05 September 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 35

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05 September 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 35 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

A photo of the old gold fields, both photo’s curtosy of MHIG

Lydenburg Toyota Tel: (013) 235 1780 Fax: (013) 235 1527 www.lydenburgtoyota.co.za

Helet: 076 353 2800 Willie : 076 858 0284 AJ: 079 991 6811

R134 600.00

R49 900.00

R139 500.00

R550 000.00

2006 Ford Territory 4.0i Ghia AWD Auto

2008 Opel Cors a 1.4 Lite

2008 Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTi Elegance

2009 Land Cruiser 200 VX 4.5D

R255 000.00

R329 000.00

R224 400.00

R359 000.00

2010 Ford Ranger 2.5TD XLT 4x4

2010 Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 Auto

2011 BMW 120D

2011 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D 4x4 Auto

R293 700.00

R189 900.00

R389 000.00

R250 000.00

2012 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Advanced

2012 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 Manual

2012 Toyota Hilux 3.0D-4D Raised Body

2011 Toyota Hilux 3.0D-4D Raised Body Double Cab

Michelle Boshoff Me. Gerda Chester is iemand wat haarself jare letterlik vir LAPSAR afgesloof het. Die DBV het reeds in die laat 1990’s Lydenburg ‘verlaat’ en enige DBV sake in Lydenburg word deur Nelspruit beheer. Toe me. Chester en haar man hierheen trek het sy LAPSAR gestig en probeer om elke dier ‘n kans te gee. Met die hulp van die gemeenskap kon sy die hokke weer netjies kry, fasiliteite opgradeer ens. Al die werk wat tot op hede by Lapsar gedoen is kom uit haar en haar man se sak. Wanneer honde of katte aangeneem word, word die ‘aanneemfooi’ net so vir kos gebruik. Sy kan weens gesondheidsredes nie meer met LAPSAR aangaan nie. Lapsar kan oorgeneem word by haar. Kostes kan bespreek

word, maar dit is ’n bysaak, omdat dit oor die diere daar gaan. Sy sal Vrydag 12:00 by die hokke wees (agter Lydenburg toetssentrum) sodat voornemende eienaars met haar die moontlikhede kan bespreek. In Lydenburg is dit al jare ’n tendens dat diere net weggegooi word. Dit is veral baie duidelik met nuwe intrekkers wat nie lank in die dorp bly nie. Hulle los hulle honde aan die elemente en wil nie hul diere saamvat nie. Gerda of diereliefhebbers versorg dan daardie diere op hul eie onkoste. En baie keer is LAPSAR se hokke vol en het die honde dan nie ’n heenkome nie. Dit gebeur gereeld ook dat diere net oor die hek by LAPSAR gegooi word en die volgende oggend moet Gerda en haar span die honde veearts toe vat en versorg. Dit gebeur redelik gereeld, veral aan die begin van die jaar, wanneer inwoners met ’n nuwe werk op ’n nuwe dorp begin. Die nuwe eienaar moet nie bang wees vir harde werk nie, bereid wees om honde te gaan haal in die straat of huise waar hulle mishandel word en verkieslik eie vervoer hê. Daar is baie mense wat deur die jare sakke kos en baie liefde aan LAPSAR uitgedeel het. Gerda bedank ieder en elk. Sy het gesê dat kos, komberse en geld steeds daagliks nodig is. Skakel Gerda Chester by 082-041-6165 vir navrae.

takbeloningsplan sal elke Helpende Handtak R10 000 van die organisasie ontvang om in die gemeenskap aan te wend vir elke 15 nuwe ondersteuners wat by ’n tak aansluit. Die plan sal verseker dat ondersteuners se fondse ten volle in h u l l e e i e gemeenskappe aangewend word. Die dienste wat Helpende Hand se takke lewer, is op alle lede van die gemeenskap, van kleuters tot bejaardes gerig en is op die bevordering van die beleid van opheffingdeur-opleiding toegespits. Helpende Hand doen ’n beroep op die publiek om hierdie plan van hoop te ondersteun. Kontak Jan-Danie M a l a n , d i e streeksorganiseerder vir Mpumalanga by 082 965 7002 of stuur ’n e-pos aan jandanie@ helpendehand.co.za

VF+ skop af met Verkiesingsveldtog

Frik Rousseau, leier van die VF+ in Thaba Chweu saam met mnr. Jaco Kok ’n leier van die Khoisan by die VF+ vergadering in Pretoria. Op Saterdag 30 Augustus 2013 het die VF+ in ’n yskoue Pretoria hulle verkiesingsveldtog vir 2014 geloods. Dit is gehou in die Tshwane Events Centre (op die ou Pretoria Skouterrein). Sowat 200 landswye afgevaardigdes het die bekendstelling van die party se nuwe missie, embleem, verkiesingsveldtog en visie bespreek. Dr Pieter Mulder VF+ leier en Adjunk Minister in Pres Zuma se kabinet het in sy toespraak genoem dat dit tyd is vir ’n nuwe Suid Afrika tot voordeel van al sy mense. Die waarheid is dat Suid Afrika ’n baie diverse land met verskillende kulture, godsdienste en tale is. Die VF+ se nuwe missie is om ’n droom en ideaal daar te stel wat nie net Afrikaners sal motiveer nie, maar alle Suid Afrikaners. Dr Mulder het genoem die VF+ besef hy kan dit nie alleen doen nie, daarom is die VF+ tans in gesprekke met ander opposisiepartye soos die IVP, COPE, ACDP en die UDM, met die oog om ’n koalisie te vorm. Volgens Dr Mulder wys die vernuwing die VF+ is aanpasbaar by die nuwe Suid Afrika. Dr Mulder het verder genoem dat sy adjunkministerskap in Pres. Jacob Zuma se kabinet ’n voordeel was vir die party, want die VF+ het direkte insae in kabinetsbesluite. Dit is beter as om net as ’n toeskouer van buite af te skreeu. Leiers van die Khoisan gemeenskap het ook die vergadering bygewoon. Johnny Mash, ’n Rastafarier en Khoisan leier van Pretoria het genoem dat hulle die vergadering bygewoon het omdat hulle as minderheidsgroep dieselfde ideale as die VF+ het. Frik Rousseau VF+ leier van Thaba Chweu is gekies op die Provinsiale VF+ Federale Raad van Mpumalanga, waarin hy en ander bestuurslede die provinsie op nasionale vlak verteenwoordig. Hy het sy dank uitgespreek teenoor die VF+ ondersteuners van die Provinsie wat in hom die vertroue gestel het en hy onderneem om met sy jarelange politieke ervaring sy beste te lewer. Hy is baie dankbaar dat die VF+ saam met ander partye ’n koalisie gaan vorm en met die Khoisan gemeenskap se ondersteuning glo hy dat die koalisie in die komende verkiesing goed sal vaar. Hy doen ’n beroep op alle kiesers om te gaan registreer om te kan stem. Vir inligting oor registrasie kan hy geskakel word by 073 913 7534.

Mnr. Frik Rousseau VF+TCM leier en Mpumalanga Federale Raad Bestuursraad en mnr.Werner Weber VF+ Leier Mpumalanga.

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Remember, Remember GO BIG on Friday 6 September for Casual Day


Miss Marilyn Ramos, reigning Miss South Africa with children like Toro Poen to raise awareness for Casual Day. The 19th Casual Day, South Africa's foremost awareness and fundraising campaign, which raises funds for persons with disabilities, is firmly on track to go bigger than ever on Friday 6 September 2013. This year's GO BIG theme will be celebrated nationally by approximately two million South Africans. Owned by the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities (NCPPDSA), Casual Day officially gives fun-loving South Africans a R10 'license' to dress as differently from the norm as they dare. Casual Day is a lifeline for the network of 500 organisations and thousands of programmes that benefit from the funding, says Therina Wentzel, National Director of NCPPDSA. “In addition to providing a wonderful opportunity to build morale by breaking with routine to have fun together for a good cause, Casual Day has raised over R170 million over the past 18 years. So never say that your 'small donation' does not go a long way,” Wentzel emphasised. The project is run in partnership with the NCPPDSA's national beneficiaries - SA National Council for the Blind, Disabled People South (DPSA), SA Federation for Mental Health, Deaf Federation of SA (DeafSA), Epilepsy SA, Autism South Africa (ASA), Down Syndrome South Africa, The National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP), the South African National Deaf Association (SANDA), the National Institute for the Deaf (NID), QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA), Alzheimer's South Africa and the South African Disability Alliance (SADA). “All these new beneficiaries are committed to advancing the rights of persons with disabilities. Apart from the services they provide to their constituencies, they are involved in advocacy and lobbying for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream society. Together with our veteran beneficiary organisations, the Casual Day beneficiaries now constitute a significant lobby group for the human rights of a diverse group of persons with a range of disabilities,” Wentzel says. Last year Casual Day raised R22.2 million, a ten percent year on year increase. “We are ecstatic about the response from South Africans. With the world economy in turmoil, and a decline in funding for NGOs from corporations and government, Casual Day continues to go from strength to strength and provide invaluable support to some of the most vulnerable members of our society.” Donations are raised R10 at a time for a Casual Day sticker, which is distributed through the project's various sponsors and financial partners and its network of beneficiary organisations in the field of disability. Project leader, Celeste Vinassa says, “This year we Go Big, so whether you wear big hair, a big tie, big shoes or just go big on the number of stickers you wear, anything goes, as long as it's big. Your R10 donation makes a big impact on the lives of persons with disabilities. Leading retail group Edcon, is Casual Day's principal financial sponsor. Stickers are available at all Edcon stores, which include the following brands: Edgars, Edgars Active, Jet, JetMart, Boardmans, CNA and Red Square. Stickers will also be available at Absa, Game and DionWired stores, Checkers, Shoprite and Checkers Hyper or any of the participating beneficiary organisations (for full list see www.casualday.co.za).

