2018 06 21

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Spraakprobleme • Gehoortoetse • Gehoorapparate Speech Problems • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids

Cell: 071 316 2466 pieterse.zelna@gmail.com lydenburg-audiologist.co.za Opposite Medical Centre - Lydenburg

21 Junie / June 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 24 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

A big accident occured just outside Modikwa Platinum Mine, Burgersfort, and everyone was on hand to score some oranges.

THE polyphagous shothole borer, or Euwallacea fornicatus, seems to be a newcomer to South Africa. It was discovered in the country for the first time in 2017 by Dr Trudy Paap, a postdoctoral fellow at a biotechnology institute at the University of Pretoria. The beetle isn't alone. It carries several fungal species with it when it infests living trees. One of these, Fusarium euwallacea, seems to be a permanent associate of the beetle. This fungus can eventually kill a beetle-infested tree. The beetle and the fungus have devastated trees in California in the US as well as in Israel. Insecticides aren't effective because the beetles bore deep into the wood. The only known method of managing the spread is to cut down infested trees and burn them. But research is underway to find more effective methods. A threat to native forests and fruit trees. In late January my colleagues and I at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute were contacted by Niel Hill, an urban forestry consultant in Johannesburg. He was concerned about several dying trees in the Sandton area. Symptoms varied on different tree species from patches of white powdered wood (called frass), to blotches of oozing resin, on the bark surrounding the beetles' entrance holes. On some trees he had also spotted small, elevated lesions on the bark resembling shotgun wounds. Hill said that trees had already started dying with these symptoms in 2015, but the cause was unknown. Microscopic and DNA tests in the the institute's laboratories confirmed that the polyphagous shothole borer and its fungus had arrived in Sandton. The tree species affected in the Sandton area include non-native ornamental trees such as Japanese and Chinese maple, London plane, kapok, and liquid amber. Several paper bark trees, native to South Africa, were also heavily infested and dying. The polyphagous shothole borer doesn't appear to have done much damage to trees in Southeast Asia, its place of origin. That's probably because tree species evolved with the beetle and the fungus and have developed resistance towards them. It might also be because there are natural enemies controlling populations of the beetle in its native habitat. But it's a different story in California in the US and in Israel. The beetle and its fungus were introduced in these countries during the past 15 years and have caused serious damage, especially on avocado trees. Paap's work has confirmed that the South African beetle and fungus are the same genotypes as those found in Israel and California. An extremely wide range of host tree

species Astonishingly, surveys in two botanical gardens in Los Angeles have shown that the beetle-fungus complex can infest more than 200 tree species from 58 plant families. This is quite unusual; forest pests usually affect trees of the same genus or family. The lists of infested trees from California include important crop trees like avocado, macadamia, pecan, peach, orange and grapevine. Some of the susceptible trees are South African species that have been planted in the Los Angeles botanical gardens . These included the cabbage tree, common calpurnia, monkey plum, dwarf and common coral trees, and the honey flower, also sometimes called kruidjie-roer-my-nie. The fact that native South African tree species are susceptible is particularly worrying. Although the California study provided some clues about the range of tree species susceptible, scientists simply don't know and cannot predict what the beetle and fungus will do in South Africa – on crops like avocado or on native trees. This has prompted the institute to start several research projects that range from developing fast DNA-based diagnostic tools for the fungus and beetle, to possible control measures. During the past week scientists and government officials, representing the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo met with our team to discuss next steps. A working group has been set up to co-ordinate monitoring the spread of the beetle and managing research efforts. It will also advise government agencies, municipalities, industry and private tree growers. Next steps The public can help, too. We've made an appeal to gardeners to watch out for the beetles. Details including photographs of the symptoms, GPS coordinates or a street address, the host tree species and the reporter's contact details can be sent to diagnostic.clinic@fabi.up.ac.za. We're also appealing to people not to spread the problem by moving plant material with signs of beetle infestation. Instead, infested branches should be cut into small pieces and put into refuse bags, sealed and kept in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun will kill the insect and its larvae. Alternatively, wood should be burnt on site. By Wilhelm de Beer - University of Pretoria article “A tiny beetle and its deadly fungus is threatening SA’s trees.


21 Junie / June 2018

Marthinus du Plessis se foto is as wenner van die Longtom Fotografieklub se maandbyeenkoms aangewys.

Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Bronwen Rall - Oral Hygienist Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)

www.mysmile.co.za Tel : 013 235 1983 / 013 235 4563

Pieter Pieterse se foto wat as die wenner van die set subject aangewys is.

LEDE van die Longtom Fotografieklub het weer vir die maand Junie 2018 “Wow” foto’s ingeskryf gedurende hulle vergadering. In die Set Subject afdeling het Pieter Pieterse met sy pragtige foto gewen. Die foto’s is geneem in die Etosha Wildtuin in Namibie gedurende sy vakansie. Baie geluk met jou wen foto. Die foto is geneem met 'n Canon EOS 1100D, F/7.1, 150mm lens. In die Ope afdeling is Marthinus du Plessis se ongelooflike mooi foto’s as die maandwenner aangewys. Dit is geneem tydens 'n naweek wegbreek by die Augrabiese watervalle. Marthinus was net op die regte tyd op die regte plek om hierdie besonderse mooi foto te kon neem. Die foto is geneem met 'n Canon EOS 7D Mark II, F3.2, 200mm lens. Baie geluk Marthinus met hierdie puik foto. Die vergadering vir volgende maand vind plaas op die 9 Julie 18. Persone wat belangstel kan vir Des Jacobs (voorsitter) 0768586317 of Lize Maritz (sekretaresse) 0832797997 skakel vir verdere inligting. Die vergadering vind plaas by die Hervormde Kerk om 18:00.

