12 September 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 36 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Burgemeester leer vinnig Afrikaanse ‘kinderkransliedjie’ vir almal en skop ‘stap’ af met groot glimlag Michelle Boshoff
Wees deel van duisende vir Turn2God Saterdag DIE D-dag het aangebreek vir Turn-2-God, die groot buitelugfees wat eerskomende Saterdag, 14 September, van 12:00 tot 16:00 op die Longtompas gehou gaan word. Die organiseerders verwag duisende mense vanuit veral Mpumalanga by hierdie feesgeleentheid waar Christene opnuut hul harte en hande na God sal draai. Ds Elza Meyer sal optree en Louis Brittz en sy gospel-band sal die lofprysing lei. Almal is welkom pak 'n piekniekmandjie of ondersteun die kerkstalletjies, bring 'n hoed, baadjie, sonbrandroom en 'n sit-ding saam. Kaartjies is teen R30 beskikbaar. Die wat nie reeds het nie kan by die hekke kry. Enige mense wat wil help met kaartjies, plekke aanwys of ander take, kan met hul predikante of ds Fred Wilson skakel by 082 805 0924. Op Sondag 15 September word 'n gesamentlike diens vir alle kerke in Lydenburg van 09:30 tot 11:00 op die Lydenburg Hoërskool se rugbyveld gehou. Ds Elza Meyer sal die diens waarneem.
THABA Chweu se Burgemeester Rdl Bafana Michael Ncongwane het Saterdag tot groot vreug van almal by die AmaWheelies staptop ook in ’n rolstoel opgedaag om sy steun aan die groep te wys. Hy het die verrigtinge geopen met ’n gebed en ’n pragtig ou kinderkransliedjies wat hy gou vir almal geleer het. AmaWheelies het jul jaarlikse tog deur die dorp voor die Thaba Chweu kantore begin, en deur die dorp gestap. Altans die wat nie kon loop nie het met rystoele deelgeneem. En AmaWheelies het die boodskap duidelik gemaak ‘ons soek nie nog lede nie.’ Daar is weer ’n beroep gedoen op bestuurders en passasiers om ten alle tye hulle sitplekgordels te dra. Baie van AmaWheelies se lede het weens padongelukkie in rystoele beland. Maar dit sit hierdie mense nie een stap agter uit nie. Hulle almal straal van lewensblyheid, moed en uithouvermoë. Daar is baie mense wat nie eers sou kan sien om deur die dorp, so ver, te stap nie, maar hulle doen dit met gestremdhede en ’n glimlag van oor-totoor. (Nog foto’s op bl. 8).
Absa Lydenburg vier loslitdag
Die kassiere by Absa Lydenburg, het breë glimlagte op hul kliënte se gesigte gelaat met hul loslitdag klere. Foto bo: Lizelle Matthysen, Thembinkosi Moyana, Ashwyll Obermeyer, David Marobela. Foto links bo: Agnes Madigage, Kate Ndlovu, David Marobela en Zinhle Motha
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems Wors, sosaties, biltong en droëwors te koop!
sp To rin ut ve g-k rek, rm as aa tel k e,
Toegang: R20 p.volwassene en R10 p.skoolgaande kind. Pap, sous en vure word voorsien. Bring jou vleis of koop by ons jou vleis! Bring jou piekniek mandjie en kombers saam! Daar sal ‘n snoepie beskikbaar wees.
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
Lydenburg SAPS also celebrated Casual Day and embraced the disabled members in the SAPS during a braai at Rooikat Park on Friday. From left are Personnel Officer Bridget Masuku with (Right) Lieutenant Isobel Mmola (SAPS Lydenburg Human Resource Manager).
Casual Day was held on Friday, 6 September. This initiative in support of South Africans with disabilities has grown to the biggest single charity event in the country.
Country waiting for National Crime Statistic
Ryck Vorster helping out at McGee’s Garage on Tuesday because of the striking workers. Photo: Gerda Whitehorn.
LYDENBURG also felt the strike by petrol attendants which started on Monday. The garages are however so resilient they immediately asked help from the community. Strikers include car repair workers affiliated with the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa). Striking workers chanted "voetsek 5.6%" to show their dissatisfaction with a wage offer by employers throughout the country (quoted). The union has demanded, among other things, a R30 an hour across the board increase by 2016 on actual rates of pay in all sectors and divisions for workers earning above R6 000 a month. Negotiations with employers, which began at the end of May, deadlocked in July. The Fuel Retailers' Association and the Retail Motor Industry were given 48-hours notice of the strike. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Potholes get fixed privately Burgersfort & Steelpoort
Barko Developments team repairing some of the potholes in Potgieter street. Potgieter Street has been a hazard for such a long time due to the heavy traffic. Thank you to businesses that take their own time and money to help motorists.
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Alloyse Muller : 082 833 0323 alloysemuller@hotmail.com 7am to 8pm Daily (Weekends included) 4447 Bushwillow Street, The Heads
he Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa will release South Africa's annual crime statistics on th Thursday, 19 September. The Deputy Minister of Police, Ms Makhotso Sotyu, the National Commissioner of Police, General Riah Phiyega, MECs responsible for policing, South African Police Service (SAPS) Provincial Commissioners as well as various SAPS partners from Business, Community Policing Forums and Academia will also be present at the announcement. The crime statistics will cover the 2012/13 financial year, from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. Government releases these statistics once a year, primarily to provide the public with progress in the fight against crime in the country as well as review of some of the current strategies in tackling crime. Crime statistics are also utilized daily as a management tool to guide operational plans for the SAPS. The categories to be covered during the announcement include among others, murder, business robberies, house robberies, hijackings, robbery with aggravated circumstances, drug related crime, drunken driving etc.
Send a parcel
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
to the editor
Briew e aan die redakteur
‘Gold mining has significant economic value Lip-lek-lekker kos. Suid-Afrikaners weet van kook en eet. Saam met die eet kom praat van eet. Gunsteling geregte, koeke, terte, watter wyn met watter kos, wenke uit die kombuis, potjiekos, pizza en selfs aartappels. Aartappels word gevrees want almal dink stysel en vet. Dit word egter nie verniet gesondheid uit die grond-uit genoem nie. Die gemiddelde aartappel bevat 45% van ´n mens se daaglikse vitamien C behoeftes en geen vet. Daar is ook bereken dat jy 11kg aartappels sal moet eet om 1kg gewig aan te sit. My ma is lief om die storie te vertel toe ek as klein babatjie gemik het om haar laaste stukkie aartappel uit haar bord te vat. Sy het my hand gepiets waarop my pa baie kwaad was. “Los die kind,” het hy gesê. Maar my ma se aartappels los jy uit, vandag nog. Dink maar aan Simba skyfies, slap tjips, kapokaartappels, gekook en gebraai. My ouma het brood gebak met aartappelsuurdeeg en gepraat van die aartappelplantjie. Kuiergaste vertel Sondag dat haar niggie altyd 'n bestandeel uitlos as sy 'n resep deel. Eers het sy gedink dis per abuis. Dieselfde resep is egter aan dié se suster ook gegee. Broodnodige eiers is uitgelaat. Cullinêre vaardighede is ook nie altyd nodig nie, want as jy kan lees, kan jy kook. Dit vat nie baie om die smaakpupille in my oë te laat rek met afwagting nie. 'n Feesmaal is lekker om oor te praat, al bly dit net by praat. Jou smaakkliere begin aandag gee aan 'n honger maag. Soos 'n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd gesê: “Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.” 'n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense sê hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis Suid-Afrikaans en eie aan ons. Ek sal elke dag 'n ander Hoorhierô kan skryf net oor kos. Die fasette is eindeloos so ook die genot. Altyd lip-lek-lekker.