N 13 September 2010, the police in Mpumalanga reported about the arrest of two brothers on allegations of a murder of a professional nurse, Betty Mogola, who was 44 years old. Jackson Mdluli, 39 and Zondi Mdluli 32, senselessly killed Mogola on allegations that she did not give their mother good treatment at the Lydenburg Provincial Hospital where she was working. The suspects then connected the death of their mother to Mogola. On the basis of the incident, police then

investigated the matter and arrested the Mdluli brothers. Today, 02 September 2013, the investigation was brought to a final episode by the Pretoria Circuit of the High Court sitting in Middelburg, where the suspects were sentenced as follows: murder – life sentence, attempted murder- five years, assault – s ix months , robbery w ith aggravating circumstances – four years, pointing of firearm – two years and unlawful possession of firearm and ammunition – two years. For the duration of the sentences, the judge has indicated that all charges will run concurrently with the life sentence. “We welcome the sentence which will serve as the last chapter for the freedom of the suspects. Other potential criminals should learn from the Mdluli brothers that crime does not pay,” said the Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Thulani Ntobela. In the same breath, the General congratulated the members for working tirelessly and managed to secure a conviction. He said their hard work has finally reaped good results.

’n Wit Kia Soul het Maandagmiddag teen ’n geweldige snelheid agter in mnr. Andre Coetzee se klassieke 1971 Chevrolet SS vasgejaag. Die ongeluk het by die spoedhobbel by die bruggie in Lydenburgstraat plaasgevind, net nadat Coetzee oor die hobbel is. Mnr. Coetzee, wat hierdie motor sedert 1974 besit, sê dat dit sy wittebrood motor was en dat hy die afgelope bykans 30 jaar die voertuig versorg het soos sy eie kinders. Elke woonwavakansie wat die familie ooit gehad het, was met dié Chev. Die klassieke motor wat ook op die Laevelse Ou Wiele klub se boeke is word dikwels benodig vir spesiale geleenthede soos Rusoord se kermis en ander. Die waarde van hierdie klassieke

Wors, sosaties, biltong en droëwors te koop!

motors is dikwels meer as die van ’n nuwe. Hoewel die skade op die foto nie ernstig lyk nie, is daar interne meganiese en struktuurskade. Die bestuurdersitplek het byvoorbeeld weens die geweldige slag gebreek. Coetzee is ongedeerd. Mnr Coetzee wil ook graag aan die drie jong dames wat die motor bespreek het vir die matriekafskeid om verskoning vra dat hy nie meer sy beloftes gestand kan doen nie. Coetzee doen ’n beroep op die publiek om te help waar hulle kan. Indien mense die ongeluk sien gebeur het kontak hom asb. Tesame met die fotos wat hy op die toneel geneem het, mag dit hom help. Of die Chev herstel kan word, is ’n ander saak. Sekere onderdele soos ligte kan uit Australië ingevoer word, maar dit sal ’n baie bekwame paneelklopper en baie geld verg, om die ou motor tot sy glorie te herstel. Dit is onvervangbaar en is spesifiek in Coetzee se testament bemaak aan sy seun. Enigiemand wat hulp kan verleen kan Andre by die koerant skakel by 013 235 2287.

sp To rin ut ve g-k rek, r m as aa tel k e,

Toegang: R20 p.volwassene en R10 p.skoolgaande kind. Pap, sous en vure word voorsien. Bring jou vleis of koop by ons jou vleis! Bring jou piekniek mandjie en kombers saam! Daar sal ‘n snoepie beskikbaar wees.

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

to the editor

Briew e aan die redakteur

Thank you Dullstroom Stephen and Bryan, Mrs Simpson's Restaurant, Dullstroom writes: Bryan and Stephen, from Mrs Simpson's Restaurant in Dullstroom, would like to say a huge and appreciated thank you to the residents and friends of Dullstroom! On Tuesday 13 August, the best kept secret ever in Dullstroom was unveiled at a celebration for them at Walkersons Country Manor. The surprise party of over 200 people, local and far afield, tributes, slide show and lovely food and a lot of drinks were enjoyed by everyone. Bryan and Stephen were so surprised at this warm and loving gesture from Dullstroom, and would like to say to everyone who was involved in the planning and sponsorships, What a beautiful village we live in!

Dis lente... ek weet daar is ’n paar liedjies en gedigte oor lente. Miskien sal ek dit in die kar sit en sing as ek ver weg ry. Met die instap van lente op 1 September het ek tog al te graag weer begin droom om in my kar te klim ry. Eintlik na die naaste lughawe om te vlieg New York toe. Al ooit by die huis gesit met 'n vlooi wat aan jou byt? Dit begin jeuk. En naderhand raak dit 'n obsessie om van hierdie jeukende-plek ontslae te raak. Die vlooie op Hoorhierso probeer my bewusmaak van hoe goed dit sal wees om weer weg te breek. Nie te ver nie. Net sodat ek die vlooi sy sin kan gee en dat dit nie meer jeuk nie. Dis 'n vakansie-vlooi. 'n Droomvlooi. Droom van wonderlike, asemrowende bestemmings. Tropiese eilande, Alaska, Parys, New York en Matjiesfontein. Want daar was ek ook nog nie. Soveel plekke om te sien. En hier sit ons in Lydenburg. Tog kan ons droom. Al is dit ver weg na Tippererie. Ver is ook die Suidpunt van Afrika, reguit Kaap Agulhas toe. Daar was ek glo al. Was glo al oral in Suid-Afrika, maar was net te jonk om te onthou. Ons eie land moet met mening besoek word, hier is 'n onuitputlike bron van reiservarings vir die entoesiastiese reisiger. En ek is definitief entoesiasties. Al is my beursie nie. Elke keer wat die kar se wiele draai moet dit op 'n plek wees waar ek nog nie was nie. Tog is dit makliker gesê as gedaan. Op elke vakansie ontmoet mens fassinerende wesens en besoek interessante plekke. Mens kan mos droom tot in al die uithoeke van die wêreld. Eendag sal jy wel daar kom en definitief 'n paar berge en waterstrome kruis. Al is dit te "ver te ver om te ry, dis te naby om te bly hoe sal ek maak om daar te kom?" Ja 'wanderlust' het my met mening beetgepak. So volgende keer as die reisvlooi byt, krap dan waarheen dit jeuk.

Help resepteboekie soek asb. Chamber meeting Hannetjie Du Plooy skryf: Ek het agt kleinkinders en het besluit ek gaan vir elkeen ’n resepte boekie van my gunsteling resepte met die hand skryf. Ek het! Toe het ’n persoon die een boekie by my kom leen om ’n degie wat jy om vis sit af te skryf. (Nie gedoen nie) en het toe die boekie Hervormde Kerk toe gevat, sonder my medewete en nou weet niemand waar is die boekie nie. Die boekie is vir Simon Du Plooy geskryf, sy naam staan voorop en binne in die boekie. Ek wil vir die persoon wat so ’n boekie by die kerk gekry het vra om asseblief vir my die boekie terug te besorg. Ek sal dit by die persoon gaan afhaal as dit moet. Vir my gaan dit oor sentiment verbonde, nie een van die boekies bevat dieselfde resepte nie en ek kan nie onthou wat is in Simon se boekie opgeteken nie. Ek vra mooi - kan ek die boekie terug kry asseblief? Dankie vir u samewerking. My nommer is 072 352 4388.

THE Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber invite all business owners and managers to a Members meeting o n Tu e s d a y 1 0 September 2013 at 17:30 in the Anglican Church Hall. We will discuss the levy on electricity for businesses as well as the situation of the roads around Lydenburg. Contact Engela Krugel on 082 753 7940/ Tokkie De Clerk Miemie du Toit en Tilla Knoetze engelakrugel@voda Andrea Coetzee en Dewald Visser het by Rusoord Tehuis vir mail.co.za for more Bejaardes pragtig rangskikkings gaan uitdeel om lentedag te vier. information.

