27 September 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 38

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27 September 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 38 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za


IE Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer (Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber LMBC) het op 18 September vergadering in die Stadsaal gehou. Die vergadering is deur sowat 30 mense bygewoon. Voorsitter Etli van der Merwe het almal verwelkom en past. Andre Hanekom (administrateur) het die vegadering op gepaste wyse geopen.

Wessel Venter en twee sprekers het die konsepte van LovingThyNeigbour en Grow SA met die vergadering gedeel en is baie goed deur die gehoor ontvang. Wessel het ook terugvoer gegee oor die herstel van die dorp se strate. Die twee betrokke kontrakteurs, Lorraine Nagel en Julia Sitole was ook teenwoordig. Daarna het Etli Van Der Merwe terugvoer gegee oor die skitterende P.R.I.D.E. projek en oor talle

skoonmaakaksies wat tydens “Groen Dag” plaasgevind het. P.R.I.D.E staan vir Picking up our rubbish, Restoring our beauty, Investing in our future, Doing it together en Enjoying the results. Etli het die talle borge, asook Wenakker, die Working On Fire/Water span, Hoërskool Lydenburg , die M p u m a l a n g a P a r k e e n To e r i s m e Agentskap, Lydenburg Totota, Garth McGee en die Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit bedank vir al hulle hulp. Besighede kan dromme aanneem deur die “Adopt a Bin” vorm te voltooi. Die drom kos jou met jou logo daarop R350 per jaar. Kontak Etli by 082 371 6449. Hierdie twee projekte naamlik die slaggat herstel projek en die skoonmaak van die dorp projek is die LMBC se twee hoof projekte vir die jaar. Die LMBC het ook die waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder (MM) Me Sphiwe Matsi na die vergadering genooi en nege vrae die vorige week skriftelik aan die MM gestel, wat beantwoord moes word. Dit het gegaan oor onder andere die Duma substasie, slim kragmeters, die rioolwerke, die Eskom saak en verskeie ander aspekte van munisipale bestuur. Ongelukkig was antwoorde vaag en meestal ontwykend en het die MM die oplossings as uitdagings beskou waar planne gedurig na

vergaderings verwys word. Uitvoering van die planne is egter ’n ander storie. Andre Hanekom het besoekers ingelig oor die LMBC se baie volledige webtuiste (www. lydenburgbusiness.co.za) en al die voordele en skakels daarop. Besoek dit gerus by bogenoemde webtuiste of op FB @lydenburgchamber, of op Whatsapp Broadcast by 081 778 5904. Hy het ook mense uitgenooi om aan te sluit by die LMBC. Indien hulle voor einde September aansluit kan hulle korting ontvang op hulle ledegeld. Hy het ook die jaarlikse “Beste Besigheidskompetisie” aangekondig, waar mense vanaf 1 Oktober vir hulle gunsteling besigheid kan stem deur die SMS nommer 33789 te skakel en die besigheidsnaam in te tik. Die LMBC se glans gala-aand vind vanjaar op 14 November weer by @Boshoek plaas en die gaskunstenaar is Chris Chameleon. Kaartjies kos R 450 pp of R4 500 per tafel van 10 vir groot besighede of groepe. Kontak Andre Hanekom gerus. Gerda Whitehorn het daarna die sewende (2018 / 2019) prag uitgawe van Lydenburg se unieke besigheidsgids bekend gestel. Dit word reeds en in die komende weke na besighede versprei. Eksemplare sal ook by die Steelburger en Highlands Panorama koerante se kantore, by Wizards Corner en by PostNet beskikbaar wees. Andre Coetzee.

Fatal accident on Dullstroom road THREE people died due to a head-on collision that occured at 15:20 on Sunday between a sedan and a SUV on the R540 between Lydenburg and Dullstroom. All the deceased were occupants of the SUV. The driver of the sedan who was the only occupant in the vehicle, sustained serious injuries and was rushed to Medi Clinic for medical attention. The deceased are believed to be Brazilian nations. They were burnt beyond recognition after their vehicle caught fire on impact. The Mpumalanga MEC for Community Safety, Security and Liaison Pat Ngomane is appealing to motorists to drive with care after the 19 fatalities resulting from major

crashes over the long weekend. Motor accidents were at a high over the past long weekend and motorists paid with their lives. One of the biggest causes was that drivers overtake each other at dangerous areas and where the visibility is poor. It is very important to keep a safe following distance and obey the speed limits. In another incident, there was a crash between a motorcycle and a sedan on the N4 Schoemanskloof road next to Joubert and Son. The crash happened a few minutes before the biker clocked 283km/h on the N4, where officers were conducting speed checks. The biker did not survive the crash.


