22 Augustus / August 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 33

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22 Augustus / August 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 33 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Twee honde verkool man, vrou en kinders oorleef Michelle Boshoff

Hendrik Kleinhans (44) en Charlene Collins (33) troos mekaar na die tragedie.

WITPOOT en Blikkies het verkool. Gelukkig het Trompie en Betsie oorleef. Dié vier honde was deel van die tragedie wat in Elephant Hills, Burgersfort, afgespeel het. Die huis van Hendrik Kleinhans (44) en Charlene Collins (33) het afgebrand. Hulle, hul twee kinders en ’n maatjie was ongedeerd. Hul vriende

het omstreeks 03:00 by die huis verbygeloop op Sondag 18 Augustus. Johan en Mary-Ann Stoop se kind het die aand by Hendrik en Charlene se kinders oorgeslaap. Die Stoop-egpaar het elders in die kompleks gaan kuier en hul vriende wakker gemaak dat die huis brand. “Binne drie minute was die huis afgebrand,” het Charlene Collins gesê. Niks kon gered word nie. Dankie aan Merensky Eiendomme, NG Kerk Burgersfort, Kobus Oosthuizen van Burgersfort

Brick Yard, Johan en Mary-Ann Stoop, Quintin en Juanta Collins, Lynette Collins, Charmaine Wolmarans, Lizelle Coetzee, Laerskool Burgersfort, Karen en Frans Holliday, dr. Fouché, Annalize Vercuile, OK Grocer en Charity Stores. Die paartjie bedank elke vriend, familielid en vreemdeling wat hulle bygestaan het om weer uit die as op te staan, daar is nog ’n lang pad wat voorlê maar hulle leef en dis al wat belangrik is. Die rede vir die brand is onbekend.

Op Vrydag 16 Augustus is 'n dooie luislang in Lydenburg gevind. Frik Rousseau Direkteur van LAPSAR het die luislang gaan haal en na die MTPA Visserye se kantoor geneem. Dit is 'n Suid Afrikaanse Luislang (Python natalensis) en kan ’n maksimum lengte van tot 5 meter haal en 40-50kg weeg. Die luislang is gemeet en die lengte was 4,2 meter. Dit was 'n wyfie. CITES beskou die luislang as bedreig en is gelys in Bylae II. Volgens die S.A Rooi data boek is dit in die kwesbare kategorie-by implikasie dat indien die huidige tendense sou voortgaan sal dit oorbeweeg na die bedreigde kategorie. Frik doen 'n beroep op die gemeenskap om geen slange dood te maak nie want hulle speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die natuur. Die saak word ondersoek.

School uniforms donated


chool Uniforms were donated to students from Ly d e n b u r g P r i m a r y, K e l l y s v i l l e a n d Marambane Schools. Monate Events, Mash Crew, Bosch Lydenburg and Mash FM were the

organisers of the donation. Monate Events and Mash Crew asked Bosch Lydenburg to sponsor the uniforms. The next Spin City event will take place on 30 November at the Mashishing Stadium.

Baie dankie vir al die betrokkenheid en geleenthede wat ons as die Sitrusfees 2013 kommittee kon benut van die Highlands Panorama Nuus. Ons waardeer julle ondersteuning. Van die fondse is reeds aan die gemeenskap geskenk wat met die Sitrusfees ingesamel is.

Ian Breytenbach (Principal), Melanie Bosch (CEO Bosch), Lindi Sepobe (Educator), Abie Maidi,Yashveer Ramjahan, Gustav Viljoen, Mlungisi Dhladl, FRONT Comfort Sibiya (Monate Events) with the learners from Lydenburg Primary School.

Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme

Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum

Suppliers and Installers of: • Any Buildings or house glass • Aluminium Products • Shower and sliding doors • Windows • Mirrors • Automotive Gert van der Merwe Cell: 082 565 9344

Iron Close Street Steelpoort

Fixed rates calls for protest Michelle Boshoff


ormer aggrieved employees and members of the Expanded Public Works Programme and some business people took to the streets on Friday afternoon in Lydenburg. They protested against the fixed charges businesses have to pay. According to the new system businesses have to pay R670 per month if they have pre paid electricity. That does not include the electricity usage. In other municipalities only businesses with a circuit breaker 80A and more are charged a fix charge. If that rule is used in Thaba Chweu small businesses will be excluded from this R670 fixed charge. The protesters also wanted to know why Lydenburg would have no electricity for four days. Thaba Chweu Municipality surprised everyone on Monday when they were finished in just two days. In the end the town was without power for two days. Only Lydenburg and the business areas were affected throughout the weekend. It was done for maintenance. It does however not take away from the fact that it was a great disturbance and inconvenient position for the residents and businesses to be in.

Protestors, aggrieved workers of the Expanded Public Works Programme. They are all former workers who took part in the protest and came together at the Thaba Chweu Municipal Offices after marching through the streets of Lydenburg on Friday afternoon. (Michelle Boshoff).

Barko Developments het skole in die omgewing gaan help met die volgende: Skoonmaak van paviljoen, borde op gesit, gewigstoot put, volleyball baan, Verspring baan. Op die foto is (links): mnr. M. D. Mahlasela (skoolhoof, Marambane Primary School, (regs); mnr. B. Beeslaar (Barko Developments)

Coffee Shop closed from 24 August

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

to the editor

Briew e aan die redakteur

70-jarige ma word verstoot Anoniem van Lydenburg skryf: Ek as ’n weduwee van 70 jaar, moeder van 11 kinders, pleit vir hulp. Dis tragies dat kinders hul ma verstoot wat hul almal groot gemaak het. Daar’s nie ’n kind wat bereid is om na my om te sien nie. Ek is ’n bediende en niks verder, en nie eers ’n 10c werd vir hulle nie. Alles word van selfsprekend aangeneem. Dit is baie onregverdig teenoor my as ma. My stres is te veel vir my, ek kan dit nie meer hanteer nie. Ek dink partykeer hoekom het Onse Vader vir

Botswana is weg. Weg sê ek vir julle. Botswana het soos 'n kopspeld verdwyn van die aardbol af. Ek het gesoek, swartsakke uitgegooi en amper in die hondemis gaan rondkrap. Ruby het eienaardige eetgewoontes met tye. Maar Botswana is nêrens. Selfs in die hoogste kringe van die beskawing met honderde huishoudsters verdwyn goed sonder rede. By ons het Botswana toe voete gekry. Ja, Botswana. Krap maar julle koppe want hoe kan ’n land dan net verdwyn. ’n Klein regstelling van my kant, Botswana is my bos sleutels van die huis, hekke ens. Dit heet so weens die sleutelhouer. Die naam Botswana is met krale uitgewerk. En is gekoop toe ek en my ma 'n paar jaar gelede op safari in Botswana was. Dit help om jou goed in die huis 'n naam te gee. Dan hoef mens nie net van daai ding, en hierdie goeters te praat nie. In ons huis weet ons wat is Botswana, Daisy en Houtblok. Buitestaanders hoef nie die kodes van jou huistaal te leer nie. Dis net vir die inwoners van die huis. Botswana is nogal 'n belangrike bos. Almal weet watse groot gemors dit is om weer nuwe sleutels te laat maak. Om vir alle deure nuwe slotte aan te sit het ons ook al getref. En glo my, daar is niks wat ek meer haat as 'alledaagse gerondslomp oninteressante' take nie’. Dit grief my. Maandagmiddag stop ek na werk by die huis. Loop om die kar om die hek oop te sluit. My oog vang iets blou. En daar is Botswana, vasgehak aan 'n reënveër. Nie in Ruby se maag nie. Ek het dit natuurlik op my kar gesit toe ek tuin natgooi Sondag. En Botswana het die hele dag deur Lydenburg getoer. Nou weet Botswana ook hoe lyk Lydenburg...

