23 Augustus / August 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 33

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23 Augustus / August 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 33 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Fixing roads - P.R.I.D.E A joint venture by the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber and the Thaba Chweu Municipality has resulted in an improvement on some streets in the last few weeks. The seriously dilapidated roads and potholes are being fixed from street to street. On Monday the Mpumalanga Roads Department, TCM and LMBC P.R.I.D.E project started fixing the Dullstroom/

Lydenburg junction amidst the heavy traffic flow. Several streets in the town have been targeted and as many streets as possible will be done during this leg of the project. As many people are assisting, an appeal is made to the public to contribute R 50 towards this work. Log onto the LMBC website and go to projects, to make your donation.


23 Augustus / August 2018

More photo’s of the potholes and roads being fixed, including the Dullstroom entrance to Lydenburg. Please be patient with the traffic. Source: Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber

THE Burgersfort SAPS started removing land grabbers in Burgersfort late last week. This approximately a week after the landowner was granted a court order to remove the people from his land. The landowner’s attorney Mrs Chanta van der Walt from Pretoria said: “My client’s undisturbed and peaceful possession has been restored (for now) due to his legal team's persistence and perseverance and after Burgersfort SAPS provided the Commissioner of Police in Polokwane with false information that the situation has been resolved.” The interim court order was granted on 9 August, which ordered the SAPS and Commissioner of Police in Polokwane to restore possession of the land. The interim court order was made final on 14 August 2018 against the Sheriff, SAPS and Commissioner of Police in Polokwane and the trespassers were still not removed from the landowner’s

property several days after that. The landowner and his employees were again attacked on 15 August in front of police officers from the SAPS and the SAPS made no attempt whatsoever to provide assistance and/or protection, or to arrest any of the attackers or trespassers, so they fled for their lives. She continued by stating: “If Burgersfort SAPS had not refused to open a charge of trespassing on request of my client on 9 August 2018 and immediately acted upon such charge (after the Commissioner finally ordered them to open a docket) by removing the trespassers, the extensive damages my client is now suffering could have been restricted. The matter against the trespassers and their leaders was postponed to 21 August. It was indicated by their local attorney that his clients consulted with senior council Dali Mpofu, chairperson of the EFF.”

23 Augustus / August 2018

Eskom skuld se hooggeregshofuitslag wag nog THE Eskom / TCLM matter is reserved for judgment and the Judge said she wants to hand down her judgment before the end of the term (23 September). So it could happen before or on 23 September. In short, the lights should stay on at least until then. Uitspraak op die die Eskom / TCLM saak is voorbehou tot omtrent 23de September. Dit kan ook voor dié datum plaasvind. Kortliks, die ligte bly aan tot dan.”

STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738


23 Augustus / August 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



Rodeo vir Mikayla Business Marketing Day op Machadodorp

Go and promote your local business if you are in the Lydenburg, Steelpoort and Burgersfort area. DIE fees is 'n fondsinsameling ten bate van Mikayla Oosthuizen. It will take place at the Buffelsvley Guest

Mikayla is 'n oulike agt jarige dogtertjie met 'n seldsame siekte toestand genaamd “Autosomal recessive polycystic disease" of kortliks ARPD wat die niere en lewer affekteer. Die lewer en niere vergroot en siste groei op dit. Sy is tans op 'n orgaan skenker lys om 'n nier oorplanting te ondergaan. Die Rodeo is deur 'n vriendin van haar ma gereël Alexa Steenekamp,Letitia van der Merwe, Estee Nicholas asook Mikayla se skool Chezan Tekna het ingespring om haar by te staan met die fondsinsameling waar Ansia Booyse die skoolhoof aan die stuur van sake is om dit vir Mikayla makliker te maak. SA Rodeo, Global Artists & Gfm het saam met hul hande gevat om die dag moontlik te maak. Die dag gaan baie vermaak en pret op lewer vir 'n goeie doel met perde ritte en speletjies, professionele bul ryers asook vermaak deur van ons eie top Global Artists & GFM kunstenaars soos Elaine Artists, Frans Briel, Willem Graves & selfs ook Michael J. Gfm se omroepers soos Hannes Potgieter, André, Hanlie, Jaco van Rooyen, Clinton, Pastoor Wouter Deysel en aflos of co host Dayna Potgieter gaan ook daar teenwoordig wees.Vir meer inligting skakel Alexa: 072 375 1005 of Letitia 082 865 1201

vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists

Farm and Wedding Venue on the Burgersfort road. It will start at 07:00 and take place on 1 September. Contact Henry to book the stall at bafana@sanlam4u.co.za

Part of the business marketing day (above): “Spring’ into the new season at the jazz after party hosted by Mahube, Mashishing Jazz Club. The after party will start at 16:00, call Henry 082 760 0069 and George 073 099 9614.

Lekker plas woef in waterlek


Member of


Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

Oom Rassie Joubert van Ohrigstad het hierdie foto geneem van sy hond wat te lekker plas in die water waar dit lek. Die reuse lek is in Wilgelaan en is al verskeie kere aangemeld maar nog nie reggemaak nie. Ons is seker die hond het die lafenis geniet in die warm weer.

Kennisgewing: Inligting soos verskaf: Kan Mev Jordin ons asseblief dringend skakel in verband met aanneeming. Jacques: 081 261 9849 Bianka: 076 527 7432

Job 42:10: Nadat Job vir sy vriende gebid het, het die Here die omstandighede van Job verander en hom twee keer soveel gegee as wat hy gehad het. Vader help ons om soos U vergewingsgesind sal wees Amen.

DAAR is al baie gesê en geskryf oor die toenemende waterskaarste, selfs in hierdie kolom. Die punt is, alle riviere ontspring iewers in ’n hoogliggende gebied en die bron is gewoonlik ’n fontein. Fonteine word deur ondergrondse water gevoed, wat ontstaan deur reën wat in die bronne in afsak. Verstedeliking en mensegetalle groei daagliks en meer water word benodig. Suid Afrika se regeerders reken egter as die water gebruik is, is

TMM Birthday Weekend and huge Jazz Festival A whole Jazz Festival will take place this coming weekend in Mashishing. On 24 August there is a pre party and 25 August the jazz festival starts at 18:00 at the Mashishing Stadium , tickets are R60. A TMM Gospel day will be on 26 August also at the Mashishing Stadium. The artists at the festival will be DJ Mindloz Ezabongwana, Fresh-Melow Dee, Nyama, Noxious, But the main attraction on Saturday is Glen Lewis and Nestee Nev. For more information phone 073 390 9146 or 060 817 5702.

dit sleg en moet deur die res van die rivier weggevoer word. Dit word dan die ongelukkige stroomaf gebruiker se probleem. Nou kom enkeles van hulle agter hier is ’n probleem (soos in die Vaalrivier en in die Kaap). Die kitsoplossing is om boorgate te sink. Wat dié idiote nie besef nie is soos hulle die ondergrondse bronne leegsuig, so droog die fonteine op en die rivierwater hou op vloei. Die oorblywende “sop” stroomaf word nie meer verdun met “goeie” water nie. Die sop word dikker met onverwerkte riool. Nuwe damme is nie die oplossing nie. Hulle gaar net lekker vrot sop op. Ontsouting is nie die

oplossing nie. Die soutkonsentrasie wat terug in die see gepomp word, verhoog die soutgehalte om die kus sodanig dat seelewe uitsterf en vissermanne al hoe meer sukkel (en ek praat nie eers van oorsese vistreilers se impak nie). Die oplossing lê in die miljoene liters rou riool wat terug spoel in bestaande riviere. Ons het genoeg water, maar dit wat ons het is onbruikbaar. Hierdie afvloei is veel meer as 50% van wat vir ’n dorp of stad onttrek word. Deur dit te verwerk en skoon te maak, kan dit weer in drinkbare water vrygelaat word in die rivier. Moenie gril nie, die tegnologie is daar. Ons as mense moet ons prioriteite verander, anders gaan ons omkom van die dors. En vir ons regeerders; ’n bottel bier of koeldrank spaar nie water nie. Dit is gegeurde water!