27 September 2018

Duitse navorser vis uit na nog inligting oor Berlynse Sendelinge TYDENS 'n onlangse besoek aan die museum op Lydenburg was die Duitse historikus, Prof van der Heyden op soek na briewe, dagboeke of ander geskrifte van die sendeling Johannes Winter. Ongelukkig was daar nie sulke dokumente nie. Maar miskien het een van ons lesers geskrewe dokumente, veral uit die tydperk 1890-1914, afkomstig van Johannes Winter of gerig aan hom. Ook koerantberigte van daardie tyd, wat handel oor Winter of die Bakopa of die Bapedi Lutherse Kerk, is interessant vir die navorsing. Enigeen wat van sulke geskrewe inligting weet, kan aan prof. van der Heyden skryf by die volgende e-pos adres: heydenul@huberlin.de. In die Duitse geskiedkundige geskrifte van die middel 19e eeu, meestal geskryf deur Christelike sendelinge, is daar verskeie beskrywings van die Republiek van Lydenburg. Die Republiek stam uit die tyd voor die vorming van die ZuidAfrikaansche Republiek. Hierdie positiewe beriggewing het voortgespruit uit die feit dat die Lydenburg inwoners en hulle regering die

sendelinge van die Berlynse Sendinggenootskap gehelp het om sendingwerk te begin onder die swart etniese groepe en om sendingstasies te vestig in die omgewing. Die Bakopa onder Koši Maléo was n goeie voorbeeld hiervan. Die geskiedenis van hierdie Bakopa stam het onlangs heelwat belangstelling in wetenskaplike kringe gekry. Professor Willem Boshoff van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika het argeologiese navorsing by Maléos Kop en by die Berlynse sendingstasie Gerlachshoop gedoen. Saam met die Berlynse historikus Ulrich van der Heyden skryf hy 'n boek oor die geskiedenis van die Bakopa. Die groep is byna heeltemal deur 'n Swazi mag in die vroeë 1860's uitgewis. Die meeste van die Bakopa wat die aanslag oorleef het, het 'n nuwe tuiste gevind op die sendingstasie Botshabelo naby Middelburg. Die bekende Berlynse sendeling Alexander Merensky het Botshabelo gevestig. Die Suid-Afrika historikus, prof van der Heyden,is tans ook besig met n boek oor die voormalige Berlynse sendeling Johannes Winter. Winter het

weggebreek van die Berlynse genootskap in die 1880s. Saam met een van die eerste Pedi bekeerlinge, Martinus Sewushan, is die eerste onafhanklike swart kerk in Suid Afrika, die Bapedi Lutherse Kerk, in 1890 gestig. Die Sendelinge se berigte oor Lydenburg is fassinerend. (Die tekste is in Duits geskryf en deur Dr Gerhard Jooste vertaal). In die "Berliner Missionsberichte" van 1860 sê dit: “Ons het twee jong sendelinge vir die Republiek van Lydenburg gekies omdat daar vanjaar 'n goeie geleentheid vir ons Genootskap opgeduik het. Hierdie Republiek het agt jaar gelede ontstaan deurdat immigrante uit die Kaapkolonie, wat meestal van Nederlandse oorsprong was, daar gevestig het. Dit is tans die voorpos van die kolonisasie in Suid-Afrika. Die getal koloniste is klein in verhouding tot die groot gebied wat deur die Republiek beset word. Die voormalige eienaars van die land, meestal Betshuanen, leef nog tussen die koloniste, deels op grond wat aan die koloniste behoort waar hulle dan belasting moet betaal, en

Ons het ‘n nuwe kontak nommer gekry:

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Cell: 071 316 2466 pieterse.zelna@gmail.com lydenburg-audiologist.co.za Opposite Medical Centre - Lydenburg

