23 Mei / May 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 20 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
R8.8 million Mashishing Thusong Centre by GlencoreXstrata
Na ure se kopkrap en die sifting van meer as 2 000 fotos wat tydens Wenakker se Aqua Malongane hengelkompetisie geneem is, het die paneel van sewe beoordelaars Alet Prinsloo se foto hierbo as die wenner aangewys.
Wenfoto uit Mosambiek
Mr Conroy van der Westhuizen (General Works Managers GlencoreXstrata Lydenburg) and MEC S.P.D. Skhosana, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs were caught in the excitement of the event on Friday and immediately tested out the paint in the Thusong Service Centre. They have true artistic skills. (Photo Michelle Boshoff). See article page 3
Neighbourhood Safety
s a result of the escalation of housebreakings and theft of motorcycles in Lydenburg, SAPS management would like to issue some suggestions for making your neighbourhoods safer. * Talk to people: everyone is concerned about crime and safety; ask them to join you in finding constructive ways to make your neighborhood safe. * Form task groups who will take matters like uncovered manholes, warning signs, cutting of bushes, etc. up with the local authorities. * Exchange telephone numbers and agree on an emergency protocol, know how to reach your neighbours if there is an emergency or if a child is in need. Agree on a support network for when someone comes home alone at night; know what normal activity is and what not. * Get to know the young people in your neighbourhood, and remember everyone has a skill or a talent – use it. * Share information on workers, gardeners and casual employees. You need to know who to trust. * Know all the emergency numbers and teach them to your children. * Keep your cellphone in the bedroom. You never know when you need it. * Never leave keys in a gate or lock, or hanging on a wall. * Make provision for good outside lighting, but don't keep them on during the day as it catches the wrong attention. * Check up on your dogs as criminals are poisoning dogs before breaking in. Report poisoned dogs to the SAPS, even if they belong to your neighbour. Statistics has taught us that dogs have been poisoned in close proximity of every housebreaking and or theft of motorbikes which occurred over the past year. * Lock your main gate, garage door and safety gates at all times. * Motorbikes should be locked up at all times. Try not to use your motorbike after 22:00 at night as you might be mistaken for a thief. Lydenburg can no longer be seen as a ‘quiet old farm town’ – be realistic, we need to realize that crime is on the increase, especially housebreakings and theft of motorcycles and quad bikes. We need to educate our children on safety issues and ensure that our families are safe at all times. ED: Some very good motorcycle locks for disc brakes and square chain locks wearing the OXFORD brand name are available. Talk to your local motorcycle shop.
GAME Rangers cracked the proverbial whip when they arrested a poacher. He was checking wire traps on Monday that he set earlier this past weekend. The arrest was made by game rangers of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA). The rangers received an anonymous tip that the poacher would be at the traps early on Monday morning. The unit played a significant role in tackling this poacher. They included Themba Mzimba, Johannes Hlatsway, David Mlamudi and Elias Nkabela. They waited from him in the veld from 04:00 on a farm in the Mosterthoek area outside Lydenburg. A kudu was poached. The owners of the farm wanted to thank Themba and Elias because they went above the call of duty and came out within a half hour after the traps were reported. The owner said there was eight traps sets in total. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Two members of the team who were waiting for the poacher early on Monday morning, after they received information that the poacher will be checking his traps. From left are Johannes Hlatswayo and Themba Mzimba.
Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
The long awaited centre is opened Michelle Boshoff
he official handing over of the Thusong Service Centre created huge excitement on Friday. The event was held in Mashishing and no expense was spared to make this something the community will remember for a long time. Dignitaries included GlencoreXstrata managers, delegates from different provincial departments and community leaders. The Lydenburg smelter has built and donated Thusong Service Centre to the Mpumalanga provincial government. It is a multi-purpose community services centre. Built at a cost of R8,8 million, the centre will host government departments and agencies which provide essential civic services. These include the departments of Home Affairs, Agriculture, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), municipal offices and the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA). The Mashishing Thusong Services Centre brings essential government services closer to the local residents who previously had to commute 100 kilometres to Nelspruit. As a private company operating within this area, we are delighted to make this contribution to the community. This centre is one of several critical interventions we are making in the area which amount to a total investment in excess of R100 million. Some of our previous investments made in this area includes a six million rands towards the construction of Marifane School. An amount of two million rands was also invested in the construction of Kellysville Primary School and a Wellness Clinic which caters for the treatment of chronic out-patients. This was an investment worth five million rands. All these projects have significantly contributed to the improvement of the
infrastructure within the Thaba Chweu municipality. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, we will endeavour by care and diligence to improve the communities within which we operate. Government alone cannot solve all the problems of communities on their own, different stakeholders must work together at all times to improve the lives of our people.
Mr Conroy van der Westhuizen, General Manager Lydenburg Plant Glencore Xstrata, The Thaba Chweu Executive Mayor Clr Bafana Michael Ncongwane and MEC S. P. D. Skhosana of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Photo’s Michelle Boshoff
The guests of honour unveil the plague at the centre’s entrance.
Rubrieke / Columns
09 Mei / May 2013
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
to the editor
Briew e aan die redakteur
The land of milk and honey with a scorpion Barry Botes from Amawheelies Writes: Into the labour market they come, young and strong! Good labour is hard to find, at some stage you explore the option of training school leavers! Youngsters clever and eager, but more willing the school leavers come. If you work like me you surround yourself with strong and capable staff, young people we train and develop internally. Yes at Ama Wheelies we cannot afford high salaries as required by qualified staff, we developed a nucleus of happy, good and honest hard working men in our little happy world. The constant training; developing our staff enabling us to achieve great results as a registered NPO with limited means But these young men want to go to town to buy and spend their well-earned wages. They are not married and don't go to their parents homes when they receive time-off. They are watched and on the way to town a beautiful girl invites them for a bit of entertainment. They don't mind giving her a bit of money as reward for the pleasure she provide; however she overlooked telling them she's entertaining them seeking reward to purchase her anti-revitral medicine! Not a week later these young men report a bladder infection unable to urinate. To the doctors and hospital they go; soon however you notice a change in the young man; from happy they become glum; (I say they for recently we had 4 young men walk the same route from 2 population groups and from 4 ethnic races.) Soon concern riddles them, fidgety they become; unable to concentrate and becoming forgetful. But the telling sign is they start losing weight Yes number 4 left us also returning sick to his family. What do you do? Ama Wheelies develop youngsters into men. Do we re-employ
Piepie nie taboe Hoorhierso, blaas 'n fluitjie, toet die kar. Laat die wetteloses stik en skrik. Dalk skrik hulle sommer hul water weg. So gril maar my liewe Hoorhierso lesers, kapittel my maar dat ek die onderwerp aanvat. Maar regtig... werklik... hoe gaan ons dit gestop kry? Die arme polisie is so oorwerk / onderstaf (staak) dat die laaste ding wat hulle sal doen iemand vir onwelvoeglike gedrag arresteer. Alhoewel hulle by magte is. En ’n minimum boete van R100 kan opgelê word. Ek ry so ewe verby 'n gebou in Kerkstraat verlede week. Die vrou het geen skaamte gehad nie. Met beter beplanning is daar tog plekke waar mens jou nood kan verlig sonder om dit in die publiek te doen. Ek is eintlik naar terwyl ek skryf. Rok oor die kop of iets dergliks. Sies man. Sies vrou. Hierdie dorp is al 'n toilet. Hoorhierso-lesers sal seker dink dis 'n taboe onderwerp, maar hoe kan dit taboe wees as dit 'n onderwerp is. Die publiek verlig hul nood ten aanskoue van wie ook al dalk in hul rigting kyk. Is dit hoe ons onsself wil verteenwoordig voor toeriste van die buiteland. In die buiteland sal die publiek dit nie waag nie. Maar Afrika is mos nie vir sissies nie. So hierdie 'sissies' in die land het niks om voor bang te wees nie. Almal draai net hul koppe en kyk anderkant toe. Laat die Adam- en Eva-gewaad liefs gereserveer vir agter toe deure. Hierdie is 'n bewys van die morele verval van ons nasie, die laaste strooi.
Uit die Woord From the Word Matteus 7:12. Alles wat julle wil hê dat die mense aan julle moet doen, moet julle ook aan hulle doen. Dit is tog waarop dit neerkom in die wet en die profete. Onse Vader, help ons om hierdie Gulde reel te verstaan en toe te pas. Baie mense slaan min ag op goeie werke, maar om ons naaste lief te hê en goed aan hulle te doen is geensinds gering nie. Amen.
