09 Mei / May 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 18

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09 Mei / May 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 18 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Skade aan ’n ruit

NOODIENSTE, onder andere mnr. Deon Broekman, ’n bekende nooddienswerker in Lydenburg en die omgewing het doodluisters voor die R&P Paneelkloppers se perseel gestaan toe hulle binne sekondes vir hul lewens moes koes. Tussen 02:00 en 03:00 Saterdagoggend het mense in ’n swart motor op hulle geskiet terwyl die motor verbygejaag het. Dit was stikdonker en as daar straatligte was kon dit baie gehelp het. Mnr. Deon Broekman het gelukkig kopgehou en vinnig die motor se registrasienommer neergeskryf. Niemand is beseer nie en die mans kon gelukkig later bevestig dat dit ’n vuurwapen was wat gebruik is. Die skietvoorval kon soveel anders uitgedraai het. “As daar iemand is wat iets teen Longtom Towing of Deon het, kom praat met ons. Vuurwapens het nog nooit iets opgelos nie,” het mnr. Roelf Castelyn van R&P Paneelkloppers gesê. Die Lydenburg SAPD het Dinsdag direk voor saktyd bevestig een dossier met twee klagtes van opsetlike saakbeskading is oopgemaak. Die swart motor se registrasienommer is by die SAPD ingedien en die saak word verder ondersoek. Indien iemand enige ander inligting het wat met hierdie saak betrekking het, word hulle versoek om die SAPD te skakel.

Die deurrame en ruite wat beskadig is.

(Berig Michelle Boshoff, Foto’s Reinet Bell). ’n Vuurwapen se koeël wat in die teer vassit

SAPD doen nabetragting van die skade

Kie/ McGee &Co Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg, 013 235 2371, mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za, www.mcgee.co.za



Nuus / News

09 Mei / May 2013

Goud wink in Brazil Michelle Boshoff “Ek gaan vir goud.” Dit was me. Rina van Heerden se woorde oor die feit dat sy gekwalifiseer het om Suid-Afrika in Oktober in Brazil te gaan verteenwoordig.

Sy het tydens die SA Meesters Atletiek Kampioenskappe, wat vanaf 26 tot 27 April in Oudshoorn plaasgevind het, vier goue medaljes gewen. Die items was 80m, 100m, 200m en 300m hekkies. Sewe provinsies was hier teenwoordig asook Zimbabwe. Heel beskeie onthou sy na die onderhoud dat sy ook 'n brons verwerf het vir die B-span aflos. Rina sal met “die hulp van Bo” genoeg fondse kan bekom om haar Brazil-droom te laat waar word. Dit sal dan haar derde wêreldkampioenskappe wees. In Miyazaki, Japan het sy tydens die Wêreld Meesters Atletiekkampioenskappe 'n silwer medalje vir die 400m hekkies en 'n brons medalje vir die 100m hekkies gewen. Met die Wêreld Meesters Atletiekkampioenskappe in Durban het sy twee vierde plekke ingepalm. Dit is duidelik dat sy tot groot hoogtes in staat is. By die SA Meesters het sy vir Noord Gauteng, 55-59 ouderdomsgroep, bewys dat hekkies nie haar 'baas' is nie. Sy is al van kindsbeen 'n top atleet en het gesê “God kry al die eer.” Sy is ’n atletiekafrigter vir die jong talent in die omgewing by verskeie skole. Rina se SA Kleure is ook weer aan haar toegeken wat haar spreekwoordelik 'n dubbelle Springbok maak. Rina van Heerden met haar Hopelik bly die goue medalje sertifikaat en trofee dat SA in Brazil nie net 'n droom nie. Kleure weer aan haar toegeken is. ’n Baie groot prestasie gewis.

Samewerking word versoek van boere met foutiewe Eskomrekening probleme NA vele besprekings per telefoon en op vergaderings (afgelope 2-3 jaar) het boere steeds nie aanvaarbare terugvoer vanaf Eskom ontvang met betrekking tot die hantering van boere se foutiewe Eskom rekeninge nie. Boere word nog steeds gedreig met oproepe en briewe dat hul elektrisiteit beëindig gaan word as die rekening nie betaal word nie. Nog steeds doen ons 'n beroep op al die boere dat hulle Eskom kontak om die probleem te rapporteer. ‘n Verwysingsnommer word toegeken wat as bewys sal dien dat die kliënt wel in dispuut is met Eskom en elektrisiteit nie gesny mag word tydens 'n dispuut ooreenkoms nie. Op hierdie stadium beplan hulle om NERSA direk te nader om as arbiter op te tree tussen die boer en Eskom. Boere moet Kallie Kliengbiel so gou moontlik in kennis stel van sulke gevalle in hulle streek. Alle boere met hierdie probleem kan mnr. Kallie Klingbiel skakel by 082 450 8849 of mnr. George Floyd by 082 928 4233 of georgefloyd@vodamail.co.za Die is nie net vir Transvaal Landbou Unie se lede nie maar vir alle boere

Rina van Heerden met die vier goue medaljes wat sy by die pas afgelope SA Meesters atletiek verwerf het.

Mon -Thu : 11:30 - 21:00 Fri - Sat : 11:30 - 21:30, Sun : 11:00 - 15:00


olice opened an inquest docket after the death of a toddler on Sunday 5 May. It is alleged that the father of the child was busy in the kitchen on their Schoemanskloof farm when he suddenly heard a loud crash sound coming from the bedroom. He apparently rushed to the bedroom to investigate and found the two year old lying



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underneath the safe. The safe apparently fell on top of the boy. The safe was not mounted to the wall. The father allegedly rushed to Lydenburg hospital with the toddler where he sadly passed away later. Police are busy with the investigation.

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Nuus / News

09 Mei / May 2013


Family shocked to find that patient is dead T

The late Ms Salomie van Dyk (44)

he family of Ms Salomie van Dyk (44) was only notified of her death 12 hours after she had passed away. They were in shock when they realised she was already at Doves Funeral S e r v i c e s i n Lydenburg while

they were searching the Lydenburg Hospital for her on Saturday. She was treated at Lydenburg Hospital on Friday, transported to Rob Ferreira Nelspruit and died on her way back from Nelspruit in the ambulance. The telephone number on her file was that of a man and not one of her family members. That was the excuse the Lydenburg Hospital apparently used not notifying them. The ordeal of the Van Dyk, Du Preez family

started when Ms Salomie van Dyk was admitted to the Lydenburg Hospital on Friday. The doctor prescribed a CAT scan because she apparently sustained serious injuries after a fall. Lydenburg Hospital transferred her to Rob Ferreira Hospital in Nelspruit late Friday afternoon. “While Salomie was being transferred to Nelspuit we quickly went to get clothes at home and immediately drove through. When we got the Rob Ferreira told us that they were waiting the CAT scan and we could not see her. We decided to go and get something to eat and were back within an hour. The hospital however informed us that she was already in the ambulance on her way back to Lydenburg. We were so shocked but was glad that it could not be so serious if they took her back to Lydenburg,” said Mrs Lena du Preez, her sister-in-law. On Saturday morning Mrs du Preez and her husband, Johan went to Lydenburg Hospital. They wanted to find out if Ms van Dyk would stay there over the weekend and what her

condition was. A friend Mrs Wilna de Wet accompanied them. “The security was every aggressive and did not want to let us go in. Even after we explained we just wanted an update on Salomie's condition. We were not there for visiting hours, we only wanted information.” At last they managed to go into the hospital where no one knew of a Salomie van Dyk. They searched the hospital beds and shouted out her name frantically. At about 15:00 a sister came to them with a file and said she wanted to talk with them alone. At this stage they were told Salomie was at Doves Funeral Service in Lydenburg. She was taken there after dying the previous evening in the ambulance on her way back from Nelspruit on the Longtom Pass. No one informed the family. “We cannot even describe the shock and terrible grief we experienced. We had to go and identify her at Doves Saturday afternoon, while we thought she was lost somewhere in the hospital only moments before. This was

twelve hours after her death.” Ms van Dyk leaves her mother Mrs Hannatjie du Preez, brother Johan, her sister Ida Marx, family and friends. Her funeral will take place on their farm Naauwpoort, on the Sekhukhune Road outside Lydenburg on Friday. • A spokesperson of the Department of Health was emailed on Monday to respond but no feedback was received by the time of going to print.

