20 Februarie / February 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 07 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Dawie de Swardt met 'n Rooiborssuikervoël. Dit is een van die bekendste plekke ter wêreld waar hierdie voëltjies gevind word en dit is baie spesiaal. Dawie de Swardt is 'n Ornitoloog by die Bloemfontein Universiteit. Die foto is geneem by Paardeplaats (naby die Jesus-koppie) deur Gerda Whitehorn, Vrydag toe Dawie besig was met sy navorsing. Hierdie is baie spesiale navorsing en getuienis oor hoe ernstig natuurliefhebbers is oor die bewaring van unieke spesies in die omgewing.
A huge accident occurred about 15km outside Lydenburg on the Burgersfort Road around 19:00 on Friday. A Ford Fiesta was on its way to Lydenburg and went off the road. The car was found on top of a tree. The driver passed away and the passenger survived. He was admitted to Lydenburg Hospital. The driver was from the Free State and the passenger from Leroro. (The Highlands Panorama News reported on the bad condition of this road on 13 February). - Michelle Boshoff
Mnr Eugene Gouws, eienaar van Platinum Properties, het die afgelope week halt geroep en sy mense wat vir hom werk aangesê om die slaggate, wat oppad is na sy verhurings-eiendomme, te vul. Die mense wat die “berugte- slaggat -pad” gebruik naamlik Bergstraat het breed geglimlag en almal het gewaai en baie dankie gesê vir die werkers wat hulle gestop het sodat hulle versigtig om die mense kan ry wat besig was met die opvullings.
Reën... eerder watter reën W
AAR bly die reën? Lydenburg beleef tans ’n ongekende droogte. Die langtermyn (33 jaar) gemiddelde reënval vir Januarie is 124.3mm. Hierdie Januarie het ons slegs 53.5mm in die dorp
aangeteken. Die langtermyn gemiddeld vir Februarie is 89.4mm en tot op 17 Februarie is slegs 19mm aangeteken. Die laagste reënval vir Januarie is in 2002 gemeet, nl. 21.8mm. Uit die 33 jaar se gerekenariseerde rekords waaroor ek beskik, is daar slegs in vier gevalle laer syfers as hierdie jaar aangeteken, nl in 1993, 1994, 2001 en 2002, wat nogal die 10-jaar reënsiklus teorie onderskryf. Die hoogste syfer vir Januarie was in 2006 nl. 255.7mm. Die probleem word vererger deur die feit dat ons in die periode Augustus tot Desember 2013 ook relatief min reën aangeteken het.
Baie teorieë bestaan oor wat aangaan. Dit wissel van sikliese (normale) rofweg 10 jaar reënpatrone tot klimaatsverandering. Indien mens kyk na die droogtes in die Vrystaat en
Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Speech Problems
Z. Pieterse Tel: 013 235 3855 36 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Across Medical Centre
Noordwes, lyk dit egter asof klimaatsverandering tog ’n rol speel. Reënpatrone in Gauteng dui weer op hoër as normale reënval. Ons barometer lesings op Lydenburg bly wissel tussen die gemiddeld van 1014 tot 1017 hPa (vir seevlak aangepas). Dit is ’n werklike lesing van ongeveer 862 mB. Vir goeie reën het ons ’n volgehoue lae druk van sowat 859mB vir ’n paar dae nodig. Ja, ons bly in ’n snaakse wêreld! Andre Coetzee.
Begraafplaas in walglike toestand e us Ho
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IE Lydenburg Begraafplaas is met tye in ’n goeie toestand en ander kere kan besoekers dit nie waag om daar in te gaan nie. Soos almal weet behoort ’n bedrag in die begroting eenkant gehou te word vir die instandhouding hiervan. Maar op ’n onlangse besoek aan haar seuntjie se graf het me. Monique Jacobs van Lydenburg weer gemerk hoe afgeskeep dit lyk. Die gras is geweldig lank en mens kan nie eens die grafstene sien as mens in die begraafplaas se pad staan nie. Alles is behoorlik toegegroei. Dis moeilik om te glo dat mense tydens begrafnisse veilig tussen die grafte kan beweeg. Dit lyk behoorlik soos ’n veld langs die pad. In ander dorpe is die begraafplase altyd so netjies en groen en skoon, soos dit hoort. Verskeie mense besoek die begraafplaas om vir hul geliefdes te gaan kuier maar dis so onaangenaam en slordig daar dat mens nie eens behoorlik kan loop en jou geliefde se graf sien nie. Dit laat die vraag ontstaan of dit werklik soveel moeite is om nou-en-dan die gras te sny. Die gate vir grafte wat reeds gegrawe is, word ook nie behoorlik toegemaak nie, en mense kan maklik daarin trap en inval.
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Victims of crime suffer left, right and centre Michelle Boshoff Capt M. A. Mashabela confirmed that the number of housebreakings were unacceptably high for Lydenburg and Mashishing’s residential areas this past month. The SAPS have increased night patrols and this intervention has already borne fruit, especially in burglary cases. There has been a decline in reports of house breaking since these interventions. He personally gave a few tips that everyone should adhere to: • Get to know your neighbours. Walk around your yard during the day and see if there is anything amiss or out of place. • Start a neighbourhood watch. The Community Policy Forum (CPF) is there to support the community in strategic crime prevention. They will assist residents who want to start a neighbourhood watch, street committee etc. The CPF is always alerted by the police of residential areas that are targeted. Residents should not take criminals on by themselves, they must always alert the police. • Stop buying stolen items. This is a huge problem in town. It promotes burglary. Remember you can expose criminals anonymously. • It is very important to watch out for the people who live next to you and support each other. Report any strange movements of people and cars in the streets to the SAPS immediately. The SAPS has warned that residents should also be aware of their gardeners and workers. While they are working please lock the gates and ask them to be alert too. Capt M. A. Mashabela said that the SAPS urges the community that they must also play a part in protecting their property.
P 6 Februarie het die Highlands Panorama Nuus berig oor riool wat op grasperke uitloop. Rivierstraat Lydenburg was al verskeie kere die slagoffer van riool en moet noodgedwonge daarmee saamleef wanneer Thaba Chweu niks daaraan doen nie. Dis nou twee weke later. Dinsdag was TCM se verskoning die pomp is stukkend. Met ander tye bring hulle glo ’n masjien om die pype skoon te maak. Inwoners het nou ’n sloot gegrawe wat direk na die rivier loop. Higiëne, die stank, ongemak en vieslike nagevolge daarvan om met ander se riool op jou grasperk saam te leef is onaanvaarbaar. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
80ste verjaardag Kundige hande nodig by Enkeldoorn Skool ’n groot mylpaal Mnr. Gerhard Potgieter van Lydenburg skryf: Navrae van belangstellendes word ingewag vir die herstel en opknapping van die Enkeldoorn Skool. Dis sowat 13km buite Lydenburg op die Roossenekalpad. Stuur asseblief ’n kort beskrywing van jou ondervinding en kontaknommers van werk wat jy alreeds (ten minste drie weke) gedoen het. Dit is ’n vereiste. Vir navrae kontak asseblief vir Gerhard by 082 895 8492.
Salige stilte
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Veels geluk aan mnr. Chris Greeff wat op 28 Januarie die rype ouderdom van 80 jaar behaal het. Al die kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders wil hom baie geluk wens met dié mylpaal. Mag hy vir nog baie jare gespaar bly. Veels geluk!
Die foto is Desember geneem op die strand tussen Swakopmund en Hentiesbaai deur Louise Erasmus.Dis reeds ’n inskrywing vir 2014 se Fotokompetisie.
Feedback from DA on Thaba Chweu irregularities Mr Anthony Benadie, DA Provincial Leader, writes after and inquiry from the Highlands Panorama News: Mpumalanga Landfill Site: We visited the site, we will once again lay charges in terms of the NEMA and follow up with the SAPS Provincial Commission to find out what happened to previous charges. Sewer Spills: DA members will take this matter forward. We are also going to be laying charges in terms of this. R1 land: I will report this matter to the public protector and ask the AG to investigate, we need to have this transaction overturned. Electricity: We have already gone to the
HRC to lay a complaint about the fact that electricity cuts are only happening for White, Coloured and Indian residents.
Mattheus 11:28: Kom na My toe, almal wat uitgeput en oorlaai is, en Ek sal julle rus gee. Ons Hemelse Vader, ons dank u vir hierdie wonderlike versekering - Amen.
