76 Viljoen Street Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 1486/96 e-mail: admin@4ucomputers.co.za www.on24.co.za
10 Oktober / October 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 40 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za Allow us this opportunity to wish ourselves a happy 10th birthday. It has been a whole decade since the first Highlands Panorama News was published. Through thick and thin we have continued with the help of the community and businesses in our area. We know that this will only be the first of many decades celebrated. Vergun ons die geleentheid om die Highlands Panorama Nuus, ons eie koerant, geluk te wens met ons dekadeviering. Deur dik en dun het ons voortbestaan en het die gemeenskap, die dorp se besighede en mense ons bygestaan. Mag ’n dekade net die begin wees en ons groei van krag na krag.
Dapper Natanja se droom word bewaarheid N
Jay en Lianie by Natanja Dercksen (middel) op haar 19e verjaardag. Lianie tree op 18 Oktober om 19:00 in die Stadsaal op. (Foto: Des Jacobs, krediet Huisgenoot)
ATANJA was vyf toe sy 'n bewonderaar geword het. Eers net van Jay met sy soet stem en later van Jay en Lianie. Sy het nie een van hulle vertonings binne 'n drie uur-radius van Belfast misgeloop nie. Haar ousus Melanie, met haar “dinky toy” blou motortjie, het daarvoor gesorg. Want Natanja was op krukke - gebore met spina bifida, die jongste van vier. Haar ma het haar lewend gebid. En dit was haar ouma, wat nie sommer gewys het hoe sy glo nie, wat die besluit geneem het: "Werk t? é die kind se rug, Liewe Jesus sal vir die res sorg." Dit nadat sy kort na die geboorte die dokter in die gang hoor sê het dat hulle die ruggie moet oop los sodat die ding sy loop moet neem. Dié kinders het tog net 'n geringe oorlewingskans, almal water op die brein en na die operasie is dit net 'n kwessie van tyd ... Haar ma het drie maande lank gevas en gebid. Eers dat sy nie water op die brein moes hê nie, en toe vir genesing. Sy wou vas en bid tot die kind heeltemal genees was. Maar toe sê die ouma dat sy nie so kon aangaan nie, dat sy aan haar eie gesondheid en die ander drie kinders moes dink. Haar eerste gebed is verhoor. Natanja het nie water op die brein gehad nie. Toe die ruggie toegemaak is, kon hulle huis toe gaan omtrent drie maande na die geboorte. Die ma het die bitter klein babatjie se beentjies heen en weer beweeg, haar voetjies uit haar mond gehaal en op instink die skewe lyfie probeer regtrek. Sy het nooit geloop nie. Net soos 'n verlamde hondjie op die grond geskuif, haar klein lyfie gesleep na waar sy wou wees. Toe sy tien geword het, was haar grootste wens om skool toe te gaan. Die boetie en sussies het haar 'n bietjie geleer maar sy wou
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
regte skool toe gaan. Maar die skoolhoof het nie kans gesien vir 'n kind wat nie kon loop nie, vir die ma gesê daar is spesiale skole vir sulke kinders. Natanja wou net maats hê en het aanhou droom. Tot 'n man met kontakte die skoolhoof omgepraat het om haar 'n kans te gee. Hulle het haar getoets en besef dat sy nogal slim was - en in haar ouderdomsgroep kon inskuif. Sy het krukke gekry en verbete begin oefen. En skool toe gegaan. In standerd drie het die volgende probleem opgeduik: die kinders moes trappe klim na die boonste verdieping toe. En 'n mens kon nie van ander standerd drie's verwag om 'n maatjie se tas te dra nie. Dit was die einde van haar skool toe-ganery. By die huis het sy die groentewinkel se kasregister beman. Sy het klante gelok omdat sy nooit, ooit met 'n suur gesig gesit het nie. En sy was 'n meester agter die kasregister. En Melanie, wat tien jaar ouer was, het seker gemaak dat sy by elke Jay en Lianievertoning uitkom. Soms het hulle ure lank in toue gestaan vir 'n handtekening – Natanja op haar krukke, sonder om te kla. Toe Huisgenoot met die uitnodiging kom dat Jay en Lianie by 'n gelukkige leser se verjaardag sou optree, het dit Natanja se droom geword. En toe haar brief die wenbrief word, was dit 'n antwoord op gebed. En so het dit gebeur dat Jay en Lianie by Natanja se 19e verjaardag net vir haar – en 'n saal vol genooide vriende en familie, kom sing het. Haar sussie het uit Engeland gekom en familie van heinde en ver was daar om die groot geleentheid by te woon. Balrokke en 'n makietie wat die dapper Natanja nooit, ooit sal vergeet nie… Deur Gerda Whitehorn.
Tel: 013 235 4521 Fax: 086 531 9299 Fanie: 072 774 4339 e-mail: info@featuredoors.co.za website:www.featuredoors.co.za Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, Dullstroom Garage Doors: Accredited Installer • Wood (Meranti) • Industrial • Corotex • Roll-Ups Automation: CENTURION GATE MOTORS Accredited Installer Fencing: Accredited Installer • Electric Fencing • Diamond Mesh • Bonnox • Game Fencing General Steelwork: • Palisades • Gates: Swing and Sliding
Profile on new Station Commander The SAPS in Lydenburg welcomed their newly appointed Station Commander on 1 October. Colonel Mahlodi Gladys Mashabela 's name will also now be written in the history books of Lydenburg town as she is the first female police officer appointed in the post of Station Commander in Lydenburg. She is an energetic, educated, young woman who has come through the ranks and who promises to lead by example. Col. Mashabela grew up in Marble Hall and completed school in 1984. She joined the former Kwandabele Police in 1987. After the amalgamation of police forces in 1994 she became a member of the South African Police Services. She became a commissioned officer in October 2000 and worked at various police stations within Mpumalanga before her appointment in Lydenburg. Her previous post was as Vispol Commander in Acornhoek. The following are some of the questions posed to her by the HIGHLANDS PANORAMA NEWS? What would you regard as the highlight of your career? “The day I was appointed as a commissioned officer and a station commander'' What do you want to achieve in your position / career? “I just want to do my best and will always strive to do the right thing. We are here to protect and serve and that is what I will concentrate on. I will take every day as it comes with its unique challenges.” What are your plans to reduce criminal activities over the upcoming Festive Season, as criminals generally regard December as “shopping season”? “Operation Duty Calls is a National safety strategy and will commence on 15 October. It will continue until the end of January, after the start of the new school year. This year's operations will build on the previous year's lessons and successes. There will also be increased high-visibility patrols in and around Lydenburg as well as on the main routes.” What can we, as the public, do to help the police with their work? “The importance of supplying the police with information c a n n o t b e e m p h a s i z e d e n o u g h . We a r e relying on the public to supply us with information on criminal activities a n d t h e whereabouts of wanted suspects. We also have a suggestion box in the Community Service Centre where the public can anonymously submit their information. The public are regarded as the eyes and ears of the police and by saying that, we urge the community to become part of the police structures such as the Community Policing Forum and Sector Policing. We are also making a plea to the community to take care of their p r o p e r t y . Housebreakings and theft out of motor vehicles are currently a big problem in and around Lydenburg. We cannot be
Colonel Mahlodi Gladys Mashabela negligent and leave valuable property lying around in our vehicles. And we need to mark our property so that it can be easily identified when recovered.” Do you have a message for the community of Lydenburg? “Our plea is for the community to have a good relationship with the police, to stop buying stolen goods and to stay away from drugs, but most importantly to take care of our loved ones and our community. Together we can make a difference in trying to squeeze crime to zero.” Michelle Boshoff.
