20 September 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 37 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Lydenburg is een van die oudste dorpe in Mpumalanga. Dit is in 1850 deur die Voortrekkers van die Potgieter trek gestig. Die Groot Trek het inderwaarheid hier tot 'n einde gekom. Die Trekkers het eers gepoog om Andries- Ohrigstad (50 km) noord van Lydenburg te vestig, maar soveel mense het aan malaria beswyk dat hulle 'n ander ligging vir hulle dorp moes kies. Die naam van die nuwe dorp, Lydenburg, roep die verlies en lyding van die mense van Ohrigstad in herinnering. Daar was min gesinne wat nie iemand aan die dood afgestaan het nie. Republiek van Lydenburg In 1856 het Lydenburg van die Transvaalse Republiek afgestig om 'n selfstandige republiek te wees. Lydenburg kon ekonomies en staatkundig onafhanklik wees danksy sy strategiese ligging naby Delagoabaai (hedendaagse Maputo) – die enigste hawe wat nie onder Engelse beheer was nie. In 1860 het Lydenburg weer by die Transvaalse Republiek aangesluit. Op die ossewaroete Lydenburg se ligging was ideaal geleë op die ossewaroete van Portugees-Oos-Afrika (Mosambiek) na Delagoabaai. Transportryers het tien dae geneem om hierdie tog te voltooi. In 1873 is die Long Tom-pas tussen Lydenburg en Sabie as 'n alternatiewe roete vir die transportryers aangelê; Delagoabaai kon nou binne 'n paar uur bereik word. Goud Op 6 Februarie 1873 is spoelgoud in die omgewing gevind en binne die volgende drie maande is die Lydenburg goudveld geproklameer. Dit is steeds 'n mynbousentrum in Suid-Afrika. Oorlog In 1878 het die Britte 'n regiment na Lydenburg-distrik gestuur om Sekhukhune van die Bapedi-stam te onderwerp. Daarná is die 94ste regiment onder bevel van Kolonel here are many explanations for how the R.P. Anstruther in Lydenburg gestasioneer. name Mashishing came into being. Tydens die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog is 'n Below are some explanations which I afdeling van hierdie garnisoen beveel om na believe may hold some truth. According to historic accounts the original Pretoria op te ruk. Die Britte was nie 'n aanval community (BaPedi) resided at Boomplaats. After van die Boere te wagte nie en Anstruther het the land was sold to private people the original toegelaat dat sy manskappe hulle residents moved away and settled at the banks of waaksaamheid verslap. (Die skroewe van die the Marambane River. ammunisiekiste was nie eers losgeskroef The name Marambane was derived from the word nie.) By Bronkhorstspruit het generaal Piet mahambane meaning to walk. Joubert die afdeling binne minute oorrompel. This word was used to describe the gold Talle Britte het gesneuwel, onder andere prospectors (1871), Abomahambane, who scoured the hills and valleys around Lydenburg in Anstruther. search of gold. It was here that Mashishing was Daar is soveel meer oor ons dorp. Besoek gerus die museum met hul wonderlike established. At first it was agreed that the area be named uitstallings.
The name Mashishing
Marangrang (after a Pedi chief and businessman) but it was later decided to name it Mashishing, after the tall grass of the area. This reference to grass is because the BaPedi settled here with their cattle, mainly because this area had excellent grazing for cattle. Therefore the place was referred to as Leshishi – good grass or grazing. Leshishi became Mashishing. ~ JP Celliers, Museum Curator
September is Erfenismaand
Hierdie foto is deur Lani Visser geneem waar die vink sy eie swaai geweef het. Die foto is in die Kruger Wildtuin geneem.
20 September 2018
SHOPRITE Lydenburg took it upon themselves to start cleaning the gutters and streets around the store this weekend. It was in reaction to a letter by Mr Pompies Letwaba in the Highlands Panorama News that the General Manager Mr Karel Mkhiza rounded up his staff. Everyone was keen to help. They quickly formed a team that volunteered to clean the area and actually had a great time according to him. “If everyone just does their part in keeping the area around them tidy and not litter, it will be a huge problem solver,” said Mr Letwaba. The Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber has also launched its P.R.I.D.E project with great success. Look out for the big green drums and throw your litter in there. ~ Michelle Boshoff
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HIERDIE Rooiblaar rotsvy (Ficus Ingens) is 17 jaar terug deur Andre Coetzee in sy tuin geplant. Meeste mense was van mening dat dit nie in Lydenburg sou groei nie a.g.v. ons koue klimaat. Wel vandag is dit ’n pragtige groot boom wat 11 maande van die jaar welig groen is. Teen Augustus gooi dit in ’n kort tyd sy groot blare af en bot hy in September met die skouspelagtige rooibruin blare, wat binne weke weer groen word. Hierdie skouspel is dus van baie korte duur.