No load shedding yet, but save power to help all users LOAD shedding has not yet been instituted by the Thaba Chweu Municipality. Residents were afraid that the power problems starting on Monday with the first cold weather was already load shedding when in fact it was system overload. TCM warns residents that they should take care with power usage and conserve electricity in peak times as per Eskoms nationwide request. . A load shedding schedule , if necessary, will be announced in the near future. Geestelike gawes werkswinkel / Spiritual gifts Workshop Kom ontdek jou geestelike gawes! (1 Cor. 12 : 7 – 10) Come and discover what gifts the Holy Spirit has given you! Wanneer? Saterdag, 18 Mei, 9vm – 1nm waar ? Methodist Kerksaal Lydenburg. Dit is vir elke Christen wat graag ten volle vir die Here wil leef! Lyn Esser: 082 294 0846 / 012 941 1516 vir meer besonderhede, of om bywoning te bevestig.



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Rubrieke / Columns

09 Mei / May 2013

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

ewoonlik bestuur ek my ma se motor en dis dan wanneer die boetes inrol. Haar ek-is-'n-pensionaris-en-baie-jammerbrief is al regoor die land gepos vir vertoë. Die askies het boetes al met honderde rande verminder. Die brief is ’n kunswerk. Ek het ’n teorie oor hoekom ek so jaag. Let wel: net ek mag sê dat ek jaag. Bewaar julle siele as julle met my baklei daaroor. Die ironie is dat ek vir ’n koerant werk. En moet jaag om stories klaar te kry. Die leser moet vandag weet dat ek hierdie rubriek ure na spertyd geskryf het. Met permissie natuurlik. Want die tyd het uitgehardloop. So daarom is ek net eenvoudig altyd te haastig. Iemand het in die week vir my gesê: “Raak rustig!” Ek herhaal dit nou heeltyd in die stilte. Maar my musiek is partykeer so hard in die motor dat ek dit nie dan hoor nie. En dis wanneer ek begin jaag. Sies! Om te wag is nie hoog op my prioriteitslys nie. Stadige bestuurders ook nie. Betyds en laat is nie ’n grensgeval van vyf minute nie. Vyf minute later as op tyd, maak jou laat. Ons sing graag saam met Lukas Maree "die tyd gaan so gou verby, die tyd gaan so bitter gou verby." Michael Althusuler het ’n oplossing om tyd-weghol te keer: "Die slegte nuus is dat tyd vlieg. Die goeie nuus, jy's die vlieënier." Seker ómdat jy jou eie tyd mág bestuur, kan dit my so die herrie in maak dat ander mense die leisels uit jou hande neem. Het julle al opgelet dat mense wat gereeld laat is, baie meer plesierige Afrikaners is? Dalk is daar ’n les te leer. Hoe dit ookal sy, Arnold Bennette het seker die waarste gedagtes: "Die tyd is die onverklaarbare grondstof van alles. Daarmee is alles moontlik; daarsonder, niks.” Tyd het ’n vreemde ding in ons tyd geword. Skaars beweer party, te min. Jammer die boetes raak nie minder nie. Dink hoe moes Rip van Winkel na sy 100 jaar slaap gevoel het. Hy het seker gewonder, waar is die tyd heen?

Uit die Woord From the Word “You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth”. Isa 37:16 Thought for prayer: Acknowledge the supremacy of God and the pre-eminence of Christ over all earthly powers.

OLD GRUMPY Collapse The collapse of all governmental institutions and parastatals is not new news. This is because of the ruling party’s policy of rewarding incompetent cadres with top and highly paid positions throughout government. The old National Party under Apartheid of course did the same. But there was one big difference. The old regime considered the requirements for the position, the expertise,

Briew e aan die redakteur

Die dames van die VLU Hibiscus tak het besluit om 'n bietjie ekstra vrolikheid by die Paasfees te voeg deur “funky” hoede met 'n paas tema te fabriseer en sommige dames se kreatiwiteit het geen perke geken nie. So het ons hoede wat deur vorige geslagte gedra is gesien nuwe lewe kry en ander skeppings wat nooit in daardie dae as hoed gesien sou word nie, het nou daardie titel gedra. Van links is mee. Marie Wilson, Christie Havenga, Sharn Tolmay, Van die dames, en Corrie van Greuning en Julie Human. dan veral me. Carina Sephton, het verder verstom met hulle fantastiese gebak. Nadat Mev Julie Human ons tydens die vorige vergadering touwys gemaak het met die versiering van koeke het 'n paar pragstukke hulle verskyning gemaak vir die tak se ope kompetisie. Na afloop van die vergadering het ons hekelnaalde en wol te voorskyn gebring en Mev Melitza Krugel het ons geleer hekel en van 'n paar patroontjies voorsien. Hopelik gaan ons binnekort met gehekelde skeppings kan spog! Daarna het Mee. Nora Myburg en Christie Havenga ons met heerlike verversings bederf. Indien u sou belangstel om saam met ons te kuier, ons vergader elke tweede Woensdag oggend van die maand om 9:30 by die NG Kerk Suid, Lydenburg. Groete Sharn Tolmay – skakelbeampte

Food Fair offers colourful celebration

Lene Nel as well as Ruhan and Donna Stander are serving customers from their Mexican stall.


he annual International Food Fair will once again be held on Friday, 31 May at Church Unlimited on the Barberton Road. The event has grown to become a colourful celebration of international cuisine that is very popular with patrons. Some 23 food stalls and three coffee shops will be available on the evening. Each stall will represent a country, serve its traditional food and some dress up in the national costume of that country. The portions are smaller so that patrons will be able to sample many different

styles of food on one night. Lowvelders are in for a real treat this year as they will be able to sample food from exotic destinations such as Mexico, France, Ethiopia, Italy, Madagascar and Malaysia. Some of the dishes on the menu include shwarmas from Israel, Dutch pancakes, Mexican tortillas, roti's, beef soy stir fry, Moroccan chicken with cous cous and old favourites such as Durban bunny chow and prego rolls. The now infamous crocodile on the spit is also back on the menu this year. Several local bistro's, chefs and bakeries will participate in the event again to add to the delectable variety of food available. Local bands and buskers will provide live music on different stages at the Fair. Through this International Food Fair, Church Unlimited loves to reach out to the community in a creative way and celebrate the goodness of God to the nations of the World. It is the ideal night out for the whole family. The new contemporary Youth Centre of Church Unlimited, catering especially for high school youth, will be open to the public at the Food Fair. Entrance is free and additional parking will be available this year. The first stalls will open at 17:30 but the event officially starts at 18:00 until 21:00. For more information contact Etienne on 082-447-3827 or 013-745-8006.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

skills, qualifications and experience required and more often than not, they got it right. Whatever you say about the Apartheid Regime, its administration worked. The ANC however, considers only three things: Is the person loyal to the party, is the person black, and does the person have some sort of qualification? Skills and experience does not count. The limitations of the candidate do not count. And the result is they get it wrong most of the time. The Department of Labour is a case in point. The Workmans Compensation Fund has a backlog of years. They blame their IT system. How many new IT systems have they implemented, all to horrendous cost and to no avail?