Stonewall Mining responded very favourably after the article in the Highlands Panorama News last week about the old Gold Mines that could be re-opened. So be on the lookout for much more news in the future as this will definitely be of economic value and growth in the province. ED THE discovery of multiple mineralised reef horizons that may have significant economic value, potential future resource classification and comprise significant mineable reserves, refers. Geological features (structures) that in some areas host gold mineralisation have been intersected. Additional sulphide mineral bearing zones at the Beta prospect have also been intersected. Progress includes collating and assessing historical geological information and mapping. Significant surface exploration by diamond drilling for the period went as deep as 6,600.99 m. In addition, new discoveries resulting from the Beta underground exploration program, are currently being assessed. Stonewall Resources Limited (ASX: SWJ) (“Stonewall”) is pleased to provide an update on its exploration program, featuring the discovery of new potential economic gold bearing reefs at its Transvaal Gold Mining Estates (“TGME”) Surface Drilling Exploration Project. The drilling plan during the first half of 2013 produced significant surface exploration diamond drilling output, with the total project drilled metres achieved for the period reaching 6,600.99 m. The Beta and Vaalhoek Projects achieved 4,744.02 m and 1,721.65m, respectively, whilst the Frankfort Project reached 135.32 m. The most notable drilling results are the six (6) mineralised horizons, intersected above the Target Reef i.e., Beta Reef, and two (2) below the Beta target reef, that may have significant economic value, potential future resource classification and comprise significant minable reserves. This mineralised zone is being evaluated and if positive assay results are returned then it may
Hierdie sleutel is 5 September opgetel in 4U Office National, Lydenburg se parkeerarea. Indien dit u sleutel is kan u dit gerus by die Highlands Panorama Nuus se kantore kom afhaal.
Uit die Woord From the Word Markus 4:19. Maar die sorge van die lewe en die verleiding van rykdom en die begeertes na allerhande ander dinge kom op en verstik die woord, en dit bly sonder vrug. Vader hierdie is ons probleem. Help ons om die woord te gehoorsaam - Amen.
Die Outoppie
Ry versigtig! EK skryf hierdie nie net omdat iemand in my vasgejaag het sonder om met my te praat nie. Nie net omdat ek hartseer is oor my ou motor se skade nie. Ek skryf omdat ek tevore in hierdie rubriek gewaarsku het oor hoe ons ry en omdat die afgelope week letterlik swart was in die land in terme van mense wat dood is vanweë roekelose bestuur. Die TV beelde van die vragmotor wat ’n klomp voertuie uithaal, was gruwelik. Dit kan duidelik gesien word dat hy hulle tref net nadat hulle by die robot
represent significant additional resources not previously included in resource statements. Continuing evaluation of historical data indicates that this mineralised zone in the vicinity of the Beta mine may be extensive. In commenting on the discovery of new potential reefs, CEO, Lloyd Birrell said: “The drilling program has yielded new potential discoveries at Beta. Historically, our current resource for Beta was based on the assessment of a single reef, namely the Beta target reef. The intersection of multiple reef horizons and additional sulphide bearing zones may have significant economic value. Multiple reefs are also present at Vaalhoek. The challenge and focus will shift from the drilling program to assessing and quantifying these additional potential mineralised horizons, particularly with a view to assessing their economic viability.” TGME has numerous mining and prospecting rights granted within its 62,000 Ha tenement, with 43 historic mines containing various ore bodies and resources. As part of the TGME and Sabie Mines (Pty) Ltd (“Sabie”) operations, four key near-term targets covering 46,241 Ha were identified for exploration, namely Beta, Vaalhoek, Rietfontein and Glynn's Mines. These mines combined have an existing JORC compliant resource of over 2.794M oz. Phase 1 of the Stonewall exploration program, which focused on Beta, Frankfort and Vaalhoek projects, comprised four components: Drilling - to identify the various mineralised zones and reef extensions to existing mined reefs. De-watering and Re-opening - to survey, assay and understand available blocks, faces and ore bodies within existing infrastructure. Collation and Evaluation of Historical Mapping and gold exploration data. Evaluation of historic waste rock dumps and residues. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : http://stonewallresources.com/
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
weggetrek het. Dit was duidelik dat hy die oranje lig probeer wen het en so meer as 20 mense vermoor het. Meer as dertig is in drie ongelukke dood. In ons omgewing sterf daar nou elke week byna 2 mense vanweë roekelose bestuur. Die helfte van hulle sterf onskuldig. Omdat iemand in hulle vasgejaag of hulle van die pad af gery het. Helfte hiervan is ouens wat smiddae van die werk by een of ander myn kom en langs die pad aan die suip raak. My klipharde ou motor en die hand van God het my gered. Maar dit kon ’n ma en kind gewees het. In ’n klein, ligte motortjie. Dood. Ons moet hierdie euwel uitroei. Mynbestuur en kollegas moet dit daadwerklik aanspreek. Wat help al die “Health & Safety” opleiding as hulle op pad of van die werk af sterf? Ware vriende van mense wat onder die
invloed bestuur of onverskillig ry moet die moed hê om oor sulke dinge te praat. Hoekom is jy per slot van sake ’n vriend? Voortgesette roekeloosheid behoort deur die gemeenskap vervolg en verjaag te word. Waar is ons wetstoepassers? Hoekom hou hulle nie vanaf vieruur padblokkades by al die dorp se ingange en laat die ouens pypies blaas nie, in plaas van op bekende plekke agter kameras te staan? Ons almal se lewe hang daarvan af. Oortreders moet deur hulle werkgewers afgedank word. Deur die publiek uitgewys en aangekla word. Vir die res van julle, ry asb versigtig. Jou lewe is in gevaar in hierdie dorp. Kom ons vat mekaar se hande en maak dié plek veiliger vir ons vrouens en kinders. Bestuur bedagsaam. Stop by stopstrate. Ry stadiger. Bly leef!
Die span by Buco-Lydenburg is altyd reg vir advies en goeie kliëntediens. Met ’n wye verskeidenheid produkte op die rakke en baie dienste om van te kies kan hulle enigeen van hulp wees. Gaan loer in en maak van hul waardevolle advies gebruik.
Op 5 Oktober bied BuCo, Lydenburg ‘n opedag met vele pret vir die hele gesin. Daar gaan deur die dag geskenke en gratis goedere uigedeel word. Daar gaan perdritte, miniatuur perdtjies asook springkastele en vele meer pret vir die kinders wees en natuurlik iets heerliks om aan te smul. Koop by BuCo, Lydenburg en staan ‘n kans om in ‘n gelukkige trekking te kom vir die groot prys wat omstreeks 13h00 gaan plaasvind. Indien u meer te wete wil kom oor die dag of selfs 'n stalletjie wil opslaan kan u gerus vir Sunel, Maryke of Marius kontak by 013 235 1106.
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• Dinsdag 24 September. Ouwerf Plaasmuseum Boere Kultuurfees net buite Lydenburg. Vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Skakel om stalletjies te bespreek. Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222, Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717 • Dinsdag 24 September - Erfenisdag by Rooikatpark. Baie te
sien en te doen. • Saterdag 27-28 September. Rusoord se Kermis Lydenburg. Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Outydse motors, motorfietse deel van optog die Vrydag. Vrydag groot vleis tafels. Saterdag eetgoed verversings, naaldwerk, groente, witolifanttafel, koektafel, Tombola ens. Verskeie kompetisies, potjiekoskompetisie deur gemeentes. Jeanetta Kruger 013 235 3858
of 013 235 2146. • Vrydag 4 Oktober. Relay for Life, Kansa. Hoërskool Lydenburg, stap deurnag. Kontak: Conrad Langenegger by Longtom Cycle RFL Team Recruiter: 071 890 2915 of Isobel: 084 329 8737.
Ouwerf se Plaasmuseum Boere Kultuurfees op 24 September
P Ouwerf kan mens nie anders as om saam te kuier en jouself ten volle te geniet nie. Pieter en Melitza Krugel nooi almal om saam met hulle fees te hou op 24 September op die plaas net buite Lydenburg (Dullstroompad). Daar sal net handgemaakte items wees, stalletjies en heelike eetgoed. Die stalletjies sluit in handwerk, kuns, kos, kruie, plante en rose. Daar is ook baie vir die kinders op te doen. Plus daar gaan ’n modevertoning wees met toeka tot nou klere.
Mr The Heads 2013 in partnership with the Highlands Panorama News Cut out this entry form to hand in, details below
Die aktiwiteite sluit in hoefystergooi, p o n i e r i t t e , kleilatgooi, kettie skiet, pyl-en-boog skiet, visvang vir kleuters, windbuks skiet, perdesport en kinders, sakslaan, klei-os, perdekar inspan, die maak van tradisionele kerse, b r o o d b a k , s w e e p k l a p , sweepvleg en hoefsmid demonstrasies. Vanaf 16:00 word daar langarm gedans. Daar sal ’n aandete te koop aangebied word Toegang is R50 per persoon en R10 vir kinders. Skakel Pieter Krügel by 074 270 7222 of Melitza Krügel 079 8 5 7 2 7 1 7 . Vi r perdesport, kontak dr. Marietjie Malan by 073 181 3022.
