Lives nearly lost THE father of one of the young people injured in Friday evening’s a c c i d e n t i n Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , w r o t e a s f o l l o w s : (Added to by the observations of Andre Coetzee, who was at the scene). The accident on Friday, 27 February, in Voortrekker Street, involving three cars, once again showed that you can only drive when you are responsible. Lieneke du Toit, Andre Crouse and Crofton Griffiths accepted a lift from a friend. They're all 18+ and the friend was a licensed driver. Allegedly the driver came down Voortrekker Street at a high speed, skipped the stop street at Entheos, overtook (and hit) a Hilux bakkie and hit an oncoming VW Polo, going in the opposite direction. He lost control of his destroyed vehicle. Two vehicles were hit, Andre was slung from the back of the bakkie and they ended up in the palisade fence of a guesthouse. Andre suffered the most injuries (head, back and hip). Capt. Helberg of the SAPS, Deon Broekman, Sun Security, emergency vehicles, friends and helpers were on the seen quickly and the driver was taken to the Police Station. Severe damage was suffered by two of the three cars and the guest house property fence was destroyed. All four were treated at Lydenburg
Hospital. I would like to thank everybody who came to help and support Lieneke, Andre & Crofton both at the scene and at the Hospital, and the Lord for protecting everyone against more serious harm. The Highlands Panorama News also spoke to Ms. Antoinette Van Rooyen of Forget Me Not guesthouse and she complained that high speed and reckless driving in the area is the order of the day over weekends and after hours and that neither she nor her guests are safe when turning into or out of her business in the evening. She has, without avail, asked Thaba Chweu to consider speed humps in the street. The Director of the Highlands Panorama News’ daughter in her car missed the carnage by one minute. This could, without the grace of God, have been a major tragedy. Personally I hate speed humps, because they disrupt normally flowing traffic and increase fuel consumption, but if nobody heeds the rules of the road, and law enforcement is clearly absent, then that is the only way to go. We sincerely hope that people will sit up and notice and implement steps to stop this. One of the best would be for law enforcement agencies to be paid overtime and to patrol certain streets on Friday and Saturday evenings and to lock up irresponsible drivers and revoke their licenses. Andre Coetzee.
WESTVAAL Prices valid for 7 days
MEZE STARTERS: HOT PITA BREAD SERVED WITH FOLLOWING MEZES Cacik Yoghurt, cucumber & a hint of garlic Kisir Bulgur wheat, tomatoes, onion, fresh mint, fresh parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, paprika & green pepper Humus Chickpea & sesame seed purée, blended with lemon juice & olive oil Kizartma Lightly fried carrots, potato, green pepper, red pepper & aubergine blended together with garlic, yoghurt, paprika, herbs & olive oil Dolma Piquantly seasoned rice, herbs & spice, delicately wrapped in organic spinach, cabbage or vine leaves, drizzled with yoghurt. Feta cheese, served with herbs & fresh parsley Mixed Pickles An assortment of pickled seasonal veggies MAIN COURSE - KEBAB PLATTERS: SERVED WITH PILAV (RICE OF THE DAY) Doner Kebab - Chef’s Choice Delicate slices of lamb & beef served on a bed f hot pita bread with yoghurt, topped with our famously secret sauce Shish Kebab (Lamb) Marinated lamb on skewer & grilled to perfection Adana Keba Ground beef and lamb blended with herbs & spices, grilled to perfection on a skewer Tavuk Shish Kebab (Chicken) Marinated chicken breast on a skewer grilled to perfection DESSERT PLATTERS: Platter of Fresh Fruit & Baklava
Dié katjie is op 20 Februarie naby die treinspoor, naby die Laerskool gevind. Sy linker agterbeen is beseer en hy loop dus mank. Ons het die katjie veearts toe gevat en hy is behandel, ge-ent en ontwurm. Indien die eienaar nie na vore kom nie is die katjie beskikbaar vir iemand wat vir hom kan sorg. Hulle kan my kontak by 082 890 5884.