23 Augustus / August 2018

Longtom SuperSpar and Tops received the prestigious awards for the best SuperSpar store of the year in the Lowveld region. Celebrating this event with Receiving Manager Daleen Griessel and Perishable Manager Thandi Mpila and the Longtom SuperSpar choir.

Home behaviour management for ADHD behaviours your child exhibits. When you enter a room, ask yourself, "What is going right?" Make specific positive comments. For example, notice when she responds to a direction the first time you say it. Even if she's doing it because it's something she wants to do, it still merits special attention. This will help her notice the exact behaviour(s) that you want her to demonstrate. If a task has been partially completed, comment positively on the completed part first. When you notice things that a child does right, it breaks the cycle of negative redirection (nagging) and makes her feel better about herself and about you. Increase the amount of non-verbal praise. Give lots of warm smiles, pats and thumbs up. Your attention is something your child needs, use it at the right time. Provide extra praise for behaviours you STATE THE RULES: All children need want to increase. Catch the child being good! and want boundaries and limits. Rules exist, even though they may not be spoken W H E N T H E B E H A V I O U R I S or written. Try to state your rules in INAPPROPRIATE – IGNORE IT: For a positive terms – "Keep your hands and feet child, negative attention is better than no to yourself". attention at all! Attention reinforces • Keep rules short and to the point. • Have a behaviour. Before you look at, speak to, or few reasonable rules. • Be consistent in using touch the child ask yourself "Do I want the and enforcing rules. behaviour my child is now engaging to • It is important to call attention to rules when increase?" if not, ignore it!! Turn your the child is following them. • Don't wait until attention to other matters or other children the child has violated them. (siblings) who are behaving appropriately. If K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Simple) the behaviour is not dangerous or destructive and you can ignore it, you should do so. When MAKE THE WORLD PREDICTABLE: you refuse to give attention to undesirable Develop routines and write out a daily behaviour, a child must do something else to schedule. Homework, TV, school, play, baths get your attention. Quickly give positive and meals should all be written in. Scheduling attention to more appropriate behaviours. Be helps children (and adults) to gauge time, aware that when you begin to ignore a organise activities and prioritize in terms of problem behaviour, it may increase rather importance. • Schedules provide a visual cue than decrease at first. Be firm and consistent. of when things will happen and imply an If there is no audience, the show will close! agreement of when it is time to stop one San-Marie Roux Arbeidsterapeut / activity and move on to another. This Occupational Therapist With special interest decreases arguing. • Reinforce adherence to in sensory integration and paediatric the schedule. • Use calendars, lists and timers development B(OT) Pta PR No 0021903 082 to help structure time and activities. Timers 8 7 3 1 0 6 9 A r t i c l e c o u r t e s y o f help prevent parental nagging and reminding. "Hyperactivities" – Newsletter of the Set the stage for success! Hyperactivity Attention Deficit Association WHEN BEHAVIOUR IS APPROPRIATE (NSW) Inc. (Australia) PRAISE IT: Focus on the many 'good'

23 Augustus / August 2018


This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

IF you’re a fan of motorhomes, you’re probably aware of an Australian manufacturer called EarthCruiser. They build some insane motorhomes that cost millions. Its latest offering is called the Explorer XPR440 and it’s based on a Mercedes-Benz Unimog, which means you can park this motorhome pretty much wherever you want. It has full-time four-wheel drive, low range and differential locks. EarthCruiser also adds a few things, like hydraulic lifts, an 800 litre fuel tank, winches and a chainsaw. Almost all of these goodies can be controlled via the touch-screen in the centre console. Standard motorhome goodies include beds, a toilet, stove, fridge, shower and even a washing machine. leisurewheels.co.za

