29 Augustus / August 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 34

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29 Augustus / August 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 34 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Thaba Chweu faces legal action for parked amounts


feedback meeting was held on the 26th of August for the community and rate payers of Mashishing, conducted by the Legal Advisors from CALS (Centre for Applied Legal Studies at Wits University). The meeting was regarding the parked amounts which appear on the residential household municipal accounts. It was also about the basic charges and the billing system. They also discussed the municipal financial bill, and the basic charge newly implemented by the municipality. Since multiple payments were not captured on the municipal system when people paid, the residents that were defrauded have been assured that the matter will be investigated and that the matter will be resolved. The legal advisers gave feedback to the community regarding the legal case they are pursuing against the municipality. “The legal adversors from CALS are currently in a process of collection information, detailing people who have been affected. For instance being charged a basic charge and you have outstanding (parked) amounts on your bill. This is done to persue the matter and assist the community in rectifying all the problems that have been experienced. And to persue a legal case against Thaba Chweu,” said Mr Selby Mahlangu, Committe Coordinator. The failure of the billing system at Thaba Chweu resulted in the arrears (or parked amounts). Wits will help the community to sort this out. This also applies to the greater Lydenburg area. A meeting will take place at the council buildings in the near future, as everyone who has a municipal account could be affected.

Die Berede Polisie Eenheid van Middelburg het verlede week in Lydenburg kom besoek aflê terwyl die Lydenburg Polisie ‘Adopt-a-Cop’ aksies gehad het by twee kleuterskole. Die kleuters was baie beïndruk en opgewonde oor die perde. Die Lydenburg Honde Eenheid het ook saam besoek afgelê vir polisie bewustheid. ~ Michelle Boshoff

~ Community wants action





Mbidi Lodge 27 July 2013. Photo taken by Darren Coetzee for the Highlands Panorama News Photo of the Month Competition. Send entires to michelle boshoff@yahoo.com The sponsors of the prizes are Highlands Panorama News. Konica Photo Express, PNA and Longtom SuperSPAR.


HE DA has laid criminal charges against Thaba Chweu Municipal Manager, Mr Surprise Maebela and Technical Services Head, Thabo Pheeha. The charges stem from the municipality's continued failure to attend to raw sewage leaks in and around Lydenburg and as a result, polluting water resources. The DA has for months been engaging with the municipality over the sewage spills in Kellysville, Mashishing and Skhila, only to be

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met by the Municipality's Technical Services Department's lack of commitment and will to address the matter. Raw sewage constantly flows into Voortrekker Street from a manhole at the entrance to Extension 2, forcing pedestrians and motorists to cross through sewage on their daily commute. The sewage ultimately flows into the Dorps River, posing a health risk to impoverished residents of Skhila, who use the water for their daily needs. This matter has been reported to the Human Rights Commission and they are very pleased that it agreed to investigate. After three failed attempts to meet with the municipal manager and technical director the HRC decided on Thursday 15 August 2013 to continue with its inspection, and did so in the company of DA councillors. The DA will continue to monitor the situation and ensure that those who are putting the lives of Thaba Chweu's residents at risk are brought to book.

A manhole in Kellysville.

36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre



Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding

The pump station is a disgrace and epitomizes what the DA and the community feels is a serious health risk. This pump station and the above manhole have looked like this for years.

Kapt. Saartjie Roos deel lekkergoed uit vir die kleuters.

Kapt. Saartjie Roos en Kol. Heymans by Dwergieland Kleuterskool in Lydenburg. Kol Heymans is dié kleuterskool se ‘Adopt-A-Cop’.

Polisielede word ‘toegesê’ aan skole om kinders meer onderskraging te bied Die Lydenburg Honde Eenheid het ook die kinders kom besoek. Die kinders was baie opgewonde oor die pragtige polisiehonde.

POLISIELEDE in uniform bly darem ’n mooi gesig. Dit was weer so vir die kleuters van Dwergieland Kleuterskool in Lydenburg. Die Middelburg Berede Eenheid en die Lydenburg Honde Eenheid het verlede week Dwergieland en Lyden Rust Pre Primary besoek om die kinders meer van die polisie te vertel. Onder meer dat ‘niemand aan hulle mag vat nie’, is die polisie se noodnommer gegee en om altyd te sê as iemand hul seermaak. Kol. Heymans is voortaan hierdie twee skole se ‘Adopt-A-Cop’ en hy sien baie uit daarna om by die kinders te gaan kuier en te help waar hy kan. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Swart’s Elektries in Lydenburg se stoep is vir die tweede keer afgery. Dit is Sondagnag na bewering deur ’n dronk bestuurder gedoen. Die stoep en pilare het ’n paar jaar gelede ook in die slag gebly. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Sloot langs pad veroorsaak weer skade Die swak kondisie van Lydenburg se paaie het weer groot skade aan ’n trok gerig toe dit by die Lydenburg taxirank in ’n sloot inry.

Cordu Automotive Engineering Chroom Str 3, Lydenburg 013 235 3131

Cool Sculpting - By Grand Bonheur 7 Sept-Mosaic Workshop Bookings Essential 013 235 4460

Hulp vir KANSA Pasiënte Vir enige inligting rondom KANSA in Lydenburg en die huur van voorraad skakel Chrissie de Beer 079 577 2618.

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freezing a targeted area of fat though a noninvasive applicator, while leaving the outside layers of your skin unaffected. R700 / 40 minutes session

Contact Mariaan Trollip for appointments 083 275 3272 E-mail: mariaan.f76@gmail.com Rensburg Street, Lydenburg

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

It is time to get your tax returns in order If you are an individual, or if you run an SME, there are two basic ways to get your tax done. The first is to log on to the SARS e-filing website and submit your tax returns yourself. The second is to find a registered tax consultant or tax service to help you submit your returns. SARS e-filing is a free, online process for the submission of tax returns and other related services in a secure online environment. Once you are registered for efiling you can visit SARS online for the submission of returns, declarations and payments in respect of taxes, duties, levies and contributions. e-Filing also allows you to submit a variety of tax returns including VAT, PAYE, SDL, UIF, Income Tax, STC and Provisional Tax through the e-filing website.

“While e-filing makes it very easy to submit your tax returns on your own”, explains Somaya Khaki, SAICA's Project Director at Tax Suite, “it is always a good idea to use a professional tax consultant to submit your returns for you if you are uncertain about anything. Making sure that you are compliant will reduce the likelihood of being audited by SARS and may increase your chances of receiving a refund if deductions are available that you were unaware of ”. Here are some general tips to keep in mind: General tax rates on the profits of small business corporations are as follows: R0 – R67 111 (0 %) R67 112 - R365 000 (7%) R365 001 – R550 000 (21%) R550 001 + (28%)

If you supply any of your employees with a subsistence allowance for their business travels, these allowances are tax-free if your employee is obliged to spend at least one night away from his/her usual place of residence and if they do not exceed the following amounts: R319 per day for meals and incidental costs for travel within the Republic; R98 per day for incidental costs only within the Republic; Severance benefits which you might have paid out to your employees in respect of the relinquishment or termination of their employment (for either attaining the age of 55 years, due to incapacity through sickness or other ailment, or retrenchment) are taxable in accordance with the following table: R0 to R315 000 (0%)

R315 000 to R630 000 (R0 + 18%) R630 000 to R945 000 (R56 700 + 27%) R945 000+ (R141 750 + 36%) If you have acquired any intellectual property, the costs incurred (i.e. other than developing or creating) can lead to tax rebates from 5% (for inventions, patents or copyrights) to 10% (for designs). Intellectual property costs not exceeding R5 000 may be deducted in full although no deductions are available in respect of trademarks. You should contact a professional tax consultant or tax service you can find registered tax practitioners at www.taxsuite.co.za”. This is a professional tax information database powered by SAICA (The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants). It's the definitive source for anyone who needs to find a professional tax advisor.



