09 Augustus / August 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 31

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09 Augustus / August 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 31 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

DA says being put under administration can only be positive CLARITY ON SECTION 139 INTERVENTION - MPUMALANGA An impression has been created by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Speedy Mashilo, had during his address at the recent SALGA Provincial Members Assembly, divulged that certain municipalities in Mpumalanga would be placed under administration through the Section 139(1). While SALGA does not intend to speak on behalf of the MEC, we would like to set the record straight that the MEC had in no uncertain terms mentioned or listed the municipalities that were being considered for Section 139 related intervention as its being reported. Placing a municipality under administration in terms of section 139 is a process that is not taken lightly. While MEC Speedy Mashilo spoke about Section 139 (1) of the MFMA and not that of the Constitution, there is nowhere in the speech where he lists the municipalities being considered. Section 139(1) of the MFMA says that: “If a municipality, as a result of a crisis in its financial affairs, is in a serious or persistent material breach of its obligations to provide basic services or to meet its financial commitments, or admits that it is unable to meet its obligations or financial commitments, the provincial executive must promptly (a) Request the Municipal Financial recovery Service – (i) to determine the reasons for the crisis in its financial affairs; (ii) to assess the municipality's

financial state; (iii) to prepare an appropriate recovery plan for the municipality; (iv) to recommend appropriate changes to the municipality's budget and revenue-raising measures that will give effect to the recovery plan; and (v) to submit to the MEC for finance in the province – (a) the determination and assessment referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) as a matter of urgency; and (b) the recovery plan and recommendations referred to in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) within a period, not to exceed 90 days, determined by the MEC for finance; and (c) Consult the mayor of the municipality to obtain the municipality's co-operation in implementing the recovery plan, including the approval of a budget and legislative measures giving effect to the recovery plan”. • In view of this press release Mr Nicko J. v. Vuuren said that being put under section 139 (C) can only have a positive impact on the municipality. That will force the municipality to re-administer job titles and start afresh. This press release was viable at our time of going to print, but meetings later in the week could have changed the outcome.

Die Namakwa daisy is in volle blom voor Steenekamp Broekman Prokureurs in Lydenburg. Hierdie dankbare blommetjies kleur nie nou net die Weskus se woestyn nie maar ook in ons eie geweste. - Foto Michelle Boshoff

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09 Augustus / August 2018

Ys maak heining ’n koue-skouspel

Thousands of job losses can have impact on whole mining sector


Johan en Nita Filmalter het die ys op hul elektriese heining vasgevang die afgelope tyd toe dit so koud was buite Lydenburg.

MPALA Platinum on Thursday last week said that it was working to mitigate the risk of thousands of job losses during its restructuring programme. Implats said it was "fully committed" to minimising the potential impact of the strategic restructuring process at Impala Rustenburg on jobs, as well as the spillover effect that potential job losses would have on the communities near the Rustenburg mining operations. The company said it had little choice but to consider its restructuring process, which involves scaling down on lossmaking operations and divisions, if the company was to generate sufficient cash by the 2021 financial year. Among other things, the company hopes to reduce the operating cost from R25 100 per platinum ounce in 2017 to less than R22 000 per platinum ounce by the 2021 financial year. "The only option for conventional producers is to fundamentally restructure loss-making operations to address cash burn and create lower-cost profitable businesses that can sustain operations and secure employment as far as possible," the company said. It added that the restructuring process would potentially have an impact on 9 000 direct jobs and 4 000 contractor positions over the implementation period. "While labour rationalisation is inevitable in a restructuring process of this nature, due care will be taken to ensure that forced job losses are minimised as far as possible through a range of job loss avoidance measures," the report said. The report from Impala Rustenburg said it would implement necessary changes through consultation "where job losses are unavoidable". "Discussions are already underway with key stakeholders, including government, relevant trade unions and community representatives with regard to this difficult transition to secure the future viability of the operation and preserve jobs as far as possible," Implats said. The company said transforming the Impala Rustenburg operation would result in a cashgenerating business by financial year 2021 and secure up to 27 000 jobs for the long term. www.fin24.com

Motorsleutel opgetel Hierdie motorsleutel is by die Highlands Panorama Nuus ingehandig Maandag. Dit kan op die h/v Viljoen- en Jansenstrate afgehaal word by die kantoor.

