6 Februarie / February 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 05

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6 Februarie / February 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 05 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Hierdie foto is geneem deur een van ons lesers wat die humor met ons gedeel het. Niemand weet wie die onderskrif aangebring het nie. Maar dit heet “This road maintained by ANC”. Met die herrie wat landswyd losgebars het oor Lydenburg se paaie het iemand definitief die grap verder gevat. Dis nou nie ’n bikini foto in ’n slaggat nie, maar die eienaars van die pad se naam staan duidelik daarop. So ’n bêk met jam kry!

Lydenburg Toyota Tel: (013) 235 1780 Fax: (013) 235 1527

R329 000.00

R68 000.00

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R205 000.00

2011 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D RB 41 000Km

2009 Proton Arena 1.5i GLX 81 500Km

2009 Corolla 1.3 Prof 47 000Km

2011 Hilux 2.5D-4D SRX XC 63 500Km

R235 800.00

R166 800.00

R269 000.00

R275 500.00

2011 Hilux 2.5D-4D SRX SC 101 000Km

2012 Hilux 2.0 VVTi SC 59 000Km

2011 Hilux 3.0D-4D SC 4x4 Raider 80 000Km

2012 Fortuner 2.5 VNT RB, 65 000Km

R209 850.00

R285 00.00

R359 990.00

R259 000.00

2011 BMW 120D 50 000km

2009 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 99 400Km

2011 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 AT 65 300Km

2006 Land Cruiser 100 GX 4.5, 215 000Km

Willie : 076 858 0284


Michelle Boshoff A well-dressed man walked in to North Safety on Friday in Lydenburg posing as a client. This was his last attempt to try and get away from the police. The SAPS chased two suspects from Tzaneen and their final attempt at fleeing played out just after 08:30. Employees at North Safety saw the police cars coming to a screeching halt in Voortrekker Street and in Johannes Coetzer Street, in front of the building. An employee called for help from colleagues because she thought the suspects were trying to steal a delivery vehicle. The well-dressed man was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt and jeans. While North Safety staff were speaking to Hennie van Staden and Michael Delport from North Safety are modest about catching the criminals on Friday, but their running did the trick. him they saw another suspect with a brown jacket running away. In a split second the suspect with the brown jacket started running towards the robot. Hennie van Staden and Michael Delport chased him down Lydenburg Street and caught him. They handed him over to the police. The police apprehended the other suspect at the office.

According to witness reports the suspects drove a silver Polo. They were allegedly involved in a cash-in-transitrobbery in Tzaneen. Rumours quickly started spreading through town that there was a shootout or that a nearby gunshop was robbed. And as rumours go, this was not true. But thanks to these two Lydenburg residents the suspects were caught.

Katjie wat agtergelaat is kry huis ’n Daad, wat as niks minder as wreed beskryf kan word nie, het ’n goeie nadraai gehad. ’n Vrou van Belfast het die katjie wat by die Wimpy agtergelaat is aangeneem. In die Highlands Panorama Nuus van 23 Januarie is berig oor die kietsie. Wimpy Lydenburg se kelners het die kietsie op die Spar parkeerterrein gekry en hom na die Sterkpsruit Dierekliniek geneem.

Die kat se eienaars het klaar geëet, in die kar geklim en weggery. Die kat is a g t e rg e l a a t . D i e koerant en veearts is oorval met navrae oor die kat. Dankie aan almal wat bereid was om die kietsie aan te neem. ~ Michelle Boshoff

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Ondersoek duur voort Na die wrede dood van me. Charlotte Kruger (66) in Lydenburg verlede week word daar vermoed dat sy moontlik ’n hartaanval tydens die aanval gehad het. Polisie ondersoek ook die kans dat sy versmoor het weens lappe wat in haar mond gedruk is in die vorm van ’n muilband. Sy en haar man, mnr. Japie Kruger, is oorval deur twee rowers. Die saak word ondersoek. Die meenthuiskompleks is op die Sterkspruitplotte. Die gemeenskap berig dat dié gebied deurloop onder misdaad.

Rivierstraat in Lydenburg het ’n pompstasie wat gereeld onklaar raak. Die feit is dat rou riool dan by huise uitpomp wat laer lê. Die huis is aan die linkerkant van Viljoenstraat, soos wat by die dorp vanaf Dullstroom ingery word. Die pompstasie is al maande stukkend. Inwoners drieg om die stasie oop te kap en dat die gemors reguit rivier toe loop, dan dam dit nie meer in erwe op nie. Die stank is ondraaglik en dis ’n bron vir siekte om uit te broei. Thaba Chweu werk glo klaarblyklik daaraan. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Coolsculpting / Fat freeze: FDA approved device that permanently removes fat without surgery Wyle me. Charlotte Kruger (66)

R700 / session. Package: R2100 for 4 sessions

2. Personalized diet plans: Reduce weight the healthy way by following a personalized eating plan R550 for individual plan. R110 for monthly follow up visits.

3. Frequency treatment: Healing illnesses / ailments & stimulate brain function, memory and concentration by means of electro treatment R380 for brain function, concentration & stimulation package (other: respiratory tract infection, intestine treatments) R200 for Sinus, muscle healing, stress & anxiety, asthma, arthritis...

Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Opinie oor mediese hulp Lydenburger skryf: Ons dorp spog met ‘n klomp dokters en hulle is altyd baie besig want siek pasiënte wat hul besoek is nie net van Lydenburg nie maar Dullstroom, Ohrigstad, Burgersfort en Steelpoort. Om ’n afspraak by hulle te kry vir dieselfde dag as wat jy skakel en by jou dokter, is byna onmoontlik. Jy gaan of ’n ander dokter moet sien of wag tot more. Hierdie praktyk is vrek besig en met almal met wie ek al gepraat het is dit eens dat dit voel soos ’n worsmasjien waardeur jy gaan. Jy wikkel om ten minste vyftien of meer minute vroeër as jou ooreengekome afspraak daar te wees, maar jy gaan nog steeds ’n halfuur langer wag as jou ooreengekome tyd van jou afspraak, want hulle is besig. Met al die bogenoemde in ag genome kan ek vir die lewe van my nie verstaan hoe so ’n besige praktyk dan nog steeds aansukkel met ’n x-straal masjien wat uit die vorige eeu dateer nie. Die masjien is meer stukkend as werkend. Waarheen gaan al die gelde wat die publiek en die mediese fondse betaal? Die dokters is mos eintlik daar om ons van diens te wees. Ek glo dis omdat die masjien so oud is dat soveel gebreekte arms, bene en enkels nie mooi raakgesien kan word nie en die diagnose verstuit eintlik gebreek moes gewees het, soos wat die MediClinic in Nelspruit bevestig het nie. Nog iets wat pla is dat as jy wel die dokter in sy spreekkamer sien, word daar gevra wat fout is en in baie gevalle word daar nie bloeddruk geneem, na jou hart geluister, in jou oë en ore gekyk nie. Met ander woorde jy is net daar vir ‘n voorskrif en dan moet jy gaan want die volgende pasiënt wag en hulle hardloop alreeds laat soos dit is met die afsprake. Laaste maar nie die minste - ’n vriend het na ure geskakel en die dokter op roep se antwoord was dat my vriend vroeër moes geskakel het want hy (die dokter) kom nou net van die spreekkamer by sy huis aan. Hoe bepaal jy wanneer jy nou moet siek word? By watter een van die dokters gaan kla jy oor al die bogenoemde en gaan hulle regtig werk maak van al die klagtes? Met als in ag genome is dit ons, jy en ek wat sorg dat hulle nog ’n bestaan kan maak. Maar alles is nie klagtes nie baie baie dankie Kobus Joubert van Joubert Apteek. In die tien jaar wat ons hier in Lydenburg is, was niks nog ooit te veel vir jou om vir ons te gedoen het nie. Dit sluit na ure en werkstyd in en jy is altyd daar met ’n glimlag om ons te help.

