25 April 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 16

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25 April 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 16 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Four arrested for liquor and drug crimes L

YDENBURG police arrested four suspects for various liquor and or drug related crimes over the weekend. Two men were arrested for possession of drugs – one in Kantoor street and the other in Skhila. One person was also arrested in Voortrekker street after counterfeit cigarettes were found in his possession. Two people were arrested over the weekend for driving under the influence of alcohol and another two for drinking in public. The public are once again being warned not to drive whilst under the influence of liquor and to refrain from drinking in public. SAPS Lydenburg will no longer tolerate any abuse of alcohol or any other illegal substances in Lydenburg, as in most cases these addictions are the biggest contributors to domestic violence, sexual abuse and assaults cases. Tavern owners should also comply with the Liquor Act at all times and they must ensure that they close at the prescribed times as indicated on the Liquor licences. The Management of SAPS Lydenburg will have a Zero Tolerance approach to drunk driving. Statistics show an increase in liquor related accidents in and around Lydenburg. A Zero Tolerance approach will also

be applicable to all premises selling / serving liquor as an alarming number of cases reported to the SAPS are liquor related. Liquor outlets should close at the correct time as indicated on their licences. The community, especially women, are also being cautioned not to walk alone in the dark after visiting taverns. Many rape cases and domestic violence cases reported to the SAPS are happening after taverns are visited by either the victim or the suspect. If you want to consume liquor, rather do it in the safety of your own home where your safety is not at risk and where your actions cannot harm innocent people. Veels geluk aan Ouma Kelly (middel) van die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes. Sy het onlangs 103 jaar gevier. Pick n Pay Lydenburg het spesiaal haar verjaardag koek gebak. (Delmaine links) Familie (regs) was saam met haar om hierdie eer te gee aan 103 lewensjare.


Nuus / News

25 April 2013

Michelle Boshoff

Mr Malope and Mrs Johanna Malope

So maak mens. As ’n liefhebber van diere het die eienaar van Montego hondekos, mnr. Johnny Hoffman, kos aan me. Gerda Chester van LAPSAR geskenk. Baie dankie namens Gerda vir hierdie mooi gebaar. ~ Michelle Boshoff • Daar is ook hierdie naweek ’n gholfdag vir LAPSAR wat deur Huizemark gereël word (sien p. 6)

From left are: a former learner, Ms. V,L. Mashego, Ms S Masilela, Mr F. W. Malope retired principal and his wife.

Lydenburg SAPS issues safety tips The community of Lydenburg and surrounding areas are warned to always be alert and observe the following safety tips: To always close windows and lock doors whenever they leave their houses or go to sleep. Before you hire someone (e.g. a gardener) you must first screen the person, so that you know the person's residential address and other important information. Refrain from hanging car and house keys on the kitchen wall, because housebreakers find it easy to access a lot of things (including vehicles) should they manage to enter the house. Avoid leaving house keys under the door mat or under stones near the door. Activate the alarm system whenever you leave the house or go to sleep. Report suspicious people in your neighbourhood, your neighbour's yard or house. Crime prevention hints for theft out of motor vehicles Lock your vehicle and make sure that it is locked. Be alert to people “hanging around' when you park and lock your vehicle. Ensure that valuables are stored out of sight if you have to leave them in the vehicle. Be alert to people hanging around if you put valuables in the boot of your vehicle. Jamming devices being used are small and can look like a gate remote control unit. Be alert to people holding something like that. Thieves are targeting laptops, cell phones, cameras and handbags. These thieves are targeting shopping centers. Try to park near CCTV cameras to monitor your vehicle. Protect your children Always know your child's friends and their whereabouts. Don't leave your child alone in a parked car. Teach your children the “buddy” system - to always play and walk with friends. Always keep your child in sight when in public places, like shopping centers.

From left: King Sekoati III and Mr and Mrs Malope

Photo above: A group of ushers at the event on Saturday who worked hard to make it a success. The Mashishing Secondary School showed that they can host high class events. Medames Bongi Mahlalela, Sphiwe Masilela, Gloria Sekgogoba, Virginia Mashego.

Mr Ruben Makabane, Circuit Manager

Acting Principal of Mashishing Secondary School Mr Ruben Mkhabela

Former principal Mr Malope FW and King Sekwati III

Should anybody suspect any crime or criminal activity, please contact Lydenburg Police on 013 235 2222 / 2223

Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre



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Nuus / News

25 April 2013


Patience will be a virtue on Lydenburg / Burgersfort Road Michelle Boshoff


HERE's no escaping road works, not even on the R37. The 40km construction on this road started over a year ago and was supposed to be finished by now. Cars are typically impatient in any road work situation, but this road construction has led to


eur inisiatief en versoeke van ouers en die Laerskool Lydenburg se beheerraad is daar veranderinge in die verkeersvloei om die laerskool in piektye in werking

gestel. Die strate om die laerskool is vanaf Maandag 22 April vir sekere tye van die dag (voor en na skool) verander in eenrigtingstrate vir die publiek. Die proses werk reeds goed. Vanaf kwart voor sewe tot kwart voor agt soggens en kwart voor een tot tweeuur smiddae, moet ouers wat kinders by die laerskool aflaai of oplaai, asook inwoners van Marren, Van Staden, De Vos en Nelstrate asseblief oplet na die nuwe verkeersreelings. As jy die laerskool uit Longtomstraat nader, kan jy in die tye nie meer regs in Nelstraat draai nie. Draai links op in Marren Steeg tot bo by die spoor en dan regs in Van Staden tot by De Vos. Draai dan regs af tot in Nel en laai jou kind af of op. As jy jou kind by die tennisbane aflaai, hou links in De Vos en as jy in Nelstraat aflaai, hou regs in De Vos. In Nelstraat bly in die regterbaan as jy klaar afgelaai het, maar gebruik die linkerbaan as jy moet stilhou. Die linkerbaan word slegs gebruik om kinders op of af te laai. Beweeg met Nelstraat uit die gebied. Jy ry

Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri

Tel: 013 235 1035 Fax: 013 235 4107 Swembad Centre, Crn Viljoen & Potgieter St

head on collisions, a number of deaths and damage to windscreens etc. Readers complained that the safety measures at the construction sites are not up to par and the proper right-of-way regulations are not in place. The AA (Automobile Association) stated in the AA Report on Road Conditions R37: Beware of stray animals. Exercise caution. Single carriageway, variable but generally fair” Road users are urged to remember that this is a ll

dus kloksgewys om die blok bokant die skool. Albei bane van Nelstraat is in die tye ’n eenrigting vanaf die skool terug na Longtomstraat. Die regterbaan is daar vir bewegende verkeer en die linkerbaan vir stilhou en op- of aflaai. Eweneens is Longtomstraat af, agter die pawiljoen verby en Finsbury ’n eenrigtingstraat kloksgewys om daardie blok. Agter die pawiljoen geld die reel ook dat jy in die linkerbaan op of aflaai en in die regterbaan uitry. Let asseblief op na die nuwe padtekens en padversperrings. Hierdie stappe word geneem om verkeersvloei om die skool in een rigting te kanaliseer ter wille van beter verkeersvloei, maar belangriker nog, ter wille van die kinders en ouers se veiligheid. Mnr. Mohamed Cassim wil graag die volgende persone bedank vir hulle bydrae en samewerking om van die projek ’n sukses te maak: Die inwoners van die area wat geraak word, die Beheerraad van die skool, Mnr. Cornelius Lemmer en sy personeel en die ouers wat goed saamwerk. Thaba Chweu verkeersdepartement word ook bedank vir hulle hulp en

provincial road and the company in charge is Superway Construction. Superway confirmed on their website that the road is still under construction. The Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber, Vice Chairman Mr Mohammed Cassim said that road users should be alert and careful. “This is a big project and has a huge scope of work. The estimated period of completion is about a year,” Mr Cassim said.

die verf van bane en strepe in die strate met verf wat deur Hana’s Mica geskenk is, asook SignPro vir die skenking van die verkeersborde. Andre Coetzee


Rubrieke / Columns

25 April 2013

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

to the editor

In Memorium Marié (tannie Sus) Joubert 15 November 1936 - 9 April 2013




vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Briew e

AAL uit die Long Johns, serpe en slaapsokkies. Een van die dae word jy wakker met ’n bloedrooi neus, seer keel en 'n baie dik

kop. Die apteke en dokters weet hoe om dit te behandel maar boererate kan nie weggegooi word nie. Klaarblyklik werk knoffel baie goed om jou imuunstelstel te versterk. Drink maar eerder knoffelpille as die asempie te skerp raak. ’n Ander raad is om een koppie kookwater met 2ml gemmer, een teelepel kremetart en genoeg suiker te meng. Drink dit so warm as moontlik en klim in jou bed en hou jou warm sodat jy die verkoue behoorlik kan uitsweet. Maak vir jou 'n mengsel van een koppie kookwater, een eetlepel heuning, 'n teelepel gemmer en suurlemoensap na smaak. Jy kan ook 'n pynstiller saam met hierdie mengsel drink. Twee teelepels fyn gemmer en 'n halwe teelepel neutmuskaat gemeng met water en heuning is nóg 'n raat wat jou uit bedarres sal hou. Jy kan ook elke dag een teelepel heuning in louwarm water met 'n ¼ teelepel kaneel drink. Herhaal dit vir drie dae. Hierdie middel help om die verkoue te verdryf en maak skynbaar ook jou sinuskanale oop. As jou neus begin loop, kan jy 'n opgehoopte teelepel koeksoda in 'n glas water drink. Drink agterna nóg water om die sterk mengsel te verdun. Moet dit liefs nie op 'n leë maag drink nie, jy sal dit berou. Die koeksoda verhoog blykbaar die intersellulêre pH van die liggaam van suur tot alkalies. Die virusse wat jou aanval, kan nie in 'n alkaliese omgewing voortplant en vermeerder nie. Drink die koeksoda soggens en saans vir ongeveer drie dae en voordat die verkoue jou behoorlik kan laat les opsê, is dit weg. As jy nie reeds kappertjies in jou tuin het nie, sal jy moet begin plant. Nog raad vir keelseer is om ’n mengsel te maak van 'n ¾ teelepel fyn sout, 'n ¾ teelepel koeksoda, 'n ½ teelepel Dettol, een oplosbare pynstiller, 'n ¾ koppie water en dit gereeld te gorrel. Hoewel Suid-Afrika genadiglik nie naastenby sulke koue Europese winters beleef nie, kan jy as jy maklik koud kry vir jou thermal underwear by 'n buitelugwinkel koop. Dis veral lekker om daarmee te slaap. Slaapsokkies! Is dit iets wat jy laas besit het toe jou ouma nog vir jou die geel-en-pers paar met die tossels aan die veters gebrei het? Slaapsokkies is ideaal vir die winter so as jy nie soos ek al 'n paar persent gekry het nie, brei en wees bly. (van die rate het die internet verskaf).