ELKE jaar in Februarie kom die Valentyn storie op. Paartjies koer skielik vir mekaar soos duifies en almal koop rooi hartjies, blommetjies en choklitjies. Siestog. En dit terwyl die moer oral los is! Nou ja, ek is al dikwels daarvan beskuldig dat ek ’n grotman en ’n onromantiese buffel is.
ie kelner bring die gereg. Die kliënt sit terug, draai sy / haar kop skuins. Daar is groot verwarring. Die kelnder word ingelig dat hy / sy ’n reuse fout begaan het. Dit is nie wat die kliënt bestel het nie. Dit moet onmiddellik teruggeneem word. Die kelner lees sy / haar notas terug van die bestelling: “Jy het gesê jy soek ’n bietjie steak en skyfies en ’n bietjie slaai.” Maar die kliënt verstaan dit nie. Wag... voor ek hierdie rubrieklesers ook laat kop skuins draai. Die trefwoord hier is ‘bietjie’. ’n Baie goeie vriendin van skooldae het op 8 Februarie verjaar. En ek vra toe wat hulle gaan doen om haar verjaardag te vier. Sy sê toe: “Ons gaan ’n bietjie uiteet.” Omdat ek ’n weeklikse rubriek skryf moes ek net hierdie ‘bietjie uiteet’ uitlig. Hoe gaan eet mens ’n bietjie uit? Bietjie is tog nie ’n werkwoord nie. Genade, verbeel jou ’n kelnder is regtig so skerp en bring dan jou bestelling soos jy gevra het. Slegs een skyfie, een tamatiepit, ’n slaaiblaar so groot soos ’n lepel en ’n soortgelyke porsie vleis. Ek glo nie ons sal so ’n skerp kelner kry wat nog sy / haar werk wil behou nie. In ’n perfekte wêreld sal woorde reg gebruik word. Maar ons leef nie in ’n perfekte wêreld nie. Spelfoute grief my so op Facebook dat ek letterlik van die bladsy moet afgaan om die mens nie te korrigeer nie. Want dan gaan die gort gaar wees. Niemand wil vertel word dat hulle ’n woord verkeerd spel nie. En glo my ek is een van hulle. Moet my ook asseblief nie vertel dat ek foute maak nie, dis nie vir my snaaks nie. Wel... dis seker deel van die koerant. Maar die ‘bietjie uiteet’ het my doodeenvoudig ‘gegooi’. Soos jongmense van vandag sal sê. Vir eers ’n bietjie totsiens!
Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Sug. En ek dink ek is nogal ’n nice outjie! Hoe moet ek nou voel? Ding is, ek en ma is al baaaaaie lank getroud, sonder ernstige probleme. As ek nou skielik vir haar blomme koop, gaan ek geklap raak. Want sy sal wonder wat het ek nou verkeerd gedoen? Sy is kapabel en dink ek was stout of ontrou of het ’n skuldige gewete. Ek kan ook nie sjokolade koop nie, want dit gee haar migraine. En wie wil nou op Valentynsaand ’n migraine hê? So ek speel veilig. Ek handhaaf ’n lae profiel. Ek koop niks en sê niks.
Inteendeel, ek is so stil soos ’n buldozer. Ek raas net as ek... Jy weet mos! Maar Valentynsdag is goed vir besigheid. Ordentlike ouens koop blomme. Hulle koop sweeties. Hulle vat vir ma uit vir ’n ete. En die ouens wat al hierdie dienste en produkte aanbied, maak ’n geldjie. En hulle adverteer in my koerant. Goed vir besigheid ja. Miskien moet ek bietjie terugploeg en ma uitvat vir ’n etetjie. Maar hoe doen ek dit sonder om agterdog te wek, in die moeilikheid te kom en dalk geklap te raak? Help!
Geveerde vriende is ‘suiker-soet’ Garth McGee, Links: een van die Janine borge by Goosen Dawie de meet ’n Swardt met ’n baba eksemplaar Kaapse van Handbook kliplyster of the Birds of se vlerkthe World, span. waaraan Dawie help skryf het. DAWIE de Swardt loop al ’n langpad saam met die Rooiborssuikervoël. As skoolseun het hy in die Longtompas dié skaam voëltjie met die rooiborsie en die geel onder sy lang stert in die proteas opgemerk. Hy het ook gesien dat hulle soms dorp toe kom en ook van aalwyne hou. En hy’t geweet dis wat hy vir ’n lewe wil doen – voëls bestudeer. Vandag is hy hoof van die Departement Ornitologie aan die Nasionale Museum in Bloemfontein, en sy passie is nog net so aan die brand soos kleintyd. En die wêreld se ornitoloë weet dat daar min is wat by hom kan kers vashou as dit by suikervoëls kom. Hy is ook gevra om die familiegeskiedenis van dié voëls op te teken in Volume 13 van die koffietafel-boek Handbooks of the Birds of the World wat in 2008 deur Lynx Edicions in Spanje gepubliseer is. Sy navorsing het in 1980 begin en sy projek oor die rooiborssuikervoëls in 1987. Die Jesuskoppie op die Longtompas is een van sy gunsteling spots, sê Dawie. Hier vang hy al om die ander jaar voëltjies in nette, bering, meet en weeg hy hulle vir ’n internasionale data-lys.
Andre Coetzee se rede omdat hy en ander natuurliefhebbers bygedra het tot Dawie de Swardt se borgskap: Enige natuurbewaringsprojek lê my na aan die hart. Ek het in 1975 by die visserye begin werk en was direk betrokke by die vestiging van forelplase in die Badfontein en Machododorp-streke en het dwarsoor die ou Transvaal forel in geskikte waters geplaas (Lydenburg, Sabie, Roossenekal, Dullstroom, Maloneys Eye, Haenertsburg, Tzaneen ens.) In my 32 jaar in natuurbewaring het ek Dawie as jong student daagliks sien stap na De Kuilen (Sterkspruit) vir sy praktiese studies. Lydenburg se voëls is vir my baie belangrik. My oorlede skoonpa se huis regoor ons s'n, is beplant met aalwyne en die suikervoëls het elke jaar daar kom kuier. Dit was een van Dawie se vang- en ringplekke. Ek is trots op hierdie Lydenburg-klong wat homself so skitterend bekwaam het in sy veld. Hy verdien elke druppel steun wat ons hom kan gee!
En danksy die bydraes van plaaslike sakelui Dawie bedank graag almal wat hierdie natuurGarth McGee, Highlands Panorama, erefenis, wil bewaar. Highlands Panorama Paardeplaats Nature Retreat, Highland Run en Nuus-lesers wat meer van sy navorsing wil 'n borg by die Departement op die Visserye wat anoniem wil bly, kon hy weer so maak. Oppad het hy vir Janine Goosen in Welkom, sy jongste beringingstudent opgelaai, wat 500 voëls moet bering voordat sy as beringer kan kwalifiseer. Suikervoëls moenie met Suikerbekkies (soos Jangroentjies) verwar word nie. Die Rooiborssuikervoël (Gurneys Sugarbird in Engels) het ’n gesplete tong met ’n tongpunt soos ’n kwassie. Die geslagte het dieselfde verekleed, maar die mannetjie se stert is langer. Daar is net twee spesies van hierdie suikervoël in ons land – die Rooibors in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, die Oos-Kaap en Oos-Vrystaat, en die Kaapse suikervoël in die Wes-Kaap tot so ver oos as Port Elizabeth. Toe Biologie-onderwyseres me. Carin Davis het saam met ’n groep leerlinge en ’n dapper ma, Rentia Olckers, Saterdagoggend vroeg saam die navorsing betrag.
weet skakel hom by 083 638 1604 of dawie@nasmus.co.za Berig en foto’s Gerda Whitehorn
• Saterdag 1 Maart. Adam Tas. 18:30 vir 19:00, Koste: R120.00 Volwassene / R60.00 per kind. Maryke 083 775 2297. Ten bate van Lydenburg Akademie CVO. • Tuesday 4 March. What is QuadCamp? Sales people break the norm, come meet fellow business people and peers. From 6-9am at Laske Nakke. R250 per person. Come enjoy a buffet breakfast; from muffins to bubbly and a motivational speech, a true 'wake-up-shakeup!' In aid of Ama Wheelies, the quadriplegic home in Lydenburg. Booking essential - a must attend event for your sales team! For more information please contact Barry Botes on 079 875 5040. • Vrydag 7 Maart. Wêreldbiddag vir Vroue. NG Lydenburg-Suid. 13:00. Tel. 013 235 3329.