Everything is wrong here! Leon de Jager, Chairman TCBF, writes: The Thaba Chweu Business Forum was established to represent the Business Chambers of Lydenburg / Mashishing, Sabie and Graskop. These three towns fall within the Thaba Chweu Municipality's borders and are dependent on this municipality for services. The Premier of Mpumalanga, Mr. Mabuza, appointed a task team last year, about August, to intervene in this municipality as it was technically insolvent and completely malfunctioning (that after being placed under administration three times in the last eight years) The task team was instructed to come up with a turn around strategy within three months. The appointed task team was made up of three individuals seconded here by Mpumalanga Province and the Ehlazeni District Municipality, they were; Mr. Godfrey Nkosi, as acting municipal manager, Mr. Tumelo Ratau as acting CFO, and a Mr. Shrien as acting technical director. Without any communication to us as Business Chambers, Mr. Ratau (acting CFO) has “resigned” from the task team, according to our information because of serious clashes with Mr. Nkosi, and so the acting CFO position has been vacant since 01 January 2014. Mr. Shrien, (acting Technical Director) has also since decided to “return” to his previous position – so we are left with a Provincial Task Team of ONE ! That is Mr. Nkosi. We as Business Chambers within the three towns are being seriously frustrated by Mr. Nkosi – and as follows: He has instructed all municipal staff members that they may not communicate with the public, or release any information without his prior approval, he is managing like a dictator ! Just after the task team took over, Eskom served a termination of service notice on TCM because of their account with Eskom being over R 164M in arrears. It was only through a high court interdict against Eskom, obtained with the help of Afriforum, that we have managed to keep our lights on ! Mr. Nkosi is refusing us any information regarding the present status of the account with Eskom, we have “heard” that it has since increased to over R190M! The Chambers of Sabie and Graskop have arranged meetings with Mr. Nkosi to address service delivery problems unique to their towns. Despite confirming the meetings with his PA, he did not arrive at the meetings, no communication was received from him or his office in the form of an explanation or a apology. The waste removal and managing of the municipal dump sites in the three towns have collapsed. The appointed contractor withdrew his services at the three dump sites due to non payment by TCM during September 2013. Since then there has been no waste management or access control to the dump sites. The Dump site at Lydenburg burns frequently, releasing poisonous gases into the atmosphere. The “fires” are only doused when we have a good downpour of rain. When we try and address the dump site issues with Mr Nkosi, his response is “that it is under control” despite the fact that he, as municipal manager, is in contravention of legislation in this regard. There is no general upkeep and maintenance of the infrastructure in the three towns The streets in our towns are seriously dilapidated, potholes are growing like mushrooms. The supply of water is at best intermittent due to leaking reservoirs, burst pipes and poor management of water supply. The quality of water supplied is another concern. Ecoli was found in Sabie's municipal water during private tests done during December. Sewerage management is not done satisfactory, manholes in the towns are frequently overflowing, pump stations are not maintained, causing overflows in the streams and rivers, the water treatment plants at the sewerage works are not managed, causing raw sewerage spills into the rivers. This is a serious health hazard. Mr. Nkosi called a meeting with the developers and estate agents in Lydenburg about two weeks ago. He “accused” them of being responsible for the financial collapse of TCM, according to him they have been “milking” TCM in the past! He “accused” the developers of “getting richer” amidst a sea of poverty and told them they should employ more people! This is utter nonsense as TCM is very quick to “cut off” services if accounts are not paid. According to one developer, the meeting was more like a “lecture in socialism” than anything else! In conclusion I would like to say that Mr. Nkosi's management style is causing a growing divide between the business sectors and the municipality. We want to work together with the Council to improve service delivery in our towns, but the present arrogant style of Mr. Nkosi is not making this possible.

'n Judaskus. Dis waaroor als in SA gaan. Of dit 'n bladskud is op 'n onderhandeling en beide partye weet dis bedrog - of die veelbesproke kus tussen Helen Zille en Mamphela Ramphele. Ek kry die DA jammer, want hulle is van die begin af mislei. En Helen sê dis politiek. Maar mens soen nie mekaar amper op die mond voor nasionale media oor politiek nie. 'n Judaskus - dis al hoe ek dit kan beskryf. Met die e-Tol het partye ook bladgeskud oor bedrog. Miskien het iemand gevry ook oor die ooreenkoms - sal my nie verbaas nie. Die e-Tol sisteem suig. Daar is geen ander manier op dit te beskryf nie. Dis ’n vryery wat dat dit van stapel gestuur het. En dit los die res van die land met 'n bitter bek. Ander se gevry laat nie vir ander met 'n soetsmaak na nie. Van die Bybel-dae af was Tollenaars ongewild. Dit was iemand wat vir die regering geld moes kry van die Jode. Die Jode het gedink dat Jode wat tollenaars is, teen hulle eie volk werk, en die Jode het nie saam met die tollenaars geëet nie. En dis die Bybel se definisie. Vandag moet ons eet saam met die tollenaars en die tollenaars 'soen'. Want ons wil nie gesien word as mense wat demokrasie teenstaan nie. Ten koste van wat? Meeste mense kots al oor al die belasting. Ons betaal klaar belasting vir die onderhoud van die paaie. Dit is waar, maar nou is daar meer paaie om voor te betaal. Die e-Tol is hier om te bly, feit van die saak bly dat die nuwe paaie klaar gebou is. Iemand gaan moet betaal daarvoor. Daar is 'n waar sêding in "Jy kan seker wees van twee dinge in jou lewe; dat jy gaan belasting betaal en dat jy gaan sterf." ’n Judaskus - dat die lippe so klap en die spoeg so spat.

