13 Maart 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 10

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13 Maart 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 10 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Bl. 3 Water probleem #1

Bl. 13 Cape Argus

6 .1 L B Kleuterskole van die hele dorp het Saterdag aan die kleutersportdag deelgeneem. Dit het by Laerskool Lydenburg plaasgevind. ~ Michelle Boshoff

THABA Chweu municipality got it wrong once again. Last week, during a power outage, their incompetent staff allowed the pumps and switchgear at the water purification plant to become flooded, resulting in at least five enormous electric motors being rendered useless. An entire switch panel was also damaged due to water damage. This had nothing to do with the rain, a lack of water storage capacity or anything else. Water from the reservoirs simply flowed in reverse and flooded the system, because the power was out and / or due to faulty non return valves. However, had the staff been competent, they would have been able to prevent this disaster. Once again, Glencore and Two Rivers Platinum, came to the town’s rescue. They supplied new equipment and their staff worked through the night and the next day to repair the damage. From the Highlands Panorama, we would like to applaud these brave men, under the watchful eye of Cor De Jager and his team. If there were no mines in this area, Lydenburg / Mashishing would have ceased to exist under this administration a long time ago. Andre Coetzee. Photos on page 3

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Reënval in Maart tans derde hoogste oor 33 jaar MET ons laaste berig oor die reën in Februarie, was die nuus nie goed nie. Vir Januarie was die reën 53.5mm teenoor die langtermyngemiddeld van 124.3mm. Teen Februarie was die reënval in die dorp net 26.0mm, teenoor die langtermyngemiddeld van 89.6mm. So teen einde Februarie was ons akkumulatiewe agterstand reeds sowat 134.4mm vir die twee maande. Nou het die situasie heelwat verander met al die reën wat reeds in Maart geval het. Op Maandagoggend die 10 de Maart om 08:00 het ons syfer vir Maart reeds op 154.0mm gestaan, teenoor die langtermyngemiddeld vir Maart van 72.9mm (81.1mm meer) en dit reën steeds. Indien die Maart syfer nog verder styg, sal dit uiteraard die langtermyngemiddeld ook effe laat styg. So, vir die tydperk Januarie tot 10 Maart, is ons akkumulatief nog so 53.3mm agter, maar dit lyk asof ons die syfer gaan inhaal. Interessant is dat die huidige totaal vir Maart reeds die derde hoogste is oor ’n tydperk van 33 jaar.

In Maart 1987 het 192.7mm geval en in In die vierde plek was Maart 1991, toe daar 144.2mm geval het. Andre Coetzee Maart 2006, het daar 187.7mm geval.








1987 1991



Soos op 10 Maart

Lydenburg reënval Old Swimming , Pool Centre, Potgieter Str, Lydenburg 013 235 1539

Competent staff could have prevented disaster

YES FOR JESUS NASKOOL SORGSENTRUM Die naskool sorgsentrum is geleë 1.5km uit op Sterkspruit Plot 82. Ete en koeldrank verskaf Toesig met huiswerk

Ons is gedurende alle skoolvakansies van 7vm - 5nm oop. Dit is slegs ’n sorgsentrum, nie ’n créche / kleuterskool nie.

Indien u belangstel kan u ’n vorm afhaal by die Laerskool Snoepie of vir Cathy kontak by 082 462 5754 The photos above show the flooding of the water purification plant in Lydenburg. This was caused following a power outage on Thursday. Glencore and Two Rivers Platinum, came to the municipality’s rescue. They supplied new equipment and their staff worked through the night to repair the damage. The flooding compounded the existing water supply problems of the preceding five or more days. The supply problems remain in high lying areas. (See full article on page 1)

VERSKEIE mense is in vloede oorlede die afgelope week in Mpumalanga. Die totale syfer het Maandag op sewe gestaan. Dit sluit die verdrinking in van ’n persoon naby die Rustenburg-afrit op die Badfonteinpad. Kapt. Pottie Potgieter van die p o l i s i e s e duikeenheid het Maandag gesê die sterftes was van Vrydag tot Maandag. “Vrydag het 'n 20jarige man in Schoemansdal verdrink. Ander gevalle is Vrydag aangemeld in Ly d e n b u rg , Amersfoort en in die Krokodilrivier by Nelspruit.” Daar was ook verdrinkings in Hendrina, Badplaas en Ermelo.

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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Stefan van der Westhuizen Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