OCEAN BASKET het verlede week Woensdag ’n heerlike Griekse aand gehou waar lekker geëet, gedans en borde gebreek is. ’n Reuse partytjie wat deur almal geniet is. Wel gedaan! Andre Coetzee
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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Lorinda De Klerk 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
Nooi bly nooi. Iemand moet dan die eerste stap neem om die ‘nooiery’ na ’n aksie oor te sit. Hoorhierso, die woord ‘nooi’ is ’n werkwoord. Want dit is ’n aksie, ‘jy nooi iemand uit om by jou te kuier.’ In sommige gevalle sê mense dit net want hulle of jy wil nie regtig saamkuier nie, dis net by wyse van spreke in party gevalle. Maar om te ‘gaan’ - na die aksie van voortgaan oor te beweeg, dis ’n ander konsep in sy geheel. Sedert Maandag 2 Maart moet ek nou ’n ander ouderdom agter my naam skryf. Ouer mense lag want hulle kon donkie jare gelede laas so ’n ouderdom neerpen. Maar die ouderdomsgeneuk ignoreer ek en bêre dit in die diepste newels van my mensewees. Wat met my newels smokkel was al die lekker uitnodigings wat ek op my verjaardag ontvang het. Ja, en nie sommer hier of daar nie. Hoe gaaf van almal om te sê kom kuier, veral die klomp oorsee. Dit gaan gewoonlik in die sin van “koop net jou vliegkaartjie, dan kom kuier jy net”. Die kaartjies is nie goedkoop nie. As ek nou kon vlieg net waarheen ek wou sou dit eerste Australië toe gewees het na my beste universiteitsvriendin en haar man. Hulle is fotograwe aan die ‘Great Barrier Reef. “Kom net Sara (ja ek was nog altyd Sara vir Ananda), ons sal jou Fiji toe ook vat. Matt het gesê koop net die vliegkaartjie.” Die ander uitnoding van Vrydag was na Engeland, “Kom kuier Shellie, ons sal sorg, koop net die kaartjie en bietjie spending money.” Oor die naweek is ek herinner ons kan vir ’n maand in New Jersey (shore), VSA, ook gaan kuier en voor dit weer ’n draai maak in Engeland. Maar die ‘bucks’. Vriende wat ons in Kasane, Chobestreek in Botswana gemaak het drie jaar gelede het my ook Vrydag uitgenooi om tog weer op safari te kom. Jeanette Taylor se man is ’n grootwildjagter en hulle bied sewe-ster safari’s aan vir die ‘wie’s-wie’ in Europa, ek is welkom om gratis saam te gaan as ek elke aand die skottelgoed sal was. .... sal sommer net skottelgoedhandkoene ook inpak, dis al. Nou ja, met al hierdie uitnodigings kan ek my verbeelding en reisplanne lekker vleuels gee. Ek sal maar spaar, weet nie hoe lank dit sal vat nie, maar ek sal nog al hierdie toere bybring. Dis darem gaaf van almal om my te bel vir my verjaardag. - maar hoe verduidelik hulle sulke groot vet reis-vlooie kriewel langs my rug af en ek kan nie van die jeuk ontslae raak nie. Passop - na een van die volgende - nooi jou uit - is ek op hulle voorstoep.
Prediker 2:14: Die wyse weet wat hy doen, vir die dwaas is daar net donkerte, maar dit weet ek: een en dieselfde lot tref albei. Vader wees ons almal genadig - Amen.
HIERDIE onderwerp kom gereeld op en ek het bietjie navorsing daaroor gedoen. Self het ek dit altyd afgemaak as twak en dat mense oorsensitief is. Maar is dit? Ons Afrikaners, die Engelse en ek is seker Duitsers, Franse en baie ander mense is blitsig om die ou wat voor jou verkeerd ry, ’n idioot te noem of vinger te wys. ’n Paar ouens wat ek ken sal die persoon baie lelik en persoonlik beledig met iets wat na die anatomie verwys. Eweneens verwys ons maklik na swart mense in terme anders
Briew e aan die redakteur
Hennie Pheiffer skryf: Soos almal weet het ons dorpie laasweek 'n groot krisis beleef wat water verskaffing aanbetref'en met 'n munisipaliteit wat geen noodplanne of simpatie het om inwoners by te staan nie, het dit maar swaar gegaan met die verkryging van water, veral water vir toilette en was doeleindes. Moedeloos gesukkel en ten einde raad het ek met Enzo van Trenchless Technologies gepraat, meer om inligting te prober kry rondom die water krisis om beplanning te doen om water te kry. Die uiteinde van die gesprek was dat Enzo en Jan vir ons 'n waentjie met 'n Jojotenk na die huis gebring het, en so die problem opgelos het. Daar was voldoende water en van die ander mense rondom ons kon ook water kry soos benodig. Ek wil net aan die manne sê baie dankie, ek, en almal wat van die water kon gebruik is julle dankbaar. Miskien kan julle ons munisipale amptenare iets leer van bystand in tye van nood. Dat daar 'n problem met waterverskaffing kan ontstaan, moet ek aanvaar, maar dat daar van die plaaslike owerhede vir 'n tydperk van 5 dae geen bystand kom nie, is totaal onaanvaarbaar. Weereens baie dankie.
