31 Oktober / October 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 43

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31 Oktober / October 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 43 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

The huge amount of hail caused havoc on the Lydenburg / Dullstroom Road on late Monday afternoon. Motorists were forced to stop in the road because the ice made it impossible for vehicles to move. Motorists are requested and reminded to drive with care during these conditions and not to take chances. Photo’s Dewald Visser.

Charlene Coetzee het hierdie foto geneem van die pragtige reÍnboog oor Lydenburg die naweek. Dit is voorwaar ’n pragtige gesig. Criminals are able to copy information illegally from the magnetic strip (black strip) on the back of bank cards, and use this information to steal money. The device used to copy the information is called a skimming device. Skimming devises can either be handheld or mounted onto an ATM.

Provided by SAPS Lydenburg

Skimming of Debit and Credit cards has become the fastest growing type of card fraud. New technology is being used by criminals to produce exact replicas of existing cards and creating counterfeit cards. The counterfeiting of credit card entails a process through which computer equipment and other peripherals are used to produce more genuine-looking counterfeit cards. What is a skimming device? A skimming device in general is defined as a type of card reader whereby the data encoded on the back of a card (on the magnetic strip) is recorded on to the device when the card is swiped through it for purposes of illegally using the data to duplicate the card and / or compromise the funds in the account of the card holder by some other illegal means using the card data. Criminals increasingly make use of magnetic strip card readers, also known as skimming devices or magnetic swipe readers, to duplicate credit and debit cards. Skimming can occur when an unsuspected card holder swipes his/her card through an illegal skimming device attached to an ATM or when another person who, for instance, is working at a retailer/restaurant/hotel or who is impersonating a bank official, illegally swipes the cardholder's card through a hand-held card reader. The data on the magnetic strip of the card is then recorded on to the card reader/skimmer and can subsequently be used to encode the same data onto another card's magnetic strip and be used as a duplicate card that can be used to transact. Skimming of the card can therefore occur when a card holder is still in possession of his / her card or when another person is handed the card to facilitate a transaction. Skimming devices are not the only instruments required to manufacture fraudulent cards. It is a multi-faceted process, involving computers, white plastic, stolen cards, or blank pieces of plastic to be changed into credit or debit cards, embossing machines to emboss or re-emboss a name and card number on the plastic, tipping machines used for pressing and encoders to reencode the newly manufactured fraudulent cards. Even other, existing original cards casually stolen can be re-embossed and reencoded with new details and information to be used as a duplicate to the original. These devices are specially moulded to be attached to an ATM, often in conjunction with other recording devices such as spy cameras or keypad overlays aimed at compromising and recording PIN numbers. The card is not held by the criminal at all. These devices are often modified to such an extent that it is difficult to distinguish between an ATM t h a t h a s a skimming device attached to it and one that has not been tampered with.

Register to vote 9 or 10 November 2013

BEFORE you can vote in the national, provincial or municipal elections, including ward by-elections, you have to register in the voting district where you live. This is important for municipal elections since you can only vote in the voting district where you are registered. You only have to register once, unless you move or your voting district changes. Who can register? You must: be a South African citizen; be at least 16 years old (you can only vote from age 18); and have a green, bar-coded ID book, ID smartcard or Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). When can I register? You can apply to register on 9 or 10 November 2013at your voting station (find your voting station). Where can I register? Apply for registration on 9 or 10 November 2013 at your voting station in the voting district where you live. You can also apply for registration at your local Municipal Electoral Office during office hours. Important: You can't register at our national or provincial offices, only the municipal offices. What documents do I need to apply for registration? By law, you must apply in person (no online or email registrations are permitted). Please bring your valid South African, green, bar-coded ID book,

smartcard ID, or Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC) if you don't have an ID book. Can I register from abroad? Yes, all South Africans with a valid South African ID (green, bar-coded ID / smartcard ID / valid TIC) AND a valid South African passport will be allowed to apply for registration once the current Electoral Amendment Bill 2013 has been enacted.You can't apply for registration with only your passport, you must have your ID document as well. Both documents must be valid. What happens when I apply? Go to your voting station or Municipal Electoral Office (or diplomatic mission if registering abroad) Fill in an "Application for Registration as a Voter" form. Your ID book is scanned. A bar-coded sticker is pasted in your ID book. Please note that completing the form and receiving a bar-coded sticker doesn't mean that you're registered, it only means that you've applied for registration. Your application must still be processed (may take up to 7 working days). Check your voter registration details to find out if you may have to re-register. How do I know if or where I'm registered? To check your registration status, you can: send an SMS with your ID number to 32810; check your voter registration details online; call our call centre on 0800 11 8000 (toll-free from a landline); check at your voting station during a registration weekend; or check at your local Municipal Electoral Office during office hours. Note: It can take up to 7 working days for your registration application to be processed.

Longtom Nissan Group het pas gehoor dat hulle in die mediumhandelaarsklas as nasionale wenners aangewys is. Lydenburgers wat deel was van die prettige Nissan Nasionale Dag, sal saamstem dat dit 'n welverdiende oorwinning was. Van links is Dicky Roux, Lydenburg-tak verkoopbestuurder, Francois Jacobs, Nissan SA verteenwoordiger en Longtom Nissan Group Direkteur, Fred Zeeman.


Golden Cloud Cake Flour R33.99 5 Kg R77.99 12.5 Kg

Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri

Tel: 013 235 1035 Fax: 013 235 4107 Swembad Centre, Crn Viljoen & Potgieter St

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

to the editor




vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Joseph Wyngaard 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

ie mond maak onwillekeurig wyd oop terwyl asem duidelik hoorbaar een keer ingetrek en uitgestoot word. Gewoonlik is dit ’n aanduiding van vaakheid, vermoeienis of verveling. 'n Noukeurige omskrywing vir gaap. Terwyl ek toe sit en wonder hoe om wakker te bly, gaap ek my keel heel stukkend. Soos die definisie beskryf, hoorbaar en onwillekeurig. Ek gaap toe deur die seer as ek sluk. Gaap... Ek vermoed dat gaap aansteeklik is. Al opgelet hoe vinnig jy gaap as jy iemand anders dit sien doen. Heel interessant. Die Chileense kunstenaar Carolina Delpiano het ook besef dis baie interessant. In Santiago het sy ses foto’s uitgestal van ’n jong vrou wat gaap vroeër die jaar. Sy het die aansteeklikheid van gaap bewys daarmee. Mense het begin gaap deur slegs na die foto’s te kyk. ’n Dokter het eendag gesê mense gaap om ’n suurstoftekort aan te vul. Dit mag miskien wees, tog vermoed ek dat gaap ’n teken van ander dinge ook kan wees. Soos hitte. Hoekom dan die gesegde… "So warm dat die kraaie gaap." Dit beteken mos drukkend warm. Miskien het hulle gaapsiekte of probeer die hitte oorkom. Eintlik is gaapsiekte ’n heel ander ding. Dis ’n siekte by jong hoenders wat deur ’n wurmsoort van die genus Syngamus in die lugweë veroorsaak word. As gevolg hiervan hou die diere hulle bekke oop. Vat gerus een middag om die voëls dop te hou met hul oop bekke. Jy sal sommer vinnig aan die slaap raak so rustig is dit. Hou tog net jou donkerbril op, netnou dink iemand jy gaap hulle aan. In ’n geselskap is ginnegaap oppervlakkig. Ginnegaap beteken verspottig en om oor beuselagtige sakies te praat. So asof mens belangriker dinge systap. Maar op die ou end bly ons maar net mense. En daarom na-aap en gaap ons as ons ander sien gaap. Partykeer, soos aan die einde van ’n lang dag, is ek so lui ek gaap sommer met my mond toe. Dis wonderlik om te gaap. Partykeer, as jy insluimer gaap jy jouself tot in Alice se Wonderland. Gaap, gaap tot jou ore suis en jou oë oorkruis.

