12 Desember / December 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 49

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12 Desember / December 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 49 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B 4418, Lydenburg 1120 email: info@highlandspanoramam.co.za


The Highlands Panorama News staff and our families express our deepest sympathy with the passing of former South African President Mr Nelson Mandela. He dreamed of a democratic South Africa and his legacy will always be remembered and be an example for all of us. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus personeel en ons families wil graag saam met die res van die wĂŞreld voormalige staatspresident Mnr. Nelson Mandela se heengaan betreur. Enige huldeblyk is te kort maar sy diens, vergifnis, altyd groot glimlag en simpatie sal altyd onthou word. Geen woorde sal sy groot rol in Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis tot reg laat geskiet nie. Hamba Kahle Tata Madiba.

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In eeue-oue taal. Geen liedjie roer my soos Kyk, selfs die nagtelike swye Somer Kersfees nie of gee vertel die ou verhaal. my heimwee nie. Dis net gepas om vir Suid-Afrika, as ons son-land, ’n Kersfees kom, Kersfees kom – gee aan God die eer. gepaste Afrikaanse lied te Skenk ons 'n helder plaas. As julle dit sing of Somerkersfees hoor oor die Kerstyd neem in hierdie land, o Heer. dit in en beleef elke woord. Michelle Boshoff Voel jy ook nou sy warm liefde As ons die dag gedenk, Welkom, o stille nag van Toe Hy sy Seun aan ons gegee vrede, het – onder die suiderkruis, Ons grootste kersgeskenk. wyl stemme uit die ou verlede oor sterrehemel ruis.

Christus kom, Christus kom – gee aan God die eer. Skenk ons 'n helder Kersfees kom, Kersfees kom Somerkersfees – in hierdie land, o Heer. gee aan God die eer. Skenk ons 'n helder Somerkersfees in hierdie land, o Heer.



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Hoor jy hoe sag die klokke beier


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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Geseënde Kersfees, Vrolik Kersfeest, Zalig Kersfeest en Merry Christmas. Die Franse sê Joyeux Noël, die Italianers Buano Feste Natalizi, Spanjaarde wens almal Feliz Navidad toe en die Duitsers Froehliche Weihnacht. Dis Desember in Suid-Afrika, lang somerdae, koeler nagte en verlede week het die helder volmaan geskyn net voordat die son nou weer stadigaan na ’n winterstand moet beg in teruggaan. Soos Koos du Plessis se Somerkersfees vra: Skenk ons ’n helder Somerkersfees aan hierdie land o’ Heer. Wat doen ek Kersfees? Ek sal ’n wensbeentjie trek en in die stilligheid wens dat wonderwerke in oorvloed oor die ou aarde sal neerdaal. Dat kinders nie meer mishandel sal word nie, dat bejaardes se mense hulle sal onthou, dat eensames mekaar sal vind. Dat diere liefde en genoeg kos ontvang. Dat eienaars wat hulle weggee en vergeet sal verhonger en tronkstraf ontvang. Dat ons honde vir ewig en altyd styf in ons arms sal wees. Mag niemand sonsteek opdoen nie en niemand in die braaivleisvuur aan die slaap raak nie. Want dan sal jy hoor: “Natuurlik weer gesuip as jy my vra.” Dat Kersfees meer liefde sal openbaar. Dat dit feestelik is en lekker. Dat ek ’n Midas-vinger kan kry vir ’n minuut. Dat die geldgod Mammon my los en nie na die blink en duur geskenke laat wens nie. Mag almal veilig aan al die kante uitkom, uitrus, nie meer as twee kilogram optel nie en mag niemand ’n tand tjip op tant Sara se Krismiskoek met die toegedraaide muntstukkie in nie.

Vader Kersfees moet vir ons geduld deur die skoorsteen laat sak, wysheid en insig. Saam met geloof, hoop en liefde wat onder die Kersboom wag. Miskien is Krismis nie so ’n slegte idee nie.

From the Word Luke 6:37 Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. One of the most difficult things we humans are ever called upon to do is to respond to evil with kindness, and to forgive the unforgivable. Forgive the unforgivable. Your enemy may not deserve to be forgiven for all the pain and sadness and suffering purposefully inflicted, but you deserve to be free of this evil. "Hate is like an acid. It damages the vessel in which it is stored, and destroys the vessel on which it is poured.”

NELSON Rolihlahla Mandela passed away on 5 December 2013, at the age of 95. Born from the royal AbaThembu clan of the Xhosa nation in Mvezu near Umtata on 18 July 1918, the place is not far from MacLear and the Pitsing, which was the home and farm of my grandfather Louis Coetzee. As a child I attended a rescue operation at the Tsitsa waterfall, where two young Pondo boys had drowned. Mandela also shared his birthday with my late mother Bettina Margaretha Coetzee (nee) Fourie. Mandela was given his English name Nelson, by his first English teacher, as was the custom during those colonial days. His birth name Rolihlahla incidentally meant “troublemaker”. In later years this was ironic, as he was a trouble maker, according to the National Party Government. His first wife was Evelyn Mase. Mandela hand picked an Afrikaans lady Zelda La Grange, as his secretary during his tenure as President and thereafter. Whether you call him a terrorist as some people still do, or a peacemaker as most do, Nelson Mandela certainly left his mark in the history of South Africa and indeed in the world. Walking tall in 1995 after the Rugby World Cup and proudly wearing a Springbok jersey and carrying the cup, he was a hero to many. Following 27 years of imprisonment, he was able to forgive his former jailers and succeeded in uniting all South Africans during his tenure as President of the Republic of South Africa. He was not greedy or corrupt and set the benchmark of what a leader should be. It is also ironic that those who followed him, seem hell bent on undoing his legacy and his good work. Perhaps the most respected statesman of his time, this country is now in mourning and is eagerly awaiting a visionary leader, a great orator, a peacemaker, a leader like him, to take up the baton once again. Sadly, there seems to be no one waiting in the wings. Our prayers are with his family. Hamba Kahle Tata Madiba.