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists

Winterveld Festival


Member of

Dankie vir puik diens Kaart gekloon by OTM Cornie Smith van Lydenburg skryf: Ek verhuis die 29ste Augustus na Polokwane weens persoonlike- en besigheidsredes. Ek wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die hele span by CCS, spesiaal Marga en Madelyn, te bedank vir die beste, betroubare, vriendelikste en behulpsame diens wat ek die afgelope 5 jaar ontvang en ervaar het!


Ongeregistreerde tuindienste strooi vullis Anoniem van Lydenburg skryf: ’n Ongeregistreerde tuindienste stort vullis in Viljoenstraat, in plaas daarvan om dit na die stortingsterrein te vat. Hulle stort dit op ’n oop stuk veld. Ons weet wie julle is en hou julle dop.

Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Bejaarde egpaar van Lydenburg skryf: Sondagoggend is my pa se kaart gekloon terwyl hy geld probeer trek het by ’n OTM in Voortrekkerstraat, Lydenburg. Ons wil net almal waarsku om lig te loop. Daar was gelukkig nie baie geld in die rekening nie. Die boosdoeners het hom probeer ‘help’. Wees gewaarsku, dis dalk diefstal.

Wie se hond is dit? Mr Johan Bezuidenhout and Miss Samantha Dixon-Paver got married on 10 August in Durban. The couple are settling in Lydenburg. Congratulations to them.

Hierdie tefie is opgetel op die De Kuilen pad (Visserye), buite Lydenburg, op 21 Augustus naby die ryskool. Skakel Paul le Roux 082 890 5884, hy huisves die hond vir tyd en wyl. .

Antieke items verdwyn na funksie

Uit die Woord From the Word PREDIKER 1:14 E k h e t a l l e s w a t i n h i e r d i e w ê r e l d g e b e u r, bekyk: alles kom tot niks, dit is 'n gejaag na wind. Here gee dat ons sal herbesin. Gee dat ons ons kinders sal koester en hulle beter sal grootmaak - Amen.

Die Outoppie

Hou jou in!

DIT is voorwaar ’n tragiese vingerwysing na ons samelewing as ’n skoolhoof, neuroloog, onderwysers en sakelui hulleself moet vermaak met kinderpornografie. Gesiene mense. Of jy dit wil weet of nie, die beginsels hier ter sprake is dieselfde as geweld teen vrouens, kindermishandeling, oorgawe aan drank, of bedrog. Ons is kamma erg geskok oor dit kinders betrek, maar die onderliggende sielkunde rondom sulke misdaad is dieselfde. Wat gee aanleiding daartoe? Is dit die

Mnr Pieter Krügel van Lydenburg skryf: Ons vra die publiek se hulp. Antieke items het van ons plaas, Ouwerf, buite Lydenburg weggeraak na ’n funksie. Dit is wederegtelik verwyder. Die klere het geen geldelike waarde nie, maar slegs historiese en sentimentele waarde. 1. Bruin/ khakie Tweede Wêreld Oorlog mansuniform (baadjie en broek). 2. Dames ‘step-in’. 3. Manspet, wit-en-rooi met goue koordversiering. 4. Wit-en-silwer lurex mini moulose rok. 5. Swart minirok met pienk langmou kantmoue. 6. Dames swart baaibroek (die naam van A. M. Jefferis is aan die binnekant). 7. Een strooihoed met ligpers organzarose. Indien enigiemand van die kledingstukke opmerk kan Pieter Krügel 074 270 7222 of Melitza Krügel by 079 857 2717 anoniem geskakel word. ’n Beloning word aangebied. Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

risiko? Die verbodenheid daarvan? Ons maak dit af en sê die ou is geestesongesteld. Maar my weersin teenoor ’n ou wat wat sy vrou slaan, of verkrag, wat bedrog pleeg om te kan kompeteer is dieselfde. Hoekom gebeur sulke dinge? Die sielkundiges het baie antwoorde van ’n vernielde jeug tot groepsdruk. Maar hulle het nie oplossings nie. Ek dink dit begin as ons klein is en ons doen dit ook aan ons kinders. Van kleins af word seuntjies gedruk om rugby te speel, vinniger te hardloop, die spies verder te gooi en akademies te presteer. Hy moet sy maatjie wen, sodat sy pa kan spog. Dogtertjies word opgetof en modelletjies gemaak om

hulle ma’s goed te laat voel. Dit alles begin voor skool. In die skole word dit verder gevoer. Onderwysers wat nie aan die prestasie psige deelneem nie is nie goeie onderwysers nie. ’n Skool wat presteer kry die ryk ouers. Prestasie teen alle koste. Alles is geldgedrewe. Seuns wat seëls versamel is sissies. Dogtertjies wat nie snuif nie is nie cool nie. Ouers stuur hulle kinders weg van die huis na duur privaatskole want hulle wil net die beste vir hulle kindertjies hê. Maar in die proses ontneem hulle hulle kinders van ’n gesonde gesinslewe. Van die langsame koestering van eie belangstellings in ’n nie kompeterende omgewing, tot meelewing en ondersteuning soos wat die natuur mense wil laat grootword, is daar geen sprake nie. Ons is prestasiegedrewe. Ons druk ons kinders en dit word deel van hulle psige. Wanneer hulle groot is, moet hulle die voorsprong behou. Die belangriker pos, duurder motor, luukser huis, elke ding. Dit is hoekom hulle vrouens slaan, aan die suip raak en bedrog pleeg. Om bo te bly! Darwin se idee van die diereryk. Ons verstaan nie mense is anders nie. Die druk is eenvoudig te hoog!


ie artikel van Dooie Luislang 22 Augustus was verkeerd geidentifiseer. Dit is ’n Burmese luislang (Python molurus bivittatus) en nie 'n Suid Afrikaanse luislang nie. Dit kom nie natuurlik in Suid Afrika voor nie. Tog word hierdie reptiele vrylik beskikbaar gestel in troeteldier winkels vir aanhouding. Dit kan gevaarlik wees, aangesien dit tot 5 meter lank kan word, en prooi tot op jong bokkies of self honde en katte kan vreet. In aanhouding kan baba's 'n moontlike prooi word, en verkeerdelike aanhouding kan nadelige gevolge hê. Hierdie groot konstriktors word sonder aanhoudings permitte verkoop, en in ander wêrelddele het dit al groot probleme veroorsaak. - Bydrae deur Neels Bothma.

Symbols for Accessibility. Symbols provide Information, but if the wrong sign is used and the purpose of the sign unclear, confusion reigns, resulting in quarrels such as those often experienced in car parks. Know the sign, know the meaning. Know how to apply the rules and prevent problems before they arise: Is your building compliant to the disability law? · Does it matter if you are displaying disability signs but are not compliant to angles, size or specifications as per the law? What could happen in the event of an accident? What is required by Law as tenant/land lord and how enforceable is the law? Ama Wheelies provides accessibility assessments and helps on applying the law, providing practical demonstrations on the interpretation and meaning. For an assessment phone: 079 875 5040 help@amawheelies.co.za

“WEAR safety belts, Ama Wheelies don't want new members!” will be the slogan of the Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. Ama Wheelies are doing an awareness campaign telling people to wear safety belts, as most of their members are in wheelchairs as a result of car accidents and many injuries could have been avoided if safety belts were worn. Participants are requested to gather on 7 September outside the library in Viljoen Street for a fun walk to start at 09:00. Proceeding down Kerk Street to De Clerq Street turning left in Voortrekker Street, walking to Viljoen Street and the walk ending at library. A petition will be handed over to the Executive Major, requesting the Major to instruct The Chief of Traffic to ensure all motorists wear safety belts. Ama Wheelies is both a home and rehabilitation centre for individuals with spinal injuries outside Lydenburg. Ama Wheelies is a section 21 non-profit organization (2008/021003/08) with NPO number 083-504. Barry Botes: Tel 079 875 5040 help@amawheelies.co.za See our Ama Wheelies web page - www.amawheelies.co.za

