4 April 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 13

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4 April 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 13 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Nightmare on roads during Easter weekend The Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Dullstroom and Lydenburg areas experienced but a glimpse of the heavy traffic over Easter Weekend. Mpumalanga community safety M E C V u s i Shongwe asked motorists to be more vigilant so that everyone would arrive safely. In 72 hours the p r o v i n c i a l government had stopped 16 245 vehicles, 3 483 notices were issued for various offences and 49 vehicles were impounded for being unroadworthy. Since Thursday 69 drivers had been arrested for drunken driving. Moenie skrik as jy deesdae weer ysters deur die lug sien trek nie. Dis een van die ou gewilde boeresporte, maar hoefyster gooi is weer baie gewild. Soos dit onlangs bewys is by ’n plaasmuseumfees buite Lydenburg. Die reÍls is soortgelyk aan jukskei. (Michelle Boshoff

Lydenburg Toyota Robbie: 083 417 8906 Tinus: 079 534 7449 Tel: (013) 235 1780 AJ: 079 991 6811 Fax: (013) 235 1527 www.lydenburgtoyota.co.za Johan 074 280 6945

R119 900.00

R55 000.00

R285 000.00

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2005 BMW 3 Series 320D Automaties 167 215 km

2002 Volvo V70 XC 2.4T AT 192 053 km R55 000

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2010 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 84 264km

R410 000.00

R248 000.00

R299 000.00

R249 900.00

2012 FJ Cruiser 4.0P V6 4x4 AT 37 464km

2011 Ford Ranger Hi-Trail 3.0 TDCi 99 576km

2010 Fortuner 3.0D-4D Automatic 124 062km

2009 Mercedes Benz C220 92 170 km

R279 900.00

R169 000.00

R252 000.00

R79 900.00

2010 Hilux 3.0D-4D Single Cab Raider 4x4 64 283km

2009 Nissan Livina 1.6 Visia 167 066km

2010 Hilux 3.0D-4D Raided Body 2008 Mazda 5 6SP Individual Double Cab 4x2 Legend 40 97 117km 96 513km


Nuus / News

4 April 2013

Geen vierwielmotorfietse op openbare paaie sê wet

Aitsa, blikskud vir vol magies

Die ry van vierwielmotorfietse op openbare paaie is ontwettig.

Twee kleingoed het besluit om LAPSAR (Longtom Animal Protection and Rescue Services) te help. Hulle het by die ingang na The Boulders blik geskud en sodoende genoeg geld ingesamel. Gerda Chester van Lapsar bedank graag vir Kaylin Roos en Damon Roos vir hierdie goeie daad, dit het die honde baie bly gemaak. ~ Michelle Boshoff

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Nuus / News


4 April 2013

Vele hande maak ligte werk en die dorp skoon NA die staking wat reeds verlede week die dorp soos ’n rommelhoop laat lyk het, het inwoners van Lelievlei ingespring om die vullis te verwyder. Duisende toeriste is die afgelope Paasnaweek deur Lydenburg. Hulle moet hulle vaskyk in al die vullissakke, rommel en gemors. Dit het ons dorp glad nie in ’n goeie lig geplaas nie. “Die gemeenskap is Lelievlei baie goed

gesind en daarom het ons met graagte hierdie taak verrig,” het mnr. Frik Rousseau, Direkteur van Lelievlei gesê. Lelievlei se inwoners het Maandag 14 vragte opgelaai en aangery na die stortingsterein. Dit is hoe dit eintlik in ’n gemeenskap moet werk, een hand was die ander en almal spring in as daar nood is. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Foto’s bo en onder: Lelievlei Inwoners en ander vrywilligers help om swartsakke op te tel wat die stakers van Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit geweier het om te verwyder.

The Hawks managed to kill three rhino poachers in the Kruger National Park last week. According to Captain Paul Ramaloko the rangers heard gunshots at around 18:00, which alerted them to the poachers' presence. The poachers were three Mozambican men, in their 20’s, None of the rangers were wounded, Ramaloko said. A

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hunting rifle and ammunition were found at the scene. A total of 102 rhino have been killed since the beginning of the year, says the Department of Environmental Affairs. Spokesperson Albi Modise said on Wednesday that the Kruger National Park (KNP) was the hardest hit, with four rhino being killed there this week alone.

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Rubrieke / Columns

4 April 2013

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

to the editor


vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

aan die redakteur

VF+ help Duncia kinderhuis

Mal sê ek vir julle, mal!


Briew e

Hierdie ou landjie het vir my weereens sy malkleure gewys hierdie afgelope paar dae. Dit het alles begin toe ek lees wat Sunette Bridges oor Mandela kwytraak op haar Facebook-blad. Om darem vir die ikoniese Madiba se blameer dat hy ons ““afgod van die vader van die ‘Gewapende Stryd” is en “die hele wêreld wat in Mandela-mania verval het” te skryf... is vir my bietjie mal. En sy noem ons Liberaliste omdat iemand anders haar ‘n rassis genoem het. Kan ons regtig in hierdie land rondloop deur mekaar te haat. Soveel dekades van haat het ons gebring waar ons vandag is. Dis nie politiek nie, dis die waarheid. Ai, sekere mense het seker niks beter om met hul tyd te doen op Facebook nie. Ek wil ook nou op die ‘wa’ klim of eerder die ‘seepkis”. Want daar is baie dinge waarvan ek ook nie hou nie. Dis ongelooflik dat die vlak van verval al hoe meer styg. Hoorhierso, ek plaas toe verlede week ’n pragtige foto van die dorp en skryf “Lydenburg by die blou berge”. Hierdie naweek moes ek my kop in skaamte sak toe ons gaste kry en hulle sê hoe vuil is die dorp. Dis ook nie vir die inwoners lekker om tussen vullis te ry nie. Dis ook mal. Ek wens net ek kan alles hier skryf maar ag die tone sal blougetrap word en die ego’s sal kraak. Want almal ‘judge’ tog so graag. En toe het ek Maandagaand tot die beslissing gekom: “Elke haan kraai mos op sy eie mishoop.” Net jammer die mishoop was vir ’n paar dae weereens die hele land.