09 Augustus / August 2018

OM die gesogte jaarlikse SUPERSPAR Winkel van die Jaar toekening te wen is 'n baie spesiale eer vir 'n SUPERSPAR winkel. Dit is die Top Winkel-toekenning vir die Laeveld Streek wat nou al verder as die grense van Suid-Afrika strek tot in Mosambiek en Swaziland. Longtom SUPERSPAR het gedomineer in baie aspekte in die kleinhandel ruimte waarin hulle handel. Van kliëntediens tot sterk diensdepartemente waarin 'n verskeidenheid produkte voorsiening voor gemaak word vir hul wye klantebasis, gaan almal uit hulle pad om te voldoen aan die eise van hul klante. Longtom SUPERSPAR spog met sterk familiebande en betrokkenheid waarop SPAR waardes gebaseer is. Nadat die familie die winkel in 2010 gekoop het, het hierdie familie van kleinhandelaars voortgegaan om die winkel van krag tot krag te laat groei, selfs in nadelige handelstoestande soos in die vorige jaar met 'n afwaartse draai in die dorp se ekonomie, as gevolg van groot werksverliese in die mynbou bedryf en politieke onrus in die dorp. Die ywer en vermoë van Longtom SUPERSPAR om sukses te behaal en onberispelike winkel standaarde te handhaaf het daartoe gelei dat hulle die Wenner van die Laeveld SUPERSPAR Winkel van die jaar toekenning gekry het. TOPS Longtom ontvang die toekenning vir die beste TOPS Winkel in die Laeveld streek. Die vriendelike personeel ken hul gereelde klante by die naam en wend 'n doelbewuste poging aan om selfs eerstekeer kliënte te omskep in gereelde kliente. Die bestuur en personeel werk saam om seker te maak die sukses van hierdie besigheid groei van krag tot krag. Hierdie winkel is dalk nie die grootste een in hulle kategorie nie maar het sekerlik die grootste hart! Trotse oomblik vir Longtom wat wegloop met twee gesogte toekennings by die SPAR Laeveld Toekennings Seremonie wat deel gevorm het van die Laeveld Lede Vergadering op 26 Julie vanjaar. Baie geluk aan die familie van SUPERSPAR & TOPS Longtom. "Longtom SUPERSPAR het baie hard gewerk vir hierdie toekenning en verdien dit volhartig! SPAR Laeveld het daarom geensins gehuiwer om hierdie toekenning aan Longtom SUPERSPAR toe te ken nie. Ons glo hulle verdien dit vir die rol wat hulle speel in die SPAR Organisasie en die Gemeenskap wat hulle dien," het Alison Zweers, Besturende Direkteur van SPAR Laeveld met trots gesê.

Van links is: Alison Zweers – MD SPAR Lowveld, Andrè du Plooy – Longtom SUPERSPAR, Suzette Geldenhuys – Longtom SUPERSPAR, PW Luies – Longtom SUPERSPARen Grant Klinkradt – Retail Operations Exec – SPAR Lowveld.

STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738

Alison Zweers – MD SPAR Lowveld, Andrè du Plooy – Longtom SUPERSPAR, Grant Klinkradt – Retail Operations Exec – SPAR Lowveld


09 Augustus / August 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



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Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

VROUE se lot en dit wat hulle bereik het staan kiertsregop in ons bewussyn hierdie maand. Dis 'n emosionele saak. Hier en daar kan vroue en dogters vandag name noem wat bekendheid verwerf het. Maar op die vooraand van Nasionale Vrouedag moet ons daardie name weer in oënskou neem. Daarom is 'Hoorhierso' hierdie week dalk meer formeel. Maar Die Uwe het uit verskeie bronne op die internet 'n rubriek saamgestel as geskiedkundige-lepel waarvan almal 'n happie kan vat. In die Bybel kan mens vroue soos Rut en Naomi, Hanna, Ester, Debora, Rispa en Abigajil uitsonder. Abigajil was die vrou van Nabal, 'n baie ryk man. Volgens die Bybel was hy 'n regte korrelkop en onbeskof, maar sy vrou het 'n goeie verstand gehad en sy was mooi... Deur die eeue het vroue groot rolle in verskeie lande gespeel. Swede was die eerste land wat vanaf 1718 tot 1771 (toe dit teruggetrek is) stemreg toegestaan het aan vroulike belastingbetalers. Ook in die 18de eeu het Corsica, Massachusetts en New Jersey dit vir kort periodes toegelaat. In die laat 19de eeu het sommige provinsies in Australië, enkele Amerikaanse state, en ook Swede, Brittanje, Kanada en kleiner eilande beperkte stemreg verleen. Nieu-Seeland (1893) en SuidAustralië (1894) was voorlopers met omvattende stemreg. Finland (1906) was die eerste land waar vroue kon stem én in verkiesings kon staan, ongeag ras, besittings of sosiale klas. Na 1910 het onder meer Denemarke, Noorweë, Kanada, Duitsland, Pole en Rusland gevolg. België, Hongarye en Nederland het in 1919 vrouestemreg toegestaan; in die twintigerjare die VSA en Swede. Brittanje het in 1928 gelyke stemreg met mans toegelaat en Suid-Afrika in 1930 (vir wit vroue; die ander eers in 1994); in die dertigerjare Spanje en Portugal, Brasilië, Thailand, Turkye en Indië; in die veertigerjare