“I see your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” Revelations 3:15 - 16. Prayer: Lord, please banish the indifference in our hearts, take away the lukewarm attitude and replace it with fire or ice.

I received the following comments made by Alec Hogg from Leon De Jager via email and edited it somewhat: The former CEO of the JSE and member of the SAA Board is an exception in this world of people pleasers. Loubser has always called it as he sees it, never shirking from controversy. The biggest influence, surely, was his early achievement of financial independence. The result of discipline, effort and focus often inbred in ambitious young men from small towns. Since leaving SAA's board, Loubser has kept a low profile. He shared the following:

Briew e

‘Had enough’ from Lydenburg writes: SO! Lydenburg is getting a Mall? Well, this is wonderful news. However, at the risk of appearing totally cynical, what will change on the business front? To all those outlets, staff and management in Lydenburg who think the consumer or client owes them something. Please bear this in mind. Our little town is a mere hour's drive from Nelspruit and just over three from Johannesburg or Pretoria where in the case of particularly the latter centres, we find the following: Fair and reasonable prices. One item I priced locally varied between R325 & R475 from three different outlets. I sourced it in Nelspruit for R220. Makes you think doesn't it? An excellent range of goods and merchandise. Friendly efficient service and knowledgeable people who want to go the extra mile and who will go out of their way to help you. This strangely enough, right across the spectrum of our so-called rainbow nation. A culture of if I don't have it, I will get it for you. Last Thursday was a case in point where a branch of Chamberlains Hardware in Waltloo Pretoria was prepared to source merchandise from their Centurion branch and have it delivered to them by 15:00 that afternoon. Best of all, this was a mere R2 000 worth of pine moldings, thus no major deal. This after one phone call to this supplier, to whom I was referred to as a result of two previous calls to other suppliers who referred me. In Lydenburg, the stock answer is invariably a disinterested vague “ek weet nie” Incidentally, I spent three weeks trying to “suck” this same material out of a prominent supplier locally? Not so in Lydenburg In many cases you are greeted with a blank stare, which I take it is meant to convey, 'How can I annoy you today?' In certain supermarkets you are greeted with “Plestiek”. NO, my name is not

aan die redakteur

PLESTIEK. In one liquor store, the young woman who runs the show with her “Sussie” smokes in the premises where an infant reclines in a baby carrier behind the counter. “Kommin” at best! With thankfully, the odd exception, do not try to buy any vehicle or machine of a capital nature. You will in most instances be greeted by poor service, a lack of interest and pay through your nose if you are stupid enough to deal with these people. TOYOTA Lydenburg undoubtedly is an exception. Unfortunate that TOYOTA does not produce motorcycles and tractors. I would have some of these as well. Pity McGee and Co, are no longer agents for Ford Tractors. I fondly remember the days of the legendary”Jan Trekker”, and his love for what he affectionately referred to as “Daai Ou Blou Goed” Now my machines come from out of town. Little or no respect for old fashioned values. It is bad enough when one gets shortchanged by 5 cents when an article cost X Rands and 95cents. “Vyf sent is mos bokkerol”. What if the consumer owes you 5 cents? Incidentally I had this experience at the hands of one of the apparently more prominent business people just recently! Result – I don't go back, and if I do, they must know I cannot get it elsewhere! The best was this morning when I purchased 5 liters of petrol at R65-90 and tendered a R100 note. Now those of us adequately schooled in the 3R's of yester year will know that R34-10 should have been returned as change. You guessed it, only R34.00 was forthcoming. I won't go into details except to say, that this outlet has just lost them some R8 000 in turnover every month. I know it will not help to complain; therefore I just do not go back! Outlets who believe they can effectively run a show with kids just out of school and a bunch of affirmatives. Sure, give them an opportunity and train them, but at the same time retain a fair balance of experienced competent people as well, and above all, look after them! No local is not lekker.

Parkering onwettig in straat Rabiestraat-inwoner skryf: Ek is nou 1½ jaar woonagtig te Rabiestraat 9, Lydenburg. My probleem het begin toe ek hier ingetrek het. Die mense oorkant die pad se palisades is basies reg langs die teerpad ingesit. Persone en kliente wat hier besoek aflê parkeer dan reg in die pad. As ek by my erf wil indraai moet ek dus heeltemal oorgaan na die regterkant van die pad, terugdraai en dan by my hek indraai. Ek het gister die laaste maal gepraat met ’n dame wat daar besoek aflê, ek neem aan dit is die eienaar se dogter. Ek het haar uiters hoflik versoek om nie in die pad te parkeer nie aangesien dit ’n ongeluk kan veroorsaak. Voertuie kom van the Heads se kant af in Rabiestraat afgejaag teen ’n hoë spoed. As daar nou ’n kar in jou pad staan en jy wil om die kar ry is daar moeilikheid. Ek het dit aan die persoon probeer verduidelik maar sy wou niks weet nie. Volgens haar parkeer sy al 40 jaar daar en daar was nog nooit ’n probleem nie. Ek het ook aan haar gemeld dat dit net ’n kwessie van tyd is voordat iemand hier seerkry met die in en-

uitkilm in die pad waarop sy geantwoord het dat iemand dan nou maar moet seerkry, sy sal parkeer waar sy wil. Ek was verstom hoe iemand so argeloos met padregulasies en ander mense se veiligheid kan omgaan. Behalwe dat die palisades onwettig in ’n padreserwe opgerig is parkeer die karre nou ook onwettig in die pad. Ek wil hiermee die Verkeershoof versoek om asb. die onwettige parkeerders te beboet, asook die eienaar te dwing om kragtens die Verkeerswet die onwettige palisades in die padreserwe te verwyder. Dit is miskien al 40 jaar toegelaat maar nie meer nie. Ek is bereid om die saak verder te vat aangesien praat nie help nie. Elke keer as ek kla oor die stand van sake word ek behandel soos ’n lastige pes en volgens die oortreders is ek buite orde. Ek gaan nie verder toelaat dat my en mede padgebruikers se regte misken word en dit reg voor my woonplek nie. Ek het nou klaar mooi gepraat – ek sal nou maar die nodige aksies neem om die sakie te beredder. Dit sal natuurlik volgens die reg geskied – iets waarvoor ek nog respek het.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

The constant dropping of standards. A malady that Allan Pullinger, chief executive of RMB described as “Drift”. It's what happens when you forget to watch. The slow movement away from a place you wanted to be, to an unintended destination. Drift happens all the time in business. Failure to address sloppy service guarantees it will become standard. Like the proverbial frog in water slowly brought to boil, such things don't get noticed until it's too late. Everywhere in South Africa, Loubser maintains, we're suffering from Drift. Those who should be ringing warning bells seem to have stopped paying attention. So as we all Drift or slide, the previously unacceptable turns into the new normal standard. Incompetence becomes standard. We stop trying to improve. Everyday examples abound. Next time you walk down a local street, look up at the street lights. Cable breaks or other faults are no longer

addressed at source. It's much easier to string another overhead cable. Creating a Third World spaghetti effect so common few of us notice anymore. When driving in town one is horrified at how many drivers jabber on their cell phones. It's become endemic. So even I've stopped grumbling. What scares me now is the growing number of fellow road users who are text messaging while speeding and ignoring stop streets. What comes next – gaming while driving? South Africa's unemployment has Drifted because of a collective inability to challenge destructive labour laws. A glance at the deteriorating labour to capital ratio tells everything we need to know. Yet we persist. Evil flourishes when good men stand by and do nothing. Drift happens simply when we stop paying attention. Both lead to the same conclusion. Just look at our standards of service from local businesses, our driving, our municipal management, our scholastic achievements etc. etc. We are drifting into oblivion! We are quick to complain, but what do we do about it?