Die Outoppie
Werk / werk DAAR is ’n spreekwoord wat lui dat na groot pret kom daar trane - of so iets. Die presiese spreekwoord ontgaan my op die oomblik. Alzheimers... of CRAFT. Can’t remember a flippin thing! Ewenwel, voor ek vergeet waaroor ek wil skryf, ek was bietjie weg. Het my voete in die see gehad. Nou is ek terug. Danksy my wonderlike personeel het hulle
another youngster and watch him fall by the wayside swept away by the luxuries money brings? Can you give advice? Must we train and install morals? If your company found a solution please share the information; Ama Wheelies is young and dynamic; we invite help and your advice we treasure. Read our webpage www.amawheelies.co.za for more info and if you able to help our home
Yorkie opgetel ’n Yorkie reun is 45km buite Lydenburg op die Ohrigstadpad opgetel. Die reuntjie is swart en donkerbruin. Die eienaar moet asseblief vir Ruzette skakel by 082 859 8590.
Sector 1 re-launch, join the Community Policing Forum The official re-launch of Sector 1 will take place on the 8th of June at 10:00 at the Mashishing Hall. Stakeholders and businesses who want to get involved by means of participation and or sponsorships for the day are welcome to contact the Sector Manager, Capt Mashabela on 071 163 0078 or Mr Hans Maliepaard on 074 529 6889
Chamber meeting The Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber invites you to a Members meeting scheduled for Tuesday 28 May at 17h30. Venue still to be announced. The main focus of the meeting will be infrastructure issues as well as the situation at Thaba Chweu Municipality. Please attend this meeting as your input is valuable. Remember NON MEMBERS are also welcome to attend. You are welcome to contact Engela Krugel on 082 753 7940 if you need any further information.
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
in twee weke twee pragkoerante die lig laat sien. Michelle, Jill, Reinet, Anandi en Stefan. Vir beter mense as julle kan mens nie vra nie. Hulle bestuur my kantoor, doen die motorafdeling en Reinet het selfs laasweek ’n “ouvrou” storie in hierdie kolom gedoen. Hulle het ook ’n nuwe jong man aangestel terwyl ek weg was. Skitterend! ’n Swak bestuurder sou beslis bedreig gevoel het! Maar ek is veronderstel om afgetree te wees, en my personeel verstaan dit. Baie dankie julle. Nou vir die trane. Daar wag 227 eposse in my inkassie. En twintig verjaardag gelukwense op Facebook, want dit het ook gebeur terwyl ek weg was! En ek bejeen my eposse met erns. Baie van hulle is my kliënte en vriende en verdien terugvoer.
Verder het my twee Volkswagen padtoetse baie aandag getrek en elke motorhandelaar soek my bloed, want hulle het voertuie wat getoets moet word. En ek moet, hulle is my kliënte. Ek moet rappporteer oor Malongane en daar is nie genoeg plek in hierdie uitgawe nie. Daar is werk vir die ouetehuis, die sakekamer en ander organisasies wat agter is. En ek is veronderstel om afgetree te wees! Maar ek kla nie. Ek dank God dat ek werk het en dat mense my besigheid so ondersteun dat ek my deure kan oophou. Ek dank God vir voorslag personeel. Gebruik net bietjie geduld. Ek gaan by jou voertuig / klagte / goeie nuus / probleem / epos / goeie wense uitkom. Net nie vandag of môre nie!
Foto’s bo van links na regs: Die paviljoen na dit gebou is in 1977 en bo, soos dit vandag lyk.
N 1951 is begin bou aan die nuwe moderne Burgersfort Laerskool en in 1953 op 10 April het Sy Edele W.M. Nicoll die hoekstene van Laerskool Burgersfort gelê. In Januarie 1954 is die nuwe skool geopen deur die Direkteur van Onderwys Dr van Wyk. Die terrein waarop die skool gebou is is deur me. Alie Breytenbach (voorheen Winterbach) geskenk. Vanaf 1945 tot en met 31 Desember 1977 was mnr. I.J. van den Bergh die skoolhoof. Mnr. J. Rabie het die skoolhoofpos oor vir ’n tydperk van nege maande beklee. Hierna het mnr. J.S. Olivier oorgeneem tot op 1 Augustus 1979. Mnr. van Staden was daarna hoof tot 1982. Mnr. Gouws was hoof vanaf 1983 tot en met 2004. Mnr. C. Erasmus het daarna hierdie taak opgeneem en is tot op hede by die skool. In 1972 is daar besluit om ’n kompetisie te hou waar ’n skoollied uitgeskryf moes word. Me. A. Brits se " Waar twee riviere vloei" is gekies as die wenner. Dis getoonset deur me. J. Jordaan. Die skool is vir die eerste keer van krag voorsien op 10 April 1973. Hoe gepas, Eskom krag as ’n twintigste verjaardaggeskenk van die standerd vyfs van daardie jaar. Die leuse van die skool is ‘Ons Bou’. Die Laerskool Burgersfort het die groeipyne oorleef en wonderlike hoogtepunte is bereik, te danke aan die oudleerders, ouers se ondersteuning, doelgerigte onderwysers en die beskermde hand van God ons Vader. Die skool vier hierdie naweek hul groot verjaardag.
Bo: Die skool se vooraansig en regs: ’n heerlike koek om hul 60ste verjaardag te vier.
16 Mei/ May 2013
Gorgeous Handmade Gifts Fair Vrydag 24 en Saterdag 25 Mei. Gorgeous Handmade Gifts Fair Winters Market. Vanaf 10h00 tot 1 7 h 0 0 . Te e t u i n , k u n s , professionele fotograaf en hoë gehalte handgemaakte items. Lydenburgstraat 4. Skakel Lynette by 083 441 4298 vir meer inligting.
• Vrydag 24 Mei. Laerskool Burgersfort reunie. Bring-en-braai, skool verskaf pap-en-sous Skool kantoor 013 231 7609. • Saterdag 18 Mei. Kansa Ondersteuningsgroep. NG Suidgemeente. Chrissie: 079 577 2618. • Woensdag 22 Mei. Hoërskool Lydenburg Opedag. Alle voornemende leerders welkom. 013 235 2111. • Saterdag 25 Mei. Winterfees te Burgersfort. Ray Dyllan en ander kunstenaars. Vele stalletjies en vermaak vir kleingoed. Grootskerm-rugby en ’n biertent. Skakel skoolkantoor 013 231 7609 vir stalletjies en kaartjies. SPORT: • Saturday 25 May. Halfmarathon hosted by Mashishing Marathon Club. Start at 07:00 Marifane Primary School, Skhila. Runner Registration Friday from 14:00 till 19:00 and race day. 21.1km, 10km, 5km, walkers. Phone Sipho Minisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958. Gereelde afsprake: • Woensdae. 7:30 by Lydenburg Toyota. BNI vergadering. 083 269 4893. • First Friday of every month. Freemasons meeting. 082 749 4300. • Vrydae. Pannekoek voor Longtom SuperSPAR deur Lydenburg Rusoord vir Bejaardes.
Nuus / News
So hou mens basaar
VW Highlands klink teekoppies
Groot verjaardag by Dienssentrum Lydenburg en basaar by NG Kerk Ohrigstad Saterdag 25 Mei 2013, NG Kerk Ohrigstad word 60 jaar en ons hou basaar by die Oasis sentrum. Teetuin, vleistafel, groentafel ens. Baie speletjies en vele meer om kinders mee besig te hou. Amptelike boogskiet deur Gear On Adventures en ’n voertuig uistalling deur Westvaal Mashishing, Lydenburg.
Die Volkswagen Highlands tak het verlede week die Dienssentrum Lydenburg se lede heerlik verras met ’n oggendtee. Die lede het definitief almal baie spesiaal gevoel. Dankie aan Nico en Melissa vir die heerlike tee en almal wat dit moontlik gemaak het. Die Dienssentrum se lede het die tee goed bygewoon. Boonop is daar ’n pragtige Gerbera op almal se stoele geplaas. (Deur me. Hannie van der Merwe)
Avo fees groot pret
Die jaarlikse Brondal Avo Fees was Saterdag oudergewoonte groot pret vir almal. Die uitstallers en organiseerders het seker gemaak dis was ’n fees om te onthou.
Die AP Kerk Lydenburg het Saterdag ’n bobaas basaar gehou wat oud-en-jonk geniet het. Daar was te kies-en-te-keur met al die eetgoed en vermaak. Die Kerk het ook hul 25ste verjaardag gevier.