Braaidag vir hele familie by Rooikatpark Op 24 September kan almal saamkuier vir Braaidag op Rooikatpark, Lydenburg. Almal is welkom om hul vleisie te bring en aan die braaikompetisie deel te neem. Let wel, daar is groot pryse te wen. Dis ’n braaidag en nie potjiekosdag nie. Nasionale Braaidag is ’n vakansiedag om almal se erfenis te vier. Die beoordelaars sal soos die vleis klaar is beoordeel. Die prysuitdeling is 17:00. Die wenners moet teenwoordig wees om hul pryse op te eis. Daar is geen toegang nie. Tot Kokenys Slaghuis sal ’n slaghuis vir die dag oopmaak sodat almal hul vleis daar kan koop. Ook vir die wat se vleisie te lank op die kole was en weer moet begin. Dié wat braaidag beplan, kom doen dit by Rooikatpark. Daar is springkastele vir die kinders, sangers en baie stalletjies. Welsynsorganisasies word betrek deurdat hulle ook kosstalletjies gaan behartig en party gaan ook lekker saam eet met die hulp van die borge. Diegene wat nog wil stalletjies oopmaak, inskrywingsgelde vir die kompetisie bekom en van die ander reëlings vir uitvind skakel asb. vir Christo by 073 168 1343.
Rusoord rol moue op vir kermis
Oudergewoonte sal die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se Kermis met ’n optog deur Lydenburg se strate afskop. Almal met outydse motors en motorfietse word uitgenooi om Vrydag 27 September saam
deur die strate saam met die ou waens te ry. Vanaf 15:00 sal die vleistafel oopmaak. Saterdag om 07:00 skop die basaar af met ontbyt. Teen R30 is dit die beste in die land. Behalwe al die eetgoed en verversings sal daar ’n tombolatafel en nog meer wees. Kompetisies sluit in vir beste hoede, babas (drie tot 18 maande), kleuters (19 maande vyf jaar), ses tot agt jaar, tieners, ouma’s en oupas kan ook inskryf. Inskrywings kos R100 per per persoon. Stalletjies is beskikbbaar teen R50. Die potjiekoskompetisie is al ’n tradisie en word deur die gemeentes van die dorp aangebied. Skakel Jeanetta Kruger by 013 235 3858, 013 235 2146, of by 082 579 2962.
Azalia’s are in bloom Hectares of azalia’s bloom on the farm of Mr Noel and Mrs Petro Jones. The farm is situated on the Badfontein Road, between Bambi and Lydenburg. For years from far and wide, visitors come to see the splendour of these flowers. You are welcome to pack a picnic basket and buy azalia’s at their nursery. For more information phone at 076 588 6947/ 076 23 4766 or 082 308 0410.
Prayer for cultural month Louis Brittz (links en Elza Meyer (regs) is van die land se bekendste sprekers en sangers in die gospelbedryf en is Saterdag 14 September in Lydenburg.
Vrydagaand is Turn 2 God se banket waarvoor duisende begroot is en wat die grootste fondsinsameling is vir die Tebelo Village. Hier is Brian Whitehorn, Eunice Bam en Bevvie Marais aan die beplan. Dit is ’n vyfster banket wat die afskop is vir Saterdag se Turn 2 God.
The women’s group of the Roman Catholic Church in Nelspruit came to visit their friends in Lydenburg last week. It was also to pray for a very ill member who is currently being taken care of by her daughters in Mashishing. The women said that everyone should remember the power of prayer in September, because faith is also our heritage. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Die banket van alle bankette
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Always open for Admissions Contact numbers: Tel : 013 235 3432 Fax : 086 574 3082 email : reception@entheosschool.co.za
Inspired by God
Ama Wheelies paints Thaba Chweu green with wheelchairs everywhere! 7 SEPTEMBER and the streets of Thaba Chweu were invaded as persons in wheelchairs, all members of Ama Wheelies, marched through the streets of town, with a cheerful message, wearing their green Ama Wheelies caps and singing “Buckle-up ...Safety First! Don't become a statistic! This warning from Ama Wheelies was advising people to wear safety belts, as many are in wheelchairs as a result of car accidents. Injuries could have been avoided if safety belts were worn, not only by those in front seats, but also passengers in the rear of a car must buckle-up! The Honourable Mayor, Mr Michael Ncongwane, accompanied the team from Ama Wheelies, joining them by sitting in a wheelchair and experiencing the problems wheelchair users' face daily, using the bad roads. He discovered the inability of wheelchair users to get out of roads as there are no ramps to sidewalks and how dangerous the roads are when the wheelchair users have to use the road. Another highlight for disabled persons was the SABC interview with Cilie Erasmus, who handed the petition to the Mayor. Her day started early when at 07h00 the national news broadcaster (SABC) interviewed Cilie for all to see on national television regarding restrictions and the difficulty associated with using a wheelchair on a daily basis. The SABC evening news featured a day in Cilie's life and highlights from the Ama Wheelies Awareness march, and the day's activity on SABC channels 1, 2 & 3. Cheerfully Cilie told SABC journalists that motorists must buckleup, prioritizing the safety of motorists over the problems faced daily in a wheelchair. Ama Wheelies would like to thank all participants for walking with Ama Wheelies and helping to
convey this important message. The volunteers making this walk possible, the Municipality, Mayor, Traffic Department and officials for help and assistance and the media. Thanks to the Following sponsors: 4U Office National, Bakgat Biltong, Cleaning Africa, S&N Vleishandel, Jakalskrans Tuisonderig Skool, Klitsgras Chalets, Longtom Spar, Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se bestuur, Natasha Kihn Photographer, Spaar-o-Rama and the Sign Shop. The wording of the Ama Wheelies petition and message was hand delivered to the Honourable Thaba Chweu Mayor, Mr Michael Ncongwane. Ama Wheelies petitioned Thaba Chweu traffic Department to force motorists to wear safety belts. Phone Barry Botes at 079 875 5040 or visit www.amawheelies.co.za
Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
Photo’s Michelle Boshoff
Families and supporters of AmaWheelies joined them on Saturday.
Rusoord se ‘koekiefabriek’ oop vir koop
Kohin heet vaarwel aan Theunis en Tarine de Ridder
The seniors of AGS Steelpoort would like to thank Doregos Steelpoort, and Mr Albert Nkadimeng, for the wonderful snacks. They were delicious and a great surprise.
Vir die tydjie wat die twee proponente Theunis en Tarine de Ridder in Lydenburg was het hulle ’n groot verskil gemaak in baie mense se lewens. Hulle was by Kohin Lydenburg betrokke en het deel van die gemeenskap geword. Kohin, al die skole, kerke en die dorp wens hulle alle voorspoed vir die toekoms toe. Venessa de Necker sal vir die res van die jaar aan die stuur van sake by die Kohin kantoor wees. Vir meer inligting oor hoe om betrokke te raak en vir die geadverteerde jeugwerkers pos, skakel Venessa by 072 599 2914.
Khomanani Kinderhuis uitreik Die Rusoord Tehuis vir bejaardes is hard aan die bak vir die Kermis aan die einde van die maand. Soetkoekies en ‘crunchies’ is reeds te koop. Pryse wissel van R20 tot R25. Die bakspan bak alles met die hand en dit lyk al soos ‘n ‘koekie’ fabriek. Ondersteun Rusoord met die koekies, julle hoef nie te wag tot die Kermis nie.