Pa-en-seun-aand vir Padlangsfonds Hoërskool Lydenburg bied n PAen-SEUN-dag aan op die 7de Maart 2015. Hiermee nooi ons graag elke pa en sy seun en ook pa's wat nie seuns het nie om die middag saam met ons te kom geniet. Ons wil so veel as moontlik mans by die geleentheid betrek. As jy 'n man is en van rugby hou, dan is jy genooi. As jy 'n vrou is, is jy welkom om na die uitverkoping in die mall te gaan kyk. Die doel van die dag is om 'n Padlangs Rugbyfonds te stig om die rugby van LHS te versterk. Kom ons maak dit 'n suksesvolle dag. U is welkom om mense saam te nooi. Die Program vir die dag is as volg:
08h00 - 13h00 LHS vs Frans du Toit 13h00 - 16h00 Stort 16h00 Aankoms vir die kuier 17h00 Vure aansteek Begin van verrigtinge. Uitloot van getekende Springbok en WPtruie, 2 skape, kruiwa vol drank ens. 20:00 Full time! Daar sal vleispakkies teen R50 beskikbaar wees (steak, tjop en wors). Daar is ook 'n kontantkroeg beskikbaar. Hierdie is 'n fondsinsamelingsprojek en daarom vra ons dat u ons in die verband ondersteun. Geen eie drank en eie vleis nie. Rugbygroete. Skakel die organiseerder by Hoërskool Lydenburg - Otto Schulze 013 235 2111.
Dankie aan Glencore Lydenburg Smelter Amelia Bietjie WVF Leier van Lydenburg Baie dankie aan al die personeel van Glencore Lydenburg Smelter wat verlede week gehelp het om die waterprobleme in Lydenburg op te los. Dankie ook aan die personeel van Glencore wat met die VF+ Federale Raadslid Frik Rousseau by die Visserye se water verdeelkas verskeie samesprekings gehad het en hom gehelp het om meer water dorp toe te stuur en so die dorp se belange op die hart dra. Die munisipale amptenare wat Frik op hoogte gehou het oor die herstel van watertoevoer word ook bedank. Sodoende kon hy die inwoners wat hom geskakel het inlig.
as die K woord, maar ons bedoel dalk K. Hulle terme Mhlungu, iBhunu en Makula, verwysend na Afrikaners en Indiërs is ook vernederend. Net so as ons van mense van Indiese afkoms as koe%^$ praat. Dis verkeerd. Ek het dit altyd afgemaak as ’n soort manier van praat en nie haatspraak nie. Iets wat ons geneties geprogrammeer is om te doen. Maar die slim mense sê nee, ons leer dit aan. Ons is nie so gebore nie. As vierjarige agter op die motorsitplek het ek gereeld gehoor as die oukêrel iemand ’n vinger gee en hom ’n po%p^ol noem. Dit was kwaai. As iemand aanjaag het ek toe ook begin om hom ’n po%p^ol te noem. En so word ons deur ouers, vriende, politiek, dom optrede en elke ding aangemoedig om mense in kleurvolle terme,
gewoonlik kwetsend van aard, te beskryf. En Afrikaans is tog so kleurvol. Ons grootword politieke klimaat het ’n groot rol in ons lewens gespeel en dit was normaal om mense name te noem. Engelse was sout..... en swart mense was ka.... Afrikaners was baie name genoem en ons is as agterlik, en onopgevoed beskryf. Ons was almal slagoffers. My probleem is dat as ek ’n Engelsman ’n soutie noem, haat ek hom nie. As ek hom gehaat het, kan ek aan verskeie ander name dink wat ek hom kan noem. So, die slim mense sê al hierdie terme is haatspraak. Hulle is seker reg. Dit is aangeleer en ons stel daagliks ons en ander se kinders bloot daaraan. Dit moet op twee maniere aangespreek word. Eerstens moet ons regtig probeer om op te hou daarmee. Tweedens moet ons nie sissies wees nie, minder sensitief wees en aangaan met ons lewens.
This prime advertising space is available. Contact Reinet Bell on 082 450 4875 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) 083 626 6305
NISSAN is now offering its popular Qashqai crossover with a new top-of-line 1.6-litre turbo model and Xtronic gearbox for the 1.2-litre turbo derivative. The Qashqai has sold an average of 300 units per month in SA since launch in July 2014, and is now available in seven derivatives. The 1.2T Acenta Xtronic features the familiar 85kW/165Nm turbo 1.2-litre petrol engine found in other models, but is now offered with two peddles thanks to Nissan’s Xtronic transmission. Nissan pegs fuel efficiency at 6.2l/100km on the combined cycle thanks to the cars Eco Mode. Unlike conventional variable transmissions, the QASHQAI’s Xtronic gearbox mimics the behaviour of traditional, multi-ratio automatic gearboxes during hard acceleration, with stepped changes. In gentler driving, the ratios are subtly adjusted to give ultimate smoothness. We’ve sampled it on the 1.6dCi derivate and it is surprisingly pleasant. Topping the range is the new 1.6T Acenta, which features 120kW/240Nm from the 1.6-litre turbocharged petrol engine and a six-speed manual gearbox. Fuel economy of 6.2l/100km matches that of the smaller capacity CVT and features a stop/start system to save fuel. Acenta trim in both cars boasts a raft of standard equipment, including alloy wheels (17-inch on the 1.2T and 19-inch on the 1.6T), LED daytime running lights, privacy glass, automatic wipers and an auto-dimming rear-view mirror. The 1.6T Acenta also benefits from LED headlights with auto levelling, silver roof rails, chrome-accented front fog lights and an intelligent key with keyless entry and push-button start. Nissan Qashqai pricing: 1.2T Acenta Xtronic R327 700. 1.2T Acenta Xtronic with TECHNO PACK R344 500. 1.6T Acenta M/T R357 700. 1.6T Acenta M/T with TECHNO PACK R374 500. 1.6T Acenta 6MT with TECHNO PACK and leather R385 500. All prices include a 6-year/ 150 000 km warranty and a 5-year/ 90 000 km service plan.