Frankryk en Italië; Griekeland in 1952, Egipte en Somalië (1956); Switserland eers in 1971 op federalevlak. In Antjie Krog se gedig "Die leeu en die roos" in Otters in bronslaai) word daar gedig dat die trekkers eerder "kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge" sou trek as om onder die Britse juk te staan. Otters in bronslaai, Antjie Krog: “met hulle is ek: al die maaier-ma's di.-oggende by die babakliniek al die ma's op hul knieë voor die kinderbiblioteekrak al die ma's wat sondae verkreukel uit die babakamer kom al die ma's wat saans voor die noodapteek wag al die ma's wat "gebak" skool toe moet stuur al die ma's wat uitvind NIKS haal doekvlekke uit behalwe jik nie al die ma's wat hul arms teen oonddeure brand al die ma's wat nie hul kinders sonder 'n bediende kan grootmaak nie al die ma's wie se kinders hakkel of bednatmaak al die ma's wat skoondogters en lamlendig is uit hierdie vrouens is nie eens kinders te maak nie en godweet, ook nie poësie nie. In die Eerste Afrikaanse Taalbeweging het Die Patriot nie vroueskryfwerk verwelkom nie. Eers 'n jaar later, na die ontstaan van Ons Klyntji, is daar na vrouelesers van die blad verwys. Die groot rol wat vroue in die AngloBoereoorlog gespeel het, het wel erkenning ontvang. In kampdagboeke skryf vroue oor hul kamplewe. Enkele uitsonderinge was dinamiese vroue soos Marie Koopmans de Wet en ML Rompel-

1 TIMOTEUS 3:11 Net so moet vroue ook van goeie karakter wees, nie skinder nie, nugter en in alles betroubaar. Vader gee dat ons ons vroue ook met respek, eerbaar sal behandel - Amen.

EK is erg in die war. Deurmekaar. Môre vier ons vrouedag. ’n Spesiale vakansiedag. Elke jaar gedurende November / Desember het ons 16 dae van aktivisme oor geweld teen vroue. Ons wetgewing is vol van wette oor vroue gelykheid in die werkplek, billikheid en elke ding. Elke aand op die nuus sien ons iemand uitvaar teen geweld op vroue en kinders. Wat is die punt? Dit werk duidelik nie, want daagliks kom daar geweld teenoor vroue voor. Hulle word steeds ongelyk behandel in die werkplek, of dit nou gaan oor posvlak of

Koopman. Die vrou is egter primêr gesien as gesinsmoeder, opvoeder en volksmoeder, in diens van volk en vaderland. Die eerste feministiese boek: Vrou en feminis – deur Marie du Toit (dogter van SJ du Toit en suster van Totius) het in 1921 verskyn en MER het vroeg in die 20ste eeu feministiese idees geopper. D r. P e t r o n e l l a v a n H e e r d e n (1887–1975) was die eerste vrou wat medies gestudeer het (in Amsterdam). Sy was 'n eksentrieke figuur wat mansklere gedra en 'n histerektomie ondergaan het om ontslae te raak van haar vrouedele (sien in Etienne van Heerden se Kikoejoe die karakter Geertruida Sophia Latsky, wat op dr. Van Heerden gegrond is). Met die Taalkonferensie van 1911 was dit vrouestudente wat besluit het dat die brabbeltaal van Engels / Nederlands / Afrikaans wat die vrouestudente op Stellenbosch praat, voortaan vervang moet word met suiwer Afrikaans. Bekende studente soos Anna NeethlingPohl in die twintigerjare, Ina Rousseau en Berta Smit in die veertigerjare, Rykie van Reenen en Elize Lindes (Botha) sou 'n baie belangrike rol speel. Tydskrifte soos Die Boerevrou (1919) en later Rooi Rose en Sarie Marais het baie daartoe bygedra om vroue "mondig" te maak, asook skrywers en joernaliste soos die invloedryke MER (Maria Elizabeth Rothmann) en Audrey Blignault (laasgenoemde het onder andere baie gedoen om 'n leeskultuur te vestig deur die oprigting van leeskringe aan te moedig), Alba Bouwer, Elise Muller en Rykie van Reenen, asook dinamiese vroue-kritici soos Elizabeth Conradie, Anita Lindenberg en Elize Botha. Elisabeth Eybers is die eerste groot Afrikaanse vrouedigter, maar ook een van die groot digters in Afrikaans, terwyl Ingrid Jonker se werk bykans ikoonstatus verwerf het. Onselfsugtigheid teen wil en dank is dikwels vroue se lot. Bekende digter Totius het oor vroue se opoffering gedig: Dit put maar en sy gee maar immer dit put maar en sy weier nimmer, net soos 'n moeder, so opreg, gee sy haar laaste druppel weg!” Vroue hou die toekoms van 'n nasie in hul boesem, en daarvoor kan almal respek toon. Deur Michelle Boshoff

