2018 03 08

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08 Maart / March 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 8 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

JUST recently back from Mumbai India, Ronell Joubert achieved what she set out to. She came back to Lydenburg with the Magnificent Women International (MWI) title in the Elite category. Her category was the largest in the competition that took place in the five star Sahara Star hotel in February. International judges took notice of this local beauty from the beginning with her self confidence and dynamic personality. Not only did Ronell need to take a whole boutique worth of clothes for the week long competition, she designed and made most of her own clothing, because she is also well known for her designs in South Africa. Many matric farewell dresses, wedding gowns, pageant girls and models have worn her signature creations. She designed her final evening gown according to the latest fashion trends and it stood out amongst the rest of the competitors. “I already have great opportunities to judge and help with the organisation of pageants during the next few months. I will be travelling to Cape Town for the Ribbons for Roses, Ruanda to visit children orphanages and in June to Mozambique for Miss Maputo,� Ronell said. Part of her prizes include the $6 500 crown with Swarovski crystals and real pearls and other jewelry. She will hand over her crown in Las Vegas, USA next year and then also receive her other prizes. Continues on page 2 ~ By Michelle Boshoff


08 Maart / March 2018

Ronell Joubert with the $6 500 crown, sash and her final evening gown at her home in Lydenburg. Photo Annalize du Plessis.

Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Bronwen Rall - Oral Hygienist Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)


Continues from page 1 The national costume was designed to symbolise the assets and changing faces of South Africa. The tourism aspect is the Big Five and the country is dedicated to sharing wildlife with the rest of the world. The King Protea is known for its beauty all over the world. Our natural resources of gold, diamonds and platinum are also visible on the costume. It includes the different cultures and the father of SA Nelson Mandela. “We also visited some of the great attractions in Mumbai and went shopping for a day. But the whole day, from the morning mediation session till 01:00 in the morning we were part of the judging process. We also visited a project for children with Down Syndrome and I took local puzzles for them to enjoy. I want to thank my husband Wimpie, children and all the sponsors who made it possible for me to attend the MWI. None of this would have been possible without determination and hard work,” continued Ronell. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Tel : 013 235 1983 / 013 235 4563

INLIGTINGSPRAATJIE: PLEEGSORG- EN PLEK VAN VEILIGHEIDSOUERS Dinsdag 13 Maart 2018 Lewende Woord Lydenburg (saal) om 18:00 Geregistreede kinderbeskermingsorganisasies ervaar ‘n dringende tekort aan goedgekeurde pleegouers en gesinne wat veiligheidsplek kan bied. Kinders wat sorg en beskerming nodig het, moet soms ingevolge die Kinderwet uit ouerlike sorg verwyder word. Organisasies met statutêre magte sal die nodige keuringsproses behartig indien potensiële pleegouers, of plek van veiligheidsouers aansoek sou doen om geregistreer te word. Die volgende belangrike punte sal wel met die belangstellende ouers bespreek word: • Verantwoordelikhede • Pleegouers-/veiligheidsplek ouers se regte • Finansiële ondersteuning • Versorg • Keuring en opleiding • Regte van die kind/-ers MAATSKAPLIKE WERKERS; Me. Lize Robberts van CMR & me. Rika Beukes van RATA (beide van Lydenburg) sal die inligtingsaand aanbied en beskikbaar wees vir navrae. Verversings sal aangebied word, en daarom sal ons dit opreg waardeur indien belangstellendes hul name kan deurgee aan die kerkkantoor: 013 235 2463 (Maandae- Vrydae 07:30-12:30)

THE Shoprite Group's housebrand and private label cold meats, sold under the Housebrand, Ritebrand and Farmer's Deli brand names are not affected by recall notices that have been served on Enterprise Foods and Rainbow Chicken. Shoprite and Checkers’ own brands in this category are not manufactured by these two suppliers. Supermarkets in the Shoprite Group yesterday removed all affected Enterprise processed cold meats and Rainbow chicken polony from its fridges and deli's after the announcement by the Minister of Health, following tests linking the Listeria monocytogenes ST6 strain positively with these supplier manufacturing plants. The products have been removed from shelves, isolated in stores and are being uplifted as of Monday morning. Customers are invited to return any Enterprise processed cold meat products and Rainbow chicken polony in their original packaging that they have at home for a full refund. Proof of purchase is not required and opened products can also be returned. Following the Minister of Health's announcement about a national outbreak of Listerioses last year, the Shoprite Group immediately instituted an enhanced monitoring plan on top of its regular independent audits of store food preparation areas in an effort to detect if a risk of Listeria was present, given that the bacterium naturally occurs in the environment. Shoprite Group said that it has a well-developed risk assessment programme in place that confirms the adherence to food safety and hygiene protocols in its supermarkets.