20 September 2018
TROTS is slegs een woord om te beskryf hoe Lydenburg voel oor me. Cobie Steinberg. Sy het pas aan die Wêreld Driekamp aan die Gouekus in Australië deelgeneem (ITU World Triathlon). Boonop was sy die 23ste vinnigste atleet tussen die ouderdom 65 en 69 in die wêreld. Die deelname het bestaan uit 1500 m swem, 40 km fietsry en 10 km draf. Sodra sy uitgerus het sal ons meer van haar ervaring vertel. Maar nou kan sy eers uitrus en ’n veels geluk is in orde vir dié atleet wat Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig het.
Foto’s verskaf
STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
Dr Jan Steinberg en me. Cobie Steinberg met die gepaste woorde ‘Go Ouma Go’! in Australië.
20 September 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
EK luister nou die dag na ’n program oor hoe inherent siek ons Suid Afrikaanse gemeenskap werklik is. Dit gaan oor misdaad, korrupsie, gebrekkige verantwoordelikheid en die feit dat daar geen morele kompas is nie. Nou wil ek in tipiese Outoppie styl iets sê wat meeste van ons lesers erg gaan omkrap. En dit sal goed wees, want omgekrapte mense dink dalk bietjie oor ’n saak. Ek wil sê dat meeste van ons probleme die ouers se skuld is. In baie gevalle is ’n Vaderfiguur totaal afwesig. Die robbies verdwyn dikwels sonder om eers papgeld te
betaal. Die ma werk en die kleintjie is aan die gemeenskap, kleuterskool of strate oorgelaat in sy vormingsjare. Of die ander voorbeeld: Die kleintjie se ouers werk en is skatryk. Hy word op die agtersitplek van die SUV groot en soos hy/sy groei leer hy hoe sy ma eenvoudig oor ’n stopstraat ry, of hoe sy pa ander motoriste vloek. Vanaand tydens “familietyd” sit pa met ’n dop voor die TV en ma werskaf met ander dinge. Niemand praat nie. Die kind is bevoorreg. Hy/sy het haar eie TV, X-box, tabletrekenaar, skootrekenaar, R 18 000 slimfoon en onbeperkte “sakgeld / lugtyd”. Die hartseer is dat daardie kind bitter arm is. Sy rolmodelle suip, baklei, vloek, verneuk en betaal ’n verkeersman ietsie as hulle te vinnig gery het. Die pa spandeer enorme bedrae op die beste skole en
sporttoerusting, maar ma se weeklikse naelafspraak, haar haredos en grimering is uiters belangrik en spandeer sy meer tyd op inkopies of kuiertjies met die “in” mense. Die kind is OK. Hy het mos tien maal meer goedjies as die “gewone” mense se kinders en is “besig”. Maar die rolmodelle faal klaaglik. Jy meneer, mevrou, het daardie kind goed gemaak. As baba was hy perfek. Julle swak ouerskap en gebrekkige morele kompas het hom egter vir die verderf laat grootword. En nou wonder julle wat het verkeerd gegaan? Dis die dominee of die onderwyser se skuld! Terloops, ek het geen probleem met pa en ma wat werk nie. Dit is goed. Ek en my vrou het ook ons lewe lank. Maar Goddank was ons te arm vir die X-Box. Lego het ons begroting erg geroer. Ons moes (behoede ons) met ons kinders praat en speel, hulle dissiplineer en met omsigtigheid voor hulle optree. Ons het maksimaal tyd met hulle spandeer. Doen julle dit deurentyd? Bravo! Julle is OK. Klink ’n glasie!