Photo of the Month Competition
Pamela Pieters took this photo at Manoutsa Resort between Lydenburg and Hoedspruit. It is for the Photo of the Month Competition. There are less than two months over for entries. Send to michelle@ higlandspanorama. co.za
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Lydenburg Rusoord bedank almal vir hulp met die 10de Kermis Rusoord Beheerraad en bestuur bedank die vlg: instansies vir hulp met die kermis: R&P Paneelkloppers vir die beskikbaarstelling van hul vervoer, dankie Roelf. Rusoord kan altyd op julle staatmaak. Landini, baie dankie vir die trek van die ossewa elke jaar, julle is regte staatmakers Pick a Pay, dankie vir die hulp met die kermis en ook vir al die omgee en blykies van omgee vir die bejaardes elke woensdag met inkopiedag Maartins Begrafnisondernemers, dankie vir die hulp met die tente se opslaan en afslaan en ook die borgskap van die warmbrak stalletjie, julle is regte vriende van Rusoord Boere wat vir ons vleis verskaf het, baie dankie vir julle belangstelling. Dit beteken vir Rusoord baie. Al die boere van Lydenburg, Ohrigstad, Burgersfort, Tzaneen en Hoedspruit, baie dankie vir die groente. Rusoord waardeer julle baie. Die uitstallers en agente wat deelgeneem het aan die optog, baie dankie vir die deelname en die borgskappe. Westvaal Mashishing, Hyundai, Toyota, Lybasol, Longtom Nissan, Longtom Insleepdiens, Gert en Andre Elektries, baie dankie vir die borg van die javel stalletjie. Dankie dat ons altyd op jul knoppie mag druk. P J Konstrusie, baie dankie vir die deelname aan die optog en die vrag groente. Paul, ons waardeer jou en ook vir al jou werkers wat gehelp het met die opslaan en opruim na die kermis. Al die publiek wat gehelp het by die stalletjies, julle is ware vriende van Rusoord. Al die inwoners en woonstelinwoners en toekomstige woonstelinwoners baie dankie vir julle hulp. Sonder julle hulp en harde werk kan Rusoord nie 'n kermis hou nie. Julle is die sout van die aarde. Jenny Viljoen baie dankie vir die ossewaens. Die optog is nie volledig sonder die ossewaens nie. Working on Fire, baie dankie vir al julle hulp en deelname aan die optog. Julle verleen kleur aan die optog met julle netjiese uniforms en pragtige marsjering. Dankie dat julle elke jaar kom help. Imbali, dankie vir die tent wat ons elke jaar kan leen. Otees, dankie vir die vurkhyser wat ons elke jaar leen. Van die eerste kermis af, is julle bereid om ons te help. Nico Cross, dankie dat jy elke jaar die optog lei en ook ons seremoniemeester is. Die verkeersdepartement, baie dankie vir die professionele verkeersreelings. Rusoord waardeer dit opreg. Die drie gemeentes wat deelgeneem het aan die potjiekos, PPK wat eerste prys gekry het vir die lekkerste potjie, baie geluk. Rusoord bedank North Safety, Jaco vir die pragtige geskenk. Julle is ware vriende van Rusoord. Die tweede plek gaan aan Die Volle Evangelie Kerk. Geluk Pastoor. Rusoord bedank mnr. Loots vir die tweede plek geskenk. Die derde plek is NG Moedergemeente. Dankie vir jul deelname. Rusoord bedank julle vir julle belangstelling. Die Perderuiters en Chris wat die ruiters gereël het, baie dankie. Sonder julle beteken die optog nie veel nie. Maruis Meyer vir die heerlike gemmerbier en spookasem. St Pie is altyd daar vir bydraes en dankie vir die skenking van die deeg. Rusoord bedank die gemeenskap vir hulle volgehoue ondersteuning aan Rusoord. Ons waardeer julle opreg. • Rusoord sal in die volgende, uitgawe van die Highlands Panorama Nuus die bedrag wat ons gekry het deurgee en die foto’s van die potjiekoswenners wys. Jeanetta Kruger en span.
Psalm 101:7: Geen bedrieër sal in my paleis diens doen nie, geen leuenaar kan my dien nie. Onse Vader, gee dat ons leuens sal verafsku en dat ons in alles die waarheid sal praat - Amen.
BUCO se ope dag groot sukses BUCO Lydenburg het Saterdag ’n suksesvolle ope dag gehad en uitstallers van heinde en verre het die bekende besigheid in Lydenburg ondersteun. Daar was iets vir jonk en oud, tot selfdoenprojekte en professionele mense. ~ Foto’s Reinet Bell
Dankie vanaf Ouwerf
Pieter Krugel van Lydenburg skryf: Dankie aan ons Hemelse Vader YHWY vir soveel geleenthede, talente en seëninge wat so ’n dag moontlik maak, om ons as vriende saam te laat kuier in die natuur wat hy ons geskenk het. Baie dankie aan Johan en Antoinette Reineke vir julle bydrae, Marius (BUCO) vir die pryse geborg en die vertoning van die miniatuurperdjies. Dr. Marietjie Malan vir die organiseer van die perdesport, die kinders het dit baie geniet. Nico Cross wat as seremoniemeester vir die dag opgetree het, Finki Aspeling en die modelle van L-Models Academy, Trudie Viljoen en me. Roets wat opgtree het as modelle tydens die modevertoning. Baie dankie aan al die vriende, familie, uitstallers en die publiek wat van die fees so ’n reuse sukses gemaak het. Die volgende fees is op 21 Maart 2014 (DV)
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
“Sorry”. Dan is die straf gewoonlik ligter en jy word gou vergewe. Mense vergeet die waarheid gou. Maar deesdae is lieg die norm. Kindertjies lieg vir hulle ma’s as hulle rook of kafoefel. Pa’s lieg vir ma’s as hulle rondloop. Mense lieg vir die polisie of verkeersmanne as hy so gesuip is dat hy staan en slinger. As ek ’n personeellid by die Parkeraad gevang steel het, lieg hy. As jy die videofilm terugspeel en sy gesig daarop sien, lieg hy en sê dat hy nie daardie ou ken LIEG het nou aanvaarbaar geword. Wanneer nommer 1 nie. lieg, is die wêreld reg. Soos met die wapenskandaal. En die Toe ek in 1993 vir my destydse baas vra wat stroois by Ikhandla. En die Gupta pelle se landing. van die TPA gaan word, antwoord hy dat daar Soos Frik Rousseau sê, op skool al het die onnies ons geleer nie in 1994 ’n verkiesing sou wees nie. dat as jy drooggemaak het, praat jy die waarheid en sê Liegstories almal!