Duncia Kinderhuis het ’n ruim maandelikse donasie van ’n plaaslike kerk verbeur. Die Direkteur van Duncia Kinderhuis Tienie Nel het vir Frik Rousseau VF+ leier van Thaba Chweu geskakel en hom om hulp genader. Hy het genoem dat dit enige Kerk, instansie, party of organisasie se voorreg is om te besluit aan wie hulle fondse skenk of nie. Hyself het al in die verlede onder hewige kritiek deurgeloop omdat sommige jongmense meen dat die VF+ te veel fondse skenk aan bejaardes. Hy wil dus geen kommentaar lewer oor die Kerk se besluit om nie meer aan Duncia fondse te skenk nie. Die VF+ weet dat Duncia so baie vir die gemeenskap beteken om jong kinders van huisvesting en voedsel te voorsien. Die VF+ se bestuur het op ‘n vergadering besluit om Duncia finansieel te ondersteun. Die VF+ het ook reeds ander organisasies, kerke en Lelievlei genader om Duncia finansieel te help en het baie goeie terugvoer ontvang. Tienie Nel Direkteur van Duncia Kinderhuis en Frik Rousseau VF+ Leier Thaba Chweu

Kyk uit vir ‘worsie’

Hierdie worshond het verlede Woensdag vanuit Maraistraat weggeraak in Lydenburg. Skakel asseblief vir Sharon by 082 687 3131 indien iemand haar gewaar.

Uit die Woord From the Word

May Nelson Mandela live forever Frik Rousseau FF+ Leader Thaba Chweu writes: It is with great sympathy that we heard the news of Nelson Mandela being admitted to hospital. I have never had the privilege to meet him but have read books about him like "The Long Walk to Freedom" If I was imprisoned for 27 years I would have taken revenge, but instead he created a rainbow nation. He is a 20th century icon who saved South Africa from a bloody war. I have many icons like Mahatma Ghandi, Sea Geevar, Koos de la Rey, Diego Maradona, but Nelson Mandela is the greatest. We wish him and his family all the best and a speedy recovery.

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” Lord, help us to keep faith and trust your greater plan.


Municipality SO, the municipality is at it again. It is workers versus management, management versus councillors, the municipality versus the community and so on and on. Thaba Chweu seems to have descended into being probably the poorest performing, most corrupt and most inefficient municipality in the country. Three times under administration, no service delivery, luxury cars, fat salaries for senior officials and what else? Thaba Chweu is sitting

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

with the most dilapidated infrastructure in Mpumalanga, water shortages, electricity shortages, no working streetlights, sewage running down the streets, leaking water lines, tall grass on sidewalks, overgrown green areas, rubble lying all over, building material waste being dumped at illegal sites, mismanaged dump sites, rampant pollution, a hopeless administration, inadequate revenue collection, illegal electricity users, intimidation, and another strike. Not a single decent street. They are all riddled with potholes. No emergency system, fire brigade or emergency rescue service. The place looks like the aftermath of a warzone. Children die in our rivers because there is no safety fencing. Striking workers are now also crippling the local businesses that do provide jobs. Motor

dealers cannot deliver cars because they cannot be registered. eNatis and the municipal vehicle test centre does not work. When will all this nonsense stop? Surely it can not continue like this? The entire council should be disbanded and a by election called for. The entire administration should be fired. If we do not have a municipality, it will be no different than the current state of affairs. Nothing works in any case. The municipal organogram should be scrapped, all posts declared vacant and we should start with a clean sheet. The current rot cannot be fixed. More workers should be recruited and appointed at lower levels to do maintenance. Less senior positions should be created, as they use up all the money. Realistic salaries should be paid. Half of all municipal funding should be channelled into infrastructure upgrades. Let us start with a clean, competent but lean administration. Let us rebuild the town. Let us address service delivery issues and let us clean up our act. Seriously so, or you will see big trouble.

Nuus / News

4 April 2013


Turn2God saamtrek vir oprig van Tebelodorpie vir behoeftiges

Die VLU se Hibiscus tak, Lydenburg, het op 13 Maart 'n heerlike en interessante vergadering gehou. Mev. Julie Human het vir die dames verduidelik hoe om pragtige koekversierings deur middel van verskeie tegnieke te doen. Sy het 'n hele paar koeke wat sy aldus versier het, ten toon gestel. Almal aanwesig was baie beïndruk deur haar verskeie boeke en koekversierings gereedskap en is aangespoor om self sulke pragstukke te gaan probeer. Terwyl daar na die praatjie aan heerlike koek en tee gesmul is, het die dames die geleentheid gehad om na 'n juwele uitsalling van Mnr. Lionel Horn te kyk en na hartelus te koop. Indien jy graag 'n paar nuwe vaardighede wil aanleer of net lekker wil kuier, ontmoet ons jou graag by die volgende vergadering wat op die 10de April om 9:30 by die NG Kerk Lydenburg Suid plaasvind.

TREK sommer nou-al 'n groot rooi sirkel om die naweek van 13 tot 15 September. Lydenburg gaan dié drie dae uit sy nate bars vir die Turn2God-saamtrek op die Longtompas. Die gesamentlike inisiatief van al die kerke in die dorp, staan onder leiding van ds Fredrick Wilson en 'n span wat kan doen met alle vrywilligers. Hier is Bevvie Marais, Etienne Valentine, Adel Meyer, ds Fredrick Wilson, Tjaart de Bruyn en Leon de Jager, tydens een van die “Hart, verstand en hande. Dit is waaroor Turn2God gaan,” beplanningsvergaderings vir die Turn2God-saamtrek in September. verduidelik ds Fredrick. “Dis 'n oproep aan Christene om met 'n kop- en hart-besluit na God te draai en hul hande beskikbaar te stel vir sy werk. Alle fondse gaan vir die oprigting van 'n Tebelo-dorpie, waar behoeftige kinders versorg gaan word.” Volledige inligting gaan stuk-stuk in die pers bekendgemaak word, maar vir die huidige werk groepe mense in hul “Opskamer” by Wenakker, om hierdie reuse-projek lyf te gee. Die plan is om op die Vrydagaand 'n deftige fondsinsamelingsdinee vir sakemanne te hou, as eerste inspuiting vir die Tebelo Vi l l a g e - p r o j e k . D i e o r g a n i s a s i e Unashamedly Ethical gaan by die geleentheid, wat nie net op Christene gemik is nie, optree. Op die Saterdag van 12:00 tot 16:00 'n grootskaalse saamtrek vir Christene vanoor die hele provinsie op die Longtom te hou met gaskunstenaars Louis Britz, Loyiso Bhala en uitgebreide orkes. Die organiseerders maak reg vir tot 30 000 mense by die geleentheid. Op die Sondag sal daar 'n kerkafsluiting met musiek op die Hoërskool se rugbyveld wees. Vir meer inligting of om te help, skakel met ds Fredrick Wilson by 082 805 0924.