A Fall Lydenburg Fly-In Festival will take place on 29 September at the Lydenburg Airfield. An aircraft static display, spot landing competition, airplane flips, remote control display, food and craft stalls, kids play ground and much more are part of the entertainment. For more information phone Dean Hunter: 082 908 4565 or Louis van Rhyn at 082 550 8832.

oor salaris. Hulle word mishandel. Geen nuwe planne en kampanjes sal myns insiens werk nie. Hoekom nie? Wel, ons samelewing is siek. Ons tronke is vol. Ons politici praat net.....bla bla bla. En saans slaan gesuipte mans hulle vrouens. Ons samelewing is nie net siek nie, dit is barbaars. Hoekom moet ons spesiale programme reël om vroue te beskerm, as ons kwansuis beskaaf is? Waar is ons opvoedingsprogramme? Waar is ons skole? Waar is ons kerke of predikers? Waar is ons sielkundiges? Ek dink hulle is wel daar, maar hulle werk hulle dood teen hierdie euwel in die samelewing. Lê die probleem dalk dieper? Watter rol speel enkelouer gesinne, waar

dit gewoonlik die man is wat “missing” is? Word kinders groot met ’n begeerte om vroue se gesag te ondermyn omdat sy ma hom geboelie het, of omdat sy pa sy ma gereeld geslaan het? Is dit die norm? Die boffins reken wel so. En ons het miljoene kinders wat grootword sonder ’n vaderfiguur en met gebrekkige dissipline. Ek sê jou dit is omdat ons kinders nie meer ’n ordentlike vader voorbeeld het om na te volg nie en omdat hulle nie van tyd tot tyd ’n behoorlike drag slae mag kry nie. Hulle word groot met ’n houding van “entitlement”. En wanneer hulle groot is, word ’n vrou bloot as ’n objek gesien. Hierdie gemors is ons eie maaksel. Ons kan net sowel al hierdie veldtogte om vrouens te probeer beskerm afskaf, want dit werk eenvoudig nie. Skaf die wette wat lyfstraf verbied vir kinders af en bring dissipline op grondvlak terug.

09 Augustus / August 2018

Hierdie foto is met ‘n brandoefening geneem- die pragtige vuurkooltjies en vlamme het so ’n skouspel in die natuur veroorsaak. ~ Deur Ramon Bell.

013 235 1276

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09 Augustus / August 2018

120 Blankets, goody bags and boerewors rolls were handed out on Mandela day to Mashishing and Marambane Schools. Ms MWI International Elite Ronell Joubert planned it with the help of volunteers, sponsors and models she is currently training. Thank you so much for making this possible. But I must thank these people / businesses for giving so selflessly: Johnny – Spar O Rama, Xani Njikelani - Solar Planet Engineering, IFFSKSA – Shotokan Karate Lydenburg Dojo, Cindy Andrews, Elsa Roets, Zanre Botes, Jani Stickling, Nicole Botha, Janae Labuschagne, Odette, Adonai, Hair reflections, Designer Models, photo credit Annalize du Plessis, Jeffrey Matabula and Salome Thandy. Pastor Zodwa and Marambane School was very thankful for the wonderful gifts. The children were able to enjoy Mandela Day to remember.