Barko Developments men at work BARCO Developments is the new owner of the Spar Center in Lydenburg, and they are busy with renovations and upgrades at the centre to improve your everyday shopping experience. Please be patient with the inconvenience caused by the renovations. There will be more parking space when we are done as well as a separate
entrance and exit for better traffic flow. They will barricade the areas were they have to work, and kindly request everyone not to park in the barricaded areas. Please note that Gawie Mare Panel Beaters will tow away vehicles parked in barricaded areas. For further information – kindly contact them on 082 450 1815 / 082 854 2486.
Donating to save a life
Mrs Johanna Koekemoer donated her 50th unit of blood on 26 April 2013. With her is Samantha Peacock of the SANBS Lydenburg.
Mr Werner Calitz donated blood for the 100th time on 4 May and it was also his birthday. He stays in Burgersfort and came all the way to donate at the Lydenburg Blood Bank.
Game is coming to Burgersfort B
URGERSFORT has something to look forward to this month, as leading retailer Game opens a brand new store at Burgersfort Mall on 23 May 2013. Game Burgersfort is promising customers only the best that Game has to offer so that they can save money and live better. Burgersfort shoppers can look forward to Game's very popular fresh food offering as well as everything from stationery, décor,
stoves and fridges, to gym equipment and TV's. Store manager, Danny Rautenbach says, “Game's product ranges will offer something for every customer's budget.” Rautenbach added that Game has a long lasting commitment to customer satisfaction which is reflected in their slogan: 'Game – you always win.' This is applied through a rock solid trio of far-reaching guarantees on price, satisfaction and service. The Price Guarantee reaffirms that Game
will beat the price of any dealer who has stock of any item sold in Game stores. The Satisfaction Guarantee promises to refund the purchase price of goods – or exchange any goods at any time - if returned in the original condition and packaging. The Service Guarantee promises customers that Game will provide ongoing service on any product purchased – even after the expiry of the warranty. “Look out for our Game leaflet with all our
What customers can expect when visiting the new Game in Burgersfort.
Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO bied aan die bekende
8 Junie 2013, Lydenburg Gholfklub
• R1000 per span (4 spelers en ete ingesluit) • Indien besighede belangstel om te adverteer op die dag, R2000 per bof of setperk (4 spelers en ete ingesluit) Inskrywings by die skool of by Lydenburg Gholfklub Navrae: Maryke 083 775 2297
opening day specials. We urge all shoppers to get to the store early so that they don't miss out on the great deals”, said Rautenbach. Game is a subsidiary of the JSE listed, Massmart Holdings. Massmart is Africa's second largest distributor of consumer goods, the leading retailer of general merchandise, liquor and home improvement equipment and supplies, and the leading wholesaler of basic foods. For general information, log on to www.game.co.za.
Tubatse Crossing Mall opening its doors It is official, the Tubatse Crossing Regional Mall is open. By the time the Highlands Panorama News has hit the streets on Thursday 23 May, the new mall will be bristling with activity. This is one of the biggest retail projects in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality. The developers of the Tubatse Crossing Mall has a few other big projects under
their belts. About 90 retailers are already open and the community can't wait to enter this shopper's paradise of 45 000m². The shops boasts a mixture of favourite brands, food, Game, Pick n Pay, the big name clothing stores and much more. The Tubatse mall development officially broke ground on Friday, 22 July 2011.
Pick n Pay Clothing
The mall is vital for economical growth, job creation and opportunities for the community. Against the background of the mining explosion in Limpopo it will contribute to the economic growth of the area. Visit the Tubatse Crossings Mall. It is located at the intersection R37 and R555 intersection in Burgersfort.
Karabe Malafsi (Assistant Manager) and Grace Thobejane (Manager) of Pick a Pay Clothing Steven Maswaang (Manager) Exact Store
Mr Fhatuwani Manyatshe (Project Manager), Alta Hattingh Regional Operations Manager)of Edgars
Truworths Milady’s
Mr Ben Gontse (Store Manager) of Truworths
Angel Ncongwane (Store Manager) Milady’s
Mr Price
Me Salome Pretorius (Area Bestuurder) en Me Alet Brown (Bestuurder) van Foschini
Daphney Ramaila (Assistant Manager) and Mr Goodwill Meshinini (Acting Manager) from Mr Price Clothing
Nuus / News
23 Mei / May 2013
Golden girl - the world’s her oyster S
HE is only 13 years old but is competing against models that have years of experience. Mar-Louise Fouché started modelling not even a year ago and has won numerous titles. She is making her international debut at the end of May during the Child Model of the World Competition in Brussels. Her modelling coach, Mrs Ronell Joubert, will be accompanying her for support and that extra motivational edge. Mar-Louise will be competing in the 13-17 year old category. The pageants she has excelled at include Miss Rooikat Festival 2012, Top Five in Miss Leggs SA, Miss Little Queen South Africa, South African Championships of Peformance Arts a gold medal and Little Miss Continent World. In June she will be at the World Performance Arts in Los Angeles, USA. Without the support of her parents, siblings, friends and other models at Designer Models, Mar-Louise said it would not have been possible to reach the heights she has in such a short time. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Photo’s Mar-Louise Fouché.
Hier is ’n foto deur Heather Aspeling vir die Foto van die Maand Kompetisie. Dit is die ‘damsel flies’ en kyk net na die ongelooflike detail op die skelet en vlerke. (Borge: Highlands Panorama Nuus, PNA, Konica Photo Express en Longtom SuperSPAR.
NOTICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME FOR MINING PERMITS OF SILICA IN THE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF SABIE IN THE MPUMALANGA PROVINCE. REF NO: MP 30/5/1/1/2/10622PR Notice is given in terms of Regulation 56 & 57 of the Regulations published in Government notice No.R659, 13 June 2008 published in terms of Chapter 6 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) and the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,2002 (Act 28 of 2002, sections 16(4)(b) and 27(5)(b) which require the applicant for a right or permit to notify in writing and consult with the landowner or lawful occupier and any other affected party. Interested and affected parties are being notified of the intent to submit an Environmental Management Programme for a Mining Permit of Silica in the Magisterial District of Sabie in the Mpumalanga Province.
1. EVERY landowner must have a firebreak around his / her property. 2. Every landowner should belong to a fire association so that you can plan strategic firebreaks with your neighbours and help each other in the event of an emergency. 3. Every landowner should ensure that their public liability insurance includes the spreading of wildfire. Insurance claims may not be entertained in the event of a landowner not having firebreaks. 4. SAPS are being trained to issue J534 fines to any landowner that does not comply with the law. The landowner on whose land the fire started will be held responsible for any fire originating on his / her property regardless of who or how the fire started (Act 101 of 1998, the National Veld and Forestry Fire Act). 5. No Landowner may make any open fire or burn any fire breaks during the months of May, June or July without a valid burning permit from the local fire association. The issue of these permits shall not place any legal or another liability on the issuer. Before burning a firebreak you must phone for a daily weather report and permission to burn
on that day. 6. A special permit must be obtained for any burning in the months of August, September and October. 7. No firebreaks may be burned on Friday's, Saturday's, Sunday's or on any other public holiday. 8. There are minimum requirements regarding fire lighting equipment for the burning of fire breaks. Go to PAFPA's website for full details. 9. For help in burning fire breaks you may use the services of Working on Fire Hand Crew, stationed in Dullstroom. 10. In the event of a runaway fire you may request assistance from your local Working on Fire Team. Contact 013 741 6444. You will only be charged for the km's travelled, food rations and other variable costs. Both the above services charge very reasonable rates. 11. Ignorance of the law is no defense. This is only a very abbreviated version of all the rules and regulations governing fires in Mpumalanga. For more detailed information go to ww.pafpa.org or www.lefpa.co.za Let's all try our best to comply with the law. Prevention will always be better option than
Komberse vir Lelievlei
NATURE OF ACTIVITY: applications for a Prospecting Right of Silica to the Department of Mineral Resources in Mpumalanga (DMR, MP) has been accepted; therefore in accordance with the requirement of section 29(4) of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), an Environmental Management Programme (EMP), as set out in section 39 of the MPRDA (Act No.28 of 2002), has to be compiled. LOCATION: the respective site is situated on "the Remaining Extent of the farm Bergkant 41 JT and Portions 1,2,8,9 and 11 of the farm Modderspruit 13 JT" in the Magisterial District of Lydenburg in the Mpumalanga Province. NAME OF APPLICANT: Pewster Star Investments CC NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS CONSULTANT: to register as an interested and affected party, you may contact us with queries relating to the proposed project, or submit your comments by post, or by fax, or by e-mail within 30 calendar days of this advertisement. You can register by submitting your details or comments to: Mafatiki Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1677, Ferndale, 2160 or Fax: 086 696 4891 or e-mail: Attention: Nicholus Maloba, mafatiki@telkomsa.net
Verlede week het ’n brand by Lelievlei voorgekom en die inwoners het komberse gebruik om die vuur te blus. Amelia Bietjie, bekende sakevrou en VF+ vrouligaleier, het ’n bakkie vol nuwe komberse geskenk. Amelia noem dat die VF+ vroueliga se volgende projek is om wintersklere vir Lelievlei en Dancia huis in te samel. Frik Rousseau, direkteur van Lelievlei, het genoem dat die VF+ vroueliga uitstekende werk in Lydenburg doen. In die foto oorhandig Amelia die komberse aan Jean Struwig bestuurder van Lelievlei.
