13 Februarie / February 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No:06

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13 Februarie / February 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 06 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Bl 8 - Toeka se dae


he SAPS Diving Squad from Nelspruit, the Lydenburg K9 Unit and Lydenburg SAPS were some of the units that helped with the search for a little girl that drowned on Saturday afternoon. Emergency services were informed that a group of children were playing under the Spekboom Bridge, on the Lydenburg / Ohrigstad road, and that a girl went missing. It was unclear if she fell in the water or went for a swim. A helicopter was also used for the search on Monday. Capt M. A. Mashabela confirmed on Tuesday that the girl was found around noon. She must have drifted downstream with the current. She was found about 2km from the place where she went missing. Her name had not yet been released by the time the Highlands Panorama News went to print. One of the rescuers on the scene was Mr Deon Broekman. Other volunteers were also on the scene to look for the girl. The river was very strong due to high volumes of rain in the catchment area. This made it difficult for the search-and-rescue units. ~ Michelle Boshoff

The Spekbook River and Bridge

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Woman bitten on foot by snake A woman from Lydenburg was admitted to the Lydenburg Hospital on Wednesday 5 February after being bitten by a Mozambique Spitting Cobra. Well known snake conservationist Neels Bothma was called to the hospital and he took the photo (right). She was reported to be in a stable condition. Serious tissue damage can occur if a wound like this is not treated correctly. The snake was killed during the biting incident. Phone Neels Bothma at 082 7303047 or Paul at 079 983 6818 for assistance or advice on how to handle situations like these.

Construction on R37 stopped, or so it seems

Total estimated cost was R 19 974 576 Every motorist that uses the R37, between Lydenburg and Burgersfort knows that the roadworks feel like a never ending problem. The Tubatse Municipality announced in 2011 already what this road will cost . On the SANRAL website it states: “The municipality will contribute 50% if SANRAL can provide 50% of the funding. A public–private partnership will be performed for the construction of formal trading areas.” The previous contractors are not in sight and all the departments were unavailable for comment on who the new contractors are and how soon they think the road will be finished. Numerous accidents occur here daily.

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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Hoorhierso oor Judaskas was reg in die kol Theresa Matthews van Lydenburg skryf: Na aanleiding van die rubriek Hoorhierso op 6 Februarie 2014 deur Michelle Boshoff: U het die voorgenome huwelik tussen Agang en die DA opgesom met die woord Judaskus. Trou is nie perdekoop nie. Mens moet mooi dink oor jou voorgenome huweliksmaat. Die DA is van die begin af mislei maar ek en my vriende gaan nie weer DA stem nie want hulle kan weer mislei wod.


Stem vir verandering registreer nou Dr Pieter Mulder, VF+ Leier skryf: In die vorige algemene verkiesing (2009) het 43% van alle Suid Afrikaners wat mag stem, nie gestem nie. As net die helfte van hierdie nie stemmers teen die ANC gaan stem het, het die ANC verloor. Die gevolg was dat die ANC die verkiesing gewen het terwyl maar slegs 37% van alle Suid Afrikaners wat mag stem vir hulle gestem het. Daar is beslis rede vir ongelukkigheid oor wat tans in Suid Afrika aangaan. Daarom is dit tyd vir verandering. Om te kla is geregverdig, maar dit alleen gaan nie verandering meebring nie. Die eerste tree om verandering te weeg te bring is om te registreer om te kan stem. Indien u nie verlede naweek kon registreer nie, het u wel nog die geleentheid om by u plaaslike munisipale verkiesingskantoor te r e g i s t r e e r. U k a n d i e O n a f h a n k l i k e Verkiesingskommissie se tolvryenommer 0800118000 skakel vir nader inligting hieroor. Jy kan jou ID nommer na 34139 SMS om vas te stel of jy geregistreer is. Indien jy geregistreer is, kan jy steeds besluit om nie later te gaan stem nie. Indien jy nie geregistreer is nie en jy sou dalk in die hitte van die verkiesingstryd kort voor stemdag besluit om tog te stem, kan jy nie.

Johan van Heerden van Lydenburg skryf: Maandag 27 Januarie knip hy / hulle weer my skaapkraal se slot om my skape te steel. Gelukkig was ons nog wakker aangesien ons Britse gaste onthaal het. Alarms wat afgaan, vrae wat gevra word. Wat ’n verleentheid vir my seun met sy oorsese gaste hier teenwoordig. Suid-Afrika, die land waar misdaad hoogty vier. Ek het die volgende oggend die SAPD geskakel om die veediefstaleenheid se nommer te vra. Die dame wat geantwoord het, kon nie die nommer aan my verskaf nie, maar het my deurgeskakel. Die foon het egter net gelui. Dit het outomaties weer teruggegaan na dieselfde dame. Ek het verduidelik dat die nommer nie lui en weer gevra vir die direkte nommer. Sy gee toe vir my die ‘commander’ se selfoonnommer wat ek toe geskakel het en die situasie aan hom verduidelik het. Hy deel my toe mee dat hy ook nie die nommer ken nie, maar dit aan my sal deurbel, alles in Engels. Nodeloos om te Baie geluk aan Jakes en Rene Jacobs met sê, ek wag nog! Ek wonder as ek die Generaal bel of hy in besit sal wees van hierdie geheime julle huweliksbevestiging. nommer. Agterna moes ek verneem dat op dieselfde aand ook by die Visserye, direk langs my ’n Hierdie Jack Russel reuntjie is in misdaad gepleeg is, asook ’n die omgewing van Morganstraat, huisroof waartydens ’n vrou Lydenburg opgetel. Hy woon nou al haar lewe verloor het. die afgelope vier maande by ons Die SAPD in Lydenburg klink maar het vir byna ’n jaar af en toe lankal nie meer so lekker nie. by ons al kom oë wys. Wat hom Lees die berig in Rapport uniek maak is sy swart gesiggie en Weekliks, 9 Februarie, deur dr. toonnaeltjies. Indien dit jou hondjie Johan Burger. is kontak my by 084 588 3472 sodat julle hom kan kom haal.

Verlore hondjie soek sy baas

Mattheus 24:21: Want dan sal daar groot verdrukking wees soos daar van die begin van die wêreld af tot nou toe nie gewees het en ook nooit sal wees nie. Ons Hemelse Vader, beskerm ons teen hierdie geweldige professie en bring vir ons vrede tussen mense - Amen

LYDENBURG is ’n klein dorpie en as sulks ly dit erg aan ’n tipiese kleindorp sindroom. As jy nuut in die dorp intrek, word jy met agterdog beskou as ’n “inkommer” en sukkel jy jou as af om deel te word van een of ander kliek. So sê die nuwe mense. Ek sal nie weet nie, ek is hier van hoërskooltyd (1969) af en het met ’n gebore Lydenburger getrou. Ek was wel in matriek die

HOORHIERSO, met Valentynsdag wil ek ook ’n eiertjie lê. Eerste liefde, niks so soet en intensief nie. Só moet mens van baie hoor wat dit al ondervind het. Jou eerste liefde is mos jou grootste. Dit maak die grootste indruk op jou. Sien, op Hoorhierso is daar nie 'n lewende wese wat te veel oe en aa oor die liefde nie. Miskien is ek nog nooit hard genoeg oor my kop geslaan daarmee nie. Maar tog maak ek altyd die regte aanmerkings as iemand my van hulle pragtige verhouding vertel. En ook hoe hulle ontmoet het. Moet tog bieg, met die ontmoet deel konsentreer ek bietjie harder. Mens weet nooit, dalk vang ek 'n paar idees waar om my beterhelfte eendag te ontmoet. Let wel: eendag en ek weet nie van die beter nie! Nou die dag vertel 'n dame my van haar interessante ervaring. Vreemde emosies, vertel sy, het weer by haar opgekom toe sy met die man praat met wie sy in 1972 uitgegaan het. Die man het haar die trekpas gegee na die eerste week wat sy begin skoolhou het. 'n Ryk boeredogter het hom gesteel. Dit het by haar uitgekom dat die man kanker onder lede het en sy besluit toe om hom te skakel. Sy kry toe nou die dag 'n sms waarin hy om verskoning smeek vir destyds se hartseer. Eintlik, vertel sy ook, het hy niks verkeerd gedoen nie. Jy besluit mos maar self wie moet jou lewensmaat wees. En sy wonder: Kan dit moontlik wees dat na 30 jaar dieselfde liefde gevoel by jou opkom? Sy was 22 jaar oud. Ou-liefdes het mos 'n manier om by jou te spook. Bekende Emily Brontë het geskryf oor die liefde… soos ewige kranse. “Waarvan ons siele ook al gemaak is, syne en myne is dieselfde… en wie, vra ek jou, wie sal ons van mekaar skei? Knut Hamsun, 'n literêre fundi het die liefde beskryf as 'n “wind wat suis deur die rose, nee, 'n vlammende vuur in die bloed. Die liefde is 'n musiek soos heet soos die het en laat selfs die ou mense se harte dans. O, die liefde, dis 'n somernag met sterre aan die hemel en geur op die aarde. Dit het een lentedag op aarde gekom toe 'n jongeling twee oë gesien het, twee oë. Hy staar en sien. Toe is dit asof twee ligte mekaar in sy hart ontmoet, 'n son wat weerlig teen 'n ster. Toe hoor en sien hy niks meer in die wêreld nie. En die liefde het die wêreld se ontstaan en die wêreld se heerser geword. Soos die spil waarom alles draai, sê die wat weet...

Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

enigste seun met ’n motorfiets en is derhalwe ook met groot agterdog bejeën. Die spietkop oom (Dirk Hoffman) wat my moes toets vir my lisensie was baie kwaai! Ewenwel, gerugte “rumours” is altyd hier aan die orde van die dag. En ontug. Toe ek Lydenburg Kommando se Inligtingsoffisier geword het, het ek agtergekom wie kuier by wie, bedags as die antie se man gewerk het. Daar agter die hospitaal, oor die spoor na oom Gert Weilbach se plaas toe, het gereeld twee bekende motors gestaan met die klere sommer so op die dak. En elke dag was dit twee ander motors, van vername mense. Een storie wou dit hê dat as die lokasiebrug in die nag wegspoel, daar ’n klomp ouens

met rooi gesigte anderkant die rivier vasgekeer sou wees. Gesiene ouens. So hoor ek ook elke week hier by die koerant dat die een besigheidsman kwaad is vir die ander en nooit weer met hom besigheid sal doen nie. Dit, sê ek altyd, sal nie werk nie, want dan gaan hier 400 besighede in dié dorp wees, wat glad nie sake doen nie. So, ek speel dikwels of vredemaker, of ek kalmeer ’n kwaai ou en hou die storie uit die koerant! En die ouens vertrou my, want ek praat nie uit nie. Diskresie is die ding! Ek word baie gekritiseer omdat ek nie oor ’n storie skryf of uitpraat nie, maar dit is my manier. My ma het my ten spyte van die motorfiets, goed grootgemaak. En ten spyte van Lydenburg se kleindorp sindroom, verruil ek dié plek vir geen ander ter wêreld nie. Dit, ongeag van al die geskinder, beneuktheid en die ontug! Hierdie is my dorp en meestal my mense!

Mr Mark Holder, the owner and falconer of the Dullstroom Bird of Prey & Rehabilitation Centre is currently very ill. Everyone at the centre, Dullstroom residents and his friends wishes him all the best.

CONNOR Boshoff (10) has been volunteering at The Dullstroom Bird Of Prey & Rehabilitation Centre since last August. A Brown Snake Eagle was brought in by members of the public and was found to have been shot in the wing. Needless to say that the medical care required for the Eagle amounted to quite a bit of money. This centre relies heavily on donations from the public to keep its doors open. Connor decided to start a collection for the Eagle to assist in covering it's medical bills. This he did by means of speaking to the visitors of the Centre during morning and afternoon flying displays, explaining why the Snake Eagle had been brought in and on the progress it was making in the Centre's hospital bay. He had raised about R4000 when the contents of the donations tin was stolen from the Centre. He's so sad that all their hard work seems to have been for nought. The Centre does such a huge job to make

Connor Boshoff with the donation tin that was stolen.

people aware of the wonderful work they're doing. For more information phone Chantel Boshoff at 072 260 7527.

13 Februarie 2013

013 235 2287, Viljoenstraat 65, Lydenburg

You are invited to QuadCamp • Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit: 2014!

(013) 235 7300 What is QuadCamp? Sales People brake the norm, Chweu come meet fellow • Thaba Munisipaliteit business People and peers.

(013) 235 1788 PLACE: Laske Nakke lodge Lydenburg 4 March 2014 from • Polisie: (013) 235 6-9am


2222 /

(013) 235 1011 • SunR250.00 Security: PRICE: per person(013) 235 2728 •Come Lydenburg Reaksie: (013) 235 4825 enjoy a Buffet breakfast; from Muffins to Bubbly and a • Crimespeech Combat Solutions: motivational a true ‘wakeup-shake-up!’ At the 1822 Crack of (013) 235 Dawn we will Crack an Egg, • Hospitaal: (013) 235 2233 Crack a Joke and get You Cracking! • Mediese sentrum: (013) 235 2205 The QuadCamp is in aid of Ama • Nelspruit Medi Wheelies the quadriplegic home -in Clinic: Lydenburg (013) 759 0500 Booking essential - a must attend 24 Hour Emergency: (013) 759 0645 event for your sales team! • ER24: 084please 124/ 073 839 7372/ For more information contact Barry Botes0255 079 875 5040 082 696 • N3 Fire & Rescue: (079) 163 0814 • Childline: 0800 055 555 • Staatsveearts: (013) 235 2071 • Sterkspruit Dierekliniek: (013) 235 4132 • Lydenburg Dierespreekamer: (013) 235 3039 • Longtom Vet Clinic (072) 042 6216 • Lapsar: 082 041 6165 • Report wildfire: 0860 663 473 • Working on Fire: (013) 741 6400 • Fire: (013) 235 1788 / (013) 235 7042 • Environmental Hotline: 0800 205 005 • Parkeraad: (013) 235 2395/6/7 • Neels Bothma (Slange): 082 730 3047 • Gustav Klingbiel Museum: (013) 235 2231 • Dienssentrum: (013) 235 3879 EVENT: QuadCamp 2014

You are invited to QuadCamp 2014 What is QuadCamp? Sales people break the norm, come meet fellow business people and peers. PLACE: Laske Nakke Lodge Lydenburg - 4 March 2014 from 6-9am. EVENT: QuadCamp 2014 PRICE: R250.00 per person. Come enjoy a Buffet breakfast; from Muffins to Bubbly and a motivational speech, a true 'wake-up-

shake-up!' At the Crack of Dawn we will Crack an Egg, Crack a Joke and get You Cracking! The QuadCamp is in aid of Ama Wheelies, the quadriplegic home in Lydenburg. Booking essential - a must attend event for your sales team! For more information please contact Barry Botes on 079 875 5040

Valentynsdag: gaan geniet ’n spesiale aand: Friday 14 February • Vrydag 14 February • Ocean Basket Lydenburg has a special “Aphrodite Meal” and their usual sumptious menu. Phone 013 235 3202. • Oom Andries Koffiewinkel. Kom vier die liefde. R30 koek en tee e aanbod vir 14 en 15 Februarie, en die gewone heerlike spyskaart. Kry jou spesiale geskenke hier. Skakel 013 235 4483. • De Juffrouwens se Rooi bus in Kerkstraat. Met spesiale musiekster en heerlike Valentynsaand. Bespreek om onder die liggies en sterre dié dag te vier. Skakel Marie by 072 894 5538. • Oppi-Berg Restaurant, buite Lydenburg op die Burgersfortpad het ook spesiale Valentynsdag-planne die aand. Skakel hulle by 082 186 1651. • Valentynsaand by Bistro @ 59, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. ’n Keuse van twee voorgeregte, hoofgeregte en nageregte. Besprekings moet gedoen word want daar is nog net ‘n paar sitplekke oor. Die kosse word voortreflik en keurig voorgesit. Kontak Wikkie by 082 818 6531 of Louis by 071 603 3314. • Braai en kuier by Rooikatklub. R50 per persoon, vleispakkie ingesluit. Francois Kleyn of 083 254 4362 of Bez Bezuidenhout 072 054 7150. Vanaf 18:00. Lekker dans en braai. Tema rugbyklere van jou gunsteling span. Prys vir besgeklede paartjies. Gryskatte bied dit aan.