ADHD explained. You live in a quickly moving kaleidoscope where sounds, visions and thoughts move constantly. You are oftentimes bored, but cannot concentrate on tasks that you need to complete. Unimportant things often attract your attention. Your head drives you from one thought to the next…..one activity to the next. This is what people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) experience according to the American National Institute for Mental Health (www.nimh.nih.gov). They find it difficult to sit still, plan ahead or do not necessarily have the skills to plan and organise, or complete tasks. According to NIMH there is an imbalance in the neurotransmitters that assist in relaying messages in the nervous system, therefore making it a biological disorder. It can lead to problems with concentration, excessive physical activity and impulsiveness. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are being diagnosed with increasing frequency in both adults and children. It is estimated that over one million people presently have this disorder, which earlier was diagnosed with some other label or not diagnosed at all! There are three basic categories: - Mainly attention deficit with none to mild signs of impulsiveness and hyperactivity – often girls or quiet dreamers. - Mainly impulsive and hyperactive with little to no signs of attention deficit (often boys). -A Combination type with attention deficit, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Inattention and Destructibility Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes, often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities, often don't listen when spoken to directly, often does not follow through on instructions or fails to finish work, often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities, often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks requiring sustained mental effort, Often loose things, often distracted by extraneous stimuli, often forgetful in daily activities. Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat, often runs or climbs excessively in situations where it is inappropriate, often has difficulty playing quietly, often 'on the go' acting as if driven by a motor, often talks excessively, often blurts out answers to questions before they are complete, often has difficulty awaiting turn, often interrupts or intrudes on others, often has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so. Studies indicate that these children are prone to drop out of school (32 – 40%); have few or no friends (40 – 50%); are involved with anti-social activities (40 – 50%) and are involved in teenage pregnancies (40%). According to Prof. Andre Venter, head of Department Paediatrics and Child Health Care at the University of the Free State. Without treatment and medication these children are more susceptible to depression, anxiety and abuse of alcohol and drugs. ADHD is diagnosed through identification of characteristics as per the DSM V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health), the international diagnostic criteria prescribed to medical practitioners. Six of nine symptoms are necessary for a diagnosis and behaviour must affect their functioning in academic, home and social environments. A proper assessment by a qualified person is required to eliminate possible other causes. Qualified persons are Paediatricians, Paediatric-neurologists, Paediatric-psychiatrists, General Practitioners, Educational Psychologists or Occupational Therapists. Help is available! There is however no quick fixes for ADHD!! Best results are achieved when parent, teachers, therapists (occupational, speech and language and remedial) and medical doctors work together as a team to find the best support system and treatment for the person involved. Can look like, but is not… Allergies and asthma impacts negatively on concentration and attention. Hearing and vision problems affect processing of messages and impacts on attention and concentration Middle ear infections cause hearing impairments. Underachievement in school due to learning problems. Emotional problems as a result of divorce or death in the family. Disruptive behaviour due to anxiety and depression. Attention and concentration difficulties due to Epilepsy or petit mal epilepsy. ADHD is not caused by food-allergies, too much television or other screen time or too much sugar. Although these can exacerbate symptoms! By San-Marie Roux - Arbeidsterapeut / Occupational Therapist With special interest in sensory integration and paediatric development B(OT) Pta PR No 0021903 tel: 082 873 1069.

09 Augustus / August 2018

'n Opwindende tyd in Lydenburg se geskiedenis was toe die dorp die middelpunt van al die sosiale geleenthede was en so ook die ou hotelle. Daar is behoorlik gekuier. Daar was amper in elke straat 'n hotel. Die Grand Hotel, Die Plaugh Hotel, die Transvaal Hotel, die Austin Hotel ens. Waar Trout Inn vandag is was Mountain view, die Austin familie se woonhuis.

Sien bv. op die foto dat dit redelik welgestelde mense was. Hulle het bv. motors en motorfietse gehad. 'n Gedeelte van die Austin Hotel betaan nog – dit het later in 'n woonhuis ontwikkel en daar word vermoed dit is nou prokureurskantore van prokureur Herold. Die Plaugh Hotel was vermoedelik verder af in Potgieterstraat. Die Austins was werklik 'n unieke familie.

Lydenburg News Friday, 15 November 1963 An article about the price of liquor in the late 19th century refers to these times-gone-by as the “good old days”. Information obtained from invoices by R. Schurink and J.L. Schurink, Direct Importers and General Dealers dating as far back as 1895, tells the story. In the article the editorial staff remarks: “We notice that whisky was priced at 45c per bottle and London Dry Gin at less than 30c per bottle. All this, taking into consideration that all liquor was imported and that duty had to be paid as well as railage to Machadodorp and transportation from there to Lydenburg. It would also appear that 'Berg' beer is nothing new as it was sold then already at the Club”. Yes indeed! Them was the “Good old Days.”

09 Augustus / August 2018


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THE folks over at Italian coachbuilder Ares Design have released a limited-edition model that they describe as the “ultimate” version of the iconic Land Rover Defender. The Modena-based firm says it has “thoroughly re-engineered” the now-discontinued Defender with a little help from Land Rover specialist JE Motor Works, and plans to build just 53 examples. Packing an “extensively reworked” Land Rover V8 bored out from the stock 4 552 cm3 to a 4 748 cm3, the modified Defender churns out 207 kW and 440 N.m, and is mated to a six-speed automatic transmission. A bespoke manifold and made-to-measure exhaust system have also been added, along with a special air intake. If you’re after even more grunt (even more than offered by Land Rover itself in the highperformance “Works” model revealed at the start of 2018), the company will gladly add a supercharger to the mix, which hikes that peak power figure to somewhere in the region of 350 kW. The ride height, meanwhile, has been increased by 75 mm (or 50 mm in the case of the supercharged version) and features bespoke JE Motor Works springs coupled with heavy duty Fox shock absorbers front and rear plus revised and recalibrated anti-roll bars. A set of AP Racing front brakes featuring 362×32 mm discs clamped by six-piston AP callipers is also included. Wider alloy wheels (wrapped in 305/70 R18 Cooper off-road rubber) have been fitted, and are framed by bespoke wheel arch extensions fashioned from carbon-fibre. The bonnet is also made from carbon, while more powerful LED lights have been fitted. Besides a little more carbon-fibre around the body, Ares Design says it has also added heavy duty front and rear bumpers, front slide protection, side steps, reinforced front and rear recovery tow points and a Warn front winch. Inside, Ares Design has mixed luxury with practicality, eschewing carpeting in favour of chequer plate aluminium for the flooring, but adding swathes of “the finest Italian leather” and yet more carbon-fibre. Bespoke leather-clad Recaro seats are also included, while the firm says the facia has been transformed into one “fit for a bespoke luxury off-roader”. A Webasto sunroof and leather roof-lining complete the cabin’s makeover. So, how much? Well, Ares Design’s website lists a price of €200 000 to €250 000 (that’s between R3,1- and R3,9-million), and says production of each example will take around eight weeks. carmag.co.za