DA en VF+ oor tussenverkiesing

Don’t water your gardens. Please give all the reservoirs time to fill up. The Heads and Fisheries have been Mnr. Jaap Boshoff van Lydenburg skryf: Chweu en Frik Rousseau, VF+ Nasionale Federale without water for a week! Give Na aanleiding van Wyk 12 tussenverkiesing op 19 Februarie raadslid van Mpumalanga skryf: everyone consideration. 2013. Dit is waar soos u noem dat mnr. Rousseau voor die tyd aan Theresa Mattheus, waarnemende VF+ leier in Thaba Chweu, ’n DA verteenwoordiger genoem het dat die VF+ nie aan die asook mnr. Frik Rousseau, VF+ leier beweer dat hulle baie tussenverkiesing in Wyk 12 gaan deelneem nie. Dit is ook kritiek ontvang het omrede die VF+ nie aan die waar soos u noem dat mnr. Rousseau versoek het dat die DA tussenverkiesing deelgeneem het nie. Daar moet egter ’n baie Provinsiale leier in kennis gestel word van die VF+ se groot kommunikasieverhouding tussen hulle bestaan, of mnr. besluit. Tot-en-met die afsnydatum van die registrasie van Rosseau vertel nie die waarheid aan Theresa asook hulle VF+ politieke partye was daar geen probleme nie. Na die lede nie. sluitingsdatum van registrasie van partye het VF+ lede ons As you are all aware, Die waarheid is dat mnr. Rousseau ’n maand voor die konfronteer oor die feit dat die VF+ nie aan die verkiesing tourism safety and verkiesing aan huis van my en my vrou Sonja (voormalige deelneem nie, aangesien die DA na die afsnydatum ’n security issues have a raadslid van Wyk 12) gesê het dat hulle op ’n vergadering besluit geneem het soos om bv. die heropening van major effect our besluit het dat hulle nie ’n kandidaat gaan stel nie, en hulle grondeise te steun wat nie die VF+ se beleid is nie. industry. In recent hulle lede versoek het om ten gunste van die DA te stem Suid-Afrika kan nie nou bekostig dat vrugbare grond times, many such aangesien die ANC baie sterk staan in die wyk. Mnr. onproduktief raak nie, aangesien die bevolking jaarliks incidents have Rousseau het ook aan my vrou versoek om die DA groei en 70% van die bevolking binnekort verstedelik sal occurred in our region. Provinsiale Leier in kennis te stel van hierdie besluit. Die wees, wat daagliks meer voedsel benodig. In an effort to get uitslag van die verkiesing was as volg: DA 541 en ANC 76. Die nuwe proses gaan voedselsekerheid raak wat in elke government to understand the importance of Ek dink mnr. Rousseau is ’n baie groot verduideliking aan staat, ook in Suid-Afrika ’n hoeksteen van stabiliteit is. dealing with “tourism crime”, we, through Theresa en sy lede verskuldig. Almal wat hierdie brief lees Maak asseblief in die toekoms seker van u feite. As u nog Kruger Lowveld Tourism and SATSA, have moet hulle self afvra oor die integriteit en eerlikheid van mnr. enige inligting verlang oor die geveg tussen die VF+ en DA been pushing for a meeting with important, Rousseau. Ek hoop daar is nou meer mense wat nugter sal oor die tussenverkiesing is u meer as welkom om ons te skakel by 073 913 7534. government decision-makers with the view of dink en redeneer om saam met die DA te werk op 7 Mei. Ten spyte van ons baie druk program sal ons u kom besoek developing a joint strategy to deal with this. wanneer dit vir u geleë is. Vriendelike groete. We have secured a meeting date on 17 March •Theresa Matthews, waarnemende VF+ Leier van Thaba 2014, where the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism and the MEC for Safety and Security and various other invited stakeholders from both the public and private sector will get together and address this issue. Bedrieg van Lydenburg skryf: In preparation for this meeting, we kindly Graag wil ek hierdie brief laat publiseer. Dis 'n waarskuwing aan die request ALL industry players to complete the publiek en mense van Lydenburg. survey below and return directly to me please Ek wil net vriendelik die mense en inwoners van Lydenburg waarsku on marketing@krugerlowveld.com. Your teen sekere reaksiemanne van 'n sekuriteitsmaatskappy. Ek het 'n replies will be consolidated into a presentation lelike stel afgetrap for this meeting. met hulle. Hulle Have you experienced any crime related belowe jou hand en incidents in your establishment/business over mond hulle sal jou the past 6 months? kom betaal, gee 'n If so, give dates, location, and details of the deposito. Hulle het 'n incidents. Did you call SAPS to the scene? If so, give skriftelike bewys details of service received from SAPS. geteken dat hulle die Are you able to access the financial impact of 15de die res sal these incidents on your business? If so, please betaal. Hulle kan by specify. 'n kroeg uithang en Have you had any cancellations as a result of drink en het geld vir the crime and media coverage of crime in the Trichardt Erasmus en Jade Hunter is drank, maar kan nie area? die res van die Saterdag, 8 Maart, op Nooitgedacht in die Are you able to establish the loss of income to huwelik bevestig. Dit is die eerste troue wat selfoon betaal nie. your business as a result of cancellations? If so, op hierdie asemrowende venue please specify. gehou is. Die egpaar gaan hulle in die Have your guests experienced any crime distrik vestig. Foto: Willie Botha – related incidents and/or service deliveryTreasure Time Photography related safety incidents en route to or from your business? Has there been any effect on your business as a result of service delivery protests? If so, please specify. Your urgent assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated and is a vital Ben en Daleen Macdonald wat in die contribution to the success or otherwise of this huwelik bevestig is op 1 Maart 2014 te initiative. Give feedback to marketing Lydenburg. Die seremonie het plaasgevind @krugerlowveld.co.za in die Metodiste Kerk Lydenburg.

Tourism crime is escalating

Selfoon nooit betaal

Fotograaf Hilda Snyder van Fotolady.

EKSODUS 14:5: Toe die koning van Egipte die berig kry dat die volk vir goed weg is, het sy houding en dié van sy amptenare teenoor die Israeliete verander. Die Egiptenaars het gesê: “Wat het ons aangevang dat ons die Israeliete laat trek het? Nou is ons hulle diens kwyt!” Here, dit klink soos ’n hedendaagse Suid Afrika. Wees tog met die kundige mense in ons land - Amen.

EISHKOM se steenkool is glo nat. WTF! Van al die verskonings, vat dié een die koek. Glo die rede vir beurtkrag. Nou wonder ek net, wat het voor 1994 gebeur met die steenkool as dit reën? Hoe de hel kom ’n land tot stilstand oor sy steenkool nat is? Ek het al gesien as ’n ou se twak nat is en sy sigaretjie hang so

Hoorhierso wil nie nog opinies in die dorp instuur nie, daarom skryf ek volgende week verder. Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

met ’n punt ondertoe. Groot krisis. Maar steenkool? Nee wat, vertel die grappie vir julle ANC ondersteuners. Wat het gebeur? Het iemand vergeet om dit in skure af te laai, of het iemand vergeet om seile daaroor te trek, of is die seile en die sinkplate dalk gesteel? Die storie herinner aan die een van die moer wat by Koeberg los was. Is daar regtig mense wat my intelligensie so onderskat dat hulle glo hulle kan met dié twak wegkom? Soos ons burgemeester wat op radio sê dat die reën veroorsaak dat hy nie slaggate kan laat regmaak nie. Onder die

rassistiese Nasionale Party, is alle strate elke paar jaar herseël en het slaggate nooit voorgekom nie. Ons het water en krag gehad - en reën! Mnr die burgemeester, herseël Thaba Chweu se strate nadat jy die gate reggemaak het en die reën sal niks maak nie. Hoekom is dit so moeilik om te verstaan? Julle in die ANC boer in “reverse”. Waar dink julle gaan die strate (en Eskom) oor 10 jaar wees? Dit lyk my julle is regtig nie gebore in staat om iets reg te doen nie? Nee wat. Bedank. Loop weg, sodat ons bekwame mense wat nie (ANC) party kaders is nie, kan kry om die werk reg te doen. Julle is ’n “disgrace” vir die samelewing.