Die Outoppie
Lieg is reg
Van ons lieg nou al so goed dat ons onsself glo. Ouboet het gesê party mense lieg selfs as hulle bid. Daar is ’n verskil tussen lieg en ’n goeie Jan Spies tipe storie. ’n Goeie storie is bedoel om te vermaak en nie om jou uit die moeilikheid te kry nie. Die waarheid kan immers nie in die pad staan van ’n goeie storie nie! Maar om blatant vir jou pa, ma, boetie, onderwyser, dominee, bankbestuurder of jou landsburgers te lieg is nie reg nie. Lieg is soos misdaad. Sies! Dit begin onskuldig en word al hoe erger. ’n Gewoonteleuenaar word nie ernstig opgeneem nie. Almal wonder hoeveel hy nou weer lieg. Dit word later so erg dat as die ou in ’n onbesonne oomblik wel die waarheid praat, dink almal nog steeds hy lieg. Jou geloofwaardigheid voor ander mense en jouself is daarmee heen. Jy moet nie eers vir Jan Taks lieg nie!
’n Gulde geleentheid om deel te word van “Die Hoërskool Lydenburg Familie”
HOËRSKOOL LYDENBURG Tydelike Beheerliggaam Pos - Finansies Kwalifikasie • Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasies • Pastell 7 (volledige praktiese evaluering word gedoen) • Krediteure • Rekonsiliasies • Goeie mense verhouding Taalmedium • Afrikaans en Engels U aansoek moet die volgende insluit: • Volledige curriculum vitae. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van sertifikate. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van Graad 12 sertifikaat. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van ID dokument. Rig u navrae aan die skoolhoof, mnr. Johan Loots by hoof@lydenburghs.co.za Rig aansoeke aan: Die Skoolhoof - Hoërskool Lydenburg Posbus 28 LYDENBURG, 1120 Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 18 Oktober 2013 om 14:00 Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik
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The first round of the Cansa Relay belonged to the Survivors. Ian Grieve and Christien Claase took part in the march.
Cansa Relay for Life
Survivors Yvonne Kruis and Goody Wilson attended the Cansa Relay. Yvonne is a well known survivor in Lydenburg.
LEFT: Keen supporters of the Cansa Relay for Life were from left Rika Nieuwenhuizen, rev Antoinette Wilson and Alta Nel.
Lydenburg's second Cansa Relay for Life took place on Friday 4 October at Lydenburg High School's rugby field. Teams and supporters joined at six o' clock in the late afternoon – and a handful braved the cold and the night shift ending at seven o' clock on Saturday morning. The organising team, under Isobel Janse van Rensburg, did a sterling job – which certainly deserved a better turnout. The theme was Olympic Games and each team had to select a sport. The Pam Golding's team represented golf and spent the night walking (albeit sleep walking at times) and sharing in the event. ~ Photos by Gerda Whitehorn
Re-unie vir oud- kommandolede ALLE oud kommandolede van Lydenburg Kommando word uitgenooi na ’n re-unie wat vir middel November in Lydenburg beplan word. Ons sal die presiese datum, tyd en plek mettertyd bekend maak. Dit sluit alle oud lede van Lydenburg, Ohrigstad, Burgersfort, Steelpoort en omstreke in. Die Kranslegging ter herinnering aan die sterftes en oud-stryders van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog (Anglo Boere Oorlog) vind op Vrydag 11 Oktober plaas. Dit is ook ’n herdenking aan die v ro u e e n k i n d e r s w a t i n d i e Konsentrasiekampe gesterf het. Dit sal by die Burgermonument wees op die gronde van die NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg om 12:00. Vir meer inligting skakel mnr. Tom Grobler: 082 922 5294.
Junior Jagters kamp:
Intussen word u gevra om te skakel met Kol Marnus Van Der Wal by 083 751 5536, of met Andre Coetzee by 083 626 6305, of met Carl Lowis by 076 905 3707, of met Nico Cross by 082 470 3070. Verskaf asb u kontakbesonderhede (sel nommer en epos adres), sodat ons die funksie kan reel. Dit lyk voorlopig asof ons ’n skaap geborg op die spit sal hê en asof die plek die Visseye se lapa sal wees. Tyd en datum voorlopig Vrydag 15 November. Kom ons maak hiervan ’n groot sukses. Andre Coetzee
“Oefening Ramkat 2013” THIS year's SAHGCA (SA Hunting Game Conservation Association) camp will take place from 18th October to 20 October 2013. Promising a fun filled weekend with loads of adventures at a Bush Camp near Burgersfort. Die kamp is gerig op jong mense tussen die ouderdomme van 10-18 jaar (skoolgaande kinders). Die naweek sal gerig wees op die Juniors se skietvernuf en oorlewingstegnieke. The camp concentrates on all the facets of ethical hunting. This includes practical shooting, identification and survival techniques. New shooting exercises have been included to make it more fun and competitive for the Junior Hunters. The fee per child is R300-00 for the weekend. For more details please contact Ramon at 083 600 6114 after 18H00
Kalendervergadering vir dorp DIE dorp se jaarlikse kalendervergadering word op Donderdag 31 Oktober om 09H00 by die NG Suid-saal gehou. Alle groepe, kerke, skole en instansies wat belang het by hierdie belangrike vergadering, moet asseblief opdaag met hulle jaarbeplannings vir 2014. Die doel van hierdie vergadering, wat gefasiliteer word deur die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer, is om botsende datums te voorkom. Restaurante wat kunstenaars reël vir optredes, is ook welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gerda Whitehorn by 079 515 7799 of epos haar by gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za.