Weerpatrone oor 32 jaar: BAIE lesers weet dat ek al vir sowat 35 jaar rekord hou van Lydenburg se weerstoestande. Ek het toegang tot twee elektroniese weerstasies, barometers en ander instrumente wat ek self bedryf en alle data is gerekenariseer. Na aanleiding van die swaar weer en “baie” reën, wil mense dan ook weet wat met die weer aangaan. Ek moet uit die staanspoor verduidelik dat reën veral kol-kol voorkom en dat daaglikse syfers verskil, na gelang van waar gemeet word. Al my syfers is afkomstig van die area tussen Voortrekkerstraat in die noorde, Chris Lombardstraat in die weste, Morganstraat in die ooste en die visserye in die suide, ’n gebied van sowat 2 vierkante kilometer. Wat die reën betref, is ons ten spyte van die algemene persepsie, effe onder die gemiddelde vir die tydperk Aug tot Des. Die gemiddelde syfers vanaf Januarie tot Desember oor 35 jaar verskyn eerste en die syfers vanaf Januarie tot Desember vir 2013 verskyn tweede in hakies. Alle syfers in mm. Jan 124 (176), Feb 95 (45), Mrt 70 (57), Apr 52 (102), Mei 15 (0), Jun 6 (0), Jul 5 (0), Aug 8 (5), Sept 16 (10), Okt 75 (124), Nov 136 (114) en Des 140 (87 tot op 10 Des). Die totaal vir Jan tot Des (gemiddeld) is dus 882 en die totaal (2013) is 720. Dit lyk egter of daar nog baie reën vir Desember kom.

Wat 2013 egter anders maak is die weerpatrone. Ons het tot laat in Nov en selfs in Des nog baie koue dae ondervind, met uitermatig warm dae tussenin. Bykans elke reënbui het dié jaar gepaard gegaan met erge donderstorms, rukwinde en wydverspreide hael. Die rede hiervoor is kompleks en moeilik verklaarbaar. Dat dit verband hou met klimaatsverandering en ’n algemene verwarming in ons atmosfeer is egter gewis. As ons maksimum temperature se gemiddeldes oor 35 jaar vergelyk met 2013 lyk die prent so: Gemiddeld eerste en 2013 tweede in hakies, alle syfers in grade C. Jan 33 (37), Feb 32 (30), Mrt 30 (33), Apr 29 (31), Mei 26 (26), Jun 24 (24) Jul 24 (24), Aug 27 (22), Sept 31 (33), Okt 31 (32), Nov 32 (34) en Des 32 (30). Daarinteen was minimum temperature oor die algemeen effe laer in 2013, as oor die gemiddelde 35 jaar. Dit beteken dus in effek dat die gaping tussen minimum en maksimum temperature groter word, wat deels die geweld van die storms verklaar. Wêreldwyd dui groterwordende dag / nag temperatuurverskille ook op onder andere laer reênval en lewer dit ook ’n bydrae tot woestynvorming. So, oor die algemeen is ons wat reên, temperature en daaglikse lugdruk lesings betref, nie te vêr van die gemiddeldes af nie, maar die klein en subtiele veranderinge wat wel plaasvind, lei tot meer en sterker storms. Andre Coetzee.

Januarie / January 2013 • Die eerste koerant van die jaar het afgeskop met die Hoërskool Lydenburg se top matrieks. Annemie van Rooyen het sewe A's en Stephan van der Walt ses A's verwerf. • Dirty tap water is a huge concern. The whole of December 2012’s water wasn't fit for drinking as residents stood queue upon queue for water. • A gruesome murder took place in Belfast. Mr and Mrs van Heerden, an elderly couple was murdered. The killers put their bodies in a deep freeze. The suspect was caught in Lydenburg. • A Cape Vulture was found near Ohrigstad Dam. After Sterkspruit Vet Clinic did an autopsy it was discovered that the vulture ingested old battery plates. They

probably fed on a cow who previously ate it. • 'n Man is by Lelievlei gearresteer weens beweerde seksuele aanranding. Hy het in 'n woonwa gebly wat aan Lelievlei behoort. • ’n Vol rivier en hoë reënval het kommer laat ontstaan dat die Sterkpsruit en Dorpsriviere weer sal oorvloei. • Bad Service delivery from Thaba Chweu Municipality had everyone up in arms. • ’n Fonds is gestig vir me. Betsie van Aswegen vir 'n nuwe kunsbeen nadat die Highlands Panorama Nuus daaroor berig gedoen het. Xstrata Lydenburg Works donated uniforms to orphans and vulnerable children from local schools.

12 Desember / December 2013

Februarie / February 2013: • Four prisoners escaped from the Pilgrims Rest police cells. • Rusoord het begin sloop en bou aan die nuwe Wooneenhede langsaan die oord en teen November het die nuwe inwoners ingetrek. • Ten suspects were arrested for theft of copper cables. • Sewerage and waste at the stop street to Mashishing has been a concern for years and it yet again made the news in February. The problem is still not fixed. • Three of six suspects were caught red handed breaking into a bank in Lydenburg. The getaway vehicles were a Toyota and a TATA bakkie. They

managed to escape. • The green scorpions were asked to investigate the Thaba Chweu's water system. Afriforum said that this kind of pollution is a criminal offence. • Samancor ECM sponsored cricket gear for Itirele Primary School as part of their community work. • St John's Anglican Church opened their new hall and celebrated their 140th birthday in 2013. • The local schools excelled in sport and athletics. • Mines celebrated World Aids Day with the rest of the world. March / Maart 2013: • A rare leopard was killed by a vehicle on the Roossenekal Road. • The country celebrated Shavathon and Lydenburg did not miss this chance to support Cansa. • Conservation is a big undertaking in this area. Neels Botha removed a Rock Python from a farm near Roossenekal that was badly dehydrated. It was released into its natural habitat after intensive treatment. • Wildcat strikes at mines in Limpopo and Mpumalanga erupted and caused huge

