11 April 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 14 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Blank disregard of everything country should stand for
McGee &
“This is blank disregard of what the country should stand for. We expect people to be proud of their work and live in a community where everyone has respect for each other,” said a resident on Monday. Monday morning was greeted by the strikers of Thaba Chweu Municipality yet again refusing to come back to work.
One of them said to an onlooker: “We’ll strike till Jesus comes.” Thaba Chweu Municipality made national news yet again last week with the strike reaching new levels. Earlier this week it was reported that the Municipal Manager Burton Khoma will be suspended, however by the time going to print it could not be confirmed. The DA made a public statement via the Provincial Leader of Mpumalanga, Mr Antony Benade. He said: The political situation in Thaba Chweu has deteriorated to such an extent that it requires a more drastic intervention than the technical task team deployed by cooperative governance MEC Simon Skhosana. Municipal workers on an illegal strike refused to engage with members of the technical task team and reportedly chased them away from the municipal buildings. It seems that workers insist that no investigation be conducted and that their demands be met. The result of this illegal strike is that service delivery has come to a complete standstill, and reports of intimidation of non-striking workers and members of the public have started doing the rounds. Municipal
Kie/ Co
accounts cannot be paid, technical services are not being provided, and residents have absolutely no recourse. Evidence is mounting that this illegal and unprotected strike has less to do with promotions and increases and that political factionalism is at play. Furthermore, the local ANC has clearly lost the ability to provide leadership and political stability to the residents of Thaba Chweu and this municipality is in desperate need of direct intervention. To this end, the DA proposes the following: While the illegal strikers may prevent the task team from doing its job, and while the DA believes that the Thaba Chweu Council must be dissolved, nothing prevents MEC Skhosana from exercising his mandate of intervening in terms of Section 139(1)(b) of the South African constitution. Mpumalanga premier David Mabuza, as ANC Provincial Chairman must immediately show leadership, go to Thaba Chweu, and sort out the local ANC leadership for their inability to provide political stability to the community. Provincial SAPS commissioner Thulani Ntobela must ensure that no striking worker intimidates non-striking workers who want to work, and must deploy sufficient police officials to protect members of the public who wish to conduct business with the Municipality. The crisis in Thaba Chweu has escalated beyond the abilities and terms of reference of a technical task team. • Thank you to the workers who were able to provide services last week, their effort did not go unnoticed. ED
Cnr. Voor trekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg 013 235 2371, mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za, www.mcgee.co.za
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Die dienste wat gedurende die tweede week van Maart gehou was, het egter 'n verbetering getoon. Slegs 16 plakkers is op oopstaande hekke geplak en 11 op voertuie. Strate wat as “probleem area's” geidentifiseer is gedurende Maart het Lange str, Kantoor str, Fourie str, Nel str en Finsbury str ingesluit. Gedurende die eerste week van April is die projek se vierde spesiale diens gehou. Slegs 7 plakkers is geplak. 2 Op voertuie wat in die straat parkeer was en 5 op hekke wat oopgestaan het. Dit lyk of die plakker projek wel 'n positiewe effek tot gevolg gehad het. Ons het in ons doel geslaag. Die hoofdoel was om mense op nalatige gedrag attent te maak om sodoende hul veiligheidsmaatreels by hul huise op te skerp, wat dan op sy beurt help met misdaadvoorkoming. 'n Lys van al die adresse en voertuie wat plakkers kry word deur die polisie bygehou en sal aan versekerings maatskappy beskikbaar gestel word, indien 'n tendens opgemerk word. Inwoners word dus vermaan om hul samewerking te gee en die nodige voorsorg te tref. Die SAPD doen 'n beroep op inwoners om hande te vat met die SAPD in 'n poging om misdadige aktiwiteite in ie “Plakker-projek” in samewerking met die Lydenburg te bekamp. Verdagte persone wat snags Highlands Panorama Nuus is nog in volle gang. Die plakkers wat deur die Highlands Panorama geborg is, word gebruik om die gemeenskap se aandag te fokus op potensiele nalatige gedrag wat mag bydra tot die misdaad statistieke in Lydenburg. Twee addisionele spesiale dienste is gehou sedert die begin van die “Plakker Projek” Gedurende die eerste spesiale dienste in die eerste week van Maart is 4 addisionele voertuie ontplooi om patrollie te ry en misdaad voorkoming te doen. Die fokus was veral op die voorkoming van huisbrake. 42 Plakkers is op hekke geplak en 7 op voertuie. Dit was duidelik dat die algemene publiek nie veel ag geslaan het op die pogings van die SAPD om hulle attent te maak op hul nalatigheid nie.
rondwaal moet aan die polisie rapporteer word. ’n Verbetering kan gerapporteer word. Baie inwoners in veral Sektor 2 het buiteligte aangebring en sluit nou hul hekke met slotte. Vir hierdie mense wil ons weereens bedank dat hul dit vir ons makliker maak om in die aande te patroleer. Vir diegene wat nog steeds nie buiteligte aansit nie, wil ons versoek om dit wel te oorweeg. SAPD bestuur wil ook van die geleentheid gebruikmaak om die Highlands Panorama Nuus te bedank vir hul ondersteuning en finansiering van die plakkers. Dit is egter nie hier waar die projek gaan eindig nie. Die SAPD gaan voortgaan met die projek solank as wat dit nodig is. Ander besighede wat die SAPD wil nader met voorstelle en of finansiering van soortgelyke projekte is meer as welkom om die Kommunikasieoffisier, Kaptein Saartjie Roos te kontak op 071 353 6930. Die SAPD verwelkom venootskappe met die besigheidsgemeenskap van Lydenburg. Saam kan ’n verskil gemaak word.
Verdagte erken skuld nadat hond in strik gevang is
Wise Eye Leessentrum Ons maak Leer & Lees makliker, beter en viniger vir jonk & oud. Huidige leesvlak sowel as vordering word wetenskaplik gemeet. Kry Individuele aandag; Afr of Eng. Maak gebruik van hierdie geleentheid om die Visagraph leervermoëtoets ter waarde van R300 môre teen slegs R180p/p te kry! Skakel Marietjie v Wyk 078 366 9955
Lorraine Du Preez van Lydenburg Skrootwerf het Themba Mzimba by die MTPA Visserye en Frik Rousseau (Direkteur van Lapsar) geskakel oor ’n hond wat in ’n strik gevang en dood is. Hulle het ondersoek ingestel en op die skokkende toneel afgekom. ’n Verdagte naby die skrootwerf is ondervra en hy het skuld erken. ’n Boete van R600 is op hom beteken.
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems
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Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Burgersfort Animal Farm denies claims of mistreatment A newspaper recently placed an article with the heading “shock over state of animals” Mr Johan Beukes, the owner of the Burgersfort Animal Farm asked this letter to be published in the Highlands Panorama News to give an objective opinion about the farm. Mr Johan Beukes writes: I have invited the SPCA and Mr. Themba Mzimba from Nature Conservation to visit the Farm to get their opinions and views after evaluating the animals on the farm. According to their final report they were very impressed with the condition of all animals. They are also very impressed and more than happy with the condition of the calves and the recovery of the skin disease currently being treated. They will make it their business to help us at the Animal Farm to grow even bigger. They are very impressed with what we are offering the community and the children. With regards to the “no shaded areas for the animals” as mentioned in a newspaper article, I can't understand this comment as there are two big thorn trees trimmed and providing more than enough shade for the animals, should they want to. There's also a 6x6 metre covered area where the sheep and other animals can stand during the day and where they sleep at night. It was mentioned that my animals have no shade to stand under during the day. Just a question: Are my animals the only animals standing in the sun during the day? So all the animals on farms or cows next to the road etc, don't stand in the sun at all? Only the animals at Burgersfort Animal Farm? The next point I would like to raise is the photo and the comments with regards to the sores on one of the calves. These
calves were bought at an auction in Belfast and unfortunately one of the calves had a skin disease, a very common disease that can be cured with the use of Terramycin and Ivomec. Unfortunately there is a healing time of 14 – 21 days. Please check your facts. How can people comment about something when they have no knowledge of even where to buy the necessary animal feed and medicine for sick animals etc. I feel it's my right and would like to invite everyone and the complainants to visit our farm any day for a free day of training on how animals are fed and how to treat different diseases. Then last but not least, I, Johan Beukes, did not say that I am a registered rehabilitation centre for animals, but I am rehabilitating and treating sick animals. Trust me, I succeed in every way. This again just shows that this article was published without any objectivity. Once again I would like to thank Nature Conservation for their time and effort to visit our farm. It is much appreciated. We have a complaints book at our Farm and so far no complaints have been received. This book is available at any time for everyone’s perusal.