Uit die Woord From the Word Proverbs 16:24 “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” Prayer: Lord help us to be more gracious with one another.


What? HERE I spent most of the week thinking about a topic in the Queens Language, where I can whinge and be grumpy as usual! I can go on and on about poor service delivery from the ruling party, about our dysfunctional municipality, crime, potholes in the roads, street lights that are not working and such. But, we all moan about these things. These topics are old

Me. Marié Joubert was ’n geliefde en besondere persoon. Haar godsdiens en liefde vir haar medemens het sy daagliks uitgeleef en gereeld uitgedeel. Sy was vir 30 jaar aan die Hoërskool Lydenburg verbonde en daar sal moeilik ’n oud-leerder wees wat haar nie onthou nie. Sy was 40 jaar ’n onderwyser. Sy laat haar seuns Hannes, Marius en Tinus agter, haar skoondogters, vier kleindogters en drie susters.

aan die redakteur

Dankie na afsterwe Me. Annatjie Ackerman van Lydenburg skryf: Na die afsterwe van George Christie wil ek graag weereens vir almal bedank wat ons in hierdie tyd bygestaan het: Dr. Nico van Velden en die Lydenburg Mediese Sentrum, dankie aan Kobie Steinberg, Kobus en Sandra de Wet, Reinette Dunn. So ook aan al die ander wat dit op hulle geneem het om te help met vervoer na chemo-sessies, bystand, lekkernye en besoeke. Baie dankie aan Adri Pretorius wat hom deur die nag verpleeg het in die laaste paar dae, dikwels met meer as wat van haar verwag word. Spesiale dank aan Kleinjan en Estie du Toit vir hulle uitsonderlike bystand gedurende hierdie afgelope tyd. Dit word diep waardeer. Dankie aan ds. Fred Wilson wat die roudiens gelei het en George besoek het tydens sy siekbed. Dankie aan Gerrie van der Merwe, ons selgroep, Marina en Gretchen, oom Dawid en al die werkers van die tuindienste. Spesiale dank aan Martin’s Ondernemers vir die wyse waarop hulle behulpsaam was. Almal wat gehelp het, gebid het ondersteun en liefde betoon het word waardeer. Dankie aan my dogter Nicolette du Toit wat my so mooi gehelp het die week na George se afsterwe. Van Annatjie Ackerman, Anchel du Toit, Leanne Christie.

Dankie aan Rusoord Me. Nettie Joubert van Palmsig Woonstelle in Lydenburg skryf: Hiermee wil ek Rusoord en sy personeel baie bedank vir hulle liefdevolle versorging, gedurende my verbylf daar om aan te sterk na ek my been gebreek het. In besonder baie dankie aan At en Jeanetta Kruger vir hulle liefdevolle bystand met my aflaai by die ouetehuis. Ek het dit baie waardeer.

Nuus vanaf Duncia Savehaven Duncia Safehaven skryf: Duncia Safehaven wil net vir Casper Badenhorst van Kopanang Engineering en Frik Rousseau van die Vryheidsfront + vir hulle onbaatsugtige en meer as welkome finansiele bydrae bedank. Dit het ons in staat gestel het om ons verpligtinge van Maart te kon nakom. Dit word opreg waardeer. Die direksie en huismoeder wil dit graag onder die inwoners se aandag bring dat Duncia Safehaven ’n veilige hawe vir kinders is. Ons visie het weens omstandighede in ons omgewing verbreed. Die moeders wat daar is, is nie daar omdat hulle wil nie, maar omdat die omstandighede waarin hulle met hulle kinders verkeer het van so aard was dat hulle lewens in gevaar was. Ons sien nie kans om hierdie kindertjies van hulle moeders te skei nie, die moeders, het ons na ondersoek vasgestel was nie deel van die geweld, dwelm en drank misbruik nie, daaroor het ons besluit om hierdie moeders ’n kans op oorlewing te bied sonder om hulle van hulle kindertjies te skei. (Wat ons glo tot voordeel van die kindertjies is). Daar is ook kindertjies sonder hulle moeders daar en word hulle met die grootste liefde versorg.

Duncia het suksesvol reeds van hierdie moeders met hulle kindertjies uit die huis na normale omstandighede uitgeplaas. Van hierdie moeders werk by besighede teen minimale vergoeding, wat hulle nie in staat stel om selfversorgend te wees nie, alhoewel hulle hulle bes probeer. Hierdie moeders met hulle kindertjies is nie permanente inwoners nie, sodra hulle weer vir hulle kindertjies kan voorsien plaas ons hulle uit om selfstandig in die lewe te kan optree. Aan al die Duncia vriende wat ons so getrou besoek, wat vir ons Bybelstudie kom hou en net elke keer daar vir ons is, baie baie dankie. Jan, Annetjie, Danie en Trudie julle is van onskatbare waarde. Kleine Pikkewyne wat na ons kleintjies omsien in die dag, julle is goud werd. Ons vra groot asseblief u ondersteuning, om hierdie taak wat voor ons voete gelê is te kan volbring. Sonder die publiek se bydrae sal ons nie hierdie kindertjies ’n kans kan gee op ’n normale liefdevolle huis nie. Vir enige navrae kontak asb. vir Tienie 082 802 4694 of Martie 083 423 7888

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

hat. No, this week I was exposed to so many pleasant and nice things that I could not be grumpy. Firstly there is this big interdenominational drive supported by most of the churches for an event coming in September and entitled Return To God. What an excellent cause! Watch the press for details. If we all returned to God, we might actually also see a return to high moral values, family life and a more tolerant society. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Secondly I am very impressed by the positive attitude and “can do” sentiments expressed by the executive of the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber. This is a worthy organisation trying their best to improve the lives of our local citizens. Join

them if you are not already a member. Thirdly there is this movement called Unashamedly Ethical. Many of our local business people have already expressed the desire to join that movement. Find them on Google. High moral values, impeccable ethics in business and service, honesty and spiritual growth are the ingredients needed very much in our society today. Fourthly, you can read all about the proposed Tebelo Village elsewhere in this paper. And fifthly there is talk of a new retirement village, a new mall and a new private hospital. Fantastic. And you and I can become involved. Let us take hands and support all these ventures. Even if there is no immediate benefit for you personally, support it. Join the relevant structures. We will all reap the rewards of progress and development in our town in due course. Now if we could just get the politics right....

Nuus / News


25 April 2013

Dit gaan goed by die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes Die planne vir die nuwe eenhede.


Die nuwe wooneenhede se vloere word gegooi

Links Bo oorhandig Andre Coetzee (voorsitter van die Beheerraad) ’n sertifikaat vir getroue diens aan me. Jeanetta Kruger, middel, aan mnr. Johan Van Heerden en regs aan me. Sara Ngwane.

IT woel by Lydenburg Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes. Die Tehuis huisves tans 70 inwoners in 54 kamers. Benewens die kamers, groot eetsaal, aangename sonkamer, lapa (afdak), kombuis en kliniek met 11 beddens is daar 31 woonstelle aan weerskante van Kantoorstraat. Verlede jaar is nog nege wooneenhede gebou en in gebruik geneem. Vanjaar word nog 11 wooneenhede ook deur mnr. Paul Loots van PJ Konstruksie gebou. Tydens die pas afgelope ledevergadering op 17 April, is die tehuis se begroting wat deur Letaba Boekhouers opgestel is, vir die komende boekjaar onbestrede aanvaar. Die oord se beheerraad wat sowat ses keer per jaar vergader, bestaan tans uit mnre. Roelf Castelyn, Dries Lambrecht, Abraham Rabie, Paul Loots, Sakkie Breytenbach, Tinus Rademeyer, Leon Visser, Johan Du Toit, Cassius Smith, Justice Mkhabela, Michael Harris, Gert Viljoen, Nico Cross en Andre Coetzee. Die oord word bestuur deur Me. Jeanetta Kruger en die administratiewe assistent is me. Andrea Coetzee. Op Vrydag 19 April is daar tydens ’n middagete funksie wat ook deur verteenwoordigers van die Departement bygewoon is, sertifikate vir uitnemende werkverrigting aan ongeveer 40 personeellede uitgedeel. Me Sophie (Sara) Namzimba Ngwane het die fenomenale mylpaal behaal met reeds meer as 37 jaar diens by Rusoord. Baie geluk aan haar, aan bestuur en al die ander personeel wat hierdie liefdesdiens om ons ou mensies te versorg, so getrou uitvoer. ~ Andre Coetzee.