Me. Carina Sephton het die dames van die VLU Hibiscus tak gedurende die Augustus vergadering touwys gemaak in die maak van lapblom borsspelde. Gelukkig het sy ook 'n hele Pandora boks, gevul met alles wat nodig is vir die handwerk, saam gebring en die dames kon na hartelus organza, net, kant ens. knip en brand om hul blomme te vervaardig. Die volgende vergadering vind soos gewoonlik die tweede Woensdag van September in die NG Kerk Suid Lydenburg plaas en een en almal is welkom
Elaine Grobler new SAATME Mpumalanga Provincial Director
Thelma Smit, die Kohin jeugwerker met haar Kosmosmeisie het 'n uitreik gehad na Khomanani Kinderhuis in Eerste Geluk, waar hulle kos en klere, wat deur Steelpoort Akademie se leerders ingesamel is, gaan oorhandig het. Dankie vir elkeen se oop hand en hart vir ander! ELAINE GROBLER was nominated on 31 August 2013 as the new SAATME Mpumalanga Provincial Director (South Africa Association of Talent, Modeling and Entertaiment), which was established by Dr Ellen Roux in 1997. It also has networks in Namibia and Botswana. The World Championships of Performing Arts is an annual event which takes place in Hollywood, Los Angeles, the entertainment mecca of the world. Only the best of the best are sent to partake and compete. 52 Countries take part in the event competitions: Dance, Acting, Vocal, Instruments, Modelling and variety arts. For more info please contact your Provincial Director Mpumalanga, Elaine Grobler on 076 926 6111. She can assist you to become part of the world.
The Next Out and About Issue will be out on 19 September 2013
One portion/person. No take-away. No bookings.
should herself need to get to work and the family car is out of fuel – and none available should the Middle East play “tough guy”’. Author: DAVE FALL Wheels24.co.za IN case you’ve been living under a rock this past couple of weeks the prospect of a fresh Middle East conflict – this time in Syria – is disturbingly possible and a rise in the price of oil will be inevitable. Thought of buying a motorcycle? Strife in Syria could well lead to oil shortages, apart from the needless loss of life in a war, and that could mean way more expensive - even rationed - vehicle fuel. So what’s that got to do with Wheels24, you may well ask. Without putting too fine a point on it we may all need to consider alternative transport soon – especially if you drive a gas-guzzler (large sedan / SUV / or at worst a 4x4). I’m not talking about a bicycle – mountain or otherwise - for commuting. The type of bike I’m suggesting has at the very least a single-cylinder engine – or even a scooter (new prices start at around R8000), 125cc motorcycle or anything up to a 650cc bike, or so – perfect for those two-up trips, short or long and preferably with a top box or panniers (a rucksack will most certainly suffice, if need be) to carry enough groceries for the family to get by should the going get tough. I mean it, the oil barrel situation is critical – Syria has lots of friends quite capable of scuttling oil fields across the entire Middle East – it’s been attempted before. There just aren’t enough oil-well firefighters such as Paul Neal (aka “Red” Adair) on the planet to deal with such a dire scenario. A motorcycle may not be the perfect answer to everybody’s traffic problems, but generally they come close. Whatever happens, we all need to get to our workstations –assuming you’ve not retired! Ease of parking, five litres or less/100km, they’re cheap to run – perhaps not so much superbikes – but they can be, if driven carefully. Those with long memories will remember the mid-1970’s when fuel restrictions in South Africa followed a global oil upheaval. Up and down the country speed limits were strictly enforced; fuel stations were open for limited hours each day and not at all over weekends. There’s a real spin-off to riding a motorcycle today, though: your daily commute will feel refreshingly different; you’ll observe your surroundings and spatial awareness like never before. Ask anybody who regularly rides a motorcycle or commutes on one. Your favourite (less busy) road, stunning mountain pass or winding dual carriageway can be a game-changer for those used to a car / SUV or, heaven forbid – a large, thirsty and mostly quite impractical 4x4. Of course there are also high-end models from the East, cruisers from the West and of course, BMW, Ducati, Aprilia, KTM and Triumph offerings from Europe – that all have their place. Hedonists are surely spoiled for choice by Yankee motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson. Its 2014 cruiser range defies description with eight additional models. Honda, on the other hand, claims to have a bike for every taste: a few years ago its advertising slogan was “You meet the nicest people on a Honda”. Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha have a great range of bikes – just in time for spring. I’m never sure of the most popular brand – maybe it’s BMW at the moment, a company that has been making motorcycles for close on 90 years. Although their range starts with a fairly large 650cc, it’s a manageable, cheap-to-run, single-cylinder machine, quite capable of taking a pillion rider
MR Fall is of course quite correct. If you commute in town and you are purely after fuel economy, buy a 125 or 250 commuter bike or a big scooter. Not a 49cc, the things cannot get away from congested traffic and I consider them dangerous. However, if you want economy of 20km/l and a bike that you can pack and tackle long distances with, your best bet are the bikes on the left. The Kawasaki KLR 650 (top) represents the very best value for money and is tough. The Honda NC 700 is also excellent value for money and is the only twin here. The Yamaha Tenere 660Z is a top quality bike but is a bit more expensive and the BMW GS 650 needs no introduction., although it is the most expensive of the four. If you can spend more, go for a big KTM 1190 Adventure, BMW 1200 GS (the yardstick) or Yamaha 1200 Super Tenere. They are a bit big for the short commute and cost as much as a small car. Go for an adventure bike between 650 and 1200 cc. They are built tough, will last for years, retain their value, are happy doing short distances and are comfortable on the open road. You should never regret buying one of these. Andre Coetzee
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AN all-new version of the Kia Soul made its European debut at the 65th Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA) in Frankfurt on 10 September 2013 and was joined by the upgraded Optima. The all-new Kia Soul stays true to the original iconic design, with modern design cues matched by improved dynamics and a range of economical engines. The smooth new-look exterior is inspired by the 2012 Kia Track'ster concept and introduces a thoroughly fresh, more grown-up appearance without losing its individualistic edge. “The Soul has attracted a loyal following among Kia buyers, so it was important that the all-new model remained true to the original iconic design,” comments Benny Oeyen, Vice President Marketing and Product Planning, Kia Motors Europe. The all-new 2014 Kia Soul will go on sale in South Africa during the second quarter of 2014, when the full model line-up and derivatives will be confirmed. “The Kia Soul has become a stand-out, funky design canvas on South African roads with many Soul owners making individualistic customisations. The new Soul is completely re-designed, both inside and out and offers the consumer an exciting and fresh new alternative. We see this trend continuing into the future as the new model will attract new buyers with its broader appeal”, comments David Sieff, National Marketing Manager, Kia Motors South Africa. Responding to customer feedback and developments in the evercompetitive global marketplace, the Frankfurt show will also see the introduction of an upgraded Kia Optima, with an enhanced design, new infotainment, convenience and safety features, increased refinement, improved quality and a more premium finish. As well as a visual refresh of the D-segment model, Kia has also focused on introducing greater refinement to the Optima, one of the key areas for improvement targeted by engineers. Measures adopted to reduce road noise in the new model include RIO fitting a dynamic damper to the rear suspension cross member, improving the vehicle's sound-proofing and fitting upgraded alloy wheels. Combined, these measures have reduced road noise by 3.3 dB. The upgraded Optima is also expected to reach local shores during the second quarter of 2014, at which point T&C Apply local specification will be confirmed. KIA Motors Lydenburg Tel: 013-235-1303 l Fax: 013-235-3500 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg KIA Motors Burgersfort Tel: 013-231-8430 l Main Road, Burgersfort,
‘SDV6’ in the UK market. In the USA and the Middle East the vehicle’s badging will remain as on previous models. The 2014 Discovery will continue to be available with its class-leading 192kW / 600Nm three-litre SDV6 engine with CO2 emissions reduced from 230 to 213g/km and fuel consumption improved to a claimed eight litres/100km. All models will have an eight-speed ZF auto transmission. The 2014 models' driver assistance, comfort and safety features will include wadesensing (a technology claimed to be unique to Land Rover), blind-spot monitors, doors-closed warning, following traffic detection and T-junction cameras. To align the 2014 Discovery with Range Rover vehicles it will be available with a Meridian premium audio system that includes eight speakers and 380W of power. Meridian Surround adds 825W and has 17 speakers. Wheels24.co.za
LAND ROVER has refreshed its Discovery models for the 2014 model year though core attributes, we're told, will be carried over. The iconic Land Rover Discovery off-roaders have been given new badging, new fuel-stretching technology - including stop / start), improved audio systems and a new range of driver assistance, comfort and safety features. Deliveries will start in Europe in November 2013. The cars, as in the current range, but updated with the new systems and goodies, will be in South Africa in the first quarter of 2014. Land Rover global brand director John Edwards told Wheels24: “The hugely popular Discovery continues to move from strength to strength and the addition of improvements in fuel economy and emissions underpins our commitment to delivering power with sustainability. "As one of the world’s most stylish, capable and versatile SUV's, the Discovery is the perfect vehicle for people who enjoy living an active lifestyle.” The Disco has a new "face" and a number of exterior detail changes: a new grille and front bumper, revised headlights and distinctive diode daytime running light designs as well as new alloy wheel rims are the main changes. A Black Design Pack remains available for 2014 models, which brings revised detailing and 20" black alloy rims to the car. In recognition of the Discovery’s now established identity, the refreshed exterior design for 2014 incorporates a change of identity for the vehicle in many markets. For the first time the name ‘Discovery’ replaces ‘Land Rover’ on the bonnet and the digit 4 will be removed from the tailgate to leave simply ‘Discovery.’ Engine identity has been moved from the tailgate to an ingot mounted on each of the front doors. This side-badging will reflect the engine type and appear as