My Best Friend Competition Everyone at the Highlands Panorama News loves animals. That is why we want to end 2013 with a big competition for animal lovers. The categories are: • Dog and owner look-a-like • What a Beauty - Dog • Ugliest Dog • Model Mania Dog (Best Dressed dog) • My best friend and me (from pre school till 13 years old, child with dog). Rules • All photo’s must be of the owners or child’s own pet. • No cell phone photos will be accepted. • Photo’s of high qualify must reach the Highlands Panorama News by Monday 25 November at 10:00. • The sponsors are responsible for providing the prizes. • P h o t o ’ s c a n b e e m a i l e d t o michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za or handed in at the corner of Viljoen and Voortrekker Streets, Lydenburg. Only high quality prints will be accepted. • Entries must be accompanied by the owners name (or person on photo, their age), telephone number, pets name, pets age and breed. • The winners must be available for photos with the sponsors that will be published. • The Highlands Panorama News won’t be held responsible for wrong information provided or fraud with the photos by the dog owners. • The judges decision is final.

Ieder en elk by die Highlands Panorama Nuus is diereliefhebbers. Om 2013 groot af te sluit hou ons ’n kompetisie vir almal met hul troeteldiere. Die kategorieë is: • Aardjie na sy Vaartjie (eienaar en hond wat na mekaar lyk. • Wragtig Pragtig Hond • Lelikste Hond • Mees Opgedolla’ste hond (Beste Aangetrekte Hond) • My beste vriend en ek (van voorskoolkinders tot 13 jaar). (Kind saam met hul hond) Reëls • Alle foto’s moet die eienaar (of kind) se eie troeteldier wees. • Geen selfoonfoto’s sal aanvaar word nie. • Foto’s van goeie kwaliteit moet die Highlands Panorama Nuus bereik teen Maandag 25 November om 10:00. • Die borge is verantwoordelik vir die verskaffing van die pryse. • F o t o ’ s m o e t g e - e p o s w o r d n a michelle@highlandspanorama.co.za of ingehandig word (goeie kwaliteit drukwerk) by h/v Viljoen en Voortrekkerstrate, Lydenburg. • Die inskrywer se naam, telefoonnommer, troeteldier se naam, ouderdom en ras moet duidelik gemerk wees • Die wenners moet beskikbaar wees vir foto’s saam met die borge wat gepubliseer sal word en hul honde. • Die Highlands Panorama Nuus sal nie verantwoordelik gehou bedrog of verkeerde informasie deur honde-eienaars nie. •Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal.

Borge / Sponsors with / met Highlands Panorama News:

STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek 013 235 4132 013 235 2555 082 883 5342



Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966

Lydenburg Honde Salon Sanet: 072 320 9203

Tel 013 235 2875

31 Oktober / October 2013

Klanke-spel van Romanz DIE bekende kwartet Romanz is een van die dae in Lydenburg en d a a r h e e r s g ro o t opgewondenheid vir hierdie internasionale groep se optrede. Hulle is eg SuidAfrikaans maar het al op verhoë reg oor die wêreld opgetree. Sedert hul ontstaan het hulle al verskeie musiektoekennings gewen en het selfs by die troue van Prins Albert en Prinses Charlene van Monaco opgetree. Hulle tree op uitnodiging van die Klopkloppie Kleuterskool op. Dit vind op Saterdag 9 November plaas by die Lewende Woord Sentrum en begin om 18:00. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon. Skakel die kleuterskool by 013 235 3061 vir meer inligting en kaartjies.

Rina Hugo tree in Lydenburg met Kerssangdiens Op Sondag 10 November kan daar uitgesien word na ’n baie spesiale Kerssangdiens. SuidAfrika se lieflingsangeres, Rina Hugo, tree op in Lydenburg. Dit vind om 18:00 plaas by die NG Moedergemeente. Toegang is gratis.

Arum Lily Festival On 29 and 30 November Roossenekal and surroundings will be full of wild arum lilies. It is also the dates for the Arum Lily Festival. The Arum Lily is on of the most sought after indoor plants in Europe but is locally on the brink of extinction due to illegal harvesting. The festival takes place annually with the main event on Saturday 30 November. There will be stalls, Mampoer tasting, Ndebele bead work, crafts and other items manufactured by locals from Draaikraal.The festival is always a buzz with live entertainment. This year Marius Carstens, Du Preez, Ursula Viviers, David Fours and many more will be bringing live entertainment to the event. Legally grown lilies from surrounding nurseries will be on safe on the day. The festival bus will also be taking visitors to view the flowers in their natural habitat. To book a stall or get more information contact Karin on 083 732 6332 or Christine at 082 550 6896.

Bybelstudie op Sondae ’n Bybelstudie vind elke Sondagmiddag om 16:00 plaas by die ou-kerkie langs Wenakker in Kerkstraat, Lydenburg. Almal is welkom. Die Lewende Water Pinkster bied dit aan en dit sal gelei word deur Past. Skeen. Skakel mnr. Philip du Plessis by 076 563 5892 vir meer inligting.

Yolandi Nel (15) gaan aan die Best Model of the World Kompetisie deelneem in België. Die kompetisie is binne die volgende paar maande. Haar ouers en vriende het 'n paar lekker fondsinsamelingprojekte .... om geld in te samel. Dit is Yolandi se droom om 'n internasionale model word. As die regte mense haar daar raaksien kan haar droom bewaarheid word. Op 5 Oktober is 'n temadans gehou (sien foto’s bo). Die volgende dans is op Saterdag 2 November (sien advertensie op bl. 2) op die Finsburypad (6km buite dorp op Ohrigstadpad, draai regs op Finsburypad, reguit oor treinspoor, 900m regs by groot klipmure. Daar sal aanwysings wees. Skakel Santa by: 083 628 0614 vir meer inligting.

Kiek ons dorp en wen ’n wegbreek!


lke jaar dié tyd vaar die span van die Sakekamer die strate in om 'n Sakegids vir die dorp saam te stel. Maar vanjaar het redakteur Gerda Whitehorn besluit om die dorp en sy mense by die proses te betrek. Met 'n foto-kompetisie in samewerking met die media en die Longtom Fotografieklub, wil die redaksie alle Lydenburgers – en inwoners van Steelpoort en Burgersfort, die geleentheid gee om 'n mooi voorbladfoto vir die jaarlikse “Geelbladsye” vir die dorp te neem. Die tema van die kompetisie is: Lydenburg / Mashishing – my Wêreld. Die wenner van die kompetisie verdien 'n familiewegbreek vir vier persone by Paardeplaats Nature Retreat op die Longtompas, en / of ’n kwartbladadvertensie in die Gids gesamentlik ter waarde van

R8 000. Die pragtige voorbladfoto van die 2013-gids was die werk van Lydenburg se bekende fotograaf Des Jacobs. “Ons gaan weer vir Des vra om in te skryf maar vir die nuwe jaar wil ons probeer om die hele gemeenskap deel te maak van die glanspublikasie wat nou al instelling geword het,” sê Whitehorn. “Die gids word ook van 2014 af uitgebrei na Steelpoort en Burgersfort. Die redaksiespan vaar vandeesmaand die strate in met advertensielyste - en sal dit hoog op prys stel as besighede vinnig sal reageer, sodat die boek teen einde November persklaar gemaak kan word vir die nuwe jaar.” Die gids sal oudergewoonte ook waardevolle lyste van skole, kerke, sportklubs en instansies bevat. Stuur gidsinligting en inskrywings vir die kompetisie na gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding .co.za of skakel Gerda by 079 515 7799 of ds Willie Botha van die Longtom Fotografieklub by 082 7863458 vir meer inligting. Verdienstelike inskrywings sal in die media gepubliseer word. Foto's moet nie kleiner as 1mB en nie groter as 3mB wees nie en moet ons voor 30 November 2013 bereik. Om te kyk hoe die prys lyk, besoek www.paardeplaats.co.za

Stappers verf dorp pienk S Vivia v.d. Walt, Elsabe Grobler, Bets Wilson, Esté van Niekerk.