Gehoortoetse Gehoorapparate Batterye & Toebehore Karien Vermaak Oudioloog 082 335 5706 karienvermaak@vodamail.co.za

29 August / Augustus 2013

• 30 August. Pricsilla Smith live entertainment at Legends, Lydenburg. 20:00 till late. R20 per person entrance fee. • Donderdag 5 September. Sektor 4 Potloodspruit Veiligheidsvergadering. Om 18:30 te Plot 72 (E17) Finsburypad. Navrae - Dinalie 082 872 1367, Morne 083 455 7123, Gerhard (aanwysings) 082 801 4346. • Saturday 7 September. Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. 09:00. Lydenburg from outside the library in Viljoen Street through town. Barry Botes: 079 875 5040, Fax, 086 215 2028 barry @amawheelies.co.za

• Saterdag 7 September. Elke Vrydag en Saterdag. Arts & crafts klasse, alle mediums. b-Craft-e, Voortrekkerstraat 68,Lydenburg. Bel of besoek hulle om plek te bespreek 013 235 4460. • Dinsdag 24 September. Ouwerf Plaasmuseum Boere Kultuurfees net buite Lydenburg. Vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Skakel om stalletjies te bespreek. Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222, Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717 • Dinsdag 24 September - Erfenisdag by Rooikatpark. Baie te sien en te doen.

• Saterdag 27-28 September. Rusoord se Kermis Lydenburg. Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Outydse motors, motorfietse deel van optog die Vrydag. Vrydag groot vleis tafels. Saterdag eetgoed verversings, naaldwerk, groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, Tombola ens. Verskeie kompetisies, potjiekoskompetisie deur gemeentes. Jeanetta Kruger 013 235 3858 of 013 235 2146. • Vrydag 4 Oktober. Relay for Life, Kansa. Hoërskool Lydenburg, stap deurnag. Kontak: Conrad Langenegger by Longtom Cycle RFL Team Recruiter: 071 890 2915 of Isobel: 084 329 8737.

Die Gereformeerde Kerk Lydenburg nooi almal na ons jaarlikse DOPPERMARK op 30 en 31 Augustus. Vrydagaand 17:00: Braai-ete te koop @R50-00 per bord; Saterdag 08h00: Mark begin. Koek, vetkoek, worsbroodjies, basaarpoeding, speletjies vir die kinders en nog vele meer! Daar is ook heerlike vleis te koop. Sien jou daar! Plek: NG-Moedergemeente se saal. Vir meer inligting skakel 013 235 4391.

Ds. Fred Wilson staan reg met die voorgeregte.

Bev Marais, die hoofsjef agter September se dinee.

Adel Meyer en ds. Antoinette Wilson help met die opskep

Azalia Paradise

Links: Geroosterde Tamatiesop en regs: Die spesiaal ontwerpte Tebelo nagereg

Andre en Matilda Coetzee.

’n Gesellige proe-aand is onlangs by NG Suid se kuierkombuis gehou as voorsmakie vir die deftige dinee wat vir Vrydagaand 13 September vanjaar beplan word. Spysenier Bev Marais het voor die kospotte geswoeg om vyf van die agt gange wat die Fondsinsamelingsbanket vir die Tebelo Kinderdorp beplan word, voor te berei. Die gelukkige twintigtal proefkonyne, het saam gesmul aan die geroosterde tamatiesop, die forelterrien met suurroom en dilsous, die suurlemoen-sorbet en die gevulde lamsrol met aartappel-gebak en mooi al dente-groente-bondel. Saam was daar luide applous vir Bev se poeding-kunswerk wat die Tebeloembleem voorgestel het, in wit-en-donker sjokolade-mousse met ’n framboosdakkie op. Dr. Peet Visser is aangestel as w y n p r o e w e r, o m g e s k i k t e Boschendal en ander wyne uit te kies wat by elke gang sal pas. Die deftige dinee, gemik op sakemanne was as pare of groepe tafels wil bespreek, is ’n grootskaalse fondsinsamelingsprojek om die beplande Kinderdorp vir Lydenburg ’n hupstoot te gee. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Fred Wilson by 082 805 0924.

Leon en Rika Nieuwenhuizen.

Elise en Leon de Jager.

Hectares of azalia’s are on the farm of Mr Noel and Mrs Petro Jones. The farm is situated on the Badfontein Road, between Bambi and Lydenburg. For years from far and wide, visitors come to see the splendour of these flowers. You are welcome to pack a picnic basket and buy azalia’s at their nursery. For more information phone at 076 588 6947/ 076 23 4766 or 082 308 0410.

Nuus / News

Batsumi Consulting Engineers provides one-stop consulting services BATSUMI Consulting Engineers, operating in Lydenburg since 2009, is a multi-discipline consulting firm that provides one-stop consulting services. From project management, construction management, professional services, civil & structural management to waste management - the firm's in-house professionals specialize in various fields of consulting. Batsumi Consulting Engineers, with a mission statement of “ Providing value for money solutions” offers the following: Professional services such as Civil & Structural Engineering; Project management; Pre-feasibility on Projects; Conceptualizing of Projects; Request for

Funding; Bid Documentation; Monitoring and supervising projects; Project Reviews; Identification & implementation of EPWP Projects; Training; Mentoring & Coaching. Batsumi Consulting Engineers has offices in Lydenburg and the Free State. The Lydenburg office is run by Izak Lange, who is also on the Executive Committee of the Lydenburg Business Chamber. For enquiries regarding any of the services that Batsumi Consulting Engineers offer, contact their office on 013 235 1177 or 2288 or Izak on 082 440 6611 or alternatively visit their office on the corner of Voortrekker & Paul Kruger street.

Izak Lange 082 440 6611 Tel: 013 235 2288 Fax: 086 651 3369 izak@batsumi-eng.co.za

113 Voortrekker Street Lydenburg 1120

PostNet, Lydenburg ’n volle ses!

PostNet Lydenburg het vandeesmaand hulle sesde ver jaarsdag gevier. Hiermee wil hulle graag almal bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning, en hulle sien uit na nog baie jare se professionele diens! Op die foto is Thea Potgieter (heel voor regs) en van links agter: Cherese Becker, Jaen-Marie Smith, Evelyn Maphanga. Baie geluk ook van die Highlands Panorama Nuus!

Eienaars, Driekie en Pieter Heyns, het Kusile Gastehuis in Burgersfort vergroot en hul eie unieke stempel daarop afgedruk. Kleurskema’s regdeur komplimenteer mekaar en hulle het met die binneversiering, soos gesien kan word op die foto’s, wel gekyk na die nuutste tendense maar nie so meegevoer daardeur geraak dat hulle teen volgende jaar weer moet kyk daarna nie. Pieter Kugel, ons plaaslike skilder is ook ingespan vir die skilderye en so is ook driekwart van die produkte wat gebruik is plaaslik aangeskaf. Alhoewel dit wel ‘n gastehuis is, kry jy steeds die gevoel van huislikheid en ’n plek waar jy kan rus en ontspan. Reinet Bell.

Dog Training

Valid till 18 September 2013 or While Stocks Last

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Gawe wen by 4U 4 U Office National Lydenburg en Burgersfort het vir twee maande ’n kompetisie geloots waar jy stempels kan aankoop en jou geld kan terugwen vir die waarde wat jy gespandeer het. Alle stempel-aankope is in ’n gelukkige trekking gegooi en die wenners is aangewys. Baie geluk aan die wenners.