Sewerage in Voortrekker Street creates a mess Liters of sewerage ran down Voortrekker Street last week. Motorists were appaled by the sight on the corner of Voortrekker and Eeufees Streets in Lydenburg. The Highlands Panorama News received several calls. These are some of the terrible conditions that residents of Lydenburg have been complaining about to Thaba Chweu Municipality. Most of the complaints are apparently ignored. Residents of the town are constantly hoping that everything will ‘smell rosy again’ but to no avail. But this work has not been completed yet. Ditches of up to 2m deep on certain street corners have been standing open for months.. Rubbish is sometimes not removed for weeks, traffic signs and street names are missing and the streets are full of potholes. This is an ongoing battle and eyesore. The current strike only put more light on the problems residents experience daily.
Connectivity without Compromise
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Rubrieke / Columns
11 April 2013
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
to the editor
Briew e aan die redakteur
Geliefde inwoner verloor kankerstryd
In Memorium Van Popsie (Annatjie), Anchel, Leanne, Marion en Ilona: George Christie is op 7 April oorlede na ’n lang siekbed. Ons liewe Vader het hom genadiglik kom haal en van sy lyding verlos. Spesiale dank aan Cobie Steynberg en dr. Nico van Velden wat hom tot en met die einde bygestaan het. Ook aan Adri Pretorius wat hom so mooi versorg het bedags, ’n woord van spesiale dank. Baie dankie ook aan al die kerke, Wenakker en elkeen wat saam gebid het. Ons waardeer dit opreg. George se siekbed het die gemeenskap van Lydenburg op ’n baie spesiale manier saamgebring. .
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Hoorhierso, 'n skerpsinnige opinie val tog so lekker op die tong. Is dit nie hoekom ons gesprekke en diskoerse met mekaar voer nie? Nie net Hoorhierso nie, maar deur die eeue heen het diegene met menings dit op skrif gestel vir hul naastes en vyande om te lees. Dit is immers om terugvoer te kry, mense se koppe in 'n ander denkrigting te stuur, mense te laat lag, te laat haat. Dit is bloot die mag van die pen. Sommige rubrieke handel oor donkertes wat die mensdom beleef, hoe mense lag met 'n traan, verstaan tog net mekaar se denke. Ander rubrieke bied hulp en streef na hoër ideale. In die hedendaagse tyd is dit die mag van die internet of rekenaar. Maar sê, kry mense hul sê gesê... Ek het op 'n webwerf gelees “'n Rubriek is 'n meningstuk, 'n uitspreek van 'n persoonlike opinie, dikwels geskoei op subjektiewe aannames. Die wese van 'n rubriek kan baie verskil. Party stukke lewer kommentaar op een of ander aktuele saak in die samelewing; ander is nostalgies van aard; ander inspirerend, en party kan selfs baie humoristies wees.” 'n Skrywer steek sy nek uit en dat dit hamers of lofliedere moet reën. Dis hoe dit is. Ek beskou dit nie as verwaand om 'n opiniestuk te skryf oor 'n sensitiewe onderwerp en dan te verwag dat mense nie met jou mag verskil daaroor of feitefoute aan jou mag uitwys nie. Vir meer as 'n eeu het koerante die reputasie gestand gedoen van die pen wat magtiger as die swaard is. Selfs magtige mense, soos regters, wat in 'n konfrontasie met koerante betrokke geraak het, het geleer 'n mens kruis nie swaarde met hulle wat ink by die dromme aankoop nie.
• Die Roudiens word waargeneem deur ds. Fred Wilson uit die NG Suid-gemeente op Lydenburg om 14:00 op Vrydag 12 April.
‘Gifappel’ se opinie
“Fluit, fluit my storie is nog lank nie uit.”
Uit die Woord From the Word SPREUKE 8:5: Dié wat ervaring kortkom, kan verstandig word, dié wat dwaas optree, kan insig kry. Dankie Here, dat ons nooit te oud word om onderrig te word nie. Help ons ouers om hulle kinders reg te onderrig - Amen.
Die Outoppie
VIR maande nou al kla ek dat ek nie kans het om die nuwe fiets bietjie “in te loop” nie. Ewenwel, die afgelope naweek het Chris en Elsa Liebenberg en vriende ons uitgenooi om die dag saam met hulle op die toerfietse deur te bring. Daar was twee BMW 1200 GS’e, ’n Honda Transalp (700 twin), BMW F800 GS (800 twin), BMW F650 GS (800 twin) en my Yamaha
Olaff Nelson van Steelpoort skryf: Ek verwys hier na bladsy 4 van die Highlands Panorama, van 4 April 2013. Michelle Boshoff vervies haarself vir Sunette Bridges omdat dié dit sou waag om die “Ikoon Madiba” te beswadder. Sy spog met haar Lydenburg foto (wat ek hier wil koppel aan die berig onderaan die selfde bladsy van “Old Grumpy”). Sy moet besef dat hierdie totale verval van Suid Afrika by haar ikoon begin het. Gee sy dieselfde eer aan GOD, veg sy vir Sy Goeie Naam op dieselfde wyse? Reg langs haar treurmare blink en stink die VF+. Eerstens gee hulle uitvoer aan GOD se opdrag om na hul naaste om te sien. Vol punte. Net onder die insetsel besing hulle die lof van Mandela en nog ’n paar ander afgode; weereens word God nie hier genoem / erken. Nou word die VF+ ’n FF op die rapportkaart. Dit staan hard en duidelik in die Bybel: Jy sal geen ander afgode voor my dien nie. “Uit die Woord” beslaan vier kort reëls. Meet dit teen die twee insetsels wat Madiba en kie ophemel.
Wyle mnr. George Christie.
‘Opinie’ bly ‘opinie’ Dankie mnr. Nelson vir die tyd en wyse waarop jy die brieweblad van die koerant so noukeurig bestudeer. Dit is gewis ’n koerant se beleid om briewe te plaas in oorleg met die redakteurskeuse. Daarom is ons as koerant definitief nie deur u skrywe onstig nie. In dieselfde asem is dit jammer dat u my geloof in God in twyfel trek bloot oor die lees van ’n rubriek. Boonop sien u nie die mooi van Lydenburg raak in ’n foto nie en ek ‘spog’ definitief met ons dorp. Na die foto van die dorp verskyn het, het ek oproepe uit Pretoria ontvang van mense wat se hart verlang na die ‘blou berge van Lydenburg.’ Ek moedig lesers aan om volgende week terugvoer te gee oor mnr. Nelson se brief. Redakteur: Highlands Panorama Nuus, Michelle Boshoff
Mooi voorbeeld van Lelievlei Amelia Bietje - VF+ Vroueliga van Lydenburg skryf : Tydens die Munisipale staking het Lelievlei se inwoners vullis in die dorp verwyder. Die gemeenskap het dit raakgesien en dit word baie waardeer. Dankie ook aan Lelievlei se direksie wat besluit het om Duncia Kinderhuis finansieël te ondersteun nadat 'n kerk sy maandelikse borgskap onttrek het. Duncia Kinderhuis versorg baie jong kinders en ons as gemeenskap behoort hulle te ondersteun.
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Tenere (660 single). Elke fiets het een persoon op gehad, behalwe Chris en Elsa op hulle 1200 GS. Die roete was vanaf Honda Wing in Lydenburg na Burgersfort, daarna regs op die Ohrigstadpad tot by Hannah Lodge, waar ons ’n reuse ontbyt geëet het. Daarna links in die tonnel se rigting en toe regs op die Blyde pad tot by die oord. Daarna oor Graskop tot by die Woodsman op Sabie, waar ons weereens weggelê het aan ’n lekker middagete en toe terug Lydenburg toe. Matilda en Andrea is agter ons aan met die Corsa bakkie as “backup” en Andrea het fotos geneem. Al ses die fietse het die 278 km op een tenk
brandstof gedoen, maar die Corsa, wat moes uithaal om by te bly, het ’n verstommende 17 km/l gedoen. As ek hom bestuur, kry ek net 8 km/l! ’n Heerlike dag. Baie dankie almal vir goeie geselskap en kameraderie, en die geleentheid om weer op die fiets te wees! Naskrif: Vir sy eerste 1 000 km moet die Yamaha ingeloop word teen ’n maksimum van 4 000 opm. Gelukkig het ek 450 km op die meter gehad om mee te begin. Nodeloos om te sê, moes ek die krane oopdraai om by die groter fietse te bly en het ek plek-plek 160 op die spoedmeter gesien! Bietjie vinnig vir my op ’n ligte enkelsilinder Adventure Bike, hoor! Kom ons maak weer so!