In Memorium: me. Ria Faasen 3 November 1934 - 13 Augustus 2013 Huldeblyk aan 'n ma van haar kinders en kleinkinders Ons hoef Ria Faasen nie aan Lydenburg voor te stel nie. Haar spore lê diep in ons gemeenskap. Ons kinders en kleinkinders onthou haar as 'n deftige vrou, 'n dinamiese vrou wie se hande vir niks verkeerd gestaan het nie. Hande wat in haar tyd sakehande was en sy haar waarde gevoeg het by Rooikappie en Lydenburg Apteek, huisvrou hande wat vir twee gaste of tweehonderd gaste met gemak kon regstaan, kunstige hande wat kon toor met lap en wol, mammahande wat elke seer kon wegtroos, bidhande wat kon instaan by God as ons te swak was. Maar hierdie hande was stil langs haar sye Dinsdag die 13de Augustus. Ons het koorsagtig haar hande gesoek onder die lappe om dit vir oulaas vas te hou en was so dankbaar vir die geleentheid gegun om te groet. Die leemte is groot. Ons gaan haar mis. Ons

Psalm 112:1: Dit gaan goed met elkeen wat die Here dien, wat al sy vreugde vind in die gebooie van die Here. Dankie Vader dat ons mag getuig dat hierdie woorde van die Psalmdigter waar is. Help ons om U gebooie te onderhou en U te dien - Amen.

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

MY versugting hierdie week gaan nie soseer oor krag soos in elektrisiteit nie, (dit ook natuurlik!) maar oor geestelike, liggaamlike, en finansiële krag. Kom ek verduidelik: Geestelike krag om nie die onnosel motorbestuurders te vloek nie, om almal tevrede te stel, om tyd te hê vir alles, om goed te onthou, om vrede te ervaar en om net

Gee my krag

gaan haar kennis en kundigheid mis, maar bo als gaan ons haar moederliefde mis. Rus in vrede moeder en ouma tot ons Ma en Pa Daan weer ontmoet.

Lydenburg Hospitaal vrou sit in bloed

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Die Outoppie

my 11 kinders gegee, dan dink ek weer, Hy sou nie as Hy nie geweet het ek is ’n goeie ma. Ek vra baie “hoekom”, hoekom ek? Trane is my kos, want ek word so seer gemaak deur kinders. Ek wil en kan nie meer by hulle bly nie. Ek vra asseblief tog hulp vir die basiese meubelstukkies in ’n huis en finansies om huurgelde en kos en klere te kry. U kan my skakel by 061 320 8489. Ek kan my nie self help nie en die kinders ook nie. Ek smeek die publiek vir hulp en bystand.

Anoniem skryf: Ek wil graag ’n groot bekommernis opper, wat definitief baie mense in Lydenburg moet raak. Ons hospitaal en sy personeel.... ek was ver in my derde trimester met my eerste kind die tyd was my ‘elective c-section’ al geboek, ek het ’n privaat dokter gebruik, omdat die staatsdokters geweier het om my ’n keisersnee te gee alhoewel ek probeer verduidelik het dat ek my heup en pelvisbene gekraak het toe ek jonger was en dit onmoontlik is vir my om natuurlike geboorte te gee. Dit het ’n plaas se prys gekos omdat ek ’n privaat dokter gebruik het. Vandag het ek bloeding gehad, ek het nie medies nie en die dokter wat ek gewoonlik gebruik was nie in vir

die dag nie. Ek is toe hospitaal toe.. ek is heel ongeskik behandel, ’n skrapse gordyn is toe getrek en ek moes kaal uittrek dat hoeveel pare hande my intiem kan ondersoek. Na baie toetse word bloed sommer getrek op die besoekers stoep, ’n handskoen om my bo-arm gedraai en daar word gesê ek moet vol tyd loop en normaal geboorte gee. Ek het net infeksie as ek met die dokter wil stry moet ek wag dat hy terug kom. Ek wag vyf ure net om te hoor hy is op middagete. Ek word kos aangebied... ek moet sit en eet in die gang langs iemand wat se kamerjas drup van die bloed. Sy was amper 24uur in kraam sy het twee ure gelede geboorte gegee. Dit was my ondervinding, ’n groot nagmerrie.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

te “cope”. Liggaamlike krag om nie so deksels oud te voel nie. Om sonder pyne op te staan, om die sleg verkoue en griep van die winter af te skud, om al die medikasie weg te gooi en om meer vir ma te kan pla. Om nie op te sien om al die regte klere aan te trek en die motorfiets vir ’n spin te vat nie ens, ens. Finansiële krag om al die ou motors in goeie toestand te hou. Om the ou Chev vir Chip Foose van “Overhauling” te stuur. Om sonder ’n gesukkel en op die ingewing van die oomblik ons goed te pak en die land te gaan deurreis sonder kommer oor die prys van brandstof en akkommodasie. Om gou Seychelles te

toe te vlieg. Om nog personeel by die koerant aan te stel. Om skuld te kan afbetaal. Jy weet mos! Die ding is, baie min van ons is totaal onafhanklik en kommervry. Die meeste van ons gewone werkende mense is maar knaend aan die sukkel en die stres. So vir die van julle met alles geseën is, gaan op jou knieë en dank God. Vir julle ander boggers, ploeter maar aan, speel die Lotto en hoop. Die hoop beskaam nie! Nou vir ’n kompliment aan die munisipaliteit: Dankie dat julle die elektriese instandhouding tot die naweek kon beperk en alles kon afhandel. Ek het nogal gestres oor of ons die koerant Maandag en Dinsdag sou kon doen sonder krag en die Internet!

Gustav se paaie gladder Die Gustav Klingbiel Natuurreservaat se paaie is in ’n baie slegte toestand as gevolg van die invloed van reën en ’n tekort aan hulpbronne om die paaie instand te hou. Die plaaslike grondverskuiwings maatskappy, Zizwe, het kom uithelp en ’n groot gedeelte van die paaie kom regmaak op hul onkoste. “Dit is vir ons ’n riem onder die hart dat plaaslike besighede steeds bereid is om te help waar daar nood is. Ons wil mnr. Kobie Pruis, Besturende Direkteur van Zizwe, asook die bestuur van die maatskappy hartlik bedank vir die werk wat hul vir ons gedoen het en dat hul bereid is om terug te ploeg in ons gemeenskap en by te dra tot omgewingsbewaring. Instandhouding van paaie in die reservaat verhoed en bekamp gronderosie wat ’n omgewingsproblem skep,” het mnr. JP Celliers, Kurator van die Lydenburg Museum en die reservaat, gesê. Die mees kritieke gedeeltes van die paaie het aandag geniet en is nou meer begaanbaar vir voertuie. Dit is veral die brandbestrydings voertuie wat gaan baat by die beter paaie, aangesien hul nou vinniger kan reageer op veldbrande. Besoekers wat met bakkies en veldryvoertuie wild wil kom besigtig sal ook baat by die beter toestand van die paaie en kan nou met meer gemak gedeeltes van die reservaat besoek waar dit voorheen moeilik begaanbaar was.

Zizwe het gereel dat grondverskuiwings toerusting 'n groot gedeelte van die paaie in die Gustav Klingbiel Natuurreservaat regmaak. Die dele wat nou reggemaak is, was van die mees kritieke probleme ten opsigte van erosie en is nou weer begaanbaar met 'n voertuig.

• Saturday 7 September. Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. 09:00. Lydenburg from outside the library in Viljoen Street through town. Barry Botes: 079 875 5040, Fax, 086 215 2028 barry @amawheelies.co.za • Dinsdag 24 September. Ouwerf Plaasmuseum Boere Kultuurfees net buite Lydenburg. Vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Skakel om stalletjies te bespreek. Pieter Krügel:

074 270 7222, Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717

potjiekoskompetisie deur gemeentes. Jeanetta Kruger 013 235 3858 of 013 235 2146.

• Saterdag 27-28 September. Rusoord se Kermis Lydenburg. Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Outydse motors, motorfietse deel van optog die Vrydag. Vrydag groot vleis tafels. Saterdag eetgoed verversings, naaldwerk, groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, Tombola ens. Verskeie kompetisies,

• Vrydag 4 Oktober. Relay for Life, Kansa. Hoërskool Lydenburg, stap deurnag. Kontak: Conrad Langenegger by Longtom Cycle RFL Team Recruiter: 071 890 2915 of Isobel: 084 329 8737.

Hou Rusoord se Kermisdatums oop DIE Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes hou op 27 en 28 September kermis. Daar is stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Vrydag 27 September gaan outydse motors, motorfietse en waens deel van die optog deur Lydenburg se strate wees. Dit is altyd die groot afskop van die Kermis. Vrydag groot vleis tafels kreun van die lekkertes en almal kan hul vleiskaste aanvul. Saterdag is daar die gebruiklike eetgoed, verversings, naaldwerk, groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, tombola ens. Verskeie kompetisies soos die babaen-hoedkompetisie, potjiekoskompetisie deur gemeentes en vele ander vermaak vind op die terrein plaas. Vir enige navrae en om stalletjies te bespreek skakel me. Jeanetta Kruger 013 235 3858 of 013 235 2146.

