23 Januarie / January 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 03

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23 Januarie / January 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 03 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za


Raphael Lattanzio, a 10 year old boy, took this fun photo in the main street of Lydenburg in front of the Post Office. He was very quick with his phone to take a photo of these boys in action last week. Although it is illegal to lift like this, it must have been great fun for those on the bike. The obvious question is... isn’t this a good way to save petrol in Africa?

h u g e sentence was handed down at the Lydenburg Magistrate Court on 14 January. According to the SAPS Detective Constable V. E. Mgwambi who investigated the case successfully, Regionald Motlene Phala (26) was found guilty on all the charges against him. He received life imprisonment on m u r d e r, l i f e imprisonment on rape and 15 years imprisonment on robbery. The SAPS said this shows that there are always consequences for criminal actions. After a lengthy investigation of three years, the constable managed to bring this case to fruition. This is a clear message to criminals that ‘Crime does not pay’. ~ Michelle Boshoff


he South African National Parks (SANParks) today announced ongoing concern over water pollution threats from the Bosveld Phosphate operation near Phalaborwa. Unauthorized discharge of polluted water from the fertilizer production plant into the Selati River between 30 December 2013 and 5 January 2014 resulted in immediate acute toxicity evidenced resulting in a massive fish kill. The Department of Water Affairs, Department of Environmental Affairs and South African National Parks are continuing to cooperate closely on both the operational responses and the investigation associated with this incident. Senior representatives from the Department of Water Affairs' the Department of Environmental Affairs' Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CME) Directorates and South African National Parks met with the Board of Directors of Bosveld Phosphate last week. A number of immediate response actions are being developed and technical task teams have now been established to deal with both short term and longer-term threats and risks. On Thursday morning a new spillage was observed by SANParks personnel which drained into the Selati River. This was also revealed to the Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi, MP, who then accompanied SANParks and DWA CME officials to the spill site on Thursday afternoon. Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi expressed concern and commitment to ensuring that the matter received high priority attention. Relatively stable weather has been predicted for the next 2 weeks by the SA Weather Services. This will enable the implementation of the immediate response measures by Bosveld Phosphate to alleviate the

Hierdie ‘kieterkat’ is sonder huis nadat mense voor die Wimpy in hul kar geklim, die kat met sy drasak buite gesit en weggery het. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff


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threat of further spillages. SANParks is however concerned that industry is not adapting fast enough to climate variability in their risk management approaches and that further incidents of this nature may become more frequent. Reacting to the new developments Dr. Stefanie Freitag-Ronaldson said that sincere commitment needs to be shown by Bosveld Phosphate to address the new spillage and its effects as well as to ensure that no further spillages occur. “Real urgency is required from Bosveld Phosphate's Board and management and the team needs to move fast to avoid a catastrophic ecological disaster” said Freitag-Ronaldson. The Olifants River is an important river for the economies of South Africa and Mozambique and as a result is highly pressurised. It is also a very important component of the ecosystem of the Kruger National Park. In recent years this river has shown signs of chronic ecological degradation including the disease and death of top aquatic predators such as crocodiles. Three tourist camps in the Kruger National Park, usually supplied with water from the Olifants River, continue to be supplied by safe potable water from nearby boreholes. A detailed monitoring programme has been implemented by SANParks to evaluate the short, medium and long term impact of these spillages on the aquatic ecosystem.

The world's largest platinum miners are bracing for the most severe labour turmoil since 44 people died during a strike at Lonmin in August 2012. About 70,000 members of the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union plan to walk out over pay on January 23 at mines in South Africa's platinum belt run by Anglo American Platinum, Impala Platinum and Lonmin. The area accounts for about 70 percent of global output of the precious metal, whose price advanced to the highest level in more than two months today amid concern a strike will hobble supplies. The deadly clash 17 months ago at Lonmin's Marikana mine came after workers declared “Enough is enough,” AMCU President Joseph Mathunjwa said last week as he addressed thousands of his members. “We also want the wealth, we want to support and raise our children.” Speaking at the Wonderkop stadium about 100 kilometres (62 miles) northwest of Johannesburg and near where police killed 34 Marikana workers in a single day on August 16, 2012, Mathunjwa told members: “We are here reminding the employer that their blood was not shed for nothing.” Producers have been preparing for months for a strike, building up weeks of supplies of the metal to ship to customers if their shafts are halted. While the AMCU has spent the past days renewing a mandate from members before their end-of-year break for a paralysing strike, the companies have said they are open to last-minute talks to try and avert a walkout. Strike Vote Thousands of AMCU members at Anglo American Platinum, or Amplats, yesterday voted in a show of hands at a mass meeting near the town of Rustenburg to go on strike. The union will serve strike notices at Johannesburg-based Amplats, the world's biggest producer, Impala and Lonmin today, Mathunjwa said. The AMCU is also calling its members at South African gold mines out on strike this week over pay. The AMCU emerged as an alternative force among South African mineworkers during a strike at Impala in early 2012, growing to displace the National Union of Mineworkers as the largest among platinum employees. Staging a walkout at mines now gives the union an opportunity to assert its authority as it seeks to fend off competition for numbers from the rival NUM and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa. “AMCU needs to take bold action to consolidate its power in the platinum belt,” Mark Rosenberg, an Africa analyst at New Yorkbased Eurasia Group, said in e-mailed comments yesterday. “As we anticipated, the timing was not right before the holidays, but now it is do-or-die time for union leadership, particularly with the prospect of further competition for members from NUMSA.” Pay Offers Mathunjwa's union is demanding that the basic monthly pay for some workers be more than doubled to 12,500 rand ($1,149). The lowest-paid underground workers currently get about 5,500 rand, excluding some benefits. Amplats, where the AMCU represents 60 percent of workers, Impala and Lonmin have made wage-increase offers of as much as 8.5 percent of basic pay, 3.2 percentage points more than the inflation rate of 5.3 percent in Africa's largest economy. All three companies have in the last 15 months either turned to investors for funds, set plans to shut mines or cut output. Platinum producers are scaling back on capital spending as they confront a slump in the price of platinum, which is down 17 percent from its highest point in 2013. The three were disrupted by strikes that lasted six weeks or longer in 2012, collectively losing in excess of 480,000 ounces of production. Difficult Position

“All of them are in a very difficult position cost wise,” Neill Young, an analyst at Cape Town-based Coronation Asset Management, said by phone on January 15. “They need to control the cost base and they need to take a firm stand on the wage bill, which is 50 percent, 60 percent of their businesses.” The spot price of platinum, used in jewellry and catalytic converters that reduce harmful emissions from passenger cars, has climbed 6.5 percent since December 31. It rose as much as 0.5 percent to $1,461.75 an ounce today, the highest level since November 7, and traded at $1,460 at 7:23 a.m. in Singapore. Northam Platinum Ltd., a smaller producer, late last week settled with the NUM for wage increases of up to 9.5 percent in addition to a continuing monthly bonus of 125 rand to end a strike that lasted more than two months. The company offered an 8 percent increase for the lowest paid workers before the strike began on November 2. Bar Set The AMCU won't want to settle for a smaller increase at the big three producers than the deal achieved by the rival NUM, said Hanre Rossouw, head of commodities for frontier and emerging markets at Investec Asset Management, which owns Amplats, Impala and Lonmin shares. “The bar is set at double-digit levels,” Rossouw said from Cape Town on January 17. “AMCU is not going to settle for less than that. It sets the scene for a big stand-off.” Even so, platinum producers are “much better prepared” than in previous years, he said. “There's better coordination between the chief executives and the companies have been building stockpiles.” Amplats intends to meet the AMCU for further talks, Mpumi Sithole, a spokeswoman for the Anglo American Plc unit, said by phone on January 17. “It's within AMCU's right to call a strike, but we hope they first give us opportunity to negotiate further,” Johan Theron, a spokesman for Johannesburg-based Impala. Source Internet.