Valid Until 30 Junie 2018

21 Junie / June 2018


met die volledige en insiggewende aansoek en ook tydens hulle besoek aan die plaas. Lion was toe aangewys as een van die finaliste. Die vereistes om in te skryf sluit in dat jy onder 40 jaar oud moet wees en voltyds boer. Op 14 Junie 2018 by die provinsie se Landbou Kongres Dinee by Bundu Lodge in Nelspruit, het die President van Mpumalanga Landbou, mnr Oubaas Malan, aangekondig dat Lion du Plessis die wenner is van die Mpumalanga Jong boer van die Jaar 2018. Boerdery in Suid-Afrika is vol uitdagings, maar Lion glo boere moet positief bly en hierdie struikelblokke moet omskep word in boublokke tot ’n beter toekoms. Boere het ’n baie belangrike rol aangesien dit ons plig is om voedselsekuriteit te verseker in die land. Die Jong boer van die Jaar kompetisie was baie waardevol vir Lion. Lion het ook in 2009 ’n liefdadigheidsorganisasie gestig genaamd Children at Play (C@P). Sedertdien het ons al duisende kinders in ons gemeenskap, ander dele in die land en selfs in ander Afrika lande gehelp. Lion wou die wêreld verander maar hy het gou agter gekom dat dit nie moontlik is nie, daarom probeer hy deur C@P die wêreld vir individue verander. Gaan kyk gerus na sy webblad: www.childrenatplay.org.za vir meer Oubaas Malan (President Mpumalanga Landbou), Lion en inligting. ~ Deur Reinet Bell Adele du Plessis en Hanlie Kroese van Santam

ONG BOER van die Jaar is 'n jaarlikse kompetisie wat elke Provinsiale Landbou Unie aanbied. Elke kandidaat word beoordeel op grond van sy toekomsvisie vir sy boerdery en boerdery in SA, finansiële bestuur wat begrotings, rekordhouding en beplanning insluit, bemarkingsfilosofie, werknemer bestuur, en op grond van die volhoubaarheid van jou boerderybesigheid. Lion was genader deur Mpumalanga Landbou om in te skryf. Die paneel van beoordelaars was beïndruk


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Lara saam met haar pa Lion du Plessis




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African Tank

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40x40 R120




600x600 FromR186

21 Junie / June 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:

Roads in distress Please note that this article appeared in the Highlands Panorama News last week, but the number we received is not correct for Johan, Ehlanzeni Sub Manager. The correct number for Public Works numbered roads is for Mr Jele, Department of Public Roads and Transport: 013 766 6696.

Als is 'mooi' So opgtooi Van dit en dat en Als nog wat Kom hoor net 'n bietjie hier Want 'mooi' gee vir een en Almal soms veels plesier!



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

Mooi is mooi. Hoeveel keer is dit nie al gesê nie. 'Mooi' word miskien misbruik oor die rustige klank van die woord wanneer dit hardop gesê word. Probeer dit gerus stadig uitspreek. Sien, dit val sag op die oor. Die woord 'mooi' steek nou vir 'n paar dae in my kop vas. Ek is geneig om gereeld 'n spesifieke woord oor en oor te gebruik as dit lekker op die tong val. Totdat dit my naderhand so ontstem dat ek dit fisies moet insluk. Met die slukkery en die verstik let ek toe op hoe verskriklik baie mense die woord 'mooi' gebruik. Vir elke beskrywing waar 'n byvoeglike naamwoord of bywoord nodig word. 'n Mooi uitstig, mooi rolprent, mooi rok, mooi blomme of mooi enigiets. Wat het geword van keurig, verruklik, vermaaklik of beeldskoon? Ek is seker ander vorme mooi kan deur 'n paar beterweters en oordrewe taalpuriste in 'n meer kreatiewe vorm gebruik word. Of dat hulle meer sinonieme kan weergee. Terwyl 'mooi' by my spook het ek tot die slotsom gekom dat die oorgebruik van 'mooi' as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan woordeskat is. Ons vloek ook as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan woordeskat. In my geval “backfire” dit want ek hou ook van die kragwoorde se klank in my mond. Een van my professors het eendag vir my gesê: “Dis omdat jul woordeskat so beperk is dat julle kragwoorde inspan.” Dalk is dit waar? My verweer hierop is egter dat ek tot die dood toe nie 'n goeie Afrikaanse plaasvervanger met dieselfde woema kan kry nie. Ek is skuldig. Want hoe durf ons slordig met ons geliefde taal omgaan? Maar slordigheid en luiheid het die wagwoord van ons tyd geword. Alles moet mos onmiddellik geskied en verkieslik met die minste moeite. Dis hoekom 'mooi' so maklik gebruik word. Ons moet daaraan begin dink om meer kreatiewe woorde te gebruik. En dit geld nie net vir 'mooi' nie. Wanneer laas het julle byvoorbeeld gul gebruik. Spontaan of hartlik? Het 'mooi' al in die volksmond die mag van die gewoonte geword? Draai sommer 'mooi' se nek ook om. Dan sal ek rede hê om te antwoord, “mooi man”! ~ Michelle Boshoff (As hierdie Hoorhierso bekend klink - ek hiberneer- so die winter het nie plek in my gedagtes gemaak vir kreatiwiteit hierdie week nie. Mooi nê!)