08 Maart / March 2018

Study at Wits Business School KLCBT members and their staff members have the option to study for a Wits Business School qualification at absolutely no cost! The value of the course is R36 000 - this is honestly an opportunity not to be missed. The course offered is the Management Development Programme (NQF 7) Criteria: KLCBT members; SA citizen and resident; Must be employed and have permission from employer to commit to the training programme) or a CK Document if self-employed. Closing date for applications is 15 March 2018. Only the first 50 will be registered. Details about the course / How it will work: Within a month from registration, we will distribute a course programme to all the students. The course will run 4 – 6 months depending on the availability of the lecturers and the venues and it will start in May / June 2018. Course will be presented in Nelspruit (venue to be confirmed). Class time will be 13 days in total and you will have class 3 days per month (i.e. Tuesday to Thursday) to allow students to maintain their full time careers. In between classes, students will do assignments and group assignments. Lecturers will be very strict on attendance, punctuality and participation – homework must be done. This is a professional qualification from one of the most reputable Business Schools in the world and certainly not just a certificate of attendance. At the end of the course you will do a written exam for each of the subjects as well as an oral presentation, which students have to pass in order to receive their certificate. NQF7 is quite a high standard (university degree level) but please do not let it deter you. It is very practical and if you work hard and is committed to the programme, you will certainly do well. How to register: Submit the following documents to Zelda / Linda at KLCBT office at Crossing Centre (only the first 50 registrations will be admitted to the programme): Completed application form and signed agreement (will be posted as soon as we receive it), Certified copy of ID, Proof of Residence, Letter of commitment from your employer to allow you to take part in the programme or your CK documents if you are self-employed. For further enquiries: E-mail linda@klcbt.co.za

STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738


Tel: 013 235 4438 lydenburg@postnet.co.za

08 Maart / March 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


SIBAMBENE Mining Supplies het verlede Vrydag ook vir groot pret gesorg met hulle deelname aan die Shavathon aksie ten bate van kankerlyers. Bo en behalwe vir die hare sny en / of kleur, het hulle ook heerlike boereworsbroodjies gebraai en verkoop ten bate van CANSA. Die publiek het met groot entoesiasme deelgeneem aan die pret. In totaal is R 5 420 vir CANSA ingesamel. Andre Coetzee

Nuwe Jock trek 1885 roetewyser op die N4 Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

VERLEDE Saterdag het die Coetzee familie op uitnodiging saam met Paul Zorn, eienaar van die Lydenburg Pistol and Gun Club, gaan skiet en pa, seun en dogter het waardevolle instruksie by Paul ontvang. Na afloop van die valplaat “Steel Challenge” kompetisie, wat Paul loshande gewen en die uwe verloor het, met die twee jongelinge tussenin, het ons teikens geskiet en dit wat ons by Paul geleer het, begin toepas. Andrea (26) op die foto, kom mooi reg met haar eie nuwe Beretta Px4 Storm Compact. Baie dankie vir ’n aangename Saterdagmiddag Paul. Andre Coetzee

PSALMS 104:30 U gee die lewensasem en daar is lewe; ook uit die grond laat U nuwe lewe spruit. Dankie Vader vir U wonderlike gawes. Gee dat ons met verantwoordelikheid daarmee sal handel - Amen.