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News Psalm 91:1: Hy wat in die skuilplek van die Allerhoogste sit, sal oornag in die skaduwee van die Almagtige. is not responsible for the content of letters published. Dankie Hemel Vader vir hierdie wonderlike belofte. Wees ons as Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. ’n volk genadig en hou U hand van beskerming oor ons - Amen. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

DAAR het jy dit nou! Helen Zille se gevryery na alternatiewe stemme vir die DA het nou in haar gesig ontplof, nadat haar huwelik met Agang se Ramphele in ’n ramp geëindig het. Wat ’n gemors! En in die proses dink ek, is daar erge skade in beide die DA en Agang aangerig.

Wys jou net. Dit bevestig net my persoonlike weersin in beginsellose politici, wat net daarop uit is om ten alle koste magsposisies te bekom. En die hele “boggerop” laat die korrupte ANC sekerlik heerlik in hulle “Jack Daniels Blue Label” lag. Vir wat het die onnosel spul in opposissiegeledere nie net ’n samewerkingsooreenkoms geteken nie? Die VF+ het dit onlangs met ’n klomp ander klein partytjies gedoen. Nie dat hulle almal saam

sterk genoeg is om ’n merk te maak nie, wat nogal jammer is, want ek kan verseker met van hulle behoudende beginsels saamleef. Bowendien dink ek Pieter Mulder is ’n ordentlike mens (so vêr as wat politici betref). So, lesers van hierdie kolom moet katvoet loop met die komende verkiesing. Gaan stem beslis, anders mag jy nie kla nie, maar stem tog die korrupte ANC uit, of verswak hulle sodanig dat ons sterker opposisie kan kry. Oppas egter vir die EFF, ek dink hier kom ’n ding. Die jonger geslag hou van die populistiese Malema, maar ek sê jou - hy is moeilikheid!

Rusoord is deel van Lydenburg se sakegemeenskap - wanneer dit by die vra en gee van ondersteuning kom. Jeanette Kruger van Rusoord het die onlangse BNIvergadering toegespreek oor die instansie se rol in die gemeenskap. Lede was dit eens dat Rusoord ’n geborgde lid moet word. By die vergadering was van links Pieter Pieterse van Pam Golding, Keith Dyer, Mpumalanga Uitvoerende Direkteur van BNI en Jeanette Kruger van Rusoord.

TYDENS die weeklikse vergadering van die Longtomtak se BNI lede by Oom Andries se koffiewinkel op 5 Februarie, was me. Jeanetta Kruger, Bestuurder van Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes, die gasspreker. Twee van Rusoord se Beheerraadslede, mnre. Roelf Castelyn (R&P Autobody en Rusoord voorsitter) en Andre Coetzee

(Highlands Panorama Nuus en Rusoord raadslid), is ook lede van die BNI Longtom Tak. Dié vergadering is ook deur Mpumalanga se Uitvoerende Direkteur van BNI, Keith Deyer bygewoon. Mnr. Jurie Schoeman van Connection Health Gym is dié tak se President. Ander lede sluit in mee. Hester Van Helsdingen (Busisiwe Office Skills

Andre du Plooy (Longtom SuperSpar), dr Anthony Davis en Venessa de Necker (Kohin Jeugbediening) het die onlangse kalendervergadering vir die nuwe Longtomkalender by Oom Andries se eetplek bygewoon. Die kalender, wat van Maart tot Maart sal strek, word eersdaags bekendgestel. Vir meer inligting, kontak dr. Anthony Davis by anthonydavis@telkomsa.net of Gerda Whitehorn by gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za.

Training), Gerda Whitehorn (The Word Shop), Alta Van Heerden (Ricoh), Thea Potgieter (Postnet), Mnre. Dawie Ras (De Graaf Under Car), Marx Dunne (Marx Plumbers), Pieter Pieterse (Pam Golding), Martin Pretorius (Tile Direct), CP Prinsloo (Prilec Elektries), Tielman Nieuwoudt (BVK / IN2 Versekering), Elmar Freeman (Crime Combat Solutions), Hennie Louw (Macsteel VRN), Fanie Maritz (MV Glas &


Aluminium), Fanus Potgieter (Soetdoring Konstruksie en Instandhouding) en Otto Basson (Purple Gecko Gastehuis). Mnr. Jehanne Claase van Westvaal Mashishing GM beoog ook om aan te sluit. Tydens die vergadering is besluit dat Rusoord ook lidmaatskap van BNI sal ontvang en bestaande lede sal Rusoord se lidmaatskapsfooi borg. Andre Coetzee & Gerda Whitehorn.

Highlands PANORAMA News Dié vreeslose klipspringer is naby Afsaal piekniekplek in die Kruger Park deur Annatjie P. du Toit geneem (onder). Adri Taljaard (regs), eienaar PNA, oorhandig ’n boekprys aan haar ‘Digital Photography Master Class’.

Louise Erasmus het hierdie foto in die Okavango Delta in Botswana geneem. Lani Visser van Konika Photo Express oorhandig haar prys aan haar. Sy kan ’n foto op een van die geblokte doeke (soos dié luiperd) laat druk.

Andre du Plooy, Longtom SuperSPAR, oorhandig Elsje Engelbrecht se prys aan haar. Sy is ’n graad 12 leerling aan die Hoërskool Lydenburg.

These are the three photos that won the Best Photo of the Year for 2013. Congratulations.

Hierdie is die drie Beste Foto’s van die Jaar 2013. Veels geluk aan al die wenners.

PASTOR Johannes Ramashala together with Pastor Johannes Sibande gave Bibles to the Grade 12 students of Sango Combined School at Laersdrift in the Stofberg area. The principal as well as the children were very excited. The Bibles were donated by Mr Hennie Marais of the World Evangelization in Belfast. The Bible is for everybody – not just for people who read or for those who can afford to buy a Bible. The focus is to provide affordable and accessible Bibles to all South Africans. It is done through translation, productions and distribution – which are all made possible through our fundraising programmes. The Bible Society of South Africa is a non-profit c o m p a n y. T h e d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h denominations are members of the Bible Society. The donation of Bibles is directed by Christian values to render effective and efficient service, integrity, trust, respect, service and accountability.

Alarms • Electrical Fencing • • CCTV • Access Control • 24 hour Control Room • For all your security needs • Household • Plots • Business • Farms The handover at Sango Combined School at Laersdrift in the Stoffberg area with Mr A. M Mahlangu and Pastor Ramashala.