Blomme om die lente te vier

Ter nagedagtenis aan Susan Gouws (Barnard):

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Job 6:14. Wie medelye met ’n vriend beskou as ’n las, het die eerbied van die Almagtige verwerp. Vader, min van ons lees Job, want ons sien dit as negatief. Help ons om die boodskap te verstaan en om empatie aan ander te betoon - Amen.

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

VIR die meeste mense is die koop van ’n nuwe motor ’n aangename, vreugdevolle en opwindende ervaring. Nie vir my nie. Ek het nie die behoefte om te kompeteer met ’n nuwe motor nie. Ek hoef niks te bewys nie. Die langtermynskuld laat my sweet en galbulte uitslaan asof ek een of ander allergie het. Dit is vir my baie stresvol. Miskien sou dit lekker wees as ek ’n ryk man was, maar ek twyfel. Ek doen

30 Mei 1956 - 1 September 2013

Uit die Woord From the Word

Die Outoppie Koopstres

Dankie aan almal vir julle gebede en wense. Begrafnis vind plaas op 6 September 2013 om 11:00 by die Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg. Oproepe kan gerig word aan Johan 082 515 3062.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

gewoonlik baie navorsing, dink oor wat ek nodig het, kies my kleur en spesifikasievlak en so aan, sodat ek lank gelukkig sal wees met my wiele. So moes ons onlangs besluit om die koerant se bekende “CAT” geel Corsa bakkie te laat gaan en te vervang. Laasjaar was dit die diesel Corsa bakkie se beurt en hy is met ’n silwer Chev Utility vervang. Maar my beleid is die nuutste een kom na my toe en ek moes dus nou my geliefde rooi Corsa vir Jill gee. Die Utility gaan nou die Johannesburg roete doen. Vir die eerste keer in 30

jaar het ek nie weer ’n GM produk gekies nie en het gevoel ek moet iemand anders ook ondersteun. Omdat ek so vol fiemies is, moes ek twee maande wag vir die regte (kleur en spesifikasie) Nissan NP200. Wel, miskien het Fred Zeeman, Dicky Roux, Hercules Coetzee en Sanet Lotter van Longtom Nissan gesien ek stres, want sowat van hulp het ek nog nie ervaar nie. Die bakkie is behoorlik voorberei, die ekstras is opgesit, die tenk is volgemaak en ek het ’n bottel wyn gekry om die bekommernis weg te drink! Wat ’n ervaring! Natuurlik het Jill Du Preez in my kantoor die papierwerk behartig, want hulle kry my jammer! Baie dankie aan almal. Fred, jou wenspan en die diens wat ek ontvang het, staan ver bo almal uit! Wel gedaan, ek weet ek gaan die Nissantjie geniet en ek is reeds besig om hom op te dollie!

Longtom Farm Guesthouse ontvang gesogte toekenning DIE Longtom Farm Guesthouse is op 26 Augustus aangewys as die Mpumalangafinalis onder die kategorie 'Beste 4-ster Gastehuis'. Die Longtom Farm Guesthouse, geleë 3 kilometer buite Lydenburg, is die oudste bestaande gastehuis rondom Lydenburg en is reeds in 1996 begin. Die gastehuis beskik oor 10 ruim eenhede en gaste geniet privaatheid, hope ruimte en heerlike stilte omring deur 'n pragtige tuin. Annette Schoeman, eienaar van die gastehuis, verseker elke gas van persoonlike diens en tipiese boeregasvryheid. “Ons het nie eers geweet ons is ingeskryf nie en was baie verras met die toekenning. Stergegradeerde gastehuise word outomaties

Longtom Gastehuis.

While stocks last. Terms and conditions apply

LEAR 2x 4 E13400




ingeskryf. Daar het groot opgewondenheid geheers toe ons uitvind. Die gradering is ook 'n aspek in die beoordeling en kommentaar van gaste wat hier oornag het,” het me. Annette Schoeman gesê nadat sy van die toekenning gehoor het. Die ”Lilizela Tourism Awards”, is vroeër vanjaar aangekondig by die SA Tourism Indaba in Durban. Dit word in elke provinsie toegeken deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Toerismeraad om Suid Afrika se toerismebedryf te bevorder. Die toekennings word onder verskeie kategorieë verdeel, onder andere Bed-en-Ontbyt, Selfsorgeenhede, Gastehuise, Boskampe, Hotelle en Lodges. Alle akkommodasie kategorieë wat geregistreer is by die Tourism Grading

Council of South Africa en daarvolgens stergradering het, word outomaties ingeskryf vir die toekennings. Die landswye wenners in elke kategorie sal op 12 September in Pretoria aangewys word.

• Donderdag 5 September. Sektor 4 Potloodspruit Veiligheidsvergadering. Om 18:30 te Plot 72 (E17) Finsburypad. Navrae - Dinalie 082 872 1367, Morne 083 455 7123, Gerhard (aanwysings) 082 801 4346. • Vrydag 6 September. Legends, The Heads Sentrum. Wiaan Fourie Tree op. • Saturday 7 September. Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. 09:00. Lydenburg from outside the library in Viljoen Street through town. Barry Botes: 079 875 5040, Fax, 086 215 2028 barry @amawheelies.co.za

• Saterdag 7 September. Elke Vrydag en Saterdag. Arts & crafts klasse, alle mediums. b-Craft-e, Voortrekkerstraat 68,Lydenburg. Bel of besoek hulle om plek te bespreek 013 235 4460. • Dinsdag 24 September. Ouwerf Plaasmuseum Boere Kultuurfees net buite Lydenburg. Vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Skakel om stalletjies te bespreek. Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222, Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717 • Dinsdag 24 September - Erfenisdag by Rooikatpark. Baie te sien en te doen.

Dopperbasaar ’n groot sukses

• Saterdag 27-28 September. Rusoord se Kermis Lydenburg. Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Outydse motors, motorfietse deel van optog die Vrydag. Vrydag groot vleis tafels. Saterdag eetgoed verversings, naaldwerk, groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, Tombola ens. Verskeie kompetisies, potjiekoskompetisie deur gemeentes. Jeanetta Kruger 013 235 3858 of 013 235 2146. • Vrydag 4 Oktober. Relay for Life, Kansa. Hoërskool Lydenburg, stap deurnag. Kontak: Conrad Langenegger by Longtom Cycle RFL Team Recruiter: 071 890 2915 of Isobel: 084 329 8737.

Go and join the AmaWheelies fun walk on Saturday

“WEAR safety belts, Ama Wheelies don't want new members!” will be the slogan of the Ama Wheelies Spring Walk. Ama Wheelies are doing an awareness campaign telling people to wear safety belts, as most of their members are in wheelchairs as a result of car accidents and many injuries could have been avoided if safety belts were worn. Participants are requested to gather on 7 September outside the library in Viljoen Street for a fun walk to start at 09:00. Proceeding down Kerk Street to

De Clerq Street turning left in Voortrekker Street, walking to Viljoen Street and the walk ending at library. A petition will be handed over to the Executive Major, requesting the Major to instruct The Chief of Traffic to ensure all motorists wear safety belts. Ama Wheelies is both a home and rehabilitation centre for individuals with spinal injuries outside Lydenburg. Ama Wheelies is a section 21 non-profit organization (2008/021003/08) with NPO number 083-504. Barry Botes: Tel 0 7 9 8 7 5 5 0 4 0 help@amawheelies.co.za See our Ama Wheelies web p a g e www.amawheelies.co.za

Visit the Azalia farm Hectares of azalia’s are on the farm of Mr Noel and Mrs Petro Jones. The farm is situated on the Badfontein Road, between Bambi and Lydenburg. For years from far and wide, visitors come to see the splendour of these flowers. You are welcome to pack a picnic basket and buy azalia’s at their nursery. For more information phone at 076 588 6947/ 076 23 4766 or 082 308 0410.