HYUNDAI is set to reveal its all-new replacement for the ix35 compact SUV at the Geneva motor show this year. It’s unclear at this point, whether South Africa will continue with the current ix35 nomenclature or return to the Tucson nameplate (in line with the US and Europe) at its domestic launch in October but according to a company spokesperson all will be revealed at the 2015 Johannesburg International Motor Show. Under the direction of Peter Schreyer, Hyundai’s President and Chief Design Officer, the Korean C-SUV offers a bold new exterior design with flowing surfaces, strong proportions, sharp lines and most importantly, the company’s familiar hexagonal grille. The new interior introduces soft-touch, high-quality materials across the cabin surfaces with improved ergonomics which centre around the simplicity of the centre console design. Built on a completely new platform, Hyundai claims both passenger space and luggage capacity (513 litres) have grown over the current model.
ON Wednesday 25 February, at approximately 12:00 in the afternoon, well-known Badfontein resident Scotty Clelland (70) hit one of several potholes on a detour while driving homeward from town. Due to the volume of trucks, their unsolicited speed and the ensuing dust bank on that particular road, Mr. Clelland was unable to pull over and change his tyre, being forced to drive it all the way home. It was a relatively new tyre, having barely worn a millimeter off its treads. Mr. Clelland had the tyre replaced in Lydenburg the very next day, at a cost of R460. It would have been wholly unnecessary, were the trucks (mostly chrome-carriers) using a different road. By law, these heavy 013 235 1086 vehicles are forbidden to use rural roads, but with the inefficient rail freight industry, more and more trucks have taken to the roads, with the demand for Spend R2000 or more and stand a chance to WIN! road freight growing by the day. With no one to govern them and nothing being done to enforce the rules of road usage, is it then any wonder 1st PRIZE 2nd PRIZE that our roads are in GREAT PRICES IN-STORE! the shape they currently are? Lorinda De Klerk
DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg
Adelene Le Roux | Hercules Coetzee | Gerhard Leygonie Henry Moyo | Office: 013 235 2381 Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • Lydenburg • 1120
INTRODUCING the Aston Martin Vulcan, a track-only supercar and the British luxury brand’s most intense and exhilarating creation to date. Born out of extensive motorsport experience and using the brand’s acknowledged flair for design and engineering ingenuity, the 600kW engine, all-carbon fibre, Aston Martin Vulcan promises truly extreme performance. Uniquely for Aston Martin, the new supercar, production run only 24, will allow buyers to precisely tailor their track-day experience through a graduated scale of detailed power and dynamic performance adjustments. The car was styled entirely in-house by the Aston Martin design team led by chief creative officer Marek Reichman using a design language hinting at the next generation of Aston Martin sports cars. And it's powered by the most potent version yet of the company’s seven-litre V12 petrol engine. With its 600kW+ engine developed in conjunction with Aston Martin Racing this front mid-engined, rear-wheel drive sports car draws extensively on the brand’s rich GT motorsport experience. Using the techniques of world-class motorsport engineering, the supercar sees its power-to-weight ratio better those of the GTE cars which compete in the International Automobile Federation’s annual World Endurance championship. Aston has learned from it successful GT racing campaign. The car will have a carbon-fibre monocoque/body constructed by Aston Martin’s long-term specialist body engineering and manufacturing partner Multimatic, limited-slip differential, magnesium torque tube with carbon-fibre propeller-shaft and Brembo racing callipers acting on carbon-ceramic racing disc brakes, 380mm in diameter at the front and 360mm at the rear. Drive is channelled to the 345/30 x19 rear wheels and Michelin race-spec rubber through a race-bred rear mid-mounted Xtrac six-speed sequential-shift gearbox. Track-derived push-rod suspension with anti-dive geometry is complemented by Multimatic’s adjustable shock absorbers and anti-roll bars front and rear, driveradjustable anti-lock brakes and variable traction control. The car will comply with all relevant federation race-safety requirements. Buyers will be offered a place in an extensive and detailed programme of intensive track driver-training. Experienced racers, among them Aston Martin Racing’s Le Mans-winning Darren Turner, will support owners on their learning journey, offering them the chance to refine their track driving technique and increase their ability through a carefully constructed series of practical and theoretical driver-training events. Using a number of exciting high-performance Aston Martins, including the V12 Vantage S and One-77 road cars and the Vantage GT4 race car, customers will gradually build experience and develop their track technique before beginning their personal journeys into the immense performance potential of their Aston Martin Vulcan.