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Voetslaanroete op ons voorstoep is tops D
ie Wathaba Voetslaanroete is weereens aangewys as Magalies Voetslaan se roete van die jaar. Dit is nie die eerste keer dat Wathaba die toekenning ontvang nie, in 2007 was Wathaba ook roete van die jaar. Dit plaas Wathaba in ’n besonderse klas saam ’n voetslaanroete soos die Walvisroete (Whale Trail) wat ook die gesogte toekenning twee keer gekry het. “Ek is baie trots op die toekenning, in die jare tussen in wat ons nie gewen het nie, was ons tweede,” het me. Wimpie Rauch (roete-eienaar) gesê. Magalies Voetslaan, ’n voetslaan organisasie vir
Wathaba Rainbow Falls.
alle voetslaanklubs in en om Pretoria kies jaarliks ’n voetslaanroete van die jaar. Elke jaar gedurende Novembermaand ontvang hulle nominasiesvorms van alle lede met ’n voorstel vir die roete van die jaar. Lede moet ook ’n kort motivering skryf hoekom die roete genomineer word. Wathaba is in die Machadodorp distrik ongeveer 20 km buite die dorp. ’n Pragtige voetslaanroete langs waterstrome, watervalle, uitsigte en ’n baie unieke basiskamp reg langs ’n kabbelende waterstroom. Me. Rauch het vertel dat sy 29 jaar gelede alleen op die plaas gaan woon het. Sy kon nie 'n inkomste uit die plaas verdien nie aangesien die plaas geen ploegbare grond gehad het nie. Dit was ’n absolute natuurplaas in die berge met sewe pragtige watervalle. Die bekende Afrikaanse skrywer Chris Bakkes het toe aangehou dat sy dit vir stappers moet oopstel. “Ek het in 1989 met niks begin nie. Die eerste ding wat ek gebou het (uit ou houtplankies) was ’n “long drop”. Toe bou ek ’n dubbelverdieping slaaplokaal (alles uit houtplankies) en so het dit aangegaan tot wat ek vandag alles het en volgens almal is dit absoluut 5 ster vir stappers. Die Lynx Loop is 10km en word gewoonlik op die Saterdag gestap en die 4km Bosbokroete word dan op die Sondag oggend gestap. Die roetes is gebou deur ’n professionele roetebouer nl. Albert Bossert. Albei die roetes is baie goed gemerk en meeste van die inheemse bome is
ook gemerk deur Dyk Zeeman. Daar is baie lere, trappe en bruggies op die roetes om die stap te vergemaklik want dit is alles in die berge, dus is dit baie op-en-af. Die sewe groot watervalle kan almal gesien word as die roetes gestap word en daar is by meeste van hulle heerlike swempoele waar die mense kan swem. Die water is kristalhelder, silwerskoon, orals drinkbaar en baie koud in die winter. Net die braafste sal swem in die winter. Almal geniet hul gate uit, veral die kinders. Baie geluk aan roete-eienaar Wimpie Rauch wat die roete in ’n puik toestand hou en gedurig nuwe verbeterings aanbring, om die roete veiliger te maak en algemeen netjies te hou.
Voetslaners van Ndaba Voetslaanklub span uit by “Bald Ibus” waterval op die roete
Roete-eienaar Wimpie Rauch (links op foto) ontvang die sertifikaat vanaf Andries Oosthuizen, Voorsitter Magalies Voetslaan (regs).
Kiepersolval is een van die kleiner watervalle. Dit is ook op die Lynx Loop
Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 Offer Valid 28 March 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort - 10 April 2013 or While stocks last. Terms & Conditions Apply
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4 April 2013
• Sondag 14 April. NG Suid-Gemeente. Piet Smit tree op as deel van erediens. Almal welkom. • Saterdag 27 April. AGS Rehobot Gemeente en Volle Evangelie Kerk hou saam basaar. • Vrydag 24 Mei. Laerskool Burgersfort reunie. Bring-enbraai, skool verskaf pap-en-sous. Skool kantoor 013 231 7609. • Saterdag 25 Mei. Winterfees te Burgersfort. Ray Dyllan en ander kunstenaars. Vele stalletjies en vermaak vir kleingoed. Grootskerm-rugby en ’n biertent. Skakel skoolkantoor 013 231 7609 vir stalletjies en kaartjies.
Nuus / News
Piet Smit tree Sondag in Lydenburg op
SPORT: • Saturday 27 April. Mashishing Marathon Club meeting. All members and athletes invited. Marifane Primary School, Skhila, at 14:00. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. • Saturday 25 May. Halfmarathon hosted by Mashishing Marathon Club. Start at 07:00 Marifane Primary School, Skhila. Runner Registration Friday from 14:00 till 19:00 and race day. 21.1km, 10km, 5km, walkers. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. Gereelde afsprake: • Woensdae. 7:30 by Lydenburg Toyota. BNI vergadering. 083 269 4893. • First Friday of every month. Freemasons meeting. 082 749 4300. • Vrydae. Pannekoek voor Longtom SuperSPAR deur Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes.
Piet Smit, bekende gospelsanger is Sondag in Lydenburg.
Op Sondag 14 Apri om 09:00 tree bekende gospelsanger Piet Smit by die NG Suid-gemeente op. Dit sal deel van die erediens wees. Almal is welkom. Piet Smit se openbare betrokkenheid in musiek het in die laat 70's begin as agtergrondsanger in Pretoria se kroeë en restaurante. In 1989 kom hy tot bekering en begin hom toespits op die skryf- en uitvoering van geestelike liedere. Sedert sy toetrede tot 'n voltydse sangbediening in Mei 1994 het Piet al verskeie albums die lig laat sien. Piet se bediening fokus op innerlike genesing en hy het 'n passie vir stukkende mense wat uitgesak het in die lewe. Op die verhoog put hy uit sy eie persoonlike geestelike neerlae en oorwinnings en verweef dit, saam met sy liedjies, in 'n storie. Sy opregte begeerte is om sy talent uitsluitlik tot eer van God te gebruik.
Hengel en Kuns wenners Boere saamtrek Op 17 April sal daar om 15:00 ’n Boere Saamtrek plaasvind by Laske Nakke Lodge buite Lydenburg. Op die program is plaaslone, algemene sake, veiligheid op plase en ander sake. Na die vergadering sal ’n braai voorsien word. Die spreker van die middag is Daan du Plessis, Streekskakelbeampte van Oos Transvaal Landbou Unie. Vir meer inligting skakel Kallie Klingbiel by 082 450 8849.
Hengel en Kuns het onlangs weer hul maandwenners aangewys wat koopbewyse gewen het. Dit is altyd ’n welkome geskenk en vooruitsig vir kliënte. Van links is: eerste plek Ronnie Muller R300, Hengel & Kuns, tweede Wimpie Briel R200 Imbali Coffee Shop, derde Marius Scheepers R100 en Toekie van Zyl (eienaar van Hengel en Kuns Lydenburg).
Paassondag was vir 'n tweehonderdtal Lydenburgers nie 'n laatslaap-Sondag nie. Nog voor 06:00 die oggend, het die motors by die Longtom opgetou en het mense van alle kerke en ouderdomme die JESUS-koppie uitgeklim om saam die son te sien opkom en God te loof aan die voet van die kruis. Almal was dit eens dat hierdie byeenkoms 'n instelling op die Lydenburg-kerkkalender moet bly – en dat dit dalk uitgebrei moet word na 'n langer erediens en Paasfees-herdenking wat oor die naweek moet strek. Foto regs: Marinda Bouwer blaas op die “ramshoring” na die Sonsopkoms-diens op die Jesus-koppie op Paas-Sondag.
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Cotlands reach out
From left (back) Jurie Schoeman from BNI; (front) Thandi Mdaka and Penny Bryce from Cotlands.
epresentatives of the Cotlands Early Childhood Development Centre recently addressed the BNI group in Lydenburg. The centre, situated on a kiwi farm in Boschfontein, needs help with transport and
venues (in the form of containers or wendy houses) to house this vital project. Help is also needed for a toy centre in Mashishing. For more information contact Thandi Mdaka (left) on 073 758 4987.