www.mysmile.co.za Tel : 013 235 1983 / 013 235 4563

Valid UNTIL 13 October 2018

or While stock lasts

deels op eie grond as vry mense. Staatswetgewing het bepaal dat sendelinge vir die swart inwoners verkry moet word. Die meeste goedgesindheid jeens die Berlynse sendelinge is in die Lydenburgse Republiek gevind. In die noordoostelike deel van die staat is daar koloniste wat besonder goeie en vroom mense is. In die lente van 1860 het ons sendelinge Merensky en Grützner uit Natal vertrek. Hul mikpunt was om 'n Afrika-stam te besoek wat tussen die Republiek en die kus woon en wat na ons mening geskik is vir sendingwerk. Hierdie stam het egter gedeeltelik in die Lydenburg-gebied gewoon en dit was nie moontlik om hulle te bereik sonder bemiddeling en met die toestemming van die Lydenburg-regering nie. Ons sendelinge is baie goed in Lydenburg ontvang. Die poging om onder die Swazi te vestig, het misluk omdat die stamhoof, waarskynlik deur sy raad beïnvloed, nie sy toestemming tot die nedersetting wou gee nie. Die sendelinge het teruggekeer na Lydenburg en is deur die burgers aangemoedig om die onder die plaaslike inwoners te werk. Die sendelinge het gereageer op hierdie uitnodiging en n versoek ingedien om sending in die Republiek te begin. Hulle het aansoek gedoen by die staat en kry toestemming onder baie gunstige voorwaardes. Hulle het 'n klein stam gekies, net 'n paar dae se reis vanaf Lydenburg, om met sendingwerk te begin in hierdie nuwe gebied. Die stamhoof, met ongeveer 2000 mense onder hom, word Maléo genoem. Die stam het grond van die Republiek ontvang en belasting aan die staat betaal. Naby sy dorp het sendelinge 'n stuk grond met die naam Rietkloof ontvang om op te vestig. Hierdie plek is geleë langs 'n klein riviertjie genaamd die Rietrivier. Op 14 Augustus het hulle daar aangekom. Hulle is later deur vooraanstaande burgers van Lydenburg aan Maleo voorgestel. Maleo het hulle vriendelik ontvang. 'n Burger wat daar naby woon het die sendelinge met hul vestiging daadwerklik bygestaan. Maléo se mense het die sendelinge aanvanklik gewantrou. Vertroue het egter vinnig gegroei.” Bydrae deur prof Ulrich van der Heyden

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8:00am - 12:15pm 13:30pm - 17:15pm Saturday

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27 September 2018 Article on page 1

Chamber Chair Etli van der Merwe, MM Sphiwe Matsi and Chamber Administrator Past AndrĂŠ Hanekom

Wessel Venter, Stefan Louw and Hano Jacobs from LovingThyNeighbour who addressed Chamber members on linking opportunities that would benefit both business and local charities.

Gerda Whitehorn and Marietjie with the new Business Directory, which was launched.


27 September 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

Daar is baie newels wat dreig om mens te oorweldig. Stap is een van die dinge wat help om mens se kop skoon te kry en iets wat ek deesdae te min doen. Mens gee jou net oor aan die ritme van jou voetstappe. Die Camino in Spanje lok jaarliks byna 'n kwartmiljoen mense. Ek het onlangs met iemand gesels oor die Spaanse Camino. Dis ‘n roete wat al vir eeue mense se v e r b e e l d i n g a a n g r y p . Mense stap die Camino al vir 1 200 jaar – aanvanklik met die uitsluitlike doel om by die Apostel Jakobus se graf in Santiago uit te kom en só vergifnis vir hulle sondes te bekom. Pelgrims was hulle, of dan peregrinos. Volgens inligting het daar reeds in die 12de eeu 'n halfmiljoen pelgrims per jaar hierdie pelgrimsreis gestap. n die Middeleeue was daar by die toegewyde Katoliek 'n obsessie om by Jakobus se beendere uit te kom. Verflenterd, honger, siek, maar biddend het hulle die tog aangepak, en in hulle duisende van koue of hitte of ander ontberings op die lang pad omgekom. Hulle belewenisse het in status en intensiteit gegroei tot byna magiese formaat, in so 'n mate dat behalwe Jakobus se eie 16 wonderwerke wat hy op die tog geskep het, daar 'n duisternis ander wonderwerke ook ontstaan het. Mettertyd het die tog egter in gewildheid afgeneem, tot so 'n mate dat enkele jare gelede, hier in die vroeë negentigs van die vorige eeu, daar maar sowat 600 pelgrims in 'n hele jaar die tog voltooi het. Nietemin het die misterie en mistiek van die Camino bly voortbestaan, en skielik het die getalle weer begin groei en is daar tans bykans 250 000 stappers per jaar wat die tog aanpak. Maar daar het nou 'n nuwe soort stapper bygekom – die avontuurlustige, die groene, dalk een met geld, met 'n straler op Santiago se lughawe, 'n peregrino wat met gesag kan praat oor die filosofie, die wetenskap, 'n nie-Katoliek, 'n ongelowige in baie gevalle. En almal, voor die voet, op soek na die mistiek van die Camino de Santiago. Klink dit nou nie hemels nie. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Dagstukkie 19 September - Efesiërs 4:15: Nee, ons sal in liefde by die waarheid bly en so in alle opsigte groei na Christus toe. My Here, laat U Heilige Gees so van my besit neem dat ek alleen maar tot U verheerliking sal lewe - Amen.

Die Groen Goed UITEENLOPENDE reaksie is die media vol oor die feit dat Regter Zondo uitspraak gelewer het oor die wettiging en private gebruik van Dagga. Party mense meen dit is ’n reuse euwel en dat die gebruik van sogenaamde “ligte” verdowingsmiddels lei to die gebruik van die erg gevaarlike goed. Ouers gaan nou die pappegaaislaai in hulle huise voor hulle kinders rook en dit gaan die hemel laat val, dan dra ons almal blou (of is dit groen?)