Kyk net hoe het die Laerskool Lydenburg se kinders en die jongklomp die Lollos vertoning geniet in Julie. Dit was ’n reuse sukses en dankie aan almal wat daaraan gereël het.

DIT sal die tweede keer hierdie jaar wees wat Ouwerf buite Lydenburg, van Pieter en Melitza Krügel, ’n kultuurfees hou. Dit vind op Dinsdag 24 September plaas van 10:00 tot laat. Daar is groot pret vir die hele gesin en sluit in hoefystergooi, ponieritte, kleilat gooi, kettie skiet, pyl-en-boog, boeresport, sakslaan, klei-os, perdekarinspan, die maak van tradisionele kerse, broodbak, sweepklaap- en vleg, hoefsmid

Foto van die maand kompetisie, inskrywing deur Jurie Schoeman. Stuur jul inskrywings na michelle@highlands panorama.co.za

demonstrasies, modevertoning van Toeka tot Nou, handwerk, kuns, kos, kruie, plante en roosstalletjies, potjiekoskompetisie, langarmdans van 16:00 to laat, aandete sal te koop aangebied word. R50 per persoon toegang vir volwassenes en R10 per kinders. Kontak Pieter Krügel 074 270 7222, Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717, vir perdesport kontak dr. Marietjie Malan: 073 181 3022.

Laramie Spur trek nuwe baadjie aan Mnr. Corrie Kleyn, eienaar van Laramie Spur, Lydenburg het die groot taak aangepak en die Spur ’n hele “facelift” gegee. ’n Nuwe ingang begroet jou nou, nuwe rokersarea om nie eens van die speelkamer binne en buite te praat nie. Met die plasings van die tafels en stoele is daar nou meer beweegruimte en die hele gebou binne lyk groter. Die kombuis is ook nie agterweë gelaat nie en die personneel kan nie uitgepraat raak oor al die nuwe toerusting nie. Baie dankie Corrie vir al julle moeite en slapelose nagte dat die Spur weer nou soos ’n nuwe tuiste uitsien vir oud en jonk.

Archie Jacobs (Bestuurder)

Lindie Phetla, Litla Khumalo, Ella Mokoena, Lizzy Monareng, Irvin Khumaloen Vincent Masehlele

Cheslyn van Staden, Emily Letjane en Vusi Shongwe

Vivian Letlabela

Keiadys Khoza, Shelly Chinoganira en Eddie Mahlangu

Thekgiso Mashego, Amos Mabena en Nomcebo Nyathi

Melissa Kriek (Bestuurder)

Lydenburg, 14 Kerkstraat Tyre Boys gebou Tel: 013 235 4417 / 072 841 3629 lydenburg@winkelhaak.co.za

A tribute to old age

Mrs. Cobie Steynberg ‘spinning’ in front

Age is but a number when it comes to keeping fit.

Two fit ladies on the spinning bikes.

a weak little smile. I need this cup to stay upright after last night. My three year old angel darts into the kitchen with a sunny “hello mama!” How does she do it? After waking 5 times last night with a wail not unlike that of an air raid siren... I'm getting old. • 7:10 am. As I drive down to the parking area at JJ's Connection Health, I spot them through the window, already on their bikes. My stalwart Wednesday spinning clients: Essie, Roelf, Annatjie, Chrissie and Margaret, all seventy something or thereabouts; amongst them a sprinkling of younger thirthy somethings every now and then. These people inspire me. Essie's kids entered him for the Argus Cycle Tour for his 70th birthday, or was it the Comrades? My sleep deprived brain can't recall. During class, Roelf is watching his heart rate monitor like a hawk. As usual, his heart rate won't conform to that of your average sedentary 72 year old. Next to him Annatjie pedals on with her zen-like calm focus. And Margaret and Chrissie bring up the rear, responding to every challenge I throw at them with resolve and a twinkle in the eye. Out-of-category climbs, jumps and fast flats, they have seen it all. They carry the grace of a lifetime of activity in their body, soul and spirit. They realised years ago that exercise is an investment in longevity. Moving the limbs and raising the heart rate moderately oxygenates the muscles to the very cell, lowers blood pressure, stabilises blood sugar and improves mood and general wellbeing. No fancy magazines had to teach them the benefits of regular exercise, a balanced diet and someone to love. They had experienced it for themselves and they still do. I am reminded of Brian, 73, who diligently shows up for his pilates sessions with me, no excuses. He works up a good sweat in an hour and executes every move I require, even if he thinks it's a little bit crazy. He climbs stairs with more ease now and gets around with greater awareness of how good posture can improve many aspects of your health. On that point, ask our clients living with Parkinsonism, how important moving with poise, balance and good upper back extension is. Ask the seniors who regularly attend the pilates class presented to them at the old age home, how invigorating proper, deep lateral breathing is. They will tell you the importance of stretching and moving the joints through a controlled range, instead of mindlessly throwing around too heavy weights.

• 8:00 am. My spinning clients and I start our cool down routine with everyone wiping By Stephani Roos away some well earned perspiration. When the CD ends, we all break into a brisk run on • 6:30 am. Fourth snooze. Last snooze, I the bikes, singing “happy birthday to you.” better get up. I drag myself from bed, stumble Essie is 73 today! I salute you today, my to the cupboard and with half closed eyes elders. rummage for a pair of cycling shorts. Donning that and a favourite T, I follow my As I step off my bike 50 minutes after getting early-bird-catches-the-worm-hubby's usual on, I am rejuvenated and inspired to never let chirpiness into the kitchen. “Mmm, early bird go of a long held ideal: longevity. May I too, gets caught,” I think to myself. He hands me one day, inspire a next generation to live life a welcome cup of coffee and I thank him with to the full.

Dr. Jannie en Juanita Steyn saam met hul dogter Karla Steyn. Dr. Jannie Steyn is ’n veearts en het pas aangesluit by die span van die Lydenburg Diere Spreekkamer. Hy het groot geword in die Oos-Kaap, by Onderstepoort gekwalifiseer as veearts en agt jaar in Hong Kong gewerk. Hier het hy uiters goeie kleindier ondervinding opgdoen.

Hy het ’n absolute passie vir gemengde praktykwerk en sien ook uit na die grootdier uitdagings wat voorlê hier in Lydenburg. Hy het goeie wildkennis opgedoen gedurende sy jaar as veldgids in die Kruger Wildtuin en is ’n groot natuurliefhebber.

Mara Theunissen het hierdie foto geneem in Sodwana in Noord Natal. Dis ’n inskrywings vir die Foto van die Maand Kompetisie. Stuur inskrywings aan michelle@ highlandspanorama. co.za

Just four blood Be on alert for possible donations veld fires and strong winds a year can save up to 12 lives! THE provincial governm ent would like to warn residents of possible veld fires due to high temperatures and strong winds. These conditions are expected especially in the Highveld areas of the province. The Department would like to request residents to make sure that they do not start fires in the open veld, all fires are controlled and that they make sure that the fires are completely put out before leaving that area. Parents should take care that children do not start fires. All motorists are warned to slow down when driving in areas where there is smoke. The department has also instructed all municipalities to be on full alert and standby for any possible fires. Residents must report any fires as quickly as possible to their closest fire brigades.

Pamela Pieters from Lydenburg took this photo in Pilgrims Rest. Photo of the Month Competition.

The South African National Blood Service would like to thank the public for choosing to donate blood this winter. Our blood stock levels have improved significantly. While blood levels are stable, the need for blood is, unfortunately always prevalent. This Women's Month, we are requesting the public to continue donating blood in honour of all mothers and children, especially those that are dependent on blood transfusions for their survival. Research shows that around 36% of blood that the SANBS collects is used for women who lose blood during childbirth and gynaecological cases as well as for paediatric cases like surgery of foetuses, infants, children, adolescents and young adults. One unit of blood can save up to 3 lives. If a single person donates blood four times a year, this can save up to 12 lives. The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is requesting that the public continue donating blood, especially for people that are dependent on blood transfusions for their survival. We plead with all South Africans who meet the minimum requirements to commit to donating blood regularly. Minimum requirements to be a donor: Be between the ages of 16 – 65 years Weigh more than 50 kg Be in good health Live a sexually safe lifestyle To find your nearest donor centre call us on 0800 11 9031 or visit www.sanbs.org.za or find us on Facebook or Twitter.