Die jaarlikse basaar van die Gereformeerde Kerk Lydenburg was weereens ’n groot sukses. Die gemeentelede het ’n groot fees aangebied en almal het te heerlik saam gekuier. Van pannekoek, tot pap-en-tik en heerlike gebak was daar om aan te smul. Die basaar het op die gronde van die NG Moedergemeente plaasgevind wat dit sentraal maak vir die hele dorp en toeriste om dit by te woon. Dankie aan almal wat bygedra het tot die sukses van die dag. ~ Michelle Boshoff

The annual RFL is coming up on the 4th of October 2013. CANSA RFL are humbly requesting companies in Lydenburg to be a sponsor on this prestigious day. This is the ideal opportunity to advertise at the event, which will also be covered by the media of Lydenburg. The following items are what we r e q u i r e s p o n s o r s h i p f o r, including the estimate costs per

items needed for RFL. Music: DJ – Greenroom R 5000 Main attraction – singer Pieter Naude and company R 6 500.00 Music group – Victory 5 – R 1 200 MC – James Hatting – R 1 500 Decorative items for the theme – Olympics - R 15 500 Launch and Survivors Tea - R 5 300 Total amount: R 35 000.00 As you are well aware, CANSA SA is a Non-profit Organisation. A Form 18 will be issued, as require by SARS. We thank you for your positive attitude towards CANSA and this cause. Isobel: Chairperson of RFL Lydenburg 084 329 8737.

Kenchington’s groet na jare as dorp se ontspanplek

Al die veld is vrolik Al die veld is vrolik; al die voëltjies sing; al die kriekies kriek daarbuit'; elke sprinkaan spring. Al die koggelmannetjies kom om fees te vier; hier galop 'n goggatjie, daarso dans 'n mier. Al in die rondte, vrolik en bly! Selfs die vissies spartel teen die skuil; in die groot ou eikeboom droom 'n oupa-uil. Oral in Karooland is 'n ruik versprei: boegoeblom en appelkoos–kan jy beter kry? Nou gaan die kinders draai, nou gaan hul speel! Al in die rondte, vrolik en bly! Bind vir my tesame katjiepiering wit, bobbejaantjies blou en bont, rose in gelid,varings van die klippe, oral, ai só mooi,rooi kalkoentjies uit die vlei–blomme uitgestrooi.Nou gaan die kinders draai, nou gaan hul speel! Vrolik is die wêreld, vrolik rant en vlei! Elke koggelmannetjie het sy maat gekry. Elke gons'rig' goggatjie is getroud of vry: vrolik is die wêreld hier, vrolik veld en vlei! Nou gaan die kinders draai, nou gaan hul speel! Kom Sus, gee handjie! Almal moet draai! Boet gee ook handjie! Nou gaan ons swaai– dis tog so prettig! Wie dans met my? Al in die rondte, vrolik en bly! Kom Sus, gee handjie! Almal moet draai! Boet gee ook handjie! Nou gaan ons swaai– dis tog so prettig! Wie dans met my? Al in die rondte, vrolik en bly! ~ C. Louis Leipoldt

Burgersfort & Steelpoort

Me Hester de Beer en haar span van Kenchington’s geskenkwinkel en koffiehuis wil graag hiermee almal wat hulle vir die afgelope ses en ‘n half jaar ondersteun het bedank. Die koffiehuis is reeds gesluit, maar daar is nog van die geskenke beskikbaar teen vyftig persent afslag tot en met 7 September om 12h30. Draai nou die sente om en dink aan kersfees wat ook al om die draai is. Foto: Luzanne Riesner, Hennieta Grove, Sophy Sibuyi, Gift Mokwena, Joyce Mashabela

Specialising in the following diets: • High protein Diet • Detox Diet • Blood Group • Maintenance & Health for Life

Alloyse Muller : 082 833 0323 alloysemuller@hotmail.com 7am to 8pm Daily (Weekends included) 4447 Bushwillow Street, The Heads

Where yo u ar as a Gue rive st & leave a Our Services: s a Frien d • Weddings • Year-end Functions • Birthday Celebrations • Kiddies Parties • Anniversaries • Teambuilding Spring Dance 7 September • Spitbraai • Pap, Sheba • 3 Salads • Assorted Breads and Home-made Jams • Malva Pudding • Tea and Coffee • R100 p/p & R180 p/couple Our Facilities: • 18 Hole Crazy Golf • Swimming Pool • Conference Facilities • Fully Licensed Pub & Restaurant • 18 En-suite Rooms Sunday Buffet from R70 p/p From 12:00 - 15:00 *Bookings is essential Under

New Ownership & Management Where to find us: On R37 between Burgersfort and Lydenburg Tel: 013 231 7015 / Fax: 086 760 7323, E-mail: info@valencialodge.co.za / greylingn@valencialodge.co.za

Topklas kwiltskou deur Bernina Bernina Lydenburg h e t Vr y d a g ’ n Kwiltersdag gehou waar kwilters en n a a l d w e r k liefhebbers vanaf ver en wyd deelgeneem het. Dis is deur Bernina Lydenburg gereël en Hatched in Africa, een van die b e k e n d s t e borduurwerk besighede vir kwilters het die dag kom klasse aanbied. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Me. Marié Peter van Hatched in Africa.

Christine Filmalter en Johan Botha van Bernina demonstreer van die tegnieke.

Planet Nails, Lydenburg, sponsored Annelien from Salon La Femme, Lydenburg, for a free hand nail art competition at the Johannesburg Professional Beauty, where Annelien won the first prize in the above mentioned category.

Van die kwilts en masjiene wat uitgestal was.

’n Instrukteur van Hatched in Africa me. Cara Laubscher tydens ’n demonstrasie.

Simply Stitches se vertoonwoordiger met honderde lappe wat kwilters en naalwerkliefhebbers van kan kies en keur.

Voortrekker Street, Lydenburg. T: (013) 235 2902

FREE assessment & training programme

05 September 2013

Lang hare in ’n kits

Lotters Pine in Lydenburg has first rate information and products to choose from.

By Lizé Maritz Hair Studio, Lydenburg is haarprobleme nie in die woordeskat nie. ‘n Dame wie se hare in ‘n bob was en lang hare wou hê ook nie ‘n probleem nie. Maak ‘n afspraak en gaan vir ‘n evaluasie om te kyk of jou hare net lengte of dikte kort. Kyk of jou hare lank genoeg is en dan word die kleur menshare bestel en binne vyf tot tien dae is jou hare daar en word dit vir jou aangesit. Hierdie betrokke kliënt was al in Jhb en Nelspruit en volgens haar is daar niemand wat naby Lizé kom as dit by verlengings kom nie. Jy hanteer die hare nes jou eie en kan hulle saam met jou eie hare kleur. Lizé vereis ‘n vyftig persent deposito en finale betaling met diens gelewer, maar te oordeel aan die kliënt se tevredenheid is dit absoluut die moeite werd. Vir verdere navrae kontak Lizé by 083 279 7997

THE first Lotters store was opened as Lotters Discount Land on the corner of Church and Du Toit Street in the Pretoria CBD in 1969. It became a landmark in Pretoria and established a reputation for carrying a wide range of excellent quality furniture. Having spent several years laying the groundwork, Lotters Pine opened its first pilot Franchise outlet in Polokwane during December 2007. The Group now comprises of 20 stores in six Provinces. Whereas in the early years of the business, pine furniture was perhaps perceived as “cheap” entry level furniture; the range of items and finishes now available combined with the enduring quality of the product has seen the status of pine furniture upgraded to the point where it competes with all but the most exclusive solid wood products. What makes Lotters Pine different? We would say that our point of difference is that we focus almost exclusively on pine furniture; we truly are a specialist in our field. We also stock a range of products that are manufactured exclusively for Lotters Pine. The proven success of our outlets in several provinces, combined with a burgeoning middle class always on the look out

for value for money, presents an excellent opportunity to expand the brand nationally. Our stores offer customers the widest variety of top quality specialised pine furniture in a variety of finishes, including raw pine, varnished, stained or painted. For the customer we define the experience with the following phrases: “Lots of stock on the shop floor – pick it up and take it home with you”; “A wide variety of furniture for every room in the home”; “Great service and a fun experience” and “Available in a variety of finishes to suit the customers needs” Lotters Pine Lydenburg, now under new management, follows on from the original Lotters concept and ethos. Here you will find the widest range of items to choose from and you can experience first hand the friendly, efficient service that has grown the Lotters Pine franchise into one of the best places to purchase furniture for your home. Lotters Pine Lydenburg is located at Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen street. You can also phone the store on 013 235 4536, e-mail lotterspinelydenburg@telkomsa.net

Fresh fruit & Veg every Thursday, Take Away, Butchery, Bakery, Airtime & Electricity

Airtime & Electricity

Nuus / News

05 September 2013

Imbali Tuinsentrum leer Busy Bee kleuters

Skep jou eie lente lushof Busy Bee Gr R kleuters het vandeesweek by Imbali Tuinsentrum gaan aanklop waar hulle bietjie meer oor plante en groente gaan leer het. Hulle is ook daar by die koffiehuis bederf met warmbrakke en melkskommels. Foto, eienaar van Imbali Tuinsentrum, me. Dorece Goldsmith en me. Maria Nyangani, Busy Bee se Gr R juffrou en haar kroos