Palmer added: “We've already received strong interest from customers to whom we have spoken about the Vulcan. Performance data, together with further technical details about the ultraexclusive track-only supercar, will be released closer to its track debut later in 2015. The Aston Martin Vulcan will make its world debut at the 85th Geneva International Motor Show on Tuesday March 3.
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KIA‘s all-new 1.0-litre T-GDI (turbo gasoline direct injection) ‘Kappa’ engine will make its world debut at the Geneva motor show next month. Previewed in the new Kia cee’d GT Line – which we don’t get in SA – the new T-GDI engine embraces the industry trend towards smaller capacity, higher efficiency units which consume less fuel and emit fewer emissions, while still delivering good response. In cee’d GT Line application, the engine develops 88kW at 6000rpm and 172Nm from 1500rpm to 4100rpm, and has been engineered to deliver lower CO2 emissions than the 1.6-litre GDI engine already in the range. The development team at Kia’s Namyang, Korea R&D centre focussed on providing immediate response, highly-efficient combustion and access to maximum torque from low engine speeds. Throughout the TGDI’s development, the R&D teams aimed for a 10 to 15 per cent improvement in fuel efficiency. Featuring a newly-developed laser-drilled injector, with six individual holes, instead of simply injecting the fuel-air mixture within the combustion chamber, the laser-drilled holes, laid out in a pyramid shape, provide a more even spread of fuel and air throughout the cylinder. The adoption of a straight air intake port – instead of the gently curved port in KIA’s existing 1.6-litre GDI engine – further improves air flow to the combustion chamber for fast and efficient combustion, improved fuel economy and suppressed engine knocking. The T-GDI’s single-scroll turbocharger is paired with an electric wastegate motor, which improves the turbocharger’s performance with a highly efficient air scavenging strategy. As well as scavenging clean air for the engine to re-use for combustion, it is able to open the waste-gate at the same time to improve waste air flow. As mentioned, although we don’t get the cee’d GT Line in SA, the new 1.0-litre T-GDI engine will be made available throughout the Kia range going forward.
TYDENS die onlangse prysuitdeling vir motorhandelaars deur General Motors, het Westvaal Mashising met groot toekennings weggestap. Ockert Van Niekerk (links op die foto) en Timothy Chowles (regs op die foto) het toekennings ontvang as die beste verkoopsbestuurders in die medium handelaar kategorie. Westvaal Mashishing en handelaarshoof Jehane Claase (middel) het die gesogte top 3 posisie as medium handelaar van die jaar ontvang. Jehanne wen ’n reis na Amerika vir 10 dae. Dié tak was ook onder die top ses met Opel verkope en Timothy het die bekendstelling van die nuwe Opel Corsa in Monaco gaan bywoon.
Die Sewells Group, wat internasionaal motorhandelaars se resultate analiseer, het Westvaal Mashishing ook aangewys onder die top 5 presteerders vir 2014. Westvaal Mashishing het ook deur sy finansiële dienste met Wesbank die top toekenning vir medium kategorie handelaars bereik. Jehane Claase skryf hierdie prestasies t o e a a n s y uitnemende span personeel, goeie handelsmerk bewustheid, goeie diens en uitstekende bemarking. Hy bedank graag al W e s t v a a l Mashishing se kliënte vir hulle volgehoue ondersteuning. Andre Coetzee
Mechanical / Auto Electrical Parts & Service Tel: 013 235 4846, Fax: 013 235 2253, 32 de Clerq Street, Lydenburg, E-Mail:
Border wall the responsibility of both neighbours These photo’s are from a wall that fell over between two neighbours in Moreletta Park, Pretoria. The SA law remains the same. Cost must be shared between the neighbours or owners of both properties when required. There are a lot of wonderfully informative articles on the internet. Please read them to make sure what your rights as a land owner are and how to maintain good neighbour relations.
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Lovely, spacious family home boasting 5 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge with castiron hearth, stone feature wall, plenty secure parking, generator-connect point, 2 solar geysers, 2 recreation rooms and large garden! Fanie: 072 317 3959
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It is best to come to an agreement with one's neighbour on the amount to be spent on the repair of the wall. “Remember the adage 'good fences make good neighbours'.” South African law provides legislation in the form of the Fencing Act 31 of 1963 (as amended), which regulates the conduct and contributions of neighbours. “While the act makes provision for a number of different circumstances, a neighbour who has benefited from a fence must contribute to the cost thereof and pro rata to its repair when required.”
Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Hester: 060 970 9529 Leon: 060 967 1041 Verhurings - Hester: 060 970 9529 013 235 4890 / E-pos:
TE KOOP: 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, enkelverdieping, dubbel-motorhuis, moderne kombuis. Erf, alarm, in stil gedeelte van Sterkspruit. Dadelik beskikbaar! R9 500 per maand
1. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer-meenthuis met enkelmotorhuis en afdak. Klein erf, braai-area en ruim kombuis: R795 000 2. Klassieke boustyl vir die kieskeurige koper. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer-huis met dubbel-motorhuis in pypsteel-erf. Groot, ruim kamers en kombuis: R1 163 000 3. Rus en vrede! 4 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamer, dubbelmotorhuis, dubbel-afdak. boorgat, swembad met lapa. koidamme met waterval, beeldskone tuin: R1 900 000 (ohb)
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg
TE HUUR: • 3 Slk meenthuise - R6700 • 3 Slk woning - R7500 • Kantoorspasie beskikbaar TE KOOP: • 3 Slk dupleks-woonstel, 1 badk + gaste-toilet, 1 mot, groot oopplan woonarea/komb, wendy - R930 000 • 2 Slk meenthuis met groot erf, baie netjies en veilig - R780 000 • 3 Slk woning met erf, 2 badk, sitk, woonarea, eetk/komb, pakkamer, 2 mot, afdakke - R950 000 • 3 Slk woning met erf, oopplan sitk/eetk/komb, 2 badk, 2 mot - R840 000
Perfect townhouse in safe area. This spacious three bedroom townhouse with own private garden is pet friendly. One garage with secure undercover parking for three vehicles. Value for money, ideal for the first time home buyer or newly weds R840 000. Stephanie 072 155 0761. Fanie 072 317 3959.Quick Sell Realty 013 235 4575
The Property Shop 082 898 5272 Sonè VERHURINGS
074 589 0204 Mariska VERKOPE
• 3 Slk huis met 2 badk, sitk, R1 010 000 eetk, kombuis, erf en dubbel 3 Slaapkamer, huis met 1 m/h - R10100 badkamer, 4 motor-afdakke, • Groot 1 slk woonstel met sitk, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, eetk, kombuis en 1 badk en opwas, stoorkamer en groot toesluit m/h - R4000 tuin. • 3 Slk huis met 2 badk, groot oopplan sitk en eetk, kombuis, R1 390 000 4 Slaapkamer-meenthuis met 2 dubbel m/h en erf - R6500 badkamers, kombuis, sitkamer, • Ruim 2 slk meenthuis met 2 eetkamer, 2 motorhuise en tuin badk, oopplan sitk en eetk, kombuis, erf, enkel toesluit m/h in kompleks. - R5900 • 2 Slk woonstel met 1 badk, R4 300 000 oopplan sitk en kombuis en 1 40ha Plaas 10km buite afdak parkering - R4400 Lydenburg. Pragtige 3 • Pragtige 3 slk meenthuis met 2 slaapkamer-huis met 2 badk, groot oopplan sitk, eetk badkamers, onthaal-area en en komb, erf en dubbel m/h - pragtige uitsig en vele meer. R7200 Tel: 013 235 1102 Erich Venter: 082 904 8587 50 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Bcom Regte (UP) NQF 5 Ona Venter: 082 898 5272 Facebook: Deo Volente Properties
R1 395 000
• Ideal as residence or office • 5 En-suite bedrooms • 3 Lock-up garages Space Galore Gerda Whitehorn 079 515 7799
Visit our show tent every Friday from 10:00 - 14:00 - at our offices situated on the corner of Jansen & Viljoen Streets.
Melanie Dercksen: 076 101 7524 Sonia Meyer: 082 459 2361
Lydenburg Office 013 235 1146
Ronnie Nonyane: 082 667 7772 Pieter Pieterse: 083 274 1986
Look no further! This property is well-priced and offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading to lounge and dining room, braai area, 1 garage, double carport and spacious private garden. RE/MAX WINNERS 013 235 2653 ANNA-MARIE: 083 960 4775
16HA smallholding, spacious 3 bedroom home surrounded with a lovely fenced garden. Very secure and offering a spacious kitchen with lounge, 2 bathrooms, double garage, 6 carports PLUS a 1 bedroom flat for extra income RE/MAX WINNERS 013 235 2653 YVONNE: 082 290 4090
Vanaf Februarie 2015 het ek deel geword van die RE/MAXspan en wil ek graag al my vorige en bestaande kliënte asook nuwe kliënte uitnooi om met my in verbinding te tree vir al jul eiendomsbehoeftes. YVONNE LINDEQUE 072 290 4090
Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment
DIENSTE/ SERVICES G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774 LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976. KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 NOODHULP? VURE? Slange? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047 H O U S E H O L D & INDUSTRIAL repairs in Lydenburg. Qualified personell, all electrical household tools (except fridges & freezers) Guaranteed workmanship. Jacques 060 375 5713 BOUPLANNE JC Potgieter SACAP Reg: D0011 082 769 3615 HUURKOOP PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig ’n nagmerrie geword of is jou aflos te hoog? Skakel ons gerus vir ’n oplossing. 073 830 8637 MEUBELVERVOER/ FURNITURE REMOVAL WE OFFER A reliable stress free Furniture removal service & also have a variety of packing materials that will meet your needs. 26 Joubert St, 013 235 1717/ a
CORDU AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131 GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727
CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469 PERMANENT MAKEUP & extensions. 076 153 8912 GRAND BONHEUR Coolsculpting/ Fat freeze, Teeth Whitening system, Personalized Diet Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 A C L E A N E R HOUSE/OFFICE - Affordable commercial and Residential Cleaning. *Weekly *Daily * Once off Spring Cleans *Pre/Post occupation Cleaning Contact: 071 124 9874 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES AT L A S PA N E E L KLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