Lianie May tree op Die immergewilde ‘boeremeisie’ en liefling van Suid-Afrika se verhoë gaan in Lydenburg optree. Dit is nou een vertoning wat musiekliefhebbers nie kan misloop nie. Sy sal op 18 Oktober om 19:00 by die Lydenburg Stadsaal optree. Die kostes beloop R100.00 per volwassene en R50.00 per kind. Besprekings kan geplaas word by Maryke 083 775 2297. Kaartjies is ook beskikbaar by Televideo en Lydenburg Brake & Clutch. Kontantkroeg, verversings en snoepie beskikbaar!
9 000 newspapers need to find a home on Thursdays
Steelpoort Kafee kry sy koerante.
Aflewerings by Kusile Gastehuis
ir die soveelste keer in my lewe sit ek op spertyd en wonder watter wending my rubriek gaan inneem. Hierdie week kombineer ek my Hoorhierso en ook die Highlands Panorama Nuus se verjaardag. Skryf was nog altyd my kos. Ek het net altyd gedink ek sal dit die maklikste kan regkry by ’n koerant. Maar deur die jare het ek geleer ’n koerant is baie meer as die woorde en advertensies op ’n bladsy. Dis ’n harde werk en party koerantmense sal sê dis ’n ‘ondankbare’ werk. Daar is ’n sekere ‘je ne sais quoi’ (Frans vir onbepaald maar goed) aan koerante, iets waarop jy nie presies jou vinger kan sit nie. Almal het ’n haat of liefde verhouding met ’n koerant. Ek weet dis heel filosofies. Maar hierdie filosofie werk en dis hoekom ons elke week ’n koerant kan uitgee waarin iemand altyd iets sal vind om te lees. Ek was seker op laerskool toe ek die sêding hoor van koerante plaas hul foute op die voorblad vir almal om te sien en dokters begrawe hul foute. En ek dink dis hoekom koerante as werksmedium my al op 10 jarige ouderdom gefassineer het. Newspapers are the written report of a century old game, so to speak, between the workers class and the elite.
Steelpoort & Polokwane, Burgersfort T: 013 231 7329 E:burgersfort@tileafrica.co.za Adam’s Corner, Burgersfort T: 013 231 7329 E:burgersfort@tileafrica.co.za Cnr Voortrekker & Joubert Streets, Lydenburg T: 013 235 1233 E: lydenburg@tileafrica.co.za
Nothing has changed much throughout the centuries. In 2013 it is still newspapers against the elite. In the modern world not against the elite... but against the powers that be, government and sometimes the business sector. It is circle effect. The Highlands Panorama News has made this above statement the truth throughout the years. In another category. The marketing strategy of a business falls in the centre on this 'century old game.' A business must pay attention to newspapers and vice versa. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship. One cannot exist without the other. Die koerant se uniekheid is duidelik uit ons leuse: “Ons praat nog steeds jou taal.” There is no other medium that can summerize the feeling of a community like a newspaper. And that is why we thank everyone who made a contribution to the paper throughout the past 10 years. The paper for the community, by the community. By Michelle Boshoff, EDITOR.
Sien ook berigte van Reinet Bell op bl. 10 en Andre Coetzee op bl. 11
Tel: 013 235 4438
013 235 1146 lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za
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to y a d h t bir
wie Maré Ga Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 1636 The Heads Shopping Centre, Shop 26, Lydenburg Tel: 013 231 7979 Tubatse Crossing Mall, Shop L70, Burgersfort
Jock’s Country Stalls, Viljoen str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3727/ 082 434 1952 (f) 013 235 4830
SO teen middel 2003 het ek besef die nuwe administrasie in die staatsbestel gaan nie werk nie en het ek na 32 jaar diens in Natuurbewaring na ’n alternatief begin soek. Wyle Quintus Loots (Genis van koöperasiestories op TV se seun) was sonder werk en ek, hy en Pine Pienaar het begin gesels. Teen September van daardie jaar was ons gereed en in Oktober 2003 is die Highlands Panorama Nuus as BK geregistreer. Ek het die kapitaal voorsien vir ’n rekenaar, ’n kamera, ses maande se kantoor- en woonstelhuur vir Quintus en die deposito op ’n tweedehandse Nissan 1400 bakkie. Quintus was die koerantman met jare se ervaring. Hy was joernalis, redakteur en het die eerste advertensies begin smous, dikwels te voet. Pine was boekhouer en het die maatskappy se registrasie, belastingsake ens behartig. Ek was die eerste 3 jaar die “silent partner”en het saans en na ure (want ek was steeds by die Parkeraad) betalings gemagtig en help beplan en koerant uitlê. Dit het goed gegaan. Na ses maande kon die koerant die huur en drukwerk self bekostig. Salarisse was klein en die werk baie. Met die ekonomiese opswaai rondom 2006/7 kon ons ons eie kantoorgebou en eerste nuwe bakkie koop. Ek het bedank by die Parkeraad, met die helfte van my destydse salaris klaargekom en ons personeel het gegroei. Q is op 21 Mei 2010 oorlede. Ons het van meet af aan ’n beleid gevolg van goeie nuus, storietjies oor ons eie mense, skole, kerke en welsynsbehoeftes plaaslik. En dit het vrugte afgewerp. Die gemeenskappe van Lydenburg, Burgersfort en Steelpoort was en is nog steeds, baie goed vir ons. Behalwe vir ons drukwerk, ondersteun ons plaaslik en bly bestee ons ons geld plaaslik. Ons is eie aan hierdie area en word nie besit deur ’n groot konglomeraat van buite nie. Ons storietjies oor plaaslike mense se lief en leed, hulle persoonlike prestasies, die doen en late van die VLU dames, Rusoord, Lelievlei en nuus oor ons kinders mag dalk nie sensasie wees nie, maar ons is hier vir ons gemeenskap en sy mense. En dit is duidelik dat die gemeenskap ons dra. Soveel so dat ons in die huidige swaar tye kan oorleef en vandeesmaand ons 10-jarige bestaan kan vier. Ons het in die tyd op ’n kol tweekeer per week verskyn (Woensdae en Vrydae), ons het ’n eie koerant op Dullstroom begin en allerlei dinge gedoen om te groei. Helaas het baie van die planne nie gewerk nie (hier is per slot van sake net ’n sekere hoeveelheid mense wat by ons adverteer) en moes ons konsolideer. Vandag produseer ons elke week ’n koerant met gemiddeld 20 bladsye gemeenskapsnuus en ons lewer persoonlik met drie voertuie elke Donderdag by meer as 400 besighede, 9 000 koerante af. Ons is BEE en BTW geregistreer, ABC geoudit, behoort tot die AIP en verskeie ander onafhanklike media fora, word nasionaal deur Capro met advertensies ondersteun en doen ons eie ding. Ons het ’n uitstekende werkverhouding met die Lydenburg Laerskool en hulle pragkoerant die “Kletskous”, verskyn elke kwartaal by ons. Ons publiseer ook Tom Middleton se “Out and About” buitelewekoerant elke maand. Ons hoogs professionele en vriendelike personeel is aan almal van u bekend en ons bly tot u diens. Dankie aan al ons ondersteuners, die personeel en ons Almagtige Vader vir die goeie tye! Met julle hulp gaan ons voort met die werk! Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste of ons Facebook blad. Andre Coetzee.