INTERNATIONAL vehicle manufacturer Datsun upgraded Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth resident Shirin Vawda’s wardrobe last weekend. Vawda won the prize from a competition in which Datsun challenged customers to upload a unique story of their Datsun to social media to stand a chance to win a wardrobe makeover worth R20 000. This was in celebration of the manufacturer selling 300 000 vehicles in South Africa. The activation took place at Sandton City, Johannesburg, where Vawda was treated to a shopping spree and makeover lead by a personal stylist. What a great way to show appreciation for loyal Datsun customers! motorpress.co.za

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg

013 235 1086 013 492 1871 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

This minor service special includes replacement of your car’s air filter, fuel filter (inline filter only when applicable), oil filter, engin oil and spark plugs (where applicable), Plus, you’ll receive a comprehensive scheduled inspection of various mechanical and maintenance parts.

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Offer valid for FIGO, FOCUS, FIESTA and selected ECOSPORTS (as described above), and RANGERS (as described above) out of warranty and Service Plan. Valid from 1 August - 30 September 2018. Available at participating dealerships only. Price is VAT and labour Inclusive. T&C’s Apply.

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen StreetsLydenburg mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za 013 235 2371

McGee's Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 0132317274 An Authorised Financial Services Provider

23 Augustus / August 2018

KIA Motors has earned two more J.D. Power Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) awards for the stylish Rio and Stinger fastback. The double win helped increase KIA’s overall score by eight points since last year, while also securing the brand’s spot among the top 10 non-premium nameplates. The announcement follows KIA Motors being named the highest ranked mass-market brand in the J.D. Power Initial Quality Study for the fourth consecutive year, with the Rio also capturing a win in the small car segment. The J.D. Power APEAL study measures new-vehicle owners’ overall satisfaction with their vehicles in the first 90 days of ownership. The results are divided into 10 categories and weighted accordingly: exterior, interior, storage, audio, seats, heating and ventilation, driving dynamics, powertrain, visibility, and fuel economy. One of the most popular models in the global KIA model line-up, the KIA Rio outshined the competition in the small car segment, being one of the only contenders to score the highest marks in overall performance and design, comfort, features, and style. The highest performing vehicle in KIA’s history, Stinger bested its more expensive European counterparts in the compact premium car segment. Announced for local introduction in April 2018, KIA Motors South Africa has presold nearly its entire allocation of Stinger for 2018 in a space of three months. The first Stinger customers in South Africa is scheduled to take delivery of their vehicles in September 2018. motorpress.co.za

ISUZU in Australia has revealed a pair of daring new concepts, in the form of the D-Max (or KB, as we know it here in South Africa) and MU-X Concept X vehicles. Unveiled at Melbourne’s National 4×4 Outdoors Show, the two Concept X models employ Toyo Mud Terrain tyres in 38/15,5 R20 guise. And both models also gain a seven-inch (178 mm) suspension lift kit to take ground clearance to a whopping 370 mm, as well as 60 mm remote-reservoir shock absorbers. Of course, Isuzu has also fitted each of the concepts with a bold body kit, as well as bespoke decals, sinister red lenses for the headlamps and a winch up front and at the rear. Under the bonnet, though, nothing’s changed, which means each is still powered by the 3,0litre four-cylinder turbodiesel unit offered in Australia, which makes an unchanged 130 kW and 430 N.m, and is mated to a six-speed automatic transmission. Stopping power has, however, been upgraded thanks to the fitment of larger discs all round (390 mm fore and 355 mm aft). As was the case with the Toyota Hilux Tonka Concept of 2017, the Australian arm of the Japanese automaker seemingly has no plans to put these models into production. carmag.co.za