A huge blood bath awaited the SAPS and emergency workers in Lydenburg. An armed robbery took place in the early hours of Monday morning (approximately at 02:00). Four robbers broke into the house of a well-known family near Westvaal Motors. One of the victims, a woman, was shot in the leg. The first suspect was found next to a bed, shot dead, he had an overall and ski mask on. Two handguns were found on his body. The second suspect were found two houses down in the drive way with a gunshot in his side. The suspect did not survive. The SAPS Lydenburg confirmed that two suspects were at large after the shooting. They strongly suspect that the suspects are from Limpopo and were (Tuesday) on a manhunt for them. Apparently the family was asleep when the suspects broke into their house. A witness at the scene said that there was a lot of blood and that this terrorizing of Lydenburg should stop. Captain M. A. Mashabela, c o m m u n i c a t i o n o ff i c e r o f t h e Lydenburg SAPS, said that this should be a warning to criminals who want to harm victims. It will not be tolerated.

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Vreemde honde (honde-eienaars) Mnr. Johan van Heerden, Sterkspruit Lydenburg, skryf: Moet my nie aansien as 'n brompot nie, maar die situasie is besig om handuit te ruk. Tussen my en my buurman het ons die afgelope twee jaar 28 skape verloor as gevolg van vreemde honde. Net die afgelope vyf weke is daar reeds ses van my skape verskeur. Ek het die tyd afgestaan om na my bure toe te ry om hulle te vra om hulle honde op hulle perseel te hou. Dit is 'n voldwonge feit dat as 'n hond eers eenkeer 'n skaap verskeur, hy dit weer sal doen. Dit laat my geen keuse om die dier van kant te maak indien ek hom op my grond kry nie. Ek wil dit baie duidelik stel dat dit absoluut teen my grein is om dit te doen aangesien ek 'n diereliefhebber is en goeie kwalifikasies het om honde af te rig en dissipline te leer. So ver dit my aangaan het sekere honde-eienaars meer afrigting nodig as die honde. Reël nommer een: moenie dat jou hond 'n oorlas is vir ander mense nie. Hou hom tuis!

Dankie na Geloftefees by Klipspruitskool Me. Hannie van der Merwe van Lydenburg skryf: Graag wil ons baie dankie sê aan ons donateurs St Pie, Afgri, Derick en Johan, ons waardering vir jul bydraes. Ook dan aan die perdekommando. Julle verleen soveel luister aan die geleentheid. Dankie aan proponent Danie Potgieter wat die diens by Rusoord waargeneem het sowel as die diens by Klipspruitskool. Ons het groot waardering daarvoor. Ons is dankbaar vir die skoolterrein se gebruik. Sonder die teenwoordigheid van die feesgangers sou die verrigtinge nie geslaag het nie. Dankie aan die voorsitter mnr. Gerrie van der Merwe en die komitee vir hul teenwoordigheid en reëlings. Dankie vir hul harde werk. Namens die Badfontein Geloftefeeskomitee.

Diefstal, sesde keer in drie maande Mnr. Johan van Heerden, Sterkspruit Lydenburg skryf: Die aand van 11 Januarie omstreeks 22:15 het ek en 'n vriend van ’n vergadering in Waterval Boven af tuisgekom. Ek so pas die mees afskuwelikste pad in my 64jarige bestaan gery. Nadat my vriende my afgelaai het, het my kleinseun kom sê dat die skape uit die kamp, wat met ’n slot toegesluit word, gekom het. By nadere ondersoek het ek vasgestel dat die drade geknip is. Ek vermoed dat ek en my vriend se aankoms die skelms gesteur het. Ons het toe die skape na ’n ander kraal geneem en die hek met ’n tou vasgemaak. Hierdie kraal word beskerm deur ’n alarmstelstel. Ons was skaars twintig minute in die bed toe die alarm afgaan. Ek het gaan kyk en gevind dat die tou losgemaak is. Die hek was oop en die skape weer uit. Nadat ons hulle weer teruggejaag het, het dieselfde na ongeveer ’n halfuur gebeur. Ons het hulle weer teruggejaag en die tou deeglik vasgeknoop. Na ’n tyd het die alarms weereens afgegaan en die slag was die tou sommer afgesny! Deur al hierdie drama was Sun Security twee keer hier om ons te ondersteun. Alhoewel ons elke keer die omgewing met ses sterk flitse gefynkam het, het ons niks

gevind nie. Dit was vir my onrusbarend dat al die mense wat by my huur in die vyf huise, wat baie naby die kraal is, op die aand tuis was en dit nie die skelm verhoed het om herhaaldelik te probeer om skape te steel nie. Ek vermoed dat die astrante skelms gevaarlik en gewapen was. Ek het toe besluit om die SAPD se hulp in te roep met die hoop dat hulle ’n opgeleide hond kon bring om die skelm uit te snuffel. Die persoon of persone moes iewers naby weggekruip het aangesien hy/ hulle presies geweet het wanneer ek in die huis ingaan en wanneer ek uitkom. Ek het hierdie keer die Lydenburg polisiekantoor geskakel, maar niemand het geantwoord nie. Daarna het ek die noodnommer 10111 gebel. ’n Dame het geantwoord en my versoek om Engels te praat. Gelukkig is ek tweetalig en het die hele situasie in Engels aan haar verduidelik. Sy het my naam, telefoonnommer en adres gevra en belowe dat hulle “will look into the situation.” Tot en met die skrywe van hierdie brief Maandag 13 Januarie om 11:00 was daar nog geen reaksie van die SAPD nie. Sê my net wie moet ’n mens bel om jou in nood by te staan. Ek wil dus hierdie persoon/ persone waarsku dat aangesien ek nie op die SAPD kan staatmaak nie, ek verplig is om my eiendom self te beskerm en dat ek dit met brute krag sal doen op enige wyse wat ook al nodig is.

Prediker 7: 5: Dit is beter om te luister na die bestraffing van ’n wyse as dat ’n mens luister na die lied van die dwase. Hemelse Vader, gee dat ons sal luister na u wette en dat ons daarvolgens sal leef - Amen.

SO, met verkiesings op hande, begin die politieke beloftes, bekgevegte, afkrakery, stryery en onderlinge vyandskap alweer. Soos gebruiklik deel die ANC hulle geel of groen T-hempies en kospakkies uit. Hulle beloof miljoene werkgeleenthede, bou weer ’n slag ’n paar HOP huisies sonder plafonne, wat na 3 maande so kraak dat die deure nie meer wil toegaan nie en