News from the Mpumalanga Heritage Society, Duncan Ballantyne writes: On Saturday 8th September 18 people in 8 cars braved the cold and wet weather, as well as the unseasonal lightning, to join a tour of historical aspects and stories of the Elands Valley. At the three lime kilns near to Ngodwana some talks were given regarding local history and more specifically the history and workings of the lime kilns. The Murray family's occupation of Grootgeluk farm and the rowdy days of the Godwin River Hotel were recounted, as well as other stories. Then it was on to the old Hemlock Store for more stories and information regarding the post-World War 1 farming settlement which sprung up there and the characters who tried to make a go of farming in the valley. Aspects of the early indigenous timber exploitation of the Mashonamien Valley and the subsequent afforestation of the mountains around the valley and the coming of the pulp and paper mill. Next stop was Airlie farm and the sites of historical intertest there, starting with the British war graveyard. The graves and the whole site have been superbly cleaned-up, complete with a new fence and access bridge, by Glen du Preez. He is contracted to do this by the Imperial War Graves Commission and was with us on the tour. Piet Schoeman, well o

According to an Occupational Therapist, "Praxis contains the ability of the nervous system to ensure a timed, coordinated response from the motor system of the body, while also contemplating how the limbic system (emotions) feels about it". Therefore, playing swing ball with my friend, hitting ball back with accuracy, and enjoying the moment with my friend. Therefore, according to her, praxis is built on the foundation of having the ability to regulate (modulate) our different senses. If our nervous system is disorganized, it is very difficult to build planful behaviour, as praxis requires a calm state in the nervous system. It also relies very heavily on our ability to discriminate with our different senses, so we know how hard to push a cart, how to feel what we hold in our hand, how we see the object in the distance we see it, and how we hear the instruction given to us. The ability to register information and process it to the brain to be analysed, is the cornerstone upon which we can build constructive play that would contain purpose and meaning, and result in planful behaviour. Without these building blocks, we will struggle to achieve the multiple forms in which praxis occurs. Praxis therefore consist of: having an idea, planning how to perform this idea and then preforming the idea. Dyspraxia is the inability to follow through on an instruction based on the task demand, even when it is understood. You

hoedjies! En die grapgatte is al oral oor bakkiesblad en die Internet met fotos van Marijuana boerewors en videos oor rook wat by motorvensters uitborrel. Ek weet maar min van die goedjies. As jongman het ek gesien daggarokers is maar sleg en lui, maar wanneer daar spit en graaf werk was, het ’n gerookte ou die ander onder die stof gewerk. My ervaring is dat meeste van die ouens baie rustig en kalm is, na ’n dampie. Miskien raak hulle dalk te veel ge “chill”. En dan is daar die medisinale olie ekstrakte met bewese effektiwiteit teen sekere kankers, pyn en artritis. Ek en baie van my ouer vriende vat saans

known historian and resident of the valley, was also present and gave us much interesting information. We then crossed the railway line to visit the 65-year-old ruins of the Dominion Iron and Steel Corporation Limited's steelworks. This factory was touted as supplying South Africa's iron and steel needs for the next hundred years with a 20% capital growth promised to shareholders. Those who were gullible enough to subscribe must have lost everything. A short distance to the west was the site of the British prisoner-of-war camp which contained 2,000 British soldiers until just after the battle of Berg-en-dal. The last stop was at Waterval-Onder where we first visited the war graveyard and then the well-kept Krugerhof. The old wagon and coach route down from Helvetia to Waterval-Onder was also discussed. As always, the muchenjoyed day ended with a convivial picnic under the big trees at the historic WatervalOnder railway siding. Thanks are due to LouisJohn Havemann for the historical research and contributions he made to the day. Article and photos – D. Ballantyne

know what you want, but just can't get going; or you have all the ideas in your head, but can't get them operate practically; or you know what you want to say, but just can't get the words out. Poor praxis will lead to poor executive functioning, which include: poor problem solving skills, poor planning skills, poor reasoning skills. This will then influence a child's ability to excel at school. They will struggle to learn to read, since they struggle with the timing required to read. They will struggle to understand Maths, since this require a lot of abstract thought. They will struggle to keep up with the tempo of the class, since they struggle to multi tasks. These children then become labelled as Dyslexic, ADHD, very disorganised children or children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). How can I improve our own Praxis or assist my child with their Dyspraxia? Professional help is required: Occupational Therapist, Speech therapist, Educational Psychologist, or play therapist. However, there are a few basic rules: • You and your child must be in a calm state of mind • You need have adequate control and integration of your senses (what you hear, see, feel and your balance) • Be patient with yourself and your child • Lots of repetition is needed. Basic example: try to walk backward, while rhythmically clapping your hands to beat and reciting a learned rhyme. For more information, please contact Denise van Heerden (Occupational Therapist, 082 827 9567).