NADIA Exley, wat ‘n oudLydenburger en bekende gesig hier is, het haar eie haarsalon Sleek Scissors geopen by Jocks Country Stalls. Nadia is alreeds twee jaar gekwalifiseer en bring die nuutste tendense, onder andere die “Brazillian Blow Wave”, in haarkappery na Lydenburg. As jy ‘n afspraak het, word jy ook vinnig gehelp omdat Nadia geen dubbelbesprekings aanvaar nie. Sy weet haar kliënte se tyd is kosbaar. Nadia nooi al haar ou en nuwe kliënte om haar gerus te besoek. Sleek Scissors se tye is van Dinsdae tot Vrydae 08h00 - 17h00 en Saterdae 08h00 - 13h00 en jy kan Nadia kontak vir ’n afspraak by 082 829 0140. Nadia Exley.


Kantoor Street, Lydenburg 081 086 3961 / 081 016 0469

Tel: 013 235 1822 Cell: 082 873 8423

Hunters Gold 330ml NRB 6 Pack R45 Case: R175 Castle Lager 330ml NRB 6 Pack R39 Case: R150 Carling Black Label 330ml NRB or Cans 6 Pack R39 Case: R150 Prices valid from Thursday 6 February 2014 up to and including Thursday 13 February 2014 or While Stock Last All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.

Waterval Onder & Boven/Torbanlea Farm Weltevrede Farm/old Mamre goldmine /Lime Kilns at Ngodwana Saturday 8 February meeting at 07:00 LEAVING the Kruger Lowveld Tourism office at Crossing the first stop will be at Waterval Onder to visit the Kruger House Museum. The group will be allowed to enter one of the original restored NZASM railway houses still occupied here. At Boven the tour will do a drive past the old corrugated station building restored some years ago and visit one or two of the original railway structures dating from the early 1890s. With the completion of the Eastern Line, Boven was an important halfway station between Lourenço Marques and Pretoria. Very few know that the recently restored Torbanlea Manor of the Halls family at Mataffin was actually named after their old summer farm on the back road between Boven and Machadodorp. The house on Torbanlea was burnt down by the Boers in the Anglo-Boer War due to Hugh Halls' support of the British occupational forces while being a burgher of the Transvaal Republic. A highlight will be a visit to the exquisite country manor of George Heys, on the highlands farm Weltevrede overlooking the Elands River Valley. Hays was also the owner of Melrose House in Pretoria. The house at Weltevrede was designed by British architect John Ellis in 1904. This is a unique example of a farmyard in the style of the arts and crafts movement of the time. The next stop is the last remains of the gold-mining village of Mamre, before going back down into the valley to view the three old lime kilns. For many years these were a prominent roadside landmark until dwarfed by the towering Ngodwana paper and pulp factory of later years. Vehicles with a higher ground clearance are required for this excursion. Contact Jan Minnaar on 013-741-2519 or Robin Bell on 082-603-0114 to offer room in your car or if you require a seat. Bring along a picnic lunch, a hat and some sensible shoes. Contact the MHIG at history@routesmp.co.za

Longtom Veterinary Clinic opens its doors

From left are LunĂŠ Janzen van Vuuren, Dr Marietjie Malan and her husband Jako de Klerk, (front): Elsabe en Marizelle de Klerk. MONDAY 3 February was the official opening of Longtom Veterinary Clinic. Located on the Sterkspruit plots road, Dr Marietjie Malan, for several years the State Vet, has opened her own practice. The opening was well attended by friends, family and clients. Dr Malan is very excited at the prospect of serving the veterinary needs of Lydenburg and surrounds. The

practice covers pets, livestock and game. Dr Malan was described by guest speaker, Dr Daan Goosen from Disease Control Africa as a true veterinarian, with a passion for the well being and care of all animals. The Highlands Panorama News wishes Dr Malan all the success possible with her new venture.

“The Heavens are Open” is a revival crusade that will take place at the Mashishing Community Hall till 7 February. Call 082 301 2126 for more info. The Crusade will close at 37 Joubert Street, Lydenburg on 8 February at 18:00.

Gerda Chester, eienaar van Longtom Animal Protection and Rescue vra dat die eienaars van hierdie honde asseblief na vore kom. Dit is van groot belang om hulle weer by hul eienaars te kry of dalk nuwe huise. Skakel Gerda: 082 041 6165. Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes vra hulp by die haarsalon. Die diens word aangebied en ’n vrywilliger is nodig om te help indraai en stilleer vir die bejaardes. Skakel asseblief 013 235 2146.

Hartseer eienaar trek Rusoord toe, Boetie soek aanneemhuis Me. Annatjie Viljoen trek na Rusoord Te h u i s v i r B e j a a r d e s s e n u w e Wooneenhede. Boetie is vier jaar oud, 'n mannetjieskat en reggemaak. Hy is liefdevol en baie saggeaard. Die laaste ding wat sy wil doen is om sonder Boetie wees maar sy moet hom laat aanneem. Skakel haar asseblief by 082 348 2118.

Kom haal ID af

Hierdie ID is naby A1 Droogskoonmakers gevind. Dit kan by die Highlands Panorama Nuus se kantore afgehaal word, skakel 013 235 2287.

Logan Rogers and his Daschund Yoyo (5).

Boesman (7) is ’n Boerboel en was ’n wenner in Wragtig Pragtig.

Montego Lydenburg, een van die borge van My Beste Vriend Hondekompetsie se oom Johnnie van Heerden saam met Logan en sy ma.

Dr. David Huchzermeyer van die Sterkspruit Dierekliniek oorhandig Irda de Necker se eerste prys aan haar. Billa (regs) het die kategorie Wragtig Pragtig gewen.

Billa is bykans een jaar oud en ’n Skotse Terrier.

Marisha Ferreira ontvang Boesman se prys van dr. Dr. David Huchzermeyer, Sterkspruit Dierekliniek. Sy het die prys namens haar man, Wilbert Ferreira ontvang. Hulle is baie trots op Boesman.

Kerkstr 59, Lydenburg Deur Michelle Boshoff

Michelle Grobbelaar, Puggy se eienaar, ontvang haar prys by dr. David Puggy is ’n Pug gekruis met 'n Griffon. Hy is tweede in die Lelikste hond-kategorie. Huchzermeyer, Sterkspruit Dierekliniek.

Entheos Christian School participates in ANA tests Wikkie: 082 818 6531 / Louis: 071 603 3314 wikkie.vanrooyen@gmail.com

Yolande Leach (Principal) and Thinus Rademeyer (Pastor / Adminstrator), representatives from Entheos Christian school, were invited to a Gala event hosted by the Department of Education in Bushbuck Ridge on Thursday 30 January 2014. This Gala event was to celebrate the Bohlabela District Excellence Awards in the 2013 ANA Examinations, during the ceremony, Entheos Christian School was awarded the Best School in ANA Performance for Grade 6 in English Home Language for 2013 Examinations. Well Done Grade 6’s!