Gardening in September IT isn't only seedlings that are stirring in spring. The whole world is being re-born, and our good earth is teeming with life. There are pests, as well. The eggs of slugs and snails are hatching out, all kinds of biting and sucking insects are being born and somehow or other-there are always a few old and very hungry cutworms, wireworms, and so on which have managed to survive the winter and are going on the rampage in our gardens now. Seedlings, until they grow old and tough enough to be more or less unattractive to pests, must therefore be protected from their enemies. That is easy enough if you make an early start by spraying with something like Malasol. Don't wait until

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your seedlings are attacked and weakened by pest attack. This month seed sowing can start in real earnest. It is safe to sow any of the semi-hardy annuals now. By the time the seedlings are up we will have nothing to fear from the weather. Even a cold night or two won't hurt them now. Petunias, nicotiana, begonias and all other plants which have very fine, dust-like seeds are best sown in tins placed in a cold frame, although if you are hard-pressed for space, pots can be accommodated on a bathroom or kitchen windowsill. Then there are some very interesting vegetable sowings for this month. There are the ornamental gourds, for instance. Mulching now will help your seedlings to grow and your transplants to establish themselves because the soil in which they are growing is nice and cool and moist. The lawn is ready for its first run over with the lawnmower. Do not set the knives of the mower too closely for this. They should not do much more than just skim the turf. The lawn can be more closely mown later on. Source: www.mweb. co.za

’n Tuin wat behoorlik gevoed is, kan toestande soos hitte en droogte beter hanteer. Die grond moet so los wees dat jy enige tyd jou vinger daarin kan druk. Verwyder hierdie lente alles uit jou tuin wat nie verlede seisoen gewerk het nie. As dit nie verlede jaar gewerk het nie, gaan dit ook nie hierdie jaar werk nie. Trek dit uit en gooi dit weg. Sodoende maak jy vir jouself 'n 'maklike' tuin. Maak aantekeninge oor plante wat in jou omgewing werk. Wanneer jy sien jou bure het 'n plant wat pragtig groei of blom, kan jy maar weet dit sal in jou tuin ook werk. Pluk 'n blaartjie of 'n takkie daarvan en gaan vra daarvoor by jou kwekery. “Fruit salad”-tuine is 'n fout. Mense wat ietsie van alles plant se tuine het geen ritme nie. Groepeer kleure bymekaar met spierwit tussenin. Dit is altyd mooi. Waak teen té veel plante in té klein ruimte. Min is in – onthou dit. Met 'n kleiner tuintjie is dit raadsaam om minder soorte plante te plant. Rig 'vertrekke' in jou tuin in, wegsteekhoekies. 'n Mens moenie die hele tuin in een oogwink kan sien nie. Maak vir jou 'n Bybelstudie-, kuier- en koffiehoekie. Elke mens moet mediteer, en dit in jou eie tuin. Maak groente, kruie en vrugtebome deel van jou tuin. Beet en blaarslaai maak byvoorbeeld pragtige grondbedekkers. Vrugtebome behoort nie formeel in hul eie beddings te staan nie. Wanneer jy nie grond sien nie, is jou tuin perfek. Plant slim sodat jy ook nie mure of die bure sien nie. Nie dat 'n mens nie jou bure wíl sien nie, jy wil net jou eie koninkryk skep! Volhard met plante wat in jou tuin werk. Dis baie duur om te eksperimenteer. Geen tuin behoort sonder 'n water-fokuspunt te wees nie. Dit verrig wondere vir 'n mens se gemoed. In Lydenburg moet 'n mens leer om slim te plant om faktore soos wind en ryp te keer. Groot bome en struike moet só geposisioneer word dat dit dien as buffer tussen omgewingsaanslae en plante wat vatbaar vir toestande soos ryp is. Bron: Internet


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THIS excellent story by GG Van Rooyen, Road Test Editor at leisure wheels, was sent to me by Chris Jankowitz. Enjoy! With the petrol price climbing higher, it won't be long before the large naturally aspirated petrol engine is a thing of the past. So let's take a moment to mourn the passing of this automotive icon. The large naturally aspirated petrol engine is on its last breath. If you're a fan of burly V6 (or, heaven forbid, V8) petrol mills, this is obviously very bad news. Running a 4x4 with a 4-litre petrol power plant is now so expensive that even die-hard petrolheads will perhaps have to start embracing the clattering, smoking abomination that is the diesel engine. A naturally aspirated petrol engine is a fantastic thing. lt remains the benchmark by which all engines are measured. There's nothing that can quite replicate its linear power delivery and uplifting sound. ls there anything as wonderful as putting your foot down in a V8-powered automobile and listening to the engine roar as it darts towards the horizon? lt gladdens the heart and stirs the soul. We recently tested the Land Cruiser double cab with the four-litre V6 petrol engine. The moment we set off, we were reminded of why engines like this are so glorious. Thanks to the effortless power and refinement of the engine, the Cruiser was an absolute joy to drive. With a 4,2-litre naturally aspirated oilburner under the bonnet, the Cruiser can be a bit of a chore to pilot. lt is rough around the edges and lacks power. But with that four-litre V6 petrol engine, it offered a surprisingly refined ride, especially for something that is ostensibly a hardcore 4x4. Yet, regrettably, these engines are going the way of the dinosaur. Not only is the global price of oil making them prohibitively expensive to run, but manufacturers are now focusing all their attention on creating f u e l e ff i c i e n t o i l burners that emit low amounts of Co2. The good news, however, is that they are creating some truly marvellous diesel engines, two of which include Porsche's Cayenne Diesel. It is a 4134cc V8 oilburner that offers 281 kW of power and 850 Nm of torque. lt is a great engine - everything a V8 should be. lt delivers its power in linear fashion and growls strikingly when you accelerate. The second engine is in BMW's X6 M50d. lt has a relatively small capacity (2993cc), but thanks to three turbochargers, develops 280 kW of power and 740 Nm of torque. Like the Cayenne's oilburner, it provides loads of oomph and sounds very good. Despite being a V6, it sounds very similar to a petrol V8. 0f course, the main reason these turbocharged diesel engines are becoming so popular is that they not only offer lots of power but also manage to remain fairly economical while doing it. BMW claims that the X6 M50d uses only 7,7 litres of fuel per 100km. That figure may be tough to achieve in real-world conditions, but it isn't far off the mark. There's no denying that the M50d is very frugal. So why should we care that the naturally aspirated petrol engine will soon be as dead as a dodo? Well, because it's tough to shake the feeling that something important is being lost along the way. Whatever it is we're losing, it isn quantifable, but it is nevertheless a significant loss. Why else would companies go to great lengths to replicate that distinctive V8 petrol rumble in their oilburners? Both BMW and Porsche have worked hard to replace that diesel clatter with the smooth purr of a V8. The X6 M50d even employs the audio system to pump V8-like sound into the cabin! lf all we cared about was performance figures, the sound of an engine could be irrelevant. But it's not. We are attracted to the simplicity and elegance of a naturally aspirated V8. lt speaks directly to our soul in the same way that great classical music does. And a diesel engine, even one that is designed to replicate the sound of a petrol V8, can seem joyless and prosaic by comparison. Listening to a diesel engine that's been made to sound like a naturally aspirated petrol powerplant can be like looking at a computer rendering of the Mona Lisa, or listening to a high-quality recording of a long-extinct songbird. Sure, you may find it pleasant, even beautiful, but it also leaves you feeling sad - acutely aware that something intangible yet valuable has been lost. ED: Very true mr. Van Rooyen. I salute you. Wherever I go with my old Chevy SS, everyone wants to listen to that rumble. Driving it defies all logic. It is old, uncomfortable with no luxuries, uses and smells like burning oil, smokes after 43 years and is horrendously heavy on fuel. Much like me. No logic indeed. But I love it. I don’t even know if the old Autodek radio still works, I never listen to it. Just the burbling V8 sound of a real American V8 (mine is actually an Australian Holden), makes me relax and feel comfortable. (By the time of going to press, the Chevy was involved in an accident) Andre Coetzee.

The small block V8 Chevrolet engine dates from 1955 and with small upgrades remains the benchmark for engines to this day.

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FOLLOWING the replacement of one of our Corsa bakkies recently with a new Chev Utility, we have just replaced another Corsa with a new Nissan NP200. On the left is Andre Coetzee and Pine Pienaar, with Hercules Coetzee of Longtom Nissan in the middle.