voor slaaptyd so ’n paar druppeltjies van die groen olie. Of dit werk weet ek nie. Ek slaap soos ’n bom. Ek rook dit egter nie. Bly maar by my pyp gestop met Boxer tabak. Ek dink die tyd sal leer. Ek dink ook nie almal gaan nou skielik begin dagga gebruik nie. Die gebruikers was nog altyd daar. Al verskil is hulle kan dit nou gebruik sonder om tronk toe te gaan, so die “ou” rokers sal daar altyd wees. Die punt is drank is wettig. Dit lei ook tot huismoles, motorongelukke en kinderverwaarlosing. Dit beteken wel dat as een onding wettig is, alle ondinge nie noodwendig wettig gemaak moet word nie, so jy kan hierdie ding na alle kante toe beredeneer en elkeen het goeie argumente. Intussen hoop ek net mense kalmeer!

27 September 2018

From left are: Julia Sitole (Frenzaas), Fanie Erasmus (owner, Toyota Lydenburg), Lorraine Nagel (LoMaly Pty), Rezette Ferreira (Barko Development) en Elias Mokgabudi (Community Liason Officer, Lydenburg Smelter). BUSINESSES joined hands with the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber to establish an increase in road safety these last few months.

On Wednesday the previous week Toyota and Barko Development handed over new trailers that they donated to Frenzaas and Lomalay PTY to contribute to fixing roads. These two companies are part of a comprehensive entrepreneurial program at Glencore Lydenburg Smelter to help them become self-sustainaible and independent businesses. Frenzaas and Lomalay were funded by the community and a few businesses to start fixing the potholes. ~ Michelle Boshoff

27 September 2018

SEPTEMBER is as hondsdolheidmaand verklaar in 'n poging om bewustheid te verbeter. Enige dier wat gedragsverandering toon, kan dui op 'n gevaarteken. As mak diere skielik wild optree, of 'n wilde dier

skynbaar vreesloos is, kan dit 'n teken van hondsdolheid by die dier wees. Diere wat vreemd optree, moet vermy word en 'n beroep word gedoen op plaasgemeenskappe om op die uitkyk te wees vir moontlike hondsdol diere en die Departement van Gesondheid daaroor in te lig. Die enigste manier om die siekte te bekamp, is om huisdiere te laat inent. Volgens 'n verklaring van die departement kom die siekte in digbevolkte gebiede in die land voor.Die meeste warmbloedige diere kan die sieke kry, en naas troeteldiere is vee en wilde diere soos jakkalse en vlermuise ook vatbaar. Hondsdolheid veroorsaak jaarliks die dood van 55 000 mense wêreldwyd. Dit beteken, een mens gaan elke tien minute aan hondsdolheid dood. Honde is die hoofbron van oor die 90% van menssterftes nadat hul hondsdolheid opgedoen het. Die onnodige sterftes kan voorkom word deur u honde, sowel as katte, te laat ent. Daar is twee vorms van hondsdolheid. Die “dol” of aggressiewe vorm en die dom of paralitiese vorm. Die eerste simptome sluit in senuweeagtigheid,

angstigheid, isolasie en gedragsveranderinge. Byvoorbeeld, 'n vriendelike dier wat skielik onvoorspelbaar en byterig word. Met die aggressiewe vorm is die dier rusteloos, geïrriteerd, kan blaf en byt na denkbeeldige voorwerpe. Hulle word dan meer aggressief en kan mense, diere en dooie voorwerpe aanval. Met die dom of paralitiese vorm, kan die hond se blaf se klank verander en omdat hulle sukkel om te sluk, is daar oormatige speeksel. “Dropped jaw”

(onderkaak wat hang) ontwikkel as die kouspier aangetas word. Sommige eienaars mag dink daar sit iets in die hond se keel vas. In die proses om dit te probeer uithaal, kan hul hulself aan die virus blootstel. Diere moet geënt word op 12 weke, of drie maande, gevolg deur 'n booster 'n maand later. 'n Jaarlikse booster is nodig. Honde wat na KwaZulu-Natal reis, se entings moet op datum wees, aangesien dit 'n hoë risiko area is. Indien u enige navrae het, kontak u dier se veearts.

Inentings is gratis by jou veearts, op 27 en 28 September by die Staatsveearts in Lydenburg.