‘Groen’ ligte by Gert en Andre Elektries die antwoord

EK het sowat 12 jaar gelede al die gewone outydse ligte (gloeilampe) in en om my huis met energiebesparende CFL gloeilampe vervang. Die vergelykbare CFL gloeilamp het net 20W per gloeilamp verbruik, vergeleke met die 100W per lig van die outydse lampe. Die CFL ligte hou gemiddeld ook 10 keer langer as die outydse gloeilampe. My besparing in krag was baie groot. Van sowat 5 000W vir 50 gloeilampe af na slegs 1 000W. Oor die afgelope ses maande is ek egter besig om al die CFL gloeilampe met LED ligte te vervang. LED is nie skadelik vir die omgewing soos die CFL gloeilampe wanneer jy hulle weggooi nie. Hulle is ook veel skerper, gebruik die helfte die krag van die CFL gloeilampe en hou

nog langer. Hulle bly ook koel. Op my 20 buiteligte is my verbruik nou slegs 200W en wanneer ek klaar is, sal die totale verbruik vir al my ligte val na slegs 500W, teenoor die oorspronklike 5 000W. Dit is ’n besparing van sowat 90%. Die LED ligte is wel duur teen sowat R210 per lig, maar die kwaliteit van die ligsterkte is spierwit, hulle hou baie lank, is nie skadelik vir die omgewing nie en is so lig op krag dat niemand skuldig voel as ’n lig hier en daar aan vergeet word nie. Kyk gerus na die verskeidenheid ligte wat by Gert en Andre Elektries beskikbaar is en begin om stelselmatig jou gloeilampe met hierdie ligte te vervang. Andre Coetzee.

Van links is me. Hannetjie van Niekerk (wenner) en Sannie Mathebula (Branch Manager 4 U Office National Lydenburg). 4 U Office National Burgersfort van links is Dinah Moraba (wenner) en Erika Van Niekerk (Branch manager 4 U Office National Burgersfort).


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Megapaints het takke in Lydenburg, Burgersfort en Steelpoort en is nie net nog ’n verfwinkel nie. Buiten gebou-verf het hulle ook “automotive” verf en het hulle blindings wat hulle ook vir hul kliënte kan installeer. LP gas vir jou huishoudelike gebruik kan ook by hulle hervul word en nou het hulle ook die lisensie bekom om gasinstallasies te doen. Hul gasstowe is van hoogstaande gehalte so as jy by hulle jou gasstoof koop kan hulle die installasie vir die gas ook vir jou doen. Van links (voor):Angela Hartman, Irene Januarie; (agter): Hennie Joubert, Tumelo Phukubje, Abel Ndimande, Jingo Makosane.

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BACK in April 2013 Wheels24 caught up with William “Bill” Davidson, great-grandson of the founder of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle empire, at South Africa's Margate Bike Week (hosted by HD) and he alluded to the fact that 2013 was proving "something of a cracker” for the company. Shareholders even got a dividend, he told us, "something that not every motorcycle manufacturer was able to do in the current global financial climate". Davidson intimated at the same that there was some great news ahead [focusing on next year’s ambitious line-up, 2014], and true to his word an announcement came earlier this week to just what exactly customers could expect from the largest motorcycle company in the world and most definitely due in South African Harley-Davidson showrooms over the next few weeks. A four-years-in-the-making strategy plan codenamed Project Rushmore has now reached fruition with new front-to-back styling, a new twincooled engine (on some models) and more – apparently as a direct result of feedback collected from the millions of Harley-Davidson riders from every part of the globe.

The Harleys look good and offer a particular lifestyle bike, but are not really my cup of tea. Once you have ridden an adventure bike, nothing even comes close. Andre Coetzee

In a nutshell, Project Rushmore aims to open up riding – and specifically touring/crusing – to a new generation of riders with significant improvements over earlier models to deliver an even better riding experience. (Although “Bill” Davidson was only in South Africa for a couple of weeks he still managed to get away from all the paperwork and tour a small part of the country on one of his motorcycles – two up at that – and is certainly qualified to understand what civilised motorcycle touring is all about and why we love this form of motorcycling so much in SA.) Current owners and prospective customers can look forward for starters to refreshed Fat Bob styling, a new CVO (customer vehicle operations) Softail Deluxe and 1200 Sportster range that will have anti-lock brakes as standard – excluding the 883cc Sportster models for now. The Sportster line up will also feature new hand controls and brake components, improved service access, and an HD Smart Security System with a proximity-based, hands-free, security fob. Seven additional touring models and a trike have been upgraded for model-year 2014 – most of which will have Bluetooth-enabled Boom! Box infotainment systems and satnav, Daymaker LED headlights, a new fairing with "splitstream" venting and a Twin-Cooled High Output Twin Cam 103 (1690cc) power train that’ll be standard fare on all H-D Dyna and Softail units from now on. There are also improvements to many of the components found in the current range in this The Company's 110th anniversary year – some of which are arguably just aesthetic, such as the reshaped Tour-Pak saddlebags with convenient One-Touch design elements, sleeker mudguards, lighter cast-aluminium wheels and intuitive hand-control switches.

– we did kind of expect that from HarleyDavidson, didn’t we! DAVE FALL Wheels24. co.za

Jy SPAAR R55 000! Normale prys R355 900

NOU R299 900 Vanaf

Major changes, will be found in the 2014 CVO series of limited-production motorcycles such as the new CVO Softail Deluxe, a premium custom touring motorcycle equipped with a detachable windscreen and satnav, Daymaker LED lighting, detachable saddlebags and of course the bold paint and big Screamin’ Eagle power train that’s always part of the CVO programme. Naturally, there’s a whole raft of dazzling new paint schemes

GM South Africa has announced that the booted Opel Astra will make its way to South Africa in October. The new variant has a boot that measures 460 litres, 90 more than the hatchback. By folding the 60:40 split rear seat, its maximum utility space grows to 1 010 litres. The range will be made up of the 1,6 Essentia, 1,4 Turbo Essentia, 1,4 Turbo Essentia AT and the rangetopping 1,6 Turbo Cosmo. The entrylevel naturally aspirated 1,6-litre found in the Essentia model has a power output of 85 kW and

NO, Cyril, it's not the next-generation Batmobile, it's the future of GM's ailing Opel nameplate - a brave attempt to resurrect the brand as a cutting-edge technology showcase. This is the Monza Concept, which will be seen in public for the first time at the Frankfurt motor show in September, complete with LED projection infotainment and an evolution of the Ampera's extended-range electric powertrain. The 4.69 metre-long, four seat Monza's dramatic shape is all about sweeping contours and precise, crisp edges; the sides are shaped to enable easy entry and exit for front and rear-seat passengers, while emphasising the rear wheel-arches, which are the same width as the front. The sporty roof line - 1310mm high at its highest point - runs in a semi-circle like a classic coupé but, just before reaching the tailgate, sweeps slightly upwards to create a 500-litre boot, while the gull-wing doors reveal the absence of Bpillars. Instead of conventional monitors, each providing different information, there's a wide, sculpted dashboard - a single projection surface that sweeps

torque of 155 N.m at 4 000 r/min. The turbocharged 1,4litre engine delivers 103 kW and 200 N.m, while the force-fed 1,6-litre unit pushes out 132 kW and 230 N.m. Specification should be similar to the hatchback, so expect a full audio system with radio, CD, and fix auxiliary connection, air-conditioning, a multitude of airbags, Isofix anchorages and central locking all as standard. Overseas, this vehicle comes fitted with Opel’s Advanced Forward Lighting (AFL+) system with bi-xenon headlamps and a number of sophisticated lighting functions, including variable light distribution, curve light, cornering light and highbeam assist. Also on international models is the marque’s FlexRide system that offers the driver three suspension settings (Standard, Tour and Sport). Pricing will be made available closer to the local launch. Carmag.co.za

from door to door, with information and decorative elements displayed according to the driver's needs or mood. The continuous, adaptable multi-functional display has 18 LED projectors and uses the same technology as the big-screen projections at major events, although this is the first time the principle has been adapted for use in a car. It's operated by voice control and steering wheel controls. The system also offers three connectivity modes - Me, Us and All. Me disconnects the driver's phone from the car so they can focus on driving, Us enable the driver to reach a selected group of family, friends and emergency services while All connects the car to the entire virtual world, allowing the driver to, for example, share the details of his intended route online to create a whole level of car-sharing. The Monza Concept's modular design makes provision for a variety of powertrain options, but in this case it has the electric drive of the Ampera, with a new turbo-charged one-litre, three cylinder, direct-injection SIDI engine, running on clean-burning compressed natural gas, to power the range-extending onboard generator. iolmotoring.co.za