Die landdroshuis, Bührmann en Langestraat, in Lydenburg was vir jare die spil waarom beskawing gedraai het. Van die oudste straatplanne van Lydenburg is in mnr. Hans Meyer se besit en van die erwe word reeds in 1856 aangedui. Die ou huis (bo in foto) is ook aangedui. Geskiedenisboeke dui daarop dat die huis aan Jacob de Clercq Jnr. (De Cercq straat) behoort het. Cornelius Potgieter het na De Clercq in 1860 landros geword en dit is nie duidelik of albei die huis bewoon het nie. Na sy dood is hy deur Arnold Jansen opgevolg. Jansen was 'n Hollander en is later met me. Anna Malan getroud. Daar word vermoed dat die huidige huise in Bührmann en Langestraat tussen 1930 en 1952 opgerig is. (Bron Lydenburg 1850-1950 Eeufeesgedenkboek en ou berigte).

disruption. Over 4000 workers downed tools • Die VLU Strelitziatak het die streek se konferensie aangebied en honderde dames spog met hul talente. • Daar word bekend gemaak dat die Panorama Mall se planne op 19 Maart ingedien is en dis net 'n kwessie van tyd voor al die grootnaam winkels in Lydenburg is (oor 'n jaar of twee). • Twee kinders verdrink tragies in Lydenburg op 20 Maart in 'n swemgat langs die Rooikat R u g b y k l u b . Ly d e n b u r g s e jongmense word gewaarsku om op veilige plekke te swem hierdie vakansie en onthou dat die strome baie sterk is met kolkgate. • Op Ouwerf word daar fees gehou soos net boeremense kan by Pieter Krugel se plaas. • South Africa's Platinum and gold production is threatened by electricity shortages, said to be the worst in five years. Everyone felt it during the winter and the mining community was seriously affected. • Thaba Chweu workers were on strike, apparently due to alleged corruption and slow service delivery.

April 2013: • “Blank disregard of what the country should stand for made the headlines on the first front page of April. And a thank you to workers that were able to provide services while everyone else were striking. • The Methodist Church celebrated its 100th birthday. • Die nuwe aftree oord in Lydenburg, Bishops Retirement Village is goed op dreef en die ontwikkelaars het hierdie jaar hard gewerk om die bal aan die rol te kry hiervoor. • Nog 'n moord het plaasgevind in Belfast. Mnr. Gerhard Walkinshaw is in die gesig geskiet. Me. Tina Walkinshaw is ook aangerand. Die egpaar het hul lewe lank in Belfast gebly. • In die briewekolom maan lesers dat almal nie te negatief

oor die dorp moet raak nie. Om die moraal hoog te hou gaan ons verder bring. • Police clamp down on liquor and drug crimes. Two men were arrested for possession of drugs in Kantoor Street Lydenburg. • En Ouma Kelly van die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes word 'n 103 jaar oud. Mei / May 2013: • Die Lydenburg en Burgersfort pad se padwerke (R37) veroorsaak baie ongelukke en verkeeropeenshopings. • Well-known fy fishing legend passed away in Dullstroom. Mr Yousuf Ebrahim (Joe) Vaid, proprietor of the Blue Shop. He was a fly-fishing expert and flyfishermen from around the world knew him. The family business started in 1916 and was called E. M. Vaid & Co. • 'n Pasiënt van die Lydenburg Hospitaal is dood. Me. Salomie van Wyk se familie het eers 12 ure na haar dood daarvan uitgevind. • A cancer survivor from Burgersfort was treated to new hair extensions at Keith Hair and Beauty Salon. • An R8.8 million rand centre was opened in Mashishing by GlenoreXstrata, the Thusong Centre. • The Tubatse Crossing Mall opens to everyone's huge delight in Burgersfort. • Barko Developments maak slaggate reg in Potgieterstraat en baie besighede doen dieselfde uit hul eie sakke.

Junie / June 2013: • Lydenburg se mense is gatvol vir die Thaba Chweu se gesukkel en 350 sakemense het antwoorde gesoek oor die swak diens en krag wat heeltyd af is. Hulle het die raadsaal binne gestorm. Dit het gekom nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat TCM Eskom R115 miljoen skuld. • Jeanette Kruger-Hibbens en Hester van Zijl gaan neem deel aan die Mrs World International Pageant. Mar-Louise Fouche van Lydenburg het die Best Child Model of the World gewen in Varna Albena in Bulgarye Europa. • In nog 'n massavergadering in die stadsaal: Die dorp soek weer antwoorde hoekom krag dae lank af was. Die kragkrisis brei uit.

Julie / July 2013: • Thaba Chweu came prepared on Tuesday 2 July 2013 with answers. This was after residents stormed into a council meeting to demand answers. • Die soveelste brand buite Lelievlei het die huisies bedreig en die inwoners moes self die vlamme doodslaan. • Police caught the attackers of a 54 year old Somerset farmer in Machadadorp. This gang of seven suspects tried to commit a house robbery in Machadodorp and fled via the N4 to Nelspruit. They were positively linked to the attack in Somerset and appeared in the Belfast Magistrate Court. • Die hele gemeenskap het wyle oud President Nelson Mandela se verjaardag gevier in Julie. Sy nagedagtenis sal behoue bly.

October / Oktober 2013: • The provincial government stepped in to help TCM with the administration of its finances. The premiers' office uncovered that the municipality was using its infrastructure grant to pay the salaries of employees. • The Highlands Panorama News celebrated its 10th birthday. What an achievement as an independent newspaper. Clients and readers supported us yet again to make this birthday issue a real treasure.

Exciting new Chef operating at De Ark Guesthouse! Terence Roberts is a true hospitality professional with almost 30 years of top class experience gained at fine international establishments covering four continents. Having started from a small restaurant in Cape Town and graduating to grand Wine Estates and Fine Dining Venues, Terence landed up cooking and serving famous celebrities, royal families and VIP families from London to New Yo r k , B a r b a d o s , I r e l a n d , Scandinavia, the Mediterranean and South East Asia. Some of his finest and most exciting experiences were with his time as personal butler and private chef for Andrew Lloyd Webber and his family at their many households based in beautiful homes all over the world. He is a classically trained chef who loves calling himself the homely cook. Expect to be delighted with traditional favourites given a whimsical twist that is never pretentious. He loves his guests to kick back and relax or dress up to impress according to the occasion and their personal preferences. From perfectly cooked and beautifully presented classics like Fillet of Beef and succulent Steaks to the local specialities like fresh Trout

Terence Roberts

and “Braaivleis”, he adapts his recipes and flair to suit every taste and every occasion. After many visits and research trips, he found a match for his particular brand of entertaining and hospitality in the classic elegance and excellent reputation of De Ark Guesthouse and its patron, local style guru and hostess extraordinaire, Francis le Roux. Terence and Francis invite you to experience their combined skills and benefit from their dedication and love for their profession. Whether it is an intimate dinner for two or a large function, formal or casual, the De Ark Restaurant, Pub, Tea Garden and fabulous Roof Top Venue invite your patronage with a promise of service excellence.