Bilnor Engineering maak skenking DIE maatskappy Bilnor Engineering, het 'n ruim skenking aan Lydenburg Akademie gedoen. Die oogmerk van hierdie skenking is die opknap van die skool se omheining. Bilnor Engineering is 'n maatskappy wat baie konstruksiewerk op die myne doen. Hulle is ook 'n groot werkverskaffer in Lydenburg en omgewing. Lydenburg Akademie wil langs hierdie weg vir Bilnor Engineering hartlik bedank vir hierdie onbaatsugtige diens. Op die foto van links na regs is Tom Grobler, hoof van Lydenburg Akademie en die twee vennote van Bilnor, Gerald Khoza en Antoon Lombard. Antoon of Gerald kan gekontak word by 013 2351684 / info@bilnor.co.za Goodmanstraat 11

Frans Masilela lê tuig neer na 50 jaar diens Gedurende 'n funksie by Loskopdam NR op 27 Februarie 2014 is daar afskeid geneem van mnr. Frans Masilela na 50 jaar diens. Frans het gedurende 1964 by die ou Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie, Afdeling Natuurbewaring begin werk. Gedurende sy dienstyd was Frans veral betrokke by die monitoring van akwatiese sisteme reg oor die ou Transvaal. Hy was 'n kundige op sy gebied en sy ondervinding en kundigheid was van so 'n aard dat verskeie instansies soos die Dept van Waterwese, WNNR, Universiteite en ook ander instansies gereeld van Frans gebruik gemaak het t y d e n s moniteringsaksies wanneer besoedeling, ontwikkelings asook navorsing ter sprake was. Hy het ook nou saamgewerk met die Lydenburg Visserye en mnre. Frik Rousseau en Andre Coetzee. Frans was ook verder betrokke by die opleiding en inburgering van nuwe personeel betrokke by ’n Leser het hierdie akwastiese aktiwiteite pragtige vars water Sy aftrede gaan 'n afgeneem. Selfs as groot gaping in hierdie die water aan is, vra veld laat. (Bydrae jouself die vraag af of deur Albert Malan). dit skoon is om te gebruik?

Vrot Water

Mr Frans Masilela en Mr Albert Malan, wat saam gewerk het vanaf 1982 tot 2003, tydens sy afskeidsfunksie op Loskopdam.

46 Voortrekker St, Lydenburg, Tel: 013 235 3202 Fri - Sat: 11:30 - 21:30 Mon - Thu: 11:30 - 21:00 Sun: 11:00 - 15:00

• Friday, 14 March to Saturday, 15 March. Mpumalanga Wine Show, White River. Taste up to 2 5 0 w i n e s f ro m 5 0 C a p e Winelands exhibitors. Some of the previous exhibitors included JC Le Roux, Raka, Villiera, Glen Carlou and a few others. Held at Ingwenyama Conference and Sports Resort. Book tickets via Computicket or at money market counters or phone 011 482 5936 for enquiries • Saturday, 22 March 2014. Sappi Mankele MTB Challenge (Nelspruit). 2.5km kiddies race, 12km, 35km and 65km Mountain Bike Races, Family Fair and Entertainment. Phone Mark on 082 338 9532 for more information.

Ouwerf se PlaasMuseumfees en Veteraanmotors


P Ouwerf kan mens nie anders as om saam te kuier en jouself ten volle te geniet nie. Pieter en Melitza Krügel nooi almal om saam met hulle fees te hou op Vrydag 21 Maart op d i e p l a a s n e t b u i t e Ly d e n b u r g (Dullstroompad). Dis ’n boerekultuurdag uitstalling met v e r m a a k v i r a l m a l . Va n a n t i e k e plaasimplimente, veteraanmotors, motorfietse, waens, perdekarre ens. Antieksjiek Modevertoning, perdesport, handwerk, stalletjies tradisionele speletjies en groot verskeidenheid kosstalletjies As jou nuuskierigheid geprikkel is gaan loer op www.facebook.com/ouwerf Die aktiwiteite sluit in hoefystergooi, ponieritte, kleilatgooi, kettie skiet, pyl-enboog skiet, visvang vir kleuters, windbuks skiet, perdesport vir kinders, sakslaan, klei-os, perdekar inspan en nog meer. Toegang is R50 per persoon en R10 vir kinders. Skakel Pieter Krügel by 074 270 7222 of Melitza Krügel 079 857 2717.

KIA Motors Lydenburg and Siska Britz are presenting a Mr & Miss Kia Lydenburg 2014. It will be a fun filled day with jumping castles, games and much to see and do. The main attraction of the day is the modeling competition for everyone from children to adult. 15 March 2014 @ Kia 19 De Clerq Street, Lydenburg. The dress code is smart casual and registration will take place between 09:00 and 10:00. The competition will start at 10:30. Entrance is free and there are lots of prizes to be won. You can register at Kia on the day of the competition. The categories are: Little Miss Kia Petite 2-5 years (Dress

them anyway you would say best describe their personality). From six years old, must dress smart casual. Little Miss Kia 6-9 years. Miss Pre-Teen Kia 10-13 years. Miss Teen Kia 14-16 years. Miss Kia 17+ and Mrs Kia (for all the mommy's) Boys: Mr Handsome Kia 2-5 years (dress them anyway you would say best describe their personality) from six years, must dress smart casual. Mr Kia Junior 6-14 years. Mr Kia 15+ and Mr Kia (for all the Daddy's) No entrance fee for the models and no spectators fee will be charged. Who will be the first Mr & Miss Kia Lydenburg?


