19 September 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 37 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
September is Erfenismaand. Vier dit op 24 September, dis ’n vakansiedag. Vier dit as Nasionale Braaidag of vier jou kultuur en herkoms. THERE are many explanations for how the name Mashishing came into being. Below are some explanations which I believe may hold some truth. According to historic accounts the original community (BaPedi) resided at Boomplaats. After the land was sold to private people the original residents moved away and settled at the banks of the Marambane River. The name Marambane was derived from the word mahambane meaning to walk. This word was used to describe the gold prospectors (1871), Abomahambane, who scoured the hills and valleys around Lydenburg in search of gold. It was here that Mashishing was established. At first it was agreed that the area be named Marangrang (after a Pedi chief and businessman) but it was later decided to name it Mashishing, after the tall grass of the area. This reference to grass was also made in another probable explanation for the origin of Mashishing. Major of Thaba Chweu, Mr Michael Ncongwane, who is also an enthusiastic historian, explained that the BaPedi settled here with their cattle mainly because this area had excellent grazing for cattle. Therefore the place was referred to as Leshishi – good grass or grazing. Leshishi became Mashishing. The latter, I believe, explains why reference is made to grass in both cases, you decide which is more probable! - By JP Celliers, Curater Lydenburg Museum.
Bo, die drukkers van die ou Lydenburg Nuus en onder die kabelkarretjie oor die Lydenburg Watervalle.
Die Jubileum Uitgawe van Lydenburg Nuus op 22 Junie 1962, vier ook die 75ste bestaansjaar van die koerant. Teen daardie tyd was dit dan ook die oudste Plattelandse nuusblad en drukpers in die Transvaal. Aldus die berig in die uitgawe word die herkoms van die drukpers wat gebruik is om die koerant te druk weergegee: “Tydens die goud “boom” te Pelgrimsrust in 1872, is 'n drukpers aldaar opgerig en is “The Goldfiels Mercury” uitgegee. Twee jaar later, in 1874, is publikasie van laasgenoemde blad gestaak”. Na hierdie gebeurtenis vervolg die berig met: “ 'n Ryk Lydenburgse handelaar, by name John H. Parker, het die toerusting gaan koop en dit die 37 myl vanaf Pelgrimsrus per ossewa laat vervoer en dit opgerig op die perseel waar Kruger se Slagtery tans gehuisves is. Een van hierdie “masjiene”, 'n proefpers met die datum 1872 daarop gegraveer, is vandag nog in gebruik by die Lydenburg Nuus”. Tans is hierdie proefpers in die versameling van die Lydenburg Museum. “De Lijdenburger” se eertse uitgawe was op 23 Junie 1887 en deur John H. Parker uitgegee. Ses jaar later het die broers Paul en Hendrik Joubert die koerant oorgeneem. 'n Verdere vyf jaar later besit Hendrik, ook bekend as “Hendrik Regop” die koerant en persbedryf tot en met sy aftrede in 1954. Hy is oorlede in 1959 te Pretoria. Die koerant het ook 'n groot rol gespeel tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog (ook bekend as die Anglo Boereoorlog, 1899-1902) toe dit die amptelike spreekbuis was van die Republikeinse Regering. Gedurende die tydperk het die Redakteur (Joubert) asook mnr S. Hiemstra in ondubbelsinnigetaal geskryf hoe hul oor die Britse magte gevoel het. Met die aankoms van Genl. Buller en sy magte in Oktober 1900 is die koerant se toerusting gekommandeer vir gebruik deur die Britse magte en is Joubert en Hiemstra beide gevange geneem. Na afloop van die oorlog het die “Lydenburg News” vir die eerstekeer die lig gesien. Hierdie het 'n nuwe tydperk in die koerant se beleid ingelei en Die Lydenburg Nuus / Lydenburg News het gestreef om op politieke gebied heeltemal onpartydig te staan en 'n beter verhouding tussen die twee taalgroepe (Afrikaans en Engels) te bevorder. Die koerant is telke male van hand versit. Mnre. Schulze en Bloom het dit verkoop aan mnr C. Hurley wie dit dan weer in 1944 aan mnr. Jack Healy verkoop het. Teen die tyd van Hurley se heengaan in 1956 het mnre. D.N. Ackermann en T. De Villiers die besigheid oorgeneem. Na De Villiers se onttrekking het Ackermann die besigheid steeds besit teen die tyd van die verskyning van die Jubileum Uitgawe op 22 Junie 1962. • Koerante in Lydenburg het dus ’n ryk geskiedenis in Lydenburg en media is die spil waarom informasie draai in enige dorp. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus (nou in sy tiende jaar) is trots daarop om deel van hierdie geskiedenis te wees, aangesien wyle Quintus Loots, een van die HPN se stigterslede, op ’n stadium ook die eienaar van die Lydenburg Nuus was. ~ RED
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DURING the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber’s (LMBC) public meeting on 10 September, the community was updated on several issues. Two senior representatives from Vodacom gave a presentation regarding coverage problems for cellular phones and for data connections in the Lydenburg area. They acknowledged that growth in Lydenburg was larger than anticipated. However, Vodacom was urgently looking into upgrading infrastructure and expanding coverage through the establishment of additional cellular towers. The upgrade would include moving away from 2G to 3G for most of the area. They also mentioned that they were dependent on Telkom infrastructure, which is also battling to keep up. Residents should expect an improvement in Vodacom coverage within six months to a year. Mr. Leon De Jager then took the podium and informed the community that the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber was now also a member of the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI) and of the Kruger / Lowveld Tourism Association, both of which hold great benefits and potential for the local Business Chamber and its members. Regarding the basic electricity levies imposed on small businesses with prepaid meters, mr. De Jager mentioned that the LMBC was making progress in resolving this issue with the Thaba Chweu Municipality. Small businesses with circuit breakers of 40 amp and lower, can look forward to a significant
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reduction in the levies in the near future. Regarding the so called “parked amounts” residents should declare a dispute with the TCM. He mentioned that F.E.T College & Support CENTRE Thaba Chweu was having problems generating income and that the issue needed urgent attention. COURSES NOW The Rooidraai substation was about to finally come on line soon, and that will provide town with additional electricity. AVAILABLE! Grade 10 - 12, Skillspro - End user Computing, In terms of roads and streets that need urgent attention, the LMBC is engaged Professional Secretary in talks with the TCM. Dennis van Renen Building, Room 10 Mr. Mohammed Cassim was thanked for his huge efforts behind the scenes to Voortrekker Street 49, Lydenburg organise a generator for the water works, during the recent electrical Tel : 083 303 9312 E-mail : erikaeng@lantic.net maintenance. His efforts resulted in continued water supply during the weekend in question. Ms. Gerda Whitehorn informed everyone about the new 2014 Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Directory that will next year also include Steelpoort and Burgersfort. Members of the LMBC get a free listing and additional advertising space is available. If you would like to join the LMBC, or have your business listed in the new directory, please contact Engela Krugel at: ludwigkrugel@gmail.com. Andre Coetzee
Spraak-, Taalterapeut & Oudioloog Gehoorapparate, Gehoortoetse & Spraakprobleme
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 Viljoenstraat 36, Lydenburg Reg oorkant die Mediesesentrum
T - Theme Dance
Prices valid from Thursday 19 September 2013 up to and including Thursday 26 September 2013 or While Stock Last All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.