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WOMEN on Wheels (WOW), published by Associated Magazines, recently named the Ford Kuga the best compact SUV in South Africa as part of its 2013 WOW Women's Car of the Year Awards (WCOTY). Over 30 000 votes were cast by readers and combined with the judges' votes to decide the winning cars in 12 categories. Launched in South Africa earlier this year, the Kuga is available with a 1.6L EcoBoost petrol engine, in both manual and SelectShift automatic guise, and a 2.0L TDCi turbo diesel engine with PowerShift automatic transmission. Apart from its fuel efficient engines, the stylish compact SUV combines striking design and functionality with a rewarding driving experience. Smart technology like Ford's voice activated in-car SYNC connectivity system is available as standard while features such as Active Park Assist are available as options on certain models. Active City Stop also ensures a safer driving experience in slow moving traffic. If the traffic ahead should suddenly stop, while moving at speeds less than 30km, the brakes will automatically be applied limiting the potential of a collision. Another favourite is “open sesame” - a hands-free automatic tailgate, allowing customers to open or close the rear tailgate by simply sweeping a foot under the rear bumper. “We're extremely proud to receive this award,” said Ford Marketing Manager Gavin Golightly. “The Kuga has clearly struck a chord with the female market thanks to its smart technologies, fuel efficient engines and versatile packaging.” The Kuga was selected as the winner of its categories after readers votes were assessed and verified by a select panel of judges. On the panel were Liana Reiners, owner and tor publisher of Car and Leisure, the Mail & Guardian motor editor Sukasha Singh, former editor of Avusa's MotorMania Mabuyane Kekana, Wheels24 content producer Janine-Lee Gordon, awardwinning motoring journalist Peta Lee, DStv Ignition's Lindsay Vine and Driving in Heels blogger and managing director Vuyi Jabavu. Charleen Clarke, editor of WOW, comments that the compact sports utility vehicle (SUV) sector is one of the most competitive within the motor industry. "We have seen a plethora of SUV model launches over the past couple of years. As such, this was one of the most hotly-contested sectors within the WOW Car of the Year Awards this year. But the Ford Kuga, with its winning combination of practicality, versatility and style, stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Our readers are especially impressed with its beautiful styling and spacious interior. Safety features are also exceptionally important to WOW readers and the Kuga certainly ticks all the boxes in this department too. It is a well-deserved winner.” “We are absolutely thrilled with the participation of our readers in this competition. Because of the volume of votes, these awards are a real-life indicator of South African women's favourite cars,” said Charleen Clarke, editor of WOW and convener of the WCOTY judging panel. “Each year more readers get involved in voting for their favourite cars, which just goes to show that women are researching and selecting the cars they want to drive.” WOW was distributed with the July issues of Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, House and Leisure, and O, the Oprah Magazine while the www.womenonwheels.co.za portal features regular motoring updates. By Email. ED: Once again our test assessment of the Ford Kuga was spot on. We said that it was an excellent vehicle in our test of 23 June p14. In my personal view (a man’s point of view) there is very little between the Ford Kuga and the Volkswagen Tiguan. I believe the two are presently the very best compact SUV’s on the market. If I could buy either one, it would come down to what the dealer does for me (client service), or I would have to flip a coin! Andre Coetzee.

HAVING recently encountered a real problem with an automatic gearbox, I asked a few of my colleagues in the business about the new automatic transmissions on the market - and discovered I was not the only mechanic to encounter problems with these gearboxes. When you have a problem with a modern auto the vehicle has a very clever system that instantly puts the car into a safety or ‘limp home’ mode. What this does is to allow you to drive home, rather slowly, but with minimum damage to the gearbox. There should also be a gearbox fault light that will come on in the instrument cluster. When this happens get the vehicle to the nearest dealership or service centre that can deal with this problem. The petrolheads among us are already aware of the fact that the new auto boxes are mostly electronic, which means the problem can be identified by plugging in a diagnostic machine. There are cases where only a replacement solenoid is required - but in many instances the results are not favourable and a new gearbox is needed. Oil levels in an automatic transmission are very important. When the oil level is low, the gearbox clutches are in danger of slipping, thus leading to clutch failure and ultimately gearbox failure. With all the new technology on the market you would imagine that gearbox failure would be a rarity. This is not the case - but some manufacturers still recommend that the oil in an automatic gearbox should never be changed. I find this a bit confusing because if you changed the oil and gearbox filter at 60 000km intervals, you would extend the life of said gearbox. When I asked manufacturers’ representatives why the oils in the new automatic boxes are never changed, it was claimed that if the oil and filter were changed it would affect the friction ability of the clutches as the wear on the clutches could not be compensated for with the clean oil. The jury is still out on that response. The cost of repair on a modern automatic gearbox can be exorbitant, from R25 000 upward. If the vehicle is under warranty the cost is borne by the manufacturer, provided that all services and repairs have been previously carried out by said manufacturer or dealership, according to the manufacturer’s specifications and service intervals. But if the car is out of its maintenance or service plan, and is not maintained by one of the manufacturer’s dealerships, a huge dent could be put in your monthly budget and holiday savings. So how do you ensure that this does not happen to you? 1. Insist that the gearbox oil level is checked at every service. You will be charged for it if it is not on the service schedule, but it will be worth the cost. 2. Ask that the oil and filter be replaced every 60 000km. On some auto boxes this can cost as much as R4000 but again I believe the cost is worth it. Despite the fact that automatic cars cost a lot more than manual vehicles, they do make driving in peak traffic considerably easier. So more manufacturers are designing ever more complicated gearboxes, with up to nine speeds, and I shudder to think of the financial implications when these gearboxes fail. - Star Motoring Sagie Moodley owns a workshop in Midrand and also presents a radio motoring show with Adam Ford on Mix FM (93.8) from 79pm every Wednesday.

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By Sagie Moodley - iol.motoring ED: This is good advice. I lost the auto gearbox on the Chev once, because I towed a huge caravan up the Longtom Pass and the gearbox overheated. In those days the replacement box cost me R5 000, as much as I paid for the car when new. After fitting an auxiliary oil cooler, my problem was solved. An old mechanic taught me a very good trick. Pull the oil dipstick for your car’s gearbox (the oil is usually bright red) and closely smell the oil on the dipstick. If it smells slightly like burned cooking oil, you should urgently have the oil changed. I do this easy job myself about every 50 000 km. If there is no “burnt” smell, you need not be concerned. Andre Coetzee.

Toyota Quantum - Cam Inyathi - JinBei Haise

HIERDIE week toets ons die splinternuwe Nissan Almera Acenta 1.5 handrat. Laat ek uit die staanspoor sê die vorige Almera was goeie waarde vir geld en het baie goed gedoen in veral die vlootmark. Sy vervanging moet dus groot skoene vol staan. Die nuwe Almera stel nie teleur nie. In terme van die prys van R165 000 vir die vyfspoed handrat en R175 500 vir die outomatiese weergawe, dink ek veral met die handrat, gaan jy nie soveel motor vir jou geld elders kry nie. Kom ek verduidelik: Dit is ’n ruim motor met ’n reuse bagasiebak en die grootste beenruimte agter wat jy sal kry vir selfs dubbel sy prys. Dit het elektriese ruite rondom, sentrale sluit, 15 duim allooiwiele, lugversorging, ’n goeie radio/CD stelsel, ’n waaier met sy eie onafhanklike kontroles agter, ritrekenaar met al die gewone inligting, multifunksie stuurwiel met op en af verstelling, ABS, EBD, BAS, dubbel lugsakke en ISOFIX monterings vir kinderstoeltjies. Kortom, alles wat jy in ’n moderne motor soek is hier, vir die prys van veel kleiner, amper intreevlak motors. Die 1.5 liter enjin maak 73kW en 134Nm. Moet nie dat die syfers jou bekommer nie, dit trek beter as menige 1.6 motors. Ratskakeling is seepglad en remme is goed. Hantering en stabiliteit is goed, selfs teen 160 km/u op ons hobbelrige paaie. Die enjin draai teen 3 500 omwentelinge teen 120 in vyfde en 4 000 opm teen 140 km/u. Ek was werklik verbaas oor die trekkrag en gerief van hierdie motor. Nissan reken die gekombineerde brandstofverbruik is 6.3 l / 100 km, of in gewone taal sowat 15.5 km/l. Ek glo dat as jy mooi ry, jou brandstofverbruik werklik goed sal wees. Wat die voorkoms betref, dink ek Nissan maak vordering. Hulle motors van die afgelope paar jaar was almal goed en funksioneel, maar sou behalwe vir die GT-R en die 370Z nie ’n skoonheidskompetisie wen nie. Die nuwe Almera se skuins dak herinner aan ’n koepeevorm en ek het nog altyd gehou van ’n motor met ’n “boot”. As jy in die mark is vir ’n gesinsmotor, of net ’n ruim motor wat al die boksies tik en wat so bekostigbaar is, sal jy ’n groot fout maak as jy nie die Almera oorweeg nie. Baie goed gedoen Nissan - houvas die prys en hy sal goed verkoop! Andre Coetzee.