Tel / Fax: (013) 235 4482 Swembad Centre, c/o Potgieter & Viljoen Street, Lydenburg

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4 April 2013

9 April. Skole heropen. 14 April. NG Suid-Gemeente. Piet Smit tree op as deel van erediens. Almal welkom. Saterdag 27 April. AGS Rehobot Gemeente en Volle Evangelie Kerk hou saam basaar. Elke Woensdag 7:30 by Toyota. BNI vergadering. 083 269 4893. First Friday of every month. Freemasons meeting. 082 749 4300. Elke Vrydagoggend by Spar. Rusoord bak pannekoek.

Nuus / News

Piet Smit tree eersdaag op in Lydenburg Op Sondag 14 Apri om 09:00 tree bekende gospelsanger Piet Smit by die NG Suid-gemeente op. Dit sal deel van die erediens wees. Almal is welkom. Piet Smit se openbare betrokkenheid in musiek het in die laat 70's begin as agtergrondsanger in Pretoria se kroeĂŤ en restaurante. In 1989 kom hy tot bekering en begin hom toespits op die skryf- en uitvoering van geestelike liedere. Sedert sy toetrede tot 'n voltydse sangbediening in Mei 1994 het Piet al verskeie albums die lig laat sien. Piet se bediening fokus op innerlike genesing en hy het 'n passie vir stukkende mense wat uitgesak het in die lewe. Op die verhoog put hy uit sy eie persoonlike geestelike neerlae en oorwinnings en verweef dit, saam met sy liedjies, in 'n storie. Sy opregte begeerte is om sy talent uitsluitlik tot eer van God te gebruik.


4 April 2013



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Beautiful Hyundai coupé India uses cardboard cops Hyundai HND-9 hints at upcoming coupé Hyundai showed us a pair of life-like renderings of its new HND-9 Concept last week, and now they're flaunting it in the flesh at the Seoul Motor Show.

POLICE in India's high-tech hub Bangalore are trying a new way to reduce traffic offences - using cardboard cops to scare drivers into believing the long arm of the law is watching them. A lethal combination of poor law enforcement, untrained drivers and bad roads result in one of the world's most dangerous countries to drive in.

But this show car is more than just a flight of fancy - it hints at the design direction to be taken by the next-generation Genesis rear-wheel drive coupé.

Bangalore police commissioner M.A Saleem told AFP: "We can't be omnipresent. Drivers in Indian cities violate traffic rules when there are no cops around - they jump traffic lights and go the wrong way on one-way streets." "These cut-out cops are very effective and they can be on the job seven days a week."

Beneath the concept's bonnet is a 272kW 3.3-litre direct injection turbopetrol engine, which is mated to an eight-speed automatic gearbox.

Life-size cut-outs are frequently used in places like the UK and USA as a crime prevention measure. Saleem said he believed it was the first time such an idea had been employed in India.


By March 2013 three cardboard policemen have been deployed. Saleem reports that one cardboard policeman was stolen prompting his department to remove the traffic "scarecrows" at night to reduce chances of theft. A Bangalore driver said: "It's good. From a distance it looks like a real cop," Another said that he had been fooled by the cut-outs: "Two or three times we thought it was a real policeman standing there and we slowed down.” Saleem reports that the city plans to install ten more cardboard police on Bangalore's roads. Wheels24.co.za

R74 995

’06 Kia Rio 1.4 50 321km

R59 995

’07 Kia Rio 1.4 182 235km

R215 995

’10 Kia Sorento V6 7 Seater 105 092km

R169 995 ’10 Kia Sportage 2.0 Petrol 69 784km

R69 995

’09 Kia Picanto 85 262km

R74 995

R89 995

‘09 GWM 2.2 MPi D/C 173 542km

’11 Florid 1.5 VVT 31 775km

’11 VW Polo 1.4 35 230km

’11 Ford Figo TDCi 1.4 58 531km

R79 995

R299 995

R259 995

R119 995

‘09 VW Citigolf 81 615km

‘11 VW Gti Golf Sunroof 39 247km

R139 995

’07 BMW 335i ZDR A/T 111 503km

R104 995

’06 Hyundai Tucson CDRi 4WD A/T 122 003km

R94 995 ’11 Kia Picanto 1.1LX

21 617km

R149 995 ’11 Kia Cerato

28 501km

R117 995 ‘08 Hyundai Jazz IVTEC 65 416km

R139 995

’09 Toyota Corolla 71 557km

R209 995 ’10 Kia Sportage 2.0 Ignite Brown 81 199km

R92 995

’11 Florid 1.5 VVT 32 334km

R99 995 ’09 Toyota Yaris


R79 995 ’07 Mahindra Scorpio T/Bar 95 965km


All new Ford Kuga coming THE all-new Ford Kuga offers ample space, a sharp design, enhanced driving dynamics, fuel efficient engines and a host of clever technologies including SYNC™, Ford's 'open sesame' handsfree automatic tailgate, Ford's Intelligent AllWheel Drive system, Active City Stop, Lane Keeping Aid, Blind Spot Indication System and more. The launch of the new Kuga sees the introduction of a new range of engines including a turbocharged 1.6-litre EcoBoost petrol engine and a 2.0-litre turbo diesel engine. Both powertrains produce outstanding performance, impressive fuel economy and low emissions. Ford's low emission ECOnetic Technology features available across the line-up includes Eco Mode, Gear Shift Indicator and Active Grille Shutter that reduces drag and reduces fuel consumption. A unique cluster display shows drivers the torque demand of each wheel at any moment. Ford Curve Control acts as a safeguard for drivers who have entered a bend with too much speed. Dynamics and cornering control are improved by the introduction of the enhanced Torque Vectoring Control system developed with the Focus. The new Kuga was awarded a maximum five-star rating by Euro NCAP after achieving an overall protection score of 88 per cent, the highest-ever for a mid-sized SUV. Ford engineers used ultra-high strength steel in the body structure of the Kuga and specially designed ring reinforcement around the panoramic roof to ensure rigidity and strength. The Kuga also offers Roll Stability Control and Trailer Sway Control. All models in the line-up feature seven airbags, ISOFIX child seat attachments, Antilock Braking System (ABS) with Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Emergency Brake Assist (EBA) and Electronic Stability Control (ESP). Stowing different types of cargo is made easier with the space and smart features available in the SUV, including an umbrella holder, second-row floor bin and ticket holder in each sun visor. The centre console has space to hold a 1.5-litre bottle, MP3 player or CDs, while eight cupholders are positioned throughout the cabin. USB ports are located in the centre console and a 230-volt power converter is located at the back of the floor console for easy plug-in of laptops, cell phone chargers or other electronics. The entry level Ambiente is equipped with features such as power heated side mirrors, front and rear fog lamps, 17” alloy wheels, Auto-Start-Stop, Ford Keyless push button start, EcoMode, SYNC™ with Bluetooth and Voice Control, steering wheel audio controls and cruise control. Over and above those features the Trend models adopt auto folding mirrors with puddle lamps, rear parking sensors, leather sports seats, Sony Audio system with nine speakers, 4.2” TFT screen and Dual Electronic Air Temperature Control. The