Pick n Pay Lydenburg het in samewerking met Sasko ’n kompetisie gehad waar ’n groot LG yskas / vrieskas op die spel was. Kliënte moes hul aankoopstrokies met Sasko produkte en hul naam op in ’n boks gooi vir die gelukkige trekking. Me Joan Over, oud-Lydenburger was die gelukkige wenner. Op die foto is (van links) mnr. Jurgens du Preez (Sasko Verkope Bestuurder), me. Jule Dennis (Pick a Pay, Lydenburg werknemer), Me Joan Over (wenner) en Mnr John Nkosi (Sasko Verkoopsverteenwoordiger).
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Methodist Church, a rich history over 100 years
he South African Methodist church was active in Lydenburg from as early as 1874. At that time, the circuit minister resided in Pilgrims Rest, the motivation being the gold mining community. He would pack his bag, mount his horse and spend two months, administering to the Methodist community which extended to Sabie, Watervalboven, Penge and Lydenburg. The faithful at Lydenburg, decided that the services were not as frequent as desired, and in 1905, a decision was made to hold monthly services at Lydenburg. Various premises were used as the places of worship, these being the Magistrate's court, Mr Palferman's carpenter shop, the hall next to A.A.Morgan's hardware shop and the government school. In anticipation of the probable growth of Lydenburg after the termination of the Boer War in 1901, the community voted to purchase ground for a church. The property, now 27 Burger St, was bought for the grand sum of £150. After a delay, the church construction commenced in 1913, and the corner stone was laid on 22nd April 1913. The church was completed toward the end of 1913, by Mr Goodman, who did not charge for his labour. The final cost was £470. The electrical system was installed by Mr Dunn from Sterkspruit. On successful completion, the good Mr Dunn was visited by the resident minister and one of the leaders, who convinced him to make the installation a gift, which he then did. In 1979, the corner stone had
Unfortunately, it had not been correctly set and the moment that it was touched, the church was filled with a cacophony of cymbals, snares and drums! It took a few moments to reset it and restore calm in the church. Another handcraft talented member, a Mr Peter Booysen who was manager of the Standard Bank, decided that the time was due for replacement of the tea box pulpit. He commenced to construct and installed one, which is still in use today. In the years which passed, the original tea box pews had reached their “sell by” date. About the mid 1970's the resident minister, Rev Russel Parker, became aware that the Park Town Methodist Church where his father was resident, was upgrading their pews. These pews, with thanks from the faithful, were dispatched to Lydenburg where they still deliver good service. As the church grew, the need for a church The beautiful building of the Methodist Church in Lydenburg has stood the test of time. hall became a priority. Mr Halvar Sorum, succumbed to the ravages of time and had to moving around the Methodist Church son of a Norwegian minister, who had be replaced. Behind the stone was found a ministry for some years, he was appointed as emigrated to South Africa, and glass bottle containing unreadable papers. the President of the Methodist Church, as the established many missionary churches in the eastern Transvaal, became the driving They were possibly the invoices from the leader was addressed until the 1980's. force behind the construction of a church dear Mr Dunne in the hope of a payment at a A foot blower organ was donated to the hall. This hall was commissioned in church in the early days of the church. This later time? March 1979. The pulpit was constructed out of tea chests, was later converted to an electrical fan In about 1986 a wall of remembrance powered model, which served well until wooden benches were nailed together, and was built behind the hall where one can the church was in operation in early 1914. In 1984. Due to unreliable performance, it was mount a plaque in memory of a loved about 1928, Rev CJ Storey became resident decided that a new organ should be minister. One of his pastimes was spent doing purchased. This was done at a cost of R4500. one. Recently the environs were planted woodwork. During his spare time, he The first playing of the electronic organ was with shrubs and flowers, and a few designed, constructed and installed the wood something of a memorable occasion. The late benches were placed where one can sit Mrs Malan, who was the organist at that and remember their loved ones. (Written panelling at the front of the church. After time, undertook to play it for the first time. by W.A.Crossley)
Notice is given in terms of Regulation 56 & 57 of the Regulations published in Government notice No.R659, 13 June 2008 published in terms of Chapter 6 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) and the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,2002 (Act 28 of 2002, sections 16(4)(b) and 27(5)(b) which require the applicant for a right or permit to notify in writing and consult with the landowner or lawful occupier and any other affected party. Interested and affected parties are being notified of the intent to submit an Environmental Management Programme for a Mining Permit of Silica in the Magisterial District of Sabie in the Mpumalanga Province.
Notice is given in terms of Regulation 56 & 57 of the Regulations published in Government notice No.R659, 13 June 2008 published in terms of Chapter 6 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) and the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,2002 (Act 28 of 2002, sections 16(4)(b) and 27(5)(b) which require the applicant for a right or permit to notify in writing and consult with the landowner or lawful occupier and any other affected party. Interested and affected parties are being notified of the intent to submit an Environmental Management Programme for a Mining Permit of Silica in the Magisterial District of Sabie in the Mpumalanga Province.
NATURE OF ACTIVITY: applications for Mining Permits to the Department of Mineral Resources in Mpumalanga (DMR, MP) have been accepted; therefore in accordance with the requirement of section 29(4) of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), an Environmental Management Programme (EMP), as set out in section 39 of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), has to be compiled . LOCATION: the respective site is situated on "Portion of Remaining Extent of the farm Bergkant 41 JT" in the Magisterial District of Sabie in the Mpumalanga Province. NAME OF APPLICANT: Pewster Star Investments CC
NATURE OF ACTIVITY: applications for Mining Permits to the Department of Mineral Resources in Mpumalanga (DMR, MP) have been accepted; therefore in accordance with the requirement of section 29(4) of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), an Environmental Management Programme (EMP), as set out in section 39 of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), has to be compiled. LOCATION: the respective site is situated on a "Portion of Portion 1 of the farm Vygenhoek 10 JT" in the Magisterial District of Sabie in the Mpumalanga Province. NAME OF APPLICANT: Pewster Star Investments CC
NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS CONSULTANT: to register as an interested and affected party, you may contact us with queries relating to the proposed project, or submit your comments by post, or by fax, or by e-mail within 30 calender days of this advertisement. You can register by submitting your details or comments to: Mafatiki Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1677, Ferndale, 2160 or Fax: 086 696 4891, or e-mail: Attention: Nicholus Maloba, mafatiki@telkomsa.net
NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS CONSULTANT: to register as an interested and affected party, you may contact us with queries relating to the proposed project, or submit your comments by post, or by fax, or by e-mail within 30 calender days of this advertisement. You can register by submitting your details or comments to: Mafatiki Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1677, Ferndale, 2160 or Fax: 086 696 4891, or e-mail: Attention: Nicholus Maloba, mafatiki@telkomsa.net
Nuus / News
11 April 2013
Soet happies nie te versmaai
Foto van die Longtom Nissan span -Hercules Coetzee, Johan Gerber, Cecil Barrows, Adelene le Roux, Nicky Maartins, Heidi Botha, Carel Olivier, Henry Moyo, Rone van der Westhuizen
Hercules Coetzee
Longom Nissan Lydenburg sit weer glimlagte op die gesigte Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg het oor die Paasnaweek weer oor tot oor glimlagte op die publiek se gesigte gelaat.
Huldeblyk Lucas Boysi Shabangu LUCAS Boysi Shabangu het in 1984 by Lydenburg Visserye begin werk. Hy is op 1April 2013 op 53 jarige ouderdom oorlede. Hy laat sy eggenote, vier kinders en een kleinkind agter. Hy het 29 jaar diens by die Parkeraad gehad, waarvan hy al die tyd nou saam met Andre Coetzee en Frik Rousseau gewerk het. Lucas was toesighouer van die visteelspan en sy kundigheid van visteelt en vis identifikasie was alom bekend. Hy het ook in sy werk die destydse ou Transvaal en later Mpumalanga deurkruis en het ’n goeie kennis van bykans al die groot staatsdamme en riviere gehad. Hy was ’n goeie bootskipper en het baie instandhoudingswerk op die visserye se bote gedoen. Sy heengaan laat ’n groot leemte. Andre Coetzee en Frik Rousseau.
Wyle Lucas Shabangu.
Tel: 013 235 8700, Kantoor St, Lydenburg
Johan Gerber
Cecil Barrows
Public Holiday
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Illustration: Geological Map & Mining Activity of the Bushveld Igneous Complex
11 April 2013
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Traffic makes you mad
lower-ranking workers. In the study, experts at the universities of Manchester and Liverpool monitored stress hormones in monkeys.