Maroelaboom tree op 23 Augustus by Legends, The Heads Sentrum, Lydenburg op. Dis van 20:00 tot laat. Toegang is R30 per persoon.

Ouers, ry stadiger Bekommerde ouer van Lydenburg skryf: Ek skryf hierdie brief omdat dit vir my na 'n ernstige probleem wil lyk. Ek is 'n ouer wat 'n graad 2 kind in Laerskool Lydenburg het. Omdat die verkeer so baie is stop ek by die treinspoor en loop dan saam met my kind skool toe en ek self stap dan terug tot by die treinspoor. My probleem is dit - die ouers jaag soos mal goed omdat dit nou eenrigting verkeer is. Baie van die ouers gebruik nie eens ’n flikkerlig by die hoek van Van Staden- en De Vosstrate nie, en die kinders stap daar oor oppad skool toe. Daar is party ouers wat dit in hul kop het dat die kinders maar moet wag by die voetoorgang sodat hulle kan ry. Ja ek stem saam dat mens altyd moet kyk dat die pad skoon is voordat jy oorstap. Maar kom ons dink nou soos 'n kind, 'n kind dink die tanie of die oom sal my sien en stadiger ry en stop. Ek raak yskoud in die oggend as ek sien hoe die kindertjies net stap en die ouers wat self kinders het om af te laai soos mal goed op die skool af jaag. Regtig sal hul nou eers stadiger ry wanneer 'n kind dood gery word? Nee ek dink nie die eenrigting verkeer is 'n goeie idee nie want dis nou 'n eenrigting ‘Highway.’ Hulle stop nie eers behoorlik by die kruising van Nel- en De Vosstrate nie. En ek wonder hoeveel van die mense het 'n geldige rybewys? Want as mens leer vir jou leerlinglisensie dan leer mens al die pad en verkeersreëls. En baie van hulle verontagsaam die verkeersreëls. Ek persoonlik dink die eenrigting ’highway’

moet afgeskaf word. Ek wil nie beleef dat ’n kind of self my eie dood gery moet word nie. Hoe sal een van julle as ouer voel as jou kind dood gery word?

Lydenburg through the eyes of a tourist Myrtle Stringer, Vereeniging writes: Last week my daughter and I were touring the Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Nelspruit area with two overseas relatives - it was their first visit. My daughter and I live in South Africa and are very proud of our beautiful country. We decided to visit the Lydenburg Museum and were extremely impressed, both by the exhibitions and the overall appearance. It really is very interesting, very clean and Lydenburg Municipality can be very proud. There was however one problem which should be addressed - the toilets at the museum were spotless but unfortunately did not supply toilet paper, hand soap or towels and when I discussed it with the receptionist she informed me that the municipality did not supply these items and she had to supply them from her own pocket! She had no money to supply them so visitors were embarrassed by the situation.

Prices valid from Thursday 22 Augustus 2013 up to and including Thursday 29 Augustus 2013 or While Stock Last All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.

Skolenuus / School News

Lydenburg Akademie A++ vir Klopkloppie Koor presteer by Eisteddfod HIERDIE drie leerlinge het ons op Lydenburg Hoër. Al drie het goud behaal Maandag 12 Augustus baie trots gemaak vir voordrag. Tracy-Lee Crozier het vir haar met hulle deelname aan die Eisteddfod by voordrag in Afrikaans ’n Diploma behaal.

Johannè Lund, Tracy-Lee Crozier en Anneke Lund.

LINKS: Landloop – Lydenburg Akademie. Twee van Lydenburg Akademie se leerlinge het op Saterdag 10 Augustus gaan deelneem aan die Streeklandloop kampioenskappe. Isone vd Linde het ’n eerste plek behaal vir dogters onder 10 en Clarissa van Heerden het ’n vierde plek behaal vir dogters onder 7. Op die foto staan die twee leerlinge saam met die hoof mnr. Tom Grobler.

Klopkloppie Kleuterskool van Lydenburg se koor het Vrydag 16 Augustus in Nelspruit baie goed gedoen. Hulle het ’n prestige A++ gekry. Hulle bedank graag vir Elmahri Gouws vir haar harde werk en vir Truida Jordaan wat die koor begelei het!

Entheos Christian School participates in National Eisteddfod

Twee wenkore by laerskool

From back left: Ruan Strydom, Leon Wessels, Jaco Wessels, Joshua Kayembe, Cornelle Leach Front from left: Frans Kupa, Mikaellh Emmerich, and Chante Putter.

The Junior Poetry Recital received a Diploma. From left (back): Karel Hoffman, Nkazimulo Mthombothi, Ethan Breytenbach, Boikano Segoane, Zoe Chauke; (left): Ciara Kruger, Omphile Mabelane, Reagile Sedibe, Chido Siayanyama.

Senior Choir for Eisteddfod received a bronze Certificate. Back from Left: Leon Wessels, Cornelle Leach, Jaco Wessels, Ruan Strydom, Joshua Kayembe, Kyle Godsil, Mokgethi Segoane, Ruan Arnoldi, Karabo Segodi; (middle): Leigh-Anne Oosthuizen, Chante Putter, Nadine Arnoldi, Mikaellh Emmerich, Kgahlego Mohlala, Sarah Kayembe; (front): Ronald Murdoch-Oats and Frans Kupa.

Menige ma's, oumas en selfs pa's het trane weggevee, tydens hierdie jaar se Nelspruit Eistedfodd. 17 Laerskool kore, elkeen met sy eie unieke styl en klank het deelgeneem. 2013 se kore was almal van hoë gehalte maar Laerskool Lydenburg bly steeds die beste. Maande se harde werk, vroeg opstaan en lang oefeninge na skool, het vrugte afgewerp, toe beide die junior- en seniorkore hierdie jaar weer hulle onderskeie afdelings gewen het. Die juniorkoor het ’n welverdiende A++ met 92% en die seniorkoor ook ’n skitterende A++ met 93%. Die kore het hierdie jaar ook vir die eerste keer aan die Nasionale Eisteddfod hier in Lydenburg deelgeneem, waar hulle 'n diploma toekenning behaal het. Dit is die hoogste moontlike toekenning. Beide die kore staan onder leiding van Suzaan Bronkhorst. Haar uitstekende leiding en inspirasie is wat van ’n goeie koor ’n wenkoor maak! Die beoordeelaar was Chris Coetzer. (Zanri Hanekom het hierdie beriggie vir die Kletskous geskryf)

LEARNERS from Entheos Christian School participated in the National Eisteddfod hosted by Lydenburg High School on Monday 12 August. The Grade 1 class recited a poem called 'The Quarrelsome Kittens' and received a diploma. The senior class put together a choir and received a bronze certificate. 9 Senior students performed a speaking choir number from Matthew 5:38 to Matthew 6:16, they received a silver medal, the senior class also did a Praise and Worship Dance which received a diploma. Ronald Murdoch-Oats also submitted a poem and a handwoven basket and Dade Roode submitted a photo which we have not yet received the results for. The school would like to thank the high school for hosting this event, as well as the judges and members of National Eisteddfod for traveling to Lydenburg and the opportunity to participate. A well earned thank you also goes to the Entheos staff and students for the extra time that was put in to prepare for this.