CMR Lydenburg wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die Highlands Panorama geluk te wens met die viering van hul 10de verjaardag. Mag daar nog 10 jaar van goeie diens en gehalte leesstof wees, ons vier die mylpaal saam met jul.
Mag die volgende10 jaar nog meer voorspoed en geluk vir jul inhou. Dankie vir jul hulp, ondersteuning, motivering en altyddaar-wees, wanneer Die Kletskous jul nodig het. Dit word opreg waardeer.
BOSCH Car Service en Monati Events het Saterdag op Lydenburg ’n geslaagde “Drags & Drifting day” aangebied, naby Buco in strate wat toegemaak was vir die dag. Die dag was goed georganiseer en veiligheidsmaatreels is oral toegepas. Met die reuk van vliegtuigbrandstof en gepynigde bande swaar in die lug, het VW Polo en “box” BMW’s oor 400 meter teen mekaar meegeding. Daar was ’n Golf bakkie met ’n superaanjaer, ’n Polo met ’n turbo so groot soos Steelpoort, ’n ou Opel Ascona met ’n Mazda rotorenjin en baie ander erg getoorde voertuie. Dit was duidelik dat motorsport dik loop in Lydenburg en dat hier voertuie in die dorp is, waarmee mens nie moet sukkel nie. Wel gedaan manne en dames, kom ons maak hierdie ’n gereelde ding. Dit hou die “jaagduiwels” uit die dorp uit, en dit maak die sport aanskoulik en toeganklik vir almal. Andre Coetzee
Kerkstr. 47, Lydenburg. Tel. 013 235 2081.
Fotos: Andre Coetzee en Reinet Bell
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
SEPTEMBER vehicle sales were a little lower due to fewer trading days and due to the facts mentioned on the right of this article. Top sellers (RSA and export figures combined) were: Toyota Volkswagen Ford General Motors Nissan BMW Mercedes Benz Honda Renault Chrysler
11 664 10 543 7 090 5 300 4 923 3 014 2 797 1 312 1 302 850
THE SA motor industry is beleaguered by many problems. They relate to industry wide strikes, shortages of products, new strikes by outside parts manufacturers and massive recalls. This has led to orders from buyers being cancelled and the manufacturers not being able to supply and deliver on export contracts. Meanwhile recalls occur all over to rectify faults. Jeep has recalled thousands of SUV’s due to fire risk, transmission leaks and other faults. BMW is recalling something like 5 500 series 3 and series 5 cars due to brake system glitches. Jaguar is recalling hundreds of XF and XJ models, Landrover hundreds of Freelanders and Nissan some 7 000 Micras to retorque a steering bolt. The effect is of course that all of this eats
into their profits and delivery schedules. If you have a Toyota Landcruiser V8, or a Nissan NP 200 or several other makes and models on order, you have to be patient. It even affects me. I would like to bring my driving impressions on the Cruiser V8 to my readers, but finding one to test for just 2 hours, is impossible. And because I wanted a specific colour and specification level, I had to wait almost 2 months for my new NP 200. However, all good things come to those who wait and we are confident that business will normalise and get back to “business as usual” The positive news of course is that we are seeing many new models on our market. The V8 Cruiser, Nissan Almera and Nissan Sentra, to name but a few locals. Andre Coetzee.
Passenger car best sellers were: Toyota Etios (2 358), Toyota Corolla & Auris combined (1 005), VW Polo (2 634) VW Polo Vivo (2 435) Ford Figo (1 690), Ford Fiesta (836), Chev Spark (718), Chev Cruze (592), Nissan Micra (495), Nissan Almera (460), BMW 3-series (783), Mercedes C-class (859), Honda Brio (327), Renault Clio (684), Jeep Grand Cherokee (295). One ton light commercial sales were Toyota Hilux (2 739), Ford Ranger (1 435), Isuzu KB (1 049), Mazda BT 50 (202), Mahindra Bolero (115), Mitsubishi Triton (125), Nissan Hardbody NP 300 (836), Nissan Navara (261), Toyota Landcruiser Pickup (303), VW Amarok (389). Light commercial sales were Chevrolet Ute (1 329) and Nissan NP 200 (726). SUV sales included Toyota Fortuner (821) Jeep Grand Cherokee (295), Ford Kuga (299), Chevrolet Trailblazer (283), Honda CR-V (315), Mercedes M Class (204), Mitsubishi Pajero Sport (92), Nissan Juke (356), Renault Duster (183). Sales figures for Kia and Hyundai vehicles are not supplied to Naamsa and are therefore unavailable. From all of the above, it remains clear that price is the main driver in the market (Etios, Figo, VW Polo). This is also evident in Nissan Almera (brand new) and Renault Duster (also new) sales figures. Thank you to Fanie Erasmus for supplying the figures. Andre Coetzee.
Mechanical / Auto Electrical Parts & Service
All pensioners NO LABOUR CHARGED.