THINGS are becoming rather heated in the 'bakkie wagon' market and although the Toyota Fortuner continues to enjoy something of a sales stranglehold, consumers are becoming increasingly spoiled for choice. In the past year, Chevrolet's Trailblazer has entered the fray and Nissan has repositioned its Pathfinder as a more affordable alternative. Now Mitsubishi is following suit with a revitalised Pajero Sport. While it looks much the same on the surface, Mitsubishi has given it a new turbodiesel engine and set the pricing at R435 900 for the five-speed manual and R445 900 for the five-speed automatic model undercutting the equivalent Fortuner and Trailblazer by around R40 000. A fiveyear/90 000km service plan is also part of the deal. The previous 3.2-litre engine makes way for a new 2.5-litre unit and the smaller cubic capacity does not amount to a muscular downgrade. In fact, it sits at the sharp end of the pecking order with outputs of 131kW at 4000rpm and 400Nm from 2000rpm in the case of the manual model, the auto being detuned to 350Nm between 1800 and 3500rpm. Naturally it's a more efficient option and Mitsubishi claims combined consumption figures of 7.8 l/100km for the manual and 8.5 l/100km for the auto, although you can expect it to drink more than 10 l/100km in real-world driving. The vehicle's launch route allowed us to put the Pajero through its paces on asphalt and dirt country roads north of Johannesburg and although the motor lacks responsiveness, something no doubt aggravated by the automatic gearbox fitted to the test units, it ultimately delivered satisfying performance when called upon. The route eventually led us to some hard-core off-road trails, where the Pajero's Super Select four-wheel drive hardware was given a chance to shine. This is a pukka off-roader with all the traditional kit along with a 215mm ground clearance and respective approach and departure angles of 36 and 25 degrees. Shifting the transfer case to 4L and engaging the rear diff lock allowed it to tackle massive dongas and steep inclines with relative ease. I was particularly impressed by the smooth throttle response and cushy suspension that made for a smooth ride quality. The Pajero Sport is only available as a 4x4 for now, but Mitsubishi plans to introduce a more affordable 4x2 variant in the near future. There is only one spec level and it's indulgently kitted with leather seats, climate control with separate rear controls, multi-function steering wheel, cruise control and a six-speaker touchscreen audio system with reverse camera. Safety highlights include six airbags and Active Stability and Traction Control. The interior accommodates three rows of seating and while the cabin wins points for practicality. The cockpit looks rather old-fashioned and a big functionality bugbear is that the steering can only be adjusted for height, not reach.
Sales: Hein Viljoen: 083 408 0397 Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035 Laydos Mashego: 073 203 2992
VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 082 329 0795 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: Choert Maartens - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Sonia / Albert - 013 235 2141
Like the Pathfinder, this Mitsubishi is starting to show its age in places but when one looks at the features and overall capability on offer for the price, it is a compelling deal nonetheless and well worth a place on your 4x4 shopping list. By: Jason Woosey iolmotoring.co.za
TOYOTA’s redoubtable Land Cruiser will benefit from styling changes throughout. What’s more, those attending the 2013 Johannesburg motor show will be able to experience the new model when it makes its South African debut! For 60 years Toyota’s Land Cruiser has enjoyed a global reputation as the ultimate go-anywhere vehicle. In 2013 the automaker will introduce a series of improvements for its venerable Land Cruiser including exterior and interior styling upgrades and revised handling. South African fans of the Land Cruiser will have to wait until October when the new Prado makes its local debut at the 2013 Johannesburg International Motor Show (Jims), to go on sale in November 2013. Toyota SA’s senior manager of corporate communication, Leo Kok, said: “The new Prado will be revealed at the 2013 Johannesburg motor show and will be on sale early in November. More detail on the South African specification levels will be made public at the show.” Though we’ll have to wait until Jims for local engine details, in the UK the Land Cruiser will continue to be powered by a 140kW three-litre turbodiesel driving a five-speed auto. The four-cylinder, quad-valve unit has been revised to meet Euro 5+ emissions standards with no decrease in performance, enabling it to produce 420Nm from 1600-3000rpm. Emissions have been reduced slightly to 209 and 214g/km for the two and four-door models respectively. The new Land Cruiser has the automaker’s Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System though it retains its independent double wishbone arrangement at the front and four-link rear set-up with lateral rod. On the standard system, shockabsorber performance has been optimised while KDSS benefits from increased thickness / diameter for several components, including the anti-roll bar to “create smoother vehicle behaviour with revised front-to-rear weight transfer when cornering". Toyota has redesigned the front with an "assertive" grille, an evolution of the traditional vertical bar arrangement. Depending on the spec level, the bars can have a metallic or silver finish. Depending on the eye of the beholder, you'll love it or, well, not...
DIE eerste nuwe Nissan Almera is verkoop aan die trotse eienaar Me Alet van Staden van Lydenburg. Baie geluk met die nuwe voertuig! Foto - Me Alet van Staden by Mnr Hercules Coetzee (verkoopsman by Longtom Nissan). Reinet Bell
Toyota has added 20mm to the front bumper overhang, though according to Toyota its cut-away edge means no change to the vehicle’s turning circle (5.2m for the two-door and 5.8m for the four-door) or its approach angle. The wheelbase and rear overhang are unchanged. Overall vehicle length is increased to 4335mm (two-door) and 4780mm (four-door). Inside, Toyota has upgraded the overall trim and details: “The new 2014 Land Cruiser’s cabin gains new trims and detailing that raise the overall tactile and perceived quality.” The facia has been redesigned and the centre console now combines controls for its off-road modes. Using the new selector dial, drivers can choose between the five-mode multi-terrain select and crawl control. The selector is flanked by switches for the all-wheel drive and adaptive variable suspension. The interior benefits from a new colour screen as well and black and wood finishes on the facia, doors, centre console, steering wheel and gear lever. The seats have also been upgraded with double stitching for cloth and contrast colour-stitching for leather options. The 4x4 benefits from a blind-spot monitor and the automaker’s 'rear crosstraffic alert' which warns the driver of vehicles not visible through the rear-view or external mirrors. If any vehicle is detected, the system flashes warning lights in the side mirrors and sounds a buzzer. Wheels24.co.za
Jy SPAAR R55 000! Normale prys R355 900 Vanaf
NOU R299 900
DESPITE the fact that the full impact of the current vehicle manufacturing strike on local inventory levels is only expected to be felt in September, August new vehicle sales figures still performed on the lower side of expectations. August saw a slight year-on-year decline, with new vehicle sales amounting to 56 115 units - 0.3 lower than August last year - according to figures released by RGT Smart. While the passenger car market experienced a 3.7 percent decline, light commercial vehicle sales increased by 5.3 percent year on year. Although the rest of the year its set to see a more difficult trading environment on the back of lower economic growth and above-inflation new vehicle price increases, the year as a whole will still represent the second or third best year on record, according to Naamsa. The August sales race saw Toyota taking the lead with 10 398 sales, ahead of Volkswagen with 8910. In third spot, the AMH/AAD group (Hyundai, Kia, Chery, Foton and Daihatsu) reported a total sales figure of 6973 units, of which 3730 were made up by small cars with an engine capacity of 1400cc or less, although individual sales figures from these brands are still not being reported. GMSA (6029), Ford (5893) and Nissan (4248) took fourth, fifth and sixth positions overall. TOP 20 - AUGUST 2013 1. Toyota Hilux - 3339
2. VW Polo - 2625
Lydenburg Bandediens 47 Voortrekker Street, Tel: 013 235 3944, lydbande@gmail.com Lydenburg 1120
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As usual the top selling bakkie / leisure vehicle (below) was the Toyota Hilux, and the top selling car the Volkswagen Polo (pictured above). 3. VW Polo Vivo - 2324
4. Toyota Etios - 1852
5. Ford Ranger - 1695
6. Chevrolet Utility - 1485
7. Isuzu KB - 1439
8. Ford Figo - 1200
9. Toyota Quantum - 1122
10. Mercedes C-Class - 1119
11. Nissan NP200 - 1089
12. Chevrolet Spark - 1086
13. BMW 3 Series - 1035
14. Toyota Fortuner - 945
15. Nissan Hardbody - 883
16. Ford Fiesta - 824
17. Toyota Corolla/Auris - 821
18. Audi A4 - 628
19. Renault Clio IV - 615
20. VW Golf 7 - 587
Huis van die week Wees die eerste eienaar:
Hierdie 3 slaapkamer, 2 moderne badkamers met ’n pragtige graniet kombuis, oopplan leefarea is ten volle geteel. Twee motorhuise, gerieflike erf grootte. Moenie dit mis om eerste eienaar te wees. Goeie Sekuriteitskompleks. Prys: R1 275 000. Agent: Madelein Viljoen: 076 770 2954 Pam Golding Lydenburg
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Hierdie Meenthuis is beslis elke sent werd! Modern, beste afwerking en veilig!! Die dupleks bied 3 Slaapkamers met 2 vol Badkamers op boonste vlak en toilet onder. Sitkamer en eetkamer is op onderste vlak met TV kamer en binne-braai op die boonste vlak. Oop-plan kombuis met aparte opwas. Dubbel motorhuis. Alarm sisteem. Moenie die huis mis as jy na 'n plek soek waar jy rustig kan onthaal en lekker wil bly nie!