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25 April 2013

Nuus / News

Kenner oor aftree-oorde kom praat

• Vrydag 26 en Saterdag 27 April. Herfsfees. Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. AGS Rehobot Gemeente en Volle Evangelie Kerk • Saturday 25 May. Halfmarathon hosted by Mashishing Marathon Club. Start at 07:00 hou saam basaar. Marifane Primary School, Skhila. Runner • Vrydag 24 Mei. Laerskool Burgersfort reunie. Registration Friday from 14:00 till 19:00 and race Bring-en-braai, skool verskaf pap-en-sous. Skool day. 21.1km, 10km, 5km, walkers. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. kantoor 013 231 7609. • Saterdag 25 Mei. Winterfees te Burgersfort. Ray Dyllan en ander kunstenaars. Vele stalletjies en Gereelde afsprake: vermaak vir kleingoed. Grootskerm-rugby en ’n • Woensdae. 7:30 by Lydenburg Toyota. BNI biertent. Skakel skoolkantoor 013 231 7609 vir vergadering. 083 269 4893. stalletjies en kaartjies. • First Friday of every month. Freemasons meeting. 082 749 4300. SPORT: • Saturday 27 April. Mashishing Marathon Club meeting. All members and athletes invited. • Vrydae. Pannekoek voor Longtom SuperSPAR Marifane Primary School, Skhila, at 14:00. Phone deur Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes.

TWEE kerke werk saam om ’n heerlike fees / basaar vir die gemeenskap aan die bied. Die AGS Rehobot en Volle Evangelie Kerk se Herfsfees is die eerste van sy soort in Lydenburg. Die Herfsfees vind op 26 en 27 April by die NG Moedergemeente se gronde plaas. Die begin Vrydag om 16:00 en die aandprogram begin om 18:00 tot 20:00. Daar sal baie eetgoed wees en die stalletjies sal reeds oop wees. Saterdag begin met ontbyt om 07:30 tot 09:00, dit is R30 per kaartjie. Ander aktiwiteite sluit in ’n teetuin, 09:00

Kragmankompetisie, 10:00 Boepenskompetisie, 11:00 Modeparade, 12:00 Trekking vir pryse en bekendmaking van kompetisiewenners. Kompetisievorms is by SPAR en kleuterskole beskikbaar. Eetgoed sluit in: Pannekoek, worsbroodjies, j a ff e l s , k e r r i e - e n - r y s . S t a l l e t j i e s : Witolifanttafel, handwerk, plaaskombuis, gereedskap, koektafel, springkastele, skyfskiet, perdry ens. Om 09:00 gaan grootskermrugby gewys word dat die rugbygeesdriftiges nie die rugby kan misloop nie. Vir meer inligting skakel Theresa 082 903 5733 of Teresa 084 515 5661.

Kaapstad (Vue du Cap) en EBEN Muller help as Hartbeespoort ontwikkel en hande konsultant ontwikkelaars om g e v a t m e t t w e e aftree-oorde te ontwikkel wat ontwikkellingsmaatskappye om in die behoeftes van die ouer die luukse Blue Mountain-oord in persoon sal voorsien, met die George op te rig - 'n pragtige hawe voorvereiste dat dit wat bestaan uit 'n voltooide lewensvatbaar maar ook so verswakte afdeling met 61 bekostigbaar moontlik moet beddens, met verdere fases wat die wees. Na sy eerste besoek aan die Eben Muller getal uiteindelik op 151 eenhede sal Pam Golding en Sterkspruit Estates-span in 2012, was dit duidelik dat die bring. verswakte sorg-fasiliteite die maak of breek van Oor die jare was hy verantwoordelik vir die bou die projek in Lydenburg sou word. Die nuus dat van verskillende byvoegings by van die oorde die dorp sy eie privaathospitaal gaan kry, was soos nog meer eenhede en ook volledige dienssentrums. Aan die begin van 2000 het die die groen lig om voort te gaan. Eben se raad aan die ontwikkelaars is om die departement onder sy leiding en met hom as projekbestuurder, erwe in Hartbeespoort Verswakte Sorg-afdeling aan die hospitaal te aangekoop, gehersoneer en daarna onderverdeel koppel maar om dit apart te bestuur – daar is 'n in 69 voltitel erwe. Daarna was hy g r o o t v e r s k i l t u s s e n k l i n i e s e verantwoordelik vir die ontwikkelling van die hospitaalversorging en 'n oumens-vriendelike grootmaatdienste, die verkoop en bou van die 64 omgewing waar 'n mens jou laaste dae, of 'n tyd voltitel-eenhede asook 'n klubhuis. (En so van siekte, in 'n mooi, rustige en veilige suksesvol was die Bateleur-ontwikkeling, dat hy omgewing kan deurbring. En bo alles moet dit self daarin belê het.) Hy was ook voorsitter van bekostigbaar wees, glo hy. “Met so 'n etlike beheerrade wat die bestuur van oorde na ontwikkelling wil 'n mens seker maak dat die die bouproses moes vestig. ouer persoon uiteindelik 'n werkbare en Deur dit alles het Eben die behoeftes van die ouer bekostigbare produk kan koop,” sê Eben persoon baie goed leer ken, maar ook die Muller, die man agter Sterkspruit se Bishop's uitdagings wat aftree-oorde aan die ontwikkelaar stel. “Dit is 'n soort ontwikkelling Aftree-ontwikkeling. 'n Spesiale inligtingsvergadering word beplan wat baie potensiaal het maar daar is ook talle slaggate,” sê Eben. “'n Mens moet ook deeglik vir die derde week in Mei, waar Eben Muller, kennis dra van die wette wat daar is om die die ontwikkelaars en die argitek konsepplanne bejaarde te beskerm - die Wet op die Behuising gaan voorlê. By die geleentheid sal Eben vir Afgetrede Persone en die nuwe Wet op Ouer beskikbaar wees om vrae te beantwoord. Persone.” Eben Muller is sedert Januarie 1990 betrokke by Die tyd en plek van hierdie vergadering sal in die verskillende Tehuise vir Bejaardes wat pers bekend gemaak word, en aan almal op die landswyd deur die AGS se Welsynsdepartement Aftree-oord-lys gestuur word. Om op die bedryf word, aanvanklik as adjunk-direkteur en databasis-lys te kom, kontak Gerda Whitehorn vir die laaste 10 jaar as direkteur. Hierdie by 079 515 7799 of gerda.whitehorn welsynsorganisasie het as een van sy hoof @pamgolding.co.za. fokuspunte die daarstelling en bedryf van aftree-oorde – en veral aftree-oorde met verswakte-afdelings. Onder die tehuise tel twee in Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth en ook twee in Kaapstad - sommige met verswakte Voulez-vous parler français? Wil jy leer afdelings, andere slegs aftree-oorde. Frans praat? In hierdie tyd het die organisasie verskillende Sluit aan by Parlons français, van 8 Mei af van sy oorde vergroot, van die Lewensregvan 11:00 tot 13:00 op 'n Woensdag by die oorde omskep in Deeltitel-oorde, nuwes in

Leer Frans praat

Pam Golding-kantoor. Hangups welkom, geen vooraf kennis nodig nie, ons gaan leer praat! Gerda Whitehorn 079 515 7799 of gerda@whitehorn.co.za


Gholfdag - doen dit vir die diere Pastore Ettienne en Leonora Vente van Good News Ministries in Witbank D I E Vr o u e k o n f e r e n s i e w o r d waargeneem deur pastore Ettienne en Leonora Vente van Good News Ministries in Witbank, Mpumalanga. Die egpaar bedien landwyd met ’n passie vir totale genesing, volkome vrou-wees en die ontdekking van God se plan vir jou lewe! Genoegsame tyd word toegelaat vir persoonlike bediening en- gebed. Na afloop van die konferensie is die egpaar beskikbaar op epos en sal graag van u wil hoor! Wanneer: 3 - 5 Mei 2013 Waar: PPK Mooihawens Gemeente Lydenburg Tyd : Begin Vrydag 3 Mei om 18h00 Koste : Gratis - Koffie, Tee, Verversings & Etes ingesluit U is welkom om intussen met Ettienne en Leonora kontak te maak per E-pos. Die Adres is: gnmchurch@gmail.com

Die eienaars van die Stoep Gallerij & Cafe in Lydenburg het verlede Dinsdag kliënte en gaste trakteer tydens die opedag. Ista Steyn en Greta van Rensburg (foto bo) het behoorlik uitgehang met hul disse en kunsitems. Michelle Boshoff

Huizemark bied ’n gholfdag aan vir Longtom Animal Protection and Rescue (LAPSAR) in Lydenburg. Dit sal in die formaat van ’n ‘better ball’ wees op 27 April. Dit eerste afslaan is om 07:00 en dit vind plaas by die Tubatse Golf Klub net buite Steelpoort). Kostes beloop R250 per speler (dit sluit ’n spitbraai en bykosse in). Per 4 ball: R 1000. Publiek het gratis toegang. Daar is ook ’n restaurant wat ander kossoorte sal verkoop met 'n kontant kroeg. Die honde-eenheid kom 'n vertoning doen. Daar sal vermaak vir kinders wees nl. boeresport met die Huizemark Nar, springkastele ens. Na die prysuitdeling sal daar kunstenaars wees wat optree met ’n dans daarna. Die organiseerders benodig borge vir greens (R2 500) en bowwe (R1 500). Enige borgskap sal help. Donasies soos hondekos ens. is ook welkom. Die dag word bemark reg oor die provinsie en beloof om ’n goeie bemarkings geleentheid vir enige besigheid te wees.

country (in South Africa the accreditation body is SANAS). Samancor ECM customers should have confidence and assurance in the data generated by ECM laboratory. As Samancor ECM Laboratory is accredited by (SANAS), it means that the laboratory has achieved a prescribed level of technical competence to perform specific types of testing and measurement The ECM Lab employees activities. The result is nd THE concept of Laboratory Accreditation assurance that the laboratory is capable of was developed to provide a means for producing data that are accurate, traceable third-party certification of the competence and reproducible - critical analysis. of laboratories to perform specific type(s) Using accredited laboratories also facilitates trade and economic growth. The accrediting of testing and calibration. Laboratory Accreditation provides formal process relies on a uniform approach to recognition of competent laboratories, thus determining laboratory competence - an providing a ready means for customers to find approach that has been accepted and reliable testing and calibration services in implemented across many borders. Because order to meet their demands. Laboratory of internationally accepted testing and Accreditation enhances customer confidence measurement practices, data generated by in accepting testing / calibration reports issued an accredited laboratory may lead to the more ready acceptance of exported goods in by accredited laboratories. Throughout the world, many countries now overseas markets. This reduces costs and rely on a process called Laboratory eases exports and imports, as it reduces or Accreditation to determine the technical eliminates the need for retesting in another competence of their laboratories. The country. laboratory accreditation process is generally completed by one accreditation body within a

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25 April 2013

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Mining & Industry

This advert was placed upside down at the request of the advertiser.