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
Dit is asof daar ‘n heksejag is op wit Afrikaanssprekendes in die media. Veral wat nie al hul steun gewys het aan die ANC tans en in die verlede nie. Soos destyds Max du Preez, André P. Brink, Breyten Breytenbach, my ‘groot gunsteling’ Carl Niehaus. O, oor hom kan ek my eie herinneringe skryf oor sy tyd in Nederland. Maar Niehaus het nou die dag vir arme geliefde Prof Theo Venter van die Noordwes Universiteit op Potchefstroom so aangevat op RSG dat ek versigtig is hy lees my Hoorhierso-rubriek in Lydenburg... en as hy doen kan hy my maar bel... ek sal graag die oproep wil opneem. Met sy boek ‘Om te veg vir hoop’ in die middel 90’s het ek geweet Mandela se vrylating was net die begin van verandering. Want Carl Niehaus en sy span het nog baie ysters in die vuur om wonde te skroei. Ek was toe nog op hoërskool maar my ma het ingestem dat ek die politieke boek mag lees, want dit was toe reeds een van die passies. Hoorhierso is altyd oor ‘kwinkslae en kwellings’. En die politiek is deesdae vir my so deurmekaar dat ek erg gekwel is. Die grondgrype-debat was in volle swang toe sê Pres. Ramaphosa, nee die ‘Grondonteiening Sonder Vergoeding’ gaan steeds voort’. Toe land die Eerste Minister van Brittanje, me. Theresa May hier, sy dans met twee linkervoete op die tv en Ramaphosa paai die land. Tussendeur word mense vir die geringste mondkrul as rassiste uitgewys, oor al die kleurgrense. Altans, in die nasionale media gons dit. Maar ek, in my persoonlike opinie dink ons is besig om aan te beweeg, en dat dit meer oor regte gaan soos Solidariteit tans steeds voor staak by Sasol oor die aandeletoepassing in die maatskappy, wat van wit werkers weerhou is. In dieselfde asem wil ek noem dat ek verskriklik baie van Trevor Noah, die aanbieder van die Daily Show in die VSA en kommediant hou, maar hy doen ons beeld as hardwerkende mense wat die land gebou het tot waar dit nou is net skade. Hy het nog niks goed oor enige wit SuidAfrikaner gesê nie en die Amerikaners hang aan elke woord. Ook Trump wat op grondhervorming ge’twiet’ het, moet dit nou deurvoer. Want die demokrate in die VSA vertrou niks wat hy sê nie en sien hom weer as ‘n rassis. Ons as ‘n nasie moet kan saamstem wie ons regtig kan verteenwoordig. My stem is definitief deesdae by Afriforum en Solidariteit, en dan het Steve Hofmeyr hom geskaar by ToekomsVonk (kyk dit gerus op). Dit is ‘n riem onder die hart. Gaan sing saam met Steve Die Stem op sy vertonings. Daar is steeds vir my geen lied so innemend nie. “Op U almag vas vertrouend
Mr Pompies Letwaba from Lydenburg writes: A constitutional right to education is clearly packaged with a profound responsibility to respect other learners, respect teachers and to be in class at all times. It is utterly disgusting that institutions of teaching and learning have been transformed into war zones by our delinquent children. The errant behavior has elevated itself to carrying of dangerous weapons meant to attack or to a large extent, killing of teachers. Attacking innocent men and women bestowed with the responsibility to educate our nation is blatant act of criminality and extreme act of barbarism. Most painful is the dangerous notion that these little devils are regarded as minors and released into the custody of their parents. Society tends to forget that victims are fathers and mothers, husband and wives of high moral standard driven by a passion to educate the nation and nothing else. Insulting of teachers by these little devils in front of learners is serious violation of human dignity, a behavior that must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Former white owned schools or ''C model schools'' are known for order and discipline, such a discipline may be misconstrued for racism when a proper punishment is meted against such a little devil. The pass one pass all evil mentality propagated by student movement called SASCO is a recipe for disaster and down grading of the educational standard. Whoever does not support the restoration of high moral standard is advised to look for the nearest lake and kiss a pregnant frog. Last week the world community witnessed with shame how a nineteen year old boy was so proud in stabbing a teacher to death with a panga, instead of apologising to the South African public, he was seen
celebrating in front of his errant friends after he was released into the custody of his parents. Sniffing of drugs in all our public schools supplied by foreign nationals living a luxury life is a pain that bruises my heart. Every drug dealer is a friend of school going kids and preaching a dirty gospel of a modified chocolate nyaope now supplied to a girl child. My fellow brothers and sisters, James 4:17 says ''Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it, is committing a sin or an offence. From today onwards, we all know that we have the noble responsibility to be saints or accomplices (FRIENDS IN CRIME). My clarion call to old and junior parents is enough is enough! In closing, I am appealing to our teachers more especially with a passion for extramarital affairs with girl learners to stop the taboo. The social media was last year abuzz with a KZN teacher bonking an underage girl child who later tried to commit suicide. We all know the dressing code of these kids is bad and revealing to male innocent teachers lured into this deadly trap at the costly expense of their families. Please guys behave yourself- it is not worth dying for or losing your career because of a lousy four minutes thing. Extramarital affairs with a learner girl child causes irreparable damage and bad publicity to the institution of learning and teaching. We should all make concerted efforts as male teachers to see them as our beloved daughters not as second wife candidates or objects to be sexually molested. May the good Lord help our learners to dress in a well dignified manner befitting the stature of a disciplined child from a God fearing family, my kids, please listen to the word of God, and respect yourself.