Dit proe sommer op die tong ’n Wysneus... nee! ’n Fundi... nee! Pedanties... nee! Maar lief... ja! Lief vir my taal en nie bang om dit te praat nie. Engels glip wel in, meer as gereeld. Maar as ek die dag lus is, kan ek nog goeie Afrikaans praat. ’n Debat, wat amper ontaard het in ’n bekgeveg was oor die vakansietyd vir my baie interessant. Die vriend het my gemaan... onthou, Afrikaans is irrelevant in vandag se lewe. Alles ver-Engels. Hoe kan ’n taal irrelevant wees as jy dit self praat” Plaas dat hy Frans ingooi en touché sê begin die debat toe. Ek gooi so paar idiome na Hoorhierso-lesers hierdie week, net omdat dit so lekker proe op die tong... en gebruik tog ons irrelevante taal lekker. (Al vermoed ek irrelevant is ’n anglisisme, jammer). Lekker idiome is balke toe! Sy is ’n afgelekte meisie. (Sy het al baie kêrels gehad.) Dis laaste sien van die blikkantien (van iemand spesifiek). Ander idiome wat sommer lekker proe: 'n Pot vol goud. Platsak wees. Geld wat stom is maak reg wat krom is. Geld wat sleg is maak krom wat reg is. Geld groei nie op my rug nie. Op die koop toe. Geld groei nie aan bome nie. Geld in die water gooi. Vir kwaadgeld rondloop. Hy staan of hy geld in die bank het. Hy maak of hy geld in die bank het. Dit kos 'n plaas se geld. Dit is te dik vir 'n Daalder. Met iets te koop loop. Ryk gesaai bankrot ge-oes. As armoede by die voordeur inkom gaan liefde by die agterdeur uit. Vir geen geld ter wêreld nie. So arm soos 'n kerkmuis. Moenie al jou geld op een perd sit nie. Twee mossies vir 'n stuiwer. 'n Stuiwer in die armbeurs gooi. 'n Duit in die armbeurs gooi. Kop bo water hou. Geld wat geel is maak reg wat skeel is. Tyd is geld. Hy is 'n geldwolf. Gierigheid is die wortel van alle kwaad. Vir dertig stukke silwer. Agter geld soos die duiwel agter 'n siel aan. Die geld brand in sy sak. Die goudpot aan die einde van die reënboog. Dis nie alle goud wat blink nie. Hy is 'n ongeslypte diamant. Sy is 'n diamant in my kroon. Moenie jou pêrels voor die swyne werp nie. Die sout van die aarde. ? Man saai nie koring in ’n varkhok nie.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

dreig hulle bygelowige en swak geletterde onderdane wat nie wil stem nie en gatvol is vir hulle korrupsie. Die DA beloof skoon regering, deel blou T-hempies en kospakkies uit en toi-toi in solidariteit met protesoptogte om tog ’n paar ekstra stemme te wen. Die EFF wil die blankes verdryf, alles nasionaliseer en deel maroen barette uit. Die VF+ sê nie veel nie. Cope struggle. Die ACDP is teen aborsie en staan Christelike waardes voor en hierdie Goddelose volk steur hulle nie daaraan nie. Stoere Boere weier om enigsinds te

stem, want hulle sien hulle nie as deel van hierdie spektakel nie. Ai, hoe klaaglik is die politieke situasie in ons land nie! Nee wat, speel jou kaarte reg. Woon elke saamtrek by. As jy slim is, sal jy met ’n klerekas vol rooi, swart, blou, geel en groen T-hemde en ’n paar rooi barette ens, kan sit, na die sirkus. Jy kan selfs ’n kospakkie of twee score! So, maak jou reg vir slaggate wat herstel word, petrol wat net voor die verkiesing goedkoper word en allerhande dinge wat nou skielik gaan “gebeur”. Alles deel van verkiesingsbelogtes. So, moenie op jou agterent sit en weier om te stem nie. Gaan stem na jy al die klere bymekaar gemaak het. Stem net reg(s).

Graskop, nie die pannekoek-en-waterval dorp nie, maar in vervloÍ dae Hierdie jaar is Graskop 100 jaar oud. Die meeste mense ken hierdie dorp as die plek met lekker pannekoek en die pragtige watervalle. Die Mpumalanga Historiese Vereeniging het hierdie prag-foto in hul nuusbrief geplaas. Dit is vermoedelik in die 1930’s geneem, en van die ysterstrukture op die foto is nog steeds in die dorp merkbaar.


aar het berigte ingestroom koerant toe hierdie afgelope Maandag dat baie lodges, vakansie-oorde en ander kuierplekke ’n besoek van die SAP gehad het die afgelope naweek. Party van die plekke is naby Burgersfort/ Steelpoort en dit is duidelik dat die polisie nie kortpad gekies het om die kriminele uit die snuffel nie. Alhoewel daar na bewering drank gekonfiskeer is by plekke wat wel lisensies het, kon hulle nie bewys daarvan lewer nie. Daar is glo een plek wat ’n dwelmnes is op die Burgersfort/ Steelpoortpad. En ’n persoon wat anoniem wil bly het bevestig dat die polisie nog nie ’n duik in

die dwelmprobleem daar gemaak het nie. Die persoon het dit baie duidelik gemaak dat dwelms ’n groter probleem is in die omgewing as wat mense besef. Die polisie het ook beslag gelê op drank by onwettige tavernes wat weer die volgende dag op ’n ander plek opslaan. Daar is ook boetes aan tavernes uitgereik, omdat hulle nie aan die voorwaardes van hulle lisensies voldoen het nie. Die eienaars het ook toegelaat dat drank op onwettige wyse verbruik word sonder die toesig van 'n bestuurder. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Van die wenners is al Desember 2013 afgeneem en pryse oorhandig, maar Januarie haal my in en die min hande op die nuusfront sal maak dit ons dit volgende week plaas - Michelle Boshoff

e d n o H n e ie s t e p m o k o t o F n a v s r e n n e W in k e e w e d n e lg o v kompetsie is ranenrsto.f the 2013 Photo of tnhde Month die kohe e win est Frie T the My B d n a week. t n x io e it n t r e e p p m a o C e in the p b l il w n io it t Compe

Stand van sake in suiwelbedryf A fellow road user from Lydenburg writes: We have all seen these amusing and to a large extent true comparisons between makes and models of vehicle and the type of person who drive them. Yes, I am one of those quasi conservative, graying middle aged characters with nothing left to prove that drive a white TOYOTA Corolla 2 liter D4D. I recall that in one of these comparisons, a BMW driver was referred to as a “Windgat Vark”. True in the extreme! Not to mention the “snotkop laaities” in their VW Golfs and Opel Corsa Lites! Then along came that glorified TOYOTA Hi Lux bakkie. The Fortuner SUV of the “Forchooner” as I have often heard it referred to. Now, I do realize that one should not generalize however “by and large” the people who drive these vehicles are arrogant pigs. I feel qualified to comment on this phenomenon due to the fact that I encounter them daily on my way to and from work, this being on the R577, the route to Sekhukhune and the mines. It would appear that they, who own and drive them, think they have “arrived” along with the Hi Lux 4x4 Double Cab and to a slightly lesser extent the Nissan Navara Brigade. But the Fortuner still “takes the cake”

The women, (NO! they are not Ladies), in town that perambulate themselves around in these things are just such an arrogant, self opinionated lot. They swan around our streets with their noses so up in the air that they don't disregard road signs, - they plain do not see them, so blindly wrapped up are they in their vaunted chariots and new found status. Now, I have spent a fair amount of deliberation in attempting to psychoanalyze these pathetic human beings. The conclusion being as follows: In most cases they fit into the junior to middle management category. Most them having “Gewone Mense Backgrounds” and who are, on the whole very impressionable and easily impressed and have become totally obsessed by their noveau riche status and material possessions. The Prado, FJ Cruiser and Landcruiser LX and VX are out of their reach. BUT! The “FORCHOONER” is affordable and gives them this sense of superiority which makes them what they are. There you have it!! Disclaimer: The Highlands Panorama News does not take responsibility for views from readers. And remember everyone has the right to an opinion. Ed.

nie en die situasie hier is besig om die toekoms van die hele bedryf in gedrang te bring.” Wêreldvooruitsigte lewendig In teenstelling met die swak vooruitsigte plaaslik, lyk internasionale vooruitsigte goed met produkpryse op rekordvlakke, stygende internasionale vraag, en stygende DIE Melkprodusente-organisasie (MPO) is bekommerd oor die toekoms van die primêre suiwelbedryf. “Oor die afgelope vyf jaar het melkprodusente deurlopend onder ongunstige marktoestande gebuk gegaan weens druk op roumelkpryse en stygende insetkoste. Produsentepryse bly onwinsgewend ondanks rekordvlakke van invoerpariteit sedert die tweede kwartaal van 2013,” sê MPO-voorsitter, Tom Turner. Hy sê voorts: “In teenstelling met die plaaslike scenario beleef melkprodusente in ander dele van die wêreld 'n bloeitydperk. Dit is omdat internasionale markte reageer het op toenemende druk op melkplase en sodoende verseker het dat melkboerdery volhoubaar bly. Ongelukkig is dit nie die geval in Suid-Afrika

produsentepryse in die belangrikste melkproduksie gebiede soos Nieu-Seeland, Australië en Europa. Internasionale produsentepryse was gemiddeld 44% hoër in Oktober 2013 vergeleke met dieselfde tyd in 2012. Teen die einde van verlede jaar het Fonterra 'n verwagte uitkering van NS$8,30 per kilogram vaste stowwe uitbetaal. Dit is gelyk aan R5,03 per liter omgereken vir SuidAfrikaanse toestande. Volgens kenners is daar geen teken dat produkpryse na die vorige laer vlakke sal terugkeer nie. Die toekoms van die suiwelbedryf is in die weegskaal en vereis verhogings in produsentepryse om te verseker dat daar genoeg rou melk is om aan die vraag te voldoen."