Mining & Industry

25 April 2013

Landbou onder vier oë Deur Michelle Boshoff Foto links: Mnre. Kallie Klingbiel, Danie du Plessis en George Floyd tydens die Enkeldoorn Boerevereniging se vergadering saam met mede-boere verlede week.

Die TLUSA Oos Streek se Streekverteenwoordiger, Danie du Plessis was teenwoordig en het die boere toegespreek oor sake wat landbou tans direk beinvloed soos bv: Lone: Boere kan nog steeds aansoek doen vir vrystelling van die minimum loon, maar moet hul dokumentasie in orde kry by indiening van ’n aansoek. Aansoeke sal steeds deur die Departement van Arbeid hanteer word. Navrae kan gedoen by TLUSA se kantoor in Ermelo by 017-819-4387. Daar is ook terugvoer deur Du Plessis gegee oor ’n mededeling van ’n Direkteur van die Departement van Arbeid dat die minimumloon vir die volgende 3 jaar in ooreenstemming met inflasie aangepas sal word en nie 53% soos wat in Januarie deur die Minister gedoen is nie. Du Plessis het ook gesê dat die aangaan van kontrakte met werkers ook ’n opsie aan boere is waarin bv. verminderde werkure onderhandel kan word. Grondbelasting: Mnr Gerrie van der Merwe het terugvoer gegee oor grondbelasting tariewe vir boere. Hy het gesê dat boere hul rekenings noukeurig moet nagaan en alle inligting aan hom moet beskikbaar stel vir aanwending. Die wyse waarop grondbelasting tans hanteer word deur Munisipaliteite is strydig met wette en regulasies. Mnr van der Merwe het beklemtoon dat boere gehoorsame landsburgers is, maar net hul kant sal bring as daar voldoen word aan die Wet. Voorsorgfonds: Du Plessis het boere daarop gewys dat hulle ’n goedgekeurde Voorsorgfonds vir hul plaaswerkers in plek moet kry. Dit is van einde

Maart verpligtend en deel daarvan is ook aftrekbaar van salarisse. Dit kan verwag word dat van einde April inspeksies kan wees van die Departement van Arbeid. Skakel ABSA by Lydenburg Tel: 013-235-9700 Onteiening: Die nuwe onteieningswet is tans slegs ’n konsep vir bespreking en sal na verwagting later die jaar Wet word. Die boeregemeenskap moet nie geïntimideer word deur die Wetgewing nie. Doen self navorsing en versamel alle inligting in verband met die geskiedenis van u grond. Min eise in Lydenburg-omgewing voldoen aan die Wet. Kontak TLUSA se kantoor op Ermelo vir ondersteuning en om kostes te bespaar. TLUSA se kantoor is deurlopend in kontak met Grondsake oor eise. Strydfonds: Kallie Klingbiel het boere versoek om ’n bydrae te maak vir ’n fonds by TLUSA, of jy nou lid is van georganiseerde landbou of nie, dit is in boere se belang deur ’n ton mielies of geld waarde in te betaal in ’n fonds. Honderde duisende rande is spandeer om Julius Malema stil te kry. Luthuli Huis moes ingryp toe al die publisiteit en hofsake deur die ANC aan hul bas gevoel is. Bydraes kan by ABSA TLU REK 070-000-075 Silverton met takkode 334445 inbetaal word. Kallie het verder gesê: “ Kom ons werk saam, om dit wat ons hinder om ’n goeie boerdery te bedryf, uit die weg te ruim. Ons is nie per toeval hier in Afrika gevestig nie” Kallie het ook ’n beroep by boere gedoen om by georganiseerde landbou aan te sluit en dus so hulle stem dik maak deur TLUSA. Kallie kan geskakel word by: 082 450 8849.

Mining & Industry

25 April 2013

From left to right (back): Rocco Stoffberg of Two Rivers Platinum; Letuba Masha; Johannes Thobejane; Kortman Magakwe; Thomas Masha; Sam Monoge (MashaGosebo Traditional Council); and Bethrum Dzonzi of Two Rivers Platinum; (middle) Violet Matenche and Francis Moshidi of EVA Smile Car Wash; (front): Kleinbooi Matenche; Paulus Masha and Mapaki Maloma of EVA Smile Car Wash.

Valid till 11 May 2013

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Young women and youth from Kalkfontein and Ga-Rantho in Ngwaabe will EVA Smile. Poverty and unemployment in GaMasha in Ngwaabe, Steelpoort was recently dealt a serious blow. Thanks to Two Rivers Platinum for their innovative thinking and genuine community development programmes. EVA Smile Car Wash, unique to this area, was launched by the Business Leader of Two Rivers Platinum Mine. Receiving their first client, who happened to be Mr Adriaan de Beer, the Business Leader at Two Rivers Platinum, Francis Moshidi, one of the co-owners of the EVA Smile Car Wash said, “Today I am living testimony of perseverance. Nobody ever thought I would come this far. My dreams have come true, thanks to Two Rivers' Youth Entrepreneurship Development Programme. I hope this will now motivate other young people in my community to stand up and take opportunities afforded to us by the mines in our area”. The total project sponsorship, which was mainly focused towards the construction of the modern car wash, consisting of ten wash bays and wendyhouse for equipment storage, consumables as well as high power car washing equipment, is worth R90,000. “Although this is just the beginning, we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. TRP gave us wings and we can only carry on from


here, said another co-owner of EVA Smile Car Wash, Violet Matenche. The project has changed my life for the better. Being a women-owned enterprise from a rural set-up like ours, especially where women are bread winners in several households, it will benefit more than just a few families and also give rural women hope. We hope other mining operations in the area can emulate what TRP is continuing to do for our communities”, concluded Miss Matenche. The project has created five new jobs opportunities for youth from the local communities. The new owners of the car wash, namely, Violet Matenche and Francis Moshidi were drawn from Ga- Rantho Village and Ga-Masha (Kalkfontein). Having listened to the immediate communities' cry for employment and having acknowledged that Two Rivers Platinum alone cannot create the required jobs or absorb all the unemployed youth in the area, identified various business opportunities on the mine and helped establish a various SMME, gave them the necessary training and skills transfer and donated basic equipment, kitting their members and employees with safety gear as well as facilitating the registration of the cooperatives. The major advantage of the SMME sector is its employment potential at low capital cost. The small micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. (Continues on page 10).

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25 April 2013

Mining & Industry

Francis Moshidi receiving payment from the project’s first client, Rocco Stoffberg.

With Car wash Equipment – Back Row Standing – Kortman Magakwe, Letuba Masha, Johannes Thobejane, Violet Matenche, Francis Moshidi, Rocco Stoffberg and Thomas Masha at the car wash launch. Boikgafo Waste Recycling – Hendrik Pretorius of Two Rivers Platinum’s Salvage yard and a mentor for the project congratulate Francina Masha during the hand-over of the donated equipment from Two Rivers Platinum.

Quality and sustainable SMME’s

Mphele Steel Manufacturing (From page 9) The current National Development Plan (NDP) is challenging all South Africans to align with the government vision and the establishment of such initiatives will strengthen the NDP's vision. In order to deal effectively with challenges of inequality, poverty and unemployment in the country, we must assist by supporting the SMME sector” said Adriaan de Beer, the Business Leader of Two Rivers Platinum. “At Two Rivers we don't just produce quality grades of platinum, we also produce quality and sustainable SMMEs in our local communities. This in turn creates additional jobs for the unemployed from the local communities. And we believe that Two Rivers can only become sustainable and succeed as a mine, if the communities around it are also stable and successful,” concluded Mr de Beer. Two Rivers Platinum, is not just a wellmanaged and profitable mine in the Eastern Limb, it continues to lead the way in ensuring that the communities around its operations

Kalkfontein Mining Supplies also benefit from its success. “We have established similar initiatives in the past few years and this included establishing and supporting local SMMEs providing services to the mine and the local communities, ranging from waste management and recycling, steel repairs and steel manufacturing. “We strongly believe that the success of these initiatives depends on the support they receive from the local communities, employees, the municipalities and the local mines. “As a collective, the mine operations and local government can do more for the local communities,” said Francois van Heerden, the Mining Leader and the car wash sponsor from Two Rivers Platinum. Over the years, companies imported steel manufactured play equipment for recreational purposes and donated them to various community based organizations. This deprived local entities and individuals of job opportunities and most importantly deprived the local economy of a chance to grow. TRP has broken this cycle by facilitating the establishment of a successful women l e d S M M E specializing in the r e p a i r a n d manufacturing of steel products. The local mines can now procure steel repair services from an empowered entity a n d t h e communities can procure garden furniture, braai s t a n d s a n d r e c r e a t i o n e q u i p m e n t manufactured locally. Article and photos supplied by: Bethrum Dzonzi (Public and Corporate Affairs Manager – Two Rivers Platinum) Mobile Number: 082 317 7488 / Office: 013 230 2843 E-mail A d d r e s s : Bethrum.dzonzi@ trp.co.za


25 April 2013



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Lumina SS discontinued FANS of big-capacity, rear-wheel drive cars… brace yourselves! CAR has learned that Chevrolet’s Australian-sourced Lumina saloon and Ute pick-ups will no longer be imported to South Africa. However, existing orders will be fulfilled and GMSA should have enough stock until the final quarter of this year. The decision follows an upmarket repositioning of the Lumina SSV in Australia, adding more luxury features, but at a significant price increase that would see the vehicle compete against premium-badged vehicles in South Africa. Furthermore, the Rand has weakened considerably against the Australian Dollar since 2012. This move leaves the Trailblazer as Chevrolet’s local flagship, but rumours persist that a saloon model larger than the Cruze remains in GMSA’s sights. Most recently the hotly tipped favourite for local introduction has been the Malibu. Carmag.co.za Editors note: Being a fan of affordable, proper muscle cars, this is the saddest car news I have heard in 30 years. This is indeed a very poor decision GM! Anyway, if you want one, buy it now and look after it. My Chev SS (Holden Monaro) see pic above in the banner, which is the granddaddy of the current Lumina, is now 42 years old and with proper care and maintenance, is still in excellent condition and being used almost daily. No reason why your SS should not last you half a lifetime too! Message to Ford: If GM cannot do it, why not bring in the Ford Falcon GT V8 in limited quantities. Also born in Australia it is a strong and capable car that should last as long, if cared for by a discerning owner.