Plan your dates and events and we will advertise it free of charge in our community diary. The diary of the Highlands Panorama News has always been a comprehensive database for everything that happens in this area. Email info@highlandspanorama.co.za or michelleboshoff@yahoo.com, fax the event info to 013 235 3076 or write it down on a piece of paper and hand it in at our offices. Remember the golden rule of where, when, what and who applies. Include all the relevant information and a contact person. ~ Thank you Michelle Boshoff, editor. Beplan jul datums en funksies. Ons sal dit gratis in die gemeenskapsdagboek adverteer. Die dagboek van die Highlands Panorama Nuus was nog altyd ’n volledige databasis van alles wat in die gemeenskap gebeur. Epos of faks die funksies se inligting na info@highlandspanorama.co.za of michelleboshoff@yahoo.com of faks na 013 235 3076. Dit kan ook op ’n stukkie papier geskryf word en by ons kantore ingehandig word. Onthou die goue reël is van toepassing... wie, wat, waar en wanneer. Verskaf asseblief al die relevante inligting en ’n kontakpersoon. ~ Baie dankie Michelle Boshoff, redakteur.
• Friday, 14 March to Saturday, 15 March. Mpumalanga Wine Show, White River. Taste up to 250 wines from 50 Cape Winelands exhibitors. Some of the previous exhibitors included JC Le Roux, Raka, Villiera, Glen Carlou and a few others. Held at Ingwenyama Conference and Sports Resort. Book tickets via Computicket or at money market counters or phone 011 482 5936 for enquiries • Saturday, 22 March 2014. Sappi Mankele MTB Challenge (Nelspruit). 2.5km kiddies race, 12km, 35km and 65km Mountain Bike Races, Family Fair and Entertainment. Phone Mark on 082 338 9532 for more information.
Dié gewilde Afrikaanse sanger veroorsaak groot opskudding in die musiekbedryf. Van 'n klein begin in Hatfield, Pretoria tot 'n Guiness Wêreldrekord, sing Adam Afrikaans met sy “Rock” ondertoon menigte se harte warm. Nes enige nuwe musikant het Adam alleen in Hatfield se kuierplekke opgetree en so sy stempel onder veral die studente gedruk. Adam het nie net ’n warm stem nie, maar ook ’n talentvolle skrywershand. Die liedjies op sy albums is oorspronklike treffers wat hy self geskryf het. Slegs vyf liedjies op al vier sy albums is nie sy eie skeppings nie. As gekwalifiseerde wildbewaarder, teël Adam en sy pa nyalas, swartwitpense (Sables), skoon Oos-Afrika buffels, ens. Verder is die sanger baie beskeie en glo sukses lê in vroeg opstaan en laat gaan slaap, asook om twee keer harder as jou grootste teenstander te werk. Hy is altyd eerste om 'n grappie te maak en is trots daarop dat hy eerste in sy Graad 1 klas gestaan het. Die sanger is goed op pad om al sy drome te verwesenlik en sal graag saam met die voorsanger van Dire Straits, Mark Knopfler wil optree. Maar tot dan sal hy nie rus tot hy meer albums as Steve Hofmeyer en Theuns Jordaan saam verkoop het nie. Met 'n nuwe album en 'n besonderse liefde vir Afrikaanse musiek kan 'n mens nog groot dinge van Adam Tas verwag. Adam Tas tree by Lydenburg Stadsaal op, Saterdag 1 Maart 2014 om 18:30 vir 19:00. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Lydenburg Brake & Clutch – 013 235 4212 of kontak Maryke 083 775 2297.
7 March 2014 / 7 Maart 2014 Streams in the desert Strome water in die Woestyn Time / Tyd: 13:00 Place / Plek: NG Lydenburg-Suid, 49 Berg Street, Bergstraat 49 Lydenburg. Please come join us as we pray with millions of other women worldwide. Kom sluit by ons aan waar ons saam met miljoene vroue wêreldwyd bid. Tel: 013 235 3329
Would you like to learn How to survive your Intern / Commserve to speak French? year? Then, Monsieur ou Madame, all you have to do is rock up at Oom Andries Coffee Shop next to the Spur – on Wednesdays either from 11:00 to 13:00 or at 14:00 to 16:00. No knowledge or skill required, only ze passion for ze beautiful language of love. We will start the new year's classes on Wednesday 19 February. Phone Madame Gerda Whitehorn on 079 515 7799 or e-mail her at gerda.whitehorn@pamgolding.co.za. She might not sort out your love life, but she will certainly add some powerful expressions zat would go straight to the heart. le Coeur. And perhaps you could share ze passion after a month or deux, trois, sais pas…
How to survive your Intern / Commserve Year is the subject for a special talk on Tuesday 25 February at 18:30 for 19:00 at Church Unlimited Nelspruit.
It will be specifically aimed at interns and those doing community service in the medical field. It will be presented by Dr Gerhard Goosen, previous Superintendant at Rob Ferreira Hospital, currently at the Mpumalanga Department of Health. Afterwards there will be coffee and fellowship. To book please contact the church office at info@churchunlimited.co.za Entry is free and everyone is welcome.
AMA Wheelies is both a home and rehabilitation centre for individuals with spinal injuries. Traumatic accidents cause severe neck injuries to the spinal cord, causing paralysis & dramatically changing lives. After becoming disabled, they are left with their families who lack the knowledge or ability to take care of them. Accidents causing paralysis are more common these days. Government help is minimal. Quadriplegics have special needs, expensive medicines and appliances not covered by medical aid, hence the need for our special home that urgently requires your financial help. The small home in a cottage opened on 27 November 2010, although unable to accommodate all our members for presently only three members live on the farm, forming the skeleton required to function as a special home and rehabilitation centre to act as a model and example where families can come for training. Training is the base for our outreach and training programs, educating and enabling quadriplegics living on their own to empower themselves providing meaningfull lives. This quadriplegic home is the first of its kind in the entire Mpumalanga Province; and proposed to accommodate 16 individuals and reach another 29 with our home based outreach providing much needed help in the province. Ama Wheelies managed to train 15 thus far and hope to find a sponsor with job development projects. The Ricky Faber concert 12 May at the Lydenburg High school will greatly assist the Ama Wheelies, enabling further planning and training. Please attend on 12 May and support Ama Wheelies in Mpumalanga. Apart from Ama Wheelies there is no home for quadriplegics. Ama Wheelies is a section 21 non-profit organization (2008/021003/08) with our NPO number 083-504: We request your help and include Ama Wheelies banking details at NEDBANK current acc no 1930052944 at the Primrose branch 193042 swift code: EDSZAJJ. All donations will be acknowledged with a receipt. For more information call Barry Botes 079 875 5040 barry@amawheelies.co. z a o r v i s i t w w w. amawheelies.co.za
Mnr Stompie du Toit en Mnr Bertie Strydom (Hi Q Bestuurder)
’n Gelukkige Mnr Stompie du Toit het meer as goeie diens gekry toe hy onlangs gekies het om bande te koop by Hi Q, Lydenburg. Om die waarheid te sê was hy die gelukkige wenner van die Cadac Maestro 4 gasbraaier. Hi Q se Nasionale Verbruikerspromosie het ’n opwindende jaarlikse gebeurtenis geword en is daarop gemik om kliënte te beloon. Hi Q, Lydenburg bied ‘n volledige reeks bandprodukte en onderstel dienste soos wielsporing en balansering aan. Hulle verskaf ook batterye en skokbrekers, asook trekstange. Die Hi Q network is Suid Afrika se voorloper in die kleinhandel bedryf, met ’n gevestigde reputasie vir uitstekende diens en ’n wye produk aanbod met bande vanaf hoë werkverrigting, 4x4 en die allerdaagse bandbenodighede. Baie geluk mnr. du Toit en ons hoop die braaier bring baie vreugde.
Groepfoto: Norma Botha, Adelene Le Roux, Johan Strydom, Nicky Maartens, Rone van der Westhuizen, Cecil Barrows, Sunel Liebenberg, Henry Moyo, Hercules Coetzee, Johan Gerber, Sanet Lotter, Carel Olivier en Piet Bothma.
Longtom Nissan, Lydenburg het ouder gewoonte weer gesorg vir breë glimlagte op motoriste se gesigte die afgelope Valentynsdag. Foto’s links en onder: Motoriste word bederf vir Valentynsdag.