DIE ANC se uitsprake rondom grondonteiening is ter sprake. Die President sê ons moet nie bekommerd wees nie. Wel, ons is. Grond is ’n emosionele saak. Ons almal is dit eens dat ons suksesvolle swart landbouers op hulle eie eiendom wil sien werk en welvarend raak. Dit bring standvastigheid en skep ’n klimaat vir vrede. Die ANC is egter self verantwoordelik vir die gemors rondom restitusie. Duisende grondeise is onafgehandel. Hoekom? Die betrokke eisers moet ’n

'n Nuwe Jock Trek 1885-roete-aanwyser is Saterdag langs die N4 by Masgobe Lodge naby die eerste afdraai na Marlothpark deur Mpumalanga Erfenis aangebring. Voor: Atta Makhari, David Lekhuleni, en Carlos Khome van Masgobe saam met Senzo Mazibuko en Neville Rudd van Talisman, (agter) Danie Kruger van Masgobe Lodge, dr. Gerrit Haarhoff, die projekleier namens Mpumalanga Erfenis en Danie Cilliers van Talisman in Mbombela, Malalane en Hoedspruit.

regsentiteit stig en bestuur, sodat al die eisers inklusief behandel word en oordrag korrek kan plaasvind. Dit is egter my ervaring dat hierdie Gemeenskapsentiteite soms onder mekaar baklei en dikwels nie tot ’n vergelyk kan kom nie. Dit is ook so dat baie mense geen affiniteit het om die grond te bewerk nie en eerder uitbetaal wil word, net om na drie jaar weer bakhand voor die staat te staan. Indien onbewerkte grond aan hulle oorgedra word, kan hulle nie boer nie, omdat hulle nie kapitaal het nie. Dit is presies waarom ek nie ’n plaas besit nie. Indien dit in winsgewende plaas is, verval dit dikwels in onbruik omdat daar baie mense is wat die geld soek en die plase eenvoudig nie almal kan tevrede stel nie.

Daar is talle voorbeelde soos die teeplantasies by Tzaneen, piesangplase by Witrivier en so aan. Dan sit die staat self saam met sogenaamde hoofman trusts met duisende hektaar grond wat aan eisers herverdeel kan word. Waarom word dit nie aangespreek nie?. Ons is bekommerd. Ons is bekommerd oor eiendomsreg en die beleggingsklimaat wat dit skep of verwoes. Ons is bekommerd oor ’n Zimbabwe scenario. Ons is bekommerd dat mense wat plase en eiendom met hulle eie geld opgebou het alles kan verloor. Ons is bekommerd oor voedselsekuriteit. Enige een kan ’n skewe voor ploeg, maar nie almal kan boer nie, ekself ingesluit. Dit is ’n wetenskap wat aangeleer kan en moet word. Nee, Mnr Ramaphosa, werk vir ons ’n werkbare plan uit, dan sal ons ophou bekommerd wees en ophou baklei. Jou populistiese uitsprake om steun te werf, gaan jou byt!

08 Maart / March 2018

Scam alert – fraudsters targeting victims of vehicle theft WITH the number in vehicle thefts and hijackings increasing across South Africa, an alarming new trend has emerged involving scams directed at the victims of recent vehicle thefts/hijackings. This according to Hugo van der Merwe, National Manager: Assessing at MUA Insurance Acceptances, who says that the company has already seen multiple instances where policyholders have been targeted by fraudsters following the theft or hijacking of their insured vehicle. “Shortly after reporting a stolen or hijacked vehicle to the South African Police Services, a number of policyholders stated that they were contacted by individuals posing as police officers. In each of these cases, the fraudster informs the policyholder that their stolen or hijacked vehicle had been recovered in a different province or even in a neighbouring country. The policyholder is then informed that they need to pay fees via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or an electronic wallet in order to have their vehicle returned to them.”

Van der Merwe warns that this is not regular police procedure and that individuals should under no circumstances pay these or any other types of fees if they are contacted after a vehicle theft or hijacking. “These instances have been brought to the attention of the South African Police Service and are being investigated as a matter of urgency. However, if a policyholder is still unsure about whether they are expected to pay any fees, they should first contact their broker or the Commander of the police station where they originally reported the theft or hijacking of their vehicle to confirm.” He adds that it is vital for all consumers to stay alert, especially if they are the victim of a recent vehicle theft or hijacking. “All policyholders should be vigilant and not fall into the trap of such scammers. Always remember that if an insured vehicle is in fact recovered, the policyholder will be informed by their respective investigating officer. They will also never be asked to pay additional recovery fees,” Van der Merwe concludes.