Woman tied up and robbed while possible buyers came to look at her house’
New car break in scam APPARENTLY there is a new car break in scam that also puts your home in danger. For what it is worth (we could not determine accuracy), here is the story: The other day I approached my bakkie from the passenger side to place my computer bag on the front passenger seat. As I reached to open the door I noticed there was a hole right under my door handle. My first thought was, "someone has shot my bakkie!" I began to think about it and inspected it a little closer. Then the 'light' slowly began to dawn on me. I phoned my friend who owns a car body shop and asked if he had any vehicles with damage to the doors that looked like a bullet hole. "Yes, I see it all the time. Thieves have a punch and place it right under the door handle, knock a hole through, reach in and unlock it, just as if they have a key. No alarms, broken glass or anything". I then placed a call to my insurance agent and explained it to him. I was puzzled that they left my GPS and all other belongings. Here is where it gets scary! "Oh no", he said. "They want the break-in to be so subtle that you don't even realize it. They look at your GPS to see where 'home' is. They know what you drive, so they go to your home and if your vehicle isn't there, they assume you aren't either and break in your home." He said they even give you the courtesy of re-locking your doors for you. They will leave a purse or wallet and only take one or two credit cards. By the time you realize there has been a theft, they may have already had a couple days, or more, to use them. So, periodically walk around your car; daily - if you are in a shopping centre or other parking area. Report thefts immediately, your bank with missing cheque numbers, your credit card agencies, police, and insurance companies, etc. And set your home address for a street nearby. (source: email)
POLICE are investigating a case of House Robbery after a 55 year old woman was tied up and robbed of her belongings in a house in town. The house is on the market with different estate agents. According to information a BMW (New model), silver in colour, stopped in front of the house in the morning at about 09:00 on Tuesday 10 September and hooted. The owner, who was alone at home at that stage, went out and met one female and 3 males who requested to have a look at the house. The well-dressed female indicated to the owner of the house that she is a doctor. The owner opened the gate and let them in. She took them through the premises and they left. At about 13:00 the 4 suspects returned and requested to see the house again. She let them in and one of the men then allegedly requested to look at the main bedroom again. She took him there. He then suddenly grabbed her and told her that “This is a gentlemen's robbery”. They tied the victim's feet and hands with cable ties, put a towel around her mouth and over her head. They shoved her into the bathroom after they demanded the keys to the safe. The 4 suspects fled the scene with personal belongings to the value of R60 000. The woman managed to get a hold of a pair of scissors in the bathroom and cut herself loose. Emergency services personnel immediately responded. Fortunately no one was seriously injured in the process. The case is being investigated and the Detectives are following up on information. The community are cautioned to be on the look-out for a silver (latest model) BMW with a Limpopo registration number, occupied by three well-presented males and one female. One of the men is of stout build and he was dressed in a pair of dark brown trousers and light brown shirt. The second man was of a medium build and the third one was quite slender and wearing a blue and white striped shirt. The young female had khaki-coloured trousers on with a dark coloured jacket. She
Alle boeresport soos hoefystergooi sweepklap, hoefsmiddemonstrasie, sakslaan, perdesport vir kinders . Modevertoning, van toeka-tot-nou. Hope stalletjies, potjiekoskompetisie, langarmdans van 16:00, aandete te koop. ’n Kontantkroeg is oop vanaf 16:00. Buite Lydenburg, Dullstroompad, Ouwerf. R50 p. p. R10 per kind. Van 10:00 tot laataand.
Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222 Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717 Vir perdesport skakel dr. Marietjie Malan: 073 181 3022
was wearing a reddish-brown short haired wig and she was carrying a red file. All for suspects are well spoken and between the ages of 25 to 30. Anyone who can assist the police with information must please contact the investigation officer, Warrant Officer Peter Johnson on 076 908 5742 We are making an appeal to the community not to open their gates for strangers. Never let any strangers onto your premises or into your house, especially when you are alone. Do not trust anybody, as these thugs are extremely clever and they will manipulate any situation in order to look like the real deal. In this case the lady indicated that she was a Doctor looking for a house to buy. They were well dressed, well-spoken and came back for a second time, making it seem like they are sincere and really interested in purchasing the
property. It is better to only work through reliable estate agents and only open up your house as per prior appointment and only when the estate agents accompanies the potential buyers. Do not make any appointments for when you are alone. Domestic workers should be sensitised not to open for anyone unless they receive confirmation from you. Your property should also be clearly marked for positive identification. Keep records of all serial numbers and proof of purchase in a separate place in the house. Mark your property with a unique identification mark as thieves nowadays also try to remove all evidence such as serial numbers, etc. Neighbours should also get to know each other. Suspicious people or vehicles should be reported to your security company or the SAPS.
Allegedly abducted
allegedly drugged again. She later became fully conscious again only on Sunday the 8th of September at her home in Skhila, unable to recall what had happened during this period. She was admitted to the local hospital for examination and the matter was reported to the SAPS. A case of man stealing was opened and the investigation continues. Anyone who is able to assist the SAPS with information in this regard is requested to contact the investigating officer, Warrant Officer Peter Johnson on 076 908 5742 We are once again calling on the community not to accept lifts from strangers. Ladies must also refrain from hiking as they are placing their own lives in danger.
THE Lydenburg SAPS are investigating a case of man stealing after a 19 year old lady was allegedly abducted at about 14:00 on the Monday the 2nd of September. It is being alleged that the woman was hiking from Lydenburg to Spekboom on the Ohrigstad road, when she was picked up by two men in a black Toyota Corolla. According to information, the men allegedly pointed her with a firearm and apparently forced her to eat something at a garage in Ohrigstad after which she allegedly lost consciousness. She was apparently kept in a semi-unconscious state, until she later woke up in an unknown place before she was
Ouwerf Plaasmuseumfees onder Alles n by die so s fee
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Free rabies injections THIS WEEK Foto’s van Maart se fees. Die kinders sal letterlik elke minuut vermaak word met elke aktiwiteit onder die son.
Pieter en Melitza Krügel wag vir die feesgangers by Ouwerf se hekke om te kom saamkuier op Erfenisdag. ASSOCIATION OF
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
P Ouwerf kan mens nie anders as om saam te kuier en jouself ten volle te geniet nie. Pieter en Melitza Krügel nooi almal om saam met hulle fees te hou op 24 September op die plaas net buite Lydenburg (Dullstroompad). Daar sal net handgemaakte items wees, stalletjies en heelike eetgoed. Die stalletjies sluit in handwerk, kuns, kos, kruie, plante en rose. Alles onder die son sal te koop wees van meelwurms, hondebeskuitjies, oudhede, antieke ware wit-olifanttafel ens. Die fees word beplan om die kinders van SA se erfenis te leer en watter lekker boeresport daar is (sien elders in berig). Daar is ook baie vir die kinders om te doen. Plus daar gaan ’n modevertoning wees met toeka tot nou klere. Die aktiwiteite sluit in hoefystergooi, ponieritte, kleilatgooi, kettie skiet, pylen-boog skiet, visvang vir kleuters, windbuks skiet, perdesport en kinders, sakslaan, klei-os, perdekar inspan, die maak van tradisionele kerse, broodbak, sweepklap, sweepvleg en hoefsmid demonstrasies. Vanaf 16:00 word daar langarm gedans. Daar sal ’n aandete te koop aangebied word. Antieke styl. Baie interessanthede, gemorsies, skoene, plate. Kindertjies kan kom. Kyk op Facebook vir die blad Ouwerfplaasmuseumfees. Toegang is R50 per persoon en R10 vir kinders. Skakel Pieter Krügel by 074 270 7222 of Melitza Krügel 079 857 2717. Vir perdesport, kontak dr. Marietjie Malan by 073 181 3022.