Rian’s Love Tour is coming to town JACARANDA FM, South Africa's only privately-owned commercial radio station to broadcast in the four northernmost p ro v i n c e s n a m e l y, G a u t e n g , Mpumalanga, North-West and Limpopo is taking the station directly to their Mpumalanga and Limpopo listeners, from 16 February 2014 to 1 March 2014. The bold idea now called 'Rian's Love Tour' sprouted from an eager Limpopo listener's call-in to Rian and his Complimentary Breakfast Team asking when last they had visited Bela Bela. The unexpected call caused much excitement, prompting fellow listeners to call the station with more visit requests, from the smallest dorpie in Limpopo to Mpumalanga's capital city, Nelspruit. Rian and the team felt that there was no better way to honour their faithful supporters, but to hit the road, stopping off in various towns to thank the fans for their support over the last 28 years. As a result, station management have decided to send the entire Complimentary Breakfast Team: Rian van Heerden, Dianne Broodryk, Robbie Kruse, Thabiso Khambule and MalJan on the Jacaranda FM Love Tour. The Love Tour will see live outside broadcasts every morning from 6-9am, as well as lunches with the locals in the smaller towns. Meet-and-greet opportunities with the Jacaranda FM team will be followed by evening entertainment in the shape of pub quizzes and competitions which are open to the public. Rian van Heerden gave an idea of what visiting listeners can expect on the tour, 'This
is by far the biggest and most exciting campaign that I've been involved in. That excitement and energy will definitely be felt in the personal interactions with our regional audiences. We'd love to meet and get to know as many listeners as possible during the tour, so I urge all listeners to come say hi to the team when we're in your neck of the woods.' The route begins in Limpopo, starting in Bela Bela (16 Feb.) and moving into Modimolle
(17 Feb.), Mookgophong (17/18 Feb.), Mokopane (18 Feb.), Tzaneen (18/19 Feb.), Moria (19 Feb.), Makhado (19/20 Feb.), ending in Polokwane (20/21 Feb.). The Mpumalanga leg kicks off in Witbank (23/24 Feb.) winding up to Middelburg (24 Feb.), Lydenburg (24/25 Feb.), Pilgrims Rest (25 Feb.), Sabie (25/26 Feb.), White River (26 Feb.), Barberton (26/27 Feb.), Malelane (27 Feb.), and ending in Nelspruit (27/28 Feb.)
’n GROEP studente van die Universiteit van Duitsland het by Saint Pie kom kuier die afgelope week. Groot opgewondenheid het geheers, want al hierdie studente is "Food Tech" studente. Me. Natasha Joubert (algemene bestuurder) het hulle alles van Saint Pie se beginskoene tot nou vertel en hulle toe in die bekwame hande van me. Lettie Mdlalose (produksie bestuurder) en Itumeleng Mbele (Food Tech) gelaat vir die toer deur Saint Pie, waarna hulle getrakteer is op warm gebakte pasteie. Die studente se oë het groot gerek en daar was hope vrae waarmee hulle vir Lettie gebombardeer het. Sy het hulle breed laat glimlag met haar fyn sin vir humor met elke antwoord. Dat studente tot in Duitsland van Saint Pie, Lydenburg weet maak al ons Lydenburgers net nog meer trots. Welgedaan (of in Duits “Gut Gemacht”) Saint Pie en al julle werknemers.
Pryse word verwelkom vanaf 4U
Sannie Mathebula (4U Office National Takbestuurder) en die wenner van ’n skootrekenaar Emma Nkuna
Sebenzile Gazina, die derde wenner van ’n prutpot saam met Annetjie Barnard (4U Office National Verkoopsdame)
Sannie Mathebula (4U Office National 4U Office National, Takbestuurder) en die tweede wenner van Lydenburg het elke ’n drukker, Chrissie Geldenhuys jaar hul Back to School kompetisie waar kliënte vir ’n gelukkige trekking in aanmerking kan kom as jy R100 en meer by hulle spandeer.
Longtom FotografieKlub
Die Longtom Fotografieklub is nie net vir professionele fotograwe bedoel nie. Dis ’n leergeleentheid vir fotoentoesiaste elke tweede Maandagaand van die maand in die Hervormde Kerksaal. Hier beduie klubvoorsitter ds. Willie Botha vir Hester van Zijl hoe om haar kamera in te stel. Vir meer inligting, skakel met Lani Visser by 083 725 0703 of lani@lantic.net.
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SWEDISH supercar manufacturer Koenigsegg has just released a teaser image of its forthcoming One:1 hypercar ahead of the model’s official debut at the Geneva Motor Show. While the One:1 features what is essentially the same shell that the more recent Agera boasts, what immediately sets it apart is the huge rear wing support by dual fins that extend aft from the roof – no doubt contributing a considerable amount of downforce to the overall aerodynamic package. The One:1’s name comes from the fact that
HONDA has released images of its 2014 Civic WTCC works car, taken during its first test session in Aragon, Northern Spain earlier this year. The design of the new look Civic WTCC, which was unveiled in December last year, reflects the latest technical regulations for the FIA WTCC and shows the subtle style of the wheel arch extensions, larger diameter wheels, sleeker aero package and extended rear spoiler. At Honda's annual motorsport press conference, held in Tokyo, Takanobu Ito, President & CEO of Honda Motor Co. Ltd, also outlined Honda's ambitions in the Championship this year. He said: “We achieved four victories and captured the manufacturer's title last season in the FIA World Touring Car Championship, the WTCC, which was our first year of full-participation. In this season, we will strive to win the double title for driver's and manufacturer's with a total of four machines including a works team and two private teams.” Under the banner of the “Castrol Honda World Touring Car Team”, Honda will enter two works cars in 2014, driven by Gabriele Tarquini and Tiago Monteiro and run by J.A.S. Motorsport. Private outfits Zengő Motorsport and Proteam Racing will also compete for honours with two further Civics, driven by Hungary's Norbert Michelisz and Moroccan Mehdi Bennani respectively. iol.motoring.co.za
its twin-turbocharged V8 powerplant will produce 1 044 kW (1 400 hp) and weigh in at 1 400 kg (taking into account the mass of an average-sized person) – effectively resulting in a powerto-weight ratio of 1:1. Koenigsegg believes this crucial performance factor should allow the One:1 to complete the 0-200 km/h, 0-300 km/h and 0-400 km/h sprints in record time – with the latter apparently happening in 20 seconds. As impressive as those statistics are, the One:1’s real target is Bugatti’s Veyron SS, with its 415 km/h top speed. The One:1 is believed to be capable of a 450 km/h maximum velocity.
Monthly Instalment R2 199 Interest Rate* 7.12% Balloon Payment 35% Vehicle Price R158 900 Deposit 0% No. Of Instalments 72 Total Payment R211 725
It seems the title of world’s fastest production car is finally within Koenigsegg’s grasp. The limited run of six models is reserved for those who can afford the nearR25 million asking price. iol.motoring.co.za
Sales: Hein Viljoen: 083 408 0397 Stevan Jacquet: 084 416 8035
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NISSAN will re-enter the taxi industry in South Africa with the launch of the all-new Nissan NV350 Impendulo, which will go on sale in March this year. The new 16-seat model, has been built to comply with South Africa's taxi industry regulations and benefits from extensive South African influence throughout its development, while being specifically engineered in Japan. The new model succeeds the legendary Nissan E20 of the 1990s – a vehicle which still carries strong heritage with local taxi operators almost twenty years after the last E20 was sold. The new NV350 Impendulo Taxi, whose name is also unique to the South African market, has already begun forging new bonds with local taxi association members who have featured extensively in its development, both in its engineering and indeed its special name. The innovative 'Name to Fame Game' took place in 2013 and invited members of the taxi industry to submit ideas for the market name of NV350 in South Africa. This resulted in the new Nissan NV350 Taxi carrying the “Impendulo” moniker, an indication to the extent to which consumers have been involved in Impendulo to market is thrilling, the entire experience embodying our 'Innovation that Excites' ethos. Following the launch we will be involving the the model's planning and development, taxi industry even further as we launch a brand ambassador campaign, Says Tessa Cooke, NV350 Product Manager at Nissan South Africa: followed by individual taxi rank launches where we will take the NV350 “Impendulo is the isiZulu word for 'the answer', a term which can be applied to Impendulo straight to the people who will be using it every day.” the NV350 Taxi in more than one way. With it, we aim to recapture the love and affection of both taxi operators and commuters. “The fact that our new taxi has been designed around the people who are going to operate and use it, coupled with the overwhelmingly positive response to our naming competition, points towards a very successful reintroduction of the Nissan badge to the South African taxi industry.” The unique name also gives the NV350 Impendulo Taxi a strong local flavour, reigniting the South African taxi industry's affection for Nissan products – an industry in which over 4.5 million people travel in over 220 000 taxis on a daily basis.