Among the findings, which they said could be applied to human hierarchies, was that monkeys in the middle order had the highest levels of stress hormones. They are involved with conflict from those below as well as from above. Katie Edwards, from Liverpool’s AS most of us know only too well, even at the best of times they’re just plain Institute of Integrative Biology, said: “People in middle management might have higher infuriating. But being stuck in one queue or traffic jam too many could spark more than levels of stress hormones compared to their boss at the top or the workers they manage.” simply a foul mood – it can lead to severe mental disorder, a study claims. Everyday Daily Mail - iol.motoring irritations like waiting in traffic can build up over time and cause mental problems later in life, psychologists found. And learning to keep a cool head in the face of modern life’s daily stresses is as essential as a healthy diet and an exercise routine, they said. Susan Charles, a professor of psychology and social behaviour, led the study to find out whether everyday irritations add up to make the straw that breaks the camel’s back, or whether they make us stronger. Using data from two national surveys, researchers found negative responses to daily stresses such as arguments w i t h a p a r t n e r, conflicts at work, standing in long queues or sitting in traffic led to psychological distress or anxiety and mood disorders ten years later. The results, based on data from the Midlife Development in the United States project, and the National Study of Daily Experiences, from men and women aged 25 and 74, show mental health problems are not affected by just major life events, but also by seemingly minor emotional experiences. The findings echo the premise of the 1993 Michael Douglas film Falling Down, in which his character ‘snaps’ while waiting in LA traffic. Speaking of the findings, published in the journal Psychological Science, Professor Charles said: “How we manage daily emotions matters to our overall mental health. “We’re so focused on long-term goals that we don’t see the importance of regulating our emotions. “Changing how you respond to stress and how you think about stressful situations is as important as maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. “It’s important not to let everyday problems ruin your moments. After all, moments add up to days, and days add up to years.” Professor Charles, of the University of California, Irvine, added: “Unfortunately, people don’t see mental health problems as such until they become so severe that they require professional attention.” Middle managers are under the most stress in the workplace, a study claims. This is because they face more challenges from above while having to maintain authority over
Ants have no traffic issues ANYBODY who has spent a lazy summer afternoon as a child watching the constant movement of ants in their parents' garden will know that, no matter how congested the entrance to the nest may be, ants never have traffic jams. Now a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States has confirmed that the same applies to bees and termites - and he says he knows why. According to a report in technology magazine Gizmag, telecommunications specialist Ozan Tonguz has discovered that, in the insect world, when two traffic flows meet, the larger group always gives right of way to the smaller group. And he reckons the same should be happening on our city streets. Given that w i r e l e s s communication between individual cars and the systems that govern the timing of traffic lights is already a reality, Tonguz took the technology one step further with what he calls a virtual traffic lights system, which counts the number of signals (i.e. moving
vehicles) coming from each direction and gives right of way to the larger group. Once the larger group has gone through, the smaller group gets the green light The Gizmag report says the system has been in development since 2009, and computer simulations have shown that it shortens commuting times by 40-60 percent, with a corresponding improvement in both carbon dioxide emissions and driver frustration levels. The research has now been funded to the tune of $2 million (R17.5 million) and a spin-off company has been formed to build a working prototype system. And the best part is, if it works as smoothly as the computer simulations suggest, the average commuter won't even notice it in operation; they'll just get home more quickly, with less stop-start driving along the way. Ask any ant. iol.motoring.co.za
11 April 2013
Lydenburg Toyota stel die nuwe RAV4 bekend
LYDENBURG TOYOTA het Saterdag die splinternuwe RAV4 bekend gestel. Toyota se nuwe korporatiewe neus, soortgelyk aan die van die nuwe Auris, kan duidelik gesien word. Beskikbaar in 4x2 en AWD 4x4, bied die nuwe RAV4 vier modelle naamlik 2.0 GX (petrol, sesspoed handrat 4x2 voorwiel), 2.0 CVT GX (petrol, CVT konstante skakel ratkas, 4x2 voorwiel), 2.2 D4-D GX (diesel, sesspoed handrat, 4x4 AWD), en die vlagskip 2.5 AUTO VX (petrol, sesspoed outo, 4x4 AWD). Die reeks beskik oor al die veiligheidskenmerke met o.a. sewe lugsakke op VX, raakskerm informasiestelsel, halfleer sitplekke (VX) en ’n hele rits luukshede. Die Toyota RAV4 was die oorspronklike kompakte SUV en het deur die jare ’n formidabele reputasie opgebou. Dit is nie ’n hardebaard 4x4 met laestrek ratkas nie, maar die AWD sal werk in sand, modder of enige moeilike terrein. Vir meer inligting, pryse, waarborg en diensinligting, finansieringspakette ens, besoek gerus die mense by Lydenburg Toyota. Andre Coetzee.
11 April 2013
What tools do you need for your car? ANYONE who wants to save a bit of cash on car maintenance will obviously need a good workshop manual and a reasonable set of spanners. There are many top quality sets available, but if you buy a complete new set in a box, you will be paying a high price for many spanners that you will never or hardly ever use. I believe it is best to buy a mid-price range set, or visit one of the many places that sell used tools. You will see many top names, such as Snap-On, Teng, Britool and the like for sale and provided they are not damaged or distorted by using incorrect sized spanners on fasteners, or going crazy with extension bars, could well be good buys. With a mid-range spanner set, it might be a good idea to add a top quality ratchet handle as cheapies eventually fail. You will soon see which spanners you use most often and it is these that it will be worth replacing piecemeal by top-of-the-range spanners. Open-end, box-end combination and Allen wrenches are used to turn bolts, nuts and screws. The open-end spanner holds the nut or bolt on only two flat sides and slips off or rounds the nut more readily than the box-end type. Sizes range from 3/8 to 1 inches in the average set and in 1/16 inch steps. Metric wrench sets range from 6 to 32mm and Allen wrench sizes usually used for “go-no-go” quick measurements. Never force or bend feeler gauges from 2 to 20mm and from 1/8 to 7/16 inch although other sizes are available. as this will destroy their accuracy. Adjustable spanners (photo) may be handy in emergencies, but generally Dial gauges and dial indicator sets are not essential for the beginner, but they should never be used in place of the correct sized spanner or socket. Pipe are capable of many functions in the workshop. wrenches are for use on pipes only and will quickly ruin any nut or bolt to The obvious ones are to check flywheel and brake discs for run-out, which they are applied. transmission and crankshaft end-play and differential gear backlash. The more specialised (and delicate) measuring tools such as inside and outside callipers, micrometers and the like should be stored in their original They are expensive to buy new, but may often be picked up quite cheaply in used-tool shops. Check new prices first to avoid being conned. cases. Be careful not to drop them. Precision surfaces, such as micrometer anvils, straightedges and calliper Building a good toolkit should not be a hurried exercise. Read the local press jaws must be protected. The accuracy of measuring instruments should be ads and watch out for sales and garage clearances. properly checked if there is any doubt. Check them against any other tools By Ken Corkett - Star Motoring - iol.motoring.co.za known to be accurate. Gauge blocks can be used to determine micrometer accuracy. ED: With the technical complexity of cars ever increasing due to Feeler gauges are relatively cheap and, in theory, should, like your spanners, electronic gizmos, and the technical / skills set of the average motorist last a lifetime provided they are not allowed to corrode. Wipe them clean with on the decline, home mechanics are a dying breed. Many new car an oily rag after use. They have their thickness marked in thousandths of an owners will never touch the mechanicals of their cars and will sell them inch or in millimetres or both. Non-magnetic blades are used for checking once the service plan or warranty runs out. If you are fortunate enough where magnetic force exists. to be in this category, have your car maintained by the dealer or expert. Stepped feelers have their tips a bit thinner than the rest of the blade and are If they “fix” something that quickly goes bang again, at least you have some recourse to protect you financially. But what about us folk who have to nurse their older (out of warranty) cars? Changing oil and filters are skills easily acquired and relatively simple to perform. You will save about R 1 000 per service. You need a good tool set from Midas or Autozone. A torque wrench is a must, as well as one or two different oil filter wrenches and a good screw driver set. Think about R 2 000 for the lot. A very good manual from Motorbooks or Haynes for your car will set you back about R 500 and is a must. Google Motorbooks or Haynes. You can often download a “how to” article for free, that explains what you should do in laymens terms. Your savings on two services should pay for the tools and the book. Once you get into the basic service habit, you can tackle jobs like brake pad replacement (simple), spark plugs and so on. The workshop manuals are very descriptive and easy to follow.
VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Helena Jansen v Vuuren: 082 319 8456 Hyundai Lydenburg
Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113
You will find doing your own work not only financially rewarding, but often therapeutic and fun. Enjoy!