2 KONINGS 15:18 Hy het gedoen wat verkeerd is in die oë van die Here: hy het vir die volle duur van sy regering nie afgesien van die sondes wat Jerobeam seun van Nebat vir Israel laat doen het nie. Vader, soos destyds, ly ons land en sy mense onder swak regering. Bring vir ons almal vrede en ’n beter toekoms in hierdie verband - Amen.

Parlement EK dink die Suid Afrikaanse regering (Parlement) is onder die indruk dat hulle klaar gewerk het. Hulle het niks om te doen nie (dink hulle) en promulgeer al hoe meer snert wetgewing. Hierdie goed word natuurlik gedryf deur die neo-liberales, die “anti smoking”, “anti gun”, “anti animal cruelty” en ander randgroepe wat geweldige steun by die “ag shame” brigade geniet. Ek meen, misdaad vier hoogty. Myne word so gepenaliseer vir elke ding dat hulle nie meer kan werk nie. Zama-zamas bly nou ondergronds om met hulle hande ’n lewe te probeer uitkrap, terwyl hulle doodgaan in rotsstortings, brande en onder misdaad. Ek mag nie

THE situation with regards to Mpumalanga’s roads, which are now arguably the worst in the country continues to deteriorate. The R36 from Bambi to the Limpopo Border close to the Pilgrimsrest turnoff is in a horrific state. From there onwards the Limpopo government has handed the R36 to SANRAL and the road was properly reconstructed in record time. The R36 will also alleviate the issue of hundreds of trucks destroying the roads of Thaba Chweu on a daily basis, but can currently not be used by those trucks. Due to this the R37 across the Longtom Pass, which is maintained by SANRAL is falling apart rapidly. The Lydenburg Mashishing Business

Chamber has repeatedly called on Provincial Goverment to transfer all roads, including the link in Lydenburg for the R37 to Sanral with immediate effect, with limited response from the authorities. It appears that Province receives a grant for the number of kilometres under its management from Central Government. Why the Province does not maintain those roads remains a mystery. Current repairs to the R36 are prohibitively expensive, and too few and take too long. The Highlands Panorama News have obtained the names and numbers of those officials responsible for the Province’s roads. We encourage readers to phone these officials and lay complaints as often as possible, as they should be held responsible. They are: MEC Manzini 082 827 0341 HOD SP Xulu 079 491 2634 Please apply pressure in the interest of all residents, the tourism community and road users in order to galvanize this province into action.

Mini-Jock toer

ONS hoop dat so veel as moontlik van ons gereelde lede die geleenteid kan bywoon. Vertrek reeds Vrydag dat ons mekaar teen laatmiddag in Pilgrim's Rest kan ontmoet. Hou ook in gedagte dat Mpumalanga Erfenis op Saterdagoggend 'n mini Jock Trek 1885 toer onderneem. Dit sal wees vanaf Lydenburg – oor Pilgrim's Rest tot by die Transportryers gedenkteken by Mac Mac. Die jongste bevindinge en ontdekkings oor hierdie deel van die ou transport roete oor Pilgrimsberg, ingeslote Paradise Camp – soos vervat in dr. Gerrit Haarhoff se boek: Forgotten Tracks and

op my eie, privaat in my kantoor, rook nie, ingeval iemand 7 kilometer vêr hoes, maar ons mag suip vir die A span, vrouens slaan en kindertjies verskreeu. Ons mag nie ’n perd ’n donkie noem nie, maar onpadwaardige voertuie wat mense afmaai is OK. Ons spandeer miljoene om Zuma uit die tronk te hou maar ons stop ander mense vir jare in die tronk oor “crimen injuria”. Ons wil wettige wapeneienaars ontwapen, terwyl boewe met AK’s in die strate rondhol. Ons stel minimum lone in en te duiwel met almal wat daardeur hulle werk verloor, omdat klein besigheidjies moet toemaak. Ons verhoog elektrisiteitspryse en wil nou mense wat Eskom uit die moeilikheid gehelp het, deur kragopwekkers te koop,

Trails of the Escarpment and the Lowveld, sal by die geleentheid bekendgemaak word. Die boek word eers teen die middel van Augustus by die Laeveld Boekefees by Casterbridge bekend gestel, maar 'n enkele vooraf kopië sal moontlik al op hierdie geleentheid beskikbaar wees teen R450.00 per eksemplaar. Book early as space is limited. Contact Lela Smyth at the Royal Hotel for all your accommodation needs on 013-768-1100, Brummer Tours on 082-5221958 or Pilgrim's Rest Tourism Information on 013-768-1060.