What about Municipalities and Parastatals? The moment a MM or CEO is “skelm” and steals money, he / she is redeployed to an even higher position where they can steal more. The result is a total loss of continuity of service delivery and a loss of institutional memory and records. And millions wasted for mahala. The fact is, the ruling party has abandoned its mandate. Whether you talk about water and electricity, workmans compensation, or hospitals where you go to die, or a dysfunctional welfare system or collapsing education, the ruling party is actively making people poorer, sicker and less educated. It is plundering the country’s resources at an unprecedented rate. Even its army, once the most powerful in Africa, got overwhelmed by a gang! What a shame! It is time to say enough. We “whiteys” can not. The black majority must stand up and unite. They must vote for a competent administration, before it is too late.

Nuus / News

09 Mei / May 2013


Foto van die maand Kompetisie inskrywing deur Rauch Burger . Dit is in die Kruger Wildtuin geneem. Stuur foto’s aan michelleboshoff@yahoo.com of michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za Borge: Highlands Panorama Nuus, Longtom SuperSPAR, PNA en Konica Photo Express. Send your entries to above mentioned emails or hand it in at the office of the Highlands Panorama News, cnr. Viljoen and Jansen Streets Lydenburg.

Tel: 013 231 7578 / 013 231 7615 Fax: 086 521 1872 / 013 231 7818 Offer Valid 9 May 46 Marone Street, Burgersfort - 22 May 2013 or While stocks last. Terms & Conditions Apply


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2 Mei/ May 2013

• Vrydag 24 Mei. Laerskool Burgersfort reunie. Bring-en-braai, skool verskaf pap-en-sous. Skool kantoor 013 231 7609. • Saterdag 18 Mei. Kansa Ondersteuningsgroep. NG Suidgemeente. Chrissie: 079 577 2618. • Woensdag 22 Mei. Hoërskool Lydenburg Opedag. Alle voornemende leerders welkom. 013 235 2111. • Saterdag 25 Mei. Winterfees te Burgersfort. Ray Dyllan en ander kunstenaars. Vele stalletjies en vermaak vir kleingoed. Grootskerm-rugby en ’n biertent. Skakel skoolkantoor 013 231 7609 vir stalletjies en kaartjies.

Nuus / News

SPORT: • Saturday 25 May. Halfmarathon hosted by Mashishing Marathon Club. Start at 07:00 Marifane Primary School, Skhila. Runner Registration Friday from 14:00 till 19:00 and race day. 21.1km, 10km, 5km, walkers. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. Gereelde afsprake: • Woensdae. 7:30 by Lydenburg Toyota. BNI vergadering. 083 269 4893. • First Friday of every month. Freemasons meeting. 082 749 4300. • Vrydae. Pannekoek voor Longtom SuperSPAR deur Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes.

‘n Prettige inkleurkompetisie aangebied deur Ouwerf se oom Pieter Krugel, 'n bekende skilder in Lydenburg, is as deel van die Plaasmuseumfees op 21 Maart 2013 gehou. Inkleurprente is by LSL uitgedeel aan elkeen wat graag wou deelneem, en met die aanbreek van die 2de kwartaal is die wenners aangewys by die skool. Die prent het teken- sowel as inkleurwerk ingesluit van 'n vrolike plaas toneel. In die 1ste plek, Bernice van Wyk Gr4 DP, 2de, Michaela Van Links: Roeben Moller, Michaela Broekman en Broekman Gr2 MH en 3de, Bernice van Wyk Simone van Wyk gr.5ML Roeben Moller Gr5 ML.

Steelpoort Akademie Presteer

Op 1 Mei het die Steelie redenaars gaan deelneem aan die Streeksredenaars te Warmbad. Chris-Marie Sewe van Steelpoort se O/13 Rugby seuns het deelgeneem aan die Ebersohn het met haar gevleulde semi-finale rugbyproewe en ses van hulle is gekeur om deel te neem woorde deurgedring tot die semi aan die finale proewe op 11Mei. Uitstekend seuns, bou so voort! finale wat sal plaasvind op 31 Agter: Arrie Heyl, Tumi Maroke en Christiaan Kruger. Voor: Godwin Mei te Pietersburg. Baie geluk Mapalekanye, Tiaan Havenga en Andries Vorster Chris-Marie.

Graad 4: Voor:1ste Clarissa Fourie, 2de Mahlogonolo Mamekhoa, 3de Yone' Volskenk, Agter:4de Justin v Niekerk en 5de Animie v Rooyen

Agter:1 ste Eckhard Ebersohn, 2de Blessed Phasha, 3de Henry Language. Voor:4de Ian Grobler en 5de Biancke van Pletzen

Laerskool Top 10. Voor: 1ste ChrisMarie Ebersohn - 97%, 2de Monique Language 96%, 3de Lourencia van Dyk 95%, Middel: 6de Clarissa Fourie 93%, 6de Aldone' Geldenhuys - 93%, 10de Blessed Phasha 89%, 4de Tabeel Zeeman 94%. Agter: 9de Eckhard Ebersohn 91%, 5de CJ Barnard 93.4%, 8ste Franco Oosthuizen 92%.

Voor:1ste Chris-Marie Ebersohn, 2de Monique Language, 3de Tabeel Zeeman Agter:4de CJ Barnard en 5de Franco Oosthuizen

Op 4 Mei het die finale Mpumalanga netbalproewe plaasgevind te Witrivier. Drie van Steelpoort Akademie se O/13 dogters het deelgeneem. Monique Language en Kgothatso Mkhabela is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga span en Katrien le Grange is gekies as skadu-speler. Knap gedaan meisies!

Graad 6. Voor: 1ste Lourencia van Dyk, 2de Aldone Geldenhuys, 3de Maryke de Jager, Agter: 4de Yanke Engelbrecht en 5de Michelle de Jager

09 Mei / May 2013

Nuus / News

& Coffee Shop

Me. ‘Sus’ Joubert is onlangs oorlede en ons plaas vir oulaas ’n gedik van die oud-onderwyseres. Sy was altyd baie lief vir skryf en haar talente was legio. Uit een enkele, maar unieke selletjie het jy ontstaan. “O, Heer, sal ons ooit die grootsheid van U wonderwerke kan deurgrond en verstaan?” Uit die chemie van haar bloed en die breinkrag van 'n hoër Hand, is jy gevorm en gevoed. Vir nege maande was dit net julle twee saam. Jy verborge, maar vir haar so kosbaar en vernaam. Die ritme van haar hartklop was vir jou so mooi gewees. Daar waar jy met knietjies opgetrek, veilig geskuil het sonder kommer, sonder vrees.