11 April 2013
Nuus / News
Nissan Pathfinder a Car sales steady top notch 4x4 SUV TWO new Nissan Pathfinder SE models feature in the new four-vehicle line-up for these accomplished and rather good-looking and highly capable 4x4s from the Japanese. According to Nissan SA, the entry level Pathfinder SE is priced really keenly within its segment (starting at R450 900) and quite obviously aimed at competitors such as Toyota’s Fortuner / FJ Cruiser and Chevrolet’s Trailblazer. The good news for those in the market for a Pathfinder-type of vehicle is that I can honestly report that this is no stripped-down parts-bin special – in fact potential buyers may well be intrigued by how Nissan managed the task of offering the well-specced SE Pathfinder. The answer could well be that the Pathfinder to some may appear a little dated - it was launched back in 2005. I ask: Why change something if it’s still very capable and decidedly modern? Over the past couple of days I’ve had the pleasure of driving this extremely competent newcomer over just about every terrain you could imagine – badly rutted gravel roads; a rocky 4x4 track – and even mixing it on the N1 north of Pretoria as far as Naboomspruit with vehicles of every type and description. In a nutshell, the rugged and premium-looking Pathfinder SE's looks meet outstanding on-road comfort, thanks to all-round independent suspension (multi-link at the rear). This offers better ride quality and handling due to lower unsprung weight and the ability for each wheel to independently address the road surface undisturbed by the other three. It also provides a lower centre of gravity and less vibration from impact shocks and prestigious off-road driving ability in a tailor-made package developed especially for the South African market. The engine turns either a six-speed manual or five-speed auto with all-mode 4x4. The mode provides intelligent traction, a drive mode selector switch and Active Brake Limited Slip (ABLS). The new Pathfinder SE models offer an ideal blend of on-road comfort and safety as well as off-road aptitude and control, powered by Nissan’s proven 2.5-litre, common-rail, turbocharged, four-cylinder diesel, which produces 140kW at 4000 rpm and 450Nm from 2000 rpm. Ground clearance of 232mm might prove a bit of a downer for hard-core off-road enthusiasts but pick your route carefully through the rocky stuff and it will be perfectly adequate to compete with your mates. There’s very little chance of actually getting stuck with a Pathfinder because the above-mentioned drive mode selector takes care of that. Both my driving partner and I were content to leave said switch in "auto" for the duration without resorting to four-high / four-low selections. The SE's cabin has creature comforts such as privacy glass (dark windows) in the rear, power windows and external mirrors, power steering, central locking, cruise control, a multi-function steering wheel, a comprehensive trip computer, Bluetooth for hands-free cellphone use, automatic dual-zone climate control and 17" alloy rims, amongst others. Safety equipment is, as expected from Nissan, top-notch – where six air bags are joined by anti-lock brakes with varying pressure distribution, dynamic traction control, hill-start help, gradient descent braking (auto only) and the aforementioned ABLS (both models). In case you were wondering what ABLS is exactly, it’s a system that cleverly redirects power to the driven wheels which have the most traction, using wheel-speed sensors to detect a loss of traction in one or more of the driven wheels, applying braking force to the affected wheel or wheels to help slow them down. Something one definitely needs when traversing in off-road conditions! Nissan Pathfinder 2.5dCi 4 x 4 Man. SE - R450 900 Nissan Pathfinder 2.5dCi 4 x 4 A/T SE - R470 900 Nissan Pathfinder 2.5dCi 4 x 4 A/T Nav LE - R594 900 Nissan Pathfinder 3.0dCi 4 x 4 A/T Nav - R694 900 (Prices include VAT but are subject to a CO2 tax increase from April 2013.) Sold with a three-year or 90 000km service plan and a three-year or 100 000km warranty. Dave Fall - Wheels24 ED: I have not yet tested the Pathfinder, but will bring you my opinion based on years of 4x4 experience with numerous vehicle brands, once I get the opportunity to test one.
THE South African vehicle market has seen its first year-on-year sales decline in many years, according to the latest figures from the National Association of Automotive Manufacturers of South Africa. March, usually the best sales month after October, lived up to expectations with 54 946 finding a home in SA. New vehicle sales were up by 3.3% on February 2013 but were lower than March 2012 by 2.1%. The decline, Naamsa said, was due to the Easter weekend falling in the month and the subsequent decline in the number of sales days.
VW retained its leadership position in SA with total March sales of 8516. The Polo Vivo was the best-selling passenger car - 2939 sold. The introduction of an eightspeed auto for its Amarok Double Cab range boosted VW bakkie sales to 510 units. Group director of sales and marketing, Mike Glendinning, said: “The demand for new cars in March 2013 was slowed by the Easter long weekend and school holidays which fell during the last week of the month. This resulted in fewer selling days and potential new car buyers going away on holiday.” Toyota reported a total sales figure of 10 593 for March 2013. The Toyota Etios was the third most-popular - 1736 sold. President and CEO of Toyota SA, Johan van Zyl, said: “March sales were boosted by several factors. As the end of the quarter and the end of the fiscal for many public and private companies, March traditionally sees large bulk purchases and final tender allocations. "This is of course further supported by high retail activity from vehicle retailers who want to end the quarter in the black.” TOP TEN SELLERS- MARCH 2013 1 Volkswagen Polo Vivo - 2939. 2 Volkswagen Polo - 2596. 3 Toyota Etios - 1736.
4 Mercedes C-Class - 1415.
5 BMW 3 Series - 1401.
6 Ford Figo - 1109.
7 Toyota Corolla - 1003.
8 Toyota Fortuner - 993.
9 Ford Fiesta - 783.
10 Nissan Juke - 769 .
wheels 24.co.za ED Price has become the biggest driver in the market. Look at the best sellers: Polo, Figo, Etios. Some manufacturers do not provide sales figures to Naamsa, therefore the actual performance of some popular brands are not reflected.
11 April 2013
Properties / Eiendomme
Huis van die week
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 DUBBELVERDIEPING IN "THE WEAVERS" ERFGROOTTE : 506m². 3 Slk, 2 badk, gastetoilet, komb met spasie vir skottelgoedw., sit / eetk, dubbeldeur na patio met ingeboude braai, mooi tuin, agterplaas omhein, alarm, dubbelm/h met spasie vir wasmasjien
TE HUUR: • Gastehuis: 5 Slk won, 3 badk. Kan gehuur word met of sonder 4 gastekamers elk met eie geriewe. • 3 Slk netjiese w/stel, 2 badk, oopplan sit/eetk/ komb aparte opwas / wask R6 200 / mnd • 2 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks - R4 500 / mnd
TE KOOP: • 3 Slk, 1 badk, ruim sitk met kaggel en lugversorging, eetk, netjiese komb, wask, mot R980,000 • 4 of 5 Slk woning met ruim woonarea’s, eetk, komb/opwas/wask, 3 mot, plus 2 slk w/stel met 2 mot, 1 slk w/stel met mot, groot erf R1,640 milj • 2 Slk, 2 badk, oopplan sit/komb, opwas/wask, 1 mot + afdak + 1 slk w/stel, wendy, groot omheinde erf - R1,250 milj • Kleuterskool. Besigtiging en prys op aanvraag • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, stud, ruim sit/eetk,netjiese komb/opwas, woonk met braai op stoep, swembad, boorgat, boomryke omheinde erf, 2 mot + 3 afdakke, bediende kamer en geriewe, pakkamer, visdamme met koivisse - R2,450 milj • 3 Slk, 2 badk woning met ruim woonvertrek / oopplan komb, 2 mot. - R1,150 milj
Geen hereregte betaalbaar. Erfgrootte : 502m², Huisopp : 196m². 4 Slk, 2 badk elk met stort en bad, oopplan komb, ruim sit- en eetk, opwas/wask, onderdakpatio. Houtraamvensters. Kontak Lydenburg Eiendomme 013 235 1986 vir enige navrae. Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 Kantoor: admin@qsrealty.co.za / 079 549 7052
R 1 265 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
Te Huur:
TE HUUR: • 3 slaapkamer 2 badkamer meenthuis met enkel garage R 7100 / mnd • Nuutgeboude 4 slpk en 2 badk huis R 9600/mnd • 3 slpk en 2 badk huis in Sterkspruit met oopplan leefarea en dubbel garage R 9000 / mnd • Pragtige nuutgeboude huis in Sterkspruit met 3 slpk en 2 badk met groot oopplan leefarea met stoep R 13000 / mnd Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Prys verlaag! Uitsonderlike woning, met vier slaapkamers, twee badkamers, studeerkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer en moderne kombuis, waskamer, opwas, ondervloerse verhitting heerlike kuier stoep, swembad, afdakke, dubbel motorhuis.