The winner of the Name to Fame Game is Mr Mandla William Mabaso of the Thuthukani Association which operates in the Germiston region of Gauteng. He takes home a dazzling R50 000 cash deposit towards the purchase of his new NV350 Impendulo. Designed for South Africans – the new Nissan NV350 Impendulo has been specifically tailored for use by commuters and operators alike to comply with the market's world-leading taxi industry regulations. A product development team was flown to Japan during the planning phase to ensure the model not only meets Taxi Recapitalisation Programme legislation and safety regulations, but also overall market suitability.
Following the design first seen locally on the Nissan NV350 Panel Van In attendance at the NV350 Impendulo launch was Norihiko Yagi, Chief launched in 2013, the NV350 Impendulo features sharp, bold and assertive Product Specialist for Nissan Motor Company, who worked with the South design cues which are harmonised by clean surfaces and an overall 'fuss-free' African contingent throughout the NV350 Taxi's development. “To finally bring look. The front end imparts a strong, bold and individualistic design with a rounded, characterful waistline forming at the base of the windscreen and progressing down the flanks. The rear features bold vertical tail lights which impart confidence. NV350 Impendulo is available exclusively in white as part of the taxi industry regulations. On the inside, the high-roof body design ensures roominess all-round. The cockpit features a spacious design with strategic attention given to key areas like ease of ingress, head and shoulder room and driver's knee room – all extremely important elements for operators who spend vast amounts of time behind the wheel every day. The single sliding side door opens wide to allow for the best possible ease of access. Behind the two individual front seats, 14 smartly-designed seats make the most of the NV350 Impendulo's interior space. Featuring six benches and two individual seats with a central 'passage' allowing access to the rearmost three rows, ease of access was a key focus during design and development. The new Nissan NV350 Impendulo is powered by a proven 2.5-litre petrol engine, which produces 108 kW at 5 600 rpm and 213 Nm at 4 400 rpm, mated to a five-speed manual gearbox. Fuel economy is improved with the assistance of low voltage control of the alternator, whereby battery charge is monitored and the alternator's voltage adjusted to curb over-charging the battery, thereby reducing load on the engine and lowering fuel consumption. Improved timing chain operation thanks to low-friction materials also aids in reducing consumption, as does the engine's low idle speed of just 600 rpm. Much like its Panel Van sibling, the NV350 Impendulo features smart standard equipment to make daily use more pleasant. These include easy-to-clean PVC flooring, adjustable power steering wheel, a multi-info trip computer, two cup holders, cleverly-designed sliding rear windows, seatback handles and 15-inch steel wheels with wheel covers. A full-size spare wheel is also standard fitment, and a two-speaker audio system is available as an option. Safety equipment includes driver and front passenger airbags, ABS with s Brake Assist, seat belts for all 16 seats, a driver's seatbelt warning buzzer, an emergency exit escape hatch in the roof and an immobiliser. By email.
FORD Racing is heading into the 2014 season of the highly competitive Donaldson South African Cross Country Championship with a new look, a new sponsor, a new driver and navigator, and with the benefit of extensive experience gained on this year's arduous Dakar Rally. Atlas Copco is welcomed to the team as its title sponsor for the 2014 season, building on its high-profile involvement in the sport by joining forces with the mighty Ford Racing / Neil Woolridge Motorsport outfit that has been one of the leading contenders in the local championship, including ending the last two seasons in runner-up position. “We are proud to welcome Atlas Copco to the team, as the company brings a lot of support and expertise to cross country racing,” says John Nagel, Ford Racing Manager. “With the changes lined up for this year the competition is going to be tougher than ever, but this partnership will enable us to compete at an even higher level, with our sights set on reclaiming the title once again.” Atlas Copco is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a world leader covering more than 160 markets with products and services ranging from compressed air and gas equipment to generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems. “There is a close relationship between the technology of Atlas Copco products and that of the vehicles used in the Donaldson Cross Country Championship," says Jim Tapkas, General Manager Atlas Copco South Africa Compressor Technique business area. “We see the sponsorship of the Ford Racing team as well as the Atlas Copco round of the championship as an extension of our marketing strategy, particularly in relation to the automotive, construction, manufacturing and mining sectors. “The event and the success of our teams in the series over the years have enabled us to build and maintain awareness of Atlas Copco and our products, and we believe that this will be strengthened further as the title sponsor for Atlas Copco Ford Racing in 2014.” Along with the new sponsor, the team sees experienced competitors and multiple race winners Gary Bertholdt and his regular co-driver Siegfried Rousseau joining the squad for 2014. They join the existing pairing of 2010 champions and runners-up for the past two seasons, Chris Visser and Japie Badenhorst, in the two Atlas Copco Ford Racing Rangers. Bertholdt takes the place of young star Lance Woolridge who has been ruled out of competition for the year due to a back operation. “It's a pity to have Lance out of action, as he is consistently quick and took the Ranger to its first win on its maiden outing last year,” says Neil Woolridge, Team Manager of Ford Racing. “But he's still young and it's important for him to recover fully before competing again. “Gary and Siegfried bring a lot of experience and proven talent to the team, having been front-running privateers for many years. They are sure to be on the pace from the outset, thus giving us two strong contenders as we take the fight to the other factory and well-funded privateer teams.” Atlas Copco Ford Racing will be competing in the premier category of the championship, which has undergone significant changes for the 2014 season. According to the South African National Off Road Racing Association (SANORA), the existing SP Class has been split in two in order to level the playing field by separating the older V6-powered vehicles from the latest high-tech entries such as the V8powered Atlas Copco Ford Racing Ranger. Class T will now cater for vehicles with an engine capacity of 4 000 cc and over, and the teams have the option of running the solid axle rear suspension used last year or the independent set-up as employed on the Dakar Rally. The new Class S category will cater for vehicles with a maximum engine capacity of 4 000 cc with a solid rear axle only. “We are very excited about the introduction of Class T for this year, as it allows us to compete with virtually the same vehicle we used on the Dakar Rally in South America last month,” Woolridge says. “Last year we were building different vehicles for the SA championship and the Dakar Rally, but now we are able to focus our efforts on a common design with the same suspension components, while making the most of the lessons learned in the tough conditions encountered on the Dakar. I believe this will give us a big advantage in the local championship.” Along with the changes to the classes, the race format has also been revised for 2014. Qualifying races to determine the start positions will now be run over 100 km, and the race distance for each of the local rounds has been increased from 400 to 450 km. The season kicks off on 28 February with the RFS 450, which relocates from its
traditional home at Tarlton Raceway near Krugersdorp to Harrismith in the Free State this year, thus presenting the challenge of an all-new event and unknown terrain to the competitors. 2014 Donaldson SA Cross Country Championship 1) 28 February – 1 March 2) 4-5 April 3) 16-17 May 4) 27-29 June Desert Race 5) 8-9 August 6) 12-13 September 7) 24-25 October 8) 28-29 November
Free State RFS 450 KwaZulu-Natal Toyota Dealer 450 Mpumalanga Nkomazi 450 Botswana Toyota Botswana 1000 North West North West Free State Gauteng
Sun City 450 Vryburg 450 Challenge Free State 450 Atlas Copco Gold 450
Ford Racing and Neil Woolridge Motorsport are proud to be associated with the following sponsors and partners for the 2014 Donaldson SA Cross Country Championship: Atlas Copco, DeWalt, Mastercraft, OMP, Donaldson Filtration Systems, Ironman 4x4 and National Luna.