Seremoniemeester Desirée de Swardt

aterdag 26 Oktober was 'n pienk dag in die dorp, toe Cansa Lydenburg borskanker onder inwoners se aandag gebring het. Die eerste groep pienk stappers het om 08:00 by Klingbiel weggespring en 'n halfuur later het 'n ewe pratende groep susters by Spar bygehaak. Gewapen met 'n Cansa-waterbottel en pienk bandana, is die jolige optog deur Viljoenstraat tot by die NG Suidsaal. Hier het Isobel Janse van Rensburg en haar span reggestaan met sappe en groot bederf vir alle deelnemers. Die doel van die dag was om borskanker-lyers wat die siekte oorleef het, te gedenk, 'n stywe druk te gee en sommer net te bederf. Sanger Pieter de Jager van Burgersfort en seremoniemeester Desirée de Swardt het vir die vermaak gesorg. Ses matrieks het die boeke eenkant toe geskuif en hul spoggerige matriek-afskeidsrokke kom vertoon. As deel van die bewusmakingsveldtog vir borskanker, het die gehoor 'n kits-les in bors-ondersoek ontvang. En toe is daar op goeie Lydenburgmanier saam gekuier, geëet en gesels. En jy besef eers dat daar gedeelde pyn langs jou en om jou is – wanneer jy saam met een van die talle “survivors” in die tou staan vir jou koesister en jou koppie tee.

Foto van die Maand Kompetisie Stuur inskrywings na michelleboshoff@yahoo.com Die sluitingsdatum is einde November. Jaarlikse borge: Longtom SuperSPAR, Konica Photo Express, PNA en Highlands Panorama Nuus

Die foto is geneem by Lake Panic naby Skukuza in die Kruger Nasionale Park. Dit is 'n visarend wat heerlik oor die water sweef. Deur Rauch Burger.

Pienk wegtrek trek weg by SPAR

Jayden en Damian Grobler saam met me. Marinda Grobler en me. Betsie du Plessis.

Mariana Swanepoel, Yvonne Swanepoel, Blaire Berry, Elri Janse van Rensburg, Dané Vorster en Annerien Oelofse.

Darren Coetzee took this photo in the Kruger National Park.

Chrissie de Beer, Ina Dare, Ria van der Westhuizen. Foto’s bo en onder: Hugo Bothma se foto’s uit Mosambiek.

Dié vreeslose klipspringer is naby Afsaal piekniekplek in die Kruger Park deur Annatjie P. du Toit geneem.

Tofo Mosambiek - "Locals fishing "makoros" - foto geneem deur Cindey Coetzee

Die pen is magtiger as die paal… Anoniem van Lydenburg skryf: Wie is jou vyand? was ds Antoinette se openingsvraag in 'n onlangse preek in die reeks oor stukkende menseverhoudings. “Enigiemand wat anders dink of doen as jy,” het sy en die gemeente saam besluit. Enige agent wat al 'n huis geskou het, sal weet dis moeite. Jy moet adverteer, die arme eienaars vriendelik uit hulle huis uit boelie en borde inslaan. Hoe meer weggesteek jou skou-huis is, hoe meer borde. Twee droppers per bord, 'n blou duim met elke derde bord. En na al die effort, is jy gelukkig as jy een of twee kuiergaste kry. Gewoonlik los jy die koekies wat jy nie self opgeët het nie, vir die eienaar se kindertjies. So skou ek toe in Tuscan Villa, weggesteek net anderkant die laerskool. Twee keer. Slaan die eerste keer twaalf droppers in, my linkerduim pers van die bloukolle. 'n Paar dae later, is vier droppers en een bord weg, een lê vieslik in die modder waar almal dit kan sien. Naam deur die modder gesleep. Gaan koop nog twintig droppers, verf hulle mooi groen. Be-bord die laerskool-geweste. Slaan weer dieselfde duim raak. Nooi die wêreld om te kom kuier, te midde van kompetisie met die Rooikat-fees, Cansa se borskanker-stappie en Lynette se kunsvlytmark. Kry 'n handjievol besoekers en groet my gawe verkopers skuins na drie die Saterdagmiddag. Ry Sondagoggend kerk toe en sien my eerste bord lê uitgepluk in die modder. Tussen heelwat ander borde wat bly staan het. Vertrou op die dominee om my gemoedstoestand te draai. Ry my roete na kerk. Op dieselfde prominente plek van vorige week, daar waar die tydelike eenrigting aangedui word, lê my bord weer in die modder, my rooi paaltjies weg. Dieselfde op die volgende hoek. En by vier ander punte. Die helfte van my splinternuwe groen paaltjies, is gevat. Dit het alles voor Saterdagaand se reën gebeur. Ek het duidelik 'n vyand. Een met 'n seer siel. Mag die gesteelde paaltjies, geagte Kleingeestige, jou gelukkig maak. Ek seën jou. Sê terloops dankie vir die dorp se dominees. Want as dit van my afgehang het, sou ek jou 'n spastiese derm toegewens het. Een wat jou in die nag sal laat rondrol. Van bekommernis oor wat van jou gaan word as jy die dag die spieël gaan raakkyk. PS: 'n Gesellige beloning wag op die persoon wat meer inligting het oor Kleingees se identiteit en spesifieke probleem.Wat dit so erg maak, is dat ek eintlik weet wie dit is…

CoolSculpting is a breakthrough, CE-approved and FDA-cleared and non-invasive procedure that gently and effectively reduces fat in problem areas of the body. Cool sculpting or Fat freezing or Cryolipolysis is a procedure which involves cooling fat in pockets to remove resistant fat from the body by natural methods. Cool sculpting is a safer alternative to liposuction. The goal of Cool sculpting is to remodel the shape of the body and flatten bulges of resistant fat. The concept of Cool sculpting is to freeze fat cells into crystals which causes the fat cell to die. These dead fat cells are then slowly metabolized by natural pathways of the body over a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Several days after Cool sculpting, the cooled fat cells begin a process called "apoptosis" and begin to diminish in size. These dead fat cells are slowly metabolized over several months by the body and removed through the liver. Cold Technology is highly effective and is producing consistent results for local areas of fat like the love-handles or man-boobs. Wi t h t h i s C r y o technology you will start seeing results after 4-12 weeks. For more information or Fat freeze treatments, contact Mariaan Trollip at 0832753272