Gemeenskap baat steeds by Heritage Race
het ons vadere gebou: Skenk ook ons die krag, o Here! Om te handhaaf en te hou.” Deur Michelle Boshoff
Romeine 1:29-30: hulle is vervul met allerhande ongeregtigheid, hoerery, boosheid, hebsug, ondeug; vol nydigheid, moord, twis, bedrog, kwaadaardigheid; nuusdraers, kwaadsprekers, haters van God, geweldenaars, trotsaards, grootpraters, uitvinders van slegte dinge, ongehoorsaam aan die ouers; Vader, leer ons ouers die ware betekenis van ouerskap - Amen.
Estralita Skool se leerders het die laaste landloop tekkies en sweetpakke ontvang wat uitgedeel is, na die Lydenburg Heritage MTB Race & Trail Run, wat in Maart gehou was. Nicky Klingbiel, Sibusiso Mthumunye, Omphile Manale, Charlene Coetzee, Mam Leah Mnisi, Tshepo Serage, Mpho Sepobe. Mpho en Omphile verteenwoordig Mpumalanga in die National Cross Country Championships in Durban, einde September. Foto inlas: Blessing Zulu. Terra Events wens hulle alle sukses toe vir die seisoen en toekoms. Baie dankie aan Glencore, DwarsRivier, TRP & Booyensdal vir hulle ondersteuning met die resies.
20 September 2018
Vrouesake word bespreek
Hibiscuslede van die Vroue Landbou Unie het die onlangse kongres in Hazyview baie geniet. Foto Bo: (agter): Ansie Botes en Erica J v Vuuren; (voor): Rita van Wyk, Elzebe Brits en Annette Bester. Foto links: Christie Havenga en Annatjie Stoltz
20 September 2018
Natuur op sy mooiste
Foto van ’n Europese Boomvalk - Lani Visser
Lede van die Longtom Fotografieklub het besonderse foto's ingeskryf gedurende hul September-vergadering. In die Set Subject afdeling het Lani Visser met haar pragtige foto van 'n Vink wat besig is om sy nes te bou gewen (sien voorblad). Die foto is geneem in die Kruger Wildtuin met 'n Canon EOS 70D, F/8, 1/4000, 300mm lens (sien foto op voorblad). In die Ope-afdeling het Lani ook gewen met haar foto van die Europese boomvalk in die Kalagadi oorgrenspark met EOS 6D Mark II, F5.6, 1/4000, 300mm lens. Die vergadering vir volgende maand vind plaas op die 8 Oktober. Persone wat belangstel kan vir Des Jacobs (voorsitter) 0768586317 of Lize Maritz (sekretaresse) 0832797997 skakel vir verdere inligting. Die vergadering vind plaas by die Hervormde Kerk om 18:00.
Vier Nasionale Braaidag op 24 September deur dit om die vuurtjie deur te bring. Gooi ‘n vleisie op die kole en dalk ietsie kouds in die hand... en sit terug. Ondersteun gerus al die besighede wat spesiale Braaidag aanbiedinge het. Braaidag is vir die eerste keer in 2005 deur die Mzansi Braaiinstituut georganiseer, en sedert 2008 word dit deur Jan Braai onder die vaandel van Braai vir Erfenis (Braai4Heritage), ‘n nie-winsbejag inisiatief bemark. Sy program vir kykNet waar hy in Lydenburg kuier sal binne die volgende twee weke uitgesaai word, hou die kassie dop.