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TOYOTA has thrown caution to the wind with the design of its all-new Aygo. Though it again shares its underpinnings with the Citroën C1 and Peugeot's mini car - now the 108 - the Toyota has a far more unique design and it sure is daring. Toyota refers to the design as "J-Playful" as it was inspired by Japan's hip youth culture. The aim was to create the impression of a soft object breaking through a hard shell, that being the x-graphic that extends across the front end and the various black surfaces at the back

TOYOTA’s Fortuner is one of the best selling SUVs in the country. There is a l s o C h e v r o l e t ’ s T r a i l b l a z e r, Mitsubishi’s Pajero Sport and Nissan’s Pathfinder. If you are a bakkie manufacturer you simply need to have a bakkie-based SUV in your line-up. Ford’s Everest has been showing its age for a fair while now, but as these pictures show, a new model is undergoing cold-weather testing and development. It is almost a year ago since we last spotted the new Everest undergoing testing, which means the car could be entering is final phase of development. Although based on the current Ford Ranger, the test mule is a mix between a Ranger’s front half and the rear half of Ford’s Territory SUV. Not impressed? You needn’t be, as the production version won’t look anything like it, but closer to the Everest SUV Concept Ford showed last year in Australia.

end. To allow its youthful customers to express their own creativity, the Aygo will be offered with a glut of customisation options for both the exterior and cabin. In fact, the instrument panel, centre console, air vents, shift knob and gearlever surround can all be changed rather easily, even after the car has been bought.

Details are sketchy at this stage, but we should witness the international unveiling of the Ford Everest before the end of the year. Local availability should also start early 2015. The drivetrains range will include engines and gearboxes from the current Ranger range, and it is likely that both 4×4 and 4×2 derivatives will form part of the line-up. carmag.co.za

In keeping with the times, the Aygo will be available with Toyota's x-touch infotainment system, linked to a seven-inch touch-screen that also incorporates a reverse camera. The new Aygo hasn't grown much in terms of size, with length increasing by 25mm to 3455mm and width by 8mm. Yet despite the wheelbase remaining unchanged, at 2340mm, and the height being reduced by 5mm, Toyota has managed to make the cabin longer and improve headroom. Under its stubby bonnet lies an extensively improved version of Toyota's familiar 1-litre, three-cylinder engine. Not only does it have more urge (51kW and 95Nm) but it's also more efficient, returning 4.1 l/100km on the combined cycle and emitting just 95 g/km of CO2. The engine can be mated to either a five-speed manual or x-shift automated manual transmission. The new Aygo is on its way to South Africa, although exact timing has yet to be confirmed. Toyota SA says it's likely to hit our shores towards the end of 2014. iol.motoring.co.za www.kia.co.za

THE T-Roc concept, which was revealed at the Geneva Motor Show is part of a five-SUV product plan that will bolster the VW line-up as soon as 2017. Featuring a new design language that emphasizes width, the concept also boasts a striking “Blue-Splash” exterior hue, with a “three dimensional grille” between LED headlamps. Carbon trim and 19-inch alloys also seem to be part of the appeal. Sharing a platform with Audi’s Q1, the T-Roc concept measures in at 4 170 mm long, 1 831 mm wide and 1 501 mm tall. Inside, there are four individual seats and a large infotainment display – with the upper half of the facia and some door trim also treated to a lick of “Blue-Splash” paint. The T-Roc will be powered by the latest version of the Volkswagen 2,0-litre fourcylinder turbodiesel motor, which produces 135 kW and 380 N.m of torque from 1 750 r/min. Drive will be sent to all four wheels via a six-speed dual clutch transmission that offers three driving modes: street, off-road and snow. carmag.co.za

G E N E VA M o t o r S h o w - G i v e n t h e c h e e r y reception received by Nissan's bold Juke in the three years since it hit the scene, Nissan opted for a “why fix what ain't broke” approach to midlife upgrade. Ye t Nissan is still calling this a significant revision because in addition to the subtle styling changes at the front and rear, new features and a wide-ranging personalization programme, the cheeky little crossover gets some new engines. At the bottom of the European line-up, the normally aspirated 1.6-litre motor makes way for a 1.2-litre DIG-T direct injection turbopetrol that produces 85kW and 190Nm. Mated to an idle-stop gizmo, the Juke 1.2T sips a claimed 5.5 l/100km on the combined cycle. The frugal, 81kW 1.5 dCi turbodiesel continues unchanged while the 140kW 1.6 DIG-T turbopetrol engine has been tinkered with to produce more lowend torque below 2000rpm. Ye t the real rebel in the range is the Nismo RS. Its version of Nissan’s 1.6 DIG-T gets a power boost to deliver 160kW and 280Nm. To keep that extra shove in check, front-wheel drive RS models gain a limited slip diff. Naturally, that's not required in the allwheel drive model. In addition to 18-inch rims and an aerodynamic exterior kit, the Nismo RS stands apart from humbler Jukes with RS badges, red brake callipers and (optional) Recaro 'sports bucket' seats. Ordinary Juke models, right down to the 1.2T, also receive some extra pizzazz in the form of various interior personalisation packs in which the centre console, door trims and other parts can be coloured red, white, black or bright yellow. The Juke hasn't forgotten more pragmatic needs though and 2014 front-wheel drive models have a redesigned boot area that increases luggage space by 40 percent to 354 litres. iol.motoring.co.za

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120, 013 235 1086 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

HYUNDAI has unwrapped its Intrado concept at the 2014 Geneva auto show. The automaker said: "The car is a new direction, a vision of how cars will meet future mobility needs. The Intrado demonstrates our belief that advanced vehicle technologies and intelligent design can combine to engage more effectively with driver and passengers.” Woong-chul Yang, vice-chairman at Hyundai, said: “As we develop lightweight technologies the application of advanced materials such as carbon fibre-reinforced plastic in structural members is of great interest to us.” "The result is the Intrado – a vision of how eco-friendly cars will deliver delight to our customers.” Allan Rushforth, senior vice-president and chief operating officer at Hyundai, added: 'Hyundai’s vision is "lifetime partner in automobiles' and the Intrado embodies this thinking. We've looked to the future and the roles cars will play in our daily lives; this car is also a demonstration of our technological and design abilities shows our outlook for mobility.” Hyundai said the car was designed and developed from the inside out. The cabin is "defined by a focus on usability and adaptability" using materials and contrasting colours the designers believe will appeal to buyers "with an active lifestyle".