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F A L C O N o p Lydenburg het ’n probleempie vir my opgelos. Deesdae se motors kom dikwels sonder ’n sigaretaansteker en asbakkie, soos my Nissan NP200 SE. Die kragsok links voor die rathefboom is standaard, maar sonder aansteker en in my geval sonder krag. Dit was dus nie moontlik om bv. ’n GPS te gebruik of selfone te laai nie. Ek het by Longtom Nissan ’n aansteker en asbakkie bestel. Die asbakkie pas in een van die bekerhouers en die a a n s t e k e r i s veronderstel om die kragsok links te vervang. Raymond en sy span by Falcon het egter die kragsok vir my “lewendig” gemaak en die aansteker regs agter die asbakkie netjies ingebou, sodat dit na ’n fabrieksinstallasie lyk. Nou het ek nie een nie, maar twee 12V kragsokke soos op ’n luukse “duur” voertuig! Dankie Falcon. Andre Coetzee
Highlands Panorama readers will remember my disgust at last year’s SA COTY awards. I called it a scandal. Well, read this: Munich, Germany - The head of Germany's ADAC car club, Europe's largest, resigned in disgrace on Monday after an external audit found it had rigged the results and order of its award for the country's most popular car. Leading German carmakers Daimler, Volkswagen and BMW immediately said they would follow suit by handing back the once-coveted annual “Yellow Angel” awards after the audit found irregularities in the counting and ordering. The revelations have battered the reputation of the ADAC, which before it first admimtted wrongdoing last month was one of Germany's most respected institutions with 19 million members. ADAC president Peter Meyer resigned just before publication of the external audit, which found the order of four of the first five places had been manipulated. IT’S A CRISIS, REFORM NEEDED “This is the most serious crisis in our 111-year history,” said August Markl, ADAC's vice president, who will take over from Meyer until the next general assembly in May. Thousands of ADAC members have left in disgust. Markl vowed to bring sweeping reforms to ADAC, which has also come under fire for charging inflated prices for car batteries to stranded motorists. Top executives have also been attacked for inappropriate use of rescue helicopters and jets. But Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the ADAC would need to be reorganised. “The current set up ofADAC's organisation led to these mistakes,” Maas said. “They need to be changed.” The scandal erupted last month when it emerged that its popular “ADAC Motorwelt” magazine had massively inflated readership votes for the “YellowAngel” award for Germany's favourite car. ADAC had said that 34 299 motorists endorsed the Volkswagen Golf in an award to determine the
EK het so ’n tyd gelede hierdie stel Road Rage HID ligte by Neels Holtshauzen van Autohausen aangekoop. Die een lig was egter nie so skerp soos die ander nie en ek het die Isuzu na Falcon geneem, wat vir my dikker bedrading na die ligte gedoen het en ’n relé op elke lig afsonderlik monteer het. Die HID ligte het baie krag nodig om in te skop en hulle werk nou soos hulle veronderstel is om te doen. Hierdie is nie jou gewone “spotlights” nie. Dit is projektor ligte wat baie ver lig. Inteendeel, voor die verbetering van die bedrading, het hierdie ligte al bykans ’n kilometer ver geskyn. Nou kan ek verseker in die nag ry en sleep en ver genoeg sien om betyds tot stilstand te kom wanneer nodig. Andre Coetzee.
most popular car in Germany.
Auditor Deloitte on Monday said only 3271 votes had been cast for the vehicle, with the accountants adding it found evidence of “wilful manipulation” as well as technologically flawed processing of data. BLATANT MANIPULATION
8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120 013 235 1086 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za
Deloitte examined thousands of pieces of computer data and conducted interviews with ADAC employees. It said the since-departed director of ADAC communications, Peter Ramstetter, had simulated different scenarios on his computer about how the number and order of the votes could be manipulated. ADAC at first said the total number of votes had been manipulated but not the order. BMW's 3-series, for instance, should have been in second place behind the Volkswagen Golf based on votes submitted, but inexplicably did not even make it into the top five. The BMW's 5series was instead inserted in fifth place. Volkswagen, which won the YellowAngel with its Volkswagen Golf model at the end of January, said it would return the award. Daimler said it would return all the Yellow Angels it had been awarded in previous years. “Awards by the public are of great importance to Daimler, since these reflect the public's opinion. A prerequisite for this is that readership votes are conducted in a correct manner. This was not the case with the YellowAngel,” Daimler said. ADAC said Deloitte would now examine the voting in the years from 2005 to 2013 because it had found similarities in how the prize had been awarded in those years. ADAC stands for Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club. Its car test reports are followed closely in a country with a deep affinity for its cars. Reuters / iol.motoring.co.za
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TE HUUR: • Luukse 3 slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks - R7 000 / mnd • 3 Slk huis,2 badk, 2 mot, erf R6 500 / mnd • Pragtige 2 slk w/stel met erf, 2 badk, mot plus afdakke, buitekamer - R6 000 / mnd • 2 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks - Geen diere - R4 500 / mnd TE KOOP: • 3 Slk won met 2 badk, oopplan sit/eet/komb/, mooi erf, afdakke, wendy, palesades, PLUS 3 w/stelle, goeie huur inkomste - R2 milj O.H.B. • 21Ha plot met groot woning, groot stoor, 2 boorgate ens - R1,9 milj • 288Ha plaas, weiding, 15Ha lande (gedeeltelik oulandsgras) - R2 milj • Half geboude won in Ohrigstad. Kontak ons vir meer besonderhede. • Gebou te koop in ligte nywerheids gebied - O.H.B SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP
WHEN it comes to homeowners wanting to improve the value of their property, kitchens and bathrooms are still the number one places to upgrade, however, more and more property owners are now looking to improve their outdoor living spaces as well. With summer in full swing, many homeowners have turned their attention to the outdoors because of the benefits this provides to their families. During the warmer months, most people find that they spend far more time outdoors, making it the ideal season to engage in a home improvement project that will maximise the enjoyment of these outdoor areas and add to the appeal of the home when wanting to sell. There are several reasons why investing in your home's outdoor living areas could pay off in the long run. Increased appeal and resale value From a financial perspective homeowners will be able to recoup a large portion of the money they spend on any addition or renovation when they decide to sell, provided that they have not renovated above the ceiling price in the neighbourhood. Outdoor additions such as a deck or a swimming pool, for example, will increase the value of the property and, depending on the circumstances, between 65 and 90 percent of the cost could be recouped at sale. Not only will the o u t d o o r 48 Voortrekker straat, Dennis van Renen Gebou (oorkant Spar) / 013 235 4575 www.qsrealty.co.za improvements add value to the property Gaan ons op Facebook financially, it will also add to the home's appeal, which could
be what the seller needs to oust the competition in today's competitive real estate environment. Buyers will like the fact that the home has pleasant outdoor features and spaces. Enjoyment and entertaining While the increase in the property's value is a huge benefit, this can only be realised if the property is sold. However, the immediate benefit is that the family will be able to make full use of the outdoor space and enjoy it. An outdoor area designed around a homeowner's specific needs and preferences can optimise space and act as an extension of the liveable area of the home. Relax and de-stress Medical research studies suggest that spending time outdoors can assist with alleviating stress and can improve mood. A pleasant and accessible outdoor area can bring all the benefits of spending time in nature into the comfort of your home. Potential money and water saving The addition of elements such as a lowmaintenance deck or patio will reduce areas of lawn that require watering, which in turn will lower utility costs. Having an outdoor recreational area means that the family is likely to spend more time at home, which will also reduce entertainment costs. The benefits of investing in outdoor living spaces can be reaped in many different ways. Not only can it add to the home's value financially, it will also create a space where the whole family can relax and reconnect at the end of a hard day. www.property24.com COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TO LET
EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES • Nuut oorgedoende besigheidsperseel in Viljoenstraat. Ideaal geleë met baie moontlikhede. R9 100pm • 3 slpk, 2 badk huis met gaste toilet en oopplan leefarea/kombuis. Stoep met ingeboude braai, dubbel motorhuis en afdak vir 1 motor. R9 500pm • 2 slpk, 2 badk meenthuis met baie ruim oopplan kombuis/leefarea met afdak vir 3 motors en enkel toesluit motorhuis. Eie erf. R6 100pm • 3 slpk, 2 badk huis in Sterkspruit met ruim oopplan leefarea en kombuis. Dubbel motorhuis. R9 230pm Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Annalize: 084 512 9393 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
2 Shops to let in Viljoen Street, Lydenburg Excellent Location Shop - 1 - 260m² Shop 2 - 90m² Can also be rented as 1 unit of 350m²
Available: 01/04/2014
082 775 6376
• Stevensons • O’Grady’s • Plascon • Wood & Cemcrete • QD • Prominent Paints • 2K Automotive Paint
Soetproppie op Valentynsdag nie te versmaai GEDURENDE die Januarie vergadering is die bestuur en die komende jaar se bedrywighede verkies. Die Hibuskustak se nuwe voorsitter is me. Elona Potgieter. Me. Stella Sephton is vise-voorsitster, me Nora Myburg die sekretaresse, me. Marie Wilson die tesourier, me. Sharn Tolmay die skakelbeampte en me. Elsabe Brits die kompetisiesameroepster. In Februarie het die tak die konferensies, kongresse en die winterskool bespreek. Hierdie jaar gaan hulle leer om aartappel brood te bak, uie marmelade en sjokolade truffles te maak. Hulle het afgeskop met ’n herwinningsdemonstrasie waar me. Elsabe Brits hulle gewys het hoe om koffieblikdeksels te laat lyk na die pragtigste piouterwerk. En natuurlik w o r d d i e vergadering afgesluit met die lekkerste soeten soutigheidjie, tee en koffie. Indien jy sou belangstel om by hierdie tak aan te sluit (of net te kom kuier) is jy welkom om die volgende vergadering in die NG Kerk Suid Lydenburg by te woon. Hulle vergader elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 9:30 by die kerk.