Wenakker se jaarlikse Aqua Malongane ’n reuse sukses WENAKKER se jaarlikse Aqua Malongane is vanjaar vir die 15de jaar op die pragtige Ponta Malongane oord in die suide van Mosambiek aangebied. Wenakker is ’n groot sentrum op Lydenburg wat omsien na die behoeftes van sowat 250 gestremde volwassenes. Hulle is grootliks aangewese op die welwillendheid van die gemeenkappe van Lydenburg en omstreke en loods altyd ’n verskeidenheid projekte ten bate van Wenakker. Die jaarlikse Aqua Malongane is ’n roofvis hengelkompetisie met ’n verskil. Daar is nie ’n bakkie op die spel nie en pryse vir die kompetisiewenners word deur ’n handjievol mense en maatskappye geborg. Vanjaar het sewe bote en een jetski deelgeneem. Benewens die sowat 30 hengelaars het ’n addisionele sowat 60 mense dié jaar meegemaak as vriende en gaste van Wenakker. Die byeenkoms is oop vir enigeen wat betyds by Wenakker bespreek en sy fooie betaal. Die Highlands Panorama het vir die sesde jaar saamgegaan en die gaste besig gehou met ’n fotokompetisie. Ginger en sy span was oudergewoonte daar om elke aand die stoep voor die restaurant vol te pak met sy musiek. Elke dag se aandete is ’n groot storie wanneer Wilma en Marie en hulle helpers die hele kombuis oorneem en ’n smaaklike ete voorberei met behulp van skenkings. Malongane bied iets vir almal en Scuba Rebels het sowat 60 duikers ingebring om die pragtige riwwe te kom duik. Die 4x4 manne het die sandpaadjies na Ponta Do Auro en Ponta Mamoli geniet en die drinkers die nasionale drankie getiteld R&R (Rum en Rooikoeldrank). Die kampterrein is ’n paradys wat herinner aan ’n Cape Vidal van ’n paar jaar gelede. Die partytjie ouens het “prawns” geëet en Do Auro se kuierplekke opgesoek. Die internet ouens was by 360 degrees en die selfoon ouens by “Signal Hill”. Wenakker het weereens uitstekende kontakte opgebou en die publiek se welwillendheid was duidelik merkbaar. Meeste van die gaste is langtermyn Aqua Malongane ondersteuners, maar elke jaar wen hulle ’n paar gaste by. Uiteindelik (op die tweede laaste dag) het Lodewyk De Jager en sy span van Sonskyn die voortou in die kompetisie vanaf Piet Broodryk (Carra Pau) weggeraap en die hengelkompetisie gewen, met Piet ’n kortkop agter in die tweede plek. Die fotokompetisie is gewen deur die plaaslike Alet Prinsloo, met Alwyn Fouche as “runner up”. Ses van ons moes deur sowat 2 200 fotos sif en het uiteindelik vir Koos Prince inkatrol om met die finale beslissing te help. Wanneer ons plek het, wys ons nog fotos en Wenakker se bedankings sal ook volgende week verskyn. As jy betrokke wil raak of wil saamgaan in 2014, kontak Wenakker. Hulle besonderhede is op www.wenakker.org.za. Andre Coetzee.
Die drie musketiers op strandbeheer radiodiens. Chris Jankowitz, Marco Van Wijk en Andre Coetzee Ons kampman John. Al die vis op Malongane is nie so klein soos die amper deurskynende vissie wat hy vashou nie!
Die wen seilvis van bykans 42 Kg deur Piet Pretorius en sy span.
Hierdie Amarok het amper vir groot opwinding op die strand gesorg.
Links: Piet Pretorius (Burgersfort Bande) lanseer Witwarm. Lansering op Malongane is nie moeilik nie, maar is beslis nie vir sissies nie.
Prys vir die minste vis.
Die span van Piet Pretorius en Witwarm.
Die pragtige Aquajoy van Flip Myburgh land.
Die wenner van die fotokompetisie Alet Prinsloo links, Andrea Coetzee (Highlands Panorama Nuus) en naaswenner Alwyn Fouche regs.
Bo: Een van die wenfotos van die fotokompetisie. Deel van die groep hengelaars wat Aqua Malongane meegemaak het.
Links: Die wenspan van Lodewyk De Jager en die boot Sonskyn. Links onder: Nog een van die wenfotos. Volgende week plaas ons meer.
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
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Sleepvoertuie GEREELDE lesers sal weet ek het ’n passie vir sleepvoertuie. As deel van ons diens by Malongane gaan bêre ek en Chris Jankowitz elke oggend na lansering van die bote, die skippers se sleepwaens en neem die voertuie kamp toe vir veiligheid. Ons ry dus in die bestek van ’n week ’n groot verskeidenheid voertuie in 4x4 op die sand en ons vergelyk deurgaans die verskillende voertuie. Dit is nie padtoetse nie, maar bied ’n blik op hulle werkverrigting wat ons nie normaalweg kan toets nie. Tydens die pas afgelope Malongane het ons die voorreg gehad om te ry met ’n Landcruiser VX V8, ’n Nissan Patrol 4.5 GX, ’n nuwe 3.2 Ford Ranger D/C, ’n VW Amarok, ’n paar Hiluxe en ’n Ford F250 D/C. Ons kon ook outomaties en handrat vergelyk. Die Ford F250 is ’n monster. In laestrek 4x4 is dit so sterk dit sal ’n huis sleep. Op die oop pad kon ek met my 2.6 petrol Isuzu en die boswa nie byhou by die F250 met die groot boot Aquajoy op sy stert nie. Een ding, moet nie die Ford in die sand vasgrawe nie. Dit vat ’n trekker en ’n Cruiser saam om hom uit te kry! Die nuwe Ranger het soos verwag beïndruk. Die stofplate loop egter na aan die remskywe en sand tussen in kan mens laat skrik van die geskree. Ons Amarok was ’n egte Voetspore bakkie. Alwyn Van Den Heever het die egte voetspore bakkie direk na die laaste Voetspore tog deur Afrika gekoop met 47 000 harde km op die klok. Dit was die sesspoed 4x4 en het soos verwag uitstekend presteer. Chris was van mening dat die koppelaar vaag was, maar dit het my nie gepla nie. Die Landcruiser VX werk goed en sweef oor hindernisse met sy lug-suspensie. Baie ingewikkeld maar bekwaam. Vir ons albei was die ster hierdie jaar egter die ietwat ouer Nissan Patrol stasiewa van Piet bande. Wat ’n voertuig! Met ’n warm 4.5 reguit ses met “branch”, oop pype en dubbelvergassers was die versneller respons en die gil van die vet ses net lekker. ’n Behoorlike stel wiele en sandbande maak hierdie wa beslis die wenner in ons boek. Groot lekkerte! Andre Coetzee.