Beautiful stylish home nestled in a luxurious garden! Well secured and nestled in a luxurious garden. This double storey home includes 4 bedrooms, one of them with their own lounge, dressing room and bathroom. 3 Bathrooms. Entrance Hall, Lounge, Dining room and TV room. Kitchen with pantry, seperate scullery and laundry room. Double garage and 5 carports with a store room. Swimming pool and alarm system. A MUST TO VIEW!
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TE HUUR R8 800: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2.5 Badkamers, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Oop-plan Kombuis, Binne braai. Dubbel motorhuis. NUUT GEBOU. R8 500: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Oop-plan leefarea. Dubbel motorhuis. Groot tuin. R7 700: 3 Slaapkamer Meenthuis. 2 Badkamers, Oop-plan leefarea. Motorhuis. R5 800: 2 Slaapkamer Woonstel. 1 Badkamer, Oop-plan leefarea. Afdak. Water en ligte ingesluit. R5 000: 2 Slaapkamer Woonstel. 1 Badkamer, Sitkamer, Eetkamer. 2 Afdakke. R3 900: 1 Slaapkamer Woonstel. 1 Badkamer, Sitkamer, Eetkamer. Kantoor spasie: 240 m² 8 kantore met baie ekstra. POA Winkelspasie: 96 m² winkelspasie te huur teen R3 000 per maand
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Tricks to help ensure you get your deposit back
Loslitdag by Pam Golding vol pret EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 3 slpk 2 badk huis met aparte sitk afdak met braai R7 600 p/m • Moderne 3 slpk 2 badk meenthuis met enkel motorhuis R7 500 p/m • Pragtige ruim 3 slpk huis in Sterkspruit met groot oopplan leefarea, patio met ingeboude braai en dubbel motorhuis. R 9 500 p/m • Ruim Oopplan Leefarea, 2 Slpk, 1 Vol Badk, met afdak vir een voertuig R5 800 p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
Lede van die Pam Golding-span het op Loslit-dag vir glimlagte gesorg op die hoek van Viljoen- en Jansenstraat. Verbygangers en motoriste wat by die vierrigting-stop nog nors was, is na 'n lekkergoedjie en 'n groot-oog glimlag aan die lente herinner. Die toffie-uitdelers was van links Ronnie Nonyane, Melanie Dercksen, Madelein Viljoen, Jolandie Joubert en Pieter Pieterse. Hier is Ronnie Nonyane, Melanie Dercksen, Madelein Viljoen, Jolandie Joubert en Pieter Pieterse.
WHEN it comes to checking your property at the end of your stay, landlords can develop better microscopic vision than Superman. To help stop them zapping your deposit, here are a few tips: Check your contract. Dig this out and give it another read. Does it say the carpets need to be deep cleaned, or that all picture hooks need to be removed and filled in? If so, make sure these are sorted. Patch up any damage. Fix it properly - covering up a hole in the wall with a picture may seem like a good idea at the time, but leaving it like this when you move out is practically asking for your deposit to be docked. Ensure nothing's missing or broken. Check the inventory thoroughly to make sure everything's as it should be, and replace or fix as needed. Take photos as proof you've left it in good order. These could be useful evidence later if a dispute arises over your deposit. Have a proper deep clean. Get a scrupulous friend or family member to check the place over to check there's nothing you've missed, and remove all rubbish. If your tenancy agreement states you must get the property professionally cleaned, you may have to provide receipts to prove you've done it. But if it states you need to have it cleaned to a professional standard, you could do this carefully yourself and take photos as proof. Source: internet.
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• 1 Slk w/stel sentraal geleë R3 500 • 2 Slk woonstel - onmiddelik - R4 000 • 3 Slk woning, 8km op Dullstroom pad R6 400 • 4 Slk luukse woning, The Heads R8 500 • 3 Slk woning by Laerskool - Luuks R9 500 • Woning op plot - 2km uit dorp R5 500 TE KOOP:
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Beautiful townhouse for sale Quietness in this three bed house is experienced, beautiful and clean, secured area. Peace of mind and a space that is maintainable. Grab it before someone else does. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom double garage.
Luxury home in a secure complex - one of a kind! From the moment you enter the home you are mesmerized by its beauty and splendour. 4 Bedrooms with study, gym, lounge/ dining area, family room and sauna. Kitchen, pantry, laundry. Staff accommodation, pool. An entertainers dream overlooking the nature reserve.
groot erf.
R1 280 000
Nuwe ontwikkeling Deeltitel eenhede te koop vanaf R595 000 Fase 1: 16 Nou beskikbaar Twee en drie slaapkamer woonstelle
TE HUUR Verskeie woonstelle, meenthuise, nuutgeboude huise asook kantoor spasies te huur. Due to renovations our offices have been relocated to Van Renen & Heyns, 72 Kantoor Street
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
Help for children and adults born with a cleft palate OPERATION Smile: Operation Smile South Africa (OSSA), in partnership with the National Ministry of Health and Mpumalanga Department of Health will, from September 30th to October 4th 2013, conduct free assessments in Mpumalanga Province for all children and adults born with a cleft lip and / or cleft palate. To be assessed for surgery, any person with a cleft lip and / or cleft palate must contact Operation Smile South Africa or go directly to one of the hospitals below on the date and time listed: Middelburg Hospital, Middelburg Wednesday 2 October 2013 8am10am. Themba Hospital, White River Thursday 3 October 2013 8am10am. Rob Ferreira Hospital, Nelspruit Friday 4 October 2013 8am–
11am, Piet Retief Hospital, Piet Retief Friday 4 October 3pm – 5pm. Operation Smile is working with the Mpumalanga Department of Health and the National Department of Health to provide care to those in need of specialist treatment. What Is A Cleft? 1:1000 children in Africa are born with a cleft lip or cleft palate. A cleft lip is a hole in the lip that has caused the lip to not form fully, and a cleft palate is a hole in the roof of the mouth. 1:10 children with clefts do not survive until their first birthday as they struggle to feed. To be assessed for surgery, any person (child or adult) with a cleft lip and / or cleft palate should come to either the pre-screening or register by telephone. For more information, call OSSA on 0800 0 SMILE (0800 0 76453) or email Themba.Mzondi@operationsmile.org
Me. Lindiwe Mahono is gekies as die spanbestuurder vir die Mpumalanga Landloopspan wat aan die Suid Afrikaanse kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein gaan deelneem. Top 10 Leerders van Steelpoort Akademie. Agter: Chris-Marie Ebersohn (97%), Monique Language (96%), CJ Barnard (94%), Franco Oosthuizen (92%), Kganya Maapea (90%), Lourencia van Dyk (94%). Voor: Yone Volschenk (90%), Aldone' Geldenhuys (88%), Tabeel Zeeman (91%), Clarissa Fourie (91%), Animie van Rooyen (98%)
Baie geluk aan al Steelpoort se Akademiese presteerders, ons is trots op julle! Top 5 - Graad 4. 1ste Animie van Rooyen, 2de Clarissa Fourie, 3de Yone' Volschenk, 4de Mahlogonolo Mamekoa en 5de JC Knoetze.