Ter nagedagtenis 29 Oktober 1915 - 15 September 2013
Me. Essie Espag is op 98 oorlede.
ME. Essie Espag is op Sondag 15 September op die ouderdom van 98 oorlede. Sy het haar lewe lank in die Badfonteindistrik geboer en later in Lydenburg gewoon. Sy laat al haar vriende en familie agter. Die familie bedank almal vir hul sms’e, oproepe, vriendskap, die Lydenburg Hospitaal, en die personeel van die Lydenburg Rusoord. Dankie ook aan die getroue mense wat haar altyd by die Kiepersol Woonstelle gehelp
Geagte lesers, soos julle kan sien is ons geseënd met baie meer advertensies as gewoonlik en die spertyd het uitgehardloop. Kyk volgende week uit vir die nuus en briewe wat nie geplaas kon word nie. ~ Red
WORLD Rabies Day is around the corner. The State Veterinary Office and Veterinary Clinics will be giving free immunization. The rabies virus is mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected animal. Animals infected by the virus are characterised by behavioural changes, abnormal salivation, aggression, abnormal vocalisation, progressive paralysis and inevitably death. Rabies is fatal to man and animal,” explained Dr Marietjie Malan, State Vet from the Directorate Veterinary Services. The Thaba Chweu venues for the clinics are Lydenburg State Vet Offices 18-20 Sept, Kellysville House to House 23 September, Mashishing Clinic 25 September and Sabie, Pitina Pancake Parking 26-27 Sept. For more information phone 013 235 2071/2.
Electricity supply to be disconnected... Issued in terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000, (Act 3 of 2000) NOTICE OF DISCONNECTION OF BULK ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES TO THABA CHWEU LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. (Issued in terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000, (Act 3 of 2000) Reference number: TCLM09/13 Eskom Holdings Limited SOC notifies all parties who are likely to be materially and adversely affected by the disconnection of bulk electricity supplies to Thaba Chweu Local Municipality scheduled for 16 October 2013. Eskom hereby invites all parties to submit written comments indicating why Eskom should or should not proceed with the proposed disconnection of bulk supply
Gerhard Strydom bestuurslid van Lelievlei skryf: Een van Lelievlei se doelstellings is om vir ons inwoners werk te vind. In die huidige swak ekonomiese klimaat is dit tans moeilik. Daarom wil ons graag vir McGee's Garage baie dankie sê dat julle so baie van ons inwoners t y d e l i k a s petroljoggies en kassiere aangestel het. Die inwoners geniet hulle werk en waardeer die gebaar opreg. Dankie ook aan ons direkteur, Frik Rousseau vir jou onderhandelings met McGee's Garage.
to Thaba Chweu Local Municipality. The Municipality has not settled the electricity account on the due dates. The total out-standing amount for the bulk supply of electricity to the municipality is R146 638 459.43 some of which has been outstanding for more than 90 days. The following towns/areas will be affected by the disconnection, except those who are supplied by Eskom directly. Thaba Chweu Local Municipality: Lydenburg Town, Mashishing, Sabie Town. Graskop Town, Lydenburg Industrial Comments should be submitted to the following contact details: For the attention of: Senior Advisor (Top Customers – Medium Size) Fax No: 086 600 2462 Email address: mscpaja@eskom.co.za Postal address: PO Box 579, Nelspruit, 1200 Hand deliveries to Eskom Holdings SOC: 50 Brown Street, Nelspruit, 1200 Closing date for submissions: 11 October 2013 Please take note that comments and submission made after the closing date will not be considered.
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Toegang: R20 p.volwassene en R10 p.skoolgaande kind. Pap, sous en vure word voorsien. Bring jou vleis of koop by ons jou vleis! Bring jou piekniek mandjie en kombers saam! Daar sal ‘n snoepie beskikbaar wees.
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Statistics on mining in the province. FINAL enviro approval stage for new Mpumalanga coal mine. The public is invited to comment on the final environmental-impact report and the environmental management programme for the new mine until October 7. The final scoping report has been in the hands of the Department of Mineral Resources since May. The newly merged GlencoreXstrata entity is to be listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in the last quarter of this year. The synergies created by the merging of the coal divisions of the merged companies are expected to reduce the costs of the combined entity by $567-million in 2014. The merger creates the world's leading seaborne thermal coal business, combining a multi-region, multi-quality production base of more than 120-million tons marketed through the group's global support infrastructure. Some $65-million of the $576-million saving will be the result of corporate restructuring and the company is targeting a production cost of $50/t free on board (FoB) on average across its thermal coal business globally. The coking coal business aims to reduce its FoB cash cost by 28%. The combined entity has a strong base with close on 35-billion tons of resources on a measured, indicated and inferred basis and 3.9-billion tons of reserves on a proven and probable basis globally. Projects include the eight-million-ton-a-year Tweefontein life-extension project, also in Mpumalanga, and the Zonnebloem project, which adjoins the now integrated Optimum colliery. The company's 3.6million-ton-a-year Wonderfontein project is expected to begin producing next year. GlencoreXstrata coal marketing head,Tor Peterson, said the current oversupply of coal in the market should be seen against the planned coming on line of 1 600 more coal-fired power stations in 59 countries by 2020.The integrated GlencoreXstrata is managing 155-million tons of production a year, 80-million tons out of Australia, 46million tons out of South Africa and 29-million tons from Colombia.The company expects to be managing 179-million tons by 2016.In South Africa, it sells 25-million tons of thermal coal into the domestic market and 20-million tons into the export market. www.engineeringnews.co.za
We serve the Mining & Local Industry! Fill this form in for Mr The Heads with media partner Highlands Panorama News:
Learners encouraged to apply for bursaries THE Mpumalanga Government calls on all Grade 12 learners who need financial assistance to further their studies in different universities within SA to apply f o r t h e M p u m a l a n g a P ro v i n c i a l Government Bursary Scheme for the 2014 Academic Year before the set closing date of 30 September 2013. To qualify for the bursary, learners must complete a bursary application form obtainable from their respective schools , Provincial Government Departments including Regions and Districts. The application form may also be printed from the departmental website: www.mpumalanga.gov.za/education. The following supporting documents should be submitted with the application form: · Certified copy of Grade 12 mid year results (if currently in Grade 12) or Grade 12
certificate or NCV · Certified copy of proof of residence in the Mpumalanga Province · A letter / provisional letter of acceptance or proof of registration from a higher education Institution · Certified copy of a South African Identity Document · Proof of income of Parent or Guardian · Proof of disability from a registered medical doctor or clinic / hospital (if applicable) · Proof of indigent status · Learners are also encouraged to take advantage of other opportunities provided by Government to assist them to obtain a University Qualification such as the Fundza Lushaka Bursary Fund and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.
Junior Jagters kamp: “Oefening Ramkat 2013” THIS year's SAHGCA (SA Hunting Game Conservation Association) camp will take place from 18th October to 20 October 2013. Promising a fun filled weekend with loads of adventures on a Bush Camp near Burgersfort. Die kamp is gerig op jong mense tussen die ouderdomme van 10-18 jaar (Skoolgaande kinders). Die naweek sal gerig wees op die Juniors se skietvernuf en
oorlewingstegnieke. The camp concentrates on all the facets of ethical hunting. This includes practical shooting, identification and survival techniques. New shooting exercises have been included to make it more fun and competitive for the Junior Hunters. The fee per child is R300 for the weekend. For more details please contact: Ramon at 083 600 6114 after 18:00.