Free vaccination in September at State Vet or your local veterinary clinic Vaccinations are FREE on 27 and 28 September at the State Veterinary Office, and till the end of September at the your local vet. What is rabies? Rabies is a viral illness spread via the saliva of an infected animal. This occurs usually through biting a human or another animal. Transmission can also occur through saliva touching an open wound or touching mucous membranes. What causes rabies? The rabies virus causes rabies. The virus infects the brain and ultimately leads to death. After a rabid animal bites someone, the virus is deposited in the muscle and subcutaneous tissue. For most of the incubation period (which is usually one to three months), the virus stays close to the exposure site. The virus then travels via peripheral nerves to the brain and from there, again via peripheral nerves, to nearly all parts of the body. What are risk factors for rabies? Any activity that brings someone in contact with possible rabid animals, such as traveling in an area where rabies is more common (Africa and Southeast Asia) as

well as outdoor activities near bats and other possible rabid animals, all increase one's risk of getting infected with rabies. What are rabies symptoms and signs? Symptoms can occur as fast as within the first week of the infection. The early symptoms of rabies are very generalized and include weakness, fever, and headaches. Without a history of a potential exposure to a rabid animal, these symptoms would not raise the suspicion of rabies as they are very similar to the common flu or other viral syndromes. The disease can then take two forms: 1. With paralytic rabies (approximately 20% of cases), the patient's muscles slowly become paralyzed (usually starting at the site of the bite). This is the less common form and ends in coma and death. 2. With furious rabies (about 80% of cases), the patient exhibits the classic symptoms of rabies, such as anxiety and confusion (The patient is often overly active.); encephalitis, causing hallucinations, confusion, and coma; hypersalivation; hydrophobia (fear and avoidance of water); difficulty swallowing. Once the clinical signs of rabies occur, the disease is nearly always fatal..

5 en 6 Oktober WERK en lag met genot en dankbaarheid - dis wat feesgangers gaan sien wanneer die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes Lydenburg weer kermis hou. Dit vind plaas op 5 en 6 Oktober. Hierdie naweek word reeds ’n jaar vooruit beplan. 5 Oktober: Die Kermis skop af met ’n optog deur Ly d e n b u rg o m 11 : 0 0 . O u t y d s e motors, perde, motorfietse, fietse el en ossewaens... kom neem deel met hul veteraanmotors of ander interessanthede. 6 Oktober: Ontbyt begin om 07:00. Daar is ’n teetuin, koop vleis by die grootste vleis en groente tafels met die beste pryse, naaldwerk, wit-olifanttafel, koektafel en meer. Kompetisies: Inskrywingsgeld R20. Kom neem deel met die ‘oorspronklikste hoed, ouma-en-ouma, die man met die grootste maag, baba-, kleuter-, en tienermodelkompetsie, Hondekompetisie: 1. Die mooiste, 2. Dierbaarste, 3. Die oulikste, 4. Wie lyk die meeste na sy eienaar, 5. Die oorspronklikste aangetrek, 6. Vienna run. Daar is ook heeldag ’n biertuin en springkasteel vir die jongspan. Stalletjies is welkom. Skakel Andrea Coetzee: 013 235 2146 of me. Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 2146 of 082 579 2962.

27 September 2018

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27 September 2018

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THE Constitutional Court has ruled that the personal use of dagga is not a criminal offence. The Constitutional Court dispensed with the High Court's limitation of its order to the use, cultivation or possession of cannabis 'at home or in a private dwelling'. It held that the right to privacy extends beyond the boundaries of the home. Don't smoke and drive! Arrive Alive's Johan Jonck said: "It is important to understand that the Constitutional Court has legalized the cultivation and usage of dagga in private as the ban was found to infringe of the rights to privacy. "It is not a green light to drive under the influence of dagga or any other drug having a narcotic effect. We need to understand that our rights can be limited by the rights of others and their right to safety. "Even those people who use dagga would not want to have family and friends exposed to recklessness on the roads by those who may be so under the influence that they may make incorrect and unsafe decisions on the roads! wheels24.co.za

DO you think your daily trip to work is bad? Spare a thought for motorists in Mexico City who can spend the equivalent of nine days each in traffic a year. Earlier in 2018, we reported that Cape Town ranked the worst city for traffic in South Africa; Capetonian road users spend an average of 42 minutes per day in traffic, which equates to six days a year. Being bogged down in traffic can have a huge effect on stress in your life, not to mention the detrimental effects it has on the overall economy. If you travel through Mexico city, you'll spend 96% more time in traffic during morning peak than you should have and 101% in the evening. The worst cities traffic is in: Mexico City - 59 minutes / day. Bangkok - 64 min/d. Jakarta - 48 min/d. Chongqing - 55 min/d. Bucharest - 57 min/d. Istanbul - 45 min/d. Chengdu - 46 min/d. Rio de Janeiro - 43 min/d. Tianan - 64 min/d. Beijing - 43 minutes / day. Tomtom suggests 5 things you should consider to reduce your time in traffic: 1. Use real-time traffic and dynamic navigation while driving. 2. Dare to follow a new route suggested by your navigation system. 3. Look at the traffic situation before you depart. 4. Consider a different departure time to avoid typical peaks. 5. Consider other modes of travel – maybe the fastest way to get to work is by

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bike, on public transport, or even by foot. Wheels24. co.za ED: Depending on the time of day, and whether you make four trips per day, (i.e. go home for lunch every day), or a d d t h e school run, y o u m a y a c t u a l l y already spend 45 minutes / day in Lydenburg traffic!