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REMEMBER the crazy Rezvani Tank? Well, the California-based automaker has now added a “Military Edition” derivative to its line-up, fitting the bulletproof newcomer with what it calls the “ultimate” in security features. The firm says this latest version of the body-on-frame Tank has been “designed to withstand urban terrain or apocalyptic attack”. As with the, er, “standard” Tank, buyers can choose from a range of adjustable suspension settings, seat styles and leather options. Power still comes from a 6,4-litre Hemi V8 worth 373 kW as standard, although the Military Edition variant can also be ordered with an optional 527 kW 6,2litre Hellcat V8 for an additional $65 000 (that’s about R880 000). Standard features on the Military Edition model include B7-rated glass armour, added armour around the driver and passenger compartment, a thermal night-vision system, bomb protection, a Kevlar-wrapped fuel tank, radiator protection, reinforced suspension, ram bumpers and military-grade run-flat tyres. Not quite enough? Well, Rezvani also includes “electrified door handles”, a siren/PA system, strobe lights, blinding lights, an intercom system, magnetic dead bolts, gas masks, a first aid kit and even a hypothermia kit. Oh, and a smoke screen, for those times when you really need to lose the bad guys. So, how much for all this? Well, the Rezvani Tank Military Edition starts at $295 000, which is just short of R4million at the current exchange rate. carmag.co.za

09 Augustus / August 2018

ISUZU Motors South Africa says it has hit a 40-year manufacturing milestone in South Africa, with the very first locally built Isuzubadged bakkie having rolled off the production line way back in 1978. Since then, more than 600 000 examples (including the modern KB) have been produced in South Africa. Back in 1978, the Kempston Road plant in Port Elizabeth built its very first Isuzu-badged bakkie. This initial model was launched at a price of a R3 485 if the buyer opted for the 1,6-litre petrol engine or R4 295 if they preferred the 2,0-litre diesel unit. Of course, the story started a little earlier, in the early 1970s, with the launch of the Chevrolet LUV (light utility vehicle), which was imported from Japan. Local production of this vehicle commenced in 1972, but the Isuzu badge (as well as the KB moniker) was applied only when the LUV was facelifted in the late 1970s. “Over the years, Isuzu vehicle assembly experienced many changes. We started production at the Kempston Road plant where we produced five generations and moved to the more modern Struandale plant when we started to build the sixth generation,” said Johan Vermeulen, Isuzu Motors SA executive for manufacturing and supply chain. “With the introduction of modern technology, automation and lean manufacturing processes into automotive manufacturing, we were able to continuously improve efficiencies and quality of our products. Today, six generations later, our modern manufacturing processes and constant upskilling of labour, have made Isuzu bakkies one of South Africa’s favourites,” Vermeulen added. The local arm of the Japanese automaker says its bakkie was the first in South Africa to feature rack-and-pinion steering and independent front suspension, while in the 1990s the brand was the first to introduce doublecabs locally. carmag.co.za


TESLA’s CEO, Elon Musk, started tweeting this week about a possible Tesla pick-up truck. Since Musk is still only thinking about building it at this stage, not much is known. Musk has made some promises regarding the truck. Standard equipment will include two electric motors providing all-wheel drive, self-leveling air suspension and a selection of plugs that will provide power to tools. leisurewheels.co.za

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09 Augustus / August 2018

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

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L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

J O V E L A U T O M AT I S E R I N G Accessories for gates & garage doors. 39 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183

VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM TRAINING ALL FIREARM COMPETENCY training & accredited shooting range. Paul Zorn. 083 641 7275 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH & FITNESS DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263 ART/ FRAMING JADE ART & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all PC repairs, maintenance, updating or purchasing new hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293