DIE musikante het deelgeneem aan die musiek-afdeling van die 2018-Nelspruit Eisteddfod gedurende die laaste week van Augustus. Na maande se oefening het hulle met selfvertroue hulle liedjies gespeel en uitstekende terugvoer gekry vanaf die beoordelaar. Die volgende musikante het aan die klavier-afdeling deelgeneem: Elzané Smith (94% vir Cool Waltz), Jada Hamman (92 % vir What a wonderful world), Andrea Hamman (92 % vir Plaisir d'Amour, Liané Hanekom (96% vir Everything I do, wenner in haar afdeling), Zanri Hankom (92 % vir Something I need) en Carli Le Roux (91% vir Yesterday). Zanri Hanekom het ook aan die kompeterende afdeling deelgeneem en 91% gekry vir haar vertolking van Counting Stars en Think of Me.) Uitslae in die klawerbordafdeling was as volg: Ewan Fritz (93% vir Starter Rumba), Juan Buckingham (94 % vir Af en Af), Natasha Govender (95% vir The Rose), Suané Venter (96 % vir Afrikaanse keurspel) Liané Hanekom 97% vir El Condor Pasa), Zanri Hanekom (98 % vir Rondo alla Turca) en Stephnie Fritz (98 % vir Fur Elize met 'n kinkel in die kabel). Zanri en Stephnie het ook die beste in die afdeling gevaar. Die beoordelaar was Chantie Minnaar. Haar opbouende kritiek en wenke wat sy deurgaans aan al die deelnemers gegee het, was van onskatbare waarde. Die e i s t e d d f o d l e e r deursettingsvermoë en help ook bou aan selfvertroue. Mag hierdie klompie hardwerkende musikante se prestasies dien as aansporing vir beginner-musikante. Volgende jaar gaan hulle beslis weer deelneem!
Inlas Bo: Elzané Smith, Jada Hamman, Natasha Govender, Andrea Hamman, Carli Le Roux; Op foto van links na regs: Juan Buckingham, Ewan Fritz, Stephnie Fritz, me. Ria Aucamp, Zanri Hanekom, Liané Hanekom, Suané Venter.
Van links na regs:Ewan Fritz, me. Ria Aucamp, Stephnie Fritz, me. Shantie Minnaar, beoordelaar.
Fly-Inn Festival THE Fall Lydenburg Fly-Inn Festival will take place on 29 September from 07:00 till 17:00. There is an aircraft display, spot landing competition, airplane flips, remote control display, food and craft stores and a kids play ground. Go and join in the fun at the Lydenburg Airfield. For more info phone Dean Hunter: 082 908 4565 or Louis van Rhyn 082 550 8832.
Graag nooi ons jou kliënte vir die Wellness Dag in Lydenburg. Donderdag 27 September om 10h00 – 16h30 by die JJ's Gym. Dit sluit in ’n Vitality Health Check – tot 25 000 punte. Fitness Assessment – tot 7 500 punte (R375 –besprekings moet gemaak word). Besprekings vir die fitness assessment: Liesl Pretorius 013 755 2751
Pryse tot R10 000 by skietdag Op 29 September vind ’n Ghong Skietdag plaas. Die eerste prys is R10 000 en daar gaan kosstalletjies ook wees. Daar is ook ‘n gelukkige trekking van ’n ‘Howa Varminter Rifle’. Gaan geniet die familiedag saam met die SAJV Bosboktak. Vir inskrywings skakel Leon Visser 082 808 9641 of Kruger van Eck 082 781 6599.