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EARLIER in 2013, Wheels24 reported on tuning specialists Carisma Auto Design who created bespoke Mercedes-Benz Vianos. Now the company has turned its attention to an iconic 4x4 - Land Rover's Defender. The Defender is a legend of the British automotive industry with worldfamous off-road capability, but a super-luxury version? Carisma Auto Design, which claims to be one of the world's leading conversions experts, has added "unrivalled luxury" to its list of achievements incorporating leather and materials installed by English craftspeople. The conversion of the Land Rover Defender was originally created to be the ultimate luxury vehicle with off-road ability but it can also be adapted to create a luxury armoured vehicle that is completely discreet to protect the identity of the occupants. Carisma says it greatly respects Land Rover’s design pedigree, which is why it has modified the cabin but not the exterior, allowing clients to engage in outdoor activities in total comfort. With a range of leather, carpet and wood available in any combination, no two Defenders from Carisma Auto Design will ever be the same. The specification and design of each is unique to the client and only limited by their imagination.

ash trays and Champagne flutes, premium pen sets with tailored stands, customised seat embroidery, 106cm TV's and fridges. All these and much more have all been tastefully hand crafted into vehicles over Carisma Auto Design’s 14-year history. By email

The leather used by Carisma is carefully sourced from barbed-wire free environments (such as South Africa) to ensure pristine hide and is complemented by a choice of wood veneer, hand-made and fitted to the vehicle by a team of some of the best English craftspeople. "To complete the ultimate luxury vehicle for outdoor sporting pursuits," Carisma says, "we can hand-craft a bespoke gun cabinet from the finest wood, featuring magnificent cut-glass crystal Champagne flutes and tumblers complete with separate refrigeration facilities.” No matter to what use you intend to use your Carisma Defender, the company says, there's a choice from a range of multimedia options for Windows or Apple operating systems, wi-fii and Bluetooth to ensure you are always connected when on the move, with audio equipment from Bang & Olufsen. Sales and marketing director Clive Drake said: "The Land Rover Defender is an iconic British vehicle with legendary off-road capability. One day a client came to me wanting a vehicle that had all of the capabilities of the Defender but with an interior ambience of a Range Rover with the feeling of pure exclusivity of a Rolls-Royce - the Carisma Auto Design Defender conversion was born. “Clients come to us because they know we can achieve the impossible and deliver a vehicle that exceeds their expectations. We’ve been asked to incorporate some truly outlandish features but we still manage to integrate them seamlessly into the vehicle.” Amongst some of the recent requests have been solid crystal

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crazy going through Nigeria; that people will kill us, rob us, knife us, and kidnap us. So we got a little scared,” he said. But Lady Luck stepped in and Oosterbroek, through Facebook, managed to get in touch with a fellow countryman working in Lagos. In turn, the man convinced his company to sponsor an armed convoy for Oosterbroek – at that time travelling with friend, Yme Veenje – during their Nigerian travels. THIS is a story worthy of inclusion in Gulliver's Travels, but there was nothing fictional about intrepid Dutch traveller Jos Oosterbroek's journey through Africa – all in a trusty Volkswagen Beetle and not even a flat tyre throughout the entire 20 000km trip. Oosterbroek, a 28-year-old teacher in the Netherlands, fittingly ended his triumphant expedition at the Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) plant in Uitenhage in April this year. Welcomed by the Volkswagen Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) team, Oosterbroek told of how he started out on his journey from Amsterdam four months earlier and set course for Cape Town in his 1982 Beetle.

“From Lagos we had an escort vehicle in front of us with three guys armed with AK47s taking us 900km through the country to Cameroon. Every time we had to go to a toilet or have a smoke there would be two guys with guns going with us. “While driving, everybody on the street was pushed to the side to get our tiny Beetle through the country. It was super funny and a great experience. It felt like I was James Bond,” Oosterbroek recalled. Another challenge was travelling into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “This was the most challenging part of the trip. The day before I left for this country I met two Dutch guys with a my car

So trusty was the vehicle – it did not break down once and never even suffered a flat tyre – that Oosterbroek donated it to VWSA where it is now proudly displayed in the acclaimed AutoPavilion. The Auto Pavilion, a place of people and cars, traces VWSA's history in South Africa from inception in 1946 through to today. The exhibits include lovingly restored examples of cars produced in the Uitenhage factory over the last seven decades as well as interesting memorabilia and the stories of the people who build People's Cars. Oosterbroek recalled some hair-raising moments during his travels from the top to bottom of Africa. “The closer we got to Nigeria everybody started panicking. They told us that we were

Landrover Defender who just came from the DRC who told me that my Beetle would never work there because the hills were too steep and the roads just too bad. The trip itself was indeed very challenging. There were mud slides, steep hills with bad roads that I could only pass by going fast. And going fast on the bumpy road meant that my car was bouncing like crazy over the rocks. But I completed the whole stage without any problems. That was one of the moments that I really loved the Beetle. The small car did way better than the big Landrover.” When he reached Namibia, Oosterbroek made contact with the CIC through the Volkswagen Facebook page. CIC Emerging Media team leader, Sean Jacobs, maintained communication with Oosterbroek up until he arrived at the plant and handed over his Beetle. The car was in excellent condition despite having travelled 20 000km, under some of Africa's harshest conditions. Although Oosterbroek admitted that he had attended to a recurring oil leak from time to time.

• Multi-function steering wheel with audio controls • 6 speaker sound system with RDS • iPod & USB connectivity • 5-year/150 000km warranty & roadside assistance • ABS with EBD • Driver and passenger airbags • 2-year/30 000km service plan

But the adventure was not over for Oosterbroek, who was accompanied by girlfriend Jorien Stevens, 27, who had joined him in Namibia. The pair enjoyed a two-week trip around South Africa in a Volkswagen T5 Kombi sponsored by VWSA. “Of course I really missed the Beetle, but it was also so nice that we had a lot of space and a car with power.” “The Beetle in the end had a top speed of 80km/h and uphill it only did 30km/h. The Kombi did in excess of 130km/h going uphill! Also having air-conditioning was very welcome. The Kombi changed the whole trip from having no luxury at all to a very comfortable trip.” Having arrived back to Amsterdam Oosterbroek said it was back to the grindstone. “It's back to finding a job. Maybe when I got a job again and have saved some money, I will start itching again for some adventure,” he said. By email from VWSA.

Sales: Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035 Laydos Mashego: 073 203 2992

IN 1913, Chevrolet co-founder William C. Durant introduced the signature Chevy bowtie on the 1914 Chevrolet H-2 Royal Mail and the H-4 Baby Grand, centred at the front of both models. Sixty million Chevrolets are on the roads worldwide today and the bowtie has adorned 215 million Chevrolets over the last century. A Chevrolet car, crossover or truck is sold every 6.39 seconds in one of 140 countries, and the brand set a sales record of 2.5 million in the first six months of the year. “The Chevrolet bowtie is recognized around the world” said Chevrolet Chief M a r k e t i n g O ff i c e r Ti m Mahoney. “Whether you're pulling thousands of pounds through rocky terrain in a Silverado pickup or commuting in a Spark EV, Chevrolet's bowtie will always be at the very front of your travels.” While the bowtie has been present for 100 years, the details surrounding its origin are uncertain. Stories range from Durant being inspired by the wallpaper design in a Parisian hotel to a newspaper advertisement he saw while vacationing in Hot Springs, Va. But according to Margery Durant, in her 1929 book My Father, Durant sometimes doodled nameplate designs on pieces of paper at the dinner table. "I think it was between the soup and the fried chicken one night that he sketched out the design that is used on the Chevrolet car to this day," she wrote. In a 1968 interview, Durant's widow, Catherine, said the bowtie design originated from a Hot Springs vacation in 1912. While reading a newspaper in their hotel room, Durant spotted a design and exclaimed, “I think this would be a very good emblem for the Chevrolet.” That nugget of information inspired Ken Kaufmann, historian and editor of The Chevrolet Review, to search out its validity. In a Nov. 12, 1911 edition of The Constitution newspaper, published in Atlanta, an advertisement appeared from the Southern Compressed Coal Company for “Coalettes,” a refined fuel product for fires. The Coalettes logo, as published in the ad, had a slanted bowtie form, very similar to the shape that would soon become the Chevrolet icon. Did Durant and his wife see the same ad – or one similar – the following year a few states to the north? The date of the paper Kaufmann found was just nine days after the incorporation of the Chevrolet Motor Co. The first use of the bowtie by Chevrolet appeared in the Oct. 2, 1913 edition of The Washington Post with the words “Look for this nameplate” above the symbol. By email from GMSA