belas. Jy sal eersdaags ’n permit nodig hê om toilet toe te gaan! Ons brandstof is onbekostigbaar, maar ons verkoop dieselfde brandstof aan Lesotho en Botswana teen halfprys. Ons sit “smart” kragmeters vir net ’n deel van die mense in en dan word dit gestop. Ons is verslaaf aan snert op sosiale media, maar stel nie belang in die waarheid nie. Ons sit en slaap naby spoedkameras terwyl mense oor stopstrate in mekaar vasjaag. Ons gee nie om oor plaasmoorde nie, want ons kos kom van P&P af. Ons strate val uitmekaar maar dis OK, want amptenare kan met staatsgeld nuwe SUV’s koop. Ons kindertjies kan nie meer lees, skryf en tel nie, maar dis ook OK, ons verlaag net die slaagsyfer. Ons dood in ons hospitale. Drink ’n “chill pil”. Nee, ons het regtig die “plot” verloor en ons regering moet pa staan vir al hierdie twak. En julle mensies moet wakker word. Ek het nie ’n lekker daggie nie. Die volgende een wat vir my sê ek moet ’n mooi daggie hê, gaan maak dat ek my gruwelik vererg!

21 Junie / June 2018

Van links: Heather Aspeling, Heleen de Bruyn, Dorie v/d Ley, Elise de Wet. OP Saterdag 9 Junie het die Suikerbosstreek weer streeks-vergadering gehou by Jam Jar Lydenburg. Elke tak se tafel moes 'n land uitbeeld. Die Strelitziatak het gaan kuier in Texas, Amerika. Die dames het almal soos Cowboys aangetrek en die tafel was versier met Texas

se kaart en vlaggies. Die 3 besgeklede takke moes elkeen vertel waar hulle vandaan kom. Die Strelitziatak was onder die 3. Die dames het lekker saam gekruier, nuwe artikels bespreek, geluister na sprekers van Piet Retief en lekker tee en verversings geniet.

Aan die stuur van sake by die Longtom Fotoklub

Longtom Fotoklub se nuwe bestuur is by die afgelope jaarvergadering aangewys. Van links is Des Jacobs, Lize Maritz, Connie en Marthinus du Plessis. Alle fotoentoesiaste is welkom om met Des kontak te maak by: info@desjacobsphotography.co.za. Die klub kom elke tweede Maandag van die maand om 18h30 bymekaar in die Hervormde Kerksaal vir 'n leersame foto-kuier.

21 Junie / June 2018

The teachers from Paradise daycare wore school uniforms to celebrate youth day and in remembrance of the special day on 16 June 1976. The children also took part in the celebrations.

Inkleur Kompetisie Slegs Hoёrskool Leerlinge. Inkleur prentjie moet by Longtom Dierekliniek (Viljoen str 8) ingehandig word voor 20 Junie 2018 Wenners sal 29 Junie 2018 aangekondig word. •1 Ste Prys R500 •2 De Prys R300 •3 De Prys R100

Has your child reached his/her development milestones? HAS YOUR CHILD REACHED HIS/HER DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES? Final chapter Development milestones are behaviours or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. The milestones are different for each age range and there is a normal range in which a child may reach each milestone. If you have concerns about your child's development, contact a health care provider to evaluate your child. 5 TO 6 YEARS PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: Can dress and undress self. May be farsighted, a common condition, causing hand and eye coordination problems. Is able to care for own toilet needs independently. May have stomach aches or vomit when asked to eat disliked foods; prefers plain cooking but accepts wider choice of foods; may have larger appetite. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Normal characteristics: May stutter if tired or nervous; may lisp. Tries only what he/she can accomplish; will follow instructions and accept supervision. Knows colours, numbers, etc.; can identify money; may be able to print a few letters; a few children learn to read on their own. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: May fear mother won't return, since mother is the center of the child's world. Copies adults and likes their praise. Plays with boys and girls; is calm and friendly; in not too demanding in relation to others; can play with one child or a group of children, through prefers members of the same sex. Likes conversation during meals. Know differences in sexes and is more modest. Is interested in where babies come from. If doesn't like school, may develop nausea and vomiting, stomach aches. Is experiencing an age of conformity; is critical of those who do not conform. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: In general, is reliable and well-adjusted. May show some fear of the dark, falling, dogs, or bodily harm, though this is not a particularly fearful age. If tired, nervous, or upset, may exhibit the following behaviours: nail biting, eye blinking, throat clearing, sniffling, nose twitching and/or thumb sucking. Is concerned with pleasing adults. Is easily embarrassed MORAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: Is interested in being good, but may tell untruths or blame others for wrongdoings because of intense desire to please and do right. Wants to do what he/she believes is right and avoid what is wrong DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS To learn to distinguish between reality and fantasy. To become comfortable with own sexual identity. To make connections and distinctions between feelings, thoughts and actions. To solve problems in an original and creative way. I N D I C ATO R S R E L AT E D TO DEVELOPMENT LAG Gets stuck in fantasy and uses fantasy very often to escape from difficult situations. Focuses too much on activities that are associated with the other gender. Cannot identify basic emotions: happy, sad, angry and scared. Struggles to control these emotions. Cannot solve problems on their own – asks for help without trying. Excessive fears and extreme separation anxiety and shyness, as well as fear of strangers. Bedwetting. Threatening or bullying peers. Repetitive behaviour, especially around food. Speech problems that persist. Toileting problems. Lack of interest in others.

