. They are impressed by electronic gadgets. Driving aids that park cars automatically impress them. All the techno junk that breed stupid, half asleep drivers, impress them. Electric power steering impresses them. They do not seem to understand the mechanics of hydraulic systems. Sponsors and manufacturers should come up with a new COTY competition. One that is in line with public thinking. One with credibility.


Nuwe toetsstasie vir beter diens in Lydenburg ’n NUWE private voertuigtoetsstasie het onlangs sy deure in Lydenburg oopgemaak. Dié ultramoderne private toetsstasie kan enige voertuig se padwaardigheid toets en is oral geakkrediteer om geldige sertifikate uit te reik. Die toetsstasie is geleë in Kooperasiestraat naby die silos en langs Autohausen Smart, in die Devel Industriële Park. Dit word bestuur deur mnr. Martin Luus en die bekende en goed gekwalifiseerde mnr. Rassie Erasmus is die toetsbeampte. Hulle beloof om puik diens te verskaf teen billike tariewe sonder die afsprake, waglyste, rompslomp en administratiewe wanorde wat deesdae die norm by plaaslike owerhede is. Gaan besoek hulle gerus of kontak hulle by 013 235 3168, 076 284 2657 of 084 544 2474. Andre Coetzee

Best SUV & Crossover City & Suburban VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 Johan Lubbe: / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Helena Jansen v Vuuren: 082 319 8456 082 908 9113

Hyundai Lydenburg

14 Maart / March 2013



Hyundai i20 now Wen by Falcon available with turbodiesel power Lydenburg THE addition of Hyundai Automotive South Africa's new i20 1.4 CRDi Glide to its passenger car range, has created the most complete line-up of a Hyundai model locally. The Hyundai i20 range now boasts five derivatives – topped by the new 1.4 CRDi Glide with its turbodiesel engine. In 2012 Hyundai launched the popular i20 in a revised and refreshed form – both inside and out – which heightened its appeal to a new, younger group of car buyers. Then, towards the end of last year, the entry-level i20 1.2 Motion – with an impressive list of standard features was added to the range to satisfy the needs of buyers in this segment, who had to keep their eyes firm on their budget. The entry of the new 1.4 turbodiesel derivative to the i20 range now creates even more choice and is expected to increase the substantial market share that this small hatch back model already enjoys in its segment. It is a fitting way to finish off Hyundai Automotive SA's most comprehensive model range with an attractive flagship derivative. As with its i20 siblings, the new 1.4 CRDi Glide boasts a long list of standard equipment and convenience features – with the important added benefit of a substantially lower price than its direct competitors. The value offered by the new addition to the i20 range is evident when its comprehensive specification list is compared with those of its competitors. By email

FALCON Lydenburg het met ’n inisiatief vorendag gekom om mense te help bespaar. Kliënte wat hul voertuie na hulle neem vir herstel, dienste ensomeer, staan 'n kans om dit gratis te kry. Een maal ’n maand sal daar ’n trekking wees en staan die publiek ’n kans om dit waarvoor jy jou voertuig ingebring het, heeltemal gratis te kry! Vir meer inligting skakel Raymond of Ansie Steyn by Falcon op 013 235 4846. Reinet Bell. Onthou Falcon bied ’n verskeidenheid van dienste en produkte vir jou motor aan. Dit sluit klanktoerusting, outo elektriese herstelwerk, konvensionele dienste (olie filters, remme, koppelaars ens.) herbedrading ens in. Hulle was bv. die enigste mense in Lydenburg wat my bakkie se elektriese ruite en my dogter se motor se ruitveërs kon uitsorteer, nadat die agente tou opgegooi het. Hulle het ook radio en klanktoerusting in drie van my voertuie vervang en installeer. Probeer hulle dus gerus. Andre Coetzee