ASA Metals and Dilokong Chrome Mine thank their employees --- Company Values, the key to success
ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine lodged their 'Rehlokomelaka Kudu', (We Care More), intervention, as part of their theory of constraints program to improve efficiencies at their Mine and Smelter operations. This is the flagship programme for the company in 2013 and is designed to align management and employees attitudes and behaviour with the company's values and goals. All permanent employees are scheduled to attend this programme. The Rehlokomelaka Kudu program was launched in March 2013, together with external consultants and the Gearon team at Hannah Game Lodge, with various teambuilding activities, including the high rope and team activity course, conducted over two days. The working teams take part in the various games designed to develop various areas of team cohesion and interaction. The key focus is on developing individual and team leadership skills, planning for daily activities, to enable the team to reach daily targets, as well as that each team member has to take ownership for his or her responsibilities, in collaboration and support from other team members. Therefore, one of the major challenges of the day is the completion of the high rope course which also helps team members to master their fears, and also to receive the support of their fellow team members to complete the course. Although the intervention is just approximately 50% complete, the mine has already increased some of their efficiencies on developing meters of ore mined with more than 100% improvement and on new face advance meters mined with more than 20%, compared to the same time last year. The company is looking forward to completing the first phase of the Rehlokomelaka Kudu program. The Management Team would also like to thank their employees for the effort and commitment to ASA Metals and Dilokong Chrome Mine. They would also like to thank Gearon for their assistance.
Steelpoort & Polokwane, Burgersfort T: 013 231 7329 E:burgersfort@tileafrica.co.za Adam’s Corner, Burgersfort T: 013 231 7329 E:burgersfort@tileafrica.co.za Cnr Voortrekker & Joubert Streets, Lydenburg T: 013 235 1233 E: lydenburg@tileafrica.co.za
Plaat wenners Van links agter: Willie Jordaan, Byron Davies, Morne Pienaar, Henry Ehlers, Eugene Geldenhuys, David van Rhede.
OP Vrydag, 6 September het Oppiplot Park se eerste Indoor Krieket Myn Liga finaal plaasgevind en 16 spanne het meegeding. Die liga het Maandag- en Woensdagaande plaasgevind. Die finaal was tussen The Jalapeno's en CMI (A) vir die Plaat gespeel. The Jalapeno's het 'n dapper poging aangewend in die eindstryd, maar CMI (A) het met die goue medalje weggestap. In die Super groep, was dit ? taai stryd om die top 4 spanne te bepaal en het Twee Riviere A ten einde laaste met 52 lopies teen Dullstroom geseëvier om derde plek te behaal. Die Super finaal was 'n naelbytwedstryd waarin PG Glass vir die eerste 13 boulbeurte voorgeloop het, maar toe het Eastern Chrome B van agter gekom om 'n gedugte PG Glass span met 17 lopies te klop! Alle spanne het deurgaans goeie sportmangees gehandhaaf en hoë gehalte krieket gelewer. Baie geluk aan Eastern Chrome B wat gekroon is as algehele wenner van Oppiplot Park Myn Liga (sien foto). Graag wil ons Atlas Copco bedank vir die skenking van die wisseltrofees vir die Super en Plaat wenners. Die Dorpsliga is nou in volle swang en spanne is besig om uit te speel vir hul plekke in die Super en Plaat groepe. Ondersteuners is welkom om hul spanne Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 17:45 te gaan aanspoor. Die gemengde spanne (4 mans, 4 dames) se vriendskaplike wedstryde gaan steeds Vrydae voort en julle kan vir André (083 610 1241, andredup@telkomsa.net of Mariëtta 082 213 0380, mh.oppiplot@vodamail.co.za kontak vir meer inligting. Kyk ook uit vir die Netbal en hokkie ligas wat eersdaags begin, of besoek ons op FaceBook by Oppiplot Park vir meer inligting. Eastern Chrome B – Algehele wenners Van links agter: George Mathaila, Godfried Watermeyer, Werner Volschenk, Mielies, Jurie Hanekom, Eugene Mouton. Links na regs voor: Branden, Rudie Hanekom, Ivo Rodriguges
Lydenburg, 14 Kerkstraat Tyre Boys gebou Tel: 013 235 4417 / 072 841 3629 lydenburg@winkelhaak.co.za
Die Dinee Turn to God Tenoor Etienne v. d. Nest en ds Antoinette Wilson Die Tebelo Ete se nagereg
Gaste Mohammed en Nazrana Cassim
Gaste Corrie-Griet en Lafras Joubert.
Gaste Hannetjie en Gerrie vd Merwe
“MOENIE 'n klein begin gering skat nie – want jy weet nie waar dit gaan eindig nie.” Met hierdie woorde het Michelle Harding, gasspreker by Vrydagaand se glansgeleentheid vir die Tebelo Kinderdorp, haar toespraak begin. Harding, wat 'n paar jaar gelede opspraak verwek het met haar standpunt teen korrupsie in die plastiekpyp-bedryf, het vertel wat dit haar gekos het om op te staan vir haar Christelike geloof en beginsels. As jongste besturende direkteur in die bedryf, het sy aanvanklik nie besef hoe haar besluit om kartel-bedrywighede te ontbloot, haar lewe sou verander nie. “Ek het geweet dat ek alles op die altaar sou moes sit. Ek het soos Abraham gevoel – en ek het ook geglo dat God vir my 'n ram sou hê, dat Hy dit sou moontlik maak dat die waarheid sou uitkom maar dat ek terselfdertyd my pos sou behou. Maar Hy het 'n ander plan gehad,” was Michelle se woorde. Sy het geleer dat roeping in die korporatiewe bedryf, beteken om die harde pad te stap. En eers aan die einde, na haar summiere afdanking en die uiteindelike hofuitsprake, het sy verstaan dat God iemand nodig gehad het om 'n 40-jaar oue kartel oop te breek. “As die Here 'n salwing op jou geplaas het, moet jy dit uitsien tot en met die laaste hoofstuk.” Sy het Lydenburg se besighede uitgedaag om aan te meld in hul eie sfeer van invloed en op te staan vir wat reg is – om so ons dorp en omgewing en uiteindelik die land en sy ekonomie te verander. Die gala-banket is bygewoon deur sowat tagtig sakemense uit die omgewing. Tenoor Etienne van der Nest het tussendeur Bev Marais se uitmuntende geregte vir opera en ligte sangnommers gesorg. Ds Elza Meyer het ook verduidelik hoe noodsaaklik 'n kinderdorp nie net vir ons provinsie is nie, maar ook om ons land te red van misdaad en ongekende pyn. Daar is tans vyf en 'n halfmiljoen weeskinders in ons land – wat aan hulle eie lot oorgelaat is en meestal deur ander kinders grootgemaak word. “Ons toekoms lê in ons hande. Ons land kan 'n plek word waar die wêreld kan kom kyk hoe mense hul verskille kan begrawe en kan heel word,” was Meyer se woorde. Deur Gerda Whitehorn.