4 April 2013


Titanium models are equipped with 18” alloy wheels, BiXenon headlamps, including auto headlamps with auto high beam, auto headlamp levelling, static cornering lights and Daytime Running Lights, rear LED tail lamps, rain sensing wipers, Roll Stability Control with Curve Control and smart keyless entry with handsfree 'open sesame' tailgate. The hands-free powered tailgate is a helpful feature for customers who have their hands full when loading or unloading their vehicle. A vast array of safety technologies are available including Active City Stop. The system uses a Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensor to help drivers avoid a collision when driving in queues. Active City Stop, which is active at speeds up to 30 km/h assists the driver by safely braking the car automatically. Also available is Adaptive Cruise Control with collision warning and a brake support integrated system that allows the driver to set the vehicle's speed and maintain it without using the accelerator pedal. Active Park Assist is an intuitive parking assist system which will help drivers to parallel park. Other smart safety features offered as part of the Titanium Option Pack are the Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Aid systems. Completing the Titanium Option Pack are a power opening panoramic roof and 19” alloy wheels. The new Kuga comes with a 4-year / 120 000km comprehensive warranty, a 4year / 80 000km service plan on petrol derivatives and a 4 year / 90 000km service plan on diesels. By email

‘08 Qashqai 2.0 TCi 105 000km R203 000

‘08 Ikon 1.6 Trend, 126 000km R71 000

‘10 Nissan NP300 ‘10 Everest 3.0 TDCi 4x2 ‘10 Mazda 3 2.3 MPS Hardbody 2.5 110 000km 91 500km 93 500km R169 900 R249 900 R256 000

Mazda BT50 3000D Common Rail S/C 77 250km P.O.R

‘10 Mazda 3 1.6 Dynamic 5DR

61 000km R179 900

‘12 Focus 1.8 Amb 4DR 16 000km R169 000

‘11 Fiesta 1.4 Amb 28 000km R139 900

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‘12 Mazda 3 1.6 Org 2 000km R179 900

‘10 Nissan NP200 1.6 89 000km R85 000

Ford Quality Approved Used FSP10677


4 April 2013


A (very) hot Toyota 86 FOR years avid Toyota fans eagerly awaited the arrival of the much-anticipated 86. The sports coupe is either loved or hated; while it’s a great car most people thought it needed a little more "oomph.” For fans who are disappointed with the Toyota 86’s lack of power, RGMotorsport has the answer to beef up the "slow coach" for a cool R75 000. South African enthusiasts were saddened to hear we weren’t going to receive the limited edition TRD models, so this package is more than welcome. At the time, Toyota SA’s spokesperson Leo Kok said: "The 86 TRD will not be sold in SA but customers can outfit their 86 models at Toyota dealerships. The side skirts, exhaust and all the visual elements featured on the 86 TRD in the UK can be purchased in South Africa.” Toyota Racing Development launched the TRD version in February 2013 with styling and engine tweaks to only 250 limited models. The two-litre naturally aspirated engine under the 86’s bonnet is not doing the car any justice – according to some lovers and haters of Toyota’s sports coupe. Putting it up against its turbocharged rivals could leave the 86 driver a little embarrassed off the line with its 147kW. At the Reef, it’s even worse with 20kW less due to the altitude. The Subaru BRZ – the 86’s sister car - will be singing that same sad song too, local deliveries have already taken place. Don’t get us wrong, the car makes for great handling and drivability and was even a Car of the Year finalist for 2013, but it’s painfully slow. According to RGMotorsport, it takes 11 seconds to go from zero to 120km/h, 15.5 seconds in a 400m sprint and overtakes from 60 to 100km/h in 8.2 seconds while in fourth gear. Top speed is a claimed 223km/h. RGMotorsport of Strydom Park, Johannesburg say they can turn this little love muffin to a six-pack beast for just R75 000. They can up the stats by slapping on a supercharger slashing three seconds off the 120km/h sprint and take it to a top speed of 250km/h. If you want even more, for another R9950 there’s a Techniflow (RGM’s in-house exhaust) cat-free stainless steel exhaust to give the 86 even more grunt. Owner of RGMotorsport, Rob Green said: “We estimate a conservative 210kW, which is 40% up on the standard figure, and in fact will translate into a real improvement of over 50% up here on the Reef, if the losses for altitude are taken into account.” Green said the installation is a ‘bolt-on’ which means there aren’t any internal changes made to the engine and it runs the standard 12.5:1 compression ratio. “Thanks to an integrated air-to-air intercooler with all-aluminium tube ducting and an oversized cooler core to provide maximum cooling with minimum pressure loss for better performance.” The unit used is a V-3 H67BC centrifugal supercharger from Vortech (exclusive RGM brand) designed specifically for the horizontallyopposed FA20 Boxer engine. The kit includes a curvy airbox and an optimised filter housing for additional flow while retaining the factory cold air ram intake, and quick release fasteners for simple access to

filter for servicing purposes. For the rest of your money, a discharge duct connection utilising heatresistant silicon sleeves and premium quality stainless steel clamps is also included. There’s also CNC machined billet mounting brackets with black anodized finish, as well as a complete ancillary set; including all necessary belts, pulleys and reusable high-flow air filter. Green further said a Unichip 'piggyback' auxiliary engine management is used with a dynamometer operator to remap ignition, air and fuel requirements of the modified system. Wheels24.co.za

NP200 1.6 8V BASE FROM




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until 30 June 2013 or while dealer stocks last. Prices and specifications subject to change without prior notification. E & EO.