Before treatment

After three months of Cool Sculpting and treatments


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THE 2014 WesBank / SAGMJ Car of the Year finalists were announced during an exciting reveal event hosted by WesBank, the competition's headline sponsor, and the SA Guild of Motoring Journalists (SAGMJ) at the Johannesburg International Motor Show. The announcement of the 2014 Car of the Year finalists follows a vote cast by a 30-member jury, elected by their peers, on the 40 Semi-finalists. The nine finalists for the 2014 WesBank / SAGMJ Car of the Year competition, South Africa's premier motoring event, are (in alphabetical order): 2013 Audi A3 Sportback 1.4T FSI Manual 2013 Jaguar F-TYPE 3.0 V6 S 2013 Lexus IS 350 F-Sport 2013 Mercedes-Benz A 45 AMG 2013 Peugeot 208 GTI 2013 Porsche Cayman S 2013 Renault Clio4 66kW Turbo Dynamique 2013 Volkswagen Golf 7 1.4 TSI 90kW Comfortline DSG 2013 Volvo V40 D3 Geartronic Excel

Serious Isuzu bakkies at the JHB Motor Show CREATIVITY is vital at any auto show - so is out-of-the-box thinking. Isuzu had plenty of both at the 2013 Jozi motor show to show off its new range of SA-built KB bakkies. The special KB bakkies were on display with various custom options in a trendy, pop-up style of launch event. The display was outdoors near the 4x4 track at Jims with a unique Isuzu container. The container can be packed and closed automatically - an indication of the smart design and engineering employed on the new Isuzu KB. The container was designed as an eco-friendly solution, selfsufficient with solar panels for power, audio-visual components and hospitality.

The next step in the process is a stringent two-day evaluation session to be held in Gauteng in January 2014. Of this evaluation, testing procedures at the worldrenowned Gerotek test facility near Pretoria remains a critical aspect and allows the Jury members to assess the cars independently under the conditions individual vehicles would be expected to perform under, with routes and modules designed to test the vehicles in a similar way the average consumer would use them. The evaluation days offer the Jury the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the vehicles and specific aspects such as aesthetics, build quality, ergonomics, fuel consumption, environmental friendliness, safety features and value for money, to name but a few. The Jury will also have access to independent performance test data, comparative pricing and specification data from RGT Smart as well as comparative parts pricing data, compiled by Malcolm Kinsey. While all of the models are deemed to represent examples of outstanding automotive engineering, there can be only one winner and, in the eyes of the COTY Jury, that model will epitomise all-round automotive excellence – the sole criterion for Car of the Year. The winner of the 2014 WesBank / SAGMJ Car the Year will be revealed at a gala banquet in February 2013. By email.

Powered by the Isuzu Off-Road Academy, various versions of the KB were available at the 4x4 track for a real off-road passenger-seat test ride which showed how capable the KB's are. Isuzu brand manager Mlungisi Nonkonyana says: “The Isuzu KB has been delivering for Isuzu customers for six generations in South Africa. The current generation is still a formidable competitor with class-leading fuel consumption and a 3.5-ton towing capability for the KB 300 D-teq. The workhorses of the range, the 2.5 low-pressure turbodiesel single-cabs, have the lowest operating costs in their class. “The KB’s performance is the culmination of state-of-the-art design and hours of durability testing and validation. The KB has been developed for the harsh and demanding conditions in Africa. It will soon be exported to left-hand drive markets in sub-Saharan Africa.” Isuzu said a personalised Vector Blue Isuzu KB 300 Double Cab LX 4x4 had a number of changes including 17” gunmetal alloy rims, satnav, gunmetal roof rails and a reversing camera. Back at the outdoor stand, four other customised bakkies were on show, each of which had a unique set of changes which contributed to their nature and design. The KB Sumo was also at the outdoor stand and reflected just how creative Isuzu engineers can get – the high-riding and fat-tyred one-off Isuzu KB literally showing off its muscles. The innovative Isuzu Trailview, which has a specialised camera to record off-road driving trails, was also present – the Trailview concept enables 4x4 enthusiasts and owners to go off-road online, previewing various trails around the country and picking up tips and tricks even before their vehicle has been started. Wheels24.co.za

Our prediction has always been very close to the eventual results. Watch the Golf 7 and the Cayman S, with the Audi Sportback a distinct possibility.

WINTER is still holding on in the Cape and the summer rain is falling in the rest of the country so, from Dunlop, here are some driving tips for when the tar gets slippery: The past few months have brought a spate of tragic collisions on South Africa's roads and, coupled with weather conditions, has jolted drivers to be more cautious when driving. Tyre manufacturer Apollo Tyres South Africa want drivers to adopt safe tyre practices and responsible driving techniques by adhering to some driving tips. Check the condition of your tyres: Complete loss of adhesion to the road’s surface can come from a combination of smooth tyres and high speed. This causes aquaplaning, with possibly tragic consequences. SA Motorsport Uber-Legend Sarel van der Merwe sitting comfortably in what he describes as, “The most exciting vehicle at the 2013 Johannesburg International Motor Show”. Displayed here for the first time anywhere in the world, the Wörthersee VW Amarok boasts a 200KW, 600NM V6 TDI motor capable of shoving this beast to 100KM/H in just 7.9 seconds. Sarel, who was a guest of honour for VW and Audi at this year's show, is closely linked with the Amarok brand through his association with the annual Spirit of Africa Off-Road competition. By email

H I E R D I E pragtige Datsun 1200 GX (1975) is onlangs deur m n r. J a m e s Raubenheimer van Klerksdorp aangeskaf. Kyk mooi na die fotos. Die motor is oorspronklik, met sy eerste stel bande en het net 8 000 km op die klok! Hy moes net die battery vervang. So pas mens ’n motor op. Reinet Bell.

Even with new or barely worn tyres, reduce your speed in the wet and increase the following distance to the vehicle ahead of you. This is particularly valid after a long dry spell when rubber crumbs, diesel fuel and oil are absorbed by the tar and will literally float to the road surface to form a slippery film before it is washed away. The dangerous practice of regrooving tyres, which consists of cutting a pattern into bald tread to extend tye life should be avoided at all costs. Regrooving the tyre has the effect of exposing the tyre casing, breakers or belts, which can cause the tyre to fail, running the high risk of a crash. The South African Road Traffic Act prohibits the use of a tyre so worn or damaged that the cord or fabric used in its construction is exposed. The Act also states that the tyre tread should be clearly visible and must be at least one-millimetre deep around the entire circumference of the tyre (some experts insist on 2mm, but that's your call!). This minimum tread depth (MTD) legislation aims to protect the motoring public and pedestrians from the dangers of badly worn, smooth or near smooth tyres, especially on a wet road. The tyre’s tread displaces water to provide the grip on the road so smooth tyres’ wet-road grip decreases dramatically as speed increases. The stopping distance required will also increase as the tread pattern wears down. At 120km/h, in wet weather, the road grip of a new tyre can drop to 80% while that of an almost smooth tyre plummets to 10%. Also, with new tyres the stopping distance at normal city speeds on a wet road is about 17m. At 3mm tread depth the distance increases to 20m and at 1.6mm, still above the current minimum tread depth, almost 32m - eight car lengths. In an effort to promote tyre safety and keep the public informed of best practice methods, ATSA has developed a series of innovative tyre care video clips aimed at promoting education and safety in a manner that can be easily understood by a diverse audience. Currently playlisted on YouTube under Dunlop Tyres SA, the vibrant and contemporary clips have an easy-going retro appeal. The clips work their way through some of the basic tyre guidelines detailing the reasons why tyres should be balanced, aligned and rotated regularly, as well as explaining tread-depth indicators, sidewall markings and the dangers of incorrect inflation. So, when travelling in South Africa this summer, especially in rain, ensure that your tyres have a safe and legal tread depth and keep a good following distance after all, it could mean the difference between life and death. Wheels24.co.za