Hyundai said the Intrado is the first concept designed under the direction of Peter Schreyer, president and chief design officer of Hyundai Motor Group, since he was appointed in January 2013. "The vehicle reflects his brief to explore daring new design possibilities for the Hyundai brand.” The car has "a next-generation" hydrogen fuel cell that charges a 36kW lithium-ion battery pack - a "commitment to this potential-rich and emissions-free technology that began in 1998". The inspiration behind the Intrado, Hyundai said, came from aeronautics, from harnessing the power of airflow to create a more efficient form. This inspired the name ‘Intrado’, which is the underside of an aircraft’s wing that creates lift. Raphael Bretecher, general manager at Hyundai, said: "The car is meant to encapsulate the efficiency and freedom associated with flying, while paving the way for future Hyundai models. The parallels with an aircraft go far beyond the name. Nothing is present solely for decoration. Everything serves a purpose. Like an aircraft, the Intrado has a purity of design that is beautiful and efficient.” Wheels24.co.za

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VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 082 329 0795 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4802 PARTS: Choert Maartens - 072 347 1590 SERVICES: Maritza - 013 235 2141

Hyundai Lydenburg

OPEL has confirmed that the EXTREME will develop a very healthy 221 kW. More importantly, the EXTREME will tip the scales at 100 kg less than the standard model. When we tested the Astra OPC it came in at 1 560 kg, which means the EXTREME should be around the 1 460 kg mark. A significant improvement and now only 40 kg heavier than Renault’s Mégane RS Sport for instance. According to Opel the new 245/35, 19-inch tyres have been specially developed for this car. Track day enthusiasts will be happy to know that the suspension system’s dampers are adjustable. The cabin features a roll cage – replacing the rear seats – and a six-point harness. The driver will be greeted by carbon-fibre reinforced steering wheel covered in suede. Opel’s Astra OPC is a pretty impressive car, and though it does have a few foibles, any hatch with over 200 kW can’t help but be fun. The new concept represents a follow-up to the Opel Astra OPC X-Treme. This limited edition model is said to be the quickest road-legal Astra ever and will be based on the Astra OPC Cup racecar. Under the hood expect the same turbocharged 2,0-litre inline four, but power should exceed the standard car’s 206 kW and 400 N.m; reports suggest a figure closer to 225 kW (an even 300 bhp). Perhaps OPC engineers have caught wind of Honda’s Type-R which will threaten the OPC when it is launched next year. A “spy” within the motor industry recently told CAR staffers of a more powerful OPC being hot-weather tested on local soil. Although the Extreme model is a show special perhaps it could form the basis of a Nurbugring Edition Astra OPC, much like it’s sibling the Corsa OPC, that will have the engine of the show car but none of the exotic materials that could drive up the price. We can’t wait to see the new model when it makes it debut at the show next month and, hopefully, drive it at some point. carmag.co.za

DIE nuwe Toyota Corolla is verlede Vrydag by Lydenburg Toyota bekend gestel. Op die foto onder links is Monique Leisegang van Toyota SA saam met Fanie Erasmus Jnr van Lydenburg Toyota en op die foto onder regs is Spyker de Beer, Piet Marobane en Gerrit Smit - verkoopsverteenwoordigers van Lydenburg Toyota. Reinet Bell.

Huis van die week

R1 150 000. Moenie hierdie spog familiehuis mis nie. Hierdie huis het 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badkamers, oopplan leefarea en kombuis. Studeerkamer, dubbelmotorhuis (elektronies), lekker groot erf, omhein met mure. Baie gesogte area. As jy langer as vandag dink gaan jy dié intrek en bly huis mis. Bel my vandag Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954, Chas Everitt kantoor in die Swembadsentrum gebou. Lydenburg geleë langs Scooters.

Bel Highlands Panorama Nuus vir huur of verkoop van eiendomme by 013 235 2287.



FOR SALE: This home truly is a corner of serenity hiding in Lydenburg. It has all you need and a little bit more. With four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a servant's room and double garage there will be a piece of heaven for the whole family in this home. The large kitchen is any mothers dream and then there is a work room for dad as well. The kids can each enjoy not only a spacious room but a yard to play in that will surely make them happy. This truly is YOUR families dream home!!! Own the home meant for you! CALL RE/MAX WINNERS NOW TO VIEW THIS PROPERTY JACQUES V BAALEN: 082 710 5603

TE HUUR R4 800 FLAT: 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment to rent with 1 carport. R6 000 TOWNHOUSE: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, and one garage duplex R6 600 TOWNHOUSE : 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, openplan living area, one garage and one carport. R6,820 TOWNHOUSE : 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, openplan living area, 1 garage and Jacuzzi. R7,100 TOWNHOUSE: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, double garage with study area. R9,900 HOUSE: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage with large garden. R12,000 HOUSE: 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, open-plan living area, double garage and wellkept garden.

Kontak: 013 235 2653

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R1 280 000

8Ha undeveloped land.

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2 Bedroom,1 Bathroom, 1 Garage in complex no pets allowed R7 500 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage with big yard R8 500 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, FULLY FURNISHED HOME R8 800 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Study, 2 Living areas, Dining area, Double Garage, Big yard R9 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Study, Big living area, Double Garage R13 600

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*3 Slk, 2 badkmr, 2 m/h dubbelverdieping R1 182 000 R7800pm 3 Slpkmr, 2 badkmr, oopplan, dubbel m/h, *Splinternuwe 2 Slk woonstel, veilig, veilige meenthuis. R4900pm waarde vir geld *3 Slk, 2 Bad huis met erf loop afstand vanaf R799 000 skole R8900pm Ruim 3 Slaapkamer woonstel sentraal in *2 Slk, 2 Bad, dubbelafdak R4900pm Lydenburg met 1 motorhuis. *3 Slk, 2 Bad, motorhuis dubbel afdak R806 000 R8000pm 148m², 3 bedroom townhouse, 2 bathroom *4 Slk, 2 Bad, d/motor, braai, nuut gebou and 1 garage. R9200pm R1 070 000 *Kantoorspasie in Viljoenstraat R85 per Toskaanse huis naby laerskool. vierkante meter Drasties verlaag. 3slp & dubbel geriewe

