25 Julie / July 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 29 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Thaba Chweu dodging the Human Rights Commission inspection team I
n an unprecedented display of arrogance, the acting municipal manager of the Thaba Chweu local municipality, Mr Surprise Maebela failed to meet with an inspection team of the Human Rights Commission. The inspection stems from a DA request to have the municipality investigated, as they believed that its lack of accountability and its failure to provide even the most basic of services to residents, may be in violation of Chapter 2 of the Constitution. After studying their request and the attached evidence, the HRC agreed to investigate possible human rights violations on 13 September last year.
This is the second time that the accounting officer of this municipality failed to meet with the HRC's inspection team, as on 19 March 2013, former municipal manager Burton Khoma was too busy fighting for his own political survival than to be bothered to address the needs of the community. According to the DA, Mr Maebela's failure to meet with the HRC clearly exposes his arrogance and disregard for the democratic order of the country. The HRC was specifically created to protect and promote the human rights of all South Africans, is impartial, subject only to the Constitution, and accountable to the National Assembly. In
fact, Mr Maebele's actions show his complete disdain for the Constitution of South Africa and the rights of our people. The DA is extremely concerned over the potential consequences this may have on service delivery, as Mr Maebele's stalling tactics will simply prolong residents' suffering under a local administration hellbent on the complete destruction of their quality of life. According to the DA, the people of Thaba Chweu need a DA-led local administration, which is sensitive to their service delivery needs, and puts the rule of law and the rights of the people before their own selfish interests.
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Nuus / News
Onwettige jagters gaan gelooi word met wet
Sewe persone vasgebind en met gewere aangehou buite Lydenburg Michelle Boshoff
Twee amptenare van die Mpumalanga Toerisme en Parke Agentskap (MTPA) met die jong koedoebul wat op Badfontein onwettig geskiet is.
Kyk net die ou stuk draadstrik wat in die koedoe se hoef vassit. Die koedoe moes ’n baie jong bulletjie gewees het toe dit gebeur het en het duidelik vir jare met die ongerief daarvan geleef.
WAT ’n normale Donderdag moes wees het vir sewe mense het in ’n nagmerrie verander. Terwyl die res van die land Mandeladag gevier het, is hulle met gewere aangehou. Die vyf verdagtes het met gewere by die kantoor op ’n plot ingebars tussen 13:00 en 14:00 op Donderdag 18 Julie, te Potlootspruitplotte, buite Lydenburg. Die verdagtes het hulle as polisielede voorgedoen en het selfs die polisie se reflektorbaadjies gedra. Die mense se hande is vasgebind en van die verdagtes het die gewere op hulle bly rig terwyl die res van die verdagtes deur die eienaar van die plot se huis is. Daar is juwele gesteel, die kluis oopgebreek, rekenaars gesteel ens. “Ek is net bly ’n vriendin kon haarself loskry. Ek het toe die kantoordeur oopgeskop. Niemand is beseer nie maar ons is gedreig dat hulle ons gaan seermaak. Ek wil hierdeur mense waarsku om nie altyd te vertrou dat dit polisie is nie, veral omdat die mans gewone klere saam met die reflektorbaadjies gedra het,” het die vrou wat aangeval is gesê.
Nelson Mandela International Day (or Mandela Day) is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each 18 July (on Mandela's birthday). Mandela Day is not meant as a public holiday, but as a day to honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela, South Africa's former President, and his values, through volunteering and community service. Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is: "Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We're asking you to start with 67 minutes. We would be honoured if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation," according to a statement issued on Mandela's behalf.
67 Minutes by ASA Metals Op Mandeladag, het Pikkie Landsberg eienaar van LDR Pets vir LAPSAR hondekos geskenk. Op die foto oorhandig sy die hondekos aan Frik Rousseau, direkteur van LAPSAR. Frik het haar bedank en genoem dat sy baie vir LAPSAR doen. Hy het genoem dat as ons as mense broos is, dink net hoe broos is die diere.
It was an honor for ASA Metals to spend their 67 Minutes of Service at Maputle Secondary School, assisting with cleaning up the school grounds. The program kicked off with the learners singing the National Anthem. A special prayer for Tata Mandela was done by Me R R Kupa. The purpose of the day was explained to the children, and an introductory lecture was done by Mr M O Mashego. The local Councillor Mr, M T Lesinya told the kids more about Nelson Mandela, Father of the Nation. Mr Alfred Masegare from ASA Metals gave his message to the children. All the teachers sang a song to commemorate Madiba. The school principal appreciated the work done by ASA Metals and the local Councillor. Everyone spent their 67 minutes picking up papers on the school grounds.
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~ Dalai Lama
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Nuus / News
ASA Metals makes a difference Longtom SuperSPAR bak in styl ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd experienced a shortage of power supply on its four furnaces after the expansion that has necessitated an additional two Furnaces. Pursuant to the above situation, ASA Metals made an application to Eskom for upgrading of the capacity on the electricity supply. The only available substation then was the Leseding power supply situated at the Baroka ba Mashabela community in Driekop. Although this was an Eskom project to supply electricity to ASA Metals, ASA Metals assisted by also facilitating the acquisition of the Community Resolution as it is required by the Law. Without ASA Metals having intervened, it could have taken too long to obtain the Community Resolution; hence ASA Metals had an Agreement with the Baroka ba Mashabela Community to identify one of their most needed projects - The Water Project. An Agreement was entered into between the Baroka ba Mashabela community and the Company in line with ASA Metals Social Responsibility Initiatives. Hence, the company undertook to assist the community with water supply in honour of their Resolution to allow Eskom without any further delay, to connect electricity from Leseding Substation on the 11th of April 2010. The Community Resolution comprised of among other things such as; Water supply and waste rock supply, the latter was required to close the donga that made it difficult for the school kids to cross during rainy seasons when going to school. The second project was mainly to do with the water supply to the community and through the Leadership of the Honourable Chief Mashabela, and the Ward Councillor, Mr. Nkosi, six boreholes were identified. The company and the Mashabela community agreed that ASA Metals will foot the bills for electricity tariffs for the next twelve months from the inception date. The sixth pump was redirected to a new village section which was not initially agreed upon, hence the delay to relocate with additional costs beyond the budgeted amount of R250 000.00. ASA Metals can safely and proudly report that six pumps in various sections of the village of Baroka ba Mashabela are running in full capacity. ASA Metals, having a concern on the possible contamination of the water for human consumption, and also taking into cognisance that there are other mines operating in the same area, had acquired the services of a Laboratory company to test the water (in terms of boreholes capacity and possible contamination). For all the boreholes tested, only one borehole was reported to have high nitrate levels, and this borehole is not equipped. For all the activities regarding this project, including the testing of water and the results thereof, ASA Metals has made available a report to the Sekhukhune District Municipality for their perusal. As mentioned earlier, ASA Metals had an Agreement to foot the bill on the electricity tariffs for a period of twelve months to allow a smooth transition to the Sekhukhune District Municipality. The footing of the electricity tariff bills was supposed to have ended at the end of August 2012, but realising that the Sekhukhune District Municipality was not ready to take over due to budget constraints, ASA Metals Management extended electricity payments till the end of June 2013, after having made some arrangements with the Director of Infrastructure (Mr. M Machaba of the Sekhukhune District Municipality) who has been very helpful through the transitional arrangements. ASA Metals continued to
Mr Kleinjan du Toit, CEO ASA Metals, The Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Honourable Councillor MD Magabe, MR Moleko Rannona, Human Resources Manager ASA Metals, Mr Adolph Munyai, Company Secretary ASA Metals
Die pragtige verjaardagkoek wat Spar vir Pastoor Zodwa se Uzunzela Wena laat bak het, het vir groot opwinding – en baie foto's – gesorg. Dit was 'n jolige dag by die Marambane-skool in Mashishing met verjaardagvieringe wat van vroegoggend tot laatmiddag aangehou het.
Lydenburg Smelter makes Mandela Day special
The Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Honourable Councillor MD Magabe & Mr Kleinjan du Toit CEO ASA Metals
LYDENBURG Smelter donated an Industrial Dryer (R40,470.00) to Wenakker (see page 5) and Blankets (R14,075.95) to Uzenzela Wena Orphanage in Mashishing. Employees assisted the orphanage by doing Zodwa's daily chores. Health and Safety Representatives cooked soft porridge for breakfast thereafter washed dishes. Then the Wellness Champions for
Lydenburg Smelter cooked lunch, served about 200 children from Marambane, Lesodi and Marifaan Primary School. The children then sang a birthday song for Madiba and our team donated Blankets to those vulnerable. Elzanne Moodie and Johan Van Heerden accompanied the teams who decided to make a difference on Mandela Day. (More photo’s on page 4).
VRYHEIDSFRONT Taking a look at the new pumps. honour the water supply agreement even beyond the agreed period despite the poor economic situation of ASA Metals by ensuring its predetermined imperatives in terms of Social Responsibility Initiatives. The total value of these projects as at the end of June 2013 is R460 496.00. On the 16th of July 2013 an official hand-over ceremony was hosted by the c o m p a n y. T h e S e k h u k h u n e D i s t r i c t Municipality Executive Mayor, Honourable Councillor MD Magabe co-unveiled the Project Board together with Mr Kleinjan du Toit, Chief Executive Officer of ASA Metals. ASA Metal's choir ensured a cheerful atmosphere. Members of the Royal Mashabela family attended, as well as members from the community. Honourable Magane from the Greater Tubatse Municipality appealed upon the community to take ownership of this property and to look after the infrastructure against among other things; vandalism and theft. He also appreciated the co-operation part of this project between Government and the Private Sector. Mr du Toit stated that prosperity will be sowed and nurtured back into the community once the current market situation improves. ASA Metals desire is to grow together with its communities and to help alleviate poverty, and this will only happen when the market conditions improve to the benefit of all our Stakeholders.