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499

THE latest version of the Kia Cerato Koup is indeed a beautiful car. The full designation is Kia Cerato Koup 1.6 TGDI. The TGDI stands for Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection. This is the latest technology turbo petrol engine with direct fuel injection. This translates into a phenomenal 152kW and 265Nm of torque, and this from a 1600 petrol motor! The engine is super smooth and quiet and moves the fairly big car with ease. Zero to 100 for instance takes just 7.7 seconds with a maximum speed of 224 km/h. We tested the 6-speed automatic model and although bigger and pricier that the 1.4 Turbo Astra tested last week, we had to compare. This is perhaps unfair, as the Koup should be compared to the 1.6 Turbo Astra GTC 2-door. Specification level is excellent. You have leather seats, six airbags, ABS, EBD, ESC, VSM, HAC, iPod (AUX) and USB in, full climate control, electronic windows (auto one push), electric, heated and folding outside mirrors, courtesy lights everywhere, electronic inside rearview mirror, HID headlights, LED taillights, power steering with flex steer adjustment and remote functions and adjustable for tilt and reach, Bluetooth, Cruise Control, alloy pedals, central locking with alarm and immobiliser, remote keyless entry, stop start button, paddle shifters (auto box only) tiptronic control, electric lumbar support, front and rear park distance control, reverse camera, LED daytime running lights, illuminated twin vanity mirrors, credit card slots, multifunction onboard computer, Radio / CD / and adjustable headlight beams, to name but a few. The doors are in typical coupe form frameless, and windows are tinted. An electronic sunroof is optional. And that is it. This car literally has everything that any car can offer. The price in the R330+K range might seem a bit steep, but let me assure you, it is a fullhouse car. So, how does it go on the road? Acceleration is brisk, as befits a turbo car. Four wheel disc brakes work very well. Handling at speed is good and the car is very quiet inside, even at speed. The engine turns at around 4 000 rpm in sixth at 180 km/h. At that speed the car is rock steady on the road and feels very safe. The driving experience is very pleasant. Suspension is neither too firm nor too soft. It is perfect. There is enough space for two adults in the rear, but as with any 2-door coupe, getting in and out is a bit of a chore. The boot is of sufficient size, but cannot be called large. Things that I liked: Top specification levels. Very comfortable seats. Good performance and safety levels. Beautiful car. Nice ride. Criticism: Very little. Large 18 inch alloys with low profile tyres not very practical for our poor quality roads. I would rather go for 16 or 17 inchers with more rubber. Go and check it out at Kia Lydenburg. Andre Coetzee.

WIELE WHEELS (Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

OP Saterdag 1 Februarie was die uwe, en my seun Pierre as gaste saam met Charl Van Rhyn en Gert Human van Mc Gee & Kie, Zwartkops toe vir die jaarlikse motorwedrenne van historiese en klassieke motors en motorfietse. Soos op die meegaande fotos gesien kan word, was dit motorhemel met meer 7-liter V8 motors as wat jy kan glo. Mustangs, Chev Can Ams, Ford Galaxies, Chevelles en elke ding. Lydenburg se Steven Colloty was onder andere daar met sy Datsun SSS en daar was Anglias, ou Cortinas, Cobras, BMWs, en ’n magdom Porshes. Geniet die fotos op hierdie bladsy en op bl. 14. Andre Coetzee.

T A L R A D S I LV E RT O N o p Burgersfort het vir hierdie reuse laaigraaf ’n oliekoeler gebou. Op die foto staan Mnr. Johan Taljaard van Talrad Silverton binne die laaigraaf se emmer.

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120 013 235 1086 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

Sales: Hein Viljoen: 083 408 0397 Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035 Raymond Mmola: 076 745 0842

VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 082 329 0795 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: Choert Maartens - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Sue / Hans-Jurgens - 013 235 2141 Hyundai Lydenburg

Kloksgewys van links bo: 57 Chevrolet Bel Air Black Widow, 59 Chev Biscayne Daytona Beach, 67 Chevelle, Datsun SSS (Steven Colloty van Lydenburg), 63 Ford Galaxie 500 XL Bobby Olthoff “Racer”, Anglia uitlaatstelsel, Chev Can Am vlerkie, Klassieke motors lyn op, (links van onder:) 64 Ford Fairlane 500, Cobra Ford, 73 Chev Can Am 302.

THE affordable hatch market could be in for a shakeup in about two months from now when Renault launches its new Sandero. An IOL staff member spotted a number of them on the back of two trucks over the weekend, on their way to Gauteng ahead of the vehicle's imminent introduction. The vehicles were evidently imported, which also suggests that Renault will no longer be building the Dacia-based hatch at Nissan's Rosslyn plant in Gauteng, at least for the time being. Renault remains tight-lipped about the specifics of the new Sandero, so for now we have to pick evidence from the European model, which has already been launched in Dacia guise. Slightly longer than its predecessor, it claims to offer impressive cabin space for five adults. Although it's still pitched as a simple and affordable vehicle, the new Sandero is more sophisticated than its predecessor and range-topping versions really pack on the luxury with items like a seven-inch touch-screen infotainment system with satnav, cruise control and leather seats. However, to keep prices down, the basic by 40mm. models are still, errr, rather basic. The local specs and That said, the square and chunky interior benefits from improved sound proofing the all-too-crucial pricing for the new and better-quality materials across the range. Sandero will be The engine range also caters for a wide range of budgets. More affluent buyers can confirmed closer to opt for Renault's all-new 66kW 0.9-litre three-cylinder turbopetrol, as seen in the t h e c a r ' s l o c a l new Clio, or a much-improved 1.5 dCi diesel with the same output and boasting launch. 220Nm of twist. The most affordable engine option is a normally aspirated 1.2-litre four-cylinder iol.motoring.co.za petrol that's rated at 55kW. As before, a new Stepway 'wannabe SUV' version of the Sandero is also offered abroad, complete with a rugged-looking body kit and a ride height that's been raised

DIE outoppie se 43 jaar ou Chevrolet SS (Holden Monaro GTS in Australië) is in September verlede jaar deur iemand van agter raakgery en erg verniel, nadat hy die motor vir 40 jaar soos ’n babatjie opgepas het. Na ’n gespook om die motor behoorlik te laat waardeer, het Jehanne Claase van Westvaal Mashishing ’n sertifikaat verskaf met ’n waarde waarop die versekeraars kon werk. Tielman Nieuwoudt van BVK / IN2 Insurance, sy personeel en Santam het toe ingespring en die skade is uitbetaal. Intussen het Roelf Castelyn van R&P Autobody die nodige onderdele soos agterligte uit Australië bestel en begin werk aan die motor. My grootste bekommernis was die groot kreukel op die linker agterkant van die motor (sien groot foto onder). Hierdie kreukel is egter reeds uitgetryk (sien onderste fotos). Ons sal lesers op hoogte hou van die vordering met hierdie klassieke motor. Op hierdie stadium wil ek egter reeds my dank uitspreek teenoor Jehanne Claase van Westvaal Mashishing, Tielman Nieuwoudt en sy personeel van BVK / IN2 Insurance in Lydenburg, Chantal Willemse van Santam en Roelf Castelyn en sy personeel van R&P Autobody. Hierdie wonderlike span mense gee werklik om en ek is vol vertroue dat die vuurwa weer so goed as nuut sal wees. Andre Coetzee.