Augustus / August 2013: • Die Wildevy 4x4 dag vind by PLM Boederye plaas en 4x4-geesdriftiges is in hul element. • A Court Interdict was imposed by Afriforum on Thaba Chweu to stop the fixed charge for electricity imposed on business purchasing their electricity on the prepaid basis. • Welbekende dame van Lydenburg me. Lettie Baragwanath vier haar 95ste verjaardag. • Human cruelty almost kills an eagle. A brown Snake Eagle was shot in its wing. Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic and veterinarian Dr Chester-Brown worked tirelessly to ensure its recuperation. • A fatal accident claimed the life of Franco van Eck on the Dwarsrivier Pass. He was on his way to the mine when his car collided with an ore carrier. Apparently the ore carrier overtook another truck in the pass on their way to Lydenburg. • Megan Maré gaan volgende jaar graad een toe en het vier titels in Amerika gewen by die World Performing Arts Championships.

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KIA Motors, Burgersfort, Main Road, Tel: 013 231 8430

• 'n Dooie luislang is in Lydenburg gevind. Mnr. Frik Rousseau, Direkteur van LAPSAR, het op almal 'n beroep gedoen om geen slange dood te maak nie. September 2013: • Die Burgemeester Rdl Michael Ncongwane het aan die Ama Wheelies staptog deelgeneem in 'n rolstoel. Dit het sy steun gewys vir gestremdes in die dorp. Onthou om in hierdie Desember en Januarie 2014 vakansie met sitplekgordels te ry. Ama Wheelies het reeds in September gemaan hulle soek nie 'nuwe lede nie'. • There is still huge speculation whether Eskom will continue with their threat to cut off the town's electricity and irrate residents frustrations can be seen in the Letters to the Editor. • Die Turn to God dinee en Turn-2-God dag by Paardeplaats vol lofsang en gebede vind plaas en honderde mense trek saam vir hierdie groot geloofsfees.

November 2013: • An IDP meeting between the Thaba Chweu Municipality and Wards 12 and 14. Mr Nkosi shared his vision to fix water leaks, the sewerage system, electricity supply and revenue generation. • Nog 'n luislang is in die veld gevind. Die slang is van die dood gered, sy vel was heeltemal los en heeltemal gedehidreer. • Wegholdbrande in Mosterthoek, buite Lydenburg, het amper verskeie plase afgebrand. Mosterthoek CD7 eto CD14 het vir bykans drie dae vuur geslaan.



*Voorwaardes geld. Aanbod geldig tot 31 Desember 2013 of terwyl handelaarsvoorraad hou.

VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Sales: Hein Viljoen: 083 408 0397, Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035, Laydos Mashego: 073 203 2992, Raymond Mmola: 076 745 0842

PARTS: Choert Maartens - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Helena / Albert - 013 235 2141

Hyundai Lydenburg

The History and Background of the Lydenburg Museum In the 1930's the enthusiastic members of the “Lydenburg se Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniging” started collecting with the aim to start a museum. The drive came from Mr Lehman and a history teacher, Mr Vlotman. They received some valuable objects that had belonged to the State President of the ZAR, S.W. Burger, from his widow, Mrs. A Burger. The first formal museum committee was founded in November 1961, the chairman being Mr. Nic Schoeman. Although they did collect a few valuable items, the committee ended their work by the end of 1964. As soon as the Transvaal Museum Service came into existence in 1971, the Lydenburg Town Council applied for affiliation. On the 15th of November 1972 their request was accepted and the three themes of cultural history, archaeology and the Pedi were assigned to the museum. The old council hall, next to the library was to be used as a museum. The exhibition cases were designed by Udo Küsel and were completed in 1975. The first permanent curator was appointed on the first of August 1977. As the collection at that time consisted of merely 400 objects, the curator, Mrs. Etta Judson, immediately started collecting and planning an exhibition for the completed cases. The planning of the exhibition was completed in 1978 with the assistance of Mr Johan Erasmus of Museum Services. The exhibition was opened on the first of May 1979 by Mr. D.S. van der Merwe Brink. A new building was planned by Mr Erich Jessnitz of Museum Services, to be built in the Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve. Construction started in 1983. The new building was built in stages and completed in 1990. The new exhibition, planned by third curator, Mrs. Alta Kriel, and Museum Services, was completed on 28 November 1991. The exhibition was installed in three stages – the first of which in December 1990, coinciding with the moving of the museum curator's office to the new building. The museum complex has an auditorium, with room for 46 people. A tearoom is also included in the building. Two large store rooms and a workroom, apart from walk-in safe, houses the collection currently not on exhibition. As already mentioned, the museum is situated in the Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve. The reserve has hiking and MTB trails. The museum is situated on the road to Sabie – the Long Tom Pass – and is on the main tourist route to the Lowveld and the Kruger National Park. Marketing has included the presenting of a Valentines Dance at the museum, to welcome the locals to their new museum, in 1991. A poster competition was held on International Museum n Day. The museum acquired a website in 2 0 0 6 (www.lydenburgmus eum.org.za). Radio interviews in 2006 and television documentaries about the museum and its exhibits were aired during 2008 on Pasella and again the following year on the Tr a v e l C h a n n e l . School groups are given a tour of the museum and are then either taken to the old Voortrekker School and Church or to Archaeological remains inside the Nature Reserve by the curator on request.