Vir 'n Engel wat jou oral vergesel en van gevare wegkeer. Skool toe gaan is 'n lekkerte, mits jy gehoorsaam is en geen les vergeet. Pa en ma is skielik dom want dis net jou mooi juffrou wat alles weet. Jou tienerjare breek later aan en Ma kan haar soet kind nou glad nie verstaan. Die storm en drang en beter weet – 'n deurmekaarspul van lag en huil en vergeef en vergeet en weer 'n traan.

Uiteindelik is jy klaar met skool en kry 'n lekker werk. Jy verdien jou eie geld en dit laat in jou klerekas sy merk. Eendag word pa en ma gevra of the huweliksklokkies maar mag lui. Uiteindelik word die naelstring tog geknip O, Ma was so bly want nou het sy nog 'n liewe En jy huil 'n wêreld in van misdaad, geweld en kind bygekry. onbegrip. Handjies en voetjies so volmaak en verwonderd klein. Gesiggie wondermooi en Later kom die kleinkinders aan en vir Ouma fraai en fyn, volmaak in elke babalyn. so 'n vreugde en eer. “Baie Dankie dat U ook oumas ingesluit het Tere liefde en dankbaarheid omvou haar in U wonderplan O Heer.” moederhart maar ook vrees. Ouma se skoot is gemaak vir klim en trap en “O, Heilige Skepper wat lewe gee, sal u sit en klouter. asseblief goed vir my kindjie wees.” Binne maklike bereik vir drukkies en Maak die handjies groot en sterk om eendag soentjies van klein kabouters. tot U eer te werk. Maak die voetstap ferm en oop om groot spore in U weg te loop. Jou moeder word later oud, maar haar liefde vir jou en joune bly vergoed. Eerste laggies, tandjies kry, brabbeltaal en Want, is dit nie die chemie in haar bloed wat waggelstappies. jou so wonderbaar gevorm het en gevoed? Blou kolle van klim en gly en val en selfs van Gelukkig lewe sy nog of dalk het sy reeds die die kuikenhen se happies. doodsdal oorgesteek. Groot knieë en klein knieë buig saam en sê Sal julle steeds gebonde bly aan 'n onsigbare dankie vir die Liewe Heer naelstring wat nooit sal breek.



Tel: 013 235 4062


09 Mei / May 2013

Nuus / News

MA Ma, ek skryf vir jou 'n gedig sonder fênsie leesekens sonder woorde wat rym sonder bywoorde net sommer 'n kaalvoet gedig -

Happy Mother’s Day!

want jy maak my groot in jou krom klein handjies jy beitel my met jou swart oë en spits woorde jy draai jou leiklipkop jy lag en breek my tente op maar jy offer my elke aand vir jou Here God. jou moesie-oor is my enigste telefoon jou huis my enigste bybel jou naam my breekwater teen die lewe ek is so jammer ma dat ek nie is wat ek graag vir jou wil wees nie. - Antjie Krog -

Terrein word beplan vir Turn2God-saamtrek

Baie stalletjies! • Biltong, Droëwors en Kaartmasjien sal beskikbaar wees by die vleis tafel • Tuiskombuis met al die lekkernye en ingelegde konfyte • Naaldwerk • Pannekoek • Poeding • Kerrie en rys • Jaffels en Vetkoeke •Worsbroodjies en Koeldrank • Groente • Tee tuin • Speletjies en Witolifant Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Postnet

Van links is: Christiaan Joubert, ds Fredrick Wilson, Brian Whitehorn en Etienne Valentine by die kaart Duisende mense word verwag by die Turn2God-saamtrek op Saterdag 14 September 2013, op die Longtompas. Die terreinspan, Christiaan Joubert (links) van Zizwe, ds Fredrick Wilson, Brian Whitehorn en Etienne Valentine bekyk die terreinkaart om planne te maak vir die toegangsroete en parkering. Die saamtrek maak ook deel uit van 'n groter projek om 'n Tebelo tehuis en dorpie vir kinders in die Lydenburg-omgewing te bou. Lydenburgers wat wil deel word van die span wat die groot geleentheid beplan, kan met ds Wilson skakel by 082 8050924 of fjwilson@telkomsa.net.


09 Mei / May 2013



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Landrover celebrates 65 years THIS week Land Rover marked its 65th anniversary with a celebration at Packington Estate near Solihull, which was the testing ground for the original 1947-48 Land Rover prototypes through to the Range Rover development vehicles of the late 1960s and early 70s. In a nod to the company's rich heritage of military vehicles, a cake in the shape of the first Series 1 Land Rover, HUE 166 (nicknamed, inevitably, 'Huey') will be flown in by a member of the 'Black Cats' Royal Navy display team in a Lynx helicopter. The real HUE 166 will also be on display, along with more than 130 Land Rovers representing key milestones in the company's history and demonstrating their legendary versatility, the key to Land Rover's success ever since Maurice Wilks first sketched the layout of his goanywhere 'tractor' in the sand at Packington. Emergency service, military, expedition, royal and concept vehicles will be lined up alongside the current range - the Defender, Discovery, Freelander, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and Evoque - as well as the new Electric Defender research vehicle and the world's first nine-speed transmission for a passenger car. And, of course, there will be a special-edition model to mark the occasion - the LXV (that's 65 in Roman numerals, Cyril), of which just 65 will be available in the UK but none, unfortunately, in South Africa. The Defender evolved from the original Land Rover in 1990 and this iconic family of utility vehicles - Land Rover Series I, II, III and Defender - has now sold more than two million. The LXV is based on the standard Defender 90 Hard Top, with a 2.2-litre diesel engine rated for 90kW at 3500rpm and 360Nm at 2000rpm, and a sixspeed manual transmission. It will be available in either black or white with contrasting grey roof, roof, grille headlight surrounds and fascia, special 16” Sawtooth alloy rims and LXV badging, along with an optional union jack at the rear. The full-leather seats have LXV-embossed front head restraints with special orange contrast stitching on the seats, steering wheel and centre storage compartment Pricing in the UK will start from £28 765 (R404 000). iol.motoring

New Range Rover Sport THE all-new Range Rover Sport has made its public debut at the New York Auto Show. This new addition to the Land Rover line-up is set to hit local showrooms in the third quarter of this year. Underpinned by Jaguar Land Rover’s all-aluminum PLA (Premium Lightweight Architecture) platform that also does service on the new Range Rover, the styling of this Range Rover Sport appears to be an amalgam of Range Rover and Evoque styling cues – the latter being especially evident in the taillamp treatment. The further raked roof line, deeper sheet metal on the flanks and shortened rear overhangs give the car a more dynamic air. Inside, Land Rover has aimed to create a luxurious, but sporty cabin with a smaller diameter, thicker steering wheel, vertical gear shifter, higher centre console, configurable mood lighting and more generous seat bolsters. The new Range Rover Sport is 62 mm longer and has an increased wheelbase (by 178 mm), but is still 149 mm shorter than the regular Range Rover. According to Land Rover, the Range Rover Sport has shed in excess of 500 kg in the transition between old and new. Two engines will be on offer at the time of the international launch; a 215 kW 3,0-litre SDV6 diesel unit and a 375 kW supercharged 5,0-litre V8 petrol engine. Drive is sent to all four wheels via a ZF eight-speed automatic transmission. Other engines will be added to the line-up in 2014. These include a TDV6 diesel with 189 kW, a 4,4-litre SDV8 that delivers 249 kW and a diesel hybrid that will be available to order in international markets. Land Rover claims performance numbers start at five seconds and that CO2 emissions numbers start at 194 g/km. A host of new and updated technology are included in the new Sport. These includes an adaptive dynamics system, featuring continuously variable dampers. On models with more grunt, a dynamic mode is included in the Terrain Response system. This system is combined with twin-channel dynamic response active lean control, a dynamic active rear locking differential and torque vectoring by braking, which transfers torque to the outside wheels during cornering to reduce understeer. There are also upgraded connectivity packages that allow the driver to stay connected to the car via an application on their smartphone. New to the Range Rover Sport is a digital camera system that offers lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition and automatic high beam assist. Kelly Lodewyks Carmag.co.za