Ds. Fred Wilson
Ds Elza Meyer en Louis Brittz op verhoog BYNA 'n jaar se beplanning en harde werk het die naweek werklikheid geword vir ds Fredrick Wilson en die Turn-2God-span. Dit het alles begin toe Fred teen einde 2012 besluit het om Lydenburg te laat hande vat met ds Elza Meyer en Turn-2-God Ministries. Die dubbeldoel was om enersyds 'n platform vir Christene te skep om opnuut hart, kop en hande na God te draai, maar ook om die fondasies te lê vir 'n Tebelo Kinderdorp in die Lydenburg-omgewing. Vroeg in die jaar het 'n span tussengangers elke Saterdagoggend net na sonsopkoms by die bidklippe op die Longtompas bymekaar gekom en God se wil afgebid. Die groot dag was Saterdag 14 September. Paaie is geskraap, tente, tydelike toilette en 'n reuse-verhoog is opgerig. Louis Brittz en orkes het die lofprysing gelei en ds Elza Meyer het toeskouers gemaan om terug te draai na God toe, om nie met dieselfde oë na Lydenburg te kyk nie en om elkeen by homen haarself te begin. Les Cloete het die geleentheid met die ramshoring begin en afgesluit. Lofdansers, perderuiters en die goue trompetblasers het die skare se lofprysing aangevul met die simboliese uitdra van God se opdrag na die vier uithoeke van die aarde. Op Sondag het verskillende kerke van Lydenburg op die Hoërskool se rugbyveld byeengekom vir 'n gesamentlike diens deur ds Elza Meyer, met Louis Brittz weer agter die mikrofoon. Dit was ook die afsluiting van die Sleutels-tot-Lewe reeks wat deur die hele provinsie gevolg is. Ds Fred Wilson en die Turn-2-God-span bedank al Lydenburg se besighede en die talle individue wat so ruimskoots bygedra het tot die sukses van die naweek. Deur Gerda Whitehorn.
Les Cloete met sy ramshoring en Louis Brittz
Dankie vir 'n pragtige saal! Eunice Bam en ds Fredrick Wilson Ds Elza Meyer
Michelle Harding.
Vooraf Chef Bevvie Marais agter die kospotte
DIE lang verwagte “Turn To God” byeenkoms bo-op die berg tussen Paardeplaats en die Aartappelraad het Saterdag 14 September plaasgevind. Die weer het gelyk asof dit sou reën, wat waarskynlik ’n klomp mense weggehou het, aangesien die opkoms nie heeltemaal aan verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Die weer was egter perfek, met hoë wolke wat die sonbrand weggehou het en ’n baie ligte briesie wat die hitte getemper het. Die organisasie, parkering, geriewe, verhoog en klanktoerusting was uit die boonste rakke. Toegangspaaie is gedurig natgegooi om stof te beperk. Die lofprysing deur Louis Britz met sy musikante en die boodskap deur Elza Meyer was pragtig en opbouend. Daar is gesing, gejubel, gebid en daar was perderuiters en lofdansers op die program. Dit was werklik ’n diep spirituele byeenkoms en ons is seker dat die saadjie wat geplant is vir mense om na God te draai, goeie vrugte sal afwerp. Ons sê dankie aan ds. Fred Wilson en sy span vir ’n onvergeetlike dag. Nog fondse word benodig om al die rekeninge te betaal. Skakel gerus vir Ds. Fred by 013 235 2504 of epos hom by fjwilson@telkomsa.net. Andre Coetzee
Celebrate Heritage Day 24 September HARVESTING RAINBOW NATIONS
CREATIVE NAILS Kantoor Street, Lydenburg Creative Nails se span het gaan deelneem aan die Professional Beauty 2013 kompetisie 1 en 2 September te JHB. Christelle Jones, eienaar van Creative Nails het in die Masters kategorie Custom Colour Enhancement tweede plek behaal. Karmien Jacobs en Petro van Heerden het in die kategorie Novice en Intermediate Tip Overlay Liquid & Powder deelgeneem en almal was dit eens dat hulle geweldig baie geleer het en tog ook pret gehad het. Christelle wil ook graag vir Annelien Britz, ‘n voormalige student van haar, baie geluk wens met haar eerste plek prestasie vir FreeHand Nail Art. Foto:Christelle Jones se naels wat gebou is
Teresa Pierneef Training Centre Presents: THERAPEUTIC HEALING FACILITATION COURSE FOCUS: HOW TO WORK WITH TRAUMATISED CHILDREN, YOUTH, PARENTS AND ADULTS DATE: 30 September – 5 October 2013 PLACE: “Lewende Woord Kerk” – next to Laske Nakke (Dullstroom road) For who? Therapists, Teachers, Youth & Kids Ministers, Fathers, Mothers, Mature Teenagers! For more info / reservations: Presenter: Teresa Pierneef Cell: 082 785 1643, Email: teresa.pierneef@yahoo.com, Facebook: Teresa Harvester Pierneef
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NATIONAL Nissan Day will be celebrated again on Saturday 21 September at Longtom Nissan in Lydenburg. The day promises to be packed full of excitement for the whole family. The timetable for the day is as follows: 8:00 Spin-a-thon starts 9:00 Strong Man competition 10:00 Registration starts for Miss Nissan 10:30 Prize giving for colouring competition 11:00 Prize giving for Strong Man 11:15 Snake show by Neels Bothma 11:30 Miss Nissan starts 12:30 Crowning of Miss Nissan There will be the launch of the new Sentra with a ride and drive, a Little Miss / Mr Nissan for ages 3 - 5 for girls and 6 - 8 for boys, Neels Bothma will be doing snake demonstrations, National Auto Glass will be doing free
Miss Longtom Nissan 2013 TIARAS, SASHES, PRIZES WORTH
R18 000 ~ A Bursary from Unigrad College Nelspruit ~ National Nissan Day 21 September 2013 Venue :Longtom Nissan Lydenburg Registration Time : 10:00 am Dress Code : Smart Casual Entry Fees : R25.00 Categories • 4 - 8 Years - Tiny Miss Nissan 2013 • 13 - 15 - Junior Miss Nissan 2013 • 9 - 12 Years - Missy Nissan 2013 • 16 + Miss Longtom Nissan 2013
Note that the competition starts strictly at 11:30 am For more information contact Finkie on 083 310 0510 finkie.aspeling@gmail.com
Miss Longtom Nissan 2013 is Organised By Longtom Nissan Lydenburg & L-Models Academy
windscreen chip repairs for clients, a Strong Man competition, Spinning, colouring in competition for ages 2 to 8 yrs, and a Kids Corner featuring face painting and a jumping castle. An Almera filled with balloons where you can guess how many balloons are in it and win big prizes, simulators with fastest times competition(R5 per entry) and Kobus will provide the music. Refreshments on sale from Rusoord Old Age Home including pancakes and hotdogs. Tina Bredenkamp will be selling Yankees and candy floss. Marinel Creations will be selling items with beads and scarves. There will be embroidery work stalls and much more. Come and enjoy the day with Longtom Nissan. Reinet Bell & Jill Du Preez.