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Those working in real estate marketing assume that buyers will know the ins and outs, and the extra costs associated with buying a home. Extras come under three headings: transfer costs, bond costs and bank charges. The buyer of a home with a sales price of R600 000 or less will pay no duty at all. If the price is in the R600 001 to R1 million bracket, he will pay only three percent of the value exceeding R600 000. If the value is from R1 million to R1.5 million, the transfer duty will be charged on a flat rate of R12 000 plus five percent of the value exceeding R1 million. If the property sells for R1 500 001 or more, the duty will be R37 000 plus eight percent of the value above R1.5 million. Also payable under the transfer cost heading is a Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) charge, and this fee enables the attorney to check the buyer is bona fide. A conveyancing fee is also payable to the attorney effecting the transfer of the property. These fees' limits are stipulated by the Law Society and are calculated on a sliding scale in relation to the property value. In addition, the Deeds Office will charge a fee of anything between R450 and R2 000, and the banks will charge an initiation fee, with a stipulated maximum of R5 700 for processing the bond application. Do some research before you approach a bond originator or a bank. Note that all the major banks, legal firms and estate agencies have online transfer and bond cost calculators, and often, tables in which they set out exactly what costs will apply on the purchase of properties (usually between R100 000 and R15 million). These are easy to understand — they are based on t h e c u r r e n t r e g u l a t i o n s regarding minimum Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 a n d m a x i m u m Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg charges. BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES. TE HUUR:

If ever there is a lesson to be learned when dealing with leaks in sectional title schemes, it's to deal with them immediately and not ignore what could become a big problem. A leak can quickly lead to major damage in buildings where there are many units as the water makes its way through to other apartments, and while plumbing problems are inevitable, the problems caused can be exacerbated by not dealing with them immediately. Such was the case in a building recently, where it was found that there was a slow leak into a unit below, which then caused the ceiling paint to bubble and there was damage to the plaster. On investigating what was causing the leak, the owner of the unit below admitted that there had been a problem 'for a while' and because of

Dennis van Renen Building Office 5 (opposite Spar) 48 Voortrekker Street 013 235 4575 www.qsrealty.co.za Like us on facebook

• 2 Slk w/stel sekuriteitskompleks R4 500/mnd • 3 Slk woning - R6 000/mnd

TE KOOP: • 3 Slk won met 2 badk, ruim Sit/eetk/komb, PLUS 3 w/stelle, palesades om elke erf met afdakke R2 milj O.H.B. • Groot hoekerf in Sterkspruit R300 000 • 22Ha Plot met 3 slk won - 1.9 milj. • 3 Woonhuise, elk met eie erf, goeie huurinkomste - R1.650 milj • 37Ha plaas - wonings, store, boorgat, vrugtebome, hokke vir hoenders en baie meer. • 4 Slk won, 3 badk, swembad, PLUS 1 slk w/s - R1.6milj. SOEK DRINGEND EIENDOM OM TE VERHUUR / TE VERKOOP

the delay in reporting the issue, the insurance claim was rejected. In a normal situation where there is a burst pipe or leak, the body corporate insurance would have covered it, but because the owner delayed reporting the leak (it had in fact been leaking for about a year), it became a case of neglect. On giving the assessor's report to the two owners, which showed that there was a leak in the shower in the unit above, which is common in developments that are built in a hurry as the shower areas are not always waterproofed properly, it was decided that the two owners were responsible for repairs to the two units. In this case the owners were (understandably) unhappy with the findings and the owner in the unit above had now become responsible for repairs to his t did

shower as well as the resulting damage below, which he felt did not need to be carried out as it did not affect him directly. In cases such as these, where the dispute can drag on indefinitely, the one way to sort it out is to go to arbitration, he says. The reality is that this was a slow leak over time, and no sudden water damage to make it an obvious insurance claim. There was gradual deterioration over a period which then was deemed to be a maintenance problem, and wear and tear. Serious damage can be done to a building by neglecting small problems, particularly leaking pipes, and then the resulting costs of those repairs are usually much higher than they originally would have been. This could have been avoided, had the owners acted immediately. Don't underestimate the costs involved in ignoring a problem and thinking it will just sort itself out. (www.property24.co.za)

Selling or buying a house can be very painful! Trust us to help you!

Kommersiële Eiendom te huur: EIENDOMME / PROPERTIES Perfectly located on a cul- Classy Lock up and go de-sac in a peaceful modern townhouse, neighbourhood, three pet friendly, double bedrooms with study, garage, three living, dining and lounge, bedrooms, two two bathrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, open plan laundry, double garage. One bedroom flat with living area and bathroom plus two kitchen. bedroom flat with kitchen, Don't miss out, call us bathroom, living area and today to view this carport. Lovely garden property. and wonderful view. R1 260 000 POR

R595 000 – R695 000 • 8 x Three bedroom units with two bathrooms, lounge, kitchen with granite tops & carport. Each three bedroom unit has its own private front veranda and braai. • 8 x Two bedroom units with two bathrooms, kitchen with granite tops, lounge opening onto a balcony with braai area and carport.

Furniture in Unit Nr8 is raffled

Making realty dreams a reality.

Stephanie 072 155 0761

• Moderne 3 slpk 2 badk huis met sitk, eetk met netjiese kombuis en aparte opwas. R7 900pm • 3 slpk 2 badk huis met gaste toilet met oopplan kombuis/leefarea. Stoep agter met ingeboude braai. Dubbel motorhuis met enkel motorafdak. R9 000pm • Meenthuis naby Hoerskool 3 slpk 2 badk met eetkamer sitkamer Kombuis met aparte opwas. Lapa en klein swembad R9 000pm

Wanda 071 458 1675

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Annalize: 084 512 9393 Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393 013 235 4890 / E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net

2 Winkels in Viljoen Str, Lydenburg. Puik Ligging - Baie Blootstelling. Perseel 1 - 260m² Perseel 2 - 90m² Kan ook as eenheid van 350m² gehuur word. Beskikbaar vanaf 01/04/2014 082 775 6376


13 Maart / March 2014

Die Brug op die Langdraaipad op die Badfonteinpad buite Lydenburg het Maandagoggend weggespoel. Amawheelies was teen Dinsdag nog gestrand met hul toegang tot die dorp afgesny.