Mashishing There are many explanations for how the name Mashishing came into being. Below are some explanations which I believe may hold some truth. According to historic accounts the original community (BaPedi) resided at Boomplaats. After the land was sold to private people the original residents moved away and settled at the banks of the Marambane River. The name Marambane was derived from the word mahambane meaning to walk. This word was used to describe the gold prospectors (1871), Abomahambane, who scoured the hills and valleys around Lydenburg in search of gold. It was here that Mashishing was established. At first it was agreed that the area be named Marangrang (after a Pedi chief and businessman) but it was later decided to name it Mashishing, after the tall grass of the area. This reference to grass also made in another probable explanation for the origin of Mashishing. The BaPedi settled here with their cattle mainly because this area had excellent grazing for cattle. Therefore the place was referred to as Leshishi – good grass or grazing. Leshishi became Mashishing.

Kerkstraat, Lydenburg, Tel: 013 235 1962 082 444 7975 079 875 0852

Desember / December 2013 • TCM is besig om hul skuld aan Eskom af te betaal. Die hele provinsie se skuld beloop bykans R1.4 biljoen. • Groot vloede het amper Mashishing laat wegspoel met volgehoue reën. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus het ook foto's geplaas van hoe inwoners se huise kniehoogte vol water is. • A man, Mr Ivan Schutte (75) was attacked on his farm Langdraai, Badfontein, Lydenburg. The suspects stole money and firearms. He was tied up with an electrical cord and kicked several times. • Nikita Paulik wen Miss Teen Queen World SA 2014 en neem volgende jaar oorsee deel. • 'n Groot 12m reliëfstuk gaan vakansiegangers en toeriste begroet in Ohrigstad, wat die ontstaan van die dorp uitbeeld. Dit is deur kunstenaar Pieter Krugel uit sement gemaak. • Thaba Chweu Municipality authorized a joy ride to the Idols that cost R24 000. But the acting municipal manager, Mr. Godfrey Nkosi said it was Toeriste by Ohrigstad het hul verkyk aan die pragtige reliëfstuk wat mnr. Pieter Krügel in opdrag van mnr. Arno Strydom (eienaar van die Oasis Besigheidskompleks in Ohrigstad) gemaak het. Dit is heeltemal uit sement uitgebou en daarna geskilder. Dit is 12m lank en sowat 2.5m hoog. Dit het meer as twee maande geduur om hierdie pragtige werk te voltooi. Dit reliëfwerk beeld die stigting van Ohrigstad uit en die rustige toneel spreek boekdele van die Voortrekkers se lewe. Toeriste het gereeld stilgestaan en kyk hoe hy werk by Oasis en was baie beïndruk daardeur. Hulle was vol komplimente. Pieter is tans besig om die by die ingang van die Voortrekker Begraafplaas ook ’n reliëfwerk te maak en van die oorspronklike Voortrekkergrafte word ook gerestoureer vir bewaring. Verskeie boere en besigheidsmense het die werk by die Begraafplaas gefinansier. Hierdie werke is betyds vir die 16de Desember se Geloftefeesvieringe. ~ Michelle Boshoff

unauthorized. A local artist of Graskop, Breden Ledwaba, was one of the finalists.


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10 Huise in aanbou teen uiters bekostigbare prys te koop. Nuutgebou. Erfgrootte: 531m², huisoppervlakte184m². Goeie afwerking. Ruim gesinshuis met 3 slk, 2 badk, groot komb, spens. Dubbelm/h met ingeboude braai, oopplan met ruim sit- en eetkamer. Kontak Lydenburg Eiendomme 013 235 1986 vir enige navrae

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Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.

TE HUUR: • 5 Slk luukse woning - R10 000/ mnd • 2x3 Slk netjiese w/stel, 2 vol badk, 2 mot - R7 500 / mnd • 2 x 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim sitk/komb, tvk - R7 500 / mnd • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim huis, erf R8 500 / mnd

Kantore oorkant Longtom Spar Te Huur: Klein paradys: P.O.A Pragtige 5 slk huis te koop met 3½ badk, moderne komb met eetk, sitk, studeerk, tvk. Spens, aparte opwask en wassery. Tuin, besproeiing, buitetoilet. Dubbelmotorhuis hoog genoeg vir karavaan om in te staan. Baie goeie sekuriteit, 1 slk w/stel met komb, badk, vrugteboorde en groente tuin. Ideaal vir verdere ontwikkeling.

TE KOOP: • 4 Slk won met 3 badk, ruim sitk, eetk, komb, plus 2 slk w/stel en 3 wendy’s wat gebruik kan word vir behuising, afdakke, alarm, palesades - R1,8 milj. • Unieke 3 slk won op groot erf, pragtige oopplan komb/eetk, sitk, studeerk, woonarea wat uitloop op swembad plus 2 slk w/stel, gimnasium, binne en buite braai, sterk boorgat - P.O.A • 5 Ha plot met nuutgeboude woning plus bachelor w/stel. Boorgat, kampe - R1,6 milj. • 3 Slk, 2 badk, ruim sitk, eetk, tvk, komb, groot erf, wask, mot lapa - R890 000 • 1 x 4.8 Ha - R580 000 • 1 x 5 Ha plot - R680 000 • 900m² erf - R370 000


Hierdie pragtige nuwe 3 slaapkamer leefwoning beskik oor 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise, alarmstelsel, groot oopplan leefvertrekke en nog vele meer. Die erf grootte is 752m². Nog foto's kan gesien word op Huizemark se webwerf www.huizemark.com en die internet verwysingsnommer is 101478162. Die prys is slegs R1,350 000.00 en 'n ware winskopie. Skakel Emsie by 083 753 3019 of besoek Huizemark by Viljoen straat 89, Lydenburg.

·Verskeie erwe beskikbaar in The Heads & Sterkspruit Ontwikkeling 500 m² - 770m² vanaf R240 000 ·Koop vanaf Bouplan en spaar op oordrag kostes ·2748 m² erf reeds gesoneer na Res 2, goedgekeurde planne vir 8 eenhede POA ·Nuutgeboude huise vanaf R1 280 000

Nuwe Ontwikkeling: Fase 1 : 16 Eenhede beskikbaar.