Michelle Boshoff DIE trouklokke het gelui en daar is tot laatnag balke toe geskreeu met die lekker onthaal by die Landbousaal in Lydenburg. Op 23 Maart 1968 het drie egpare ewig trou gesweer aan mekaar by die Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg. En daarom het mnr. Venter Desember 2013 gebel nadat hy die berig in die Highlands Panorama Nuus gesien het van die trippel Soos net ’n bruid kan lyk, sprankelend maar drie keer so mooi is me. troue. Hester van Wyk (nee Venter), Elena Venter (nee Venter) en Deonie Ons het gewonder of daar nog so 'n Venter (nee Burger). troue in die dorp was.

Die Lydenburg Nuus (vermoedelik) het in 1968 berig van die gebeurtenis. Me. Elena Venter, 'n verpleegster van die Lydenburg Hospitaal het met 'n stoker op die S. A. Spoorweë getrou, mnr. Danie Venter. Mnr. Ben Venter wat by die munisipaliteit gewerk het, is met me. Gideonie Burger getroud van die prokureursfirma Nel & Potgieter. Danie is Hester se broer. Me. Hester Venter, werksaam by die Boekwinkel, is getroud met mnr. Oubaas van Wyk, ook 'n

46 jaar later is troue weer in die nuus

Van links na regs mnr. Oubaas en me. Hester van Wyk; mnr. Danie en me. Elena Venter; en mnr. Ben en me. Deonie Venter).

stoker. Ds. Van der Walt van die Gereformeerde Kerk het die diens in die Hervormde Kerk waargeneem. En die susters van die Gereformeerde Kerk het die spyseniering gedoen. Bekende oud-onderwyser mnr. Daan Faasen was die seremoniemeester. Die bruide Deonie en Elena het eenderse rokke gedra wat uit Pretoria gehuur is, Deonie s’n het 'n hoepel gehad. Op die onthaal het Ria Hoffman die paartjies toegesing en mnr. Gysie Meyer se orkes het opgetree. 48 jaar later is die storie nog meer spesiaal.

Van bo links ’n ou koerantberig. Die datum is ongelukkig afgesny en dit moes seker die Lydenburg nuus gewees het. Die drie egpare sny die koek. Die drie bruide se pa’s bring hulle in die Hervormde Kerk in. Kyk die wonderlike ou motors in die agtergrond.

Morné en Lourinda Nel, Ben en Hannelie Prinsloo en Vivaldi en Letitia Vrey saam met hul trougeselskap soos dit in die Highlands Panorama Nuus van 5 Desember 2013 geplubliseer was.

CMR wil regtig 'n beroep doen op die boere in ons Lydenburg gemeenskap ten opsigte van enige skenkings van vars groente en/of vrugte vir ons kospakkies vir hulpbehoewendes. Op die statium is enige vars groente en/of vrugte 'n skaarste en het ons regtig 'n nood om te poog om vir ons "kospakkies" so iets van die aard in te sit. Enige iets is welkom en kan afgelewer word te Burgerstraat 15, Lydenburg.

Boere help as Kontak CMR om vars produkte en kos te b.

voorsien vir kospakkies asb. Tel. 013 235 2407. Daar is ’n groot behoefte.

Back to school at Entheos

Prag-kalender vir die dorp Dringende Kalendervergadering Maandag 27 Januarie Lydenburg se eie Longtom- kalender, is op pad drukkers toe. Hierdie Sakekalender, wat van 1 Maart 2014 tot 1 Maart 2015 gaan strek, gaan die dorp se belangrikste gebeure bevat. Om aan instansies wat nie verlede jaar se vergadering kon bywoon nie 'n laaste kans te gee, word almal genooi om op Maandag 27 Januarie oor etenstyd (van 13:00 tot 14:00) 'n vergadering by die Oom Andries-koffiewinkel in die Spur-sentrum by te woon. Besighede wat hul logo's op die kalender wil laat druk, of van die pragstukke wil bestel, kan ook kom inloer. Vir meer inligting, skakel met Gerda Whitehorn by gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za of 079 515 7799, of met dr Anthony Davis by Sterkspruit Dierekliniek of anthonydavis@telkomsa.net. 'n Voorbeeld van die Longtom-kalender sal beskikbaar wees en belangstellendes sal bestellings kan plaas.

Sakegids – sperdatum nou 28 Januarie Lydenburg/Mashishing – my wêreld. Dit is die tema van die Sakekamer se voorblad-kompetisie wat verleng is na 28 Januarie. “Ons soek nog na die regte voorbladfoto vir die jaarlikse Sakegids,” sê redakteur Gerda Whitehorn. “Die boodskap wat die foto moet uitstraal, moet wees dat ons in 'n lieflike area bly, maar dat mense hier lewe en werk. Dit moet iets wys van 'n lewendige industrie in 'n dorp wat groei. Belangstellende fotograwe kan gerus nog foto's instuur na gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za. Die wenfoto sal vir die fotograaf 'n kwartblad-advertensie in die gids en 'n naweek by Paardeplaats Nature Retreat verdien. Daar is ook nog tyd vir besighede wat in die Sakegids wil adverteer. Skakel met Gerda by 079 515 7799.

Entheos Christian school is proud to welcome our new Grade 1 students as well as our returning Grade 0 who have been promoted to Grade 1. We pray that you will enjoy an exciting school career with us. Photo Above: Ma'am Equaline Klusmann and Ma'am Lizelle Arnoldi with the Grade 1 classes and (photo right): Ma'am Bettie Putter with the Grade 0 class.

1000m in dam Cornelle Leach, a Grade 9 student from Entheos Christian School, participated in the Roodeswim 1000m swimming event held at Baje Dam, Bronkhorstspruit, on Sunday 19 January 2014. Cornelle finished in under 20 min and earned herself a medal. Well done, Cornelle!

23 Lange street, P.O. Box 615 Lydenburg 1120, Tel: 013 235-2283, Fax: 013 235-4832, E-Mail: mightymeat@ledmail.co.za

Die voorlopige Matrieks van 2018 is touwys gemaak by Hoërskool Lydenburg. Hulle het Vrydag gedeurnag tot Saterdagoggend toe. Dit was groot pret vir almal en die matrieks het lekker aktiwiteite uitgewerk om die klomp graad 7‘s besig te hou. Sterkte vir die volgende vyf jaar se wedloop. As dit so afskop kan dit net lekker wees. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff

Speel-speel skool toe

Krappies & Krefies Kleuterskool in Lydenburg is een van die baie wat geopen het verlede week en die kleuters het speel-speel begin leer.