HIERDIE week kuier ons by Longtom Nissan op Lydenburg se werkswinkel, in ons reeks oor goedgekeurde werkswinkels van ons belangrikste plaaslike motorhandelaars. Lydenburgers ry al van die dae van die Datsun SSS, Nissan Skyline en die 1400 Champ bakkie se dae af Nissans. Of jy deesdae ’n Juke, XTrail, Navara, Almera, Micra, Tiida, NP 200, NP 300 of ’n Sentra ry, hier is die mense wat jy moet ken, as dit by jou voertuig se instandhouding kom. Op die foto onder links is die vriendelike en professionele span wat jou voertuig op die pad hou. Hulle is v.l.n.r. Neels Meyer (onderdele), Tiaan Willemse (werkswinkel), Jonathan Gibbley ( m e e s t e r te g n i k u s ) , Charmaine Van Der Merwe (werkswinkel o n t v a n g s , Frederik Lee (werkswinkel bestuurder en Piet Bothma (onderdele). So, memoriseer hulle gesigte en praat gerus met hulle as jy enige probleempie met jou Nissan ondervind. Andre Coetzee.

ELEKTRIESE en selfbestuur-motortegnologie prikkel al hoe meer waagkapitaalmaatskappye se belangstelling. Doug Newcomb, ’n Amerikaanse kenner van motortegnologie, het op die CARkonferensie by Nasrec gesê hy kry al hoe meer navrae daaroor. Nuwe tegnologie vorder so vinnig dat ’n mens teen 2040 waarskynlik nie meer ’n rybewys gaan nodig hê nie, het hy gesê met verwysing na die onvermydelike koms van motors wat self sal kan bestuur. Hy het verwys na ’n studie van J.D. Power and Associates vroeër vanjaar waarin bevind is dat voertuigeienaars toenemend belang stel in tegnologie waarmee hulle hul brandstofverbruik doeltreffender kan bestuur. Hulle wil ook hê hul slimfone moet maklik met die voertuigstelsel kan integreer sonder om gemak van gebruik en funksionaliteit prys te gee. Volgens die studie is “ten volle outonome bestuur” (selfbestuur) vir die meeste mense ’n nuwe konsep en is daar groter belangstelling in semi-outonome gebruike, soos outomatiese parkering. Dit neem egter net tyd om aan nuwe tegnologie gewoond te raak en dan wil mense dit hê, sê hy. In Michigan het die National Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) in Augustus 2012 ’n jaarlange program geloods om voertuig-tot-voertuig-kommunikasie (V2V) te toets, sê hy. Die projek is intussen met ses maande verleng en sluit 3 000 voertuie in wat gewone mense bestuur. Artikel vervolg regs onder op hierdie blad..

NISSAN’s new vice president of sales and marketing, Guillaume Cartier, has confirmed to AutoExpress that the company’s new C-segment rival, due in 2014, will target the complete current range of Volkswagen Golf models, from Bluemotion to GTI. While the new hatch remains nameless for the time being, Cartier promises a diesel-engined model that will match, if not better, the recently launched (and coming to South Africa) Golf Bluemotion’s claimed 3,2 L/100 fuel consumption, as well as a Nismo-tuned performance version. Earlier this year, at the reveal of the Invitation concept (pictured) product planning chief, Andy Palmer, told journalists that the forthcoming C-segment hatch would feature a few styling cues from that concept. “The face is a little bit left field, a little bit edgy,” said Palmer. Regarding the name of the new Golf rival Palmer stated, “You will be familiar with it; it’ll evoke something from the past.” Carmag.co.za Ed: If the car stays true to the one in the picture below, it should be a good looking car as well.

Die voertuie het tegnologie soos WiFi, radar en kameras waarmee motors met mekaar kommunikeer. Die doel is om te bepaal of V2V-tegnologie ongelukke kan verhoed. Is dit wel die geval, kan dit verpligtend word dat alle nuwe voertuie, insluitende vragmotors, busse en motorfietse, daarmee toegerus word. Suid-Afrikaanse motorhandelaars wat Woensdag se konferensie bygewoon het, wou weet hoe die nuwe tegnologie hul rol gaan verander. Volgens Newcomb skep dit wrywing by Amerikaanse motorhandelaars wat net motors wil verkoop en nie al hoe meer tyd daaraan wil bestee om die tegnologie aan kopers te verduidelik nie. Handelaars soos BMW en Cadillac het tegnologie-spesialiste by handelaarsagentskappe. Hy sê alle motorvervaardigers maak goeie voertuie, en die stilering en tegnologie sal vir verkopers belangriker word. BEELD HPN RED: Ja, ons hou almal van ons klankstelsels met Bloutand, USB en iPod koppeling ens, maar ek weet nie van die res nie. Myns insiens is dit juis goed soos outomatiese parkering, PDK en CVT ratkaste ens wat van mense swak bestuurders maak. Dit gaan erger word!

THIS STUNNING house with a lovely entertainment area for friends and family includes a built-in braai, bar and a jet spa. Lounge, dining room, TV room and 4 bedrooms makes for spacious living. There are 3 bathrooms, one of which is on-suite to the large main bedroom. There is also a separate dressing room. Well-organized kitchen with lots of cupboards. The double garage and carports mean ample place for parking. PLUS a self-contained 1 bedroom FLAT with living area, bathroom and kitchen. A nice large garden adds character and style to this home. Animal friendly. Price R2 160 000 - real value for money. Don't regret, make an appointment today to view this prime property! RE/MAX Winners office:

013 235 2653, Jacques: 082 710 5603, Marietjie: 071 513 4299, Schasta: 083 693 7525, Martin: 061 019 2167

Vir top diens!!!





SPACIOUS HOME IN QUIET Modern NEWLY -BUILT open plan home! AREA 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms 5 Carports, 1 self-contained flat - bed, bath , kitchen and lounge. Workshop, Big garden. Great entertainment area. Animal friendly Bianca Coetzee : 078 235 0999 Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525

Spacious 3 bedroom home in a security complex includes 2 lounges and a study/guestroom 3 bathrooms LOADS of cupboard space. Storage area under the stairway. Braai area, 2 Fireplaces SO MANY MORE FEATURES. Call today to view this magnificent home. A MUST SEE

Marietjie Ramsey: 071 513 4299 Martin Coetzee: 061 019 2167

TE HUUR • R3 900: WOONSTEL: 1 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oop-plan, motorhuis • R4 100: WOONSTEL: 1 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oop-plan, motorhuis. • R4 400: WOONSTEL: 2 slaapkamers, badkamer, oop-plan leefarea, afdak, courtyard. • R8 800: Old Farmhouse style HOUSE, 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, 2 carports. • R7 700: 3 Slaapkamer Meenthuis. 2 Badkamers, Oop-plan leefareas, 2x m/h • R5 000: WOONSTEL: 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oop-plan • R9 300: Double-Storey Home with 3 beds, 2.5 baths and Double Garage • R8 800: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitk, eetk, 2 afdakke, Portaal, pre-paid krag • R4 000: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, openplan kitchen. Lounge. Courtyard • R8 950: 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, Sitk, eetk, oop-plan kombuis, aparte opwas, 2m/h • Kantoor spasie: 240 m2 8 kantore met baie ekstra. POR • Winkelspasie: 96 m2 winkelspasie te huur teen R3 000 per maand • Stoorkamer: 45m² Stoorkamer - veilig en sentraal R2 200 per month

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R1 290 000 3 slaapkamers, lock up and go eenheid. 2 badkamers met 2 motorhuise. Water tenk ingesluit.Lae onderhoud.