THE Ford EcoSport mini-SUV has arrived on the local market and looks to strike a neat balance between the affordability and driving dynamics of a compact car and the versatility of a compact SUV. Measuring in at just under four metres, the EcoSport is underpinned by the same global-B platform that forms the foundations of the Ford Fiesta and has a respectable 200 mm of ground clearance; enough, Ford claims, to give the EcoSport a wading depth of 550 mm. Even so, the EcoSport is still a genuine round town proposition thanks to its tight turning circle, high seating position and a pull drift compensation setting on the electrically assisted power steering, that gives the rack a fingertip-twirling lightness, that aids low-speed manoeuvring. The most notable member of the EcoSport engine line-up is the awardwinning 1,0-litre EcoBoost turbopetrol unit. Developing 92 kW and 170 N.m of torque, Ford claims an average fuel consumption of 5,7 litres/100 km for this engine. Next up is Ford’s 1,5-litre global petrol engine with outputs of 82 kW and 138 N.m. This unit returns 6,5 litres/100 km. The most frugal offering is the 1,5 TDCi turbodiesel. Serving up 65 kW and 205 N.m of torque, this model returns a claimed fuel consumption of 4,6 litres/100 km. All EcoSport models feature a five-speed manual gearbox, with the exception of the 1,5 petrol Titanium model which is fitted with Ford’s sixspeed dual-clutch Powershift transmission. The cabin lifts a number of cues from the Fiesta and features an array of storage spaces that are complemented by a load bay measuring 705 dm3 with the 60:40 split-folding rear benches tumbled. With the exception of the entry-level petrol model, Ford’s SYNC connectivity system (Bluetooth, voice control, USB media player) is
Spring Festival ‘11 Ikon 1.6 Amb 34 000km
‘12 Focus 1.8 Amb 4DR 16 000km
‘10 Mazda 3 1.6 Dynamic 14 500km
standard across the range. Entry-level Ambiente specification includes such features as electric front windows, air conditioning, electric wing mirrors and a 4-speaker radio/CD/MP3 audio system. Trend specification adds such features as steering wheel-mounted audio controls, extended trip computer, black roof rails and 16-inch alloy wheels. The range-topping Titanium specification brings in leather upholstery, electric windows all round, 6-speaker audio system, climate control, cruise control and front/rear foglamps, among others. On the safety and security front, all models feature dual front-, side and curtain airbags, Isofix child seat anchor points and remote central locking at the rear. ABS is offered on most models with stability control on highers p e c c e d models. Pricing (incl. VAT and CO2):
‘11 Rio 1.4 High 5DR 46 000km
‘10 Mazda 3 MPS 2.3 94 000km
EcoSport 1,5 petrol Ambiente MT R199 000
‘11 Navara 2.5 Dci XE K/Cab 4x4 31 000km
EcoSport 1,0 EcoBoost Trend MT R224 000 EcoSport 1,5 TDCi Trend MT R229 000
‘12 Mazda 2 1.3 Active 10 000km
‘08 Qashqai 2.0 Dci Acenta 105 000km
EcoSport 1,0 E c o B o o s t Titanium MT R244 000
‘06 Territory 4.0 GHIA AWD A/T 133 000km
EcoSport 1,5 petrol Titanium AT R244 000 EcoSport 1,5 TDCi Titanium MT R249 000 ‘09 Fiesta 1.6 Trend 5DR 68 500km
‘10 BMW 320D Exclusive A/T 83 000km
‘09 Hardbody Np300 2.5 Tdi Hi-Rider 110 000km
Cnr Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg, 013 235 2371, mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za FSP10677 www.mcgee.co.za
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An Authorized Financial Service Provider
Ford Quality Approved Used
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Nissan Sentra Acenta CVT R253 600 Both models come with a 3-year/90 000 km service plan and a 3-year/100 000 km w a r r a n t y. S e r v i c e intervals are every 15 000 km.
AFTER an absence of eight years, the Nissan Sentra has returned to SA in a bid to capture a slice of the local Csegment market. The new sedan’s curvaceous styling broadly echoes that of the recently introduced Almera, with a prominent chrome grille, headlamps with integrated LED daytime running lights and crescent-shaped brakelamp accents. A set of 16-inch alloy wheels round off the package. The cabin is a simple, conservative affair that, thanks to a 2 700 mm wheelbase, serves 3 up plenty of space for its occupants, including a 510 dm boot. Among the areas upon which Nissan has placed particular emphasis are accessibility, with the new car ’s dimensions lending an additional 30 mm of shoulder room, as well as claiming a marked improvement in NVH.
The two locally offered Nissan Sentra models are powered by a 1,6-litre, naturally aspirated, four-cylinder petrol engine. This unit develops 85 kW and 154 N.m of torque, and is offered with a choice of five-speed manual or CVT gearboxes. According to Nissan, the manual model returns an average fuel consumption of 6,6 litres/100 km and the CVT 6,2. The CO 2 emissions stand at 156 and 149 g/km for the manual and CVT, respectively. Among the Sentra’s standard comfort and convenience features are; remote central locking, multifunction steering wheel with reach and rake adjustment, radio/CD/MP3/USB/aux/iPod audio system, Bluetooth hands-free connectivity, air conditioning, and electric windows and mirrors. The Sentra’s safety features include six airbags, ABS with EBD and brake assist, Isofix child seat anchorage points and doors that lock automatically upon pull-away. Pricing: Nissan Sentra Acenta MT R230 900
A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION/BRIEFING/SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT DWARSRIVIER MINE. VENUE: PLANT BOARDROOM DATE: THURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2013 TIME: 10H00 FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THE TENDER CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. TENDER REQUIREMENTS/CRITERIA: • Professional membership with regulatory bodies. • Experience in steelwork, casting of civil works and welding is essential. • Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries. • Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate. • Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's/Accountant's letter confirming your EME status.
INVITATION TO TENDER ENQUIRY NO: TM 1309/02 DWARSRIVIER MINE INVITES SUITABLE QUALIFIED TENDERS TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THE WATER RETICULATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION/BRIEFING/SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT DWARSRIVIER MINE. VENUE: TRAINING CENTRE, ROOM 5 DATE: FRIDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 TIME: 8H30 FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THE TENDER CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. TENDER REQUIREMENTS/CRITERIA: • Professional membership with regulatory bodies. • Designs to be approved by a qualified Engineer. • Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries • Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate • Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's/Accountant's letter confirming your EME status.