Netjiese drie slaapkamer huis net reg vir intrek, twee badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met aparte opwas. Dubbel motorhuis. Stoep met braai area in Sekuriteits Kompleks.
R1 170 000
Stoor ruimte beskikbaar 135m2 @ R7000.00 Winkelspasie in Voortrekkerstraat 65m² POA Kantoorspasie in Viljoenstraat – 5 kantore, ontvangs, kombuis, badkamers, baie parkering POA 1 Slp woonstel te huur – geen diere @ R3300.00 3 Slp huis, twee badkamers @ R6500.00 3 Slp meenthuis twee badkamers R7000.00 5 x Nuutgeboude drie slaapkamer,twee badkamers met studeerkamer te huur @ R9000.00 Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit @ R9900.00 3 Slp huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling @ R9900.00
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
Properties / Eiendomme
11 April 2013
• Renovations • Civil’s • Paving • Electrical • Plumbing • Welding • Dry Walling • Palisades • Sliding Gates • Automation • Electric Fencing • Security Gates • Cladding • Garage Doors & Automation • Steel Structures
Digital signboard serves community THE digital signboard on the corner of Viljoen and Jansen streets is there to serve the community. It provides the opportunity for businesses in and out of town to advertise their products and services at the lowest rates in Mpumalanga. The business model makes provision for a monthly rate that buys an advertiser a minimum of 30 seconds of “airtime” per hour, seven days a week for 30 days. A maximum of 120 clients (per hour) can therefore be accommodated. When the board is not fully subscribed (less than 120 clients) you actually get much more than 30 seconds per hour. Most clients split their 30 seconds into three slots of 10 seconds each, every hour (same rate because you buy time at 30 seconds). The board provides information for potential clients. It can also be used to advertise your event, party, happening, valentines message or you can tell your girlfriend you love her. In these cases you pay a reduced rate for 30 seconds an hour and the event is flighted a few days before the event up to the date / time of the event, every hour. Panorama Outdoor (the company) has also decided to donate two 30 second slots per hour to the town and has given this space free of charge permanently to the Thaba Chweu Municipality and the local SAPS. Whatever message they put on is their choice and they may change it once a month. The idea is of course that it should contain info that is of use to the general public, hence the free slot. Although there are many needy organisations that would like a spot on the board for free, it is unfortunately a business with operating costs and more than the two stated free slots will not be
available. You may however enter into negotiations with management, in terms of costs and in terms of your particular needs. So, come and have your products / services / events / messages displayed for all to see! Contact Reinet on 082 450 4876 or Rean on 078 961 6802. Andre Coetzee.
R580 000 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer woonstel Met tuin en motorafdak R620 000 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, dupleks eenhede met 2 beveiligde motorafdakke R1 265 000 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers Baie goed geleë in Hoofstraat
Rentals : Anton 082 898 5272
R1 570 000 - Prys Verlaag 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise, dubbelverdieping in Sterkspruit Estates
The Management of SAPS Lydenburg would like to thank Panorama Outdoor for yet another Crime Awareness partnership project. The SAPS is now also having daily slots on the Panorama's Electronic Billboard situated on the corners of Viljoen and Jansen streets. The Panorama offered us 3 slots of 10 seconds each which will rotate on a 24 hour basis. These messages will be appearing on the board daily and will be changed on a monthly basis. If projects like this can change the mindset of ONE criminal, it will be a battle won. The SAPS is proud to be associated with a community group such as the Highlands Panorama and Panorama Outdoor.
Chamber meeting will focus on Thulani Village T h e Ly d e n b u r g / M a s h i s h i n g Business Chamber invites you to their next members meeting on Monday 15 April 2013 at 5:30 in the afternoon in the Council Chambers at Thaba Chweu Municipality. The main focus of the meeting will be the the planned Thulani Village that will have a big influence on the community, and we will also give feedback on the current situation at T h a b a C h w e u M u n i c p a l i t y. Remember non members are also welcome to attend. Engela Krugel, A d m i n i s t r a t o r Ly d e n b u r g / Mashishing Business Chamber: 082 753 7940.
Buying and selling your home in Lydenburg? Please contact me www.deovolprops.co.za
Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net, Www.facebook.com/deovolprops twitter: @deovolprops
*2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorafdakke dupleks R4 900 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer huis op plot R6 700 / mnd *2 Slaapkamer woonstel met tuin R4 400 / mnd *5 Slaapkamer huis met groot erf en swembad R12 300 / mnd *1 Slaapkamer netjiese woonstel R4 300 / mnd *4 Slaapkamer huis met swembad R10 600 / mnd
Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net,
www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops
11 April 2013
Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com 1148 DIENSTE/ SERVICES
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. THE SIGN SHOP - For all your printing needs. 072 522 9273 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 SWANEE SIGNS - 013 235 1205 / 072 226 1776 FOR ALL YOUR Graphic Designing needs. 076 339 7837 S A N I TAT I O N F o r supplying, installing and maintaining all types of Sanitation Units, Products and Chemicals which are Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 M I N I N G & CONSTRUCTION Machinery Training & Certificate renewal. TLB, Excavator, Scooptram, Boilermaker, Welding & m o r e . A M A Tr a i n i n g Centre. REG: TETA12227. 072 056 2999 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
SKOONHEID/ BEAUTY CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714 SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950 DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323 PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987
3 SLK HUIS , dubbel geriewe R7000 p/m. 079 624 9486
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
1 PERSOON W/S R2450pm 079 624 9486
VERVOER/ TRANSPORT VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogr aphy.com
SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING ALL upholsteries, carpets (undervelt) mattresses. Lydenburg. 082 833 0323
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
TE KOOP: Stihl FS 450 Bossikapper, National en verskeie waterpompe, S k o ff e l p l o e g , t r e k k e r sementmenger, nuut 1 x Yo kohoma Geolander 265/70/R16 en 1 x Bridgestone Dualer 245/70/R16 bande 074 330 3011 Abortion pills 079 668 2833
LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
PRAGTIGE PEKINGESE hondjies te koop. 074 194 0050
EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
2 SLK WOONSTEL, W+L ingesluit. R4800/maand + deposito. Geen diere. 082 954 4360 013 235 2524
EKSOTIESE SKILDERYE , biblioteek + - 2000 boeke met rakke, 079 255 3004
PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658
GEMEUBILEERDE “ B A C H E L O R S ” woonstel in Lydenburg vir enkel persoon te huur. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 470 5446
2SLK WOONSTEL 1 badk, oesluit motorhuis. R4500 pm. 082 828 1211
2002 TOYOTA TAZZ 1.3. 278 000km R32 000 neg. 1991 TOYOTA CRESSIDA 2.0 manual. R25 000 neg. Contact 082 504 4909
NUUT GEBOUDE HUIS te huur op plot. 3slk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuis. 5km op Finsburypad. Pre-paid krag R6000pm Skakel 078 636 9165
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843
CLEANING AND DEEP cleaning. For professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS
2 SLK WOONSTEL te huur. 083 230 3733
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 3 & 2 BEDROOM apartments to let next to Westvaal Delta, water included, prepaid lights. R4000pm. Call 072 437
JOSE FERREIRA VERKOOP Kings Meat, 55 Langestraat, Lydenburg, winkel 8 en aanvaar hiermee geen verdere aanspreeklikheid vir enige skulde aangegaan vanaf 28 Maart 2013 nie. Alle uitstaande krediteure moet voor of op 4 April 2013 eise deurstuur. Kontak: 071 333 3551 TUBATSE AMENDMENT SCHEME 53/2006 We, Tukumana Development Consultant being the Authorized agent of the owners of the erf mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56 (1) (b)(i) of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of the Greater Tubatse Land use Management Scheme, 2006 to rezone Erf 3224, Burgersfort Ext 21. Amendment Scheme No 53/2006 from “Res 1” To “Bus1”. Particulars o the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of t h e m a n a g e r To w n planning and Land use management, Civic Centre, C/c Kort and Eddie Street, Burgersfort for a period of 28 days from the
first date of this notice any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the ground thereof in writing, with both the Manager: at the above address or PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within the period of 28 days from the first date of this notice. ADDRESS OF AGENT: P.0. 212, Thembisa, 1632 (Cell: 0720236794), Fax: 086 5452037 T U B A T S E WYSIGINGSKEMA 53/2006 ONS, Tukumana Development Consultant synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1) (b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en D o r p e , 1 9 8 6 (Ordonnasie15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Tubatse Munisipalitiet aansoek gedoen he tom die wysiging van die Groter T u b a t s e Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2006 deur die hersonering van die volgende Erwe Erf 3224, Burgersfort Ext 21. Wysigingskema 53/2006. vanaf “Res1” na Bes 1” Besonderhede van die aansoek leter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die B e s t u u r d e r : Stadsbeplanning en Ruimtlike Bestuur, Burger Sentrum, h/v Kort en Eddie Sedile Straat, Burgersfort vir n tydperk van 28 dae, eerste dag van kennisgewing. Enige persoon wat besware het teen die aansoek moet so n beswaar rede vir so n beswaar indien by die Bestuurder: by bovermelde adres of by posbus 206, Burgersfort, 1150. moet binne n tydperk van 28 dae, eerste dag van kennisgewing. ADDRESS VAN AGENT: P.0. 212, Thembisa, 1632 (Sel: 0720236794), Faks: 086 5452037
3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g - s t r . 41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 B i d u u r, Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934.