Plan your dates and events and we will advertise it free of charge in our community diary. The Pla ur dates an d events News diary of ntheyoHighlands Panorama haswi always been a comprehensive database for and we ll adver co tise it free of charge mm un ity dia ry. The dia highlandspanorama@yahoo.com everything that happens in rythis area. Email in ou, r or of the Hi gh lan ds Pa no co mp reh Newrite ensive database ws haitsdown alwayon michelleboshoff@yahoo.com , faxfor the event info to 013 235ram 3076a or a piece s be en a of eve ryt h i ng that happens in this hlahand ndspa paperhig and it no in ram at our Remember the golden rule of where, when, what and a a@offices. r ea yahoo.c . Em ailwho om, or michelleboshoff infoInclude to 013 all @yahoo.com, fax the eve 23the 5 30relevant applies. information and a contact person. 76 or wr ite nt it d own on a piece of pap officeyou s. R er and hand it in at ou emember ~ Thank Michelle Boshoff, the goeditor. lde n r ru le of whinere , wh Inclu en, what and whoadverteer. all theen Beplan juldedatums Onsasal dit gratis die gemeenskapsdagboek Die relfunksies. evant inform a pp l i es. tio n an d a connog tactaltyd ~ Thvan perso’nn.volledige databasis van alles ank die dagboek Panorama Nuus was youHighlands Michelle Bo shoff, edito r. wat in die gemeenskap gebeur. Be Epos pof inligting na highlandspanorama @yahoo.com , lan faks jul dadie tumsfunksies en fun se ies. On sal235 dit gra tis Dit adverteer. Die dagboe ofksfaks michelleboshoff@yahoo.com na s013 3076. kangeook opska ’npsd stukkie papier in die meen k van die Hi agboek ghlan ds POnthou an geskryf entab byasi ons kantore ingehandig word. die goue reël is van toepassing... volleword ora ma dige da Nu us was nog alt s van alles wat in die ge yd ’n ~ me en wie,Ep wat, waar en wanneer. Verskaf asseblief al die relevante inligting en ’n kontakpersoon. skap gebeur. os of faks die

funksies se inligting na highlandspanoram michelleboshoff@yah a @yahoo.com, oo.com of faks na 013 235 3076. Dit kan ook papier geskryf word en op ’n s by ons kantore ingehan dig word. Onthou die go tukkie van toepassing... wie, wat, waar en wanneer ue reël is . Verskaf asseblief al inligting en ’n kontakp die relevante ersoon. ~ Baie dankie Mi chelle Boshoff, redakteu r.

A music dream comes true for singer from Mashishing EVERYTHING that the late Mr Nelson Mandela stood for inspired a local singer to bring out his first CD. His dream came true when he finally held the CD in his hands. Mr Jafta Bestenbier (38) was born in Mashishing. He has always had a passion for singing. His songs are generally about love

Jafta Bestenbier (38) proudly shows of his first CD that he made in memory of the late Mr Nelson Mandela.

Briewe: Kat se pad voor aanneming Ongelukkig oor kat skryf: Familie van my in Lydenburg het vanoggend die koerant berig gesien oor die katjie wat glo by wimpy gelos was. Daardie katjie se naam is Moesie. Ons het getrek van Lydenburg af Rustenburg toe en ons kon ongelukkig nie vir Moesie na die huis toe vat waarheen ons getrek het nie. Ons sou vir Moesie by familie hier in Rustenburg gelos het waar hulle baie mooi na Moesie sou kyk. Maar toe ons die oggend by Wimpy stop vir ’n take-a-way oppad Rustenburg toe het ’n werker by wimpy gesê sy soek groot asseblief vir Moesie en sy belowe sy sal baie mooi na hom kyk. Ons het toe al Moesie se goedjies ( komberse, speelgoed, kos, bakkies, en sand) vir haar gegee en met dit het ons vir haar R400 gegee om nog goedjies te kan gaan koop vir Moesie. Ek was met ’n baie seer hart daar weg daardie dag maar ek was gerus gestel deur haar en haar belofte om baie mooi na my kat te kyk. Toe ek vanoggend die berig sien was my hart in stukke in geskeur.

and life. “I must share how I feel with the people. Madiba inspired me with the life he led. “The youth should not do crime, focus on school and their future. I believe reggae music has a positive influence and is a good genre for the

youth to understand,” Jafta said. The songs on the CD includes Mandela, Bye Bye Madiba, Stop Abuse, We are Happy, Rasta, I believe, Never give up, Mama, Vote and Don’t Cry. Jafta has performed at several local venues

and on the local radio station Mash FM. Contact him to perform at an event on 072 152 1665. He is an untrained and a self-made singer who develops music from his soul.

Van Toeka tot Nou ’n Groot dag in Lydenburg

Die Sweefspoor oor Lydenburg Waterval.

GEDURENDE die begin van die sestigerjare in die vorige eeu het veelvuldige ontwikkelings in Lydenburg gesorg vir 'n dag van merkwaardige gebuertenisse. “Ek kom hierop af terwyl ek deur die Lydenburg Nuus Jubileum Uitgawe van Junie 1962 blaai ,” het mnr JP Celliers, Kurator van die Lydenburgse Museum gesê. Die opskrif bokant die hoofberig in die Lydenburg Nuus van 19 Maart 1961 het gelui: “Dag van Groot Gebeure in Lydenburg”. Op daardie dag het Sy Edele die Administrateur van Transvaal Mnr F.H. Odendaal ons dorp besoek waar hy ten eerste by die F.C. Braun akwarium gaan draai het om die fasiliteit by die Provinsiale Visseryinstituut amptelik te open. Na die amptelike opening het Mev Olive McGee die naamplaat ter ere van haar wyle vader Mnr F.C. Braun, visserypionier van Lydenburg, onthul. Op dieselfde dag het die Administrateur die Munisipale Sweefspoor by die hidroelektriesekragstasie geopen. Die dag is afgesluit met die amptelike opening van die Lydenburg Olimpiese-standaard Munisipale Swembad deur mnr. C.H. Bauling, voormalige Burgemeester van Lydenburg. Ekblaai ook deur ou Munisipale dokumente wat dateer uit hierdie

tydperk en sien dat die Munisipaliteit 'n paar dae voor hierdie datum die ingebruikneming van die hidroelektriese kragsentrale asook die swembad op 10 Maart 1961daargestel het. Na afloop van die verrigtinge is 'n “Vleisbraai by swembadpark om 5 n.m.” gereel waar inwoners van die dorp onthaal sou word. Die Raad wou egter vooraf weet hoeveel gaste daar sou wees en 'n lys is opgestel en tenders uitgesit vir boerewors en skaaptjops wat gebraai sou word! Die raad het 'n kwotasie van Lydenburg Butchery aanvaar vir 10001200 pond boerewors en ongeveer 100 pond se tjops met die spesifikasie dat die wors voorsien moet word in 1 pond stukke! Dit teen 'n koste van een shilling en agt pennies per pond vleis. Dus ongeveer R2-34 in vandag se terme, doen die somme, dit is spotgoedkoop! Tydens die verrigtinge is 'n pajamaresies gehou asook swemgala waar seuns en dogters o/12 vir 25 tree vryslag geswem het en daarna die o16 kindersvryslag van 50 meter. 'nWorsresies, demonstrasies deur Pretoria swemmers en 'n duikvertoning is het ook deel uitgemaak van die feesvieringe. Vandag bestaan die Munisipaleswembad nie meer nie en die huidige Spur en “SwembadSentrum” is nou op die perseel geleë. Die akwarium by die MTPA en Lydenburg Omgewingsentrum is egter steeds in gebruik. ~ JP Celliers, Lydenburg Museum.