Lydenburg Toyota
Voortrekker & Bateleurstraat Lydenburg, 1120, Tel: 013 235 1780
Overheating in winter, strange but true. YES, winter is here, and with it comes an entirely new set of problems. It may seem strange that you have overheating of motor vehicles in winter, but there are reasons for these problems. During summer you have almost never used your heater in the car, which means the heater radiator inside the vehicle has probably run dry. The first cold day of winter and on goes the heater. The water from the engine flows into the heater unit and takes about two litres of water out of the cooling system. When you switch the heater off the water remains in the heater and the engine is short two litres, and this can result in the engine overheating. The repair some of the time is as simple as topping up the radiator with water or anti-freeze. Speaking of which, anti-freeze / summer coolant, is as necessary as fuel in your car and is not there to make the water in the cooling system look pretty. Anti-freeze has other properties and also acts as a lubricant for the water pump. It thus prevents premature water pump failure which would result in overheating, possible blown head gaskets and, in some instances, engine failure. Yes, you read correctly, engine failure due to water-pump failure is not uncommon on vehicles that are designed with cambelt driven water pumps. When such a water pump fails, the cambelt inevitably breaks or teeth shear off, resulting, in most instances, in a rather expensive repair that could have been prevented by anti-freeze. With temperatures falling to below zero in some areas, anti-freeze can also prevent cylinder blocks and heads from cracking. A relatively cheap preventative measure would be to have the cooling system flushed and a good anti-freeze put in. It is also not unusual to find something as simple as a faulty radiator cap causing overheating problems. Cars with viscous fans and temperature-controlled fan units can also give overheating problems. Often it requires a replacement of the viscous unit on the fan or if the vehicle is fitted with an electric fan, the replacement of the thermoswitch can in many instances resolve the problem at a relatively low cost. On some of the modern or later-model cars the replacement of the entire fan unit is required and it can get expensive, but still not as costly as an engine repair. The funny thing about cooling systems is the fact that when you repair or replace a component in one area, there is often another point in the system that inevitably leaks or ruptures. Take for example your radiator hoses. If one of them bursts because of plain wear and tear, replace all the hoses in the system, or all the main ones. This ensures that there are almost no weak points that can let go after the repair. If the cooling system has been worked on, always check your water level for a few days after that. In some instances that require the bleeding of the system, it is not uncommon for there to be some air in the system. This will result in the water level in the radiator dropping. You may have to top up the water. Ensure that you do so when the vehicle is cold and that you check both the water level in the expansion bottle and the radiator. Star Motoring
Just for whimsy UNVEILED at the Geneva Motor Show, this racer for the road reaches a staggering 355 km/h top speed and is focused on optimum aerodynamics and cornering stability. Naturally its power output is prodigious at 522 kW. Somehow, the Veneno transmits all that to the road to reach 100 km/h from rest in a mere 2,8 seconds. The production run of just three unique versions have been pre-sold. Price: 3 million euros (about R30 million) before tax. (The Geneva show car will continue as a test bed.) The Veneno’s 6,5-litre 12-cylinder power drives all four wheels via a 7speed transmission. The running gear features pushrod suspension and horizontal spring/damper units, similar to racecar designs. The complete chassis is produced as a carbon fibre monocoque, as is the outer skin, and the interior features innovative, Lamborghini-patented materials such as Forged Composite and CarbonSkin. What’s in a name? Like its Lamborghini stablemates, the Veneno name originates from a legendary fighting bull, said to have been one of the fastest in the history of bullfighting. In 1914, he fatally wounded the famous torero José Sánchez Rodríguez. Veneno’s fate is not recorded. Ed: Sometimes it is nice to dream
Lydenburg Toyota
Voortrekker & Bateleurstraat Lydenburg, 1120, Tel: 013 235 1780
Buying Secondhand? Some tips... STEP ONE: Use your eyes, ears and nose to check the car’s vital signs. Does the engine sound ropey? Can you smell oil? STEP TWO: Condition is key There is no excuse for buying an un-roadworthy heap. How does the bodywork look? STEP THREE: Under the bonnet Take a look and take a mate or vehicle expert with you to get a valuable second opinion on the car. STEP FOUR: Around the body Check that the doors, windows, bonnet and boot open and close, and don’t be afraid to walk away if the car looks rust riddled. STEP FIVE: Tyres Check they have a legal depth of tread, even wear across the tyre and no serious blemishes or damage. STEP SIX: Paperwork The registration document is an absolute must. Obtain a data check to make sure it isn’t stolen, still on finance or a write-off. STEP SEVEN: Start the engine Check that the vehicle starts cleanly and that there is no smoke billowing from the exhaust. STEP EIGHT: Play with the buttons Prod and press all the knobs, dials and handles to make sure they work properly. STEP NINE: Test drive Engage the gears and pull sharply away. You don’t want to hear crashes, bangs, screeches or whines or feel a saggy suspension. STEP TEN: After the drive Look under the bonnet with the engine running – check for leaks, smoke or strange noises. MAKE YOUR CAR LAST LONGER - Spending a few minutes checking, cleaning and fussing over your car each week will make a Specs may vary from picture shown.
VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 Johan Lubbe: / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: CHOERT MAARTENS - 072 347 1590 082 908 9113 SERVICES: Helena Jansen v Vuuren: 082 319 8456
Hyundai Lydenburg
big difference. After a few weeks you will notice the difference; it will perform better, last longer and be cheaper to run. Check and change your oil regularly. Oil is the life blood of y o u r c a r, p r o v i d i n g v i t a l lubrication, so look at the dipstick before every journey and make sure it nudges the maximum mark. Change your oil regularly, especially if you only cover short journeys - at least every six months. Check your brake fluid and water. You will soon notice if there are sudden drops and a garage can identify any problem and prevent further - possibly major damage. Look to see if there are any fluid leaks from hoses or any loose belts. If you hear any strange noises, investigate before a minor fault becomes a major expense. Of course, regular servicing is a must and so is bodywork hygiene. Cleaning keeps corrosion at bay and also means you inspect every area of the car carefully. ~ internet
BMW 5 Series facelift SOMETIMES BMW's 5 Series can get a little lost in the grey area between the sporty threes and the magnificent sevens - although more than a million have been sold of the current generation alone. But it's still nice to see that the Bavarian whitecoats have given the 5 Series a pretty comprehensive mid-life makeover, with more distinctive styling, new engine variants, and new high-tech features for a bit of extra 'wow' factor. The revised 5 Series is due for South African release in October 2013. The sedan and station wagon get new contour lines around the kidney grille and reshaped lower air intakes to make them look more sporty, with slimmer, more sharply contoured tail lights and an extra crease in the apron to make the car's rear end look wider. The Gran Turismo gets a deeper front apron and a chromed strip across the rear apron to make it look longer and lower to the ground, with a threedimensional surface design to give some depth to the area around the number-plate. The indicator repeaters are now in the mirror housings and xenon headlights are now standard across the range, with adaptive LED headlights and LED foglights available as options. Inside, there's a new chromed trim around iDrive control display, while both the glove compartment and cup holders are bigger - as is the boot on Gran Turismo - thanks to that model's revised tail end it has grown by 50 litres to 500 litres. CLEANER ENGINES All the engines offered in the 5 Series have been tweaked to improve their fuel efficiency without sacrificing power - in fact says BMW, some have even gained power while conforming to the EU6 emissions standard that's not due to take effect until September 2014. Which is why all BMW 5 Series diesels now come with nitrogen oxide-reducing BluePerformance as standard. Brake energy regeneration, idle stop (with manual or eight-speed auto transmission), optimum shift indicator and Eco Pro mode are all standard across the range; also available are a coasting mode (which disengages the powertrain), proactive driving assistant to adjust the car's speed ahead of a change in speed limit, and the Eco Pro route function, as part of the optional professional navigation system. NEW DIESEL There's also a new, entry-level four-cylinder diesel, the Twinpower turbo 518d, for the sedan and Touring variants. BMW quotes 105kW at a cost of 4.5 litres per 100km and CO2 emissions of 119 grams per kilometre - but it won't be coming to South Africa. The top-of-the-line engine is a new V8 Twinpower turbo for which BMW claims 330kW, bring the range available for the BMW 5 Series sedan and Touring to four petrol engines and six diesels - including two M
Performance models - the M550d xDrive sedan and Touring. Gran Turismo 5 Series customers can choose from two petrol engines and three diesels. The energy management system of the ActiveHybrid 5 has also been tweaked with a new version of the proactive driving assistant which now adapts the power balance between combustion engine and electric motor to the route ahead. The Touring and Gran Turismo now come with air suspension and automatic rear self-levelling as standard. FEATURES The function of the optional comfort access system, which allows the tailgate to be opened hands-free, has been extended to include a closing mechanism, and there's a rear-seat entertainment system with tablet-style displays, a Harman Kardon surround sound system and a new version of the ambient light option that allows the interior lighting to be either orange or white. A new iDrive controller with a touch-sensitive surface now allows the use of characters to program in a destination or access other functions. The night vision system now has human and animal detection and dynamic light spot function and from November 2013, the optional traffic jam assistant will automatically keep the car in the same lane, even when the road bends around a corner. It's part of the driving assistant plus option, which also includes active cruise control with idle stop and collision warning with braking function. Also available for the sedan and Touring from November 2013 will be a fully automatic parking assistant.