20 September 2018
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
WILDPLAAS en Lodge eienaars moet gerus kyk na die nuwe Mahindra Game Viewer. Gebaseer op die Mahindra S4 of S6 Pik Up kom hierdie voertuig klaar voorberei deur Safari Conversions, met 11 sitplekke (bestuurder ingesluit), ’n behoorlike dak, seilkante wat heeltemaal kan toemaak en ’n addisionele voorruit wat afslaan en bo teen die normale voorruit vasknip. Albei voorruite kan plat op- en afslaan. Daar is 3 ruim seildeure vir passasiers met veiligheidsknippe. ’n Mens sit lekker hoog en sal heerlik wild kan besigtig en fotos neem. Daar is ’n spesiale kragpunt vir ’n yskassie en baie plek onder die sitplekke vir groot koelhouers, vir daardie sononder uitstappie en drankie. Die voorste kajuit is standaard PikUp met dubbel luksakke. Die S4 is die standaard model en kom met 4x2 aandrywing. S6 is beskikbaar in 4x4 met lae strek (low range). Almal het ’n ewenaarslot. Enjins en ratkaste is dieselfde op almal en die turbodiesel mHawk maak 103 kW en 320 Nm. Dit kan 2 500 kg (gerem) sleep. Die ratkas is ’n sesspoed. Die Game Viewer voldoen aan Sanparke spesifikasies. Veiligheidskenmerke sluit in veiligheidsgordels vir al die passasiers. Uit my vorige natuurbewaringservaring is ek goed vertroud met wildbesigtigingsvoertuie. Een van my irritasies was altyd die muggies en goggas teen skemer. Die dubbelhoogte voorruit skakel hierdie probleem uit. Hierdie Mahindra het ook ’n versterkte veerstelsel om wieg teen lae spoed op ’n slegte paadjie teen te werk, vir die passasiers wat lekker hoog sit. ’n Ander baie lekker kenmerk is dat jy regop kan staan in die voertuig sonder om jou kop te stamp, iets wat op party ander soortgelyke voertuie gepla het. Die voertuig kom met Mahindra se volle 120 000 km / 4-jaar waarborg en ’n diensplan van 3-jaar / 60 000 km is ingesluit. Die beste nuus is die prys. Op ander voertuie kyk jy na die basisprys vir die bakkie, plus die omboukoste, wat hulle maklik R 500 000 of meer laat kos. Hierdie Mahindra Game Viewer kom teen (S4) R 368 000 en (S6) R 443 000. Dit maak dit dus ’n bekostigbare besigheidsuitgawe vir ’n wildplaas. Ek is werklik beïndruk! Andre Coetzee
R189 995 60 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg 013 235 4591 FSP 10677
20 September 2018
BRUISER Conversions, a Florida-based tuning company that specialises in the upgrading of Jeep Wranglers, has lifted the wraps off its latest offering, the Honcho. Based on the outgoing JK platform that underpins the four-door Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, the Honcho is offered with the choice of two powertrains: a 368 kW V8 petrol engine from General Motors (yes, the same basic 6,2-litre unit found in the Corvette) and a 2,8-litre four-cylinder turbodiesel from the folks over at Cummins, sending 120 kW to all four wheels. Still not hardcore enough? Tick the requisite options box and the American company will add even more power to the V8 version, cranking it up to a whopping 515 kW. To match its newfound power, the body of this tuned Wrangler is aggressively styled, particularly in this grey paintwork with Gorilla front clip and optional beadlock wheels. Other items included in the base price of $40 000 (which is around R617 000 in local money) is the extension of the Wrangler’s frame (and its fuel and electrical systems), plus a removable hard top. Options include BFGoodrich Krawler TA rubber, Teraflex Falcon shocks, a Warn Zeon 10s winch and a variety of lighting solutions. carmag.co.za
This minor service special includes replacement of your car’s air filter, fuel filter (inline filter only when applicable), oil filter, engin oil and spark plugs (where applicable), Plus, you’ll receive a comprehensive scheduled inspection of various mechanical and maintenance parts.
NOW that Ford has applied the Raptor treatment to both its F150 and Ranger pick-ups, it seems fair game to assume it might start Raptoring everything. Well, it does if you’re genius online render merchant X-Tomi Design, who’s given the blue paint, rubber body kit and hiked-up ride treatment to a Mustang. Whisper it, but we kinda like it. Ford said, after all, that its electric SUV will have some Mustang influence in it. It’ll probably be a bit more subtle than hiking up a ‘Stang and whacking some batteries in it, but we live in hope nonetheless. In the meantime, let us know what you think of X-Tomi’s Mustang Raptor. Whether you like the way it looks or not, surely a V8 rear-drive off-road toy on knobbly tyres has the potential to be as much fun as petrol-powered transport gets? topgear.co.za ED: It will certainly work on our roads!
FSP 10677
FSP 10677
Offer valid for FIGO, FOCUS, FIESTA and selected ECOSPORTS (as described above), and RANGERS (as described above) out of warranty and Service Plan. Valid from 1 August - 30 September 2018. Available at participating dealerships only. Price is VAT and labour Inclusive. T&C’s Apply.
Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen StreetsLydenburg mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za 013 235 2371
Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen StreetsLydenburg mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za 013 235 2371
McGee's Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 0132317274 An Authorised Financial Services Provider
McGee's Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 0132317274 An Authorised Financial Services Provider
20 September 2018
NISSAN’s senior vice president for global design has confirmed that the Japanese brand is indeed working on a successor to the decade-old 370Z, saying that he is feeling “huge pressure” to help create something worthy of the “Z” badge. Speaking to Which Car, Alfonso Albaisa confirmed that planning for the nextgeneration Z-car had already started. “Huge pressure,” Albaisa told the Australian publication of an upcoming successor to the 370Z. “You can imagine I’m completely excited that I am in the position to work on that,” he added. As Which Car points out, October 2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of the launch of the original 240Z. And, with the Tokyo Motor Show taking place in that very month, the publication speculates that Nissan could be gearing up to show off an early prototype. “Democratisation of the sports car, the 240Z … unforgettable,” Albaisa said. “Even in the modern day … the 300ZX of 1989, this Japanese simplicity was impressive.” Meanwhile, a report from March 2018 suggested that Nissan would team up with Mercedes-Benz to develop the brand’s next-generation Z-badged sportscar. carmag.co.za ED: This is excellent news. Although the GTR represents the pinnacle of performance cars, it falls outside the budget of most people. The 370Z remained an excellent sports car that put a smile on many an enthusiast’s face (including mine). Utilizing what is arguable the best V6 ever built, it would be a shame if that powerplant is ditched in favour of something else, however good it may be. Provided the Z is priced correctly, it should find acceptance in the market.
BRITISH motor company Lister claims that its new LFP – which is based on the Jaguar F-Pace – will be the “world’s fastest SUV”. Lister confirmed that it would release the LFP “in the coming weeks”, adding that its take on the F-Pace would make 500 kW, hit 100 km/h from standstill in around 3,5 seconds and top out at a whopping 322 km/h. While the company’s choice of powertrain has yet to be revealed, it will likely take the form of Jaguar Land Rover’s 5,0-litre supercharged V8, albeit in suitably fettled guise. The firm claims that “early prospective customer interest in the Lister LFP is already considerable”, prompting it to open its order book ahead of the official reveal of the model. Pricing is set to begin at around £140 000 (nearly R2,8-million), including “extensive carbon-fibre modifications” to reduce weight. “I am delighted, overwhelmed and gratified by the huge level of interest, excitement and orders our LFT-666 supercar has already generated in just a few months,” said Lawrence Whittaker, CEO of the Lister Motor Company. “Based on early indications, our new LFP promises to repeat the success of the LFT666, and I really can’t wait to reveal the world’s fastest SUV quite soon,” he added. carmag.co.za
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We are stockholders of the following tyre brands
20 September 2018
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KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES Kennisgewing: d i e
ondergenoemde voertuig sal deur GS Auto verkoop word na 30 dae vanaf eerste plasing van die advertensie om die besigheid se kostes te dek sowel as stoorgelde vir die voortuig as die eienaar nie die rekening kom betaal nie: 1999 VW Golf, 1.8 Turbo Reg: CZH 520 MP. Kontak GS Auto by 013 235 3086 vir verdere inligting. KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerdekerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NGkerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, J e u g d i e n s Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • ELROHI - Die Gemeentes van C h r i s t u s Rensburg-str.41, Ly d e n b u r g . Sondagoggende 1 0 : 0 0 & Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 1 0 : 0 0 S u s t e r s b i d u u r, Woensdagaand 1 9 : 0 0 Gemeentebiduur, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor
Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • R e h o b o t Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 1 9 : 0 0 . Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste @isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 4 2 0 7 9 5 4 . •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e
Konstruksie Vir alle Bouwerk Chris van Deventer 082 684 2159 cjvdv@mweb.co.za
(Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda S t e e l p o o r t dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 1 0 : 0 0 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y W e n a k k e r , K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 0 9 h 0 0 b y L y d e n b u r g Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926