So 'n paar maande gelede het Roelf du Toit ingeboender in die wêreld van fietsry kompetisies. November 2013 se fietsren in Johannesburg was sy eerste en amper sy laaste. Sy mikpunt was eintlik die ou grote: 2014 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Momentum fietsren op 9 Maart. Sy volgehoue en toegewyde voorbereiding het hom gemaklik laat voel. Daar was egter een ou probleempie: die 50km/h wind het reeds vanaf Saterdag die 9de elke vrou se kapsel geKaap en net mooi alles in sy pad omgeroei.

Amper 74 en trap Argus se 109km

Nogtans kon die byna 74 jarige Roelf die gesogte medalje vedien nadat hy sy bucket list fietsren van 109km in 4h54m voltooi het en daarna sommer die 6km na sy seun se woonstel teruggery het! Gelukkig het hy nie soos vele ander ryers geval nie. Hy moes selfs Chapman's Peak se afdraande met mening trap; met die wind van voor!

VACANCY The following Vacancy exists within Sylvania Metals (Pty) Ltd.

Chief Safety Officer: Sylvania Eastern Limb


Cllr V.S Magagula The Speaker of Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Cllr V.S Magagula invites members of the public to attend an ordinary Council meeting scheduled as follows: Date: 25 March 2014 Venue: Lydenburg Council Chamber Time: 10h00 It should be further noted that the meeting was supposed to be held on the 20th March 2013 and was therefore postponed.

Sylvania Metals is looking for a Chief Safety Officer to support the Eastern Limb Operations in the Steelpoort area,with regards to ensuring and promoting the MHS Act as well as to identify and implement various safety initiatives which will assist the site to safely attain its objective of Zero Harm. Key Performance Areas: • Manage SHEQ compliance according to 2.17.4 Minerals Act appointment; • Utilize the Integrated Management System (IMS) to initiate, investigate and report SHEQ status; • Ensure customer satisfaction, identify safety requirements and determine the impact they may have on the operation; • Monitor safety behavior in line with expectations; • Develop interventions to support implementation of Safety Management System requirements and facilitate safety training courses; • Conduct internal safety audits and monitor and report closure on audit findings; • Report on the performance of Site Safety Management Systems and make recommendations on findings; • Investigate safety significant incidents and participate in actual level 2 and 3 and potential level 4 significant incident investigations; • Facilitate the identification and assessment of safety risks and update the risk register; • Report safety statistics and information; • Identify and implement continuous improvement opportunities. Knowledge/Education Requirement: • Grade 12 or equivalent; • Minimum - Comsoc 1 and 2 or SAMTRAC essential; • Computer literate (Word and Excel); • Diploma or Degree in Risk Management will be an advantage. Experience and requirements: • Minimum 4 years' experience; • Experience in investigations and reporting; • Safety training experience; • Good administration essential. Competencies Required: • Safety leadership; • Innovation; • Results orientation; • Problem solving and decision making; • Relating and networking; • Change leadership; • Business Acumen Planning, Organising and Control. Other Requirements: • Stay in close proximity of Steelpoort, or must be willing to relocate,

Roelf du Toit met sy Argus medalje.

For further enquiries please contact: Speaker’s Office during office hours on 013 235 7334.



20 March 2014

Eveline de Meyer:

Email: Eveline@sylvania.co.za



Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. EKSTRA WISKUNDEKLASSE 076 153 8912 PETALS : Affordable Floral Decor for functions/special occasions Bekostigbare Blommedekor vir funksies/ spesiale geleenthede. Lynn : 082 294 0846 / VOIP NR. 015 001 7006 M V G L A S & A L U M I N I U M Instaleering & vervanging van venster glas, veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & stort deure, windskerms ens. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805

082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephoto graphy.com



S K O O N M A A K VA N M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour Rowena 083 326 0941


DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912

L U U K S E AKKOMMODASIE: 5 self-sorg eenhede ten volle toegerus. Spesiale pryse beskikbaar. 013 235 2010/ epos: adelpragt@hotmail. com


HUISE TE KOOP Huis winskopies! 083 288 6834 H O U S E : P R I VAT E SALE in The Heads. 3 bedrooms, double bathroom, dining & living area, double garage. R1.1m. Innocent 072 852 2848/ Johan 076 371 6706 DRINGEND GESOEK Eiendomme te koop. Vir vriendelike & profesionele diens aan beide KOPER & VERKOPER skakel Lettie Lydenburg Eiendomme 083 339 4728

I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

www.lydenburgprop.co.za Kerkstraat 41

LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

C R E AT I V E N A I L S Karmien 082 887 5886

P E R M A N E N T MAKEUP 076 153 8912 GRAND BONHEUR Coolsculpting / Fat Freeze, Teeth Whitening System, Personalized Diet Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272


TREASURE TIME FOTOGRAFIE: troues, s t u d i o , a l l e geleentheede. Willie


GEKWALIFISEERDE HAARKAPSTER e-pos j o u C V n a samanthapienaar2 @gmail.com of kontak 079 751 9922 ORALIS BENODIG vir Pinkster kerk. 076 563 5892

Verkope & Verhuring


HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

K L I T S G R A S C H A L E T S ACCOMMODATION: Chapel, conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel 013 235 2758


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

LOSIES BESKIKBAAR Lydenburg. Huislike atmosfeer. 076 274 8712



CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469/ 081 086 3961

LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840


E N I G E K O N TA N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843 CLAY BRICKS 20 000 in stock. 082 805 3152

EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m² gebou met groot erf) in Industriële gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416 HUUR HUISE by Huizemark. Bernadine 083 642 6446 GROOT 3 SLK plaashuis. 082 466 5946 2 SLK woonstel R4800pm, W+L ing./ maand deposito. Geen diere. 079 882 0736 2 SLK woonstel, vanaf 1 April. 082 924 3532 WERKSWINKEL / stoorkamer. Lydenburg 082 786 1651 3 B E D R O O M apartment with 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg. From R5200pm. Contact 082 460 3000