Mechanical / Auto Electrical Parts & Service Tel: 013 235 4846, Fax: 013 235 2253, 32 de Clerq Street, Lydenburg, E-Mail: rgsteyn@mweb.co.za



talrad t



14 Maart / March 2013

The truth about safety belts and pregnant women DESPITE some pregnant women's worry that seat belts or airbags could harm a baby in an accident, expectant mothers who are not wearing a seatbelt during a car crash are more likely to lose the baby, according to a US study. The results, which appeared in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, reinforce the findings of other studies that link seat belts with better chances of keeping both mother and baby alive. Senior author Haywood Brown, the chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke University Medical Centre, said: “One thing we're always concerned about is educating patients on seatbelt use. “Nonetheless, like all individuals, some choose and some do not choose to wear their seatbelt.” To get a better sense of which women don't use seatbelts and how that affects the outcome of their pregnancies, Brown and his colleagues searched through a trauma registry at Duke University Hospital. They found 126 cases of women in their second and third trimesters who had been in a car crash and cared for at the hospital between 1994 and 2010. Three foetuses, or 3.5 percent, died among the 86 mothers who were wearing a seatbelt during the accident. Another three - 25 percent in this case - died among the 12 mothers who were not wearing a seatbelt. “The worst thing you can do is have the mother get hurt.” Kathleen DeSantis Klinich, a researcher at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, who wasn't part of the study, agreed: “The best way to protect the mother and protect the baby is to have the mother wear a seatbelt.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that seat belts should be worn at all times, and the lap belt should be fitted low across the hip bones, below the belly. Women without a seatbelt were more likely to be first-time mothers than those who wore a seatbelt. Brown said it was possible that the habit of buckling in children might prompt mothers to put on their own seatbelt. FATAL CONDITION Airbags came out in 17 of the accidents, and in those cases the mother was more likely to experience the placenta separating from the uterus - a condition that can be fatal for the mother or the child. Catherine Vladutiu, a researcher at the University of North Carolina who was not involved with this research, said it was likely the airbag itself was not to blame for such serious consequences. She said: “The airbag is a function of how severe the crash was, so it's hard to ease out whether that had any direct effect.”

Remote jamming on the increase THERE has been an increase in the number of criminals who block cars’ central locking signals. The crime, which they say has become a trend, is so common that Cape Town officers apprehend an average of 10 criminals a month. Criminals watch motorists parking in the CBD and as they activate their central locking, the criminals press another electronic device, which blocks the signal of the car’s remote control. Once the motorist has walked away, the criminal then climbs into the unlocked car and steals the owner’s possessions. Muneeb Hendricks, said the trend took root in other CBDs around the country. It had taken off in the Cape Town CBD from October. “People often look away or activate their alarm while walking away and they don’t notice that the car hasn’t been locked. “The alarm lights will go off but people need to check that doors are locked or use the keys to close their cars,” Hendricks said. He said security officers regularly caught people jamming alarms. Hendricks said the two main crime challenges in the CBD were alarm-jamming and theft in restaurants. He said people had to be more vigilant with their belongings and not leave bags on the floor or their cellphones on counters. “Criminals are opportunistic. The Cape Town CBD has 220 security officers who patrol the streets 24 hours a day and also work with the South African Police Service and metro police on crime prevention and other operations. “If people know they are being watched from all angles then they will realise there is no opportunity to commit crime,” Hendricks said.

“I would err on the side of considering it an indicator of crash severity.”

Hendricks added: “Crime is everyone’s problem but property owners and the public need to take ownership.

Brown said that some women disarmed the airbag for fear that it would damage the baby in case of a crash, but “it's not the smart thing to do because it will save your life if the airbag comes out.”

“If anything happens they need to inform the police so we can put the resources in areas where there are complaints.”

Klinich agreed, noting that her research had found that airbags, if anything, were beneficial because they protected the mother. “The bottom line is, you've got to wear your restraint because it decreases the risk not only for your injuries but injury to your child,” Brown said. - Reuters iol.motoring.co.za