SAICA Launches audit support line for public schools DURING the first quarter of 2018, public schools are finalising their financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017. The financial statements must be drawn up no later than 31 March 2018 and be submitted for audit or examination. The audited or examined financial statements must be submitted to the Head of Department in the province by 30 June 2018. Section 43(1) of the South African Schools Act (SASA) requires that only a person registered as an auditor in terms of the Auditing Profession Act, 2005 (Act No. 26 of 2005) may audit the records and financial statements of a public school. Circular M1 of 2017 of the National Department of Basic Education (DBE) states that school governing bodies(SGBs) of public schools must appoint registered auditors, and only in cases where it is not practical to appoint an auditor,can they obtain approval from the province'smember of the executive (MEC) to appoint a person qualified to perform the duties of an Accounting Officer of a Close Corporation to perform an examination in accordance with section 43(2) of the SASA. “The South African Institute of Chartered

Accountants (SAICA) has, through its engagement with schools and the provincial departments of basic education, learned of instances where the SGB members identified individuals or firms that are not qualified to be auditors,” says Julius Mojapelo, SAICA Senior Executive: Public Sector. “The consequence of this practice is the issuance of reports that are not in line with required standards of auditing, which result in the provincial Departments of Education placing reliance on invalid reports when making allocations to schools. This in turn brings the Chartered Accountancy and the Auditing profession into disrepute by individuals who are not even members of the profession. That is why SAICA has launched a School Audits Support platform for schools that would like to confirm the status of their auditors or ask any questions regarding the audit process. Schools can send an email to schoolaudits@saica.co.zawith the details of their enquiry and SAICA will provide them with clarity and guidance in this regard,” said Mojapelo.

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08 Maart / March 2018

Myrah Mashego (Cashier Supervisor, 4U Office National, Lydenburg) with 2nd prize winner Mr Chukwadi Madubueze, who won a Canon Printer Mg2540s

4U Office National, Burgersfort branch manager, Deborah Maakate Mphuthing with the 1st Prize winner, Mr Solly Magale won a Notebook Prestigio 14.1

Me Belinda van den Berg (HR & Bookkeeper of 4U Office National, Lydenburg) with 1st Prize winner, Mr Chris Brink who won a Notebook Prestigio 14.1

2nd Prize winner, Mrs Yvonne Mohammed won a Canon Printer MG2540s with 4U Office National, Burgersfort branch manager, Deborah Maakate Mphuthing.

3rd Prize winner, Mr Marshal Takundwa won a Ferrari Pen stel with 4U Office National, Burgersfort branch manager, Deborah Maakate Mphuthing.

Winners at 4U Office National: Congratulations to the winners of the Back To School competition! Here are the winners of the Back To School, 4U Office National competition. Congratulations to all and remember to visit 4U Office National in Lydenburg or Burgersfort for great savings and more upcoming competitions.

08 Maart / March 2018

THE HEADS Shopping Centre T

HE Lydenburg Heads, seven terracotta heads that were discovered in association with other pottery artifacts in Lydenburg, Mpumalanga, are among the oldest known African Iron Age artworks from below the equator. Other artifacts found in association with these heads include ceramic vessels, iron and copper beads, and bone fragments. Charcoal associated with the heads was Radiocarbon ue dated, and this relative dating technique places these artifacts and the site at around 1410 BP (approximately 500 A.D.), which constitutes one of the earliest dates for an Iron Age settlement in South Africa. The heads were discovered initially as a surface find by a fit young boy named Ludwig Von Bezing while playing on his father's farm. The material was later collected when Ludwig was a teenager. He went back in both 1962 and 1966 to excavate the area and during this time he was able to find several pieces of pottery that proved to be seven hollow heads when assembled, two of which can fit over a child's head; only one out of the seven heads resembles an animal. The recovered pottery shreds were reconstructed largely at the University of Cape Town, and assembled to comprise two large heads and five smaller heads. One of the larger heads constitutes an incomplete specimen. The reconstructed heads provide a glimpse into the craftsmen's skill and preciseness of artistry, even though they may not look exactly how they looked 1500 years ago. Six of the heads share human characteristics, while a single head has animal-like features. The presences of linear patterned neck rings are postulated to represent a marker of prosperity or wealth, due to their symbolic use throughout time. Only two are large enough to have been worn, but the size is not the only observable variation between them. The two aforementioned heads constitute the only specimens with small animal figurines, perceived to be lions, mounted on top of them. The other five are more similar in size and appearance, with one exception. This head is the only head that seems to resemble something other than a human. It has a long snout instead of regular protruding lips and also has no ears. Pottery shreds were identified as terracottas. The current speculation surrounding the Lydenburg Heads is that they may have been created to serve ritualistic and or ceremonial purposes including initiation rites. The two e