What you used to see in your mirror before you heard the thunder of the V8!

Readers response wanted

Andre Coetzee

We would like to hear from readers of the Highlands Panorama News on their thoughts about the Gauteng e-Toll system. It will certainly affect you if you have company vehicles travelling to and from Johannesburg or Pretoria, or if you visit Gauteng a lot. (See the latest views from people in the box on page 14). Are you going to register? If not, how will you pay? Remember these are not traditional toll gates where you stop and pay. You travel at say 120 and pass underneath several gantries with cameras and sensors that identify your vehicle by its registration. Sanral proposes to send you a bill if you do not have an e-Tag, or they will want access to your bank account or credit card for a direct withdrawal! Do you think this is practical? Send us your comments to the editors email above.



25 April 2013


Hyundai Veloster FIRST seen at the 2011 Johannesburg International Motor Show, Hyundai’s Veloster made quite an impression with its striking design. In 2013, the Veloster arrived in SA and it is a refreshing offering in the local hatchback market. The Veloster comes in two Executive petrol derivatives; both with a 1.6 fourcylinder GDI engine under the bonnet in either a six-speed manual or Hyundai’s first EcoShift dual-clutch auto. Both versions produce 103kW at 6300rpm and 176Nm at 4850rpm. The model has a claimed fuel consumption of 7.9 litres/100km and CO2 emissions of 163g/km and 161g/km on the manual and auto respectively. Hyundai SA says its styling is inspired by “light ray carvings” and makes for assertive if that radically different styling compared to its siblings. It has bold, coupe lines and looks that will certainly appeal to the younger crowd, with a bum that could put Jennifer Lopez to shame, depending on whether you like dimples on the rear. The rear sports a functional spoiler that reduces drag and improves stability. Dimensions are 1.39m high with a wheelbase of 2.65m. The Veloster also has four doors – including the boot. Don’t be confused by the rear only having one passenger door. The “2+1” concept is supposed to make for safer driving with the hinged-passenger door being on the left hand side for passengers to enter out of harm’s way on the right – should you be parked on the side of the road for some reason. The styling though may take some time to get used to. The rear light clusters look as if it’s been carved out of the body and the rest of the gap still needs to be filled. I am fussy like that when it comes to styling – I like things clean and simple designs. So how does it drive? It is fun and the steering is super light – perhaps too much for some – but performance did leave me disappointed. It might be a feisty little number but for a 1.6 it wasn’t very confident when performing rapid acceleration need to overtake. Overtaking should be calculated, especially in auto guise. Driving is smooth and when putting the car through its paces, it isn't completely useless and you don't feel like you need to hang on and pray you don't make it through some of Cape Town's best mountain passes- especially in the manual model. It just lacks a bit of oomph. As for the dual-clutch, Hyundai has developed this tech in-house and it has two shafts – one with first, third and fifth gear, and the other with second, fourth and sixth gear. Hyundai said the clutches alternate to engage the relevant shaft for feeding the power from the engine to the front wheels. Though The Ecoshift auto is much better than the CVT found in other Hyundai models, it still lets the car down. At least the gearbox is hampered by searching for the right gear because of the dual-clutch always ready to be in the correct one. While it wasn't erratic, gears seemed to hang at times but then you could just shift it yourself in the "sport" mode. Yes it’s sporty and makes more power than most of its direct rivals, but driving was not as spirited as I anticipated. Perhaps my expectations were too high and I'm being harsh since despite power niggles it's a good car. Build quality is great, in terms of design it's a stunner and you get your money's worth in standard kit. Hyundai said the Veloster's interior was inspired by that of a motorbike. The interior is contemporary with “floating” door handles and a digital instrument cluster with massive dials reminiscent of a motorcycle. The facia is uncluttered and generates a feeling as spaciousness and intuitive design. There are very sporty leather seats which compliments the car’s cheeky attitude and standard 18-" alloys, nice but expensive when tyres need to be replaced. Boot space is rated at 440 litres. The Veloster takes on the likes of the Audi A3, VW Scirocco (1.4 TFSI), Mini Cooper and BMW 1 Series. A tough crowd perhaps, but the Hyundai does come packed with features. It has rear park assist, a multi-function steering wheel, cruise control, Bluetooth and a really cool multimedia screen. The park sensors stand out a tad much on the brighter coloured vehicles. There are eight colours to choose from. The seven-inch touch-screen in the centre console allows you to change colours, set wallpaper images and scroll through audio. It also includes a little game of sorts called Blue Max which rates how efficiently you drive. It is rather addictive and you'll end up saving fuel. There’s also a sound system in the car begging any audio enthusiast to pimp this car out even more. It has four speakers, two tweeters, a centre speaker and a subwoofer. There’s also an external amplifier. It’s packed to the brim with standard safety goodies like six airbags, ABS, EBD; electronic stability programme (ESP) and vehicle stability management (VSM).

Will it do well? Probably, since it’s something different and does offer the goods to go with its price, but it's going to have to prove its worth considering the competition. Hyundai SA hopes to sell 100-150 units per month. As with all Hyundais, the Veloster comes with a five-year or 150 000km warranty and roadside assist, along with a five-year or 90 000km service plan - with intervals at 15000km. PRICING Hyundai Veloster 1.6 Executive manual R259 900. Hyundai Veloster 1.6 Executive auto R276 900. JANINE-LEE GORDON - Wheels24.co.za

VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 Johan Lubbe: / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 082 908 9113 SERVICES: Helena Jansen v Vuuren: 082 319 8456

Hyundai Lydenburg


Ons toets die Isuzu KB 300 D-TEQ LX 4x2 handrat Ons het almal baie lank gewag vir die nuwe Isuzu bakkie reeks. Bykans al die mededingers het reeds verlede jaar nuwe voertuie bekend gestel en die Isuzu manne moes of wag, of na ander vervaardigers kyk. Hierdie is die sesde generasie Isuzu. Die eerste is in Suid Afrika verkoop as die ou Chev LUV in 1972. Isuzu het egter al oor ’n tydperk van 70 jaar, 23 miljoen enjins gebou. Hulle diesels kom voor in bakkies, motors, trekkers, vurkhysers vragmotors, en industriële masjiene. Vandag kan Isuzu se diesels tereg as van die beste en mees brandstofdoeltreffende ter wêreld beskou word. Die 280 DT in generasie vier (1997 - 2003), het alle rekordboeke herskryf in terme van goeie brandstofverbruik. Van buite is die bakkie baie mooi en vergelyk wat voorkoms betref goed met die nuwe Ford Ranger. Dit is heelwat groter as die vorige Isuzu. Hulle het by Mitsubishi afgekyk om die bo- en agterkant van die kajuit te rek (skuins af) vir meer spasie op die dubbelkajuit (sien foto’s regs), maar dit is nie so erg as op die Triton nie. Die nuwe neus is by verre die mooiste van al die bakkies. Die agterste kantruit loop op die onderste lyn wigvormig na bo en agter (soos Tata) en ek sou persoonlik ’n meer reghoekige ruit verkies. Maar die effek lyk goed. Binne is die paneelbord byna identies aan dié van die Chev Trailblazer. Dit is eenvoudig dog deftig en nie oorgekompliseerd met ’n miljoen knoppies nie. Alles is daar en maklik bereikbaar. Leersitplekke en leer op die stuurwiel en ratkierie. Elektriese invou buitespieëls met flikkerligte. Dubbel paneelkissie met kragpunt (sien foto). Elektriese ruite met eendruk fasiliteit vir die bestuurder. Outomatiese deursluit as jy wegtrek en oopsluit as jy die sleutel uittrek. Sentrale sluit met alarm. Outomatiese klimaatbeheer op luukse modelle en lugversorging op gewone modelle. Twee 12V kragpunte. USB en iPod in vir die klankstelsel met ses luidsprekers op LX weergawes. Radio, togbeheer, Bloutand en meer funksies op die stuurwiel. Tot ses lugsakke. Tien (10) blikkie en bottelhouers. Rakkies onder die stuurwiel, regs daarvan, op die paneelbord, in die deure, in die konsole en soos genoem dubbel paneelkissies. Op topmodelle, gedeeltelike LED agterligte, projektor hoofligte, misligte en parkeersensors agter. Wat veiligheid betref is daar ABS met EBD, BAS, tot ses lugsakke en ISOFIX vir ’n babastoeltjie. Bestuursitplek elektries verstelbaar, ritrekenaar wat die gewone vertoon, digitale brandstof- en hittemeters en getinte ruite rondom. Die volgende op die nuwe Isuzu het my spesifiek beïndruk: Die voorste koeldrankhouers sit reg onder die lugversorging se uitlate, so jy kan jou Coke koud hou. Die dubbelmik en kronkelvere voor vervang die ou “torsion bars” en is nog gemakliker as die ou veerstelsel. Met die beter vere en langer asafstand ry hierdie Isuzu nog lekkerder as die vorige een, wat myns insiens reeds die lekkerste in klas gery het. Die sleepvermoë van tot 3.5 ton is van die beste in sy klas. Soos tevore, is die kraglewering van die 3 liter D-TEQ enjin beskikbaar vanaf 1 800 opm tot by 4 000 opm. Geen “baie aksie en gou uitasem soos ’n haas” soos met die meeste ander dieselturbo voertuie nie! Ander vervaardigers probeer hierdie probleem met meer ratte aanspreek, maar as jy verbygaan moet jy in die regterbaan oprat. Nie met hierdie Isuzu nie. Jy haak vierde, sit voet neer en gaan verby, alles in een rat. Die ander kenmerk waarvan ek hou is die tipiese Isuzu dieselgeraas as jy vet gee. Dit is tipes Isuzu, laat my tuis voel en gee gemoedsrus! Waarvan hou ek nie? Die tweede 12V kragpunt sit in die boonste paneelkissie. Dit is dom, want as jou GPS gekoppel is, kan jy nie die kassie toemaak nie. Die kragpunt hoort op die paneelbord langs die 12V aansteker se kragpunt. Die USB koppeling gebruik ’n mini proppie. Jy moet dus die kabeltjie wat verskaf word tussen jou geheuestokkie (met jou musiek op) en die bakkie se USB in punt gebruik. Persoonlik sou ek ’n sesspoed ratkas verkies, alhoewel die vyfspoed goed pas by die enjin se wye wringkragband. Ratskakeling is soos op die oposisie nie seepglad nie, maar jy leer hom. Op die pad ry die Isuzu lekker. Die nuwe vering is ferm maar baie gemaklik. Remme is fenomenaal. Stabiliteit om draaie en in ’n reguit lyn is uitstekend en selfs teen 180 km/u was die bakkie uiters vas op die pad. Die rygerief is so goed as die van VW se Amarok en Ford se Ranger. Die enjin draai ’n rustige 2 200 opm teen 120 en net 3500 opm teen 170. Dié bakkie sal ongetwyfeld lig wees op diesel. My bevinding: Die nuwe Isuzu KB is ’n uitstekende voertuig. Dit behoort uitstekend te werk op die langpad en sal gemaklik en lekker sleep. Ek soek een! Andre Coetzee.