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Hyundai Lydenburg


09 Mei / May 2013

Ons toets die VW Tiguan 2.0 Bluemotion 4x2 DIE Highlands Panorama Nuus het hierdie week die VW Tiguan getoets. Dit is na ons mening een van die mees onderskatte voertuie in die mark. Direkte mededingers is die Kia Sportage en Hyundai iX35, Nissan Qashqai en Nissan Juke en dit kan selfs vergelyk word met groter SUV’s. Die Tiguan se kompakte buiteafmetings is erg misleidend. Binne is dit ’n ruim voertuig, met uitstekende beenruimte agter en ’n redelike groot bagasieruim. Om te sê ek was verras, is ’n “understatement”. Ek was verstom. Daar is sewe modelreekse, drie 1.4 petrol TSI en drie diesel TDI modelle,en ’n vlagskip 2.0 TSI, met kraglewering wat wissel tussen 81kW en 155kW. Wringkrag wissel tussen 200Nm en 320Nm. Ons toetsmodel was die 2.0 Bluemotion Turbodiesel met 81kW en 280Nm. Op die pad was die bekende feit dat dit oor wringkrag en nie kilowatt gaan nie, weereens duidelik. Die 81kW klink min, maar met 280Nm trek hierdie SUV soos ’n bom! Kraglewering is egalig vanaf wegtrek tot by die (hoë vir ’n diesel) 5 000 opm rooilyn en die enjin raak nie gou uitasem nie. Beter nog, met die sesspoed handratkas wat seepglad skakel, draai die enjin net 2 000 opm teen 120 km/u en op 3 000 opm lê die spoedmeter op 180 km/u. In die regte wêreld beteken hierdie syfers fenomenale brandstofverbruik en die ritrekenaar het dit bevestig. Die Tiguan ry baie lekker. Dit stryk ongelyk paaie uit en skrik nie vir kleiner slaggate nie. Die enjin is doodstil, selfs onder harde versnelling en bulte maak bykans geen indruk op die voertuig nie. Skyfremme op al vier wiele is buitengewoon groot en as mens op spoed in ’n noodgeval op die pedaal klim, stop die Tiguan - punt. Stabiliteit op spoed is uitstekend. Tesame met bougehalte wat duidelik in ’n ander klas is en al die veiligheidskenmerke soos lugsakke rondom, behoort die voertuig uitstekende veiligheid te bied. Maar wees gewaarsku, die Tiguan is verbasend vinnig en mens moet jou spoed dophou. Wat luukshede, tegnologie en sulke dinge betref, is daar ’n groot aantal opsies beskikbaar en dit hang net van jou sak af, hoe jy hom bestel. Ons toetsmodel het ’n vollengte panoramiese sondak, raakskerm klankstelsel met agt luidsprekers, volledige ritrekenaar wat tot banddruk op elke wiel aandui, drie 12V kragpunte, klimaatbeheer, volleer, elektriese ruite en spieëls, en elke ding in gehad. Die groot verassing is dat alle modelle agter die konsole ’n geïntegreerde 230V wisselstroom (110W) kragpunt het. Jy kan dus jou skootrekenaar of DVD speler direk op hoofstroom krag laat werk. Hoekom doen ander vervaardigers dit nie? Daar is dagryligte, misligte, al die ruite het een druk op en af beheer, ook ’n saak wat ander vervaardigers na moet kyk en die paneelkissie is lugverkoel. Daar is ABS, EBD, ESP, EDL, BAS, ASR en “Hill descent control” op sekere modelle. Sleepvermoë vir geremde sleepwaens is in meeste gevalle meer as 2 200 kg. Die Tiguan is beskikbaar in 4x2 en 4x4 (4-Motion). Daar is parkeerhulp, kameras en DSG ratkasopsies beskikbaar. Ons toetsmodel se bestuurdersitplek was op ses maniere elektries verstelbaar en die stuur kan op en af en in en uit verstel. Kopstutte kan nie net op en af stel nie, maar ook vorentoe en agtertoe, onafhanklik van die rugleuning, wat baie gemaklik is. Al die gewone satelietkontroles is op die stuurwiel insluitend Bloutand en togbeheer. Daar is AUX in sokke vir die klankstelsel. Ek kan werklik nie dink aan ’n luukse of veiligheidskenmerk wat ontbreek nie. Prysgewys ding die Tiguan goed mee met sy kompetisie. Ek het min kritiek. Ek hou nie van ’n plekbespaarder noodwiel nie en die elektroniese handrem irriteer my. Gee my ’n outydse hefboom! Hierdie is egter in alle opsigte ’n uitstekende voertuig en skuif baie hoog in op my wenslys. Andre Coetzee.



09 Mei / May 2013



Datsun to come in below Micra AS previously reported, Nissan South Africa plans to bring back the revived Datsun nameplate towards the end of next year. The company is yet to announce what model will be the first to wear the new Datsun badge, but recent reports speculate that a small hatchback will be the launch car of choice. Autocar India has reported that previous- and current-generation Micra styling and packaging will feature prominently in this hatchback, codenamed K2. It is expected to be about the same size as well as offer similar interior space. It will make use of the Nissan Micra’s 1,2-litre petrol engine, but will reportedly be more fuel-efficient because it will be lighter than the current Micra. The reveal is expected to take place as early as July. Autocar India also reports that a sporty version is under consideration. Carmag.co.za

Rubber roads? IF you are driven to distraction by the noisy road outside your house, this could be the way to a good night’s sleep. Recycled car tyres could soon be used to surface roads in the UK after a pioneering trial found they made roads quieter. One of the busiest roads in Scotland was resurfaced in 2012 with asphalt containing shredded rubber from old tyres.

What’s in the box? Nissan Juke 1.6 Acenta+ From

R3 298 p/m

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Tests were performed on grip and skid resistance, with engineers reporting that the rubber road, on a stretch of dual carriageway between Perth and Dundee, resulted in a quieter drive. The surface i s a l s o m o r e environmentally friendly. Since 2006 EU rules have banned the disposal of tyres in landfill sites, leaving about 480 000 tonnes of recyclable shredded rubber EACH YEAR! Experts claim the road requires less maintenance and still allows for drainage, while tyre recyclers claim the technique will also save money because the new material is thinner than standard roads. Rubber roads were first built in the 1960s in the US, where today there are 20,000 miles of road made of recycled tyres. Rubber roads are also popular in China, Brazil, Spain and Germany. The technique has since been found to cut traffic noise by about 25 per cent. The asphalt is made by breaking down used tyres into rubber ‘crumbs’ which are added to bitumen and crushed stone, which are typically used to make asphalt.