larger specimens could have been worn by a small individual such as young man. If so, these heads may represent a significant point in a boy's life such as becoming a man, or ceremonial purposes like memorializing an ancestor. The five smaller heads have holes in their sides which some archaeologists suggest may have been used to connect them to something at the time of their use. The marks across the foreheads and between the eyes are postulated to represent scarification marks. These heads may be a result of ceremonial ritual or aggrandizement of significant ancestors. The heads show characteristics of several different groups throughout the continent including; The Bantu, The Ndebele and The Bini. (www.wikipedia.org)



The Lydenburg heads are the earliest known examples of African sculpture in Southern Africa. Two of the heads are large enough to have been worn as ceremonial helmet masks. The other five smaller heads have a hole on either side of the neck, by which they could have been attached to a pole or costume during a performance. One of the small heads has an animal-like nose and mouth, which would have been a symbolic importance to the makers of the heads.

10 March 2018

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08 Maart / March 2018


This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

Westvaal Mashishing borg twee Opel All systems go for Mpumalanga Corsas aan Lydenburg Laerskool 400 in Dullstroom en Hoërskool Lydenburg Westvaal Mashishing het verlede week twee Opel Corsas aan beide die Laerskool en Hoërskool vir hulle gebruik geborg. Op die foto bo oorhandig handelaarshoof Mnr. J. Claase die een voertuig aan Mnr. C. Lemmer - Hoof Laerskool Lydenburg. Andre Coetzee.

CROSS Country motor racing will temporarily replace fly-fishing as the preferred sport when Dullstroom hosts the Mpumalanga 400, the opening round of the South African Cross Country Series (SACCS), on March 16 and 17. Fly-fishing ties with quaint names - Woolly Bugger, Parachute Adams and Elk Hair Caddis - will make way for names like Toyota, Ford, Nissan, BMW, Renault, BAT, Jimco and Zarco. The event is one of two newcomers to the SACCS calendar with Mpumalanga making a welcome return to national championship racing. “We are excited to see Dullstroom and Bronkhorstspruit, in Gauteng, added to the SACCS calendar,” said SAACS chief executive officer Archie Rutherford. “Apart from the fact that this promises to be the biggest sports event in Dullstroom, a new season always brings with it the prospect of new team developments and a sense of anticipation. “With the continued support of our championship partners Toyota, Total and Ford our sport continues to thrive, and the community in Dullstroom and surrounding areas have made a huge effort to ensure the race weekend is a memorable affair.” One of the organisations involved in the event is the South African National Epilepsy League (SANEL). The league will provide services to the event and will also run a food stall. “We are always pleased to work with organisations that provide services for people less fortunate than ourselves,” said Rutherford. “Cross Country racing is a family sport and we are very conscious of social responsibility.” Two other community organisations Drive Dullstroom Destiny will provide cleaning services on the event, with Dullstroom on the Dam one of the many food vendors who will provide a wide range of refreshments. Johan Horn, dealer principal of Malalane Toyota, who played a major role in getting Mpumalanga back on the SAACS calendar, has also donated 200 pairs of shoes to the Dullstroom Learning Centre and Sakhelwe community The centre is a charity run after school facility that is supported by Helping Hands. Around 70 children are enrolled at the school at any given time, with shoes also to be distributed to the local Sakhelwe school. “We are proud of the fact that all this activity takes place around a national championship motor race, with all the top teams in South Africa taking part in the Production and Special Vehicle categories,” said Rutherford. “We also have a number of international competitors and the season is going to get off to a flying start.” A touch of pomp and ceremony will be added by the Emakhazeni Local Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor T D Ngwenya, who will officially open the event before the start of the 45 kilometre qualifying race to determine grid positions at 14:00 on Friday, March 16. The race the next day will start at 08:30 and will be run over a 170 kilometre loop that will be repeated twice. There will be a compulsory 20 minute service break and regroup after the first loop. Competitors will then complete loop two which starts at 12:00. Race headquarters will be located at the Old Transvaal Inn adjacent to the Village Green Cricket Oval and the designated service park. Public entrance to these areas and vantage points along the route are free of charge. Dullstroom is within easy reach of major centres in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo but Cross Country fans can follow the race from home or the office via the RallySafe app. The app can be downloaded free of charge for iOS and Android devices and follows the race via detailed maps with times and complete results. From: Charmaine Fortune ED: Several motor dealerships in Lydenburg contributed financially to make this event happen. They include Fred Zeeman (Longtom Nissan and Hyundai Lydenburg), Garth McGee (McGee Ford Lydenburg) and Fanie Erasmus (Lydenburg Toyota). Our thanks go to these DP’s for helping make this event a reality. Andre Coetzee.