Jy SPAAR R55 000! Normale prys R355 900

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The all-new Nissan ALMERA is now available in South Africa, bringing stylish design and exceptional value together in one complete package. The all-new ALMERA is built in Chennai, India and fully imported. The South African market forms part of the 170 global markets where the new ALMERA is marketed. Already on sale in key markets like the USA, Thailand and China, the new ALMERA has racked up global sales in excess of 500 000 units to date. “The ALMERA is an important new car for Nissan in South Africa, where the B-segment is the largest and fastest-growing segment in the market,” says Janico Dannhauser, Product Manager for Passenger Vehicles at Nissan South Africa. A well-designed vehicle inside and out, with class-leading rear legroom and luggage capacity in particular, as well as a functional cabin – all at an exceptionally affordable price. The focused headlamps introduce the vehicle and are flanked by a large, chromed grille. The sporty side profile includes attractive 15-inch alloy wheels, a coupe-like window profile and smooth surfaces. The rear of the new ALMERA features distinctively large tail lights which wrap around into the flanks. All design elements have been implemented with aerodynamic efficiency built in as well – from body panels to door mirrors, the boot lid with integrated spoiler and even under-chassis elements like the fuel tank and rear suspension – to ensure the new ALMERA is geared to reducing fuel consumption in every aspect. The modular interior design is ergonomically sound with high perceived quality and textured surfaces. Interior space has been maximised thanks to a long wheelbase – 2 600 mm – which makes its boldest statement in rear legroom. Excellent all-round visibility for both driver and passengers also contributes to the spacious feeling, a generous 636 mm of total rear knee space, coupled to an arm rest for rear passengers, contributes to ALMERA's ticking of all the right boxes. Upholstery is a durable black and grey cloth combination, with interior panels finished in black as well. The instrument cluster features a fuss-free design with polished detailing, decorative illumination and clear lettering, the two analogue dials flanking a central LCD display screen. Silver design highlights also feature on the centre console, facia and around the air vents – of which there are an extra two for rear seat passengers with a dedicated, independent fan speed control. The new ALMERA has also been designed with practicality in mind, the interior featuring no less than three major storage cubby holes. There are also a total of four cup or bottle holders. The boot is its biggest feature, with a massive, class-leading 490 litres of luggage space. The new Nissan is available with a 1.5-litre petrol engine. The unit produces 73 kW of power at 6 000 rpm and 134 Nm of torque at 4 000 rpm. The low-emission and efficient engine allows the five-speed manual version of the new car to achieve a combined cycle fuel economy of 6.3-litres per 100 km, the four-speed automatic variant achieving 7.2. Carbon emissions for both models are 149 g/km and 171 g/km respectively. The compact engine has been designed for the new ALMERA, various components including the air filter, fuel hose and intake manifold being adapted to suit the compact nature of the ALMERA's engine bay. The automatic gearbox in particular has seen comprehensive design enhancements which contribute to its light weight. Changes include flattening of the torque converter, a reduction in the total number of gearbox components by 12%, relocation of the gear layout and a more compact direct control linear solenoid – all of which results in a total length reduction of 43 mm and weight saving of 10 kg. Suspension is by Macpherson strut with coil-over dampers up front, with an H-type torsion beam arrangement at the rear. Safety equipment comprises ABS with EBD and BAS, with backup in the form of two airbags and five three-point seat belts. Other safety equipment includes ISOFIX child seat anchor points, a third brake light and an immobiliser. Available in one model grade, the new ALMERA 1.5 Acenta manual and automatic models feature remote central locking, full colour coding, chrome exterior detailing, 15-inch alloy wheels, electric door mirrors, manual air conditioning with dedicated rear vents and independent fan speed control, a radio/CD/MP3 audio system with aux input port, four speakers, steering wheel audio controls, a height-adjustable driver's seat, tilt adjustment for the steering wheel, remote central locking with speed-sensitive auto-locking doors and a comprehensive trip computer with two trip meters, instant and average fuel economy readouts, tank range and service information. By email.

The spirit of ecstasy I’ve wanted to write a piece about radiator mascots for some time. Last Saturday morning I called in at the Crankhandle Car Club in Cape Town to attend a book sale they were hosting – I’m not a member – but this is an annual event any petrolhead really ought to attend. While perusing stall after stall of ‘automobile treasures’ – mostly at bargain prices – I soon became caught up in the intriguing story of just how the RollsRoyce “Spirit of Ecstasy” radiator mascot came into being in this the company's 109th year – and the most famous bonnet ornament ever fitted to an automobile, before or since. Eleanor Valesco Thornton must have been a captivating woman. Born in London in 1880, she became a bright and exceptionally beautiful adult who found secretarial employment with a motoring publication called The Car Illustrated. Her boss was the editor, John Walter Edward-Scott-Montagu, later to become Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, the founder of the biggest automobile museum in the world and to be found in the New Forest in the county of Hampshire, England. Montagu’s part-time illustrator for the magazine (many line drawings were the order of the day back then when photography was still in its infancy) was the celebrated sculptor Charles Sykes who was commissioned to design a bonnet mascot for Montagu’s own Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, for which he was told he must use Thornton as the model. Meanwhile, as you might have guessed, a serious love affair was blossoming between Thornton and Montagu – a tryst frowned upon by all except his closest friends because of his social standing. The statue that Sykes produced for the car was of a young woman in a forward stance with a veil flowing behind her but her fingers pressed to her lips. Montagu was really pleased with it, as Well he should have been. With the one-off mascot suitably installed on his car it was nicknamed by Montagu’s closest friends as “The Whisperer”. Montagu sat on the then board of directors at Rolls-Royce Cars (now owned by BMW) and pushed forward the idea of a standard radiator mascot for all RollsRoyce cars. Little enthusiasm for the idea was shown by Charles Royce, head of the company, who was more than a little alarmed to see the current craze of funny mascots such as glass cats, nickel policeman and even chromium-plated golliwogs(!) adorning his and other fine cars. He had to make an instant decision – that choice was to commission a modified version of Sykes’ mascot with “Thornton” standing more upright this time around with both arms trailing behind her while holding a lightweight gown appearing to blow in a breeze. Since 1911 it has been the only mascot officially allowed to adorn a Rolls-Royce. "What became of Montagu and Thornton? "I hear you ask. Well, they had a love child, but it was whisked away from Thornton when it was born and brought up by Montagu. Little was said of the matter, probably due to his influential status in London society. During the First World War Montagu served in the Indian Army as an Inspector of Mechanical Transport. While returning to India aboard the SS Persia, accompanied by his favourite secretary, the ship was torpedoed by a German submarine.

End of the road for the classic Kombi ABOUT 1.5 million Kombis have rolled off the lines of Volkswagen's assembly plant in Sao Paulo since 1957. Volkswagen is to end production of its Kombi transporter, made only in Brazil, with the iconic van bowing out in a special 600-unit manufacturing run, The German carmaker said on Thursday about 1.5 million Kombis had rolled off the lines of Volkswagen's assembly plant in the Sao Paulo suburb of Sao Bernardo do Campo between 1957 and July 2013. 63 YEARS IN PRODUCTION According to VW the Kombi, launched in Germany in 1950, has enjoyed the longest production run in automotive history; it added that the “Last Edition Kombi” would be sold at a suggested price of $38 000. Kombi models assembled in Brazil have since 1970 been exported to countries around the world, including Algeria, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, South Africa, Venezuela and Uruguay. - AFP

In the true spirit of “Ladies and children first,”* Montagu escorted Thornton and other passengers to the lifeboats – the last time he was to see her alive. Amazingly, he survived the tragedy but only after his obituary had already appeared in The Times! Eleanor Velasco Thornton, however, remains immortal, remembered and acknowledged on every Rolls-Royce manufactured since that fateful day. Originally silver-plated, at some time gold-plated and even redesigned slightly in 1934 to accommodate a lower bonnet line for the cars, "Spirit of Ecstasy” continues her onward journey. • It’s worth remembering that a Rolls-Royce doesn’t ever break down – it simply fails to proceed! So next time I see one driving by I’ll be sure to check out that beautiful mascot up front and remember its real name: “The Whisperer.” * On 26 February 1852, while transporting troops to Algoa (now Nelson Mandela) Bay, she was wrecked at Danger Point near Gansbaai, 140 kilometres from Cape Town, South Africa. There were not enough serviceable lifeboats for all the passengers, and the soldiers famously stood firm, thereby allowing the women and children to board the boats safely. Only 193 of the 643 people on board survived, and the soldiers' chivalry gave rise to the "women and children first" protocol when abandoning ship, while the "Birkenhead drill" of Rudyard Kipling's poem came to describe courage in face of hopeless circumstances. Author: Dave Fall - Wheels24.co.za