6 TO 7 YEARS PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: Is vigorous, full of energy and generally restless, e.g. foot tapping, wiggling, being unable to sit still. Is clumsy due to poor co-ordination. Is in an ugly duckling stage. Has growth spurts. May occasionally wet or soil him-/herself when upset or excited. Has marked awareness of sexual differences; may want to look at bodies of opposite sex (playing house, doctor etc.) Plays with and touches genitals less frequently; will accept the idea that a baby grows in a womb. Has unpredictable preferences and strong refusals; often develops a passion for peanut butter. Eats with fingers and talks with mouth full. Commonly suffers more colds, sore throats, and other illnesses due to exposure at school INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Normal characteristics: May develop stuttering when under stress. Wants all of everything and finds it difficult to make choices. Begins to have organised, continuous memories; most children learn to read and write, although some don't until after age 7 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: May blame mother for anything that goes wrong. Boys identify strongly with father. Child doesn't like being kissed in public, especially boys. Identifies with adults outside the family (e.g. teacher) Friendships are unstable; is sometimes unkind to peers. Must be a winner; changes rules to fit own needs; may have no group loyalty. In school may develop problems if expectations are too high; has trouble concentrating; may fool around, whisper or bother other children. Perpetual activity makes meals difficult. Breakfast may be the most difficult meal EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: Feels insecure as a result of drive toward independence. Finds it difficult to accept criticism, blame, or punishment. Child is centre of own world and tends to be boastful. Generally, is rigid, negative, demanding, unadaptable, slow to respond; exhibits violent extremes; tantrums reappear. If not the winner, often makes accusations that others are cheating MORAL DEVELOPMENT - Normal characteristics: Is very concerned with personal behaviour, particularly as it affects family and friends; sometimes blames others for own wrongdoing. DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS To learn to distinguish between reality and fantasy. To become comfortable with own sexual identity. To make connections and distinctions between feelings, thoughts and actions. To solve problems in an original and creative way. I N D I C ATO R S R E L AT E D TO DEVELOPMENT LAG Gets stuck in fantasy and uses fantasy very often to escape from difficult situations. Focuses too much on activities that are associated with the other gender. Cannot identify basic emotions: happy, sad, angry and scared. Struggles to control these emotions. Cannot solve problems on their own – asks for help without trying. Excessive fears and extreme separation anxiety and shyness, as well as fear of strangers. Bedwetting. Threatening or bullying peers. Repetitive behaviour, especially around food. Speech problems that persist. Toileting problems. Lack of interest in others. Dr. Coriena Davel O p v o e d k u n d i g e Sielkundige/Educational Psychologist Sel. 0832320773

21 Junie / June 2018

Enige vorm van advertensie in kombinasie met drukmedia een van die kragtigste metodes om met verbruikers te kommunikeer

DIE Beeld koerant het onlangs 'n Leserskeuse 2018 opname gemaak. Deur die publiek is 'n meningspeiling saamgestel waar hulle ondernemings gemeet het aan goeie waarde, diens en gehalte. In die skryfbehoefte kategorie was PNA die wenner. In ons plaaslike

gemeenskap vier PNA Lydenburg al hulle negende bestaansjaar. Volgens mnr Beukman (Beeld Redakteur), bly enige vorm van advertensie in kombinasie met drukmedia een van die kragtigste metodes om met verbruikers te kommunikeer. R636 miljard vir 2019 word nog globaal aan drukadvertensie bestee wat weereens wys dat die drukkersmedia nie agterwee gelaat moet word vir elektroniese en sosiale media nie.

Oud-bekende terug by Salon Roxanne Anita Carstens is terug van die Kaap af in Lydenburg by Salon Roxanne. Hierdie goeie nuus moet gedeel word en u kan haar gerus vir u afspraak kontak by 013 235 3522.

Hinterland het onlangs hul vyfde verjaardag gevier. Daarmee saam kon kliÍnte inskryf vir ’n kompetisie. Die wenners was mnr. Hanno van der Merwe (wenner), mnr. Johan van Niekerk (bestuurder), me. Hester Maritz (winkelbestuurder) en me. Madeleen Steenekamp (wenner). Inlaswenner: (Wenner nie op foto: Respect Mathebula).