Lax law enforcement The policing of South Africa's road laws is largely inefficient, according to a World Health Organisation (WHO) study reported in Beeld on Monday. The study found that South African traffic officials were lax in enforcing seatbelt laws and those pertaining to the safe restraint of children, the newspaper reported. It found that only 59 percent of drivers and seven percent of front seat passengers wore safety belts. It did not supply statistics for back seat passengers, but a 2007 Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) study reportedly found only eight percent of back seat passengers wore safety belts. The WHO study found that South African law enforcers scored badly when it came to drinking and driving laws, and fared only slightly better on the policing of speeding. According to the Medical Research Council of SA, alcohol played a role in 55 percent of the country's road deaths. Sapa
KIA Motors Lydenburg Tel: 013-235-1303 l Fax: 013-235-3500 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg KIA Motors Burgersfort Tel: 013-231-8430 l Main Road, Burgersfort,
Hyundai launches Veloster
ON 16 May, Hyundai Lydenburg held the much awaited launch of their exciting new vehicle in the Hyundai stable, the Veloster. Ockert Van Niekerk, the F & I Manager welcomed everyone and the evening was a great success. Watch the Motoring pages for a test drive of the Veloster.
The Steyn family from Falcon Ockert Van Niekerk, Hyundai Lydenburg
Britain. 1949 – Army Edition; British Army orders its first Land Rovers. 1953 – Long Wheelbase version introduced. FROM its humble origins as a “farmer’s car” when the Series I was launched in Britain back in 1948, Land Rover has grown into something of an SUV empire over the last six and a half decades. In honour of the 65th birthday and following on from our story 2 weeks ago, here’s a brief Land Rover historical timeline: 1948 – Land Rover Series I, the “farmer’s friend” makes its debut in post-war
1958 – Series II Land Rover unveiled with more refined styling. 1970 – Range Rover; Land Rover’s iconic model is launched in two-door format. 1971 – Land Rover Series III launched. 1976 – One millionth Land Rover built. 1981 – Camel Trophy uses Land Rovers exclusively. 1981 – Four-door Range Rover released. 1983 – Land Rover goes coil sprung. 1989 – Discovery, the third Land Rover model, is launched. 1990 – Original Landy relaunched and renamed. 1994 – Second generation Range Rover is introduced. 1997 – Freelander, Land Rover’s fourth model makes its debut. 2001 – Debut of third generation Range Rover, the first one with a monocoque.
Mechanical / Auto Electrical Parts & Service Tel: 013 235 4846, Fax: 013 235 2253, 32 de Clerq Street, Lydenburg, E-Mail: rgsteyn@mweb.co.za
Auto Electrical, Mechanical, Airconditioning, Vehicle Security & Tracker, Vehicle Diagnostics, Sound System, All Accessories.
2004 – Third generation Discovery is launched. 2005 – Introduction of the Range Rover Sport, the smaller version of the marque’s luxury SUV. 2006 – Launch of second generation Freelander. 2009 – Discovery Four is introduced. 2010 – Range Rover Evoque takes its bow as the brand’s new small premium model. 2012 – Fourth generation Range Rover makes its debut, featuring a lightweight aluminium body. 2013 – Second generation Range Rover Sport is introduced, also with an aluminium body, to make it the most agile Land Rover ever.
Huis van die Week/ House of the Week
Lydenburg R810 000
Absolutely stunning family home: Neat 5 bedroom family home with 3 bathrooms. Large kitchen with separate laundry. Spacious living area and dining room. Double garage. Large garden with a sparkling pool as well as koi pond. Price on Request. (P.O.R) House will be on show on Saturday 25 May 2013! Don't hesitate contact us today to view! RE/MAX Winners Office: 013 235 2653, Jaques: 082 710 5603, Schasta: 083 693 7525, Marietjie: 071 513 4299.
Office: 013 235 2002, lydenburg@rea.co.za
Sales: Ronel 083 262 2110 Fanie 072 317 3959 Sonia 082 590 0905 Sindy 082 373 9745
Rentals: Wilma 082 921 9991
Netjies en gerieflik – teen goeie prys ! Knus versteek agter hoë mure in pypsteel erf. Netjiese 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis. Ruim erf met baie potensiaal.
Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net,
www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops
Magnificent opportunity! Priced to go! Beautiful spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on large stand with outbuildings. Neat garden. Price reduced!
Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 Jacques van Baalen : 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653
R890 000 3 slaapkamer woonstel, sitkamer / eetkamer, 2 badkamers, braai area. *2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 2 badkamers, R1 180 000 2 motorafdakke R5 200 / mnd 4 slaapkamer meenthuis, 2.5 badkamers, *4 Slaapkamer huis , 2.5 bdkmr, 2 m/h 2 motorhuise. Nuut gebou en goeie koop. Nuut R9 200 / mnd R860 000 *2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 1 badkamer sentraal geleë R4 900 / mnd 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers en toesluit motorhuis. *3 Slaapkamer ruim woonstel, 2 m/h R935 250 2 badkmrs, sentraal geleë R7 000 / mnd Moet sien: Netjiese 3 slpkmr meenthuis met *3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, motorhuis in kompleks. 2 badkamers R7 400 / mnd *Pragtige huis met 5HA grond, in dorp. R591 000 2 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer woonstel Ruim en netjies R13 800 / mnd
RENTALS : Anton 082 898 5272
Lydenburg R1 296 000
TE HUUR: R16 000 - 5 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, studeerkamer, kombuis, ekstra spasie, granny flat en 2 motor huise. R9 900 - 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan area, opwas area, stoep met braai area. R7 700 - 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan area, afdakke en groot erf. R7 000 - 2 Slaapkamer, oopplan meenthuis. R6 000 - 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer meenthuis met afdak. R4 300 - 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, kombuis, sitkamer en 1 Motorhuis. Werkswinkel te huur @ R5 300 per maand. Verskeie kantoor/winkel spasie te huur.
Kontak: 013 235 2653
Buying and selling your home 074 589 0204 in Lydenburg? Henry Smith Please contact me
Long duration maintenance by Eskom this winter... T Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 admin@qsrealty.co.za / 079 549 7052
013 235 4575
Vakante betrekking: Verkoopsagent / Verhuringsagent * Eie vervoer * Tweetalig * Ondervinding in verkope is nodig Goeie kommissie struktuur Te Huur:
Goeie area Baie netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis, met ingangsportaal, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, oopplan eetkamer en kombuis, aparte opwas en waskamer, Dubbel motorhuis met twee houthuise. 1300m² erf.
Stoor ruimte beskikbaar 135m2 @ Outydse sjarme R7000 240 m² Kantoorspasie beskikbaar – 8 3 slk huis, 2 kantore, ontvangs met raadsaal POA huis, een badkamer @ R8000 badk, sitkamer, 34 Slp Slp huis met vier badkamers @ R8500 eetkamer en 5 x Nuutgeboude drie slaapkamer, oopplan kombuis, twee badkamers met studeerkamer te huur @ R9000 waskamer, Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit @ R9900 dubbel afdak 3 Slp huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling R9900 parkering, stoep. @4 Slaapkamer huis, onthaal area met Ideaal vir kantore. drie badkamers @ R13 000
R1 365 000 R1 030 000
HE new Power Bulletin on SABC aims to encourage South Africans to shift their energy usage during the peak demand period every evening between 5pm and 9pm. South Africa experiences the highest demand for electricity during the winter months, particularly during winter evenings, when demand increases by more than 3000 MW in one hour - equivalent to the output of a large power station and more than the total energy use of some of our neighbouring countries. Taking four simple steps over the four hours of the peak period can reduce demand for energy during peak times. The four steps are: 1. Switch off all geysers and pool pumps during peak 2. Switch off all non-essential lighting 3. Find alternatives to electrical heaters 4. Dress warmly, and use space heaters less 5. Insulate ceilings to keep the heat in 6. Invest in thermostatically controlled heaters (fan heaters are ideal for quick heat; oil heaters for longer periods). Consider gas heaters and hot water bottles 7. Respond to the Power Alert messages by switching off all appliances that are not being used.
Eskom usually performs most of its planned maintenance in the summer months. This winter will be different, Eskom will for the first time plan to do extensive long duration maintenance work to improve the reliability and performance of its power stations. This means that the power system will be constrained over the next few months, particularly during the evening peak period from 5pm to 9pm. Peak demand is expected to reach approximately 36 700 MW this winter, similar to last winter. “The proposed planned maintenance over the winter period is considered fixed and must be implemented,” said Eskom Chief Executive Brian Dames. “We therefore urge all customers to partner with us to save electricity. This will ensure that adequate space is created for the planned maintenance while ensuring there is sufficient operating reserve.” Eskom urges households to help reduce load by at least 2 000MW, an equivalent of switching off 4.5 million geysers, every day during evening peak to see us through this winter.