Die Lydenburg Akademie CVO Skool se graad een leerders het reggesit vir ’n foto op hul eerste ‘grootskool’ dag. Dis nog twaalf jaar wat voorlê maar skoolgaan is mos lekker! Van links voor: Charlene vd Merwe, Danelle Coetsee, Bart Jacobs; middel: Clarissa van Heerden, Anhilde de Jager en Morne Venables; Agter: Juanique Markram, Leandra Griessel.


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DETROIT, Michigan - Volkswagen's Beetle Dune concept made its debut at the 2014 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. This, the latest version of the iconic Beetle has a rugged off-road style and is as practical off the beaten track as it is on the highway - the body has been raised by 50mm.

HIERDIE plaaslike Cobra word tans deur R&P gerestoureer. Hou volgende week se koerant dop vir die storie en nog fotos. Andre Coetzee.

A rear-mounted ski-rack like those fitted to classic Beetles comes with the package; it could also carry sand skis for when the car goes back to its roots. The car revisits an idea from 2000 when VW first revealed its New Beetle Dune concept in Los Angeles, California. The new Dune is based on the current model and uses the same 152kW turbocharged petrol engine to drive a six-speed DSG that sends power to the front wheels. The Dune has two-part wheel-arch extensions: a 1.5mm-wide plastic blade separates the primary black extensions from the body to widen the body by 24mm to 1.8m, while the front and rear cladding lengthens the vehicle by 12mm to 4.2m.


To complement the greater width the Dune’s track has been increased by 29mm to 1.6m at the front and 1.5m at the rear. It sports spoked 19" alloy rims with 255/45 tyres. The front bumper has been comprehensively redesigned to incorporate a large, black, honeycomb air intake with trapezoidal inserts which house circular LEDs. The Dune’s bonnet is more bulbous, with a raised central section and prominent air vents. The rear bumper has been modified and the spoiler doubles as a ski rack. The interior is largely untouched, save for the replacement of the characteristic glove box by a passenger grab handle (it can get tough in the dunes). The facia's centre is dominated by a highresolution 20cm touchscreen. VW will gauge public and media reaction at the 2014 Detroit auto show to help decide about production. Wheels24.co.za

COMING SOON The H6 is defined by refinement. Enjoy the power of a 2,0-litre turbodiesel or 1,5-litre turbopetrol engine. With features such as Bluetooth, cruise control, leather upholstery, automatic headlights, climate control and rain-sensing wipers, it offers so much more. *Pricing includes VAT. Pricing and specs subject to change without prior notification. Model shown may differ. E & OE. Actual vehicle may differ from picture and subject to stock availability

Penasse echoed the same sentiment: “This year is a learning curve for us. We are aiming to get all the cars to the finish at every race, especially at Monte Carlo. If we get any podiums in the second half of the year we will be very happy.” Hyundai chose WRC as the vehicles in this class most closely resemble their road going counterparts, and for the easily accessible nature of the young and dynamic IT’s no secret that Korean manufacturer Hyundai will be competing in the 2014 sport. With a dedicated team of specialists and a driver line-up suited to almost every WRC season. However, this won’t be the Korean firm’s first foray into the discipline, type of rally in the season, it won’t be long before we’re writing about a Hyundai win. as it had done with the Accent model previously. This time there is a much bigger push into the formula as it a full works effort. In doing so it takes on reigning Carmag.co.za champions Volkswagen, as well as the semi-works efforts of Ford and Citroen. Hyundai WRC was announced in 2012 and within a year the company set up a fully fledged rally team as well as developed and built a WRC car, no small feat. Since the first cars rolled out of the race division’s German headquarters over 7 000 km of testing has been conducted in all conditions that will be faced over the course of the 13-round championship. Hyundai has also managed to gain a major sponsor in the form of Shell Ultra Helix as both technical partner and part financial backer of its racing endeavours. Hyundai Shell WRC Team, to give it its title, has quite an experienced line up of race and development drivers. The driving strength consists of Australian Chris Atkinson, Spaniard Dani Sordo, Finn Juho Hanninen and 2013 runner-up, Belgian Thierry Neuville. Drivers were chosen for their ability to excel on certain types of rallies, and as such not all of them will compete at all rounds. In all likelihood the attack will be spearheaded by Sordo and Neuville with Atkinson and Hanninen alternating at various events. At a recent teleconference hosted by Hyundai South Africa, we had the opportunity to chat with Hanninen and team boss Alain Penasse, who were both in Monte Carlo ahead of the season’s opener. Hanninen, who has been part of the development programme since inception, stated that he is very happy to be a part of Hyundai’s re-entry into WRC. “There is a lot of experience and expertise in this team. Even Michelle Nandan (the team principal) feels like another engineer because he has done so much. He knows what is going on with the car and out on the road all the time. You can feel the motivation and how hard everybody works all the time. When asked about the teams expectations, he was very cautious: “We need to be realistic. We built a car in half a year. If we win with this car then the other teams should be doing something else. In the first year if we make (it onto) the podium we’ll be very happy. In 2015 we want to challenge for wins. 2014 is about experience building. In 2015 there is no reason we can’t win with this car.”

DIE Dakar veldren in Suid Amerika is pas na 14 reuse skofte (ongeveer 9 000 km) afgehandel. Die uitslae is soos volg: MOTORFIETSE: 1. Marc Coma KTM 2. Jordi Viladoms KTM 3. Olivier Pain Yamaha 4. Cyril Despres Yamaha MOTORS: 1. Nani Roma Mini (BMW span) 2. Stephane Peterhansel Mini (BMW span) 3. Nasser Al-Attiyah Mini (BMW span) 4. Giniel De Villiers Toyota Hilux V8 (In SA gebou) VRAGMOTORS: 1. Andrey Karginov Kamaz 2. Gerard De Rooy Iveco Die oorblywende SA Ford Ranger V8 van Lucio Alvarez het 22ste klaargemaak (die ander een het verongeluk) en die ander Hilux V8 van Leeroy Poulter het 33ste klaargemaak (uit ’n totaal van 147 motors wat weggespring het) Baie geluk aan die Suid Afrikaners. Andre Coetzee.


T&C Apply

8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120 013 235 1086 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

Sales: Hein Viljoen: 083 408 0397

VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 082 329 0795 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035 PARTS: Choert Maartens - 072 347 1590 Raymond Mmola: 076 745 0842 SERVICES: Sue / Hans-Jurgens - 013 235 2141 Hyundai Lydenburg

THE Bentley Limited Edition Birkin Mulsanne will be sold exclusively in Europe. But what a car! Inspired by Sir Henry 'Tiger' Tim Birkin - the legendary Bentley Boy who travelled and raced extensively around Europe in the 1920s and 1930s - it features unique styling details and ultra-luxurious trim - as well as a special 'Sport' setting on the Drive Dynamics control of which 'Sir Tim' himself would have approved. Only 22 will be made, in the customers' choice of three colours - pearl white, deep plum or two-tone blue - with numbered door-sill plaques, a special 21” alloy rim inspired by those on the original Mulsanne concept car, and a striking 3D 'Flying B' logo stitched into the head restraints and inlaid into the wood of the front fascia and rear picnic tables.

engine is to pervert its design and corrupt its performance”, but Birkin persuaded c o m p a n y chairman Woolf Barnato and financial backer the Hon. Dorothy Paget to support a production run of 50 cars in order to qualify for Le Mans.

The cabin trim features intricate diamond quilting pattern on the seats and door panels, complemented by an indented leather headlining and 'knurling' details on the interior metalwork, while rear-seat passengers enjoy exquisitely framed dual 200mm DVD screens in the rear of the front-seat head restraints, a DVD player, a Wi-Fi hotspot, a 'Naim for Bentley' premium audio system and iPads integrated into the hand-crafted solid wood picnic tables. Each car will also come with a hand-crafted, tailored luggage set, individually numbered and matched to the interior trim of that particular car. Sir Henry Ralph Stanley 'Tim' Birkin, was celebrated as both a racing legend and and unassuming style icon in his time, epitomising the idea of the British gentleman racer - and this car is the Bentley's take on what Birkin would ask for if he were ordering one today.