Our offices will be closing on the 20th of December and opening on the 6th of January 2014.

Kantore beskikbaar vanaf R1368 – Veilig, modern en sentraal geleë. 3 Slp woonstel op 1ste vloer R5500 3 Slp dupleks woonstel R5500 3 Slp meenthuis R7000 2 Slp meenthuis R7000 Kiosk spasie beskikbaar in kantoor blok

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 3 slpk 2 badk duplex met oopplan leefarea - kombuis en eetkamer. Enkel motorhuis en enkel afdak. R6900p/m • Moderne 3 slpk & 2 badk woonhuis in Sterkspruit met ruim oopplan leef area, onthaalarea met ingeboude braai, dubbel motorhuis en eie erf. R9500 p/m • Ruim 2 slpk 2 badk meenthuis met oopplan kombuis en eetkamer met aparte sitkamer wat uitloop op oop patio. Dubbel motorhuis en groot erf. R 7 100 p/m • 3 slpk 2 dadk huis met ruim oopplan leefarea. Dubbel motorhuis en groot erf. R7600 p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net


• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint

12 December / Desember 2013

Geloftefeeste vir 16 Desember

Elandsfontein Geloftefees VRYDAG: 13 DESEMBER 2013 Laertrek gedurende dag en aand. Saamkuier om die kampvuur, bring musiekinstrumente saam SATERDAG 14 DESEMBER 2013 10:00 Boeresport vir jonk en oud ook die kleuters. Robert Stolz en Hendrik Pretorius. Sakresies, eiergooi, toutrek skyfskiet vir trofee, jukskei, bokdrolspoeg en nog vele meer vir trofees, paintball sal ook weer aangebied word. 12:30 Middagete en ontspanning 14:00 Perdesport TROFEES OP SPEL. Kontak Willie en Tersia van der Merwe (083 630 3532) Perdesport gaan voort en daar word lekker gekuier om die vure. 16:30 Braaivleisvure gereed, braaipakkies sal te koop aangebied word, bykosse, pap en sous sal gratis voorsien word. 18:30 Gelofte lanterentjies sal aangesteek en die lug ingestuur word. Te koop deur die dag by die kassiere LANTERNBEKRUIP vir oud en jonk. 19:00 Talentkompetisie en verskeidenheidkonsert. Oud en jonk kan deelneem. Kontak Willie van der Merwe en Hendrik Pretorius. Berei asb iets voor, groepgewys asook enkelinge, sang, voordrag, musiek, toneel ens. Gee asb u naam en item vir een van die kommiteelede vir voorbereiding van program. Pryse op die spel vir beste item. Bring asb musiekinstrumente saam vir samesang om braaivleisvuur. 22:00 Kragopwekker word gedoof. SONDAG 15 DESEMBER 2013 10:00 Erediens - Ds Attie van Niekerk. Kollekte sal opgeneem word. Rustige ontspanning deur die dag 19:00 Gesamenlike boekevat en samesang MAADAG 16 DESEMBER 2013 03:45 SALUUTSKOTE. Wat 'n belewenis! - Hendrik Pretorius 06:00 Vroeë biduur en samesang - Hendrik Pretorius 07:30 Opsaal van perde - Kommandant Robert Stolz 08:30 Perdekommando vertrek 09:00 Perdekommando ontmoet Prediker en spreker Verwelkoming en vlaghysing Tee breek 10:00 GELOFTEDIENS - Ds Attie van Niekerk (Uitkomst) Deurkollekte sal opgeneem word. Trofee uitdeling na diens. Tee breek 11:30 Feesrede - Mnr Hendrik Pretorius (Machadodorp) Kindergeloftefeesprogram in kindertent onder leiding van Amanda Sinden in samewerking met Marlene Louw 13:00 Gesamentlike middagete. Bring u eie piekniekmandjie, braaipakke sal te koop aangebied word, vure, pap, sous en bykosse sal gratis voorsien word. NAVRAE EN BESPREKINGS Izak Davies: 013 256 9108 / 083 701 2243 Delene du Plooy: 013 256 9103 / 084 301 2114 Corrie Stoltz: 013 256 9252 / 073 228 2132 Robert Stolz: 017 843 3039 / 082 925 3636

Watervalsrivier - Geloftesfees 1838-2013, 175 Jaar Program Vrydag 13 Januarie: 9:00 Laertrek onder leiding van Frans Winterbach (Kampkommandant). 18:00 DVD (gratis springmielies en koeldrank), 19:00 Saambraai kole word voorsien. Saterdag 14 Januarie: 08:00 DVD, 10:00 Boeresport, 14:00 Watersport en waatlemoene, 18:00 Boeredans (potjiekos te koop teen R20) Sondag 15 Januarie: 09:00 Kerkdiens, 10:30 Vertrek na waterval en ontbyt, bring eie benodighede, 18:00 opvoering , R10 ingang. 19:00 saambraai (pap/sous/ en kole word voorsien). Maandag 16 Desember 04:00 Saluutskote onder leiding van Frans Winterbach, stiptelik. 08:00 DVD 09:00 Erediens gelei deur ds. Riaan Botha. 11:30 Algemene vergadering 13:00 Saam eet onder boom (bring eie vleisgereg, bykos en poeding) 19:00 saambraai (pap, sous en kole word voorsien). Dinsdag 17 Desember laer breek af en ontruiming. Kontakpersone Willie Potgieter (voorsitter) 082 829 7053, Frans Winterbach (kampkommandant) 082 499 8481.

• Die kommando vertrek op 15 Desember vanuit Lydenburg na die kampterrein by Klipspruit Skool (Kort diens by Lydenburg Rusoord voor die vertrek om 11:00). Diegene wat wil deelneem met perde ens. vra vir me. Van der Merwe vir meer inligting. Gedenkdiens by Klipspruit Skool te Badfontein buite Lydenburg. 09:00 op 16 Desember en seremoniële optrede deur perde waarna diens sal vervolg. Me. Hannie van der Merwe: 013 235 4337. • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. 09:00. 013 235 2468. • Steenkampsberg Boeresaal, Naaupoort. 10:00, Dirk Grobler: 013 235 4163 of 083 357 6832. • NG Kerk Ohrigstad, Kranslegging 08:00 en Erediens 09:00. Magda Pienaar: 013 238 0280. Die Ohrigstad Geloftefees sal begin met ’n Kranslegging by die Begraafplaas en daarna sal almal vir ’n erediens vertrek na die Potgietersaal. • Geloftesaal te Watervalsrivier 09:00. Martonette 082 312 4039.