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Nuus / News
20 September 2018
Sole mandate Immaculate, well maintained family home in a popular, well established area, just move in. Entering the home one experiences a feeling of comfort and contentment. This home offers spacious open plan formal and family lounges. Dining room. Well sized kitchen with ample storage space. Three well sized bedrooms all with built- in cupboards. Study or fourth bedroom. The main bedroom has a walk-in closet. Two full bathrooms, main and -suite plus a separate toilet. Various entertainment areas. Swimming pool with a leisure lounge. Large Wendy house and two carports. Double automated garage. Alarm system. Electric gate. All this in a well-kept garden. Various extras. R1 550 000. Call Henry at Deo Volente Properties on 074 589 0204 or 013 235 1102
6 tips for choosing the right outdoor paint 1. Stand the test Painting the outside of your home is a big job, so you want to choose paint that will last. Reputable paint brands often come with a guarantee, which offer some peace of mind when embracing the hefty undertaking of painting your home. Plascon products come with a 12- to 15-year guarantee, Dulux guarantees cover 10 years, while Fired Earth comes with a 7- to 10-year guarantee, and Duram Flexiwall covers five years. 2. The finish Rough, gritty, sandstone or smooth - choosing a paint is more than just about colour. Next to colour, the finish is the next important decision you need to make. Standard options are usually either matt or low-sheen, although many of the brands, such as Fired Earth, have more exciting options, including granular, suedette and the sandstone effect. 3. Easy to clean If you live in a particularly dusty or grimy area, dirt resistance may be an important quality in the paint you choose. Certain paints include dirt barrier
technology, which makes it easier to keep your walls clean. Plascon's Wall & All formula of acrylic polymers and fungicide make it particularly resistant to dirt, while Dulux's Wallguard, Duram's Endure and Fired Earth's Ultimate Coat are also easy to wash and are resistant to stains. 4. The surface While walls are usually the primary concern, don't neglect the window frames, doors, railings and balconies. They also need protection against hard wear and harsh elements. Products such as Dulux Woodgard Exterior Double Life Timbavarnish, Plascon Woodcare Sunproof Varnish and Fired Earth Velvet Wood are excellent options in this regard. 5. Banish damp Certain products are specifically designed to tackle damp problems affecting walls. To get rid of damp, it is important to appropriately prepare the area before repainting it. You can do this on your own, but it is recommended that a damp specialist carry out this part of the job. Article courtesy of www.builders.co.za
VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop *Baie ruim 3 Slaapkamer plaashuis,( ongeveer 10km uit die dorp) 2 badkamers, en 1 motorhuis met woonstel. R8650 pm *Ruim 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, sentraal geleĂŤ (loop-afstand van alle winkels in die dorp) 2 badkamers, en 1 motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. R5900 pm *Ruim 2 Slaapkamer dupleks woonstel met 2 badkamers en toesluit motorafdakke. R4000 pm
Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: INA 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
20 September 2018
Children and parents enjoying the event
AS part of Kevin Ruthen’s preparation for the Munga trail 2019 he challenged himself to complete a 100km in 24 hours over the past weekend at the Lydenburg High School. Individuals and businesses sponsored Kevin, better known as ‘Die Bergloper’, per kilometer to raise funds for some equipment he would require during the Munga Trail such as an Endurance Hydration Pack and a Fenix 3 GPS. Lydenburg resident, Rochelle Strauss, created awareness for her project ‘Rebuild Eky’s World. He is a resident in Lombok, an island 40km from Bali. The Rebuild Eky’s World Project is very close to her heart. Eky Athaya lives in a tent camp after his home was destroyed in recent devastating earthquakes. Both of these causes can be viewed on Facebook. Kevin said he walked 112km in the 24 hours. He was joined by a huge team of supporters and organisations in the Lydenburg area. One of the charities were Santa’s Shoe Box. There were so many participants that made the weekend possible.
Kevin Ruthven in action.
Supporters keeping the crowd happy.
Kevin would like to thank Rochelle Strauss, Terra Events, Aqua Terra Guesthouse, Lydenburg Property Lounge, Abundant Life, Santa’s Shoebox Project, Longtom Cycle & Sport, Pick n Pay Lydenburg, Warrior Drilling Equipment, Herbal Life, Run / Walk for Life Lydenburg, Herbal Life and Saf-Con Civils & Construction. Rochelle would also like to thank Mohammed Gaffar from A1’s Mini Grocer, Lydenburg IFFSk Shotokan Karate Dojo and AmaJaybee Graphics and Signs. (The sponsor list supplied by the organisers). ~ Michelle Boshoff
Rochelle Strauss with balloons that were released at the end of the 24 hour walk.
Valid Until 29 September 2018
Die landloop en Spur MTB League is volgende week in die koerant.