25 April 2013




25 April 2013

New Renault Clio launched RENAULT has just launched its fourth generation Clio in South Africa. Aimed at market favourites such as the Kia Rio, Volkswagen Polo and Toyota Yaris, Renault has really come to the party with funky styling and competitive pricing. New Clio is longer, lower and wider than the model it replaces; measuring in at 4 060 mm in length, 1 450 mm in height and 1 730 mm in width. Visually, it features the new Renault family face with the large logo and swept-back headlamps with LED daytime running lights. Integrated rear door handles near the C-pillar and a profusion of chrome detailing are among the exterior highlights. The lines and contours of the new car are completely different to those of the current Clio and, viewed in profile, gives the car a somewhat oriental (read Hyundai/Kia/ Nissan) look about it. The entry-level unit is a 1,2-litre, 16-valve petrol engine that develops 55 kW and 107 N.m. Mated with a five-speed manual transmission, this Clio is capable of sprinting from zero to 100 km/h in 15,4 seconds and has a top speed of 167 km/h. There is also a new turbocharged 0,9-litre three-cylinder petrol engine. This unit pushes out 66 kW at 5 250 r/min and 135 N.m at 2 500 r/min. Renault claims that this model can reach 100 km/h from standstill in 12,2 ticks of the clock before it hits its top speed of 182 km/h. Fuel consumption for this model is 4,5 litres/100 km and it has a CO2 emissions figure of 104 g/km. Standard features across all three specification levels – Authentique, Expression and Dynamique – include ESP, four airbags, cruise control and a USB-compatible audio system. Depending on the spec level, other features may include front and rear fog lamps, auto-on headlamps, a navigation system, electric windows, Isofix anchorages, keyless entry and start and hill start assist. Renault has chosen to not equip its Clio with a CD player, but it still has an audio system that is MP3 compatible and boasts auxiliary and USB inputs. It also has Bluetooth connectivity capabilities. This system can

be controlled via steering wheel-mounted controls. Prices: Renault Clio 1,2 Authentique

– R149 900

Renault Clio TCe 90 Expression

– R169 900

Renault Clio TCe 90 Dynamique

– R179 900


Follow up on e-Toll system WHILE Gauteng motorists might be close to feeling the pinch of the controversial e-tolling system, many are are sticking to their guns in opposing it. Following roads agency Sanral’s announcement that the system would be launched in two months, The Star’s sister paper, the Pretoria News, took to the streets to find out if motorists had registered for e-tags. With over 2.5 million users of the Gauteng Freeway, only 600 000 have registered for e-tags so far. Centurion resident Themba Masilela, who frequently travels on the N1, said he hadn’t bought an e-tag because of the dispute over the system between the government, Outa and Cosatu. “I haven’t bought it and don’t intend to. Why is the taxi industry exempted? I believe it is unfair for some road users to pay while others don’t.” “GIVE AND GIVE” Bonginkosi Rakolota, from Benoni, decried the system, calling it “crazy”. He accused the government of asking for too much. “I am not buying that thing. I pay a lot of tax from my salary and I pay a very high price for petrol already. What more should I give to the government?” Misiwe Xolo, from Pretoria, accused the government of extorting money from citizens. “I won’t be buying the e-tag because I honestly think its an additional expense for me as a taxpayer, its ludicrous.” Lindo Mlaba said he would not bow to pressure to buy the e-tag. “I think there are other ways the government can raise funds to maintain public roads. The fuel levy and other forms of taxes, if used efficiently, can fund maintenance of public roads.” Terry Terblanche, who will be using the tolled R21 every day, said people must stop “moaning and groaning” and “just comply. We said we wanted government to upgrade our roads, they did, so why are we complaining?” Another road user in support of e-tolling Mohau Segole, said people must avoid breaking the law. “Toll gates are a sign the country is developing in line with the first world. It hurts but gradually it rewards.” Although it has been decided to start operating the tolls in June, the cost to motorists passing through tolls has not been revealed. - Pretoria News

Monthly instalment and Total payment includes Bank Initiation fee of R1140 incl Vat, but excludes monthly service fees of R57 and mandatory insurances. Interest rates are linked to prime, currently 9%. Finance offers subject to approval from Nissan Finance, a division of Wesbank a division of FirstRand Ltd, an authorised financial services and credit provider. NCRCP20. Offer valid while dealer stocks last. Prices and specifications subject to change without prior notification. E & OE.** Recommended retail price excludes PDI, all on road costs (licence & registration), metallic paint & accessories. Picture shown is as per advertised recommended price for NP200 1.6 8V base model w/o aircon and safety specs. * subject to terms and conditions in the warranty booklet.

iol.motoring Ed: If you think the eToll system will not affect you, think again. We send our local courier to Joburg and back every week to pick up this newspaper and he will have to travel on toll roads to the south of Johannesburg, which will therefore affect our costs. However, we do NOT intend to register for eToll and will be very reluctant to pay any bill, unless sent to us in a legal manner and by registered post! With the efficiency of the Post Office, that is another matter entirely!

Properties / Eiendomme

25 April 2013


• Renovations • Civil’s • Paving • Electrical • Plumbing • Welding • Dry Walling • Palisades • Sliding Gates • Automation • Electric Fencing • Security Gates • Cladding • Garage Doors & Automation • Steel Structures

Drie groot lokale, toegerus, sentraal geleë, groot erf, word tans as ’n kleuterskool bedryf. Potensiaal vir verdere ontwikkelling.


R1 780 000

R1 400 000


Nuut Gebou en enige koper se droom!

Huis met 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, enkel motorhuis @ R7 500 / mnd Huis, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis. Nuwe area @ R9 000 / mnd Huis met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, studeerkamer, onthaalareas @ R12 000 / mnd Meenthuis met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, aparte tuin @ R7 500 / mnd 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 1 badkamer @ R4 400 / mnd 1 Slaapkamer woonstel @ R4 100 / mnd Werkswinkel te huur @ R6 000 / mnd


R1.6 miljoen. Skakel Du Nel Eiendomme by 082 896 3908 / 082 462 7723 of 013 235 2622

Ruim met plantryke tuin!

RENTALS : Anton 082 898 5272 *3 Slaapkamer ruim huis, 1 badk, 1 m/h R6 600 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer huis , 2 badk, 2m/h Baie netjies R7 600 / mnd *2 Slaapkamer woonstel met tuin R4 300 / mnd *5 Slaapkamer huis met groot erf en swembad R12 300 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer huis, stdkmr, 1m/h R8 500 / mnd *Ruim plot huis naby Buffeloord dam R8 900 / mnd

Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net,

3 Slaapkamer siersteenwoning met ruim kombuis. Oopplan leefarea, onthaalarea en stoep met ingeboude braai en swembad.

Hierdie pragtige 3 slaapkamer huis met 2 volledige badkamers met oopplan kombuis en dubbel motorhuis. Hierdie huis is geleë in ‘n nuwe area.

Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653

Jacques van Baalen : 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653

R590 000 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamer woonstel Met dubbel beveiligde motorafdakke R1 182 500 4 slaapkamers, 2,5 badkamers, Dubbel motorhuis. 220m² Uitstekende koop R860 000 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers en toesluit motorhuis R3 977 000 16HA- Net omdat jy kan. Pragtige rivier uitsig en woonhuis. 10km buite Lydenburg



Buying and selling your home in Lydenburg?

Verskeie kantoor / winkel spasie te huur.

Kontak: 013 235 2653

074 589 0204 Henry Smith

Please contact me


25 April 2013

Properties / Eiendomme


KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 PRYS VERLAAG TEëLDAKHUIS MET BAIE VOORDELE Erfgrootte 1428m². Volledige netjiese 1 slk w/s en 48m² Wendyhuis. Groot toegeboude onthaalarea met ingeb braai en jacuzzi. Sitk, eetk, ruim goedingerigte komb, studeerk, wask, 2 slk, 2 badk. Alarmstelsel, omhein, motorhuis, 4 x motorafdakke


R 1 265 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES AKKOMODASIE BESKIKBAAR: 6 slpk met eie badk, gesamentlike sitkamer en kombuis. 2 Bediendes vir wasgoed en skoonmaak. R 3000/pers. 10km buite Lydenburg oppad na groot myne.