21 Junie / June 2018

This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

We drove the Hyundai Tucson No less than nine model variants are now available in the Hyundai Tucson range. We drove the 2.0 NU Premium Auto. Premium is also available as a Manual and higher up you will find the 2.0 NU Elite Auto, 1.6 TGDI Exec Manual, 1.6 TGDI Elite DCT, 1.7 Ull Exec Diesel Manual, 1.6 TGDI Exec Sport Manual, 1.6 TGDI Elite Sport DCT and R2 Elite Diesel Auto. Their 1.6 and 2.0 petrol and diesel engines make from 115 kW to 150 kW in Sport and between 196 Nm to 400 Nm in the big diesel. Transmissions range from a 6-speed manual to 6-speed auto and a 7-speed Dual Clutch system. All the cars come with six airbags, ABS and EBD, LED daytime running lights, auto lock doors, remote controls on the up-down adjustable steering, electric windows, aircon, comprehensive trip computer, entertainment systems, aux and USB in, 2 x 12V ports and rear view cameras. On higher models depending on specs you get auto dual zone climate control, ESP, VSM, DBC and HAC. Push button start, more elaborate infotainment systems, auto folding side mirrors, electric seat adjustment, blind spot detection, cruise control, glove box cooling, a panoramic sunroof and leather seats are also available on different high spec models. The ace up Hyundai’s sleeve is of course its 7-year 200 000 km warranty. A service plan of 5-years / 90 000 km is standard. The very generous boot also hides a full size spare wheel. A number of alloy wheel options, colour schemes and other accessories are available. Our test car with the 115 kW 2.0 engine and auto box pulled away smoothly and notable was the engine’s willingness to rev, if one puts foot. The car accelerates well on an uphill and cruises very comfortably at 120 km/h. It feels sure footed and safe even at much higher speeds, with uneven road surfaces not having any detrimental effect on the suspension. The suspension is not too firm and the ride is pleasant. The cabin feels solid and remains quiet at speed, with almost no road or suspension noise and is far superior to that of the previous model. The power steering is light and the turning circle very tight. Brakes are excellent and one can throw the car from side to side, while dodging pot holes, without unsettling the vehicle. Nice touches include proper mirrors in the sun visors with slots for petrol cards. A sunglasses holder is also present. Overall I liked the fact that this is a no-nonsense, very nice vehicle. It is comfortable, drives well and bristles with safety equipment. Most SUV’s are all big estate cars and there is very little one can do about styling. Peter Schreyer (their designer) has however succeeded in creating a very good looking car and the Tucson certainly is one of the better looking offerings in the market. There is not much to fault. Hyundai’s are not low budget cars and their pricing and quality are right up there in the premium market, ranging from just under R 400 000 to just over R 600 000. If I need to criticise anything, I would, at the price, have liked a larger touch screen infotainment system on the less expensive Premium models. With a superior warranty this car is well worth your attention. Andre Coetzee.

WIELE WHEELS (Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

21 Junie / June 2018


Ford EcoSport updated THE updated Ford EcoSport is scheduled to arrive in South Africa in July 2018, but we’ve managed to unearth both the structure of the rejigged local range and the standard specifications of the facelifted models. While pricing has yet to be confirmed, we now know that the refreshed EcoSport lineup will be trimmed from six derivatives to five. Perhaps more important, though, is the fact that the naturally aspirated 1,5-litre petrol engine (which powers both the entrylevel 1,5 Ambiente and the flagship 1,5 Titanium auto in the current range) will fall away completely. In addition, where the outgoing range includes two 1,0-litre EcoBoost variants, the new line-up will feature as many as four derivatives powered by Ford’s familiar 92 kW/170 N.m turbocharged three-cylinder engine. This powertrain will be offered in mid-spec Trend and top-spec Titanium trim, with the choice of either a manual or automatic transmission. And, rather interestingly, while the 1,5-litre TDCi mill is currently also offered in both Trend and Titanium guise, in the facelifted range the 74 kW/205 Nm diesel engine will be available solely in base Ambiente form (with a manual gearbox). The oil-burning Ambiente model’s standard features list will include power-adjustable side-mirrors, manual air-conditioning, rear parking sensors, a six-speaker audio system (equipped with the basic Sync arrangement), a 12V power socket up front, 16inch steel wheels, six airbags, ABS with EBD, electronic stability control and Isofix points in the rear. Trend models will add heating for the side-mirrors, Ford’s Sync 3 system (with accompanying 6,5-inch touchscreen), a multifunction steering wheel, 16-inch alloys, a tyre-pressure monitoring system, a second 12V power point (this one at the rear), a driver’s knee airbag and hill launch assist. Titanium derivatives, meanwhile, will furthermore gain keyless start, heated front seats, LED daytime running lights, power-folding side-mirrors (with puddle-lamps), automatic air-conditioning, LED ambient lighting for the cabin, an eight-inch colour touchscreen (with an additional speaker), satellite navigation and 17-inch alloys.

All derivatives will be covered by a four-year/120 000 km warranty and a four-year/60 000 km service plan (with intervals of 15 000 km). Facelifted range: Ford EcoSport 1,5 TDCi Ambiente Ford EcoSport 1,0 EcoBoost Trend Ford EcoSport 1,0 EcoBoost Trend auto Ford EcoSport 1,0 EcoBoost Titanium Ford EcoSport 1,0 EcoBoost Titanium auto carmag.co.za