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Woonhuis te koop in stil area. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 vol badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, Tv- kamer, kombuis met opwas, studeerkamer, speelkamer, dubbel motorhuis, bediendekamer met toilet, pakkamer, wendyhuis, swembad, alarm. Erf grootte: 1 300 m². Huis grootte: 314 m². Prys R 1,7 Miljoen. Kontak Werner by Marula Eiendomme 082 776 9347 of 013 235 4890

Shop to let Kerk str, 54B,Lydenburg from September R4 700 / month

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RUIM SIERSTEEN MEENTHUIS: Pragtige, lae onderhoud, siersteen meenthuis in kompleks. Ruim leefarea met 3 slaapkamers. 2 Badkamers waarvan hoofslaapkamer –en suite is. Dubbel motorhuis en klein tuin.

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10 home maintenance tips for spring

AFTER a long, dark winter, spring's bright sun and warm winds are, well, a breath of fresh air. The only downside? All that sunshine spotlights your leaf-filled gutters, cracked pavements and the dead plants in last year's flower beds. Check for loose or leaky gutters. Improper drainage can lead to rising damp. Make sure

downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of debris. Low areas in the garden or next to the foundation should be filled with compacted soil. Spring rains can cause garden flooding, which can lead to foundation flooding and damage. Also, when water pools in these low areas in summer, it


Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 STEWIGE EN NETJIESE SINKDAKHUIS OORKANT LAERSKOOL 3 Slk (almal met ing kaste), 1 badk met stort, ruim komb, sit/eetk, wask, groot onderdak stoep, teëlvloere, omhein. 2 x Motorafdakke, 2 x pakk. GOEIE KOOP


TE HUUR: • 2 Slk woonstel R4 000 • 2 Slk , 2 badk, w/stel in sekr. kompleks R5 800 • 3 Slk huis, 1 motorhuis, groot erf R6 500

• 3 Slk, sitk, netjiese komb/eetk, badk, erf met

Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

palisade, by Laerskool R880 000 • 3 Slk 1.5 badk, ruim sitk, tv, eetk, komb wask, lapa, motorhuis, groot erf R900 000 • 3 Slk, 1 vol badkamer, ruim sit, eetk, tv, komb/wask, 1 motorhuis. Ruim erf, sentraal geleë R945 000 • 4 Slk woning oopplan sit/komb, aparte opwas,wask, 2 badk, pak, 2 motorhuise, omhein R1,4 milj. • Pragtige 3 slk woning, 2 badk, sitk, spens, woonarea met binnebraai, 2 motorhuise + afdakke R1 570 milj.

repaired by a qualified roofer. Examine the exterior of the chimney for signs of damage. Have the flue cleaned and inspected by a certified chimney sweep. Inspect concrete slabs for signs of cracks or movement. All exterior slabs except pool decks should drain away from the home's foundation. Fill cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk. When weather permits, power-wash and then seal the concrete. Check outside garden taps for freeze damage. Turn the water on and place your thumb or finger over the opening. If you can

stephanie@qsrealty.co.za / 072 155 0761 admin@qsrealty.co.za / 013 235 1625

Making realty dreams a reality.

R 895 000

• 3 Slk woning by Laerskool - Luuks R9 500


creates a breeding ground for insects. Use a screwdriver to probe the wood trim around windows, doors, railings and decks. Make repairs now before the spring rains do more damage to the exposed wood. From the ground, examine roof tiles to see if any were lost or damaged during winter. If your home has an older roof covering, you may want to start a budget for replacement. The summer sun can really damage roof tiles. Tiles that are cracked, buckled or loose or are missing pieces need to be replaced. Flashing around plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys need to be checked and

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 4 slpk 2 badk sitk eetk kombuis opwas spens groot tuin met pragtige uitsig ±14km op Roossenekal pad. Krag uitgesluit. R8 700pm • 3 slpk en 2 badk huis in sterkspruit met groot oopplan leefarea en patio met ingeboude braai. R9 500pm • 3 slpk 2 badk sitk kombuis met afdak onm besk R8 100 Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

TE HUUR Verskeie woonstelle, meenthuise, nuutgeboude huise asook kantoor spasies te huur. Beautiful townhouse for Luxury home in a secure complex - one of a kind! Due to renovations sale Quietness in this three From the moment you enter our offices have been bed house is experienced, the home you are relocated to mesmerized by its beauty beautiful and clean, and splendour. 4 Bedrooms Van Renen & Heyns, secured area. Peace of 72 Kantoor Street with study, gym, lounge/ mind and a space that is maintainable. Grab it before someone else does. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom double garage.

R1 280 000

dining area, family room and sauna. Kitchen, pantry, laundry. Staff accommodation, pool. An entertainers dream overlooking the nature reserve.

stop the flow of water, it is likely the pipe inside the home is damaged and will need to be replaced. While you're at it, check the garden hose for cracks. Check your petrol and batterypowered lawn equipment to make sure it is ready for summer use. Clean equipment and sharp cutting blades will make gardening easier. Source: internet



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Lydenburg Primary School excels in Sports and Culture Mrs Clara Shabangu, Deputy Principal at Lydenburg Primary School with grade six learners Triah Premraj, Rebotile Choma and Geduld Lyton. The learners were winners at the Bohlabelo District level of the Speech and Reading finals Mpumalanga.

Die atlete het Steelpoort Laerskool se naam hoog gehou by die Distrikte-byeenkoms by Tulamahashe en is ingesluit in die Distrikspan. Geluk aan al die langasems. Van links (agter): Karla de Jager, Kamogelo Tshehla; (voor): Tiaan de Jager, Thinus de Jager, Dineo Mabilu, Tokollo Makgolane

These athletes competed in the Cross Country Bohlabelo District Championships and did extremely well. Congratulations from Lydenburg Primary School.

Entheos Archers hit target From left: Clement Bhayi, Kgotshatso Maila and Tshepiso Mohlala are going through to the national Cross Country event after winning bronze and silver medals at the Bohlabela Cross Country event. Congratulations from Lydenburg Primary School

Steelpoort Akademie het hande saamgesit en 'n “civvie”-dag gehou waar 'n item nie-bederfbare voedsel as betaling gedien het om te help om die nood in die omgewing te verlig. Baie kos is ingesamel en hier oorhandig die leiers dit aan mev. Elana Pieterse van Vriend in Nood. Dankie vir elke Steelie wat sy bydrae gelewer het om ander se las te verlig.

13 Entheos Christian school students went to Ermelo on Saturday 24th August 2013 to participate in the SACSSA (South African Christian Schools Sports Association) Regional Athletics day. Students brought home 14 medals: 6 Gold, 4 Silver, and 4 Bronze.

After a very early start on 17 August, 4 Entheos Christian School Archers showed they knew how to hit a target. A good day was had by all and our thanks goes out to the dedicated staff and members of NASP who make this event possible. From Left: Ronald Murdoch-Oats, Ruan Strydom, Kgahlego Mohlala, and LeighAnne Oosthuizen

Students who attended this day are (back): Jaco Wessels (Gold for Shotput, Bronze for Discus); (middle): Joel Choma, Sihle Maseko(Gold for 100m, 80m, High Jump, Long Jump, and Turbo Javelin), Leigh-Anne Ooosthuizen (Silver for 200m, an 400m and Bronze for 100m), Nadine Arnoldi (Bronze for Javelin), Jezelle Nel (Gold for Discus), Khanyisile Ntuli. Front from Left: Ofentse Kekana (Gold for High Jump), Tshepo Moletsi, Odirile Mabelane (Bronze for Long Jump) , Anja van der Merwe, Nontobeko Ntuli, and Tshepiso Moletsi.

Should students qualify here they are able to attend the National Athletics event which is held is Pilditch, Pretoria on 13th & 14th September 2013. Our students able to go to Pilditch this year are Sihle Maseko, Jaco Wessels, Jezelle Nel, and Ofentse Kekana.