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Fax: 013 230 9719 Iron Close Street Steelpoort
Toyota Quantum - Cam Inyathi - JinBei Haise
THE GWM C20R was recently launched in South Africa and our short stint with this quirky hatchback has taught us that most preconceptions regarding Chinese cars could well be cast aside. For one, no longer can we accuse (some of) these manufactures of being outright copycats. The C20R, while borrowing some styling cues from other B-segment hatchbacks, is still fresh and funky in it's own right. It has a good-looking front end, with a smart, but almost smiley-faced, grille and airdam treatment along with integrated foglamps and an SUV-style scuff plate. The profile is given a more purposeful look thanks to the increased ride height (a total 172 mm), roof rails, and black wheel arches that house 16-inch alloy wheels. The interior is equally impressive with neatly laid out controls, chrome-look accents that lift the ambience and two-tone imitation leather. I was impressed with the almost European look of it all and the quality of fit and finish is of a good standard. Many of the Chinese vehicles that have come before this one have let us down when it comes to the powerplant and their gearbox have always left us wanting. It's one of those things you keep in your mind every time you take delivery of another “made-in-China” vehicle. So, when I decided to take the C20R for a weekend to pile on as much mileage as possible (we received it on a low 400-odd kms and I wanted to loosen things up a bit), I was hoping for the best, but preparing to be disappointed. But that was not the case. Power comes from a 1,5-litre VVT unit that delivers 77 kW at 6 000 r/min and torque of 138 N/m at 4200 r/min. Admittedly, it takes some work to really get going as you have to work the engine and the five-speed manual 'box to reach that 4 200 r/min sweet spot where the maximum torque comes into play. I didn't mind it all that much, though. The gearing is short and the engine is eager to rev, so I found it to be a lively little car. You would think that working the engine like this would impact on fuel consumption, but we were able to match GWM's claimed figure of 7,7-litres/100 km in our real-world fuel test. It's just slightly higher than a similarly packaged VW Polo Vivo Maxx. The C20R comes packed with standard features such as air-conditioning, an MP3compatible audio system with auxiliary and USB inputs, electric windows all around, rake adjustment on the steering column, front and rear foglamps, park distance sensors at the rear and steering wheelmounted audio controls. GWM has also thrown in a three-year / 45 000 kms service plan and a three-year / 100 000 km warranty as standard, making the C20R a good value-for-money proposition. I will admit that I was quite taken by this vehicle. It's a clear indication of how far the company has moved along when it comes to the development of its vehicle engineering. The thing that stands out the most for me, however, is the pricing. With a price tag of R154 900, the C20R isn't the “cheap alternative”. It's right up there with its competitors (the Renault Sandero Stepway is R149 900 and the Vivo Maxx is R164 300). It shows that GWM believes that this product has what it takes to compete with the market favourites. And I do too. The C20R is a vehicle that has the potential to change people's pre-conceived ideas about the brand and maybe all Chinese vehicles. Personally, I think the Chinese are about to give the other manufacturers a run for their money. Things are about to get interesting. www.carmag.co.za
THE Highlands Panorama News is 10 years old this month. We started the business with first one, and later a second pre-owned Nissan 1400 bakkie. When the 1400 was written off due to an accident, we bought Quintus Loots his first brand new bakkie, a “CAT yellow” 1400 Base Corsa Ute. Later we added a maroon 1.7 Dti diesel Corsa Ute Sport and later still a 1800 Sport Corsa Ute. The three Corsas were a well known sight, especially on our three delivery routes on Thursdays. Last year we replaced the diesel (almost 200 000km) with a new Chevrolet Utility 1400 Club (silver). This year the yellow bakkie, which served without any problems for 200 000 km and did the weekly Joburg route to get the papers here (a full 800 kg load every week) had to be replaced. Since all the local motor dealers support us, and we had recently bought a new Chevy Ute, I had to consider something else. I opted for a new Hi Spec Nissan NP 200 SE 1600 (16 valve). This bakkie is also my personal transport and I use it for amongst others, my delivery route on Thursdays. Of course comparisons with our Corsas (four over 10 years) are necessary. Firstly, the Nissan can carry a slightly heavier load. Due to the 16 valve motor, if you are prepared to rev it, it is as fast as the 1800 Corsa on the open road. There is less torque on the uphills though. Gearing is lower (engine revs higher) than on the Corsa, but similar to that of the new Chev Ute, so fuel consumption is similar (poorer than the 1800 Corsa on the open road but slightly better in town). The Nissan's engine turns at 3 750 rpm @ 120 and 4 750 @ 150 km/h. The Nissan comes with 2 airbags, ABS with EBD, electric windows, remote central locking, power steering (hydraulic, which is better) electric mirrors, cup holders and aircon. There is a Blaupunkt radio / CD without USB and iPod in. There is no ash tray and no lighter. There is no vanity mirror on the driver side sunvisor. I do not like the window winder switches on the dashboard, but I am getting used to it. Following delivery, the bakkie would refuse to start from time to time. This was traced to a faulty earth and was efficiently sorted out by Longtom Nissan. On the positive side, the clutch, brakes and especially the gearchange is lighter and much
better to use than on the Corsa. It is better priced than Ute (important in today's economic climate). Nissan also is much better looking. Brakes are very good. The two main instrument clusters are neater, more visible and better than on Corsa. Steering is light and precise, but the wheel is not adjustable and there are no remote steering controls for sound. The NP 200 gets off the mark briskly, but you have to watch the rev counter, due to the low initial gearing and shift up briskly. You can even pull off in second gear. Engine revs are as mentioned high at high speed, but the 16 valve motor loves this. The bakkie is stable and feels safe even at 150 km/h. With a light load, it rides very comfortably. Handling in the twisties at speed is very good. Steering is direct and you have to be fully awake though! Quality feel is not as good as on (Opel) Corsa, but is better than on Chev Ute. The new warranty on the NP 200 is however at six years, the best in class and gives one peace of mind. What I like most about the NP 200 is with the seat adjusted high, the driving position is superb. Controls are a pleasure and the bakkie is nimble and quiet at speed. So, which do I prefer? The Opel Corsa was an unqualified success, but has been replaced by the Chevy Ute. There is very little between the NP 200 and the new Ute. The Nissan is better looking and drives better than the Ute. The Ute is slightly better equipped (Sport vs SE). The Ute is more expensive and the NP 200 has a better warranty. My experience with the local DP's, sales and service departments of both Westvaal Mashishing (Chev / Opel / Isuzu) and Longtom Nissan (Nissan) has been excellent. I can recommend both, but whatever you do, test drive both. After 1 000 km and a bit of customisation costing less than R 10 000 (see pics) I enjoy the NP 200 and I am confident that I will derive as much pleasure from it, as I have with the Corsa bakkies. I can seriously recommend the Nissan. Andre Coetzee.
Pin- striping, wheels, nudge bar, tow bar, perspex protectors, Nismo badges and driving lights are aftermarket items. The SE bakkie comes with alloy wheels, but I replaced them to individualise the vehicle. The radio left below, is a replacement unit with DVD, touch screen, reverse camera, USB / iPod and SD card inputs, available from Alli’s Electronics near Pick n Pay in town, and installed by Falcon.
EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • OFFER VAN 'N LEEFTYD! Moderne dubbel volume huis in Sterkspruit Falcons, 3 slpk, 2 Vol Badk, ruim Oopplan Leef en onthaal area met ingeboude braai, Lieflike kombuis met aparte opwas, met dubbel motorhuis R9 800p/m • 3 Slpk, 2 Badk Meenthuis met dubbel motorhuis R7 100p/m • Moderne huis in TUSCAN VILLA beskikbaar, 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, groot Oopplan Leefarea, kombuis, aparte onthaal area met ingeboude braai, pragtige tuin, dubbel motorhuis met dubbel afdak R8 800p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
KOM KYK! Sat 12 Oktober van 10h00 tot 14h00 Uitstekend geleë in gewilde kompleks, veilig, netjies, in tip-top toestand, reg vir intrek! Ruim oopplan eet-, sitkamer en moderne kombuis, 3 slk, 2 bad, gesellige kuierkamer wat uitloop op netjiese tuin, ekstra groot dubbelgarage. Tuscan Villa 3, Mcgee straat (uit Nelstraat, net na Laerskool)
Well worth a look at R1 730 000
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Spacious 5 Bedroom face brick family home, 3.5 bathrooms. Lovely kitchen with spacious scullery/washing and 2 open plan living areas. Upstairs lounge area with connection for projector. 5th bedroom is a private guest room with own entrance. Double garage and double carport with separate entrance gate and more parking areas. Spacious Wendy house for servant or garden tools. Neat established garden. Stand size: 800sq House Size: 309sq. Web ref nr 101316564 on www.huizemark.com Huizemark , 89 Viljoen street, Lydenburg. Yolande cell 074 587 0718 or Tel 013 235 1335
TE HUUR: • 3 Slk woning op plot - 1xR5 500 • 2 Slk w/stel, 2 badk in sekuriteitskompleks R5 500 • Luukse 3 slk woning by Laerskool R9 000 • 3 Slk woning by The Heads R8 500 TE KOOP: • Plaas: 288 Ha. Onbeboud, weiding en 15 Ha lande. P.O.A • 3 Slk, sitk,tv, komb, 2 bak, wask, 1 mot, lapa R890 000 • 900m² erf - Sterkspruit. P.O.A • 4 Slk woning, oopplan wononarea/kombuis, aparte opwas/wask, braai, 2 motorhuise, palisade R1 350 milj • 4,8 Ha Plot naby dorp.P.O.A
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2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer met bad + stort. Kombuis met houtkaste, aparte sitkamer en eetkamer. Toesluit motorhuis met direkte toegang tot meenthuis. Baie netjies. Heffings R195p.m. Sentraal geleë
R695 000
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Lydenburg R1 700 000
A warm inviting family home! Loads of features and well worth a look! Offering 4 bedrooms, The main bedroom has a balcony. Plus guest bedroom with toilet and basin. 3 Bathrooms. Open plan lounge and dining room. Seperate TV and family room. Lounge upstairs. The open-plan kitchen offers a seperate scullery. Double garage and double carport. Electric gate as well as an alarm system. Call today to view.
Bianca Coetzee : 078 235 0999 Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525
Modern open plan home!
Spacious 4 bedroom house. Each room with own bathroom shower, toilet and basin. Entrance hall with spacious lounge. Study. Modern, spacious open-plan kitchen that flows into the dining room. Double Garage "Boma" in garden for entertaining friends and family. Marietjie Ramsey: 071 513 4299 Martin Coetzee: 061 019 2167
TE HUUR • R8 800: 4 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Studeerkamer, Dubbel motorhuis asook 2 Afdakke. • R8 500: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Oop-plan leefarea. Dubbel motorhuis. Groot tuin. • R8 500: 3 Slaapkamer Huis. 2 Badkamers, Oop plan leefareas, Dubbel motorhuis. • R7 700: 3 Slaapkamer Meenthuis. 2 Badkamers, Oop plan leefareas, Motorhuis. • R5 300: 3 Slaapkamer Woonstel. 2 Badkamers,Oop plan leefareas, Afdak. • R17 000: 4 Slaapkamer Huis. Hoofslaapkamer het inloop kaste en lugverkoeling. Sitkamer, Eetkamer, TV kamer, Studeerkamer, 4 Motorhuise asook 2 Afdakke. Kuier area met ingeboude braai en jacuzzi.
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R1 150 000
A lovely house on a big stand for the beginners! R810 000
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R1 290 000 3 slaapkamers, lock up and go eenheid. 2 badkamers met 2 motorhuise. Water tenk ingesluit. Lae onderhoud.
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C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565
TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
NETJIESE RUIM bachelor woonstel, R3000pm, krag ing. 072 762 8562
E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843
PROPERTY TO LET – Sterkspruit. from 1 Nov. 3 bedroom double storey, double bathroom, double garage. R 8400 p/m. Innocent 072 852 2848 /Johan 076 371 6706 to view.
4 NGUNI HEIFERS R5000 elk. 071 246 0072 H O F F M A N N G E N E R AT O R 3 k v a . R4500. 071 246 0072 BLOMMENDE PLANTE/ struike R20. 072 762 8562
013 235 2353 / 082 808 0195 Jocks Country Stalls, Viljoen St Lydenburg
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 GROOMING SERVICE DOGS. 082 650 4987/ 084 245 9905 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS 46 Nuwe Babas Facebook: Wilnabroodryk. 082 879 4098
DK VERVOER vir enige vervoer werke. Anzelle 076 440 8050 PLATBAK 7 TON trok te huur. 076 072 2000/ 083 641 6160
ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg
EK KOOP BYNA alle motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel.