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg

013 235 1086 013 492 1871 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

Old Isuzu going strong THE owner of an 18-year-old Isuzu KB250 double-cab that hit one million kilometres almost a year ago says the bakkie is still working hard. David Manley says that almost a year after hitting the milestone and then heading on a trip to the Kalahari and back, the diesel-powered bakkie is being used for “general transportation and farm work” at Ruiterbos outside Mossel Bay in the Southern Cape. And there are more plans afoot. In fact, Manley and his wife say they are preparing to undertake another trip to Namibia in their bakkie in July. “Our last trip to Etosha in Namibia was done in July last year, as we had a week to kill after Gillian and I hiked the Naukluft Trail and started the Fish River Canyon trail. We travelled up on largely now very bad gravel roads via Walvis Bay and the Skeleton Coast. The vehicle has been to Etosha before, so it knew the way,” said Manley. “Our Isuzu has also travelled extensively around South Africa, mostly with a boat on the roof taking my son from regatta to regatta during his high-school years,” the retired ship surveyor said. “The bakkie was bought new in 2000 from CP Nel Motors in Mossel Bay and has given me sterling service. The vehicle was serviced by CP Nel up to 200 000 km, and thereafter I did the routine services myself. “The engine and turbo are original and have never been opened. I had the brakes and suspension serviced independently as required. The engine still uses no oil between oil changes,” Manley explained, adding that a replacement gearbox was fitted at 540 000 km. “The vehicle is getting a bit rusty… I did not think it would last this long, so I stopped body maintenance around the 800 000 km mark. That is the vehicle’s body, not mine, which continues to age no matter what I do,” Manley said. carmag.co.za

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21 Junie / June 2018

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DIENSTE/ SERVICES A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976 G.A. PIENAAR & KIE: Boekhouers en Pastel agent. 013 235 4774 G.A PIENAAR & KIE:Inkomstebelastingopgawes 2018. 1 - 31 Julie R880. 1-31 Augustus R990. 1September 31 Oktober R1089. 013 235 4774 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 ROX INTERIORS Upholstery, carpets, curtaining, Blinds & Gifts. 072 222 5566 JOVEL AUTOMATISERING Accessories for gates & garage doors. 39 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183 VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM TRAINING ALL FIREARM COMPETENCY training & accredited shooting range. Paul Zorn. 083 641 7275 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH & FITNESS DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263

maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES ATLA S PA N E E LK L O P P E R S G e a k k r e d i t e e r. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE


•Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerdek e r k Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n . 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • ELR O H I - D i e Gemeentes van Christus Rensburgstr.41, Lydenburg. Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 1 9 : 0 0 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082

LY D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 TE HUUR / TO RENT 1000 LITRE DIESEL BOWSER on trailer R350 p/day; Office Container (6m x 2.5m) on trailer R1 650.00 p/month. Transport on container delivery & collection (Once Off) R3 300. Contact Peet Steyn 079 490 8689 or Ashley 072 633 8280


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1 SLK EN 2 SLK WOONSTELLE (R2500 pm en R3500 p/m), water en ligte ingesluit, direkte Eskom krag. Krugerspost, 20km vanaf Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. Skakel 082 253 4525


PLOTTE EN PLASE dringend benodig deur Huizemark om te bemark. Skakel asseblief 061 999 7996 / 076 654 5583


905 9070/ 083 641 2 0 8 8 • N e w Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@i sat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5 6 0 4 . • Ly d e n b u r g Sewende Dag

Adventiste Kerk. E l k e S a b b a t Wenakker, ’n sentrum vir die versorging van (Saterdag) by die verstandelik gestremde volwassenes te Baptiste Kerk, De Lydenburg en ’n geregistreerde NPO, Souza straat. beskik tans oor ’n vakature Diensorde: 09:30 vir Bestuurder Huishouding. S a b b a t s k o o l Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e Die posbehels die volgende: (Bespreking); 11:00 - • Verantwoordelik vir alle voedsel voorbereiding, verspreiding, aankope en beheer. E r e d i e n s . # L y d e n b u r g • Verantwoordelik vir alle huishoudingaspekte in afdelings waar inwoners woon. Sewende Dag • Verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van die washuis in alle fasette. Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de • Toesig, beheer en opleiding van Huismoeders, kombuis en washuispersoneel. Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 • Vorm deel van die bestuurspan van die sentrum. 904 3748 • Volle • Beheer en deel in Inwonersaktiwiteite volgens die jaar program Evangelie Kerk - • Stel diensroosters op vir personeel. Burgersfort . Diens Die persoon moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: Tye - 9:00 Sondae • Moet met verstandelikgestremde persone kan werk, toesighou en oplei. Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak • Algemene bestuurs ervaring en personeel hantering. - P a s t o o r P i e t e r • Ondervinding van aankope en voorraadbeheer. Grundlingh 082 724 • Ondervinding in voorbereiding van massa voedsel. 4499/ 076 533 7836 • • Ondervinding van n washuis sal n aanbeveeling wees. Burgersfort AGS • Kennis oor voedselhigiëne . G e m e e n t e , e l k e • Basiese kennis van noodhulp Sondag om 09:00, • Basiese kennis van kantoor administrasie s e l g r o e p e l k e • Bereid wees om ongereelde ure te werk. • Moet oor goeie gesondheid beskik en aktief wees. Woensdag om 18:00. • Beskik oor n geldige bestuurslisensie. Pastoor Leon (Nie onderhandelbaar nie) Labuschagne 084 • Basiese rekenaarvaardigheid. (internet, word en excel) 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 • Matrieksertifikaat. Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Vergoedingspakket is onderhandelbaar. Wa t e r s P i n k s t e r Stuur CV na chris@wenakker.org.za B e d i e n i n g . Sluitings datum is 29 Junie. 2018. NB. Indien u nie binne 14 dae Sondae:09:00 terugvoering ontvang het nie beskou aansoek as onsuksesvol. Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Ly d e n b u r g , P a s t Skeen 083 294 3878. SEMENT BOUSTENE • H a r v e s t e r Herstelwerk op alle MAXI STENE huishoudlike toestelle, Reformational PLAVEISEL soos yskaste, stowe, VLOERTE Ë LS For all Church Lydenburg, ketels, jy noem dit. Ë LS MUURTE your washing & Sundays: 10h00. C.O. inspeksies op STEPPING STONES instalasies van Chris Cordier 082 448 dry cleaning needs VERTOONLOKAAL BY Tel : 013 235 3976 persele. Verkope van BLOU MUUR 4KM 2658 • EvangeliesFax : 086 511 0521 elektriese goedere. UIT LYDENBURG G e r e f o r m e e r d e 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg OP DIE 39 Rensburgstr Kerk: Sondae om DULLSTROOMPAD Lydenburg 09h00 by Lydenburg BEN 082 408 2798 Gerrie SOPHIA 076 677 7362 Akademie Skool 082 898 0563 (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926