NP200 1.6 8 V Base NP300 2.0 LWB with PS Qashqai 1.6 Visia

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R1 723 p/m R2 398 p/m R3 298 p/m R3 899 p/m Selling Price R114 900 Selling Price R159 900 Selling Price R219 900 Selling Price R259 900





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R8 900 R17 100 R34 600 R58 700 Selling Price R123 800 Selling Price R177 000 Selling Price R254 500 Selling Price R318 600

Experts say it makes roads quieter because the rubber thickens the bitumen – the binding agent which keeps the crushed stones together – which allows the road surface to trap and disperse sound waves. The rubber material is also springy and absorbs sound. Reducing road noise could also save lives. According to the World Health Organisation, around one heart attack in every 50 in European countries is caused by chronic exposure to loud traffic. It can also cause mental health problems and hormonal imbalances. A spokesman for Transport Scotland said: ‘This adopts a sustainable approach in making the best use of resources available, by re-using an abundant waste material.’ - Paul Bentley / Daily Mail / iol.motoring.co.za

Nissan Juke 1.6 Acenta+ Selling Price R219 900 , Nissan Qashqai 1.6 Visia Selling Price R219 900, Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XE Selling Price R259 900, Nissan NP200 1.6 8V Base Selling Price R114 900, Nissan NP300 2.0 LWB with P/S Selling Price R159 900. Vehicle financed over 72 mnths, 30% residual, NO DEPOSIT, 9% interest rate (bankfee of R57 excl), all offers excl service fee, compulsory insurance , metalpaint fee - R1350 (VAT Incl), delivery fee R4 500 (VAT Incl). Financing subject to approval of approved financial institution and credit provider. NCRCP20. All above deals valid while stocks last. Prices and specifications may vary without notice.(Pictures for illustrative purposes only) Terms and Conditions Apply. EO&E



Properties / Eiendomme

09 Mei / May 2013

House of the week - Huis van die week


Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 RUIM 3 SLK WOONHUIS WAT AANDAG/ REPARASIE BENODIG Kombuis met kiaatkaste, wask, een van die 3 slk het ingeboude kaste. Groot sitk/eetk, woonkamer, badk met bad, toilet, wasb plus ekstra stort en toilet. Enkel motorhuis, omhein


TE HUUR: • 3 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks R6 200 / mnd • 2 Slk w/stel met erf - R5 500 / mnd • 3 Slk woonstel - R7 400 / mnd • 3 Slk huis - R6 500/ mnd TE KOOP: • 3 Slk woning, sit/eet, woonarea, 2 badk, komb/ opwas, groot erf - R850,000 • 3 Slk woning by Laerskool, buitekamer en rondawel, nuut geverf - R880 000 • 3 Slk won met w/stel, 2 badk, 2 woonarea’s, mot + pakkamers - R1,450milj • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim woonarea’s, netjiese komb/opwas, wask, 2 mot, 3 afdakke, pakkamers, swembad, boorgat, pragtige tuin en nog meer. Goeie ligging. Kontak ons vir meer besonderhede - Prys drasties verlaag • 21Ha plot met baie goeie netjiese 3 slk won, 3 badk, moderne komb, werkskamer, groot stoor met bediende geriewe, sterk boorgat, vrugtebome ens. - R2,2milj O.H.B


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R 795 000

Vakante betrekking:

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TE HUUR IN STERKSPRUIT: • 3 slpk, 2 badk huis met dubbel garage R7 750 p/m • 3 slpk, 2 badk huis met ruim sitkamer en tv kamer en dubbel garage - R 10 500 p/m • Nuutgeboude moderne 3 slp huis met 2 badk en groot leefareas met dubbel garage R 11 000 p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Verkoopsagent / Verhuringsagent

Ruim 5 slaapkamer huis met twee badkamers en gaste toilet,sitkamer,eetkamer, tv kamer, kombuis, waskamer en opwas, studeerkamer. Drie motorhuise met twee afdakke, hoek erf in stil area naby skole, sprinkelbesproeiing, boorgat, drie buitekamers, braai area, werkskamer, werkswinkel. Outomaties gekoppelde bystand kragopwekker van 16kva en elektriese omheining. Goed gevestigde tuin en groente tuin maak die woning 'n pakket vir die fynproewer. Beslis 'n besoek werd.

R2 200 000

Outydse sjarme 3 slk huis, 2 badk, sitkamer, eetkamer en oopplan kombuis, waskamer, dubbel afdak parkering, stoep. Ideaal vir kantore.

R1 030 000

* Eie vervoer * Tweetalig * Ondervinding in verkope is nodig Goeie kommissie struktuur Te Huur: 3 Slp huis, twee badkamers R5500 3 Slp meenthuis twee badkamers R7000 3 Slp huis, een badkamer - R8000 4 Slp huis met vier badkamers - R8500 5 x Nuutgeboude drie slaapkamer,twee badkamers met studeerkamer te huur R9000 Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit R9900 3 Slp huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling R9900 4 Slaapkamer huis, onthaal area met drie badkamers R13 000 4 Slaapkamer huis te huur naby Laerskool R13 000

Wees die trotse eerste eienaar van een van vier pragtige familie wonings, met privaat tuine. Ruim oop plan leef area, met aparte opwas, 4 ruim slaapkamers met 2.5 badkamers. Dubbel motorhuis Kom kyk gerus om teleursteling te verhoed. Pryse vanaf R 1 180 000 - R 1 280 000. Fanie: 0723173959 of 013 235 2005


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Properties / Eiendomme

09 Mei / May 2013


Ten Tips for First-Time Buying with Confidence Buying your first property is a process that can be fraught with confusion. This simple list will set you on the path to home ownership. 1. Save up for a deposit Banks are far more likely to approve your home loan if you have a deposit saved up. So as soon as you start considering house hunting (and preferably before), start putting away that extra cash. “Having a deposit saved up means that the bank doesn't have to take all the risk on your property, so of course they'll be more likely to approve your bond,” says Jenny Rushin, provincial sales manager at ooba, Western Cape. “Being strict about putting money away before you buy a home is also good practice for repaying your bond later.” 2. Manage your existing credit Your credit record is your most valuable asset when applying for a home loan. This means that you should have a record of paying back credit responsibly. “Sadly, the banks won't grant you a large credit amount until you've shown that you can be responsible with paying back smaller amounts, so get yourself a credit card, a store card or a bank loan and pay the installments on time,” 3. Get your paperwork in order The banks will require three months of your most recent bank statements, a pay slip, your ID and a proof of residence. You will also be required to fill out a document showing your income and expenditure. “Make sure you have a copy of all of these documents readily available for when you find that perfect home,” 4. Work out how much you can afford Rushin explains that a bank will work out your affordability based on your disposable income after deductions and expenses, but will not grant you a home loan for which the repayments are more than 30% of your gross monthly income. This can be mindboggling maths, so she advises using an affordability calculator like the one found at w w w . o o b a . c o . z a / h o m e loan/calculators/bond-affordability-calculator to work out your maximum home loan. 5. Be realistic Take a long, hard look at your lifestyle and make a list of the factors that will suit your needs. If you travel a lot, don't buy a house with a big garden that requires lots of maintenance. If you're going to be living alone, buy a smaller apartment in a better area. If