It’s here! The ALL NEW Navara 4x2 has arrived!


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08 Maart / March 2018

Op die fotos verskyn Kwagga Smith, Pieter Du Plessis en Bernard McGee by die nuwe FORD Everest wat deur McGee Lydenburg geborg word.

Kwagga Smith wat vir die Lions Super Rugby en SA Sewes uitdraf word weer hierdie jaar geborg deur McGee FORD, Lydenburg. Kwagga se mikpunt die jaar is om vir die Springbokke te speel en ons wens hom alle sterkte toe. Duisende veilige myle met jou nuwe FORD Everest Limited ook. Reinet Bell.

MERCEDESBENZ has released fresh details (including the double-cab’s claimed 0100 km/h time) about its V6-powered X - C l a s s bakkie ahead of the X350d 4Matic’s public debut at the Geneva International Motor Show. Developing 190 kW and 550 N.m (the l a t t e r between 1 400 and 3 200 r/min) from its

FSP 10677

3,0-litre, six-cylinder diesel heart, Mercedes says its flagship X-Class will sprint from standstill to 100 km/h in 7,9 seconds, before topping out at 205 km/h. That makes the Navara-based double-cab bakkie a tenth of a second quicker to three figures than the 165 kW Volkswagen Amarok V6 (although we achieved a time of 7,82 seconds on our test strip), with a 12 km/h higher claimed top speed. As standard, the X350d will be equipped with a seven-speed automatic transmission, complete with shift paddles. Claimed combined fuel consumption comes in at 9,0 L/100 km. The Dynamic Select system will ship standard on the V6 model, complete with five driving modes: comfort, eco, sport, manual and off-road. The permanent allwheel-drive system with lowrange reduction gear will be offered with an optional rear axle locking differential. Three different all-wheel-drive modes will be available: 4Mat, 4H and 4L. Mercedes says it has expanded its range of accessories for this model, with items such as three new alloy designs, a sports bar, a rollcover in black and a softcover now on the list. carmag.co.za

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08 Maart / March 2018

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

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DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941


PLOTTE EN PLASE dringend benodig deur Huizemark om te bemark. Skakel asseblief 061 999 7996 / 076 654 5583

SECURITY SERVICES RESPONDENT NOTICE O F S A L E I N EXECUTION In pursuance of an award certified in terms of Section 143 of the Labour Relations Act on 22 February 2017, by the CCMA against the Respondent and under an Enforcement of Award, the movable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 04 APRIL 2018 at 10h00 by the Sheriff LYDENBURG & BURGERSFORT AREA, at 80 KANTOOR STREET, LYDENBURG, to the highest bidder: 1 X COMPUTER; 4 X DESK; 2 X WOODEN ROBE; 2 X WOODEN ROBE; 1 X SMALL DESK; 3 X SAFE; 1 X MICROWAVE OVEN; 1 X 4 DRAW STEEL CABINET. DATED at LYDENBURG on this the 23RD day of FEBRUARY 2018. CCMA WITBANK OFFICE, p/a Sheriff Lydenburg & Burgersfort Area, 80 Kantoor Street Lydenburg, Tel: (013) 235 1877 / Telefax: (013) 235 3669. Ref. H1704/286