Cape Times iol.motoring

Nuus / News

Nissan Micra very cool! NISSAN's innovative 'My Ride, My Rules' campaign is proving to be a South African social media sensation, elevating the Micra to new levels of coolness and personifying the company's philosophy of 'Innovation that Excites'. The campaign, launched late last year, invites people to demonstrate their creativity and individuality by designing their very own Micra on Nissan's Facebook page. As well as a uniquely branded fleet of Nissan Micras stirring up attention and mass public interest at a series of live events, the campaign has led to Nissan more than doubling its Facebook 'Likes' to over 37,000. Following the holiday activations which took place during the December period in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Plettenberg Bay and Durban as well as a radio drive in January, the campaign has followed on with student-focused activations as the academic year kicked off in February. With the Facebook-based competition speaking to the youthful and hip individuals who are used to expressing their lifestyles and personalities with the car they drive, Nissan's Facebook statistics have shot through the roof as a result of the increased activity. With just over 11 100 'likes' on the Nissan Facebook page before the start of the campaign, the end of February saw a total of over 25 500 total 'likes', 14 400 of them being accumulated in just over ten weeks. Page activity, measured in a talk-to-likes ratio, is also high at 19.09% - nearly double the 10% threshold which is considered to be a good ratio. The design competition, which invites creative individuals to personally design their own Nissan Micra on the Nissan Facebook page, seeks to encourage people from all walks of life to express their personalities, views and passion in a virtual design environment. Entrants can change colours and create a unique mix of decals – with thousands of combinations available, the scope to create completely unique Micra is endless. The grand prize: a new Nissan Micra, branded with the winner's very own design! Janico Dannhauser, Product Marketing Manager for Passenger Vehicles at

14 Maart / March 2013


Nissan South Africa, says the overwhelming response to the campaign has exceeded expectations and the competition is generating mass interest in both the Nissan Micra and the Nissan brand. “Our Facebook page has boomed since we launched the competition and with one month still to go before it closes, we have had over 14 000 entries into the competition thus far. With holiday makers having enjoyed the campaign in December and the country's students now enjoying the Micra activations at RAG processions and student parties, there is no doubt that the Micra has realised a new level of coolness.” Competition entries are open until 31 March 2013 and entering is easy. Simply visit www.facebook.com/NissanSouthAfrica and 'like' the page. Then, click through to the 'My Ride, My Rules' design microsite where a blank canvas Micra awaits customisation. Save it, share it and get your friends to vote – think carefully and use your single vote on your favourite customised Micra – the Micra with the most votes will win the competition! By email

NP300 2.5 TDi LWB 4x4 S/C


Properties / Eiendomme

14 Maart / March 2013


KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 BAIE NETJIESE MEENTHUIS IN SEKURITEITSKOMPLEKS Lae heffing. 2 Slk met ing kaste, 2 badk met stort en bad. Netjiese komb met eethoek + plek vir skottelgoedw. Ekstragroot garage met elektroniese deur en baie rakke. Alarm, diefwering en veiligheidshekke. Dubbelmotorafdak

R 910 000

Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.

TE HUUR: • 3 Slk, 2 badk woning - R5 000 / mnd • 3 Slk woning - R6 400 / mnd TE KOOP: • Netjiese 2 slk w/stel, sentraal geleë, enkel geriewe en 1 mot. Sekuriteitskompleks R680,000 • 3 Slk won, goeie omgewing, netjiese komb/opwas, sit/eetk, woonarea met kaggel en stoep, braai, swembad, boorgat, 2 mot, 3 afdakke, ens - R2,4 milj o.h.b • 2 Slk, 2 badk, oopplan sit/komb, opwas/wask, 1 mot + afdak + 1 slk w/stel, wendy, groot omheinde erf, borrelbad en braaiarea - R1,250 milj • 3 Eenhede op een erf - 2 slk won, 3 slk won, 2 slk w/stel, elk met eie motorhuis en erf. Goeie belegging vir verhuring - R1,6 milj • 4 Slk woning met 3 badk, 1 stud, ruim woonareas, komb, wask, pakkamers, boorgat - R1,450 milj • 3 Slk, 2 badk woning met ruim woonvertrek/oopplan komb, 2 mot, - R1,150 milj


Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens.

R1 580 000. If ever you have spotted a value-for-money deal in Lydenburg – this is it! Situated in a quiet and central area, well secured, large stand with pool. Four bedrooms, spacious open plan kitchen, dining and lounge area, double garage with additional double carport. Good privacy. Gerda Whitehorn 079 515 7799; 013 235 1146 gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za

stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 Kantoor: admin@qsrealty.co.za / 079 549 7052

Vakante betrekking: Droomhuis vir beginners. Ruim huis met lekker This lovely three bedroom en suite Netjiese drie groot erf, 3 slaapkamer townhouse set in the slaapkamer huis, huis, 2 badkamers, popular complex is an twee badkamers, absolute delight from the sitkamer, eetkamer, moment you step inside. sitkamer, eetkamer kombuis, aparte Ideal for the home owner kombuis in stil area. opwas, dubbel or astute investor looking Moet die een for a terrific property motorhuis. Erf 1402m² nie mis nie. Price reduced:

Verkoopsagent / Verhuringsagent * Eie vervoer * Tweetalig * Ondervinding in verkope sal in u guns tel.