Valentynsdag 14 Feb Valentines Day How Do I Love Thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! -- and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Aandete by Bistro @ 59 D e c o r Wa re h o u s e , Ly d e n b u r g s e restaurant gedeelte, Bistro @ 59 is alom bekend vir hulle heerlike ontbyt en middagetes. Nuwe bestuur, onder leiding van Wikkie van Rooyen en Louis Naude het dit goedgedink om nou ook aandetes te bedien. Almal kla dat

hier nie restaurante is waar jy heerlik kan ontspan en tog ook keurige aandetes kan kry nie. Die manne skop dan ook met Valentynsaand af met ‘n spyskaart waar jy ‘n keuse van twee voorgeregte, hoofgeregte en nageregte kan van kies vir jou en die liefde in jou lewe. Besprekings moet gedoen word want daar is nog net ’n paar sitplekke oor. Die kosse word voortreflik en keurig voorgesit en goeie diens is aan die orde van die dag, so maak gerus daar ‘n draai en oordeel self. Probeer gerus Wikkie se Chilli & Chocolate met Berry Compote. Kontak Wikkie by 082 818 6531 of Louis by 071 603 3314. ~ Reinet Bell

Wikkie van Rooyen het hierdie “suikerblaas” kursus voltooi - amper soos wat mens warm glas blaas

Geskenke te kies en keur by Kraaines

Wikkie van Rooyen was al op SABC vir sy keurig gedekte tafels en al in die Food & Home met sy smullekker resepte. (Foto’s bo) Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. ~ Oscar Wilde

Wikkie van Rooyen en Louis Naude Kraaines se kliënte het vroeg gespring om hul Valentynsinkopies te doen. Hier is van links Girlie Mnguni en Christina Maloka. Kraaines is in Voortrekkerstraat, Lydenburg geleë en een van die interessantste winkels in die dorp. Gaan koop gerus vir jul geliefde ’n Valentynsgeskenk hier. ~ Reinet Bell

18 Voortrekker Str Lydenburg (next to Edgars)

Old Swimming , Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

Highlands Panorama en Pam Golding se straatfront-kompetisie DIS weer sulke tyd! Highlands Panorama en Pam Golding Eiendomme het besluit om die reën effe langer kans te gee om ons dorp groen te kry vir ons jaarlikse Straatfrontkompetisie. Nes laasjaar, het die Pam Golding-span hul tekkies aangetrek en die dorp ingevaar om tuine af te neem. Nie noodwendig spogtuine of duur uitgelegde landskapstuine nie. Elke netjiese, goed versorgde tuin, glo Pam Golding en Panorama, is goed vir ons dorp – goed vir besoekers, vir potensiële nuwe eienaars en toeriste wat kan kies of hulle wil terugkom na ons stukkie mooi-op-aarde toe. Die doel van die oefening is om Lydenburgers enersyds aan te moedig om hulle straatfronte mooi te maak, en andersyds te bedank vir die ekstra tikkie trots wat pa (of ma) se Saterdae opneem. Wanneer agente met voornemende kopers of huurders deur die strate ry, bepaal hierdie eerste indrukke of mense kies om in 'n area te bly.

In die volgende paar uitgawes gaan Highlands Panorama van hierdie skelm foto's publiseer. Lesers wat die adresse kan eien, en dit met naam en nommer instuur na lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za, kan kwalifiseer vir 'n ete vir 2 persone by die Wimpy. Teen einde Maart, span ons weer twee van die dorp se bekende Groen Vingers - Cilla Young van Tumbleweed en Doreece Goldsmith van Imbali Tuinsentrum – in om saam met Redakteur Michelle Boshoff en Pam Golding-prinsipaal Elisme Swart die tien wen-tuine te kies. Vanjaar is die plan om 'n wenner elk in twee kategorieë aan te wys: Groot Tuine en Klein Tuine. Daar is 3 vakansiepryse op die spel – een vir elke wenner en een vir 'n leser wat die meeste adresse regraai. Hou Highlands Panorama dop – volgende week verklap ons meer. Vir meer inligting, skakel Miempie Nepgen by 013 235 1146 of lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za.

This sewerage stream in River Street, Lydenburg has still not been fixed. The Highlands Panorama News reported on this last week. The pump station is broken and the manholes are overflowing. Every day pedestrians and school children walk around it. It will leave you with a serious injury if you step into it. And don’t even mention the diseases. Thaba Chweu has been informed about this disaster for the past few week but it is has still not been fixed. This is a public appeal to Thaba Chweu to please fix all the problems relating to the health and safety of the town. ~ Michelle Boshoff

1st Scout Troup in Lydenburg ON Friday the 31St of January 2014 we had our first scout meeting at the St Johns Anglican church (24 Burger street) Scouting is a movement that aims to support our youth, regardless of colour, class or creed, in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play a constructive role in society, with a strong focus on outdoors and survival skills… Your son / daughter is following over 250 Million others who have been scouts. Today there are more that 16 Million members worldwide (100 00 in south Africa) in over 150 countries. Attending scouts, we get to learn the following: A scout is always courteous, a scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout; a scout is a friend to animals, a scout obeys orders and a scout smiles and whistles Van die tuinfinaliste

under all difficulties. There is an exciting program lined up in the following few months and possibly years ahead, with plenty outdoor adventures on offer. Activities such as hiking camping and pioneering will provide all with fun and good friends in a healthy and simulating environment. We ask for any sponsors of cash OR camping equipment so we can get take them out in Scouting Scout meetings are held on Friday nights at the st Johns Anglican church (24 Burger street) from 17:30 to 21:00 children aged between 10 and a half and 18 years are welcome. For more information contact Jason at 082 214 0149, or blockley.jason09@gmail.com

We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH

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WIELE WHEELS (Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

Jakes en Rene Jacobs links, (eienaars) en George Swarts van R & P Paneelkloppers se span, wat die pragwerk op die motor gedoen het.

LET'S not get confused here. The new Chevrolet Sonic RS is not a hot hatch in the same vein as the Polo GTI or Fiesta ST. Yet we could certainly get away with calling this a rather 'warm' hatch and one that bridges the gap between the commuter clan and the real hot stuff.

NEW DELHI, INDIA - It's only right that the Chevrolet Adra SUV concept should make its world debut at the Delhi Auto Expo.

Of course, the big draw card here is the price. Hitting the market at R225 300, the Sonic RS costs R35 000 less than a Fiesta RS, undercuts the Peugeot 208 GTI by R55 000 and the Polo GTI by almost R70 000. Sure, it doesn't come close to matching their heady power outputs, but the Sonic certainly rises above the mediocre with its 1.4-litre Ecotec turbopetrol, which is credited with 103kW at 6000rpm and 200Nm at 4000rpm and mated to a close-ratio six-speed manual gearbox.

This chunky show car was developed entirely by Indian designers at GM's Technical Centre in Bangalore, using Chevrolet's global design language, infused with a healthy dose of Indian flavour, to appeal to the next generation of customers, who will follow in the tyre-tracks of those who rejected the Tata Nano as 'too cheap'.

That's enough, says Chevrolet, to get the little RS from 0-100km/h in 9.5 seconds and on to a top end of 197km/h. Turn your focus to feather footing, however, and the RS claims to sip just 6.6 litres per 100km on the combined cycle.


In keeping with its racy role in life, the RS comes with a modified exhaust system that aims to provide aural stimulation while still maintaining “comfortable” noise levels

The Adra has all the advantages of a traditional SUV - high ground clearance, exceptional all-around visibility, a high seating position and generous interior space - in a compact package with an overall length of less than four metres. "It represents a new possibility for the fast-growing compact SUV segment," said GM India boss Lowell Paddock in his presentation. He didn't mention a possible production version, but it's not unlikely given that GM India has no current model that competes with the Renault Duster and Ford EcoSport. So, currently this remains a concept, but as it looks a bit like a Kia Soul or a bit like the Ford EcoSport, it might be a viable model for GM. iol.motoring.co.za

in the cabin. What's more, the suspension has been lowered while stiffer, performance-tuned shocks aim to deliver a “firm-yet-comfortable” ride. Not only does it hug the ground, but RS makes its presence known on the street with gunmetal-painted 17-inch alloys, a bolder front bumper, chunky side skirts, new roof spoiler and an accented rear diffuser that houses a large trapezoidal exhaust tip. The sporty treats continue in the cabin in the form of a flat-bottomed steering wheel, aluminium pedals, various red and piano black finishes and seats covered in a combination of leather and ribbed suede. Let's not forget the RS emblems on the seats and steering wheel. Another bonus feature is the MyLink infotainment system, operated via a seven-inch touch-screen. Besides full smart-phone integration, MyLink allows owners to access audio streaming via Bluetooth and even play videos and view pictures, although thankfully it'll only allow the latter when the vehicle is stationary. MyLink is fitted as standard to the RS, along with cruise control, multi-function steering wheel, traction control and four airbags. In the end, the warm performance and R225 300 price (which in cludes a three-year/60 000km service plan) could make this a Goldilocks hatch. iol.motoring.co.za