R591 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met afdak R753 000 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom full title townhouse in complex R807 000 3 bedroom, fixer upper, on a huge stand R940 000 3 Slaapkamer meenthuise met enkel motorhuise te koop vanaf bouplan

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074 589 0204 This is a real gem at Henry Smith VERKOPE R2 690 000 Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

Ona Venter : 082 898 5272

Nuwe tak vir Pam Golding Die Pam Golding-stal het 'n splinternuwe perd in Middelburg bygekry. Elisme Swart, prinsipaal van die netwerk wat die area van Belfast en Dullstroom tot Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Sabie en Graskop dek, het onlangs kantore in Witbank en nou ook in Middelburg geopen. By die bekendsteling in Middelburg se spoggerige winkelkompleks, was die Lydenburgspan se Linda Jacobs (links), dr Andrew Golding, Elisme Swart, Pieter Pieterse, Gerda Whitehorn en Ronnie Nonyane.

Deo Volente Huis van die Week: R1 506 000 - Sterkspruit Estate Woonhuis. - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise (elektriese deure). Oopplan leefarea en kombuis agent: Henry Smith 074 589 0204 / 013 235 1102 by Deo Volente, LYDENBURG of deovolprops@lantic.net


10 Tips for first time buyers BUYING your first home is both an exciting and a stressful experience. The joy of owning your own home can

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • Moderne huis in TUSCAN VILLA beskikbaar, 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, groot Oopplan Leefarea, kombuis, aparte onthaal area met ingeboude braai, pragtige tuin, dubbel motorhuis met dubbel afdak. Prepaid Krag. R8 600 p/m • Moderne dubbel volume huis in Sterkspruit Falcons, 3 Slpk, 2 Vol Badk, ruim Oopplan Leef en onthaal area met ingeboude braai, lieflike kombuis met aparte opwas, met dubbel motorhuis. Prepaid Krag. R9 500 p/m • Ruim 3 Slp, 2 Badk Woonhuis met groot Oopplan Leefarea, kombuis met aparte opwas, ingeboude braai, met dubbel motorhuis. Prepaid Krag. R9 500 p/m

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

sometimes be overshadowed by the concerns that come with acquiring the associated debt. 1. Save up for a deposit. 2. Be certain of what you can afford. 3. Get pre-qualified. 4 . S e e k professional advice 5. Shop around for your home. 6. Shop around for a bond. 7. Understand all the costs involved upfront. 8. Be aware of the hidden costs and defects of any property. 9. Repay as much as you can into your bond every month. 10. Know the difference between occupation and possession: It is not your house until the t r a n s f e r i s registered at the deeds office.

Laerskool Lydenburg se nuwe leiers

Klopkloppie pronk op planke

Van links (agter): Rikus Booyens, Tiaan Brits, Quinten de Jonge, Mariano de Villiers, Michael Grobler, Reece Heydenrych, Fritz Koch, JJ Kriek, Tiaan Niehaus, LJ Pretorius. (Links voor): Tiaan Pretorius, Duncan Troskie, Reuben van der Merwe, Gertjie van Niekerk, Joshua Wilson.

Van links (agter): Katinka de Wet, Alison du Plessis, Karlien Erasmus, Lesego Hendricks, Bianca Le Grange, Kaylee Lindeque, Aluzanne Lombard, Celaine Malan, Jané Maliepaard, Bianca Sinclair; (voor): Lize Steyn, Nadia van den Heever, Juanita van der Merwe, Clarika van Wyk, Claudia Webb.

EEN van die hoogtepunte op Klopkloppie Kleuterskool se kalender is ongetwyfeld die jaarlikse konsert. Soos elke jaar was dit ’n vreugdevolle en reuse sukses! Hierdie jaar het hulle die storie van Pinocchio opgevoer in die vorm van ’n musiekblyspel. Veels geluk aan elke kleuter, onderwyse en ouer wat dit moontlik gemaak het.

Rugby Sewes: Laerskool Lydenburg se 0/12 rugby sewes span het aan 'n toernooi gaan deelneem vanaf Vrydag 25 Oktober tot Sondag 27 Oktober te Sundown Ranch. Hulle het Vrydag twee wedstryde gespeel en Saterdag drie. Het het Vrydag die eerste rondte verloor teen Stephanus Roos en ding mee in die plaatafdeling. Hulle wen Laerskool Vastrap van Rustenburg in die plaatfinaal met `n telling van 12-5. Van links (agter): Ricardo KnotDie laeveld gholfspan: (van links, agter): Tiaan Brits, Corné Combrink, Mariano de Cairg, LJ Pretorius, Gerhard Taljaard, Mariano de Villiers, Janco Pretorius; (voor): Villiers, (voor): Mohammed Vaid, Jason Oosthuizen en Alwyn Loots. Die spelers van die Michael Grobler, Duncan Troskie, Tiaan Pretorius en Reuben van der Merwe. Laerskool Lydenburg neem op Maandag 11 November aan die Mpumalanga proewe te Secunda deel.

• • • • •

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J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323


DA VISSER PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2788 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 P E TA L S F L O R A L DECOR Affordable, for special occasions. Bekostigbaar blommedekor vir spesiale geleenthede. Tel /sms: Lyn 082 294 0846, e:mail lynscapes@gmail.com G A R D E N S E RV I C E S AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutting and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 /082 426 3144 PEST CONTROL For professional and knowledgeable pest control services to apply and treat various areas with Pesticide and Herbicide which is Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 R E M O V A L O F DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 ALLE HERSTELWERK, verfwerk, teelwerk, dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144 TREE DOCTOR: tree felling, firewood, building & installation of cupboards. 082 706 1875 NCL ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS - All electrical installations & maintenance. Pieter 071 078 9721 PALISADES, any gates, security doors, carports, any automation, any steelwork. Louis 082 746 5328


E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotogr aphy.com

REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


EK KOOP BYNA alle motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel.

3 B E D R O O M A PA R T M E N T w i t h 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg. No animals and 1 carport. from R5200. 3 BEDROOM A PA R T M E N T w i t h 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg. No animals and 1 garage from R6200. 082 460 3000 2 SLK, 1 bad, huis op Plaas, W&L ings R 4100 p/m; 2slk, 2 bad Flat, W&L ings R 4500p/m. Onmiddelik beskikbaar 084 406 5331 2 SLK WOONSTEL R4800 p/m + selfde deposito. W+l ing. Geen diere. 079 882 0736 PROPERTY TO LET – Sterkspruit. from 1 Nov. 3 bedroom double storey, double bathroom, double garage. R 7600 p/m. Call Johan 076 371 6706 to view NETJIESE RUIM bachelor woonstel. R3000 p/m krag ingesluit. 072 762 8562



CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

SHOPS TO LET Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , Lydenburg. Next to Bears. 084 467 8678


FOTOLADY - Alle geleenthede. Hilda 079 938 0729

S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

078 950 7924

TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941


013 235 1335 Viljoenstraat 89 Lydenburg

EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële g e b i e d - Ly d e n b u r g . Kontak 078 893 5416 GASTEHUIS OP PLAAS. 48km buite Lydenburg op Sekhukunepad, ± vanaf TweeRiviere Myn. Karen

I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300 CIRCLE CATERING & A C C O M M O D AT I O N offers Contractors accommodation and catering facilities in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374

KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES INDIEN die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal is nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Nissan Sentra Reg: CVS 824 MP, Toyota Hilux PKJ 822 GP Longtom Towing 013 235 4996 Indien die volgende voertuig nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. VW Golf Reg: FSG 503 MP; VW Golf CB 537504. Longtom Towing. 013 235 4996 Indie n die v olge nde voertuie nie binne 21 dae fgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Toyota Land Cruiser REG: FBJ775MP Ford Bantam REG:DZK203GP Longtom Towing 013 235 4996 I N T H E N O R T H GAUTENG HIGH COURT (HELD AT PRETORIA

Case No: LP7732/2013 In t h e m a t t e r between:TEBOGO KOMANE PLAINTIFF and BUILD IT DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN TERMS of the judgement of the North Gauteng High court, P r e t o r i a i n t h e abovementioned suite, a Public Sale in Execution will be held at Sheriff's Office Lydenburg, 80 Kantoor Straat Lydenburg on W E D N E S D AY, t h e 2 0 NOVEMBER 2013 at 10H00, on the under mentioned property which is to be sold to the highest bidder. 1 X TATA BAKKIE TERMS: 1. C a s h 2 . Movable Property will be sold “Voetstoots” DATED AT LYDENBURG ON THIS 22ND DAY OF OCTOBER 2013. Sheriff Lydenburg District PO Box 154 Lydenburg 1120 Tel: 013 235 1877 Fax: 013 235 3669 (Ref: H1308/220emer) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN LYDENBURG GEHOU TE L Y D E N B U R G S A A K N O M M E R : C01264/2013 In die saak tussen: OCEANSIDE TRD 23 BK h/a MAUCHSBERG P R O M O T I O N S EKSEKUSIESKULDEISE R en CORNE EMIL WILHELM TALJAARD ID NO: 700819 5032 087 2de E K S E K U S I E S K U L D E N A A R KENNISGEWING VAN G E R E G T E L I K E VERKOPING TEN UITVOERLEGGING van ’n Vo n n i s v a n d i e L a n d d r o s h o f , LYDENBURG gedateer 17 A p r i l 2 0 1 3 s a l ondervermelde goedere om 10h00 op 20 NOVEMBER 2013 publieke veiling te DIE BALJU KANTOOR K A N TO O R S T R A AT 8 0 LYDENBURG deur die BALJU vir die Landdroshof van LYDENBURG aan die hoogste biëer vir kontant, verkoop word naamlik: 1 x Houteetkamer tafel met 10 stoele, 1 x Houtkas, 1 x Houtkis, 1 x Hout tee trollie, 1 x Venter sleepwa Regno: FVH151MP, 1 x Honda CFRR off road motorfiets, 1 x John Deere trekker grassnyer, 1 x Sportsman 400 Polaris 4wiel motorfiets. GEDATEER te LYDENBURG op die 25ste dag van OKTOBER 2013. (GET) JJ BROEKMAN S T E E N E K A M P BROEKMAN ING P r o k u r e u r s v i r Eksekusieskuldeiser L E M E R I G E B O U KERKSTRAAT 46 P O S B U S 2 3 7 LYDENBURG, 1120 TEL: 013 235 2175/6/7 ( V E R W : M e v Weideman/IOW019)

gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgstr.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928

5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Ty e - 9 : 0 0 S o n d a e Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier

Sel: 079 490 9183 Kantoor 8 - 5nm: 071 659 4374

084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362


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•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-

IMPROVEMENTS • Thatching • Property Maintenance • Fibreglass splash pools • Kitchen Cupboards • Painting • Shade net carports • Steelwork Pieter 072 132 3241 George 073 211 4913

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Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Mirrors, Patio Doors,Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof, Outsurance & vehicle inspections Phone us for OU T a free quotation SURANCE YOU ALWAYS GET SOMETHING OUT Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 08 600 80 000 ACCREDITED DEALER Fax: 013 235 2242

Entheos Eisteddfod Results Entheos Students participated in the National Eisteddfod held earlier this year. The students did very well all round. Dade Roode, a grade six student, received silver for his Colour Photography. Cornelle Leach, a grade 8 student, received Gold for her poem, and Silver for her Short Story. Ronald MurdochOats, a grade 9 student, received a Gold in both his Basket Weaving and Poetry. Thank you to the High School Principal and staff and National Eisteddfod Academy for the opportunity to participate in this event. Photo left, back: Dade Roode, Cornelle Leach; front: Ronald Murdoch-Oats.

HOËRSKOOL LYDENBURG BESTUURDER VAN SNOEPWINKEL / TUCK SHOP MANAGER (Bedryf van Snoepwinkel te Hoërskool Lydenburg) (Management of the Tuck shop at Hoërskool Lydenburg) Verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van die Hoërskool Lydenburg Snoepwinkel met betrekking tot beplanning, koördinering, monitering en voorbereiding van voedsel Job requirements: Grade 12 diploma in food technology/ catering will be an added advantage. Knowledge: Occupational Health and Safety requirements Competancies: Sound relationship management skills, planning & co-ordinating, stock control, financial procedures & basic computer literacy. Renumeration: Monthly rental Applications: Application form obtainable from Hoërskool Lydenburg, Comprehensive CV with references Certified copies required Visiting the facility can be arranged Aansoeke aan: Die Skoolhoof, Hoërskool Lydenburg Posbus 28, Lydenburg, 1120 E-pos: hoof@lydenburghs.co.za Kontak persoon: Die Skoolhoof, Mnr. Johan Loots Kontak besonderhede: 013 235 2111 / 082 90891 Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 11 November 2013

Admin Dame Supaquick Lydenburg • Rekenaar Geletterd • Vorige ondervinding debiteure, krediteure, voorraad opnames. • Bestuurderslisensie • Doelgerig • Tweetalig Salaris onderhandelbaar. Sluitingsdatum 14 November 2013. Epos CV met afskrif van ID aan: hermana@yebo.co.za Tel: 013 235 2341/ 013 235 2365

Laramie Spur supported high school mountain bike team T

HE Hoërskool Lydenburg MTB celebrated their successful year with an end of year spare rib festival hosted by Laramie Spur. Corrie Kleyn and his team have supported the school's team with delicious and nutritious meals throughout the year. A special mention is the pasta evening the week before their trip to take part in the Spur school series National championships and the lunch boxes on the day they travelled to Magaliesberg. Thank you Corrie! Your staff have treated us like champs! It has been an exciting year, filled with races almost every month. From MTN Barberton race in January to the upcoming Alzu race to be held 9 November in Middelburg. The biggest success was competing in the Mpumalanga leg of the Spur School series,

Hervormde Kerk hou groot gholfdag DIE Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg bied hulle jaarlikse Golfdag aan op 02 November 2013 by Lydenburg Golfklub. Dis elke jaar ’n suksesvolle golfdag, waar daar uitgereik word na die gemeenskap en spelers die geleentheid kry om as 4-bal heerlik saam te speel, te kuier en nuwe vriende te maak. Enige belangstellende spelers kan vir Nico Cross (013 235 3100 / 082 470 3070) kontak, of die kerkkantoor by (013 235 3554) of vir Gerrit Smit by (082 876 8502).

where the school came 2nd and thus were able to take 14 riders to the Spur School series National championships in Magaliesberg in September. Three of the Hoërskool Lydenburg riders represented the Mpumalanga team. With one rider finishing an overall first in his category! We look forward to the 2014 season which starts mid January. So look out for us while we train during the holidays. Because there is no stopping these cycle junkies!


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