Stem vir water en elektrisiteit in Lydenburg
Dr. Pieter Mulder (Adjunk Minister en VF+ Leier)
Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
Tel: 013 235 1035 Fax: 013 235 4107 Swembad Centre, Crn Viljoen & Potgieter St
Frik Rousseau (VF+ Leier, Thaba Chweu)
Elmarie Jansen van Vuuren (Waarnemende Leier)
Rubrieke / Columns
Lydenburg se breien-hekelprojek
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
CHAIRMAINE Tai van Lydenburg het in samekwering met me. Hester van Zijl, MWI Finalis, die behoefte aan komberse in die gemeenskap weereens hierdie jaar aangespreek. Highlands Panorama Nuus het namens die damesgroep op 11 Julie Lydenburg se dames uitgenooi om saam ’n brei-en-hekelprojek aan te pak en sodoende in ’n japtrap warm komberse aanmekaar te slaan. Die blokkies gebrei of gehekel kan 20cmx20cm wees. Die dames wat saamwerk aan die brei-enhekelprojek is Venessa Beytell en Zandra Reinecke. Hulle is verantwoordelik vir die uitsorteer een aanmekaar werk van die komberse, waar Lelanie van Staden van Lallie se Plaaskombuis die hoofversamelpunt van die blokke is. Ons is verbaas oor hoe vinnig en gewillig ons dorp se dames was met die uitbrei van die projek. Ons kan nie genoeg dankie sê vir die dames wat so fluks weggespring het en begin brei en hekel het nie. Ons het binne twee weke ons eerste kombers se blokke ingesamel en Zandra het vinnig begin aanmekaar werk. Dankie aan die dame wat twee klaargebreide abakombersies geskenk het. Ons kan met trots sê Lydenburg het dinamiese dames.
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
AAR was eenmaal 'n jong prins wat die wêreld platgereis het op soek na 'n ware prinses. Nêrens kon hy egter só 'n vrou vind nie en toe gaan hy maar terneergedruk terug na die paleis toe. Maar een stormagtige nag—só word in Hans Christian Andersen se sprokie Die Prinses en die Ertjie vertel, klop 'n jong meisie teen die paleishekke. Sy vra of hulle asseblief vir haar skuiling kan gee. En sy beweer dat sy 'n ware prinses is. Die koningin, wat haar aanspraak betwyfel, sluip die gastekamer binne, stroop die komberse, lakens en matras van die bed af en plaas 'n ertjie heel onder. Daarna stapel sy twintig matrasse op die bed, plus nog twintig dik verekomberse. Die volgende oggend vra die koningin die meisie of sy goed geslaap het. Ag, kla die gas, sy het 'n vreeslike nag agter die rug. 'n Harde klont in die bed het haar die hele nag gepla en haar lyf gekneus. Die verheugde koningin gaan vertel vir haar seun dat slegs 'n ware prinses só 'n delikate vel kan hê. Uiteindelik het hy toe die droomvrou gevind na wie hy die hele tyd gesoek het. Die menslike vel is natuurlik wel hoogs sensitief. En vir die prinses was dit ook nie anders nie. Maar, nou ja, dis darem te dik vir 'n daalder om te wil beweer dat enigiemand 'n ertjie deur 'n hoop matrasse en donskomberse sal kan voel! Voel, hoor en sien. Nie soos 'n prinses nie, maar in die regte lewe. As een van hierdie sintuie van mens weggevat word sal dit verreikende gevolge hê. Verbeel jou jy kan nie sien nie, voel nie, proe nie, ruik nie ens. Jou hele wêreld word vertaal in tasoomblikke. Verskillende dele van die tong het smaakknoppies wat verskillende smaaksensasies waarneem: suur aan die kante, soet in die middel, bitter agter en soet en sout by die punt. Die mens se gevoelsin, of tassin, is sy belangrikste sin sover dit oorlewing aangaan. As die vel sy gevoel verloor, kan die liggaam immers ernstig beseer word. Ons begin al meer in kokonne leef en o, behoede die kieme ens wat ons glo ander oordra, so ons vat nie meer aan mekaar nie. Met opnuutgevestigde lot van weeskinders en mense wat nie soveel voordele soos ons het nie, wonder mens oor watter sintuie mense al verloor het. En dit was nie hul keuse nie. En daar draai my rubriek na keuses uitvoer... en dit is 'n storie op sy eie.
Kuier by die oumas en oupas van die dorp De Villiers Du Plessis en Armand van der Linde, 2 leerders van Laerskool Lydenburg, het besluit om inwoners van Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes te bederf en te help as deel van hul Vrywilligheidsprojek vir die skool. H u l l e h e t Vr y d a g a a n d f l u k s geskenkpakkies opgemaak, wat hul Saterdagoggend uitgedeel het. Daarna het die twee gehelp om vrugte te skil en saam met die mense van Rusoord te kuier. Die ondervinding het die twee laat besef hoe kosbaar oumas en oupas is en dat kinders en kleinkinders gereeld moet gaan kuier.
to the editor
Briew e aan die redakteur
Lelievlei is ’n aanwins vir Lydenburg Uit die Woord From the Word Psalm 36:3: Die goddelose het geen vrees vir God nie en praat net goed oor homself. Vader, beskerm ons teen die goddeloses en die hoogmoediges. Werk met hulle en bring hulle tot bekering Amen.
Die Outoppie
OP Engels sou mens kon sê dat die week “uneventful” was. Die nuus was soos die laaste paar weke gedomineer deur Mandela en 67 minute en sy nasate wat baklei vir glorie en geld. Aasvoëls, die lot. Daar was die Antie met die pers hare wie se man en sy meelopers lewenslank gekry het. Goed om te sien die regstelsel werk nog hier en daar. Maar ek wag nog vir die groot korrupsiesake en toepaslike
Elsje du Plessis van Lydenburg skryf: Na aanleiding van u puik voorbladberig waar Lelievlei se inwoners water aanry vir persone wat nie water gehad het nie. Ons as gemeenskap weet ook dat die inwoners van
Lelievlei in die verlede al vullis weggery het met munisipale stakings en gehelp het om brande in die dorp te blus. Dankie aan die inwonders van Lelievlei en die direkteure Elaine van Staden en Frik Rousseau.
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
straf. Die ANC het weer ’n korrupte Premier ge“redeploy” wat ANC praat is vir skuif hom net uit die kollig, met behoud van salaris en voordele. Wat ’n gemors! In Lydenburg ken ons dit met Burgermeesters en MM’s wat herontplooi word om elders te gaan steel. In die Vrystaat is ’n senior ou gearresteer vir misdaad, maar die Vrystaatse premier weier om hom te skors ten einde nie sy goeie reputasie te beskadig nie. Jy sien! Kan iemand tog in die skole al vir kinders leer dat as jy misdaad pleeg of korrup is, jou reputasie reeds in sy moer in is! Die hardnekkige gebrek aan skaamte en ’n gewete verstaan ek nie. En dit is nie ’n kleur ding nie. Kyk na die konstruksiekartel wat pas ontbloot is. Whiteys met ’n agtergeblewe (swart) front!
Heelwat gesinsmoorde dié week, wat wys dat ons in ’n besonder stresvolle tyd leef. Twee tragiese vliegongelukke. Baie tragiese motorongelukke. Dikwels omdat lisensies “georganise” kan word, vir ’n paar rand natuurlik. Ek ken ’n jong man met ’n bestuurderslisensie wat nog nooit ’n rathefboom kon baasraak nie, wat staan van wegtrek en reguit ry. En die ekonomie bly nukkerig. Gelukkig het mens vriende. Hulle het my laas-week laat saamry op ’n heerlike motorfietsrit. Dan vergeet jy van die gesukkel, die griep en elke ding. Dit is hoekom ek die week 67 minute aan myself bestee het. Ek is ook ’n verdienstelike geval! Baie mooi dinge het ook gebeur, soos dié week se Kletskous. Baie geluk Lydenburg Laerskool en dankie vir die assosiasie. Julle maak ons almal trots. Mooiloop!
Nuus / News
GlencoreXstrata Lydenburg Works helps Wenakker
Wenakker Centre in Lydenburg was the recipient of a new industrial size tumble drier from GlencoreXstrata, Lydenburg Works. It was delivered on Mandela Day, 18 July. The new tumble drier was a much needed item.
(Photo’s also on page 1 and 3) Lydenburg Smelter donated blankets to Uzenzela Wena Orphanage in Mashishing.
The Clinic at Lydenburg Hospital gave out soup and bread on 18 July as part of their 67 Minutes Campaign for Mandela Day. This was a welcome meal for the hundreds of patients that visited the Clinic. A bit of warmth and nourishment made the long wait more bearable. The Hospital would like to thank all the sponsors who made this soup day possible.