R1 438 pm (BTW Ingesluit) Voorgestelde Kleinhandelprys: R137 000; Rentekoers: 5.46% Laaste Betaling: 35%; Paaiemente: 60; Deposito: 20% Totale Koste van Krediet (BTW Ingesluit): R134 230

Picture may differ to actual vehicle.

Top left to right first row: Ford Galaxie 500 LTD 427 (7-litre) engine, Gert Human left next to BMW Racer, Charl Van Rhyn next to Lammers Racing 454 Big Block Corvette, Morgenrood Mustang. Row 2 left to right: Ford GT 40 business end, Historic bikes, Plymouth Fury 8-litre Hemi engine, Studebaker Lark. Row 3 left to right: Chevy Nova, Volvo P1800, Daytona Beach 59 Chev Biscayne, Supervan Sarel next to 63 Ford Galaxie 500 XL. Row 4: KTM Crossbow, Tight racing. Pictures right down from Supervan: Various shots of the Zwartkops atmosphere.

Cnr Voortrekker & Viljoen Strs, Lydenburg, 013 235 2371 mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za, www.mcgee.co.za

An Authorized Financial Service Provider


Ohrigstad. R 950 000. Lieflike familiehuis. Hierdie 3 slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers is geleĂŤ in die stil plaasdorpie van Ohrigstad. Baie mooi opgepas. Oopplan sit- en eetkamer. Stoep mooi veilig toegemaak sodat familie heerlik daar kan kuier. Motorafdakke. Netjiese en goed versorgde tuin. Skakel Ronel by 083 262 2110 of 013 235 2005 om na hierdie netjiese huis te kyk.

Lydenburg R734 000

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Neat face brick townhouse TOWN HOUSE IN with 2 bedrooms, COMPLEX Open plan living area 3 Bedrooms One air conditioner 2 Bathrooms Kitchen Open plan living area 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Small well-kept Garden and GIVE RE/MAX WINNERS A CALL TO VIEW Close to the High School THIS PROPERTY CALL RE/MAX WINNERS NOW TO VIEW THIS PROPERTY

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074 589 0204 Henry Smith VERKOPE R2 650 000 4slpk dubbelverd huis met studeerk, swembad 4 badkamers, woonstel R860 000 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer meenthuis in kompleks R1 129 800 Pragtige 3 slpk meenthuis met dubbel motorhuis in kompleks

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Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

Buyers Market vs Sellers Market

Five tips to building your dream home


he property market is determined by supply and demand of real estate, which then dictates whether it is currently a Buyers or a Sellers market. In a Buyers market there is more supply than demand meaning there are more homes for sale than there are actual Buyers. Homes placed on the market during this time often stay on the market longer than average and their prices will likely remain the same or decrease. A Buyers market does not mean your house won't sell though. By making sure that your home is priced appropriately and is show-ready, you will increase your chances of a sale within a reasonable amount of time. In a Sellers market there is more demand than supply meaning there are more Buyers than there are houses for sale. Homes placed on the market during this time will often be sold more quickly than average and possibly for a higher selling price. www.property24.com

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.


KERKSTRAAT 41, KANTOORURE TEL: 013 235 1986 WORD DIE TROTSE EIENAAR VAN HIERDIE NETJIESE 4 SLK WONING IN RUSTIGE AREA, LOOPAFSTAND VAN HOëRSKOOL Besonderse ruim sitk/eetk (netjies geteël), toegeboude sonstoep, komb met aparte opwask en as bonus groot wask met rakke. 4 Slk waarvan 1 as studeerk gebruik kan word, 2 badk, alarm binne en buite die huis, 3 motorh, 2 afdakke, buitetoilet met wasbak. "BACHELOR" W/S : Badk met stort, toilet en wasbak. Oopplan kamer met komb. Mooi gevestigede tuin


• 4 Slk luukse won, by Laerskool R9 800 / mnd • 3 Slk netjiese w/stelle, 2 vol badk, 2 mot - R7 000 / mnd

R 1 475 000


• Redelik nuut geboude 3 slk won met 2 badk, oopplan sit/eetk/komb, aparte opwas/wask, 2 mot, groot erf, nuut geverf - R1,250 milj. • 2 Slk siersteen won met sit/eet, stoep met borrelbad, plus 1 slk w/stel, 2 mot, tuinhuis, palesades - R1,250 milj • 288HA weiplaas, 15HA lande - R2 milj • 4 Slk woning met studeerkamer, ruim sit/eetk/tvk, kombuis met aparte opwas/wask, 2 mot, afdak, boorgat, swembad, palesade - R1,6 milj SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP

damaged before they are built into your home. Getting a loan Banks are slightly tougher when it comes to granting building loans compared to a home loan for a completed property because there are greater risks for the bank. Barker said those who plan to build need to produce more documentation, including building plans, details of the location, details of all building materials and finishes as well as the cost of the land. Loan repayments Banks do not require you to service the full payment of your building loan during the building period. “You should nevertheless try to pay at least the interest portion and insurance premiums from the outset. Without doing this, you are unlikely to come in on budget, and this will start to increase the total cost of the building. Municipality Builders need to understand the role of the municipality and town planners in their building project. Approval turnaround times should be included into the construction timeline. Approval requires the right paperwork, failing which it can take much longer than anticipated. Prospective home builders should be cautious about moving into an area without any water or e l e c t r i c i t y. The installation of Kantore oorkant Longtom Spar these services can require substantial Te Huur: R1 368 - KANTORE beskikbaar Modern, neat and newly built! i n v e s t m e n t . oorkant Spar, modern & veilig. Be the first owner of this R5 000 - R7 000 NUUTGEBOUDE 2 spacious and beautiful family www.fin24.com & 3 Slp eenhede.