THE facelifted Audi A8 has been revealed. This refreshed grand saloon comes with more powerful engines, new assistance systems and innovative new LED technology for the headlights. The overall design of the updated Audi A8 hasn’t been tinkered with too much. Main changes include a revised front bumper, front grille and sculpted bonnet. The main exterior changes are the new headlamps. The new Matrix LED lights are available as optional extras. At the back there are flatter tail lamps and a new-look bumper.

steering adjustments when necessary, and the park assist system with 360 degree display, which handles steering when parking. The new head-up display projects important data in the driver’s field of vision on the windshield, while the night vision assistant can recognise larger animals in addition to pedestrians. iol.motoring.co.za

The new headlights incorporate indicator lamps that feature LEDs that light up sequentially in the turning direction. Audi explains its facelifted A8 headlight technology: “Each headlight contains 18 lightemitting diodes arranged in a strip that is subdivided into seven blocks. Each taillamp contains 24 LEDs in eight segments, which are used to dynamically indicate the turning direction. During flashing, the blocks are sequentially activated at 20-millisecond intervals, from the inside outwards in the desired turning direction. After 150 milliseconds, all segments are bright; for another 250 milliseconds they illuminate with full intensity. Afterwards, the turn signals go dark before repeating the lighting sequence.” Inside the A8 is luxurious with ventilated front seats that come with a massage function. There are various options available to make the A8/S8 even more upmarket. These include individual electrically-adjustable rear seats that can be paired with a leather wrapped centre console in the A8 L. The dimensions of the regular A8 remain the same at 5 140 mm long, 1 950 mm wide, 1 460 mm high and a wheelbase of 2 990 mm. The A8 L, however, is 13 centimetres longer and wider. Both models come with a new boot layout that Audi claims makes for easier loading. Internationally, there are two petrol and two diesel engines on offer. These are the supercharged 3,0T FSI with 228 kW, the V8 twin-turbo 4,0T FSI with 320 kW, the 3,0 TDI clean diesel with 190 kW and the 4,2 TDI diesel with 283 kW and 850 N.m.

So, is this the ultimate luxury car? Ignoring super cars like Lambo and Bugatti and looking at this specific class, I certainly think so. The A8 has always been understated and not flashy. I want one! Andre Coetzee

The 3,0 TDI diesel units are said to be the most efficient with a consumption figure of 5,9 litres/100 km and a CO2 emissions figure of 155 g/km. For those wanting more luxury, there’s the top-of-therange A8 L W12 Quattro. The 6,3-litre petrol engine under the bonnet produces 368 kW and consumes 11,7 litres/100 km of fuel. Those in want of more power can opt for the 380 kW S8. This Quattro allwheel-drive car can reach 100 km/h from standstill in 4,2 seconds. Rounding off the range is the A8 Hybrid. This model makes use of a 2,0T FSI and electric motor to produce a combined output 180 kW and 480 N.m of torque. Power is sent to the front wheels via Audi’s Tiptronic transmission. Audi claims that this variant consumes 6,3 litres/100 km of fuel. Audi has equipped its A8 with the Audi Drive Select system, which varies the function of various technology modules, as standard. It also controls the adaptive air suspension with adaptive damping. As expected, there is a range of assistance systems available as options. The adaptive cruise control with Stop&Go function is coupled with an expanded version of the standard Audi pre sense basic safety system. There are also new features such as active lane assist, which makes slight

Tel: 013 235 4383 / 3911, Fax: 086 520 9004 Cell: 082 495 5622, 082 789 5287 79 Viljoen Str, Lydenburg

THE compact Nissan Sentra comes across like two cars for t h e l o w, l o w p r i c e o f o n e . A c l a i m e d w e i g h t r e d u c t i o n o f u p t o 7 0 k g e x c i t e s p e o p l e w h o r e m e m b e r w h e n S e n t r a s w e r e s p o r t y, f u n c a r s . B u y e r s s i m p l y l o o k i n g f o r a c o m f o r t a b l e , a ff o r d a b l e runabout will appreciate the soft, cushy seats as well as rears e a t l e g r o o m n o w a m o n g t h e b e s t i n c l a s s d u e t o t h e n e w c a r ’s additional 15mm of wheelbase and 60mm increase in overall length. A roofline that maintains competitive rear headroom before sweeping gracefully back to the trunklid imparts both outward visibility and style. And all buyers will appreciate the i n t e r i o r. T h e r e a r e f e w s t r a i g h t l i n e s a n y w h e r e , a n d c e r t a i n parts, such as the door handles and their bezels, give the impression that a truck bound for an Infiniti assembly line got lost on its way to the factory and deposited its load instead at a Sentra plant. The ride is firm. The seats are comfortable, but lack lateral s u p p o r t . S t e e r i n g w e i g h t b u i l d s l i n e a r l y, f r o m d a i n t y o n - c e n t e r e ff o r t t o r e l a t i v e l y m a n l y r e s i s t a n c e a t t h e a d h e s i o n l i m i t . T h e S e n t r a b o a s t s a c l a s s - l e a d i n g c o m b i n e d r a t i n g o f ?1 2 k m / l . Loaded up with heated front seats, a sunroof, navigation, and a rearview camera, the uplevel SL example seems good value f o r m o n e y. T h o s e f a n c y L E D - a c c e n t e d h e a d l i g h t s a n d L E D taillights are standard. Internet ED: Longtom Nissan has promised us a test car and the Highlands Panorama News will bring you a road test of the South African version of this car soon. Andre Coetzee.

• 150 000km Warranty • 150 000km Roadside Assistance • 90 000km Service Plan • Rear-view camera • AUX/USB/IPOD • ABS with EBD • Downhill brake control • Remote keyless entry • Electric windows • Steering wheel controls

Sales: Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035 Laydos Mashego: 073 203 2992

Behalwe vir die nuwe Nissan Sentra, is die nuwe Nissan Almera ook op pad en ons sal vir ons lesers padtoetse van beide hierdie motors bring in die komende paar weke. Kyk gerus uit vir die uitgawe van 5 en 12 September. Andre Coetzee

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Moderne 3 slaapkamer huis met Priced 2 Sell! 2 badkamers. Kombuis met aparte spens. Very neat and well cared Ruim oop-plan woonarea wat ook as TV property. At this asking price it's kamer aangewend kan word. Stoep met opvou aluminium deure en ingeboude braaier. a bargain. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Lounge with fireJaccuzi op klein dek wat lei na stoep en hoofslaapkamer. Dubbel motorhuis met place, dining room. Big, outomatiese deur. Groot afdak met spasie vir spacious kitchen with separate 3 voertuie. Groot, netjiese en gevestigde tuin scullery. Garage and car port. asook watertenk met drukpomp aan huis gekoppel. Vir sekuriteit is daar alarm en Lots of potential. Don't be “beams” aan buitekant wat gekoppel is aan disappointed, call us today! sekuriteits firma.