• Vrydag 26 en Saterdag 27 Julie. NG Gemeente Lydenburg. Basaar heerlike eetgoed, vermaak vir kinders, vleis, groente, koektafel ander stalletjies. • Saterdag 27 Julie. Sitrusfees. Feesterrein langs N4. Besoek www.sitrusfees.co.za. Optredes onder meer Thys die Bosveldklong. • Saterdag 27 Julie. Wildevy Familiedag by PLM boerdery op die Burgersfort pad. Kindervermaak, Geen koelhouers. Tell 013 231 7498 o f 0 1 3 2 3 1 7 4 9 9 , www.burbande.co.za • Saterdag 3 Augustus. Vanaf 08:00. “Shack vol Drome’ dag by Rooikatpark Lydenburg. R100 per
stalletjie. Lizle Koekemoer, 076 052 @amawheelies.co.za 6 0 7 4 o f e p o s • Vrydag 4 Oktober. Relay for Life, koekemoerlizle@gmail.com Kansa. Hoërskool Lydenburg, stap • Woensdag 7 Augustus. Launch d e u r n a g . K o n t a k : C o n r a d Kansa Relay for Life. Isobel: 084 Langenegger by Longtom Cycle RFL Team Recruiter: 071 890 2915 329 8737. of Isobel: 084 329 8737. • Vrydag 9 Augustus. Fietsrydag vir Vrouens. Inskrywings by Sport Longtom Cycling. 08:30 by Purple • Donderdag 15 Augustus. Gecko. Net vir vroue, Gassanger, Longtom Hengelklub vergader by 9km en 21km. Hester: 083 555 Laramie Spur, Lydenburg. 18:00. Jan Scheepers by 082 940 3432 of 8693. Heleen Dirks by 082 469 8890. • Saturday 7 September. Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. 09:00. • Saterdag 17 Augustus. Sosiale Lydenburg from outside the library Hengeldag. Kwenadam. Jan in Viljoen Street through town. Scheepers by 082 940 3432 of Barry Botes: 079 875 5040, Fax, Heleen Dirks by 082 469 8890. 086 215 2028 barry
Entheos gives for Mandela Day
Wees deel van Basaar by NG Moedergemeente die Voortrekkermonument op 27 Julie
• Op Vrydag 26 en Saterdag 27 Julie hou die NG Moedergemeente, Lydenburg, basaar. Daar sal heerlike eetgoed, vermaak vir kinders, vleis, groente, koektafel, ander stalletjies en ’n paar verrassings wees. Kuier lekker saam soos mens net met ’n basaar kan.
Gretha Wiid Vrydag in Lydenburg
ie Voortrekker Monument is tans besig om 'n databasis te aktiveer vir nuus oor die Monument. Sodra u inligting vasgelê is, sal belangstellendes regdeur die jaar ingelig word oor alle geleenthede en aktiwiteite wat by die Monument plaasvind. Omdat die Monument in 'n natuurreservaat geleë is, bied dit die geleentheid vir 'n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite soos perdry, wildbesigtiging, huweliksbevestigings en 'n piekniekarea en restaurante waar funksies en etes aangebied word. Besoek gerus ook die Facebook bladsy vir alle daaglikse inligting: Voortrekkermonument & natuurreservaat/nature reserve. Hulle wil ook eposadresse nagaan en seker maak dis steeds korrek. Kontak: anet@vtm.org.za Geraldine Paulsen Media- & Kommunikasiebeampte Voortrekkermonument .
ENTHEOS Christian School organises 67 minutes for Mandela Day. The Mandela Day campaign message is simple: Mr Mandela gave 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All that is asked of others is to give 67 minutes of their time, whether it's supporting your chosen charity or serving your local community. Mandela Day is a call to action for individuals – for people everywhere – to take responsibility for changing the world into a better place, one small step at a time, just as Mr Mandela did. The most important objective of Mandela Day is to inspire individuals to take action to help change the world for the better, and in doing so build a global movement for good. Ultimately it seeks to empower communities everywhere. “Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day.” Excerpt from www.mandeladay.com Staff and Children from Gr 0 to Gr 11 participated in Mandela Day on 18th July 2013. Gr 0 – Gr 1 children gave non-perishable items for the CMR, Gr 2 children made and decorated cupcakes and delivered them to Lydenburg Rusoord, enjoying the time spent with the men and ladies from there tremendously. Gr 3-4 children collected trash from various locations around the town, Gr 5-7 children collected dog food and went to LAPSAR to clean cages and play with the dogs after donating what they collected. Gr 8-11 children also made and decorated cupcakes but these were given to men and woman from the Police Force as well as the Prison Services. Thank you to staff and children who took action for change!
Gedurende die 10de Wildevy Gesinsdag op 27 Julie te PLM Boerdery sal daar van SuidAfrika se beste opkomende talent te sien wees.
Zandre Henri Alant As deel van die Kohin Jeugweek tree Gretha Wiid 26 Julie op by die Lewende Woord Lydenburg vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00. ’n Donasie van R100 word gevra vir die oggendtee. Vir meer inligting skakel Venessa: 072 599 2914 of Jeanette: 076 979 8297.
Die program 19:00 Zandre 20:00 Henri Alant 21:00 Quentin Prinsloo 22:30 Henri Alant 23:00 Handre
Promosie / Promotion
Nuus / News
Groei, vooruitgang in dorp...vrae word beantwoord Huizemark Eiendomme sê: Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Agente wat hulle kan vertrou, wat professioneel is en opgelei is om kopers te begelei met een van die grootste besluite in hul finansiële bestaan. Geregistreede Eiendomsagente is spesifiek opgelei om voornemede kopers by te staan met moeilike transaksies en om hulle finansiële en persoonlike belange te beskerm. Dit is belangrik om jou kliënt se behoeftes te verstaan en vir jou kliënt eiendomme te wys wat in hulle prysklas val en aan hulle behoeftes voldoen. Verder verwag jou kliënte onverdeelde aandag van jou,
asook goeie pryse. Dit is belangrik vir eiendomsagente om die ekstra myl saam met hulle kliënte te loop. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Wanneer 'n kliënt een van sy grootste bates aankoop het jy die leiding nodig van 'n professionele, opgeleide eiendomsagent wat al die slaggate in die eiendomsmark ken om kopers sowel as verkopers daarteen te beskerm. n Goeie eiendomsagent sal 'n professionele kontrak opstel om die verhuurder en huurder se belange te beskerm en gereeld die kontrak se terme en voorwaardes op te volg. Dit gee die verhuurder / verkoper en huurder / koper gemoedsrus om te weet dat daar 'n opgeleide, professionele eiendomsagent is wat na sy belange omsien en seker te maak dat 'n uitstekende diens gelewer word. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Diens diens diens. Kliëntediens wat ons kliënte se verwagtinge sal oortref is ons leuse. Eerlikheid, vertroue en 'n 24/7 diens aan ons kliënte. Agentskap: Huizemark Eiendomme, Viljoenstraat 98, Lydenburg. Tel: 013 235 1335 Epos Adres: lydenburg@huizemark.com
Du Nel Eiendomme sê:
ERA Real Estate sê:
Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? “n Goedgeboude huis met netjiese afwerking, goeie ligging en wat aan die kliënt se behoeftes voldoen. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Agente weet waarna om te kyk. Hulle gaan die eiendom behoorlik deur en kyk na gebreke, prysverhouding en moontlike herverkoopwaarde. Agente het verwysings om lenings te bekom. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Met sewentien jaar se ondervinding ken ons by Du-Nel Eiendomme die op en af van die mark en areas waarin belê kan word. Ons ken baie mense en eiendomseienaars en lewer ‘n persoonlike diens aan die kliënt. Ons is altyd beskikbaar en nie kantoorure gebonde nie. Agentskap:Du-Nel Eiendomme. Tel: 013 235 2622 / 082 896 3908 / 082 462 7723 Adres: Buhrmannstr 32, Lydenburg
Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Voornemende kopers is altyd op soek na waarde vir geld. Tans is daar heelwat wat op soek is na 'n goeie belegging en afspringplek vir 'n goeie gesonde ervaring in die eiendomsmark. Die meerderheid is op soek na eiendom onder R1 000 000. Veiligheid is 'n groot faktor (hoe veilig is dit om daar te bly, alarm, veiligheidskompleks, omheining, diefwering), die hoeveelheid instandhouding wat die huis verg (siersteen of verf, grootte van die tuin) en of die huis / meenthuis troeteldier vriendelik of nie. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Dis belangrik om die regte agent te kies, dis die duurste belegging wat gedoen word in die kortste tyd. Kry 'n agent waarmee jy gemaklik is, 'n ERA agent natuurlik, wat eerlik, professioneel is en leiding sal verskaf deur die hele proses. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Ons is eerlik, opreg, vriendelik en elke kliënt word deel van ons ERA familie vir altyd. Agentskap: ERA Real Estate. Tel: 013 235 2005. Epos Adres: lydenburg@era.co.za
Nuus / News
UFO Furnishers always there for you
Back: Seun Skosana (Branch Manager), David Modisha (Sales), Simon Mamabolo (Sales). Front: Rina Malapane (Sales)
UFO Furnishers opened their store in the Tubatse Mall Burgersfort, and with their wide variety of high end furniture, home accessories and paintings you know you get your money’s worth. You will see for yourself that the finishings are of a high quality and do not cost an arm and a leg. It looks exclusive and expensive. They do not give credit but lay-buys are accepted, which helps a lot and they do have credit card facilities for their customers. The sales persople and manager are very helpful, friendly and they go the extra mile for their clients. Advice is free and they try to assist everybody with every enquiry or purchase. Feel free to visit them or contact them at 013 231 7622.
y Jade Art & Framing Lydenburg, kry jy hierdie unieke rame. Ou staalplafonne is herwin van huise en hierdie rame is daarvan gemaak. Jy kry verskeie groottes en kleure. Ons het foto’s van vervloë tyd in sepia laat druk en vir Rina by Jade Art & Framing geneem waar sy hulle uitgesny en met kleur bord omraam het. Nie een van die rame lyk dieselfde nie en jou foto’s kry ’n ekstra stukkie geskiedenis by. Besoek Jade Art & Framing gerus of kontak hulle by 013 235 1241.