FSP 10677

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen StreetsLydenburg mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za McGee's Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 0132317274

An Authorised Financial Services Provider

23 Augustus / August 2018

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment

DIENSTE/ SERVICES L A U N D R Y / WASSERY A1 - For all your washing & dry cleaning. 013 235 3976 G.A PIENAAR & KIE:Inkomstebelastingopgawes 2018. 1 - 31 Julie R880. 1 - 31 Augustus R990. 1 September - 31 Oktober R1089. 013 235 4774 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 ROX INTERIORS Upholstery, carpets, curtaining, Blinds & Gifts. 072 222 5566 J O V E L AUTOMATISERING Accessories for gates & garage doors. 39 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183 VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM TRAINING ALL FIREARM COMPETENCY training & accredited shooting range. Paul Zorn. 083 641 7275 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH & FITNESS DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263

AUTOHAUSEN SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, kombi’s & dubbelcabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ Aflam 072 203 1614

MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE L Y D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 TROETELDIERE/ PETS PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941


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ART/ FRAMING J A D E A R T & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927

3 SLK HUIS, 1.5 BADK met dubbel motorhuis. R865 000. Kontak 079 624 9486



SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

3 SLK HUIS, 1.5 BADK met dubbel motorhuis. R7500 p/m. 079 624 9486

REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all PC repairs, maintenance, updating or purchasing new hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

FLATS TO RENT 2 bedroom, Lydenburg. Contact 082 460 3000 TE HUUR: 1 x bachelor woonstel; 1 x 3 slk woonstel met enkel motorhuis; 1 x 3 slk huis met dubbel geriewe en enkel motorhuis. 082 555 3817

AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMODATION K L I T Z - G R A S C H A L E T S Accommodation, c h a p e l & Ve n u e facilities, boma/braai Spitbraai for hire 013 235 2758

KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES Kennisgewing: die ondergenoemde voertuig sal deur Steelpoort Diesel verkoop word na 30 dae vanaf eerste plasing van die advertensie om die besigheid se kostes te dek sowel as stoorgelde vir die afgelope 36 maande as die eienaar nie die rekening kom betaal nie: “Man” Trok Reg: C S 7 2 T F G P, TGAGP26480. Kontak Steelpoort Diesel by 0 1 3 2 3 0 9 11 5 v i r verdere inligting. Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis in die Petroleum Produkte Wet, 1977 (Wet No 120 van 1977) Hierdie kennisgewing s t e l e n i g e belanghebbendes and persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat P L A T I N U M P E T R O L E U M SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD , hierna verwys as “die aansoeker' 'n aansoek ingedien het vir 'n HANDELSLISENSIE, aansoeknommer F/2018/08/01/0002 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 STEELPOORT STEELPOORT Die doel van die aansoek is vir die aansoeker om 'n lisensie te bekom vir die doel om handel te dryf met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om d i e a a n s o e k dokumentasie te sien kan gemaak word deur die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte te kontak by: - Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of - Ep o s : Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ energy.gov.za Enige besware teen die uitreik van 'n lisensie soos aangedui in die aansoek, moet duidelik aandui wat is die aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit moet ook by die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne 'n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie v a n h i e r d i e kennisgewing. Enige sulke besware kan ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese A d r e s : D i e Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte Departement van Energie Landros Maree Straat 18A Polokwane Pos Adres: Die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte,

Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X 9712 Polokwane 0700 Notice is respect of a license application in terms of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that P L A T I N U M P E T R O L E U M SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD, hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”, has s u b m i t t e d a n application for a R E TA I L l i c e n s e , application number F/2018/08/01/0002. 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 STEELPOORT STEELPOORT The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum P r o d u c t s b y : Telephone: (015) 230 3600; or Fax; or E-mail: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ energy.gov.za. Any objections to the issuing of a license in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 18A Landros M a r e S t r e e t , Polokwane. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X 9712, Polokwane, 0700 Kennisgewing ten opsigte van die beheer van petroleum produkte soos vereis in die Petroleum Produkte Wet, 1977 (Wet No 120 van 1977) Hierdie kennisgewing s t e l e n i g e belanghebbendes and persone wat geraak mag word in kennis dat TAUDOX (PTY) LTD, hierna verwys as “die aansoeker' 'n aansoek ingedien het vir 'n PERSEEL LISENSIE, aansoeknommer F/2018/08/01/0001 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 STEELPOORT STEELPOORT Die

doel van die aansoek is vir die aansoeker om 'n lisensie te bekom vir die doel om handel te dryf met petroleum produkte soos aangedui in die aansoek. Reëlings om d i e a a n s o e k dokumentasie te sien kan gemaak word deur die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte te kontak by: - Telefoon: (015) 230 3600; of - Ep o s : Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ energy.gov.za Enige besware teen die uitreik van 'n lisensie soos aangedui in die aansoek, moet duidelik aandui wat is die aansoeknommer soos hier bo verstrek. Dit moet ook by die Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte ingedien word binne 'n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie v a n h i e r d i e kennisgewing. Enige sulke besware kan ingedien word by die volgende fisiese of posadresse: Fisiese A d r e s : D i e Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte, Departement van Energie, Landros Maree Straat 18A , Polokwane. Pos A d r e s : D i e Kontrolleerder van Petroleum Produkte, Departement van Energie, Privaatsak X 9712, Polokwane, 0700. Notice is respect of a license application in terms of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that TAUDOX (PTY) LTD , hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”, has s u b m i t t e d a n application for a SITE license, application n u m b e r F/2018/08/01/0001. 381 STEELPOORT EXT 7, 381 ROAD R555 STEELPOORT STEELPOORT The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: -

Telephone: (015) 230 3600; or Fax; or E-mail: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ energy.gov.za. Any objections to the issuing of a license in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, 18A Landros Mare Street. Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products, Department of Energy, Private Bag X 9712, Polokwane, 0700 KERKE/ CHURCHES

•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburg-

s t r. 4 1 , Ly d e n b u r g . Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 19:00 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vr y d a g a a n d : 1 9 : 0 0 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Wo o r d Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@isat .co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor

Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla

082 924 9292


Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054

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Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 - Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • L e w e n d e Wa t e r s Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • E v a n g e l i e s Gereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 09h00 by Lydenburg Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926


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Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com

Nuus / News

23 Augustus / August 2018

This lovely property, situated in a quiet part of town, would suit a family or corporate couple looking for elegant living. Space, privacy and easy maintenance are part of the package with extras like ultra luxury in the main en suite bedroom – what with own private lounge area, cupboards galore and laminated wooden floors. Practical modern kitchen with separate scullery, laundry room, ample parking, and the pièce de résistance – an entertainment veranda with built-in braai that would stretch your Sunday afternoons into the evenings! Pretty garden, easy to maintain. Contact Pam Golding Lydenburg, Andreas Greeff 082 574 7394

Checkers first SA retailer to launch meal kits In a first for supermarket retailing in South Africa, Checkers will be launching Ready to Chef meal kits. Developed by chefs, each meal kit consists of fresh, locally-sourced ingredients and a step-by-step recipe card with a QR code to a how-to video. With Checkers' Ready to Chef meal kits, even time-pressed consumers can now cook delicious, effort-free dinners at home. The Ready to Chef meal kits are priced between R119.99 and R179.99 per meal for two people, offering excellent value. They are also perfectly portioned so there is no food waste. Four different recipes, including a vegetarian option, will be available in stores each week. There are a total of 16 meal kits in the Ready to Chef range, which include: Butter chicken curry with rotis, cauliflower cottage pie, Asian beef and sesame seed salad, Mushroom, pea and mint risotto, Beef stroganoff with zucchini spaghetti, Sweet and sour pork with jasmine rice, Biltong nicoise salad, Sweet potato and lentil dahl curry with buttered naan (vegetarian) The Ready to Chef mal kits will be available at all Checkers and Checkers Hyper supermarkets across South Africa from Wednesday 23 August 2018.