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Think about the right property at a young age MOST people buying residential property these days are not only thinking about having a pleasant, convenient place to live, but also about building wealth and getting ahead in life. However, Jan Davel, MD of the RealNet estate agency group says the most likely way to build real estate wealth is by 'holding' property for long periods of time, preferably 10 years or more and that simply does not coincide with the lifestyles of many young people. He says gone are the days of the mid-20s marriage followed quickly by two or more children and a second or even third property purchased by the time people were in their late-30s. “Young people now tend to move around much more in their 20s than their parents did, often to better their careers before they settle down, and many also carry heavy student debts. Others just don't want the responsibility and expense of homeownership,


Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 BAIE RUIM NETJIESE EN MODERNE HUIS GELEë NABY HOSPITAAL Erfgrootte 1305m², huisopp 314m². 3 Slk, 2 badk, groot sit- en eetk met oopplan komb, aparte opwas- en wask. 36m² Familiekamer, 2 x studeerk. Mooi tuin, alarm, swembad, dubbelh/h, pakk, buitetoilet en wasbak. Lg kan saam met pakk maklik in w/s omskep word. Wendyhuis, omhein, pypsteelerf


TE HUUR: • 3 Slk woning op plot R6 000 • 2 Slk , 2 badk, w/stel in sekr. kompleks R5 800 • 2 Slk w/stel dupleks (groot) in sekr.kompleks R6 000 • 3 Slk huis, 2 motor huise, groot erf R6 000 • 3 Slk woning - Luuks by Laerskool R9 500

TE KOOP: • Pragtige 3 slk woning in goeie area, 2 badk, ruim sitk met kaggel, eetk, netjiese kombuis met gas / elek stoof, opwas apart, spens, binnebraai met kroeg en geriewe, buitebraai, daktuin met pragtige uitsig R1 995 milj. • 4 Slk woning met 2 badk , ruim sit, eetk, woonarea, kantoor met geriewe, motorhuise vir 4 motors, afdakke, 2 buitekamers met geriewe, pakkamers, braai area, boorgat met vol besproeiing, geëlektrifiseerde omheining R2,2 milj • Huise beskikbaar vanaf R880 000

including upkeep and additional payments such as levies, rates and taxes or insurance.” Davel says the latest statistics

from the mortgage originators show that the average age of first-time buyers is now between 35 and 36, and First National Bank recently noted in its Property Barometer that the 'oldies' who are selling and downscaling to smaller properties are key drivers of market activity at the moment. This is good news for the buy-to-let property investor, says Davel. He says young people are staying in the rental property pool for eight to 10 years longer than they used to, and with the backlog in home building over the past few years, and demand continuing to rise as more people enter that pool, there is already a shortage of rental units in many areas. This of course means that both rentals and the capital value of rental properties are rising and that is no doubt why they have seen buy-to-let purchasing start to rise again, from 3.5 percent of all property sales in 2012, to around eight percent this year, he says. However, he says it is becoming increasingly important for such investors to ensure that their assets are managed by agents who are properly qualified to do so. “Landlords who decide to self-manage and save a rental agent's monthly management fee often end up losing a great deal more than that because they were not able to vet a new tenant properly and get the correct credit information, or because they did not ask for a big enough deposit, or because they receive no rental income for several months while going through the

Kom besoek ons by die Dennis van Renen Gebou, Grondvloer, Voortrekkerstraat vir vriendelike professionele diens. stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 admin@qsrealty.co.za / 013 235 4575

R 1 680 000 Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • Nuutgeboude Moderne Woonhuis 3 Slpk, 2 badk, groot oopplan leefarea, patio met ingeboude braai, dubbel motorhuis. R9500pm • Netjiese Meenthuis 3 Slpk, 2 badk, oopplan leefarea, enkel motorhuis, geen diere. R7500pm • Netjiese Woonhuis 3 Slpk, 1 vol badk, oopplan leefarea, groot erf, 2 slpk woonstel. R8500pm Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

Spacious family home newly renovated. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen , dining room, lounge, double garage. Stand 1300 m²

R1 365 000

Uitsonderlike woning met vier slaapkamers, twee badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer,kombuis, waskamer,opwas, heerlike kuierstoep, afdakke, dubbel motorhuis. Pragtige uitsig en goeie area, erf is 1900m2


TE HUUR • Verskeie kantore & besigheids-persele te huur vanaf R1 368 • Nuutgeboude 3 slp huis in Sterkspruit @ R9900 • 3 Slaapkamer huis met studeerkamer te huur naby Laerskool @ R11 000

Vakante betrekking: Verkoopsagent / Verhuringsagent * Eie vervoer * Tweetalig * Ondervinding in verkope is nodig Goeie kommissie struktuur

legal process of evicting a defaulting tenant.” But, he says the biggest hurdle for landlords managing their own properties is usually compliance with the increasing amount of complicated legislation regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants. Davel says a good managing agent will help them to understand all of this and ensure that they stay on the right side of the law.


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Padlangsdag gaan groot

Lydenburg Hoërskool het die afgelope Vrydag hul Padlangsdag na die dorp geneem en al die kinders se opgewondenheid was aansteeklik vir al die motoriste en mense op straat. Wel gedaan Mnr Loots en sy Hoërskool Lydenburg leerlinge en personeel.

Erfenis, die spil waarom die verlede en toekoms draai Verskaf deur die Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group. Prof. Cobus Ferreira skryf: Na aanleiding van die artikel oor Albasini, vind hier by aangeheg 'n stukkie oor Albasini waarin daar enkele feite voorkom wat minder bekend is. Die stukkie kom uit Sagres & Suiderkruis. Kontak history@routes.co.za o f b e s o e k w w w. r o u t e s m p . c o . z a

Portugese vise-konsul, handelaar en kaptein van die Magwamba: Volgens João Albasini se biograaf, J.B. de Vaal (1914-1989), is hy op 1 Mei 1813 in Lissabon gebore as die seun van António Augusto Albasini en Maria da Purificação. Navorsing deur ? Portugese historikus, Ilídio Rocha (1925-2002), het later aan die lig gebring dat Albasini in werklikheid op 26 Mei 1812 aan boord van ? geankerde skip in die hawe van Lissabon gebore en in die Igreja de São Lourenço gedoop is. Hoewel sy ouers Portugese onderdane was, was sy vader ? Italianer van Tirol wat in 1807 na Portugal geëmigreer en ? skeepskaptein geword het, terwyl sy moeder van Spaanse afkoms was. Op sewentienjarige leeftyd het die avontuurlustige Albasini sy studies aan die Aula do Comércio laat vaar en besluit om ? handelaar aan die Ooskus van Afrika te word. Hy was reeds in 1831 in beheer van ? handelsdepot in Lourenço Marques en het onder meer by slawehandel betrokke geraak en dié praktyk tot ongeveer 1850 voortgesit. Dit is onseker of Albasini in Lourenço Marques was toe Louis Tregardt (17831838) op 13 April 1838 daar aangekom het, maar in Julie 1839 het Carolus J. Tregardt (1811-1901) en Albasini wel oor en weer vir mekaar dokumente as getuies geteken. Teen daardie tyd was die twee avonturiers reeds goeie vriende. Gedurende die winter van 1842 het die Voortrekkerleier A.H. Potgieter (1792-1852) en 27 man van Potchefstroom Lourenço Marques besoek om met die Portugese Goewerneur te onderhandel oor die stigting van ? nedersetting nader aan die kus, wat die volgende jaar tot die stigting van AndriesOhrigstad gelei het. Sedert 1845 het Albasini gereeld handelstogte na dié