Stuur Cv na: 0865673265 / epos

R1 350 000 stephanie@qsrealty.co.za R1 270 000 R1 150 000 Verskeie kantore, besigheidspersele, woonstelle en huise te huur.



3slpk, 2badk, studeerkamer, groot leefarea, dubbel garage – R9 500 Verskeidenheid 2slpk & 3slpk woonstelle beskikbaar vanaf R5 400 – R6 600

AKKOMODASIE VIR KONTRAKTEURS: 8 – 12 persone op plaas 10km buite Lydenburg 6 Slaapkamers met 6 badkamers, gesamentlike kombuis & sitkamer. Skoonmaak en wasgoed ingesluit. Ook 2slpk woonstel vir 4 persone water & elektrisiteit ingesluit Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net


• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint

Properties / Eiendomme

14 Maart / March 2013

SLEGS 65km vanaf Lydenburg lê die skilderagtige en idilliese dorpie van Waterval Boven. Huise in die dorp kan nog as baie bekostigbaar beskou word. Kooppryse wissel tussen R350 000 en R700 000. Soortgelyke eiendom elders wat dieselfde fasiliteite bied verhandel tans tussen R900 000 en R1,8 miljoen. Die volgende vergelykende somme wat aankoopprys, oordragkostes en maandelikse verband paaiemente betref kan gemaak word. (sien kolomme onder). Boven bied potensiële kopers die geleentheid om met 'n Bruto inkomste van R15 000 - R18 000 p.m 'n eie huis te kan besit! Sommige banke bied nog 100% lenings aan. Boven has much to offer to the potential / future property owner, and especially nature lovers, in the form of hiking trails, (9 km along the Elandsriver), trout fishing, mountain biking, rock climbing, hang gliding, game viewing and bird watching. An exciting Multi Billion development is, 'on the

cards' regarding the future development of the town and surrounding area – Refer Google – Kaplan Consultants Emgwenya – page 54 for more information. It is considered safe to venture outdoors after dark with the family or take the dog for a walk. The mild climate is ideal for the health of the aged. Boven is rich in history dating back to the relics of the Anglo Boer War. The distance between Boven and Lydenburg – past the picturesque Kwena Dam can be traveled in less than 45 min. Often quicker than it takes people staying in JHB to travel to their work only 10 km’s away. Ons gee om en wil u baie graag help en bystaan. Gerrie Coetzee: Sel no 078 612 5276

On Show Saturday (10:00 – 15:00) & Sunday (by appointment) Lydenburg


R1 350 000



R920 000

• Verskeie huise, woonstelle en meenthuise te huur.

Prys verlaag! Prime property, centrally situated Neat 3 bedroom family home on large stand. Private outside braai in business area. Sold within area linking up with modern 2 weeks as exclusive mandate. kitchen. Watch this space...

R1250 000.00

Gerda Whitehorn 079 515 7799 gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za

Pieter Pieterse 083 274 1986

2 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer siersteen huis met 'n jacuzzi op 1488 m² erf. Plus aparte 1 slaapkamer woonstel en loft wat omskep kan word in 3de slaapkamer. Hierdie eiendom het werklik potensiaal. Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653

• Kantoorspasie en Baie netjies en Veilig! winkelspasie te Meenthuis met huur. 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, met • Werkswinkel te onthaal area en jacuzzi huur. in gesogte kompleks. Jakes Schnetler : 082 347 0489 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653


Tel: (013) 235 2005


Eiendomme/properties R580 000 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer woonstel Met tuin en motorafdak R620 000 2 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, dupleks eenhede met 2 beveiligde motorafdakke R980 000 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis, 2 badkamers Studeerkamer en groot kombuis area 1 motorhuis R2 200 000 3 slaapkamer huis, met kantoor, woonstel, studeerkamer, swembad en nog

Kontak: 013 235 2653


www.era.co.za Lydenburg

R1 580 000 - OHB


R 1 100 000


082 904 8587

TE HUUR *2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 2 motorafdakke dupleks R5 200 / mnd *4 Slaapkamer luukse woonhuis met 5 Motorhuise R14 250 / mnd




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*3 Slaapkamer huis met groot erf R8 600 / mnd *1 Slaapkamer netjiese woonstel R4 500 / mnd

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R1 640 000


Investment! Main house + 2 bedroom flat + 1 bedroom flat, 7 Garages.