ENQUIRY NO: TM 1309/01 DWARSRIVIER MINE INVITES SUITABLE QUALIFIED TENDERS TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THE REVAMPING OF MENS AND LADIES CHANGE HOUSE. A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION/BRIEFING/SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT DWARSRIVIER MINE. VENUE: TRAINING CENTRE DATE: THURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2013 TIME: 12H00 FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THE TENDER CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. TENDER REQUIREMENTS: • Must have valid Company Registration Certificate. • Only HDSA and Residents from Greater Tubatse / Thaba Chweu may tender. • Proven record of previous experience of this job is essential. • Must have a valid VAT Registration Certificate. • Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries. • Tax Clearance Certificate • SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's/Accountant's letter confirming your EME status
Aanloop tot die stigting van 'n Museum vir Lydenburg
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
VRYDAG 15 November 1963 berig die Lydenburg Nuus dat hul soektog na oudhede en staaltjies uit die vroeë dae van Lydenburg ten einde 'n Museum vir Lydenburg te bewerkstellig, goed vorder en dat die idee van 'n eie museum meer begin posvat by inwoners van die dorp en distrik. Op daardie stadium lui die berig, was daar reeds baie van Lydenburg se Museumstukke in bewaring in Johannesburg en Pretoria. Inwoners word dan uitgenooi om met idees vorendag te kom hoe om die nodige fondse bymekaar te maak ten einde die ideal van 'n eie Museum te bewerkstellig. “In die ou plaashuis van die Schoeman broers op Sterkspruit het ons byvoorbeeld 'n riempiestoel gesien wat oorspronklik aan Piet Retief se broer behoort het, en as trougeskenk gegee is aan Landdros A.F. Jansen en sy bruid.” Op die wyse word voorbeelde gestel van die tipe items wat moontlik vir 'n museum versamel kan word. Verder word berig oor 'n sabel wat aan Mr Schoeman geskenk is, asook 'n geweer wat behoort het aan Generaal Ben Viljoen, asook verskeie ander items soos 'n goue pond gedateer 1874, Maxim masjiengeweerdoppe wat by Berg-en-Dal
opgetel is en 'n “Staats Courant” gedateer 1867 asmede twee riempiestoele vanuit die Kaap. Die berig slaan dan oor na Engels soos eie aan die Lydenburg Nuus tot op hede, en daar word genoem dat: “a unique old gold scale in the Standard Bank, at one time the only bank in town”, in 'n uitmuntende toestand was al was dit laaste gebruik in 1896. Die betrokke skaal was gebruik om die algehele gewig
Celebrate Heritage Day and National Braai Day on September 24. See the paper for three different events in town to celebrate our heritage The “Good Old Days” Lydenburg News Friday, 15 November 1963 An article about the price of liquor in the late 19th century refers to these times-gone-by as the “good old days”. Information obtained from invoices by R. Schurink and J.L. Schurink, Direct Importers and General Dealers dating as far back as 1895, tells the story. In the
BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR: • 1 Slk w/stel sentraal geleë R3 500 • 2 Slk woonstel - onmiddelik - R4 000 • 3 Slk woning, 8km op Dullstroom pad R6 000 • 2 Sk w/stel, 2 badk, sekuritetskompleks R5 500 • 4 Slk luukse woning - The Heads R8 500 • 3 Slk luukse woning by Laerskool R9 500 TE KOOP: • 3 Slk woning met ruim sitk, eetk, komb, goed geleë R880 000 • 3 Slk woning met groot vertrekke, mooi erf, palisade, sentraal geleë R945 00 • 3 Slk luukse woning met besonderste boustyle R1 570 milj • 4 Slk woning, 2 motorhuise, pakkamer, 2 vol badkamers, ruim oopplan woonkamer/komb, aparte opwas/wask, braaiarea, palisade. Nuwe uitbreiding. R1 350 milj • 3 Wooneenhede: Goeie huurinkomste vir R1.7 milj : 2 Slk w/stel 2 Slk huis met groot erf 2 Slk woning met groot erf
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Nuwe Ontwikkeling Vanaf R595 000 2 EN 3 SLAAPKAMER DEELTITEL EENHEDE • Koop direk van eienaar • Tipiese “Lock & Go” • Minimum Registrasie Kostes • Waarde vir geld • Veilige speelplek vir kinders • Ideaal vir beginner of belegger • Lae onderhoudskostes
goud geproduseer in die Lydenburg en Sabie areas tot en met 1896, af te meet. Op daardie stadium is die skaal geskenk aan die Africana Museum. Melding word ook gemaak van: “…another museum piece in the form of a hand press manufactured by V&G Figgins of London in the year 1872 and which is still in excellent condition and in use daily”.
article the editorial staff remarks: “We notice that whisky was priced at 45c per bottle and London Dry Gin at less than 30c per bottle. All this, taking into consideration that all liquor was imported and that duty had to be paid as well as railage to Machadodorp and transportation from there to Lydenburg. It would also appear that 'Berg' beer is nothing new as it was sold then already at the Club”. Yes indeed! Them was the “Good Old Days.”
EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 3 slpk 2 badk huis met aparte sitk afdak met braai R7 600 p/m • Moderne 3 slpk 2 badk meenthuis met enkel motorhuis R7 500 p/m • Pragtige ruim 3 slpk huis in Sterkspruit met groot oopplan leefarea, patio met ingeboude braai en dubbel motorhuis. R9 500 p/m • Ruim Oopplan Leefarea, 2 Slpk, 1 Vol Badk, met afdak vir een voertuig R5 800 p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
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Large 4 bedroom family home With beautiful garden! 10ha! PHONE ME TODAY!
R950 000
4 Bedroom,2.5 Bathroom Home with Modern finishes! Priced to go!
3 Bedrooms,
FANIE DU TOIT 072 317 3959
R1 390 000
An attractive modern family home!
HUISE: • 3 X Bachelor Woonstelle R3 200 • 1 X 1 Slaapkamer Woonstel R4 100 • 2 Slaapkamers 1 Badkamer enkel Motorafdak R4 200 • 3 Slaapkamer, Dubbel badkamer geriewe , Dubbel • Motorhuis Meenthuis R8 000 • 3 Slaapkamers, Dubbel badkamergeriewe,Studeerkamer,Dubbel Motorhuis en vier afdakke R9 900 • 3 Slaapkamer,Dubbel badkamer geriewe,Dubbel Motorhuis R11 000 INDUSTRIëL: • Industriële werkspasie met kantore R42 000 Industriële werkspasie 100m² R11 500
Zerelda 079 269 8521 / 013 235 2005
This lovely home is situated close to Primary School. It consists of 4 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms. Living Room, Dining Room and Study. Modern, beautiful open-plan kitchen. Lovely entertainment area with builtin braai for lots of family gatherings. Beautiful private garden with sparkling pool. 3 Carports and Alarm System.
Bianca Coetzee : 078 235 0999 Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525
Family Home with Potential!
With a bit of work this house can become your dream home. The house offers you 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms. Living room, Dining room and Study. Open-plan Kitchen with seperate laundry / storeroom. Garage and Lapa. Marietjie Ramsey: 071 513 4299 Martin Coetzee: 061 019 2167
TE HUUR R6 050: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Studeerkamer. 2 Afdakke. R9 350: In Sekuriteits kompleks. 3 Slaapkamer Meenthuis. 2 Badkamers, Sitkamer. Afdak. R10 450: 3 Slaapkamer Huis waarvan hoofslaapkamer en-suite badkamer. 2 Badkamers, Oop-plan leef-areas, Opwaskamer met kaste. Glasdeur na braaiarea. Dubbel Motorhuis R7 700: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Leef areas. Dubbel motorhuis en Boorgat. R4 950: 2 Slaapkamer Woonstel. 1 Badkamer, Oop-plan leefarea. Afdak R7 700: 3 Slaapkamer Meenthuis. 2 Badkamers. Oop-plan leefarea. Dubbel motorhuis. Klein tuin. Kantoor spasie: 240 m² 8 kantore met baie ekstra. POA Winkelspasie: 96 m² winkelspasie te huur teen R3 000 per maand
Kontak: 013 235 2653
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Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment
G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774
CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565
KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 /082 426 3144 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 R E M O V A L O F DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 DA VISSER PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2788 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011 082 769 3615
ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 JOVEL AUTOMATION Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales and Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Doors, Electric Fencing, Batteries, Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374
DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 PERMANENT MAKEUP nail & lash extensions. 082 650 4987 HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323
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TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogr aphy.com
IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144
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013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
Verkope & Verhuring Tel: 013 235 1986 www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41
EK KOOP BYNA alle motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120 / Aflam 072 203 1614
V E R S K E I E GEMEUBILEERDE KAMERS beskikbaar. Vanaf R1800. 2slk, 2 bad flat R4500; 1slk, 1 bad chalet R3000; 3slk, 2 bad huis met lapa R7000, onmiddelik beskikbaar 084 406 5331
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K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te
CIRCLE CATERING & A C C O M M O D AT I O N offers Contractors accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374 KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N Chapel, conference facilities, boma/braai. Tel 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES DELIVERY GUY - valid motorbike license, dependable & trustworthy. Hand in CV at Steers, Lydenburg or fax 013 235 1359 SITE SUPERVISOR N E E D E D Manage teams, materials and tools. Take care of Health and Safety. Young motivated, problem solver. Valid Drivers License. Experience in construction and mining industry. E-mail C V ' s t o viscon@postnet.co.za
W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende,
39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429
Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Ty e - 9 : 0 0 S o n d a e Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00,
TE HUUR 4 slaapkamer, 2 badk, ekstra wendy house, & enkel afdak. Prys R8000 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badk, dubbel afdak. Dubbel verdieping. Prys R5000.