Die Lelievlei deurgangskamp buite Lydenburg het ook Valentynsdag gevier Vrydag. En te danke aan Matthys Smit het hulle ook ’n groot pot sappige geel mielies geniet. Dankie aan almal wat die aand spesiaal gemaak het met al die versierings by die snoephappies. Skakel Frik Rousseau by 073 913 7534. Lelievlei benodig hulp en skenkings van enige iets wat oorbodig is by jul huise.
Op Valentynsdag by The Heads is daar lekkers uitgedeel aan die hele kompleks. Van links af: Matilda Machubeng (Miss Personality), Elbé Meyer (Miss Face & Hair), Anna-Marie Labuschagne (Miss Legs).
Me. Elsabe Brits
Connecting with customers in Lydenburg! OTEES Powertrade Cash & Carry has been part of Lydenburg for an amazing 22 years and in that time the store has forged strong bonds with its community. With its impressive array of competitively priced groceries, sweets, general merchandise, frozen goods and small appliances, the store offers an exceptional value for money shopping experience. Not only is it well supported by shoppers from Lydenburg, but customers come from far and wide to take advantage of the great pricing, wide range and quality service. Otees Powertrade is easily accessible in the town of Lydenburg and from further afield, with ample, secure vehicle parking for its valued customers. In addition to serving the general public, the store also sells to small store owners and other small to medium sized businesses, catering companies, tourists looking to stock up for their holiday, bed and breakfast guest houses and hotels. The store's bulk shopping section offers excellent choice and value. This is a shop that has the capacity to meet a diverse range of requirements, with a delivery service for business owners and knowledgeable and friendly staff to help the general public and traders who flock to the store. Since the early days, Otees Powertrade has gone the extra mile for its customers, offering great value for money, which in today's economic climate is more important than ever. The goal and mission of the store's management and staff is to give their customers what they want, at the best possible price. The store recently had a 'facelift' with striking new outside signage being installed. Plans are also underway for some changes inside the store – watch this space!
Four lucky customers were very happy to have won lovely kitchen appliances during Otees Platinum Promotion competition. Otees Powertrade is part of the UMS (Unitrade Management Services) voluntary trading group, with access to a full basket of added value products and services, including national and divisional buying for deals and promotions; unique buying facilities for individual needs; marketing and advertising; central accounting facilities; greater credit facilities; store development projects; unique community marketing programmes; performance management reports; product information reports; and information technology (IT) with systems that enable online member ordering and targeted customer campaigns. Unitrade's focus is to assist its members – family-run, independent wholesale and retail stores – to build their businesses through strong
partnerships. Ultimately though, Otees' customers benefit from all these services, which make for a better, more enjoyable and price competitive store. “Otees Powertrade has built a well-deserved reputation for itself in the community of Lydenburg and beyond,” says Ivo Barradas, General Manager, UMS Northern Division. “We wish them every success as they continue to grow from strength to strength and we will be with them and supporting them every step of the way.” As part of the store's ongoing promotions and specials, Otees Powertrade recently ran a competition where four lucky customers won fabulous kitchen appliances, such as microwaves, stoves and refrigerators. It was the first time that the Otees Platinum Promotion
There's something for everyone at Otees Powertrade Cash & Carry! The store has an excellent range of groceries, sweets, general merchandise, frozen goods and small appliances.
took place at the store and it is set to become an annual event. Shoppers placed their till slips into an entry box to take part in a lucky draw and every till slip entry offered the store's customers a bigger and better chance to win great prizes. The day's festivities also saw free samples given away, music from a big CocaCola truck outside the store and a general good and happy vibe! The entire staff made sure that the multitude of customers were well looked after and a great time was had by all. Otees Powertrade can be easily found at 5 Kerk Street, Lydenburg. The store's contact number is 013 235 2118 and their trading hours are Monday to Thursday, 8:15am-5:15pm; Friday 8:15am-5:15pm (closed on Friday between 12:15pm and 1:30pm) and Saturday 8:15am1:15pm.
STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly; Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr. Brian Chester -Browne 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 082 883 5342 After Hours: 076 053 7178 www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za
www.treasuretimephotograp hy.com DIENSTE/ SERVICES SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. enige vervoerwerk, 4 trok. Kontak Nico: 082 4592, Charlotte: 072 6424.
Vir ton 563 865
J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, VTec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026
DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912
S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105 SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE & meubels. Des 072 446 5394
Tel: 013 235 1986 www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41
ORALIST BENODIG vir Pinkster kerk. 076 563 5892
Verkope & Verhuring
A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.
A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.
I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932
K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416
T U I N D I E N S T E / vullisverwydering • Plaagbeheer • Alle herstelwerk & staalwerk • Skoonmaak dienste • Chemikalieë & toiletpapier. Kontak Adriaan 082 488 0181 of Zuleka 082 426 3144 EKSTRA WISKUNDEKLASSE 076 153 8912 DA VISSER PLUMBERS Reg: BZ2877 Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532
ATLAS PANEELKLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
PETALS : Affordable Floral Decor for functions/special occasions Bekostigbare Blommedekor vir funksies/ spesiale geleenthede. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR. 015 001 7006
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
ENIGE staalwerk. 072 778 6377
LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
MV GLAS & ALUMINIUM Instaleering & vervanging van venster glas, veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & stort deure, windskerms ens. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805 NCL ELECTRICAL Electrical installations, appliances. 071 078 9721
BACHELOR WOONSTEL agter in erf. Geen diere, slegs enkelpersoon. 083 686 6403 THE HEADS: 3 bedroom house. Double bathroom, double garage. R8000 p/m. Call Johan to view 0763716706. GROOT BACHELORrondawel op plaas halfpad tussen Lydenburg, Burgersfort. R3000p.m. Sluit in krag, wasgoed, TV & Internet. Enkelpersoon, geen diere. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR 015 001 7006 3 SLK, 1 bad, Huis op Plaas, W&L ingsl R 5000.00 p/m Onmiddelik Beskikbaar - 084 406 5331
WISKUNDE ekstra klasse vir Gr 10 -12. 082 493 4487 KOOP EN VERKOOP/ BUY AND SELL
ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 CLAY BRICKS 20 000 in stock. 082 805 3152
2 SLK, 1 bad, Huis op Plaas, W&L ingsl R 4000.00 p/m Onmiddelik Beskikbaar - 084 406 5331 HUISE EN MEENTHUISE te h u u r. S k a k e l E s m é , Lydenburg Eiendomme 013 235 1986. N E AT 2 B E D R O O M townhouse in complex, no big dogs, built-in braai, garden service included. R5800 pm 071 686 4854 BACHELOR woonstel, 10km vanaf Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. R2200 pm (W+L ing) 072 278 1584 BACHELOR woonstel te huur. R2500pm 079 624 9486
3 SLK R4600p/m, 2slk R3600 p/m - beskikbaar 1 Maart. 083 345 2091/ 078 119 4438
C R E AT I V E N A I L S b y Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/ 081 086 3961 CREATIVE NAILS Karmien 082 887 5886
LOSIES/ LODGING DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002 LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840
HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323 PERMANENT MAKEUP 076 153 8912
TREASURE TIME F O TO G R A F I E : t r o u e s , studio, alle geleentheede. Willie 082 786 3458
G E K WA L I F I S E E R D E HAARKAPSTER e-pos jou CV na samanthapienaar2 @gmail.com of kontak 079 751 9922
AK JEWELS 013 235 1075
B O U P L A N N E J C POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615
toegerus. Spesiale pryse beskikbaar. 013 235 2010/ epos: adelpragt@hotmail. com
AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMMODATION KAMERS beskikbaar by Oppi-Berg. 082 786 1651
PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658
SELF CATERING cottage beskikbaar R300 p/aand. Etes addisioneel, Lydenburg. 082 493 4487
DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941
L U U K S E AKKOMMODASIE: 5 selfsorg eenhede ten volle
RESTAURANT / KROEG pos beskikbaar. So gou moontlik beskikbaar. Moet ouer as 21 jr wees & ondervinding in die gasvryheidsbedryf. Epos of f a k s C V n a buffelsvlei@live.co.za of 086 762 9702