TE HUUR: 3 slpk, 2 badk huis in Sterkspruit. Groot leefarea met dubbel garage. Onm Besk R9000p/m.

2 Slp kamer woonstel met 1 badkamer op plaas 10km uit Lydenburg, krag + water ingesluit geen diere.R 5 500 / mnd Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

By die Pam Golding Gold Club-toekennings was van links prinsipaal Elisme Swart, dr. Andrew Golding en Madelein Viljoen van Pam Golding Lydenburg.


TE HUUR: • 3 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks R6 200 / mnd • 2 Slk w/stel met erf - R5 800 / mnd • 3 Slk woning met groot erf R7 000 / mnd TE KOOP: • 3 Slk woning, netjies uitgeverf en geteël, Groot erf - R945,000 • 3 Slk woning by Laerskool, buitekamer en rondawel, nuut geverf - R880 000 • 2 Slk, 2 badk, oopplan sit/komb, opwas /wask,1 mot + afdak + 1 slk w/stel, wendy, groot omheinde erf - R1,250 milj • 3 Slk, 2 badk woning met ruim woonvertrek / oopplan komb, 2 mot. Goeie area - R1,150milj • Goed opgepaste ou won met 3 Slk, houtvloere,deels staalplafonne R990 000 SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP

Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens.

LKE jaar die tyd, is dit prysuitdeling vir Pam Golding Eiendomme se agente van oor die land. Dis 'n uithang-makietie waarna 'n jaar lank uitgesien word. En nes met 'n prefekte-kiesery, hang daar 'n opgewonde wolk oor die aand. Want niemand, nie eens die plaaslike base, weet wie gaan verhoog toe geroep word om as Gold Club-agente uitgesonder te word nie. Toe Madelein Viljoen van die Ly d e n b u r g - t a k s e n a a m uitgeroep word, was daar 'n groot gejuig. Om onder die Top 20 agente in die streek gereken te word, wil gedoen wees! Die toekenning berus nie net op verkope nie, maar op die volle spektrum van professionele dienslewering in die eiendomsmark. Hartlik geluk Madelein!

Pam Golding gee vir BNI lede advies

stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 Kantoor: admin@qsrealty.co.za / 079 549 7052

Te Huur:

Uitsonderlike woning met vier slaapkamers, twee badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer, opwas, heerlike kuierstoep, afdakke, dubbel motorhuis. Erf is 1900m²


Alleen Mandaat Netjiese drie slaapkamer huis, twee badkamers met gaste toilet, sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis, lekker stoep met braai area, dubbel motorhuis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling.

R 1 325 000

Stoor ruimte beskikbaar 135m2 @ R7000.00 Winkelspasie in Voortrekkerstraat 65m² POA Kantoorspasie in Viljoenstraat – 5 kantore, ontvangs, kombuis, badkamers, baie parkering POA 240m² Kantoorspasie beskikbaar – 8 kantore, ontvangs met raadsaal POA 1 Slp woonstel te huur – geen diere @ R3300.00 3 Slp huis, twee badkamers @ R5500.00 3 Slp meenthuis twee badkamers R7000.00 3 Slp huis, een badkamers @ R8500.00 4 Slp huis met vier badkamers @ R8500.00 5 x Nuutgeboude 3 slk, twee badkamers met studeerkamer te huur @ R9000.00 Nuutgeboude 3 slk huis in Sterkspruit @ R9900.00 3 Slk huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling @ R9900.00 4 Slk huis te huur naby Laerskool @ R13 000.00

BNI het by Pam Golding gaan draai om meer te leer oor marktendense, pryse en hoe kopers en verkopers die eindomsmark moet lees. By die vergadering was van links Pieter Pieterse, Elisme Swart en Pierre Coetzee.


• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint

Nuus / News

25 April 2013


KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM AANSOEK TE DOEN OM VRYSTELLING VAN DIE VEREISTES VIR OMGEWINGS-IMPAKEVALUERINGS INGEVOLGE NEMA EN NEM:WA VIR MODULÊRE AFVALWATERBEHANDELINGSAANLEGTE Projekbeskrywing: Emthonyeni het afvalwaterbehandelingstelsels op 'n modulêre skaal ontwikkel wat handig en mobiel is en wat redelik gou ontplooi kan word om waterbesoedelingsprobleme op bruinveldterreine regoor Suid-Afrika aan te spreek. Sekere aktiwiteite wat gelys is in die Junie 2010 Regulasies op Omgewingsimpakevaluerings (OIEregulasies) soos gepubliseer ingevolge die Nasionale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur, Wet 107 van 1998, (NEMA) en die Nasionale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur: Afval, Wet 59 van 2008 (NEM:WA) is potensieel van toepassing op die ontplooiing van hierdie stelsels en by 'n aantal terreine waar waterbehandelingstelsels geïnstalleer is, is Omgewingsmagtigings toegestaan. Die omgewingsmagtigings is egter gekoppel aan spesifieke terreine, wat die mobiliteit van die behandelingseenhede en die potensiaal daarvan vir hergebruik en herontplooiing beperk. Voorts, aangesien hierdie behandelingseenhede op bestaande nywerheids- of mynbouterreine ontplooi word, is die impak van die waterbehandelingsaanleg dikwels weglaatbaar in vergelyking met die impak van die aanleg waar dit geleë is. Daarbenewens, hoewel die modulêre behandelingstelsels vinnig ontplooi kan word, kan die magtigingsprosesse vertragings veroorsaak en teenproduktief wees, aangesien die besoedeling van waterhulpbronne voortduur terwyl die aansoek om omgewingsmagtiging vir die waterbehandelingstelsel afgehandel word. Ten einde hierdie potensiële probleem te oorkom, het Emthonjeni vir Carin Bosman Sustainable Solutions BK (CBSS) aangestel om aansoek te doen om 'n vrystelling van die OIE-regulasies soos beoog ingevolge Artikel 24(M) van NEMA en subregulasie 50, 51(3) en 54(2) van die OIEregulasies. Savannah Environmental (Edms.) Bpk. is aangestel om 'n openbare deelnameproses ter ondersteuning van die aansoek om vrystelling te onderneem. Die deel van inligting vorm die grondslag van die openbare deelnameproses en bied u die geleentheid om uit die staanspoor aktief betrokke te raak by die proses van die aansoek om vrystelling. U word hiermee uitgenooi om op die projek se databasis te registreer as 'n Belangstellende en Geaffekteerde Party (B&GP). Deur as 'n B&GP te registreer, sal u verseker dat u outomaties verdere inligting ontvang wat versprei word as deel van hierdie proses en uitgenooi word na vergaderings wat in die komende weke sal plaasvind. Kommentaar kan per pos, faks of e-pos by Savannah Environmental ingedien word deur die kontakbesonderhede hieronder te gebruik.

Laerskool Lydenburg se rekenaarleiers en Kletskous redaksie nooi almal uit na `n heerlike kuiertjie by die Laramie Spur in Lydenburg. Links agter: Anria Visser, Lanei Mulder, Mickyla Brummer, Magceen du Plessis, Heinrich Esterhuizen, Nathan Nel. Links middel: Simoné Joubert, Ashley Olivier, Marco Jordaan, Istelle Jv Vuuren; Links voor: Simone Smith, Monique Engelbrecht en Shirley Ngwane. Kom word bederf deur ons leerders wat as kelners gaan optree op Maandag, 29 April 2013 om 18:00 tot 21:00 by die Spur.

Hond vermis

Hond vermis, swart staffie, sy naam is Stitch. Hy't vermis geraak so 7 km buite Lydenburg op die Dullstroom pad. As enige iemand iets weet skakel: 076 543 1138 of 083 641 6160.

'n 30-dae registrasietydperk sal plaasvind vanaf 29 April 2013 tot 29 Mei 2013. Tree asseblief in verbinding met Savannah Environmental om 'n B&GP registrasievorm te versoek. Andersins kan u asseblief teen 29 Mei 2013 u kontakbesonderhede aan ons verskaf en sê wat u belang by en/of kommentaar oor die projek is. Gabriele Wood of Elizabeth Barnard van Savannah Environmental Posbus 148, Sunninghill, 2157 Tel: 011 656 3237 Faks: 086 684 0547 E-pos: gabriele@savannahsa.com E-pos: elizabeth@savannahsa.com



25 April 2013

Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com DIENSTE/ SERVICES

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

REPAIR & INSTALLATION of all garage doors & motorized gates, for the best prices contact Garage King 072 202 9139.



ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950

A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.

DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002


A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323 PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987

VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054



THE SIGN SHOP - For all your printing needs. 072 522 9273 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com FOTOLADY: alle geleenthede. Hilda 079 938 0729


SWANEE SIGNS - 013 235 1205 / 072 226 1776

S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

R&R TUINDIENSTE/ Garden Services. Skakel ons gerus vir ’n kwotasie. Isak 076 110 8990/ 073 781 5608

C L E A N I N G A L L upholsteries, carpets (undervelt) mattresses. Lydenburg. 082 833 0323

S A N I TAT I O N F o r supplying, installing and maintaining all types of Sanitation Units, Products and Chemicals which are E n v i r o n m e n t F r i e n d l y, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181

CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181.