Boerenedersetting onderneem. Albasini het slegs twee jaar op Magashulaskraal gewoon en toe na Rustplaats naby Andries-Ohrigstad verhuis en ? winkel op die dorp geopen. In 1848 het A.H. Potgieter en sy volgelinge besluit om hulle aan die voet van die Zoutpansberg te gaan vestig, maar Albasini het nie aan hierdie verhuising deelgeneem nie. Toe Ohrigstad in 1850 weens malaria ontruim en Lydenburg gestig is, het Albasini daarheen getrek. Op 6 Maart 1850 is João Albasini op Lydenburg deur landdros Jacob de Clerq (1791-1881) en twee heemrade met Gertina (Gerrie) Maria Petronella Janse van Rensburg (1832-1906) in die huwelik bevestig; ? egverbintenis waaruit António Augusto (*1853), Susanna Elisabet (*1855), Maria Magdalena (*1856), Martha Magdalena (*1859), Lukas Willem (*1862), Jan Jakob (*1865), Gertina Maria Petronella (*1867), Hendrika Maria (*1869) en Anna Sophia (*1874) gebore is – die begin van ? Afrikaanssprekende familie Albasini. In Augustus 1853 het Albasini na Zoutpansbergdorp, wat in 1855 tot Schoemansdal herdoop is, verhuis en ? winkel daar geopen Albasini was ? groot voorstander van Portugese handelsbetrekkinge met die Boere en het selfs ? lang verslag oor die voordele daaraan verbonde opgestel en aan die Portugese owerheid in Mosambiek gestuur. Dit was hoofsaaklik op sy inisiatief dat ? Portugese handelsending van Inhambane, onder leiding van pater Joaquim de Santa Rita Montanha (c.1806-1870),

Zoutpansberg in 1855-1856 besoek het om handelsbetrekkinge met die Boere aan te knoop. Hoewel die sending nie besonder suksesvol was nie, was dit die eerste bousteen vir latere traktate wat tussen die regerings van die ZuidAfrikaansche Republiek en Portugal gesluit is. In 1858 het João Tavares de Almeida, die Goewerneur-generaal van Mosambiek, Albasini vereer deur hom die pos van Portugese visekonsul in die ZAR aan te bied; ? aanbod wat hy met graagte aanvaar en sy ampspligte na behore uitgevoer het, hoewel hy geen vergoeding daarvoor gekry het nie. Hy het ook daarin geslaag om Portugal in die ZAR te verteenwoordig sonder om die belange van Portugal opmerklik bo die van die ZAR te bevorder. Albasini het as vise-konsul met trots ? donkerblou uniform en ? swart hoed, albei met goue koordversierings, gedra. Later het geblyk dat dit ? ou admiraalsuniform was en dat Albasini nie geregtig was om dit te dra nie. So gesteld was Albasini op sy amp, dat hy elke keer die uniform aangetrek het voordat hy die diplomatieke korrespondensie oopgemaak het. In ? rondawel, wat as sy kantoor gedien het, het die Portugese koninklike wapen gehang en op openbare feesdae is die Portugese vlag gehys. Van sy tydgenote het Albasini waarskynlik die grootste invloed op inheemse mense in die oostelike Laeveld van Mosambiek en Transvaal gehad. In 1859 is Albasini deur wnd. pres. Stephanus Schoeman (1810-1890) van die ZAR as Superintendent in die distrik Zoutpansberg aangestel. In 1864 het daar skermutselinge tussen die Boere van Zoutpansberg en die Venda uitgebreek. Een van Albasini se grootste begeertes was dat die grenslyne tussen die ZAR en Mosambiek vasgestel moes word en hy het dit ook in korrespondensie aan die Portugese owerheid beklemtoon. Jare daarna, in 1869, is die Portugese konsul-generaal in Kaapstad, Alfredo Duprat (1816-1881), na die ZAR gestuur om onder meer oor grensvasstelling te onderhandel. Duprat het Albasini nie in die saak geken nie, waaroor hy natuurlik erg in sy eer gekrenk was. Onwetend dat Duprat en pres. M.W. Pretorius (1819-1901) reeds oor die grense onderhandel het, het ? tweede Portugese Diplomatieke Kommissie, onder leiding van Carlos Pedro Barahona e Costa (1833-1876), in Potchefstroom aangekom om ? Traktaat van Vrede,

Vriendschap, Handel en Grenzen met die regering van die ZAR te sluit, maar is later deur die Goewerneur-Generaal van Mosambiek teruggeroep. Teen hierdie tyd was Albasini ? arm en gebroke man. Die regering van die ZAR het hom kompensasie beloof vir die verliese wat hy in Zoutpansberg gely het, maar hy het dit nooit ontvang nie. Hy is wel as resident-vrederegter, Naturellekommissaris en lid van die Distriksraad aangestel, wat hom ? skrale inkomste besorg het. Olifantjag vir ivoor was ook nie meer ? winsgewende bedryf nie, want die troppe was grootliks uitgedun. Albasini was kort en stewig gebou en het as ou man ? lang wit baard gehad en ? wyerandhoed gedra wat met volstruisvere versier was. Sy woorde en gesigsuitdrukkings het van sy welwillendheid getuig en by elke ete was daar altyd ? ekstra bord gedek vir ? onverwagte gas. Hoewel Albasini die Boere se taal nooit heeltemal vlot kon praat nie, het hy tog as vertaler opgetree wanneer onderhandelinge tussen die Boere en die Portugese owerheid van Mosambiek plaasgevind het. Albasini het ? beroerte-aanval gekry wat hom vir meer as ? jaar aan sy bed gekluister het totdat hy op 10 Julie 1888 op Goedewensch gesterf het. Hy is begrawe op die plek waar sy rondawelkantoor gestaan het en waar hy sy amp as vise-konsul van Portugal met soveel toewyding volvoer het. *** Geselekteerde bibliografie: J.B. de Vaal, “Die rol van João Albasini in die geskiedenis van Transvaal”, Argief-jaarboek vir SuidAfrikaanse Geskiedenis, 16 (1) (Elsiesrivier: Staatsdrukker, 1953); J.B. de Vaal, João Albasini (1813-188) (Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand - Camões Annual Lecture No 3, 1982); W.J. de Kock & D.W. Krüger ( re d s . ) . S u i d - A f r i k a a n s e b i o g r a f i e s e woordeboek, II (Kaapstad: Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing, 1986); D.F. das Neves & I. Rocha, Das terras do Império Vátua às praças da República Boer (Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, 1987); C.T. da Mota, Presenças portuguesas na África do Sul e no Transval durante os séculos XVIII e XIX (Lisboa: Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1989); I. Rocha, Portugueses em África: Peregrinos, pícaros e funantes (Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 1994).



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G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521

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AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.


A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

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EK KOOP BYNA alle motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel.

IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300

CIRCLE CATERING & ACCOMMODATION offers C o n t r a c t o r s accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374

KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES LYDENBURG TOWNPLANNING SCHEME, 1995 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that in terms of Clause 21 of the Lydenburg Town-planning Scheme, 1995, I, Boitumelo Moroke of DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd, intend applying to the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality for consent for the construction of a 60m high telecommunications lattice mast and base station on Erf 2 Simile. Any objection, with the grounds therefore, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Municipal Building, cnr C e n t r a l a n d Vi l j o e n Street, P.O. Box 61, Lydenburg, 1120 and with the undersigned within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement, viz 22 August 2013.Full particulars and plans may be inspected during normal office hours at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement. Closing date for any objections: 12 September 2013 Publication of advertisements: 22 & 29 August 2013 Applicant: DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd Street address: 46 26th Street, Menlo Park, 0081 Postal Address: P.O. Box 35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel: (012) 346 7890 Email: tm@dlcgroup.co.za Our Ref: ATC 068 - Simile L Y D E N B U R G DORPSBEPLANNINGS KEMA, 1995 Ingevolge Klousule 21 van die L y d e n b u r g Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1995, word hiermee aan alle belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat ek, Boitumelo Moroke van DLC Telecom (Edms) Bpk, van voornemens is om by die Thaba Chweu Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek te doen om toestemming vir 'n 60m hoë telekommunikasie “lattice” mas en basis stasie op Erf 2 Simile. Enige beswaar, met die redes daarvoor, moet binne 28 dae na publikasie van die advertensie, nl. 22 Augustus 2013, skriftelik ingedien word by die Thaba Chweu Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Munisipale Gebou, h/v Central en Viljoen Straat, P.O. Box 61, Lydenburg, 1120 en by die ondergetekende. Volledige besonderhede en planne kan gedurende gewone kantoorure by bogenoemde kantoor besigtig word vir 'n periode van 28 dae na publikasie van die

k e n n i s g e w i n g . Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 12 September 2013 Publikasie van advertensies: 22 & 29 Augustus 2013 Applikant: DLC Telecom (Edms) Bpk Straatadres: 26ste Straat nr. 46, Menlo Park, 0081 Posadres: Posbus 35921, Menlo Park, 0102. Tel: (012) 346 7890 E-pos: tm@dlcgroup.co.za Ons Verw: ATC 068 - Simile


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vr y. J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083

2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.•Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multinational, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

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1st Place These Grade Nine girls won a first place in the Maths, Science and Technology Fair in Bushbuck Ridge. They designed a poster for maths. Congratulations to these learners which are from Skhila Secondary School in Lydenburg.

These are the grade 9 students who won a first place in the Maths Science and Technology Fair on Saturday 24 August at Bushbuck Ridge.

What an accomplishment. Three learners from Skhila Secondary School won a gold medal in dance at the Eisteddfod hosted at the Lydenburg High School. From left are Khutso Mgiba, Walter Molapo and Bongane Sibiya.

TENDER INVITATION MINE: ASSMANG LIMITED – DWARSIVIER MINE DESCRIPTION: MINE VEGETATION CONTROL ENQUIRY NO: TM 1308/04 Compulsory Site meeting details: Venue: Dwarsrivier Mine – Training Centre Date: Wednesday, 04 September 2013 Time: 13h00 Any enquiries can be addressed to: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za Tender Requirements: • Only Companies Registered in Greater Tubatse Municipalities will be accepted • Only HDSA Companies to tender • Only Residents from Greater Tubatse may tender • Must have valid Company Registration Certificate • Must have a valid VAT Registration Certificate • Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries • Tax Clearance Certificate • SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's/Accountant's letter confirming your EME status

Sales Associate - Lowveld Area • Grade 12 / Matric • 5 - 10 years experience in the FMCG • Valid Drivers License • Needs to work well under pressure • Good Administrative Skills • Good People Skills • Must have own vehicle (car allowance part of the package) • Must be able to travel a lot Closing Date: 2 September 2013 E-mail CV’s to General Manager (Natasha Joubert): natasha@stpie.co.za Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks after closing date, your application was unsuccessful. Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer

Children are our future, help them to grow into tomorrow’s leaders

Cross Country stars at District champs The Cross Country team from Skhila School were stars at the Cross Country District Eliminations on Saturday 24 August at Buschback Ridge. Collectively they won 4 golds and a silver medal. From left are (back) Khumuto Ndlozi, Mr PN Shiburi, Griffiths Mohlahlo, Mlungisi Mnisi, (front): Donald Hlase and Remember Ndimande.

Tanya du Preez (39) is ’n Body Fitness deelnemer. Tanya doen Body Fitness afdeling waar jy gespierde definisie moet hê en ook baie streng dieet en hard oefen. Hulle verteenwoordig die Mpumalanga Span by SA's in Port Elizabeth vanaf die 4de Sept 7de Spet by die Ebenezer Centre, PE Tanya se “dit was 'n droom van my al van klein tyd. My pa het ook aan Body Building kompetisies deelgeneem en soos die jare verby gegaan het ek meer en meer gesmag om die sport te kan doen. Die geleentheid het gekom en vir ses jaar lank het ek hard geoefen en streng gedieet sodat ek my doelwitte kan bereik. My eerste kompetisie was vir USN Face of Fitness om as voorblad model te kan wees en toe aan Miss Supashape Bikini Model, maar het geen plekke behaal. Die jaar 2013 was my eerste kompetisie op verhoog Miss SA Xtreme in Pta waar derde plek gekry in die Body Fitness divisie vir onder 163cm. Die Saterdag van die 10de Augustus het ek aan die Mpumalanga Provinsiaal deelgeneem en 1ste plek behaal in my divisie. Ek leef nou my droom en geniet elke oomblik wat ek doen en om dames te kan wys dis moontlik om op my ouderdom met drie kinders ook nogsteeds na jouself om te sien en gesond te leef. Indien ek gekies word vir die SA span sal ek deur gaan "Worlds" toe waar ek oorsee dan gaan en Suid Afrika verteenwoordig met eer.


Hier volg die wedvlugduiwe uitslae van die afgelope naweek: 24 Augustus 2013 Winburg Ope 5 : 518 km: Jaaroud Mannetjie Kampioenskap - Wenspoed was 1084 m/minuut. 1. Jan Venter, 2. Gert Roets, 3. Gert Roets, 4. Allo Lofts, 5. Allo Lofts, 6. Gerhard Marais Blou, 7. Gerhard Marais Groen, 8. Gert Roets, 9. Gerhard Marais Groen, 10. Jan Venter. Jan Venter wen die Jaaroud Mannetjie Kampioenskap. Winburg Ope 6 : 518 km Jaaroud Wyfie Kampioenskap - Wenspoed was 1088 meter per minuut. 1. Allo Lofts, 2. Gert Roets, 3. Gerhard Marais Groen, 4. Gerhard Marais Groen, 5. Gerhard Marais Groen, 6. Allo Lofts, 7. Gert Roets, 8. Allo Lofts, 9, Gerhard Marais Groen, 10. Gerhard Marais Groen. Allo Lofts wen die Jaaroud Wyfie Kampioenskap. Allo Lofts wen die Algehele Jaaroud Kampioenskap en is LPK en MPF Langpad Kampioen vir 2013.

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Monise Odendaal (21) is ’n IFBB Fitness Bikini deelnemer. Ek was die 10 Augustus in Sekunda gekies om deel te wees van die Mpumalanga span. Ons gaan van die 4 tot 7 September in Port Elizabeth deelneem aan die Suid Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe. Ek was nog altyd dol daar oor om fiks en gesond te wees. Van 16 jarige ouderdom het ek baie streng begin gym en gesond eet. Ek kyk alewig hoe ver ek myself fisies kan druk en probeer om 'n ultimate healthy lifestyle te lewe so ook ander mense die voordele daaruit te leer. Om deel te neem aan IFBB kompetisies is 'n droom wat waar word. Dit is 'n groot eer en trots om my provinsie te verteenwoordig in Port Elizabeth.

Die twee dames benodig hulp om aan die kompetisie in PE te gaan deel neem. Vir meer inligting skakel JJS Connection Health by 013 235 1539.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (P5200)


Tanya du Preez en Monise Odendaal.

YOU GET: + 1GB Data PM + 1GB Night Owl PM

1+1 GB


Anytime Night Owl

Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg

+ Vodafone K4305 USB Modem Tel: 013 235 1637 The Heads Shopping Centre, Shop 26, Lydenburg

R289 PMX24 On Standard MyGig 1

Tel: 013 231 7979 Tubatse Crossing Mall, Shop L70, Burgersfort


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