27 September 2018

MITSUBISHI has quietly given us our first glimpse of the Triton‘s fresh face, adding that the “future of the pickup will soon be revealed”. The Japanese automaker (which is, of course, now firmly part of the RenaultNissan Alliance) included a shadowy teaser image of the bakkie’s new face in the media section of a 2 022-word press release detailing the history of the Triton bakkie (which is also known as the L200 in some markets) over its five generations and was also known as the Colt in SA. While Mitsubishi said nothing else about its new-look bakkie, the fact that the fifth-gen model debuted in 2014 means it’s due a facelift in the very near future. And it seems very likely that this upcoming update will bring the one-tonner its fresh look. The teaser image suggests that the Triton will adopt a visage similar to the one worn by the SUVs such as the Pajero Sport and Eclipse Cross, with a bold chrome element running from below the headlamp into the front bumper (something the brand calls the “Dynamic Shield”). It’s not yet clear when Mitsubishi plans to reveal its refreshed Triton in full, nor whether any mechanical updates will accompany the styling changes, but we’ll certainly keep our eyes open. carmag.co.za

FOLLOWING a couple of teasers and the reveal of the newcomer’s name, the fresh-faced (or should that be freshreared?) Renault Arkana coupé-crossover show car has been officially unveiled at the Moscow International Motor Show. Billed as a “new global vehicle”, Renault says the show car “prefigures” the Arkana production vehicle that will initially be built at the French automaker’s plant in Moscow. Interestingly, the brand adds that it will later be produced and marketed in “different countries throughout the world”. The name is derived from the Latin word Arcanum (meaning “secret”), which, says Renault, has been “used for centuries to mark events and phenomena of special significance”. The show car runs on 19-inch alloys and features a high waistline with a sloping coupé-like roofline, as well as a panoramic sunroof. “The Arkana show car is a distinctive coupé-crossover, striking balance between the elegance of a saloon and the powerful stance of an SUV. We have dialled in specific Renault cues, with a strong design, strength and sensuality with a French touch,” said Laurens van den Acker, senior vice president for corporate design at Groupe Renault. The Boulogne-Billancourt-based automaker is expected to reveal technical specifications at a later date. carmag.co.za

ED: Look carefully and you will see the Nissan / Renault influence

A SPIKE in international oil prices and a huge swing in the Rand/US dollar exchange rate have combined to predict a knockout blow at the pumps at the end of September,” the AA said. “Based on the current data, petrol users will be paying R1.12 more per litre, with illuminating paraffin costing R1.17 more,” it said. Diesel users will be hit hardest, with a possible price hike of R1.38 per litre, pushing diesel to within a whisker of R16 per litre. To put this in perspective, should this increase materialise, it will push the price of 93 unleaded octane fuel inland close to R17 a litre, off a January price of R14.20 – a total increase of around 20 percent, yearto-date, the association said. It also pointed out that a massive hike in the diesel price will be especially catastrophic for the agricultural sector which is already reeling from the prolonged drought. It said that extreme fuel price hikes could push marginal businesses, including farms, to financial breaking point, and have a massive negative impact of consumer pricing. Brent crude however, moved past the $80 a barrel mark, close to 2018 highs, due to continuing economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration on Iran. Business Tech

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27 September 2018

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A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & SKOONMAAK VAN security - 013 235 MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig 3976 van oorstroomde G.A PIENAAR & matte. Martie 082 K I E : I n k o m s t e - 951 7494 belastingopgawes 2018. 1 September 31 Oktober R1089. REKENAARS/ 013 235 4774 COMPUTERS AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 I.T.@Large - for all ROX INTERIORS - P C r e p a i r s , Upholstery, carpets, m a i n t e n a n c e , curtaining, Blinds & u p d a t i n g o r Gifts. 072 222 5566 p u r c h a s i n g n e w hardware and JOVEL AUTO- software, virus M A T I S E R I N G removals, networks, Accessories for c a l l o u t s e t c . gates & garage Jacques 071 268 doors. 39 Rensburg 9211 / Pierre 079 street. 079 490 9183 881 1932 VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM TRAINING


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KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburg-str.41, Lydenburg. Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 19:00 Gemeentebiduur, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco

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Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 - Lesstudie ( B e s p r e k i n g ) ; 11 : 0 0 - E r e d i e n s . #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y W e n a k k e r, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 09h00 by Lydenburg Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

Nuus / News

27 September 2018

Safe, secure, centrally located and affordable! Quick Sell Realty brings you this ideal lock up and go unit, priced to sell. The unit offers two decent sized carpeted bedrooms, main with airconditioning, one full bathroom including a shower, large open plan tiled lounge and dining room. The unit also offers a private established garden space. Phone today to schedule your viewing! Price R 550 000. Contact Fanie du Toit 072 317 3959