ART/ FRAMING JADE ART & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 2 0 1 1 T O Y O TA FORTUNER, 3.0 D, s i l w e r, 1 4 3 0 0 0 k m , Uitstekende toestand, volle diens rekord. R300 000. 082 926 4323

MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


HUIZEMARK BENODIG D R I N G E N D huureiendomme . Kontact Colette by 076 959 0867 of 061 999 7996 indien u eiendomme wil huur of verhuur. 1 SLK EN 2 SLK WOONSTELLE (R2500 pm en R3500 p/m), water en ligte ingesluit, direkte E s k o m k r a g . Krugerspost, 20km vanaf L y d e n b u r g o p Ohrigstadpad. Skakel 082 253 4525 3 SLK WOONPLEK , onderdak parkering, kaste in kombuis. Geen stoof. R3500 p/m. 083 449 3603

AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION KLITZ-GRAS CHALETS - Accommodation, chapel & Ve n u e f a c i l i t i e s , boma/braai -Spitbraai for hire 013 235 2758 VAKANTE BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES BOEKHOUDSTER: Pastel ondervinding. S t u u r C V n a pine@gapienaar.co.za


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend


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10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 19:00 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vr y d a g a a n d : 1 9 : 0 0 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende W o o r d Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@isat .co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Bet-El Groep Sewende Dag Adventiste bied aan bybelstudies te Baptiste Kerk, Saterdag oggend om 9:30. Kontak 082 466 5946 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 /

kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.•Lydenburg S e w e n d e D a g Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Methodiste Kerk, Burger Str. 13. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 - Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 Erediens. Biduur: Elke Woensdag 19:00 (Besonderhede oor plek word op Facebook geplaas weekliks). Facebook: #Lydenburg S e w e n d e D a g Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster B e d i e n i n g . S o n d a e : 0 9 : 0 0 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • H a r v e s t e r Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • E v a n g e l i e s Gereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 09h00 by Lydenburg Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla


Registered Debt Counsellor 082 924 9292 Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054


Nuus / News

08 Maart / March 2018

House of the week

Owning your own home is a reality. Let's get you pre-approved. Mashishing Garden Court Home for sale. Be the proud owner of this lovely secure 3 bedroom home, with full bathroom including shower, open plan lounge and dining and lock up garage for only R600 000 Phone Fanie du Toit, QuickSell Realty on 072 317 3959 or 013 235 4575.

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop Ou huis met splinter nuwe baatjie! Pragtige 3 slk huis met 2 bdk, Tv kamer, lekker groot kombuis met spens en braai kamer, groot erf en dubbel motor afdak, alarm en elektriese heining.

R8000 Per Maand Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: SONE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

08 Maart / March 2018

THE Burgersfort Laerskool would like to use this opportunity to thank each person, company, business and parent for their abundant contributions to the school to assure that the Panorama Inter Primary Athletics of 23 February 2018 was a success. It is sincerely appreciated that there are still people in our community to whom the interests of the school are so important: KFC, Samancor, Valencia Guest House, Wimpy, Kalapeng Pharmacy, Modikwa Platinum Mine, Castle House, Selco, Lizelle Mallo, Nicole & Hendrik Hattingh PPS Petroleum, Group 5 Security, Burgersfort SuperSpar, Sepedsana Construction, DN Makelaars Lydenburg, 7th Heaven Guest House, Burgersfort Elektries, Alert Plumbing, Romans Pizza, Tubatse Municipality, Dr Lorna Maphuthuma, Wessel Beukes, Dr Makgamatha, Supaquick, Viljoen Beverages, Buco Burgersfort, Pirtek, Trentyre - Lindie Lombaard, Charmaine Bothma, Supasave, Burgersfort Build It, Talisman, all parents, all Educators, all support staff and the Burgersfort community.

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