TUBATSE LAND USE SCHEME, 2006 Application for Special Consent in terms of Clause 21 of the Tu b a t s e L a n d - U s e Management Scheme, 2006, for the construction and operation of a telecommunication mast and base station. Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 21 of the Tubatse LandUse Managment Scheme, 2006, we the undersigned, intend applying to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for Special Consent for the construction and o p e r a t i o n o f telecommunication mast and base station on the Erf 8360 Burgersfort Extension 57 zoned as “Business 1”, situated just of the R37 (Kruis Street), Elephants Hill. Plans and particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the Local Municipality Offices: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort and/or at the offices of the Applicant: 414 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, Pretoria. Any person having any objections to the

granting of this application must lodge such objection with reason therefore in writing, simultaneously with both the Greater Tubatse Municipality, P. O . B o x 2 0 6 , Burgersfort, 1150 and the undersigned not later than 03 April 2014. APPLICANT DETAILS: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. PO Box 32017, Totiusdal, 0134, 414 R u s t i c R o a d , Silvertondale, 0184, Tel: 012 804 1504, Fax: 012 804 7072 / 086 690 0468 E - m a i l : info@infraplan.co.za Reference Number: T9954 T U B A T S E GRONDGEBRUIKSKE MA, 2006 Aansoek vir d i e S p e s i a l e Toestemming in terme Klousule 21 van die Tubatse Grondgebruik Bestuurskema, 2006, vir die konstruksie en gebruik van 'n telekommunikasie mas en basisstasie Hiermee word kennis gegee dat, in terme van Klousule 21 van die Tubatse Grondgebruik Bestuurskema, 2006, o n s , d i e ondergetekende, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen vir Spesiale Toestemming by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die konstruksie en gebruik v a n ' n telekommunikasiemas en basisstasie op die Erf 8360 Burgersfort Uitbreiding 57 , gesoneer as “Besigheid 1” geleë net van van die R37 (Kruisstraat), Olifant Bult. Planne en besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek kan gedurende kantoorure ondersoek word by die Plaaslike Owerheid se Kantore: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersford en/of by die kantore van die Applikant: 414 R u s t i c w e g , Silvertondale, Pretoria. Enige person wat besware het teen die aansoek moet so 'n beswaar met redes daarvoor gelyktydig indien by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit, P o s b u s 2 0 6 , Burgersfort, 1150 en die ondergetekende, nie later as 03 April 2014. A P P L I K A N T BESONDERHEDE: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Ing. Posbus 32017, Totiusdal, 0134, 414 R u s t i c w e g , Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Faks: 012 804 7072 / 086 690 0 4 6 8 E - P o s : info@infraplan.co.za Verwysingsnommer: T9954 Indien die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie sal dit

verkoop word om kostes te dek. Toyota Hilux Reg: FWZ 162 MP, Nissan Tiida. Longtom Towing 013 235 4996


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre.

Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R70 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Maryna 082 568 6695 013 235 2103

Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. •Lewende Waters Pinkster

• Tiles • Baths • Taps • Toilets

Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. •Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multinational, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6454/ Past. Jaco Thompson 079 526 5970. • New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329


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Sement Boustene Maxi Stene Plaveisel Vloerteëls Muurteëls Stepping Stones Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad BEN 082 408 2798 SOPHIA 076 677 7362

Fanus Potgieter fanus@scubarebels.co.za

Verf - Teël Plavei - Bou

Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333

013 235 2245 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg

Groot pryse by Hengel & Kuns

Gryskatte speel volstoom rugby DEUTZ DIESELPOWER STEELPOORT Vacancy Admin Team Leader Key areas: the purpose of this position is to provide for the profitable and efficient administrative operations, with task level and specific accountability for administration, service wip, sheq representative and overall supervision and control of the general / reception branch administrator personnel

Verrassing vir die wenners van Hengel en Kuns: Hengel en Kuns se eienaar, Toekie van Zyl, het met die trekking ’n groot verassing gekry toe die nuwe eienaar van Laramie Spur, Paul van Deventer groter geskenkbewyse gee vir die alombekende prystrekking wat sy maandeliks hou.Die trekking is gedoen deur Pieter Rossouw. Van links is Toekie van Zyl (eienaar van Hengel en Kuns), Johan Nelson (eerste plek met R400 eetbewys geborg deur Laramie Spur), Martin Visser (tweede plek met R300 geskenkbewys van Hengel en Kuns), Linda Potgieter (derde plek met R150 geskenkbewys van Hengel en Kuns).

Dienssentrum se Gholfdag uitgestel Weens die reën het die Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes van Lydenburg hul jaarlikse gholfdag uitgestel. Dit het te veel gereën op 8 Maart en die gholfdag sal op 26 April plaasvind. Vir meer inligting skakel die Dienssentrum by 013 235 3875

Die Gryskatte van Lydenburg het tydens die jaarlikse Toyota Sewe’s Toernooi by Rooikatpark nuwe gholfhemde ontvang. Hulle wil graag Sean Shields van SLPM bedank vir sy borgskap. Hulle speel op 15 Maart teen die Leeulopers van Nelspruit en gaan daarna na die Puma-wedstryd kyk. Hulle moedig die ‘oumanne’ aan om te gaan oefen. Vir navrae skakel Bez: 072 054 7150 of Francois: 079 211 0580.

VACANCY Administrator Twickenham Area • Must have Grade 12 • At least one year Admin experience • Strong Communication, Typing and Admin Skills required Contact person: henry@kbcsa.co.za Closing date: 21 March 2014

Qualifications : • Grade 12 or equivalent with a pass mark in accountancy. • A bookkeeping qualification would be an advantage • 2 years experience in general office and workshop administration functions • 1 years experience in general people supervision management Forward CV to: hradmin@deutz.co.za Fax: 011 923 0688 Closing Date: 17/03/2014 If you don't hear anything from us withiin four weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful.

MUSSA’s Die MUSSA’s (Mpumalanga School Sports Association) atletiek is Saterdag aangebied deur die Laerskool Lydenburg. Hierdie provinsiale atletiek is die groot uitdunne voor nasionale vlak vir die jong atlete. Die atletiek het op Hoërskool Lydenburg se velde plaasgevind. So tussen die reën deur kon die personeel en atlete in sessies hul atletiek voltooi. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Pre Primary Schools from Lydenburg competed in the annual sports day of fun. The children had great fun. It was held at the Lydenburg Laerskool grounds. ~ Michelle Boshoff



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