Sonja Boshoff gaan parlement toe THABA Chweu Hoofsweep en DA Veldtogbestuurder Sonja Boshoff, is pas aangewys as lid van die Nasionale Raad Van Provinsies (NRP). ’n Boorling van Natal, het Hildegard Sonja Boshoff (nee Engelbrecht) haar in 1979 op Lydenburg gevestig. Sy is getroud met die bekende oud onderwyser Jaap Boshoff en die egpaar het ’n seun Jason (23). Sy is in Maart 2013 aangewys as Assistent Politike Hoof vir die DA in die distrikte Bosbokrand, Umjindi (Barberton) en Nkomazi (laeveld). Op Provinsiale vlak is sy die Adjunk Provinsiale Hoof. Haar verkiesing as lid van die NRP is ’n groot eer vir haar, die DA en Lydenburg. Sy gaan Parlement toe! Sonja beplan om aan te bly in Lydenburg en sal pendel tussen Lydenburg en die stad. Ons wens haar geluk met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie en wens haar alles van die beste toe. Andre Coetzee

Geseënde Kersfees vanaf Rusoord Rusoordbestuur skryf: Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning deur die jaar. ’n Geseënde Kersfees en Nuwe Jaar vir almal.

A Condolence Book can be signed at the Thaba Chweu Municipality Offices. Everyone may write a message following the death of former President Mr Nelson Mandela.

In Memorium Mrs Lettie Baragwanath (95) died peacefully on Tuesday 11 December. A memorial service will be held in Johannesburg. Antoinette, Jenny and Larna, their children with clearly miss their loving compassionate, enthusiastic mum and granny. Baie dankie aan Rusoord waar sy baie gelukkig gewoon het asook ander liewe vriende wat haar lewe verryk het.

Huldeblyk aan oud Pres. Nelson Mandela Bel asseblief vir Gerda Chester van die dierebeskerming wat die hond gevind het in Lydenburg. Kyk na jul diere. Dis skryend hoe mense hul diere laat wegraak. Skakel Gerda: 082 041 6165

Dr. Pieter Mulder leier van die VF+ skryf: Een persoon, op die regte plek, op die regte tyd en met die regte aanslag kan 'n reuse verskil maak. Nelson Mandela was so 'n persoon. Hy het hierdie stelling as korrek bewys. Hy het nie net 'n invloed op Suid Afrika nie, maar op die hele wereld gehad.

BNI skenking vir Zonicka

Congratulations to Sonja Boshoff Frik Rousseau FF+ Leader Thaba Chweu and National FF+ Council I have known Sonja Boshoff for 25 years and on behalf of the FF+ we would like to congratulate her for being elected to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). Sonja and my friendship let me think of my father Pierre Rousseau and his best friend Richard Harrington. I was born in Groblersdal in 1959. My father Pierre Rousseau was the chairperson of the National Party in Groblersdal. My father was co- owner of Groblersdal Motors that sold Ford cars. His best friend Richard was chairperson of the “Verenigde Party” (Sappe) and was the owner of Harrington Motors in Groblersdal that sold Chevs. In spite of the fact that they were direct opponents in politics and business no one in Groblersdal could understand how they could be such good friends. Read the book “Nasionale Party van Transvaal Kiesafdeling Groblersdal Halfeeufees gedenkalbum 1914 tot 1964”. In spite of our political differences Sonja has never ended our

friendship. Council meetings are cruel and on occasion personal attacks are made. In Pretoria, Councillors call each other dogs (read Beeld 4 December 2013). Sonja has never attacked me personally. When municipal meetings were held in Sabie and Graskop she always suggested that we travel together. Three months ago at an IEC meeting she noticed that my surname was spelt incorrectly and brought it under the attention of the chairperson. When I cannot attend a meeting or a private function and I am being discussed in a negative manner, she will always come up for me. That is true friendship. I am not surprised that she has been elected to the National Council of Provinces as she is a person that thinks on her feet.

Die Foto van Jaar kompetisie en die Hondekompetisie se wenners sal in Januarie in die koerant verskyn maar ons sal hulle intussen verwittig.

TYDENS BNI se weeklikse vergadering op Woensdag 4 Desember, het die Longtomtak van BNI hulle jaar se werksaamhede afgesluit. Tydens die geleentheid het die President van BNI Longtom, mnr Jurie Schoeman en die sekretaresse / tesourier, Me Hester Van Helsdingen, namens BNI ’n donasie aan mnr en mev Willie en Mariska Nel oorhandig, vir die behandeling van hulle dogter Zonicka se oog. Lesers sal onthou dat Zonicka haar oog verloor het na ’n ongeluk met ’n verfbal geweer. Haar behandeling kos ’n astronomiese bedrag geld. Langs hierdie weg het BNI ook sy leuse van “Givers Gain” gestand gedoen, deur terug te ploeg in Lydenburg. BNI se lede wens die Nel gesin alle sterkte toe vir die toekoms en hulle wil ook aan al Lydenburg se besighede ’n geseënde Kersseisoen en voorspoedige nuwe jaar toewens. Vir dié van u wat meer wil weet oor BNI, of wil aansluit, woon gerus hulle eerste vergadering van 2014 by wat DV sal plaasvind op 8 Januarie om 07:30 by Oom Andries se koffiewinkel in die swembadsentrum langs Spur. Andre Coetzee.