It was for this car - and his fearless style of driving it - that Birkin is perhaps best Birkin bought his first Bentley simply out of a love of fine motoring, but over time he known, although history tells us, in hindsight, that 'WO' was absolutely right. became increasingly involved with Bentley's efforts on the road and race track, None of the supercharged Bentleys ever won a race or even finished at Le Mans, culminating with his key role in the development of the 'Blower' Bentley in 1928. although Birkin thundered home second in the 1930 French Grand Prix at Pau While the 6½-litre Speed Six was under development Birkin felt that a more behind a 2.3-litre, straight-eight Bugatti Type 35, burning a litre of petrol every 15 competitive endurance racing car could be built by bolting a huge Amherst Villiers seconds at full throttle and prompting Ettore Bugatti to call it “the world's fastest supercharger on to the nose of the crankshaft on the existing (and very successful) lorry”. 4½-Litre Le Mans winner, boosting power at one blow from 97 to 180kW. Birkin grinned and agreed. iolmotoring.co.za WO Bentley hated the idea with a passion, saying that “to supercharge a Bentley

CHEVY’s current C7 Corvette has impressed many in just its first year of production, but the bowtie brand isn’t resting on its laurels just yet as the international introduction of the even-hotter Z06 is but a few hours away. Immediately obvious are the numerous bits of aero that have been added to the C7’s sleek profile. The bonnet’s power bulge is coated in a contrasting hue, and a redesigned grille that house what undoubtedly are functional air vents has been fitted – as well as a deep front splitter. There are also skirts that run from the front fender to rear fender, as well as a beefier rear spoiler. The use of carbon fibre has been liberal with all the add-ons. There is still no word as to what lurks behind the Corvette Z06’s nose, but 460 kW and 860 N.m of torque is believed to be developed down there. In addition to the sevenspeed manual gearbox,

‘11 Chev Spark 1.2 5DR 88 000km R79 900

‘11 X-Trail 2.0 XE 4x2 40 000km R225 000

there’ll also be an eight-speed autobox to send power to the rear wheels – which have been lifted off the previous generation ZR-1. Speculation has it that there will be three trim levels on offer, with the full-fat model likely to be the one pictured in the images here. In any case, we’d be glad seeing just one Corvette Z06 available here in South Africa in right-hand drive configuration. Carmag.co.za

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SUZUKI’s Swift hatchback, launched locally in 2008 with a refreshed version in 2011, has undergone a number of changes and updates for 2014. The 2014 Swift is available in two specification grades – GL and GLS. Perhaps the most eye-catching update is the 2014 model's redesigned grille and front bumper. The GLS receives LED daytime running lights, there's a new cooling aperture surround for the GL and the third brake light is now a brighter LED unit. The full wheel caps on the GL have been redesigned, the GLS has revised alloys and a new paint colour, Metallic blue, has also been introduced for the range. Suzuki SA says there's a smarter interior execution with cruise control and Bluetooth added to the GLS that will connect not only with your cellphone but also allow audio streaming from smartphones and Bluetooth-enabled audio devices. Seats in the GL and GLS versions have, Suzuki says, a more contemporary fabric. The 2014 Swift range retains Suzuki’s four-cylinder 70kW/130Nm petrol. Equipped with a five-speed manual, fuel consumption is rated at 5.5 litres/100km while the GLS has the option of a four-speed auto rated to return 6.2 litres/100km. The GL, Suzuki SA says, "matches affordability to well above-average levels of standard features" that include power steering with height-adjustable steering wheel, power windows (front and rear), central locking, aircon, power mirrors, heightadjustable driver’s seat and a multi-function trip data computer. The rear seat splits and folds and splits 60/40 and the GL has two front airbags as well as anti-lock brakes. The GLS adds 16" alloys, fog lights, LEDs and front, side and curtain air bags. The range-topping Swift Sport remains largely unchanged but does get cruise control and Bluetooth along with its existing 100kW 1.6 engine and stability and traction control. PRICES 2014 Swift 1.4 GL - R165 900

2014 Swift 1.4 GLS - R186 900

2014 Swift 1.4 GLS a/t - R201 900

2014 Swift 1.6 Sport - R223 900

The purchase price includes metallic paint and Suzuki's Complete programme which, the automaker says, covers the full spectrum of after-sales support. Swifts are delivered with a three-year or 100 000km warranty, three-year or 60 000 service plan and three years of AA mobility cover. Wheels24.co.za

THE new Mustang, headed for South Africa in right-hand drive guise will be offered with a choice of three petrol engines (2.3 EcoBoost, 3.7 V6 and five-litre V8) and two transmissions (six-speed manual or auto). The new 2.3 EcoBoost is the first Ford engine to have a lowinertia twin-scroll turbocharger that "provides quicker boost response, improved efficiency and lower emissions". It was developed specifically for the Mustang and is capable of producing 227kW/400Nm. No Mustang line-up would be complete without a V8 and that powering the top model of the proposed 2014 range has a number of upgrades: larger intake and exhaust valves, revised intake and exhaust cams and stiffer valve springs. It also has new cylinder heads. These upgrades, Ford says, enables the V8 to generate 318kW / 529Nm and "will result in improved fuel economy and lower emissions". The middle child of the engine lineup is the 3.7 V6 that's capable of 227kW. Pricing and engine details for S A w i l l b e confirmed closer the local launch d a t e . Wheels24.co.za

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VIR die eerste koper of verkoper van eiendom is die oordrag van die eiendom 'n onbekende proses en kan soms 'n vreesaanjaende ondervinding wees. 'n Paar punte om in gedagte te hou wanneer jy die mark betree: As eerste koper, skakel met 'n eiendomsagent om 'n geskikte eiendom te soek. Eiendomsagente kan ook vir jou 'n aanduiding gee vir watter bedrag jy moontlik sal kwalifiseer indien jy om finansiering gaan aansoek doen. As die eiendomsagent die ideale huis vir jou gekry het wat ook jou begroting pas, sal die agent vir jou 'n koopooreenkoms laat teken waarin jou aanbod aan die verkoper vervat is. Die ooreenkoms sal voorsiening maak vir 'n spesifieke tydperk waarbinne jy as koper 'n geleentheid sal kry om aansoek te doen om finansiering by 'n bankinstelling. Die feit dat jy eers moet kwalifiseer vir 'n verband, word as 'n opskortende

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.