Laerskool se ‘Taxi vol drome’ vertrek amper Maandag, 2 September 2013, was die groot dag van klere aanpas en grimering uittoets vir Laerskool Lydenburg se revue - `n Taxi vol drome wat 9 - 19 September plaasvind. Dit beloof om twee weke vol drome te wees. Koop jou kaartjie betyds by Isabel in die kantoor om reuse teleurstelling te voorkom. Foto: graad 4 dogters en Ruach Burger (een van die 4 hoofkarakters)



Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 /082 426 3144 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 R E M O V A L O F DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 D A V I S S E R PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2788 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521


CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565

motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120 / Aflam 072 203 1614


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002



S K O O N M A A K VA N M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING AND DEEP CLEANING For professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg

E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

BACHELOR W/S ± 30km tussen Bgft & Lydenburg - R2400/ mnd (water ingesluit) 013 235 4521 ENKEL WOONSTEL R3000 p/m W+L ingesluit. 073 175 2011

10 x GEMEUBILEERDE kamers. Kontrakteurs welkom R 1800p/m; 2 x Luukse Gemeubileerde 4* gastehuis kamers, Kontrakteurs welkom. R 3250.00 p/m; 2slk, 2 bad, Flat op Plaas, W&L ingsl R 4500.00 p/m; 1slk, 1 bad Chalet, W&L uitgsl R 3 0 0 0 . 0 0 p / m ongemeubileerd en R 3800 gemeubileerd; 3slk, 2 bad, Huis met lapa R 7000.00 W&L uitgsl ongemeubileerd Beskikbaar 1 November 2013; Onmiddelik beskikbaar 084 406 5331

TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOG GROOMER / honde skeerder gesoek. Passie vir honde en netheid vereiste. 083 326 0941


013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg

LOSIES/ LODGING LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 CIRCLE CATERING & A C C O M M O D AT I O N offers Contractors accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374 KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N Chapel, conference facilities, bpma/braai. Tel 013 235 2758


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

2 SLK WOONSTEL toesluit motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. R4500pm 082 828 1211


2 SLK WOONSTEL netjies & veilig. R4500 072 762 8562


KANTOOR SPASIE The Heads Centre, ideaal vir terapeut, nael tegnikus of haarstilis. Majestic Look - Elmarike 083 945 4808 / Lynette 084 325 8472

3 SLK HUIS R6000 p/m. 013 235 2175/ Maritjie Weideman 072 624 0431/ Lorraine 082 582 7100

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Willie 082 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 www.treasuretimephoto graphy.com

einde Sept beskikbaar, 8km buite Lydenburg. 083 345 2091

RUIM 1 SLK woonstel, W&L ing. R3000pm

within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate Number 9972/2012 Masters Office PRETORIA Surname NQATHOLA Christian Names JABU WILLIAM Date of birth 18-05-1968 Identity number : 680518 5426 083 Last address S TA N D N O 3 2 5 2 MASHISHING EXT 6 1120 Date of death 1107-2011 Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: PRIDE CLAUDIA NOMKHITHA NQATHOLA Date of birth 16-04-1976 Identity number 760416 0424 083 Name and address of Executor or authorised Agent MR. ROUVAUN HEYNS VAN RENEN HEYNS INC 72 KANTOOR STREET LY D E N B U R G 11 2 0 Advertiser and address VAN RENEN HEYNS INC 72 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG 1120 Tel 013 235 1625 Record of Decision and authorisation for the proposed new township of Lydenburg EXT 98 on portion 74 of the farm Sterkspruit 33 JT near Lydenburg was granted by the M p u m a l a n g a Department of E c o n o m i c Development, Environment and Tourism on 16 August 2013. Should you who wish to appeal against the decision as referred to above you must lodge a notice of intent to appeal with the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, within 20 days after the date that the ROD was issued (in terms of these Regulations no R 543 , 2010) by one of the following methods: By Facsimile: (013) 766 4614 By Post: Private b a g X 1 1 2 1 5 , NELSPRUIT, 1200 By Hand: Building no 4, No 7 Government Boulevard, Riverside Park E x t e n s i o n 2 , NELSPRUIT, 1200. The procedure pertaining to the appeal process is detailed in Chapter 7 of t h e N a t i o n a l Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) Regulations no R 543, 2010. A copy of the Environmental Authorisation is available at AGES, 120 Marshall Street, Polokwane.


0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Wo e n s d a e s e l g r o e p 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . D i e n s Ty e - 9 : 0 0 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00.

TE HUUR 2 slaapkamer op plaas 15 km uit die dorp W&L ingesluit. R4500. 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, enkel garage. In kompleks. R6900.

Melanie 076 101 7524 Pieter 083 274 1986

Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362

IMPROVEMENTS • Thatching • Property Maintenance • Fibreglass splash pools • Kitchen Cupboards • Painting • Shade net carports • Steelwork Pieter 072 132 3241 George 073 211 4913


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KERKE/ CHURCHES N O T I C E T O CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned

4391. • Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Wo o r d Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . Wo . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569

•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235

Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors,Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof, Outsurance & vehicle inspections Phone us for OU T a free quotation SURANCE YOU ALWAYS GET SOMETHING OUT Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 08 600 80 000 ACCREDITED DEALER Fax: 013 235 2242

Dullstroom Town Council 1936 'n Besoeker aan Dullstroom, mnr. Bert Oosthuizen van Johannesburg, het so ’n paar weke gelede die naweek in Dullstroom spandeer. Hy het die Sondag so ’n bietjie gaan kyk na die gedenktuintjie wat daar is. Ouhoutbossie op die pad na Lydenburg daarenteen, was baie mooi onderhou. Die gedenktuin se grafte was egter in ’n baie swak toestand. Dit is hartseer om die monumente die verlede in so ’n t o e s t a n d vanverwaarlosing te sien.

Verwaarloosde begraafplaas by Dullstroom

Vacant youthwork positions available KOHIN is a non-profit youth organization that places the best equipped youth coaches in schools on a full-time basis. Kohin’s vision is to empower the youth with hope and vision for the future and provide answers to the unique challenges that the youth face daily. Kohin is in need of dynamic youth coach candidates to apply for positions that are available from January 2014 in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape and Western Cape. Successful candidates must meet the following requirements: preferably be between 21 & 29 years of age; Senior certificate & South African I.D.; active passion for working with youth or children; have well developed verbal and written communication skills; have strong

administrative skills; have a positive mindset and attitude towards life; possess excellent problem solving and decision making skills; have strong personal and work ethic based on solid Biblical principles; have proven their character in difficult circumstances; have a minimum of two years experience and/or training in a related field (youth work, pastoral, education, sports, counselling, social work etc.); have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and at least two years active involvement in a church, youth ministry or youth organization; provide two credible references, of which the one should be a spiritual mentor or pastor and the other an employer or lecturer. The closing date is 4 October 2013. For more information feel free to contact Venessa on 072 599 2914.

VACANCY External Advertisement The following Vacancy exists within Sylvania Metals (Pty) Ltd.

Fitter: Lannex Plant Sylvania Metals is looking for a Fitter to support the Lannex Plant with regards to maintenance, improving plant availability and controlling costs. Major tasks of the job: • The incumbent will be responsible for the maintenance, servicing and repairing of all process equipment. • Planning and scheduling preventative- and planned maintenance. • Ensures adherence to the company's Health and Safety Standards. Knowledge/Education Requirement: • Minimum N2 certificate. • Certified trade test certificate (Section 13). Experience and requirements: • At least 3 to 5 years related industry experience. • Code 8 driver's license and own transport. Other Requirements: • Stay in close proximity of the Lannex area or be prepared to relocate. • Prepared to be on standby. Contact: Eveline de Meyer Email: eveline@sylvania.co.za Closing Date: Friday 20 September 2013

The Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group published this interesting photo in their newsletter. Rob Milne writes: In 1981 Piet Janson gave me this small partially torn photograph of the Dullstroom Town Councillors taken in 1936.

Karpe byt

Dirk Geldenhuis met sy karp DAAR was 17 hengelaars teenwoordig by die Long Tom Hengelklub se sosiale hengelkompetisie op 17 Augustus. Die vis het nie oral uitgekom nie. Die hengelaars wat baie diep kon gegooi het het darem vis gekry. James Moulder en sy skoonpa Dirk Geldenhuis het ’n mooi klompie bymekaar gemaak. Hulle het saam 24 vis gevang. Daar het nog ’n paar ander karpe uitgekom maar is nie geweeg nie en terug gesit in die dam. Dirk Geldenhuis het ’n mooi karp van 3,4kg gevang. Chris Heymans en Oom Jan Botha het elk twee palings gevang, maar het so groot geskrik dat hulle net die lyne afgesny het, wat te sê van nog weeg. Hulle se die goed is net groot en aaklig. Dit is al wat hulle kon uitkry. Miskien sal hulle volgende keer 'n foto ook neem. Die water was nog baie koud, met die dat die visse dalks nog diep is. Longtom Hengelklub hou elke eerste Donderdag van elke maand hulle maandelikse vegadering en almal is welkom. Die klub hengel kompetisies word dan ook die eerste Saterdag van elke maand gehou. Die hengelplekke is ook klaar uitgesit en word op die vergaderings bevestig. Almal wat belangstel om meer oor al die fasette van hengel te weet, kan die vergaderings bywoon of net die bestuur van die klub kontak en ons sal julle inlig daaroor.

Vyftien van Steelpoort Akademie se atlete het gekwalifiseer vir die kringspan en het by Tulamahashe gaan deelneem

Uitgeblink in rugby Arrie Heyl is na afloop van die Cravenweek gekies vir die Mpumalanga 7's oefenspan en sal gaan deelneem aan die proewe vir die Puma 7's-span. Baie geluk Arrie. Steelpoort Akademie is trots op jou!!

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