AVAILABLE AT AK JEWELS! Assistant Shop manager/ Salesperson. Duties: Daily administration, sales and client service. Requirements: Matric, computer literacy and neatness. Send CV via e - m a i l t o akjewelslydenburg@g mail.com (If you don't get any feedback within two weeks your application was unsuccessful) KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES

Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis TE KOOP / FOR SALE i n d i e P e t r o l e u m Produkte Wet, 1977 G R O O T S T A A L (Wet No 120 van 1977) KOMBUISKAS , smal Hierdie kennisgewing e n i g e staal kombuiskas, mat. s t e l belanghebbendes and 076 707 5398 persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat P L A T I N U M TROETELDIERE/ P E T R O L E U M PETS SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD , hierna verwys as “die aansoeker' 'n aansoek PETS CORNER - 013 ingedien het vir 'n HANDELSLISENSIE, 235 2658 aansoeknommer D O G G Y I N T H E F/2018/08/01/002 381 WINDOW parlour. 53 STEELPOORT EXT 7, Viljoen St. Rowena 083 3 8 1 R O A D R 5 5 5 S T E E L P O O R T 326 0941 STEELPOORT Die doel van die aansoek is vir EIENDOM TE KOOP/ die aansoeker om 'n lisensie te bekom vir die PROPERTY FOR doel om handel te dryf SALE met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om PLOTTE EN PLASE d i e a a n s o e k dringend benodig deur dokumentasie te sien H u i z e m a r k o m t e kan gemaak word deur b e m a r k . S k a k e l die Kontrolleerder van asseblief 061 999 7996 / Petroleum Produkte te 076 654 5583 kontak by: - Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of - Ep o s : Gibson.Tshisikhawe@e EIENDOM TE HUUR/ nergy.gov.za Enige PROPERTY TO RENT besware teen die uitreik van 'n lisensie soos aangedui in die G E M E U B I L E E R D E aansoek, moet duidelik A K K O M O D A S I E aandui wat is die beskikbaar. Skakel 076 aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit 803 6758 moet ook by die BACHELOR woonstel, K o n t r o l l e e r d e r v a n Lydenburg. R2500 p/m. Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne 'n 079 624 9486 tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die 3 BEDROOM FLATS datum van publikasie with 2 bathrooms in v a n h i e r d i e s e c u r e c o m p l e x kennisgewing. Enige Lydenburg. Contact 082 sulke besware kan 460 3000 ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese AKKOMODASIE/ A d r e s : D i e ACCOMODATION Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van K L I T Z - G R A S Energie Landros Maree C H A L E T S - Straat 18A Polokwane Accommodation, chapel P o s A d r e s : Die & Ve n u e f a c i l i t i e s , K o n t r o l l e e r d e r v a n boma/braai -Spitbraai Petroleum Produkte, for hire 013 235 2758 Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X 9712 Polokwane 0700 VACANCY/ VAKANTE BETREKKING Notice is respect of a license application in OPEN POSITION t e r m s o f t h e

Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that P L A T I N U M P E T R O L E U M SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD, hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”, has s u b m i t t e d a n application for a RETAIL license, application n u m b e r F/2018/08/01/002. 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 S T E E L P O O R T STEELPOORT The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone: (015) 230 3600; or Fax; o r E - m a i l : Gibson.Tshisikhawe@e n e r g y. g o v. z a . A n y objections to the issuing of a license in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 18A Landros Mare Street, Polokwane. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X 9712, Polokwane, 0700 Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis in die Petroleum Produkte Wet, 1977 (Wet No 120 van 1977) Hierdie kennisgewing s t e l e n i g e belanghebbendes and persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat TAUDOX (PTY) LTD, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker' 'n aansoek ingedien het vir 'n PERSEEL LISENSIE, aansoeknommer F/2018/08/01/001 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 S T E E L P O O R T STEELPOORT Die doel van die aansoek is vir die aansoeker om 'n lisensie te bekom vir die doel om handel te dryf met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om d i e a a n s o e k dokumentasie te sien kan gemaak word deur die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte te kontak by: - Telefoon:

(015) 230 3600; of - Ep o s : Gibson.Tshisikhawe@e n e r g y. g o v. z a E n i g e besware teen die uitreik van 'n lisensie soos aangedui in die aansoek, moet duidelik aandui wat is die aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit moet ook by die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne 'n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie v a n h i e r d i e kennisgewing. Enige sulke besware kan ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese A d r e s : D i e Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte, Departement van Energie, Landros Maree Straat 18A , Polokwane. Pos Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X 9712, Polokwane, 0700. Notice is respect of a license application in terms of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that TAUDOX (PTY) LTD , hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”, has submitted an application for a SITE license, application number F/2018/08/01/001. 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 S T E E L P O O R T STEELPOORT The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone: (015) 230 3600; or Fax; or E-mail: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@e n e r g y. g o v. z a . A n y objections to the issuing of a license in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal

address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 18A Landros Mare Street. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X 9712, Polokwane, 0700