Joubert Str 15, Lydenburg mcpbricks@gmail.com Ryno - 071 676 9788 013 235 1488
Prices valid from Thursday 25 July 2013 up to and including 1 August 2013 or While Stock Last All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.
Development in Lydenburg Lydenburg Eiendomme skryf: Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Met die ekonomie wat dit tans is, soek kliënte meer huis vir minder prys. Almal draai sente om en alhoewel daar mense is wat die doen dit jouself projekte wil aanpak is hulle in die minderheid want met genoemde projekte moet daar weereens geld uitgelê word. Sindelike muurkleure, teels in wit, room of liggrys is veilige opsies om jou eiendom mee in die mark te sit. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? 'n Voornemende koper kan met 'n geruste hart en sonder enige bekommernis van 'n eiendomsagent gebruik maak. Maak gebruik van 'n goed gekwalifiseerde agent wat al die nuutste eksamens afgelê het en genoeg kennis besit van die area, is die beste besluit ooit wat 'n koper kan maak. Die koper word ingelig oor al die inligting wat nodig is om te weet, tydens besluitneming om 'n huis te koop. Die agent beskik oor inligting watter eiendomme te koop is, die koper die beste sal
pas en natuurlik in die prysklas wat die koper kan bekostig d.m.v. kwalifisering van die koper se finansiële posisie. Met die ondertekening van die aanbod, die maak van teenaanbiedinge tussen die koper en verkoper, die verkryging van 'n lening, die voortdurende kontak tussen die agent en die o o r d r a g p r o k u r e u r, w o r d ' n g r o o t beslommernis en bekommernis vir die koper uigeskakel. Die belangrikste van alles is dat die agent volgens die "Raad van Eiendomsaangeleenthede" se reëls en regulasies moet handel. Is dit nie genoeg redes om 'n kommissie te betaal aan 'n goed gekwalifiseerde agent wat altyd na die beste van sy / haar vermoëns, vir die koper intree tydens die koopproses nie? Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Lydenburg Eiendomme lewer professionele diens en advies met integriteit. Agentskap: Lydenburg Eiendomme Te l : 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 8 6 . E p o s a d r e s : lydenburgprop@worldonline.co.za
Pam Golding skryf: Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Waarde vir geld! 'n Sak-pas eiendom wat by hul behoeftes pas en op die lang termyn 'n belegging sal wees waarop hulle sal kan terugval. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Om 'n eiendom aan te skaf is nie soos kruideniersware koop nie – dis seker een van die grootste uitgawes wat jy in jou lewe sal aangaan, en 'n besluit wat jou lewenskwaliteit en jou sak die meeste gaan raak. Deur seker te maak dat jy met 'n kundige, geregistreerde en gekwalifiseerde agent werk, kry jy nie net professionele hulp en diens nie, maar ook wetlike beskerming teen wanpraktyke en geldverlies. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Die Pam Golding-handelsmerk staan vir integriteit en mens-vriendelike diens. Die groep het 'n internasionale netwerk van gekwalifiseerde eiendomsagente met 'n webwerf wat eienaars, kopers en huurders wêreldwyd lok. Overseas Property Professional en International Property Awards het Pam Golding in 2012 aangewys as die Beste Eiendomsagentskap in Afrika en Suid-Afrika. Agentskap: Pam Golding Eiendomme, Lydenburg. Tel: : 013 235 1146 Epos Adres: lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za
Deo Volente skryf: Our promise
Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Kliënte kyk waar hulle waarde vir hul swaarverdiende geld kan kry en of die plek voorsien in hulle behoeftes. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Sekuriteit - die agent maak die kliënt atend op al die “slaggate” en die agent doen al die werk. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Eerlikheid en uitstekende diens is ons leuse. Agentskap: Deo Volente Eiendomme Tel:013 235 1102. Epos Adres:deovolprops@lantic.net
Marula Eiendomme sê Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Daar is verskeie aspekte wat 'n rol speel in 'n voornemende koper se beluit voor hy / sy 'n eiendom koop nl: Prysklas waarvoor hy kwalifiser, persentasie deposito vereies deur bank, spesifieke behoeftes, ligging en veiligheid is noodsaaklik. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Tyd - Nie almal het tyd om hul droomhuis te gaan soek nie en met 'n eiendomsagent se hulp wys hulle jou wat jy kan kry vir jou behoeftes sowel as finansiële posisie. Kennis - Agente is kenners in hul mark en help jou om vas te stel of 'n eiendom bo die gemiddelde prys is vir 'n spesifieke area. Hulle help jou ook om jou huis op sy beste te vertoon vir voornemende kopers en sodoende jou huis vinniger te verkoop of verhuur. Agente bemark ook jou eiendom in plaaslike koerante, tydskrifte, uitsaaimedia en internet om soveel moontlike potensiële kopers te lok. Hulle doen al die wetlike aspekte en nodige dokumentasie en dit verminder jou risiko vir lokvalle. Voor jy egter 'n Eiendomsagent aanstel maak seker hulle is geregistreerd en geloofwaardig. Eiendomsagente kan onderhandel sodat die ooreenkoms vir beide die koper en verkoper in die kortste moontlike tyd te beklink. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Marula Eiendomme vorm 'n spesiale band met elke kliënt wat by hul kantoor instap en almal word met warmte en vriendelikheid verwelkom. Elke kliënt word hier 'n spesiale vriend. Agentskap: Marula Eiendomme. Tel:013 235 4890 / 082 776 9347 / 082 775 6370 Epos Adres: marulaproperties @lantic.net
Nuus/ News
Local Economic Development Welcome back to the world of LED! In the first two articles, we have taken an in depth look at what the definition of LED is, who the role players are and then we went on to taking a serious look at the first steps to be taken before any LED project commences. Now that you have probably completed the first step as I mentioned previously – taking an in depth look at in-house policies, budgets, levels of knowledge and involvement by senior management and also scrutinizing current and completed projects, we need to, as a next step, look into all people involved. To assure a high standard of project management and completion, we need the right people on the bus. And the ones who have hidden agendas or who are not 110% committed to the cause OFF the bus. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping a tight rein on the involvement of all parties and their representatives involved. 1. In-House: As implementing/contributing company, you need a person/people with the right skills. There are many qualifications out there that are related to LED but there is no qualification that can fully prepare a person for LED implementation/coordination. There are however skills that are essential such as project management and keeping to deadlines as well as a drive towards excellence, financial acumen, negotiating skills, knowing ALL legislation and guidelines related to LED, not being afraid to get your hands dirty (strange things come across the path of a LED manager) and lastly a willingness to learn as you go along by reading (if you know little about the various projects, asking a hundred questions to people like engineers and listening to learn, is essential), attending workshops and learning from your mistakes. 2. The Municipality: The municipality should not just be the leaders in the LED scenario, but the CHEER leaders. This person should, apart from having the qualification as required by the establishment for the position of Municipal LED Manger, also be a negotiator of note (it is his/her responsibility to negotiate with, when compiling the IDP, the affected communities – and to discern between what are really priorities and what not, the Municipal Manger and Mayor right through to the contributing companies). This person must be a pedantic personality to assure detailed monthly reports to keep record of progress made – or not! It is of course essential that this person be knowledgeable about all legislation related to the SLPs, DTI scorecard and other relevant guidelines distributed by government departments and global leaders in the LED field such as the World Bank. 3. The Effected Communities: For the contributing/implementing company, the involvement of the communities and in the process, involving the correct people or community bodies, is crucial to implementing the right projects. With this involvement it is important to remember that involving your communities is mainly through assisting them in attending the IDP meetings with the municipality and assuring that all voices are heard, noted and recorded. To give in to the pressures of meeting with community leaders in person and then even worse, to implement a project that is not part of the IDP will certainly open Pandora's Box. CSI projects are birds of a different color and although it is also wise to rely on the IDP for identification of those projects, consulting with e.g. the school principals or leaders of other bodies such as the disabled, can do no harm. Maybe it sounds to you as if you will never get round to implementing the actual projects but hold faith, when proper and thorough preparation has been done on all levels, implementation will be easier and successful! Until next time, Charlaine Joubert, 082 337 6531