4 Slaapkamer huis te huur naby Laerskool @ R13 000
Maryke Engelbrecht 082 450 1815 / maryke@barko.co.za Roelanza vd Merwe 082 854 2486 / roelanza@barko.co.za Office: 013 235 1030
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.
3 bedroom, 2 and a half bathroom house to let in Sterkspruit Weavers. Spacious open plan living room, dining room and kitchen. Master bedroom with 2 balconies and a walk in closet. To Let: 2 and 3 bedroom apartments in various secure complexes with kids play area and swimming pool.
TE HUUR: • 2 x 3 Slk wonings @ R6 500/ mnd elk (Onmiddelik beskikbaar) • Luukse won by Laerskool - R9 500 / mnd • 3 Slk w/stel, oopplan sit/eet/komb, vol geteël R7 000 / mnd • 4 Slk won - R8 500 / mnd • 3 Slk won op plot - R5 500 / mnd TE KOOP: • Luukse 3 slk won, 2 badk, netjiese komb/opwas /wask, ruim sit/eetk, woonarea, swembad, braaiarea, kragopwekker, kleedkamer met sonbed, visdam met koivisse, boorgat, 2 mot + 3 afdakke, besproeiing, bediendekamer met geriewe, pakkamers,omhein, sekuriteit, pragtige tuin - R2,5 milj o.h.b
• 5 Slk won, 3 badk, ruim sit, woonarea/eetk, komb, wask, stud, groot erf, 6 afdakke + 4 slk won met badk, 2 wendy’s. Kan as gastehuis bedryf word. Kan gehuur word. Meer besonderhede op navraag. • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim woonarea/komb, sit/eetk, wask, mot, groot erf - R830 000 • 3 Slk won, nuut geteël en geverf, groot erf R945 000 • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, sit/eetk, kuier area, komb met baie kaste, 2 mot,afdak, mooi tuin + 1 slk w/stel - R1 360 000
TE HUUR: • Moderne 3 slpk 2 badk huis met oopplan leefarea en dubbel garage. R10 500p/m • Ruim moderne 3 slpk en 2 badk huis met 2 leefareas en dubbel garage. R10 500p/m • 2 Slpk 1 badk huis 10km buite Lydenburg vir R5 500p/m Geen diere. Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 GERIEFLIKE DEELTITELWOONSTEL IN SEKURITEITSKOMPLEKS 2 Slk met ing kaste, 1 badk, ruim sitk oopplan met kombuis. Klinkersteen teëldak. Motorafdak. Eie privaat agterplasie
R 610 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
23 Mei / May 2013
Nuus / News
Steelpoort Akademie presteer op alle terreine Vyf van Steelpoort Akademie se O/13 rugby seuns is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga Rugbyspan. Baie geluk seuns ons is trots op julle! Van links (agter): Anton Erasmus (afrigter), Tumi Maroke; (voor): Andries Vorster, Tiaan Havenga, Godwin Mapalakanye en Arrie Heyl.
Foto links: Steelpoort Akademie wens me. Lindie Cronje geluk. Sy is gekies as afrigter vir die o.16 Mpumalanga Netbal span.
Ry veilig al die hardwerkende ouers Op 24 April is ouers aangenaam verras deur witgekleede Laerskool Lydenburgers wat hul langs die pad na Twee Riviere Myn met pragtige plakkate en fakkels begroet het. Hierdie bewusmakingsprojek oor veiligheid was die inisiatief van Jakes Jacobs van Twee Riviere Myn en mnr. Kallie Erasmus. Die rede vir hierdie optrede was om ouers wat op myne werk bewus te maak dat hul kinders bekommerd is oor hulle veiligheid. Dat hul elke dag waaksaam moet wees en veilig huis toe moet keer. Tiaan Roos in graad 7 RP sê dit was “amazing!”. `n Paar pappas moes hard sluk van ’n knop in die keel toe hulle hul bloeitjies daar sien staan. Monique Engelbrecht en Yulaine Hendriks in graad 7 se plakkaat vir die veiligheidsprojek Links: Jakes Jacobs van Twee Riviere myn oorhandig die platskerm is as die beste plakkaat aangewys. Hulle wen elk ’n Platskerm TV. Tv's aan Monique Engelbrecht en Yulaine Hendriks (afwesig)
Bederf jouself by Toeka tot Nou VAN Toeka tot Nou doen dit weer. Hulle hou 'n lekker vlooimark soos elke tweede Saterdag van die maand, die vlg datum is 8 Junie, van 9: 00 die oggend tot 17:00. Van Toeka tot Nou het die hoeksteen geword van die dorp se kuns en kos liefhebbers. Van pragtige oudhede tot moderne kunste van ons eie talentvolle plaaslike kunstenaars stal hier uit. Heerlike koeke, koeksisters, terte, beskuit en koekies van ons bobaas bakster, sal jou laat lippe lek en skoon van jou dieet vergeet. Louise is so ’n persoon, van kolwyntjies tot sewelaag-troukoeke en die fynste suikerkuns is vir haar geen probleem of moeite nie. Eetgoedborde, soet en sout, om van te kies is beskikbaar op bestelling. As jou voete moeg geloop en jou beursie bietjie ligter is, maak jou tuis in die klein restaurantjie en bestel 'n versnappering en vars gemaalde koffie vanaf hulle keurigbeplande spyskaart. In die winter is daar vars gebakte vetkoek en sop te koop om die koue bietjie weg te vat . Enige iemand wat selfs net 'n ou klein bietjie talent het kan daar vir hulle ’n stalletjie bespreek. Die inspirasie om die huis in 'n klein gallery te omskep het so twee jaar gelede die lig gesien. Van daar het dit uitgebrei na die gesellige kuierplekkie waar jy kan ontspan , iets te ete kry en jou verlustig in al die kunste en snoeperye wat die pragtige mense van ons dorpie oplewer. So as jy moeg gewerk is en nie die krag het om kos te maak nie, kom maak gerus 'n draai en bederf jouself en die gesin met ietsie uit die kombuis in die huis Van Toeka tot Nou. Kontak Louise by 082 5690 847.
Rochelle Stoffberg 2 jaar oud.
Wêreldbiddag is op Pinkster-Sondag 19 Mei by die Jesus-koppie herdenk. Die Predikante-forum het verskeie gemeentes laat hande vat. Hier word die gebed voorgelees deur van links Ds Fred Wilson, ds. Antoinette Wilson, Kgosi Hendriksz, pastoor Egbert Hiemstra en pastoor André Hanekom en gebedsleier Corrie-Griet Joubert. Almal was dit eens dat dit weer 'n verrykende samekoms was.
Jaco Cronje 5 jaar oud
Rayen Niemann 3 jaar oud.
Festive vibe in Mashishing by service providers Government agencies, NGO’s and businesses used the opportunity at the opening of the Mashishing Thusong Service Centre to exhibit their skills. The guests of the event received free booklets and gifts to provide them with information while everone enjoyed the festive vibe. (Photo’s Michelle Boshoff).
23 Mei / May 2013
Touch of Class
Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek
Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com
Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 R&R TUINDIENSTE/ Garden Services. Skakel ons gerus vir ’n kwotasie. Isak 076 110 8990/ 073 781 5608 S A N I TAT I O N F o r supplying, installing and maintaining all types of Sanitation Units, Products and Chemicals which are Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Enviroment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 DREAM HEADBOARDS!! Give your bedroom a facelift with excellent q u a l i t y, p r o f e s s i o n a l finishes, 5 sizes, designs and colours to choose from. Easy D-I-Y i n s t a l l a t i o n a t V E RY affordable prices!! For enquiries, quotes and orders. Contact us on 071 643 6645, E-mail: alo.ed22@gmail.com
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 R E P A I R & INSTALLATION of all garage doors & motorized gates, for the best prices contact Garage King 072 202 9139. G E N E R A L MAINTENANCE on plumbing, building, painting, steelworks. 079 154 2000
JOVEL AUTOMATION Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales & Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Dorrs, Electric Fencing, Batteries, Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374
CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714 SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002
HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323
VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogr aphy.com
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 KC COMPUTERS & Networking - Your one stop computer shop, 59 Kantoor Street 013 235 1178
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, combi’s en dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ 072 203 1614
TOWNHOUSE TO RENT 3 bedr, 2 bath townhouse, 6km outside Lydenburg. Good security. Rent R6500 pm. Call 082 496 4312 3 SLK HUIS R7200. 079 624 9486 STERKSPRUIT 3 bedroom house to let. Double bathroom, double garage and braai area. R7500 per month. Call Johan to view. 076 371 6706
A K K O M O D A S I E BESKIKBAAR 20km vanaf Dwarsrivier Myn, op Sekhukhunepad. Skakel Elmarie 082 442 2757 / 013 235 3952
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843
GROOT WOONSTEL op plaas. R2500 plus W&L. 074 330 3011
TE KOOP 12 jong Bonsmara x Santa koeie, swaar dragtig, kalwe Junie/Julie. Kontak sel: 076 389 6984 Abortion pills 079 668 2833
CLEANING ALL upholsteries, carpets (undervelt) mattresses. Lydenburg. 082 833 0323 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181.