RONEL 083 262 2110



FANIE 072 317 3959


R3 750 Bachelor W/s R7 000 Meenthuis 3 Slp 2 Bad Dubbel motorhuis met eie erf R7 900 3 Slp 1 Bad 3 Motorhuis + Swembad R8 000 3 Slaap 2 Bad Dubbel motorhuis R10 000 3 Slaap 2 Bad Gaste toilet studeerkamer Dubbel Motorhuis R12 500 4 Slaap 4 Bad Dubbel motorhuis Aparte onthaal area NOG VELE MEER! Skakel Wilma 082 921 9991

More than 3500 offices in 36 countries and in excess of 40 000 sales associates worldwide



14 Maart / March 2013

Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com DIENSTE/ SERVICES

PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. enige vervoerwerk, 4 trok. Kontak Nico: 082 4592, Charlotte: 072 6424.

Vir ton 563 865

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS - best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 THE SIGN SHOP - For all your printing needs. 072 522 9273 PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 A-GRADE MIDDELBURG WENDY HOMES: Phone us for free quotes for A-Grade Wendy’s, Log cabins, , Decks and Steel huts. Website: www.wendyhomesmbd.co.z a E m a i l : wendyhomesmbd@telkoms a.net. Office nr: 013 246 1915 Cell: 083 675 5708


TREASURE TIME F O TO G R A F I E : t r o u e s , studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotograp hy.com SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 C L E A N I N G A L L upholsteries, carpets (undervelt) mattresses. Lydenburg. 082 833 0323

/ 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 HOUT R12 per sak. Sal aflewer. Stephan 084 810 4269 / Juan 082 419 1941 JAGMESSE TE KOOP Original Bowie knife (ongebruik) R850, Timber Wolf Jagmes (ongebruik) R300 Kontak Marius 072 273 2834 WAARDEVOLLE ronde imbuia konferensie / eetkamertafel met 10 riempiestoele. R16 000. Kontak Ds Conradie 082 850 5938 GROOT sitkamerstel. R1800. 078 005 9613 1985 MERCEDES series 230e. Mechanically excellent condition. 082 872 7908

REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 KC COMPUTERS & Networking - Your one stop computer shop, 59 Kantoor Street, 013 235 1178


013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg


EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614

OPREGTE YORKSHIRE TERRIERS - 2 reuntjies @ R2000 elk en 2 tefies @ R2500 elk. Ontwurm & 6 weke inspuiting toegedien. Beskikbaar 28/3/2013. 079 505 0845

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 013 235 1055/ 082 434 0026



SWANEE SIGNS - 013 235 1205 / 072 226 1776

ATLAS PANEELKLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART: Smart body and paint repairs. Hail damage, auto-electrical repairs. LED Light bars (LED spotlights) now in stock. Rubberising and all off-road equipment. 013 235 3596


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714 SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950

RUIM gemeubileerde Bachelor-rondavel op plaas tussen Lydenburg & Burgersfort. W & L & wasgoed ingesluit. R4000. Tel: 082 294 0846 GROOT 2 SLK woonstel -R 4800. 079 434 9234/ 071 474 4071


L K H A N D Y M A N SERVICES: Renovations Dry Walling - Welding Centurion Automation - all garage doors, paving, palisades & gates & any work @home. 082 746 5328

B O U VA N H U I S E e n aanbouings. NHBRC geregistreerd. Cel 083 288 6834

3 SLK gemeubileerde houthuis op plaas tussen Lydenburg & Burgersfort. Krag ingesluit, geen kinders, diere. R5000pm. Tel 082 294 0846

LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

ELECTRICIAN: Wiring of houses & issuing COC. 076 984 5898

3 & 2 BEDROOM apartments to let next to Westvaal Delta, water included, prepaid lights. R4000pm. Call 072 437 1148