Pieter 083 274 1986 Melanie 076 101 7524
Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103
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•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel . 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg.
• Graad 12 / Matriek • Rekenaargeletterd (Excel) • Geldige rybewys • Administratiewe vaardighede • Ten volle tweetalig Faks verkorte CV na 086 510 7136 Indien u na 21 dae nog nie van ons gehoor het nie, beskou u aansoek as onsuksesvol.
Trinette Joubert Dance Academy hou konsert Op Saterdag, 14 September 2013 het 23 van Laerskool Lydenburg se leerlinge en 10 van Hoërskool Lydenburg in `n balletkonsert opgetree wat by Nelspruit se stadsaal aangebied is. Van gr.R tot mammas het aan hierdie geleentheid deelgeneem wat elke vier jaar aangebied word. 125 Dansers van Nelspruit, Sabie en Lydenburg het as feetjie-karakters in hierdie konsert opgetree. Vir 10 maande het hierdie maats van ons hard geoefen en gewerk aan hul danse en pragtige kostuums. Die boodskap wat met hierdie konsert uitgedra is, is Joh 3:16 “Want so lief het God die wêreld gehad...
Wildsbraaidag 24 September Die AP Kerk, Lydenburg, hou op Erfenisdag 24 September ’n Wildsbraaidag. Dit gaan ’n heerlike gesinsdag wees op Uitspan Karavaanpark se terrein. Van die vermaak sluit in toutrek, springkastele en ander vermaak. Daar sal wors, sosaties, biltong en droëwors te koop wees. Neem gerus deel aan die potjiekoskompetisie. Toegang is R20 per volwassene, R10 per skoolgaande kind. Pap-en-sous asook braaivure sal voorsien word. Bring jou vleis of koop by die vleistafel. Bring gerus ook jou eie piekniekmandjie en kombers saam. Daar sal ’n snoepie beskikbaar wees. Skakel Anton Viljoen by 082 319 0399.
Braaidag vir hele familie by Rooikatpark Op 24 September kan almal saamkuier vir Braaidag op Rooikatpark, Lydenburg. Almal is welkom om hul vleisie te bring en aan die braaikompetisie deel te neem. Let wel, daar is groot pryse te wen. Dis ’n braaidag en nie potjiekosdag nie. Nasionale Braaidag is ’n vakansiedag om almal se erfenis te vier. Die beoordelaars sal soos die vleis klaar is beoordeel. Die prysuitdeling is 17:00. Die wenners moet teenwoordig wees om hul pryse op te eis. Toegangsgeld na die terrein is gratis. Tot Kokenys Slaghuis sal ’n slaghuis vir die dag oopmaak sodat almal hul vleis daar kan koop. Ook vir die wat se vleisie te lank op die kole was en weer moet begin. Dié wat braaidag beplan, kom doen dit by Rooikatpark. Daar is springkastele vir die kinders, sangers en baie stalletjies. Welsynsorganisasies word betrek deurdat hulle ook kosstalletjies gaan behartig en party gaan ook lekker saam eet met die hulp van die borge. Die volgende borge word bedank: HIGHLANDS PANORAMA NUUS as MEDIABORG, Van Star, Auto, Van Toeka tot Nou, Coastal Tool Hire en Amajabee. Diegene wat nog wil stalletjies oopmaak, inskrywingsgelde vir die kompetisie bekom en van die ander reëlings wil uitvind, skakel asb. vir Christo by 073 168 1343.
M o t o t o l o
Players are excited about soccer league
Springbok Sevens playing locally The Nashua Middelburg Sevens festival is bringing world-class sevens action to SA, as the emerging South African and Welsh Sevens teams go head-to-head in an epic pre-season clash ahead of this year's HSBC Sevens World Series. The festival will be celebrating its sixth year on the 20th and 21st of September as the event plays out at Middelburg Hoërskool. The Welsh and emerging South African men's sevens teams will be joined by Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana as they lock horns ahead of the 2013 / 2014 season. Besides the Cell C Nelson Mandela Bay Sevens tournament that takes place each year in the first week of December, the Nashua Middelburg Sevens festival is the only opportunity local sevens fans will have to watch their favourite South African Sevens players play on home soil. Fans will also be able to watch some of SA's top local provincial teams battling it out on Friday and Saturday. Catch the Sharks, the Vodacom Blue Bulls, the Steval Pumas, Border and Toyota Free State as well as a host of local women's and high school sevens teams. There will even be a “Bulletjie” division this year for under 6s and under 8s, where local youngsters will be given the chance to play on the same field as their heroes. “The decision to sign on as the official tournament sponsor of the
Nashua Middelburg Sevens festival was first made by Nashua in 2011 as we saw great potential for the growth of both the event itself and the development of sevens rugby in South Africa,” said Dave Hallas, Marketing Director of Nashua Limited. “From a development perspective, a coaching clinic will be taking place just prior to this year's Nashua Middelburg Sevens festival which will be hosted by Living Ball, a professional team that travels the world reaching out to underprivileged communities to give hope through sport to those that need it most. Living Ball will visit 10-15 surrounding schools in the Middelburg region and will also host a clinic for the township teams that Nashua is supporting with jerseys and shorts,” said Hallas. The Nashua Middelburg Sevens festival, which has become the most anticipated event in Mpumalanga's annual sporting calendar, has benefited various institutions by donating more than R250 000 to local schools and other charities. This year's festival will feature an entertainment park which Spur will be building for children to play in, a world-class beer garden courtesy of Castle and a big screen to catch all of the day's action on. Tickets cost R20 and will be available from the gate. For more information, visit www.nashuamiddelburg7s.co.za
Rooi en Swart vir Arrie Heyl! Mashishing United is playing in a league, which has created huge excitement amongst the players. The league is sponsored by Steers and it includes 10 soccer balls. This will enable the team to train. Mash United wants to thank Steers and the league knows that it will give its best in the upcoming matches. From left is Makhehleni Grootboom, coach and Stevens Manzini manager of Mashishing United.
Arrie Heyl (Jnr) wat skoolgaan by Steelpoort Akademie, is by die Pumas 7's se o/13 rugbyspan ingesluit. Hulle het eers in wit Puma truie gespeel tot en met die finale wedstryd in die Noordelike bonde en toe ontvang hulle die rooi truie waarmee hulle die finaal gewen het en algeheel derde geïendig het op die toernooi. Hy en sy spanmaats gaan 23 en 24 September in Pretoria in die Nasionale byeenkoms uitdraf. Hierdie toernooi is beter bekend as die 7s Craven toernooi. Baie geluk aan Arrie en sy spanmaats. Ons harte bars van trots op julle en sterkte met jul wedstryde wat voorlê.
Die span saam met een van die afrigters, Ade Adendorft.
Arrie Heyl Jnr.
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