HINO, the leading Japanese truck manufacturer and the first one from that country to enter the gruelling Dakar Rally, way back in 1991, registered its 23rd consecutive finish in the 2014 edition of this gruelling cross-country race which finished in Valparaiso, Chile, on January 18. The two-truck Hino Team Sugawara once again had a 100% finishing record and scored a 1-2 in the Dakar Challenge for trucks with engines of less than 10 litres capacity, making it five consecutive class wins. “We are delighted at yet another display of reliability and durability by Hino trucks in the toughest, regular test for this type of vehicle in open competition in the world,” commented the vice president of Hino South Africa, Dr. Casper Kruger. “The two, four-wheel drive Hino 500-Series trucks entered by Hino Team Sugawara were once again the only representatives from the Japanese truck industry to participate in this two-week marathon across some of the world's most desolate regions. The strong performance also served to underline Hino's competitive spirit and technological resources.” The truck crewed by Teruhito Sugawara and Hiroyuki Sugiura, of Japan, finished 12th overall out of the 50 finishers from an original entry of 71 trucks and won the Dakar Challenge for trucks with an engine capacity of less than 10 litres. This was the 14th time Hino has won this engine capacity award in the 15 times it has been contested since 1996. The second Hino, crewed by Teruhito's 72year-old father, Yoshimasa, and navigator Katsumi Hamura, placed 32nd overall and second in the under 10-litre Challenge. What makes the Dakar Rally a David and Goliath contest in the truck category is the fact that the Hino uses production-based six-cylinder intercooled turbocharged engines of less than 10-litres, while most of its rivals are in the “monster” category with much larger capacity engines developed specifically for this annual race. The chairman of Hino Motors Limited, Masakazu Ichikawa, was at the finish to welcome the two crews and said next year the target will be to get a Hino back in the top 10 overall as well as continuing to dominate the under 10-litre engine category. This year Yoshimasa Sugawara's truck was fitted with the Hino 9-litre common rail A09C turbo-intercooled engine which marked the first time the Hino team has used a power unit with a capacity greater than 8-litres. This was an on-event test of the larger capacity power unit in preparation for the 2015 event and the engine performed very well. The bigger engine develops 445kW of power and 1 950N.m of torque compared to 360kW of power and 1 425Nm of torque delivered by the 8-litre JO8C engine fitted to Teruhito Sugawara's No. 2 racing truck. This year's route, which started in Rosario, Argentina, and went into Bolivia before the finish in Valparaiso, Chile, was 9 188km in length, with 5 212km of the route making up the 13 timed special stages. The route included many timed special stages far longer than usual and a there was a lot of high altitude running, often above 3 000m, which was taxing on the crews and power sapping for the vehicles. This year Hino continued its long association with Team Sugawara, which is headed up by Yoshimasa Sugawara, who has entered the Dakar Rally 31 times consecutively – a record. He is the only Japanese to have competed in this epic race on a motorcycle and quad as well as in a car and truck. Now 72 years of age he holds the record for the most consecutive finishes in the Dakar Rally at 23. His son, Teruhito, contested the Dakar Rally for the 16th time in this year's race and this was only the third time he has finished outside the top 10. Hino, Iveco and Renault were the only three makes with a 100% finishing record in this year's race out of a field that also included Kamaz, MAN, MercedesBenz, DAF, Iveco, Maz, Ginaf and Tatra trucks. Interestingly the second Dakar in which Hino participated finished in Cape Town after starting in Paris, with the Japanese trucks in 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th positions. The big breakthrough came in 1994 with a second position overall. This achievement was repeated in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2001 and 2005. The most successful year for Hino was 1997 when it became the first and until 2011 the only maker to take the first three places overall in the truck category when the route went from Dakar to Agades and back to Dakar. In 2011 Kamaz, of Russia, became only the second truck maker to register a 1-2-3 finish and repeated this feat in 2013.

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suspect these price-leaders might struggle at Highveld altitudes, but let's not even bother with this one as just R11 000 more gets you the rather competent “middlemannetjie” - which is a 1.6-litre credited with a fairly healthy 90kW at 6000rpm and 154Nm at 5200rpm. Though this engine is carried over, a bit of tinkering has improved official fuel consumption to 6.6 litres per 100km on the combined cycle. TOYOTA aimed to infuse a kind of anticipation of pleasure feeling into the 11th generation of the world's best-selling nameplate, just launched in South Africa this past week. The new Corolla doesn't look or feel much like a sports sedan and it isn't going to get your pulse racing into hospital-admittance territory anytime soon, but they've certainly hit the bull's eye on the maturity board, while making it more interesting in the process. Proportionally, they've massaged it in the right directions. Lowered by 5mm, lengthened by 75mm and widened by 15mm, the Corolla has more of a groundhugging stance on the road. Its predecessor looked a bit boxy from the back end, but Toyota has resolved this with a longer C-pillar slope angle that gives the Corolla a more integrated look. But have they performed any miracles underneath it? Nothing revolutionary to report on here - Corolla soldiers on with a revised version of the previous model's MacPherson strut front end and torsion beam rear suspension system. They've chipped away at an old-fashioned but successful formula and the results, felt after putting three versions through their paces in the Western Cape, is as you'd expect - a comfortable ride and safe-but-predictable road holding. The biggest change to the engine line-up is the availability of an all-new 1.4-litre turbodiesel engine, which comes to the party with 66kW and twisting force of 205Nm when the needle hits the 1800-2800rpm range. Though less powerful than the previous two-litre D-4D, which is no longer offered, the motor earns a couple of distinctions in its economy exams, with Toyota claiming a combined figure of 4.5 litres per 100km. This diesel also comes in at a significantly lower price, starting at R237 900. 66kW doesn't sound like enough to power a car of this size, yet those 205 newtons make for a surprisingly strong performer and though it has no track-day ambitions, I never cursed it for being underpowered. It's got just enough muscle to tackle the open road comfortably and given its relatively accessible price, it looks poised to become the next big talking point at sales strategy meetings. Yet, the traditional choices are still there. The three normally aspirated petrol engines all feature Toyota's Dual Variable Valve Timing technology, along with Acoustic Induction Control. This range kicks off with the familiar 73kW/128Nm 1.3-litre unit, starting at R214 900, which Toyota believes will appeal to fleet users. None were on offer on launch and I

Finally, the biggest and 'baddest' engine you can get in the new Corolla is a 1.8-litre with 103kW produced at 6400rpm and 173Nm at 4000rpm. All engine versions can be mated to a six-speed manual gearbox, and the 1.6 and 1.8 engines can be paired to Toyota's new Multidrive transmission - basically a continuously variable transmission that has seven 'stepped' shift points. As for the experience from the helm, the new Corolla's design allows for a more inspiring driving position, thanks to a greater range of seat height adjustment and the steering column angle has been lowered by two degrees. After playing around with its various adjustments, I was quite happy behind the wheel. To improve its role as a family hauler, Toyota lengthened the wheelbase by 100mm, and slimmed down the front seatback by 10mm to provide “best in class” rear legroom. Toyota also made the rear passenger floor flatter by re-routing the exhaust pipe. After sitting behind my usual driving position I can tell you that there is plenty of stretching space in the back. As an average-sized adult, I had just enough headroom in the back, but taller humans will not be catered for here. There's more boot space too - 452 litres, or just enough to carry four golf bags. Depending on the engine selected, Corolla buyers are pretty much spoiled for choice with four specification flavours: Esteem, Prestige, Sprinter and Exclusive. As the most affordable model in the range, the Esteem comes with all the basic luxuries such as air conditioning, electric windows and mirrors, remote central locking and an aux/USB sound system. Next up is Prestige, which treats you to leather seats, Bluetooth hands-free system, a leather-covered multi-function steering wheel, touch-screen CD/DVD/MP3 player with reverse camera and 16” alloys. The Sprinter reverts back to half-leather seats and that conventional audio system but gains automatic climate control, 'smoked' (darkened) alloy wheels and a rear spoiler. Finally, the range-topping Exclusive gets all the good stuff you find in the Prestige, as well as cruise control, climate control, keyless start, TFT multiinformation display, rain-sensing wipers and an electrochromatic interior mirror. As a locally manufactured vehicle, built here in high volumes for local consumption and export, Toyota has come up with rather competitive pricing for its new sedan. It's a really solid car that's gained some refinement and class in its transition into its latest generation. If its predecessors (excluding the GLIs and RSis) could have veered towards Comfortably Numb, this one's a whole lot closer to Comfortably Elegant. Pricing ranges from R 214 900 to R 283 900.