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

REPA IR WINDSCREEN chips & cracks. 082 865 8956

& refuse. Flats to rent 2 bedroom, Lydenburg @ R4500, flats to rent 3 bedroom @ R6500. Contact 082 460 3000

LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg BENODIG DRINGEND huise om te verkoop. Kopers wat wag. Cel 083 288 6834 EK SOEK PLOT te koop van 20ha of meer. Nie klipperige area nie. 083 288 6834


DYNAMIC TRANSPORT & trailer hire. Affordable & reliable. Alex 072 685 0761

DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002


HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954

IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES PART TIME WAITERS & barmen required for private functions (24kms out of town) Contact Rebecca Watson 072 605 4147 / highlandgiants@gmail.com Claire Watson 071 354 7493/ hg.functions@gmail.com EIENDOMSAGENT benodig by Huizemark. Eie vervoer. Kommissie basis. Skakel Alit 083 288 6834


VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054

KLIPFONTEIN BOSKAMP Gerieflike boskamp te huur vir funksies, slaap 16 persone. Naweke R2500/nag gediens, R1750/nag selfsorg, Midweke - R1750/nag gediens, R1500/nag selfsorg. 082 775 6376

THE HEADS: 3 bed, 2 bath, spacious home. R8500 pm 082 301 4760 BACHELOR W/S vir enkel persoon. 082 470 5446 V E R S K E I E huureiendomme. Lydenburg Eiendomme 013 235 1986 BACHELOR woonstel 3km vanaf Steelpoort. Slegs enkel persoon. 072 763 4491 1 SLK woonstel, w+l ingesluit R3000 pm, beskikbaar einde Maart. Geen diere. 082 741 6737 SHOPS TO RENT 8 Voortrekker street Lydenburg, R6000 incl water

ODEN-ZIN LYDENBURG Qualified Boilermaker – site & mining experience & proof of Red Seal Certificate. Fax cv: 086 510 5299 PERSOONLIK/ PERSONAL EEN GOD, EEN GELOOF een doop, eenheid in geloof. (Efes 4) Ontdek die Waarheid, sms jou besonderhede na 084 587 2488 vir gratis DVD. KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES L I Q U I D AT I O N A N D D I S T R I B U T I O N ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LY ING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the

Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate 605/2012 S u r n a m e VA N R E N E N Christian names DENNIS I d e n t i t y n u m b e r 5201255093089 Description of account other than First and Final N/A Period of inspection other than 21 days N/A Magistrate’s Office LYDENBURG. Master ’s Office NELSPRUIT 2. Registered number of estate 609/2012 Surname ACKERMANN Christian names JOHANNA MARIA I d e n t i t y n u m b e r 2908180072086 Last address 3 BUITE STREET LY D E N B U R G 11 2 0 Description of account other than First and Final N/A Period of inspection other than 21 days N/A Magistrate’s Office LYDENBURG Master ’s Office NELSPRUIT Advertiser, and address VAN R E N E N H E Y N S ATTORNEYS P. O. BOX 261 LYDENBURG 1120, 72 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG 1120 Date 06/03/2013 Tel 013 235 1625 PROJECT REFERENCE N U M B E R : MP/30/5/1/1/2/10356PR PUBLIC COMMENTS INVITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE INTENT TO COMPILE AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR A PROSPECTING RIGHT IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 AND REGULATION 52 OF THE MINERAL AND P E T R O L E U M R E S O U R C E S DEVELOPMENT ACT, ACT NO 28 OF 2002: IN RESPECT OF THE FARM RUSTENBURG 108 JT, W A T E R V A L 1 2 0 J T, WATERVAL 119 JT AND G O E D E H O O P 1 4 2 J T, S I T U AT E D I N T H E MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF LYDENBURG. Hectopax Investments (Pty) Ltd is planning to conduct a prospecting programme on farms mentioned above and have lodged for a prospecting right for Platinum Group Metals with the Department of Mineral Resources Development Act (MPRDA). To support the prospecting right application Hectopax Investments (Pty) Ltd is required to consult the affected and interested parties for their views on such an application. This notice serves to invite Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) to register and to participate in the process by identifying issues of concern and s u g g e s t i o n s f o r consideration in the technical studies. A Background Information Document providing further information about the proposed project will be available upon request. Proponent: Hectopax Investments (Pty) Ltd, Location: Lydenburg, M p u m a l a n g a . Ta r g e t Material: Platinum Group Metals, Responsible Authority: Mpumalanga Department of Mineral Resources (Witbank Office) Please submit your written comments by mail, fax or email within 30 days of this notice to Thanzi Ramalivhana at Kimopax (Pty) Ltd: Email Thanzi@ugwa.co.za Cell 083 997 7314 Tel 011 312 9765 Fax 011 312 9768 Postal Address P. O Box 4077 Halfway House Midrand 1685


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str. 41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 B i d u u r, Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwe kerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel:

082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . S k h i l a Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering.

Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters PinksterBediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by We n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • Nuwe L e w e C h r i s t e n Sentrum,multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970

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•Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.

Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362

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013 246 1915 Albert 083 675 5708


14 Maart / March 2013


Skaakmat vir Lydenburg by Ster Steelpoort atleet Sabie se ope Skaaktoernooi gaan by SA’s gewigstoot 12 Skaakspelers van Laerskool Lydenburg het deelgeneem. Liane Hanekom kry kontantprys vir 3de beste speler van 22 spelers by o/10. Sy het 4 van 6 rondtes gewen. Estohan Swanepoel was 4de ook met 4 / 6 rondtes. Willie Fensham was 9de uit 32 spelers by

o/12. Hy het 4 / 6 rondtes gewen. Lesego Hendricks was 10de met 3 en `'n halwe rondte uit 6 Marcques Hansen wen al 6 rondtes by o/14 (54 spelers het gespeel) en kry 'n kontantprys. Izak-Daniël Bezuidenhout was 6de en het 4 uit 6 rondtes gewen.

Monique Language, een van Steelpoort se ster atlete het gekwalifiseer om aan die Suid Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe te gaan deelneem. Monique 'n O/13 dogter het met puik afstand van 10.94m gekwalifiseer in die Gewigstoot en is ingesluit in die Limpopospan. Sy neem vanaf 14-16 Maart deel by die DP De Villiers stadion in Sasolburg. Baie geluk, Monique!!

Sipho Minisi with another one of his medals he won in road running. He keeps the Lydenburg / Mashishing name high wherever he goes. He trains often. Give him a friendly wave if you pass him on the road. He has competed in numerous Comrades and long distance marathons.

OTEES CASH & CARRY Receiving & Dispatch Clerk • Must be computer literate • Minimum 5 years experience in retail or wholesale sector. • Must have contactable references

Fax CV to 013 235 2145

VACANCY VEREISTES: • Geldige Rybewys • Ten Volle Tweetalig • Rekenaarvaardig • Verkope ondervinding (motorverkope is voordelig) Gee CV's in by Longtom Nissan of faks na 086 219 0635 E-pos: hr@longtomnissan.co.za. Indien u geen reaksie ontvang binne 3 weke nie, beskou asseblief u aansoek as onsuksesvol.

• Matric certificate • Fully bilingual (Afr/Eng) • Computer literate • Certificate Pre Basic & Post basic Mail CV: burgersfort@blackiq.co.za

Male Senior Halaal Inspector Requirements: • Of Muslim faith • Valid Driver’s License • Grade12/Matric • Computer literate • Admin experience • Age between 25 - 40 • Have good health • Reliable

Closing Date: 21 March 2013

E-mail CV’s to General Manager (Natasha Joubert): natasha@stpie.co.za Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks after closing date, your application was unsuccessful. Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer


14 Maart / March 2013

Die kleingoed het Saterdag dit uitgekap in versengende hitte by die Kleuter Sportdag op Lydenburg. Die skole wat deelgeneem het was: Kleine Pikkewyne Kleuterskool, Genie's Pre School, Pokkelpensies Kleuterskool, Babbelkousies Kleuterskool, Klopkloppie Kleuterskool, Krappies en Krefies, Kinderland, Lydenburg Primary, Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO graad 0. Dankie aan die Laerskool Lydenburg vir die gebruik van die velde en geriewe, Nissan, Hyundai, Nedbank, Sign Pro, al die kleuterskole, onderwyders, ouers wat kom ondersteun het asook Liesel en Kobus Strauss van Winkelhaak Verspreiders. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff

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R1999 PMX24

E & OE

2 x HP Compaq CQ58 Notebooks

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