12 Desember / 12 December 2013



Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment 072 203 1614 DIENSTE/ SERVICES

DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

P E R M A N E N T MAKEUP nails & lash extensions. 082 650 4987

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075


A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. J.C’S TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026 D A V I S S E R PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2788 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532

S K O O N M A A K VA N M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r. P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521 JOVEL AUTOMATION Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales and Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Doors, Electric Fencing, Batteries, Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374



E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 DRY WOOD for sale. R300 per bakkie load. 082 786 3319


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour Rowena 083 326 0941 GROOMING SERVICE - dogs. 082 650 4987/ 084 245 9905 EIENDOM VERKOPE/ PROPERTY SALES

ALLE VERVOER 078 284 5174/ 013 235 4717


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


C R E AT I V E N A I L S Karmien 082 887 5886

EK KOOP BYNA alle motors, bakkies, combi’s & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120 / Aflam

K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416

WINKEL / shop, Kantoor Street. 083 449 3603 3 SLK HUIS te huur. R6800. 079 624 9486 5 SLK HUIS, swembad. R9000. 082 555 3817/ 072 255 2944 HUGE KITCHEN, 4 bedroom, 2 bathjroom, 3 living rooms, yard, carports. Approx. 33km outside Lydenburg. R7000 pm, deposit R7000. Excl Electricity. Marina 082 410 6921 T E H U U R LY D E N B U R G 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, met 2 woonstelle. R10 000pm 082 455 5893 3 SLK WOONSTEL, 2 badk. R4500; 1 enkel woonstel R2500. 072 762 8562 1 SLK WOONSTEL Lydenburg, W+L ing, onmiddelik beskikbaar. R2800 pm. 082 346 4177/ 082 582 7100


Koop ’n erf met ’n boupakket en spaar!

Cell: 083 288 6834

L O S I E S LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 CONTRACTORS accommodation R30 per person. 082 786 3319 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION

Verkope & Verhuring Tel: 013 235 1986

CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/ 081 086 3961


FLATS TO RENT 1 bedroom, Lydenburg from R3200; 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms and garage in secure complex, Lydenburg from R6000. Contact 082 460 3000

FOTOLADY Alle geleenthede. Hilda 079 938 0729

NCL ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS - All electrical installations & maintenance. Pieter 071 078 9721


L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

I E T S I E A L L E S PHOTOGRAPHY alle geleenthede. Kontak Riana 074 589 2841


VIPER ELECTRONICS Installation, repairs, DSTV complete, gate motors, alarms, CCTV cameras. 076 095 1013


TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephoto graphy.com


TUINDIENSTE / vullisverwydering • Plaagbeheer • Alle herstelwerk & staalwerk • Skoonmaak dienste • Chemikalieë & toiletpapier. Kontak Adriaan 082 488 0181 of Zuleka 082 426 3144

I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

meenthuis. Efrgroote 342m², huisoppervlak 150m², 2 Slk, 2 badk, studeerk, ruim sitk oopplan met mooi komb, baie ingeboude kaste, motorhuis. R735 000. Lydenburg Eiendomme 013 235 1986

www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41

BAIE GOEIE KOOP! Voltitel semi-siersteen

I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes C o e t z e r s t s , Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor

Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, e r e d i e n s 11 : 0 0 . Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multinational, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope, The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.

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Atheletes, learners doing individual sports and sports teams excelled this year, so the Latin words Citius, Altius Fortius is a fitting motto for their 2013 achievements. We mentioned but a few achievements in this updates but it was an excellent year for sport in 2013. • Die Rooikatrugby het verskeie kere geseëvier deur die jaar. • Die Nkomazi 400 veldren het in April groot skares getrek en ander veldrenne en het motorsportliefhebbers gaande gehad. • Drie sportmanne van Lydenburg het weer aan die Ysterman deelgeneem in Port Elizabeth. • Kwagga (Albertus Stephanus) Smit het in Julie vir die junior bokke gespeel en is 'n oud leerder van die Hoërskool Lydenburg. • Champion Stallion MH Ahson was crowned SA Supreme National Champion Stallion at the SA Arabian Nationals. He went to train at the Sandro Pinah International Training Centre in Scottsdale, Arizona. The stallion is from Aucamp Arabian Stud from the farm Natalshoop outside Lydenburg. • Coromandel Primary School was crowned McDonalds Under 14 School Champions for the Mpumalanga region in August. • Die Laerskool Lydenburg se eerste gholfspan het vanaf 9 tot 10 Augustus aan die Ernie Els Laerskole Gholftoernooi deelgeneem en eerste geïndig. • In September het Tanya du Preez en Monise Odendaal aan die Body Fitness gaan deelneem en Mpumalanga verteenwoordig. Dis 'n liggaamsboukompetisie. • Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir bejaardes wen die Poppie Marx Sportdag in

Nelspruit midde September. • Brendan Swanevelder (16) en Klaas-Johan (17) het onlangs onderskeidelik die eerste en derde plekke in die 200-klas tydens Rudamans Series Chamiopnships verwerf. • Rina van Heerden het twee silwer medaljes in Brazil gewen by die Meesters Wêreld Atletiekkampioenskappe. • En die Hoërskool Lydenburg se fietsryspan het by die Alzu Fietsren weer die beste span trofee gewen. • Willie Smit het die Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge gewen. Hierdie is 'n man met diep wortels in Lydenburg en is tans 'n student aan die Universiteit van Pretoria.

NOTICE LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD ACT 4 OF 1996, AS AMENDED APPLICATION FOR A SITE OPERATOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that: 1) Kgaphola Malohle Patrick being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Monareng Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is situated at Farm Doornfeld, Mphanama no 781, Sekhukhune. 2) Mphogo Samson Mokgoga being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as The Black False Tavern. The applicant business situated at Stand no 87 Gowe Village Driekop Praktiseer Intends submitting an application to the Limpopo Gambling Board on 13th December 2013 for a Site Operator License. The application will be open to the public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa from 07 January 2014. The purpose of the application is to obtain a License to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises in the Province of Limpopo. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Board Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Office of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, or Private bag X 9520, 0700, within 30 days from 07 January 2014.


Do not be a parasite. Do not live off the blood of other residents. Please pay your rates, taxes and electricity. It’s the right thing to do. P.O.Box 61 Lydenburg 1120

Mr. N.G.R. Nkosi Acting Municipal Manager

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