you're thinking of getting married and having kids in the next few years, buy an affordable house with an extra room, rather than an expensive apartment in the heart of the city. “Buying for the long term means that you won't have to go through the stress of house hunting and the expense of transfer again too soon,” “Even though it's important to get a foothold on the property ladder as soon as you can, think strategically to make sure you're making the right purchase.” 6. Run a credit check before you start Some companies or individuals don't follow the proper procedures for a blacklisting, so the first time many people find out that they've been blacklisted is when they apply for credit. “Every South African is entitled to a free credit check once a year, so find out what your credit rating looks like before you've made an offer on a home, when there's still time to do something about it,” 7. Do a lot of hunting before you buy Start house hunting a while before you actually need to buy to give yourself a sense of what you can afford and what compromises you might have to make. Use a comprehensive website, such as www.property24.com to get started and check out your options, then start going to show days. Educating yourself in this way means that when you see your dream home, you'll know if it's too good to be true or the real deal. “Houses are as varied as the people who live in them,” “You might have a very specific set of needs, but then find out that you're unlikely to find a house that has everything you're after. In the process, you might become aware of what else is important or what you can do without, so start looking early.”

8. Don't lose hope Buying a home – especially in the first-time buyer bracket – can be a little disheartening when you work out how much money you are going to have to spend and what you can actually get for that. Don't ever buy out of desperation, but rather wait for the right thing to come along. “There's something out there for everyone,Something will come along that suits your tastes and your budget, so don't lose heart. 9. Apply to multiple banks for your home loan Each bank has its own specific set of lending criteria. To improve your chances of getting your home loan approved in time, and of getting the best interest rate, submit your application to as many banks as possible at the same time. The latest ooba statistics show that 28.7% of ooba's applications that were declined by one bank were approved by another. 10. Use an expert originator to get you the best deal on your home loan Getting a home loan approved involves lots of paperwork, some of which can be very banks.

Lydenburg R1 296 000

confusing. It gets even more complicated if you take the advice above and apply to more than one bank. Because of this, it's a good idea to use the services of an expert originator, like ooba, to submit your application to multiple banks. Information kindly supplied by Alit Fourie, Principal of Huizemark Properties, 89 Viljoen street, Lydenburg.

Lydenburg R1 380 000

Value for money! Ruim gesinswoning! Office: 013 235 2005 / lydenburg@era.co.za

TE HUUR: • 3 Slp, 2 badk, enkel motorhuis - R7 000 / mnd • 3 Slk, 2 badk, dubbel motorhuis - R8 000 / mnd • 3 Slp, 2 badk, enkel motorhuis - R6 800 / mnd • Bachelor woonstel - R2 900 / mnd • 4 Slp, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, TV-kamer, waskamer, dubbel motorhuis - R10 000 / mnd • 4 Slp, 1 badk, sitk, eetk - R8 250 / mnd • 1 Slk w/stel met toesluit afdak - R4 100 / mnd

Beautiful, luxurious home 3 slaapkamers, situated adjacent a nature 2 badkamers, woning met reserve's fence, boasting 3 sit-/eetkamer kombinasie. bedrooms, 3 bathrooms including 2 en-suite, open plan 1 slaapkamer woonstel living area with entrance hall. met toesluit afdak. Dubbel From the patio one can enjoy motorhuis en pragtige the uninterrupted views of mountains and game passing groot tuin met baie bome. by. Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 Jacques van Baalen : 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653

TE HUUR: Huis met 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, Oopplan, dubbel motorhuis - R9 000 Huis met 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, onthaal area, dubbel motorhuis - R12 500 Meenthuis met 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, Oopplan, enkel motorhuis - R6 000 2 Slaapkamer Meenthuis, Oopplan - R7 000 2 Slaapkamer Woonstel, 1 badkamer, Oopplan - R3 950 3 Slaapkamer Woonstel, 2 badkamers, afdak - R6 800 Werkswinkel te huur @ R6 000 per maand.

Verskeie kantoor/winkel spasie te huur.

Kontak: 013 235 2653

Wilma Viljoen 082 921 9991 / 013 235 2005

RENTALS : Anton 082 898 5272 * 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 bdkmrs, 1 m/h R6 200 / mnd * 3 Slaapkamer ruim wnstl , 2 bdkmrs, 2m/h, tuin R6 800 / mnd * 3 Slaapkamer ruim huis, na aan Laerskool R8 200 / mnd * 3 Slaapkamer huis in Sterkspruit, R8 600 / mnd * 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkmrs, 2 motorafdakke baie netjies R8 600 / mnd * 2 slpkmr wnstl, met tuin en afdak R4 300 / mnd

R102 125 per erf 2 x Erwe in meenthuis kompleks R1 182 500 4 Slaapkamers, 2,5 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, 220m². Uitstekende koop R860 000 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers en toesluit motorhuis R935 250 Besonderse netjiese meenthuis, goed geprys vir 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 1 motorhuis.

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Please contact me!



09 Mei / May 2013

STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 DIENSTE/ SERVICES

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PG IMPROVEMENTS: lapa’s & renovations, lapa furniture, supply and fit of pre-moulded fibreglass splash pools, kitchen cupboards, built-in cupboards, bars, shade net carports, palisades, gates & gate motors, built in braais and fireplaces.072 132 3241/ 073 211 4913 J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 R&R TUINDIENSTE/ Garden Services. Skakel ons gerus vir ’n kwotasie. Isak 076 110 8990/ 073 781 5608 S A N I TAT I O N F o r supplying, installing and maintaining all types of Sanitation Units, Products and Chemicals which are E n v i r o n m e n t F r i e n d l y, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Enviroment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 BOUPLANNE J.C. POTGIETER sacap Reg. D0011 082 769 3615


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 REPAIR & INSTALLATION of all garage doors & motorized gates, for the best prices contact Garage King 072 202 9139.


C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714 SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950 DIVINE NAILS & Beauty,

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323 PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987


TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com


S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494


VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054


E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

AAA CARPORT CARE: Skoonmaak van matte, meubels & voertuie. 072 268 5820


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 KC COMPUTERS & Networking - Your one stop computer shop, 59 Kantoor Street 013 235 1178


ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

3 SLK NUUT geboude huis te huur 5km op Finsburypad. 2 Badk 2 toesluit m/huis. Pre-paid krag & boergat water. Plot elekt omhein. Voor erf kan op versoek omhein word. R6000 p/m. Deposito ohb. Skakel 078 636 9165 3 SLK HUIS R7700. 079 624 9486

CATTLE for sale. 082 702 1420

TE HUUR: 2 slk huis op plot. R4900.00 pm; 3 slk huis in dorp. R7500 pm . 083 274 1986


013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg



IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300


PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 GROOMING SERVICE cats & dogs & dogfood. 082 650 4987 / 084 245 9905

P A - LY D E N B U R G . Rekenaarvaardig, eie vervoer, tweetalig, goeie menseverhoudings. Epos CV na : madelein.viljoen@pamgold ing.co.za




Woensdae19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vr y. J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.