Top 5 – Grade 8 from Steelpoort Academy. Back: Ettolia Mabanna (4th), Emmanuel Mapalakanye (5th), Front: Kekeletso Kgwetiane (1st), Lebogang Makgolane (2nd) , Millenium Kgoete (3rd)
Top 5 - Graad 5 van Steelpoort Akademie: 1ste Henry Languag, 2de Eckhard Ebersohn, 3de Stephan van Tonder, 4de Blessed Phasha, 5de Charnelle du Preez
Top 5 - Graad 6 van Steelpoort Akademie. Agter: Marykede Jager(5de), Lourencia van Dyk(1ste), Carla Riekert (4de), Voor: Yanke Engelbrecht (3de), Aldone Geldenhuys (2de).
Top 5 - Graad 7 Agter: Franco Oosthuizen (4de), CJ Barnard (3de) Voor: Monique Language (2de), Chris-Marie Ebersohn (1ste), Tabeel Zeeman (5de).
Top 5 – Grade 9 from Steelpoort Academy. Back: Lefihlile Kgoete (1st), Elaine Mahlobogoane (4th), Nate Phetla (2nd). Front: Khomotso Mojalefa (5th), Darren Zeeman (3rd).
Top 5 – High School from Steelpoort Academy. Back: Nate Phetla (77%), Front: Millenium Kgoete (79%), Kekeletso Kgwetiane (86%), Darren Zeeman (77%), Lebogang Makgolane (82%), Lefihlile Kgoete (78%).
Hier volg die WEDVLUGDUIWE UITSLAE van die afgelope naweek: 7 September 2013. Bethlehem Jaaroud 2 : 414 km: Wenspoed was 1 228 m/minuut.1. Gerhard Marais Blou, 2. Gerhard Marais Blou, 3. Hein Geldenhuys, 4. Hein Geldenhuys, 5. Gerhard Marais Groen, 6. Gerhard Marais Groen, 7. Gert Roets, 8. Allo Lofts 9. Allo Lofts. 10. Gerhard Marais Blou. Bethlehem Ope 2 : 414 km Wenspoed was 1 229 meter per minuut.1. Gerhard Marais Groen. 2. Gerhard Marais Groen. 3. Hein Geldenhuys. 4. Allo Lofts, 5. Gerhard Marais Blou, 6. Gerhard Marais Blou, 7. Hein Geldenhuys. 8. Allo Lofts, 9. Hein Geldenhuys, 10. Allo Lofts. Volgende naweek vlieg die duiwe Warden.
First York Enduro MTB Rally this weekend
Cyclist Jakes van Staden practices the 3.2km Downhill course that has been prepared for the inaugural York Enduro MTB Bike Rally taking place from 13 September to 15 September 2013 in Sabie, Mpumalanga The inaugural York Enduro Mountain Bike Rally runs from Friday 13 September to Sunday 15 September 2013 and offers riders a testing 3days through the scenic Sabie countryside. Hosted by York Timbers, the weekend's activities also include a trail run, live music and a thrilling “Top Gear” style race between a MTB and a rally car. The top class field will include 20 of South Africa's leading pro cyclists including Ariane Kleinhans, Lourens Luus, Erik Kleinhans, Max Knox, Waylon Woolcock and Samantha Sanders, with the steep Mpumalanga terrain testing their skills in one of the finest mountain biking regions in the world. The mountain biking gets underway on Friday 13 September when the pro riders and Corporate Teams ride the spectator friendly 3,2km Downhill and 3km XC (cross country) course with DHI (down hill) seeding runs from 13:00 and the finals from 15:45. As the evening sets in, mountain biker Justin Victor will take on rally car driver Shaun Tope in a “Top Gear” style race-off at Klein Spitzkop at 17:15. It's an early start on Saturday 14 September when the pro riders and Corporate Teams participate in the grueling 58km Enduro, with teams setting off at different times starting from 07:00 and only being timed on the downhill stretches of the course. But it's not all about the bike and runners can sign up for the York Adventure 12km Trail Run, which starts and finishes at Sabie Country Club. The run starts at 08:00 and the entry fee is R50. Sunday 15 September offers an opportunity for all MTB enthusiasts to enter the York Adventure Challenge which starts at 07:30, with a choice of 40km (entry fee R120) or 19km (entry fee R80) routes. Both races start and finish at Sabie Country Club. The serious riding reaches a peak at 11:00 on Sunday when the pro riders thrill spectators during an exhibition XCO (cross country Olympic) lap race on Sabie Golf Course. The entertainment also includes an invite-only gala dinner on Friday night, with sports commentator Max Cluer hosting an auction during which corporate teams bid for a pro cyclist to join their team for Saturday's Enduro. All funds raised will be donated to charities that will be announced during the course of the event. Members of the public are encouraged to support the cyclists on the various stages of the race, and can also enjoy some of the activities on offer in the area including horse-riding and fishing or walks through the beautiful rolling hills. Sunday is an ideal day for a family visit to Sabie, with food stalls, a kid's entertainment area and live entertainment by The Campbells. For further information and entry forms for all activities, visit www.york.co.za or the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com /YorkAdventureClub and follow us on twitter @YorkAdventure. Alternatively call York Timbers on 031 764 9200.
Touch of Class
Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek
Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com
57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.
A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.
J O V E L A U TO M AT I O N Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales and Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Doors, Electric Fencing, Batteries, Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374
A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.
AK JEWELS 013 235 1075
J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 /082 426 3144 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is E n v i r o n m e n t F r i e n d l y, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 REMOVAL OF DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 DA VISSER PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2788 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011 082 769 3615 KNIFE MAKER & sharpening service. Andries 082 410 3812 NUWE SPEELGROEPIE , Dagsorg en Naskool. veilige en vriendelike versorging. Vir meer besonderhede Kontak Lavon 071 337 8825 of Tienie 082 802 4694
motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120 / Aflam 072 203 1614
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
PERMANENT MAKEUP nail & lash extensions. 082 650 4987 HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 TEEL VERSE ± 300kg. Buzzy 082 702 1420/ 013 235 3954
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DIS AMPER SOMER, bring julle woefs vir 'n lekker bad en skeer na Doggy in the W i n d o w P a r l o u r. 5 2 Kantoor st. Rowena 083 326 0941 GROOMING SERVICE DOGS. 082 650 4987/ 084 245 9905
ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
LYDENBURG 2 slk, 2 badk w/s te huur met tuin. Water uitgesluit, prepaid krag. R4500. Chris 082 680 6228 TE HUUR: Netjiese 4 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, sit - eet - TV kamer, kombuis, opwas + w a s k a m e r . Dubbeltoesluitmotorhuis + skadu afdakke, palisade, naby skole. Kontal 074 897 9768
KANTOORAREA/ WERKSWINKEL/ stoorarea - 400m², in industriele gebied. Baie netjies. Elizabeth 084 988 7413
IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 CIRCLE CATERING & ACCOMMODATION offers C o n t r a c t o r s accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374
EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES VAKANTE BETREKKING VERKOPE: basiese rekenaarvaardigheid, moet met kliënte kan werk, geldige rybewys. Stuur CV aan faks 013 235 2285
REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
3 SLK HUIS R6000 p/m. 013 235 2175/ Maritjie Weideman 072 624 0431/ Lorraine 082 582 7100
MEENTHUIS TE HUUR direk vanaf eienaar, geen agente / kommissie. 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, toesluit motorhuis. R6500 per maand water ingesluit. Skakel Elmarike 083 945 4808 / Andre 072 214 6942
C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565 DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002
2 SLK WOONSTEL netjies & veilig. R4500 072 762 8562
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg
DELIVERY GUY - valid motorbike license, dependable & trustworthy. Hand in CV at Steers, Lydenburg or fax 013 235 1359
Verkope & Verhuring Tel: 013 235 1986 www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41
EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT 2 SLK WOONSTEL met toesluit motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. R4500. 082 828 1211
DEFENDANT NOTICE O F S A L E I N EXECUTION IN TERMS of the judgement of the North Gauteng High court, Pretoria in the abovementioned suite, a Public Sale in Execution will be held at Sheriff's Office Lydenburg, 80 Kantoor Straat Lydenburg on WEDNESDAY, the 02 October 2013 at 10H00, on the under mentioned property which is to be sold to the highest bidder. 5 X COMPUTER DESK, 2 X SMALL CABINETS, 9 X OFFICE CHAIRS, 1 X 2 SEATER COUCH, 2 X CHAIRS, 1 X 2 DOOR STEEL CABINET, 2 X SMALL KOMPRESSOR, 1 X SMALL COFFEE TA B L E , 1 X H P PRINTER, 1 X SAMSUNG FRIDGE, 1 X S A M S U N G MICROWAVE OVEN, 1 X J E T A I R AIRCONDITIONER, 1 X CANNON PRINTER 4 X BLOCK & TACKELS, 2 X GRINDER, 1 X C A N N O N FAXMACHINE. TERMS: 1. Cash 2. Movable Property will be sold “Voetstoots” DATED AT LYDENBURG ON THIS 0 9 T H D AY O F SEPTEMBER 2013. S h e r i f f Ly d e n b u r g District PO Box 154 Lydenburg 1120 Tel: 013 235 1877 Fax: 013 235 3669 (Ref: H1211/417emer)
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 We d . 1 9 : 3 0 . G r a n t Roode 082 886 2934. •
Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS
Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362
Pallet Wendy’s 3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500
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Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multinational, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/
Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.