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburgs t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 19:00 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 •

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Registered Debt Counsellor 082 924 9292 Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054

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Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com

Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinderkerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste@is at.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5 6 0 4 . • Ly d e n b u r g Sewende Dag

Adventiste Kerk. E l k e S a b b a t (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 - Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 09h00 by Lydenburg Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926

Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla



Nuus / News

09 Augustus / August 2018

2 Ha right in the middle of Lydenburg town! This is a beautiful four bedroom house with two bathrooms, three garages and two parking bays. Modern kitchen with lovely wooden cupboards, builtin braai area with a Jacuzzi and built -in bar area. This huge stand of 2.185 ha has a lot of potential for further development and it has a beautiful garden, a borehole and a JoJo tank. Situated in a very safe and secure area close to schools and shopping centre. Staff Quarters with own bathroom. Totally fenced with alarm system and electric fencing. Go to: www.huizemark. com and use Internet ref nr : 105174546 to view full details and all the photos. Price: R2,730 000 Phone Alit Fourie on 083 288 6834 to arrange viewing. Viewing by appointment only.

TE N LE O V DTEO he Property Shop Meenthuis met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers en dubbel garage R5 950 pm 3 Slaapkamer woonstel, sentraal geleĂŤ met 2 badkamers, motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. R5 900 pm Woonhuis in gevestigde buurt. 4 slaapkamers met 2 badkamers. Sit, eet en leefkamer. 2 motorafdakke en kantoorspasie R10 700 pm

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: INA 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

09 Augustus / August 2018

WENAKKER is a residential facility that For any further information, please contact 083 provides comprehensive and continuous care in 456 8328. a safe and secure environment for 250 intellectually disabled adults of all culture groups in Lydenburg, Mpumalanga. In an effort to raise essential funds for the centre, we are hosting our annual golf day on 1 September at the Lydenburg Golf Club. Wenakker will appreciate any donation or sponsorship towards this fund raising project. They are in need of player entries, t-box sponsorships, prizes and/or any other form of donation.

Join the majorette team An exciting chapter lies ahead for everyone who wants to join a majorette team. Lydenburg will have its own! The aim is to compete in Mpumalanga competitions and nationals. It will help children with teamwork, hand-eye co-ordination, strength in yourself and will build confidence. The five categories are: flag group - double

flags and single flags; non-prop / pom-pom; throwing prop; mace, batons, flags and pompoms; small drill and large drill;. We as a small town can build our name together. Practise will be on Wednesdays and Fridays from 14:00 to 17:00. Phone Joey Stapelberg senior coach : 074 224 9202/ 081 337 1405, Monica Stapelberg - junior coach: 065 915 3861.

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LYDENBURG Down Town Centre 013 235 4406

LYDENBURG The Heads Centre 013 235 1636

BURGERSFORT Tubatse Mall 013 231 7979

TIAAN van Pletzen ’n 17-jarige seun verbonde aan Lydenburg Leersentrum en het drie jaar gelede met bergfietsresies begin. In Desember 2017 het hy begin om padfiets te ry. Hy ry tans vir HI-Q Hoedspruit as eerste jaar junior, maar net sekere dele word geborg. Tiaan het al in verskeie padfietsrenne deelgeneem. Hy is ook die enigste skoolseun van Lydenburg wat aan diÊ sport deelneem. Hy het al deelgeneem aan: Mpumalanga Tour (3 Dae Wedren) Padwedren, Hill Climb, Time Trail en Criteruim Wedren), Mpumalanga Championships Badplaas (3 Dae Wedren) Padwedren, Hill Climb, Time Trail en Criteruim Wedren); SA Championships Oudtshoorn (7 Dae Wedren) Padwedren, Hill Climb, Time

Trail en Criteruim Wedren); Emperors Palace Wedren Tshwane 124 Km; 100 Challenge Wedren Germiston 100 km; Swadini Youth Festival Swadini(3 Dae Wedren) Padwedren, Hill Climb, Time Trail en Criteruim Wedren); Best men Jock Classic Wedren Nelspruit 108 Km. Tiaan het verskeie prestasies behaal in die sewe maande van padfietsry en het veral uitgeblink in die Swadini Youth Festival waar hy algeheel tweede was. Hy het ook aan die 118 Km vanaf Middelburg na Loskopdam asook die Amachova wedren vanaf Pietermaritzburg na Durban deelgeneem. Indien enige instansie of individu Tiaan kan ondersteun in hierdie sport skakel asb sy pa Flip: 083 255 5871. Tiaan is 'n man met baie talent en gaan dit nog ver bring met padfietsrenne.

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