TE HUUR: • 4 Slk woning, 2 badk, groot erf - R9 000/ mnd • 4 Slk luukse won, by Laerskool R10 000 / mnd • 3 Slk netjiese w/stelle, 2 vol badk, 2 mot R7 000 / mnd • 3 Slk won, 2 badk, ruim sitk/eetk/komb, tvk - R6 800 / mnd

voorwaarde in die ooreenkoms gevoeg. Die ooreenkoms tree dus eers in werking nadat jou verband goedgekeur is. Nadat die verkoper ook die ooreenkoms onderteken het, neem die koper dan die ooreenkoms na 'n bankinstelling wat eers moet vasstel of jy vir 'n verband kwalifiseer. Die bank neem verskeie faktore in ag om vas te stel of jy vir 'n 100%-verband gaan kwalifiseer of nie. Die bank kan 'n verband toestaan van 80% tot 100% van die koopprys. Dit sal beteken dat jy moontlik 'n

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deposito van tot 20% van die koopprys uit jou persoonlike kapitaal moet finansier. Die bank stel 'n verbandprokureur aan wat jou as koper sal kontak om die nodige dokumente te onderteken. Die verbandprokureur sal aan jou 'n rekening oorhandig. Die eiendomsagent stuur die koopooreenkoms aan die oordragprokureur, soos aangedui deur die verkoper in die koopooreenkoms, nadat die bank die verband goedgekeur het. Die oordragprokureur sal jou weer kontak om die oordragdokumente te kom teken. Die oordragprokureur gaan vir jou 'n verdere rekening oorhandig. Dus moet jy as koper begroot vir: die deposito, die verbandkoste van die verbandprokureur; en die oordragskoste

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The perfect lock-up and go Townhouse Safe secure with low maintenance in a well managed secure gated complex close to town. This home is ideal for both beginners or retired people. Consisting of three bedrooms with build in cupboards and one and a half bathrooms, tv room, kitchen and a single lock up garage. R 830 000


• 3 Slk won, 2 bad, sit/eetk, tv, komb, lapa, mooi groot omheinde erf, goed geleë - R900 000 • Pragtige 3 slk won op baie groot boomryke erf, pragtige tuin met boorgat en besproeiing, 2½ badk, swembad, gimnasium, 1 slk w/stel - R3,3 milj. • 6 Ha plot met groot woning en 5 “CHALETS”. Goeie omgewing en naby dorp - R2,850 milj. • Stel u belang om eiendom vanaf plan te koop? Ons kan help! SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP

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R1 368 - KANTORE beskikbaar oorkant Spar, modern & veilig. R5 000 - R7 000 NUUTGEBOUDE 2 & 3 Slp eenhede. R7 400 - DUPLEKS 3 Slp, 2 b/k met afdak en m/h R9 500 - DUPLEKS 3 Slp, 2 b/k, gaste toilet, dubbel m/h R14 000 - HUIS 5 x Slp, 2 x b/k, groot leef area, 3 x m/h & wendy huis R14 000 - HUIS 4 Slp, 5 x b/k, swembad, 4 x m/h

3 Bed home - lots of potential on large stand! Open plan living and dining R8 000 – SAAL te huur 130m² – ideaal vir pilates /gym / kantore / klasse area with kitchen, three bedrooms, one large full Winkel spasie: bathroom & lock- up covered 52m ² R5 300 parking. Ideal for the beginner / 80m ² R8 030 young family. R 995 000 90m ² R9 050


• WINSKOOP! 32ha plot te koop. Onontwikkeld. Baie goed geleë met sterk water. R1.9 Milj • Industriële perseel te koop. Erf 4 830m² Gebou 350m². R850 000 • 3 slaapkamer woonhuis te koop 1 600m² erf R795 000 • Verskeie eiendomme te huur vannaf R5 400 - R12 000 p/m.

van die oordrag- prokureur. As eerste verkoper, kry 'n geskikte eiendomsagent wat jou eiendom kan bemark. Soms is dit beter om 'n alleenmandaat met 'n agentskap te teken. As verkoper is jy dan redelik seker dat jou eiendom vir 'n tydperk van drie tot ses maande intensief deur die agentskap bemark gaan word. Stel 'n koopprys vas wat realisties is. Kopers maak gewoonlik 'n aanbod wat minder is as die koopprys. Hou dit in gedagte met die vasstel van jou koopprys, maar bly steeds realisties. Die eiendomsagent se kommissie, tesame met BTW moet gevoeg word by die prys wat jy as verkoper in jou sak wil hê. Wees bereid en gereed om voornemende kopers op verskillende tye in jou huis toe te laat om die huis te besigtig. Jy moet die elektriese sertifikaat en moontlik elektriese herstelwerkkoste betaal. Jy moet ook die kewersertifikaat en enige moontlike kewerbehandeling betaal. Wat dus van jou opbrengs afgetrek word is: balans uitstaande op jou verband, verbandkansellasie koste, elektriese herstelwerk (indien nodig) en elektriese sertifikaat, kewerbehandeling (indien nodig) en kewersertifikaat en die agentkommissie. Hou in gedagte dat elke instansie betrokke, naamlik die eiendomsagent, verband-

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Sosiale skietdag - leer en deel in pret D

ie Bosboktak van die SA Jagters hou Saterdag 25 Januarie hulle eerste sosiale skietdag vir die jaar te Lydenburg skietbaan. Die Bosboktak sluit almal van Burgersfort-, Steelpoort-, Ohrigstad- en Lydenburg omgewing in. Enigeen is welkom om te kom skiet of net te kom kyk. Die skiet sal plaasvind op die Egbert Hiemstra Skietbaan net buite Lydenburg so 2km op die Roossenekalpad aan die regterkant (langs die vliegveld). Verlede jaar was daar ’n definitiewe oplewing en bywoning van aktiwiteite, veral skietdae. Dit is alles aanduidings dat 2014 nog beter gaan wees. Lydenburg het nou weer ’n wapenwinkel by name van Hunters Boma. Dit gaan baie help met die aankoop van wapens, ammunisie en toebehore, en verder gaan dit tot reuse voordeel wees van die buitelug entoesiaste wat skuts, jagters en kampeerders insluit. Die Bosboktak het sy bestuursvergadering op 8 Januarie te Mamotale Jagplaas Ohrigstad (kontak Deon le Roux sel 082 876 3299) gehou. Die jaarbeplanning is gedoen. Die bestuur, onder leiding van JB Willers, is baie optimisties oor die jaar se beplande aktiwiteite. Soos gewoonlik sal daar verskeie junior kampe aangebied word, waar juniors meer leer oor die natuur, volhoubare benutting, jag en skiet. Senioropleiding vind voortdurend plaas. Bosboktak het ten doel om die hele gesin by die aktiwiteite te betrek, wat insluit onder andere bewaring, opleiding, skietdae en trofeë meet. SA Jagters verleen ook hulp met lisensiëring van jagwapens. Enige boogjagter of skut is meer as

Mountain bikes at Barberton THE 18th annual Barberton XCM Mountain Bike Challenge is here to stay! January 25th promises to kick off the 2014 cycling calendar with a great new challenge for all cyclists. The "not so delicate" Barberton Mountain Bike Challenge will be a rude awakening for those who committed to eating all the Festive Season treats rather than spending some time in the saddle. This exciting event has grown over the years in popularity resulting into one of the toughest Mountain Bike events in South Africa. The race is open to cyclists of all ages, shapes and sizes, unfit, fit and super fit! The race will consist of four different categories: • Fun Ride of 20km • Half Marathon of 45km • Full Marathon of 75km and • Ultra Marathon of 120km. All races will start and end at the Barberton High School sports fields. With a festivallike atmosphere, there is much for the fans and supporters to do whilst waiting for the cyclists to return from their thrilling adventure ride. Pre-entries are open and you can enter at www.cycleevents.co.za For more information regarding accommodation in town and tourist attractions, please contact Astrid at 082 959 6670 or astrid@barberton.co.za or visit www.barberton.co.za. For details regarding accommodation in Barberton High School’s hostel, contact Wandi at 013 712 3101. THE 18th annual Barberton XCM Mountain Bike Challenge is here to stay! January 25th promises to kick off the 2014 cycling calendar with a great new challenge for all cyclists. The "not so delicate" Barberton Mountain Bike Challenge will be a rude awakening for those who committed to eating all the Festive Season treats rather than spending some time in the saddle. This exciting event has grown over the years in popularity resulting into one of the toughest Mountain Bike events in South Africa. The race is open to cyclists of all ages, shapes and sizes, unfit, fit and super fit! The race will consist out of four different categories: • Fun Ride of 20km • Half Marathon of 45km • Full Marathon of 75km and • Ultra Marathon of 120km. All races will start and end at the Barberton High School sports fields. With a festival-like atmosphere, there is much for the fans and supporters to do whilst waiting for the cyclists to return from their thrilling adventure ride. This incredibly scenic trail takes you up the Makhonjwa Mountains with majestic views over the De Kaap Valley, through nature reserves, dams and very close to the Swaziland border.According to Nic Eksteen, President of the Barberton Rotary Club, this race is the perfect opportunity for cyclists to test their fitness and skill. Eksteen is very excited about the changes to the current routes which includes single tracks, guaranteed to make the race more exciting and challenging. Pre-entries are open and you can enter at www.cycleevents.co.za For more information regarding accommodation in town and tourist attractions, please contact Astrid at 082 959 6670 or astrid@barberton.co.za or visit www.barberton.co.za. For details regarding accommodation in Barberton High School’s hostel, contact Wandi at 013 712 3101.