“Jy het nog nie my Herbalife probeer nie?” 082 365 4599
BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362
Lydenburg Akademie “Daad by Woord” Kwaliteitonderrig in klein klasse
083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net
PROBLEMS WITH DEBT! Are you struggling to keep up with your monthly financial obligations? If answering YES Contact us: SMS YES TO: 082 642 9794
KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliek e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 1 0 : 0 0 , aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235
Email: universaldc1@ gmail.com
• Decking • Flooring • Log Cladding • Knotty Pine • CCA Treated Timber • Treated Gum Poles • Structural Timber www.ggtimbers.co.za gghout@vodamail.co.za Johan 082 909 3034
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
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Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
Herstel: Yskaste, Vrieskaste, Mikrogolwe Wasmasjiene, Motor Aircon gas, LP Gas ens... Pand vir ’n Rand
083 952 8869 / 072 887 4342
Non-Profit Charity
KENNISGEWINGS / NOTICES G R E A T E R TUBATSE LANDUSE SCHEME, 2 0 0 6 . AMENDMENT SCHEME NO: 130 /2006 I, MAGAU GUDANI OF MUKWEVHO DEVELOPMENT E X P E R T S (PTY)LTD, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 77 Burgersfort town, Limpopo province, hereby give notice in terms o f s e c t i o n 56(1)(b)(i) of the townships and town planning ordinance, (ordinance 15 of 1986), that i have m a d e a n application to the greater Tubatse municipality for the amendment of the land use scheme, known as the greater Tubatse land-use scheme, 2006 , by rezoning
11 April 2013
Erf 77 from “residential 1” to “residential 3”, as well as special consent application for opening of a crèche in terms of clause 21. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, greater T u b a t s e municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the publication. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P. O . B o x 2 0 6 , Burgersfort 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the a p p l i c a n t : M u k w e v h o Development Experts (Pty) ltd box 2314 Polokwane
0700 cell: 082 062 crèche . Dipolane le 5599 fax: 086 729 tsedingwe tseo e leng gore di elana le 8684 tsweletso di ka G R E A T E R lekolwa ka nako ya TUBATSE LAND- mosomo ga town U S E S C H E M E , planner, 1 Kastania 2 0 0 6 . street Burgersfort, A M E N D M E N T greater tubatse S C H E M E N O : municipality lebaka 1 3 0 / 2 0 0 6 N N A , la matsatsi a 28 go MAGAU GUDANI t l o g a g o l a WA MUKWEVHO m a t h o m o a D E V E L O P M E N T tsebitso. Mongwe le E X P E R T S mongwe yo a beng (PTY)LTD, ke filwe k g a h l a n o n g l e maatla go emela t s w e l o p e l o y a mong wa Erf 77 kgopelo a swanetse Burgersfort town, gore a tlise mabaka Limpopo province, ao a beng kgahlano k e f a t s e b i t s o le tsweletso ka mabapi le karolo lengwalo le greater 56(1)(b)(i) ya T u b a t s e townships le town municipality p.o. 2 0 6 , planning ordinance, b o x (ordinance 15 of Burgersfort 1150 1986), gore ke dire pele ga matsatsi a kgopelo go greater 28 go tloga lehono. T u b a t s e Address ya municipality ya go m o e m e d i : fetosha greater M u k w e v h o Tubatse land-use D e v e l o p m e n t scheme, 2006 , experts (Pty) ltd box k g o p e l o y e o e 2314 Polokwane m a b a p i l e g o 0700 cell: 082 062 fetosha tshomiso ya 5599 fax: 086 729 e r f 7 7 g o t s w a 8684 “residential 1” goya “residential 3”, le special consent mabapi le o aga
WE NOW DO PLACEMENTS! 3 MONTH SPECIAL @ 5% ONLY OFFER VALID UNTIL JUNE 2013 We have always supplied you with the best possible temporary candidates for the job, allow us to now supply you with that illusive permanent candidate you have been looking for. We have candidates available in every imaginable sector: Engineering, Administration, Mining, Technicians, Plant and Machine operators and many many more. Lowest rates imaginable!
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11 April 2013
Veld kreun onder klipharde Superligarugby
Calla Camacho het ’n silwer medalje losgespring op die SA Skole Kampioenskappe vroeër die maand. Sy het ’n hoogte van 1.60 m bereik. Sy is ’n leerder van die High Performance Centre by Tukkies en ’n oud-leerder van Hoërskool Lydenburg. Hou haar maar dop, daar wag nog groot dinge vir hierdie o.19 atleet.
Die roete vir die Nkomazi 400-veldren is uiters skouspelagtig en baie toeskouervriendelik. Die renhoofkwartier en die aangewese dienspunt is by die Riverview-laerskool in Malalane. Openbare toegang tot hierdie gebiede en al die toeskouerpunte oral langs die roete sal gratis wees, en toeskouergidse sal by die renhoofkwartier en by Malalane Toyota beskikbaar wees. Die voorren wat gebruik word om die wegspringposisies vir die hoofren te bepaal, begin Vrydag 12 April om 12:30, en die hoofren Saterdag 13 April om 8:30. (uitgereik Deur: Sa Nasionale Ve l d r e n m o t o r r e n k o m m i s s i e www.crosscountryracing.co.za)
aterdag was die eerste voorsmakie van 14 top wedstryde wat volg in die Mpumalanga super liga. Die Rooikatte 1 ste span was ongelukkig om die wedstryd net net te verloor, maar watse puik rugby het dit nie opgelewer nie. In totaal is daar 15 drieë gedruk in die wedstryd wat wipplank gery het van die begin af. Die Rooikatte het meer drieë as Nelspruit gedruk, maar hul skopskoen het hulle in die steek gelaat en moes as gevolg daarvan die onderspit delf . Telling 51-46. Die man van die wedstryd is voorspeler
Cassie Le Grange en agterspeler Johan Oosthuizen. Die Superliga reeks gaan beslis rugby uit die boonste liga oplewer. Die volgende wedstryd is eerskomende Saterdag teen Ferro Metals van Witbank op Witbank, waarna die Rooikatte weer teen Middelburg te staan kom op Lydenburg, die naweek van 20 April 2013. Die 2de span het Nelspruit se 2des goed gewen met ’n telling van 38-28. Man van die wedstryd daar was: Voor: Lourens De Kok en agter was Henry Louwrens. (Verslag deur Maurice Bezant, voorsitter Rooikat rugbyklub).
Samsung Galaxy Ch@t Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini Smartphone (i8190) Smartphone (B5330) PMX24 On Smart Light Per Minute Billing Only
PMX24 On Top Up 135 Per Minute Billing Only
+ 100MB Data PM + 100 SMS’s PM + 75 Off - Peak Minutes PM On Broadband Standard PMX24
Still open to public although busy renovating! E & OE
ie inskrywingslys vir die Nkomazi 400-veldren, die tweede ronde van die kampioenskap wat die naweek van 12 en 13 April in Mpumalanga beslis word, behels 'n uiteenlopende reeks familie-permutasies. Die byeenkoms is 'n nuwe ren op die veldrenkalender en word in die omgewing van Malalane beslis, waar Johan en Werner Horn grootgeword het. Dié broers werk al twee by Malalane Toyota, hul familieonderneming, en is daarop uit om 'n sprokiesoorwinning in hul Malalane Toyota-Land Cruiser waarmee hulle in Klas D in die afdeling vir produksievoertuie gaan jaag, te beklink.