RUIME 3 (half) slp/huis, naby H/skool te huur. 084 500 1965 / 082 572 8971
D U I T S E HERDERSHONDJIES (ALSATION) Top kwaliteit. Ouers geregistreer by GSD Federation en skougehalte. Ingeënt en ontwurm, 6 weke oud. R2000 stuk. Ouers te sien. 083 288 6834
K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416 3 SLK, 2 badk oopplan leef area, 1 motorhuis in ’n kompleks. Baie veilig.R 7000 p/m. Nou beskikbaar Skakel 082 339 7433
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144
Stock Bricks Maxi Bricks Block Bricks Face Bricks Paving
Verkope & Verhuring Tel: 013 235 1986 www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41
date of publication hereof. SGD WF BASSON S T E WA R T M A R I T Z BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor, Lex Numeri, 32 Peace Street, P O Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850 REFERENCE: WFB/EM/LOTTERING BOEDELKENNISGEWIN G - BOEDEL VAN WYLE HERCULES PHILIPPUS M A L A N IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 1912215024089, WEWENAAR IN LEWE WOONAGTIG TE DIE P L A A S WAT E R VA L , DISTRIK LYDENBURG, M P U M A L A N G A WAT OORLEDE IS OP 02 JUNIE 2012, BOEDEL NO: 10621/2012 MEESTERSKANTOOR PRETORIA Krediteure insake bogenoemde Boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle vorderings in te lewer by die ondergetekende binne ’n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. BOOYENS DU PREEZ & BOSHOFF ING POSBUS 1305 LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 TEL: 015 516 1404 FAKS 015 5 1 6 1 6 2 4 V E RW: S BOOYENS/HD/M815
IKHANDA GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS
CIRCLE CATERING & ACCOMMODATION offers C o n t r a c t o r s accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374
DELIVERY GUY - valid motorbike license, dependable & trustworthy. Hand in CV at Steers, Lydenburg or fax 013 235 1359 KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES INDIEN die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal is nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Nissan Sentra Reg: CVS 824 MP, Toyota Hilux PKJ 822 GP Longtom Towing 013 235 4996 In the estate of the late D O R A T I N A M A G D A L E N A LOTTERING, Identity Number 3506280014088, who resided at LYDENBURG and died on the 31st of MAY 1993, Estate Number 8456/2013. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from
van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Ty e - 9 : 0 0 S o n d a e Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Ly d e n b u r g . P a s t. d e Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.
Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333
NICK’S FREEZERS Pallet Wendy’s Herstel: Yskaste, Vrieskaste, Mikrogolwe Wasmasjiene, Motor Aircon gas, LP Gas ens... Pand vir ’n Rand
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Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
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Touch of Class Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com
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Fax CV to 013 235 2145
INVITATION TO TENDER ENQUIRY NO: TM1310/02 ASSMANG CHROME, DWARSRIVIER MINE INVITES SUITABLY QUALIFIED TENDERERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED ROADS IN MASHISHING, THABA CHWEU MUNICIPALITY. A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION / BRIEFING / SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: VENUE: At the entrance to the Mashishing Clinic in Onderwys Street, after Checkers U-Save, (behind the Mashishing stadium) Mashishing. DATE: FRIDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2013 TIME: 10h00 Tender Requirements: • Only Companies registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CE Level 5) will be allowed to tender. • Tenderers will not be permitted to alter the Tender Sum after Tenders have been opened. • The Client reserves the right to accept all or part of a tender. • Tenders which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by fax or electronically, will not be accepted. • Tender validity should be 90 days after the closing date of tender. Tender documents will be obtainable as from Monday 14 October 2013 from the offices of the Consulting Engineer, INFRABURO, 51 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg, 1120. Completed tender documents, sealed in an envelope marked: “TENDER NO. TM1310/02 - CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED ROADS IN MASHISHING, THABA CHWEU MUNICIPALITY CLOSING DATE: 12:00, FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2013” and the name of the Tenderer; are to be placed in the Tender Box at: DWARSRIVIER MINE, 372 KT Dwarsrivier Farm, Sekhukhune Road, Steelpoort area, 1133 ATTENTION: The Tender Administrator by no later than 12 noon on 1 November 2013. FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THIS ENQUIRY CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.za TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.
Tiaan Brits het aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Gholf Kampioenskappe te OosLonden deelgeneem. Hy eindig 14de tussen 85 deelnemers
Vier krieketspelers van Laerskool Lydenburg is vir die Pumas gekies tydens die Mpumalanga Krieketproewe. Van links is (agter): Corne Combrink o/11, Jason Oosthuizen o/13, Tiaan Brits o/12; (voor): Ruan van der Schyff o/11
Laerskool Lydenburg heet mnr. Johan en me. Karien Pieters welkom. Hy beklee 'n Departementshoof pos en Karien gee vir graad 5 klas. Hul was voorheen verbonde aan Laerskool Nelspruit, het twee klein dogtertjies en sê hulle is baie bevoorreg om deel te wees van Laerskool Lydenburg se wenspan.
Golf Day for Wenakker
Sipho Mnisi is a well known marathon runner from Lydenburg and you can see him on the road training daily. He recently won a bronze medal at the City to City Marathon. Please support him because he has immense talent and a lot of determination.
On 12 October Wenakker will hold its annual Golf Day at the Lydenburg Golf Club. Sponsor Tbox & 4-bal: R2 500,00, Sponsor a 4-ball R1 500,00, Sponsor a T-box: R1 500,00, Sponsor Club house / hole 5 R3 000,00. Prizes and donations are welcome. Contact Neeltjé Brits at 083 456 8328 or email: neeltje.b@gmail.com for more information.
Lydenburg is Gasheer vir die 2013 SA Lyndans Kampioenskappe Lyndans is ’n tipiese Amerikaanse ‘Country Dance’ wat weer wêreldwyd baie gewild geword het. Daar is dus walse, tango’s, cha-cha’s ens. bygewerk. Dit is aangepas om verskillende kulture te akkommodeer. Persone van twee jaar tot 102 kan die danse baasraak en geniet. Saddleback Dansskool in Lydenburg is geregistreer by SALDA (SA Line Dance Association) en kinders wat lyndans as sport beoefen kan deur die skool vir ’n beurs aansoek doen om verder te studeer indien daar so ’n behoefte sou wees. Saddleback is
SIM Only
genomineer om die gasheer te wees vir die SA Kampioenskappe. Dit is vir die skool ’n groot eer om hierdie geleentheid te reël. Daar word +/- 200 dansers verwag. Daardie dag sal selfs ’n spesiale afdeling wees waarin Estralita Skool se kinders kan deelneem. Vyf bekende beoordelaars in die danswêreld sal beoordeel. Dit vind op Saterdag 19 Oktober plaas van 08:00 tot 19:00 by die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Kosstalletjies is beskikbaar vir die dag. Skakel Estelle: 071 412 1061 of Lynette: 076 454 5812.
R69 R99 R169
On Standard MyGig 1
On Standard MyGig 2
On Standard MyGig 3
R259 PMX24
On Standard MyGig 5
Vier provinsiale lyndansers Van links is Odette Warner, Bianca Bezuidenhout, Brandon van der Walt en Lynette Bowen. Hulle is deel van die Saddleback School of Dance wat tydens beide die twee provinsiale byeenkomste in hul onderskeie afdelings eerste plekke behaal het.
Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank,Lydenburg
Tel: 013 235 1636 The Heads Shopping Centre, Shop 26, Lydenburg
Tel: 013 231 7979 Tubatse Crossing Mall, Shop L70, Burgersfort