G R E AT E R T U B AT S E LAND USE SCHEME 2006. A M M E N D E M E N T SCHEMES (152/2006 AND 1 5 3 / 2 0 0 6 W I T H ANNEXURE 192) I, Magau Gudani of Mukwevho Development Experts, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the Erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b) (i) of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d To w n s h i p O r d i n a n c e (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006, in the following manner: Amendment scheme number 152/2006: Rezoning of Erf 667 GaMapodila-A from “Residential 1 to Residential 3” for the purpose of erecting flats. Amendment scheme number 153/2006 with annexure 192: Rezoning of Erven 3168 and 3169 Burgersfort extension 35 from “Business 3” to “Business 1” and consolidation of the above mentioned properties in terms of section 92 of ordinance 15 of 1986, as well as special consent for a “filling station” in terms of clause 21 of Greater Tubatse land use scheme 2006. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, greater Tubatse municipality for the period of 28 days from 13th day of February 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the agent: Box 2314 Polokwane 0700. Cell: 0820625599. Fax no: 013 231 8461 Tell no: 013 231 8 4 6 1 E m a i l ; mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com G R O T E R Tu b a t s e Grondgebruikskema 2006. AMMENDEMENT SKEMAS (152/2006 EN 153/2006 MET BYLAE 192) Ek, Magau Gudani van
Mukwevho Ontwikkeling Kenners , synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van die erwe hieronder genoem , gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 ( 1 ) ( b ) (i ) van die O r d o n n a n s i e o p Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986 ) , dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Grondgebruikskema , bekend as die Groter T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema , 2006 , op die volgende wyse : Wysigingskema nommer 152/2006 : Die hersonering van Erf 667 Ga- Mapodila A vanaf "Residensieel 1 tot Residensieel 3 " vir die oprigting van woonstelle. Wysigingskema nommer 153/2006 met bylae 192 : Die hersonering van Erwe 3168 en 3169 Burgersfort Uitbreiding 35 , vanaf "Besigheid 3 " na " Besigheid 1" en konsolidasie van die bogenoemde eiendomme in terme van Artikel 92 van Ordonnansie 15 van 1986 , asook spesiale toestemming vir 'n " vulstasie " in terme van klousule 21 van die G r o t e r T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema, 2006. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoeke le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, G r o t e r T u b a t s e Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf die 13de dag van Februarie 2014. Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemde adres of by Posbus Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie . Adres van die agent: Posbus 2314 Polokwane 0700 . Cell : 0820625599 . Faks no: 013 231 8461 Tell No : 013 231 8 4 6 1 E - p o s ; mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE EN DEBITEURE In die boedel van wyle Johan Frank van Niekerk (Identiteitsnommer 660330 5103 082) getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Neeltjie Christiena van Niekerk (gebore Melville) wie woonagtig was te Assegaaistraat 34, Mount Anderson , Sabie Boedelnommer 1474/2013. Krediteure en debiteure word hiermee versoek om hulle eise in te dien en skulde te betaal binne ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae gereken vanaf datum van verskyning van hierdie advertensie. Geteken te Lydenburg op hierdie 13de dag van Februarie 2014. Jacobs Prokureurs Kantoorstraat 50 Lydenburg Posbus 1026 Lydenburg 1120 Tel: 013 235 2308 Faks: 013 235 3014 Verwysing: BOE40/0001
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service
08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . S k h i l a Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae
• Decking • Flooring • Log Cladding • Knotty Pine • CCA Treated Timber • Treated Gum Poles • Structural Timber www.ggtimbers.co.za gghout@vodamail.co.za Johan 082 909 3034
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by W e n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multinational, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun
Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329
Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.
Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329
Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362
Eiendom Instandhouding & Verbetering Fanus Potgieter fanus@scubarebels.co.za
Verf - Teël Plavei - Bou
Lydenburg Akademie “Daad by Woord” Kwaliteitonderrig in klein klasse
083 775 2297 cvo@lantic.net
www.ganda.co.za e-pos: gertandreelek@lantic.net
Pallet Wendy’s 3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500
For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949 joe.log.homes@gmail.com
We deliver everywhere
Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107 Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburg
Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware, Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar
Wooden Flooring Wall to Wall Carpets Blinds • Curtains Tiles • Loose & Logo Carpets Under Carpet Heating Johann 083 600 4231 smit.4@hotmail.com
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club will be held on Saturday 22 February at 10:00. It will take place at the SASSAComplex next to the Mashishing SAPS. The main focus of the AGM is discussing the report of 2013, the 2014 program and an election of the new board. Please confirm your attendance to 073 121 8890 or 072 894 1958.
John Gwebu is very proud of his recent achievements in road running. He completed long distance races in Port Elizabeth, where he received a gold medal, in Bloemfontein and Pietermaritzburg.
BOOKEEPER / ADMIN ASSISTANT Bookeeper to trial balance required.
Krappies & Kreefies Kleuterskool het hulself gate uit geniet op Valentynsdag 14 Februarie.
Main responsibilities: Full set of accounts on Pastel including: • Cash book • Invoicing • Monthly debtors statements • Purchase invoices and ordering • Creditors recons and payments • Petty cash • Payroll journals - Weekly wages on Pastel Payroll - 35 employees - Monthly salaries on Pastel Payroll - Maintenance of personnel files - Monthly payroll returns including Mibco, UIF & PAYE - Material sourcing and orders - Stock records maintenance - Issuing of Job Cards A market related salary will be negotiated.
Send detailed CV to: sjnel@me.com
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES G R E AT E R T U B AT S E LAND USE SCHEME 2006. A M M E N D E M E N T SCHEME NO: 151/2006 WITH ANNEXURE 195. I, Magau Gudani of Mukwevho Development Experts, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 1544 Tubatse-A , Limpopo Province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have made an application to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 , by rezoning of the property described above, from “Residential 1” to “
Residential 3 ” and clause 21 for “relaxation of density to allow 64 units/ha, for the purpose of erecting flats for accommodation.Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, greater Tubatse municipality for the period of 28 days from 20 February 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the agent: box 2314 Polokwane 0700 cell: 0820625599. Fax no: 013 231 8461; tell no: 013 231 8 4 6 1 ; e m a i l : mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com. GROTER T u b a t s e
Grondgebruikskema 2006. AMMENDEMENT Skema No : 151/2006 MET BYLAE 195 . Ek, Magau Gudani van Mukwevho Ontwikkeling Kenners , synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 1544 Tubatse -A , Limpopo Provinsie , gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 ( 1 ) ( b ) (i ) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorp Ordonnansie, (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) , dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die G r o t e r Tu b a t s e Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Grondgebruikskema , bekend as die Groter T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema , 2006, deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf "Residensieel 1 "na" Residensieel 3 " en klousule 21 vir" ontspanning van digtheid te laat om 64
eenhede / ha, met die doel om die oprigting van woonstelle vir verblyf . Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, G r o t e r Tu b a t s e Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 20 Februarie 2014. Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemde adres of by Posbus Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie . Adres van die agent : BOX 2314 Polokwane 0700 sel : 0820625599.Faks no: 013 231 8461 ; vertel nie : 013 231 8461 , e-pos : mukwevhodevelopment@g mail.com .
* Age between 25-35 * Valid Driver’s license * Own Transport car allowance part of package * Travel extensively * Good administrative skills * Experience/Qualification in the FMCG Package will be discussed during the interview E-mail CV’s to General Manager (Natasha Joubert): natasha@stpie.co.za Should you not hear from us within 2 weeks after closing date, your application was unsuccessful. Saint Pie is an equal opportunity employer
Administratiewe klerk – voertuie • Ten volle tweetalig • Bestuurslisensie • Matriek wiskunde
Kantoor / Admin Dame - Burgersfort • Matriek sertifikaat • Bestuurders lisensie • Vorige ervaring met debiteure / krediteure • Rekenaarvaardigheid
Sluitingsdatum: 27 Februarie 2014
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Junior verkoopspersoon • Ten volle tweetalig • Bestuurslisensie
Indien u na 21 dae nog nie van ons gehoor het nie, beskou u aansoek as onsuksesvol.
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