4 April 2013

SA drivers easily distracted GOODYEAR’s annual 2013 road safety survey revealed youth in South Africa were among the most aggressive drivers in the world. Another survey shows that young SA drivers are far more likely to be distracted by phone calls and internet use while behind the wheel compared to their European counterparts. The poll revealed how youngsters phone, text and surf the web while they are driving, with South Africans emerging amongst the top users of phones without headsets (61% vs. global 44%), along with Swedes and Russians. Young drivers in the UK (15%), Spain (26%) and the Netherlands (27%) are the least likely to use their phones without headsets, perhaps proving that stricter enforcement of the law can be effective. South Africans are similarly far more likely to use their smart phones to send text messages, go online, visit social networks, send or read emails or use messaging services. Lize Hayward, Goodyear South Africa Group Brand communications manager said: “Today’s young drivers have too many distractions at their fingertips. Our study was specifically designed to explore a wide range of factors from driver training through to general concerns amongst young drivers.” While new technology undoubtedly provides a particular danger, the survey revealed that more traditional multi-tasking activities also continue to distract young drivers, with South Africans amongst the most easily misled. Some of the most common behaviours include: Drinking behind the wheel (75% vs global average 58%). Eating behind the wheel (71% vs global average 45%). Looking at a map, changing GPS settings, shaving, putting on make-up, styling hair and even kissing (33%). Contrary to popular belief, the brain is not capable of multi-tasking, but only of tasking sequentially, switching quickly from one task to another. The distraction caused by carrying out other tasks while driving is known by experts as “inattention blindness”, which causes us to look at objects but simply not see them when we are talking on the phone. Scientists who have studied people attempting to multi-task at the wheel observe that they acquire a false confidence and believe that they can complete a series of tasks while also driving. The problems occur when something untoward happens and they need to react in a split-second by quickly reducing speed or changing lanes. Only then does it become apparent that their judgement is impaired. Hayward said: “Today’s world clearly offers far too many distractions for young drivers and this will significantly inhibit their ability to concentrate at the wheel. Driving requires 100% of our concentration and attention and youngsters need to put phones and other distractions to one side when they get behind the wheel of a car.” Wheels24.co.za

Ambulance scam THIS is a diabolical but relatively easy scam to pull off. Take an old ambulance vehicle, leave the exterior unaltered but turn the interior into a VIP lounge and offer a ride to businessmen who want to skip traffic. Just activate the siren and abuse the courtesy of motorists who scramble out the way for the good of saving lives. Even cops will be loathe to pull over an ambulance to verify the authenticity of its mission because if it's a real emergency then every second counts. But now a bunch of thugs in Russia have put lives at risk by forcing cops to do exactly that. It started with adverts on the

internet being discovered, which offered such 'emergency' cruises through Moscow's gridlock for a princely sum of 6000 roubles (R1850) an hour. Then some cops stopped a suspicious-looking ambulance driver and upon inspecting the vehicle they found some bigwigs sitting in a cabin that would befit a limo. People who were clearly too important to sit in traffic with everyone else. Source: Izvestiya via National Post / iol.motoring.co.za


4 April 2013

Audi A3 now with a boot AUDI finally enters the compact sedan fray with its latest addition to the popular A3 range. Familiar A3 qualities have, however, been retained in the three-box body – most notably its family design and the engine range employed. The overall length is 4.46m but overhangs have been kept short to endow the sedan with an element of athleticism. The sedan’s cabin will be similar to the hatchbacks’ (the A3 Sportback arrives in SA in May), while the S line sport package will also be available as an option. Audi assures, thanks to the A3’s long wheelbase, rear passengers will enjoy more space and easier entry. Shortly after the introduction of the new sedan series, Audi will also roll-out the high-flying 221kW S3 Sedan. The car’s 2.0 TFSI engine also delivers 380Nm of torque and, when paired with S tronic, is able to accelerate from 0 – 100kph in 4.9 seconds, Audi says. Top end is electronically limited to 250kph. The S3’s sports suspension ensures a car lower by 25mm while the car rides on standard 18-inch wheels. Audi’s drive select vehicle dynamics system is standard, while the magnetic ride damper control system will be available as an option. As usual, the S3’s visual distinctions include revised bumpers and air intakes, chrome wing mirror housings, side sills and a rear spoiler. Four oval tailpipes also trumpet its sporting intentions. The A3 Sedan, when it arrives in South Africa early in 2014, will feature a line-up ‘similar to the three-door and Sportback’ models, Audi SA said. The new A3 hatchback range in South Africa currently comprises 1.2-, 1.4- and 1.8-litre turbocharged petrol engines and a 1.6-litre turbodiesel. Depending on the engine, either a six-speed manual or S tronic transmission is used. Topcar




Properties / Eiendomme

4 April 2013


Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg


GERIEFLIKE DEELTITELW/S IN SEKURITEITSKOMPLEKS 2 Slk met ing kaste, 1 badk, ruim sitk oopplan met komb. Klinkersteen teëldak. Motorafdak. Eie privaat agterplasie


TE HUUR: • Gastehuis: 5 Slk won, 3 badk. Kan gehuur word met of sonder 4 gastekamers elk met eie geriewe. • 3 Slk netjiese won, 2 badk, oopplan sit/eetk/ komb aparte opwas / wask R8 500 / mnd • 3 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks - R6 200 / mnd

TE KOOP: • Netjiese 2 slk w/stel, sentraal geleë, enkel geriewe en 1 mot. Sekuriteitskompleks R680,000 • 4 of 5 Slk woning met ruim woonarea’s, eetk, komb/opwas/wask, 3 mot, plus 2 slk w/stel met 2 mot, 1 slk w/stel met mot, groot erf R1,640 milj • 2 Slk, 2 badk, oopplan sit/komb, opwas/wask, 1 mot + afdak + 1 slk w/stel, wendy, groot omheinde erf - R1,250 milj • Kleuterskool. Besigtiging en prys op aanvraag • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, stud, ruim sit/eetk,netjiese komb/opwas, woonk met braai op stoep, swembad, boorgat, boomryke omheinde erf, 2 mot + 3 afdakke, bediende kamer en geriewe, pakkamer, visdamme met koivisse - R2,450 milj • 3 Slk, 2 badk woning met ruim woonvertrek /oopplan komb, 2 mot. Kan eiendom huur. R1,150 milj


Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 Kantoor: admin@qsrealty.co.za / 079 549 7052

R 610 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

Te Huur:


TE HUUR: 3 slpk, 2 badk, dubbel garage – R9000 2 slpk, 1 badk, oopplan leefarea, 1 afdak – R5000 4 slpk, 3 badk, groot oopplan leefarea, groot erf, dubbel garage – R9600 Verskeidenheid 2 slpk & 3 slpk woonstelle beskikbaar tussen R5400 – R6600

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Unique.. one of a kind property for sale Looking for something truly Comfy 3 bed, family home, special? The time has come! This home has been designed for people who ready to move in. Lots of enjoy all the comforts of life. love is put into the garden, You will delight in spacious open plan elegant living multiple Fruit trees, lots of areas with fireplace. 5 flowers – Stand 2012 m² Bedrooms or 4 with study. Beautiful ultra modern kitchen and scullery Large patio.

Price reduced

R1 250 000

Stoor ruimte beskikbaar 135m2 @ R7000.00 Winkelspasie in Voortrekkerstraat 65m² POA Kantoorspasie in Viljoenstraat – 5 kantore, ontvangs, kombuis, badkamers, baie parkering POA 1 Slp woonstel te huur – geen diere @ R3300.00 3 Slp huis, twee badkamers @ R6500.00 3 Slp meenthuis twee badkamers R7000.00 3 Slp huis, een badkamer, dubbel motorhuis @ R8000.00 3 Slp huis, twee badkamers lekker groot en ruim @ R8570.00 5 x Nuutgeboude drie slaapkamer,twee badkamers met studeerkamer te huur @ R9000.00 Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit @ R9900.00 3 Slp huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling @ R9900.00

Moet nie die een misloop nie! R1 100 000. Wees eienaar van hierdie netjiese drie slaapkamer huis, twee badkamers, met groot ruim kamers, kombuis met sitkamer, eetkamer, aparte waskamer. Een toesluit afdak asook ekstra afdak agter die huis, toegeboude stoep perfek vir 'n lekker kuier saam met die gesin. Baie netjiese gevestigde tuin in stil area. Erf 1123m² groot. Skakel 072 155 0761 vir meer inligting.


• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint

Properties / Eiendomme

4 April 2013


Be property smart WHEN selling your property, bear the following in mind: 1. Choose your estate agent well. You don't have to sell your home through an estate agent, but if you do, choose carefully. This is always important, but even more so in a slow market where your home is not going to sell itself. Ask friends and neighbours for recommendations, look for agents selling properties similar to your own and ask three or four to come and give you a valuation. Choose someone who is enthusiastic about selling your house, and someone who sees, and will sell, the positives. You will be dealing with the agent on a regular basis, so try to find one with whom you get along. Bear in mind that the valuer may not be the person with whom you have regular contact, so check who this would be and meet or speak to them before you decide. 2. Get the price right. It is tempting to go with the highest valuation you receive, but be realistic. In a flat market, price is more critical than ever. 3. Get organised. Put together a file containing all documents to do with the house. Include any guarantees for repairs, certificates for gas and electrical work, council tax bills and any other documentation you have. Your solicitor will ask for the lot. You will also need to provide proof of identity and of address to your solicitor, so dig out your passport and recent utility bills with names of all owners. Do this in advance and you will be ready to leap into action when an offer comes in. Taking time to collect together the relevant paperwork may make your seller nervous, and at a time when some still

feel cautious about the market it is not a good idea to give them anything to worry about. 4. Clear the clutter. Prepare for a viewing seriously. Keep rooms tidy, stay on top of the vacuuming and clear dishes from the draining board. The idea is to demonstrate that this is an attractive, functional home. Leaving your stuff lying around may create the impression that there is not enough storage. Again, it is always important to do this, but even more so if there are lots of similar properties on the market. 5. Improve your home. Don't gut and redecorate the entire property, but do fix what is obviously damaged. If there has been a leak and there is some staining, I would say pay the money and repair that. If there are some hairline cracks, fill them in. A firsttime buyer may think there is a serious problem, even though this is not the case. If you have been letting your home it could be in need of some serious cosmetic repair. You don't need to obsess over depersonalising a home, but if rooms are painted bright colours you should consider a quick coat of neutral paint. Purchasers are trying to picture themselves living in your home so minimise personal possessions such as photos. But concentrate on first impressions. Paint the front door, tidy the garden and make the entrance area as welcoming as possible. If you live in a flat, do your best to improve the communal areas. If they look shabby it will appear that the building is not well maintained. 6. But don't overspend. Buyers often like to make their mark, so don't waste your money on trying to , don't

second guess what they like. Everyone is a budding developer, everyone wants to feel they can add value. If the kitchen is tired, don't spend money on replacing it – there is little chance you will make your money back. Don't replace carpets, but do get them cleaned. 7. Don't hover over viewers. A good estate agent will show potential buyers around a property as part of the service, so let them. Take the dog and kids out for a walk when people come round. Or if you need to be at home, be welcoming but discreet. Keep pets and children out of the way, anything to make viewers feel they are not imposing. The hardest property to sell is the one where the owners loiter in the background. People feel uncomfortable when the owner is around. They don't want to talk about the property out loud, and more often than not want to leave too quickly. 8. Keep tabs on your agent. A good estate agent will give you feedback after each viewing and be frank about anything you should change. Ask yours to be brutal. Find out what made buyers choose another property over yours and, where possible, make changes. Agents should be overselling the positives of the property. If you don't feel confident your agent is doing everything possible to market your home, it may be time to give notice to close your agreement and try another. 9. Step back, and try again. If a property is still on the market after a long time, the problem is probably down to the price. Give yourself a break, take the house off the market. Do bear in mind that this might mean commissioning a new home information

pack. If your house has been on the market for more than a year and you voluntarily take it off you will have to buy a new Hip, unless you go back on within one year of the date you first tried to sell. If you took your house off the market to complete a sale and it falls through, the Hip is still valid if you go back on the market within 28 days. When you feel ready to take the plunge again get a new batch of agents round to give you a valuation and advice on changes you should make. Go back on the market with new photos, new marketing text, a new agent and, crucially, a new price.