Quick Sell Realty sê:
RE/MAX writes:
Waarna kyk voornemende kopers? Met die eiendomsmark wat so aktief is, is kopers opsoek na 'n winskoop, waarna hy self op sy koste die eiendom n a s y b e h o e f t e k a n v e r b e t e r, alternatiewelik is die koper opsoek na 'n eiendom wat aandag of restourasie nodig het vir 'n bepaalde prysklas. Gepaard met dit kyk kopers na area, ligging en sekuriteit van eiendom. Hoekom is dit beter om deur 'n eiendomsagent te werk? Eiendomsagente word opgelei om advies te gee in die eiendomsmark en om transaksies professioneel te fasiliteer inaggenome relevante wetgewing en dorpsordinansies. Die voornemende koper word blootgestel aan verskeie opsies wat vir hom beskikbaar is en ontvang daarmee saam advies op finansiering, waarna hy gevolglik'n ingeligte besluit kan neem. Wat maak julle agentskap uniek t.o.v. verkope en verhurings? Die prinsipale van die eiendomsagentskap beskik oor spesialis regskennis ten opsigte van residensiële eiendomsverkope en verhuring asook kommersiële transaksies. Ons agente beskik oor jare lange ondervinding in die plaaslike eiendomsbedryf. Kliënte ontvang 'n een-stop diens vir die strukturering van die transaksie, die kontraksluiting en die verkryging van finansiering – alles wat sy droom 'n werklikheid kan maak. Agentskap: Quick Sell Realty. Tel: 013 235 4575 / 072 155 0761. Epos Adres: S t e p h a n i e @ q s r e a l t y. c o . z a / admin@qsrealty.co.za
What homebuyers are looking for in a property? Most buyers will only look at homes in their particular price range. Buyers Compare by looking at Four Main Factors: · Area · Accommodation · Condition · Price Why is it to your advantage to choose to work with an estate agent? An estate agent is a professional in the property market and has extensive knowledge of local market conditions and choosing a reputable estate agent is of vital importance. It is important to remember that agents from larger, reputable agencies offer the backing, experience, considerable marketing benefits and access to a bigger database of potential buyers that only a large company can offer. Why RE/MAX is unique? It is a fact that nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX! The reason for that is shortly as follows: · We are the Hometown Experts with a World of Experience. · Quality service · Training of our agents through the RE/MAX University. · Our agents have honesty, integrity, knowledge and experience. Tel: 013 235 2653. Email:remaxwin@lantic.net
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
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(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Tips for buying a pre-owned bike EARLIER in 2013, I ran a column about the pitfalls and what you really ought to look out for when contemplating buying a second-hand car. In July, I turn my focus to purchasing a motorcycle. The caveats remain, but the end result should ensure legal, reliable and safe ownership. I recently came across a tatty little notebook of mine found in an old motorcycle jacket. Inside were guidelines about how to buy a good used bike, albeit some time ago when my garage was full of them, from a classic Velocette Venom to a Suzuki water buffalo and many others. Each and every bike had been through that checklist before ending up at my place. I’d like to share some of the pointers with you to ensure a sound deal takes place. Firstly, and this may not seem obvious, heading towards spring as we are now is actually the perfect time to buy – once the warm weather arrives prices definitely seem to go up. 1 Paintwork - Check all painted parts carefully. Look for rust on metal parts and for cracks on plastic items. Side panels often have missing mountinglugs. 2 Chromed bits - Again look for rust. Chromed mudguards are particularly troublesome as they rot from the inside. 3 Wheels and tyres – Check for loose spokes, buckled / damaged wheels and the rims should be free from corrosion. Check tyres for remaining tread life, always a good bargaining tool if they’ve seen better days. verification that the bike has been paid for and all the licence and ownership 4 Wheel bearings - Grasp the tyre and try to rock the wheel on its spindle. If papers are up to date. At the same time check that engine and frame there’s excessive “play” this could be a sign of a bike that’s been neglected. numbers match the paperwork. If they don’t, walk away. 5 Brakes - Discs can score badly and are expensive to replace, but more This shouldn’t present a problem to a genuine seller. You don’t want a stolen importantly check for cracks and determine existing brake-pad life. bike that’s going to be repossessed, do you? 6 Forks - These should move freely without leaking. Check for straightness, Author: DAVE FALL - Wheels24.co.za if they’re slightly bent it could be a sign of repair damage. Look for pitted stanchions, split boots and gaiters. ED: Next week we will tell you how to maximise price when you are the seller. 7 Rear suspension – Inspect the suspension in a similar fashion to the forks. You should make sure there’s plenty of damping. The condition of these components will reveal how well the bike has been looked after. 8 Chains and sprockets - Unless it’s one with shaft drive, check these parts carefully. Never confuse a loose chain with a worn one. If the chain lifts off the rear sprocket and exposes the teeth you are going to need a new rear chain and sprockets. Sadly these are never a cheap purchase. 9 Exhaust - These items are costly and will always show signs of a road tumble, no matter how slight. Beware of after-market silencers unless top quality (Yoshimura, etc). 10 Seat - Seat pans rot especially around the hinges. Check that the base and covers are sound and there’s no sign of tears. 11 E l e c t r o n i c s - C h e c k t h a t everything works; indicators should flash even at low revs if the battery is in good condition. Has the wiring harness been tampered with or showing cracks in the headstock area? Good auto electricians are hard to come by. 12 Modifications - Many bikes have modifications, consider if they suit you and always check how well they’ve been done, especially regarding handlebar / fairing replacements. Last but not least, be sure to ask for
Terms and conditions apply
Hyundai Lydenburg
Motorfietsrit na Josefsdal OP Sondag 14 Julie het 16 mense, twee motors en agt motorfietse (sewe BMW’s en een Yamaha), vroeg by die Heads bymekaar gekom en die pad gevat Josefdal toe. Die pretmotorfietsrit is deur Chris en Elsa Liebenberg gereël en ons is saam. Ma en Andrea in die Corsa en ek op die enigste Yamaha. Die groep het om halfagt die Longtompas gevat en tot by Crossings in Nelspruit, vir ’n vinnige “pitstop” gery. Oor die berg was dit koel en die son in ons oë het bietjie gepla. Gelukkig is deesdae se fietsryklere goed in uiterste koue en die fietse se handgrepe het verhitting. Vanaf Crossing was dit uit Nelspruit met die mooi herboude pad af na Barberton. Hilltop af se draaitjies is baie skerp en mens moet stadig daar af en lig op die remme wees. By Barberton het ’n paar ouens volgemaak en ons is deur die dorp, by die privaathospitaaltjie verby en berg op, Josefsdal (Swaziland / Piggs Peak) se kant toe. Die eerste paar kilometer van dié pad begin ook uitmekaar val en daar is groot slaggate en dele waar die teer wegspoel. Versigtigheid is die sleutelwoord. By Shiyalongubu dam verby, loop die teerpad met bykans 200 skerp draaitjies tot by die grenspos, waar Elsa vir ons ’n heerlike middagete / piekniek aangelê het (dit is in Matilda se Corsa aangery). Na Josefsdal het ons omgedraai en is terug na Barberton, nadat ons verskeie kere stilgehou het om die pragtige berge van Mountainlands en Songimvelo te bewonder. ’n Paar ouens het brandstof gegooi en ons het afgedraai rigting Kaapmuiden deur die De Kaap Vallei en oor Louws Creek. Net voor die N4 het ons links gedraai en in plaas van deur die poort op die N4, is ons oor die berg op die Boulders / Mara pad, wat weer naby Nelspruit by die N4 aansluit. Op Nelspruit het ons by Brewers Feast (by die tarentaalkruising) gaan eet en ek het vir die eerste keer brandstof ingegooi. Totale afstand vir die dag was 428 kilometer. Tydsduur ingesluit al die stoppe was 9 ure. Brandstofverbruik op my Tenere was 23,6 kilometer per liter, wat heelwat beter was as op die vorige Tenere. Die groep het mooi gery en hulle spoed was so dat ons met Tom se 650 en my 660 kon byhou. Baie dankie aan Chris en Elsa en al die ander mense vir aangename geselskap en ’n wonderlike dag. ’n Woord van waarskuwing aan ander “bikers” wat die roete wil ry: As gevolg van die baie kort draaie en bergpasse kan jy nie jaag nie en jy moet dit kalm vat. Wees ook verseker dat dié roete jou lyfie laat werk en dat jy lekker moeg sal wees as jy tuis kom. Groete tot volgende keer. Andre Coetzee.