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120 013 235 1086 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

Hierdie ruim huis met aparte tuinwoonstel is uitstekende waarde vir geld teen R1 250 000. Geleë in ’n stil area op groot erf. Ruim vertrekke – 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, ekstra groot leefkamer, sitkamer, kombuis. Ommuurde woonstel met eie ingang en tuin, enkelslaapkamer met kitchenette en badkamer. Dubbel-garage en dubbel-afdak. Addisionele buitekamers met buitetoilet. Bel dadelik – die huis gaan soos soetkoek verkoop! Skakel Lorraine Stols van Pam Golding Eiendomme by 083 525 0788 of 013 235 1146.

Huis van die week TE HUUR

Pieter: 083 274 1986 Lorraine: 083 525 0788 Ronnie: 082 667 7772 Gerda: 079 515 7799 Linda: 082 804 5116 Melanie: 076 101 7524

lydenburg@pamgolding.co.za Corner Jansen / Viljoen Street, 013 235 1146

IN LYDENBURG- MODERN WITH EXCELLENT SECURITY! Come and enjoy a lovely quiet lifestyle at this prime property. Situated in a security estate this property offers an open-plan living area with modern kitchen and separate scullery. You will find 3 spacious bedrooms all with wooden laminated flooring and 2 bathrooms. Double garages and entertainment/braai area. Security is excellent with alarm system, outside beams and electric fencing. To view this prime property make an appointment today: Call: Marieta on 082 802 0877 or our office at 013 235 2653. Marietjie Ramsey: 071 513 4299 Bianca Coetzee: :078 235 0999

Jacques v Baalen :082 710 5603 Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525

R4 400 Flat: 2 Bedroom,1 bathroom flat to rent with 1 carport R7 000 TOWNHOUSE: 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, small garden and pre-paid electricity R9 000 TOWNHOUSE : 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area and one garage in a complex R8 635 HOUSE : 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, double garage, 2 carports, alarm and outside braai R9 100 HOUSE: 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 bedroom flat, Wendy house, lapa and a wellkept garden R12 000 HOUSE: 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, open plan living area, kitchen, Jacuzzi and double garage R13 000 HOUSE: 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathrooms, braai area, and loads of cupboard space

Kontak: 013 235 2653


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Opportunity in Tourism Sector BRINGING the youth firmly within the sub-economic sector of responsible tourism has long been a goal of the Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa (FEDHASA), as well as other tourism organisations, both government and private. According to Caleb Mabaso, FEDHASA's head of Strategic Projects, the future success of the hospitality and tourism industry in South Africa depends on a strong talent pipeline of young people within the industry who will continue the legacy of responsible tourism that is being so carefully established in this country. He says at this stage, responsible tourism is being embraced by the hospitality and tourism industry in South Africa - they have even gone so far as to adopt national standards in responsible tourism, only the second country in the world to do this. He says this augurs well for the future of this potentially vibrant and sustainable subeconomy, but it does mean that tremendous focus needs to be placed on bringing the youth into the industry, inspiring them, training them, and encouraging them as they find their place in this sector. The vision of the Food Safety Programme, which specifically targets graduates from FET Colleges being launched this month, is to create a new career path within the hospitality industry. It entails placing students within hotels in positions of Food Service Assistants for a 12-month period to assess and monitor food safety issues within the hotels' food preparation, storage and service processes. The objectives of the tourism youth structure include training the youth through the provision of bursaries and scholarships, providing opportunities for the youth to access information on pursuing careers or entrepreneurial activities in the industry, providing accelerated skills development and management programmes, providing financial and mentorship programme opportunities, providing information on the legislative framework that governs the industry and offering membership benefits to stimulate domestic tourism. Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Source: Property 24.com. Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

Me. Heleen Conradie, prinsipaal van Lydenburg Eiendomme, het twee “nuwe” eiendomsbemarkers aangestel. Me. Lettie Smal, wat al voorheen vir sewe jaar by die agentskap werksaam as bemarker was, het met haar entoesiasme u i t e r s professionele 48 Voortrekker straat, Dennis van Renen Gebou (oorkant Spar) / 013 235 4575 www.qsrealty.co.za diens gelewer. Sy Gaan ons op Facebook was intussen vir 5 jaar by “KC Rekenaardienste”



• 3 Slk huis met dubbel geriewe R6 500 / mnd • 4 Slk luukse won - R9 800 / mnd • 3 Slk netjiese w/stelle, 2 vol badk, - R7 000 / mnd TE KOOP: • 3 Slk won met 3x1 slk w/stelle, omhein, goeie huurinkomste R2,2 milj. • 3 Eenhede op groot erf: 2 Slk won + 3 Slk won + 2 Slk w/stel. Elk met eie erf, 2 motorhuise - R1,7 milj O.H.B • 32Ha Plaas met goeie woning, boorgate, dam, 1500 perskebome, kampe. Naby dorp - R3,7 milj • 21Ha plot met goeie groot woning, baie groot stoor, boorgate, pragtige uitsig - R1,9 milj

Mnr. Alex Smal

Huise / woonstelle / meenthuise/ plase te koop in Lydenburg & Orighstad Kantore / woonstelle /huise te huur in Lydenburg


Me. Lettie Smal as mede-eienaar betrokke. Gelukkig is sy nou weer deel van die puik eiendomsbemarkingspan! Mnr. Alex Smal is nou nuut in die eiendomsbedryf en op sy rustige maar doelgerigte manier, lewer hy uitnemende professionele diens met integriteit . Hy is as staatsaanklaer opgelei en het vir baie jare sy eie bemarkingsbesighede gehad. Hiermee wil Heleen hulle welkom heet en verseker die publiek dat hulle hul beste diens gaan lewer. Kontak Alex gerus by 072 685 0761/ 013 235 1986 of Lettie by 083 339 4728 / 013 235 1986. Kommersiële Eiendom te huur:

EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • 3 slpk 2 badk huis met gaste toilet, oopplan leefarea/kombuis. Stoep met ingeboude braai,dubbel motorhuis met enkel afdak. R9 500p/m • Moderne 3 slpk 2 badk huis in Sterkspruit met ruim oopplan leefarea/eetk en kombuis. Stoep met ingeboude braai,dubbel motorhuis en groot erf. R9 230p/m • 2 slpk 2 badk meenthuis met ruim oopplan leefarea. Enkel motorhuis, en afdak vir 3 motors. R6 100p/m Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Annalize: 084 512 9393 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

2 Winkels in Viljoen Str, Lydenburg. Puik Ligging - Baie Blootstelling. Perseel 1 - 260m² Perseel 2 - 90m² Kan ook as eenheid van 350m² gehuur word. Beskikbaar vanaf 01/04/2014 082 775 6376


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13 February / Februarie 2014

SA JagtersBosbok-Tak Bied aan: Skietdag vir lede en nie-lede Lydenburg skietbaan 15 Februarie Die Bosboktak van die SA Jagters hou Saterdag 15 Februarie 2014 hulle 2 de sosiale skietdag vir die jaar te Lydenburg skietbaan. Enigeeen is welkom om te kom skiet of te net om te kyk.