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026

M I N I N G & CONSTRUCTION Machinery Training & Certificate renewal. TLB, Excavator, Scooptram, Boilermaker, Welding & more. AMA Training Centre. REG: TETA12-227. 072 056 2999


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932

PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Enviroment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181

KC COMPUTERS & Networking - Your one stop computer shop, 59 Kantoor Street 013 235 1178

BOUPLANNE J.C. POTGIETER sacap Reg. D0011 082 769 3615



ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521

I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614

MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 Abortion pills 079 668 2833 EKSOTIESE SKILDERYE, biblioteek ± 2000 boeke met rakke. Antike Van Wouw eetkamerstel 079 255 3004 N U W E PA N D W I N K E L EAGLES PAWN: Koop en pand alle huishoudelike goedere @ 30% rente. Geen addisionele koste. Langsaan Mattress MediCentre / oorkant Pick & Pay se aflewerings ingang. 46 Kantoorstraat, Lydenburg. 076 623 9660 DRY WOOD for sale. R10 p/bag. 082 786 3319

EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 3 & 2 BEDROOM apartments to let next to Westvaal Delta, water included, prepaid lights. R4000pm. Call 072 437 1148 1 SLK WOONSTEL, 20 kms buite Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. Vir 2 mense en 1 klein hond. Geen kinders. R3000 pm. W+L ing. Pensionarisse kry afslag. 082 336 8340 GEMEUBILEERDE BACHELORS woonstel in Ly d e n b u r g v i r e n k e l persoon te huur. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 470 5446 LYDENBURG - FLATS TO RENT: 2 bedroom from R4000, 3 bedroom from R5000. Contact 082 460 3000 WOONSTEL MET motorhuis op plaas. R3000pm.074 330 3011 LOVELY 5 BEDROOM house to let. Double garage. Under roof braai. R10 700 pm. Cel 083 288 6834 MEENTHUIS : 3 slk, 2 badk, 1 motorhuis en 2 afdakke. R7100pm. HUIS met mooi tuin, 3slk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise en 2 afdakke. R8800 pm. WOONSTEL 3slk. R4500pm. Pieter 083 274 1986 3 BED, 2 bath dubbel motorhuis in Steelpoort sekuriteitskompleks naby Steelpoort Laerskool. R8900pm. Kontak 083 393 0227 TUINWOONSTEL vir enkel persoon op plaas net buite Burgersfort. Bediende, D S T V, w a t e r & k r a g ingesluit. R3500pm Kontak 083 393 0227 3 BEDROOM DOUBLE facilities, double garage house to let in Sterkspruit Estate. R 8600pm. Deposit payable. To view call Johan on 076 371 6706 2 B E D R O O M APARTMENT to let at caravan park. R3000 pm. Call 082 786 3319

013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg

3 SLK HUIS , dubbel geriewe. R6800 pm. 079 624 9486


3 SLK WOONHUIS Joubertstraat 7. R6500. 082 582 7100 / 013 235 3301

L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 TOP KWALITEIT Duitse Herders hondjies. Stamboek. R1750. 1 reuntjie en 1 tefie oor. Cel: 083 288 6834. EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES

3 SLAAPKAMER HOUTHUIS op plaas tussen Lydenburg, Burgersfort. Krag ingesluit. Geen kinders, diere. Met meubels : R5000 p/m, sonder : R4200 p/m Tel : 082 294 0846 LOSIES/ LODGING

B E T R O U B A R E HUISHULP beskikbaar 5 dae van die week. A a n g e n a m e persoonlikheid. 073 631 9556

KENNISGEWINGS / NOTICES INDIEN DIE VOLGENDE voertuie nie afgehaal word binne 21 dae nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Mercedes Benz Reg: YTK 544 GP ; BMW X5 Reg: TRH 879 GP. Longtom Towing 013 235 4996

KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00 aanddiens 18:00. Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g str.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 B i d u u r, Vr y. 1 9 : 0 0 j e u g Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30

(kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30.

IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300

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Lydenburg De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00

Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563


Lydenburg Akademie



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Spekboom Tak - Burgersfort Kruisstr, Burgersfort (op Ohrigstad - Burgersfortpad) Tel: 076 412 4441 Na ure/ After hours: 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Dins & Don/ Tues & Thurs: 09:00 - 13:00 Slegs per afspraak/ By appointment only Vetshop Kantoorure/ Office Hours Ma - Vry / Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 16:00



25 April 2013

Admin Dame Supaquick Lydenburg • • • • •

Marathon on 25 May JOIN the half marathon on Saturday 25 May. Half marathon hosted by Mashishing Marathon Club. Start at 07:00 Marifane Primary School, Skhila. Runner Registration Friday from 14:00 till 19:00 and race day. 21.1km, 10km, 5km, walkers. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890 / 072 894 1958.

Rekenaar Geletterd Vorige Ondervinding Bestuurderslisensie Doelgerig Tweetalig

Salaris onderhandelbaar. Sluitingsdatum 2 Mei 2013. Epos CV met afskrif van ID aan: hermana@yebo.co.za Tel: 013 235 2341/ 013 235 2365



NOTICE LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD ACT 4 OF 1996, AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that: 1) Bettagaming Limpopo (PTY) Ltd. being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Burgersfort Bettabets. The applicant business is located at Burgersfort Palace, Shop 1, Castle Square, Burgersfort. 2) Bettagaming Limpopo (PTY) Ltd. being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Groblersdal Bettabets. The applicant business is located at Shop no 1, ERF 26, Groblersdal. Intends submitting an application to the Limpopo Gambling Board on 30th of April 2013 for a Site Operator License The application will be open to the public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa from 6 May 2013. The purpose of the application is to obtain a License to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises in the Province of Limpopo. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Board Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Office of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, or Private bag X 9520, 0700 within 30 days from 6 May 2013.

Personal Assistant You will contribute to the organisational goals by providing secretarial and administrative support, ensure optimal time utilisation and assist in the effectiveness and efficiency of your manager. You will be mainly responsible for the following: - Management of the managers diary and appointments - Manage outputs, workflow and deadlines - Monitor and verify various projects - Send , collect and open official mail - Draft , type and dispatch of correspondence - Report and accurately relay messages - telephonic and person-to person and respond to queries where possible - Draft agendas and take accurate minutes of all director's meetings and disseminate accordingly - Maintain a comprehensive filing system - Liaise with relevant individuals and external organisations. Requirements: - Must be absolutely eager and willing to make a difference and a success in your role as personal assistant - Must be a people's person with sound interpersonal skills - Fully bilingual as meetings taking place in Afrikaans and English - Good communication skills (verbal and written ) as well as a very good listener - Exposure in writing meeting minutes and compiling reports - Basic understanding and competence in business and strategic planning processes - Good interpersonal, presentation, planning, co-ordination and problem solving skills - Must be able to function methodically and accurately under pressure - Ability to prioritise and work under pressure - Computer literacy , speed and accuracy essential - Analytical ability and integrity as well as to work for a manager with an analytical/directors personality. A competitive remuneration package, commensurate with relevant experience will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

Qualified Artisans Required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Middelburg / Gauteng Diesel Mechanic - Heavy Earth Moving Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • Minimum of 2 years’ experience in repairing of Earth Moving Equipment • Experience on Hitachi or Komatsu equipment will be advantageous Diesel Mechanic – Trackless Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • Minimum of 2 years’ experience in repairing of Earth Moving Equipment Trackless Fitter Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on Conveyor belt maintenance and construction Instrumentation Technician Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience in cable Racking • Section 13 Artisan Auto Electrician Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience in repairing of Earth Moving Equipment • Experience on Hitachi or Komatsu equipment will be advantageous

All Artisans Qualification requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid section 13 Trade Test relevant to the position you are applying for

Closing date for applications: 30 April 2013 Applications accompanied by a detailed CV are to be sent by e-mail to hr@barko.co.za. Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted before 7 May, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.

Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to cv@bilnor.co.za or fax: 086 643 4661


25 April 2013

Edith en Maclien Wagner van die Hoërskool Lydenburg het aan die SA Kampioenskappe vir Ringtennis in Standerton vanaf 30 Maart tot 2 April deelgeneem. Edith is gekies om in die uitnodigingspan te speel, wat teen die Springbokke te staan gekom het, terwyl Maclien aangewys is as die kapteine van die o.16 span wat teen 'n uitnodigingspan gespeel het. Albei het Protea kleure ontvang vir Ringtennis.

Buy Sim Card Rica it, Recharge with R29 & stand a chance to win a food hamper.

Op 21 en 22 Maart het nege van Lydenburg Akademie se atlete aan die SA's atletiek gaan deelneem. Hierdie byeenkoms het te Sasolburg plaasgevind. Op die foto is sewe van hierdie atlete. Su-Marie van den Berg het 'n eerste plek behaal in gewigstoot dogters o.12 en verskeie ander atlete het onder die eerste 3 geeindig. Van links na regs is (voor): Junior Griessel, Darren Dicks, Isonè vd Linde, Devin Dicks; (agter): Monika vd Berg, Su-Marie vd Berg en Xander vd Merwe. Met die afloop van die atletiekseisoen word daar nou voluit beplan vir die skool se “Gwarra-Gwarra” gholfdag wat op 15 Junie plaasvind. Daar sal sommer groot pryse te wen wees. Hou die pers dop!

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Gekies as kaptein van o.16 MP Diepsee Hengel Die afgelope vakansie het verskeie leerlinge van die Hoërskool Lydenburg as individue en groepe deelgeneem aan ’n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite. Wernich Botha is gekies vir die Mpumalanga Diepsee Hengel span en ook aangewys as die kaptein van die O/16 span. Sy span het tweede geëindig in die Junior Nasionale Kampioenskappe en hyself was derde as individu.

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Saskhia Viljoen, ’n Lydenburger wat tans in graad 12 is aan die HTS Middelburg, het ’n goue medalje behaal in die "South African Championships Of Performing Arts". Sy het goud in "Freestyle" kategorie en silwer in ope-kategorie verwerf. Sy het SA kleure behaal en gaan Suid Afrika verteenwoordiging tydens die jaarlikse wêreldkampioenskappe in Los Angeles.

Stage two of the Mzansi Tour took off in Lydenburg on Thursday 18 April and the Highlands Panorama News was there. The five-day, five-stage event hosted both South African and international teams. The Mzansi Tour is South Africa’s only international road stage race in 2013. The Mzansi Tour is expecting a total of 15 teams, five from South Africa, four from the rest of Africa and four from outside Africa. ~ Michelle Boshoff

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