Ons toets die Nissan NV200 Combi bussie ONS het so ’n paar weke gelede in hierdie blaaie berig oor die nuwe Nissan NV200 en NV300 paneelwaens. Wel, hierdie week toets ons die eerste NV200 sewesitplek bussie. Hierdie is ’n kompakte 1600cc bussie en ding waarskynlik mee met die VW Caddy en die Toyota Avanza. Binne en buite is die Nissan aantreklik en goed toegerus. Daar is ses lugsakke, stabiliteitsbeheer, die normale ABS met EBD, 12 stoorplekkies, USB in vir die dubbel DIN radio / CD, wat goed klink, ritrekenaar, Bloutand en multifunksie stuurwiel. Daar is skuifdeure weerskante en die agterdeur maak groot oop. Beide middelste en agterste sitplekke kan opvou, wat baie pakplek laat. Die instrumentpaneel het net een groot klok vir snelheid, maar daar is etlike waarskuliggies vir ander funksies en die ritrekenaar kan gestel word om ’n toereteller en brandstof te wys. Daar is die gebruiklike afstand tot volgende hervul, ritmeters en brandstofverbruik. Die paneeltjie dui ook optimum ratverwisseling met ’n pyltjie aan om ekonomies te ry. Agter die sonskerms is gleufies vir padkaarte en ander dokumente en daar is ’n gleufie op die paneelbord vir jou petrolkaart. Vensters is elektries, daar is lugversorging, elektriese buitespieëls en sentrale sluit. Die bussie is in sewe kleure te kry. Die enjin is die 1.6 petrol, met spesifikasie soortgelyk aan die van Tiida. Dit maak 81kW en 153Nm se wringkrag en is gekoppel aan ’n vyfspoed ratkas wat presies oorskakel met ’n lekker kort kierie. Die stuurwiel is lekker klein en kan op en af stel. Stuur is redelik direk en die draaisirkel is kort. Dit sal baie lekker en rats wees in die dorp of stad, maar dit hou jou redelik besig op die oop pad. Van oop pad gepraat, die bussie hol goed en kan gemaklik toer teen 140 km/u. Teen Laske Nakke se bult op het dit maklik 120 km/u gehandhaaf in vyfde. Die gewillige enjin is doodstil, selfs teen hoë spoed. Dit draai sowat 4500 opm teen 150 in vyfde. Die rit sonder passasiers en vrag is ferm en effe hobbelrig op ons swak paaie, maar die bestuurdersitplek is baie gerieflik. Ek hou van die vlakke van toerusting en wat jou gebied word teen die prys. Kritiek? Nie veel nie. Ek sou hou van smukspieëltjies in die sonskerms en die agterste ruite maak nie oop nie, maar die lugversorging werk goed en vergoed daarvoor. Ek dink dit is ’n uitstekende kopie om te dien as mamma se taxi en selfs vir ’n gesin wat net een voertuig soek. Met die alooiwiele lyk die bussie veral goed in rooi of blougroen. Gaan kyk gerus daarna. Andre Coetzee.
House of the week Loaded with character: This lovely home takes one back to old time values and consists of a Lounge, Dining area, 2 TV rooms and a Study. Lovely open-plan kitchen that will make cooking a pleasure. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms. Wooden and tiled floors. For all the family gatherings you will find a Lapa with built-in braai. Double garage. PLUS a spacious 1 bedroom flat.
So le
M an da te
Situated only a block from the High School in a soughtafter area. Price. R1 550 000.00 Don't regret, make an appointment today to view this prime property! RE/MAX Winners. Office: 013 235 2653.: Jacques: 082 710 5603, Schasta: 083 693 7525, Marietjie: 071 513 4299
Lydenburg R1 750 000
Lydenburg R1 250 000
Lydenburg R850 000
Warm and sunny home offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan living area with fire place and a study. Swimming pool, established garden, fully fenced. Double garage and alarm.
Make this property your own. Consist of 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living area with fire place. Very big garden with swimming pool, garage and 2 carports. Situated in quiet area.
Newly renovated corner stand property ! Office: 013 235 2005 / lydenburg@era.co.za
Newly renovated. Just bring your furniture and move in! Excellent location close to schools. 4 Bedrooms with built-in-cupboards, 2 bathrooms, fitted open-plan kitchen and 2 laundries. Lounge, dining room, tv room and outside Entertainment area. Secured with wall and palisades. Double garage. NO TRANSFER DUTIES PAYABLE
Jacques van Baalen : 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653
Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525 RE/MAX Winners: 013 235 2653
Jacques van Baalen : 082 710 5603 RE/MAX Winners : 013 235 2653
FANIE 072 317 3959
The Property Shop In the case of sickness you call the doctor
RENTALS : Anton 082 898 5272 *1 slaapkamers woonstel Water ingesl: @ R 3300 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer meenthuis 2 badkmrs, motorhuis @ R6500 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer meenthuis,3 bad kamer, water ingesl @ R6600 / mnd *3 Slaapkamer ruim huis, 2 m/h groot erf @ R7900 / mnd *5 Slaapkamer huis,5 motorhuise en baie ekstras @R19 400 / mnd *5 Slaapkamer woonhuis, plus studeerkmr @ R12 200 / mnd
R2 690 000 Drasties verlaag Te veel om te noem in die beperkte spasie: Woonhuis op 5700m² erf in die dorp.
Verskeie eiendomme te koop www.deovolprops.co.za Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net, Www.facebook.com/deovolprops
In the case of Property you call ME
074 589 0204 Henry Smith VERKOPE
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
Ona Venter : 082 898 5272
Leefstyl Landgoed-vergadering Dinsdag 30 Julie
ie Bishops Leefstyl-Landgoed van Sterkspruit Estates is aan die rol – en dit gons onder Lydenburgers wat meer wil weet. Die goeie nuus is dat die beloofde opvolg-vergadering op Dinsdag 30 Julie om 18:00 weer in die NG Suid-saal gehou gaan word. Na die vorige vergadering was die versoek dat 'n volgende inligtingsvergadering na werktyd gehou moet word, sodat werkendes ook kan kom uitvind hoe die beplande ontwikkeling daar gaan uitsien. Sterkspruit se argitekte het gewoel om die konsep-planne verder aan te pas en daar sal ook meer duidelikheid wees oor die uitleg van die t e r r e i n e n tydsbeplanning. Volgens Pam Golding se bemarker, Gerda Whitehorn, gaan die mees algemene vrae van belangstellendes oor prys en wanneer die eenhede gereed sal wees. Die ontwikkelaars, Martiens van der
Merwe en Dave Hinton van Sterkspruit Estates, doen hul bes om soveel moontlik van die vrae te beantwoord – maar uit die aard van die saak hang die prys grootliks af van die infrastruktuur-kostes en die argiteksplanne. Konsultant Eben Muller sal ook weer beskikbaar wees om vrae te beantwoord. Belangstellendes sal op Woensdagoggend om 09:00 by die span kan aansluit om die terrein bo in Sterkspruit van nader te bekyk. Vir meer inligting of om nog name op die databasis te voeg, skakel met Gerda Whitehorn by 079 515 7799 of gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za.
Pam Golding vir Mandeladag
Gerda Whitehorn (Pam Golding), konsultant Eben Muller en Sterkspruit Estates se Martiens van der Merwe
LINKS: Die Pam Golding-span het op Mandela-dag vir Pastoor Zodwa gaan help kos maak vir Mashishing se hawelosekinders. By die gesellige geleentheid was Ronnie Nonyane en Pieter Pieterse van Pam Golding, Mahoe Mapheto van Xstrata se Lydenburg Werke, Zodwa Hlatshwayo.
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 PRYS VERLAAG! DUBBELVERDIEPING GELEë TE STERKSPRUIT ESTATES Erfgrootte 505m². 3 Slk, hoofslk met groot balkon, 2 badk, oopplan komb, sit- en eetk, gastetoilet, onderdak braaiearea. Dubbelm/h, omhein
TE HUUR: • 1 x 3 Slk wonings R6 400, • 1 x Luuks R9 500. Luukse w/s R7 200 • Plaashuis ± 12km op Dullstroompad R7 300 krag en water ingesluit. TE KOOP: • 3 Slk woning met houtvloere, sitkamer, woonkamer, eetkamer, netjiese kombuis, wask, 1 badk. R945 000 • 4 Slk woning, 2 badk, ruim sit, tv, eetk, netjiese komb aprte opwas/wask, kantore(w/stel) 3 motorhuise met afdakke, buitekamers, boorgat, geleëlektrifiseerde omheining ens. R2.2 milj • 3 Slk woning, boomryke tuin, swembad, koidam, braai en nog baie meer. R2.4 milj • 5 Slk woning met 3 badkamers (borrelbad in h/slk) sitk met kaggel, tv, eetk, kiaatkombuiskaste, sauna, groot kantore, 2 motorhuise, boorgat, swembad, lapa, palisade plus buitekamers, ekstra 3 motorhuise. R2,650 milj • 3 Slk wonings, uniek, 2 badk, sitk, braaiarea, netjiese kombuis met spens, 2 motorhuise plus afdak vir 2 motors. R1,570 milj
Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 admin@qsrealty.co.za / 013 235 4575
R 995 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
Nuut gebou
EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES TE HUUR Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis met groot oopplan leefarea & patio met ingeboude braai, in Sterkspruit. R9 500 pm “WAREHOUSES” TE HUUR Van 200-400m² wat wissel tussen R30-R50 per m² Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Waarde vir geld Vier slaapkamer huis met twee badkamers plus studeerkamer in stil area, koolstoof, koi dam met visse, wendy huis, dubbel motorhuis. Een slaapkamer woonstel wat huurinkomste genereer.
Wees eerste eienaar van die 184m² drie slaapkamer huis in Sekuriteits Ontwikkeling met twee badkamers, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis, spens, bediende toilet, stoep met braai area, dubbel motorhuis met elektriese Meranti houtdeure.
R1 270 000 R1 200 000
TE HUUR Verskeie kantore & besigheids persele te huur. 3 Slp meenthuis twee badkamers @ R8 000 3 Sslaapkamer dubbel verdieping huis @ R8 800 Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit @ R9 900 3 Slaapkamer huis met studeerkamer te huur naby Laerskool @ R11 000
Lorraine Stols van Pam Golding, Nelly Ngwamba, Tshepo Themba en Simangele Mkhonto van GlencoreXstrata se Lydenburg Werke help klere uitsoek by Uzunzela Wena op Mandela-dag.