huis met 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise @ R1 195 000, alles inge. Kies jou eie kleur teels, kaste ens. G R AT I S d r o o m h u i s planuitleg - volgens jou behoeftes. Alit Fourie Huizemark. NHBRC geregistreer. 083 288 6834
SHOP TO RENT 8 Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , Lydenburg from R5000. Flats to rent, 2 bedroom Lydenburg, from R4200. 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms in secure complex Lydenburg from R5500. Contact 082 460 3000
LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg 82ha PLAAS, baie water. 083 982 7160 HUISE PLOTTE / PLASE TE KOOP Koop 1ha plot / erf in The Heads / Sterkspruit & ek bou vir jou ‘n splinternuwe, 175m²
I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS / VACANCIES
VAKANTE BETREKKING Naskool juffrou by Tingeling Kleuterskool Steelpoort Uitstekende salaris & ure. 13:00 - 17:00 Kontak 071 445 0721 SEKRETARESSE BENODIG. Beleefd en goeie foon etiket, Afrikaans en Engels magtig, rekenaarvaardig, boodskappe akkuraat kan neem en oordra. Stuur CV aan erikv@lantic.net
AANKOPER BENODIG Georden en akkuraat, rekenaarvaardig, moet in span kan werk en moet goeie verhouding met verskaffers handaaf en bevorder. Moet betroubaar wees. Stuur CV aam erikv@lantic.net VACANCY: Lydenburg, qualified electrician needed at established c o m p a n y. M i n i m u m qualification N4, 5 years relevant experience, drivers license, verifiable references. Please send a CV to 086 532 0513
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00 aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00,
Why pay guest house fees? Suite to rent, furnished, own entrance & very private. Water and lights included Immediately available R 4000 pm Contact: Melanie Dercksen at Pam Golding Properties Cell: 076 101 7524 or Office: 013 235 1146
jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.
• Decking • Flooring • Log Cladding • Knotty Pine • CCA Treated Timber • Treated Gum Poles • Structural Timber www.ggtimbers.co.za gghout@vodamail.co.za Johan 082 909 3034
Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333
Agent position available in Burgersfort for a person with NQF4. Salary on call account for R10 000 pm. Please send your CV to Lizl Grimbeek lizl.grimbeek@ pamgolding.co.za
“11 Jaar se kennis & ondervinding” 082 365 4599
•Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Herstel: Yskaste, Vrieskaste, Mikrogolwe Wasmasjiene, Motor Aircon gas, LP Gas ens... Pand vir ’n Rand
Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362
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083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
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For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949 joe.log.homes@gmail.com
We deliver everywhere
Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
Vacancies & Notices
G E T E K E N T E LIQUIDATION AND below will be open for MIDDELBURG OP D I S T R I B U T I O N the inspection of all 16 MEI 2013. MD A C C O U N T S I N p e r s o n s w i t h a n S W A N E P O E L D E C E A S E D interest therein for a PROKUREUR p/a ESTATES LY ING period of 21 days (or A L T U S N E L FOR INSPECTION shorter or longer if W E L T H A G E N & In terms of section 35 specially stated) from GELDENHUYS. DR (5) of Act 66 of 1965 the date specified or B E Y E R S notice is hereby given from the date of NAUDéSTRAAT 19 that copies of the publication thereof, MIDDELBURG, 1050 l i q u i d a t i o n a n d whichever may be the 2 0 1 3 e n d i e TEL: 013 282 8081 distribution accounts later, and at the d a a r o p v o l g e n d e V E R W : M N R . A A (first and final, unless offices of the Masters beslaglegging van die NEL/rv/AN0276 otherwise stated) in and Magistrates as onderstaande the estates specified stated. Should no goedere, sal voormelde goedere geregtelik op 26 JUNIE 2013 om Vacancy - Diesel Technician 1 0 : 0 0 t e d i e Applications are being awaited for appointment as Diesel B a l j u k a n t o o r Technician at Modikwa Platinum Mine in Burgersfort. L y d e n b u r g , Post requirements: Kantoorstraat 80, • In possession of a qualification as Diesel Technician issued by Lydenburg aan die MERSETA - Department of Higher Education & Training. hoogste bieder vir • At least 3 years practical experience in the servicing, repair kontant verkoop sal and maintenance of conventional and rough terrain forklifts w o r d . 1 x and – handling equipment/ machinery. W H I R L P O O L • Fully bilingual of which at least one language should be Y S K A S , 1 X English. WHIRLSPOOL • Be willing to relocate to the Burgersfort/ Steelpoort area at STAAN VRIESKAS, 1 own expense. X WHIRLPOOL TOP • In possession of a valid driver's licence for minimum a light L O A D E R motor vehicle. WASMASJIEN, 1 X • Be medically fit and able to pass medical tests applicable KELVINATOR to the relevant mining standard. SKOTTELGOEDWA Appointment will be probationary for a period of 3 months where SSER, 1 X 3-STUK after permanent employment will be considered. L E E R Benefits: SITKAMERSTEL, 1 X Basic salary negotiable. 2-SITPLEK BANK, 2 LOS STOELE, 1 X 50% company contribution to Discovery medical aid. H O U T EETKAMERTAFEL MET 8 STOELE, 1 X H O U T K A S .
objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 609/2012 Surname:
ACKERMANN Christian names: JOHANNA MARIA Identity number: 2908180072086 Magistrates Office: LYDENBUR G Master ’s Office: NELSPRUIT. VAN RENEN HEYNS ATTORNEYS P. O.
B O X 2 6 1 LYDENBURG 1120, 72 KANTOOR S T R E E T LYDENBURG 1120 Tel: 013 235 1625
CV's including certified copies of qualifications, identity document and driver's licence to be faxed to 086 537 9351. Closing date: 7 June 2013
Qualified Artisans Required Lydenburg / Steelpoort / Middelburg / Gauteng Diesel Mechanic - Heavy Earth Moving Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on Hydraulic Fault finding • Minimum of 2 years’ experience in Earth Moving Equipment • Experience on Hitachi or Komatsu equipment will be advantageous Diesel Mechanic – Trackless Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Minimum of 2 years’ Trackless experience Fitter - Trackless Experience: • Basic knowledge of the mining industry • Experience on Conveyor belt maintenance and construction Electrician Experience: Conveyor Belt Maintenance and Construction All Artisans Qualification requirements: • Grade 12 / N3 • Valid section 13 Trade Test relevant to the position you are applying for
Forward your CV including a copy of your ID and Trade Test to cv@bilnor.co.za or fax: 086 643 4661
23 Mei / May 2013
Sport event with a difference for asthma sufferer
From left is Isaac Dhlala (Monate Events), Comfort Sibiya (Monate Events), Gustav Viljoen (Mash Crew), Abie Maidi (Mash Crew) and front: Mrs Thapelo Mabunta and little Thabiso.
Spin city for Charity
ittle Thabiso Mabunta needs serious medical treatment and is too sick to attend school regularly. A group of people from Mashishing decided that they will hold a 'Spin session' in aid of Thabiso. “Spin for Charity' will definitely attract a lot of visitors and competitors. The event will also be an asthma awareness campaign as so many children suffer from the suffocating disease. This festival will also aim to empower the local arts community whilst at the same time raising funds for Thabiso. It will provide a platform for local artists to showcase their work. During the Spin City Festival stunt drivers, bikers and other professional enthusiast will perform and entertain the crowds in a safe environment. There is always a risk to racing and spinning on public roads because it is so dangerous. This event will provide a controlled environment. Drag racing is one of the most dangerous hobbies around the world. Precautionary measures will be taken and paramedics will be on standby in case of any emergency. Barricades will also be erected to make sure that spectator keep a safe distance. Spin City will also commemorate Youth Month. It will take place on Saturday 25 June at Mashishing Stadium from 12:00 till late. Entrance is R30 at the gate and R10 for children. For more information phone Monate Events, Isaac: 072 620 8618 or Gustav: 074 272 1537.
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