IF you are planning to build the home of your dreams, be sure to have the finances, patience and knowledge to do it properly. There is enormous value in creating your own home. Make sure you avoid the pitfalls by understanding exactly what is involved. Costs Most building costs overrun by about 20%, particularly at the top end of the market. If you get into financial difficulties before your home has been completed, it is much harder to sell an incomplete building than to sell a finished house. Some of the reasons for cost escalations include homeowners changing their minds, the lack of qualified project managers, unexpected delays and the cost of alternative accommodation. Cutting costs Several people opt to manage their own building projects in a bid to cut costs, but this can be a dangerous move, warns Barker. “If you cannot always be on site, builders end up waiting for you and the cost of idle labour quickly mounts. “In addition, you will have to make most of the decisions, including building decisions based on limited knowledge, instead of a using a more qualified architect or project manager,” he said. It is important to make sure that you are covered either by your own or your builder's insurance, for things like the materials being

Besoek www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.

home in a secure estate, three bedrooms, two modern bathrooms, modern kitchen with Granite tops, scullery, tiled, double garage. Stand 508m² House 210 m² R 1 320 000 ·Verskeie erwe beskikbaar in The Heads & Sterkspruit Ontwikkeling 500 m² - 770m² vanaf R240 000 ·Koop vanaf Bouplan en spaar op oordrag kostes ·2748 m² erf reeds gesoneer na Res 2, goedgekeurde planne vir 8 eenhede POA ·Nuutgeboude huise vanaf R1 280 000

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 2 slpk, 2 badk, groot oopplan leefarea, enkel motorhuis, afdak vir 3 motors. R6 600 • Moderne 3 slpk huis in Sterkspruit met 2 badk, oopplan kombuis/leefarea. Stoep met ingeboude braai. Dubbel motorhuis R8 700p/m • Ruim 2 slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met gaste toilet sitkamer, oopplan eetkamer/kombuis met aparte opwas. Dubbel motorhuis en groot erf. R6 850p/m • 3 slpk 2 badk huis met gaste toilet, oopplan leefarea/kombuis stoep met ingeboude braai. Dubbel motorhuis. R9 500p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Annalize: 084 512 9393 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

2 Slp R595 000 3 Slp R695 000

R6 500 - Meenthuis in kompleks, 3 Slp, 1 badk, geen diere R9 500 - DUPLEKS 3 Slp, 2 b/k, gaste toilet, dubbel m/h R14 000 - HUIS 5 x Slp, 2 x b/k, groot leef area, 3 x m/h & wendy huis R4 400 - 2 Slk w/stel in kompleks 1 badkamer. R8 000 – SAAL te huur 130m² – ideaal vir pilates /gym / kantore / klasse

Winkel spasie: 52m ² R5 300 80m ² R8 030 90m ² R9 050 Vakante betrekking: Verkoops agent, eie vervoer, ondervinding in verkope, goeie kommissie struktuur, geen “franchise fooie” Stuur cv aan: admin@qsrealty.co.za

Nuwe Ontwikkeling: Fase 1 : 16 Eenhede beskikbaar.

Opsoek na huise / woonstelle / plase en plotte te huur.


2 Shops to let in Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Excellent Location Shop - 1 - 260m² Shop 2 - 90m² Can also be rented as 1 unit of 350m²

Available: 01/04/2014

082 775 6376


• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint

Spelers in aksie by Gogola Mining se Gholfdag en regs ’n uitstalling van Volkswagen Highlands met hul motors. Die gholfdag is goed bygewoon deur gholfgeesdriftiges en daar het ’n lekker gees op die baan geheers. Die uitslae is volgende week in die koerant en die prysuitdeling. Foto’s Michelle Boshoff.

Foto bo: Volkswagen Highlands by die Gholfdag van Gogola Mining wat Saterdag by die Lydenburg Gholfklub plaasgevind het. Op die foto is AJ Laubsher, Eugene Muller en Yolande Geldenhuys.

Blomprag in geel

Thea Potgieter het hierdie pragtige foto geneem van sonneblomme langs die pad naby Potchefstroom. Noordwes het gewis sy eie bekoring.


STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615 TUINDIENSTE / vullisverwydering • Plaagbeheer • Alle herstelwerk & staalwerk • Skoonmaak dienste • Chemikalieë & toiletpapier. Kontak Adriaan 082 488 0181 of Zuleka 082 426 3144 D A V I S S E R PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2877 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 PETALS : Affordable Floral Decor for functions/special o c c a s i o n s Bekostigbare Blommedekor vir funksies/ spesiale geleenthede. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR. 015 001 7006 ENIGE staalwerk. 072 778 6377

M E U B E L HERSTELWERK 40 jaar ondervinding. Godfried. 072 762 8562

Advertise your business here


ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521



CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/ 081 086 3961

L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

C R E AT I V E N A I L S Karmien 082 887 5886


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR HIGH PROTEIN diet & Pawn SHOP 074 897 b l o o d g r o u p . 9768 / 078 467 0954 / L y d e n b u r g , 076 483 1234 / 013 235 Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 4843 082 833 0323 TE KOOP: 1 Dorper skaap ram, 6 ooie, 5 FOTOGRAFIE/ lammers. R15 000. 083 PHOTOGRAPHY 452 0721 TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephot ography.com

I N L A I D I TA L I A N service trolley. R2700; Colonial Indian brass tray, diameter 60cm with stand plus ashtrays R1300. Contact Barry 083 363 1865

SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 50 DRAGTIGE Dorper 5105 ooie & 5 goeie veld ramme te koop. Ooie R1300 elk, ramme REKENAARS/ R5000 - R6000 elk. 35 COMPUTERS Lammers ook beskikbaar R500 R600 elk. Charles 083 602 0354 I.T.@Large - for all pc


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


DOUBLE STOREY house in Dullstroom, 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 bathroom, kitchen, fireplace, patio with build in-braai. R1.1 mil; 1466m² Corner stand in Belfast R150 000 neg. 072 024 6677 / 013 254 0071 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416 B A C H E L O R WOONSTEL agter in erf. Geen diere, slegs enkelpersoon. 083 686 6403 F L AT S TO R E N T LY D E N B U R G 1 bedroom from R3400, 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg from R5200, 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms and garage in secure complex from R6000. Contact 082 460 3000


repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


BEESTE TE KOOP: 1 bul R15 000, 3 koeie R6500 elk & 4 kalwers R4500 - R5000 elk. Charles 083 602 0354

B A C H E L O R S w o o n s t e l t e h u u r. R2500pm 079 624 9486 ENKELWOONSTEL R3000 krag ingesluit. 072 762 8562


HONDA XL 650V on/off road motorfiets, 2007. 12 000km. 082 572 9453


1000 MEELWURMS vir R100. 079 021 6235

KAMERS beskikbaar by Oppi-Berg. 082 786 1651


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203.