Vakante betrekking: Verkoopsagent / Verhuringsagent * Eie vervoer * Tweetalig * Ondervinding in verkope is nodig Goeie kommissie struktuur
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
Nuus / News
The Persistent Legend of the Kruger Millions
he story of the Kruger Millions is a legend that refuses to die, although history has (supposedly) disproved the existence of the treasure; searchers are however still hunting for the elusive treasure. The Anglo-Boer war and events at the time gave rise to the legend of this golden hoard, which many firmly believed lies buried somewhere in the Lowveld. When the British occupied Pretoria on June 5, 1900, Lord Alfred Milner established that gold to the value of approximately £800 000 (much more than R8-million in todays's terms, but bear in mind that the price of gold has gone up manyfold since 1900) had been removed from the S A Mint and National Bank between May 29 and June 4, 1900. Gold to the value of £2,5-million was confiscated from gold mines and, according to documentary proof, £1 294 000 was removed from the S A Mint and National Bank. Gold to the value of about £2 million had disappeared! Milner did everything in his power to find the gold but rumours began to circulate that the gold was buried somewhere and this fired the imagination of many, including that of the writer, Gustav Preller. Armed with a pistol, he dramatically commandeered a mule wagon in Sunnyside. That night one load of gold was transported by the mule wagon, and four loads by a horse cab, to a waiting train on Pretoria station. In the Preller collection, in the State Archives in Pretoria, there is a typed copy of the article in which Preller says: “I think it was on 28 May 1900, because on 31May I left Pretoria. Let's say it was 28 May. In any case it does not seem that the precise date is important now”. The precise date is indeed important, as it is a historic fact that the gold was removed on June 4, 1900, a day before the British forces occupied Pretoria. In his “Memoirs of the Boer War”, General J C Smuts said the British forces had progressed as far as Six Mile Spruit on June 4, 1900, just outside of Pretoria. Here the Boer forces resisted the British, to keep them from entering Pretoria, so that there was enough time to remove the money and gold which belonged to the government, as well as a large amount of
ammunition and a number of cannons, that were still in Pretoria. The removal of the money and gold belonging to the government from the National Bank was Smuts' specific responsibility. Ernest Meyer, Master of the Mint in 1900, was involved in the removal of the money and gold from Pretoria. On October 25, 1949, as a result of what Preller wrote, Meyer drew up a document in which the removal of the money and gold on June 4, 1900, is described. In Meyer's version of the events General Smuts, who was State Attorney at that time, was left behind in command at Pretoria, while the government head-quarters moved quietly and almost unobserved to Machadodorp. On June 2, the British forces were approaching Pretoria from the South. The mint was still in operation and, as was usual, was closed on Saturday June 2. He was amazed that no preparations had been made for the removal of the gold. The British would enter Pretoria within the next few days and Meyer reported this to Jules Perrin, head of the mint. Perrin's answer was that he had not received any instructions to remove the gold and that they would have to submit to the authorities whoever they might be. The British occupation was imminent. On the Sunday the sound of cannon fire could be heard, and on Monday morning June 4 reports were received of fighting at Six Mile Spruit. The staff at the mint started the day at the usual hour of 07:00 and Perrin distributed the metal to the different departments for processing. Perrin and the office staff then went home to return at 09:00, while the technical staff continued working. During Perrin's absence, Meyer took the opportunity to warn the smelter and purifier not to proceed with the processing of the gold, but to await the directions of the State Attorney. Everyone at the mint was willing to co-operate as they were also at a loss to understand Perrin's inexplicable behaviour. Meyer proceeded to General Smuts' home in Sunnyside and informed him of the situation. In shocked tones he exclaimed “What, has the gold not been taken away?” He told Meyer to return to the mint immediately and to await him there. Smuts arrived at the mint just before 9 am and after a few words to Perrin and Hugo, the National Bank manager, Smuts ordered the gold to be collected, weighed, recorded and made ready for despatch to the Pretoria station. The weighing and recording of the gold took time and consisted of gold bars, unprocessed gold and approximately 100 000 Kruger pounds to the value of £ 750 000. At 12:00 all was in readiness and the gold loaded into the train's baggage compartment. The train arrived at Machadodorp at 02:00 where Kruger was residing. Commandant General Meindert Noome, Chief Clerk to the Auditor General, took over from Meyer. Noome left a diary in which he had noted clearly and carefully in detail, that on August 31,1900 the gold was handed over to a German firm, Wilken and Ackerman, in Lourenco Marques (Maputo). There were 62 cases of gold and this firm credited the account of the
government of the Republic for the full value. However, now the plot thickens ! Apart from the account of the gold from the mint being loaded, there was supposed to be gold bullion in bar form from the gold mines that was also loaded. In 1930, according to Historian Hedley Chilvers however, most of the bar gold was never accounted for ! He maintains that the total value of the bar gold was £2 million (approximately 480,769 ounces or 1,202 bars) which would have a value of 26 million dollars (R6.6 billion) today – consisting of 183,138 ounces of bar gold (457 bars) was taken from the Witwatersrand mines : Robinson Mine (198 bars), Ferreira Deep (104 bars), Ferreira Mine (96 bars) and other small mines (60 bars). Some of this material was gleaned from Rob Milne's latest edition of “Anecdotes of the Anglo-Boer War”. • This is another article of historic interest on the blog of John Theunissen of Trips ZA in Sabie. Follow it on his tourism webpage www.sabie.co.za. Mpumalanga Historical
Laerskool blink uit in vele aspekte Landloop atlete skop stof op in Sabie Saterdag, 20 Julie 2013, het 28 atlete van Laerskool Lydenburg aan `n Landloopbyeenkoms te Sabie deelgeneem. 7 Atlete het onder die eerste 10 plekke geëindig en 7 onder die eerste 20. Stephnie Fritz behaal `n 2de plek in die o/13 afdeling en Cameron Coleman `n 3de plek in die o/11 afdeling. Laerskool Lydenburg is trots op elke atleet wat deelgeneem het.
Wetenskap: Jane Maliepaard en Karlien Erasmus. Op Donderdag, 18 Julie 2013 was die Bohlabela Distrik Wetenskap Expo by Hoërskool Lydenburg. Daar was baie interessante projekte van hoë gehalte. Twee gr.6 leerders, Jané Maliepaard en Karlien Erasmus het eerste gekom in die Intermediêre fase met hul projek: “Hoe magnetiese energie gebruik word om `n selfoon se battery te herlaai.” Hulle dring deur na die volgende rondte. Baie geluk.
Landloop Stephnie Fritz en Cameron Coleman
Highlands Panorama News: Congratulations to the Kletskous for yet another remarkable edition. Veels geluk aan die Laerskoolvir die wonderlike publikasie van die Kletskous verlede week.
We never Lose Sight of Who’s on the Other Side of Our Glass
Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors,Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof, Outsurance & vehicle inspections Phone us for OU T a free quotation SURANCE YOU ALWAYS GET SOMETHING OUT Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 08 600 80 000 ACCREDITED DEALER Fax: 013 235 2242
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De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 DIENSTE/ SERVICES
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.
REPAIR & INSTALLATION of all garage doors & motorized gates, for the best prices contact Garage King 072 202 9139
A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is E n v i r o n m e n t F r i e n d l y, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 REMOVAL OF DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181 BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615 DREAM HEADBOARDS!! Give your bedroom a facelift with excellent quality, professional finishes, 5 sizes, designs and colours to choose from. Easy D-I-Y installation at VERY affordable prices!! For enquiries, quotes and orders. Contact us on 071 643 6645, E-mail: alo.ed22@gmail.com DA VISSER PLUMBERS Regn. B22788. Burst geysers, maintenance etc 072 598 6532 TROUROKKE VERKOOP & VERHUUR. Toeka-totNou, Lydenburg. Mynie 084 581 9699 NOVA FET COLLEGE Grade 10 - 12. Professional Secretarial course. Erika 083 303 9312 / erikaeng@lantic.net
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072
R2500 + W&L. 074 330 3011 3 SLK HUIS by Laerskool. R9000. 082 966 0565
CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 084 860 7714
AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.
HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
VRAGMOTOR vir alle tipe vervoer - bestuurder word voorsien. Dorpsgrense R800 vir 1ste vrag, R400 elke vrag daarna. Langafstand R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174 / Kobus 082 321 7054
SALON HAIR & Beauty. 074 887 6950 DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 PERMANENT make-up, nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987 HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 BLESBOKKE R35/kg aan die hak. 072 762 8562
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181. REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 GROOMING SERVICE cats & dogs & dogfood (Lek-a-Lick & Grandeur) & hondejassies. 082 650 4987/ 084 245 9905
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg
ERF TE KOOP Falcons Village Lydenburg Lorraine 082 493 5811
ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
MOTORS TE KOOP / CARS FOR SALE 2007 NISSAN HARDBODY 3.3 Super Cab. Good condition, new tyres. R75 000; 2006 KIA PICANTO 1.1LX, mags, good condition. R45 000. 082 504 4909
LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840
AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300
CIRCLE CATERING & ACCOMMODATION offers C o n t r a c t o r s accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com
KLITZGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N Chapel, conference facilities, boma/braai. Tel: 013 235 2758
FOTOLADY Alle geleenthede. Hilda 079 938 0729
WEIVELD vir beeste, Mosterdhoek. 084 587 2488
BACHELOR WOONSTEL R2450 p/m 079 624 9486 1 SLK WOONSTEL naby Steelpoort. R4000pm water & krag ing. Deposito vereiste. Kontak 013 230 9107/ 072 763 4491 KLEIN 3 SLK houthuis op plaas, halfpad tussen Lydenburg & Burgersfort. Gemeubileerd, krag & water ingesluit. Geen kinders of diere. R4000. 082 294 0846 WOONSTEL op plaas.
VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES GRAFSTEENWINKEL IN BURGERSFORT soek Bestuurder. R4000 p/m 082 826 1502 of faks CV na 013 235 2230
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES N THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case Number: 1067/13 In the matter b e t w e e n : S TA N D A R D BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff And DIMAKATSO PRUDENCE NKOSI Defendant (Identity N u m b e r : 8601040276088)NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a judgment granted by this Honourable Court on 2 MAY 2013, and a Warrant of Execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution, without reserve by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court, LYDENBURG on the 7TH OF AUGUST 2013, at 11h00 at 80 KANTOOR STREET, LYDENBURG to the highest bidder: PORTION 56 OF ERF 2315 M A S H I S H I N G E X T E N S I O N 6 T O W N S H I P R E G I S T R AT I O N DIVISION J.T., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA MEASURING 224 (TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T11630/2011 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED The following information is forwarded regarding the improvements on the property, although nothing can be guaranteed in this: 2X BEDS, 1X BATHS
D E S C R I P T I O N : RESIDENTIAL The Purchaser should pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price and also the Sheriff of the Supreme Court's fees on the day of the sale and the balance price at registration of transfer, and secured by a bank guarantee approved by Plaintiff's Attorneys, to be given to the Sheriff of the Supreme Court within fourteen days after sale. The abovementioned property will be sold on the conditions read out by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court at the time of the sale, which will be available for v i e w i n g a t t h e abovementioned SHERIFF LY D E N B U R G , 8 0 K A N T O O R S T R E E T, LYDENBURG. DATED at PRETORIA on this 7TH day of JUNE 2013. S ROUX INCORPORATED Attorneys for Plaintiff FJ Erasmus: Attorney for Plaintiff With right of appearance in terms of Section 4(2) of Act 62 of 1995, certificate number 2533/2007 Office 2/201, Office Block No. 2 Monument Office Park Cnr Elephant- and Steenbok Street Monumentpark PRETORIA Tel.: (012) 4600666 Fax: 086 577 0946 Ref: M. JANSEN VAN RENSBURG/ME/HJ44/13 LY D E N B U R G T O W N PLANNING SCHEME, 1995. AMMENDEMENT SCHEME NO: 336. I, Magau Gudani of Mukwevho Development Experts, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 3345 Lydenburg Extension 2 , Mpumalanga Province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the To w n s h i p s a n d To w n Planning Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have made an application to the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme, known a s L y d e n b u r g To w n Planning Scheme, 1995 , by rezoning of the property described above, from “Residential 1” to “ Residential 2 ” for the purpose of erecting residential units.Plans and Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Town Planner, First Floor, Room 30 Thaba Chweu Municipality, for the period of 28 days from the 19th of July 2013. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P.O.BOX 61, Lydenburg, 1120 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the Applicant: Mukwevho Development Experts (Pty) Ltd Box 2314 Polokwane 0700, Cell: 082 062 5599 F a x : 0 8 6 6 2 1 2 11 0 . LY D E N B U R G T O W N PLANNING SCHEME, 1995. AMMENDEMENT SCHEME NO: 336. Ek, Magau Gudani , van Mukwevho Development Experts , synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van E r f 3 3 4 5 Ly d e n b u r g Uitbreiding 2 , Mpumalanga Provinsie, gee hiermee kennis in terme van Artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) vandie Ordonnansie op
Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe O r d o n n a n s i e , (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), wat ek gemaak het 'n aansoek by die Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema, bekend as die Lydenburg Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1995, deur die hersonering van dieeiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf "Residensieel 1" na "Residensieel 2" vir die doel van die oprigting van wooneenhede. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanners, Eerste Verdieping, Kamer 30 Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 July 2013. Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word by of skriftelik aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by die bovermelde adres of by Posbus 61, Lydenburg, 1120 ingedien of gerig word binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van eerste publikasie. Adres van die aansoeker:Mukwevho Development Experts (Pty) Ltd; Box 2314 Polokwane, 0700 Cell: 082 062 5599 Fax: 086 621 2110
Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.
Hester van Helsdingen 083 555 8693 hester@klaprops.co.za
Sel: 079 490 9183 Kantoor 8 - 5nm: 071 659 4374
BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Stepping stones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Sophia: 076 677 7362
Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103
39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429
Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333
IMPROVEMENTS • Thatching • Property Maintenance • Fibreglass splash pools • Kitchen Cupboards • Painting • Shade net carports • Steelwork Pieter 072 132 3241 George 073 211 4913
Lelievlei word gehelp
Naranja Packers and Indigo Fruit Farming celebrate Mandela Day
Fruit was donated to an Orphanage in Burgersfort.
On Thursday 18 July Naranja Packers and Indigo Fruit Farming (situated between Burgersfort and Lydenburg) took part in the celebrations of Mandela Day. Representatives of the two companies handed out over 5000kg of fruit to various homes and schools throughout the day. The local government schools received cartons of fruit to distribute to the school's Feeding Schemes. Fruit was donated to the orphanages in the surrounding areas, as well as Wenakker, Lydenburg Rusoord, CMR and Estralita School. The joy and enthusiasm that the bright juicy fruit brought to the children was very heart-warming along with the eagerness from the children to help unpack the cartons from the truck.
Mnr. AJ Esser, Direkteur, en Naranja Packers en Indigo Fruit Farming het aan Wenakker heerlike naartjies geskenk op Mandeladag. Van links is Neeltje Brits, Lucille Strecker en Melissa van Rooyen.
MTPA se William Maphanga, Linah Mlotshwa en Themba Mzimba.
Die Mpumalanga Toerisme en Parke Agentskap het op 18 Julie bome geskenk aan Lelievlei en die dames het ook help kook. Dit was die werkers se eie idee om Lelievlei te help vir Mandeladag. David Nyati handing out fruit to the community.
Fruit being distributed to the Estralita School.
Lucille Strecker and Melissa van Rooyen distributing the fruit to Uzunzela Wena Orphanage in Mashishing.
Laske Nakke Lodge Naweek pos vir student • Moet rekenaarvaardig wees • Moet vlot Afrikaans en Engels kan praat en skryf • Eie vervoer • Werkstye: Twee Naweke per maand • Saterdag 13:00 tot 21:00 • Sondag 12:00 tot 18:00 Twee weeksaande 15:00 tot 21:00 • Geen inwoning • Pos sal geskik wees vir verantwoordelike jong man tussen 18 en 25 jaar, • R30 per uur Tel: 013 235 2886 Epos: gerda@lodgelaskenakke.co.za
MTPA se Dinah Mkhonto, Rachel Ngomane en Tiny Twala.
Lydenburg A Golf team has won the Pro Shop Lowveld League once again. The Final was a very tight competition, played against our neighbouring town Sabie, at Kruger Park Lodge. Lydenburg won their first and last sets 2 and 1 and halved the second and third sets that resulted in a winning score of 6-2! Lydenburg A have won the Pro Shop Lowveld League 3 times in the last 5 years! Lydenburg is currently the second largest club in the Lowveld and had 4 teams entered in to the league, which consists of 40 teams! We wish Lydenburg A all of the best for the Mpumalanga finals being played 27 July at Highland Gate. If you would like to support them please phone Wayne Lesch at 079 883 44074. Lydenburg A would like to thank The Pro Shop Nelspruit for the League sponsorship and their team sponsor for the past year, Supa Quick Lydenburg. Photo from L to R: Herman Adendorf (kapt), Arthur Steynfaard, Christiaan De Beer, Frans Labushagne, Christiaan Willemse, Jaco Rondekop Coetzer, Bert Griesel en Fanie Archer.
Hier volg die wedvlugduiwe uitslae van die afgelope naweek: 20 Julie 2013 Glen J/O 1 – 598 km Wenspoed was 1654 m/minuut. 1. Hein Geldenhuys, 2. Jan Venter, 3. Hein Geldenhuys, 4. Hein Geldenhuys, 5. Gert Roets, 6. Gerhard Marais Groen, 7. Allo Lofts, 8. Jan Venter, 9. Gert Roets, 10. Allo Lofts. Glen Ope 1 – 598km Wenspoed was 1654 m/minuut. 1.Hein Geldenhuys, 2. Hein Geldenhuys, 3. Jan Venter, 4. Hein Geldenhuys, 5. Hein Geldenhuys, 6. Allo Lofts, 7. Gerhard Marais Groen, 8. Gert Roets, 9. Gerhard Marais Blou, 10. Allo Lofts.
PMX24 Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg
Tel: 013 235 1637 The Heads Shopping Centre, Shop 26, Lydenburg
E & OE Tel: 013 231 7979 Tuabatse Crossing Mall,Shop L70, Burgersfort