Name van bestuurslede van links agter na regs Benigne le Roux, Loffie van Emmenis, JB Willers, Ramon Bell, Johan Grimbeek, Kruger van Eck. Pieter Strydom en Eduard le Roux; (voor): Hardus Taljaardt, Rudi Stickling, Deon le Roux en Timo Briedenhann; (heel voor): Leon Visser en “Chaka”. welkom om te kom skiet. Die Rooibok-tabel gaan geskiet word met die boog ens. Met die skietdag sal lede R20 betaal, nie-lede

R50 per inskrywing vir die geweerafdeling (skiet-koordineerder) 082 378 0698, JB en R10 per lid en R20 vir nie-lede per Willers (voorsitter) 082 820 1748 of Leon Visser (ondervoorsitter) 082 808 9641. inskrywing vir die boogskiet. Kom geniet die dag saam met ons. Navrae kan gerig word aan Johan Grimbeek


STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za

NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 C R E AT I V E N A I L S 9768 / 078 467 0954 / Karmien 082 887 5886 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming DRY WOOD for sale. Pills. 076 677 6002 R300 per bakkie load. 082 786 3319 HIGH PROTEIN diet & b l o o d g r o u p . VERSKEIE SOORTE L y d e n b u r g , hoenders te koop. B u r g e r s f o r t , Potloodspruit. 083 288 Steelpoort. 082 833 6834 0323 081 086 3961


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105


J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026

TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephot ography.com

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615 TUINDIENSTE / vullisverwydering • Plaagbeheer • Alle herstelwerk & s t a a l w e r k • Skoonmaak dienste • Chemikalieë & toiletpapier. Kontak Adriaan 082 488 0181 of Zuleka 082 426 3144 D A V I S S E R PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2877 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 PETALS : Affordable Floral Decor for functions/special o c c a s i o n s Bekostigbare Blommedekor vir funksies/ spesiale geleenthede. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR. 015 001 7006


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521

SKOONHEID/ BEAUTY CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/

SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932

0846/VOIP Nr. 015 001 7006 WOONSTEL en parkhome op plaas R2200 & WL. 074 330 3011 3 SLK, 2 badk plus 1 slk woonstel. R8000. 082 895 8492 B A C H E L O R S woonstel te huur. R2500 p/m. 079 624 9486 3 SLK HUIS te Potloodspruit. R5500 pm. 082 827 9870

must be directed to NERSA through any of the addresses below: NERSA contact details Physical address The HoD: Electricity Licensing and Compliance Department Kulawula House 526 Madiba Street Arcadia, Pretoria. Postal Address The HoD: Electricity Licensing and Compliance Department P O Box 40343 Arcadia 0007 South Africa. E-mail a d d r e s s : bongi.masemola@ner sa.org.za


CONTRACTORS accommodation R30 per person. 082 786 3319



K L I T Z G R A S C H A L E T S ACCOMMODATION Chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758 KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES

N O T I C E O F APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT OF Verkope & Verhuring A L I C E N C E T O Tel: 013 235 1986 G E N E R A T E MOTOR DIENSTE/ E LECTRICITY In www.lydenburgprop.co.za AUTO SERVICES Kerkstraat 41 terms of Section 11 of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 AT L A S PA N E E L (Act No. 4 of 2006); K L O P P E R S - EIENDOM TE HUUR/ Thaba Chweu Local Geakkrediteer. Kontak: PROPERTY TO Municipality hereby 013 235 3423/ 082 454 RENT notifies all residents in 8382 the Lydenburg area and surroundings that K A N T O O R / a licence application MOTORS TE KOOP/ W E R K S W I N K E L has been lodged with spasie te huur (ca. the National Energy CARS FOR SALE 300m² gebou met groot Regulator of South erf) in Industriële Africa (NERSA) to gebied - Lydenburg. amend Thaba Chweu I BUY VEHICLES for Kontak 078 893 5416 Local Municipality's cash. 082 646 6735 generation licence for 3 BEDROOM house to t h e 3 . 3 5 M W let. 082 786 3319 Ly d e n b u r g h y d r o MOTORHUUR/ CAR generation plant. The HIRE W O R K S H O P / licence application is warehouse to let. available for inspection Voortrekker st. 082 786 at the Public Library in L Y D E N B U R G 3319 Lydenburg. Contact VEHICLE HIRE- car & Mr. F. Motebejane (Tel: van rentals. 013 235 GEMEUBELEERDE 013 235 7555). All 1780 B A C H E L O R interested parties WOONSTEL op plaas, and/or any member of h a l f p a d t u s s e n the public may lodge Lydenburg Burgersfort. written objections with KOOP EN VERKOOP/ BUY AND R 3 8 0 0 K r a g e n NERSA, within 14 Wasgoed ingesluit. days from the date of SELL G e s k i k v i r this publication. Such enkellopende. Geen objections must be in a ENIGE KONTANT / diere. Lynn : 082 294 form of an affidavit and

•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool

08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Wo e n s d a e s e l g r o e p 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Ad ve ntiste Ke rk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende

Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362

Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic

Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

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MAUCHSBERG PROMOTIONS VACANCY PROMOTIONAL COMPANY SITUATED IN LYDENBURG IS LOOKING FOR AN HONEST RELIABLE MARKETING & SALES ASSISTANT • Have Grade 12 • Be able to work under pressure • Have effective verbal & written communication skills. Understand / speak / write: English & Afrikaans • Have knowledge of office administration • Have computer skills including Excel, Word, Omni Accounts and e-mail at a highly proficient level.

If you fit this description, submit your 2 page CV to Mauchsberg Promotions, 76 Viljoen St, Lydenburg or E-mail: fourie@mauchsberg.co.za Fax: 086 603 9090 Closing date: 31 January 2014 If we do not contact you one week after closing date your application was unsuccessful.

McGee Yamaha LYDENBURG URGENTLY NEEDED: • Semi-Skilled Boilermaker • Boilermaker Lydenburg area • Welder

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Vakante Pos – Lydenburg Bonjour Administratiewe klerk met ondervinding in boekhouding Vereistes: • Kennis van Krediteure, Debiteure en Pastel • Moet onder druk kan werk • Noukeurig en Akkuraat E-pos CV na bonjour@lydtoy.co.z a / faks 0132352760

DEUTZ DIESELPOWER VACANCY - STEELPOORT Job Title: Field Service Technicians Key area: Engine rebuild, Fault diagnosis, Service & Repair, Technical / Quality. Qualifications : • Qualified Artisan – Trade Test Pass (Diesel Fitter / Mechanic / Automotive Machinist ) • At least 3 years post apprenticeship experience in the field of trade passed. • Ability to qualify for the mines red ticket • Valid Driver's Licence (Code 08). Forward CV to:hradmin@deutz.co.za Fax: 011 923 0639 Closing Date: 27/01/2014 If you don't hear anything from us within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

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Laerskool Lydenburg het Vrydag te lekker Massasport gehou. Januarie is nie verniet atletiekmaand nie. Die kinders het uitgehaal en gewys. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff

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