L O S I E S b e s k i k b a a r. Lydenburg. 072 778 6377/ 060 780 9920
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735
1 SLK gemeubileerde woonstel, R300 p/dag. 073 515 3820
LY D E N B U R G V E H I C L E HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780
AFVAL/ ou lappe, dringend gesoek. 081 774 6872
ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843
ELIZABETH SOEK werk as bediende 071 440 4141
DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912
V A C A N C I E S A T PROGRESS MILLING LYDENBURG WAREHOUSE STOREMAN Requirements: Grade 12, Communicate in English & Afrikaans, Physically fit, Excellent numeracy & literacy skills, Experience in stocktake will be an advantage. RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN SUPPORT Requirements: Grade 12, Excellent language & computer skills, Able to work under pressure, Trustworthy & great people skills. Please fax CV with ID copy & matric certificate to 013 235 2076 or e-mail
TE KOOP - 3 baba Cocker Spaniel hondjies. 071 482 8838
TROETELDIERE/ PETS L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203 PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941
LOVE BIRDS 079 021 6235
SKOONHEID/ BEAUTY HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323
including water, Lydenburg. R7000 p/m. Contact 082 460 3000
Besoek ons webwerf: “Linked to property24” Tel: 013 235 1986 Kerkstr. 41 EIENDOM TE HUUR/ PROPERTY TO RENT WINKEL SPASIE TE HUUR 135m² in Viljoen Str. Baie goeie ligging. Skakel 082 445 0662 4 S L A A P K A M E R PLAASHUIS te huur. Goeie sekuriteit. 26km op Ohrigstadpad. 082 406 7830 GROOT besigheidsperseel omtrent 260m ².083 449 3603 2 SLK WOONSTEL met toesluit motorhuis. R4000 p/m. Johan 082 828 1211 4 BEDROOM HOUSE with garage and yard including water, Lydenburg, R7500p/m; 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with double carport and yard
INVITATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS IN RESPECT OF THE TRANSFER OF A LIQUOR LICENCE IN TERMS OF SECTION 43 OF THE MPUMALANGA LIQUOR LICENCING ACT, 2006 A. PERSONAL D E TA I L S I M O R N E FREDRICK NELL, ID Number: 750416 5178 082 An adult male hereby invite written public comments concerning my application to the Mpumalanga Liquor Authority for the transfer of liquor licence number: 030009 trading under the name DROS FOODCOR LY D E N B U R G , o n t h e business premises indicated below, to myself. I make this application on behalf of the juristic person: AGADROS (PTY) LTD. B. LICENCE TYPE The retail sale of liquor for consumption on the premises where the liquor is sold, C. BUSINESS PREMISES Physical address: ERF 3352, LYDENBURG, (also known as Jock's Country stalls,) V I L J O E N S T R E E T, LYDENBURG, being an address in the Republic of South Africa and situated within the boundaries of Mpumalanga Province. Postal address: POSTNET SUITE 170, PRIVATE BAG X20097, LYDENBURG, 1120. D. ADDRESSES TO WHICH COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED Comments should be made in writing and be addressed to the
municipality concerned and a copy to the applicant, to reach the said addresses within thirty (30) days of this publication. Municipality's address: P O BOX 61, LY D E N B U R G , 11 2 0 Applicant's address: POSTNET SUITE 170, PRIVATE BAG X20097, LYDENBURG, 1120 INVITATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS IN RESPECT OF THE TRANSFER OF A LIQUOR LICENCE IN TERMS OF SECTION 43 OF THE MPUMALANGA LIQUOR LICENCING ACT, 2006 A. PERSONAL DETAILS I Morne Fredrick Nell, ID Number: 750416 5178 082 An adult male hereby invite written public comments concerning my application to the Mpumalanga Liquor Authority for the transfer of liquor licence number 030009 trading under the name D R O S F O O D C O R LY D E N B U R G , o n t h e business premises indicated below, to myself. I make this application on behalf of the juristic person: AGADROS (PTY) LTD. B. LICENCE TYPE The retail sale of liquor for consumption off the premises where the liquor is sold, C. BUSINESS PREMISES PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ERF 3352, LYDENBURG, (also known as Jock's Country stalls,) V I L J O E N S T R E E T, LYDENBURG, being an address in the Republic of South Africa and situated within the boundaries of Mpumalanga Province. Postal address: POSTNET SUITE 170, PRIVATE BAG X20097, LYDENBURG, 1120. D. ADDRESSES TO WICH COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED Comments should be made in writing and be addressed to the municipality concerned and a copy to the applicant, to reach the said addresses within thirty (30) days of this publication. Municipality's address: P O BOX 61, LY D E N B U R G , 11 2 0 Applicant's address: POSTNET SUITE 170, PRIVATE BAG X20097, LYDENBURG, 1120
KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g -
str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • M o o i H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier
Skadunetafdakke Verskillende Kleure en Groottes! Franz 082 775 5134 Ronel 072 622 5333
084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Wo e n s d a g o m 1 8 : 0 0 . Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor
087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by W e n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg.
• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329
Lydenburg Pistol & Gun Club • Competency Training • Accredited Shooting Range Paul Zorn 083 641 7275
(Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Registered Debt Counsellor
082 924 9292
• Tiles • Baths • Taps • Toilets
Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054
Lydenburg 013 235 1233 Burgersfort 013 231 7329
Venster Glas Veiligheidsglas Aluminium Rame Skuif & Stort Deure Windskerms ens.
Eiendom Instandhouding & Verbetering Fanus Potgieter
Verf - Teël Plavei - Bou
Fanie Maritz: 082 490 9805 Phillip Warricker: 082 499 5432
VAKANTE POS HOËRSKOOL LYDENBURG BUITE-KURRIKUL ÊRE BESTUURDER Sport Beheerliggaam pos Sleutelprestasiegebiede • Minimum kwalifikasie: Graad 12 • Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasies • Opvoedkundige verantwoordbaarheid • Sportbestuur • Skakelwerk • Bestuursbevoegdhede Salaris: Onderhandelbaar (Koshuisinwoning beskikbaar) U aansoek moet die volgende insluit: • Volledige curriculum vitae. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van Graad 12 sertifikaat. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van ID dokument. • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van u bestuurslisensie(s) • Indien u oor enige naskoolse kwalifikasies beskik. Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van u graadsertifikate, Opleidingssertifikate, kursusse bv. afrigtingssertifikate. Rig u navrae aan die skoolhoof, mnr. Johan Loots by Rig aansoeke aan: Die Skoolhoof - Hoërskool Lydenburg, Posbus 28 LYDENBURG, 1120 E.pos: ( Let wel indien u aansoek per e.pos gestuur word, moet u aansoek ons steeds voor of op die sluitingsdatum bereik) Per hand: Me. Loots alleenlik Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 13 Maart 2015 Besigtig die webblad vir meer inligting oor die skool:
OTEES CASH & CARRY VACANCIES Admin & Receiving & Dispatch Clerk • Must be computer literate • Minimum 5 years experience in Retail or Wholesale sector • Must have contactable references Cashier • Must be computer literate • Experience in Retail or Wholesale sector will be an advantage • Must have contactable references Email CV to or Fax to 013 235 2145 VAKANTE BETREKKING TEMBA ENGEN Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende beskik: • Graad 12. Tersiëre kwalifikasies sal voordelig wees • Debiteure en Krediteure agtergrond • Kleinkas ondervinding • Voorraad beheer en bestellings agtergrond • Rekenaar vaardigheid • Inlees, en balansering van fakture Stuur CV na Divan du Plessis:
BLOKMAN / VLEISTEGNIKUS Gevestigde Slaghuis in Lydenburg benodig die dienste van ’n ervare blokman/ blokvrou met ’n passie om met vleis te werk sowel as kliënte. Ten minste 5 jaar ondervinding. Faks CV na: 013 235 4830
‘Gone Fishing’ se wenners Gone Fishing sien weer uit na naelbytsessies langs die viswaters hierdie jaar. 2014 Is so vinnig verby maar elke lyn in die water was die moeite werd. ’n Totaal van van 1025 vis is geweeg met ’n gesamentlike massa van 1.73 ton vir die jaar.
Van links (agter): Cornel Oosthuizen (Kurper 1.2kg), Armand Oosthuizen (Bass 3.8kg), Janette Jansen (Baber 14.1kg), Jaques Oosthuizen (vyf spesies), Steven Kruis (vyf spesies); (voor): Herkie Jansen (Karp 7.5kg), J. D. Nel (Tiervis 2.8kg). Lede afwesig Henry Park (geelvis 1.9kg), Thys Fourie (Forel 1.6kg), Arno Oosthuizen (kolgooi kampioen).
Die klubkampioen trofee het gegaan aan Herkie Jansen (links), Steven Kruis (regs) oorhandig dit. Alle lede word bedank vir hul sportmangees en deelname in 2014. Die Hengelklub bedank graag diegene wat hulle ondersteun het, goedgesind was en geborg het. Vir meer inligting oor die Volgens die punte tabel is die volgende die Top 5 Hengelaars: Van Gone Fishing Klub skakel Herkie: links: Steven Kruis, Cornel Oosthuizen, Armand Oosthuizen, 076 688 6206 Herkie Jansen en Jaques Oosthuizen.
Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO bied aan: 7 Maart 2015, 18:30 vir 19:00 Lydenburg Stadsaal