DRINGEND Op soek na ’n wilde koei in Rooidraai omgewing. Groen oorplaatjie met nommer 199, brandmerk y Skakel 082 966 0565
Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne
Sekretaresse / Admin Dame • Moet Excel, Word & rekenaarvaardig wees • Werksure: 7:30vm - 12:30nm Maandag - Vrydag • Vorige werks ondervinding E-pos CV na: iniebos@gmail.com
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083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net
Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
Sport / Vacancies
Gauteng Noord Tentpegging Kampioenskappe
ie Gauteng Noord Kampioenskappe het op 31 Augustus te Pretoria plaasgevind. Die plaaslike Rooikat ruiters het deelgeneem en goeie prestasies was behaal. Jan-Hendrik Prinsloo en Francois Pieterse, beide Rooikat ruiters, was aangewys ans die Victor Ludorums van die kampioenskappe. Jan-Hendrik het ook ’n eerste plek in Enkellans gewen.
Jan-Hendrik en Henno van der Westhuizen het ook in die Halfseksieswaard ’n eerste plek ingepalm. Brons medaljes is ook gewen vir Indiese gelid lans en seksie lans. Hartlik geluk aan die voglende Rooikat ruiters wat vir die volgende onderskeie spanne verkies is: Senior Gauteng Noordspan: Jannie Prinsloo en Marco Breytenbach. Isak Niemann is reserwe vir hierdie span.
Mnr. Sakkie Niemann, Jan- Hendrik Prinsloo en Francois Pieterse is aangewys as die Victor Ludorums van die kampioenskappe
Junior Gauteng Noord span: Naude Potgieter, Myburg Linde. Francois Pieterse is reserwe vir hierdie span. Sterkte aan die Senior Rooikatspan met die SA kampioenskappe einde September in Pretoria asook die Junior Rooikatspan wat in Desember te Paarl aan die SA kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus wens almal geluk met hulle prestasies!
Johnnie Coetzee en Jannie Prinsoo tydens die prysuitdeling
LAERSKOOL LYDENBURG: 2 Hokkiespanne dring deur na die Ehlanzeni finaal op 2 September 2013. Die o/10-dogters wen 1-0 teen Ls Bergland. Die o/12 seuns wen Ls Witrivier met `n “penalty shoot” van 3 teen 2. Van links (agter) Tiaan Brits, Gerhard Taljaard, Reuben vd Merwe, Tiaan Pretorius, Quentin de Jonge, Fritz Koch; (middel): Mariano de Villiers, Rikus Booyens, Michael Grobler, LJ Pretorius, Duncan Troskie; (voor): Dean Pagine. Afrigter: Ingrid de Wet
Links: Vene Viviers, Nela Nkwana, Nicole Botha, Jonelle Rabi, Charnele Koch, Zantedeschia Swanepoel. Links middel: Leandri Scott, Anke Alberts, Gabi vd Merwe, Bernice van Wyk, Esme van Aswegen, Jessica Snyders. Heel voor: Mone Nieuwenhuizen. Afrigters: Mariska Haasbroek en Delene de Souza.
INVITATION TO TENDER ENQUIRY NO: TM 1308/06 DWARSRIVIER MINE INVITES SUITABLE QUALIFIED TENDERS TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL TO BUILD A FOUNDRY PRODUCT STOCKPILE PAD AND STACKER WITHIN THE EXISTING PLANT BOUNDARY. A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION / BRIEFING / SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT DWARSRIVIER MINE. VENUE: PLANT BOARDROOM DATE: FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2013 TIME: 11H00 FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THE TENDER CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. TENDER REQUIREMENTS / CRITERIA: • Professional membership with regulatory bodies. • Minimum three years Turnkey/design build experience in Structural and Civil Engineering • Must have a level of professional indemnity insurance • Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries • Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate • Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's / Accountant's letter confirming your EME status.
Sales Associate - Lowveld Area • Grade 12 / Matric • 5 - 10 years experience in the FMCG • Valid Drivers License • Needs to work well under pressure • Good Administrative Skills • Good People Skills • Must have own vehicle (car allowance part of the package) • Must be able to travel a lot Closing Date: 15 September 2013 E-mail CV’s to General Manager (Natasha Joubert): natasha@stpie.co.za Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks after closing date, your application was unsuccessful. Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer
Me. Hantie Bezuidenhout, hoof van Lydenburg Dienssentrum, met die trofee.
Van links is Kobie Dreyer, Magda van Esch, Marie Breitenbach, Annatjie Ackerman, Suzy van Zyl, Roelf du Toit, Sakkie Breitenbach, Marcel van Doorn (Guardian Angels) en ’n helper; (voor): me. Hantie Bezuidenhout.
Lydenburg wen Poppie Marx Sportdag
Troutrekspan van links na regs is Rudolph Terblanche, Japie Jacobs, Wicus du Preez, Callie van Rensburg, Theo Scheepers en Sakkie Breitenbach.
Die jaarlikse Poppie Marx Sportbyeenkoms is deur Nelspruit SuperSPAR in samewerking met die Nelspruit Guardian Angels aangebied op Saterdag 31 Augustus in Nelspruit. Senior atlete van Malelane, Daantjie, Lydenburg, Nelspruit, Sabie en Nelsville het aan die spesiale geleentheid deelgeneem. Lydenburg se deelnemers het geskitter in al hul glorie. Hulle was die algehele wenners van die dag. Feitlik al die atlete het ‘gawe’ toekennings ontvang. Lydenburg het behalwe twee items, al die baan-en-velditems gewen. Malelane het die geestrofee gewen. Sedert die bestaan van hierdie sportdag, in 2007, is dit die sesde keer dat die Lydenburgspan die trofee huis toe bring. Die deelnemers het ingesluit Alma Basson, Elsa Bester, Lucy Swanepoel, Callie van Rensburg, Wicus du Preez, Rudolph Terblanche, Theo Scheepers, Willie Basson, Japie Jacobs, Sakkie Breitenbach, Kobie Dreyer, Magda van Esch, Marie Breitenbach, Annatjie Ackerman, Suzy van Zyl en Roelf du Toit.
SIM Only
On Standard MyGig 1
On Standard MyGig 2
On Standard MyGig 5
Night owl
Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg
Tel: 013 235 1636 The Heads Shopping Centre, Shop 26, Lydenburg
Tel: 013 231 7979 Tubatse Crossing Mall, Shop L70, Burgersfort