Herstel: Yskaste, Vrieskaste, Mikrogolwe Wasmasjiene, Motor Aircon gas, LP Gas ens... Pand vir ’n Rand

083 952 8869 / 072 887 4342

SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours

Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268

Pallet Wendy’s 3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500

For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949 www.jjwendyhouses.co.za


TOWNHOUSE TO RENT 3 bedr, 2 bath townhouse, 6km outside Lydenburg. Good security. Rent R6500 pm. Call 082 496 4312 2SLK, 2 BADK woonstel. Dubbel afdakke met tuin reg rondom. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R4800 p/m. 082 680 6228 3 SLK, 2 BADK huis. R5500 pm. 079374 9130 1 SLK WOONSTEL gemeubileerd of niegemeubileerd. R2800 W+L ing. 079 374 9130

INDIEN DIE VOLGENDE voertuie nie afgehaal word binne 21 dae nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Mercedes Benz Reg: YTK 544 GP ; BMW X5 R e g : T R H 8 7 9 G P. Longtom Towing 013 235 4996

Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006. I, Magau Gudani of M u k w e v h o Development Experts (Pty)Ltd, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of erf 171 Burgersfort extension 5, Limpopo Province, hereby give notice in terms of clause 21 of Greater Tubatse land use Scheme 2006, that I have made an application to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for opening a hotel on the property described above. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1

• Decking • Flooring • Log Cladding • Knotty Pine • CCA Treated Timber • Treated Gum Poles • Structural Timber www.ggtimbers.co.za gghout@vodamail.co.za Johan 082 909 3034

Lydenburg Akademie “Daad by Woord” Kwaliteitonderrig in klein klasse

083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net

“11 Jaar se kennis & ondervinding” 082 365 4599

Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333


We deliver everywhere

013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg

Micro Loans, Bookkeeping & SARS submissions. 079 752 4683




I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


70ha WEIDING , drukgang & kraale beskikbaar. 083 345 2091

HOUSE ON FARM. R3000 W+L incl. Denise 082 702 1420

82ha PLAAS , baie water. 083 982 7160

EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614

WOONSTEL, 3 slk, 8km buite Lydenburg. R4600 pm. 083 345 2091

Abortion pills 079 668 2833

C L E A N I N G A L L upholsteries, carpets (undervelt) mattresses. Lydenburg. 082 833 0323 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181.

BACHELOR WOONSTEL gemeubileerd of niegemeubileerd. R2500 W+L ing. 079 374 9130

•Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.

Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362

Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563

Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com


09 Mei / May 2013 Mpumalanga Groot Skole liga Hoërskool Lydenburg vs Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog op die velde van Hoërskool Lydenburg: Rugby: Eerste spanne: Hoërskool Lydenburg 55, Generaal Hertzog 0. o.16A: Generaal Hertzog 22, Hoërskool Lydenburg 7. o.15A: Hoërskool Lydenburg 19, Generaal Hertzog 0. o.14A: Hoërskool Lydenburg 48, Generaal Hertzog 0. Mpumalanga Groot skole hokkie liga Hoërskool Lydenburg vs Generaal Hertzog op die velde van Hoërskool Lydenburg: Seuns hokkie: Eerste span: Hoërskool Lydenburg 4, Generaal Hertzog 0. o.16A: Hoërskool Lydenburg 2, Generaal Hertzog 0. Dogters hokkie: Eerste span: Generaal Hertzog 3, Hoërskool Lydenburg 2. Tweede span: Hoërskool Lydenburg 3, Generaal Hertzog 2. o/16A: Hoërskool Lydenburg 4, Generaal Hertzog 0. Lydenburg o/16B vs Generaal Hertzog 3de span: Hoërskool Lydenburg 0, Generaal Hertzog 0. o/15A: Hoërskool Lydenburg 0, Generaal Hertzog 0. o/14A: Generaal Hertzog 3, Hoërskool Lydenburg 2. o/14B: Hoërskool Lydenburg 0, Generaal Hertzog 0.


Mashishing well represented

Sipho Mnisi with a medal won at the Sudwala marathon. He finished in a time of 1:35:09 and overall sixteenth. 10 runner from the Mashishing Marathon Club competed.

Vakante Betrekking - Beheerkamer Vereistes: • Verkieslik ’n persoon met ondervinding • Moet bereid wees om skofte te werk • Moet tweetalig wees Faks CV na: 013 235 2728 / 2725 Epos CV na: secureandre@gmail.com

Qualified Artisans Required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Middelburg / Gauteng Diesel Mechanics – Heavy Earthmoving Mechanics Experience: Basic knowledge in the mining industry Hydraulic Fault finding Minimum of 2 years experience in Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Hitachi or Komatsu equipment will be advantageous Diesel Mechanics – Trackless Experience: Basic knowledge in the mining industry Minimum of 2 years Trackless experience Fitter – Trackless (Section 13) Experience: Basic knowledge in the mining industry Conveyor Belt Maintenance and Construction Electrician (Section 13) Experience: Conveyor Belt Maintenance and Construction

All Artisans Qualification requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid section 13 Trade Test relevant to the position you are applying for

Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to cv@bilnor.co.za or fax: 086 643 4661


09 Mei / May 2013

For the love of the game

Ohrigstad rugbyspan ( foto Mara Theunissen)

Archery champs on target Hier is die Buffels in hulle nuwe mondering geborg deur Thorburn. Foto Mara Theunissen

On Saturday, 4 May , SACSSA (South African Christian Schools Sports Association), along with Entheos Christian School, hosted a Regional Archery Championship in Lydenburg. 32 Students from Entheos Christian School, Ermelo Christian School, Destiny Academy and Mpumalanga Home Schools participated. Entheos students who won medals include, U/11 Beunice Sutherland (Gold), U/13 Sharwyn Sutherland (Gold), U/13 Tharisha Pretorius (Bronze), U/15 Ronald Murdoch-Oats (Silver), U/15 Jaco Wessels (Bronze), U/19 Edward Leach (Gold), U/19 Leon Wessels (Silver). We would like to thank Laerskool Lydenburg for the venue, Hunters Association and SACSSA for their support and equipment, as well as those staff and students who travelled from far and near to attend this successful day. The attitude and behaviour of the children is always something to appreciate when attending or participating in an event hosted by SACSSA.

THE Winterveld Buffels faced Letaba the past weekend in Tzaneen on the showground's rugby field. It was a devastating game, final score 29-0 in favour of Letaba. The Buffels managed to to defend and keep their ground during the first half, 5-0, but they weren't a match for the Letaba team during the second half. The Buffels were short of three players for the game. Ohrigstad rugby club, who also played a team from Letaba, prior to the Buffel's game, helped the Buffels out with players. Needless to say, the Buffels didn't have any fresh legs on the reserve bench either. Thank you to Ohrigstad who made it possible for us to compete. I would like to thank Pick and Pay for the food, Xstrata Lions

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Phase 2 Projects and Tyre Corporation for the beverages and to the Blue Bull Rugby Union for their contribution towards the travelling expenses. This was also our first game in the new rugby kit sponsored by Thorburn, and would once again like to thank them for their contribution. Our next game is on the 11th of May at Winterveld, where we will be facing Louis Trichardt. I would like to thank Mega Paints and 2YK for the paint sponsor to enable the marking of the field. We practise every Tuesday and Thursday at the Winterveld Recreational Club's Rugby Field, come and join us and assist us in becoming a sustainable rugby club to be reckoned with. (Charl van der Merwe, chairman of the club (Story by Mara Theunissen).

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