Die skiet sal plaasvind op Egbert Hiemstra Skietbaan net buite Lydenburg so 2km op Roossenekal pad aan die regterkant. (Langs die vliegveld). Bywoning by eerste skiet vir die jaar was ongeken en byna 70 skuts het die dag geskiet, ten midde van reën in die

agtermiddag. Wenners van die onderskeie afdelings soos volg: Die Springbok en Jakkalstabelle gaan hierdie naweek geskiet word met die gewere. Dit behels 5 x skote op Jakkals op 300m. Springbok 3 x skote op 300m en 6 x skote op 200m. Daar sal vergunning gebied word om gewere in te skiet tussen 07:00 tot 07:30, 11:00 tot 11:30 en 14:00 tot 14:30. Die Rooiboktabel gaan geskiet word met die boog, asook vlakvark en haasreplikas. Boogbelangstelling was groot en die “buds” het swaar deurgeloop. Enige boogjagter of skuts is meer as welkom om te kom saam skiet. Lede sal R50 betaal en nie-lede R75 per inskrywing vir die geweerafdeling en R50 per lid en R75 vir nie –lede per inskrywing vir die boogskiet. Eerste inskrywing vir dag sal gebruik word om wenners te bepaal en die telling sal gebruik word om te sien of skuts vir skietbalkies kwalifiseer. Inskrywingsgelde sluit ook in 'n lootjie, waarby die wenner 'n Rooibok Ram te Khumula Lodge Burgersfort kan gaan skiet. Kom geniet die dag saam met ons. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698 Skiet Koordineerder, JB Willers 082 820 1748 Voorsitter, Loffie van Emmenis 082 853 7414S skietsake..

Hou Bene Hou!

Allemintige prysgeld losgeslaan by Loskopdam. Mnr Kobus Rademeyer was onlangs met die Kurperkompetisie by Loskopdam as wenner aangewys met sy 2.315kg kurper.

Lydenburg Akademie het weer goed op die sportveld presteer. Veertien van ons atlete gaan op 22 Februarie aan die Oos-Transvaal kampioenskappe deelneem. Ook op akademiese gebied gaan dit baie goed met die skool. Nie alleen het ons 'n 100% - slaagsyfer gehad nie, maar ons skool het bo gemiddeld presteer in die departementele vraestelle van Mpumalanga. Dit is die voordeel van kleiner klasse. Die foto's toon ons atlete tydens die kwalifiserende byeenkoms vir Oos-Transvaal kampioenskappe



Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, VTec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615 TUINDIENSTE / vullisverwydering • Plaagbeheer • Alle herstelwerk & staalwerk • S k o o n m a a k d i e n s te • Chemikalieë & toiletpapier. Kontak Adriaan 082 488 0181 of Zuleka 082 426 3144 EKSTRA WISKUNDEKLASSE 076 153 8912 DA VISSER PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2877 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532 PETALS : Affordable Floral Decor for functions/special occasions Bekostigbare Blommedekor vir funksies/ spesiale geleenthede. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR. 015 001 7006 ENIGE staalwerk. 072 778 6377 WISKUNDE ekstra klasse vir Gr 10 -12. 082 493 4487 MV GLAS & ALUMINIUM Instaleering & vervanging van venster glas, veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & stort deure, windskerms ens. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805 NCL ELECTRICAL Electrical installations, appliances. 071 078 9721


C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/ 081 086 3961

FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 0 8 2 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 www.treasuretimephotogra phy.com


S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 TE KOOP: 1 Dorper skaap ram, 6 ooie, 5 lammers. R15 000. 083 452 0721 INLAID ITALIAN service trolley. R2700; Colonial Indian brass tray, diameter 60cm with stand plus ashtrays R1300. Contact Barry 083 363 1865

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941 DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912



HONDA XL 650V on/off road motorfiets, 2007. 12 000km. 082 572 9453

LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMMODATION KAMERS beskikbaar by Oppi-Berg. 082 786 1651 SELF CATERING cottage beskikbaar R300 p/aand. Etes addisioneel, Lydenburg. 082 493 4487 L U U K S E AKKOMMODASIE: 5 selfsorg eenhede ten volle toegerus. Spesiale pryse beskikbaar. 013 235 2010/ epos: adelpragt@hotmail. com

Verkope & Verhuring Tel: 013 235 1986 www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41

ERF IN “The Heads” 764m² teen R278 000. Lydenburg Eiendomme Alex 072 685 0761/ 013 235 1986 SPLINTERNUUT! 3slk, 2 badk, dubbelm/h, 205m² Lydenburg Eiendomme. Lettie 083 339 4728/ 013 235 1986

EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416 BACHELOR WOONSTEL agter in erf. Geen diere, slegs enkelpersoon. 083 686 6403 ENKEL WOONSTEL R3000 krag ingesluit; 2 slk ruim leefarea, goeie komb. R3500 + krag. 072 762 8562 F L AT S TO R E N T LYDENBURG 1 bedroom from R3400, 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg from R5200, 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms and garage in secure complex from R6000. Contact 082 460 3000

THE HEADS: 3 bedroom house. Double bathroom, double garage. R8000 p/m. Call Johan to view 0763716706.

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323


KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N : Chapel, conference facilities, boma/braai. Tel: 013 235 2758

WOONSTEL: 2slk, Lydenburg. 073 913 7534

DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203.

BACHELOR WOONSTEL te huur. R2500 pm. 079 624 9486

CREATIVE NAILS Karmien 082 887 5886


1000 MEELWURMS vir R100. 079 021 6235

GROOT BACHELORrondawel op plaas halfpad tussen Lydenburg, Burgersfort. R3000p.m. Sluit in krag, wasgoed, TV & Internet. Enkelpersoon, geen diere. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR 015 001 7006

VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES G E K WA L I F I S E E R D E HAARKAPSTER e-pos CV n a samanthapienaar2@gmail .com/ kontak 079 751 9922 ORALIST BENODIG vir Pinkster kerk. 076 563 5892 GESOEK/ WANTED OP SOEK NA trourokke, matriekrokke, aandrokke, manspakke om te koop. Skakel Saskhia 079 897 3577

KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES G R E AT E R T U B AT S E LAND USE SCHEME 2006. A M M E N D E M E N T SCHEMES (152/2006 AND 1 5 3 / 2 0 0 6 W I T H ANNEXURE 192) I, Magau Gudani of Mukwevho Development Experts, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the Erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b) (i) of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d To w n s h i p O r d i n a n c e (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006, in the following manner: Amendment scheme number 152/2006: Rezoning of Erf 667 Ga-Mapodila-A from “Residential 1 to Residential 3” for the purpose of erecting flats. Amendment scheme number 153/2006 with annexure 192: Rezoning of Erven 3168 and 3169 Burgersfort extension 35 from “Business 3” to “Business 1” and consolidation of the above mentioned properties in terms of section 92 of ordinance 15 of 1986, as well as special consent for a “filling station” in terms of clause 21 of Greater Tubatse land use scheme 2006. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for

inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, greater Tubatse municipality for the period of 28 days from 13th day of February 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the agent: Box 2314 Polokwane 0700. Cell: 0820625599. Fax no: 013 231 8461 Tell no: 013 231 8 4 6 1 E m a i l ; mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com G R O T E R Tu b a t s e Grondgebruikskema 2006. AMMENDEMENT SKEMAS (152/2006 EN 153/2006 MET BYLAE 192) Ek, Magau Gudani van Mukwevho Ontwikkeling Kenners , synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van die erwe hieronder genoem , gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 ( 1 ) ( b ) (i ) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986 ) , dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Grondgebruikskema , bekend as die Groter T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema , 2006 , op die volgende wyse : Wysigingskema nommer 152/2006 : Die hersonering van Erf 667 Ga- Mapodila A vanaf "Residensieel 1 tot Residensieel 3 " vir die oprigting van woonstelle. Wysigingskema nommer 153/2006 met bylae 192 : Die hersonering van Erwe 3168 en 3169 Burgersfort Uitbreiding 35 , vanaf "Besigheid 3 " na " Besigheid 1" en konsolidasie van die bogenoemde eiendomme in terme van Artikel 92 van Ordonnansie 15 van 1986 , a s o o k s p e s i a l e toestemming vir 'n " vulstasie " in terme van klousule 21 van die Groter T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema, 2006. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoeke le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, G r o t e r Tu b a t s e Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die 13de dag van Februarie 2014. Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemde adres of by Posbus Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie . Adres van die agent: Posbus 2314 Polokwane 0700 . Cell : 0820625599 . Faks no: 013 231 8461 Tell No : 013 231 8 4 6 1 E - p o s ; mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE D I S T R I C T O F LYDENBURG HELD AT LY D E N B U R G C a s e number: C03613/13 In the matter between: TIENIE MARTIN VAN BILJON 1ST EXECUTION CREDITOR (ID: 700925 5045 088) ANDRIAS WILHELM ROETS 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR (ID: 741214 5055 083) and THABA CHWEU MUNICIPALITY E X E C U T I O N D E B TO R