New BMW M4

JUST 24-hours after a leaked image of the BMW M4 Concept was spotted online, BMW has released the official images of the highly-anticipated new car. USA Today is reporting the M4 Concept is scheduled to be shown at this weekend’s Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, perfect timing for it to appear on BMW’s stand at next months Frankfurt Motor show. While there’s no official word on specification or performance figures, the M4 is expected to have a 3,0litre turbocharged inline six engine developing around 335 kW and 650 N.m. Mated with the same dual-clutch transmission doing service in the M5 and M6, this unit

should be good for a 0-100 km/h run in the region of 4,5 seconds on the way to an electronically limited 250 km/h top speed. Carmag.co.za

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R2 690 000 Drasties verlaag Te veel om te noem in die beperkte spasie: Woonhuis op 5 700m² erf in die dorp. R3 728 000 5.5HA Plot buite Lydenburg met verhuurbare woonstelle R900 000 - Nuwe, Laer Prys 3 slaapkamer huis met studeerkamer. Ruim kombuis/eetkamer. R2 690 000 Besigheidsperseel in Viljoenstraat

Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net,

www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops

074 589 0204 Henry Smith R1 722 000 3 slaapkamer huis met studeerkamer en VERKOPE spogtuin. Dubbel geriewe, swembad en goed geleë. Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

Ona Venter : 082 898 5272


Kitchen sanitation isn't just about wiping off your counters or washing your hands after you handle raw chicken. If you want to keep everyone in your household clean, healthy and safe (and we think you do), focus your attention on these three main areas and follow these rules Storage: Your fridge should be kept cooler than 4.4 degrees C, and the freezer should be at 0 degrees or less, (check the temperature every three months). Go through the refrigerator once a week and toss out anything that's past its prime. Raw meat, poultry, eggs, cooked food or cut produce should never sit out for more than two hours. Defrost food in cold running water or overnight in the refrigerator, never on the counter.

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES · 3 slpk, 2 Badk, groot oopplan leefarea, enkel motorhuis en afdak vir 5 motors, groot erf. R9 000pm · Pragtige 3 Slpk, 2 badk, huis. R9 000pm · Plaashuis ±10 km buite Lydenburg, 3 slpk, 1 badk, sitk, eetk, en patio. R7 000pm

Preparation and cooking: When you're preparing food, repeat this mantra: "Clean, separate, cook, chill." You need to not only keep raw meats separate from other foods, but also washed fruits and vegetables separate from unwashed produce -- and you should have different cutting boards for meats and produce.

Pieter Pieterse (083) 274 1986

· 3 Slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met oopplan leefarea enkel motorhuis R7 600pm


Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Spacious living in up market area. 5 bedroom house on a big stand. Study and large open plan living and entertainment area. Close to golf course.

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg





Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 admin@qsrealty.co.za / 013 235 4575

• 1 x 3 Slk wonings R6 000, • 1 x s Slk luukse woning by Laerskool R10 000 • 1 x 3 Slk w/stel R7 000

TE KOOP: • 21 Hkt plot met 4 slk woning en 2 slk w/stel, baie afdakke en 2 motor huise, boorgat, weiding R1.3 milj • 22 Hkt plot met groot netjiese woning, 2 boorgate, baie groot stoor R2.2 mijl o.h.b. • 3 Slk woning by Laerskool, ruim vertrekke R880 000 • 3 Slk woning, sitkamer, woonkamer, eetkamer, netjiese kombuis, wask, 1 badk - houtvloere R945 000 • 3 Slk unieke woning, groot woon/braaiarea, netjiese kombuis met spens, 2 groot mot + afdakke R1 570 milj • 5 Slk woning met 3 badkamers (borrelbad in h/slk), sitkamer met kaggel, tv, eetk, kiaatkombuiskaste, sauna, groot kantore, 2 motorhuise, boorgat, swembad, lapa, palisade plus buitekamers, ekstra 3

Cleaning: There's really no need for chemical cleaners in the kitchen (and you definitely shouldn't use them in the fridge). Lemon juice and distilled white vinegar can become your best friends for kitchen cleaning: Lemon juice neutralizes odors, vinegar is an amazing disinfectant and sanitizer, and both are great degreasers. A spray bottle of undiluted white vinegar is a handy-dandy multitasker, and a little bleach and water can also go a long way. And don't forget cleaning yourself: Wash, wash, wash your hands -- after handling raw poultry, sneezing, blowing your nose, using the bathroom, petting your dog, the list goes on. Always use warm water and soap and scrub for at least 20 seconds.

Nuwe ontwikkeling: Deeltitel eenhede beskikbaar vanaf R595 000

Fase 1: 16 Eenhede beskikbaar · · · · · · ·

Koop direk vanaf Eienaar. Tipiese “Lock up an go” Minimum registrasie kostes. Waarde vir geld. Veilige speelplek vir kinders. Ideaal vir beginner of belegger. Lae onderhoudskostes

Verskeie huise te huur vanaf R7700.00 Kantore te huur vanaf R1500.00 Besigheids persele / winkel spasie beskikbaar


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Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors,Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof, Outsurance & vehicle inspections Phone us for OU T a free quotation SURANCE YOU ALWAYS GET SOMETHING OUT Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 08 600 80 000 ACCREDITED DEALER Fax: 013 235 2242

Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment


Electric Fencing, Batteries, Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774


KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.


J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026

ZAS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS For affordable professional building plans. Fanie 072 055 2150 NOVA FET COLLEGE Grade 10 - 12. Professional Secretarial course. Erika 083 303 9312/ erikaeng@lantic.net DRIVE BUDDY Driving school. Angellique 079 433 5491 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is E n v i r o n m e n t F r i e n d l y, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 REMOVAL OF DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogr aphy.com


S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181.


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 JOVEL AUTOMATION Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales and Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Doors,

2010 TOYOTA 1.6 22 000km R150 000. Tel 079 038 0776


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.

DA VISSER PLUMBERS Regn. B22788. Burst geysers, maintenance etc 072 598 6532


PLATBAK 7 TON trok te huur. R1500 / dag. 076 072 2000/ 083 641 6160


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg

E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 BLESBOKKE R35/kg aan die hak. 072 762 8562

TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES P L O T 2 5 C A 1 M O S T E R H O E K Lydenburg. 3 bedroom house, large work area, 1 flat + 1 cottage. 9.8ha. R1.3 mil. Ginine 079 991 6900

013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg


C O T TA G E S & 2 X HOUSES at Doornhoek Arabian Stud Farm, Pilgrims Rest District (R533). Regret no children/pets. 013 768 1346 3 SLK met 2 badkamers en ’n losstaande woonstel R8500. Beskikbaar 1 September 2013. 082 895 8492

2 SLK W/STEL Lydenburg. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R3000 p/m water ing. Selfde

deposito. Eie erf & ingang. 3 persone max. Ilse 082 597 4407

lattice mast and base station on Erf 2 Simile. Any objection, with the grounds therefore, shall 3 B E D R O O M be lodged with or made APARTMENT with 2 in writing to: the Thaba bathrooms in secure C h w e u L o c a l complex, Lydenburg Municipality, Municipal from R5200. Contact Building, cnr Central and Viljoen Street, P.O. Box 082 460 3000 61, Lydenburg, 1120 a n d w i t h t h e undersigned within 28 LOSIES/ LODGING days of the publication of the advertisement, viz LOSIES- LYDENBURG 22 August 2013.Full 073 555 4840 particulars and plans may be inspected during normal office hours at AKKOMODASIE/ the above-mentioned ACCOMODATION office, for a period of 28 days after the I K H A N D A publication of the GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk advertisement. Closing & Johannes Coetzer sts, date for any objections: Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 12 September 2013 3300 Publication of advertisements: 22 & 29 CIRCLE CATERING & August 2013 Applicant: A C C O M M O D A T I O N DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd o f f e r s C o n t r a c t o r s Street address: 46 26th accommodation and Street, Menlo Park, catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact 0081 Postal Address: Gustav on 082 827 1006 P.O. Box 35921, Menlo or Hentie on 079 887 0374 Park, 0102 Tel: (012) 346 7890 Email: KLITZGRAS CHALETS tm@dlcgroup.co.za Our A C C O M M O D A T I O N Ref: ATC 068 - Simile Chapel, conference facilities, boma/braai. Tel: 013 235 2758