Vier die koms van die somer in die buitelug en in jou tuin. Skop uit jou skoene, voel die gras tussen jou tone en vier Suid-Afrika se eerste nasionale Tuindag op Sondag 21 Oktober. Tuindag is die breinkind van Nick Stodel, besturende direkteur van Stodels Kwekery, wie se pa, Rob, jare gelede die bekende Boomplantdag bekendgestel het. Dit pas goed aan by Tuindag. Waar kan ons Tuindag vier? In jou tuin, op 'n patio, op 'n balkon, in 'n agterplaas of in enige groen ruimte. As jy nie 'n tuin besit nie, gaan kuier by enige kwekery of by die Botaniese Tuine. Wat om op Tuindag te doen Besoek 'n tuinsentrum en laat die kleure en aromas jou inspireer. As jy egter besluit om jou graaf die dag te laat rus, sit agteroor en geniet jou tuin saam met familie en vriende. Probeer iets lekker Hou 'n teeparty op die grasperk Lees 'n boek onder 'n boom Stig 'n plant-klub pleks van 'n boekklub. Vra dat elke gas 'n interessante plant bring en uitruil

Nooi vriende vir 'n braai en gebruik kruie uit die tuin om die vleis te geur; Mediteer, doen joga of beoefen Tai Chi in jou tuin; Betrek jou kinders by die tuinmaak. Begin saam 'n groentetuin. Skilder in jou tuin Vi r m e e r i n l i g t i n g g a a n n a www.gardenday.co.za of www.stodels.com

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop *Uitsonderlike netjiese 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise met stoorkamer. Binne braai. Buite Studio, Wendy huis, netjiese tuin en buite toilet. R12900 pm *Netjiese 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers en 1 motorhuis. R6100 pm *Baie ruim 3 Slaapkamer plaashuis,( ongeveer 10km uit die dorp) 2 badkamers, en 1 motorhuis met woonstel. R8650 pm

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: INA 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

27 September 2018

98 Fietsryers het die Hoërskool Lydenburg verteenwoordig by die Spur School Mountain Bike League se Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe te Mankele. Top 10 posisies: * Sub-junior(F) - Jolize Botha 7de; * Youth (F) - Simoné van Wyk 1ste; Bernice van Wyk 2de; Zanri Hanekom 7de; * Junior (F) Kaylee Lindeque 9de; * Youth (M) - Reinhart Viljoen 1ste; Neo Sibiya 5de; Christiaan

Labuschagne 6de; Ru-Han Dreyer 9de; * Junior (M) - Rikus Booyens 7de Liga top 10 plekke; * Sub-Junior (F) seniors - Jolize Botha 4de; Liane Hanekom 9de; * Youth A ( F ) - S i m o n é v a n Wy k 1 s t e * Youth B (F) - Bernice van Wyk 1ste; Zanri Hanekom 4de; Anke van Deventer 5de; * Youth A (M) - Reinhart Viljoen 1ste; Christiaan Labuschagne 8ste; * Youth B (M) - Ru-Han Dreyer 3de; Neo Sibiya 4de * Junior (F) - Kaylee Lindeque 10de; * Junior

(M) - Rikus Booyens 2de. Lydenburg het 'n fantastiese bergfiets seisoen gehad. Dit het van 23 ryers gegroei tot 98. Mankele het baie uitdagings gebied en die nuwelinge het sterk gestaan en uithouvermoë getoon. Baie dankie vir elke ryer wat hierdie seisoen deelgeneem het. Mag 2019 net nog beter en groter wees. Dankie ook vir elke ouer wat ons ryers so ondersteun en aangemoedig het.

Off to Nationals Tshepiso Mohlala from Skhila Secondary School qualified for the National Cross Country championships. He came second in the 8km during the Mpumalanga final that took place at the Lydenburg High School last week. Tshepiso Mohlahla

A part of the Children’s Parliament in Mbombela

Shaun Maroga

The late Pres. Nelson Mandela began the initiave of the Children’s Parliament. Recently Shaun Maroga, a grade 11 learner from Skhila Secondary School, represented Thaba Chweu at this event in Mbombela. The organisation focusses on the problems that face children in the 21st century. Shaun is one of 10 learners that will take part in the next Children’s Parliament in Polokwane.

Here are Sylvia Ndobe, Donald Marobane, Malatjie Naledi and Angetina Khoza.

FOUR learners from Skhila Secondary School represented Bohlabela District in Sepedi Home Language. Angentina Khoza, grade 10, obtained third place in reading aloud and second place in poetry. Naledi Malatjie, grade 10, came third in the spelling bee and first in debate. Syliva Ndobe, grade 11, came first in the spelling bee. Donald Marobane, grade 11, came second in poetry, first in reading for understanding and first in prepared speach.

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