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a Judgment granted by the above Honourable Court on 19/10/2013 and Warrant of Execution issued in the above court the under mentioned goods have been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder Wednesday 26 February 2014 at 10:00 at the Sheriff's Office Lydenburg, Kantoor Street 8 0 , Ly d e n b u r g : 1 X FUJITSO COMPLETE COMPUTER, 1 X PROLINE COMPLETE COMPUTER, 1 X LENOVO COMPLETE COMPUTER, 2 X ACER C O M P L E T E COMPUTERS,1 X LENOVO COMPLETE COMPUTER, 4 X OFFICE CHAIRS, 1 X DESK, 1 X ROUND TABLE, 4 X ROBE, 1 X ROBE WITH 4 DRAWERS. SIGNED at LYDENBURG on the 20TH day of JANUARY 2014. ATTORNEY FOR 1ST & 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR VAN RENEN HEYNS INCORPORATED LEO FORUM72 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG, 1120 Tel: 013-235 1625 Docex: 5 LYDENBURG Em a i l : yolanda@vanrenenheyns.c o.za Ref: RH/yg/AL4555


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . S k h i l a

Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by W e n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-

Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362


39 Rensburg St Lydenburg 013 235 2429

Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103

national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329

Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329

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Groot prysuitdeling na gholfdag Adrian Barry, Neil Engelbrecht, Joleen Coetzee (GoGola Mining), Kol. Hans Putter en Marius Thompson (CEO GoGola Mining). Hierdie span het die vierbal gewen.

Fanie Bam, Marius Thompson (CEO GoGola Mining), WJ Putter, Adriaan Coetzee en voor is Joleen Coetzee (GoGola Mining).

’n Groot uitnoding word gerig aan alle ou Gryskatte en nuwe belangstellendes is welkom om aan te sluit by die Gryskatte. Die Gryskatte oefen by die Rooikat Rugbyklub elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 18:00 Die groot toernooi is einde Maart in Pretoria maar die klub beoog om meer wedstryde saam met die Rooikatte te speel. Vir enige inligting kontak Bez Bezuidenhout by 072 054 7175. • Almal word uitgenooi om die Valentynsdag dans en braai by te woon. Dis op Vrydag 14 Februarie en begin om 18:00. Die tema is - jou gunsteling span se klere met ’n Valentyns’skop’. Die beste aangetrekte paartjie wen ’n prys. Dit kos R50 in en die braaivleis en etes asook dans is ingesluit.

Die GoGola Mining span in ligte luim by die Gholfdag.


Vacancies MECHANICAL: Minimum 7 years experience in all aspects of mechanical work. Needed in the Lydenburg branch. AUTO ELECTRICAL: Minimum 7 years experience on all vehicles & heavy duty machines. Needed in the Lydenburg branch. Salaries negotiable with options of medical and pension. Send CV: Fax: 086 646 1812 or e-mail:rgsteyn@mweb.co.za.

* Age between 25-35 * Valid Driver’s license * Own Transport car allowance part of package * Travel excessively * Good administrative skills * Experience/Qualification in the FMCG Package will be discussed during the interview E-mail CV’s to General Manager (Natasha Joubert): natasha@stpie.co.za Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks after closing date, your application was unsuccessful. Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer

Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in Government Notice No. R543, R544 of 2010, in terms of Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) of Eskom Holdings Limited's intention to carry out the following activity: • Basic Assessment Environmental Management Program for the construction of a new 132KV distribution line from the existing Lydenburg substation to the existing Merensky substation, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province. The project applicant, Eskom Distribution has appointed Royal Haskoning DHV Environmental, as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP), to undertake environmental studies to identify and assess all potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. AVAILABILITY OF THE DRAFT SCOPING BASIC ASSESSMENT FOR REVIEW As part of the Public Participation Process, you are invited to review and comment on the Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR).The Draft BAR will be available for a period of 40 days as per the new NEMA regulations. The comment period hereby commences on 7 February 2014 to 18 March 2014. In addition the report would be made available on the following websites and at the following public places: • Royal Haskoning DHV Environmental website / website: www.rhdhv.co.za • Lydenburg Library: 40 Viljoen st, Lydenburg • Thaba Chweu Local Municipality: Cnr Central & Vijoen street, Lydenburg • Lydenburg Post Office: 38 Voortrekker str , Lydenburg • Burgesfort Tubatse Library Next to Old Tubatse Municipality Offices: Cnr Kort & Eddie Sedibe St, • Greater Tubatse Local Municipality:1 Kastania street, Burgersfort PUBLIC MEETING All I&AP's are requested to attend the public meeting which will be held on 13 February 2014 at Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Cnr Central & Viljoen Street, Lydenburg at 10: 00. Representatives from Royal Haskoning DHV and Eskom Distribution will be available and will explain the proposed project in detail. During the public meetings Royal Haskoning and Eskom Distribution representatives will be able to answer any queries that I&AP's might have with regards to the proposed project WHO SHOULD YOU CONTACT? All I&AP is requested to address their written comments on/before18 March 2014to the Public Participation Consultant mentioned below. Sibongile Gumbi (at Royal Haskoning DHV) Environmental Consultant P O Box 867, Gallo Manor, 2052 (011) 798 6449, (011) 798 6001, sibongile.gumbi@rhdhv.com

Michelle Boshoff DIS 'n droom wat waar geword het. Maar elkeen se droom is nie om 'n myl in die Midmardam te gaan swem nie. Me. Elna Howell (62) van Ohrigstad en bykans haar hele familie het hierdie groot wêrelbekende swemmarathon aangepak op 8 Februarie. Die Midmar Myl vind elke jaar plaas net buite Howick, KwaZulu- Natal. Daar was 'n geskatte 14 687 swemmers hierdie jaar. Baie swemmers swem ten bate van niewinsgewende organisasies. Na haar pa se dood, wyle mnr. Coenraad Coetzer, het die hele familie besluit om ter nagedagtenis aan hom die Midmar te swem. Dit is iets wat hy in werking gesit het kort voor sy dood, want dit was altyd een van die drome om die myl (1,6km) af te lê. Elna se broer, Frikkie Coetzer, het van Tawoomba Australië, af gevlieg. Die ander was Hendrik Coetzer (58), Marean Kok (56), kleinkinders, Coenraad Coetzer (27), Theuns Coetzer (25), Dida Coetzer (21), en Elsie Muller (26) Carl Muller (29), Johan Kok (29, Coetzer Kok (27) en Christoff Kok (26).

Dis slegs Hendrik Coetzer wat nie die myl kon klaarmaak nie weens gesondheidsredes. “Ek het laas op skool geswem. En het ses weke in my buurvrou se swembad geoefen. 160 lengtes drie keer per week. Elkeen het hul eie roetine vir die oefening gehad. Party het Buffelspoort of Bronkhorstspruit damswemme gaan swem vir oefening voor die tyd,” het me. Elna Howell gesê. Volgens haar was die golwe en wind die ergste faktore. Tydens hulle afdeling, Item 3 (groepkepse) is 600 mense uit die water gehaal weens veiligheid. Die groep het klaar plek bespreek vir 2015 se Midmar. En hulle gaan dit gebruik as 'n familie reunie elke jaar. Dit was 'n ongelooflike ervaring vir die hele familie om hierdie groot 'myl' saam te kon aflê. • Teen Dinsdag is Thabo van Straten (43) nog nie gevind nie. Hy het vermoedelik verdrink in Item 3 Saterdag. Reddingsaksies is die hele naweek geloots. Hy het na Item 3 nie ingeteken nie.

Carl Muller, Elna Howell van Ohrigstad, Elsie Muller (geb. Howell) oudleerling van Lydenburg Hoerskool.

Links na regs: Carl Muller, Elsie Muller, Coetzer Kok, Christoff Kok, Hendrik Coetzer, Theuns Coetzer, Frikkie Coetzer, Johan Kok, Marean Kok, Dida Coetzer, Coenraad Coetzer, Elna Howell.

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