L Y D E N B U R G DORPSBEPLANNING S K E M A , 1 9 9 5 Ingevolge Klousule 21 VAKANSIE van die LydenburgAKKOMODASIE/ HOLIDAY Dorpsbeplanningskema ACCOMMODATION , 1995, word hiermee a a n a l l e b e l a n g h e b b e ndes SELF CATERING W/STEL , vier mense by Carribean kennis gegee dat ek, Estates, Port Edward. Van 4 Boitumelo Moroke van tot 11 Oktober 2013. DLC Telecom (Edms) R6000. Kontak 082 582 Bpk, van voornemens is 7100 om by die Thaba Chweu Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek te doen om toestemming vir 'n 60m VAKANTE hoë telekommunikasie BETREKKINGS/ “lattice” mas en basis VACANCIES stasie op Erf 2 Simile. Enige beswaar, met die redes daarvoor, moet GETROUDE EGPAAR b i n n e 2 8 d a e n a BENODIG werk op plaas p u b l i k a s i e v a n d i e a s V o o r m a n . advertensie, nl. 22 O n d e r v i n d i n g : B e e s Augustus 2013, skriftelik b o e r d e r y, m e l k e r y, ingedien word by die saailinge & implimente. Thaba Chweu Plaaslike Hennie 082 850 7958 / Munisipaliteit, Lena 072 901 3011 Munisipale Gebou, h/v P O S B E S K I K B A A R : C e n t r a l e n Vi l j o e n Gastehuis / Restaurant / Straat, P.O. Box 61, Kroeg. Vereistes: Matriek Lydenburg, 1120 en by sertifikaat, ouer as 21 jaar. die ondergetekende. S t u u r C V : Volledige besonderhede buffelsvlei@live.co.za, e n p l a n n e k a n faks 086 762 9702 gedurende gewone kantoorure by bogenoemde kantoor besigtig word vir 'n KENNISGEWINGS/ periode van 28 dae na NOTICES publikasie van die kennisgewing. Sluitingsdatum vir enige LYDENBURG TOWN- besware: 12 September PLANNING SCHEME, 2013 Publikasie van 1995 Notice is hereby advertensies: 22 & 29 given to all whom it may A u g u s t u s 2 0 1 3 concern, that in terms of Applikant: DLC Telecom Clause 21 of the ( E d m s ) B p k L y d e n b u r g To w n - S t r a a t a d r e s : 2 6 s t e planning Scheme, 1995, Straat nr. 46, Menlo I, Boitumelo Moroke of Park, 0081 Posadres: DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 35921, Menlo intend applying to the Park, 0102. Tel: (012) Thaba Chweu Local 3 4 6 7 8 9 0 E - p o s : Municipality for consent t m @ d l c g r o u p . c o . z a for the construction of a Ons Verw: ATC 068 6 0 m h i g h Simile telecommunications


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Ly d e n b u r g : Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 2 3 5 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou

langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Wo e n s d a e s e l g r o e p 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.•Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g

baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.


Hester van Helsdingen 083 555 8693 hester@klaprops.co.za

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Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103

Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333

IMPROVEMENTS • Thatching • Property Maintenance • Fibreglass splash pools • Kitchen Cupboards • Painting • Shade net carports • Steelwork Pieter 072 132 3241 George 073 211 4913

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Laske Nakke Lodge Naweek pos vir student • Moet rekenaarvaardig wees • Moet vlot Afrikaans en Engels kan praat en skryf • Eie vervoer • Werkstye: Twee Naweke per maand • Saterdag 13:00 tot 21:00 • Sondag 12:00 tot 18:00 Twee weeksaande 15:00 tot 21:00 • Geen inwoning • Pos sal geskik wees vir verantwoordelike jong man tussen 18 en 25 jaar, • R30 per uur Tel: 013 235 2886 Epos: gerda@lodgelaskenakke.co.za


VAKANTE BETREKKING Vakante betrekking as lyfwag / bestuurder vir VF+ THABA CHWEU, met volgende kwalifikasies. • Geldige Bestuurders lisensie. • Gevorderde Bestuursopleiding sertifikaat of diploma. • Sekuriteits ondervinding van 5 jaar. • Geen kriminele rekord. • Spesiale wapen opleiding sertifikaat. • Geldige vuurwapen lisensie. • Enige Afrika taal (verkieslik Pedi of Zulu) Afrikaans / Engels magtig. • Ondervinding in PI Toerusting. • Geen alkoholiese - of dwelmgebruik. Pligte • Vervoer en hantering van vertroulike dokumente. • Landswye vervoer en beveiliging van VF+bestuurslede en ampsdraers. • Sekuriteit van bestuurslede en ampsdraers se wonings en kantore. • Hoë vlakse skakeling met Burgemeesters, Premiers en Ministers. • Moet 24 uur op baie kort kennisgewing beskikbaar wees. Vakante pos tydelik vir die tydperk van 1 September 2013 tot end van die verkiesing 2014 Salaris onderhandelbaar met puik voordele.

Skakel Frik Rousseau 073 913 7534

Kwalifiseer vir Eerste in Ernie Els toernooi Kringspan L AERSKOOL Lydenburg se eerste gholfspan het vanaf 9 tot 10 Augustus aan die Ernie Els Suid-Afrikaanse Laerskole Gholftoernooi deelgeneem. Om vir die toernooi te kon kwalifiseer het die gholfspan teen ander laerskole in Mpumalanga deelgeneem en uiteindelik eerste geёindig. Dit is die eerste keer in die skool se geskiedenis dat die uitsonderlike prestasie behaal is en dit is ’n duidelike teken van harde werk wat met gholfontwikkeling plaasvind. Die spelers het die geleentheid gekry om ’n oefenrondte te speel waarna die toernooi, wat oor 36

Laerskool Lydenburg is trots op elke atleet wat op 31 Julie aan 'n landloop byeenkoms op Hoërskool Lydenburg se terrein deelgeneem het. 20 van Laerskool Lydenburg se atlete het gekwalifiseer vir die Kringspan. Van links (agter): Jeandré Smith, Bongo Bambiso, Sammy Moriri, Carlia du Plessis, Rueben vd Merwe, Gabi vd Merwe, Kaylee Lindeque, Cameron Coleman; (middel): Hlogi Maphalla, Bernice van Wyk, Lindo Nkwana, Tshepiso Molobela, Lesedi Khumalo, JJ Erskine, Karabo Mohlala; (voor): Hermanus Putter, Handré Swanepoel, Stephanie Fritz, Angel Mabuza en Lebo Manok.

gaatjies gestrek het, op Vrydag en Saterdag gespeel is. Wat die prestasie meer noemenswaardig maak is dat slegs die top skole van regoor die land uitgenooi word. Hierdie jaar het 17 skole by die pragtige Els Club te Copperleaf in Centurion deelgeneem en skole vanaf so ver as Paarl en Kathu was daar. Die afrigter van die span, mnr. Kallie Erasmus en hulle bestuurder, mnr. Heino de Jongh is baie trots op hulle spannetjie. Alhoewel hulle nog 'n baie jong span is (1 graad 5's, 1 graad 6 en 1 graad 7), het hulle hope talent en potensiaal om dit nog ver te bring. “Dit was 'n fantastiese ondervinding vir die seuns en ons sien uit na volgende jaar”, het mnr. Kallie Erasmus gesê.

Laerskool Lydenburg se span (van links, agter): Corné Combrink, Jason Oosthuizen, Jerrie Coetser; (voor): Kallie Erasmus, Tiaan Brits en Heino de Jongh

Hier volg die wedvlugduiwe uitslae van die afgelope naweek: 11 Augustus 2013 Bloemfontein Jaaroud Derby : 621 km: Wenspoed was 921 m/minuut.1. Gert Roets, 2. Gert Roets, 3. Gert Roets, 4. Gerhard Marais Groen, 5. Jan Venter, 6. Allo Lofts, 7. Gerhard Marais Blou, 8. Gerhard Marais Groen, 9. Gerhard Marais Groen, 10. Gerhard Marais Blou. Gert Roets wen die Jaaroud Derby. Sy een duif was ook die enigste duif terug in Lydenburg teen Saterdagaand! Baie geluk met jou eerste drie plekke Gert. Mooi gevlieg.


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