Tel. 013 235 2287

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 VERHURINGS: Ina 082 898 5272 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

23 Augustus / August 2018

Entheos Golf Day winners Great golf day on calendar Steelpoort Academy will be hosting a golf day on 1 September at the Tubatse Chrome Club. The cost is R1 200 per four ball and R2 000 to sponsor a tee. Contact Maureen van der Merwe 076 061 6615 or Arlene Malan 084 662 2887.

ENTHEOS Christian Private School hosted a golf day this past weekend as a fundraiser for the school's building project. The school would like to thank each and every individual that took part and contributed to this day's success. The staff and children of the school are thankful for the open hearts of all the proud sponsors of the day as there are just

Nadia Venter and Tim Marobane 1st

too many to mention. Besides the cold weather, the arrangements on the day ran smoothly and we can proudly say that the day was indeed a success. The winners for the day were as follows: Tim Marobane 1st, Jaco Potgieter 2nd and Thys Cronje 3rd. Prizes were handed over by former student, Nadia Venter.

Nadia Venter and Jaco Potgieter 2nd

Nadia Venter and Thys Cronje 3rd

22 medaljes vir karatekas Triton Dojo Lydenburg het onlangs na ’n kompetsie in Standerton met 22 medaljes teruggekeer. Baie geluk aan die studente wat die Dojo se naam hoog gehou het. Van links (agter): William Riley, Amandus Vermeulen, Sensei Christo v d Westhuizen en Sebastian Riley; (middel): Tyron Bolton, Abigail Frylinck, Jordan Weyers, Rayhan Suliman en Sensei Lobke Riley; (voor): Storm Gregory en Kyle Riley.

GOPHERS CHARITY GOLF has successfully completed seven of their eleven fixtures for this year and have had the support of 77 players who have participated in the “Gophers League”. Log points are awarded in each game for attendance, prorata the value of IPS points achieved and for each of the day's winners. Currently, the top leaders for the men's division are Gideon du Preez on 40 points with Andy Duncan second on 34 and Piet “Atlas” on 33 points. In the ladies division the top two players, Nadia Venter and Marda Kirton, share the lead on 21 points with Clarissa Wesel on 11 points. The winners of the last three fixtures were; Andy Duncan at Pilgrims Rest in June, Pieter Briel at Lydenburg Club in July and Hendry van Heerden at Chrome Club in Steelpoort in August. Fixtures for the remainder of the year are; Pilgrims Rest on 02 September, Lydenburg Golf Club on 14 October, Highlands Gate on 04 November and for the year end game, including the charity and trophy awards and function, is at Akabeko Golf Course on 25 November '18. The principal aim of Gophers is not only to raise charity for a local recipient in need by playing golf, but to encourage new and past members of golf to participate in the game and to join a local club in their area. Gophers arrange monthly social games at various clubs in the area and encourage not only current players but also beginners and occasional players without official handicaps and family members to join in the fun on a Sunday morning. Players become automatic “Gophers members” for the year and help contribute to charity through a portion of their green fees. Last year, through nominations received from the members, Gophers awarded the annual charity collection of R12 500 to a well deserving pupil of Lydenburg High School. This fund is currently administered and distributed monthly to the pupil by the school administrators, assisting him for his sport and personal requirements. This year our target for charity is R20 000. In order to achieve this, we request assistance from local companies whereby they can sponsor a golf day for R2 500 and have free advertising /promotions on the course for the day and have the day named after their company. Application can be arranged with Bruce via e-mail jamesfamily@lantic.net or phone 082 801 6821. All are welcome to join us, once a month, to raise charity while enjoying a social game of golf.

Valid Until 31 August 2018

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