Nuus / News

21 Junie / June 2018

Looking for more farms and small holdings to market HUIZEMARK is urgently looking for more farms and smallholdings to market. Hierdie 321 ha bees en skaapplaas is slegs 25 km buite Lydenburg op die Roosenekal pad. Skaap en beeskrale met dipkrippe. Die grond is opgedeel in 11 kampe. Daar is 8 waterfonteine, 3 damme met 12.5 ha ingelyste kanaal water. 3 Fase Eskom krag. Daar is twee plaashuise op die eiendom. Besoek www.huizemark.com met verwysings nr 106419936 vir meer besonderhede en fotos. R3 495 000. Skakel Colette by 061 999 7996 of Talitha by 076 654 5583 om te reel vir besigtiging. Huizemark benodig dringend nog plase en plotte om te bemark.

UNBEATABLE value for money! Three bedrooms, two bathrooms with double garage and tiled roof. This could be one of the last properties with all these features at this price. Visit Property24 with ref nr: 106193874 to see all details. R975 000. Call Aprill at Huizemark at cell 062 762 8556 to arrange a viewing.

TE N LE O V DTEO he Property Shop Ruim 3slk woonstel in veilige kompleks met 2 bdk, oop plan sit en eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit m/huis en 1 afdak parkering. Ongelukkig geen diere toegelaat – R6700 Netjiese 3slk meenthuis met 2 bdk,erf en 1 garage in 'n baie veilige kompleks gelee. - R7650 Pragtige 3 slk, 2 bdk, 2 garage huis met 'n erf gelee in 'n veilige gebied. beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus.- R9750

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: SONE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

21 Junie / June 2018

THE Modikwa Marathon Club had a very successful Comrades with Leboka Noto finishing as the top runner of the team, he ran into the 236th position out of 19000 runners that started the race. This veteran runner with 4 Comrades gold medals under the belt is still a force to be reckoned with, Leboka trained only for a month in Lesotho while he was on leave and said he could have done even better if he had more time to train. The team said it was a tough race with the extra two kilometres that was added to the race to finish in the iconic Moses Mabida stadium. This was a great finishing area as even more spectators could be housed – the roar in the stadium was deafening as the runners came in, the arrival of the time busses had the crowds on their feet. Two novice runners took part in this year's race, Mokaila Tjie and Violet Mabilta both completed the race and are worthy Comrades champion athletes. The rest of the team was very happy for them and promised to assist them to better their times in the future. Brian Grobbelaar, a true friend of the Modikwa Marathon Club, came in with the sub 12 hour bus and was very happy he could complete the race, the team would like to thank Brian for the support and help with Comrades. The team is also very proud to be a part of the

Qhubeka Bike drive where Anglo CEO Chris Griffith will donate R1000.00 per athlete that completes Comrades 2018. The monies raised will be used to buy bicycles for the needy. The Modikwa team had 9 athletes that completed the race! Well done team Modikwa.

The team would like to thank the employees of the mine for the support and especially the Modikwa management team for making this Comrades possible this year. We are looking forward to the support for the rest of the year's races planned.

Lucas May and Rudolph de Wet competed for the Longtom Marathon Club. We will give those results and Dwarsriver Mine next week. Congratulations to those runners as well.

07 Vrede Jo1 Duiwe uitslae 18 Junie 53 VredeJNRope1 18 Junie 1. Gert Cross Loft 50 Standerton JNR JOB2 1. Gert Cross. 51 Standerton JNR PEB 1. Gert Cross.

1-3 Dave Wessels. 4. Nel & Nel 5. Dave Wessels 6. Manyoka Hokke 7-8 Dave Wessels 9 Gert Roets 10 Dave Wessels

08 Vrede Ope1 18 Junie 1-7 Nel & Nel 8-9 Gert Roets 10-15 Manyoka Hokke 05 Standerton JOB2 18 Junie 1. Gert Roets 2-5 Nel & Nel 6-8 Manyoka Hokke

06 Standerton Ope B2 18 Junie 1-8 Nel & Nel 9 Manyoka Hokke 10. Gert Roets 11-12 Manyoka Hokke 13-14 Dave Wessels 15. Manyoka Hokke 16. Dave Wessels 17. Gert Roets

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