PETS CORNER - 013 I BUY VEHICLES for 235 2658 cash. 082 646 6735 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour Rowena 083 326 0941

L U U K S E AKKOMMODASIE: 5 self-sorg eenhede ten volle toegerus. Spesiale pryse beskikbaar. 013 235 2 0 1 0 / e p o s : adelpragt@hotmail. com VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES GEKWALIFISEERDE HAARKAPSTER e-

p o s C V n a samanthapienaar2@g mail.com/ kontak 079 751 9922 KERKE/ CHURCHES

•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 2 3 5 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00,

a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster

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10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

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OTEES CASH & CARRY VACANCY Cashier • should be computer literate.

Fax CV to 013 235 2145 / Email CV to otees@lantic.net

Vacancy: Workshop Manager Vakante Betrekkings Aptekersassistente

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• Aged between 30 and 50 • Technically strong mechanical & electrical • Must be familiar with diagnostic equipment • Know motor vehicle spares well • Self-motivated with leadership qualities • Sober habits • Interested in future development in the motor industry • Be able to work peacefully together with colleagues • Be able to manage his own time & planning Please fax CV to 086 244 3838 Successful candidates will be invited for an interview. If we do not contact you in 5 days, regard your application as unsuccessful.

LYDENBURG DIENSSENTRUM VIR SNR. BURGERS: VAKATURE Profiel: Gemeenskap gebaseerde versorging - en ondersteunende dienste word aan nagenoeg 300 Snr. Burgers, wat in eie huise woon, in en om Lydenburg / Mashishing omgewing gelewer. Daar is skakeling met Departement Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling. Pligte: Die uitvoer van alle pligte en verantwoordelikhede soos in posomskrywing / Pligtestaat omskryf. Aansoeker profiel: Kandidate moet die nodige opleiding en ondervinding tot die volgende vaardighede besit - Algemene kantoor asook finansiële administrasie, bestuurs- en organisatoriesevaardighede, personeel- en salarisvaardighede ( LBS, WVF, pensioen ens.) Ad Hoc take soos van tyd-tot-tyd opgedra. Aansoeker moet uitstekende menseverhoudinge kan handhaaf asook ondervinding, begrip en belangstelling t.o.v en in die hantering van Senior Burgers besit. Aansoekers moet ten volle tweetalig en rekenaarvaardig wees (Word, Excel ens.) Vorige ondervinding is ’n vereiste. Bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer. Vriendelikheid, betroubaarheid en die hantering van druk is belangrik. Salaris: Onderhandelbaar Sluitingsdatum: 17 Februarie 2014 Diensaanvaarding: 1 Maart 2014 Aansoeke: Skriftelike aansoek te same met ’n volledige CV, getuigskrif van vorige werkgewer asook name van twee verwysings kan per hand ingehandig word / of per epos gestuur word. Aansoekvorms: is by die Dienssentrum beskikbaar. Onderhoude: Gekeurde kandidate sal vir ’n onderhoud genooi word. Die Beheerraad behou die reg voor om geen aanstelling uit die aansoekers te maak nie. Indien u nie binne 14 dae na sluitingsdatum van aansoeke terugvoer ontvang nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Navrae: Hantie Bezuidenhout 013 235 3875 (w) Staatadres: Rensburgstraat 42, Lydenburg. E-pos adres: lyddienss@lantic.net of hantiebez@gmail.com

NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS DEAREF: 14/12/16/3/3/1/907 Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in Government Notice No. R543, R544 of 2010, in terms of Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) of Eskom Holdings Limited's intention to carry out the following activity: · Basic Assessment Environmental Management Programme for the construction of a new 132KV distribution line from the existing Lydenburg substation to the existing Merensky substation, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province. The project applicant, Eskom Distribution has appointed Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental, as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP), to undertake environmental studies to identify and assess all potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. AVAILABILITY OF THE DRAFT SCOPING REPORT FOR REVIEW As part of the Public Participation Process, you are invited to review and comment on the Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR).The Draft BAR will be available for a period of 40 days as per the new NEMA regulations. The report will be available from 7 February 2014to. 18 March 2014 The report will be available on the following websites and at the followingpublic places: · Royal Haskoning DHV Environmental website / website:www.rhdhv.co.za · Lydenburg Library: 40 Viljoen st, Lydenburg · Thaba Chweu Local Municipality: Cnr Central & Vijoen street, Lydenburg · Lydenburg Post Office: 38 Voortrekker str , Lydenburg · Burgesfort TubatseLibrary Next to Old Tubatse Municipality Offices: Cnr Kort & Eddie Sedibe St, · Greater Tubatse Local Municipality:1 Kastania street, Burgersfort PUBLIC MEETING All I&AP's are requested to attend the public meeting which will be held on .13February 2014. at Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, 1 Kastania streetat 10: 00, where representatives from Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental and Eskom Distribution will be available and will explain the proposed project in detail. During the public meetings Royal Haskoning Environmental and Eskom Distribution representatives will be able to answer any queries that I&AP's might have with regards to the proposed project. WHO SHOULD YOU CONTACT? All I&AP is requested to address their written comments on/before18 March 2014to the Public Participation Consultant mentioned below: Hope Mokolane (atRoyal HaskoningDHV) Public Participation Consultant P O Box 867, Gallo Manor, 2052 (011) 798 6434; (011) 798 6001; hope.mokolane@rhdhv.com

Cornelle Leach, a student from Entheos Christian School, participated in the Valencia Swimming Gala held on Saturday 1 February 2014. Cornelle swam in the Freestyle 50m with a time of 41.04 seconds, which is the qualifying time for the SACSSA (South African Christian School Sport Association) Nationals. She also swam in the Breaststroke with a time of 53.42 seconds, and the Backstroke with a time of 50.23 seconds.

Op Saterdag 25 Januarie 2014 het CVO Waterval en Lydenburg Akademie 'n heerlike atletiekdag gehad. Almal het dit baie geniet en daar is selfs 'n paar rekords verbeter. Die Lydenburg Akademie se kinders het beslis nie teruggehou op die sportveld nie!

Jagters, merk dié datum DIE Bosbok Tak van die SA J a g t e r s v e re n i g i n g b e d i e n d i e Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg area. Lede kan die volgende datums op hul kalender uitmerk. Op 12 Februarie sluit die NTVF Besprekingspunte. Op 15 Februarie word ‘n skietdag op Lydenburg gehou. Die dag sal ‘n Springbok en Jakkals kwalifiseerder wees. Navrae : Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698 - Skiet Koordineerder, JB Willers 082 820 1748 - Voorsitter, of Leon Visser - Ondervoorsitter by 082 808 9641. Die graad 0 klas met hul medaljes.

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