Eiendomme/properties R580 000 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer woonstel Met tuin en motorafdak R620 000 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, dupleks eenhede met 2 beveiligde motorafdakke R980 000 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis, 2 badkamers Studeerkamer en groot kombuis area 1 motorhuis R2 200 000 3 slaapkamer huis, met kantoor, woonstel, studeerkamer, swembad en nog vele meer


R1 750 000


R 594 000





082 904 8587

TE HUUR *2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorafdakke dupleks R5 200 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer huis op plot R6 700 / mnd *2 Slaapkamer woonstel met tuin R4 900 / mnd *4 Slaapkamer huis met groot erf en swembad R12 300 / mnd *1 Slaapkamer netjiese woonstel R4 500 / mnd *2 Slaapkamer meenthuis met motorhuis R5 400 / mnd

Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net,

www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops twitter: @deovolprops

Beautifully restored home in prime area! This home offers 4 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen with open-plan living area. Built-in braai, double garage on corner stand with lovely garden. Close to schools.

Ideal lock-up-&-go : (NEW LISTING) In a safe complex near shopping centre. 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Open-plan living area. Single garage with small garden.

Immaculate home with exceptional finishes: Quality in every aspect of this special home. 4 Bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, double garage, swimming pool. Large entertainment room with built-in braai and bar. Lounge, dining room and family room. A peaceful haven of tranquillity.

Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 Jakes Schnetler : 082 347 0489 Jacques van Baalen: 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653



4 April 2013

Nails. 084 860 7714 DIENSTE/ SERVICES

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS best quality & service guaranteed. Wide range of products. 013 235 1109 THE SIGN SHOP - For all your printing needs. 072 522 9273 PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 SWANEE SIGNS - 013 235 1205 / 072 226 1776 BOU VAN HUISE en aanbouings. NHBRC geregistreerd. Cel 083 288 6834 FOR ALL YOUR Graphic Designing needs. 076 339 7837 3m TRAILER te huur R250/ dag 082 377 7420


A L L G A R A G E DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


SALON HAIR Beauty. 074 887 6950

Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 & 8382

DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 HIGH PROTEIN diet & b l o o d g r o u p . Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323


L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

PERMANENT makeVERVOER/ up, nails & lash TRANSPORT extensions. 082 650 4987 VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer bestuurder word FOTOGRAFIE/ voorsien. Dorpsgrense PHOTOGRAPHY R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + T R E A S U R E T I M E diesel. Jan 078 284 FOTOGRAFIE: troues, 5174 / Kobus 082 321 s t u d i o , a l l e 7054 geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 D Y N A M I C www.treasuretimephot TRANSPORT & trailer ography.com h i r e . A ff o r d a b l e & reliable. Alex 072 685 0761 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN KOOP EN VERKOOP/ BUY AND SELL M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. E N I G E K O N TA N T Martie 082 951 7494 NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 C L E A N I N G A L L 9768 / 078 467 0954 / upholsteries, carpets 076 483 1234 / 013 235 (undervelt) mattresses. 4843 Lydenburg. 082 833 EENDE: Mallard R60 0323 elk, Makoue R40 elk, Kapok hoendertjies REKENAARS/ R20 elk 082 568 6271 COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932

MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614 2002 TOYOTA TAZZ 1.3. 278 000km R32 000 neg. 1991 TOYOTA CRESSIDA 2.0 manual. R25 000 neg. Contact 082 504 4909


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S - t e e r.

BENODIG DRINGEND huise om te koop. Kopers wat wag. Cel 083 288 6834

EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 3 & 2 BEDROOM apartments to let next to Westvaal Delta, water included, prepaid lights. R4000pm. Call 072 437 1148 HOUSE TO LET: Sabie status huis. 700 meters van Sabie - Lydenburg pad, beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei. Alarms reg rondom buite en binne. Palesades rondom. Tw e e g a r a g e s e n bediende badkamer. 3 groot slaapkamers plus groot gaste kamer met eie stort en toilet. Laundry, spens. Vloere almal slasto teels(baie mooi). Lapa buite. Skakel Seymore 073 6 0 0 3 0 1 5 o f seymore@urbanwisp.c o.za 2 SLK, 2 BAD chalet op plaas. W+l ing R5500 pm, 2slk 2 bad flat op plaas W+L ing R5000 pm, 1slk 1 bad chalet, W+L ing R4000pm, 10 gemeubileerde kamers, kontrakteurs welkom, verskeie pakette beskikbaar. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. 084 406 5331 LOSIES/ LODGING L O S I E S LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION

013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg

TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658


013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg

I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes C o e t z e r s t s , Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 K L I T Z G R A S C H A L E T S ACCOMMODATION Chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES PA M G O L D I N G PROPERTIES: A competent rental agent, own vehicle. Basic salary R4000, plus commission on new rentals. Submit CV to 94 Viljoen street. M A R U L A EIENDOMME benodig ’n kantoordame. Rekenaarvaardig en g o e i e m e n s e

verhoudings. Eie vervoer ’n vereiste. Handig CV in by Marula E i e n d o m m e , Viljoenstraat 87/3 KENNISGEWINGS / NOTICES JOSE FERREIRA VERKOOP Kings Meat, 55 Langestraat, Lydenburg, winkel 8 en aanvaar hiermee geen v e r d e r e aanspreeklikheid vir e n i g e s k u l d e aangegaan vanaf 28 Maart 2013 nie. Alle uitstaande krediteure moet voor of op 4 April 2013 eise deurstuur. Kontak: 071 333 3551 KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g - s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 1 9 : 0 0 , j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende

Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15,

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Vacancies / sport

4 April 2013

Motorsportgeesdriftiges in die laeveld in Mpumalanga is besig om hulle op hul jaarlikse adrenalieninspuiting voor te berei terwyl Suid-Afrika se voorste sneltrajekspesialiste hulle vir die uiters gewilde en baie toeskouervriendelike Sasol-tydren, die tweede ronde van die SuidAfrikaanse 2013-tydrenkampioenskap die naweek van 19 en 20 April voorberei. Vanjaar se weergawe is die 22e wat deur Sasol geborg word, en sal weereens die tweede ronde van die FIA se Afrika-tydrenkampioenskap wees. Willie du Plessis, die tydrenhoof van die Suid-Afrikaanse Motorsportklub (SAM), wat die tydren aanbied, het al lank die verantwoordelikheid om seker te maak die byeenkoms voldoen aan die verwagtinge as maatstaf van die nasionale kampioenskap, en verseker dat vanjaar se byeenkoms niks minder sal wees nie. “Die kern van die tydren sal weer die bekende grondbospaadjies in die omgewing van Sabie, Graskop, Witrivier en Hendriksdal wees, wat goedgunstiglik deur York Timbers, wat dit vernuftig in stand hou, beskikbaar gestel word,” het du


om twee keer teen 'n maksimumsnelheid van 60km/h deur die hele roete te ry – in sterk teenstelling met die tot 160km/h wat sommige motors in die byeenkoms self sal haal! Die byeenkoms het Donderdag 18 April van 13:00 af 'n proefsneltrajek wat by Hendriksdal gehou sal word. Dit dek sowat 4,5km van Saterdag se sneltrajek van 21 kilometer, en die deelnemers kan so veel as wat hulle wil gaan jaag. Dit is 'n puik geleentheid vir aanhangers om die motors van naby in aksie te sien voordat die tydren self Vrydag om 10:00 in Sabie afskop. Dag een begin met vyf grondsneltrajekte in die York Timbers-plantasie in die omgewing van Sabie en Graskop, en eindig Vrydagaand met die tradisionele en uiters gewilde teernagsneltrajekte in Sabie en Witrivier voor die oornaghalte in Nelspruit. Saterdag se eerste sneltrajek is die Super-sneltrajek in Nelspruit, wat om 7:00 begin en deur die nuwe teersneltrajek by die Mbombela-stadion net daarna gevolg word. Die byeenkoms verskuif dan na Hendriksdal en Sabie vir vyf grondsneltrajekte voordat die deelnemers terugkeer Nelspruit toe vir die tradisionele kort sneltrajek op gras binne die hoofarena van die Laeveldskouterrein. Charmaine Fortune.

Plessis gesê. “Die twee tydrendae sal altesaam 15 sneltrajekte behels – sewe op Vrydag 19 April, en die oorblywende agt op Saterdag 20 April. Vier hiervan sal teerpadsneltrajekte wees – die t r a d i s i o n e l e S a b i e - e n Wi t r i v i e rdorpsneltrajekte die Vrydagaand, en Saterdag se gewilde Supersneltrajek in Nelspruit, waar twee motors terselfdertyd teen mekaar jaag, en dan 'n nuwe teersneltrajek om die Mbombelasokkerstadion. “Die algehele sneltrajek-afstand beloop d

nagenoeg 200 kilometer, en die hele byeenkoms saam met die ooppadgedeeltes behels sowat 650 kilometer. Die padtoestande sal danksy die volgehoue instandhoudingswerk van York Timbers na verwagting skitterend wees. Hulle is weer voluit deel van die byeenkoms en so entoesaisties en hulpvaardig soos altyd. Ons skuld hulle 'n groot 'dankie',” het Du Plessis gesê. Aangesien die tydren 'n ronde van die FIA se Afrika-tydrenkampioenskap is, sal al die deelnemers Woensdag 17 April toegelaat word

'n Gulde geleentheid om deel te word van “ Die Hoërskool Lydenburg Familie”

VAKANTE POS HOËRSKOOL LYDENBURG Tydelik Departementele Pos Kuns & Kultuur Graad 8 en Graad 9/ Lewensoriëntering Graad 12 Kwalifikasie · Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasies soos deur MOD vereis. · Opvoedkundige verantwoordbaarheid. · Buite kurrikulêre betrokkenheid. Medium van onderrig · Afrikaans en Engels U aansoek moet die volgende insluit: · Volledige curriculum vitae. · Gewaarmerkte afskrif van graadsertikaat. · Gewaarmerkte afskrif van SACE sertifikaat. · Gewaarmerkte afskrif van u Graad 12 sertifikaat. · Gewaarmerkte afskrif van u ID dokument. Verblyf: · Koshuisinwoning beskikbaar Rig u navrae aan die skoolhoof, mnr. Johan Loots by hoof@lydenburghs.co.za

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4 April 2013

Mzansi Tour stage to start in Lydenburg The Mzansi Tour is the only UCI-graded road cycling stage race in Southern Africa. Over the course of the 5 day stage race this professional cycling tour will also start one of the stages in Lydenburg, at the Jock's Country Stalls. The proposed diagram and start direction can be seen on the photo above. The stage takes place on Thursday 18 April and starts at 10:00. The build up, branding and fencing will start between 06:00 and 07:00. It will be of great spectator value and everyone in the community is invited to come and be spectators. For more information visit www.mzansitour.co.za

Rooikatte dring deur na Mpumalanga super liga

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deur die top klub in elke streek in die land. Witrivier was verlede jaar se verteenwoordiger van Mpumalanga. Die Rooikatte se eerste wedstryd is Saterdag 6 April op Lydenburg. Kom ondersteun die klub met die belangrike wedstryd teen Nelspruit. Ook is daar baie verbeteringe aan die klubhuis aangebring om meer gaste te kan akkommodeer. Wedstryde begin om 14:30 met die hoofwedstryd om 16:00.


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DIE Rooikatte het deur gedring na die superliga. Hulle het hul uitspeelwedstryde gewen en selfs verlede Saterdag die magtige Nelspruit geklop op Nelspruit se eie velde

bereik. Die Mpumalanga superliga bestaan uit die top agt spanne in Mpumalanga en begin 6 April. Die spanne wat speel is Witrivier, Nelspruit, Malelane, Lydenburg-Rooikatte, Middelburg, Ferro – Metals (Witbank), Sasol (Secunda) en Bethal. Die wedstryde word oor ’n dubbel ronde gespeel met ’n semi-finaal en met ’n telling van 42-31. Maurice Bezant, finaal. ondervoorsitter van Laeveld Rugby Unie en Die wenner gaan deur na die uitspele van die voorsitter van die Rooikatrugbyklub, het gesê gemeenskapsbeker wat verteenwoordig word die spanne gaan nog groot hoogtes hierdie jaar

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